#especially when its about u know. the blobbies.
allgremlinart · 2 years
10 characters/10 fandoms tag game!! Thank u for the tag @sapphic-wu-san <33
this isnt really ranked in order. Just a random smattering. lifting my veil of mystery so u can see what other characters im not normal about besides Bruce
1) Batman (Batman) ((gee how original. What a unique and obscure choice.))
2) Lin Beifong (The Legend Of Korra <33)
3) S'chn T'gai Spock (Star Trek TOS)
4) Lily Munster (The Munsters)
5) Thor (Marvel) ((the old 60s comics specifically,,Jack Kirby my beloved))
6) Holly Short (Artemis Fowl)
7) Vidia (Tinker Bell) ((she's hot ok))
8) Mai (Avatar The Last Airbender)
9) Ichabod Crane (Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow)
10) Leo Caruso (A Way Out)
guhh no pressure at all but I think I'll tag @superbattrash @hiero-green @babygirlcowboy and @therehavebeenstranger
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meichenxi · 4 years
I hope you don't mind me asking, feel free to ignore this, but you mentioned you have synesthesia. I'm curious, how does this work for you? From my understanding (which is limited) everyone experience a bit differently. It just sounds really interesting, so I hope I'm not overstepping 😅
No not at all!! It’s a really interesting topic :D (and I’ll answer your other ask in a bit if you don’t mind once I’ve got some good resources together!)
This is going to be long, because I think it’s really fascinating! So I apologise in advance. It’s also going to get quite linguistics-y, because that’s what I’m here for always. 
So my synesthesia presents itself in a number of ways. Most obviously, I have the ‘normal’ bog-standard colour-grapheme synesthesia, whereby every letter or word is strongly associated with a certain colour and sort of...feel. So for example <k> is a sly orange, sharp and mischievous. Not all letters have very strong impressions; <I> and <i> for instance are both just sort of wishy-washy and pale cloudy lemonade colour. 
Also! I have evidence for the psychological reality of the syllable and the phonological word. Often word- or syllable-initial consonants ‘colour’ the rest of the word, especially with ‘light’ vowels like <e> or <I> or <y>. So for example, even though I’m not sure whether your username is a name or a word or what exactly, it’s ‘split’ into two halves: <karo> with an orange undertone, whilst still being able to see the ‘colour’ of the other letters, and <lincki> which is a pale yellow, despite the presence of the <k>. 
One other interesting thing is that these associations seem to come from quite well-founded generalisations based on place and manner of articulation. We’ve all heard of the Boba-Kiki affect (if not, look it up) where ‘kiki’ is the sharp, pointy object and ‘boba’ is the flat, blobby one, despite them both being non-words. This holds with my synesthesia too, so there are seemingly articulatorily-founded patterns!! For instance, many of my plosives are middle to dark blue; almost all of my voiceless/voiced pairs match up with the voiced version being darker than the voiceless version (except /k/ and /g/, and that’s because of the ‘orange’ pressure from palatals and ‘green’ pressure from velars, I think); many of my palatals are on a spectrum from pale yellow-white to orange, etc. My back vowels are dark, warm, deep colours, and my front vowels are lighter. I’d be interested in knowing if this holds with other people with synesthesia: I can only do so many experiments on myself lmao (and trust me I’ve done a lot).
Each letter also occupies a certain ‘space’ in the air, like the spikes in a line graph. This is how I read quickly; I memorise the ‘shape’ of the word (which doesn’t always map on to the physical shape) and use that. 
One weird thing which happens is that phonemes and graphemes don’t always have the same colour!! Which leads to very interesting results. For instance, <u> is a sort of terracotta brown, so I hate this letter in most words (I have very strong opinions about a lot of this. I hate <p> and <b> with all of my heart). But the sound /u/ is a deep, crystal midnight green! So if I hear the word ‘Undomiel’ (thank you Tolkien), it’s incredibly beautiful. Writing it down, though, I can’t stand it, especially clashing with the pink of <m>.
This is why I dislike some languages so irrationally for no reason I think. 1) I don’t like their colour palette. If it’s all over the place or a mess or a horrible sludge-green, sorry, I’m probably not going to learn it. 2) The colour palette of what I’m hearing and what I’m reading don’t match. This could in theory happen with English, but doesn’t, because I’m so used to it I think. But this is why I dislike French so much (sorry everyone!!), because what I’m hearing and what I’m seeing literally clash in front of my eyes and it’s gross.
Where it gets really interesting is in foreign language acquisition. What happens with tone? Non-Latinate writing systems? 
I don’t have as strong associations for sounds which have no representation in the Latin alphabet (so, say, the distinction between Hindi aspirated and non-aspirated stops), because a lot of it is still based on graphemes, but that representation is still there. Sometimes it’s a modified version of the representation of a phoneme I’m familiar with (for example, the heavily aspirated Irish /t/ is a lighter blue than my /t/, and the non-aspirated Hindi /t/ is a darker version), but sometimes it’s a murky new colour based, occasionally, on place of articulation. For example, whilst <ch> should be orange and then terracotta brown in terms of graphemes, the German ach-Laut is a completely different colour to the German ich-Laut!! The ach-Laut <ch> is a dark green (which makes sense, since my velars and uvulars are usually dark green), but the ich-Laut is an orange - because, again, palatals are orange!!! Isn’t that cool? 
Features have psychological reality guys!
