#Twin Arches
weregonnabecoolbeans · 4 months
You think maul is jealous of vader?
Not because he’s palpy’s apprentice,
But because Obi-Wan actually cares about Vader at the level that Maul cares about Obi-Wan
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renton6echo · 2 years
That moment when Rex gives Echo his blessing to make the choice to join the Bad Batch, and he turns to walk away, and you see his face flicker with immense sadness for just a brief second is. everything. Completely solidified why I love Rex and the show. It is both a touching and devastating moment for such a beloved character.
Rex could have been selfish and kept Echo close but, instead, he gave Echo what he needed - agency. The choice to stay or forge a new future himself. Rex lets his brother go, and THAT really presents an amazing foil to, his general, Anakin Skywalker. Two men who are often similarly characterized but who end with two very different outlooks on the war and on opposites sides after the fall of the Republic.
Don't mind me I'm just blubbering over here. 😭😭
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allastoredeer · 6 months
I saw you requesting archangel headcanons and rushed as fast as I could!
First though, I'm not super versed in Abrahamic mythology. Everything I know about angels comes from the movie Dogma, Supernatural, and from when i was deeeeeep in the Good Omens fandom and did a TON of angel/demon research, for OC-making purposes. Luckily, the Hellaverse seems to use the age-old stories of angels and demons as a springboard more than anything. Which grants a ton more creative freedom!
So! Regarding the Archangels, i hc/theorize that there used to be seven in total, with Lucifer being the seventh before he Fell.
I also think they're all seraphim. I hc that "archangel" isn't a TYPE of angel, but a rank or title. So Lucifer, along with the others, are all seraphim who held the TITLE of Archangel.
Six of the seven Archangels are siblings. Those siblings are, in no specific order, Lucifer, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, and my favorite lesser known archangel, Zadkiel.
The last Archangel is the leader/creator/"father" of the others, the Metatron.
I hc that the angel in Lucifer's flashback with the most ornate halo and the big eye in his chest is the Metatron. Meanwhile, the angel on Lucifer's other side with a similar hairstyle to him is Michael. Because he has the second most ornate halo and has his is arms posed behind his back like the Metatron, i hc that Michael is his father's second in command.
And that's all the headcanons I have time to send right now, but if you want I can send more later?
I'm writing all of these down
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Also, you killed me with Abrahamic mythology LMAO 😂
I'm yoinking your headcanons. If there are anymore you'd like to share, feel free to do so! I'm learning about Christian lore through osmosis.
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dpmultibitches · 4 months
I made a companion fic to King Daniel Aidan Phantom of the Infinite Realms that's a Vlad (and possibly Jack and Maddie I haven't decided yet if I'ma do that for this fic or not) Redemption Fic. It's called Wake-up Call
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coldbrewarts · 4 months
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ARC-4436 “Arch” and ARC-4428 “Tank”
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steamos-official · 1 month
Wait... @manjaro-official and @ubuntu-official are twins!
They have different a basis than each other, but still are twins.
Try to be user-friendly but aren't as user-friendly as they should be
2 package systems (that like to conflict)
strange behavior
instead of these, most people recommend...
Wait... @linuxmint-official and @endeavouros-official are twins!
(rant continues as imagined)
(also not sure if it's Mint or Pop! OS that fits better here)
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dozydawn · 7 months
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Madame Figaro, December 1992.
Models: Aimée Baglietto & Tara Baglietto.
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 2 years
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Happy birthday Celest and Luna Part 4 (final)
Original nightmare and dream by jokublog
Original shattered dream belongs to galacii
Original cross jakei95
Original killer belongs to rahafwabas
And of course dark cream was by the fabulous @zu-is-here
In case anyone is new here this entire comic was based off of her work, so please do yourself a favour and read hers as it is superior in everyway lol.
The rest if the scene would play out very similar to the original confrontation between Dream and Nightmare, but with an added "you have children?" "Uh yeahhh surprise unclemare!"
In all seriousness Nightmare was furious about the situation, but that's for another time.
The twins will never be cured though as you can see...
I do want to give a special credit to zu for her help and support of me throughout this 4 part series. Thanks to her my skills with comics has improved greatly and I am very thankful for her. She also helped me with figuring out how this scene might play put differently, as both my and her universes are close together in timeline.
I did originally wanna make this longer, but with art school and so many other things I had to cut it down, but I hope you all still enjoyed!
I do hope to do more with the family in the future, but definitely not as much as zu is doing with her dark cream haha we can all go and enjoy Aim together.
Thank you all so much!
And bonus coloured twins to think you for being amazing.
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school kinda sucks, not even gonna lie
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mariocki · 1 year
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Kate O'Mara once again encounters Simon Templar, and once again has a case of the doubles; here playing 'Annabel 2', either a private secretary working for a shipping magnate, or an imposter working for an imposter... in The Saint: The Double Take (6.6, ITC, 1968)
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mymarifae · 1 year
metal music with lead vocalists who are women >>>>>>>>>> metal music with lead vocalists who are men
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boy-above · 4 months
every time there's a new dainsleif quest i never look forward to it bc he always throws scary lore at you. can we just have a nice brunch or something without you being scary at me. do you have hobbies other than being sad and harshing my vibes dainsleif
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meirimerens · 2 years
this is a little silly but i just wanted to say i really appreciate how you draw the stamatins' eyebrows, as someone whose eyebrows look like that lowkey.....
they always look awesome in your art and i feel sooo silly saying it but seeing it being portrayed as literally just a normal thing (and not. You know. How it's Mostly portrayed everywhere else) really made me start looking at myself in more positive ways :] so Thank You.....
