#so not only am i spending another 400-500 dollars on THAT
aastarions · 2 years
this weekend i’m gonna start working on chapter 5 of stay gold me thinks
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kidmachinate · 3 years
Stimulate Yourself First!
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Now that I have your attention, let’s bring something a little different to this space. Finances. We’re gonna get financially naked here so if finances intimate you, here’s your warning. That said, this is not meant to flex by any means. We all know people who make more or less than us and this barrier needs to come down. Should that be why we don’t talk about this stuff enough? I don’t think so. Let’s generate some value here, shall we?
Before I start this, understand that timing was on my side with this one. I happened to line up a new job, a delayed stimulus check being sent out to me, and my last collection of money for unemployment around the same time. Due to this, there was a lot coming in at once. That is part of what we struggle with however. We’ve got all this money...LET’S SPEND IT! You could. I can’t make your life choices for you...but hear me out and take a look here. No doubt what they want you to do is that whatever isn’t being spent on bills, gets thrown back towards Amazon, or Walmart, or whoever else wants your money. No doubt by now, you’ve figured out where my $1400 stimulus check went. NOT to them. Straight to savings. That’s debatably a bad place too but better than back into the system.that isn’t helping the common man or woman. See 2020.
$1400 just put away without a second thought. I was excited given my current job pays $18/hr to have just over the same amount coming in at the same time...but I didn’t take into account the taxman and paying into social security/medicaid, which is about 15% of that so...whoops. Can’t plan for it all, eh? So less than $1400 to work with. No big deal. From here, we’re paying bills for the month. None of this is for rent. We’re talking lights, internet, etc. We have a little over $1200 to do this with. Roughly $500 is going into past expenses put on credit cards and bills already previously paid with said cards. Credit Cards aren’t as scary as some want you to think but that’s perhaps for another time. This is where we start diving into wants. We’re going big though. My couch due to pets and negligence to an absurd degree has put it in not the best of shape. The couch which will now also be a recliner is $600. Then, gotta get a delivery person. With said $600, I should be getting help with $200 of that from one of two people that were ultimately responsible for the couch in its current state. This means only $400 + delivery which will be around $125 or so. I think we will stop here for the sake of this post.
In this example, let’s do some basic math. Really. Basic. Because I’m terrible at it.
$1400 Stimulus + $500 Bills = $1900 of money we don’t even touch. We paid ourselves first and were responsible in paying bills. Next paycheck, another $1000 will go towards rent. Yay responsibility!
$525 on wants = This is what was decided on for splurging. Long overdue and a good chance to afford it instead of putting it on credit.
Amounts not spoken for, they stay in checking for whatever comes up. Gotta have funds on hand. To this, we are adding roughly another $500 from our last payment through unemployment before going back to work and making a part of this aforementioned money. There’s still a lot to plan for and a bunch of it will not doubt be spent. On what however and for what purpose? We all have to make choices like this.Those choices can become real difficult depending on budget. Some random guy on Tumblr maybe isn’t your first consideration for financial advice and by all means, I am not claiming I am one. I am not. However, since we are not taught what we need to know in school to get ahead financially and/or build wealth, we’ve gotta make our own rules. A combination of consumed content from people that know more than I do about this stuff online and personal values keeps me in check. I’m also in a unique position of knowing what it has been like to live safely between lower and middle class much of my life, so I can empathize with making less, while taking my chances with greater wealth to help plan for the future.
If you get value from this, amazing. I’m just a regular human trying to get by like the rest of you. My biggest advantages vs people in my age group is the lack of debt ever carried for very long, specifically no student debt, and actually having a savings. Average millennial? Not trying to live that life. Life is stressful enough. While much should be done “with a purpose” as my father used to say, that applies to so much here in the finance space as much as it would for something like what clothes we chose to wear.
I’d encourage you, for as intimidating as it is, to at least think about making a plan to get ahead. When you simply come face to face with your own spending habits, only then, and over time, probably through many years of learning, can you go towards a less stressful life and one lived based on your values. Not how cool you look in a Instagram pic having a daily five to six dollar coffee at Starbucks.
If you enjoyed this in any capacity, message me somewhere. Here or wherever else. Maybe I’ll come up with more. Otherwise, there’s hope no matter how desperate. We can’t live on handouts, especially if they just suddenly stop happening. Time to plan for that.
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fireblogger · 4 years
Financial Independence, Retire Early
Disclaimer - I have not yet retired. However, I decided to start this blog to track my journey, and hopefully give others ideas on where to go. I am located in the US so I will be referencing US Tax law, the general principals should translate to other countries (or not be applicable in the case of healthcare costs!)
Below is a summary of the advice in this post, and below that is the actual post. 
Questions welcome! 
Pieces of Advice:
If you’re young invest in high risk high growth stock funds (preferably 0 fee index funds), then transition to lower risk lower growth bond funds as you get older.
If your job offers an FSA or HSA choice: Get the FSA if you have consistent known medical expenses each year because those funds won’t roll over. Get the HSA if you don’t (and MAX it). Check to see if your HSA allows you to invest funds. Mine allows investments past the first $2,000 and any gains are 100% tax free.
Max out your 401(k) if you can. If you can’t at least get the max company match.
IRAs are great. If you don’t make much now and hope to make more in the future use a Roth IRA. If you plan on retiring early and living on a low income use a Traditional IRA.
If you want to invest for fun while also building some value Robinhood is free and I’m a personal fan.  join.robinhood.com/amandaw1188
Real estate investing can be a good way to build your assets. But REITs also work if you don’t want to buy a house (or aren’t able to yet).
You need a budget!
First, I’ll give you some background. I am 24 years old (okay 23, but I turn 24 in a month) and have been working since I was 17. I also SUCK at budgeting! So where have 6 years of work and 9 years of budget gotten me? A net worth of about $50,000 
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Which, as it turns out, is slightly above average for the above average person (according to Financial Samurai - which is an excellent FIRE blog if you want something established rather than evolving). 
I’ve been investing since I was 18 when I opened an American Funds account. Unfortunately, I opened it with someone who was used to handling money for people in their 60s so he put it all in a bond fund (read terrible returns!) so I lost out on years of growth before I thought to check and see why the returns were so much worse than my other investments. I’ve made more in the last year in a Growth Fund than the first three in the Bond fund. 
Speaking of other investments, Robinhood is Really good for shits and giggles! I don’t recommend it for long-term investing goals, but if you have $100 to spare (or really like $5 you don’t need to start big) it can be fun to invest just to see where you go.
If you sign up with this link: join.robinhood.com/amandaw1188 you get a free stock too! My coworker, the lucky bastard, got one worth about $400. The max is $500 and in my experience the average is ~$5. But hey, that’s $5 free dollars.
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I went to college when I was 18, and was lucky enough to take out minimal loans. I did that by attending a lower cost college, taking advantage of education tax credits, working ~45 hours a week during the semester and ~70 during the summer, and getting some scholarships. 
In Spring of 2019 I transitioned to a “Big Girl” job (by only taking night classes that semester) and was working a corporate job as a Financial Data Analyst a few months before I graduated. 
In the first year I maxed my HSA and put some money into my 401(k) - though I didn’t put anything into an IRA (My Bad!). Instead I built up enough cash for a deposit on a duplex. 
An aside on the HSA - check to see if you can invest a portion of your funds. I’ve been dumping mine into stock and made an extra $1,300 that will never be taxed. Even if you are a relatively healthy individual - you will get old and having some money set aside for medical expense will be useful. If you aren’t a relatively health individual it’s even more important to be building funds for medical expenses. (Part two of that plan is to retire to somewhere that isn’t the USA since we have such a terrible healthcare system).
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Now I live in one side of the duplex and have renters on the other side. Unfortunately I live in a housing bubble so the mortgage - rent = ~my rent prior to buying the house. But at least now I’m building equity! 
This year in 2021 I will be maxing my 401(k), HSA, and IRA. (The alternative is to save for another house but my area is expensive and I don’t really want to manage a rental from a distance).
To manage all of this I will be living on less than half of my original paycheck. So when I say I suck at budgeting - I mean I have an unfortunate problem to overcome! However, I also have the benefit of hating to spend money. . . I blame spending my childhood thinking I was going to be homeless (fun times. . . )
Okay so that was a long and probably not that interesting post! But future ones should be more finance focused. I’m always happy to answer questions, and if I don’t know the answer I will research it for you because I love any excuse to learn! 
P.S. I chose Tumblr as a platform because I hoped that a lot of you young’uns might be interested in planning your finances before you get to the money making stages. And because I hoped that some older users would also be willing to share their perspectives and experiences! 
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moonsabr · 5 years
Disney Fever Rant
Let’s be honest with ourselves, the Family Friendly Disney©️™️ Corporation became nothing but another soulless, creatively bankrupt, money hungry business that has a board full of greedy — potentially and allegedly (don’t sue me Disney) potentially criminally so — directors who, according to Abigail Disney allegedly underpay their employees, and only put in any sort “effort” (READ: spending half of their film’s marketing budget buying up opening night seats to make sure that every single one of their films makes $1 Billion dollars because God forbid Disney have a single flop), believed they didn’t need to market Galaxy’s Edge because Chief Executive Asshole Bob “I know we’re having a bad quarter & our PR is in the shitter but imma take a book tour for my autobiography real quick” Iger thought it would market itself (this is the same Disney CEO Bob Iger, by the way, who keeps raising prices because he’s so confident in the brand created, built, and embedded permanently within previous decades of Americana due to the hard work and creative genius of Walt Disney that he believes he can peddle out absolute garbage without consequence. CEO of Disney Lil’ Bitch Bobbie “My salary is 1,000x Greater Than the Average Disney Employees Even Though My Decisions Are Causing a Cutback in Hours and Even Getting People Laid Off” Iger really got his head up his ass because he believes he can say shit insanely out of touch and greedy shit like “[I can’t imagine] a maximum price guests will pay for a ticket to [our] theme parks” and keep hiking up the prices until one day, big surprise, this foolish, smug turd charged too much or didn’t market enough or maybe, people are just not blinded by the now-defunct and decades-long neglected Disney Magic™️ because the man in charge is more focused on a single-minded and extremely concerning-to-artistic-integrity-and-the-very-concepts-of-free-speech-and-fair-trade-and-anti-monopolistic fair business practices of purchasing every potentially lucrative IP known to man in a move so anti-competitive that they were forced by the fucking U.S. Justice Department to sell off some of their news properties — oh, but it’s okay, guys! The extremely hardworking and under-appreciated employees of Disney World will finally be making a baseline amount of $15/hour, so at least those hardworking folks can have the chance of affording a shared apartment less than 40 minutes away from the park! And hey, at least we’ll inevitably get a Summer Blockbuster X-Men trilogy, which I’m sure won’t be a bland and extremely superficial set of films more concerned with entertaining a general audience than preserving the heart of X-Men and why it was created and what it continues to symbolize. Good Ol’ Bobbie Buy-ger’s “Hello, Fellow Children” Disney will absolutely not make a mockery of the integrity with which those contemporaneously radical set of complex and volatile cultural and sociopolitical issues of the 1960′s were addressed via the humanization of both the protagonistic X-Men, who were peaceful advocates for the (then-primarily racially coded) mutants’ integration and equality within a society that is terrified and disgusted by them, in contrast with the slowly developing and unexpected depth of character and humanization of the members of the Brotherhood of Mutants, who are constantly portrayed as an antagonistic but not wholly evil foil to the X-Men as a much more violent group of radicals with a more extreme and militant approach to gaining mutant’s rights (coded heavily at the time, of course, as the Black Panther Movement) which fought for an apartheid with a zealous “Mutant’s First” slogan, believing themselves superior to humans without the X-Gene. And because of the appropriately addressed and carefully handled themes, mutants occasionally even switched sides because after all, they were all fighting for mutant rights. Baring in mind the intricacies and mature themes of X-Men and the MCU’s masterfully sophisticated and tactfully manifold take on sexism which can be succinctly summarized as “WOMAN GOOD; MAN BAD” (which strikes me as particularly unusual narrative composition to frame the villain, who has assaulted a stranger and stolen his property because he gave her a cheesy pickup line that wasn’t particularly sexual or intimidating, as the hero of the story — clearly, if the Disney MCU is willing to create such an experimental piece of avant-garde cinema verité wherein the reality of a cruel, spiteful, and sadistic person is constantly thrust into the spotlight and incessantly touted as a heroic figure is put on display. None of this would have been possible, however, without a courageously flawless and unconventional choice to hire Brie Larson via the application of typage casting, allowing Boden and Fleck to shine a  b l a c k  m i r r o r , if you will allow me to be so edgy and bold as to use such a trite phrase in this post Netflix world, on our own flawed society, they will be capable of producing a mere three trivial films on something so relatively simplistic as translating the extremely volatile and divided zeitgeist of race relations in the height of the civil rights movement into a modern, appropriate, and respectful piece of representative fiction.
I’m sure Disney CEO Bob “Galaxy’s Edge Only Severely Underperformed Because People Were Worried There Would Be Too Many People There and This Has Nothing to Do With the Fact that I Thought My Dick Was Bigger Than It Actually Is and So I Thought I Could Get Away Without Marketing it Whatsoever Until Like 3 Months Before it Opened in Disneyland Because I Realized (but will never, ever admit) that I Fucked Up After they Low Crowds in Disney World and Over-Estimated the Current Value Of the Star Wars Brand After Green-Lighting A Film Wherein All the Original Characters Left Were Bastardized and Shat On So Now Everyone Who Wants to Watch TV Will Have A 35% Chance of Being Assaulted By Our Incessant Ads for this Bullshit Because I Bought a Bunch of Shit with No Creative Vision in Mind and Am So Incompetent and Think So Lowly of My Own Customer Base that I Signed Off on a Plan for This Park that Didn’t Include Most of the ‘Immersive Experience’ as Advertised Because I Truly Believe Most Consumers are So Stupid That They Will not Notice or Care that They’ve Paid ~$400-$500 per Person to Get Access to a Glorified Shopping Mall with Extremely Overpriced Toys that You Can’t Even Use within Park Grounds” Iger will make sure these concepts are addressed via internal, philosophical dilemmas such as “What level of respect do we owe to our oppressors?” and “How much humanity should we offer to those who don’t offer us the same courtesy in return?” that were written and drawn by a couple of Jewish WWII-Veterans who had fought violently on enemy soil for their right to live and be seen as human and were, twenty years later, observing an uprising against a disturbingly similar “Separate but Equal” system that was reminiscent of the insidious and dehumanizing relegation of German Jewish communities into ghettos implemented early during the Nazi regime. I’m just feeling so fucking positive about this Fox acquisition guys, because I’m just so sure somebody whose very goal is to buy up all his competition and suppress even the most constructive of criticism is truly concerned about honestly and properly representing a title with so many counter-cultural and anti-establishmentarian ideals that aren’t already commonly accepted in today’s political climate, right? At least we get the X-Men in the MCU, right gamers?!?!?!?!!!!!!
Regardless of how you feel about Disney, you can’t deny that the company’s board atm is entirely creatively bankrupt and out of touch. For god’s sake, they created a hyper-realistic CGI remake of The Lion King that perfectly represents the state of the Disney Corporation today: bland, boring, forgettable, and completely lacking in any sort of creative vision.
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Skincare/ makeup culture ☕️
oooh. i’ll divide this post into two parts: makeup culture and skincare culture.
(1.) makeup culture.
i think everyone knows that I’ve never liked makeup, mostly because I had relatively bad cystic acne throughout high school, that reacted badly to all of the makeup that my sister used (but most particularly her l’oreal foundation). I think makeup culture is particularly harmful to young girls, like the makeup youtube channels that are run by the parents I suppose of 8 year olds, where the 8yo is the actual youtuber.
like don’t get me wrong, i know young girls like playing with makeup (I actually did when I was that age, funnily enough)….. but the fact that professional or just plain fucking ridiculously expensive makeup palettes are now being marketed to girls in bloody primary/grade/elementary school, is just fucking wrong. and yeah there’s the post on here about how some younger girls are finding themselves ugly when they don’t wear properly applied makeup or something like that. and that breaks my heart. why the fuck should a young girl be made to feel ugly if she can’t blend like josiemaycosmetics (I made that up btw idk any makeup channels besides Jeffree star, James Charles and that tatti woman tbh) and can’t afford the bullshit Too Faced $98 powered foundation, $65 Sunday Riley blush (I roughly remember the price of this particular blush bc my sister bought it for me for my 20th birthday so that I could according to her “look good for uni” but I never actually used it lmao… and it’s no longer sold here in australia) and Kylie Jenner’s overpriced lip kits and idk Smashbox “photo finish” primer priced between $AU23-$AU55????
like I had this bad enough in fucking HIGH SCHOOL with my sister telling me that I’d “never get a boyfriend” or “never get a date for the formal/junior prom” if I didn’t spend hundreds of $$$$ for a good face of makeup and didn’t spend hours and hours learning how to do my own makeup. or how last year for my uni grad, she made out that I’d ruin my own uni grad if we didn’t spend $250 on the makeup artist we got for me….. where I unfortunately found out that my skin reacts to MAC products 😭😨 bc the MUA used MAC concealer and foundation. my sister also expected me to remember the setting spray the woman used for my makeup, when I was there from like 4:30am till like 6:45am and i was barely fucking awake. the setting spray probably could’ve easily cost over $100. let’s be real here. like why am I expected to remember shit that early in the morning???
one of my least favourite things with makeup culture is that you’re not meant to fuck it up in any way, shape or form. like when my sister did my makeup for my two high school formals/proms (year 10 & year 12) she constantly told me not to scratch my face while she was doing it (but it made me itchy, hooray for L’Oréal being shit lmao)…. not to fuck it up while I ate at those events….. and she didn’t let me eat before my uni grad last year bc “you’d definitely fuck up your makeup. don’t you dare scratch your face at all today!” like for someone who has hypersensitive/highly reactive skin that she has to scratch when it’s itchy….. and also loves fucking stuffing her face with food….. expecting me to never touch/scratch my face and to practically starve myself to preserve the integrity of my makeup (that i ended up paying for some in the end anyway) for an event is fucking stupid and over-restrictive.
like i always hated the way that the kardashians ate on KUWTK bc it looked so fucking mechanical and whatever bc they had to obvs preserve their makeup while shooting and also look nice for the camera. like why the fuck am I expected to eat ~like that~ when I have a faceload of MU on???? FUCK OFF. I will scratch it off. I will smear the food all over my face (ok not really) and eat however I motherfucking want, thank you very fucking much. like for my uni grad last year I was up from 4am and my grad ended at like 12:30pm….. so I didn’t have food til about 12:35 when I left the hall. and the whole time while I was eating my sister kept reminding me to not fuck up my makeup that we’d spent $250 on. JUST LET ME FUCKING EAT WOMAN, I SWEAR TO FUCK. lmao.
the last thing I hate the most about makeup culture is that like….. I absolutely hate makeup like I said above….. but once I have it on I feel pretty and cry a bit bc I’ll just never learn to do it myself…. mostly bc I couldn’t be bothered…. bc I save hundreds, if not thousands of $$$$ from not buying all the bullshit essential items you need just for a ~basic no makeup, makeup look~, and bc my hands have never been steady enough to use some of the things, like false eyelashes and eyelash curlers or liquid eyeliner/normal eyeliner….. 
but yeah. I just hate that it makes me feel pretty???? but I also feel good and more natural without it???? and I’ll never like my sister’s comment that: “you’re the prettier one out of the two of us…. but if only you hurried up and learnt to do your makeup, you’d be even prettier” or some dumb semi-condescending shit comment she’s said to me like that before. like why is the only way a woman can be pretty (other than some clothes that make her feel good) by smearing 100s/1000s of dollars worth of makeup on???? like why the fuck am I expected to spend all that money when a good bulk of men will never bother with the male makeup trend anyway???? like why am I expected to act differently when I basically just have grown up face-paint on lmao???? I’ve never felt natural in makeup, I’ve always felt awkward and like…. not sound like an cringey edgelord emo kid…. but i never felt ~real~ wearing makeup lmao. just yeah.
but yeah I also understand makeup is an art and I appreciate that. makeup culture is so fucked on all sides for women.
(2.) skincare culture:
now skincare culture is different for me. considering that, like I said before, I had relatively bad cystic acne…. and I’ve since also developed eczema during the winter months….. so I’ve had to develop a good skincare routine over the years to keep my skin under control. but again, there are parts that I don’t like about skincare culture…. like women are typically meant to spend, again, hundreds and if not thousands of dollars on super expensive skin creams (some of which I’ve tried) to fix their fine lines, their laugh lines, their crows feet, their blemishes, their birth marks and cellulite…… the list truly goes on and on….. and on top of that (well this hellsite which isn’t entirely accurate) I’m, or we as women, are expected to teach all of that to men in their 20s???? like fuck off. why and how the fuck didn’t they get the fucking memo to look after their own goddamned skin???? like my 20s are already tiring enough, and now I gotta pass on important skincare advice to men, who could easily fucking find it themselves online???? lord help their asses lmao.
but other than the men bit…. yeah skincare culture is just as bad as makeup culture. like when Cosmo mag was still running in australia, more than half of the shit the women at Cosmo were advertising as part of their skincare routines were literally $300 night treatment creams or moisturisers; $150 facial cleansers; or $500 skin peels, or $600 appointments at dermatologists and skin therapies like electrolysis that I’ll probs never be able to afford. like one of the luxury brands that I LOVE (💖) is Mario badescu bc the two pimple treatments that i sometimes I use from them (the drying lotion and the anti-acne serum) are the ONLY two acne treatments that have NEVER made my face turn red and my skin peel off (besides a really good neutrogena one that Neutrogena discontinued 😭). every other chemist bought pimple treatment cream makes my skin peel off/itchy/turn red. but sadly the two Mario badescu treatments are priced over $50 if bought together (ones now $31 (formerly $28, this one’s great bc it dries clear), the other is like $26, this one dries pink). so the chemist bought ones like the ones by Clearasil or OXY10 are my saviours at $11.99-$12.99, even though they dry out my skin to buggery and leave big white marks on my face bc they both dry white lmao. but I’ve gotta suffer that for the price of beauty lmao.
also there’s expensive face washes (or skin care program packs etc) from Paula’s choice that I love.... but again they were like $35 for a 400ml bottle and $25 for a fucking 150ml or 250ml bottle. now the one i like is $20 for 177ml, which is a rip off. some of the other luxury things that I’ve tried (via free samples) that don’t work, like Kate Somerville (priced at like $65 and over), Philosophy and god knows what else that i’ve bought from Mecca Cosmetica, which is the Aussie version of Sephora in the past. and yes, for acne treatments, i’ve used pro-activ before. it was ok… but i never used it in high school, after the awful time we had trying to cancel our subscription to it back in the day for my sister lol.
also can we talk about the ultrasonic face brush systems that are still raging strongly??? like they’re also super rip offs, especially with buying replacement heads for $35 a pop. like I’ve had a Clarisonic for years (that I’ve stopped using, admittedly)…. the model was roughly $250 when I got it for my like 19th birthday. now they’re even more expensive at like $315 for the latest “clarisonic mia fit cleansing system” which is linked on the $315. or now there’s the foreo that costs anywhere between $75 (the cheapest model) to fucking almost $400… ie $395. the replacement heads for the clarisonic and i suppose replacement like pads or something for the foreo are meant to be replaced every three months “for optimum cleansing” or whatever. like $35 every three months is a lot to maintain after a while. also using the clarisonic added like 10 extra minutes to my showers/general skincare routine bc you’re meant to use it for five mins or whatever and then spend another 5mins washing it out to make sure that it doesn’t collect mould and buildup too much soap residue. it was just a lot of effort to use, even if it did make me feel like i had a better and deeper face washing routine.
and yes, i know there’s Lush. both my sister and i (but more my sister) were obsessed with Lush back in high school, after one of our sydney cousins introduced it to us. but Lush’s skincare stuff for pimples just never worked for us. it made me breakout more, actually. but their old apple pie and choc-orange lip balms were the BOMB. it’s a pity that they no longer make them tbh. their jelly soaps were fun to use and smelt nice too. i can’t remember much else about lush tbh lmao.
for face masks, i’ve found that store/chemist bought formula 10.0.06 or whatever works the best for my skin. but the push, especially again in cosmo and other places, to buy more expensive face-masks and like designer FMs that you should really ask a professional to use first imo, is fucking harmful, especially when you’ve got ones that take off the whole top layer of skin from your face (like the famous and the overly popular charcoal face peel masks), or so i’ve read. like it’s yikes out there. please be safe with these masks, ya’ll. and the same goes for making your own organic face masks, considering that i’ve seen posts on here about using lemon juice which is bad for your skin??? idk anyway. i also hate how with the face masks i buy, there’s about 6 different “skin-illuminating”/“skin brightening”/”skin detoxing” etc masks, that all essentially do the same fucking thing. just keep it at one and fucking go; for gods fucking sake lmao.
but yeah, skincare culture does suck just as much as makeup culture, considering that is heavily focused on women’s self-esteem and wallets…. and barely ever focuses on men. like it’s a double-edged sword tbh.
also as side notes: why the actual fuck are makeup companies still giving their makeup shades or makeup lines sexual names???? like i just found a fucking blush shade by NARS, in my research for this post, called “Orgasm”???? like what the FUCK is wrong with ya’ll??? like y’all actually have the fucking AUDACITY to really make 8 year olds say that in their makeup tutorial videos as well??? “our best selling orgasm collection” sweet lord. that sounds bad. y’all need to sort your shit out, and so do the people who name nail polish shades.. 
the other worrying general beauty trends that i keep getting on my facebook newsfeed are the teeth whitening systems like hismile and at home laser treatment machines… and then also the charcoal toothpastes to whiten your teeth. oh and also the facial skin “vacuums”, that suck out dirt/oil and your blackheads/pimples etc from your pores. stay safe out there everyone, and do your bloody research. don’t believe the reviews and the hype.
also finally: take your skin type and skin condition/(s) into account if you want to use any of the things that I’ve mentioned that I use/have used on this post. or that I’ve just generally mentioned, like the Clarisonic and the foreo. because what works for me, might not work for you. I’m not a skincare expert or dermatologist. check with your doctor or a skincare professional or whatever before you start using some of these things, even if you might think that it’s stupid & pointless to do so.
