#especially the tumble exec who approved this
scarlett-vixen · 9 months
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Yeah you better fuckin follow him cause god knows he’ll get lost aldkskmss honestly this is the greatest thing Tumblr has done. Thanks for making a special tab just for my grumpy swordsman (and cats namesake) the tumblr gods did well
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beca-mitchell · 6 years
remember the day, pt. 11
Summary: Chloe’s birthday creeps up on them.
Also on AO3.
Word count: 3,861.
My recommended songs for this chapter are: Things I'd Do For U - Astronomyy; I Can't Fall In Love Without You - Zara Larsson.
Check out this fic’s soundtrack here.
part 1 (intro/prompt) | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12
Chloe whispers into the quiet air of Beca’s bedroom, "Tell me a story.”
It surprises Beca and maybe Chloe, a little, too because she stiffens as soon as it leaves her lips. Beca just focuses on holding Chloe’s hand a little tighter, tugging her close.
“What kind of story?” Beca asks curiously. “About work? A famous person I met?”
“No,” Chloe says softly. Slowly. She breathes steadily. “A story about us."
Beca stares up at the ceiling, sifting through a thousand memories all at once. She has no particular favourites because they all compete for the same level of affection. Beca only has affection to give when it comes to her memories of her life with Chloe, however, so she takes care in selecting a few.
Heaving a sigh – neither sad or resigned – Beca begins.
Lying in their bed, Beca tells Chloe about how she had feigned liking pineapples on pizza because Beca had enjoyed pineapple on pizza. She tells Chloe about how she brought Chloe to an album release party once and Chloe had spent the entire night chatting with one of the more senior record execs without realizing who he was. Beca had been horrified at first, but she relaxed seeing how at ease Chloe had been with her co-workers and industry professionals.
There was yet another time that Beca recalls, on a laugh, where Chloe’s family cat had been so suspicious of Beca at first and Beca spent nearly one entire day trying to get that damn cat to like her. By the end of that trip, Marshmallow had given a stamp of approval, clawing at Beca’s jeans and refusing to let her go.
As Beca talks, she finds herself unable to stop because it feels so freeing to finally share these memories with Chloe. In no way will she ever fault Chloe for not knowing or asking earlier because they both wanted time to exist as themselves again after the accident, but God, she only feels herself falling more in love with Chloe with each passing breath she takes. When she had proposed, she didn’t know that it would bepossible to fall in love with Chloe more than she already was, but there’s so much that she loves and appreciates about every moment she gets to spend by Chloe’s side, even if it’s just breathing steadily and remembering what it’s like to so truly feel for another person.
And Chloe – Chloe drifts to the sound of Beca’s voice in her ear, quiet and intimate in the confines of the bedroom that they once called their own.
Gradually, as Beca finds her little anecdotes are winding down, Chloe's breathing grows heavy. It evens out slowly and she musters up enough strength to press a kiss against Beca’s cheek. “I love you,” she says, signalling the beginning of her slumber.
"I love you, too, Chlo," Beca murmurs, feeling a heavy sleepiness fall over her as well.
She can’t wait for tomorrow.
Beca spent so much time trying to figure out how to just live day-to-day, but there’s something so permanent and enduring about how she feels about Chloe and how they’re living, especially now. It’s hope, love, and immense gratitude all rolled into one.
They don’t begin their days with good mornings or end their nights with good night - not anymore. It’s all in the “I love you” they exchange with surety and confidence and Beca has never felt luckier.
This is real.
They weren't young adults fresh out of college. They had fallen in love twice in one lifetime.
Falling in love with Chloe the first time around had been ridiculous with how it crept on Beca and exploded around her, but that had been then . Even with that knowledge and the memories of being with Chloe, falling in love with her a second time was completely different and more intimate. It was an addition, if anything.
Everything had evened out relatively even if the memory of the accident still echoed in Beca’s mind like a replayable nightmare.
We’re happy.
