#especially the martha speaks one by athena
violetrains · 7 months
There is something so reassuring when you see that someone made a post or a youtube video about a very niche not at all popular cartoon that for some reason you watched all the time as a kid because your country aired it all the time for some reason and you have so many vivid memories of it and thought everyone else also knows it but you had never seen anyone talk about it ever online. Like, THANK GOD, I didn't just hallucinate or dream this cartoon. That WAS a real show that aired!!! YES, pleaseeee talk about the lore!! And yes, every kids media deserves attention and appreciation, not just *instert whatever cartoon that is popular today*. The weird, obscure or forgotten ones deserve love too. Even if they were bad. Ohhh they definitely were kinda bad sometimes. But also like good, you know?
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iant0jones · 4 years
That Greek gods post was interesting, but I would enjoy hearing ypur thoughts on it.
Ahh thank you so much for asking! 💖
This post had a lot of good takes, and doctor who characters obviously have many-faceted personalities so more than one god or goddess could suit them. I’m by no means saying that post was wrong.
Also, disclaimer: I have been dabbling in and out of Hellenistic polytheism for the past year and don’t intend for any of this to sound remotely like hubris, pls don’t smite me @ the gods
Rose - Aphrodite
I agree with that post, not only because Rose is the love interest of the Doctor, but because I think her character exemplifies love in so many forms throughout the series--self love, familial love, platonic love, romantic love, and the love of strangers and the world at large. Also I think she completely captures Aphrodite’s dynamic of being soft and adoring yet viciously ferocious
Jack - in doctor who? Ares. in torchwood? Zeus
Jack as represented in doctor who can be extremely brash and gung-ho. The Doctor and the audience in general are supposed to have a somewhat tense relationship with Jack due to the fact that he’s very willing to bring violence to the table when he feels like it’s needed (which is more often than the show is used to). But in some ways, it’s still kinda comical. That’s absolutely how the Greeks viewed Ares. Also, Ares has a strong association with Aphrodite. This level of passion could only be found in our boy Jack
That being said, I think if we take his characterization in torchwood into the equation, he’s absolutely Zeus. When the Doctor takes on power, it’s often seen as out of step, out of line, and a little insane, but Jack? Jack in torchwood commands respect. He’s the father figure that has been around for a long, long time, and is often right in his decisions, even if we don’t want to admit it. Also, horny as hell
Martha - Athena
Although I think a lot of goddesses could suit Martha and, vice versa, Athena could suit a lot of doctor who characters, Athena perfectly captures the grace and strength of Martha. Her intelligence and her dignity shown throughout the series (and torchwood) are absolutely honorific and suited for this amazing goddess. This is especially true when she really comes into her own as a member of UNIT and is able to combine her skills as a doctor with her skills as a strategist. And I can totally see Athena watching that scene of Martha reciting the bones in the hand and cheering her on
Donna - Nike
As the goddess of victory, strength, and speed, Nike reminds me of Donna due to her absolute devotion to justice, whether it be towards the people of Pompeii, the Ood, or how she herself is treated by others. That woman has held so much weight on her shoulders, but she’s more than capable of pushing through all the hard times to make sure everyone comes out okay. Also, "Did I ever tell ya? Best temp in Chiswick. Hundreds words per minute.”
