#essar x lorcan
nalgenewhore · 4 years
a simple life
essar x lorcan + kohana, canon divergence/canon era, domestic fluff/general fluff, word count: 2439
Lorcan wakes up in the morning and rolls over without opening his eyes. He searches across the comfortable mattress, mumbling his mate’s name. “Ess,” he rasps, hating the fact that she’s so far away. 
She isn’t usually this far when they sleep. Usually, Essar lays nestled in his arms, her curves, lush and heavenly so, fitting perfectly against him. When he still doesn’t find her, Lorcan sighs shortly and pushes himself up, cracking his eyes open. Her side of the bed is cool and the sheets are rumpled. 
It’s then that Lorcan realises it’s far brighter than usual. Nearing the midst of winter, most mornings are pitch black. He looks up, to the window, and sees the thick layer of snow that blankets their canvas-covered crops and the forest beyond the field. More flakes fall and Lorcan understands why Essar is not in bed with him. 
Ever since they first met, when they were still younglings, Essar has adored the snow. None of the wonder ever fades from the first snowfall of the season. 
Slowly, Lorcan gets out of bed. He grabs a heavy wool sweater and holds it in one hand as he pushes their door open. Across from their room, the nursery door is closed. Lorcan knows this means that their youngling hasn’t been woken yet. 
He pads quietly into their living room and sees Essar in the kitchen. She sits at the island. They made it by hand, like everything they own, like their cabin, too. A pot of  coffee rests on the wooden slab and Essar wraps her fine-boned hand around her favourite enamel mug. Their dishes are a few of the minimal objects they bought in the nearest town, as well as their weapons. 
She sips from it, her chin resting against her fist. Lorcan is forced to pause and drink in the sight of her, the way her longs legs are crossed and the way she leans her weight into her elbow, oblivious as she reads something he’s sure she’s read a thousand times over. 
He pulls his sweater over his head and leans against the wall, crossing his arms. A soft smile appears on his face. 
Once, this was never an option. Lorcan remembers how quickly he came to losing any chance of this, when he answered to Maeve. 
The queen’s command was once strong on him, stronger, perhaps, than any other blood oath. He could not deny Maeve a thing, the craving for her approval and validation a never ending ache. When he and Essar matured, and the mating bond connected the pair even more than they always were, Maeve didn’t respect it. 
It almost killed him, refusing Essar what she needed, what they both needed. 
One night, one night Essar had enough. Enlisting Dresenda, her sister, she broke him out of Maeve’s palace. They kept his head covered until they left the City of Rivers. Lorcan didn’t know where they were. Every step away from the queen pained him more, but he did it willingly, knowing that he would choose Essar over everything and everyone. 
It was excruciating to let the blood oath break, let it fester and rot away in his heart. When they knew that the only way Lorcan would survive it would be to make another blood oath, Lorcan swore it to Essar. 
“I can tell, you know.” 
Lorcan blinks, “Hmm?” 
Essar laughs that warm, pealing laugh of hers. “I can tell when you’re staring at me.” In their home, they don’t speak the common tongue, nor the Old Language. They use their own language, a seamless blend of their native tongues. 
She slips off of the stool and walks over to meet Lorcan in the middle of the room. He grins sleepily and wraps his arms around her, holding her in a tight hug. Essar sighs gently and melts into him. 
“Have you seen the snow yet,” he murmurs. “I thought by now you’d surely be building a snowman or a fort.” 
“No, not yet,” Essar says. “Our coconut has never seen snow.” 
Lorcan smiles and stands up straight, his hands resting on her hips. “True. How do you think he’ll take to it?” 
She tilts her head to the side and covers one of his hands with hers. Essar walks him to the counter and pushes him to the other stool. “Mmm, well, he’s far more adventurous than you grouchy bastard, so like his mother,” she teases, wearing a cocky grin that makes her canines flash. 