Another interesting thing is that I often acquire a colour-based distinction long before I consciously notice a difference even if it’s not phonemic. This is nuts!! So for instance the standard Mandarin /t/ is pronounced slightly differently to the English /t/ (both have aspiration, but slightly different places of articulation); and correspondingly, way before I learnt this or could hear the difference consciously, I noticed the colour of the Chinese /t/ was a different shade of blue!! Similarly, when I was in a Hindi-speaking environment in India I noticed that I was remembering whether words had one of (many) t-like phonemes based on colour alone; I couldn’t tell you if it was aspirated, retroflex or anything, but I could tell you, if I thought to ask, what colour it was, and so produced the correct sound appropriately - because it’s a dark blue word, right? Importantly, I wasn’t making a conscious link between those features and the colour, so if you asked me what it ‘being a dark blue word’ actually meant phonetically, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you until I sat down and worked it out myself after looking at Hindi phonology. It’s just ‘dark blue’, so you pronounce it in a ‘dark blue’ way.
I mean ultimately this is just another way of distinguishing sounds so it’s not actually that exciting, it’s just conceptualised in a different way, and still takes a long time to develop, so it’s only happened with languages where I’ve been immersed for a couple of months or more, rather than say, French or Spanish. But it’s still kind of cool. 
As for tone, tone contours also colour the word!! I don’t know if this is influenced by anything in particular (common words with those tones, maybe?) but it’s fun. The first tone is a sort of yellow; the second tone is a steely blue; the third tone is like /w/ which is a deep green; the fourth tone is a red. 
One exciting thing is also that, the more I read Chinese, the more I ‘see’ the colour of a word. This isn’t just me knowing the pronunciation; if I know the pinyin but it isn't a familiar word, I don’t see any colour. Only if I’m very familiar with that phonetic component (because guess what!! That has an affect), a similar word, or the word itself do I see the colour. Which is just wild. So, can confirm that my brain is processing phonetic components via analogy on a similar level to ‘letters’, which is really interesting. Usually the character is just the colour of the initial, sometimes coloured by the final; it’s not as detailed as the representation in the Latinate alphabet. 
In other non-Latinate writing systems, the more I’m familiar with the system, the more I see the colours. These are usually colours of the phonemes not graphemes where they differ; so for hiragana, for example, /u/ is its phonemic dark green, and not its graphemic rusty brown. 
This colour palette is really useful in conlanging btw: I don’t have to actually think up a phonological system, I just have to think ‘autumnal’, and I get words that look similar. 
Numbers are also highly coloured for me, as well as being gendered (really brain??) in a very predictable way - all even numbers are female and all male numbers are male. This is probably the strongest of all my synesthesia: I genuinely mentioned this to someone when I was about eighteen and just assumed that the rest of the world knew this too, it was so obvious. What this means is that I remember things in ‘colour palettes’ and I have quite a good visual memory because of that - I just remember the ‘shape’ and ‘colour’ of the numbers and then can reconstruct it in my head. Some numbers are also ‘higher’ than others, like if you imagine a graph, so I can map out a sequence of numbers using the ‘peaks’ and ‘dips’ in space. I was doing a psychology test looking into people with synesthesia once actually where you are flashed a sequence of numbers, and then have to type them backwards. I was able to type about 12/13 numbers backwards in after being flashed for one second, compared to an average of 4 or 5. I couldn’t remember the actual numbers; but I knew that there were purple edges, then a yellow spike and a green blob etc, and so could look at the ‘picture’ and work it out from there because the representations were so stable. 
It’s actually really helpful sometimes! I remember numbers/words in these ‘colour palettes’, and once forgot the last two digits of my PIN when in China (6 digits, not 4, which I was not used to). But because I had chosen the number myself and the other digits were a sort of gloomy heather-purple/black/grey, I knew that the last two digits had to match that palette and ‘shape’ (how high a number rests in space). So I was able to guess them both within three tries!
Other things: people’s personalities and events sometimes are associated with colours, as well as music and sounds to a limited degree, but I don’t know enough about music theory to know if what is ‘purple’ or ‘lush green’ actually has any impact. It’s not individual notes alas - that would be so useful/cool. 
The personality thing is a bit annoying - I am often terrible at remembering people’s names if they don’t match with their personality in some way. I have two friends called Liam and Adam, and to this day (despite being friends with them for years and years) I still have to stop myself calling Adam ‘Liam’. I think everybody knows the phenomenon of ‘but he just looks like a Liam!’. It’s like that, but so strong I have to correct myself basically every time. I also get names that have the same ‘colour palette’ but nothing alike mixed up: for example Henry and Carl or Mary-Anne and Belinda. 
One other thing that is difficult is that if the orthography and phonology are particularly mismatched, or use letters in ways I’m not used to, this really hinders learning. I learnt some Medieval Welsh a few years ago as part of my degree and couldn’t remember anything because it was all just green. Or I kept writing /b/ instead of, say, /t/ or a dental fricative, because I knew it was a ‘blue’ sound, but couldn’t remember exactly which one. It sometimes leads me to make mistakes that are really stupid and probably don’t make sense to anyone else - /k/ doesn’t sound anything like /j/ but because they’re both orange-coloured, I’ll often mix them up especially if /k/ is next to a high vowel. 
So, that was very long!! Thank you for the ask :D But I hope it was interesting to any fellow linguists or language-lovers out there, and if there are any psycholinguists in the room, I have made a chart of all of this and mapped it out so hmu if you want some data lmao
Do you experience synesthesia too? What’s your experience like?
