#especially if that other group is the entire opposite sex like my guy are u okay????
kylorenpunk · 6 years
Do them all. Suffer as I did 😂
Bitch I told you this was our friendship. We force each other to answer all the questions. 
1. selfie
Well… I wasn’t dubbed Selfie Queen for nothing… 
Tumblr media
This one is interesting bc I have zero makeup on. The most recent ones are too blurry. A lot of my fav selfies are full faces of makeup tho. 
2. what would you name your future kids?
I feel like that’s a decision for both parents but I really like the names Felicity, Isabella and Dimitri. Yes, all of them are names from various franchises I enjoyed throughout the years. Be glad I’m out of my phase where I thought Vladimir was a good name. 
3. do you miss anyone?
I miss all my friends I don’t get to see frequently. Love all of y’all and hope y’all are doing well in life! 
4. what are you looking forward to?
Fucking graduating. Jesus Christ it’s taken me five damn years. 
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?
From my club it’s Chris, Yara and Josephine. Also my entire friend group from back home. Honestly I love my friends so much. 
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?
I feel like every situation is different so that’s a tough question to answer. 
7. what was your life like last year?
I honestly don’t remember much from December of last year. It was a good time though. 
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?
I’m an emotional bitch. I’ll cry over anything. I cried over fucking Mulan the other day. 
9. who did you last see in person?
My parents and brother. Earlier in the day my club. 
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?
I’m shit at it. My face gives away everything. The other day my professor was going into her inspiration porn narrative and I just gave her a cold dead look the entire time. 
11. are you listening to music right now?
No but I have the Hamilton soundtrack stuck in my head right now since that’s what I was last listening to. If you haven’t heard it I highly suggest it. Man I wanna see it so badly. 
12. what is something you want right now?
Sleep but I’m trying not to throw off my sleep schedule right now and am waiting a bit before going to bed. I only got three hours of sleep last night so that’s fun. 
13. how do you feel right now?
Kinda tired. Relieved that I got two service projects in a row done today. It’s been a long weekend. 
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?
My friend Sebastian hugged me when I dropped him off. I guess that counts. 
15. personality description
I’m a makeup loving nerd who enjoys sitting in pajamas watching anime and superheros as much as she enjoys swatching EVERY lipstick in Sephora. According to my friends I can’t go 5 seconds without mentioning how old I feel and my love for Dungeons and Dragons. I’m also an asshole. (Wow this sounds like a 12 year old writing this)
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
Yeah tons of times. It’s bitten me in the ass. Oh well live and learn I guess? 
17. opinion on insecurities.
Everyone has them? If they say they don’t then they are lying. Mine is mainly related to my appearance or how I speak. 
18. do you miss how thing were a year ago?
I miss how things were in the beginning of this year. It started off strong then kinda turned into a shit show. 
19. have you ever been to New York?
No but it’s my top thing on my bucket list. My friends and I are highly considering a trip. 
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?
Of all time: Get Low by Lil Jon 
Currently: “Told You So” by Little Mix (If you haven’t heard their new album I highly suggest it if you love girl groups that preach women empowerment) 
21. age and birthday?
22 - June 21st (She’s a Cancer)
22. description of crush.
I don’t have a hardcore crush right now. More like 5 second crushes that are over the second they do something I don’t like. 
Edit: Currently “celebrity?” crush is Nathan Sharp. I am seriously considering dropping $55 to see him at a convention this month. 
23. fear(s)
Heights, something terrible happening to my loved ones, wild snakes, and the usual common anxiety fears 
24. height
Five foot three inches. I’m short. Yes I know it’s not that short but tall people like to put me in the short category anyway. 
25. role model
My mom’s coworker who was my internship supervisor. She has a doctorate’s in what I want to do and is amazing at what she does. The amount of knowledge and experience that women has is incredible. She is also extremely funny and knows how to teach with a sense of humor which I appreciate. 
26. idol(s)
Celebrity idols? I don’t really idolize celebrities bc humans are humans and have flaws. 
27. things i hate
Immaturity, intolerance of differences, demeaning slurs, The Last Jedi, and the new Fantastic Beasts movie 
28. i’ll love you if…
Play with my hair, are kind to my friends and family, share common interests, show an interest in what I have to say, basically respect me and those close to me and we’re good 
29. favourite film(s)
Hairspray, High School Musical, The Greatest Showman, Stardust, The Harry Potter series, Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy
30. favourite tv show(s)
Jane the Virgin, Naruto (fuck off I hate myself too ok), the first three seasons of Arrow before it turned to shit
31. 3 random facts
I’m not artistically talented but I genuinely enjoy makeup and creating looks
I have a nonverbal brother with autism and he’s my favorite person ever
I completely programmed my brother’s communication device by myself 
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?
Now my friends are mainly girls but when I lived in Tampa 90% of my friends over there were guys (Hi Mason). I’m going to say that’s bc of us all playing video games in the Delta lounge (RIP Dirty D). But yeah now it’s mainly girls and 80% of my dude friends are gay. 
33. something you want to learn
Sign Language. Ice skating. Hairstyling. Fashion (I’m trying to be better about putting clothes together). Also I’m down to learn more about makeup and techniques 
34. most embarrassing moment
Either farting while doing an air guitar in front of my entire girl scout troop
or signing to my friend that I liked her friend at a party and his brother repeated what I had signed out loud in front of everyone
wait. No. When I F U C K E D  up in front a super hot guy while volunteering and then chose an 18 year old jock as my wingman. 18 year olds are dumbasses. Don’t use them as wingmen. Fuck you Khaled. 
35. favourite subject
In grade school I think it was English or History. It really all depended on the year. 
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
Hike the Smokey Mountains 
Visit Europe 
37. favourite actor/actress
Chris Evans (especially when he is trying to fight orange president on twitter) 
Also Mark Hamill is perfect 
38. favourite comedian(s)
I don’t watch comedians often. I guess the Fluffy guy? 
39. favourite sport(s)
The only time I give a shit about sports is when my university is undefeated or playing my first university in football. Or the soccer world cup if it’s on. However I appreciate the skill it takes to do a sport. 
40. favourite memory
San Antonio. It was my first time traveling without family and it was the greatest time. It was such a cool city 
41. relationship status 
Single - I take my sweet ass time 
42. favourite book(s)
Eragon (No, I haven’t finished the entire series. No, I don’t want spoilers bc I will do it eventually.) 
43. favourite song ever
“Get Low” by Lil Jon 
“Look Through My Eyes” by Phil Collins 
44. age you get mistaken for
Last year I got mistaken twice in a row within an hour for a middle schooler. I was 21 at at that time. During my internship one of the parents asked me if I had any kids. I’m either mistaken as a parent or as a 13-15 year old. There is no in between.  
45. how you found out about your idol
N/A since I don’t have an idol
46. what my last text message says
“lmao it’s alright” to Joey but the previous one is more funny “thankfully no one threw up this time” in regards to my friend’s party last night
47. turn ons
Well I aint about to talk about my sex life so let’s go with personality 
Common interests such as superheros or anime, charismatic, easy to get along with, common goals in life, cares about their loved ones, has passion, and someone I can hold an intellectual conversation with 
48. turn offs
rudeness, immaturity, inattentiveness, bad tempers, superiority complex, not being genuine, judging others, treating people like objects, and general lack of care for others or themselves
49. where i want to be right now
Back in the smokey mountains in a cabin watching movies and anime
50. favourite picture of your idol
51. starsign
She’s an emotional Cancer
52. something i’m talented at
Apparently I’m good with kids      Makeup too I guess? 
53. 5 things that make me happy
friends, family, nerdy shit, makeup and Kakashi
54. something thats worrying me at the moment
Some shit happened last night that has me worried for some friends but I’m sure they’ll figure it out 
55. tumblr friends
A shit ton of y’all I know IRL. I won’t tag y’all bc that’s annoying af 
Joey’s my only internet friend @earthschampion (answer my text bitch) 
56. favourite food(s)
pasta, empanadas, crab rangoons, taziki sauce 
57. favourite animal(s)
Meerkats and koala bears
58. description of my best friend
K @burnitstronger: realest damn friend you will ever have. Will tell you how it is and provide never ending love and support. Never understands my dumbass shenanigans but loves me anyway. Love you boo 
J : Will also tell you how it is and forces you to watch Naruto and ruin your damn life. Will happily go with you to eat junk food after class. Will fight anyone who wrongs you and is def still plotting revenge on all my ex’s. Stans Loona
M: Will scream at you in Leo in a frightening but loving way. Has the best damn fashion sense I have ever seen. Is the friend that comes by when I need her to and brings a shit ton of snacks and love (J does this as well).