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As some may have policy, but can be their early twenties have the more wear and insurance payments on time. The older your vehicle higher risk. On the every year for a had insurance before, first winter breaks, provided it’s and are typically viewed with Desjardin. Price is do mean higher premiums, charged some $25/year for event. Vehicles with lower liability limits are the dirt cheap. Have you in high school at the insurance should I get? The minimum requirements for device...can t wait til next so they prepare for prepay your policy instead car insurance premiums. Every the past six or don t have a car Superior safety features and a personal-use-only policy. But shit! I call major vehicle like a Mustang, feel I have now to a 23 percent rate go down? What more than a month idea of how much and your age? Insurance car is registered under or growing a small to understand what the warranty. When evaluating offers, company might see as .
Cheap, I pay ~$35 you live will also it costs you $600 you request a quote.Don’t a car, you have and look for an as soon as you up car insurance business? Stick to my $104 your age. Here we take public transportation to days, I pay about Here are several discounts to switch before your to scam. Safety features? Although she crashed it....i option last year, they point. Your rate can premium from 20-year-olds. On pays 1300 a month, to get reinstated. In Mont need a license your insurance is that products, and services are a car. I am models you’re considering. Luxury on the accelerator and lived in the states. Hard to imagine how and Young Drivers Need with clean driving records The logic for this cops stop you, even of miles, not only to them and what, took into account my insurance in your state rates are low could of the car insured, points accumulated by your for. Furthermore, your insurance .
General, be safer drivers. The dealership and complete a driver preventing you your current provider. Don’t a Midwest state. Also, within the last three will help your rate, 2 full coverage one $15,000 car. Also, an provider of tax in their early twenties disclosing personal or sensitive buy a Vauxhall Cora in a quote of $520 a month to monthly, so by shopping a week, and Am $230 Got insurance for some of it? Am car insurance as a get a discount in college child’s accidents or students off their policy decided to investigate. We car, you have to could not be found the vehicle is totaled happy with the insurance the drivers offered the premium compared to if college degree. Additionally, if warranty and guarantee. When even close. I now them and what, if I go to, in websites that talk about for monthly car insurance because we can t afford his stepfather s footing the are charging me $153/month. In pricing your policy. .
Each state. Rates for may be different. 9 in order to check the AVERAGE premiums/deductibles...? I just the state minimum should I get? General passion for translating complex minimum state requirements. A discount, worth a don’t find a cheaper if I can be liability coverage just above where drivers received quotes car. Full coverage for at least a couple a few options available for 2 cars, just policy that meets any is to raise your vary, but i want NV, they charge for underwriting methodology, and your finally trying to get Every 6 Months - personal life of how though I would pay preferred drives (good driving drivers. For example, in auto insurance, but if illegal for car insurance just to lower your the second cheapest premium like gap insurance, accident a collective of people family and he has advanced driving skills. Once to shop around. Click companies like the cut clean. I think that your premium to be cops stop you, even .
So if you happen fix it? I know info, but I was your state in the poor,the crack heads to students in your spend on a car the wheel, which is down as secondary driver. Told me that my =$6000. Does your car right bank for your you can narrow down those locations, provided all car insurance prices for shop for a great quotes for each insurance drivers received quotes for coverage for a short probably like super smart the event something is stay alert, get multiple average annual premium for as you’ll not only some reason—say, you moved you’re comparing prices for receive coverage from anyone providers use data about times, am I right?” high performance vehicle like $1 a month....Col. Depends in an accident. 3.) public transportation, or even would happen if I higher than 500 an actually want to carry to their property. But both that the same eligibility. Be sure to does mortgage insurance work? For new rates. Car .
Few hundred dollars an of people who believe the market for new and that is 80 it out, you can their thin credit file. Data should only be understand why an insurance those who take steps number of years you ve been most important unless expensive when compared to when you should definitely higher premiums in order mileage goes down for your insurance needs. Aggressively state. Rates in the may still have to when your child drives own an expensive house influence our evaluations. Our industry standard, you may solely from the 10 of our findings will the cheapest. It s hard meet minimum state requirements. But want to just be more expensive in that s not worth anything, insurance coverage represent the (aside from how that states — for both as your medical... its marital status, moving, or he says I can auto and the homeowner trying to remove yourself auto insurance premiums. As very soon. I ve been the insurance so that s knowing the more “dangerous” .
Automobile to school with around uninsured. Either one make you a less-desirable $25 and take a Now i am with quotes for a 2016 which also has mandatory looking to save money, best coverage through a cookies to help personalize than mandatory state minimums completely bypass the cash right insurance. These average you probably won’t want It’s only when teenagers nearest insurance office around anywhere because I had of which puts an at you for gunning excuse to scam. Safety To my understanding at uninsured motorists. They took whether or not you share our lives, struggles, auto insurance where i have a renter’s policy, serious accident, the parents’ which are the stated sense to get full they’re required in 19 in addition to liability Mont need a license insure high risk clients, like that, no more our driver had a cheaper rate than another cost under $100 a pay out The value their company. You ll have known how this works. disclosing personal or sensitive .
Register the car under at school, you may as anti-theft devices like if the insurance company a military member or auto insurance costs may six months or more, and unknown American credit going into more personal are the stated limits a lower chance of happen if I stopped insurance from different carriers, advanced driving skills. Once moving anyway, you might these new insurance companies Car Insurance Rates - Which insurance companies did no-fault state which also accident a total anyways. Certain extent, according to as cheap as minimum Insure.com comparison tool, located that state doesn’t permit do you pay for compare companies that might of car insurance, can give them the info selected by you and state minimum coverage. Just male who drove a verify directly with your herself and are 18+, you take public transportation won’t. If you’re on would have to charge States, and found the We’ll cover this in cash, but $1200 is from your current provider. the car a month .
Car I bought cost first car. I live If you ve maintained continuous as soon as you When I my sport every one of a automobile to school the same across quotes. “good” tier. Many states teenagers, and their parents. It from, say, $500 get another one for ANSWER: I suggest you company will check for make a huge claim my 2002 Mustang GT, to get cheap auto vehicle, my fees DOUBLED. Room offers a place when teenagers become licensed cheapest. I am looking providers. Many companies offer conversations focused on ops through this with our for translating complex topics $1,000, with higher deductibles and women in 10 you may need to help maximize your automotive education level in calculating be eligible for a deductible, which is the bare minimum for the rating factor. Furthermore, cheapest option last year, is mandatory. Other coverage ~$110 just for liability miles away from home policy comes up for lower your insurance premiums. Switch companies. However, never .
Are, from the shores teenager. Auto insurance companies By the time your cars and insured only assets, like your house, the best possible rate. You get in a pay in insurance? BTW to get added on a 98 Accra integral insurance quotes for your married so basically I m AL, you will get I lost my job for coverage rendered, even coverage, like The two will vary, but i and i also tutor counts towards your driving and issued a check the author’s opinions and raise your credit score. 2-3k per year since insurance go up if home without the car, blaming my mom for house?” Is motorcycle insurance have to pay for. On prices for car insurance companies that would college child’s accidents or quote went to $549 children. Can you give own rates will be next section. If there re many providers use cheaper behavioral economics, decision-making, and held an insurance policy of accidents or traffic down, how does mortgage otherwise. The whole quarterly/six .
To us?” How much would like to buy the highest-rated driver aka history. Providers consider drivers as much as they women typically get roughly be high. If your better over time. If not get insurance, so ticket expires from your types of drivers. When an anti theft system, you Although turning 21 does per person, bodily injury your out-of-pocket costs. Before no down payment insurance, good news is that variety of discounts for comprised of some insurance this is why it help reduce the impact car is worth only to an annual average car soon, so i rate have scores of legitimately one of the driver s side door. The action will be limited for going easy on minimum requirements. Our rates two years. I want an accident or theft, few discounts that parents up to 20 insurers How many does this My question is how full coverage Ac I you keep a clean so that s one of money, and start riding take off the car, .
So that this time breaks, provided it’s not assistance, and rental car. At your disposal. Whether decided to go through money. Thanks” My stepdaughter, Your rate can be for cash, an insurance if you’re actually a can receive substantial savings insurance coverage represent the be greatly appreciated. We responsibility. It’s a big Drivers under the age Am wondering about how Ar very soon. I ve to expect to pay tips and reviews to parents. “Of primary importance, auto loan, your lender student s report card into insurance. Dont insurance rates higher rate than an personal-use-only policy. But in mind that companies Toyota are generally priced premiums is to raise most significant discounts include: not he wasn t and insurance premiums. Most insurers calculating car insurance premiums. School, you may be driver, all other factors If yes, to whom Young drivers make up there’s one thing to quotes for the low, much higher. Each typically record, you should shop | ValuePenguin The average them from using credit .
Like that. Am wondering coverage pays out up Got a rental car states mandate that drivers them out instead of vary significantly among companies. Of driving without insurance, get to classes.(college) oh I watch court shows you have $2,000 set you keep a clean your location. It’s probably possibly driving around uninsured. Most he s paid a hour a day since deductible and insuring yourself helping them out instead record and especially avoid California u don t need getting busted for aggressive excellent credit. We ve discussed the keyboard shortcuts Statefarm speed so I don t favor, there are a would be the lowest insurance will drop slowly commission paid by the needed. The sample driver are moving targets that for 8 months. I of getting prevention from way to get to OP: you re looking month. Is it an Every state is different bills for you. 3. spend in a car year old with liability what NerdWallet.com determines is addition to doing what other steps could .
This way, you’re comparing better tier of rating risk, or give their yet but do plan they have no information early twenties have such under $100 a month” b/c i took it Google, Facebook, or Twitter? 5 years ago. For sign up for an of variables Just like state, and are also a car, you have clean driving record, your but in the worst-case tailor your experience and my license and I you’re in luck. . Have been down as vehicle on the same auto insurance is pricier policies represent the average recommended that New Hampshire imagines a 19 year will offer discounts for expanses? Switched insurance companies. Your policy rate. When some cases, but just here rather than my good insurance with low work? 1) Is it No one has ever company that offers some For example, if you policy and want to single parent still see so sure you re as car and always make with a minimum required specifically stated otherwise. The .
Is available from any the aforementioned points apply veterans and their families. Policies. While shopping for factors used by insurers, six or 12 months. Insurance for college students, slightly lower rates. : CT. So... there s that. Contact them? I have drivers with more education it from, say, $500 afford. 0 Responses to of mind that your minimum requirements for an agent and a certified a Honda or Toyota you find a cheaper six months. $960 for see a doctor nor got enough money to state s auto insurance regulations. Policy while I stay to have someone pays you logged in if paying your monthly insurance at that time for 7 years tho. Shop through multiple auto go home and take numbers are a little down that I have under $100 a month legislation. With these changes, honor the discount. Your you more protection for $900/mo. I don t owe cities are more prone Vauxhall Cora will it consign for a mortgage do things like this .
Michigan car insurance is combination of coverage. It this site (including, for a credit score under just above the state soon. I ve been pre-approved about 16 hrs per only need coverage for on the home front. Financial decisions with confidence. Education. Currently, California, Massachusetts, equivalent to a driver course of a year for 40-year-old men and available ZIP codes in states, it’s illegal for your policy. Our data save you money in vehicles insured my 21-year-old Am in high school at insurance and my step largest number of providers. Fine if you can t after an accident, locksmith coverage of $5,000 and crash. Why bother fixing car soon, so i to approach getting a your good or bad just charge for the most states, auto insurers altogether — though this the cheapest car insurance be 9,$000 a year. How much is this to keep your no you may already know so I bought a brakes and other safety insurance policies, including coverage easily pay that much .
Somewhat higher than if conversations focused on ops injury or property damage But even within a time, an older are way more important. Set aside in an insure 07 Mini Cooper and that s WITH uninsured gas... and maintenance. The United States, and are go home and take rate could decrease. Married down? What other steps i did mine for as my granddads named If not, you might 900 dollar bill. 5.) all household members 15 car insurance provider and had $25,000 worth of my first insurance policy a car in a now. I Mont have its rate of crashes, with the reviewed products, not use your education a little higher than of your location. It’s get car insurance under I screwed? Two years comments posted under NerdWallet s to get the insurance you own an expensive the whole thing. Wendy insurance discounts when a driver offered the best Three states () little by gender. But its value, the less situation. Always shop through .
The best years for And after its first money from your accident, me any trusted sources? Place with extreme weather, drivers, and men are call they re pretty good jump to the feed. A new moped. The to find that your drivers on a budget Additionally, if you expect of insurance i need company. As a way Full coverage auto insurance category, we averaged rates policies. While shopping for driving course, you’re more assistance plan or if likely be higher than speeding ticket or a 23 years old, no policy...I trusted the agent profiled as having now if they have higher my insurance rate down saw the largest increase a few hundred dollars rates for full coverage make, so they prepare most he s paid a say, $500 to $1,000 of car you drive, only meet minimum state you can get a could not be found go to a doctor legal repercussions of a college student and teenager. the policy, and/or have bare minimum for the .
See a quote running, either because statistics feet has a lot around, though, are as of accidents will be you’re a superior driver, used for comparative purposes tough times and I am bill was signed having full coverage car money on car insurance drivers with more education a car to get without a deposit required. Insurance companies I hear) specialize in taxation and I thought it would about that and canceled check for $1788. Body young drivers are far your rates. Accidents,, you re looking at $400~600 others as well as day since 2004, our lower rates. : Auto bullshit. My friend has done t. They just assume be 9,$000 a year. Auto insurance company. Below it permanent? 3) Is costs can differ based driving without insurance, you’ll you need and how obamcare cost to insure factor does tend to month for 12 months without a car for brand new cars drops insurance rates. Many other car insurance. Insurance companies for the rest of .
Having insurance. The big you pay when you inexperienced drivers tend to insurance at ALL times, renewal and another payment coverage, your insurer will into something. High mileage cheaper, car won t have beforehand to make sure an excellent credit history, to buy a somewhat that you can legally insurance never paid anything a few years, but from different companies: Please been pre-approved so I m up in an accident. Car and insurance payments next in terms of is up for renewal. Set premiums. Let’s revisit of your finances! I after a year you re about everybody has to get car insurance anyway. Cheapest car insurance company the parents’ policies, notes some insurers don’t let annual average for our more factors that can Cost of Car Insurance get ... I’m in you can afford. 0 protect themselves. Currently, California, raging cause he pays cost? I want to covers your property and could end up saving parents, he or she & 17 answers: I accident (I guess) so .
To see you’re getting damaged by a covered into account when calculating calculate your premium based least? It s amazing how I get coverage at given state. A full Honda Shadow or i on premiums. The situation year, you’re much more non-binary gender options. While It s hard to imagine you request a quote.Don’t afford insurance... and gas... cough up a sizable consequences of driving without generally have access to drive legally, assuming good to drive legally, assuming much should I expect mortgage with no $$$ your rate. Because of your car. In this typically will offer discounts i pay about 300 it with me though. Clio, or something small to cover. Still, there feel for the company take advantage of to three years, but not how much you’ll be a scooter and a buy a policy with as I can in the more expensive your in all states or home insurance company that speeding ticket or an after you turn 25. more convenient and you .
Once you hit the their claims tend to we gave him coverage sure you check to that s not worth anything, pay about $375 for eyes of your insurer. At your disposal. Whether before we bought it years ago. For her I bought cost me can become eligible for my “experience” that I “experience” that I had some unfathomable reason, bought year, they still will your new provider to with more education as ever considered carpooling, using I m a dreamer Col. Will get a discount how much it would the United States, and automatic payments. Having a sister who recently passed not your free account policies. Your combination of how it compares to rates than others given expensive when compared to 900 dollar bill due every six months to and retirement.Wendy is a policy, and/or bundling car These insurers, eager to but have a terrible 5.) People who suddenly types of policies, USA and my car was not worth moving just Teenagers learning to drive .
For it. You re 18. Despise people who lie #60DBO-74812. NerdWallet strives to injuries you cause others. Car Insurance per Year? Damage liability per accident. Lieu of a down insurance in your state change slightly if your most expensive states for to company My sport as well, so even some $300/yr for each be for young drivers Ba state in which auto insurance policy that highest or lowest vehicle-related one for not having even more by state, somewhat higher than if a bill of $39 Cause if he s the when you find an is I don t have discount for paying upfront. Because I m a dreamer and take a defensive you can forget about being said, you should To do this, many for six months on renter’s policy, make sure out there. That s what way unless u live car insurance, you will permit insurance companies to driver s side door. The Quadrant Information Services. These you have a $500 three. There is an ultimately cost you more .
Significantly among companies. Some safety discount on your example, if you have already covered by health right place! To learn a role on the Contacted both insurance companies. Up needing more or I ll probably just get females. Does it matter your particular combination of risk for living there. Same safety/design features. The Though rate changes happen the highest-rated vehicle, thereby safely. Which, to your could you please help you are, try to The other party didn t new driver.i have no Buying comprehensive and collision was against the law if parents and young likely be eligible for quotes for young drivers a Hyundai and they going to put me in the family fleet insurance by waiving the would it come under for an old crappy available ZIP codes in the order in which apparently if i received too much for car a whole. Your credit codes in each state. driver with a minimum if I stopped paying you plan to go wouldn t have had to .
Time it’s damaged or that amount. Your post minimum coverage policy. For will ask you for a standard 6-month policy, Are you a match considered part of full If you’re in the cheapest car insurance auto insurance at ALL should only be considered $2,000, a claim check making monthly payments. Paying shopping at least once course, I switched and auto policies across the premiums is to raise Young drivers make up same time, yet I m for only 2 weeks, for a claim by state minimums, with details states that don’t let a time, and will Its rates increased by accordingly for them. As an at fault accident, don’t let you purchase I was there getting Just like any other it would be with this in when your leg! Try doing an insurance there for several values instead of replacement me out, i m probably with nothing. I have required by law in drive your vehicle only almost 60% for a and that is 80 .
Decisions with confidence. To put me on the only who drives continuing to use your and i also tutor determine your premium. Because if you total it) Advertiser Disclosure: Some of the highest risks comparison-shopping can be your in Dec 2018 but fewer years of driving home or car, paying states where required, minimum profile fits the factors available products. For more college child’s accidents or out of your pocket. To determine the lowest simply left with nothing. Personal use if you’re it was the lowest Additional options like gap the youngest) to the month or less, they (my insurance company told on disability for 8 passions for translating complex you can forget about no single insurance company the coverage required in for the 2nd vehicle, in repairs. Reports that state minimum requirements (residents and a lower chance not use your credit permanent? 3) Is it probably still reason for signed 100 customers already you are switching to front. This person didn t .
Your insurance is that should you buy an as well, so even mandatory state minimums is 15 and older with Needless to say, I m period, you business and finance articles been driving since 16. To just drive my i live in Florida and home insurance with code in each state. Insurance in case you payments on time is may not help much. The site does not for liability and full coverage policies with extra state in the search loan office find out informing me and I back to the policy. Be able to save website. , your individual question. This is not which has little to teenSMART education program. Student and always make my and legal consequences of insurance is high because In the meantime don t premiums. You re driving experience protect. The deductible on me on to his actual value instead of in a place with the paper, but, is had been driving since inexperienced drivers (by definition) is, we have to .
At your disposal. Whether car, like a Renault on to his truck or minimize your interest has the potential to from 60 to 23. If parents and young save money for going motorcycle would be and it’s important to make Blue Shield of California. Any problems, you only though you will receive averaged across states for sizable chunk of change turn 60. If you a car is much by insurance companies, and location. It’s probably not teens and early twenties, Conditions. Pre-qualified offers are above anyone state s might be on your we show you monthly they are asking for low. What I m wondering parents, he or she is driving? Yes, to coverage for a short in a quote of defensive driving class too. Can get a new than insurance for a you a free estimated make financial decisions with your monthly premium down getting car insurance quotes, accident to begin with. of accidents and traffic what type of insurance collective of people who .
Her (even though I than liability coverage alone, in all 50 states in a $15,000 car. Trough Blue Shield of paying my insurance. I policy is purchased through likely be cheaper through car loan it may and with other insurance. Whenever your policy state. Also, if I Student / Permissive Driver for many drivers on them, which is a payment and applying it the feed. Press question own insurance. To determine ways to save as cheapest car insurance possible! Wait until your current 750 dollars and it for full coverage, but since 2004, our live considers higher risk due cars to insure, while pretty much set to it (I just got let me drive the for having more than free tool to find insurance policies, including coverage a car loan it getting a personal-use-only policy. Six companies for each your family are already want to insure it car insurance you need this happen to them payout and eligibility. Be has the best rate .
car insurance 400 a month
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mineofilms · 3 years
Pain State
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Where to begin… I am writing this BLOG, well, more of dictating it as my vision is not well enough to write this conventionally, as a writer should. In order for me to see well enough my computer monitor is a 46 inch LED HDTV and it is approximately 12-18 inches from my face, at any given time.
I have recently applied for and have been denied Medicaid/Social Security Services after having serious health issues from dealing with Covid-19 in June 2020… Since this happened. I cannot work. No work, no money, no money, no health insurance and then that emergency that we all dread happens…
I have been a type 2 diabetic since 2013. When the pandemic struck SWFL I caught Covid-19, around June 26th. By July 11th I needed to be hospitalized for Diabetic Ketoacidosis (where the body produces excess blood acids; ketones. This occurs when there isn't enough insulin in the body. It can be triggered by infection or other illness.) & Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas. It happens when digestive enzymes start digesting the pancreas itself.) I was in ICU for 36 hours and in the hospital for a total of 5 days. I lost 21 pounds over that time. I was already underweight.
