#to the covid scare
aastarions · 2 years
this weekend i’m gonna start working on chapter 5 of stay gold me thinks
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amaditalks · 6 months
Right now the US is experiencing the second worst spike in COVID since the beginning of the pandemic. Right now, about 1 in 20 people have the virus, it is estimated that when this wave is over, 1 in 3 people will experience an infection.
It doesn’t have to be that way. COVID is not an inevitability to just passively accept, it is a life changing disease (every time) that you should use every tool and tactic at your disposal to avoid.
You already know what to do. If you haven’t received the updated vaccine, do that. (It’s not a booster, it’s an update, in the same way the annual flu shot is updated.) Mask, any time you’re near people you don’t live with or where anyone else has been in the last 30 minutes. (This includes outdoor spaces, like picking up a no contact delivery or pumping gasoline.) Avoid crowds. Now is not the time for concerts and hockey games or even a leisurely stroll around Target to browse. Clean your air and demand clean air in your workplace and your kids’ schools and anywhere anyone in your family has to spend time.
If 1 in 3 Americans contract the virus on this wave, that means that another half million people are likely going to die, mostly elderly and high risk. (Like me.)
It also means that 11 million people — or more — are going to be disabled, at least short term, when this is done, and there are no reliable predictors for who does and does not develop post-COVID disability.
Those numbers are horrible. But don’t let them terrify you into paralysis, let them galvanize you into action to protect yourself and your family and community.
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hellyeahsickaf · 4 months
Used my mobility aid in public for the first time today and that was a big deal for me. I've had it for months but haven't had the balls to use it. Too much internalized ableism, it's dumb how scary it is. But y'know it wasn't too bad. Maybe I can do this
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cistematicchaos · 4 months
hello! I have a Question about masking. when should we wear a mask? is it only when we feel sick or is it always? is it inside or outside too? if ur vaccinated but were told to only wear when sick is that bad? literally almost no on in any area around me in my state wears one except when sick and I feel unsure what to do. genuinely everywhere I go there’s close to no one. I feel afraid to wear one all the time bc judgement. but what do we need to do? I’m disabled and disability justice is important to me but since no one else wears one my friends do not think it’s needed and thinks comfort matters more bc it’s very humid here. I feel like wearing one is the right thing to do, but idk how to explain that to others or to start again and shake the fear. ppl assume ur sick when u wear bc that’s what we’re taught is the right time to. /gen
Genuinely, ty for trusting me to answer this. If you're outside or inside a public area, or inside with people who don't mask, it's best to be wearing a mask. Even when you don't feel sick! Not only can you have covid without feeling sick, but you can also carry lots of viruses without feeling sick and so can others. (Also other people don't always tell you when they're feeling sick unfortunately.)
As for the question about vaccinations, yeah, that's bad. You were lied to. People who're vaccinated can still spread covid without feeling sick and can still catch it and get long covid or die. All the vaccine does is make you a little safer if you catch it, it doesn't replace masking.
Masking is very scarce in a lot of places, so I understand that. In my area so many people don't mask and it's scary! I also understand being scared of judgement; especially from family and friends. But you're right, masking is the right thing to do and disability justice is important. And masking is especially important if you're already disabled; you're higher risk for covid fucking you up (by giving you long covid or generally worsening your disabilities/giving you more).
Since I've already explained WHEN you should be masking (if you have more questions, ask, I don't mind at all.), lemme see if I can help you out with the rest. To shake the fear, I'd suggest starting wearing your mask when you're alone to get used to wearing it more. You'll probably have to bite it and do it afraid anyway, because its a pandemic and masking is a necessity (if you can), but you can still get ready first.
To explain it to your friends, put it simply. "I discovered the vaccine doesn't replace masking, so I'm being safe." or "I realized masking keeps all of us safer during the pandemic, especially disabled people, so I'm going to keep doing it."
They may argue with you, especially since they may feel bad for not masking. You don't have to argue back with them. You can offer to send them articles about it or explain your thoughts but you don't have to justify masking!
If people think you're sick, they'll probably ask and you can explain or they'll avoid you, which may work to your advantage because social distancing from people who don't mask is good too.
If part of this doesn't make sense or you have more questions, ask me! I'd love to answer and have a lot of info on the subject if you want it. Again, thank you for trusting me to answer and I hope this helps. <3 Stay safe!
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not-poignant · 3 months
every now and then i forget how bad my chronic illnesses are and every now and then my body is like 'hmmm you seem to have forgotten what it's like to be cripplingly bedridden and disabled and we don't want you to forget' and then i'm reminded and it feels a little like being yeeted into a granite cliff wall at full speed and leaving a dent
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animentality · 5 months
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skunkes · 3 months
blood test tomorrow and i dont think theyll let someone in with me so nobody's going to hold me down, making me feel Calm and also preventing me from escaping. smile.