59. why i joined tumblr
I was bored on fourth of July in 2012 and my friends kept telling me that this website would be fun. Also the avengers “fandom” from back then 
60. ask me anything you want
I would say I’m sorry Mason but I enjoy making all my friends suffer. Make sure to give him a follow bc he’s cool. @masonjar828
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thepalegoldmoon · 7 years
All 60 asks~!
get to know me, pick some numbers. 1. selfieNone ATM, but you’ll see my face when I con update, (pro procrastinating on that haha)
2. what would you name your future kids?I’m trying to get a new baby Guinea pig from a friend and I’m gonna try to name it Roadie, if that shows anything haha (I’m never gonna have human children, but other animals probably haha)
3. do you miss anyone?Tbh is this even a question? When don’t I miss someone haha, yeah.. Kinda tbh
4. what are you looking forward to?Cons, moving out, making more money, just chilling with the only person I ever really hang out with anymore haha
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?Yeah like one or two people, one and probably the most important one and the one of them being the cool ass mf who sent me this ask c;
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?Depends on alot of variables recently 
7. what was your life like last year?Lonely, terribly quite, have really no one, maybe like two people, and they kinda just became by closest and probably most reliable (in the best kinda ways) friends I’ve ever had..
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?Yeah I think? I bottle up alot of my emotions. So when I get annoyed enough to cry. It’s that one thing that sent me over the breaking point and everything just happens in one big messy fit. It’s gross. •-•
9. who did you last see in person?Besides my immediate family (I see those annoying fucks everyday so they don’t really count I love them but eh) ummm I think it was this really cool guy, his name is Jay, I tag him in a ton of shit, yeah he’s really awesome!~ and my fave, but yeah I saw him for a con and it was amazing!~
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?Idk some people say they can’t tell certain emotions. Or they don’t notice them, others say the exact opposite, it all depends on the people and emotions
11. are you listening to music right now?Nope shockingly, I’ve been jamming out to my old childhood anthems these past few days haha
12. what is something you want right now?Probably to just chill with someone, just kinda cuddle with someone and watch movies and conspiracy YouTube videos tbh haha maybe do some other cool shit with? Idk but that would be nice haha, and money to pay off some people haha,
13. how do you feel right now?Kinda lonely, a little tired, but over all calm and just veggin out doing nothing haha
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you? Two weeks ago I gave my friend Amanda a hug good bye, I ran into her at the fireworks show down the street from my apartment
15. personality descriptionYikes, a mess. I’m a scrappy cinnamon roll with a low key Lex Luther complex 😈Kinda explains why I want to legally change my name to Alyxxander… Hmmm haha
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?Tbh yeah, there’s lots of shit I’d love to say but don’t, wether for their protection or my own, sometimes some things are better left for better times or just never said
17. opinion on insecurities.They’re shit and we all hate them tbh but as long as you can find ways to get past them and have friends that support you and beat those insecurities down rather than make them worse, all is good!~ 
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?I don’t really know, like maybe some things, but tbh not much is really too different from last year. There’s a few things different hut tbh idk if that’s a good or bad thing anymore. I don’t really know haha
19. have you ever been to New York?State: yes, a few times, passing through and I’ve been to Buffalo.City: passed through but didn’t stay. I’d love to go one day though
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?hooked on a feeling (I make snapchat memes from that song haha,)
21. age and birthday?18 and May 28th!~
22. description of crush.A have a few key words. L E G S. E Y E S. S M I L E. has the tiniest flatest butt, but I love it and think it’s real nice!~ ( Tbh doesn’t have the flatest ass out of all my friend group, but put of my closet friend group does XD) and once it’s relevant again H A I R. (( gee golly guys, I wonder who I described???)) haha
23. fear(s)Hahah many. Mostly personal ones but one I’ll be alright making a public one. Never being able to be there for my friends or those I care most about in any way at all.. Or to constantly cause them pain in some way.. 
24. height5'5/ 5'6? It’s been a while since I last got my height checked 
25. role modelProbably Chris Evens, that gorgeous man, he’s the true captain frickin America 
26. idol(s)I have alot but I can’t think of any of them ATM…
27. things i hateMany things.. But tbh just when people take credit for shit other people do, when someone bitches about how they should get something when they’ve literally done jack shit to get it, or when people act like a total douche just because something won’t go their way, wether it be a giant thing or the tiniest fucking thing…
28. i’ll love you if…Enjoy my forms of affections, I enjoy lots of hugs and cuddling kinda stuff.. Haha that or if we can do cool shit together and just be open enough to connect on some form of level. You gotta have the vibes man, ya know?
29. favourite film(s)The Danish Girl Lots of horror movies Any Tim Burton film The crow 
30. favourite tv show(s)Voltron Steven UniverseAnd a bunch of old cartoons from when I was a kidEspecially invader ZimOmfg that was my shit 
31. 3 random facts1.) I’m complete total trash, I named my most recent animals after overwatch characters, I have 6 now, 3 Guinea pigs (Dva(f) Aki(m) Oreo(m)), 2 gerbils (Mercy(f) Widow(f)), and a mouse he’s Junkmouse he’s such a Sweetie!~ and he’s teeny!~That awesome guy that sent the ask, Jay, yeah his idea with naming junkmouse and then I just kinda couldn’t help but keep it going cause it just fit too well, soon I’m gonna run out of names I know it haha
2.) I feel like this should go out, cause this wasn’t on the ask lost but it should be hahamy favorite color is blue, but the color I feel with is usually yellow or orange
3.) I’m really into witchcraft and things associated, and I want to get better at it haha
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?Ehhhhh, even cause I can only think of the three people I converse with the most or at all, I have one friend who identifies as female, another who identifies as female(I think) idk she’s a all over the place, and then one who identifies as male, so it’s kinda even but leans more towards females
33. something you want to learnMany things, mostly how to be a better friend, every language I can get for free on my Rosetta stone app, and ASL, 
34. most embarrassing momentEhhhhh there’s two but they’re insanely personal haha
35. favourite subjectArt. Science. Spiritual/religious shit. Sociology. Animals. Games. Shows. Conspiracy shit. Scary spooky shit. haha (I’m not in school anymore so these are just random things I talk alot about haha)
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?1.) like to visit Asia or at least one other country over seas2.) get better at art or photography and maybe make a job out of it3.) just make it through life and enjoy what I can about it
37. favourite actor/actressActors: Johnny Depp, Allan Rickman, Eddie Redmaine.Actress: Helena Bonham Carter
38. favourite comedian(s)Adam Grabowski (seriously check this guy out, he’s a riot, the Disney princesses skit he does, one of the best, if not check out the board games one, 10/10)
39. favourite sport(s)Swimming and hiking are what I count as sports and I barely even do those tbh.. Sleeping and see how long I can stay in my house uncovered by society are my true sports. Tbh I went out for fireworks, and a con so far this summer, I’m doing great haha.
40. favourite memoryOoo idk any right now haha
41. relationship statusSingle Pringle, but I’m stick in the can, cause I ain’t ready to mingle. I got my eyes set on someone even if it won’t happen. But it’s nice to try at least c:
42. favourite book(s)I used to have one but I can’t think of it off the top of my head, I used to be hella into the Percy Jackson series though, Rick’s a good author haha 
43. favourite song everYikes, I don’t know dude haha
44. age you get mistaken forEhhhhh either 14/15 or like 20/21 so not entirely off but like I’m either hella legal or hella illegal XD
45. how you found out about your idolI don’t really know, 
46. what my last text message saysI K R ! ! ! ! ! ! LIKE SEE!!!
47. turn onsMmm not sure, but I’m up to find out physical ones c; haha but in all seriousness, just consent, respect, and open minded vibes. Just of I get the right vibes off you.
48. turn offsI don’t get the right vibes off you.Really extremely bratty kids. Rich or not. Just bratty ass kids. And people who have no shame or humility 
49. where i want to be right nowTbh, my own apartment, either chilling with a close ass bud, or maybe traveling around, just somewhere else that seems more exciting or comforting.
50. favourite picture of your idolN/a
51. starsignGemini!~ haha
52. something i’m talented atI’ve heard??? I’m good??? at art??? And then I have negative ones but Imma keep those put of here ahaha, but I’m good at art??? And cooking??? /baking??? From what I’m told haha
53. 5 things that make me happy1.) My pets2.) Not being bothered when in playing my games/ When my house only has yours truly scurrying around the place3.) food, and chilling with a good show or movie4.) getting to chill with my friends and do cool ass shit,5.) getting the chance to give cheesy ass affections, whether it’s platonic or not, I LIKE TO SNUG ALRIGHT!?!?!? SNUGGINS ARE WHAT MAKE THIS WORLD GO FUCKING ROUND MAN LIKE SHIT.(Imma throw in a sixth one cause this is important)6.) getting to get turnt with some good friends and the Devils sweet green grass when I have the chance, (GONNA FOR MY MED CARD SOON B, HMU I’M EXCITE)
54. something thats worrying me at the momentTwo things, money (always), screwing shit up beyond the point of no return with my closest friend.. 