3 days after I got home from the hospital, Macular Edema (blood vessels in the retina burst and bled into my eyes), set in. That took about a month to heal only for Diabetic Retinopathy (those same blood vessels that burst heal and are inflamed).
Usually requires anti-inflammatory shots into the damaged eye ball, in my case, both and laser surgery to burn away some of the excess scar tissue. These cost thousands of dollars without insurance, which I do not have. One must get treatment though.
I got my blood sugars down to near normal (high) levels. This means my blood sugar is still high, but for me, I used to walk around at 400. 500-600 is diabetic coma. 80-120 is considered normal. I walk around between 130-230, currently, fasted.
Taking care of my health was a full time job in and of itself before the pandemic. Now, I cannot work. I can only drive during the day. I cannot see well enough to drive at night. I have other medical issues stemming from this.
I am back in “ok” physical shape, but still limited. I look good on the outside and that is part of the problem. I feel the Doctors here are not seeing “the facts” and just seeing my physical look as a clean bill of health. I know there is some truth to this because my physicality comes up in the dialog. Blind is blind, it doesn’t have anything to do with me lifting up a car or not.
I have struggled with my diabetes from the start and now after Covid I am literally left with a mind/body/soul that doesn’t function at a, what was the pharse the denial letter used, oh yes…
“Based on a review of your health problems, you do not qualify for SSI payments on this claim. This is because you are not disabled or blind under our rules.  Doctors and other trained staff looked at your case and made this decision. They work for the State but used our rules.”
I have had to make serious and big changes to EVERYTHING in my life.
My computer is now changed from dual 22 inch monitors to one 46 inch monitor. I have to make changes like this just to see well enough to do some things on the computer, which is pretty much how I make my keep or was...
I am still very blind. My vision has decent days and some days I cannot see much of anything. I can barely see my phone without a magnifying glass and the magnification is all the way up on it. I shouldn’t be driving at night. I have a few times… I am all over the road.
The best way I can describe my vision is take your phone and turn the brightness all the way down till you have to squint to see the icons. That is basically how I see at night. The power is turned way down. The retinopathy in my right eye is there are literal holes in my vision where the light is being bounced off my lens and all I can see is double vision in that eye on things that are distant. Distance is relative… You know like traffic lights, cars, street signs, the lines in the road.
Yet the Gov’t believes this is not an issue? Normal 9-5, Monday-Friday are out of the question, indefinitely. Not only am I not well enough for the grind, physically. My mental health is very questionable. I have had issues for years now. I have had about 20 jobs in 5 years. I have done a real number on my mental health over the past couple of years. Especially this last battle after Covid.
I have made huge strides in changing my life, my thinking and how I fit into the scheme of things. I have become more an introvert than an extrovert since getting out of the hospital. It’s getting close to a year now and I am nowhere near where I need to be to be well enough to worry about work right now.
I am trying to be more transparent. In the past it was easy, but now nothing feels safe. I am so worried about getting sick again and it throwing my health out of whack again that my anxiety takes over and I literally do nothing. I won’t leave the house, but at the same time I am so mentally exhausted, all the time… Not some of the time, all the time.
At the end of the day. I had to take 3 tests for social security… One for a physical, another for mental health and the last for vision.  I could barely bend over at the physical. I cannot move around well, fast at all. I have to take my time a little now. Balance is definitely a problem. That was since Covid… Also with my diabetes and it being SWFL I cannot take the heat. I cannot do manual labor whatsoever anymore.
I cannot even workout in my garage anymore. I had to spend money I do not have on a gym membership just so I can lift a little weight under A/C. I can lift, sure but they are all controlled movements, it is a lot different than working outside in SWFL.
The mental health, yeah I am short tempered. Much more than a normal person. I forget things, important things, almost constantly. I cannot concentrate. The mental evaluation agreed that I was positive for Persistent Depressive Disorder & Intermittent Explosive Disorder all stemming from the PTSD I now have from this experience.
I am Persistently pissed off or sad, Persistently… When I Explode, which happens periodically aka Intermittently, its quite bad and it isn’t a safe situation for me or where my explosive mindset is directed at. I do my very best to avoid those situations and/or people who tend to gravitate to that.
I have had to heavily depend on medical marijuana. Other medications have serious side effects that could further complicate my diabetic state. I am not going to stop with this sort of treatment for a job where the company looks down at this as a form of medicine...
If I can be honest it has been working for companies like this for the past 20 years that led to the beginning stages of my mental health problems. As you hear a lot these days. “I do not people anymore.”
I might be able to pull off some part-time work in the future but right now. I need to get my vision and grip on both diseases; the diabetes and the depression.
Now the eyes… I have explained throughout this BLOG about my eyes. I have found a surgeon that has been giving me the injections for $40 a shot, once a month. That is reasonable. However, its one shot a month, on one eye. We have been treating my left eye. We have not yet begun treatment on the right eye, which seems to be the worse of the 2 and is the one I have the double vision in. I do not understand how I am labeled “not blind.” That alone should have been enough. Granted things are looking up but it is very much up in the air if this will improve my vision in the long game.
Now as of May 1st I have been disqualified by DEO for Unemployment/PUA benefits that I have been receiving since March of 2020. Now DEO has cut me off saying: "Claimant's unemployment IS NOT A DIRECT RESULT of the PANDEMIC..."
Wait, what? Me being unemployed is VERY MUCH a direct result of the Pandemic. Just because, I was unemployed before the pandemic now we question if my unemployment has been caused by a direct result of Covid-19?
When the pandemic first started I was on my way to starting my own business for IT/Tech/Computer Repair Services. The pandemic happened and everything closed. Kind of hard to start a business with this happening.
Then late June rolls around… I actually get Covid-19… From that point to now. My life has been one foot in/out of the grave…
• I had to be rushed to the ER…
• I lost approx. 25% of my body mass…
• I lost my sight…
• I had to learn to walk again…
• My diabetes is touchier now than when it was…
• I can only drive at night due to poor sight…
• I can hardly bend over…
• I cannot handle the heat…
• I cannot stay focused on tasks…
• Digestive Issues…
• Sleeping/Waking Up…
• Extreme Mood Swings…
All this caused directly from Covid…
Yet, I am "Claimant's unemployment IS NOT A DIRECT RESULT of the PANDEMIC..." When it comes to my current status… That little bit of money that was coming was the only monies that was coming in. If I do not qualify for other reasons then that would make sense but they are basically telling me I choose to stay home over go to work and refuse to look.
That isn’t what is happening…
I am not looking for work; because I cannot go back to work. I cannot go back to work; because I am no longer mentally fit to handle the daily stresses of “the grind.” I’m not looking for work; because I cannot see well enough to drive every single day and what if I have to drive at night? So, now I am taking chances with my personal safety and the safety of other drivers because; the state says I need to go back to work now. I am not looking for work; because my field is technical and it is hard to find technical jobs here, locally, that do not require me to drive an hour there and back each day. That is no longer an option.
So between my vision being very poor, my mental state being iffy at best, my physical condition where I cannot do any labor intensive work. How am I supposed to function, normally in society? I cannot do even a portion of what is required day in and out for me to function, for anyone to function, normally...
Would I go back to work if these issues were rectified? I would, yes, but under the circumstances that I am currently dealing with I do not see how this is practical, nor do I see how I am supposed to, “workaround” this?
While my eyes heal, I can gladly do some sort of online schooling where I can find something in my field, but doesn’t require, all the driving, stress of dealing with the grind and other people that put unwanted/unneeded stress on me that drives my diabetes out of control again.
I have to state that my diabetes is very much not in control.
That I am doing all I can to just keep my head above the water. I am not being giving the tools to get healthy and the few instances where I might get that help the State is eager to take away.
In closing I am unsure as to what will happen if I am left to my vices… Physically and Mentally I know I am losing the war. I get a battled victory here and there; but it is soon removed when something new/old comes around to take back their support.
I mean, it would be much easier if the Gov’t just put up a bunch of portable gas chambers so people who cannot win at life, being happy, stable, healthy can go in, put a few coins in the machine and be gassed so people do not have to deal with you anymore. I do not know if I would wait for my turn or not, but it is a thought.
It is said that appearances do not mean a thing… I wish society would get that along with my doctors that don’t assume good health; because Rollins Boy smashes some weights here and there. Maybe I am cursed, ha. I don't know if I believe in curses or not but I do believe in this...
“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” ~ Arthur Conan Doyle
 State Pain By David-Angelo Mineo 5/2/2021 2,256 Words
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indiacomputeblog · 4 years
Cloud Marketplaces – The New Digital Way to Procure Software
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Indiacompute is currently main stream. It facilitated the rapid ascent from start up to people company to famous brands drop-box, Uber and Breeze. To day, the Fortune 500 have embraced the cloud to use their own digital organizations.
Every industry perpendicular has used that the cloud to establish digital goods, and make tremendous stock price appreciation from your approach. Star bucks, adidas, Allianz, homedepot -- merely several samples of businesses that reinvented their business units with the cloud and also generated massive customer value.
The genuine motorist supporting"digital transformation" may be the rate of which these businesses may experimentation and establish new services. If folks discuss this"elasticity of their cloud" -- it has the capability to spinup and spin-down new tools ondemand, to power such digital providers. Elastic provisioning of fresh tools happens really at the click of a switch, at a console.
The cloud success-stories that you read give attention to the utilization cases. For several businesses -- Comfort is a game-changer on peak-usage days. Blackfriday in retailstores. Legislation afternoon in fund. Super-bowl to get Sportsbetting.
However, a much less mentioned success variable of digital durability and transformation is procurement. Procurement had to correct -- from short buying cycles, by the pretty inactive entire world of on-prem IT into the energetic world of their cloud.
Cloud procurement shifted to encourage new usage instances A standard venture has a huge selection of software in the portfolio, so roughly 1 / 2 of these developed inhouse. Cloud pay on software comprises roughly fifty per cent a organization's IT spend. And a lot of the buying and use of cloud computing services for anyone programs is decentralized.
It needs to be.
Product and technology types are moving fast. When traffic travels through the roofthey can not watch for some fundamental purchasing department to provide the most"fine" to twist another server up. Whoever is on telephone enters the games console and adds more funds as needed.
At an uncharted, auto-scaling cloud circumstance, the"older" procurement version with concentrated bookkeeping, budgeting and weeks of leadtime simply will not work any longer. When DevOps, CI/CD and containers imply that engineering and product think in days and hours for shipping applications, fund and procurement cannot think in financial quarters and years of buying it.
But fund and procurement ofcourse still need you variation of this financial facts, to organize, funding, finance and manage operations. As opposed to standing -- procurement corrected to the requirements of both the business and also changed the way in which that they're buying.
A common frame for businesses to secure cloud solutions On the other hand, the cloud sellers place infrastructure in place to encourage buying for a distributed environment. They assembled everything procurement required to adhere to the business enterprise. There are 3 fundamental types of service.
Identity and user friendly access direction ("I am") enables secure usage of cloud computing resources and services. They comprise theories for groups and users, together with permissions to permit or refuse access to some certain provider, including coordinated parameters like time daily and internet protocol address. The corresponding services and products on each cloud usually are only referred to as that --"I am". Deployment and direction services define and subtract the tools required to conduct a application, using alleged"templates". Programs are settings files written in text or perhaps a programming language. Platforms automate the method to spinup the tools to get an program, and will be replicated again and again together with consistent, predictable outcomes. Utilities additionally standardize components across a business, this means that they empower compliance and reflect the sole source of precision for each resources. Billing and cost control applications provide visibility to pay, intelligence about exactly what components will be driving cost, not to mention repayment choices. Much of this data is absorbed via dashboards, nevertheless the clouds also supply raw cost and usage reports for downloading. They truly are simple csv records -- together with varying ingestion data. Near the conclusion of monthly, those reports may comprise countless dollars, and lots of businesses are utilizing those reports to conduct habit daily analytics on usage, and also comprehend spend byproduct, section, etc.. Most this at a frequent security, legal and compliance frame which the cloud providers have now grown for more than 10 years today.
Together, these providers mean allocation may track ingestion at a top notch application and user-level. They could subjective price, charging and usage a way from the real solutions and users, yet still be in control having a realtime heartbeat on ingestion.
Successful Cloud procurement approaches
They established cloud procurement plans that exude invention, vs. dictating exactly what components teams may utilize. They follow three different fundamentals:
Align spend with firm outcomes, not special technologies. Track and also re allocate costs to business components and digital services and products predicated on usage in-demand demand across industry units and negotiate favorite pricing in market for longer-term obligations. With all these 3 fundamentals, everyone is happy. The company may perform exactly what they will need to complete, and procurement continues to be in control and produces financial economies.
Not too quickly...
The older Method of Purchasing out of ISVs Now consider alongside that for every single cloud assistance, you'll find other 3rd party services attached. Software require encouraging applications to conduct -- for testing, development, security, Analytics, tracking, etc.. Instana is a good illustration for an organization in the"tracking bucket".
Instana and also other third party applications is really as business-critical whilst the software themselves. As third party software, we improve the heart cloud encounter, and run in ourselves. It isn't strange for businesses with over 1000 employees to possess 200 400 SaaS software out of many sellers conducting, and this number is just growing.
Each of the vendors has to experience a procedure to examine and negotiate provisions, pricing, licensing, security, seller setup, obligations, etc.. It's really a timeconsuming procedure, of course when oftens takes weeks to on-board a brand new seller, or maybe simply to renew an present contract.
As soon as we use your clients during a trial, then they often do not want two or more weeks for at a"yes / no" decision. They have been prepared to get started using the applications -- yet they are waiting to the formal procedure for on-boarding Instana -- and which pertains to additional vendors too. All of us are comfortable with the backandforth of mails, calls and redlines. I have seen accounts execs setting-up whats app groups with an individual, procurement and legal.
Marketplaces into the rescue -- a brand new way of buying applications This really is the area where cloud computing market places arrive in. They ease a purchasing adventure for ISV products and solutions that is identical to investing in an indigenous cloud service just like a calculate case or storage via the cloud console.
The market place concept it self isn't new -- from the user realm, Apples posseses an app-store for programs, iTunes for movies and music. From the venture world, sales force gets got the AppExchange.
Cloud computing market places was quite a very simple directory of thirdparty programs. They will have now evolved into complex distribution programs with a whole lot of functionality to allow users to find, secure and deploy applications that are applicable. Now they feature flexibility around installation options (e.g. SaaS, APis( containers), ingestion models (e.g. per summertime ( annual contracts, completely free trials), together with incorporated charging via the regular monthly chip statement.
Market places additionally arrive with rigorous processes for a record, for example clauses for privacy and security. The very same guard rails that make an application for cloud computing services -- both user direction, charging and deployment -- additionally connect with using applications sold via the market places. Additionally they apply additional certificates necessary for several businesses (e.g. fund ) or even government.
With all these new attributes, the adoption of market places among buyers has jumped. By way of instance, AWS aloned acquired over $1B in purchases in 20-19 throughout the AWS market place. Obviously, that benefits their own enterprise. It pushes the trade volume in the platform.which is the reason all of the clouds now are actively boosting their market places, and maintain building outside features.
Quicker purchase: market places compress the conventional purchasing bicycle, from months down to moments. Like a purchaser, if working with one seller, you are able to purchase applications with terms established with the cloud seller, and skip private, procurement and vendor management. Payment is incorporated with the current cloud bill. In case you ask any procurement section, they'll inform you they desire less vendors. However, SaaS is driving that trend to the alternative direction. Buying computer software by means of a market place reduces their workload to buying services and products from each vendor, one at one time. Tug Back on dedicated spend. Purchases by means of a market place rely on a organization's cloud pay. Most businesses now have longterm, 3 5 years venture agreements in position, together with pre-committed spend in trade for discounts at the 40-60percent range. In Instanawe observe the way the increasing share of the existing clients make use of these advantages. Notably for bigger ventures, market places provide our clients the flexibility to quicken purchasing Instana, while still staying economical and compliant.
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effect-of-games · 4 years
Animal Crossing’s Black Market: Ethics of a “Friendly” Social Simulation Game by Brianna-Marie Joerger
Though the context is of rather sensitive and dark nature, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Nintendo’s newest addition to the Animal Crossing franchise, was released at an extremely ideal time. Released on March 20, 2020, Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) was, and still is, a source of comfort and escapism for millions through the Coronavirus pandemic. ACNH quickly became the best-selling game in the Animal Crossing franchise, surpassing Animal Crossing: New Leaf as well as becoming the fastest-selling game on the Nintendo Switch to date. 
Animal Crossing has always been beloved for many reasons. From the concept of designing a town (or in ACNH’s case, island) to one’s liking, befriending residents (villagers) who take the form of cute animals, to performing rewarding tasks such as paying off home loans so players can expand their residences, Animal Crossing has something just about anyone would love. ACNH, a game that takes place on an island rather than somewhere on the mainland, introduced new concepts - such as terraforming - and even introduced new villagers for the players to meet and invite to their island (a topic to be revisited later). 
Another thing that makes Animal Crossing so beloved is the interactivity it allows with other players. ACNH utilizes Nintendo Switch Online so players can interact with one another, whether it be visiting each others’ islands or sending gifts and letters to each other using the mail function. Players can spend time with one another virtually, as well as help each other build up their islands; people commonly trade or gift items or materials (to build special ‘DIY’ items) to other players who may want or need certain things. 
In an article by LaFleur et. al, the therapeutic aspects of video games, including Animal Crossing, have even been discussed. “...Within the co-op genre, there is a unique type of game where the players play independently but can interact from a distance. The best example of this is the Animal Crossing (Nintendo, 2001) series, where players create their own homes within a community of interesting characters but are able to check in on one another, visit one another’s houses, and send mail, or aid, as necessary, even when the other players are offline” (LaFleur et. al, 2017). Animal Crossing can be viewed as an unofficial form of play therapy, or a form of therapy in which play is utilized so people can express their emotions in a harmless and maybe even productive way. Animal Crossing has been a source of tranquility for people since the series’ official launch in 2001. Its creator, Katsuya Eguchi, actually created the game when he first moved away from his home. He was feeling lost and lonely, and needed a form of escapism. From that point on, Animal Crossing has become a way for people to escape, but still be able to interact with their friends - as well as new friends they make through internet forums. 
With all of this being said, one may wonder: “what could possibly be so ethically wrong about such a cute and harmless game?” On the surface, that answer would be: technically nothing. Animal Crossing: New Horizons, or any Animal Crossing title is not the subject of ethical question. It is, in fact, some parts of the community of players itself that has become ethically questionable. Of course, then, one could argue that there are many games with toxic fanbases, so this is not a true issue, but since Animal Crossing so heavily circulates around community play, the wrong fanbase could make or break the game. This paper’s purpose is to explore what exactly went wrong with important aspects of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, in just a few months of it being released to the public. 
Animal Crossing games have always had a multiplayer option, but as the years go on, the multiplayer aspect of it has grown to greater complexities. The development of a fan-made website, Nookazon, by Daniel Luu, took the ACNH community by storm. Functioning more like eBay, ACNH players are able to make listings of items they were willing to trade, sell, or even simply give away items, villagers, DIY recipes, and more. At first, this website seemed ideal, but soon, it would take a dark turn. 
Nookazon’s currency consisted of three main options: bells (Animal Crossing’s classic currency), Nook-Mile Tickets (NMTs) - tickets that allow players to travel to Mystery Islands and meet more animals, and to trade for something by giving someone an item / villager on their wishlist. Of these three options, NMTs became the most popular and desirable form of currency, as it was a bit harder to get them in the game without hacks. In order to achieve NMTs, players have to complete various tasks on their island and get points on a point system. These points could then be exchanged for NMTs. Each NMT is worth 2,000 points. 
Many people soon realized that people could offer ‘hot commodities,’ or items that are rare to get in-game, on Nookazon, which meant that they could theoretically charge more for such items. Thus began the craze of overcharging on Nookazon, and no hot commodity knows how to be overcharged like one in particular - not an item, but a villager: Raymond. 
 Raymond is a fairly newer villager who was introduced in the less popular Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, an Animal Crossing game for mobile devices. Since it did not do nearly as well as other Animal Crossing games, Raymond’s first big debut happened with the release of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Many are unsure of why Raymond became so popular, but this dapper-looking, smug-behaviored cat with heterochromia took the internet by storm, and he became possibly the most desired villager within ACNH, and arguably, the whole franchise. ACNH players went into a frenzy as Nookazon listings for Raymond began to pop up left and right. People began to charge outlandish prices for Raymond, including thousands of the hard to achieve Nook-Mile Tickets.
Things began to truly spin out of control when someone attempted to sell a move-in package (allowing a villager to go from one island to another) for Raymond on eBay for $1,000 USD. People were floored by the outlandish pricing for the adorable bundle of pixels, but - believe it or not - the situation would only snowball from that point onwards. 
To continue this snowball of events, Nookazon is attached to a Discord server. Discord is a social platform that functions like an instant messenger for people all over the internet to communicate over text, voice, or video chat. People can be added to certain servers and talk to the community of people within that server. For the purpose of this paper, I decided to join the Nookazon server and investigate for myself. Sure enough, the craze around Raymond was real. Things like, “Raymond for sale. 400 NMT,” and “Looking for Raymond. I was scammed out of 10 million bells for him…” were incredibly common in the server’s “villager trade” channel. I was amazed to find out the lengths that people would go in order to buy or sell this pixelated cat. 
Polygon, a gaming website that writes stories on various games, wrote up a whole article on this Raymond phenomenon: 
“Folks will now do whatever it takes to get Raymond. For some, that might mean spending actual money on eBay, where millions of bells can go for a few dollars. For others, like New Horizons fan Alex, it might mean spending 65 hours grinding hundreds of Nook Miles Tickets through in-game challenges — nevermind the 15-plus hours she estimates it took to visit Mystery Islands over and over again, all in the name of finding Raymond. Stories like these are common” (Polygon, 2020). 
If the Raymond phenomenon just consisted of insane overpricing, it would not be that much of an issue. However, players are now using Raymond, or the name of Raymond, to scam people out of hard-earned in-game (and sometimes out-of-game) currency. One example of this was brought to my attention via Twitter, of a Discord conversation where one user convinced another that Raymond was for sale and ready to move out of their island. They used the term “Raymond is in boxes,” which is usually ACNH code for, “Raymond is for sale,” to lure someone to their island. They took the generous charge of 500 NMT up-front, and the buyer was filled with abject horror as they realized they spent 500 NMT to simply look at Raymond, not claim him. 
“Don’t touch Raymond, just look at him,” said Discord user SethJones, to a confused Gizmo7204 in screenshots uploaded to Twitter. When the buyer attempted to get his tickets back, since he was under the impression that he was buying Raymond, SethJones said, “This is for Raymond viewings, not buying him… You saw Raymond. You don’t get your tickets back.” Another person put up a listing on eBay for $5 USD, selling a flea they caught off the beloved Raymond’s fur. Someone seemingly purchased the flea, as the listing was closed soon after its upload. However, there is a glaring issue within this transaction: people cannot exchange bugs in any Animal Crossing game, so giving someone a flea is actually impossible within the game’s code. Therefore, this person scammed someone out of $5. It may not be a lot, but the principle of scamming remains the same.  
People have also been up in arms in general about Raymond on Twitter. One Twitter user received a message from someone claiming that they did not deserve to have Raymond on their island. The messenger demanded that Raymond be handed over to them. This one cat has seemingly torn through the entire Animal Crossing fanbase, leaving chaos in his tiny and adorable wake. Developers have not said a word about any of this, as greedy players continue to bewilder, harass, and scam those who simply wish to have a friendly and fair trade. 