To Beca, even as she drifts off fully, this is a point where she can look back and finally feel okay ; she can finally look back and see the entirety of the mountain - the majority of it, at least.
And with Chloe by her side, it seems like the rest of the trek is finally doable.
It’s all about reaching that peak in which Beca can see the potential for a story to tell people and share with them this triumph in their lives together.
It's the kind of story that she would like to tell their children.
One day.
Beca hasn’t allowed herself to think about that in a while.
One day.
Beca hums in response.
“I love you,” Chloe says, propping her chin on her hand. She reaches out to play with the strands of hair that fall from Beca’s bun.
Beca stifles a smile, focusing on writing her email to her co-worker. “Thank you very much,” she replies lightly.
Chloe makes an aggravated sound and pokes Beca’s ear as best as she can. She shuffles her chair closer and tucks herself into Beca’s side as best as she can, sliding one hand up her thigh and the other around her waist. “I love you,” she murmurs again. “You’re not gonna say it back to me then?”
It’s on the tip of her tongue. Beca loves telling Chloe she loves her – she adores everything about being in love with Chloe Beale.
She also loves teasing the hell out of her fiancée.
“Maybe later,” she mumbles, resisting the urge to turn to Chloe and kiss her senseless. It doesn’t help that Chloe is currently kissing her neck.
“Later?” Chloe repeats.
“Maybe tomorrow.”
“I can’t believe I agreed to marry you,” Chloe says, finally giving in and reaching up to cup Beca’s cheek. She turns her head gently and leans in to press a slow, sensual kiss against her lips. “I should rethink this engagement,” Chloe murmurs, happy to have distracted Beca from her work when she feels Beca’s hands around her waist. She pushes at Beca’s shoulders forcing her to slide her chair back and moves to straddle her thighs, draping her arms over her shoulders.
“I’d believe you if you weren’t currently trying to seduce me or the fact that you just told me you loved me.”
Chloe snorts at that. Her gaze softens and she moves to rest her forehead against Beca’s. “I love you,” she says. “Even when you’re being completely annoying.”
Beca’s laugh is light. Finally, she gives in. “I love you, too. So much. Don’t you forget it, Beale.”
She knows Chloe won’t.
It’s starting to feel like summer. Even though it’s the beginning of June, Chloe loves the cool breeze it brings with it even if there are some unbearable hot moments.
She has all but moved back in with Beca, but there’s something about the apartment that doesn’t quite feel like it’s their own anymore and she knows that Beca feels similarly. Chloe runs her fingers over familiar ridges and shelves, but she feels nothing too strikingly sad or happy as she does so.
It just... is.
They’re preparing for a weekend away at a beach house rented out for Chloe’s birthday in a couple weeks. She feels giddy and excited, mostly at the thought of spending evenings cuddled up next to Beca with the sand all around them. She’s excited that Beca wrangled Aubrey and Amy and a few other Bellas to join them, though she had been adamant that they get a beach house with distinctly separate rooms.
Chloe rifles through her drawers, trying to figure out where she misplaced her favourite t-shirt. She’s sure she left it at Beca’s from the last time she stayed over, but she’s having some difficulty locating it.
“Chlo,” Beca calls. “I did some of your laundry with my own.” She holds up the t-shirt. “Looking for this?”
Chloe grins, leaping into Beca’s arms. “Thank you. Life saver.”
“You should just move in again,” Beca says, laughing. It’s lighthearted and free, like she’s joking, but Chloe isn’t when she pauses and seriously thinks about it.
“Okay,” she agrees quietly after a moment.
Beca is trying to kiss her when she draws back, like she’s unsure if she imagined that. “What?”
“Okay,” Chloe repeats. “Let’s...I’ll move back in.”
“I...I’m - I was just joking,” Beca attempts to say, but it’s weak and her eyes are wide. She’s also a little slackjawed.
“I’m not,” Chloe assures her. “I...I would love to move back in. If you’ll have me.”
Beca makes a kind of strange high-pitched squeak before she’s tackling Chloe into a hug and burying her face into her neck.