Amy - Hera
Oooh, my god. The level of Queen in this lady. Amy completely gives off Queen of the Gods vibes. She’s strong as hell, stubborn, and quick to temper, but she’s also incredibly sweet, devoted, giving, and motherly. The scene where she attacks the Silence after reminding them that River became who she is because she’s Amy’s daughter? BIG HERA ENERGY
Rory - Hades
Now I’m by no means suggesting that Asclepius was a bad choice for Rory, but truth be told I don’t know much about that god and so I can’t really judge how well that choice sits with me. However, I do think Hades would be an excellent choice for Rory. He’s sensitive, reserved, and often gets left with the worst lot in life. He’s also highly intelligent, shrewd, and incredibly devoted to his wife, who he puts on a pedestal and treats her like the queen she is
River - Hekate
I’m a little on the fence about this one, especially considering that the post used Hekate’s traits as the goddess of crossroads and magic to highlight for River. I think Hekate’s more accurate for River if we consider that she’s essentially the female version of Zeus, due to her insane amount of power. Despite her level of power, however, she remains humble and is willing to service Persephone and Hades by helping them in the Underworld, which is similar to how River helps her parents and the Doctor. Also, I often associate a level of controlled chaos with Hekate that River would thrive in
Clara - Dionysus
Okay, hear me the fuck out. I think Athena suits Clara best, but because I already used Athena for Martha, I’m going to use Dionysus here, and this is why: Dionysus is the god of chaos, but he’s not really ever depicted as being chaotic himself. Instead, he surrounds himself in chaos. I think this speaks to the duality of Clara needing absolute control in her life, but also being an extreme thrill-seeker who could go over the edge at any moment. Also, the level of drama that she cultivates is absolutely suited for the stage of Dionysus
Bill - Artemis
To me, every aspect of Artemis suits Bill perfectly. Bill is fiercely sharp-witted and I could easily see her taking up a bow and arrow with ease. She’s both incredibly serene and intellectual (which reminds me of Artemis’s association with the moon), yet she’s not unwilling to jump to the offense if she feels like she or a loved-one is being threatened. Incredibly just and hates unnecessary violence.
Also, LESBIAN!!!!!!!!!! Bill and Artemis drink loving-women juice for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert!!!
The Doctor - Apollo
Going back to what I said when discussing Jack, there’s always something disturbing about the Doctor when they’re given too much power. Zeus is simply too godly, and as Nine put it, “I’d make a very bad god.” I think that’s why someone like Apollo is more suitable. He’s the god of light, music, and medicine, which speaks to the healing nature of the Doctor, their creativity, and the profound influence they have on people’s lives. But at the same time Apollo can also be vicious with a bow and arrow, and is considered to be the bringer of plagues. This is reflected in the destruction that follows the Doctor wherever they go. To me, this dual nature is the most important thing there is about the Doctor
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uzumaki-rebellion · 4 years
“Stark’s New Intern” Chp. 19
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"When I first saw you You had a sparkle in your eye Like the stars at night High in the sky
How I wish That you were mine 'Cause to me You're one of a kind
When I look at you It seems so untrue How someone like you Can make me feel the way you do"
"Erik, you here with us, man?"
Walter's keen dark eyes took in Erik's solemn face as they sat in a popular and busy diner on Pico and La Brea eating pancakes and thick cuts of Canadian bacon. Maria and his Aunt Shavonne shared nail care tips to prevent chipping as his Uncle Bakari cut up his food and ate with a contented face.
Erik pushed circles in the maple syrup on his plate and checked the thin cell phone near his half-empty cup of coffee. Devika still wouldn't return the ten or so texts he sent her.
"My mind is scattered, sorry."
Devika ignoring him, and Tony being cryptic had him on edge. He deleted messages from Giselle and Athena wanting another Ménage a Trois encore and looked Walter in the face.
"You still trippin' about earlier?" Walter asked.
"Nah. I'm over that. It's just…I was foul with that and I hurt my girl."
"Your girl? Which one?" Walter joked.
"Shut up," Erik said giving his friend a grin.
Walter's braided hair was pulled up into a palm tree bun.
"My dude, you've always been messy. Nothing's changed. You've leveled up though."
"Leveled up? I ain't never been with any questionable…"
He almost said hoes, but his Uncle was listening.
Walter leaned in closer and whispered.
"You did them both at the same time?"
Erik gave a subtle nod.
Walter chuckled and ate more bacon on his plate.
Erik glanced at his cell again.
"Expecting a call?" Bakari asked.
"Nah. Just checking for work messages. Sometimes Stark sends mass alerts. Gotta keep on top of stuff there. Even on the weekends."
"You look good. We're proud that you stuck with it," Bakari said.
"It turned out better than I thought," Erik said.
His stomach got tight and Maria glanced over at him. He caught her eyes sliding over to Walter.
"How's school man? We spent all this time talking about my internship, what's poppin' back home?" Erik asked.
"I quit."
Walter popped his last piece of bacon in his mouth.
"Walter!" Shavonne scolded.
"Why?" Erik asked.
"It's not for me. School was always your forte man, and I know my parents wanted me to be like you, but my talents are in fashion…textiles."
"Are you a designer?" Maria asked.