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despiteherself · 6 years
somewhat spoiler-y thoughts under the cut. don’t keep reading if you don’t want to see stuff about httyd3
okay. so overall i actually enjoyed httyd3 (surprising; i know). i do have lots and lots of complaints but the stuff i liked was exciting and interesting enough that i sort of just blacked out the bad stuff. and i’m going to love picking that stuff apart bc boy was there some cringy shit. especially if you don’t like hiccstrid, their scenes with actual relationship talk were awkward and wooden and god. the ending was SO :/ 
actual spoilers from here on out. you’ve been warned. 
grimmel was a lot more compelling as a villain. they sort of gave him a backstory thing and it kind of ruined it a bit for me bc it was basically “i killed a night fury as a boy and my village loved me for it so i killed all of them” but idk something about it was lacking and i was like. oh. did you guys not care enough to flesh this one out. actually, writing it down it sounds way better motivation than when he actually said it even tho it’s basically the same thing.
the deathgrippers were being controlled! grimmel was using their venom to mind control them, so any “alpha talk” didn’t get through to them and they did exactly what grimmel wanted. 
and hiccup didn’t give a shit lol. these dragons were constantly being drugged via needles in their head/neck and being forced to hunt and attack and carry grimmel around and hiccup didn’t even feel a little bit sorry for them or express any pain. the whole movie was kinda “wow ppl don’t deserve dragons we need to save them” but he didn’t express any empathy for dragons being used? not many were shown in this movie to be used, and even less that hiccup saw, but idk the whole “let the things you love go!” didn’t congeal well. 
further more, he made several terrible decisions for the entirety of berk, including running away to find the hidden world, which they had no proof even existed and absolutely kept walking exactly into everything grimmel wanted, but when ruff did it (after she was “captured” and let go she flies straight back the place they’ve settled leading grimmel back to new berk) it felt like it was being played as a WAY worse thing. like she was an idiot for doing it, and it was just! hiccup. every decision you’ve made has been panicked and blind and made your position worse and worse. 
gobber, valka and eret all get a little screen time, and they all play the naysayer stoick part? like “hiccup this is dangerous” and hiccup completely ignores them. them: hiccup we have advice hiccup: ok cool im not listening and i don’t want to hear it. they don’t even get to really explain their points of view ??????? 
valka’s other stuff is “oh we might have been followed leaving berk” and then her being all “astrid do u still love and believe in my son?????” what “he’ll listen to u” uhm ??? and no one else i get? ?/ they literally do not talk except about hiccup
gobber’s scene where he tells hiccup to marry astrid is so weird and awkward and only tuffnut yelling “oh no not the m word!” had anything that made it better. noah fence but astrid was all “that’s weird and awkward of you” and tells hiccup she thinks they’re “not ready for marriage” and the idea is silly and it 100% sounds like she’s not interested in him at all. and he’s obviously super invested and he’s all “haha maybe you can have snotlout” she makes “jokes” about snotlout being into valka. it was.... 
also. he ONLY mentioned snotlout when saying there’s other guys and idk. it ..... idk now i think about it it maybe feels the “joke” is kinda who would want snotlout which :/ but i guess means tuff and fishlegs are valid suitors? i don’t know 
hiccup in the whole was pretty weak tbh. like he didn’t stand out for me and most of his plot felt like it had a bunch of good ideas but they struggled putting it together. it’s like when u see a fic and u love the general idea but the execution is not how u would, and they go on and it’s like. i really really wouldn’t have 
they weirdly anthropomorphise toothless and then also. have him act like a dog and i found it disconcerting 
the light fury is genuinely super blobby and ugly and i cna’t believe they made me watch SO much of “uwuw sexy seductress” content and toothless being a complete airhead who licks a rock to “practice” for it. was weird and i was uncomfortable. 
also astrid is all “wow toothless has a girlfriend its so cute !!!!!!!” and they watch him watch other dragons doing mating dances and hiccup is like ‘i never pegged you for a romantic, like never” like get a fuckign hint !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she never kisses you on the cheek. astrid expressing sentiment cause she thinks something is romantic but never for your relationship is telling you A LOT about it 
honestly. they don’t do anything to make me convinced in ANY WAY that astrid is actually into him and wants to marry him for real. at their wedding she is SO wooden and when they kiss hiccup brings his hand up but astrid is just STANDING there,,, and they look so blank. it’s so. 
also. i was right astrid was mostly just a prop for hiccup’s story and she barely interacts with anyone that isn’t hiccup or valka, and when it’s valka it’s about hiccup. 
aside from toothless, and a little bit of stormfly, the gang’s dragons are mostly just. in the background and don’t really have anything to do with anything
behind everything there were this warlords, i didn’t pick up names and apparently they were the ones who were funding drago or whatever? and they call grimmel in bc he cares about killing night furies and are hoping that it’ll mean they get all the dragons. it was kinda. i sort of liked the idea but i felt it was shoved in, and they just mentioned drago to make it seem like it was planned when they came out of nowhere. and idk not planned at all. like an idea that was good but they didn’t edit everything to make sure it fit. a lot of stuff felt kind retcon-y like apparently stoick was “obsessed with finding the hidden world” and he even mentions in a flash back that it’s not the nest they’re looking for in httyd1 so it’s so weird like. and there was this ~journals~ stoick had about it and it’s just! they never ever mentioned this before gfhsdfjhdfgjdfgfdg guys. that’s so fucking messy and kinda annoying. in the grand scheme this retconning isn’t too much, but it’s enough that it’s like. none of this was planned and i can tell and instead of making it match up you just bluster through like “actually this always happened” as if u think i’m a dumbass who will just blindly believe whatever you tell me instead of a long time fan with a personal involvement.i know some of u read my blog,,, come on   
i didn’t cry at all like lol. i had fun but i wasn’t emotional. 