YOU ARE NOT SILLY. THIS IS NOT SILLY. THIS IS SOOOO NORMAL listen to me... so many character models in P1 have little quirks and beloved features that i am so so mad didn't make it into P2 (just features, I'm not mentioning complete redesigns such as Yulia's bc like I Understand Why They Did It but I'm sooo mad I'm gonna complain the whole time).
features such as the twins' noses. NOSES! WITH A BUMP AND ALL! the twins' UNIBROWS MOTHERFUCKER FULL UNIBROW NO IF NO BUTS . listen to me. the fact that their unibrows is portrayed as "literally just a normal thing" as you've said is So importance to me. I've talked about it a lot but the fact that they are NOT a feature made to Other them, to pin them as Ugly or Weird or "Ethnicity [x]" profiling and are just A Thing They Have... and they are not less desirable bc of it (andrey canonically gets Bitches. peter does not but that's not bc of his brows that's because of. well you seen the fool)... it's so good to me. it's so fun to me. when p2 got rid of their unibrows i was so so sad. so i keep drawing them with them regardless. they're Part Of Them to me. they're important to me.
here's a collage of the very best. Daniil, too, has a unibrow-ish. and again, it is not to pin him as Other/Weird/Ugly. women WONT him (tough luck girls bc. well lol. but still. same as for the twins, the kissing brows is not something Lesser on him). (that tiktok with the fish voice) very beautiful. very powerful.
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top left: peter's nose / top right: peter's brows. middle: dankovsky's brows. bottom left: andrey's brows / bottom right: andrey's nose.
these features So Importance to me (<- guy who's a broken record). i do cherish the fact that peter's brows in p2 look like he's been picking at one of them (bfrb KING!) but TO MEEEE the unibrows have to stay.
ok. i'm so happy to learn my silly drawings could make you see this feature on you in a more positive light. EMBRACE. BE BLISSFUL. beautiful world of features and shapes!
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toukasspouse · 1 year
milo after finding out that mira left the US to go to Japan with Arthur, one of the people he hates the most, after spending two weeks away from his twin due to a fight:
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myhiraeth · 1 year
@starlightfreed asked: ( fall ) : having fallen off a cliff or tall tower  // for Styxx from HL
He had gone a nice decade without Ash coming looking for him. Of course, San Fransokyo was a big city- it could be reasonable to think some of Ash’s little non-vampire-vampire warriors hung out here. But they and he lived entirely separate lives; Dark Hunters didn’t concern themselves with human- or formerly human- foes. They had one prey and they preyed on it efficiently. He doubted Honey Lemon or any of her friends would have ever had so much as a passing encounter with his brother’s world.
Yet, here Ash was, interrupting what had previously been a nice night with Honey Lemon on one of San Fransokyo’s lookout points, now he was slowly nudging Honey Lemon somewhat behind him as Ash snarled darkly.
i know you had something to do with this. you worked with him before.
The ‘him’ in question was Dionysus, whom he was praying Honey Lemon had missed in Ash’s initial accusation because he wasn’t sure how to explain that he knew a god, or how he knew him. And admittedly yes, he had worked with the drunken screwup of a god a while back out of pure desperation. Desperation he didn’t need darkening Honey Lemon’s bright, kind life.
Besides, it wasn’t as though they’d done any actual damage to Ash in the end. Styxx had gotten cold feet and Dion was too flighty to finish anything on his own. And it’d been after that that he’d risked his life to save Ash’s now-wife so arguably they should be even.
“Twelve years ago, Acheron.”
leopards don’t change their spots, asshole.
Styxx took a threatening step further in front of Honey Lemon, holding a hand back toward her as though afraid she’d disappear or be taken at any moment. “Watch your language, adelfos.”
suddenly you’re concerned about manners.
Honey Lemon took a step out from behind the protective wall that was Styxx, opening her mouth (likely to diffuse the tension), but didn’t get a chance before Ash took advantage of her being out of the line of fire and slammed Styxx with… he wasn’t sure what it was called, but some god-bolt that he’d definitely been perfecting since the last time he hit Styxx with one. Styxx went flying back, right through the lookout fencing, to land in an ungraceful heap on the edge of the cliff, looking up immediately to make sure Honey Lemon was still standing.
She was, if only momentarily, and it was Styxx, not Ash, that saw the quick movement of her coming after him just as Ash shot another bolt of power not directly into Styxx, but at the ground in front of him, holding his piece of cliff in the air. Honey Lemon had already stepped on the ground as it gave out from under her and Styxx both.
He heard Ash’s shout but didn’t give him any thought as he and Honey Lemon fell through empty air, reaching for her as she reached for her purse. He pulled her to his chest and made sure his back would be the first contact with the ground, and wrapped his arms around her as she rapidly punched in a combination and threw the resulting ball toward the ground rushing up at them.
He did end up crashing through the gelatinous bubble that had resulted from her chem-ball, but it did certainly cushion the fall and rather than lethally damaged limbs and organs, he was definitely more sprained and cracked than outright shattered. She was unhurt at least, and he let his arms fall away from her, knowing if Ash hadn’t come down by now, he’d probably vanished as soon as he realized he hadn’t killed the girl.
“So,” he managed weakly, letting his head fall back. “That was my brother.”
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dozydawn · 10 months
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