#esp if ur not careful w proportions
yardsards · 8 months
how do ppl drink tea w cream in it that shit just tastes like Water 2™
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maepop · 7 months
HI sorry this is kind of a ramble BUT I've loved your art ever since I first saw it back in like 2016 ??? when this whole site was obsessed w/ Mysme LOL !!! But I've always loved how expressive ur characters are both in fanart & OC work, the colors you use are always INSANELY pleasant (esp as a pink enjoyer <333) & your linework has such good flow it carries the characters' expressions & personalities super well !!!! Your designs are super interesting too I especially love ur Venus in Retrograde charas + Inoue is sooo silly I LOVE characters like them !!!!!!!! I super admire the outfits u draw characters in too, cause they always look good & always fit their personalities, but in a more personal sense too cause I have a lot of trouble w/ drawing different outfits myself u.u ......... !!! The way u exaggerate / toonify charas sometimes is also amazing cause it flows so well, it's always so cute & I really admire ur ability to do that bc it is NOT EASY (4 me at least LOL @_@) since u have to know ur proportions & all that jazz rly well ............ AHHHH sorry IDK how to convey it it's just that I've always loved ur art so much & it's a rly big source of inspiration w/ regards to expression & color use bc my own style is V different LOL !!!!!! like I'm happy w/ it but it's very gloomy/subdued (???) so loud expressive VIBRANT art like yours is just SO AMAZING 2 ME !!!!!!!!!!! Like I look at what u do with ur art n I wanna draw MORE !!!!! Because it's so expressive & fun & BRINGS ME SO MUCH JOY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRAHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SORRY !!!!! for ranting on ur inbox & possibly being weird abt my gushing if I was I'm genuinely sorry IDK how else to put it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! These shapes go CRAZY !!!! kicking my feet everytime u post !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NOT WEIRD AT ALL WTF THANK YOU ANON SO NICE TO MEEEE I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAAAY 😭😭😭😭 thank u for liking my OCs hehe and thank you for sticking around all these years mfw ive been struggling but remember the friends that i must make proud
i wanna be able to draw and design more !! i will try and find a good balance with work and art and taking care of myself this year thank u for the nice message 🥺
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clambuoyance · 2 years
do you have any favorite hyper-specific tropes you enjoy? like a certain line of dialogue or character type or something
1) Since it’s on the mind bc of toh—i’m an absolute sucker for found siblings. Of course, i enjoy the found family trope in general and most variations (middleaged character adopting a random ass kid, etc etc) , but when its focus is on siblings? I eat that shit upppp. I mean relationships like luz and hunter, any of the dc families tbh, the rgb siblings (nya lloyd kai), or my ocs keiko and rolin—they scratch a special part of my brain.
Maybe its because i’m eldest sibling myself, and my brother is only two years younger making us pretty close in age, but i just really like sibling relationships and they hit more than parent/child ones for me😭🙏 We don’t always get along, but i’d say we have a pretty strong relationship now
Something about going through the same motions, esp if ur both still trying to find ur place in the world, and knowing you have someone to rely on is just so special to me. Even with blood siblings, it doesn’t really feel like unconditional love at first. Like, you have to choose to be someone who will care and be there for them. Urgh idk it just feels different even though with parents it’s also a choice to care about someone. Like with a parent or guardian, it’s like you want to expect them to have all the answers, but with someone closer to ur age who chooses to treat you like family, it’s like—well we both don’t know what we’re doing but we have each other to lean on.
And the “found” part isn’t necessary but just a nice treat bc i feel like it highlights that Active choosing to care for someone like family. waaah. Like Kai in s1 of ninjago having a whole arc that leads to him leaving behind his own desires to save tiny lloyd, and then literally promising to always look after lloyd after , or luz promising to keep hunter safe bc he’s family now, and then my story with my ocs rolin n keiko is all about them becoming siblings to each other😭 it just makes me feel sooo emotional
also sibling banter 💥💥💥 i feel like u can say more uncalled for shit w siblings
So yeah if you look at my list of faves don’t be surprised if u see a lot of characters who have a significant sibling relationship in their story 🙏
2) Now i dont know if this counts as a trope, but as for fave character type theres usually this One scene that makes me go Oh i love them. and that scene or line tends to go like this: Character up to this point has shown a fun, perhaps confident or carefree personality, but as soon as they’re alone, it’s revealed to the audience they’re capable of feeling so much more. Idk i guess im thinking kon at the campfire, or wukong in lmk specifically always being chill then being serious when he’s alone
3) Also in category of things that make me love a character: slapstick comedy to highlight dorkiness. or honestly just any type of comedy that undercuts a character’s supposed Cool/Importance Factor. 💀 like the amount of slapstick a character goes through has to be proportional to how unaware the character is of their own dorkiness. Im thinking Kai bumping his head while threatening garmadon or bragging about his skills only to get slammed by a tree (or a rock. or a wall. the list goes on.). Or Kon saying he’s fine cuz he can fly only to wham his head when the ship turns and then subsequently get flung around while the ship flies, or slamming his face straight into the ground cuz he’s an idiot.