no characters die don’t worry
ruff was PERFECT and everything she did was wnoderful and i LOVE her so much! she got to speak A LOT and she’s all “it’s so tough being this hot” i love you girl, and she’s over eret and is like “wow he missed out” and talks about snotlout and fishlegs which was :///// but the guys don’t do the whole fighting over her thing so that’s! and she’s like “i guess fishlegs but he’s a nerd” and at the end he cries at the wedding and she’s like “wow i guess the sensitive guy wins” so a lot of her stuff was kinda about men ://// but herself was PERFECT and she boops grimmel’s face with the bobble ends of her hair pretending they’re a zippleback. she makes jokes about why is grimmel’s face so long, and her’s is long but WOW does that take the cake. and she says “astrid round face” it was so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she’s so good i love her 
rupple does a good job with tuff. the voice difference was noticeable and i kept thinking about it but i think he did well. tuff gets a bunch of speaking parts and he’s super involved with the whole wedding concept and he’s like “haha wow hiccy, a DOES NOT WANT to get married 2 u LOL. which is #tru cause like. she’s a viking warrior queen and you’re well you. you need to shape up. also. be more like me” which i will TAKE i cannot believe tuffstrid is REAL. also now im about 80% convinced hiccup and astrid took a break to see other ppl and tuffstrid fucked. tuff and astrid don’t really interact except for when they leave ruff behind but they KEEP on doing this whole, vibe thing that makes them seem like they’re good friends. like. tuff thinking he knows what astrids want or admires and he actually goes and all his advice/pep talk is like half leg jokes but it’s all good????? tuff has ear piercings, they’re SO on point they look so good, and he’s got rings all over his fingers i love this kid so much he’s so great. he calls his braid his beard and whenever anyone looks a little sad he like, shoves their face into his braid to comfort them.
also tuff says there’s no edge of the world cause actually it’s round like the sun and the moon and stars, even tho stars are dumb. 
i was right fishlegs’ first sentence is basically them all going “wow a nerd” akdshgfkdjghfg. he doesn’t get as much screen time as the others, and most of it is focused on fishmeat, who is ADORABLE and PERFECT. that big moose dragon meets fishmeat at the start and they become bffs and he defends his lil buddy
snotlout’s also not as much screen time, and most of it is him following valka around and being impressed with her and wanting her to say nice things about him. the rest is him getting caught on his cape. valka says nice stuff about eret cause he’s actually good at this planning stuff (except one bit thats played for jokes where snotlout is like “we should spilt up cause *good reasons*” and then eret is like “we should spilt up cause i feel like it” and valka’s all “i trust your instincts!!!!”. it was weird bc it was the only really good tactical decision snotlout made and it gets ignored) and he keeps getting his ego pumped up when he takes what valka says wrong - like she’s being polite, or there’s double meanings and he takes it like he’s good but all he did was get caught on a cage and hung there until hookfang picked him up - and at the end she says “eret maybe brawn, but you’re the brains” and snotlout feels validated again but he doesn’t really deserve it? like idk i wish she said something meaningful. it’s not kind to make someone feel like they’re good at something they’re not. you should encourage him when he’s doing well. 
eret is just kinda. around. doing things. and being like, snotlout’s “rival” for valka’s attention and eret is like. what are you on about lmao
also. i’ve seen some out of context spoilers and they mentioned something being gay but i don’t know where that’s from? snotlout kinda says some great things about eret but it’s a real squint and gobber says eret has the body of a norse god but then he says he does as well and then puts a crick in back when he’s stretching so it’s very clearly a joke and it’s definitely like ‘he’s fat and old and dirty its funny cause he thinks he’s attractive” rather than anything else
hmmMMmmMMMMM god ive forgotten what i’ve talked about and what i haven’t im sure i have more to say but this is already super long os. you can ask me questions if u like. send me an im or something 
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How to Draw an Ogre - Easy Things to Draw for Beginners
New Post has been published on https://easythingstodraw.net/how-to-draw-an-ogre/
How to Draw an Ogre - Easy Things to Draw for Beginners
How to Draw an Ogre – Easy Things to Draw for Beginners
I go over how to draw different cool things, and I take this and re-dub it. Its a simplistic version of an ogre. There are pretty much an infinite amount of ways an ogre can look like. This is my version, and I show you want I’m doing.
Ok, let’s get started with some guidelines. Well, shapes. Draw a big, round, triangle, egg-shaped thing for the main body. Then draw two smaller shapes for the forearms. Draw a center line down the body and add some finger guides, if you wish. Lighten your guidelines and we’ll begin the simple drawing. For my style of Ogre, we want a small head on top of a large body. Also, check out : How to Draw a Monster Ear – Easy Things to Draw Step by Step
Not what we want “shrek”
Draw the eyes closer to the top of the head than you would normally. This makes him look a bit… slow, shall we say? Draw around, bulbous nose that hangs over the lips, and draw a large chin. You can have teeth sticking past the lips to make him look more animal-like.  Next, we’ll draw the upper arms and chest muscles. Begin with the shoulders. Keep everything soft and round, since this guy is quite chubby.
  You can simplify the lines of the arms quite a bit, using just a few curves to get the right look. Try to wrap the chest muscles around the body. Imagine it as a big marshmallow shape that you’re tying a string around. Next, draw the large belly of the Ogre. We’ll have the belly button very low, so the lower belly with just split into two lumps. For this cartoony drawing, we’ll use large, square shapes for the fingers.
  Try to make an L-shape for each finger, to give them a claw-like feel.  With the fingers drawn in, use the guidelines to draw in the forearms. Then you can draw the web between the fingers, draw the knuckles, and add fingernails. Ok, I decided we need to draw a belly button after all. Draw a belt, partially obscured, beneath the hanging belly. Beneath that we’ll draw a furry loincloth using simply curved V shapes…
  One important detail is the arc of the back, drawing near the elbow area. This isn’t absolutely necessary but helps give an idea of his overall body type. The top line is the back of the ribcage, and the lower line is the side of his belly. Now we’ll just add some very cartoony legs and feet. Start with the thighs and knees, drawn together in a single line. Then draw a chicken drumstick shape for the lower leg, and then keep everything bubbly for the feet and toes.
Now for some basic details. Even though these lines are quick and simple, they’re based on actual human anatomy… so if you’re not sure what you’re doing, don’t hesitate to look at some reference online for muscles, or check out my How to Draw Muscles tutorial here on Dragon Art. Draw in the knuckles, add some little hairs on the belly and arms, stubble on the chin, and give him some hair flowing across his neck area.
