#especially compared to the other promt I have left for them. looking at you Sticks
varpusvaras · 4 months
*jumps in* Hi!!! 10, a kiss on the jawline with Fox/Bail/Breha pls? May I suggest Bail and Breha giving Fox kisses on the jawline?
You may suggest, and you shall receive!
Fox had not had any idea about intimacy when he had left Kamino.
That wasn’t his fault. Kamino just really didn’t do any kind of education on anything of the sort. It wasn’t deemed important, because they were the soldiers of the Republic, and good soldiers didn’t have the time or the luxury to participate in such activities. Needless distractions, meant for actual people, and therefore, not meant for the clones. 
Of course, Fox had known something. They had a health class that came with everyone having to possess baseline medical skills. They knew how their bodies worked. They knew all the scientific names for every part of themselves. There had just been no information for anything else they could do with their bodies, other than fight and die. There had been rumours, as well, tiny specks that had trickled down from the older clones and finally to them, but all of it had been extremely vague and sounded honestly baffling. Fox had not understood why someone would want to put their mouths on anyone. That had to be unhygienic. 
If they figured out some things their bodies could do by themselves, in the little privacy they got from the Kaminoans and the trainers? Well, nobody really talked about that either. 
Fox ended up figuring it all out very quickly once he started his posting on Coruscant. 
How could he not? It was everywhere. It took Fox pretty much only a week or so to figure out that bodies and attraction could sell absolutely everything, even things that really didn’t make sense to him. Sometimes it really seemed like no matter what was being advertised, there would be a barely clothed person in the ad as well. 
After realising that, it was easy to figure out the rest. Even the putting your mouth on another person-thing. Fox had realised in a rather sudden and frankly, embarrassing, way that he wasn’t as immune to other people’s bodies as he had previously thought. Stone was, and he made fun of the rest of them relentlessly. The bastard. 
Well, it wasn’t like Fox was ever going to…explore any of that. He didn’t have the time, and, even more importantly, he really didn’t want to get out of his armor in front of just about anybody. No, if he ever wanted to do anything with anyone, it needed to be someone he trusted completely like that. Especially because…Fox wasn’t going to say that he was intimidated by it all, but…every time he saw other people having any sort of intimacy, they made it look easy and natural. Like they knew exactly what they were doing during every second of it. That was the one thing Fox just couldn’t figure out how it worked. 
Maybe he would, if he ever got the chance, but…no, he had too much to do already. He wasn’t attracted to anyone specific. Maybe…maybe he was just too late already. 
So he tried to ignore it, and it was going rather well, but then Bail Prestor Organa had to come marching into his life with his gentle eyes and kind smiles and soft words. He just had to, and just like that, Fox was gone. 
With all of that, also came the very intense experience of having wants and it all being targeted towards a specific person.
With all of those wants, came back the realisation that Fox had no idea what he was supposed to be doing.
He tried his best to not show any insecurity. He kept his head high and his exterior collected, even when he was constantly sputtering and stumbling on the inside. Thankfully Bail was being gracious by going very slowly. One half of Fox was very glad that Bail had a wife and thus knew about things already, but at the same time, the other half of him was terrified of the same fact. Fox hated being embarrassed, and even more, he hated the sole idea of being embarrassed in front of Bail. 
So, Fox, sitting on the edge of Bail’s desk, gripped the said edge of the desk very hard to keep his breathing in check and his body in place, while Bail had one of his hands on Fox’s back and the other one on his waist, and his lips pressed against Fox’s neck. 
Fox really, really understood the appeal of putting your mouth onto someone else now. By the gods, did he understand it. He gripped the desk even harder, letting the hard wood press into his palms to keep himself from making any sort of noise. 
He was doing really well on it, until Bail moved his lips up, all the way to the corner of Fox’s jaw, and so very gently pressed kisses down along the line of it. Fox hadn’t thought of himself ticklish before, but apparently, he had thought wrong, because a surprised laugh escaped from his mouth, and with it, also a partial moan he had attempted to keep down just a second prior.
Fox didn’t have the time to properly register what he had just done, when he felt Bail’s lips curl up against his skin, and then Bail was pressing another kiss on Fox’s jaw, and another, and another, more and more, along the line. 
Another laugh escaped Fox before he could stop it, his whole body shaking with it, and his lack of resistance gave Bail just more opportunities to kiss him even more. 
“Bail”, Fox managed to choke out between laughs and other noises he did not want to name. “Bail, Bail, stop-” 
Bail did stop. He backed away and straightened up, so he could look Fox properly in the eyes. 
“Yes?” He asked, again, with the soft way he always spoke to Fox with. “Is everything alright?” 
He sounded almost concerned, and Fox had to hurry to answer, before Bail would get stressed, all because Fox was being weird.
“Yes”, Fox blurted out, still just a little breathless. “Yes, everything is okay, I just- I’m sorry.” 
It didn’t work, because Bail just looked even more concerned now than he had been before Fox had started babbling. 