Lorcan snorts and takes his seat, glancing casually at the open book his mate is reading. His eyes widen for a second when he sees the smutty fiction, clear on the page. He picks it up and reads while Essar takes a mug from the cupboard for him. “He cups her heaving breasts and his throbbing length–”
“Lorcan!” Essar snaps, quickly grabbing the book from him and closing her, her cheeks pinking. “Don’t read my things.” 
“Oh, c’mon, I want to see what happens next with his throbbing length,” Lorcan pouts, his wicked smile shining through the feigned disappointment. Essar clicks her tongue and shakes her head, putting the book down on the counter. “Why haven’t you told me that you read that sort of thing? Is my darling mate feeling… otherwise unfulfilled?” 
She shoots him a glare as she pours him his coffee. “No and I didn’t tell you because it’s none of your business, mate.” Essar slides onto her chair and faces him, resting her feet against the spindle of his stool. She cups his face and leans forward, kissing him gently. Lorcan rests his hand on her tattooed thigh, his thumb stroking against her skin. 
Essar’s sharp teeth scraped against his lip before she swipes her tongue over the small hurt and steps onto the floor. She’s able to press herself tighter against him, hardly forced onto her tiptoes, and winds her arms around his neck, her hands toying absentmindedly in the air behind him. They kiss until she makes a soft noise and pulls back, resting her forehead on his. “Hi.” 
Lorcan chuckles and sneaks one last kiss, “Good morning, my love.” 
She sits herself back in her seat and Lorcan picks up his coffee. Just before when the sun would normally rise, they woke up to their hungered wails of the babe. Lorcan sat with her as she fed Kohana. He’ll sleep for a little while longer now, as he isn’t normally waking up anymore in the middle of the night. 
Lorcan makes them eggs and fries bacon, serving crusty buttered bread on the side. They eat quietly and as Essar gets up to clean the dishes, they hear a familiar curious coo. He stands and kisses her cheek, whispering, “I’ll get him.” 
Essar pauses him for a moment. She takes down his low bun and weaves a loose plait, securing the end with a piece of sinew rope. After, Essar returns to the dishes and Lorcan crosses the cabin, slowly opening the door to find their nine-month old standing in his crib, turned towards the window. His hands hold onto the top bar. 
The tips of his pointed ears poked through the soft hair on his head, jet black like that of his parents. Lorcan grins and walks to the side of the crib. Kohana turns his head, his eyes wide and confused. “Da-da.”
Lorcan chuckles and his heart clenches as he picks the little Fae up. “Hello, little one.” He pushes Kohana’s hair back and kisses the babe’s forehead. “Shall get dressed, hmm?” Lorcan walks to the dresser. He lays Kohana down and changes him, noting the way the youngling watches the snow, his hands caught in his mouth. 
Lorcan’s heart pumps stronger when Essar walks in, like their heartbeats are one. She peers over his shoulder and coos at the child, “Oh, hi, my little one.” Essar slips under Lorcan’s arm, pinching Kohana’s socked foot. Kohana squeals, his big bright eyes landing on his mother’s face. She laughs and picks him up. Essar presses her nose against his soft cheek and inhales, her hand cupping the back of his head. Kohana babbles, glancing out of the window again. “Oh, yes, I know. You’ve never seen snow, have you, coconut?” Essar bounces him and props him on her hip as she walks out of the room. 
Lorcan chuckles and shakes his head, tidying the area up. He joins his family and Essar feeds Kohana the mashed yams she made. Like always, Kohana devours it, eating anything his parents present to him. 
After, Essar puts Kohana on the soft blanket by the fireplace. She leaves him with a stuffed toy bear that was once hers and he holds onto it fiercely, chewing on one of its stubby legs. Essar goes into their room to change, emerging in rabbit fur-lined leather pants, tall boots, and a thick jacket over her warmer underclothes. Her Lorcan pours her the last cup of coffee and laughs when she pushes him towards the bedroom, “Gods, go change! We’re wasting time outside.” 