Erase your guidelines, and you should be left with something like this. Not too bad. The proportions are very cartoony, and the hands/forearms are nuts… but you can get away with some crazy anatomy when drawing something like an Ogre. They’ve basically deformed humans, so that’s what we’ve got here.
  This is the creepy part. You can lighten the lines from Step 9 and use them as a guide for drawing a more detailed and realistic final illustration. The best advice I can give here is to look at photos of real people for reference. Bodybuilders for muscles. Anyone with hair. Use your own hands and knuckles for reference. Adding little imperfections to the character make him seem a bit more real…
  Keep it organic. Break up your lines. Yeehaw.  Ok, next image! These guidelines are a little more complex than the first image. This guy’s more hunched over, and his hands are out in front of him, for the most part. The body and arms are just pillow shapes and blobs. The main thing to pay attention to is the placement of the fingers and thumbs. Again, use your own hands for reference. You have a little room to mess around since these are cartoony fingers, but you want to make it look as realistic as possible, so be careful with the angles of the fingers.
  Continue drawing in the fingers and remaining thumb. Overlapping the fingers makes them seem somewhat rounded in space if that makes sense. Try to draw the knuckles on a curve that runs through all the fingers on each hand.  Draw the palm of his left hand. Most of the left arm is covered by the hand, but the main outline is still visible. On his right arm (our left), start your lines from the hand, and draw toward the elbow. The muscles closer to the wrist should overlap the shapes toward the elbow.
Draw the upper arms the same way you did for the first image. Keep it around and simple. The lines of the pectoral muscles begin in the armpit.  Looking around online, I’ve seen a lot of extreme Ogre designs. I doubt the original folk tales described Ogres as having lots of spikes and whatnot, but let’s have fun and draw some on this guy. Draw at least one spike breaking the outline of the back. This will tell the viewer’s brain that the spikes aren’t just in a row across the shoulders, but cover a larger area on the back. At least, that’s the idea…
  I drew these spikes more jagged, almost like… wooden teeth, if that makes sense. When somebody’s stomach is this large, sometimes there’s that split down the center. I like to draw it because it makes the guy look tougher than just having a big balloon for a stomach. This makes it look like maybe there are some ab muscles hiding under there somewhere. The loincloth will be made of leather straps this time. First, draw a few straps spaced out below the belt line. Now draw the remaining straps in between the first set. How to draw easy pictures.
  This makes it look like they’re overlapped. Be sure to use different curves on the straps, so they’re almost flapping in the wind, or just with his movement. Keep the upper legs simple, combining the thighs and knees into a single shape. He’s squatting a bit, so from this angle, the lower legs are mostly obscured.
  Start the feet with the big toes. Then draw the little toes getting smaller until the pinky toes. I like to add that extra arc to the small toes, rather than just drawing little sausages. This guy’s barefoot all the time, so his toes are actually gripping the ground. Check your own toes for reference. Seriously.
  Finally, the head… part one! Again we’re going to keep the forehead pretty small, the eyes high up… Draw a big nose hanging over the lip line. This guy’s mouth is open, so we’ll show him with a few teeth missing. Feel your own teeth with your tongue to make sure you’re drawing the right type of tooth in the right place.  Now the lower jaw. This guy’s really roaring, so we’re essentially looking straight down on his jaw. Start by drawing the teeth in a U-shape. Then draw in the tongue, and add the lower lip. Check Out : One Great Drawing Tip – Easy Things to Draw for Beginners
Here we can fill in the black spaces and really show off the missing teeth. To finish up the simple drawing, we’ll add some of the basic details again. Muscle fibers across the chest, some cuts, scratches, and wrinkles… Draw some basic lines of the leg muscles. His thighs don’t have to be super defined, but a little will look cool. Finish it up with some bushy hair on the tops of his feet. Why? Why not?
  Erase your guides, and you should end up with something like this. Pretty ferocious. As before, you can stop here and call it a day, or you can use this as the underdrawing for a new image. An hour or two later, this is what we’ve got. Well, you can outline and detail your drawing in whatever style you wish. I like this, blobby lines. What an ugly guy. Still, he’s pretty fun. You should play around with the design. Change the facial details, give him a beard, some armor, or whatever you want. I hope there were some helpful tips in here, and that you’ll be inspired to draw your own Ogre or Ogres. This was fun. Check out more stuff to draw and  on this website.
  Also, don’t forget to check another tutorial How to Draw Batman – Tech Version
BUY an: Artist Pencil Case
I do this because as I mentioned a while ago I am combining my two channels together, this tutorial I did some time ago for me another channel Sketch Monster, but that channel I want to merge with my other channel Easy Things to Draw since I consider that it’s the easiest way for me to maintain the channels. The channel Sketch Monster, it was going around about what I liked drawing the most, You know, like monsters and that sort of thing, but I noticed that people on this channel were also interested in that kind of thing, so I thought, why I didn’t just combine them?.
  So before we start with the drawing I’ll explain a little bit about what the ogres are about, just in case you don’t know them, an ogre is a humanoid creature from the mythology of many countries. This is also mentioned in some fairy tales, it is said that their main food is humans, especially children. The way mythology depicts them is with an inhumanly large and very high size, in some cases, they can reach up to more than 3 meters, they have a disproportionately large head, Abundant hair, the skin has an unusual color and this can be green or gray, they have a voracious appetite and a very strong body.
  The term “ogre” is sometimes used to refer to people with a bad temper with the term “you’re an ogre” or “how green you are”, it can also be used to refer to someone with a very deep voice. An example of an ogre of modern time could be Shrek.
