#especially that time my coworker accidentally knocked a whole ass mop bucket on to me
plasmaapologist · 1 year
△ what did you do in team plasma?
oh, i actually dont mind talking about this at all!
technically, i was a floater: im a fast learner and was basically one of the people theyd stick wherever someone was needed. ghetsis veeeeery carefully balanced his loyalists with people who were there following n's doctorine like myself, as well as the people who were there because they couldnt get work anywhere else. we had a shocking amount of those... take what you can get i suppose
i did spend the majority of my time in the liberation platoons - i was even a platoon leader for a while twoards the end. i think the most "exciting" thing i did was a month actually working inside the castle. most people assume everyone in the castle were ghetsis' loyalists, which to my knowledge was actually true for all the guards... i was a cleaner, lmao. that was actually the only time i got to meet n face to face - he was actually quite young at the time, as was i; im pretty sure im only a few years older than him? apparently, i was one of the youngest people to work directly in the castle... so uh, hooray?
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