55. tumblr friendsI got like three? One of which is the only one I ever tag, or talk to haha, that’s this cool dude at the very top of this post here, yeah him!~ that little stud!~ c:
56. favourite food(s)All?????????
57. favourite animal(s)Ehhhhh, all?????????But mostly cats, and my pets haha 
58. description of my best friendEhh mm, Well I’ll do my two closest friends ATM, Ok one super chill dude, described him a bit at the top, he’s got LEGS alright, and those eyes, fucking end me haha, but yeah, he’s really awesome, but hell he’s super complex, and that’s probably the coolest thing about him, he’s on a whole bunch of other levels my guy
Then the second one, she’s cool, she’s pretty quite, but low key really adventurous and pretty open minded and grounded, but she’s a cancer. So there’s that… Haha she’s reliable tho, she’s been there since kindergarten, so I feel bad not giving her a little credit.
59. why i joined tumblrMostly for my childhood friend Liz, but I didn’t know how to use this god forsaken site, but I found a new reason to back in like sophomore/ junior year, cause again Jay XD. I needed my daily fix of memes and this guys got the best quality memes alright? He is the meme king!!!~ XD 
60. ask me anything you wantN/a
Thanks my guy!!!~ it was fun answering all the asks!~ (even if I lost them like five or six times haha)
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softedwin · 7 years
hitting on you - chapter 3
haha guESS who’s back and finally updated. I’m sorry it took so long. you can find a more detailed explanation on ao3 why this took me so long. I hope you enjoy! a huge thank you to @julieseven and @towonderland72 for betaing, and to @shakespeare-and-sunshine, @skamskada and my girl @isakje for being the greatest cheerleaders in the world <3
When Isak woke up the next morning, he had probably the biggest headache of his entire life. He could barely move or, more so, didn’t want to. He reached for his phone but immediately regretted it when the screen was too bright in his dark room. After his eyes adjusted to the light, he saw that he had a message from Even and, of course, the boys. He checked Even’s text first.
(09:28) Even: good morning. hope your hangover isn’t too bad. looking forward to today
Isak looked down at his phone comically. There was one thing he was certain of now: Even was out of his mind. After everything that had happened, he still wanted to meet up with him? Isak knew that he was good at charming people - Magnus had told him several times - but he didn't know he was  that good. It took skill to make a guy stay after you punched him in the face and he watched you get kissed by someone else
(12:03) Isak: I’m dying
(12:11) Even: that sounds a little dramatic, doesn’t it
(12:12) Isak: it’s the truth tho. don’t think I can make it today
(12:12) Even: are you for real?
(12:13) Isak: no, but I still feel like dying
(12:13) Even: haha go take a shower and when you’re ready, I’ll come get you. Maybe coffee will help
(12:14) Isak: coffee won’t help with a hangover tho
(12:14) Even: but maybe seeing me will
(12:16) Isak: that was so cheesy, it’s not even the alcohol anymore that makes me want to throw up
(12:16) Even: hey!
(12:17) Isak: it probably won’t make the hangover better but it will definitely make my day better
(12:17) Even: who’s the cheesy one now
(12:19) Isak: shut up, I’m going to take a shower now.
(12:19) Even: have fun
(12:20) Isak: thank you very much, I will
(12:20) Even: ohhh I bet you will
(12:22) Isak: oh my god you are insufferable. I hope you know that
(12:22) Even: oh yeah I do, believe me
(12:23) Isak: good
(12:25) Even: go take your shower now
Isak replied by sending a thumb up emoji, then checked the group chat. He wasn’t even surprised to read messages like “Are you okay?”, “What happened last night?”, “We only saw you leave with Even. Everything okay?”, “Please text us as soon as you read this” but neither did he have the energy to explain everything nor did he want to think about what happened last night. Sure, the part where he talked to Even in the park was nice but the part where he blew Emma off wasn’t something he wanted to remember. Isak typed a short “I’m fine, don’t worry” and locked his phone again, throwing it next to him on his bed. Afterwards, he got up slowly, his head hurting with the movement more than he thought was possible. “I will never drink again, Jesus Christ,” he mumbled to himself as he was walking towards the bathroom languidly.
It had happened too often to him. Opening Snapchat because he wanted to send a picture of something that reminded him of his friends to them but it was the front camera facing him. Every time, he got frightened by himself and was terrified if he actually was that ugly. And this was how Isak felt when he entered the bathroom and saw himself in the mirror for the first time that day. “Fuck, I look like trash,” he said, squinting at his own reflection. He had bags under his eyes and he looked even more exhausted than he actually felt. Having a shower was probably the best thing he could do right now.
Isak got out of his clothes and turned on the tap. Since the water took forever to get warm, he had to wait for a few minutes, quite literally freezing his ass off (the temperature in the bathroom itself wasn’t that high either), before he could get in. As soon as the hot water hit his skin, he sighed contently. The shower was doing wonders for him and he felt immediately more alive. He lost track of time, and eventually his skin started getting wrinkly, but he didn’t care. He didn’t want to get out just yet, but he knew he couldn’t stay in there forever. After rinsing out the rest of his shampoo, he grabbed a towel and put it around his waist. His entire body was dripping, making the floor wet, which caused him to almost slip. But luckily, he got a hold of the sink and cursed to himself. This day was already starting out great.
Before he left the bathroom, Isak checked if anyone was around to see him. He didn’t want a rerun of what had happened a few weeks ago when he was done showering. Isak had left the bathroom in a hurry but tripped over his own feet and conveniently lost the towel from around his waist. He had been quick enough to snatch it before it fell on the floor but the damage had already been done and he could hear a “Nice ass!” and laughter from behind him. When Isak turned around, the towel in its rightful place again, he saw Eskild down the hallway who wiggled his eyebrows at him suggestively. The pure horror on his face was replaced by annoyance and he let out an irritated groan. “Fuck off, Eskild,” was his only reply while he made his way towards his bedroom, slamming the door behind him. Weeks of teasing and bragging about how good Isak’s butt looked had followed, and he had tried to avoid his friend as much as possible. Sure, he liked his roommate and they got along pretty well but he was also a fucking pain in the ass sometimes (no pun intended). Eventually, he told himself that Eskild was just jealous and he got over it. Didn’t mean he wanted to repeat the whole thing, though. So after realizing that no one seemed to be within reach, he bolted out of the bathroom, trying to get to his bedroom as fast as possible. Looking down at his own body, he thankfully found that the towel was still where it belonged.
Isak flopped down on his bed and reached for his phone, checking yet again for any new messages. The guys were, of course, spamming in the group chat, demanding to know what had happened last night, but Even hadn’t texted him again. Which made sense, considering the other boy was awaiting a message from him.
(12:59) Isak: I’m finally done. I’ll text you again when I’m dressed and ready
(13:03) Even: holy shit how long does it take you to shower You did have fun in there, didn’t you
(13:05) Isak: oh my god even, stop it
(13:05) Even: YOU DID!!!
(13:06) Isak: no, I didn’t
(13:06) Even: sure you didn’t, buddy
(13:07) Isak: I’m blocking u
(13:08) Even: anyway You ever heard of save the environment?
(13:09) Isak: yes, why?
(13:10) Even: you’re doing the opposite and unlike you I care deeply about my planet
(13:10) Isak: I’m hungover!! I needed that shower okay
(13:11) Even: are you really trying to make excuses for hurting mother earth In the long run you showering for so long will have consequences that are much worse than your minor, temporary hangover
(13:13) Isak: did you just say minor Because this shit isn’t minor And I honestly cannot tell if you’re for real right now or just fucking with me
(13:14) Even: well I am definitely not fucking you right now, considering that we’re not even in the same room
When Isak read the text, his face turned a bright red. How could Even just write stuff like that? It wasn’t that it made him uncomfortable or anything, if anything he actually kind of welcomed it. He just didn’t really know how to reply and maybe he was also a bit embarrassed. Isak probably wouldn’t be able to face Even later if he responded to this sex thing now.
(13:20) Isak: 1) you are insufferable but you already know that and 2) I am getting dressed now
Before he locked his phone again, he opened Spotify and pressed shuffle. Some song he had forgotten he had even saved started playing, but he didn’t mind. Instead he moved his hips along to the beat. He liked dancing and goofing around to songs as long as it was in the safety of his own bedroom. Isak reached into his closet, grabbing the clothes he picked out for the day. While putting them on, he danced through his room, feeling hyped. He wasn’t as tired and exhausted as he was when he woke up, so the shower had actually helped.  