Or like, Karkat’s whole thing. he’s a walking clown circus. sollux going “do NOT run that computer virus” and karkat ignoring him only for the computer to explode in his face. idk that shit makes me laugh
4) When characters start talking about how they don’t wanna be left behind—it depends on the writing but that usually Hits for me 😭
um i could probably think of more but thats all i got for now
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1eos · 4 years
ppl who don’t realize how damaging the ae//spa debut really is don’t get that as a kid i watched so much anime that i really started to hate what my knees looked like because i didn’t think it was cute that they’re wrinkled sometimes it’s just not healthy
not the knees......but yeah honestly the concept of the idealized body is like the #1 form of violence when it comes to self esteem.... esp when it comes to 'female’ bodies bc the ideal body type nd look is literally alien. ure supposed to have boobs but they can’t sag, long neck, small face, long hair, big eyes, tiny nose, itty bitty knees, an ass but no thighs nd your waist should be 1 inch big. nd an argument could be made that like every other gg nd every other female celebrity in the world presents a version of the idealized ‘woman’ which i would agree with tbh but with a*spa the integration of this ai with purposefully stretched out nd enhanced proportions when kpop ggs are already meant to be the blueprint of what WE’RE supposed to aspire to is just.........bro. nd even if u don’t care abt that the app sm wants to push as part of their concept is insane. like its supposed to let u be in contact w the ais at any time nd ‘unlike idols the ai dont get tired nd can put out content 24/7′??????? HELLO?  there are ppl who legit never see their fave irl but still feel entitled to everything abt them but u wanna make fabricated versions of idols available at all times???????? we have GOT to stop soo man 😭😭😭😭😭 that man is evil. he did one good thing (form shinee) nd its been downhill from there. nd if this app takes off w a*spa’s debut literallllllly watch sm make ais of every sm idol like its gonna get weird
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aneverlandboi · 5 years
A Belated Birthday
From: Ned [0.01am]
happy birthday dude!!
From: Ned [0.23am]
I can’t believe ur asleep!
From: MJ [2.35am]
Happy birthday, dork. I’ll give you your present tomorrow x
From: MJ [2.35am]
well, today x
From: MJ [2.37am]
I guess you’re asleep. Night xx
From: Ned [8.43am]
hey where r u?
From: Ned [8.49am]
ur going to be late on ur birthday?
From: MJ [8.50am]
Let me guess. Missed the bus? Let me know when you’ll be here x
From: MJ [9.00am]
When you can. Don’t text and swing!
From: Ned [9.00am]
dude, we’re waiting for you??
From: MJ [9.01am]
Also try not to get hit by a car x
Missed Call From: Ned [9.10am]
Missed Call From: MJ [9.11am]
From: MJ [9.20am]
Okay, you’re officially late. Not that Harrington is surprised.
From: MJ [9.20am]
That felt harsh, esp considering its your birthday. Sorry xx
From: MJ [9.22am]
Are you okay?x
From: MJ [9.46am]
If you don’t message one of us soon, we’ll contact May!
From: Ned [9.52am]
are you okay??? has something happened????? pls message me!!
From: MJ [10.34am]
Not that you can’t take care of yourself, but you’re not answering and I’m getting concerned. Gonna get Ned to check w May if ur okay. Don’t blame me if she spills some embarrassing secretxx
Peter scrolled through the stream of messages on his phone, mood souring with every passing second. The nurses at the hospital hadn’t been willing to let him even look at his phone for hours after he’d been brought in, even with it buzzing almost incessantly. Luckily, with a police escort and a couple of agents from SHIELD, he’d skipped the queue, and after a few pointed comments, the doctors had managed to patch him up without removing his mask, although Peter guessed they now knew he was white and skinny, and that they could probably figure out his rough age from, like, body proportions and stuff. Although ‘Spider-Man is young white man’ probably wouldn’t be the biggest reveal in the world. That was only, like, one in six million people, or something.
His phone buzzed again. A news report.