“He won’t even remember this,” Lorcan says, still dutifully following her commands and walking away. 
“I will,” Essar tells him, shooting him a glare. She kneels on the carpet in front of their baby and dresses him in his own fur-lined suit. She coos over him as she covers his head in a woolen hat and ties the strings beneath his round chin. Kohana kicks his feet out and bats the air with his little hands. Essar laughs warmly and lets the small amount of magic she has dance between her fingers. 
Kohana gasps, his mouth in a perfect ‘o’. He watches, giggling when the warm flame taps his nose and tickles his chin. Essar gasps softly when her mate’s familiar power wraps around her hips and joins hers. “Ma-ma,” the baby coos and smiles, his canines poking through his pink gums. 
Essar picks him up and stands, turning to see Lorcan. He shrugs on his hunting jacket and pulls his braid out. Lorcan wraps an arm around her waist and pulls her into his chest, his eyes on Kohana. “Hi. Oh, hi, mičíŋkši. Look at you, how cute in your wee suit, hmm?” He passes Essar her thick winter mittens and a kiss to the side of her head, “You forgot these.” 
“Ah, my saviour,” Essar teases, tucking them in the large front pocket of her jacket. “Whatever would I do without you, hmm?” 
He rolls his eyes and says drily, “Don’t patronise me, my darling. We both know how capable you are. Now, the real question is what I would’ve done without you.” They both freeze, images of Lorcan, slave to Maeve, flashing through their minds. 
Essar pulls the collars of the shirts he’s layered down and kisses the claiming mark over his pulse, “Well, we don’t have to think about that, so let’s not.” Lorcan’s thumb presses against the corner of her hip, where a matching mark lies. Kohana makes a soft sound and they look at him, grinning happily. He’s not watching them, staring unfalteringly towards the snowy landscape. “Let’s go, yes?” 
Lorcan nods and they walk to the front door. He sits to put his own boots on and fixes Ko’s winter moccasins. Kohana frowns and kicks his feet, reaching towards the doors. He whines, looking back at Essar, “Mama.”
“I know, tāku iti kahurangi, we’re going, don’t worry,” she tells him. Lorcan takes Kohana so that his mate can put on her cloak and Essar pushes the door open. 
Lorcan stands on the threshold, waiting for a moment. He watches Essar and smiles, loving how happy she is. She crouches, pulling off one of her mittens. Her breath puffs around her face as she touches the fresh, untouched snow. Essar pushes her hood back and looks up, laughing joyfully, “Lorcan! It’s snowing.” She stands up and turns, taking his free hand in both of hers. Essar pulls him out, her eyes on the sky. 
“I see that,” Lorcan comments. He passes the babe to Essar so he can close their front door. 
When he turns back, Essar is crouching once more, helping Kohana stay upright. He reaches out, carefully, and touches the snow. He gasps, quickly pulling his hand back, “Mama.”
“Yes, it’s cold, isn’t it,” Essar agrees, looking up at Lorcan as he crouches beside her. She points upwards, “Look, do you see?” 
Kohana looks up, his round cheeks bright red. His big eyes track a snowflake as it floats down. It lands on the tip of his little nose and he gasps again, trying to walk away from it. He loses his balance and falls, landing on his behind. Lorcan and Essar watch him, waiting for his tears, but they never come. 
He laughs, clapping his hands. They smile and sigh in relief. Kohana pats the snow around him and giggles, kicking his legs out. “Dada,” he says. He chatters, trying to gather a handful of snow. He struggles and frowns, fidgeting in irritation. 
Lorcan calmly forms a snowball and presents it to the child, letting his power wrap around it. Kohana forgets what he’s trying to do and makes a grabbing motion. Essar leans against Lorcan as he gives the ball to Kohana and he wraps his arm around her shoulders. 
Kohana cups the ball and frowns slightly, lifting it to his mouth. He tentatively bites it and purses his lips, frowning harder. Essar chuckles and thumbs the melted snow from his chin, “I know, wee one, it’s cold, yes?” 