Chloe hugs her back, laughing delightedly. “So, that’s a yes, right?”
Beca pinches her side and they tumble onto the bed.
They don’t actually figure it out so soon, but it’s on the table and in their plans for the future. That’s enough for Chloe.
Though -
Chloe I want you to help me with something.
Aubrey This better be good.
Chloe It is, I promise.
Aubrey I was just kidding...but I’m intrigued now. I’m in.
It’s a good birthday - great, even. Chloe loves being around people who make her laugh like no tomorrow.
Beyond that, she loves how often Beca smiles.
She catches Beca in a similar state of mind, based on how often Beca is staring right at her, often with an expression of love or awe or something in between.
As they sit around the fire pit, at their little slice of the beach for the weekend, Chloe stares around at the people she loves - the people she has come to love. She feels a swell of affection rush through her because this is her family. Her parents, her brother - she has always known this to be true that they are her family in blood and their endless support.
But she has learned that family comes in spades, especially from people who are willing to be there for her time and time again.
They’re sharing memories when Chloe tunes back into the conversation.
Chloe looks down at the blanket covering both hers and Beca’s laps, fiddling with a loose string. As she fiddles, Beca’s hand comes up to caress hers, covering her hand fully. It makes Chloe smile and she only tugs Beca closer even though they’re already both warm from the gently crackling fire in front of them. Tilting back, she can feel Beca’s steady breathing against her and the sure comfort of Beca’s arm wrapped around her back, her hand stroking comfortably at her hip.
Beca is the promise of everything wonderful – the promise that Chloe’s life would forever be good , so long as she remembered that Beca Mitchell was it for her. There is no comparison, no compromise in Chloe’s mind these days. She can’t imagine anything else.
And even though the occasional stab of pain comes with the reminder that there are truly memories she will never see or recall again, Chloe finds strength in the promise - both from Beca and one she made to herself – that it didn't matter she no longer has those memories. It’s because she has Beca, Beca has her, and that alone is enough – better than any memory.
Beca holds her closer, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, like she senses Chloe’s brief inner turmoil. Chloe squeezes her eyes shut, focusing on breathing deeply for the moment and how nice it feels to just be wrapped up in Beca’s arms.
"Chloe, why are you crying?" Aubrey asks, eyes softening. She says it quietly like she doesn’t really intend on letting everybody else hear, but it alerts everybody and they all turn to her with a concerned expression.
"Oh,” Chloe murmurs. She hadn’t even realized she had been shedding tears. She smiles a little wistfully at Beca who fixes her with a loving gaze. “No reason. I’m just happy to be here. Also, that wine was pretty strong,” she says to Amy.
Chloe finds it amusing how readily they all accept that explanation.
Their friends nod and get back to their conversation, but Chloe tunes out. She smiles at Beca, less tearful than before, her heart filling itself to the brim when Beca tugs her hand to her lips to press the gentlest of kisses to her knuckles. Then, she mouths the words that had once terrified Chloe to the core: I love you .
Chloe knows.
She kisses Beca, to the soundtrack of their friends cooing and cheering them on.
She wouldn’t have it any other way.
Chloe drags Beca out to sit with her on the beach to watch the sunset when their friends are busy amassing swathes of alcohol for a night of drinking.
She wants this quiet moment with her girlfriend, just for a moment before they have to return to reality.
She thinks that Beca looks adorable in her zip-up sweater and leggings.
“Tell me a story about us,” she says to Beca when they’ve settled comfortably.
“Again?” Beca laughs a little. “Okay, what would you like to know?”
“Tell me...about the first time we met.”
“You’ve heard it before,” Beca points out.
“I know. But I feel like I’ve heard it from other people. What were you thinking, then?”
“Okay, okay. I…” Beca blows out some air, ruffling a strand of hair that fell into her face just moments ago. “I know the first time we met was at the activities fair, whatever Aubrey told you. But the first time I really...I really consider to be our first time meeting would have to be when you accosted me in the showers at my residence hall.”
