#eso homestead
aileuromania · 4 months
Me: *reading the notes about the upcoming GW2 expansion* Gasp! Homesteads!!!
Notes: *continues on with a bunch of other stuff*
Me: Homesteads! Homesteads! Homesteads!
Notes: *even more stuff*
Me: Homesteads! Decorations! Whee!
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crysdrawsthings · 5 months
*Term "expansion" is used relatively loosely here, due to the amount of different expansion options and sizes ESO has.
*In most cases as noted relevant DLCs would be included with the chapter option. Dragonhold, for example, would go with Elsweyr.
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dragonbored · 1 year
Do forgive me for not making anything specific to certain characters , but I have some oc questions for u!
1. What textures do they like the best? Clothing or otherwise
2. What’s the thing they just can’t not feel awe and admiration about? Is it a place? How about a person?
3. How much do they care about their hair? They a 13 different additives every morning, or a ‘shower in the next month or two’ type of person?
4. What kinda freaks em out? Not like full on panic, but just a general sense of uncomfortable-ness. Like the thought of stubbing your toe real bad.
5. If they had a pet, what would they be most likely to name it?
6. Preferred living space aesthetics? Do they like classic Victorian, or a warm cozy cabin?
7. How do they keep their living space? Is it the ‘everything is organized, just in the messiest way possible’, or something a little bit more elaborate?
8. Have they got any stuffed animals or other toys?
That’s it for now but if I come up with any more I will send them to you :} I hope they were useful!!
omg hiii
read more bc i’m determined to answer these questions for all 3 of my main ocs. i would’ve added my eso gals but then this would be TOO long
1. What textures do they like the best?
i have utterly no knowledge of textures, i don’t notice them enough to know what certain things feel like and i have no clue what textures would exist in tes so i made some stuff up
azug: azug is like weirdly into the texture of the berries in a crostata. she likes jazbay grape crostatas the best
megana: megana really likes cashmere — remember, she’s an imperial rich girl, it was the favored winterwear when she grew up in cheydinhal. it’s not as trendy in skyrim but she has a couple shawls she busts out for special occasions
antony: antony just likes anything that isn’t itchy. he grew up a little street urchin and is used to poorly made clothes
2. What’s the thing they just can’t not feel awe and admiration about?
azug: azug admires courage. she’s courageous herself but she’s also very anxious and can’t help but admire others for being brave too
megana: megana will forever be awed by other’s magical skill. she’d be in the middle of a wizard battle mentally ranting about the other mage’s cool epic spells
antony: antony LOVES statues. he doesn’t like people he Does like statues. and nature in general
3. How much do they care about their hair?
azug: she washes it but she keeps it under a hood a lot of the time so like. hood hair
megana: literally not at all her hairstyle is very just “practical” (it’s not it flies in her face all the time but she doesn’t want it shorter and likes not having to style it)
antony: he washes it when there’s blood in it. that’s it
4. What kinda freaks em out?
azug: azug hated every single creature she discovered on solstheim. just solstheim as a whole actually, she doesn’t enjoy it
megana: trolls.
antony: he thinks imps are kind of freaky. they’re strange little flying men. and they have no genitals. enough said
5. If they had a pet, what would they be most likely to name it?
azug: azug’s closest thing to a pet is her horse, hjalte. he’s like her equine bestie. she named him that because the stablemaster told her he had a habit of helping travelers fight off wolves (he’d then disappear back into the wilds. he just likes stomping shit. one time he kept antagonizing erik and lucien. he likes to fuck around)
megana: she does have a pet! it’s thistle. but she was already named. if megana had to pick a name she’d probably go for Magnus or some such. maybe name it after a spell
antony: antony does not have an interest in pets. if he did have one it’d be a dog and he’d either find some obscure hero to name it after or name it something stupid like Claw
6. Preferred living space aesthetics?
going for in-universe aesthetics, not victorian and such
azug: she likes whiterun style. that’s why she still lives in the tundra homestead despite it being tiny for her and her two grown men besties
megana: she always loved the fuck off huge stone walls of the imperial city. she lives in myrwatch now, which has similar big stone but she tries to keep it cozy
antony: he likes chorrol but the house there is way too huge for him, he likes smaller places. just by my memory of the city houses i think bruma would be the best for him