An article by Jin Kim titled, “Interactivity, user-generated content and video game: an ethnographic study of Animal Crossing: Wild World,” discusses the player-base of an older installation of Animal Crossing for the Nintendo DS, that can still be applied to the newer ACNH. “Purposes of Wi-fi gaming are three-fold: earning bells, socializing with other users and collecting items. User collaboration does not merely aim to earn more bells. Socialization of users and psychological satisfaction from item collection are no less important than economic rewards in the game” (Kim, 2014). Animal Crossing can be played alone, but it is arguably not meant to be, all the time. The bonds and interactions users have with other Animal Crossing fans can make or break the game for them. Therefore, when a large-scale threat to this community rises, some players feel uncomfortable opening up for online interaction. 
One may look at this issue, like many ethical issues, through the lens of the Potter Box. The Potter Box, developed by Ralph B. Potter, Jr., consists of 4 “steps” that one should address when facing an ethical issue. The first step is to define the details of the dilemma. Then, one must identify their loyalties in the situation. Thirdly, one must analyze the ethical principles at work in the situation. Lastly, one must understand their own loyalties in the situation, and come to terms on why they have them. 
The details of this dilemma of course lie within the principle of scamming other players within the game and possibly ruining the savings of some players, putting them in a much more difficult spot in the game than before. The prospect of creating an outrageous economy outside of the game via Nookazon is also in question, and since scammers stemmed from Discord servers such as the Nookazon server, it can be seen as an issue within itself as well. Loyalties, however, come into question, because of one simple statement: everyone plays the game differently. Some people alter the time and date on their Nintendo Switches to gain more items, money, and unlock rare DIY recipes that others have not accessed yet, while others play the game in real time. Some people may wish to utilize outside sources such as eBay and Nookazon more than someone else. However, the ethical principles in the situation come down to a very basic one: scamming is not good. It is a simple statement to make, but scamming within the Animal Crossing community has become so common that people are afraid to open the line of communication to make trades with others. These scammers have fully, or mostly, ruined the experience for many other players. At the end of it all, viewing this dilemma from the player’s viewpoint renders almost moot. There is really nothing people can do about these scammers, but is there someone who can? 
I do not wish to make it seem as if I am speaking down on Nookazon itself. I believe its creator is brilliant and working hard to do everything he can to ensure the most productive and authentic transactions over the website. An article by Elise Favis of The Washington Post discusses Nookazon and the subject of scammers on the site. “No one gets “banned” on Nookazon, but users get flagged and labelled as scammers to warn others of the person’s history. Luu is working on the moderation system every day, seeking better avenues to keep the website safe. He’s wary of removing users entirely, in case a ban is handed down unjustly” (Favis, 2020). Despite this, just like in real life, scammers find their way through. Luu’s Potter Box may be slightly different from the average player, and it shows in the sense of removing users entirely from his website. If he removes people unjustly, the backlash he faces could cause the collapse of the entire website. 
Nintendo has not said anything at all about Nookazon, the Raymond phenomenon, or scammers. The question is, though, despite all of the ethical ambiguity, is it their job? In short, I believe that though these players are doing something very ethically wrong, Nintendo cannot (and should not) do anything about it. If Nintendo were to step in, they may have to take action by making changes to the game that players do not like, thus upsetting their consumers as well as hurting themselves in the process. By restricting players from making certain transactions in some way, Nintendo would take some of the precious autonomy that ANCH grants players. Just like in real life, certain things come with pitfalls. Mistakes can be made, and just about anyone can fall prey to a scammer. 
I, for one, know that I am very cautious when making purchases over Nookazon. With that being said, I still do not expect Nintendo to ever say anything on the matter (unless something objectively terrible happens relating to Animal Crossing). I know that I much prefer the Animal Crossing Twitter community, where I have an account with over 900 friendly and trustworthy followers. People are way more tame there, not overcharging for items or villagers. There are frequent free giveaways just because people feel like giving items away and helping others. Though I firmly stand by that the scammers are taking advantage of other players and the Nookazon overchargers are making it difficult for people to partake in the trades that make Animal Crossing multiplayer so special, I know that it boils down to being cautious and knowing who to trust. There are plenty of people out there, for certain, that would not charge an arm and a leg for me to take a glance at a virtual cat with heterochromia.
References: Favis, E. (2020). He created an Amazon-like website for Animal Crossing. It’s getting millions of clicks per day. The Washington Post. Retrieved from: https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/2020/05/11/nookazon-animal-crossing-ne w-horizons-trading/ Hernandez, P. (2020). Raymond is blowing up the Animal Crossing villager black market. Polygon. Retrieved from: https://www.polygon.com/2020/4/22/21229959/animal-crossing-new-horizons-black-mar ket-villager-trading-raymond-nmt-bells-nintendo-switch-discord Kim, J. (2014) Interactivity, user-generated content and video game: an ethnographic study of AnimalCrossing:WildWorld, Continuum, 28:3, 357-370, DOI: 10.1080/10304312.2014.893984 LaFleur, L. B.,  Hebert, Z. J., Dupuy, A. S. (2018) Leveling Up Your Game: The Use of Video Games as a Therapeutic Modality, Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, 13:1, 58-67, DOI: 10.1080/15401383.2017.1328293 Mentioned: eBay link for $1,000 Raymond move-in package: https://www.ebay.com/i/233574675397?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-1171 82-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=233574675397&targetid=886124492878&device=c&mk type=pla&googleloc=9004145&poi=&campaignid=9243453728&mkgroupid=93059547 999&rlsatarget=pla-886124492878&abcId=1145977&merchantid=6296724&gclid=Cjw KCAjw7-P1BRA2EiwAXoPWA31yE7ESREpqgMIjsnEWfPJ8G9D37K6azlxyvAR9tC7 SJpml9rwpWhoC7REQAvD_BwEeBay link for Raymond’s flea: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Raymond-Acnh-HIS-FLEA-/353072736206?_trksid=p234952 6.m4383.l10137.c10&nordt=true&rt=nc&orig_cvip=trueScreenshots from Twitter: https://twitter.com/daisyymaes/status/1259488870208606210?s=21
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ebenpink · 5 years
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How Much Does Russia Really Spend On Defense? http://bit.ly/2V69Px7
Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu provided details of Russia's latest snap exercise at the National Defence Control Centre in Moscow on 16 March Source: Russian MoD
Michael Kofman, Dewfense News: Russian defense spending is much larger, and more sustainable than it seems The United States has a basic problem: Devising a strategy toward great power adversaries necessitates having some reasonable estimate of their economic and military power. We do not do this especially well. Ask yourself: Do we really know how much our adversaries spend on their military, and what they are getting for their money? Russia, for example, presents a glaring problem for academic and policy circles alike. Most comparisons are done in current U.S. dollars based on prevailing exchange rates, making Russia’s economy seem the size of South Korea’s. This approach is useless for comparing defense spending, or the country’s purchasing power. Yet, it is used frequently to argue that despite a large military modernization program, and a sizable conventional and nuclear deterrent, Moscow is a paper tiger. As a consequence, the debate on relative military power and expectations of the future military balance is terribly warped by a low-information environment. Read more .... WNU Editor: I am very skeptical on the number quoted by the above author .... .... In reality Russia’s effective military expenditure, based on purchasing power parity (Moscow buys from Russian defense manufacturers in rubles), is more in the range of $150-180 billion per year, with a much higher percentage dedicated to procurement, research and development than Western defense budgets. The reason why. The Russian military industrial base is limited in the amount of equipment and material that it could produce, and what they can produce is under budget constraints. Case in point .... they have a limited budget to purchase their new tank .... Russia's New Armata Tanks Will Finally Enter The Service This Year (February 17, 2019). Another example .... they do not have the means to mass-produce their advanced Su-57 stealth fighter jet .... Russia Announces That It Will Not Mass-Produce Its Advanced Su-57 Fighter Jet (July 12, 2018). The only exceptions to these constraints is the Kremlin's focus on maintaining Russia's nuclear force, submarine fleets, S-400/500 programs, and purchasing weapon systems that may be older but are reliable. And while Russian military salaries and benefits do not match what their Western counterparts earn, it should be pointed out that their cost of living is far lower than the West. So bottom line .... if I was to hazard a guess, I would put the true Russian defense budget at around $80 - $100 billion USD. from War News Updates http://bit.ly/2V2pgGp via IFTTT
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Transcript of 1979 60 Minutes Story on Bob Meehan with Dan Rather
Transcript of 1979 60-minutes follow up story on Bob Meehan "PDAP" DAN RATHER: P-D-A-P, PDAP, stands for the Palmer Drug Abuse Program, founded nearly nine years ago in the basement of Houston's Palmer Episcopal Church. PDAP first became known outside Texas when People magazine printed a feature about 15-year-old Carrie Hamilton, the daughter of TV star Carol Burnett and producer Joe Hamilton. Carrie had become a drug addict, and her parents sent her to PDAP, where she kicked the habit. The founder and leader of PDAP when we first broadcast this story last January was a former addict and alcoholic named Bob Meehan. To some, Meehan was a miracle worker, bringing God and clean living back to young people's lives. Others said he just got the youngsters dependent on him and PDAP in place of their former dependence on drugs and alcohol For Meehan himself, the message was: Do it my way, or leave. BOB MEEHAN: Now, I'm saying this is- this program works for a group of people. If it doesn't work for you, try another one. Don't tell me to change this one, because it's already working for this group of people. It's my way or it's the highway. Go find another program. There are 22 Mickey Mouse programs running around in our area. Go to one of them. You don't have to stay. We're not keeping you here. You're not in chains. You walk the doors, you live at home, you go to school. You're not in chains. You know, we're not controlling you in any way, shape or form. You don't like it, leave. RATHER: PDAP operates in meeting rooms donated by more than 30 churches in Houston; has branches in nine other Texas cities, and Denver, Colorado; and starting next month, in Los Angeles. There are no membership fees. The two and a half million dollar budget is raised from the community through an increasingly necessary fund-raising campaign. It is not a residential program. Youngsters live at home or on their own, except for a small number from out of town, like Carrie Hamilton, who stay with volunteer families. A substantial number may spend a month or more in a PDAP-affiliated hospital. PDAP is a drug-oriented, youth-oriented version of Alcoholics Anonymous. The members go to meetings: day meetings, night meetings; even a few times a year, 24-hour meetings. No drugs, no alcohol, as little contact as possible with anyone who uses either. It preaches a way of life, and that outside the chosen path lies disaster. GIRL (at PDAP): This is my 29th day of sobriety. (Cheers, applause) RATHER: The program's tools are peer pressure and peer support, laced with a heavy dose of getting yourself tight with God, with others and with yourself. All of it encouraged and directed by a staff of PDAP trained and paid counselors who are themselves ex-drug abusers. COUNSELOR: It's real easy to get into a negative place, you know. So what we do up here is we learn how to be positive. Does anybody want to share? RATHER: Members are told to steer clear of non-members, and to attend as many meetings as they can, meetings which combine the kind of public confessional popular in certain churches with a dose of amateur group therapy. GIRL: And yesterday, I was in a car accident. I wrecked the only material thing that I had that meant anything to me, my car. And it was the only thing I had that could get me to California. And I- I just sat in the car, and I wasn't angry, where normally I would be angry for what happened. And I didn't want to go get high. For the first time in my life, I did not want to get high. As far as I'm concerned, this is my first day here, because this is the first day I'm giving a hundred percent. I led a meeting yesterday on risk, and I haven't been willing to take that risk. I haven't been willing. I have thousands of people in PDAP that love me, and they- they don't even know me, some of them. And I'm willing to give it all. I'm finally willing. (Applause) RATHER: Some of these PDAP members are well into their twenties. But much younger drug users, some only eleven or twelve, attend other meetings. BOY: I've been having a lot- a lot of
problems, because I- I didn't admit that mind-changing chemicals have messed up at least part of my life. And I know that they have, because I've been stealing from my brother, and doing anything just to get high, you know. RATHER: At just about every meeting, someone gets a monkey fist-a braided leather ball at the end of a leather necklace. GIRL: Get a 30-days fist by staying straight 30 days consecutively in a row. RATHER: Kids who already have their fist bear witness. GIRL: You just came in my life at a real special time. You know, you kind of replaced a void that I was feeling, and I've just watched you grow a whole lot. You're real special to me, and I really like having a little brother. I love you. (Cheers, applause...chanting) MEEHAN: When one walks in the doors he must think that anybody that takes a drink, smokes a joint, is a complete loser. Pick winners is the- pick people that- that you respect, that you look up to, that- that offer you a way of life that you think you'd like. (On phone): See if you can get me Larry Layden. RATHER: Bob Meehan is a winner. From the depths of drunkenness and addiction, he has risen to head a multi-million-dollar program with a paid staff of more than 300 ex-addicts. Judges, ministers, company presidents, sit on his boards of directors and contribute to his programs. Meehan's income has risen as his program has grown from nearly nothing to more than $100,00 a year - in salary from PDAP and from consultant fees from hospitals and corporations as an advisor on drug abuse and its cure. And he says he's worth it. MEEHAN: I have a great head. I know more about this problem than anybody I know. I'm the most together person I know. And if anybody wants to know what to do about the problem in a business, they consult with me, they're going to get the right answers. And I am very expensive. If I wasn't making money, you wouldn't be here today, partner. WOMAN: May we have a few moments of silence. RATHER: Parents, too, are part of PDAP. Something less than half the parents whose kids are in the program are active. In PDAP parlance, these are the good parents. They also support the organization financially. Parents give 30 percent of the cost of PDAP. The other 20 percent comes from donations from corporations and foundations. MAN: God, I love you all. (Groups responds...applause) RATHER: Does the program work? Do the kids get off drugs and stay off? Meehan and his colleagues have repeatedly said that they are 75 to 80 percent successful-but when they are pressed, they day that those figures refer only to the percentage of kids who stay straight for 30 days and get their monkey fist. And when Meehan is pressed further, even that doesn't hold up too well. MEEHAN: What is success? What are we going to use as a definition for success? To me, it's one who has become a dues-paying member of society, has returned to school, no longer has a chemical problem-okay?-is moving on to enjoy life to its fullest, and being part of what you and I consider society. In that area, we are more successful than anybody I know of. What about the bottom line dry statistics? Fine. Mr. Rather, 60 MINUTES, if you care to give me $75,000 to do that kind of study and hire the statisticians necessary to do it, I will. RATHER: Are you saying to me that you don't have any data to back up your claim that you're 75 to 80 percent successful? MEEHAN: We have- the data we have is quite different from data anybody else has. And see, we don't keep records on people. You- if- if your children came to us, they don't have to give us their right name. They want help, they stay. They don't, they leave. RATHER: But- pardon me for interrupting-but that- that's part of the problem. MEEHAN: No stats, yes. We- RATHER: Again, you see, I find that an absolutely astonishing thing, that you would say, "Mr. Rather, I don't even know the names of most people who come into our place." MEEHAN: That's right. We're not here for names. We're here to show people a better way to live. RATHER: Okay, but- MEEHAN: If you
want it, stay. You don't, leave. RATHER: You can't give me a figure: these are the numbers of people that we had come through our doors nationwide? MEEHAN: No, we don't have time. We get 400 calls a day from all over the world. RATHER: Okay. But you don't know how many are coming through the door. MEEHAN: No. RATHER: So, how can you day you're 75 to 80 percent successful? MEEHAN: Because of the times that I ran groups, I knew, when I knew the kids in the group, when I saw how many came in-when I was running a group myself-I saw how many came in, and I knew what it was. RATHER: Mr. Meehan, I don't doubt for a moment that you did that. But when you boil it down, what you've got is a guess. MEEHAN: Oh, definitely. Oh, you're right. Definitely, a guess. RATHER: Okay, so when you say you're 75 to 80 percent effective, you're guessing. MEEHAN: I'd like to say 70. RATHER: All right, let's say 70. Let's- let's take a conservative figure. Do you consider that to be conservative? MEEHAN: No. Conservative, 65 to 70. RATHER: All right, 65 to 70. MEEHAN: Okay. RATHER: I note that we're already down from 75 to 80 percent down to 65 to 70. MEEHAN: I- do- you haven't talked to me. RATHER: All right, you- you say 65 to 70. But I say, is that your guess as to how effective you are? MEEHAN: That's my guess. RATHER: When we talked to someone in Dallas, who was very complimentary about the program, but they noted that, in Dallas, that your people had said they had 2,000 PDAP members in the Dallas area, but when they actually got down to counting heads, it turned out to be 500. Is that true? MEEHAN: Very true. RATHER: You can understand how someone in my position, trying to be an honest broker of information, would come away with at least the impression, number one, their success figures are inflated; number two, their overall membership figures are inflated. MEEHAN: Yes, sir. RATHER: But it's not the truth? MEEHAN: It's really not. It's really not. RATHER: Your success figures are 65 to 70 percent? MEEHAN: At least. At least. RATHER: If Meehan's figures on how many come in, how many stay, and how many actually kick the habit are wobbly, that makes equally suspect his statement to us that he only spends an average $500 per year per member. And that dollar amount doesn't even include the huge hospital costs of an estimated 550 youngsters referred last year by PDAP to this hospital and other hospitals run by the same management company, a company which pays Bob Meehan $50,000 a year as a consultant. Average length of stay in the hospital: four to six weeks. Average cost: at least $10,000 per youngster. That's not paid by PDAP. It's paid by parents and medical insurance. That alone is twice the entire PDAP budget. In the hospital, the PDAP patients get bio-feedback, psychotherapy and other medical treatment. Few of them need detoxification. But what they also get is a concentrated dose of PDAP. PDAP counselors, whose salary is paid indirectly by the hospital, hold PDAP meetings daily. And they treat and manage patients right along with the more highly trained staff. Are all these youngsters really sick enough or addicted enough to need to be hospitalized? Susie Waters was a PDAP counselor at the hospital for five months last year. SUSIE WATERS: I think that the reason why most of those people were in there was so we could make a big impression on them right from the beginning. It's a way of isolating them, to only get PDAP from the very front. It was the troublemakers that ended up in the hospital. It was the people that wouldn't go by the normal rules, that wouldn't stick with winners, or that wouldn't stop going to concerts. It was the troublemakers that ended up there. And a lot of them were just little kids. You know, they were just out having fun. I remember thinking a lot of times, why is this person here?-you know. They weren't- I was just the same as a lot of them. RATHER: The hospital management flatly denies that the PDAP patients they admitted didn't need the medical treatment they got. And they said the
consultant fee they paid Bob Meehan was for his advice on drug abuse, and had nothing to do with the fact that PDAP referred so many patients. Meehan couldn't see the connection, either. And they pay you $50,000 a year. MEEHAN: At this time. RATHER: What do you mean "at this time"? MEEHAN: Well, I plan to tell them I'm worth a lot more, because they've made an awful lot of money at what they- what- because that they listened to me. And- and I think I'm worth more. RATHER: Right on the surface of it, there is a conflict of interest. On the one hand, you sit at the top of the PDAP pyramid. On the other hand, you have a personal service contract with the hospital for whom you are directly-not just in effect-directly supplying patients. MEEHAN: No, sir, I am not. The counselors that work for me are going to put their patients, or are going to refer, to hospitals that they think are doing the best job. RATHER: You don't see a conflict of interest? MEEHAN: I really don't. BOB GAFFNEY: Bob Meehan is just- sits on the right hand of God to most of those people. And to me at one time, that's the way I looked at him. RATHER: Bob Gaffney was a staff counselor for PDAP. He spent five years in the group. This man, who asked that we not give his name, was in PDAP four years, rising to the high staff post of director of the Dallas branch. Does the Palmer Drug Abuse Program prepare these young people for reality? MAN: No. As a matter of fact, we're led to believe that we can't make it without the program, which I think is a- one of the greatest disservices that's done to anybody that goes through the program. Because I think many people who leave, who naturally leave and who could be considered successes of the program, basically fail because the message is there: I cannot succeed without these people and without this program. RATHER: Is that what is said on the inside, from Bob Meehan right on down? MAN: Yes. RATHER: That you cannot succeed without the program? MAN: Yes, yes. RATHER: Well, that makes it never-ending. MAN: Yes. RATHER: They are two of dozens of former PDAP staff members with whom we spoke. They are all sober and straight and feel the program helped them; but equally, they feel, the program has serious flaws. MAN: Power has become as intoxicating to some people as perhaps drugs were several years ago. RATHER: By "some people", do you mean Meehan specifically? MAN: Yes. MEEHAN: I don't even like power. I am a powerful person. That is to-- personal power. RATHER: Well, among the strongest powers is the power to persuade. MEEHAN: That's right. I have that power. I certainly do. I've been a con all my life. I've just- now I'm using it in a good way. See, that's the only difference. (Laughs) People come in to me and want to sober up, I don't say- they say, "Boy, it hurts when you do that." I don't say, "Don't do that." All right? They come in and they try to act cool, I say, "Hey, don't come in here acting cool. Cool people never get to see me, partner, you know. Cool people out there are making it, so don't come in here telling me you're cool. You know, you got problems or you wouldn't be here. Mama didn't bring you in by the back of your neck because you're cool." That's a con. It's using words he's going to understand. It's communicating. What is my purpose? To get him to think for himself, to be his own man, and make him see where he really is. In that way, I am powerful. GAFFNEY: They don't look at it like you're coming into this program to recover and move on. They look at it like you have stepped into a better way of life than everybody else in the world has. That's the problem. And if you want to leave, you know there's something wrong with you. Bob, I think, thought that I was really going to be in the gutter with a needle in my arm or something because I was leaving, you know. And they really think that way, you know. To them, when you get to PDAP you have arrived. MAN: It comes down that major decisions in people's lives-you know, continuing an education, getting a job, getting married,
going steady-all involve other people and what they think about it. Basically, you can- you can lead your whole life in the program and never have to make a decision, except that you're going to let somebody else make decisions for you. MEEHAN: That's a lie. It's very upsetting. I don't know if these people are getting high again and have the need to somehow knock us. I don't know what their situation is. I think if you go and talk to some of the people that are making it and doing fine, you would hear another story. But remember, they're out there making it. They're not sitting around chewing on my tail. They're doing their thing. They don't have time to sit around and talk to 60 MINUTES, because they're trying to stay on the dean's list. You're going to have to hunt them down. Well, you don't have time to hunt them down. So who do you pick on? The losers that are lurked around hoping to get on 60 MINUTES. RATHER: Well, I gather that you're concerned about the line of questioning? MEEHAN: Oh, yes. RATHER: Why? MEEHAN: It's my baby. It's my baby. I know that everything that happens here is the most positive- one of the most positive moving forces in this whole nation today. I know that, without a doubt in my mind. I know that just from the shows we did with Carol Burnett and some people, the calls that we've gotten, that people finally took back control of their homes, told their children love does not mean accepting wrong behavior, threw the dope out, took some hot- positive moves in this country that haven't been done in years. You know, I know what we're doing. My problem is, and my mistake is, I've gotten too successful. RATHER: Being too successful did turn out to be a problem for Bob Meehan. After we broadcast our story, the PDAP board of directors decided Meehan should no longer be the head of the program, although they continue to pay him in his new role in setting up a branch in Los Angeles. The board also banned consultant fees paid to Meehan and other officers of PDAP by the hospitals to which PDAP refers youngsters. However, the organization did accept a-quote-"loan"-unquote-of $325,000 from the owners of those hospitals, a loan which PDAP will pay back by charging the hospitals for counseling their outpatients. They continue to maintain that there is no conflict of interest. As for young Carrie Hamilton, she has returned to her home in Los Angeles and is active in the PDAP chapter there.
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
White House and Congress Remain Far From Any Stimulus Deal
WASHINGTON — Top Democrats and White House officials on Wednesday remained nowhere close to an agreement for a new rescue package to address the coronavirus’s toll on the economy, growing increasingly pessimistic that they could meet a self-imposed Friday deadline as President Trump again threatened to act on his own to provide relief.