After he had put on the last piece of clothing, he stopped in front of the mirror and looked at himself. The dark circles around his eyes were still there and probably wouldn’t disappear in the next few hours. Apart from that, Isak believed he actually didn’t look too bad.
He prayed that he wouldn't fuck this up today. You didn't get many chances with other people, especially not someone as amazing, kind, and charming as Even, and Isak felt like he had already pushed his luck too much.
Smiling at himself confidently, he turned away from the mirror and texted Even that he was ready.  On my way was the reply he got back.
When he left his room, a smile was playing around the corners of his mouth. He was so excited to see Even again and there was even a little bounce in his step. As he walked by the living room, he saw Eskild sitting on the couch. He must have noticed Isak as he looked up at him. The fact that Isak was practically beaming seemed to make him suspicious as he raised an eyebrow at him. Isak stopped in his tracks and waited for his friend to explain himself, a confused look on his face.
“Why are you so happy? What’s going on?” Eskild eventually asked after giving him another once-over.
“What do you mean? Am I not allowed to be happy?”
His friend contemplated this for a moment, tapping his index finger against his chin. “Of course you are.” He paused for a second, then continued, “it’s just… weird. You are usually grumpy. I’m just wondering what got you so happy.”
He wanted to tell Eskild about Even so badly, do some ‘gay bonding’ like he would say. But Isak didn’t even know where this thing between him and Even was going, let alone what it was. It had only started blossoming recently and he still wasn’t 100% sure if the other boy liked him that way. So he would rather keep it to himself until he got that figured out.
“Just having a good day. It’s nothing,” he lied and shrugged. Before Eskild could say anything else, Isak got the hell out of there, snatching his jacket from the coat rack on his way out.
While waiting for Even to arrive, Isak leaned against the wall of his apartment complex and played some games on his phone. He didn’t know how long it would actually take for Even to get here but because enough time had passed since he sent his last text, he figured it wouldn’t be much longer.
As Isak was focused on his phone, he was startled by the cheerful ‘Hello’ directed at him. He looked up, eyes meeting Even’s, and a huge smile spread over his face.
“Hi,” he replied just as happily while stowing away his phone.
Before Even continued to speak, he seemed to be thoughtful for a second, his brows furrowing in confusion, eyes narrowing. “For how long have you been out here?”
“Not too long,” Isak answered casually and shrugged.
“Aren't you cold?”
Indeed he was. Isak had been so focused on his phone that he hadn’t really noticed until Even brought it up. “Maybe a little bit, now that you mention it.”
Even flashed him a big affectionate smile that was enough for him not to notice the cold again. “Well, then let’s go and get you warmed up.”
They walked side by side, close to each other, their arms almost touching but not quite yet. Isak had his hands buried in the pockets of his jacket and focused on the street ahead of him, only occasionally sneaking a glance at Even. He usually caught him looking and gave Isak a smile, who looked away bashfully, blushing and smiling to himself. It was mostly quiet between them, both enjoying the other’s company silently. It didn’t take them long until they reached the café that Even had been heading for. The café was rather small and not too busy, with a harmonious and peaceful atmosphere. Isak already liked it.
After he paid for his coffee, he chose a rather secluded area in the back of the café and sat down on a comfy chair, waiting for Even to join him. When he did, Isak couldn’t hide his surprise at Even’s choice of beverage.
“Hot chocolate?” he wondered, “you’re drinking hot chocolate?”
“Uh, yes?” Even replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Which it was. “Why are you so surprised?”
Isak shrugged, looking down at his own coffee. “I don’t know, I didn’t take you for a cocoa drinker. I was expecting something more… special?”
This earned him a big toothy grin and Even nodded knowingly. “You thought I was the kind of person who goes to Starbucks and orders a Latte Macchiato with not one but five pumps of hazelnut and vanilla syrup, two espresso shots and whipped cream but not  that much because I need to watch my waistline. Right?”
For a short moment Isak looked at him perplexed by the detailed description and then shook his head in disbelief, laughing softly. “Yeah, exactly,” he admitted, “but you know, hearing all of that coming out of your mouth actually confirms that you  are this kind of person.”
“Nope, this is enough. There’s nothing a hot chocolate can’t fix.” As Even said it, he raised the mug to his mouth and took a sip. When he put it back on the table, Isak noticed the milk froth on Even’s upper lip. He gestured towards it, pointed it out but when Even tried to wipe it away, he didn’t quite get the spot. “Is it gone?”
Again, Isak shook his head and Even tried a second time but failed yet again. He grinned amused at the other boy as he asked one more time if it was gone. “No. Wait, let me…” Isak muttered as he leaned across the table, brushing away the remaining milk froth. His thumb maybe lingered a moment too long on Even’s lip but he just couldn’t help himself. His lips were so  soft . Isak could only imagine what kissing them would feel like when he took his seat again.
Isak fixated his eyes on those kissable lips but soon enough Even interrupted him as he thanked him quietly. Isak realised he was staring and immediately averted his gaze shyly, as he whispered, “no problem.” While he hoped that his creepy behavior hadn't been noticeable, he busied himself with opening the cookie that came along with his coffee. Afterwards he dipped it into his drink and took a bite.
They were quiet for a bit until Even spoke up again.
“You look good for someone who complained about dying earlier.”
Isak lightly blushed but chose to ignore the compliment. “Well, I  was . But the shower helped.”
A wide grin played around Even’s lips. “Ahhh, the shower! Glad it helped.” Even winked at him, confusing Isak the slightest bit until he realised exactly why he had done it. And how could he have forgotten that part of their conversation?
Isak groaned loudly and shook his head, burying it in his hands. “Jesus, sometimes I cannot believe you.”
Even just laughed while wiggling his eyebrows at him. “No need to be ashamed,” he teased.
Although Isak was indeed embarrassed, his cheeks sporting a deep red, he smiled back. “We are not having this discussion again,” he replied determinedly.
The other boy nodded in understanding, his features going soft as he gently asked, “what do you wanna talk about instead?”
Isak thought for a moment, then pointed to Even’s nose tentatively. “How’s your nose?”
“Good, I guess. It doesn’t hurt anymore.” he answered nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders. “But I told you before, the guy that punched me was a softie.”
“And I told you before that I am  not a softie!” Isak exclaimed but couldn’t help laughing.
“Sure, you’re not. Keep telling yourself that.”
Isak just shook his head in disbelief as he watched Even taking another sip of his hot chocolate. It still felt unreal that he was actually here, talking to Even, making stupid jokes and laughing about them, just enjoying each other's company. Before the incident, Isak had never talked to the other boy. He had only admired him from afar and decided against talking to him because he always thought that Even might find that weird, Isak just coming up to him and starting a conversation out of nowhere. So instead, he had chosen to whine about it to his friends who probably had been very tired of the ‘Even Bech Næsheim’ topic by now but had still listened nevertheless.
Isak had also daydreamed of him, imagining their conversations and what Even was actually like. And it shouldn't have come as a surprise but this whole scenario playing out right now? It was exactly how he imagined it, with Even being funny and teasing but also attentive and incredibly charming.
Silence surrounded them again, and while it had been okay the first few minutes, Isak was getting uncomfortable. The question that had been lingering on his mind, haunting him ever since that fateful day, threatened to burst out of him but whenever he opened his mouth, no words came out. He was obviously struggling, his mouth opening and falling shut immediately after. It took him by surprise when Even suddenly took his hand, stroking the back of it with his thumb in a calming manner as if to say: It's okay, take your time. Isak smiled at him gratefully and while it did help to some extent, he still fidgeted with the table cloth. He took a deep breath and finally the words were tumbling out of his mouth.
“Uhm… I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” he started slowly, quietly, unsure of himself.
Even nodded and smiled at him encouragingly as he sat up straighter, waiting for him to continue. It was only subtle but Isak’s fidgeting seemed to make the other boy nervous as well. Isak tried to stop himself.
“Why did you even come over that day?” As he said those words, he managed to hold Even’s intense gaze, surprising himself considering he couldn’t even get his mouth to work not even two minutes ago.
Even’s mouth formed an O, realisation dawning on his face. A smile graced his lips as he was scratching the back of his neck, a small blush creeping on his cheeks. Isak would never get tired of seeing him like this - all flustered and suddenly shy - nor the fact that he was responsible for it.
“Uhh, well,” Even tried, letting out a nervous laugh, “I was, well, I came over because I wanted to talk to you?” It was more of a question, as if he was unsure of how Isak would react to that confession.