Because you follow ‘Spider-Man’ in the News:
The Daily Bugle: Spider-Man hospitalised after brawl with crime boss Kingpin.
Well, it wasn’t a surprise that the news had gotten out. Plenty of people had seen him get thrown out of a twenty-third-story window, and then there were the kind bystanders who called an ambulance when he’d crashed onto the pavement from about the tenth floor when his webbing snapped. Then there were the medics, and everyone at the hospital who had seen him come in with police and SHIELD escorts, who weren’t exactly subtle, even if his suit had been covered up. It was a miracle it had taken this long for the news to be released!
Incoming Call From: MJ
Peter hit answer and held the phone against his head with his shoulder.
“Peter?!” MJ asked as soon as the call connected, “Are you okay?”
Peter thought for a moment and swallowed. The drugs were already wearing off, but his tongue still felt a bit heavy.
“I’m okay, I suppose,” he answered vaguely, trying not to worry her, “Just had a bit of trouble on patrol.”
“You got thrown out of a window, dude!” Ned’s voice was slightly muffled. It took Peter a moment to realise he was on speakerphone.
“Where are you guys?” he asked nervously. He didn’t want to accidentally mention Spider-Man if they were sat in the middle of the cafeteria.
“We’re bunking off school to come see you,” Ned said lightly, “We’re in the park a block from school waiting for a bus to Manhattan.”
Peter sighed, then realised he was chewing on his lip.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, guys,” Peter said uncertainly, “There’s a lot of news cameras outside the door, so you guys wouldn’t be able to get in without being seen, and then everyone would be harassing you guys to see if you know who I am.”
“We could climb in the window,” MJ said suddenly. Peter wasn’t entirely sure if she was joking. “You could lower some webbing, and we could climb up it. Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your webbing.”
Peter laughed at that, then, pulling his mask down over his face, leant to look out the window. He couldn’t see much – he could only lean so far without risking pulling over the heart-monitor he was attached to – but he could definitely see some figures camping outside, cameras aimed at the window. He considered waving to them, or maybe flipping them off, but the part of him that had actually paid attention during the super-hero PR crash course with Miss Potts made him reconsider.
“Unfortunately, I’ve got some creeps aiming cameras at my window, so you’d be spotted anyway.”
He heard MJ sigh in irritation and found himself smiling slightly, in spite of himself. It was good to feel wanted.
“Well, this isn’t exactly the birthday celebration I had planned.”
Peter sat back, making sure he was clear of the window before pulling his mask up and replying.
“You had something planned?” Peter asked, feeling a flash of guilt. If he’d managed to beat Kingpin, or even if he’d just been more cautious and fled when the flash-bangs went off, none of this would have happened.
“No,”MJ said hurriedly. Peter grinned. “Quick, Ned, cancel the marching band!”
Again, Peter found himself laughing, clutching his side to avoid splitting the stitching. He could only thank God for his enhanced regeneration. He’d probably end up getting out of hospital by tomorrow, assuming the doctors didn’t try and cut him up to figure out how he worked. Not that he was paranoid about men in white coats – and women, for that matter, since MJ would kill him if he even internally implied that women couldn’t be doctors, and they were just as scary when they were dissecting you. But again, not that he was paranoid, just… sensibly wary.
“But seriously, guys. I’m already getting better. I’ll probably be out of here first thing tomorrow, if I can get through the crowd of reporters.”
“You could always climb out the window,” MJ pointed out, “Though if you were going to do that, you don’t need to wait to get discharged. You could just sneak out at night and go home.”
Peter’s mind immediately came up with an alternative arrangement – more of a daydream, really – which had him sneaking out, turning up at MJ’s window at night and… well, staying the night was a pretty good euphemism. Before he could get properly distracted by the idea, a knock at the door startled him.
“I’ve got to go,” Peter said hurriedly, already pulling his mask down, “I’ll see you guys tomorrow!”
“Okay, b–” Ned’s goodbye became distant as MJ turned off speakerphone.
“See you tomorrow, dork. Try not to break any more bones.”
Peter grinned.
“I’ll try. Love you.”
He hit the button to end the call, took a breath, then called out to whoever was stood outside. The door opened and Happy walked in alongside the doctor that had been treating Peter.
“Hey, Happy. Doc,” Peter said in greeting, nodding to the two of them.
“How are you feeling, uh, Spider-Man?” Happy asked. Peter shrugged.
“Like I got thrown out of a twenty-third-story window last night.”