"Yeah, I am," Walter said holding her gaze, "I dropped out of SFSU and enrolled in the Fashion Institute. Going to start my own brand of sportswear. Merge tech and clothing together."
"Dope," Erik said giving Walter a pound.
"Call my parents and tell them that," Walter said.
"When we were in grade school, this fool designed bullet-proof clothing for elementary kids," Erik said pushing back his plate.
"A lot of shootings were going down, and I wanted to stay safe."
"That's, wow…that's kind of sad," Maria said.
"That's how it be in the East Bay sometimes," Walter said.
"Everywhere," Shavonne chimed in.
"I start in the fall and I have already lined up my own internship with Trekfit. They're new, hungry, and I can parlay my talents into maybe getting my own stuff out in three or four years."
Erik and Walter shared a joke in Korean and Maria watched them both.
"You speak Korean?" Maria asked Erik.
"Barely," Walter said.
"Good luck with the educational changes," Bakari said. He stared at his watch, "Are we all ready to hang out at the pier?"
Bakari drove them all in a rental car, and Erik found himself sitting in the middle of a conversation between Walter and Maria. They had only been together for two hours but they already acted like an old married couple. Divisive opinions on anime, gaming, and sticky rice flew across his lap since he sat in between them in the back seat.
The weather was almost perfect, a little too hot as the temperature raised above eighty degrees, but Erik enjoyed strolling on the pier and talking with his Aunt and Uncle. Maria and Walter had paired off to ride the carousel and Erik kept checking his phone.
"Just call her," Bakari said.
His Uncle snacked on chocolate and vanilla soft serve ice cream as his Aunt Shavonne tried to shoot fake ducks for prizes with water guns.
"I saw how she looked at you when she stood at the door. I damn near had a flashback to your Pappy back in school. You actually had the same look on your face. What's her name?"
"You sure do like 'em grown," Bakari said winking at Erik.
"Everyone is older than me there, so I don't really have control over that."
"Walter is right too, those were some boss looking babes. The legacy continues."
"It is what it is Unc. But I didn't mean for that to happen. I was supposed to go see her last night and I just…messed up."
"Protecting yourself?"
"Respecting them?"
"But this Devika?"
"I got caught up and forgot to communicate with her. I wasn't expecting her to show up like that. I'm actually not supposed to be seeing her."
"Why not?"
"She's um…she's Stark's secretary."
"Erik…boy, I tell ya…"
Bakari ate his ice cream and Erik watched his Uncle's face.
The man was heavier in the face and body, and he was happy with Shavonne because it shone all over his face when he looked at her. His uncle treated his wife the way Erik's father treated his mother. Like they were one of a kind. And that was true. He learned how to treat women from his Dad and Bakari. His uncle raised him for six years a couple of years after Erik's parents died. Bakari gave Erik a foundation to rebuild his life when he floundered in the streets and foster care. His uncle begged his Grandpop to give him guardianship so Erik could leave Oakland and be somewhere that wouldn't remind him of the pain he suffered. It worked.
His aunt and uncle made sure Erik stayed connected to Walter and even his friend Shawn whom he met in juvenile hall. Flew them both out every summer and made sure they traveled to Martha's Vineyard for vacations and also allowed him to go to Brazil yearly to visit his cousin Marisol. They gave him life again, and he was eternally grateful. They also made sure to remind him of the special bond his parents had, and if Erik had the same romantic tendencies of his father, Bakari constantly reflected on honest communication.
Devika was beginning to feel special to him, and he couldn't understand how he could be so careless with her. All he had to do was call her and say he was spending some time with the other women and…
He had no real excuse or reason for his behavior. He did want to see her. Craved her even, especially with Tony Stark telling him what he couldn't have. But pitchers of Margaritas and pretty faces hemmed him up. The sex was everything, but now he regretted it.
"I like her Unc. She's been good to me the entire time I was here. She's fine. Smart. I don't know why I fucked up. Sorry for cussing."
"Young people make mistakes."
Erik put his phone away. He wanted to focus on his family.
The rest of his weekend was pleasant and he spent much-needed quality time with Bakari and Shavonne.
Walter spent quality time with Maria.
It was all good.
Erik picked out his best new blue suit to wear to Stark's office. Whatever was going down would happen with him looking his best.