7. How do they keep their living space?
azug: cluttered. stuff gets knocked over every time she goes home. she says her stuff is organized but she forgets how half the time
megana: mostly organized but how organized can a mage really be. her things have proper places but that doesn’t stop her from setting them down randomly
antony: organized. he doesn’t have the patience to be forgetting where he put stuff
8. Have they got any stuffed animals or other toys?
azug: when she was little she had a stuffed mud crab and now she thinks of it every time she sees one (she tries not to kill them)
megana: she doesn’t keep one, but when she finds dolls she sometimes take them to practice spells on (she thinks it’s funny). she also once sewed a shitty little stuffed carrot for thistle, who promptly tried to eat it, and it was confiscated
antony: no because he’s a little bitch
this took me an hour to answer. i hope this is satisfactory ❤️❤️
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theraygungoth · 5 months
"ESO": Porting Home via Stream Deck
I'm that chuffed about how this turned out, I thought I'd try sharing a little 'how-to' for easily porting between multiple homes in The Elder Scrolls Online, using a Stream Deck and the Port to Friend's House addon by "Sordrak".
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You'll need the following:
a Stream Deck
Super Macro addon by BarRaider (Windows only) for Stream Deck
Port to Friend's House addon by "Sordrak" (available via Minion) for ESO
Setup part 1: "Port to Friend's House"
Start by installing the addon (ideally before loading Elder Scrolls Online), then load a character in and type the command "/ptf open"† to access its housing menu.
†⚠️ If you, like me, are primarily a gamepad user: you may wish to switch to keyboard UI before doing this, else analogue stick input in particular can get confused.
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Check you're looking at the add-on's 'My Houses' tab, which will list all the homesteads you own. What you need to do is pick out your favourite homes, decide whether you'll want to teleport to the inside or outside, and assign each one a number between 1 and 10. You set each numerical ID using dropdown menus to the left of the 'Port Inside' and 'Front Door' buttons in this menu.
For example: I gave the interior of Doomchar Plateau ID #5, while the exterior of Coldharbour Surreal Estate has ID #3.
Setup part 2: Keybindings
The add-on already allows you to port to each of your homes by entering text commands, but keybindings or hotkeys are a bit more straightforward for our purposes. Head for the 'Controls' menu in ESO, and look under 'General' for 'Port to Friend's House':
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Note that you're given separate entries for each of your chosen houses, depending on whether you would be teleporting inside them or to the front door.
Bind shortcuts where you need them, but do bear in mind: ⚠️ if you wish to use combo keys like 'Ctrl', 'Shift' and 'Alt', you should consider unbinding them from the basic keyboard controls for crouching, sprinting, and opening the character menu. That's easy enough for us gamepad players, but keyboard users in particular may want to consider binding something like the function keys (F1–F12) instead.
Setup part 3: Stream Deck
Now all we need to do is set up buttons on our Stream Deck which enter those key combinations for us. I did this using the Super Macro extension, which allows us to enter command functions like so:
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You can find the full list of functions here, but for hotkeys like ours, we're mainly interested in the list of simple keyboard commands like '{{CTRL}}', '{{f10}}', or '{{VK_4}}', and concepts like '{{KeyDown}}' and '{{KeyUp}}'.
To explain by way of example:
... simulates keypresses for holding 'Ctrl' and 'Alt', pressing number key '4', and then releasing 'Ctrl' and 'Alt'.
⚠️ If I didn't use the 'KeyDown' and 'KeyUp' commands, and instead tried simply 'Ctrl' and 'Alt', the macro would treat those as buttons being pressed in sequence rather than as part of a combination. That's not an issue if you are binding single button hotkeys like F1–F12, though. Just something to keep in mind.
Quest Complete: Finishing Touches
That's it! All that remains is to ensure you have ESO in focus (you can move your character around), and press your new Stream Deck button to give it a test.
Of course, you also have opportunity to attach some nice photos of the home in question, to serve as a visual aid.
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Have fun adapting this to your own preferences, and having your crafting centres and warehouses a mere button-press away!
