#especially my upcoming dentist appointment monday
aastarions · 2 years
this weekend i’m gonna start working on chapter 5 of stay gold me thinks
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writetoremainsilent · 5 years
8/24/19 out and about
I had decided to go with Wally to his dentist appointment today. Why? 
Because I’m going to be shadowing his dentist this upcoming Tuesday. 
So I woke up bright and early and went to the gym, and wasted so much time there that I would’ve been running late to go to the dentist. So I hastened home. 
Wally got me, with my book in hand, and we scurried over to his appointment, for which I think he might’ve been late.
The sweet irony of it all is that the dentist I’m to shadow wasn’t even working today. So I just sat in the lobby and started reading The Road. 
Pretty shortly in, I bragged to Hana that I’m really good at spotting typos, because I thought I’d noticed one where the author wrote ‘cant’ instead of ‘can’t.’ I smugly kept reading, but realized that it was a stylistic choice that he was doing with many contractions, and not a mere typo. My pride smarted, but I didn’t clarify my mistake to Hana. I guess I am with this post, so hi. I’m not good at spotting typos. I’m just judgmental. 
After Wally’s appointment, we went over to a fast food place for his lunch, and then went to the mall. As I routed him the directions, I realized I screwed up.
I was supposed to go to my college town with Allen on Monday to clean stuff up.
I start class on Monday. 
I frantically messaged Allen and tried to come up with a solution, but he was super chill about it and said he’d go up alone. I really feel terrible about it, but it’s probably the best way, seeing as we’ve booked a move-out inspection and everything on tomor
 He needed to buy a dress shirt for his job. I was feeling kind of lethargic at this point, and mall settings always tire me out, so I was several steps behind him at all times.
I got some coffee at a coffee stand, though. 
On the topic of coffee, is there any greater invention? Back in college, and even now, I still try to hinge my purchases based on the greatest caloric value I could get from it. Calories per dollar. I’d want more for what I’m paying, right?
But with coffee, with coffee, I pay nearly 3 dollars for the illusion of being full. Coffee fills me right up. So I can have the happy feeling of being full while also the happy feeling of not stuffing myself. This might read more disorderly than I intended, but it’s definitely not. 
Ok, digression over. 
And, funnily enough, I wasn’t full off of my coffee. I asked Wally on the way back from the mall to stop at Taco Bell so I could grab a quick lunch. 
We went over to his house, because I wanted to show him The Boys. He’s mentioned this before, but me writing The Boys in these posts is just pretty funny. It sounds like a weird euphemism. But nope, it’s just a show. 
We watched the pilot, which he liked. He also wanted to watch Lost with me, so we watched the first episode of that, too. I love the premise, but I can’t lie, I get super easily spooked with shows like these. 
He dropped me off at home, and I hung out for a brief spell with my family. I say brief because I was immediately on my feet again to hang out with Hana and Doug and grab dinner with them. 
Hana wasn’t responding (my hypothesis was she had fallen asleep), so I just met up with Doug and waited with him while he ordered a burger. Hana messaged us as we were waiting for his order to come out, and I was right! she had taken a nap. 
I admit it wasn’t a crazily discerning theory, but I’m glad to know I’m right in viewing Hana as a person who wouldn’t just ghost her friends if not for something as cosmically compelling as a nap. 
We went to pick her up, and she and I got some sandwiches.
As we ate, we had a kind of interesting discussion about music taste. Doug’s theory (or at least, from what I could tell) is that music taste is kind of B.S. and that anyone can really like anything if not for their own inhibitions or biases, save for the cases where there simply is a lack of quality in a song. Hana said (again, not to put words in mouths) that there actually are some people and some genres that cannot mesh without any sort of preconceived notion going in. 
And I dunno. I’m more with Doug here, because I have encountered songs that I thought I disliked, only to hear them in a different, detached setting and have my first thought be: Oh! I love this song. Music seems to be a familiarity thing for me.
What struck me about this conversation is that I think it can apply to nearly anything. It scared me. 
ANYWAY, we went over to visit Wally at his workplace after eating our dinner. With nothing to do, Doug, Hana, and I went over to Doug’s place. He suggested we play Doki Doki Literature Club, and I am a freakin’ sucker for that game. Especially when Doug said that he knows very little about the game. 
We even got to do voices for the characters. Granted, I think playing DDLC multiplayer and not voicing the characters would be incredibly dull, but I was still surprised that Doug was down for voicing characters and seemed invested. It was super heartwarming. I love that game. 
We went home after the first major part of it. I chilled at home for a bit, but I had intended to watch some more of The Boys and Lost with Wally. So that happened too.
Basically, I was barely home today. It was a great day, but I can’t help from feeling that pull to go home and maximize time with my family at all moments of my time away from home. 
There’s something about my life right now that feels like it’s on a timed detonator. I can’t pin what’s making it tick, though. 
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