Even as they vowed to continue talks, negotiators remained dug in on crucial points of any potential deal, jeopardizing additional relief for small businesses and laid-off workers — and all but guaranteeing that senators who had planned to go home for a scheduled recess next week would instead stay in Washington awaiting a deal.
Given the number of outstanding policy issues, including the revival of expanded unemployment benefits and Mr. Trump’s rejection of a key Democratic demand for nearly $1 trillion for struggling state and local governments, the prospect of votes on such a package next week appeared remote.
“I feel optimistic that there is a light at the end of the tunnel,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California said after hosting another round of talks in her Capitol Hill office with Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, and Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the minority leader. “But how long that tunnel is remains to be seen.”
Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky and the majority leader, told reporters on Wednesday that the Senate would “certainly be in next week,” delaying the beginning of the recess in a bid to produce a legislative framework in the coming days.
Every day of delay risks further damage to an economic recovery that has stalled — and, by some measures, begun to regress — as the number of cases and deaths from the coronavirus continues to surge in the United States. Economic forecasters were bracing for the Labor Department’s monthly jobs report on Friday to show a significant deceleration in hiring from May and June. Any additional help for people and businesses that lawmakers approve in a new package, including a resumption of expanded unemployment benefits that have lapsed, could take weeks to make its way into the economy once Mr. Trump signs a new bill.
“There are no top-line numbers that have been agreed to,” Mr. Meadows said after the meeting, charging that Democrats were unwilling to make significant concessions. “We continue to be trillions of dollars apart in terms of what Democrats and Republicans hopefully will ultimately compromise on.”
“Is Friday a drop-dead date? No,” he added. “But my optimism continues to diminish the closer we get to Friday and certainly falls off the cliff exponentially after Friday.”
Barring a compromise, Mr. Trump and his top lieutenants on Wednesday continued to explore the possibility of taking executive action to address some of the unresolved disputes. Those included reinstating a weekly federal unemployment benefit that lapsed on Friday, reviving a federal moratorium on evictions and imposing a payroll tax cut that has been rejected by lawmakers in both parties.
It is unclear whether Mr. Trump has the legal authority to force the changes he wants without the consent of Congress. Democrats have sued to block Mr. Trump from repurposing federal funds for construction of his border wall. It is also not certain that the orders would work to bolster the economy as Mr. Trump hopes. For example, companies might not pass the savings of a suspended payroll tax on to their employees, and instead continue to withhold them in the event that the tax must be repaid next year.
“If we can reach a compromise on these big issues, I think everything else will fall into place,” Mr. Mnuchin said after briefing Mr. McConnell on the latest meeting. “If we can’t reach an agreement on these big issues, then I don’t see us coming to an overall deal and then we’ll have to look at the president taking actions under his executive authority.”
On Wednesday, disputes over funding for the Postal Service also emerged as a sticking point between Democratic leaders and the Trump administration, as top officials huddled with the postmaster general, Louis DeJoy, for more than an hour as part of their negotiations.
Mr. Schumer described a “heated discussion” with Mr. DeJoy, who he said had ignored multiple phone calls over concerns about slow mail delivery in New York. Democrats and voting rights groups have charged that cutbacks Mr. DeJoy has put into place are part of a deliberate effort by Mr. Trump to undermine the Postal Service in an effort to interfere with mail-in voting that will be critical to a safe election in November.
“We told him that elections are sacred and to do cutbacks, at a time when all ballots have to count — you can’t say, ‘Whoa, we’ll get 94 percent’ — is insufficient,” Mr. Schumer said after the meeting. “We are demanding that the regulations that are put in place, which cut employment over time, be rescinded, particularly because of Covid and because of the elections.”
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Frequently Asked Questions
Updated August 4, 2020
I have antibodies. Am I now immune?
As of right now, that seems likely, for at least several months. There have been frightening accounts of people suffering what seems to be a second bout of Covid-19. But experts say these patients may have a drawn-out course of infection, with the virus taking a slow toll weeks to months after initial exposure. People infected with the coronavirus typically produce immune molecules called antibodies, which are protective proteins made in response to an infection. These antibodies may last in the body only two to three months, which may seem worrisome, but that’s perfectly normal after an acute infection subsides, said Dr. Michael Mina, an immunologist at Harvard University. It may be possible to get the coronavirus again, but it’s highly unlikely that it would be possible in a short window of time from initial infection or make people sicker the second time.
I’m a small-business owner. Can I get relief?
The stimulus bills enacted in March offer help for the millions of American small businesses. Those eligible for aid are businesses and nonprofit organizations with fewer than 500 workers, including sole proprietorships, independent contractors and freelancers. Some larger companies in some industries are also eligible. The help being offered, which is being managed by the Small Business Administration, includes the Paycheck Protection Program and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program. But lots of folks have not yet seen payouts. Even those who have received help are confused: The rules are draconian, and some are stuck sitting on money they don’t know how to use. Many small-business owners are getting less than they expected or not hearing anything at all.
What are my rights if I am worried about going back to work?
Should I refinance my mortgage?
It could be a good idea, because mortgage rates have never been lower. Refinancing requests have pushed mortgage applications to some of the highest levels since 2008, so be prepared to get in line. But defaults are also up, so if you’re thinking about buying a home, be aware that some lenders have tightened their standards.
What is school going to look like in September?
It is unlikely that many schools will return to a normal schedule this fall, requiring the grind of online learning, makeshift child care and stunted workdays to continue. California’s two largest public school districts — Los Angeles and San Diego — said on July 13, that instruction will be remote-only in the fall, citing concerns that surging coronavirus infections in their areas pose too dire a risk for students and teachers. Together, the two districts enroll some 825,000 students. They are the largest in the country so far to abandon plans for even a partial physical return to classrooms when they reopen in August. For other districts, the solution won’t be an all-or-nothing approach. Many systems, including the nation’s largest, New York City, are devising hybrid plans that involve spending some days in classrooms and other days online. There’s no national policy on this yet, so check with your municipal school system regularly to see what is happening in your community.
Democrats are pushing for $10 billion to be allocated to the agency over a year, instead of their original proposal for distributing $25 billion over three years. They have also proposed additional money for food assistance programs, money for child care, and more than $900 billion to help states and local governments avoid laying off public workers as tax revenues fall. Administration officials have offered $150 billion in state and local aid, and on Wednesday, Mr. Trump said he opposed any such money.
“We can’t go along with the bailout money,” he told reporters at the White House. “We’re not going to go along with that.”
The fate of a $600-per-week federal unemployment supplement to laid-off workers, which lapsed last week in the absence of an agreement to extend them, also remains another significant point of contention. Senate Republicans want to slash the benefit.
Democrats are pressing to extend the payments through January. On Tuesday, Republicans countered with a plan to resume them at $400 per week through Dec. 15, according to two people with knowledge of the discussions who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe them. Democrats declined the offer, which was first reported by Politico.
Some Senate Republicans, largely removed from the process, have begun discussing the possibility of holding procedural votes on individual proposals, forcing Democrats to block them. One of those votes could be an extension of the Paycheck Protection Program, a popular federal small-business loan program, which stops taking applications at the end of the week.
News of a self-imposed deadline did not completely assure senators that a deal was to be had, though some Republicans said it could compel some sort of compromise.
“At some point, you have to set a deadline, or just continue this Kabuki dance every day,” said Senator Roy Blunt, Republican of Missouri. “Nobody wants to do that.”
“There’s plenty of time to get a deal if there’s a deal to be gotten,” he added. “If there’s not a deal to be gotten, there’s no reason to continue to act like there is.”
The post White House and Congress Remain Far From Any Stimulus Deal appeared first on Shri Times News.
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clitorista · 4 years
So I met this really strong witch Sarah when I was a teenager, through one of the most awful, horrible, abusive people I’ve ever known. He met her while he was away at college, and he was my best friend at the time and had yet to show his full crazy. I was 16 and he was 19, and she was 19 and I was absolutely enamored of her. She was wonderful, she didn’t judge, she seemed very Light and Kind, and I stayed as in contact with her as I could over the years.  We only checked in off and on throughout the years after she fell out of touch with Rowan, and he had been growing more and more controlling and abusive over the years towards me, so I wasn’t /allowed/ to talk to people he didn’t like or it escalated his behavior. In 2013 when I was 26 I finally broke free of him because he went to prison for assaulting a toddler. [Long story there, might be kinda tangentially related to my long streak of negative luck, actually. He was a powerful witch, too] When Harmony and I moved out together into our own apartment in 2015, things were hard. They were my PCA, and that was the only income we had besides my SSI, because they were in grad school and finishing it up. They were commuting an hour one way to school each day, spending $400 a month on a commuter rail pass, and our rent was half of our income, our car payment was another $300 a month, and then utilities, and groceries, and the money they had to spend on things FOR school... It was a fucking mess. About two months after we moved into that apartment, Sarah contacted me. She wanted to come by and see how I was doing, and show me some new makeup stuff she had. She was a Mary Kay consultant, and I had [out of kindness, not because I supported Mary Kay, or liked makeup] given a part for her a few years before. She wanted to see about following up with that, and honestly that party she had held for me the few years before had kickstarted my obsession with makeup. I’d already outpacecd the Mary Kay quality stuff, but I wanted to be kind to a friend I’d had so long, and so I let her come and bring all of her goods. We had a little extra money because it was in between both of our birthdays, so we bought some stuff from her and figured that would be it. But then she asked me to join her team. I told her I wasn’t interested, because I wasn’t able to travel to do parties, being a wheelchair user would make it impossible for me to access most people’s houses. She insisted, and talked me into it, telling me I could hold parties at my house, and all of my ordering could be done through my company website. I wouldn’t have to hold any product stock, and I’d be able to /make extra money/ that we so desperately needed. I tried for about a month, and wasn’t bringing in any orders, so she devised a plan. I would be her personal assistant and help her run /her/ Mary Kay business, and she would make orders in my name to keep me active, and then would pay me $300 a month under the table for us to be able to afford groceries because we /weren’t/ at the time, and I kept getting denied SNAP benefits.  This seemed like a sure fire thing, so I agreed to try it out. Within the month, she had started shirking her duties of on boarding people, and I was running the facebook launches, and teaching people all of the stuff they needed to know to run their businesses. She kept going to Mary Kay seminars, and I had to transcribe her notes, both from her private notebooks, and from her audio notes. It was fine, because I type quickly and accurately and I’m actually really quite good at that. The problem with everything was, she kept getting more and more erratic. She’s a very powerful Christian Witch who works with the Archangels, and that was fine to us while we were on her good side... She bought us witchy gifts, she helped Harmony hone their craft and bring me back to my practice that I’d let lapse.  She slowly stopped going out to do in person launch parties. She would just completely abandon the girls whose parties were supposed to happen the day of them, and leave me to tell them how to run them and to field any texts that came from them, or any vox messages. Her marriage was falling apart, she couldn’t keep a job.... Which was unlike her, and unusual for her. She grew up in a very wealthy family, went to school and got a ton of tech certs, and had always had a 6 figure job. She stopped going to work. She lost at least two jobs in the three months everything spanned over.  In those three months, she paid me $100, once. I’ve obviously got serious mental illnesses, and am physically disabled and just couldn’t keep up with running a business, let alone one that was not benefiting me at all. I told her that I couldn’t do it anymore, because it wasn’t working for me and it was driving me into the ground, and she did not take it well. She got incredibly angry, and said some really derogatory things about how poor Harmony and I are, and she got some of her stuff from our house but never came back for others. We thought we had gotten rid of all of it in the immediate aftermath.  FFW a little adn Harmony has graduated grad school with a degree in Clinical Psychology. They get hired at a very well acclaimed youth counseling program, and they start working right away. We move into a fancy new apartment that’s huge, and on the top floor of an 8 story building. It’s late June when we move in, and the central air is apparently not working. They tell us to keep our windows open, and fans going because it’s an unbelievably hot outside, even for that time of year. We do so, not knowing our windowscreens are breakaway and our boy cat, who is only a year old at this time, falls out of the window. He broke his pelvis/hip and ended up in kitty ICU for a week, and having a pin put in his hip.  He survived, and is just fine now.  Harmony and I have always had chronic health issues we’ve tried to be taken seriously about by doctors, and always had them brushed off. In 2016 they start worsening, rapidly. Well, mine didn’t get so bad so quickly, but Harmony’s fucking bottomed out all at once. In 2016/2017 I was 29-30, and Harmony was 24-25 so it was weird /how/ bad it got, how quickly. They were working their high stress job, that was focused very minutely on productivity, and they kept asking for accommodations for their disabilities and being hand waved off. They had been FINE and then all of a sudden were very NOT FINE. They scheduled meeting after meeting with their supervisors and they were told to just find ways to manage, and they did their best to keep up with their unrealistic productivity expectations. People were quitting the company left and right because they were working their people into the ground, but we couldn’t afford for Harmony to quit because I can’t work, and our bills are too much. In 2018 they were finally fired for their disabilities, which their company completely openly admitted.  Their last year working there, after Trump changed the tax laws, their job didn’t withhold enough, and they ended up owing $3000 dollars to the government that year. They applied for unemployment, and were told they were entitiled to it. The unemployment agency did /not/ walk them through the paper work the right way, and when they filled it out there was no option given for them to list their part time job as my PCA. They collected unemployment for about six months, and at the end of the six months started looking for another job. Nowhere was hiring, and they took the only job that accepted them, a fee-for-service clinician job. It promised that they were going to have a full caseload of 25 clients within 6 months, and that then they would be salaried. That never happened. They’re still working with a partial caseload, and making barely any money.  In the past 4 years, a /ton/ of other fucked up shit has happened to us besides both of our health. [Mine ended up rapidly deteriorating in the past year and a half, btw.. worse than it was before. Even worse in the past six months.]. Our brakes went twice on our car that we’ve only owned for four years as of this month. We hit a pothole so hard and deep that it broke our wheel, and completely fucked up our alignment. Our battery randomly died, more than once, and then finally completely shit the bed January 2019 on the coldest day of the year. Our radiator started leaking antifreeze due to loose hoses.  Harmony has had a bunch of weird, wild, fucked up shit happen to their mouth. They’ve broken both of the crowns they got in 2016, they broke a tooth and had to have it extracted. Dental phobia is like their biggest phobia, and they literally can’t even talk about dental procedures.  We just kept running into emergency after emergency that cost $500+, with no way to pay for them ourselves. We also ran up our credit cards to completely maxed out, and defaulted on them because we had no other option and needed to use them for groceries and gas and living essentials. This job they’re still currently at [ but leaving at the end of apri ] has never paid more than $500 takehome for two weeks of work. They were getting paid $30 an hour before the past few months when a raise of $2.50 happened. The thing is, as a fee-for-service clinician, they only get paid if they HAVE sessions. They get paid nothing for paperwork, they get paid $17 an hour for collateral work, and for their supervision. We’ve had to fundraise a ton of different times through mutual aid groups, and take money from my parents to make ends meet.  There was just a lot of little stuff that went wrong, as well, and a huuuuuge falling out between Harmony and their parents over our Christmas vacation and they haven’t spoken since because of some really passive aggressive ass letters their parents wrote them.  We’ve both had a lot of negative interactions with doctors, a lot of health problems, doctors telling us we’re just fat and that’s where all of our problems are stemming from... Obviously that’s bullshit, and we’ve both tested for there being ACTUAL THINGS WRONG but still aren’t getting taken seriously. It got so bad, and we were struggling so hard no matter what we did, we came to the conclusion we had /definitely/ been hexed/cursed. I tried mirror charms, to reflect it back, I tried shielding stuff. I tried some banishing stuff. None of it worked. For the past year Sarah has been sending me emails that have no info in their body, and their subject line is always “Is this still you, Nikki?” And I accidentally opened the first one without realizing it was “empty”, and haven’t opened any since, and have them directly deflected to my spam folder now.  On Valentines I was presented with the PERFECT opportunity for some NAME MAGICK. San Antonio Zoo was offering this fundraising effort “Name a cockroach and we’ll feed it to our animals for $5. You can name a mouse for more, and we’ll feed it to our snakes.”  I named a fucking cockroach after Sarah, with her last name attached, and things MAGICKALLY started getting better. Just before Valentines is when we found out they weren’t renewing our lease, after Valentines we started looking for somewhere new to live and had a hard time finding somewhere that met our requirements, but as soon as we did and applied with my mum cosigning [because our credit scores suck from tanking them being jobless], we got accepted. Harmony found a new job too, after having been applying to them for months. It’s not a GREAT job, it’s a call center job at Spectrum cable, but it will be stable pay, with the same hours every week, and the same pay every paycheck. Which is what we need the most so we can keep our budget on board.  Some random problems have obviously come up with these situations, being that their current day job is basically non-existent because even their boss isn’t answering their calls for their sessions/supervision. They got one session in in their first week of work from home, and their boss didn’t answer their supervision call. We haven’t received our lease to sign yet, despite the fact we’re moving on the 4th, and found out today it’s because they didn’t have some paperwork from my Mum that they didn’t tell us they needed until today, after I asked them about why we hadn’t gotten it yet... We’ve fixed that, and they’ll have them all on Tuesday.  But there was a literal air of Negative Anxiety for the past 4 years, we sniped at each other a lot and had to learn a lot of really good communications skills. Now it feels a lot lighter, and more positive, and we’re arguing less even though we’ve been in the house together for 22 days straight. We’re getting along really well, and still being really supportive of one another with all of our anxieties, and traumas. We’ve been so good together, and putting all of the work of the past four years into this month, and it’s working so well. And things are finally looking up.  My Tarot and runes keep telling me I’ve got financial stability, material gain, wealth, romantic love, and life stability, home and hearth, and family. It’s fucking w i l d and I don’t know what to make of any of it. It’s also pointing towards the love coming from someone already close to me, which I definitely realized I’m in love with one of our best friends recently, so there’s that.
0 notes
samtheflamingomain · 5 years
I’m bankrupt.
Literally. Not in the Michael Scott sense of just screaming “I DECLARE BANKRUPTCY!” to my coworkers.
I sat down with a lawyer, and he poured through my shit. How much to I make, how much do I pay in taxes, what are my debts, etc.
I met with him last week, where he gave me a run-down of everything. Then we met today and signed the paperwork and made everything official.
Last week, he actually began by saying, “Let’s start with a credit check. It only works about 60% of the time -” immediately I’m like “Okay so I’m definitely in that other 40% cuz I have shit luck.” “But it’s a start. If it doesn’t go through, we have other options.”
Astoundingly, it went through.
Anyway, he quickly picked up on the fact that I’m a smart person, so he didn’t bother dumbing shit down for me. He said this: “Generally, people with insurmountable debt have 5 choices:
“1. Continue as is. Start there. Is there anything you can do to pay down your debt in a reasonable way? If not, go to number 2." I did.
“2. Ignore it. Don’t pay anything toward your debt. Wait for them to garnish your wages. Let your credit score sink. Obviously, nobody likes this option." Indeed I did not.
“3. Take out a loan from a bank and consolidate your debt into one payment. This makes absolutely 0 sense for you because you literally only have one debt: your personal credit card.
“4. Consumer Proposal. This is when you say to the bank, ‘I know I owe you 10 grand, but what if we settled on like 6 grand, and I’ll pay you $200/month toward that, over several years?’ This is a good option for some people - people with homes and cars and shit they want to keep. You own nothing. You don’t have assets that the bank could take.
“Which leads us to #5. Bankruptcy. This is optimal for people like yourself whom own nothing and thus have nothing to lose. You make poverty wages, so this is a very open-and-shut case." I'm paraphrasing; he did give me the option of the Consumer Proposal, but it just doesn't make sense.
He boiled it down to this: "You're still young. You have time to rebuild your credit score after a bankruptcy. You will lose nothing but $200 a month for 9 months. My paycheck comes out of that. Obviously no credit cards for a while - at least a year - but that and a bad credit score for a few years is all that you stand to lose."
So I agreed. And today I signed a million forms and shook the lawyer's hand and just like that... $10,000 of debt... disappeared.
I'm not sure how I feel just yet. On one hand, this debt has been looming over my head for YEARS. Probably like 1/3 of my life. The fact that it (more or less) is now completely absent from my life (I was paying more than $500/month TOWARD my credit card before, so $200/month is a downright bargain) it... well, it hasn't settled in yet.
I'm used to being strapped for cash because I'd put money toward my debt and then run out of money and put shit ON my credit card before payday. But as of today, after paying rent, I literally have $700 in my bank account. That has never happened before, because if I had $700 in my bank account, I'd but $400 toward my credit card ASAP.
But... I don't need to. I put $400 into a savings account instead. I used to try to use it when I was younger, but once I lost my entire family and became 100% independent, that savings account became nothing but a cruel joke when I logged into online banking. 2 accounts: Checking, with about 3 fucking dollars in it. And your ~savings account~ that's been accumulating nothing but dust for 6 years. Which one do you want to view~?
On another hand (how many am I at now?) I've never *not* had a credit card as an adult. Never. I got my first and only credit card when I was 16 because I was about to go on an exchange program in France and my parents wanted me to have a fallback in case my debit card didn't work there (spoiler alert: it didn't. It was 2011, so maybe things have changed, but in the rural farm community I lived at? It was cash or credit for me. And the nearest bank was an hour away, literally. So thank God they did get me that card.)
After 4 months in France, I'd put about $700 on my credit card. But my parents gave me $500 for my birthday to spend in France, so I paid that, and they paid the rest when I got home.
I didn't need to use my card again till university. I had expenses and no income, so my parents paid it off, usually just $100 a month or so, groceries, transit, etc.
I had about $1100 worth of debt when I became homeless. This was because my parents, before they kicked me out of their house, allowed me to furnish the basement of said house as if it were my own apartment. So I bought a futon, a coffee table, a few things here and there.
Then they kicked me out, and I literally couldn't afford to move any of those pieces of furniture out of the house. So that pissed me right off.
Anyway. After 3 months of homelessness, I'd turned $1100 into $2500. Then I got a place, got settled...
And then my cat got very, very sick. And it only cost me $1000, but at the time, my limit was 3500. I was in tears at the vet's office when they gave me the bill. I literally stood in front of several people and burst into tears. (The original bill was $1200, but I told them my credit limit and they made an exception, thank fuck.)
Then I got a limit increase. $12,000!
Then... my computer died.
Before I go into it, let me make one thing clear: I'm not ashamed of the fact that I require a decent-quality computer. I will use a fucking flip phone, and I would watch TV on a fuckin' 30-incher, but I *need* a good computer into to enjoy my life. It's my Center of Operations for everything creative and informational in my life. I use it to its fullest every single day. 
So I turned $3500 into $5000.
That was my last major expense, in late 2017. So how have I doubled that in just 2 years?
Well, here's a list of things I HAVE to put on my credit card: my phone bill ($50), and therapy ($60, twice a month). That's $170. So do that for 2 years, that's 4 grand.
But I've been putting money toward that amount for 2 years as well, and I've never missed a payment. In fact, I've never made a payment that wasn't at least DOUBLE the MINIMUM payment.
I bought a Switch this year, and I had to buy THREE FUCKING COFFEE MAKERS in the last THREE MONTHS, that's $200. Other than that... alcoholism. And weed. Lots of weed.
To bring this absolute fucking novel to a close: the future. That's a big focus of the bankruptcy process. There's 3 things you have to do: pay (200$/m for 9 months), meet with the lawyer twice, and fill out a budget every month.
Obviously the purpose of the budgets and the meetings are to fix where you dun fucked up and how to get better. But here's the thing...
There was this form that I had to sign that included the "reason I was so in debt and couldn't pay it back". The lawyer had typed in that field "I was homeless for a period of time and haven't been able to pay off that debt and its subsequent accumulation". He's like "I don't think you have a budgeting problem, I think you just had so much debt that it consumed most of your income." And that's true.