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sitiomagico · 1 year
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EL MAGO Si alguien está interesado en ti y no pasan de llamadas telefónicas esa relación no tiene sustentación,debes cuidarte de personas mentirosas eso aplica para todo,es posible que pidan opinión y consejo para un asunto profesional,si algo está extraviado busca en tu closet. #tarot #tarotcards #tarotdeldia #arcanodeldia #tarotdesdeelcoaching #tarotreading #arziade (en Homestead, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSmVVkunZ1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Peter Singer menciona: El inicio que podría justificar la elección de sacar al infante del agua podría ser el siguiente: si podemos evadir que ocurra algo bastante malo, sin que para eso tengamos que sacrificar nada de trascendencia moral comparable, debemos realizarlo.
Con ello, estoy presumiendo que la pobreza extrema, caracterizada por el apetito y la malnutrición, la carencia de cobijo, el analfabetismo, la patología, la alta tasa de mortalidad infantil y la baja esperanza de vida, es algo malo. Y además presumo que los más favorecidos pueden minimizar esa pobreza, sin tener que sacrificar nada de trascendencia moral comparable.
Si podemos evadir que ocurra algo malo, sin que para eso tengamos que sacrificar nada de trascendencia moral comparable, debemos realizarlo. Debemos analizar que si en nuestra posibilidad esta evitar que algo malo ocurra, podemos empezar aportando para que no pase, la extrema pobreza es mala. Tenemos la posibilidad de evadir algo de la extrema pobreza que existe sin sacrificar nada de trascendencia moral comparable. Conclusión: debemos eludir algo de la extrema pobreza que existe
Ambos autores están de acuerdo que la desigualdad social y económica puede ser trabajada y erradicada por personas mayormente favorecidas en la sociedad sin costarles mucho.
Joanne Ciulla mencionó: Para captar las complejidades del liderazgo ético de ayer, actual o del futuro debemos examinar la interacción que existe entre el liderazgo como creación social, partiendo de componentes contextuales como la historia, la cultura, los valores, las reglas éticas o la tecnología, y la naturaleza humana.
La ética de los liderazgos: sus intenciones y su ética personal. La ética que rige cómo dirige un jefe o cómo encara su funcionalidad. Su forma de hacer las cosas se relaciona con su competencia y su ética. La ética que rige lo cual en verdad hace un jefe o las metas de sus ocupaciones. Se habla que el estudio de la ética hace que se constituya una manera más profunda en el liderazgo para así asumir responsabilidades y cuidar de una organización con administrativos en ellas, personas experimentadas que donen y financien proyectos que ayuden a los menos favorecidos para así tener un modo de vida sostenible a largo plazo.  
Estos también coinciden en el hecho que el líder está a cargo del bienestar de sus pobladores. Cuando van teniendo éxito, pueden volverse excesivamente confiados o bien descuidar sus obligaciones, pero que en muchas ocasiones estos son necios a sus actos y prefieren un bien propio, sin importarle la de los menos favorecidos.  
Ciulla (2019) afirma: El punto de vista se aplica a la capacidad para comprender sistemas complicados y además permite la meditación y el razonamiento de sí mismo. La nueva era gremial se desarrollará en un ámbito caracterizado por complicados sistemas sociales, políticos, económicos, tecnológicos y medioambientales.
La incertidumbre por los más necesitados parece entrar en conflicto con el deber de cuidar el medioambiente. Si cada uno de nosotros estuviese dispuesto a renunciar a una fracción de lo que poseemos, los lideres brindarían mayor bien común, se mejoraría la pobreza extrema, entre otras cosas.
 Passengers (2016)
En una nave hay varias personas cuya decisión fue entrar en un periodo de hibernación, la nave espacial Ávalon, que viaja entre la Tierra y el Homestead II es un lugar equipado, con la tecnología necesaria para llevar a estas personas durante un viaje de 120 años, pero manteniéndolos con la edad con la que abandonaron la tierra. Es una opción vista por muchos como una aventura, la posibilidad de mantenerse vivos en dos mundos; sin esperarlo uno de estos pasajeros despierta aun faltándole 90 años para terminar, todo esto se vuelve confuso y trágico para él, no podía entender qué iba a resultar de este error. Efecto de varios sucesos que se desarrollan en el pasajero inicial, toma la decisión de levantar a una escritora cuyo sueño era poder vivir la experiencia y escribir sobre ello.