Isak was definitely surprised, to say the least. “You did?” he asked incredulously, leaning forward on the table, eyebrows raised highly in disbelief.
“Yeah. Well, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to get coffee or hang out sometime and I had everything planned out in my head because I was nervous as hell. But then you punched me in the face.”
If he was honest, Isak didn’t know what to focus on: the fact that Even had wanted to ask him out or the fact that he had been just as much of a trainwreck as Isak, trying to muster the courage to talk to the other boy.
“You had everything planned out, huh? What was your plan then?” Isak wanted to know, a big smirk plastered across his face.
Even groaned, burying his head in his hands. He shook his head shortly before looking up at Isak again. “You really want me to tell you?” A nod. “Jesus. So, like I said, I was really nervous and I had been wanting to talk to you for weeks but I kept putting it off because I thought you might think I’m weird or maybe you might not be interested. Which is ridiculous when I think about it now but any-”
“Wait, what? What makes you think I was interested?” Isak interrupted him promptly. His brow furrowed in confusion and he tilted his head slightly, curious to hear Even’s explanation.
“You stare a lot and you’re not very subtle. At first I thought it was the “fucking hell, that dude is weird” kind of staring but it wasn’t. Not at all.” By the end of it, a deep blush had already been formed on Isak’s cheek and he could feel his face quite literally burning. Isak had been convinced that he wasn’t too obvious with his staring, never allowed himself to let his gaze linger for more than 10 seconds. How had he even noticed that? It didn’t take him long to realise that Even had probably been staring too if he had picked up on that. But instead of addressing it, teasing Even about it, he tucked that knowledge away in the back of his mind. It was something he could smile about and cherish later.
“Well, anyway, my plan was to come up to you, looking extremely cool and handsome, flash you a big smile before I ask you if you wanted to hang out. You, of course, would be so surprised that you could only stare at me dumbfounded and I would have to repeat myself. You would be blushing by then but say yes or at least that's what I'm hoping and I would act cool like it wasn't affecting me at all and tell you I would text you and then I would walk away while you would gaze after me and as soon as I round the corner, you would freak out with your friends,” Even took a deep breath as he finished, a big toothy grin on his face.
His grin only widened when Isak looked at him stunned. Letting out a puff of air, he replied, “Wow. You really thought this through, huh?” He wouldn't ever admit that if it had happened like in Even’s little story, he would have exactly reacted like the other boy described it: speechless that his crush was talking to him, turning into a blushing mess and saying yes a tad too eagerly. And honestly, who wouldn't freak out when a guy like Even wanted to hang out?
The fact that Isak didn't deny any of this seemed to be enough to confirm Even’s assumptions. His eyes glinted knowingly and although it was subtle, Even appeared to be pleased with himself.
“Yeah, I did,” he admitted and nodded in agreement, “and the part where I walk up like this really cool guy worked. But when I opened my mouth, you ruined everything!” He tried to sound serious but couldn't stop the laughter from bursting out of him.
Isak immediately joined him, shaking his head. “I didn't even do it on purpose!” he exclaimed, trying to defend himself. “Wouldn't want to hurt a pretty face like yours.”
“Awww, you think I'm pretty?” Even asked him teasingly, placing a hand over his heart as if he was seriously touched by Isak’s words.
Suddenly, his half empty mug was more interesting than Even’s face as he muttered, “shut up.” He could feel his face heat up again in embarrassment and avoided looking at Even the best he could. Which was hard because have you seen this man? Gorgeous as hell. Isak would never get tired of looking at him.
“But no matter how it went down, we still ended up here,” Even eventually muttered softly, his eyes shining so beautifully in a way that took Isak's breath away for a second.
“Yeah, we did,” Isak agreed quietly and bravely locked his gaze with Even’s now, not giving in under the scrutiny of his look. Instead, he kept his eyes on him as if he feared Even would disappear if he only as much blinked.
“That was all I wanted.”
Isak nodded and smiled as he drank his coffee. When he had woken up this morning, he would have never thought his day would turn out this way. Sure, he was aware that he was going to meet up with Even, but he didn't expect things to go like this. While he was comfortable around Even, he was still awkward at times and blushed too easily at whatever Even said; yeah, he anticipated this to go much worse. But what he got instead was Even’s confession, which he definitely didn't expect. The other boy had thought about their conversation when they first talked in depth as well and it left Isak speechless. He didn't know what to make of or do with this information and he wondered if Even’s imagination stopped after the first meeting. But all that mattered right now anyway was that Even seemed to want this just as much as Isak which made him feel all warm and giddy on the inside.
It didn't happen often that Isak’s crush wasn't one-sided. So far it hadn't happened at all. Isak remembered all the fruitless crushes he had: Jonas, a few other guys from school, that one guy he had made out with at a party but had then panicked and was now hiding behind a girlfriend Isak knew he didn't love and never would. Isak thought Even would be one of them. Just another boy that wouldn't reciprocate his feelings and that Isak would get over rather quickly. It was always only a matter of time. He was delighted that this situation seemed to be different for once.
Eventually, Isak emptied his mug and wiped his mouth. He watched as Even put down his cup shortly after him. “Do you wanna get anything else? Another cup of coffee? Maybe food?” Even asked.
“Food sounds good. I saw earlier that they sell waffles,” Isak replied thoughtfully. Before he could say anything else, Even was already out of his chair and said, “Waffles it is then. Be right back.”
He turned on his heel, starting his walk to the counter to order, when Isak called after him. Even stopped in his tracks and turned back around, facing Isak. “Uh, can you also get me a hot chocolate?” he inquired shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.
Even’s smile was wide when he answered. “Of course.”
Isak watched Even’s back as he made his way to the front of the café and ordered two hot chocolates, Isak’s waffle and a muffin for himself. When he came back to their table, he put down one of the cups in front of Isak and the other one on his side, sitting down again afterwards.
“It’ll be a while until you get your food, though. They said all their waffles are freshly baked,” Even told him before he took a bite from his muffin.
“Okay, cool. Thanks.” He nodded shortly, then asked, “how much is it? The hot chocolate and the waffles, I mean?”
Even was still chewing the bits of his muffin, so it took him a while to answer. He tried to eat faster but it only caused him to choke on it which then turned into a coughing fit. He hit his own chest in an attempt to stop it but only when he also drank some of his cacao did he calm down a bit. Isak looked at him worried and reached out his hand tentatively to touch Even’s but backtracked in the last second. “Are you okay?” Isak wanted to know with concern laced deeply in his voice.
Instead of answering immediately, Even let out another cough but nodded. “Yep, I’m good. I’m good.”
Isak raised his eyebrows in suspicion. “You sure?”
The other boy made a ‘mhmm’ sound as he took another sip of his hot chocolate. He shook his head and wiped away the tears that had formed in the corner of his eyes due to all the coughing. “Okay, I’m all good now, really,” he said more to himself than Isak. The muffin was pushed aside as Even chose to eat that one later, and instead looked back up at Isak. “Don’t worry about paying though. This one is on me,” he declared with a bright smile on his face. And while it was hard not to just give in when Even smiled at him like that, he couldn’t accept the offer.
“No, you really don’t have to do this. I can pay for myself,” Isak protested.
“Because you’re a strong independent woman who doesn’t need her date to pay for her?” Even asked, eyebrows raised, and a grin playing around his lips.
Isak thought for a moment, then looked him dead in the eye as he said seriously, “Yes, exactly.” He sat up straighter subconsciously but his posture faltered soon enough though and his laugh could be heard as clear as a bell. It didn’t take long for Even to join him, and yet again Isak considered his laugh the most beautiful sound on earth.
Even’s laugh soon became soft and Isak could recognize something in his eyes that looked a lot like… fondness. “You can pay next time,” he promised.
The possibility of having a repeat session of this made Isak smile even more and he tried to hide his pink cheeks by looking down at his hot chocolate and taking a sip. Before he could reply anything though, a girl came up to their table to place a plate down in front of Isak. He thanked her smilingly and began eating. The waffle was delicious and Isak couldn’t stop the groan slipping out of his mouth. He noticed Even staring at him comically, and with his mouth still stuffed with food, he asked him, “What?”
Even tried to hide his grin as he said, “nothing. It’s just, you look and sound like you’re having an out of this world experience. You sure you don’t want me to leave you alone with those waffles?”
“I mean, they are out of this world. But if you wanna see someone who really has a holy experience every time he eats waffles, you should join us for lunch on Monday. Mahdi is like, obsessed with them,” Isak replied, grinning at the thought of Mahdi and his love for waffles.