“I must say,” the doctor said, looking over Peter’s medical chart with a raised eyebrow, “You’ve recuperated a lot quicker than I’d have expected. Even simply surviving fall like that is impressive, but you’re already healing up quite nicely.”
Peter nodded.
“Yeah, uh, enhanced regeneration,” he said wryly, “I heal up really quickly.”
The doctor raised his other eyebrow, then nodded. Peter supposed that when you were dealing with super-heroes, doctors just got used to hearing things like that.
“So,” Peter said, glancing between the two of them, “gimme the verdict, doc. When do you think I’ll be out of here?”
On the plus side, the doctors did not, in fact, cut Peter up and figure out how he worked. On the downside, he was kept for a lot longer than he’d intended. Peter supposed it was something about the idea that “this person just got thrown out of a twenty-third story window” that made doctors less willing to release said person, even if the person was actually medically fit to be discharged. So it was already 11pm the day after his birthday before Peter was officially discharged, herded past the throng of reporters and down a corridor by SHIELD agents, plunked inside the oh-so-subtle posh black sedans with heavily tinted window that government agents seemed to use, and driven through numerous back-alleys in a convoy of identical cars. SHIELD, and Fury in particular, seemed very determined to prevent any possibility of Peter’s identity being leaked.
Speaking of Fury…
“So, Parker.”
“Mister Fury.”
There was a moment’s silence as Peter tried to decide where to look on Fury’s face. It was a question he still hadn’t properly answered, even after a number of meetings with the director. His working eye? Or did that make a thing out of his missing eye? His nose? Or was that weird? Staring at his lips was definitelyweird. It was one advantage of the mask, that Fury didn’t know Peter was testing out looking at different parts of his face.
“What happened with Kingpin?” Fury asked, looking at Peter with what the boy assumed was his version of disappointment. It didn’t look particularly different to his usual expression.
“His people had a lot more weapons than I’d expected,” Peter admitted, “The flash-bangs took me by surprise.”
Fury frowned.
“And the machine-gun turrets hidden in the ceiling were a nice touch,” Peter added, a little defensively.
“Stark tech?” Fury guessed. Peter shrugged.
“I didn’t pay that much attention to the branding while they were shooting at me, but I’d say so.”
“How the hell did Kingpin get his hands on Stark tech?”
Peter was about to answer when he realised it was probably a rhetorical question.
“I’ll ask him next time I – ”
“No,” Fury said firmly, “Keep out of Kingpin’s way.”
Peter blinked in surprise.
“We’ll put eyes on him and wait until he gets more tech. Then we can find out where he gets it from…”
“And cut off a source of heavy weaponry,” Peter finished, nodding. “Smart plan.”
“I know,” Fury said flatly, “That’s why I came up with it.”
Peter shut his mouth.
“And if by some miracle it’s not Beck’s people, the source might be able to get into contact with them.”
Peter nodded, biting his tongue from saying something else obvious.
The car stopped suddenly.
“This is your stop.”
Peter leant over to look out the window.
“This is Brooklyn,” Peter corrected, “I’m over in Queens.”
He turned back to see Fury looking at him, expression blank.
“Get out the car, Parker.”
Peter got out the car.
It wasn’t that Peter had been planning on going to MJ’s house that evening, but since Fury had dropped him off in Brooklyn, and her house was pretty much on the way to his if you were heading into Queens from that direction, it kind of ended up with Peter perched on a lamppost opposite her house anyway. He could pop in, say hi, then head back and get a stern talking-to from May about the importance of not being thrown out of windows. Or, Peter realised with a flash of inspiration, he could put off the lecture for a little longer and stay the night at MJ’s… Share a bed with his girlfriend, or get shouted at by his aunt. It was a really tough decision to make. Honestly, he was torn.
The light in MJ’s room flickered on, and Peter saw her silhouette appear at the window. Then the window slid open. The decision had really been made for him, in that case, because it would just be ungentlemanly to leave a lady at her window in the cold night.
Sure, Peter had been perched outside her window for a good half an hour waiting for just that excuse, and then – because his legs were aching and he was quickly getting bored of waiting – he’d texted her to get her to come to the window, but that was all really neither here nor there, and he could just not mention that bit to May when he saw her in the morning. Or he could just head straight to school and put the lecture off for another day! That was much better.
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kihyunhatesheteros · 7 years
instructions: go through your blog and the tag you use with all your posts of your ultimate bias. post ten of the tags on said posts. tag someone to do the same.
\\ uhhh so i was tagged i this in 2016 by [whomst??]  ,, any1 can do this if u want ;w; 
lots of kihyun `meta’ below !