According to mythology and legends, an ogre is a member of a race of large, fierce, cruel humanoids who eat human flesh. In some stories, they can also become shy and cowardly, in most of the cases they are very stupid what makes them easy to defeat. They are greedy beings, so they are always hunting and capturing humans, elves or dwarfs, mainly to hold them as a prisoner, eat them or steal their belongings. Prisoners of ogres are used as slaves or as their food. To capture the prisoners, they use ambushes and raids, since as I said before, their intelligence is not too high, so you can’t expect them to use many combat techniques, even the smartest ogre in the tribe is considered to be the leader. Today we can classify ogres into three types, the common ones, the oriental ones, and the aquatic ones. They are very similar to each other, but they have some characteristics that make them unique, an example of this is that the oriental ogre usually uses magic, while the aquatic one is the most aggressive one that exists. Ogres usually live in tribes and can adapt very well to any climate, so one can find it in the mountains, plains and warm climates, now that we know a little more of them let’s continue.
  For this drawing I used a pencil and start ghosting the image, this is something I’ve already talked about before, so you can go see my previous videos if you need to go over this theme. This step I find very funny, well not funny, it’s a process very messy, but very quickly, I just trace some vague figures and I just scribble to have an idea later on where to start putting the details, there are a million versions of ogres that you could choose from, as I said before Sherk is one of them, I will go for a bearded style of World of Warcraft ogre, although those that appear there are actually orcs, I never really understood the difference whit ogres and orcs, if there is anyone there who does it, I would appreciate very much if you would tell me in the comments.
  After making a pretty simple version of what’s gonna be on top of the shoulders, especially for me, for the things that I draw, this sketch is really simple, I’m gonna start making dark shapes, I use the exact same pencil I just go with dark, now I’m thinking about this angry face, this is almost my default face, it’s not like me in real life, because if it were in real life, I wouldn’t have any friends, this is my default face for drawings, you know as angry…
  I also start to add a few shades and I will make the lights come from above, the same happens with the nose, I do the same, I look for the course shadow along the rim of the nose and I also do that for the edge of the brow line and over the eye, right now I’m curling the furrowing of the nose, right above the nostril and these furrings are going to intricate these mildly Matte of the character or maybe just gives him more the appearance that he can be a character who can go mad like super crazy, but also who could be one who has this resting bitch face look and he doesn’t apologize for that, I am also thinking of this character as a kind of soldier, an emperor or even the biggest one, kind of like the “gorond” of Legend of Zelda.
  Now I continue with the other eye and I want to make sure that both eyes matches, because one of the things that I run mostly with the eyes, is when you draw it on one side, it’s hard to duplicate it on the other side, especially the dark when you have this very slight perspective and apart the nose is blocking the view. Then I add some giant freaky teeth underside and I love that look, I think the first time I saw this look, was in the comic book “Spawn”.
  Continued with the beard and I breaking that beard up, the first things I think is that the beard is one large mass and then I’m breaking that mass, you can also use that method for rocks too. Then add a little shade on the lower lip, since this by itself makes a bit of shade, I alsowant to add a full value for the beard, I go with darker values to break the beard into pieces is very similar to dividing shapes, I also add a few small hairs to the beard and then I add more and more details, and this really depends on you…
  how far you want to go with the drawing, one thing that helps you draw is to think in the third dimension, I recommend you to do that. Then I go on with the teeth, I don’t know what to call these lower teeth, I’ll just call them tusks lower teeth, those have more like rounded forms in some way and I’m thinking of them as a kind of a comb. I go up to the head and I draw these horns on it, I do that randomly, there’s no pattern or anything like that, I’m putting them all over the place like a Darth Maul-style, all these horns are quite similar, one thing I regret with this drawing is not giving them a little variety in the sense of length and size to the horns, I wish I had done that, the next thing that I do is connect the back of the skull with the ear.
  Then I give my ogre a huge back of the neck, like this huge trap, which tends to symbolize more the figure of superheroes, not always, usually the villain tends to have a bigger trap, if you take a look at things done by Ed McGuinness, they all have giant traps, I don’t know what it is, but to me it’s a cool look. if you look at people who use steroids, not always is true, but it’s a sign that people use them in real life, would be that the androgen receptors in the neck area, trap, and shoulder, start getting bigger. But that’s doesn’t mean if you have a big neck you’re using steroids, what I’m saying is just as a sign, although there’s a lot more, it’s just a funny little fact about that. If you look at the UFC fighters of the 90s, you will know that everybody there uses steroids, some of them have a humongous back, by the way, it is good to learn Fortran Anatomy.
I wanted to add to my ogre, kind of like a breastplate or something like that, and I’m not going to lie, but now it looks more like an apron, I also think, why I didn’t connect the apron with to the other shoulder?, because I’m looking at him and it’s kind of weird. Now I’m trying to put a little detail on the cheekbones, even if they have those huge teeth in front of them, you have to use your imagination to think what’s behind them, That’s attention to detail that hopefully, you are having a lot in your drawing.
  I go back to the horns that we put earlier and add a little more of shade, you know, just crisping out these edges a little bit, this is mostly a line drawing with just a little bit of shading, I mean, there’s shading mostly in the beard and in the face, but not as much as in other drawings, and that’s it, if you want you can continue drawing and adding details as much as you want, until you feel that the drawing is ready for
you. Thank you so much for being here, remember that I have a YouTube channel ”
  Easy Thing To Draw 101″ and I would really appreciate it if you subscribed, also if you’re interested in improving your artistic skills you can click on the notification bell, that way every time I upload new content, you’re going to get a notification. Another thing that I want to talk is, if you want me to critique some of your drawings you can go to my Patreon page, the thing I will do is put a layer in Photoshop and add the things that I think it should change, not because they are wrong, because they could be better, and I will also give you exercises for the things that you need to work in general.