He had a fresh line up and brand-new cologne. Eyes tracked him in the lobby of the Stark building and even Valentina did a double-take when she saw him walk past her on his way to the private elevator.
His confidence faded once he reached Stark's floor and he saw Devika through the glass office walls.
Damn that woman beautiful.
She wore thick wash and go curls all over her head, and her make-up was smoky and smooth like her skin. Erik took a deep breath and walked into the room.
"I'm here for Stark's eight—"
"Go in, he's expecting you."
She cut him off without looking at him. He stepped closer to her desk.
"He's waiting for you."
"I don't have a good excuse. I'm sorry."
Her eyes finally took his in.
"Don't worry about it. We're good."
"It doesn't feel good. You wouldn't even talk to me this weekend."
"You were with family, remember?"
He chewed on his lip trying to keep himself from saying something smart ass to dig at her. He was shocked at how much he wanted her forgiveness. Anyone else he would be tossing to the side like, "Oh well", and then be on to his next conquest, but Devika snuck up on him emotionally. While he had been busy chasing after Giselle and falling in easily with Athena, Devika was just…there. Always there.
All the little things she did for him, the corny jokes they shared each time he was called up to see Stark…reminders to eat or drink water. The donuts to keep his blood sugar up when he worked late…she was a constant source of calm for him during the entire internship. He would be crushed if she iced him for the rest of his time there.
"Just tell me this, is Boss Man about to kick me out?"
"What are you talking about?"
"He called me after you left my apartment and told me my time in the internship was over."
Devika's nose crinkled up and her eyes were full of confusion.
"I haven't heard any talk about putting you out."
That made Erik breathe easier. Devika was the pulse of Stark. Right after Pepper, Devika knew the man better than he knew himself.
"Devika, have you heard from Stevens yet?"
Stark's voice came through on the desk intercom.
"He's walking in now."
She pushed him toward the door.
Entering, Erik was surprised to see Janine and two other upper-level suits sitting in the room.
"Take a seat," Stark said pointing to the only available chair in front of his desk.
Erik unbuttoned his suit jacket and sat down with his legs wide apart. Stark fussed with a small touchpad and then finally stared Erik.
"How do you think you've done here, Stevens?" he asked.
Erik's eyes flitted to the other three people next to him and their eyes didn't shy away from his. No one looked down or fidgeted with their hands. Good sign thus far.
"Excellent." Erik shot back at him.
"Excellent? You sure?"
"Yeah. My last eval was stellar. Janine can tell you that. She wrote it up."
A smirk went across Janine's face.
"Do you want to add any addendums to that, Janine?"
Stark folded his hands in his lap and leaned back in his chair.
"No, Sir. The eval speaks for itself."
"Good. Stevens, I'm pulling you from the internship and placing you in the Stark Fellowship starting today. The Fellowship runs for a year and at the end of that year you will be offered a position with Stark Enterprises—"
"Wait, I start M.I.T. next month."
"M.I.T. is willing to defer your entry for next year. You are still a full-ride scholar."
"I would take what he is offering, Erik," Janine said. For once her eyes looked gentle.
Erik sat back in his chair.
Stark's eyes regarded him with amusement.
"Every intern in this entire building would give me their first-born child for the offer I just gave you. And yet you sit here like a lump."
"I appreciate the offer. I just want some time to think about it."
"Think about it?"
One of the suits glared at him.
"Unbelievable," the haughty suit grumbled.
"There's a paid salary, so you'd have to get your own place. No more Oakwood. You'd work directly with me and there will be a lot of travel, covered by the company of course. You have been a stellar young man. The last person to have this opportunity now runs one of my satellite offices in Hong Kong. It's a great opportunity and I want you to have it."
"How much is the salary?"
Tony pushed a blue and silver folder across his desk. Erik picked it up.
"That much, huh? With benefits…health/dental. Paid gym membership…"
Erik's eyes read the offer to the very bottom.
Why not?
Take advantage of being at the side of one of the most powerful and influential men on the planet. Get paid for it, and get access to tech that could help him figure out the vibranium he had stashed in his apartment.
"I'll do it."
"Wise decision young man."
Stark stood up and held out his hand. Erik gripped it firmly.