“ #I wanna see his fashionable (ersatz singer) hyung I mean if u imagine the genes in the Yoo family .. #I can’t say enough about a cool older sibling being an influence on the younger sibling like #obviously you won’t always cross interests like my ate is str8 and had a screamo phase but lykeee catch my gay ass listenin to Alexisonfire #my thoughts:kihyun”
“#anyway can’t believe I stan the prettiest cherub of a man that will still rip your intestines out your ass if you mess with his team😢💗��#just smash a picture of Kihyun down my throat and dump me into a vat of lye #he ??? look I don’t believe I ever needed it to be put in words but he’s masculine right but on all these other angles he’s so? pretty #and not to mention he has these childlike proportions like his head is too big for his dsmn shoulders nd he got the tiniest waisthte IM#KILLING MYSELF and don’t get me started on his face structure it’s TOO PRETTY ): actually no please ask me abt my favourite facial features
#fave:kihyun #arts:kihyun #in which i try to come up w technical critiques #that throat is an instrument with all the modulations and buttons and whatever you can imagine and maybe that’s smth you can teach but #i dont know #im always blown away by? how much? power he has? but also like? clarity and precision? #like one time i saw a post about zayn doing a raga while #performing live and i couldnt stop replaying thesong–that stuff is DIFFICULT and it SOUNDS like it really fucking is…. ……… ??? #like i just got chills looking up a cover of the selfsame song by zayn
I love seeing him thoughtful but also so boldly in love with life?
#fave:kihyun #the colours!! #he looks so carefree but also u know these binches were trying hard to pose perfectly #remember the one photo shoot where hyungwons just showing off his lips and Wonho looked like a minion? #that’s the true Monsta X.. all bright colours and cartwheeling emotion and slight thoughtlessness #I think about how much thought went into going for his dream (ESP considering that Korean pop only gets popular in SK if ur a girl and/or #under the big three and even then it’s hard – take Got7) like he knew he was going to be invited specifically to be used by this fairly bi#g company and that even under the best circumstances it’s going to be tiring but here he is fastidiously singing and acting like a chi#ld simultaneously.. like I love seeing him thoughtful but also so boldly in love with life?
#i been TELLING YOU this is an ugly job #he’s got moses parting the red sea on him skull #so like the other day’s fansign was a major upgrade from THIS .. WASN’T IT? #look how skeletal he looks his browbone just fuccin…. looks unnatural #not to say he’s not as beautiful as usual because i’m about to argue the opposite #the magic with kihyun is that sure from afar he just looks like he has a moon-face with small featuers but #look closer and he has these beautifully slanted (big) eyes–even tho i just saw an old vlive where he’s shocked that ljh’s eyes smaller– #and he has this amazing wide nose and just generally the best T zone (his PROFILE THOUGH) that makes his face so big bright & radiant!!! #don’t get me started on his lips and his little chin dimple and his jawline because i’ll just go on writing about n*t
#do you see him in the bottom legft gif? show that to me to make me pass out at any given time #kihyun #he’s passionate and expressive like maybe I’m perceiving that as a response to the vocals being so disturbingly good but #he has that stage manner that matters more than #being classically trained when u dance ?? #like you can have a stiff hip and a hunchback but if ur smile can make viewers feel a rush of empathetic excitement ur good2go #kihyun can do that all the time. he’s precise too.
#kihyun #honestly I’m not sure even he realizes how ??? got damn attractive he is both inside and out like he’s not a fool or soft but he is so warm #and you can see it in the skinship he shared with all his past and current friends at his company trying to make it in the Industry like he #Cares© you know … but I noticed in a Ch.Mx episode that on V App he always leaves space for others to speak up/earnestly talks to viewers #it’s endearing and I think as an idol you have to be constantly and openly communicative with fans to reach through without clowning around #which I do think some members do too much and others don’t do enough of at all–either way they’re not being them #maybe it’s just that there’s still some lack of sureness in their step or faith in their future as a group or what? just be your ow … (n self)
”#me: busy with things like studying and mental recovery and healing  “#me: wait does yoo kihyun feel things more deeply than he allows people 2 see 🤔🤔🤔🤔”
``#it’s crazy because fans internally scream about him like stepping on them but in reality??? he puts flowers in his hair? for ppl’s photos? #me (while thinking of the unfair stereotype put on him as a short angry nag): FUCK #i’m the arthur fist next to him ``
and finally …
I mean i love him but I’m also his anti I run 10 anti blogs look at this fugly gerbil .. gross.
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