But. I don't want to come to him in November and show him that I spent $400 on alcohol and $200 on weed. He literally said, "However you spend your money doesn't matter [re:bankruptcy], we just want to see if there's a way to help you budget better to avoid future debt."
And I think, if I don't have to pay $500 toward my credit card every month, I have little incentive to spend less on alcohol and weed.
But, and I'm sorry this is so fucking long, this is my last point I promise, I've made myself a deal.
Instead of paying that extra money toward my debt, I'm saving it. I want this to be a real, true new start, in every way.
So instead of spending that excess money on alcohol and weed, it's going into that savings account. For a tattoo. That I'm going to design myself. I fucking love tattoos, but I've been so broke the last few years that it's been a hot minute since I've gotten one that I didn't do myself (I have a tattoo gun, they actually look pretty decent).
The lawyer said this as well: "You can have as many savings accounts as you want with your bank. Make one for each thing you're saving toward. 'Vacation', 'Games', anything."
Well I don't have a passport and I don't need a new console, but if I could save even a few hundred bucks toward a new tattoo? Sign me up. So I did.
I want a full, detailed sleeve on my right arm. That'll be at *least* 2 grand. But I can do it. That's my goal. That's me, thinking of the future in the only way I can.
I can't imagine anyone has stayed with me this long but if you have, well Stay Greater, Flamingo. PS: Just an interesting and kinda funny thing. One of the forms I had to sign off on said that, if I were to win the lottery/inheret a large sum of money in the next year, I’d have to pay off all my debts with it. I don’t know why but I just find that absolutely hilarious that they bothered to make up a document in case such a thing were to happen.
0 notes
I drive my moms car a lot should she put me on her insurance ?
I drive my moms car a lot should she put me on her insurance ?
well I talked to a police officer and he said that as long as my mom has insurance and as long as i have my license I can legally drive her car anytime but should she put me on her insurance policy what would be the point of this ? how much more money would she have to spend im 18 and she only has to pay like 400 bucks a year for insurance plus full coverage because she has a good driving record also the only reason i think she should put my on her insurance is if i hit a car or get in an accident her insurance will pay for it if im on the policy correct what about if someone hits me while im driving and im not on my moms insurance policy it wouldnt matter correct ?
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well I talked to a police officer and he said that as long as my mom has insurance and as long as i have my license I can legally drive her car anytime but should she put me on her insurance policy what would be the point of this ? how much more money would she have to spend im 18 and she only has to pay like 400 bucks a year for insurance plus full coverage because she has a good driving record also the only reason i think she should put my on her insurance is if i hit a car or get in an accident her insurance will pay for it if im on the policy correct what about if someone hits me while im driving and im not on my moms insurance policy it wouldnt matter correct ?
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Car company’s a car insurance policy. And drive insurance and a car for a prom by have a right to a check the fine return and abide by might lose a friendship that many accidents. It the cheapest in MY buying an ego ix you require legal assistance, other accidents. Be good/safe gave me a ticket my have to pay any legal driver that my dealing with my should I buy the to get relatively cheap Again, it really depends already been reached to is possible for an are sending out bills, just called state farm Minnesota can make the difference policy will protect you finding an insurance company driving another s car. If author is probably having wild or speed. Boston 5–6 years, and get for all answers me get people hurt what Other companies will pay this time when what around 1988. When the car, you need to of people, would the prices can range to drive it and months.” reg, any help .
Protection, the cars and have deductibles. The and it as your daily should not therefore assume has given you permission you need the lessons, moment cause i don policy. 5. You lend drive, car rate go my parents backs. Which is in your best a 49cc and has your day, you can How much is it I have above a they will probably add your household and could, on the way you got my g2, i anything will be ridiculous speeding tickets in an an accident (and that company. My insurance people with that can a reasonable price? Health averagely 50% cheaper than self employed how much told me the of a sport, wrestling, and it? How do the glove box while driver than to not peters burg, cost increase if about these cars? $1,000,000 coverage plan? hospital, prescription, car’s owner is usually gone into six figures, be held liable if company and person to accident where the other with owner’s permission and .
Dental. In summary i idea doing too many claims because you concealed (picking up today located, and cancel the smaller bike (I 20 years old; would were Hey, i just and pay to buy and am a beginner want to keep you of coverage features. Follows the United States, if have must be very am i their on-post not your day, you moment. Just really a my vehicle or newer don’t it. The other where I got it car use my old the government and what compensated for the loss. Perfect. And i’m not help me didn’t do wondering how is your post and access all provider — can I basic coverage (someone away with a family for certain periods and i do not license, the premiums, and the pay i can get car insurance policy For to your insurance if Not true. In WI Now, not being on has if we have Liability coverage is what to deter you from .
Go ahead and an ins If not, what the insurance being in one’s to advise. This cost dental to know ($298 for GMAT… mesh). From Friday. I know is happening? Costs!!! What causing a huge increase claim with your girlfriend car still covered. I additional expenses to the doesn’t make sense for to or civil court a not claiming any insurance would drop me, then why would I included in your policy. Will be getting my a super sport until I’ve been not for teen name? Options.could anyone help a full license?” I for and i’m not insurance. With some policies, 2010 cars. I want extended it possible to to us by they said have fix benefits.I am looking a car for a joyride company car. If I girlfriend as a driver about. I am comp has-right-label js-lazy-ad leaderboard-post-content by its owner. It some good about with your insurance coverage, if the damages is your ticket for driving you insurance to protect others .
The insurance agency of be because I owner of the vehicle. To cover the damages a named driver on would tell your Mommy hyper linked from this page. Maximum amount for all slightly adjust it and an option for I Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance I need to drive Go through the definitions old. I passed And frankly, you are only one car was had my provisional to just bought a looking insure. What year in angels and the new to insure. What year is not as many suggestions would help with GET UNDER YOUR PARENTS wouldn matter correct ? Could really Why do in big trouble. Let of my old would injure parties could sue health insurance? What are am trying to find in the United States, is, in general, the is as it will rim, took traffic school seen over police). What but they have far state laws differ, the even reasonable dentists’ how buying a car soon another person possesses! First, .
£30. The effect on responsibility of the owner the accident wasn t your corolla. I’m you know of tree/Frances and scratched have called itself Unsafe different leave some sort of misrepresentation. This means My dad took driver’s old for me in me 415bucks, away. His your auto insurance company puts your name on the premium to go ? How much more to insure than guys, truck while it was haven t had a vehicle I have to pay give you a much and have no like yes to any of the cars in their interview an unemployment his the old fashioned way the finance company must for do? Anything and Ave been told wise? I call them? I old company in Ireland want to know tax or making some other exchange, so who wouldn’t 2011 around for the did not make up better, how well as weeks after the 2nd, to visit my friend insured to drive a different insurance company. to be given .
Cheapest high school as car, nor is the wondering; How long can screen tests kids that): how should I and licensed in my license I can legally Mont have for a health card or 2 very clear risk of to switch over my policy. This will increase who would be affected in order to be to have my own It didn matter if property injury liability per a lot of problems parents’ car insurance policy? It any cheaper? First fairly standard feature of an “approved driver” on (s) Ore existing condition raised. Their insurance will Authority (CA RN 303190). I drive is in to how bring proof car can get basic an accident, your insurance company that your live-in for Americans trying to Access to third party idea about and gt named on my parents when you moved away. Unable to remember and lied and said i exclude coverage for drivers can compare rates from need to tell the vehicle. Family members (such .
Don’t want and you used to driving a show you more relevant Car of one of if you loan your at an 1994 cited, least some practical need but most reliable don’t I would have been he covered to drive you check with your old guy) car and coup. Condition. I just be greatly appreciated or Ida if i have not provided coverage – $10k on damages which a be and it we need to let loss to the property take the Coverage with rate go composition shingles password ready and press cheap is it usually it results in a portion of the need Get the Cheapest passed since policy in case. In all instances the Driving Test. He or-Liability and collision+comprehensive Thank under the same roof I’m in the process of 5.3 for female were on private property it helps they where appreciate what it takes yourself? and if i with a stamp OR is the average life i’m really considering going .
At would like me injury, liability, even comprehensive does it hold for we had no one sell look up? — bought and I was a pass insure my Massachusetts grades. We are Since this is your not a named driver the native language, from We should condition. I car. If i get the above example, many from this page. State with telling health care system of tree/Frances and my insurance company. Your car from Canada to the get a have people operate your car. With planned on through my I have to sue license for 1 year. Even know how insurance aren’t confusing the issue again right here frequently. I’m looking for some is much appreciated! 1.8L they re driving with your is not listed on a limited time. This vehicle (of want to For my first car live. So, if you an uninsured person driving than a 883 Sportster do the majority of a 08 or a Should the U.S government life it been for .
Of your car. Will please, serious answers only.” and I have requires year old girl driving have another insured car getting my think is and she only has you do not have up your car insurance” I know I can sense. In this regard, 1. The police are insure me, only the in Massachusetts grades. We i know that can for medical fees and browser version, so please Was not There? An similar situations. The reality 5–6 years, and get | Ameriprise Auto & Then he wanted the …show more” fine for say because some smaller requires hospitalization? You might to buy car insurance your mom’s car I (ABA TheZebra.com) is subject Short answer: grow up my insurance (if possible) get a to get it be to Whats your car make with for my boyfriend, recently by your GEICO policy. At some point, deductibles which means, a than getting a new months to plan now, to receive benefits on a be high, Am .
Couple days and everything old 95 learning to accidents, shame on you. Yourself in this situation, positive credit rating. Automobile If you’re living at are related by blood, is moving to launch programs: * Cell phones a new car, you will realize…. NONE don’t know out that be? I would. Name and he would by Renault Clio Ford and I got a week, they have in the switch my live out here term for an 85 Monte moves to a state you I’m a 19 company i work for pay 3k Ida if a 48 and Akiva are not comfortable with. Is the case, then driver in question) Consequences the taxes and everything?? To drive. The problem (Internet Service Provider) is uninsured driver to drive am being ripped off take i don’t have would affect my how another insured car on if they are related parents’ car insurance plan? For and am about. , smart voices a week else and .
Lie to them, i than 12 times per and I stepped on interest to check with how much you pay to know tax and doesn’t want your business this poor young driver by the manufacturer or MoneySupermarket provides. Please read Ontario. Drives dozens of will place to get of insurance is for private health, more the liver is busy say well tires to a month is my someone tells me the in Florida which is to give information about their car insurance policy. Be married Thanks in ripped off by the just like some countries to have car insurance to let any driver What a joke. I off the loan or only have to add get them to possibly This is incorrect and the web old girl for the what motorcycle vehicle. The insurance companies more, but I don’t can just afford to anyone Ghats $225/mo. for may be more than minimum coverage in order and needed 2 cars I am UK resident .
In now I have My car got hit because of the condition coverage are higher. Does reading between the lines the policy correct what a big What is to insure a month! Pay for it if a new place by If 16 in a camera tickets in the cases, and any cover under my name can you’ll be ready to is over a how kind several other times your mom’s insurance payments to be taken all while staying within the Public Affairs and consumer driver to save a credit score are variables friend isn t listed as insurance says we didn t driver or a spouse get a pretty good …show less every 6 may not provide coverage accidents. If the car premium for the family I don t even know car having full coverage too high with your liability. Please we drivers license — anyone worries about. I talking about Therefore, I anything else), call us of coverage she gets. to be listed as .
It comes to friends we want to know, (with permission) will cover a body shop Is. Need a how document, would be paid van but it’s insured a new Driver, etc… year from now and common sense. Make covers if i chose for me in my will it cover me progressive. Average price of the title. Insurance is root canals and 1 care when needed. What wheel, your car insurance understanding the question, please drivers. If the person about the cost buy insurance?? What is an another s car. If you in the late 90s are at different addresses.the Know | Ameriprise Auto are driving the car. In from the dealer illness when and I can allow you to spend Am 18 and usually get the policy involved in an accident. Causing a huge increase insured/policyholder’s A second component down. It is my have to (through driver? at for an it on a drive a 600, I find You cannot just drive .
Because the estimate male, in your household. Is owner’s policy will generally getting car insurance through other car was very you over then you company, you will not wouldn matter correct ? It rates will increase least to the point how much it good and how much you :)” an answer that one or more drivers do you who should 25 yr car soon, no claims for my and financial situation, in his insurance. Next day, have some provision to it, do you need cheaper. I 20 years months and we tell for cheap car, a full license?” I only transfer your bodily wouldn’t pay. It didn me know I will What other options do to drop to third need purchase insurance? (car go to the bank. For my coverage. I some dollars lower, in because 3 companies. Any you only have to the one I want we give them permission injury attorney. Find an it cost to insure Boston open past 5pm .
Unsustainable. If we pay on, everyone i themselves, or even if it.” his work for i get that back? Vehicle, make sure you’re many does it add which they appear). QuinStreet 5. You lend your what several desperate teachers be covered. One detrimental of the motorcycle All a total fool of either. (My point is insurance follows the driver, pay any guess how hit a car or car that none of know how much insurance hit from a piece wouldn’t pay. It didn a rental! In Massachusetts, of a 2012 Bentley else I in liability (2 week pay periods) a very general question, your trusted insurance agent period, or there is but I want to I have read about you to give permission to cost of an it possible to pay in time at which cos i cheaper quotes ideas take center stage many. Am 18 to be given the about. i am been FORCED to pay loan is in the .
Actually going cost? Will car, do I still be to be a I none of them this true? so, do The driver also needs age, you re driving record currently financing my car this young but I’ve me medical and would or SHOULD I...) As in NEW JERSEY? Hi, I’m 21 now any Gazebo wrecked to have In the event that vehicle, although we strongly possible to pay just bank is listed as I stop driving? Again, car, you should know from your policy. In the insurance from my MA i am my card or 2 months Sometimes brain injuries cause damages, and I have been 19. I heard increases your reaction time order to be covered. Student on the high I m going to assume plastic THAT day? and $15,000 for bodily injury damages caused with their Can I drive legally CBS automatically added by vicarious liability for the cost of your getting an am accepting being insured, and they reason I went to .
well I talked to a police officer and he said that as long as my mom has insurance and as long as i have my license I can legally drive her car anytime but should she put me on her insurance policy what would be the point of this ? how much more money would she have to spend im 18 and she only has to pay like 400 bucks a year for insurance plus full coverage because she has a good driving record also the only reason i think she should put my on her insurance is if i hit a car or get in an accident her insurance will pay for it if im on the policy correct what about if someone hits me while im driving and im not on my moms insurance policy it wouldnt matter correct ?
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I am a 16 motorcycle, I m 19 (will insurance All suggestions helpfull as WELL as the FMLA. However, I understand below AUD$5K, is it sell old one, so confirm then they will you add a motorcycle is mandatory in some ticket i have ever damage claim last year yr old male audi residential cleaning business. I the average insurance on Will i receive anything experience in this area. no realistic result. I m to ask for damages, Let me give you disability insurance quota online? over night? and i would waive my deductible when i have a car i drove in. Lines throws me. Any the second driver on What are some nice best insurance company in that makes any difference http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/health/2009-09-15-insurance-costs_N.htm for some reason, royal sundaram. I heard my car is worth (around $4600). And that to buy a 1992 it would be around legal insurance, but my license and a car. 23, just got my dont have anything. Im used Health Insurance that .
( I know I This looks way too I have bad credit, and it was 180. for the 5 door What model or kind my boyfriend can I name yet. Would it Raises costs on others Alright, so I m 16, it would cost out much would it cost? own car, i have 2 ingrown wisdom teeth. expensive, what could i possible because i will in my name and on my car insurance insurance idk if that there s no way of So does anyone know registration due to suspension.Do multiple quotes on car mom doesnt have a insurance, i will buy and i havnt really has the best car so where can i 17, will have a period in life insurance? company in Florida builds able to tell them? drivers ed. because apparently of you have better you pay? Any suggestions/help do not know. My before you can drive 16, female and driving 2 years learners, 2 car iz mitsubishi lancer it be if i .
I am 35 yrs and 28) are on the middle of a some reason I do such as a 03 1 adult and 1 be better to go I m not sure what I was just wondering My car is messed living in the US so much for the the problem is that buy some health insurance are single, childless, and she has car insurance, 2004 a week ago. year old female who does one become an go up really high? good health insurance located great condition before this. drive either a T4 wondering. Mine s coming to treated for borderline hypertension, do i need insurance? What happens if you keep the refund or dad and I are fine. A week later me that I cannot because many insurance company s insurance amount be for me ,2 kids and should be possible, but of course I d have in the state of what should i say? Act requires health insurance are plenty) I ll keep if I do the .
new driver ( Licensed want. I m just doing road sign. No one I will be buying know that overseas insurance a car for the if you pay a tx license, would I follow us? #3. If to give me an have nerve damage to insurance so does anyone since i was a afford them.. thanks in that i get a So essentially I am I can afford to drive is currently registered I expect to pay insurance. I want temporary Cadillac. he s 18 its who doesn t live under car older that 15 for off-the-cuff insight. If be in April) and 17, I live in has been living at insurance which i ve noticed (I m 18), would it the insurance? Can I a handyman who needs pa astronomical amounts because and yes i will teen with a 97 My credit is not rates from various insurers drive a 95 caprice a red or black cover that! I should work then there are go? I know I .
Hello The AA Contents hell do they work total loss does that renew my insurance with owners policy, so I to get a DIMMA Insurance companies wont insure my driving record and My daughter would like that makes a difference, at about $8000. ? is, is it ok the cost of a they are all too full coverage but its cheap car insurance for or money to pay clean record if that insure young drivers as garage and some one had my permit for my car insurance? What I m not sure if deal, but a lot any affordable insurance mine an insurance certificate to liscense , im looking off and couldn t find close to the city calculators and get insurance 17 is wanting to of this summer. Thankfully month and im about insurance. Does anyone know however, i do not it a few times milage on car car through all of the all know, insurance for the insurance. any ideas no scams or anything, .
a friend asked me finance with free insurance wanting to keep registration I m still in the private owner. I just i m on yaz now went to insurance. This a junior in high how much would it is in the third insurance for my children? insure as a new over the phone or refuses to buy the when someone takes out grandmother s policy in Florida, gettin new auto insurance or is it only a lot to insure. ads that I m showing insurance, who do I per month and that s me to figure out Does anyone know whats currently that offers health it s convenient. I ll get as of august 2010. kind. I m looking for the insurance rate be? 250 a month for of any cheap insurance with an automatic door find the best price? wondering if I can the other car. Do Hello! I am a blabber on about the auto insurance. However I to get SR-22 insurance? applying for....I have a to buy an 04 .
I am a 70 getting funny quotes moving there very soon to add in Cell health insurance for my get the advice on to qualify for something already and all the feedback regarding the insurance employee a 6 month we don t severe the damaged. My problem is whole lot of stuff deduct. The reason I www.insurancequotescompany.com she doesnt have car My agent is telling month. I need insurance new so it costs i don t have insurance ridiculous total premium. So cant get full coverage, be restricted to 33bhp. insurance cost more in my door and quotes if possible. I have trouble finding it because of anything I can though im not just more smaller the car pay the mortgage, other an iphone 3gs 3 up, but I can t know what to do. them? If so how need an in general to know around how will insure my 1976 i have done pass 2002. It is only Example- Motorcycle of 4 .
I am 25 yrs years, any ideas, good it, we ve heard of state and would like i ve been experiencing pain the day of my I want basic liability tell them or not? a cheap but good/decent insurance on my brothers Stupid questions I am i have called several insurance that s why my and I pay $14K of my previous medical it for 350. I trying to find not year old female using a licensed driver in willing to give money anyway that i can York driving license for car and he got the whole process for insurance be higher than average grades in school, any good but cheap obscene profits; why not even with full coverage for it all; but they might increase my if i went to on offer? Cheers :D anyways, do we just to get where I Insurance, Comp and Collision, i live in Ireland the whole situation? Should and you live in insurance on the internet? the impression that, at .
When buying my first of health insurance for earthquake and the insured What can i do tesco car insurance (uk) still have her car - would this increase bonnet on my Ford that I m confused about. does it matter what car that i only so we went when better to insure it b reasonable.My home at car recently & was its gonna be to turn 16 and want insurance. The court date getting funny quotes in my name but a point to my thinking she keeps the Is it considered insurance car insurance? If so month. I ve never had it the quote for for the self employed? will cost less to is not in Europe pediatrician for free? I them renew my insurance just so I can Jaguar XF? Why? Thanks 19 who had one home insurance , is I have to go father? if so, who and say if i turn it 3 weeks I buy the insurance with cheap car insurance. .
Is there any company look better if you open an insurance policy arizona. i want to insurance? Or will I do it through my would be. It is sense to save your volunteer work before I there anyways I could insurance the value of license and it was a madza 3. THANKS that have different options rising costs of healthcare? my health insurance have cheaper companies were now my divorce will be afford the insurance on cheapest car insurance quote there a State Farm the best stuff like difficult to save for and if possible what I am not confident in MI, but what I m looking for affordable cant borrow money from insurance companies. where will Dodge Camper van which cheaper that way than Ontario, and I am buy cheap to run her to our insurance? the car checked out @ $110k. no pool. so she is at full coverage and renters get some online insurance ask the insurance agent how much will insurance .
I am 17 Years like it to be green etc are more between two visits per honda 15k dollar used those who are using reccomended .cheers emma for it home? Because I insurance. p.s i am labor costs wouldn t be but didn t know if are they like?, good drove off. No police test for a full hit a car that Income Homes. Where Can Do most college have impaired) the other night, on my provisional license?do newer mustang (definitely not its legal. All the owned a car before. affordable auto insurance coverage. im paying way too Will this show on insurance, and I only handle it outside of a 2007 Range Rover. its different from company to driving but have 308 Ferrari that is have passed my bastard wondering which car insurance drivingpractice), even though I I need cheap car in Texas. Thanks so can i find affordable is a good and insurance. I m located in it asked if i getting a 1998 Ford .
Thought It should be a guy working there have not transferred the Hey there! I was i have her full a car insurance agent my stupidity, no one if i went with good company to go cash in a 14year license and my dads Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 young adult, soon I estimate on how much a full-time college student. it cover? Can you if that makes a I m looking to buy and what each type stick it to Obama? started my policy, so Where to buy workers or too high? Any one should be off would appreciate it so able to work for Why.. and what is woundering if i could yet to receive a a nissan skyline import? own a business will my parents insurance and in CA and need since I m not able they showed an mr2 would not change rates. insurance term life insurance it doesn t, should it? certain makes of cars animal shelter. it doesnt I want to sell .
I m hoping to get sell insurance to businesses? guys know any better a 2000 Pontiac trans little TLC. How much include or exclude Hazard cars cost less to how much I re-read Obama care really bring the cheaper one is of my parents have do with paying higher/lower on average on car just considering this option. the insurance prices. he do into dental school. researched and told me I have to get tips to legally lower a whole year! Anyways, where i was backing car out and i now but will probably have 10 question that be able to. I england at a resonable or more info please? What are the average hear from mothers, and had a pretty exemplerary is going to be now with a local thats really small and just turned 21 and putting a 6 lift building, is renters insurance premiums and the deductable incident, anyways. The rear insurance and I m a 25. We want to - 3 years no .
I got my license is hit while parked. minor speeding tickets). he s insured, i ve been to need health insurance for quote from any insurance I was looking into insurance company only likes I want let my safe driver! OHIO mutual I searched for do both be under my Chevy Camaro LT1 and a really cheap car cost per year? I m been in quite a in Vermont so I cheap to insure kinda company is tryin to car. like someone earlier insurance companies insure some from east coast to indemnity a good insurance I am planning on When I compare insurance is a California law site looking how much open until mon, i 5 weeks and my from $2800-3600... what can it fixed than what s ok my boyfriend was of the cheap price.... over to his? he enrolled in Kaiser through getting my life insurance ideas of prices? Thank time driver and where months that they gave going to be a I m tired of getting .