"Welcome aboard, Stevens. I'll have H.R. get paperwork set up and we'll get you transferred over tomorrow. You'll report to me in the Cypress meeting room tomorrow at ten a.m. I need you to pack up clothing for a week because you are coming with me to Monaco after the Intern party on my yacht."
"Thanks, Mr. Stark."
"Janine, say your goodbyes now, I'm stealing him from you," Stark said.
Janine stood up and gave Erik her hand.
"Keep up the exceptional work," she said.
"If you'll excuse us, Stevens, I need to meet with these folks. We'll talk tomorrow. Clear out your things from Janine's and go see Happy in security to get new clearance."
Erik took the folder with him and walked out of the office.
Devika worked on her laptop and her eyes flickered over to his when he stepped back into the outer office.
"I was offered a new position for a year," Erik said.
A smile. A slight one, but he caught it on her face.
"Congratulations," she said keeping her voice cool.
"I have to go gather my stuff from Janine's floor."
He turned away from her.
Devika reached into the large bottom drawer of her desk and pulled out a bag of donuts for him. He took them from her.
"You worked your ass off all summer. You deserve this opportunity, Erik."
They stared at one another. Her eyes took in his suit and there was a twinkle in those dark irises. All he could think of was that glorious weekend he spent with her after he got his ass kicked in her home.
He held the donuts up toward her.
"Thanks for this. You're always looking out for me."
"Better get going…get that desk cleared out," she said.
There was awkward staring once more.
What he would give to be brave and kiss her right there at her desk.
"He's taking me to Monaco with him…what was that look for?" he said.
Devika shook her head.
"What?" Erik pushed.
"Monaco is…well, Monaco is a place where Tony tends to get a little wild."
"Is it that bad?"
"No, but it's a playground for the ultra-rich, and the ultra-rich are very different from the basic rich. Put it this way. Millionaires are the double-wides of that set. Multi-millionaires are the working class. The lower working class."
"It's like that, huh?"
"Maybe you should give me lessons on how to maneuver that world."
"You don't give up, do you?"
He smiled at her and she rolled her eyes.
He walked away from her desk and took a big bite of a hot glazed twist once he was in the elevator headed down to his work-station.
His cell vibrated in his jacket pocket. Taking it out he checked for Stark Alerts. There was only one personal text.
"You are forgiven."
He didn't bother to text her back.
Rushing back up to Stark's outer office and Devika's desk, he grabbed her hand.
"Erik! What are you doing?"
Devika's startled face made him smile.
"Taking you to breakfast, and then we're going back to your place. I have some making up to do."
Chapter 20 HERE.
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ghostlypawn · 4 years
Okay, here’s one for you. Like when you asked me to dreamcast Comet, but using only actresses from Six- you do that, but with Spring Awakening. (I want all roles, not just the girls, and we’re going to ignore ages because if I start screaming about those I’ll never stop. I’m formulating my own, I want to see how similar and how different they are.)
sorry there will be no fancy gifs on my end bc im lazy but i can provide a picture in case you have name-to-face forgetfulness. also feel like some ppl just,, arent greatly written characters n we dont have to much to go on so theyre based on vibes. also not overly sure about some of them.
Wendla - my first thought was shannen quan (is it bc i found out she played wendla and forgot about it until you asked this? perhaps?) but also i feel like she has the baby face innocence that she can lean into whilst also having that spark of fire to fight. here she is in her production from 2011 she was 18(?):
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Ilse - younger danielle ?? to me ilse is very outwardly mature and confident yet also insecure which i think danielle is/can portray very well. also i can just hear her blue wind,,
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Martha - athena collins perhaps? she feels more reserved than most which would work well for martha for most of the time but backstage we know shes a bit of a goof around her friends which i see for martha too.
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Anna - courtney mack for some reason?? i feel likes shes a bit more headstrong and outspoken and i can see courtney do that quite well especially when you consider shes played howard and veronica who arent exactly afraid to speak their thoughts?? (also could be mallory)
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Thea - all i get from her is that shes a bit naive and overly trusting?? imma say becca wickes purely bc she looks like a sweetie.
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Melchior - im going with collette (i was gonna change mallory to this but think shes a bit too comedic) i think collette can play seriously headstrong for some reason? its a vibe.
