#especially when i see crinkled blurry childe in the background <333
To make you feel better, this is my offering!
Climbing to the top of the stairs next to Bubu pharmacy you sit near the edge of the cliff quietly waiting with your lantern for the fireworks to finally set off. You hear somebody behind you, but it wasn’t rustling that you heard, it was purring, purring from your favourite person but in a bigger, fluffier form. He sat down a bit further behind from you so that people couldn’t see him from down below. You move back a bit to nussle into his side, his warm fluff and purring soothed you on this cold airy night. As the fireworks lit the sky with a stunning array of red, oranges, yellows.
As all of the lanterns light up liyue, and gently raise into the sky, you hold one of legacy’s hand and the other helps you lift your own lantern into the sky.
A new beginning for a new year to come. One that hopefully keeps your Ajax and legacy beside you.
Some fluff for you wifi hope you feel better and have some flowers 💐
🍑 anon
!!!! thank you very much for the flowers my dear i will put them in a vase right away :D
ohhh my goodness after you release the lantern, you lean back against Foul Legacy's chest, his arms coming to wrap around you. with one smooth motion he whirls you around so you're facing him, looking at you with a world's worth of love and adoration in his crystalline eye before leaning in and nudging his forehead against yours. with a kind laugh you reach to cup his face in your hands, cooing at the way he melts into your touch. no one notices- Lantern Rite is too big of an occasion, so you take your time scratching underneath Foul Legacy's chin and behind his horns, listening to his blissful purrs and smoothing down his fluffy ginger hair
it's getting late, and you yawn tiredly. with a croon Foul Legacy scoops you into his arms, wings fluttering open to bring you back home. he lands on the roof, looking upwards towards the sky blooming with colors, and you snuggle closer to admire the numerous lanterns floating on air, only to sneeze at the chilled night. Foul Legacy whines, bumping his head against your cheek, and you turn to place a small kiss met with a flustered yelp. he ducks his head, hiding his face in the crook of your neck, cheeks burning, and you burst into delighted laughter, petting his hair
"Happy new year, to me and you, my beloved Legacy"
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