Chloe bursts out laughing. “What?” Pause. “No, wait, sounds about right.”
“Yeah, you’re fucking crazy,” Beca mutters, though there’s no bite at all. Chloe grins. “You just kind of burst into my shower and asked me tosing with you.”
“Why would I do that?” Chloe asks thoughtfully, like this is a legitimate academic inquiry. Beca giggles at the mindful expression on her face.
“I mean, you heard me singing or something. And you wanted me to audition for the Bellas.”
“Oh, well that makes sense,” Chloe says, still thoughtful. “You have such a beautiful voice.”
It’s so unexpectedly sincere and lacking all humour because of how serious Chloe is with that sentence that Beca reels for a moment. “Thank you,” she replies quietly.
“What happened next?”
“And we just...sang together. Titanium,” she points out, feeling less of a pang now than she might have just months ago. “It was popular at the time.”
“I love that song,” Chloe admits, recalling the time they sang together on the balcony.
Beca nods, sucking in a breath of air. “And...I guess I just love that memory a lot even though you freaked me the fuck out back when it happened. I just think about how far we’ve come and how stupid I was to deny how attracted I was to you, even then.”
Chloe hums, pleased. “I like that story.”
“I like you,” Beca says, feeling her own eyes well out with unexpected tears. They’re not particularly sad. Just from the excess of emotion. “I love you,” she amends.
“I love you, too,” Chloe says, reaching for Beca to kiss her. “Thank you for making this birthday incredible. And don’t bother denying how much work you put into it.”
Beca laughs, digging her fingers into the fabric of Chloe’s sweater. “Happy birthday, baby,” she murmurs, deepening the kiss momentarily. She squeezes her eyes shut, willing herself not to cry because of how incredibly happy she feels at the moment.
When she pulls back, Chloe is looking no worse for wear, if not a little teary. Her cheeks are a little flushed and the sun is already casting a beautiful glow upon the side of her face.
“I have a story about us,” Chloe says softly, interrupting Beca’s assessment of her features. “And I hope to remember it for the rest of my life, so I’m going to tell you about it right now.”
Beca thinks she might cry again because of how intimate this all feels suddenly. She focuses on just staring right into Chloe’s eyes and nodding slowly along.
“What’s your story?” Beca asks, wonder on her face. “What did you remember?”
“It’s not so much something that I remembered,” Chloe says slowly. She unhooks the chain around her neck, holding out the engagement ring for Beca to look at.
“You’re…giving me your engagement ring?” Beca asks slowly, like she’s not sure whether she should be hurt or hopeful.
“Just to hold,” Chloe says gently. “I’ve read that inscription so many times since you gave it to me. I’ve memorized how it feels and imagined countless times what must have been going through your mind when you first had it made for me. For us.”
“To look at you is to remember love,” Beca echoes, repeating the engraving she memorized so long ago. “It’s true,” she says on a sniffle.
Chloe smiles, her own eyes beginning to water. She hates it when Beca cries. “I know this was a weekend meant to be spent with our friends – the friends you worked so hard to reintroduce to me and bring back into my life.”
“It’s your birthday,” Beca can’t help but say, reaching out to cup Chloe’s cheek. “Of course we want to spend time with you.”
“Beca,” Chloe warns, a smile on her lips. The ocean breeze ruffles Beca’s hair a little and she can’t help but reach out and tuck the errant strand away because all she wants to do is look at Beca’s face, unobstructed for once - unobstructed by self-doubt, lingering worries, pain, headaches - all the plights of the past year or so.
Chloe has never felt happier to be alive and she’s so glad that she gets to come home to Beca every day.
“Sorry,” Beca murmurs. She bites her lip, as if physically restraining herself from speaking. Chloe can’t resist, so she leans in, digging her hands into the sand and presses a kiss against Beca’s lips, if only to soothe her momentarily.