He eats some more and more, trying to fit the entire thing into his mouth. Lorcan huffs a soft laugh. Essar looks at him as he helps their youngling, who turns away and starts to crawl around, biting into the snow as he goes and eating it. There’s that spark of wonder in his eyes – the one that always makes her heart flutter. 
She lifts her hand to his cheek and turns his face to her. Lorcan arches a brow in question. “What is it? Why’re you looking at me like that?” 
Essar presses her lips to his and whispers, “I love you, Salvaterre.” 
He smiles softly and returns her embrace, “And I you, Tangaroa.” 
She turns her head when Kohana shouts and flashes Lorcan a smile before she stands up. Essar makes her way over to the child and Lorcan stands as well, watching for a moment. 
This simple life, their simple cabin – his mate and child safe, where he can protect them, it’s all Lorcan’s ever wanted in life. It’s everything he ever needs.
☽ ☼ ☾
an: i hope u guys liked this cause it was so much fun to write !! 
in all my fics i write essar as maori (her last 'tangaroa' is the maori god of the sea, lakes, rivers, and creatures that live in them) and lorcan as lakota !
Kohana is a Lakota name meaning 'swift'
translations: Mičíŋkši: my son in Lakota Tāku iti kahurangi: my little treasure in Maori
@mythicaitt @werewolffprince @schmlip-scribble @the-regal-warrior @ladyverena @ttakeitbacknoww @shyvioletcat @alifletcher2012 @tswaney17 @ourbooksuniverse  @flora-and-fae @thesirenwashere @queenofxhearts @maastrash @mynewdreamwasyou @cursebreaker29 @empress-ofbloodshed @b00kworm @hizqueen4life @silversprings98 @amren-courtofdreams @minaidss @superspiritfestival @sanakapoor @ireallyshouldsleeprn @spyofthenightcourt  @thegoddessofyou @more-espresso-less-depresso-xx @claralady @neonhellas @darlinminds @readingismyonlyhobby @autophobiaxx @silversprings28 @myshadowsingeraz  @elriel4life @always-in-a-daydream @jlinez @ladywitchling @mariamuses @darklesmylove @adelzd-bookblr @firestarsandseneschals @missnienna 
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piastrams · 3 years
Okay so @nalgenewhore made me follow her into the Essar/Lorcan hole, so like this if you’d like to read the stuff I write about them
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Can you please do the "I was so stupid to fall in love with my best friend" for Elorcan cause I'm a SLUT for them!
note: thank you for the request! this was my first time writing Elorcan, I hope you'll like it. if you'd like to check my other works, here's the masterlist.
Unrequited Love
Elide is half passed out on her friend's couch, drunk and exhausted when she hears his footsteps.
She can tell it's him when the couch drops beside her from the weight of him and the scent of his cologne surrounds her. Elide had decided to not drink at all but then Aelin had insisted a few shots won't hurt and the woman could be really convincing when she wanted something. Elide hadn't been able to refuse her. Somewhere between all the drinks, she had had the good sense to call Lorcan to fetch her. Gods knew what he'd do if he knew she walked home drunk and alone in the middle of the night.
Lorcan shakes her awake now, voice soft but loud. "Wake up, Elide. I need to get you home."
Elide doesn't want to go home and she tries to tell him as much. The words come out in a slur, incomprehensible to her own self. Distantly, she hears Aelin's voice, offering Lorcan a drink, then something about him being no fun.
She can imagine the scowl on Lorcan's face even with her eyes closed. He is closer now, she knows.
Elide doesn't dare open her eyes, should he notice and know she is awake. Besides, she is so damn tired, she couldn't walk if she wanted to. Lorcan also seems to realise that and scoops her up in his arms. She buries her face in his chest when they step outside, the cold air biting her skin. "It's so cold," she says, unsure if Lorcan understands the slurred words.