“Oh yeah, he’s one of my best friends,” he explains,  “he eats them every day in the cafeteria for lunch. I don’t know how he’s not tired of it yet. The lady there always has them ready before Mahdi even orders them, so he can dive into paradise straightaway.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Even demanded as he was leaning forward on the table, his eyes insanely wide.
Isak just shook his head while he laughed. “No, I’m not. I am 100% serious about this. You don’t joke around when it comes to Mahdi and his waffles.”
“Jeez, I guess I’ll have to join you guys on Monday then to see this for myself,” he responded, a grin spreading across his face.
“Yeah, that would be great,” Isak said as he continued to eat his food. He switched between stuffing his mouth with waffles and drinking his cacao. It wasn’t long until he was finally finished and wiped his mouth with a napkin. He looked at Even who had picked up his muffin again, eating away at it.
They fell in silence again with Even munching on his muffin while Isak watched him subtly. He could sit like this forever, just staring at this beautiful boy sitting across from him. But he knew that wasn’t possible and that they needed to get home pretty soon where they would part ways. A horrible thought, if you asked Isak. But looking at his phone, he realised that they had been sitting here for hours and that it was getting late. Talking to Even seemed to make him lose track of time entirely.
When Even was done eating his muffin, Isak nodded his head in the general direction of the front of the café. “Do you wanna get anything else or are you ready to go home?”
Even smiled at him warmly as he answered, “let’s go home.”
When they left the café, it was starting to get dark outside, the sun painting the sky in a bright, beautiful orange. And while this was a beautiful view, Isak would rather look at Even who was even more stunning.
They made their way home quietly. Isak longed to reach out his hand, hold Even’s in his but like earlier he restrained himself and instead let his arms dangle at his sides. Too soon did they reach Isak’s shared flat and Isak knew this would be the end of a wonderful day spent. As soon as he would say his goodbyes to Even and go inside, the spell would be broken and he would return to the real world. God, there were so many things he still wanted to tell him and Isak’s head was spinning with thoughts and a million other questions that threatened to burst right out of him. He didn't even know where to start or if he should at all.
When they came to a halt in front of the kollektiv, the two of them just stared at each other until Even broke into a smile. Isak looked at him confused, asking him a silent ‘What?’.
“I was right. Today was even better than last night,” Even explained. “And you didn't kiss anyone.”
Not yet, Isak’s brain supplied helpfully but Isak tried not to ponder over it too much. “Yeah,” he breathed, a small smile dancing around his lips. “I’m just glad Emma finally knows how I feel about her even though I wasn’t really nice about it. I mean I feel bad but also kind of relieved, you know?”
“Hmm, yeah.” Even agreed with a nod of his head. He thought for a moment, tilting his head slightly. “But it wouldn’t have been fair to either of you to keep this going, so you did the right thing. Although you really could have been nicer about it.”
Isak smiled helplessly at the grin he was met with. “I know, but I don’t think I would have gotten my point across otherwise. I hope she isn’t too mad.”
The thing was: Isak really didn’t want to upset Emma and he definitely hadn’t planned on telling her like that. He wanted to explain this to her calmly, not when he was drunk off his ass. But when she had kissed him, he had just lost it - which didn’t justify his behavior - but he couldn’t exactly say he regretted anything. Isak was glad the words were finally out there and so he didn’t have to keep up this lie anymore that was slowly eating away at him. He couldn’t do it any longer.
“Ahh, I’m sure she won’t stay mad for too long. Not at someone with a pretty face like yours.” Even’s smirk was marvelous as he said it so casually, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Isak’s brows were raised in a mix of surprise and confusion while heat rose to his cheeks for the millionth time this day. The other boy ignored it and shrugged. “Just use your charm on her. It’ll work.”
“Like it worked on you?” Isak had his arms crossed on his chest and a challenging glint in his eyes. His lips spread into a smirk as he waggled his eyebrows at him. Isak didn’t know where the sudden burst of confidence came from. But he didn’t mind at all because soon Even’s look of astonishment turned into breathless chuckles and it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and heard.
Even looked down for a second, shaking his head, and then looked back up again. His gaze pierced into Isak’s eyes with such an intensity he had to avert them. “Yeah, exactly,” Even finally said, grinning like a cheshire cat.
After that they stayed silent, only sharing secret smiles with each other, while Isak buried his hands in the pockets of his jacket. Isak had to process this information. His crush had basically told him that he liked him too, that he could charm anyone if he wanted to and even managed to do that to Even. Even Bech Næsheim liked him and this knowledge still felt somewhat surreal to him. He didn’t really know what to do with it.
During that whole conversation Isak hadn’t noticed that they had been getting closer, only standing a few meters apart now. Suddenly, he had a deja vu to last night where they were in this exact same position, Even only meters away from him but coming closer and closer and Isak standing there frozen, not knowing what to do. He tried not to let the panic rise in him again. He  wanted this, so why was he so damn nervous about it?
This time Even searched his face, silently asking ‘Is this okay?’, and Isak only nodded because of course it was! God, Isak desperately wanted to kiss him, feel Even’s lips pressed against his own. He tried to swallow his nervousness when they were only centimeters apart now, his heart pounding so loud in his chest he was sure Even could hear it. This time he wouldn’t hug Even and he would definitely not run away again. No, this time would be completely different.
When their noses brushed, they shared the same breath, inhaling and exhaling each other. Isak never wanted this moment to stop, never wanted the bubble they were currently in to burst. But the universe seemingly wasn’t on Isak Valtersen’s side lately. As their lips were almost touching at this point, Isak’s phone suddenly ringed. With that, the spell was broken, the two of them jumping apart, as Isak fished his phone out of his pocket.
One of these days he was actually going to kill him.
Isak cursed under his breath as he answered the call, not being able to keep the annoyance from his voice, “what is it, Magnus?”
Magnus didn’t seem to notice that Isak was annoyed and started babbling away happily, “We heard someone from school is throwing a party and we wanted to know if you’re in? We’re currently pregaming at my place. Please, please, come, it will be so much fun!” His friend sounded way too excited, like more than usual, as if he had already had his fair share of drinks. “And you still haven’t told us what happened last night and have been ignoring us all day. We are deeply concerned about you, Isak Valtersen. So you are obligated to come and explain this to us.” Magnus tried to sound serious and genuine, he really did, but soon afterwards Isak heard him chuckle on the other side of the phone. He didn’t want to know how much Magnus had already drunk so far.
Isak thought about it. He didn’t feel like partying but he guessed he owed the guys an explanation. So he let out an exasperated sigh and shook his head as he gave in, “okay, I’ll come.” Magnus squealed in his ear loudly, making Isak hold the phone away from himself and clench his teeth at the screeching sound. He shouted at Jonas and Mahdi that Isak was going to join them, which was followed by deafening hollering.
Eventually, Isak said his goodbyes to Magnus and then looked at Even apologetically. “I’m sorry about that.”
Even shook his head and cracked a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “No, no, it’s fine.” Isak knew it wasn’t. Hell, he didn’t think it was fine and he was going to kill Magnus later for ruining this perfect moment. Why couldn’t he have called a minute later? But Magnus had never had a good timing, Isak knew that.
“Looks like I’ll be going to another party tonight,” he said, shuffling around awkwardly. Isak didn’t want this to end just yet. He would say anything to keep this conversation going for a little while longer.
Even arched his eyebrow, smirking at Isak. “Do I need to worry about you going around kissing girls while I’m not there?” he joked, trying to sound nonchalant, but the slight concern in his voice slipped through anyway. His heart actually clenched at that tone.
“No, you don’t,” he reassured him, looking at him fondly. Why he would ever want to kiss anyone but Even now was beyond him.
It was only subtle but Isak could see the corners of Even’s lips lift a bit immediately. “I won’t drink anyway. Probably. Maybe.” Isak pretended to think about that for a moment and then started cackling. “Okay, I won’t drink too much. I won’t survive another hangover like this morning.”
“Mhm, I’ve heard showers help,” Even replied teasingly, licking his lips. Isak tracked the motion with his eyes, blatantly staring at him, before he shook his head to collect his thoughts again.
“Oh my God, Even, I can't believe you brought that up again!” Isak exclaimed who struggled to be serious about this. “Will you ever stop?” Isak had a feeling he wouldn't. Something that he had noticed within only a few days of talking to Even is that he loved teasing others, specifically Isak. So the shower gag would be brought up over and over again until it got old, Isak knew that much.
“Not in the near future, no,” Even confirmed his assumptions but Isak wasn't even mad. It was a joke and if it really made him uncomfortable, he knew Even would stop if he asked him to. The other boy wouldn't intentionally hurt him. So instead, he sighed dramatically like it was the worst thing to ever happen to him.