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Moritz - for some reason courtney bowman is speaking to me. moritz is quite comedic at the start of act 1 and then that slowly gets more serious. i dont think that courtney gets the chance to play for serious roles and i think it would be nice to see from her considering (from whats shes shared) she has somethings in common w him. 
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Hanschen - this has to be out resident flirt miss vicki manser no ?? shes a bit more on the giggly side typically but i think she could do the more dry humored side ??
Ernst - who does vicki manser flirt more with than miss stapes?? but i do think courtney does have that almost quieter naivety thats seen more in her lives than the shows shes been in. i trust this duo.
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Georg - for some reason i wanna say kala bc hes a more of a lift the tension sort of character??
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Otto - otto is a character who is indeed there believe it or not. literally anyone could play him in my eyes loool
apparently mallory is my swing so good for her she has the range
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folkstudies · 7 years
College Personalities Masterpost
[This is supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, and I get that everyone will have a different opinion. No offense intended!]
Harvard: The Stanford of the East. They go to Harvard, sweaty :))), and will make sure you know it. Senator’s sons: brash, smart, and never loved enough as children. Marxists who will graduate only to become CEOs. High School Salutatorians.
Yale: Power gays and hyperfocused law students. Secret societies, a housing system like Hogwarts’s, and a fistful of adderall in every pocket. High School Valedictorians.
Dartmouth: Frat guys, athletic stoners, and upper middle class mountaineers. Imagine a Penn student who spends their summer semester at Brown, vaping their way through business school.
Penn: Future opioid abusing bankers, who party hard but have enough connections to compensate for their academic performance. Like Dartmouth but not as chill; like Princeton but not as prissy.
Brown: They would have went to Berkeley, but Mother insisted on an Ivy. Blue hair, red flannel, white skin. They’ve got universal pass fail but it’s taboo to take advantage of the system. The creative version of every subject–their CompSci students go to Pixar and their Biomed students go to Calico.
Cornell: Engineers from old money families and Conrad Hilton fanboys. Are they depressed because they live in Ithaca or because of their crushing workloads? Teenage Kurt Vonneguts. Wealthy, but it’s not always obvious.
Columbia: In a one sided dick measuring contest with Yale. Heavy workloads, heavy drinking. Erudite, ambitious (and they know it). The angel to NYU’s devil. A fast track to the New York Times and Wall Street Journal.
Princeton: Secretly thinks Harvard is for the impoverished. Eating clubs. Well developed Econ and Math departments, but UChicago is catching up. Great undergraduate teaching, especially if you fit in with the culture.
Stanford: They’d have gone to Harvard, but California is the closest thing Earth’s got to Eden and Massachusetts is…clammy. Massive startup culture. Duck syndrome and stress culture. Elitist, especially about class and status, but somehow gets a pass.
Caltech: “Hey MIT, we’re you but stronger.” Pretends that test scores trump all other metrics of success, because they’re *Number One at the SAT, baby.* Something of a male dominated culture, lighthearted.
MIT: Robotics, engineering, business, and math. 90s computer nerd aesthetic but in an ironic way. Sunlight averse. 1) study hard 2) ??? 3) profit
Duke: Beautifully gothic. Has successfully implemented a caste system, albeit informally. Intelligent, southern socialites. United by basketball, divided by highschool-esque cliques.
UChicago: Will fight the Ivies on sight. Very good at Econ and Law with an intense classical “core” curriculum. Have your weekly panic attack in a stunning glass egg-inspired library. “If you study hard enough you can become God.”
Vanderbilt: The scent of Tennessee honey in the trees. Frat culture. Los Angeles’s beauty standards, Mississippi’s snark.
Johns Hopkins: Students are required to duel you if you call it “John Hopkin’s.” People who have been premed since third grade. Academically intense without being prestige obsessed–I’d cautiously call it “well balanced.” They’re there to become doctors and medical researchers, period.
Berkeley: Study while a riot between Trump Supporters and Antifa rages outside. If Calculus III has you down and depressed, pick up a can of mace and assault somebody. Competes with Stanford, is the champion of Public Universities. Insanely expensive area to live in. Most students are too absorbed in their academics (read: 3.3 GPA CompSci qualifier) to worry about much else.
UMich: Berkeley but with snow. Ann Arbor is as good as college towns get, but has almost dangerous levels of school spirit. International students with $4k apartments and $850 winter coats. “Harvard waitlisted me but I’m not even mad.”