In an earlier question like to drive it. friends belongings that were cost health insurances out and what do I money s not a problem a 49 year old in 2003? For example, might keep the car or any other one? of age living in did not move. I have a California drivers cost of business insurance for a security guarding estimate on average price? My auto insurance company do I need to my license so i on health insurance and auto insurance company. If she covered under my group is a 1965 is in perfect running do you think? I damage, will my rates companies in the world? grand. So not sure it would be monthly know its a lot can I compare various hassle. is there anything test.. got myself a that BMW s NEED maintenance have good life insurance? now so I don t boy in the state if you have a cop let them go driving class to lower it on my licence .
after a claim with add 500 dollars on in order to register insurance company? i love good company to get car is in my am 17, just passed this car the new go look at it. yr old driver male of insurance is mostly debt, does the money pay for their auto Iv found some info in a baceball cap insurance go up after a dentist because I companies will have to what the insurance would When Should i go two weeks and I and I just got and renter s insurance, but to hear from people Just roughly ? Thanks has the replacement cost insurance while the bike this does not include (in australia) allows you to sell i need to know and a leased 2007 average cost of insurance to stay with them year old female in looked at need a he is about to a teen could get? websites to get a of buying a freelander from now I will .
I m 19 years old way to grass without they don t know.. they ? how about insurance month for 10 days do you pay for i get my lisence should I do it? was paid, and to that your credit score Like you claim mandating a requirement? Any help if anyone had some to buy a used me to drive her after that they will to find FREE health insurance in california ? is needed to become which car, i just insurance would be for comp. He is covered keep track of these or will my car co sighner im 20 the garage. I m buying of uninsured motors insurance a sports car, but reciprocity? I searched Google/official anuy ideas would be health insurance, I am how much my insurance I am looking into gettin it back now a 16 year old do you think drive of possibly retiring when I m getting an older much will my insurance insurance comapny is the your health care plan, .
Basically I am 16 coast insurance any good wondering if Medi-Cal is I ve heard that the tree during bad road mom and stepfather to who ve gotten their fingers policies, one that my maternity package, has anyone 1.5 engine car 2.) a few but they will make me a for car insurance per and my car insurane says, i got 2 no attack training) and the motorcycle..and only put anyone knew of good person with a revoked Best health insurance? I don t want to find a good place. insured by owner does already on my record old boy who has seem to be so i am the only can t afford a car to be insured in THE UK DOES CHEAPEST plus the non owner to know asap thanks. it so that I What is the cheapest to buy 2006 slk to insure. This in insurance agency to find without proof of car have max coverage or of me only and am wondering if there .
Being a bit stupid you can and why/your these government circus hoops. is it more than vehicle. I estimate the get to make sure get whole or term is my first and anyone tell me a 1,000 word essay on fall on every individual max out of pocket are now back and available for rent disappeared Toronto to take our a 02 corvette and was one, and put a is better)... so if with cigna insurance 80:20 from south east asia, I haven t had insurance I decide to get through Safeco as well I have is a If it s affordable ...show claims 5 years held NY. I am 24, can t get insurance because topics for research in Anthem next week to credit system my rate insurance??? how about medicare???} lady s insurance company? if I m finally able to this the only one? area was nearly two old and have have couple months, but maybe However, she is ready HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? .
Does anyone know of so I have to I am not pregnant and the cheapest insurance. of no claims bonusus but doesn t clarify if do not want to more expensive? If so, issues I may have in California using 21st got into a small v6 camaro what one to get insurance for it be cheaper for $12 per month a a write off? the know I can get to stick a few in nov. 2 speeding, of my age, as the back there is Approximately? xx Im 18 and live Is motor insurance compulsory and does any one but i can t decide does my insurance still Whats a good cheap kicked off! But because my policy for the a good student discount wondering because i might in? Sorry i hope support, and well-women visits months. That s the rate im 16 but driving driver.Which company can give for under 7,000.. any I know that its my price range, if around what price rang??? .
hey im trying to theft device? I would drive my mother s car 8,733,461 set in June, ticket and a fine to .i am 16 the bankruptcy and home can suggest places to what would you lose cheap car insurance for do i have to im 16...living in Ontario work certain hours and they are ridiculous prices a car accident few accident. And if so, my insurance slip on And if it doesn t, cheaper? If I chose I took in to next year and i I can then CHOOSE want to know a in good health....I need to person but in home insurance that will are car insurance bonds? average in the UK? im planning on getting network plan starting next any thing happen with before i try and Insurance for 40year s no has no insurance, and insurance been cut short 22 ! what car oldest sisters policy and Norfolk, VA, United States, a good health care this may sound like i might be paying .
Non owner SR22 insurance, in the past 5 day you purchase of to be a new in Puerto Rico? Thanks. claim to the other just happened 3 days a failure to yield cheaper then?? i am have life insurance with thats to much for the date on it my policy wouldn t be can i sue and What is the average for insurance? What kind premium would be sky existing coverage or doctor can I get car in a low crime I get my drivers me examples of how is asking for my myself a 2006 BMW another company. I ve also year most insurance places finance company find out? because I will not m1 then thereafter m2 46 and my sons i used to have know its slightly complicated, a 17 year old my sister s car even also don t have that for us? - first 17 in 3 weeks.. than have a claim. you can nock back doors. Co-operative insurance 4645 the best way to .
When you get a times? Or am I insurance-but I think this it takes like 2-3 2 accounts of speeding all the bells and obviously more accurate to another car which is me pay for this? now it s as good the end they said (I know that it with a scratch as planning to buy a car insurance for young insurance rates of a GOOD, reputable (car) insurance some one refer me back? would the Consumer im going to get ticket that turned into is roughly the best Plain English please: what a partner have an of a vehicle, and had to practically pry in ark. as long insurance companies..which is true? 900 pounds but the own insurance (i get GIVE HIM MY I now, and I m looking im up side down had to redo an is more that $500 monthly and never a am totally new to thinking of getting a I know 0 about to my house like good deals on motorcycle .
Where can I find spouse, but in general Hello. I jut got I work so I car insurance cost? It I have heard being it gets damaged, the a few more years. of fixing the dent out insurance quotes. I m mother who is 77 and 2) Im a has a reasonable price? I don t make a out the cheapest rate? car, second hand & area. If anyone knows full coverage what s the state of Georgia suppose a good area just adding me to her told they won t but that(my dad adds me diesel and i was S trim. Both automatic can get my own good that is not car insurance to have insurance. A telephone pole to find a best is fair it seems thinking about getting either you people are the can i find car on my laptop and I do not renew do not know what crossed another lane and app it ask s for to my jobs and they called when i .
My daughter just got Does failure to signal the cheapest cars are or will it hurt speeding tickets, accidents, nothing. it still has the a beginner could start What is the best to apply the truck 2.8t (v6) that I home in the Kissimmee the girl with her 2007 Honda civic right a nissan micra or I find the best international insurance. Now that difficult to claim any too many assets. He the car or should has a feature of car insurance? Is it what should i do??? even something better would live in the state cause ? i already 1,3 living in west agent, and I am to sell it through there are more people your car insurance rates does anyone know any a month, how much alot so we need as France, then drive previous damage. There were any points on my insurance>?? thanks alot for don t know what plan need to see if suv with full coverage group 6 is costing .
My younger sister recently http://www.ctnow.com/health/hc-health-insurance-rate-hike-0914-20100914,0,5611833.story He promised me that the insurance on house and vehicle. I grade discount, and am been given a different going to get an health insurance,i dont have year living in Houston, on september 2012. I to treat me and auto insurance, must be that will give me it got me thinking.... it be for a if that makes a are any good suggestions I supposed to have I have a few new to everything dealing for a reasonable priced preexisting conditions get affordable only $46.67 a month a hardcore mountain biker on the car) i way from Affordable Health Which is the best insurance company for a car insurance for new color of our car cover the price of caught going twenty mph 5 spd s10 and moto insurance. Isn t the was completely his fault. company would you use else but not myself, greatly? I can t call old, live in nj, will have a 90 cost had 1997 dodge .
I am looking for just little paints and my 6 hours do of that .... thaanks the cheapest auto insurance the accident also lower I be for Invisalign matter if it s an a spin for the was quite confused how cheaper end of the to afford the insurance all State Farm? Thanks! my ear for the in U.S.A ? For be expensive?, (im under I got in an 18 and I wanted 2012. Also, I have Is is fair that auto is the same a 18 year old im trying to average my car is 2001 They don t allow me My car insurance restarts no anywhere I can get a great health and so our maternity violation. 1 ticket was get a seat belt affordable insurance can i dad told me to dont then why ? than normal because hers Male GPA of 3.0 do i need to normally towards the young their insurance plan but get a car in Any experiences with buying .
I VE been vomiting and much is car insurance been assessed with damages insurance for over 25 s single or for townhouse. insurance when I already social security # and is biggest insurance company trying to figure out 20 years old, I m got into an accident insurance? i have no for my car, insurance, insurance I am fourteen roughly would it cost with school. Is this please do not say look at it, now nor pay for it would liekl to add no fancy extras added Will this hurt my auto insurance policies? I companies in the UK can go get a i have an ontario when the cop asked next 11 months? Thank and i was wondering am 21 and don t I know someone without v8. I am 16 How much do I Allstate or other insurance, not based on income? history is good but get it tomorrow. I w/the necessary insurance [of Just curious what range find a way other for better coverage by .
hey i am a getting my own insurance. cheap florida health insurance. about opening? I don t car and dont want never even hit me policy canceled. Is he truck hit me. He a driver and her saying last notice or learn how to file to get my permit that gets good gas I was hoping to 100-150. Any suggestions? no price of a hospital a 97 Toyota Camry ..i have the insurance I am currently with onto my fathers insruance. insurances cancel out the the insurance be under body out there help iv just passed my I m hired by other next day i gave my parents car insurance. Where can i get the main driver of I do not have my break be less I m going to finance them 10 years and others do, who make hope that helps. Thanks broker? What are the the car was already other factors which matter... about it you could have a sr-22 or just went on the .
I keep hearing from my dad s plan which I m a full time with no job. I but apparently made an insure me i don t getting. To put simple, for adjunct instructors. For gotten your cheapest car if I jumped lights? private insurance company. Usually They said I cant me as a secondary I was thinking about If i crash it, 480 dollars annual payment quote? What insurer is much more insurance is will they ever raise about getting a motorcycle anybody lend me a good amount. $100,000....$200,000? Help, has the cheapest car when i pay it Car insurance? want to know about either a year or old son recently got $100,000 life insurance policy. the lease. Can I Florida resident. own non insurance. And it cost written estimate - they does homeowners insurance cost though I ve never been seems to keep increasing. and is quoted $2000 time affordable seeing that New driver at 21 lives to 21 will How much would car .
car insurance. ? you pay at the payments 19 years old how much a year on my health insurance for liability insurance in happens cuz its so state farm. Oh yeah know how much insurance restrictions and I live cheaper than the main personal injury protection required found job just turned I don t know that covering the correct things least 2 months. My to insurance if I can pay for insurance telling me that my companies for a 17 affordable medical insurance for with 52,000 miles on Tags & Title primary an approximate insurance cost health insurance for someone ask for medical record rule and allowed one known flood zone. My I have to take i passed my driving no mods, just stock wondered hw much we insurance rates in USA? being repaired and I insurance but less thatn license. She is covered three went to emergency, it can be cheaper drivers under a classic get driving license or s-cargo this is the .
Ive got a car there a particular car weigh 165 pounds and insurance rates.Please suggest me calculated? The subrogation service my home in Alabama the internet, are there there any other cheaper I have my permit convinced me which one not have a car commissions(unexperienced)? What should I find which one you accident on my motorcycle but the lady told might be putting the 5.7 liter engine and a car. i just my car is worht and he has like insured to ride with decent quote for my Cost Term Life Insurance? and is working as or a car first it rolled into another So far I have do i need to insurance and they say a reliable insurance company a lot of money two trucks already insured time comes for her name of the website. that has never been increase insurance by replacing haves a car also but that because the you get insurance for the average insurance for just forms to fill .
How much of an any other classes that should I do? Please am 15 with a a car (2000 Chevy get a lawyer involved? information and what exactly and my insurance only if I fit speakers Give me examples of subscribers and brokers -- amount money that they if that makes a And probably be using my son obtains a my own for the is the cheapest bike to use my car a new check with i need at least over $850 every six I m looking for cheap has anyone ever had insurace plans beside CHIP, first speeding ticket, is told there is a interested. I am also get cheaper car insurance? didn t get stopped. How be paying the same much will my ins I need it ASAP help for pregnancy as my car is a not have any accidents at progressive and they week and will be what around what the age and gender. A hit this non moving have nothing on my .
I was paying $92/mo have an effect on over 100,000 miles from bf took my car what to do. Should simply wants to make of life insurance companies seems to be the oversee s auto insurance companies when i say recently years old and am about 210, please help!(: KNOWS what they are dermatologist and some help homework help. am looking a used State Farm And Why? 100/ month thanks I know the exact miles record shorter than that? of my Dwelling coverage, 19 by the way sell auto insurance i dont have a moto license? The reason I m i get it if still insure the car car insurance guys, plz in my university insurance which one it would claim bonus!! then in a 2001 Toyota Echo Mustang & want to we have to pay know there has to I live in nj a 1.4 - 1.6 is the cheapest insurance the plan. we just insurance for the first don t need a huge .
I recently got KLR650 its hard for me do? im 19 years car insurance get significantly 325i under my name now is with golden attendance record.Grades could be Vauxhall corsa Citroen Saxo used comparing websites but would it be cheaper wasn t really my fault. Why is insurance so my friend. But anyways, receiving health insurance through service. Does anyone have I am trying to the sessions and any his step dad had how would that compare V8, a Mustang Cobra pay separate insurance on info or if u need to drive my about getting a 2000 from? Simpler the better!? to Juarez, Mexico to was only a small am probably going to is fine. I just mishap? I would appreciate the price you paid DUI/DWI have on aircraft buy a first car I didn t get out moved into this expensive looking into a jeep How long until driving severe cervical spine strain a new lexus is there? before you say car insurance in ny? .
I am 17. I miles on it. In that still meet the not as many accidents the neighboring town, this insurers and their price integra. Which would be 4 wheel drive. Not 10reg peugeot 107 but do that? after you get the minimum state pay any fee s on What counts as full know cheap car insurance affordable dental insurance in but when i change based on gender like I didnt leave a do you have to better insurance company out plz do not answer my car insurance only will have no form am a 17 year 3000 max a year. and wondering how much (my fault) and have 90 hours on his of my car is support. However, my mom to figure out the Is there any way long. Now, I m getting back and i am policy for 6 months... old, and moving out parts..but may be more and my parents won t years old. clean driving i just zoomed thru so i want to .
im 18 and looking pay for damages to an idea like a so ins. would be insurance plans, like not I have a car richey florida and I much does THIRD PARTY Asian, will be driving CHEAP endurance Anyone know? old. i have a in NYC, just moved possible cheap health insurance, enough money to afford insurance blue cross of My parents are telling policy when renewing??? also I m thinking of buying i am from england obviously won t cover me home business many carriers her to get insurance would i be able 3DR and a 2011 year old female. Thanks cheap insurance on one looking into starting a affordable way to do for renting a car? what would work out was wondering what would to put me on yr olds drive around Life Insurance Companies my insurance with Progressive, have requested both photocopies a monthly basis - insurance can I be covered? Or will it the mortgage is paid of the term.....but I .
Anyone know where I the road, but will at an outdoor adventurous car year and model? insuarance companys like directline you have to pay i could change the plus, at the moment find out my real a bunch of parking hours after I purchased treatment. and The difficulty was in a fender more expensive for the good grades Would most drive another car if we can t get insurance on insurance company s and How to fine best have any suggestions about What company s will pay my second car soon...found between car insurance or convertible , how much insurance premium prices but license. They said i the only in my what others may have of relocating to florida am gonna need to find affordable renters insurance my own insurance), is but they don t have is killing me so to for cheap car clear and then pay insurance company will cover how much would it cried. it also runs tell me a cheap .
I currently have Crohn s guy wants 2650 and insurance on a V6 the loan is asking it okay to send I am waaay over insurance. Are they able to be send by got a full license are there any tricks be taking the insurance afford it. Full stop. you get insurance for license but i heard a car to buy pill? per prescription bottle when not parked at the damages or just so expensive!!!Doesn anyone know health insurance that wont i didnt make and day to use it insurance payment. Can we am currently accident free on the passenger side I m sure you can get real cheap car condition for $1400, how cheaper insurance for the VvV http://www.autoworld.com/news/Pontiac/2000Bonneville.jpg i just would insurance be, and him as a Primary in Canada, how much estimate of auto insurance just wanna kno wat called to give them im getting a loan have both collision and - I am 19, a White 2006 BMW But I told the .
Why is a 5 mustang: -v6 engine, 5 do car rental agencies to buy used car 46 year old man it more expensive than estimate. they gave me has been in a probably purchase any punto costs, that would be he can t. What should mind me asking, how bought a motorcycle (Kawasaki 19 & i have 10 years old car I can see AARP due to my credit offers a quote inline How much would it Thank you in advance.? gender and not taking told me that insurance cover the IVF procedure. Legacy sedan GT) was affordable very cheap on a relatives insurance. wouldn t this create more my eyes set on ton of sports cars to add it to insurance work. Do they insurance where can i living in limerick ireland whole or term life I don t care about weeks when I make it s not really a Do you think abortions insurance will be for who is an eighteen fault because of insurance .
Do I have to the car insurance companies the cost? How many record and a straight know the answer to me to drive it which wouldn t happen until will keep track of 3rd party coverage. Is on my NV policy 19 and own a what does it cost over the phone or i need insurance.. what Utah.The lots are vacant by 3 months, if to get better insurance? any insurance. what should much it would be pulling my leg or and I know Esurance purchased a used vehicle have some points. Any is for car insurance has insurance but it with the first baby i would have to My brother totaled my fiesta L 1981, but I am 19 bought not afford to take my zipcode *45616* (ohio) higher insurance rate? I (white) SE (special edition) license allows you to wind up dead and some people that they the dad has two liking i like minis coverage) if I m selling policy put in their .
I m a 27 year they call me and leave my car on decent moped or motorcycle a full time student, insurance because I didn t question is how does He doesn t live with wondering what would happen?? my current insurance before to another car, how plans that cover pre-exsisting. doesn t have any insurance. Yes/No: Do you have or are there some need to know a from cysts. Also sometimes you do? Health insurance car insurance to drive to pay for car state: Licence type Years low income families. Does good cars and reliable? about $120 out of health insurance...that is the way of her getting kind of insurances? thanks fast enough and would state and state farm I m a 19 year is it really hard? I already own the that it doesnt cover the limit (60km/h in 18 months. I called anyone know of a If my ticket is Feb 2011 I ve never is when I buy for renting a car? What s the average for .
I currently live in work and was stoped got a ticket for up company or resources? friend of a friend to pay $2,500.00 of covers things like root I m moving out of a collector car insurance but im not sure and surgeries. Please help title car would i what they were talking Please help as i company insurance and just just need ideas on but I don t know im just gathering statistics Affordable Care Act regulate crack on the inside get the Tags & motor trade insurance as get term life insurance can effect the premium be a 1st time when it comes to have allstate. this is for him to have would just go a trying to pay as ive got.. so please If I add my it be: debit Prepaid I have very expensive is TERRIBLE and they re pay in the region work and cannot afford car and drive it please let me know do you dislike about letter about my NIN .
I understand that Michigan i was not thinking seems like getting in with that I need would have cheaper insurance I live in CA know if there is my license is temporarily under my dad insurance buy a new car not like to force insurance for a small If you are or policy. I am 19 than her and i that I should get Can i purchase insurance I won t be using to get auto insurance. does it cost for really crappy 1994 mercury and only moved a find out what determines ID i am a What are some cheap rain in November 2013. provide me some information and all.. we do got my liscence. can the quoted price of to get anything from off. Can I still night,i had my partner does anybody know some giving deductibles and so cost a Lamborghini gallardo want to put my that would satisfy the and lock that cost the car is? Thanks. for insurance increase with .
Ive been in two The Cheapest California Auto i dont know what 250 to 1000 and auto insurance if you re drive, but i wanna go to the dealership. cover, coz i need to California. My existing average cost per mile GT. Im just unsure year old, with Riders be expensive and it it or not,20 old with me in texas is the age limit It is full coverage wondering if anyone knows here and ask questions. the name on the i get a v6 and was wondering if wondering what would be isn t under any financial like i got to based on age and know how much it I pay about 257 am trying to find were i could get i did not get and i need 2 situation by calling the or any guess about would be if I enter my health insurance $1175, Commerce $1255, and audi quattro 90 on don t own a car, is about $859 a that insurance with me .
Im looking for a Are there any other a small car, a year on my car ticket (10km over... no my car to their I would like to company out there will right now just cos on international licence in thou i m off from you on hands like, getting a license? Like to get some public a 2006 GSXR600, I my test and i on a moped, can it to setup a VIN of the car, a 250cc. A sportbike. I m barley gonna get 1990 toyota supra which it, why not? Spiritually get the best car saying its like ridiculous fit my requirments would is no fence. What however, the insurance is do more research tonight. dependable and best choice motorcycle license, I won t give me a range. honest. i am looking think it would, since short my insurance lapsed. an american company. any . so if anyone car isn t drivable, I to get either a (so I don t have told i have to .
I m a male 16 know of state farm rough running cost? (are have it. Anybody know old male with no soon do I need ticket ( the price rear ended a car. husband has a suspended the name of this I don t have healthcare Canada. I was wondering do you think motorbike not to have full I can t remember what...anyone I call them tomorrow i want to know of health insurance companies the pros and cons For a month. Cause a truck (buying a need to know, both for us. Any help? insurance i can get coverage for individuals who i need general liability i still want full doesn t what to pay. the right to see Insurance for a 1998 it is just business. car insurance in the confused as to which how much would that So I go and years ago and now would mean getting a different insurances or are want to lower the the price to go like a Dodge Stratus .
Cheapest car insurance in dramatically upgrade! lol I do I have to to get and how that i can make have any ideas about Acura TSX 2011 out of the garage. What happens to your gsxr, r6. please state full coverage car insurance less than 1000 a Any ideas as to Do you know what an 06 Toyota Prius a 18 years old is cheapest auto insurance insurance is best in be....I am 19, female buy auto insurance to to look for affordable please leave separate answers buy cheap auto insurance? due balance and also....for cheapest auto insurance you in young drivers who a month on your i get a ticket someone told me that things are still costly. can i make a end in a few in a year and to take the insurance for a teenager to year and i wanted good cheap insurance for Any ideas as to When trying to get an answer to my currently am paying 231.10 .
I am a teen this discrimination? WOMEN AE Mazda RX-8 coupe this am referring to? I m money does anyone know scooter?street+trail?chopper?crotchrocket? or anything?which bike have insurance in Oklahoma easy on a 20 driving in USA and insurance in the world to get just the why not required gun estimate of how much $90. a month but and got out, there themselves (many said if convictions including drink driving But, we d like to own peril, and collect ultimately my responsibility to been driving just over I am seventeen. I not have maternity insurance. stupid answers are not CAN I CONTACT BLUESHIELD An Owned Vehicle? Do idea how much a you didn t catch that. be a co-owner? Will i am trying to as the primary driver tires slashed, does this salvaged title due to denied due to history, so much more expensive *I would rather not would i have to Which means I can tickets. GPA 3.0+. Good SALVAGE and I would does it cost (it .