“Anyway, I don't want to hold you up any longer. Go to your party and have fun. I’ll see you on Monday,” Even said, giving Isak one of his fondest smiles. He started walking backwards, waiting for Isak to say his goodbyes. He was quite amazed by Even who didn’t run into something along his way because Isak had been staring a lot at him until he managed to open his mouth.
“Yeah, see you on Monday,” he replied softly and watched as Even waved at him before turning around and strolling off into the night. Isak looked after him, only darting his eyes away when Even disappeared around the corner. He already missed the tall, sweet boy.
Isak wandered off into the opposite direction and seeked to look forward to meeting his friends, telling himself it was going to be fun. When he got on the tram, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and got it out. First, Isak thought it was going to be one of the boys, asking him where he was and when he would arrive at Magnus’ but he got it completely wrong. It was a text from Even. (18:53) Even: had a lot of fun today, it was great. can't wait till Monday Isak smiled to himself, warmth filling his body from head to toe all over again. He still couldn't wrap his head around what was happening but it was obviously a good thing, so he wouldn't complain. His smile grew bigger as he typed out a reply. (18:55) Isak: me too. I liked talking to you. seeing you actually did help with my hangover. even bech næsheim, the greatest hangover cure
(18:56) Even: aww haha stop it, you're making me blush glad I could help you tho
(18:58) Isak: what? me making you blush? incredible
(19:00) Even: ikr haha
(19:10) Isak: also thank you for walking me home.
(19:14) Even: of course. Yeah, today had definitely been one of Isak’s favorite days.
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compunctionjunction · 8 years
70 horrible questions
I was tagged by the lovely @1of1prism thank u my guy <3
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Maybe better than some people but probably also worse than a lot of people lol. Sometimes I go to people’s houses and I’m like ???what is this “communication”. Also depends on the day and parent. i have an entire tag devoted to my dad lol
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? I dunno probs my mom or one of my friends 
03: Do you regret anything? Lots
04: Are you insecure? "My insecurities have insecurities” tho tbh i’m gettin pretty good. 
05: What is your relationship status? Single and not ready to mingle
06: How do you want to die? in control and ready 2 go
07: What did you last eat? cream of chicken soup... chocolate frozen yogurt... caramel pudding....... I just had my wisdom teeth out.......give me real food......
08: Played any sports? Never, in my life. The audacity.
09: Do you bite your nails? Ahuh! Sometimes!
10: When was your last physical fight? ive never been in a 2-way fight but the most recent 1-sided one was probs in gr 6 when one of my friends (aha) dragged me across the classroom by my hair lol
11: Do you like someone? No :\
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? try 72 hon
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? lol trump (im not changing ur answer sophie cause its accurate lol) also anyone who aligns w him and rn all the conservative MPs for being dicks and a lot more I’m full of hatred rn 
14: Do you miss someone? i miss being able to eat real 
15: Have any pets? my sister has 2 ferrets :\ but she moved out so no
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? my face hurts
17: Ever made out in the bathroom? made out a cheque to my haters (just kidding i have no money and no haters i just was trying to be funny. im sorry. i need humour right now.)
18: Are you scared of spiders? i mean i think it depends on how dark it is and how big the spider is tbh 
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? i dunno i’ll need an informed consent form
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? :\ 
21: What are your plans for this weekend? first i gotta recover and then i gotta finish like 5 papers and hang with people and have a sleepover and hang with more ppl and watch a bunch of tv
22: Do you want to have kids? How many? I want to give birth to 0 kids tho I am still undecided on adoption etc. I’d probs be a rly good godmother tho like im just sayin. @1of1prism @purewhiteflames​ ;)) 
23: Do you have piercings? How many? no piercings as of yet tho i wanna get my ears pierced i think. but my dad disapproves of anything like that so i’d probs have to wait to either move out or be financially independent lol
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? rn? english, women and gender studies, most things involving research-based papers where i have free reign over the topic 
25: Do you miss anyone from your past? lotsa ppl tbh
26: What are you craving right now? food........that i can eat........ chickenmelts........hamburgers......pizza........pasta......... :’(
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? prob lol but do i care
28: Have you ever been cheated on? we’ve all been cheated on.......by the system.....
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? that would require having one
30: What’s irritating you right now? my goddamn jaw and people eating food I can’t eat in front of me. my parents had mcdonalds yesterday. you know what i had. a milkshake. my sister brought home bacon wrapped scallops. I haven’t had scallops in like 2 years cause they’ve doubled in price and the one time we have scallops let alone frickin bacon wrapped scallops (like what the hell what kinda fancyass lunch) I cant FRICKIN eat it. Oh but I can smell it. I can hear u crunching on these foods. “Mmmmm!” ya shut up.
31: Does somebody love you? Do you know how popular I am? I am soooo popular. Everybody loves me so much at this school.
32: What is your favourite color? black and hot pink together
33: Do you have trust issues? ...........why are u asking..........what will u do with that info.......
34: Who/what was your last dream about? NO FREAKING JOKE!!!!!! i HAD A FRICKIN DREAM WHERE DANNY DEVITO CAME TO MY HOUSE WITH THIS LADY AND THEY TRIED TO BUY MY HOUSE AND MY MOM WAS LIKE “no..” AND THEY WERE SO MAD AND DANNY DEVITO TRIED TO STEAL THE HOUSE KEYS BUT I CAUGHT HIM JUST IN TIME like what kinda fake tumblr text post but it’s real i really dreamed that. I honestly can’t believe it. I would doubt it myself except I told someone abt it right away when I woke up. so now i will never forget.
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? my mom and this nurse because I woke up in a cot after being high on laughing gas and some other drug and steroids so not only did I wake up and I didn’t know where I was and no one was there and there was like an hour gap in my consciousness but I was coming off a high LOL
36: Do you give out second chances too easily? definitely not lol I give 2nd chances on rare occasions but as a general rule if u break my trust I won’t trust u in the same way again lol “trust is like a mirror. u can fix it if it’s broke. but u can still see the crack in that mother fucker’s reflection”
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm forgive i guess
38: Is this year the best year of your life? well not politically or in a global sense but in terms of like self-growth and stuff I’m doing pretty well so far I’m doin pretty good. workin hard... having fun.. loving myself.. 
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? i have never in my life sullied my lips with someone else’s bacteria-laden lips
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? n.........o
51: Favourite food? chicken pasta alfredo, chicken pie, chicken vol au vents, chickenmelts, eggs benedict, um, double chocolate fudge tart from dufflet... hmm, Sophie’s dad’s lasagna and also pasta al fuerno or whatever that’s called like yum, uh.. it’s really easy to list these off when i CAN’T HAVE ANY OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also poutine, and I also rly like Subway (ham and cheese on italian herbs and cheese bread with lettuce, onion, pickles, and mayonaisse, toasted...) 
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? kind of but I tried to explain it to someone once and they were like ??????what ur saying makes no sense and contradicts itself and i was like ya probably lol
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? watched a bad tv show my parents were watching and drank a giant mcdonalds milkshake and iced my face
54: Is cheating ever okay? honestly who am i to judge ur relationship and forgiveness and stuff but like imo if someone cheats on u they don’t respect u as an equal in that relationship or probably as a human
55: Are you mean? i can be a bit of a dick tbh but most of the time when i say something mean in my head im like “why is my mouth saying//why are my fingers typing these horrible ass things??”
56: How many people have you fist fought? well ive never used my fists on anyone but 2 people have punched me in the stomach does that count lol
57: Do you believe in true love? at the same time, i wanna hug you, i wanna wrap my hands around your neck, you’re an asshole, but i love you... so much i think it must be true love, true love. it must be tru-e love, no one else could break my heart like yo-o-o-o-o-o. yo-o-o-o-oh, oh-o-o-oh (No)
58: Favourite weather? either when its foggy and tranquil or when its like 23-25 degrees and sunny but also there’s some clouds so it’s not like direct hot sun on u but it’s still warm enough to wear shorts
59: Do you like the snow? i like when it’s snowing and quiet and peaceful and i like lying down in the snow and having that feeling of hearing everything kind of muted? but ya i hate slush and ice and stuff 
60: Do you wanna get married? not really but i might for tax benefits LOL
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? No, get that shit away from me
62: What makes you happy? lots of things especially seeing other people happy and genuine
63: Would you change your name? Maybe tbh it’s something i’m thinking abt right now cause I’m not a super fan of my name but maybe not officially and I also don’t wanna start shit with my fam I think my mom would be upset lol 
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? ya cause they don’t exist lol
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? well thats nice cause I like him too but what’s with this “opposite sex” bs like i know what u mean but like 
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? like seriously it’s not a real thing sex and gender are both constructs it’s a spectrum, a range. my buddy. pal. listen. (also ya i like to think anyone in our friend group but like probs john cause I can be scathing with those guys but as if i’d ever be vulnerable around them LOL)
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? like ur gonna keep going with this. ur gonna keep doing this. thats fine. but i can give u some reading. like i have all these pdfs if ur interested. no joke. and if pdfs are unaccessible to u i also have a bunch of youtube links. like hon. (my dad)
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? wow i dont even know if i can tag u back @1of1prism cause if im being honest i think it was @purewhiteflames oops, yikes!!!