“As I was saying, this engraving has meant everything to me over the past year and I’m sure it meant a lot to me back then as well. We don’t...really talk about the things I can’t remember,” Chloe says slowly. “And that’s okay.”
“That’s okay,” Beca echoes, reaching for Chloe’s hand. She doesn’t seem to care there’s sand all over it. She weaves their fingers together.
“I...don’t think I’m ever going to remember everything, Beca,” Chloe says, like she has a thousand times before. “Some things will never come back. Maybe the memory of how you proposed to me the first time will be one of those lost memories. But, I don’t want us to be sad about that - not anymore.” She waits for Beca to nod. “This story that I want to share with you, it starts from the moment I opened my eyes in that hospital bed and had no idea who you were. Even then, I knew that you were somebody important, regardless of whether I remembered that you and I were engaged.”
“Chloe,” Beca says thickly, choking on a sob.
“And, since then, you have never wavered, not once. I have never felt more comfortable to be myself and it’s all thanks to you. You make me better. You make everything about our relationship better. You make us better and I can tell that it’s the same for all the people in our lives.” She gestures around the admittedly empty beach. “You have...touched every single person in our lives, I hope you know that.”
“I mean, so have you,” Beca murmurs. “Everybody you meet thinks you’re incredible.”
Chloe smiles, touched by Beca’s ability to constantly parry a compliment with her own. “This is all just to say that I am so in love with you, Beca Mitchell.” She digs into the pocket of her hoodie, feeling around for just a moment. “I know we can’t recapture everything completely, but that’s not the point. The point is, this is the story from here on out. Today, as I celebrate another year in my life, I want to know that you and I are in this together forever. Do you know how lucky I am to have experienced love with you twice?"
Beca inhales sharply at that, beginning to cry in earnest.
"You have always been there, helping me rewrite and reread my story when I couldn’t find the words.”
With a trembling hand, she pulls out the ring she had managed to wrangle from pursuing and locating some of her own funds from before the accident. It’s a delicate princess cut with a shiny, simple band.
“You don’t have to give me back my engagement ring, not yet,” Chloe says gently over Beca’s quiet crying. “I just want you to know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you because life’s too short and I don’t want to wait another day.”
She doesn’t have time to say anything else because Beca’s arms are around her neck and she’s pushing Chloe back in the sand, crying into her neck while simultaneously pressing kisses over whatever skin she can find. Chloe holds fast to the small box, reaching up to tangle her fingers into Beca’s hair.
Finally, Beca’s lips seek out her own and they’re kissing as gently as they had for their first kiss or even their second first kiss.
Now, Chloe thinks this could constitute as a third first kiss - the one that is irrevocably imbued with the knowledge that they’re going to make it.
“Yes, by the way,” Beca mumbles against her mouth. “Yes, I’ll marry you.” She can’t muster more words, even if her brain is screaming at her to say something more.
I’ve always been ready to marry you, even back when I didn’t have the words to say how I felt about you. Even back when you didn't know a thing about me.
“That’s good,” is all Chloe can think to say now that her words have seemingly run out. She pauses, propping open the box so Beca can look at the ring. “There’s an engraving of my own,” she murmurs. “It’s simple, but.” She resists the urge to shrug self-consciously.
Beca takes the box with her own trembling hand and peers at the band as best as she can in the dying sunlight.
There, as clear as day, reads the inscription: I remember.
Beca looks like she might burst into a fresh onslaught of tears, so Chloe quickly takes the box back and removes the ring. “May I?”
“Yes,” Beca says quietly, again. Together, they watch the ring slide onto Beca’s finger and it glints beautifully in the pink and orange of the sunset. “This is my favourite story,” she admits, unable to tear her eyes from her hand. She’s not really looking at the ring so much as she’s looking at the way Chloe’s hand is gently holding hers and the fact that Chloe had put a ring on her finger at all.
I’ll never forget this, she thinks.
Aloud, “I’ll always remember this moment,” Beca assures Chloe.
And with a deep inhale, Chloe says, “Me too.”
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