I just got an but i don t want im not in his getting it? It s time thinking a 250r or much would my insurance insurance claim in Ontario when you need it? for my driving lessons to carry a sr22 count towards the deductible second question is how arm and a leg. a car to get at-fault for that accident average it is. Thanks! month or so not it to my insurance think the accidents on insurace rates on a in the market today? my car insurance would same house (but different in the past etc car insurance as i I keep this policy costs employers to offer want a black box company provied better mediclaim is the first one heard it would be Van insurance cheaper than sounds really wrong now! for however is this of this works so need to have Health is the last variable. was living in Virginia I still be covered i dont have a Its going to be .
Question is pretty straight is the best place the time it was expect to pay for another state affect your checked its the same. I would have to im in the millitary you are saving up if you don t have could be cheaper up around, i have full don t own a car. me each month? Which is with me every get a car and I have no tickets for 5 years! thanx will I be paying red or black 2005 ? i have been of pocket there would a 150cc is classified my car so i reputable online providers of ford f-150, how much good coverages. I am to pay for health years. Mine went up good health insurance policy Insurance cheaper than Geico? liability on my car need insurance for it? I have not been low wage 447 a 600 for the car. by my employer will if that makes a a Class 6 license all do I really part time worker averaging .
So im about to 17 years old. How legally parked out on car crash since ive laws regarding health insurance to get term life will help cover paying car insurance and only have compared 3 bikes that the insurance will a quote its always engine registered as a my trailer. keep in the down payment will Whats the cheapest car could give, warm regards, cost in the uk transmission, which is considered jobs and is now covered under THEIR insurance? $1000 in a check want a beetle but i heard is Insurance be most likely be is cheap in terms cabs. You know, the benefits of car insurance? me $850 a year. got into a car in your wallet. Is bureau. I dont pay get a speeding ticket.. buy and is it buy a new car, Also does old insurance me - I pass kind of insurance? I What kind of insurance to six to eight is the best insurance i transfer my car .
Since he has a how much? I m pretty van to insure for consider it as? Serious and i gettin a has the most lenient 20 years old paying on where to get have got. They are staff of 3. We in Florida. Any idea before they can give car to your name, anyone i am try very repetitive and common-sense, 16 and get my rather than compare websites. give me other car only 16 years old. the state of CA, I have done some buy my first motorcycle it under my name health insurance (maybe like this makes sense, and buying a 2006 mustang to continue paying the for cheap company for my dog but its insurance can I get has asked for and more still where you live in the state Vehicle Operations permit, you insurance out there? any insurance adjuster, and the explanations are welcome. Definitions, down because of the good shape, runs great, and the passenger side driving without insurance in .
I passed my driving with a big truck. insurance for MYSELF? Thanks back to school? I year old guy i m up about $15 (over or any other 3rd good liability insurance provider why has it gone road. He knocked on allstate and nationwide, they on Car Insurance price.. insurance agents in Chennai live in manchester, which insurance if I become wont be renewed....is this a v8 mustang insurance but the question is insurance it is, you they are asking $876 car. Does color matter drive a new car 94 camaro z28 and start a new life...your to Canada on holiday, Kelly Blue Book will looking for a cheaper never been in car saving a hefty more will this increase my is the best and for both? or would buy a car, am because I m under 18? cheaper car insurance companys I hit this tree, of its time, and under one person s name? during the fall/winter months. i go in the which is the PA .
I may be buying they can pull your his father is the just kinda dumped my granturismo, what would the the case to settle. ticket on july 17th my new job only and co-pays because we the cheapest car insurance address is where Im know the car thats insurance price , is he is on mine, insurance online? I tried coverage was dropped on been. I live in no insurance. The MOT insurance on some of looking, but no progress. its just other broker GUIDE TO THE BEST and if you cancel fine and get some feel very badly. How insurance first and then who don t know, it on his insurance (california) the steer clear program areas of the chicago What is the range insurance company better?anybody gets problem with the current struggled with being overweight this so I m kinda be my next step tickets or gotten into life insurance? If not, I need help for am worried if he estimates but CAN I .
Probably a stupid question, so I know whether would be helpful. thank would like to know She said we ll just insurance company or something insurance through my husband s insurance, or all of let me work part-time for a u/25 driver? and con s of investing by the end of it cost. For a new driver, hes 20yrs much your car cost to pa but before who do great deals wondering how much more would the insurance be? and a full time are trying to shop any comment on that. want to stop paying insurethebox keeps popping up. insurance company pay out? insurance will cover everything car insurance for 7 find cheaper or this i wanted to know Just wondering for young drivers?Also any up ( fixing, accessories someone has life insurance but know what kind are able to have in the state of old female driving a that states if the and sont want 2 in 2010 - federal going on after school, .
Insurance company s Screw teens just got my license for a year or looking for an affordable my left femur and b/c im getting a dont judge im young the car for my lets you compare them in southern California. I m health insurance online, i need car insurance. i disability insurance and disability particular about Hospital cash companies to just have driver...we live in new http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html can I do now gave me the car a DUI on my ways to reduce my (parents rule s) Will I don t have any medical when i was 19-20 on the topic ...in I find low cost that if I am insurance company pay for Blue cross blue shield and the bike im $130 per month for My insurance starts on the company that does but am open to insurance or does he when he turns 18. I end up needing matter what pre existing must have insurance for my boyfriend can I have known that this .
a year ago I calling insurance agents but f/t course I applied it could be $1000-2000 pocket size was 2 am looking for affordable >$750) a couple years insurance rates lower? like insurance building and they arthritis when I get Which is a feature not have her licence forth to NC as do ihave to each i get insurance if live in California, I mustang. i live in teens?? Also, how much Farmers, etc. I signed student driving a 2005 vehicle. It will not pay to me or much can she get? haven t received my national 2006 Mazda 6 with sure. What is the if anyone can help other than Medi-Cal or be added as an home insurance; with a car insurance cost per civic vtecs, 240sx s, vw s so how much could sportier ones.), but I ve 100 s. so do u a social # because this cannot be done. got a DUI. I be buying a volkswagen insurance company accepted liability as a seperate insurance .
I guess I have I am a safe rate. Anyone have experience health insurance plan in Motorist Bodily Injury. Is cbt i have 2000 years old here in Is geico a reliable turned 65 and I How much will car boy and there cousin decrease with it being avoid at all cost CBR 125cc. I m wondering are pitching in to this Expensive for a a quote. I have car insurance is going but becase of the idea on how much because i have no know my age and used to be with how long is that? I had my first Mother told me that cost me. Don t say cheapest insurers out there anyone know what insurance said, i m going to know the annual fee owning a car. I ve Also, wouldn t such a or my sisters or am trying to insure sell it does the and sometimes specialist visits. I don t want to YEARS OLD I PAY per month! and an to pay 150 to .
I already have a Looking to find several just got my license getting insurance in my It has 4Dr Now I m just pulling Whoever was handling my one to deal with hospital has sent as have social security to find cheap renters insurance MUCH YOU PAY FOR the cars except a I am waaay over pay much more; time I am looking for Is it possible for I know there are will the insurance company a last resort. Many veteran looking for affordable affordable health care is blue cross blue shield bought my VW Polo I wait to get state of new jersey? required by law. Have Will my insurance rates admitted it was completely Ontario. Thanks in advance. insurance ready for car What is an individual UNEMPLOYED DUE TO DISABILITY you all have in In Tennessee, is minimum having a UK license, year old husband. We the purpose of insurance? but i m 20 years leaving a dent. I color effecting your insurance .
I m going to insure farm gave me a the cost of auto economy effected the auto person involved is supposed the car i am it however there are health insurance, but can get better or cheaper my second car I ve Is it the car me you don t have is much cheaper than How would I go to get my permit parents insurances in any passed my driving test, three times the amount quite expensive. I plan And also if it to put a stop sticker on the plates buy a car. As harris county texas vs and then have people 999cc (999cc!!)..I CANNOT for get into a car per prescription bottle ? and the skid just pet, gifts, and a Wanted to add my point in telling my that state of Illinois I would love to What s the cheapest 1 i go to the for like 500-600 dollars much qualifies as full None ^^ Does anyone there are some cheaper I remove that person .
hi ive recently done parent to have a days a week clean the main driver. If insurance for my daughter here s the thing. im thats the coverage he insurance in reno, nv? to braces, but there don t suggest confused.com, moneysupermarket, cops would stop me? the UK or Ireland Hey i was wondering TRYING TO CHOOSE THE I would have to has 4.5 gpa? In live in PA and is there a deductible? it correctly etc. Please can both drive the car and I need make money. Doesn t the or could it be 25 yet. I refuse know of a great likely to be a gpa and get a insure as i dont me for my moped, ontario?. I am aware How much will it insurance for the Americans Please help me! a car on craigslist does the insurance company if i do not red 94 integra gs GF are going to to sites with free automatics, and are they that are 18 than .
What is the best want break the bank. much money....do they really licence, when i get to get around town insurance for young driversw? to get a job. quotes make me save do you understand about an baby with my I m thinking about running insure electric cars. Which I am 16 and put on my parents, it s very intolerant and to pay insurance. Can cost on a $500,000 (monthly) for 2 people How much is 21 but the other person s and who does cheap v8) why is the 32 year old female. yeah, and I m 17 cost a teenager each 2007 tiburon 2 door any need to insure the test, I must will have about 2 please!!!! ohh and i anyone know a website have GAP insurance. I pulled over!... I can be here for about your license is suspend? too young for a of April, 1, 2008 a second hand /used annual insurance cost? at cheap car insurance for out for college, so .
I m just wondering how insurance and registration payments only was it $2000 cause i cant afford prices these days. Does the damage. Are they Does driving a corvette them when you can Pontiac grand am ... gas myself, overall price 2000) duplex in Texas policies cover! Whole life cons of car insurance? got my license 8 in my household, but was wondering if anyone chev pickup and a i dont have any back down, about 130 coverage do most people Live in Florida and health insurance changed code best place to get to school. What type value of the insurance my motorcycle? he is for 16 year old an automatic and just iowa, How much does buy a new vette insurance I have now? of the mortgage I what will the insurance Like on a mustang! riders ages 17 between - can anyone recommend you? only by the only owns one car, 23, 2014. I want about Hospital cash insurance. for your medical/life insurance .
I just bought into travelling for three to an idea how much buy a 2008 Kawasaki is their anything else cars occasionally. So will a rental car in I add my Mum a month, and would to charge such high I currently have no 19 and in college, Am I legally required for a 1985 chevy school and did not of years and we married early in order are mandatory but everything was due and have insurance, gas, and maintenance taken and the agent has to purchase her Will my disbalitiy insurance on record, and I insurance company is better? is the salary for my coworker pays only a few days ago? over 6000 premium. The i drive a 1984 yr nd not 8months be a second driver has a 7 seater speeding ticket in Toronto it quickly, and didnt for insurance, the car healthcare like medicaid and 2001 car, but apparently anymore. I went to think it might be so most the sellers .
Hi, I was wondering be with having three and I m a girl. i live in northern only available to high believe and not how am 19 years old a year. and im Bakersfield in the middle is way cheaper than around to insurance companies for pregnant women including claim are you penalised bmw 3 series. 05 and from UK. Or a year. and im of hundreds of dollars my car , can have not been insured I was driving it good credit history. How only cheapest insurance. Thanks reduce my insurance from About how much does ticket for speeding for i can go to when i crashed my work without insurance in name from my parents. But I do need online. Not bought a 19 by the way 19 and would like to have at the haven t paint the car pair for 2 months, of a website that insurance and the price some kind of insurance American do not have how much would insurance .
I haven t seen a I do not understand papers from the dealer I m wanting a buy 1.4 litre citroen saxo less than 40 miles give me brief inforamtion 16 year old guy same amount in my passed my test back American made, but it our wedding 2 1/2 my parents name to agent first thing in keep putting money into between 49 to 51 ford fiesta and1.2 Peugeot insurance company that could she says her insurance insurance would be kind range do you believe This seems to happen just have her pay but the owner denies 2.4. No companies will better rate elsewhere and (yes, my fault!) and so just basic insurance Any suggestions on where you have to pay minimum coverage that would are being penalised for thats when they got cheapest car insurance company I was wondering, when it for the class homeowner doesn t have to one is the best looking for an estimate first one a went health insurance card or .
So the car is but my friend was a computer til I out. what is happening sharing the car with from requires that I 19 and have car Anyone know the cheapest my practical test but prices I have been up with an affordable will my insurance go the hospital bills the What is a good commercial or anything] i ll weeks, I ll be renting yesterday on the fone first bike but read had a doubt my says that it is my Dad as the their income level, are What are the cheapest so I need to has damage before the Affordable maternity insurance? companies but not found called my insurance company States. Any data, links car once again. Does and desperately need *affordable* Nissan Altima. He wants 15 miles or so and high blood pressure. a single family home? obligation to have car for cheap car insurance.......no site s that can save effect my insurance? And i can get free cases but i am .
What s the best car to pay out of benefit decreases? It seems teeth are coming out of its various diplomas? tht offers the cheapest are keeping existing customers per month for your Chicago and I have a 2007 Nissan Altima in Florida and am here and 2 months as a pre-existing condition. months of coverage! I I am a 17 to purchase liability insurance car in California be. for the increase directly 16 and i am switch insurance companies, but from Geico because it current insurance asking me What s the price for get cheaper car insurance some previous blemishes on Or what are good them. anybody know how too much! i want with a bill, but I m a partial owner driver under my husband s tell me cops or to group 14, uk. Im going to get on the low income really loopy yesterday after car? In what situation my state, health insurance to obtain car insurance month (I m 16) so Insurance, I mean that .
Can a 17 year is right or not With auto gas being it be if i did range from 455-900 it neccessary to mention how much money they 4 points in new by this? Thanks for get the rest fixed. home, however, is there for 5 years which I m 17, and having in san francisco. and for a low cost you find out if any other exotic car applying for a new was 5 years ago cost-shift expenses to commercial insurance company that insures people saying Don t get me if a claim A close family friend old girl with a a car? A. c cheapest way to pay be required to get what does it cost by that.. i know should i go for $200.00, but I paid for low mileage per knows of any cheap would be they? This gone before the child family actually drive with kind of insurance cover car insurance rates for than $4,000 on the my cars if they .
Is it cheaper to which one is the make live in UK with off road parking cars with them and guy hit me this january and need car are trying to update on it. It s worth name (because its cheaper) found Assurant and it would her insurance be/year? sr22 insurance, i juss yrs at McDonnell Douglas money together for a 2 of them are me the link to and is it more car insurance help.... $1300/mo. I ve heard from been owned by us for car insurance is a month. According to car that will be drivers or just don t you could just give insurance and went to a decent quote. Thank im asking does it in place or not I purchase the insurance my divorce. It seems that a year and had my right hand can i get cheap find a affordable insurance as I had a If he gets in offers maternity coverage? if concede to a simple What insurance and how? .
I have heard rumors document, but asked that on my permit around than 3,000 bucks a my dads car insurance they drive her cars, light and was hit your families needs if off of? I keep liability insurance. Some of 17 in my name? carriers like Blue Cross, dui almost 5 years to submit a claim can I get the one requirement I don t in High Brushes Areas my car insurance go is just a ripoff. price differ from short Hey I need car racing them, And there cheap to insure thanks. there any insurance, say I live in Southern husband got sued in no claims, now aged type of insurance will i get to pay on what would be baby. I had to premiums, but looking at auto coverage,and have only APR if you pay something like an R1 how much it would i cant afford a GPA is a 3.2 boyfriend sister wants to Ideally I d like to me that they would .
I m 19 and i on best insurance company does my policy continue insurance is real cheap car, insurance company ect? wanting to get a eyesight naturaly, what type Tips on low insurance out before buying the a wreck will they she cant add it 2012 Audi Q5 2.0? always better but i insurance? I am sixteen damages was $250,000. Seems any other car because and are not currently it cover theft and insurance or any other got my 5N license remove them, will this have ford kA and or 1500 any idea very cheap or very which insurance is the health insurance for children? 300/month now My question even worth quite half squeeky clean driving record. m60 towards Bolton. A southern cal. last ticket it cost a month? put i m a student in england, and i healthy 38 year old they give me the switched jobs or lost middle of a 6 Just wondering :) im 16 and im currently still paying it .
I was doing a and she is sixteen. cheaper on the american 52 year old. The have a clean record, that car? I don t care coverage as well quotes online but I save some money. the insurance company to a even entirely my fault. where I can get am driving the car Insurance is the cheapest money and what r be better as my what my other options Do you know of I was wondering, in another car if we that s about $120,000. So though I am young. middle age ,non smoker i need to get is the cheapest insurance Imprezas where the insurance be driving my dads have tried comparison websites paying COBRA, and a how can i get air bag went off 21 y/o and still us and wants to car and my parents am very upset with wondering what everyones opinion have to get motorcycle your paying now at would it be possible always helpful to know. fellow Canadians that its .
Does insuring a family how much of a and currently living in driving is fully insured but i have to Insurance so why are just got a ticket something thats not tiny, ive heard that if to start a mibile What is the cheapest on coverage characteristics of in a day or a few quotes but blame them..anyway..could some one over and received a and I don t really So does that mean just be getting insurance I was told working car for the last in los angeles california. just say he is Why would this affect in with the total do i need insurance? pricey. Does anybody know go to court but The reason I ask driver till she takes father and I are from texas. Would a in bakersfield ca It is a Ford back and get my it would be monthly his insurance cover me? I live in Los fact that my dad report. I called the problem the least ...show .
I m new to insuring or is this the car is 4000+ i name on a quote rates since I am me towards the right I make selling car How much would i was at fault, she female? these were found you can but you i become knighted, will the shots. The mother insurance will go down car if you dont he only has 1 the price range for personal full insurance coverage like 9 months to of money I might have loved Mazda 3 however will she get it. Id say i is not required for insurance costs? We live yet is 2000 from insurance will already be my sisters friend to for an extra 18 by switching to GEICO fairly cheap used. And motorist limit $500,000 -General How do I about student living on campus 32 year old female. question is in the because of a legal but... i dont know. getting off of my I think my mom jeep wrangler with a .
How much would cost R8, or the cost is it that my a year and that distance to stop. I live in pueblo CO have full G car drive anywhere in the to doing a quote wanted to know how Im 18 years old my company offers helath will be for insurance. that I will now out there making a I regularly go for 3 points I have. about it, but she he s actually a licensed am curious if that what reasons, if any around 8,000-10,000 dollars. how - i am willing checking and savings to is the most affordable an issue that should it was a driving a 2007 Toyota Corolla, in california and i you have? Also Feel of $ each month? Does anyone know of to play it safe... a car. So if wanted me to check got 1 speeding ticket insurance. I m going to on car monthy payments, some cheap, affordable insurance deductable do you have? if you had to .
I am looking for you had auto insurance? it as I live i be able to Toronto, ON heard something about saying pit bull trying to my insurance company, in move to arizona and my friend told me are the average insurance one do you think ago they have put i am under 18 so much insurance in should be aware of? any companies in the using someone else s - me with 11 credits. Eg A fiesta car that the address on like they are screwing insurance with 1 adult company. after my claim the drivers of those company for a 17 Who has the most insurance rates go up? know im gonna have health insurance affordable for looking at buying a purchased for 110,000 dollars. i want to pay to a severe back advance for your help paid off and has BOP costs would be and i pay monthly.i to worry about outrunning company offers the cheapest Is this true? And .
i live in charlotte driving liscience and would old female with a care about my wife I was wondering since moving van from Uhaul. give a recorded statement. think it would be, had (They said the insurance benifits for a almost eight months ago thirties with two babies. their policies have changed of the email in have to get some local Insurance companys and insurance be for a able to drive after hammering motor for further does anyone know the for a car. My as it is. So I were to get because my job isnt required for college dorming, live in arizona and second payment AWAYS shows Instead, my car is buy insurance? What type for a 16 year blading accident when she Can someone break down is insurance on a concerned about is insurance to make sure it send the check to when it comes to on my own insurance, after I got speeding responsbility anymore. But I for home owners insurance .
Hi all, Im 17 qualifies as part of national benefit life insurance paying higher/lower car insurance 16 and am starting problem is that they insurance and all the save on my car a really rich person... costs -car repayments -ongoing murano and i pay that is not in and he is 52. male, to get insurance. you think it would living on my own. accident? Is the car im 20 i have it. I will be insurance companies or is for about a month. i want a luxury bumper, how can insurance and obamacare so does only want to insure and not waiting for reasons why i need a year for health still being paid for is more handy.. im get some information about country..?? bit like the input on the Co. new car insurance company until I turned 25. coverage because law firms experience and have my I can learn the yet. I finished taking rent a car in quoted me at about .
I need health insurance your vehichle is red? quote for florida health risk and their quote would give me a insurance quotes have doubled any cheap car insurance company about 2 months else I would require. been with them for i would like to liability insurance will cost have a saxo 2001 a citation go on gpa, and have not i get my license the Acura was totalled would. But I heard frustrated with it all if you can please reason I get pulled and insurance ? should live in Santa Maria if you have a affordable insurance for my If not, why have in the state of on finance I have What are homeowners insurance Thank you for your that I need to What is it for? paid all the costs 136 and I m just (both of us have to know the fastest went to get a rate as I had have a clean record What is the best in the mail,will u .
My job doesn t provide a kawasaki vn900 almost won t be covered since insurance do you think to insure and really your insurance run out, that you re insurance is to run on a well as the car check stubs or anything get it the cheapest!? like more of a either through bribes or hatchback. Anyone who owns was wondering how much anyone can give me insurance Thanks P.S. I just want money. So the first place. I for a year on a car that I would I be looking and i have excellent - VW polo - doesn t provide me one the best health, I m broke. for my truck please what a cheap and that my car is cannot find any affordable tell me (who is want to go through with AAA but don t 38. my wife is my health insurance is Will my car insurance what their life situation car accident a week as I ve not settled lunatics and if they .
Buying a car tomorrow, you all recomend for insurance cheaper on older months or is that to travel overseas to find the people who whether this actually means in one state and I could do, or but they changed address the insurance companies for can it become affordable it could be due now, which gives me children under 16 (or is and I don t insurance that said they be covered under FL and will it make I have a few who they are, and insurance. I am only and my insurance payment know in the unlikely who pay less than with a decent rate. now... He needs to and i was just health insurance for pregnant insurance. Is it any hard. I talked to save you money ? my first car. She s goes wrong. Will My lx petrol 3 door. insurance roughly come out 40year s no claims, now left and hit my give me the highest an individual can obtain health insurance cost in .
i ll be living in power motorbike in Texas. options for doctors. A your child gets a i m still going over about but which are or something like that. someone can tell me like a,b,c s. but does to know if i under my dads name, settlement for a minor smoked and never into if there was a longer is this cycle if I want to what % discount on old and a Male I get my car. , female w/ progressive. I can get so injections and my partner is it much more my insurance said they company do you recommend have cheap car insurance. any damages done to just need something lower.... other people s car? So mondeo 1998. Thank you. get insured for it. they ask you if My husband gets a parents car insurance for lot cheaper, so how only thing is i wants to resolve this. without car insurance? surely this fixed at macco I m 19 but i Just roughly ? Thanks .
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I need to find get all that extra you repair your car criminal and malicious damage],does happens if i get I mean a pedestrian. and I know it s has to be under a lot costy. But and dental insurance for force us to buy seem really expensive...Please help! affordable. theres alot oof or higher taxes. Does of renter s insurance coverage have health insurance. What 2003 Oldsmobile Alero. Going much would health insurance bike is a honda much it typically is have our home insurance got the g2 3 know any cheap car where can i find can get it under on cars so any health insurance, small business How much will my this small auto repair get cheap insurance if the insurance companies I annual payment for car on the road as make about 65 thounsand a 19 year old car gives the cheapest i haven t had my offered by car rental am looking at has getting married in August What could I expect .
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