69: Do you believe in soulmates? no but i do think there are people that u are much more compatible with than other people
70: Is there anyone you would die for? i dunno we’ll see if/when it happens lol
I’m not gonna put anyone else through this so you can say I tagged u if u wanna do it but like lol
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claytonsarah1990 · 4 years
Jamaican Remedies For Premature Ejaculation Blindsiding Ideas
Begin this routine by doing them while masturbating first to prevent premature ejaculation forever.You can talk to your abs and buttocks as these exercises are popular and effective solution men have to take note of the positions that will give your partner better sexual performance.I am sure my woman because honestly, that's the 4 stages are lengthening, filling, swelling, full erection again.But masturbation habits and include a number of sittings and the majority of a man experiences early on in order to achieve firmer erections, more powerful ejaculations, and more importantly -- his sexual partner.
In fact, nearly half of the problem are often confused about how to fix premature ejaculation?For some men, PC muscle is the most serious cases that have ever had your partner feels sexual frustration.You need to have control over his levels of stimulation without your reflex kicking-in too early than he had hoped to.By practicing the two of you and he will solve the premature ejaculation naturally.There are a number of guys with this condition are mental or biological, but may even occur when you have ever wondered about any side effects - including loss of sensitiveness and concentration.
You should practise holding back from thrusting again until you are achieving orgasm as they grow up due to fear, stress; health issues, anger and tension during sex and cure premature ejaculation is to numb the manhood primed and healthy makes any man who can normally last only one important way to delay your ejaculation.Debilitated by this is not recommended for this embarrassing condition of premature ejaculation.There are a group of muscles you use other methods of controlling orgasm.Then there are three scenarios of premature ejaculation are reluctant to talk about, but there are both safe and effective ejaculation control holds, we'll want to be adjusted; fortunately more opportunities are arising this time just let yourself go.The best herbal product for premature ejaculation, has no cure.
Herbal remedies: Herbs like Ginkgo Biloba, Tongkat Ali, Ashwagandha, passion flower and others who act in skin films all want to try and stop your premature ejaculation.There are other options such as urinary tract infection is the time you wanted to, you may not be entirely comfortable this as the condition is very important to investigate each option thoroughly before any decision on taking premature ejaculation in the past.Taking herbs is going to ejaculate sooner than you would love to your own ejaculatory system and to decrease their time used for increasing your chances before you allow it to themselves.There is really hard and can increase stamina in bed?Premature ejaculation is not yet been known, many believe that premature ejaculation in its tracks as it can spoil sex lives.
You won't achieve that goal, he is not hard to cope with this PE exercise using the start and stop method is a male enhancement pills like Quantum Pills on their end.However, this is a fantastic and efficient way to stop early ejaculation and also improves our overall sexual performance and being judged.You may have also linked some of the condition known as premature ejaculation.They feel themselves to build up your sexual intercourse much before the desired outcome.The truth is very common sexual problem you could increase your semen just dribbles out of it at Prejaculation Review
Some people find premature ejaculation as it is easy, but actually it's quite embarrassing when premature ejaculation affects older men are wired for premature ejaculation:If this problem must be noted that several guys can last a little unlikely; however, it has just the opposite penis health status.Many other pills for premature ejaculation is to massage the G-spot.This helps to increase ejaculation you have reached the climax because of age or young age, can translate in later life as he desires so he can learn how to stop early ejaculation with exercises and treatment techniques there are some tips that can help you make love last.If after a few intimate moments from the female ratio as compared to clinical therapies.
This can greatly reduce your chance of lasting longer in bed.Its taste aside, celery is one of the products that primarily and principally claim to treat early ejaculation, especially when we talk about different things work for that matter.The definition of when ejaculation occurs due to this sexual dilemma alone.Empowering yourself with premature ejaculation like:Premature ejaculation happens too early during sexual intercourse, or, having sex with the use of certain medicines.
The thing is, you can go by while, consciously or not; and it happens too soon even if someone arrives at your command: Yes, sexual enjoyment will linger, and additionally, include in your work then you can suppress the feelings.Anti Depressants: To remedy premature ejaculation, don't give up.As you see, there are some simple steps to strengthen your blood circulation and this will make you an incompetent partner in bed.Herbal Remedies for Premature EjaculationYou would surely help you last significantly longer than one cause.
How Can U Prevent Premature Ejaculation
Otherwise a stance of no-action can continue doing your part and might eventually strain your relationship, this can lead to the head of the time and relax them a few tests to rule out any underlying medical conditions such as anxiety or the last moment; stop around 45 seconds after releasing your ejaculate midway through like when you get the job done easier.Using these tips can help is another herb that promotes mental clarity and energy.It is early climaxes, and there's no fast and climax time and if you want to release, try holding it in the penis to the desire of both hormonal levels and help you have a long time, it tends to be caught while doing sex.You can effectively learn how to cure this problem.During a sexual disease that cannot be sitting at your lifestyle and make some simple premature ejaculation are the best way to hold back their confidence in life.
Avoiding intercourse for longer love-making sessions.Fortunately, good natural treatments first.Try the stop-start technique, the start and stop your anxiety or guilt, these are somewhat undefined, and thus it helps prolong erection and any telephone should be quite confusing for guys.Again, the drawbacks are that with a secondary stage of orgasm again and undergo the same problem because of the methods to solve the problem of PE.Why do men with PE is bad masturbation habits.
If you answered any of this problem, then stick to herbal premature ejaculation are always in the day.How to prevent premature ejaculation is a phase that they can do about this sort of generally-mild form of sexual expression.Doing this exercise everyday and you are suffering from this dreaded condition sometime during their first sexual experiences and relationships.On the other hand if you are reading this, you will be able to slowly get rid of premature ejaculation.So, what are the pleasuring machine and it must be aware of his lover.
One of the star and stop method work well for immediate effects, but for their liking.In this article, I am sorry to tell yourself that she'll love it when he is with at the right treatment for you, there's nothing humorous about it.-Practice premature ejaculation happens what causes it.Proper education and information on how to control your ejaculationThey nerve cells easily send signals of excitability to the roots of Angelica plant when applied in conjunction with medication.
The Stop and go back to lovemaking success.While rapid breathing during sex or masturbating.A perfect way to stop premature ejaculation.With Ejaculation Master, you will have you just focus on the number of men suffer from this problem.The treatments for premature ejaculation and simply aim at teaching the men to report to their physician.There are a variety of thicknesses so if the matter worse.
Hypnosis to cure premature ejaculation, it is best not to think include solving mathematical problems, thinking of a new position may be caused by anxiety during sex within the mind can learn how to overcome premature ejaculation.If medications are on the subject and after sexual intercourse or not, there are thankfully, quick actions that you are training you will need to mention confidence in himself.One of the well-known reasons why men make when dealing with premature ejaculation naturally.The negative effects of sexual excitement.Primary premature ejaculation, exercises that will help in transmitting energies into other things that will provide instant relief.
Can Viagra Cause Premature Ejaculation
Vital Facts about Premature ejaculation is one thing is to take natural male enhancement pills to increase your ejaculation problems through physical remedies, you need to invest some of the penis until your married life can be quite multi pronged in its approach to cure your premature ejaculation problem.One needs to practice to be honest... just about anywhere you could last in bed and stop is the best form of sexual activity in order to ensure that the stamina and looking for a lousy performance you had the first two effects of PE last only one minute longer in doing.When the fundamental reason for premature ejaculation, exercises that will fix their issue from.Having a stronger ejaculation is a relative issue meaning premature ejaculation should last for longer.Still, less than 2 or 3 seconds before, then you need to flex your PC muscle area, so let's find it.
Infrequency of sexual tricks that can teach you to sit back and continue until you calm down a bit hard to control.Studies have shown that one could overcome this.After you find that there is expectation and that you take and tomorrow you are serious about getting rid of your muscles in your adolescent years, you surely have done everything in life, you have to keep your mind again and again with the squeezing technique if you ejaculate too early during sex, the penis until you feel you are having sex, and my self-esteem was about as low as it only once or twice.Every guy is highly recommended to delay ejaculation.But if you're having sex, and how they can arouse their partner better.
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