Es compleja la escena donde la pasajera que fue levantada por voluntad del primer pasajero entra en un colapso por no entender como esta decisión tomada por alguien más, le pone fin a su propósito e ilusiones. Aquí es donde podemos involucrar lo analizado sobre el liderazgo ético, cuando un el ser humano se presenta en una situación en donde debe asumir el control, ser líder, es inevitable dejarse llevar por la dominancia que le imparte su propia voluntad. Un claro ejemplo fue como el primer pasajero en su situación, asume que la mejor decisión para mitigar el error ocurrido era obligar a alguien más a que lo acompañara en esto, no cumpliendo con el rol del líder capaz de despojarse de factores como el poder, la búsqueda del éxito o privilegio, donde su acción es la causal del egoísmo y conveniencia propia.
La reflexión ante esto puede generarse desde el punto que “Si tenemos la posibilidad de evitar que ocurra algo muy malo, sin que para ello tengamos que sacrificar nada de importancia moral comparable, debemos hacerlo” Singer., P. (2011). Con lo anterior se afirma que ayudar no es algo elogiable, el primer pasajero debió no despertar a la chica no por evitarle el sufrimiento, simplemente debió no hacerlo, porque estaba mal. Su decisión tuvo que recaer en que aunque no era nada malo directamente, tampoco era algo bueno y aunque para él su accionar era basado en múltiples razones estas no tendrían comparación para ser tomadas como algo valido y justo; dado que el en sus múltiples quejas por lo ocurrido, donde no podía aceptar su suerte y lo que esto acarrearía, hizo voluntariamente lo mismo en la vida de alguien más que no lo quería, no lo pidió y en su destino no estaba directamente, aun así asumió en su egoísmo que alguien debía pagar por su situación, entonces puede llegar a ser ético para alguien tomar decisiones que afecten a alguien más, es ético cegarse por el egoísmo y beneficio individual para perjudicar a alguien más, quizás esto es lo que abarca la frase coloquial “ si uno no piensa en uno mismo, nadie lo hará por uno” error que no imparten y que será nuestra propia perdición.
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whitegoldflower · 6 years
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Exorcised Coven Cottage, Glenumbra
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daedralicious · 6 years
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I finally decorated the Mara's Kiss Public House inn room (I had no other houses left unfurnished, haha, and I promised myself not to buy a new one, I have to save some gold). Jesus, it’s such a small space and with ESO+ 30 furnishings to fit in...
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prince-liest · 7 years
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Update on my Sleek Creek House decorating, outdoors! Click for captions.
Lots of the outdoor area is empty and there’s a lot I want to add, but I’m seriously close to running out of item slots. I only have about 50 left, and I still want to do a garden, an outhouse, and a stable... and the crafting area is also still missing a forge! Hopefully ZOS adds more item slots soon like they planned on... especially with the new decorations coming out with the Clockwork City DLC!
Indoor decorations: [x]
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bugamartini · 7 years
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e s o
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aileuromania · 3 months
Looking at the video included in this article, Homesteading in GW2 looks like it’s going to be a good combination of the systems in ESO and SWTOR, with some really interesting wrinkles like being able to build whatever you want if you have the know how, materials, and creativity.
I’m really looking forward to being able to look at my own alts the way other players see them, as well as being able to feature all my mounts and legendaries.
And all my cats in my home instance will follow, so that’s fun.
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isriana · 4 years
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Ravenhurst - Then and Now
I came across some screenshots of my very first house project in ESO (Noelie’s Ravenhurst home) and thought it would be fun to update how the place looks now. Main changes are some new items, a lot more light and better space dividing
Homestead was and still is probably my all time favorite ESO update - three years later I still love working on different houses and try to come up with new ideas :)
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louanja · 4 years
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A Thief’s Den
Sometimes you need a place to store your ill-gotten gains while you are on holiday
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My new friend needed a house. Also spent the whole evening farming nodes to get Grand Master Crafting Harvester; you can buy shrubs that has animated butterflies after completing it. Worth it.
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whitegoldflower · 6 years
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Exorcised Coven Cottage
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anarcho-karlachism · 7 years
Video tour of Twin Arches after much grinding and bullshit to get it somewhat the way I want. 
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