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zebratimw · 1 year
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#svsss#scum villains self saving system#shang qinghua#how I be feeling these days ahdnfjgkg#I keep stressing about life in general and its seriously bumming me out hajdjg#how nice it would be to not exist#everyday I wake up and do the same things I hate#time hasn't felt real in years and it goes way before covid times#I haven't felt real in most of those years either#Look I'm lucky I'm not like depressed or whatever but frankly this derealization shit is seriously startin to get a little worrying at times#tbf I only really notice it recently so maybe its just a bias#I've been chugging along this way for years all thats changed is my perception of it#but at the same time I really want to do more too#I get I'm a very boring and unreliable person#and I know I just said its my perception of it but like I do genuinely think my social skills my general living just like me mentally ig#I'm kinda deteriorating in my stagnation ig? artistically too but more worrying in my life idbfjg#priorities sorry anyways I also think I do have adhd or something and that rejection thing dhfjgjg I really can't start things anymore#idk I really just feel so clueless in most things now and I'm too scared or too confused or both to start fixing things#like how do I even fix things? what do I even search for in this kind of thing?#Idk I'm just gonna go sleep ig god I'm so tired of everything#I haven't been able to draw I've really lost passion for a lot of things again and everything irritates me#I can't stand my phone sometimes but it's kinda the only thing getting me through it all ha#ngl I wish I were depressed sometimes if only so I'd actually have the balls to do smth but Ik that's just the Metnally Ail part speaking so#chug chug going along#I also have to make wushi before I die. haha#god my life is so empty#what am I even doing#I'm really so tired why can't my life end here already? modern lifespans are too long how am I supposed to keep going on like this?#so pointless and vapid and its just me ? why did it have to be me that was born? couldn't someone else have been here I hate it here so much#I strive for nothing but I have such a long life and so many people to disappoint haha maybe I should go outside more
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batwynn · 10 months
Me, immunocompromised and blessed with Emetophobia, reading that the new COVID variant includes 2-5 days of barfing and that everyone’s seen someone doing that in stores and in the middle of the road and at work and—
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coulson-is-an-avenger · 10 months
"a life threatening illness isnt a reason to miss work. you will be penalized if you choose to do so." am i going insane? am i entirely bonkers rn? is this real? IS AMERICA A REAL PLACE? AM I THE PROBLEM? HUH
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thefrogdalorian · 25 days
So I was really proud of my autistic flop of a self this weekend for successfully completing my first long distance drive AND surviving being in the biggest crowd of my entire life. Both things were very daunting but I managed to overcome them!
But monkey's paw and all that.... I think Covid is back for Round 3 :(
I feel absolutely horrendous. Sore throat, teeth-chattering chills, head fuller than Pedro Pascal's filming schedule.
Really wish I had a caring sweetie in beskar to bring me some soup and cuddle me warm rn😭
I HATE being sick (doesn't everyone) and my head is pounding too much to really look at a screen for too long, but if anyone has any Din x reader sick!fic recommendations I would love some comfort right now!
I'll hopefully feel better over the weekend but I hate feeling this awful so much :(
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suncaptor · 4 months
nothing will make you sympathise with conspiracy theorist ideology more than having a seemingly rare reaction to a vaccine lmao.
#reading articles that try to falsify genuine incorrect information about the covid vaccines from 2021 is making me feel insane#'there's no way the covid vaccine can trigger an autoimmune disorder' uhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHH#factually extremely wrong!#they're soooo condescening too like why on EARTH do you think people who are genuinely sick or scared would believe you.#they'll be like there's no scientific evidence that anyone can be harmed by the covid vaccine <3 blatantly untrue.#I know that part of this is retrospect like obviously since more studies have come out and all#but it's infurirating bc they're from the time *I* was having those symptoms *and* telling doctors about it *and* being told the connection#to my other severe symptoms from the covid vaccine were Utterly Impossible (since proven false) and that if the symptoms WERE related#it meant i had a life threatening illness at worst and had a high chance of losing my vision at best#likeeeeeeeee#doctors still DO NOT know what the fuck they're doing do NOT trust anyone who gives ANY 100% answers#i don't know why i'm doing this i just said to stop obsessing but i'm just reading pages and articles on countering misinformation to make#sure i don't -- i want to know the conspiracy theories to recognise them immediately right#and then people are just saying bullshit to defend themselves#i mean most of the anti covid vacc people were also far right so i don't have too much sympathy for their vaccine ideology#but like. fucking hell what a way to push people into conspiracies.#you CAN'T counter misinformation by SPREADING MORE MISINFORMATION#just because it SOUNDS BETTER and MORE REASSURING to say there's not chance of harm doesn't mean you should#there's A LOW chance of harm THAT IS MUCH MUCH less high than the impacts of covid#god I'm pissed off. 2021 i was so fucking terrified of spreading this shit just by talking about my lived experiences.#to say i was not taking the pandemic seriously OR anti vax is so blatantly ridiculous considering who I am as a person but that doesn't mea#that the covid vaccine specifically didn't make me ill ://////#delete
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hellyeahsickaf · 4 months
Not me remembering when I lived with my mother and she was pissed that I wore smoky eyeshadow because it was "wrong". I'd gotten a few compliments for it though!
Except I wasn't wearing any. it was my chronic illness, especially when I hade flareups. I had dark circles under my eyes and looked like a pale sickly Victorian child.
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yellowmonday · 4 months
health organizations dont care about covid and stopped talking about long covid symptoms. there are so many people who don’t know they’re experiencing long covid even with telltale symptoms like altered sense of smell, just awful life-changing symptoms and it is so isolating there are so many people begging for answers and support
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afieldinengland · 1 year
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I'm honestly so fucking tired of seeing post made by gringos that mock the desire to kill and exterminate mosquitos. "Ohh but they're part of the environment!!!" Fuck off
I want every single aedes aegypty mosquito dead
Not because "it's annoying" or "an inconvenience"
They are a literal and very real threat to health to people in South America
Houndreds of thousands of people are sick with dengue. It is a disease that weakens you, makes you bleed internally, gives you fevers, rashes, vomiting. It's called the bone-breaker because you feel like you've been hit by a car. You can't leave your bed for more than half an hour (even less sometimes) before you're exhausted. Even after, it's very likely to have sequels.
I know. I've had it
Thousands have died in horrible pain because of it
And it's worse than it's ever been because the mosquitos are everywhere
Because of climate change and the higher and higher temperatures every year the mosquitos live longer. They thrive. It's not something we're used to. Not in this scale
So fuck all the way off to any gringo that has the gall to mock south americans for not wanting to contract a disease that could literally be everywhere
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