  And that’s all, thank you so much for being here and I will continue doing tutorials of how to draw easy things, I like to explain how to draw step by step, as detailed as I can, making it much easier for you to learn. What I like to teach in my channel is how to draw, monsters, superheroes, things related to mechanics, and much more, even in some cases I like to try new things with you, that way we learn together. I am also interested in teaching how to make drawings for beginners, and I teach them from the most basic, so they can learn the best way, although as I have said on other occasions it really doesn’t matter at what level of drawing you are, you are always welcome here on my channel “Easy Things to Draw”, remember that if you have any doubts you can ask me, either in the comments or in the way that you want, I will try to answer you and help you as much as possible, but as I said before you can visit my Patreon for a more detailed review of your drawings, goodbye and we will see you later in another tutorial.
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deadcactuswalking · 6 years
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 6th January 2019
The twelve pop songs that weren’t Christmas are all in the top 13 along with a new arrival, so, yeah, essentially this week is the same as last week without a holiday. Everything that was below the top 40 just came back in spades, hence...
Returning Entries
There’s a ton. Let’s get all of the returning entries and drop-outs in our first, very busy week of 2019, done first. Let’s go, starting from what’s at the top to what’s at the bottom. “Hold My Girl” by George Ezra is back at #14, “Baby” by Clean Bandit, Marina and Luis Fonsi is back at #15, “This is Me” by Keala Settle and The Greatest Showman Ensemble is back at #16, “A Million Dreams” by P!nk is back at #17, “Woman Like Me” by Little Mix featuring Nicki Minaj is back at #18, “imagine” by Ariana Grande is back at #20, “Promises” by Calvin Harris and Sam Smith is back at #21, “Going Bad” by Meek Mill and Drake is back at #22, “Let You Love Me” by Rita Ora is back at #23, “Shallow” by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper is at #24, “The Greatest Show” by Hugh Jackman, Keala Settle, Zac Efron, Zendaya and the Greatest Showman Ensemble returns to #25 (this was the first song I ever reviewed on this series so it’s crazy to see it back pretty much exactly a year later), “Happier” by Marshmello and Bastille is back to #26, “Advice” by Cadet and Deno Driz is at #27, “Mo Bamba” by Sheck Wes is at #28 (and while I’m at it, “SICKO MODE” by Travis Scott featuring Drake, Swae Lee and Big Hawk is back at #33), “Eastside” by benny blanco, Halsey and Khalid is at #29, “A Million Dreams” by Ziv Zaifman, Hugh Jackman and Michelle Williams comes back to #30, “Leave a Light On” by Tom Walker lights up at #31, “KIKA” by 6ix9ine featuring Tory Lanez jumps back to #32, “Girls Like You” by Maroon 5 featuring Cardi B rears its ugly head at #34, “One Kiss” by Calvin Harris and Dua Lipa, the biggest song of the year in the UK (yes, the year-end has been released, and I’ll rank it on my Twitter), “Funky Friday” by Dave and Fredo is at #38 (that one’s growing on me too...), “Body” by Loud Luxury and brando is at #39, and “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran rounds off the Top 40. Well, since all of these have had their own reviews on this series before, I might leave links on each song to where they’ve been reviewed or something, although my opinions have already changed. Oh, “Perfect” and “Mo Bamba” don’t have proper reviews yet but it’ll be redundant doing it now because I’ll just be covering them more in-depth on my best list anyway (sorry, spoilers). Now...
Oh, my goodness. Okay, so, every single Christmas song is out. “All I Want for Christmas for You” by Mariah Carey from #2, “Last Christmas” by WHAM! from #3, “Fairytale of New York” by the Pogues featuring Kirsty MacColl from #4, “Do They Know it’s Christmas?” by Band Aid from #6, “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas” by Michael Bublé from #7, “One More Sleep” by Leona Lewis from #8, “Merry Christmas Everyone” by Shakin’ Stevens from #9, “Step into Christmas” by Elton John from #10, and the episode’s already half of a 1,000 words. Listen, sorry about all the changes in structure with the series, especially in this episode, but I asked on Twitter if you would rather have me review more songs and not bother with anything else, and no, it was decided by 80% to continue with the standard format in the poll, so, yeah, I guess I’ll have to do it like this for another year. Anyways, back to this nonsense. “Driving Home for Christmas” by Chris Rea is out from #11, “I Wish it Could be Christmas Everyday” by Wizzard from #12, “Santa Tell Me” by Ariana Grande from #13, “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” by Brenda Lee from #16, “Merry Xmas Everybody” by Slade from #17, “Happy Xmas (War is Over)” by John Lennon, Yoko Ono and the Plastic Ono Band featuring the Harlem Community Choir from #18 (God, that is a chore to type every week), “Wonderful Christmastime” by Paul McCartney from #20 – may you rest in peace, you gorgeous novelty – “We Built this City on Sausage Rolls” by LadBaby from #21, “Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)” by Darlene Love from #22, “Cozy Little Christmas” by Katy Perry from #23, “Santa’s Coming for Us” by Sia from #24, “Mary’s Boy Child / Oh My Lord” by Boney M. from #26, “Mistletoe” by Justin Bieber from #28, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” by Andy Williams from #29, “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” by Jackson 5 from #30, “White Christmas” by Bing Crosby from #31, “Stay Another Day” by East 17 from #36 – still not a Christmas song – “Underneath the Tree” by Kelly Clarkson from #37, “Lonely this Christmas” by Mud from #38, and finally, “Baby it’s Cold Outside” by Idina Menzel and Michael Bublé is out from #39. That felt oddly therapeutic.
Now, there’s not a single song that fell this week, obviously, but there are a few that climbed outside of the Top 10, and they’re all rebounds from the avalanche.
“Without Me” by Halsey is up three spots to #11, “Lost Without You” by Freya Ridings is up 20 spaces to #12, and finally, “Thursday” by Jess Glynne is up a whopping 27 positions to #13. Now, with the chart finally rid of those pesky Christmas songs, welcome to 2019, everyone, and this is the state of British pop as the year turns around.