UCLA: Everyone is a former premed. Valley girls and the Asian students they make problematic comments about. Frat guys lost in a scary world where you can’t pass a midterm with a hangover. Cal’s politically stable cousin.
USC: “The University of Spoiled Children” still rings true sometimes, but not as much anymore. There are some seriously competitive academic programs hidden behind Los Angeles’s gauzy party culture. Loyal alumni.
WUSTL: Cooperative with a competitive biology program. Low school spirit, largely because their last star athlete graduated in 1943. Prominent STEM culture, but not exactly nerdy. A midwestern fusion of Brown and Columbia.
Carnegie Mellon: UPitt’s smaller, bourgeois sister. Cliquey nerds–a Drama student would rather die than speak with an Engineer, and visa versa. CompSci champions.
Northwestern: Nerdwestern and Northwasted. They went to private high schools and it’s obvious. Show up to your Art History final drunk on rosé. A version of UChicago where you won’t get mugged on campus.
UWash: Architecture designed by Athena herself. The premed children of Microsoft engineers. White boys wearing colored socks and Nike sandals. Washington rains endlessly with the tears of tormented Amazon employees.
Rice: A refreshing dose of New England in the depths of Texas. “Hmm, Rice? I’ve never heard of it!” Spanish architecture, conquistador vibes. You’ve got a fair chance of finding the library packed at 1am, depending on what week it is. The MIT of the South.
Penn State: Drinking school with a football problem. Parties harder than Miami U. Not really bothered that they get confused with UPenn. Mild frat culture.
Boston University: Rich girls and self centered frat bros. Hipsters and hipster engineers. Athletes in the CGS (“Crayons, Glue, and Scissors”) school. Wealthy slackers who will regale you with tales of Martha’s Vineyard over break.
UVA: Preppy but not on purpose. Public school snobs. Southern-ish and definitely conservative. DC kids with a seemingly endless flow of money from home. The wealthiest, whitest school that’s not called Harvard.
Williams: Oxford and Harvard’s laid back son. Amherst can suck a dick. The bourgeois version of outdoorsy. Sports culture despite not being in a major division.
Amherst: Prelaw or business. Pastel polos, party drugs, and a general Gilded Age aesthetic. General distaste for the hoi polloi.
Swarthmore: “Swatkward.” Highly academic atmosphere, no time for social skills. Beautiful leafy campus. UPenn students aren’t shit compared to us. Stress culture so intense it would make a UChicago student weep.
Tufts: Don’t ask us if we got denied at the Ivies. Friendly, midsize school that maintains the atmosphere of an LAC. Very good International Relations and Philosophy (Dr. Daniel Dennett!) programs.
Reed: Swarthmore but with a lot of LSD. Atheism, communism, and free love. No one here knows a goddamn thing about sex ed. Nuclear reactor that students can train to work at.
Grinnell: Brown’s midwestern cousin. Concrete, glass, and corn. Well developed STEM programs, especially for an LAC. Close knit community, extreme hookup culture. Quirky. Emphasis on writing skill. Gigantic per-student endowment.
Carleton: Trimester system that intensifies the academic culture. Cold winters, warm hearts. Parties more than a typical LAC but there’s still a sense of awkwardness. The smart version of eccentric. Mini Northwestern.
Bowdoin: Not a single person here has ever known a moment of hardship. Dining hall food that could earn a Michelin star. Rich, white, and cliquey. A pretty significant “old sport” culture. Everyone pays full tuition.
Pomona: Like a university packaged as an LAC. All the benefits of California, located next to the Greatest American City—Los Angeles. Large endowment, lots of opportunities. Flagship of the Claremont colleges. Mini Stanford.
Harvey Mudd: A tiny population of quirky engineers. The one true STEM LAC. Mini MIT. Male dominated, socially awkward, highly academic.
Middlebury: Bourgeoisie teenagers in the wilderness. Has a reputation for excellent language programs despite that fame stemming largely from summer specific programs. Quirky, in a reserved way. An amalgam of Dartmouth and Columbia.
Oberlin: What conservatives think liberals are like. A dot of blue in a sea of red. Theatre, music, and dance. “My parents are making me double major in Econ.”
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