“Sorry for what?” He asked, so earnestly, that Fox, even with the embarrassment aflame inside him, had to answer truthfully. 
“For-” He swallowed, “-being…not good at this.” 
Somehow, Bail managed to look both even more concerned and confused at the same time. 
“What are you talking about?” He asked. “You’re doing just fine.” 
“No, I-” Fox had to look down towards his lap. “I just made it weird by…you know.” 
“By laughing?” Bail asked. Fox nodded. “Fox, I was quite intentionally trying to make you laugh.” 
Fox whipped his head back up. Bail had an odd expression on his face now, though mainly he looked utterly perplexed. 
“What?” He blurted, because, quite frankly, he had no idea what was going on anymore. 
“Quite honestly, I was starting to be a little concerned”, Bail said, “that you were not enjoying this, and were just making yourself do it to please me.” 
“What?” Fox repeated, because now he really had no idea what was going on. “Of course I do! I just- I was just trying to be good.” 
Oh, the way Bail looked at him then, with so much care and affection on his face and in his eyes that it made Fox want to both explode and melt down to a puddle. 
“Fox”, Bail said, the same amount of care and affection in his voice as well, “you are being good. All of this is supposed to be fun to you. The only thing you should be doing right now, is to just enjoy it, and not care about anything else.” 
For some reason, that was the moment it all clicked for Fox. Attractiveness sold. Sex sold. It only made sense that everything he had seen about all of it, had been a product to sell something, even if it was just a false ideal of things. 
“Oh”, he breathed, the strength of the realisation making him a little light-headed. “Oh. Um.” 
Bail, being perfect, like he always was, waited patiently for Fox to gather himself. 
“Can we-” Fox gripped the edge of desk, this time to just ground himself. “Can we start over?” 
Bail smiled at him. 
“Of course”, he said. He leaned a little closer, before stopping momentarily. “Just to make sure. It was all alright to you? What we were doing before?” 
Fox nodded. 
“Yes”, he answered, and with that, Bail leaned back down, his lips finding Fox’s skin again. 
Right at Fox’s jawline. 
Even though Fox knew it was coming this time, he still didn’t manage to quell his laughter in time. This time, though, he didn’t even really try. 
Bail laughed as well. 
“I’m sorry”, he said. “I just had to.” 
Fox huffed, and was just about to say something rather snarky, when Bail’s mouth moved to the side and up, and he nipped the skin right behind Fox’s ear. 
Fox could yet again feel Bail’s grin against his skin as another high-pitched, surprised moan escaped Fox’s mouth. 
Fox was starting to think that he was getting rather good at this. 
He was basing this thought in the way Breha looked right then, smiling and outright glowing, her breaths still just calming down. 
“Good?” Fox asked still. 
Breha hummed, catching her breath for another moment before answering. 
“Good”, she said, and giggled lightly as Fox pressed small kisses on her collarbones. She let Fox freely move her around, only sighing contently as he laid down and tucked her close to his side. Her bare body was soft and warm against Fox’s own, and Fox could really only marvel at it all. 
How he had gotten here, how he had gotten so lucky, Fox still couldn’t quite understand. 
He must’ve fallen deeper into his thoughts than he realised, because he only snapped out of it when Breha moved. 
“I thought, back when I met Bail, that I couldn’t possibly get any happier than I already was”, she said, as she pushed herself up on her elbows, and lightly rested her head on top of Fox’s chest. “Somehow, though, the Galaxy deemed me worthy enough for you as well.” 
Fox snorted a little. 
“Between you and me, I should be the one saying that”, he said. “You, on the other hand, are easily the most worthy person of all the happiness there is.” 
Breha sighed, still fondly. 
“Well, look at it this way”, she said, lifting her head up again, “aren’t we lucky, that we found happiness together?” 
She looked at him with bright eyes, her voice so full of love, that Fox’s voice caught somewhere inside his throat. 
There it was again. Yes, weren’t they so lucky? Somehow, somehow, Fox had found happiness, and at the same time, managed to be the reason for someone else to be happy as well? That shouldn’t have been how it worked. Fox was made to be expendable, someone not important enough to be taught more about life, someone whose search for happiness was deemed detrimental and needless before he even had gotten the opportunity to begin his search- 
His thoughts were broken up again by soft, warm lips pressing against his jaw. Fox blinked, and then a laugh was already making its way out of him, as Breha braced herself more against the bed for better leverage, and moved her mouth up Fox’s jawline, peppering him with soft, sweet kisses. 
Fox tapped her on her back. 
“Sorry”, she said, leaning her face back down on Fox’s chest. “Bail told me about it, and I had to try it.” 
“Of course he did.” Breha laughed at his exasperated tone. 
“I love it when you laugh”, she said. “I love it when you are happy. I love you.” 
She looked up at him and smiled. Fox smiled back. 
“I love you too”, he said, and wrapped his arms around Breha as she wrapped herself around him.
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