#especially espio who had just lost vector and charmy to the virus
treeshroudrelic · 1 year
Issue 44 inspired rant
Reading IDW Sonic after hearing about all the discourse about Sonic not killing his enemies is interesting cause it made it seem that Sonic made those decisions alone while ignoring everyone else and that he's annoyingly preachy about it but all of them so far are collective decisions he discusses with his friends.
Like in the above mentioned issue the decision to send the Deadly Six back to Lost Hex was one everyone agreed on, and it was the correct choice. It's the villains fault for not heeding the heroes' mercy and turning a new leaf, they aren't amorphous forces of nature, they're people with the agency to make bad choices.
Plus Sonic clearly struggles with his decisions and the unforeseen consequences of his mercy. I really liked the bit where he almost infects Eggman with the metal virus out of spite because it showed how fallible he can be with his code.
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cartoonrival · 1 year
you might have talked about this before, but I'd love to know what the Chaotix are like in your AU! I miss the archie crew so bad
YAAA so the whole gang is knux, js, mighty, ray, charmy, espio, and vector. charmy hasn’t gotten back from his colony in my archie reading so idk saffron yet, but considering her position in the story as charmys fiancé and that my version would def have charmy still be 6 (and not a prince), i’m not currently planning on including her but idk maybe her character will really speak to me and ill find a way to rewrite her backstory and fit her in another way.
mighty and ray’s meeting story is a little different, i still like the idea of ray not having any living family left and mighty rescuing him, but instead of the whole prison camp thing i think ray was a survivor in a roboticized town that the chaotix visited (without needing to deal w the echidnaopolis/dingos/good-god-what-is-that debacles they would prob be a bit closer tied to the freedom fighters, but i still Do want to give them their own unique facet of the story instead of just ffs version2. still a wip.). maaaaaybe ray reminds mighty of tilly and thats part of the reason why he takes ray in, but tbh i’m not a big fan of the whole “i only (started to) care about this person because they remind me of someone else i loved.” especially in light of rays anxiety about mighty getting tilly back and being scared tilly would replace him. so still not set in stone why mighty would decide to invite ray to join them. maybe it was just his big ole eyes. he looked very polite
something i kinda wanna explore is the origins of the detective agency, i don’t think id try to involve everyone in it though. it would still just be espio charmy and vector. the three of them eventually move off the island for business reasons, which would lead into why they’re so strapped for cash in a way that doesn’t seem to be affecting knuckles mighty js and ray. because the former three are actually trying to enter an at least somewhat capitalist society (sorry). i’m not sure how it would end up being those 3 specifically though or why they would decide to become detectives. i’m coming up with nearly all of this on the spot because you prompted me to even think hard about it (thank you)
charmy def only came along because when push comes to shove hes their little brother and they couldnt leave him behind, maybe it was esp and vec’s idea to begin with because they started accidentally solving cases and found they were actually good at it, and kinda similar to how they got a lot of work after the metal virus helping ppl find loved ones, they figured they could be of similar help with deroboticized mobians, and the other four just respectfully declined (knux and js for obvious reasons, and mighty just didnt think he was cut out for that sort of thing. and ray is sticking w mighty).
js and knux are def the two most tightly rooted to the island, but js is more prone to cabin fever than knuckles is so she does leave pretty often. usually she tries to get knuckles to come with her and someone else will watch the emerald, but even though knuckles DOES trust his friends he gets kinda antsy if hes away from it for too long or too often, so a lot of the time she leaves by herself or with someone else. archie!chaotix kind of put the story in a position where knuckles didnt have to worry about the master emerald quite as much because he had a bunch of friends who lived on the island and could cycle through guard duty when he wasnt there. it wasnt a BAAAD thing per se but the emerald is such a key part of knuckles character that i feel like if he no longer has to bear that weight alone then the core of his character is lost a bit ToT if you know what im saying. so i dont want him to be quite so willing to just let someone else handle it.
im on the fence about espio's spy backstory w the shinobi, i enjoyed READING it but idk if id want to carry through with it. the idea of him learning stuff that he just keeps from people could be recycled somehow though
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naivesilver · 3 years
Top five (or ten if you want) Scorpio, Espio and Charmy moments!! i want to know more about these guys :)
Scorpio, we gathered once we stopped laughing about it (briefly. Very briefly. To be honest we're still laughing), is Vector's evil twin who lives in a parallel universe and is played by Tom Hardy. Just so that all the people reading this post can be on the same page as us.
Ashsjskfhjfhjfh I love you. Never change.
Ask me my top 5 anything
So...Chaotix time, uh? Let's see.
1) Zombot Arc (IDW comics)
An easy guess, if you know me at all. Watching these poor sods lose Charmy to a virus, find him for the briefest time and then get torn apart again, only for Espio to have to fight his zombified family until the very end...It was a blow to the stomach after the other, and yet it really gave the reader a sense of how tied they are to each other. Espio especially got a focus that he isn't often on the receiving end of, which was very nice to see.
And now, for the panel that irreversibly broke me:
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2) The case of the Pirate Princess (Sonic Universe)
Genre-mashing at its finest. Three detectives (who are also idiots) are tasked with rescuing a princess (who technically doesn't want to be rescued) from a bunch of pirates (who are actually better at this found family thing than most) and accidentally find a lost treasure in the process. The treasure, by the way, isn't worth squat. And they don't even get paid well. But hey, at least they made new friends!
I dunno, this arc is just so very sweet. They bicker all the fucking time, but in a very peculiar, believable way that most siblings will know at first glance. Plus, they let Charmy be an actual kid in this, and you KNOW I'm a kidfic fan first and a human being second. He asks Espio for spelling help! He makes friends with everyone! He wants reassurances from Vector that he can still be a detective! The entire story ends with them using what little money they got to buy him something! I love them so much!!!!!!
In short: perfect dumbasses, all of them.
3) Hedgehog Hunt (Sonic X)
They're running a cafe in space. Child labor laws apparently don't exist there so Charmy is involved too. Espio refuses service to Doctor Eggman in multiple annoying ways. Vector plays the piano and becomes oddly reminiscent of Morgan when he was playing for Achille Lauro, and THEN goes to buy spaceship parts in a space mall because Sonic and friends are going incognito.
I don't know, man, I don't have an explanation for any of this. It's amazing to see, though.
4) Galactic Gumshoes (Sonic X)
You know when you are assigned a task, set out to complete that task, mix it up with something else and end up completely unrelated shit? This is exactly what happens to them in this episode. They're sent to deliver some clothes and while they're at it they try to kidnap two children. As one does.
It's just so quintessentially them, though. Charmy literally mocks Vector while the guy (who is, lest we forget, his boss and father figure) gets beaten ON HIS OWN SHIP! Espio is so done with everything and the narrative always forgets him! Sonic X was wild, guys, I'm so glad I rewatched it in quarantine.
5) Penders era Archie comics as a whole
Listen. These comics weren't good. In fact, they were ugly as sin and with awful storylines. But they were so atrocious that they accidentally become comedy gold, and I can't NOT mention them.
Charmy was a teenage prince with a betrothed, and his friend overdosed on Lemon Sundrop Dandelion (yes, you're reading the beginning letters correctly). Vector was a misogynist. Espio in the future had a Littlefinger goatee and two daughters whose only purpose was to snog the local bad boy. They don't actually do anything useful beside harassing Knuckles' girlfriend and occasionally eating fast food meals. If I were to make this stuff up no one would believe me, and yet Ken Penders kept a straight face and put it in actual, physical comics.
Dark times for the Chaotix then, folks. Dark times.
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