Top 10
“Sweet but Psycho” by Ava Max is spending its second week at #1 today, which is cool, I guess, but i don’t imagine it holding on for that long.
Ariana Grande’s “thank u, next” is up three spaces from last week to number-two, but now we’ve got some massive jumps from scattered within the top 40 straight to the top 10.
“Sunflower” by Post Malone and Swae Lee from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is up 16 positions to number-three.
At number-four, we have an 11-space increase for Mark Ronson and Miley Cyrus’ “Nothing Breaks Like a Heart”.
Finally, in what feels like ages, we have a top 5 debut, with Post Malone having his ninth top 40 hit and sixth top 10 hit this week, as his new song “Wow.” enters at #5. We’ll talk about it at length later on.
At number-six, Lord help us, we have “Baby Shark” by Pinkfong up 21 spaces from last week. This is the best proof we’ve had since Mr. Blobby that the charts are ran by children.
“Shotgun” by George Ezra rebounds by 26 spots to number-seven for no good reason. Go away, please, for my own sanity.
Oh, joy, James Arthur too, with Anne-Marie for “Rewrite the Stars” up 17 spaces to number-eight.
Zara Larsson creeps her head into the top 10 as well after a 26-spot boost up to number-nine, making “Ruin My Life” her sixth top 10 hit in the UK.
Finally, Kodak Black’s “ZEZE” featuring Travis Scott and Offset is up an undeservedly high 24 places up to #10, rounding off our top 10 at way too many words for an episode that has yet to have any song reviews. I’ll try to keep them brief.
#36 – “Gun Lean” – Russ
R-R-Russ? Huh... Never expected that name to ever pop up on here, to be honest. Russ seems to only be kind of big in the US but he’s never hit the top 40, and he’s pretty much just a running joke or meme in the hip hop community so I honestly never expected any Brits to take him seriously either but this is his new single, I guess, and it’s not great. It starts with a menacing piano line that could be kind of interesting but then Russ comes in with a British accent and—oh.
#36 – “Gun Lean” – Russ splash
BBC has called new UK rapper Russ splash “Russ” instead, but who really cares? He might as well be Russ because he doesn’t say anything of substance either, with a painfully simplistic hook and chorus that doesn’t really help his lyrical ability shine (if it exists). The heavy bass is obviously trying to be have that energetic old Lil Pump energy, but it doesn’t work when your song is three and a half minutes because this song is tiring as all hell. This is generic British rap that follows the formula to a T, and I hope it doesn’t rise. Speaking of following a formula...
#35 – “Money” – Cardi B
Sigh, I do like Cardi B, but she seems to have stopped bothering and that’s a big issue because that’s the main reason anyone liked her. It’s definitely not the lyrics and while it may be the beat, she always rides it with that loud, straightforward and powerful delivery she is known for, and when you stop trying in the booth, I feel like that appeal is going to squander, and this is her ninth top 40 hit in less than two years, so the fact that it’s going quick is an issue. Anyways, this is absolute garbage. The beats is literally like two piano notes just being violently played under trap percussion and bass, with a recurring high-pitched “Money” ad-lib that is trying to break up the monotony but, no, it’s just annoying. Cardi B sounds more ruthless on the verses, which may actually be kind of unfitting, but it works, although then she gets bored on the chorus. In fact, the transition is actually pretty abrupt and forced here. At least it’s shorter and has a few good flow switches, so it’s definitely better than “Gun Lean” in that respect, but that doesn’t mean it’s good.
#19 – “Play” – Jax Jones featuring Years & Years
This is listed as a returning entry on BBC’s UK Top 40 page but this came out last year and I never reviewed so it’s safe to assume it’s new; I apologise if it isn’t, but I mean, would you care? The lead singer from Years & Years keeps up with a tiring atmospheric house beat, with meaningless lyrics and weak, radio-friendly drops that kind of take away its EDM properties immediately, I mean, the hook here isn’t that crazy of a vocal manipulation either like “One Kiss” or “Solo”, it’s just a pretty comprehensible phrase repeated and edited to sound a tad more distant. It’s so weak and pathetic, although the dude from Years & Years is trying so hard to fit on this beat, it’s kind of funny in that regard. Otherwise, yeah, who cares?
#5 – “Wow.” – Post Malone
Let me put it this way: my sister loves Post Malone for many reasons, one of which being his music, and she’s consistently loved a lot of what I’ve hated from Post like “I Fall Apart” (which is still a gruelling and confusing song to this day, read my worst list if you want to see me go into depth), but not even she could dig this, but I think I know why – she took it seriously. The tuneless keys is the only real build-up we get until Post comes in and there’s a cool noisy melody that ends with a high-pitched screech, and yeah, it’s a pretty awesomely minimal and menacing beat, so surely Post should add a lot to this... well, he literally has a whole line that is just “G-Wagon, G-Wagon, G-Wagon, G-Wagon”, but otherwise his delivery is on-point (I love his voice right at the end at the second verse), his flows are catchy, his lyrics are serviceable and sometimes pretty funny, and every single beat drop here is beautiful, seriously, that’s some perfect production from Frank Dukes and Louis Bell. After Post stops rapping, there’s a period of time where it’s just the distorted melody over some reverb-drowned drums with a chipmunk vocal coming in and him just ad-libbing “wow”, and it’s stunning. It’s not going to replace Beck’s song of the same title and in the same vein (seriously, it’s a trap-rap song too), but this is cool.
This week was mostly trap, huh? Well, Post Malone gets Best of the Week for “Wow.” but Russ splash is definitely bagging Worst of the Week for the dreadful “Gun Lean”. Dishonourable Mention is tied, and goes to Jax Jones, Years & Years and Cardi B for “Play” and “Money”, respectively. Not  a great start, guys. See you next week!
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