Her best friend pulls her closer, walking towards his car parked outside.
Elide can't help but think this feels so good, like she was made to fit in his arms. The harsh features of his face look beautiful lit up in the moonlight, his dark eyes trained ahead. He is beautiful and she loves him. Elide has known that for a few months now, has never had the nerve to tell him.
She tightens her hold on him and lets out a small sound, making him halt. Elide tilts her head up, eyes trained on his lips and she leans in. Lorcan stares at her, unmoving. The alcohol has made her bold and she doesn't intend to waste the moment, almost about to kiss him—
"Is she fine?" A female voice asks.
Lorcan's head snaps up, then a small smile caresses his face. "Yeah, a little drunk but fine. I'm sorry we had to cut our date short but I'll make it upto you the next time?"
Heat floods through her cheeks in embarassment and Elide can only hope that the girl doesn't realise Elide had been about to kiss her childhood best friend. Has she figured it out? Does Lorcan know what Elide was about to do, the disaster she was about to create before they were interrupted?
The girl smiles from what Elide can tell. She seems like a kind person. "It's not a problem. Call me when you can."
Elide's chest aches at the happiness in Lorcan's voice as he helps her into the backseat of his car, strapping the seatbelt on. "Of course, Essar."
She watches as Essar takes a seat in the front—the seat he never let anyone but her sit in. She watches the smiles the beautiful girl passes him, the adoration in his gaze when he looks back at his date. He looks at her the way Elide wished he would look at her. She wants to scream in frustration or claw someone's eyes out or drink even more until she can't feel a thing. She wants to get out of the car in the middle of nowhere but she stays silent, pretending to be asleep and oblivious.
Lorcan turns back in his seat when the car halts to drop Essar off. "You alright, Elide? I'm sorry I brought her along. We were on a date when you called and…"
"I understand." She does understand. It doesn't stop her from wishing she had had the sense to make her move on him months ago when she had first realised.
She is quiet for the rest of the ride home. When Lorcan tries to pick her, she gets out on her own, stumbling towards her front door. He hovers nearby to ensure she doesn't fall face first (which she would have if he hadn't been there to catch her) and only leaves once she is inside does he leave. She watches his car disappear before making her way towards the kitchen, slumping onto one of the chairs.
Manon, her roommate and another best friend looks worried. "You look like shit. What happened?"
The words break some inner barrier inside her, tears flooding down her cheeks. "I was so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend. Now I get front row seats to watch him fall in love with someone else." Elide buries herself in Manon's arms, sobbing out of frustration and anger before she gets herself together and the two of them spend what is left of the night watching bad action movies and making fun of them.
Elide knows two things for sure now: she lost her one chance with Lorcan Salvaterre and she has no one to blame for it but herself.
@thesirenwashere // @judexcardanxgreenbriar //@fangirltrash74 // @the-dark-swan // @queenofgreenbriar // @clockworkgraystairs // @julemmaes // @rowaelinforeverworld // @mymultiversee // @queen-of-glass // @strangely-constructed-soul // @mijaldraws // @http-itsrebecca // @aesthetics-11 // @lord-douglas-the-third // @flowersinvegas // @towhateverend17 // @aelinchocolatelover // @justabunchoffandoms // @cool-ish-nerd // @faerie-queen-fireheart // @sad-book-whore // @didsomeonesayviolin // @atozfantazyxx // @hizqueen4life // @the-gods-killer // @booknerdproblems // @annejulianneh111 // @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln // @b00kworm
let me know if you'd like to be added/removed from this list. thank you for reading!
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queentala · 3 years
Lorcan bedroom headcanons
Lorcan Salvaterre x reader
Warnings: NSFW obviously... Please don’t read if you’re not comfortable <3
500+ years of experience, 7 ft of pure muscle and is a fricking warrior... Do I really need to say that this bitch is fucking sex god?
Well Lorcan has soft side for this one special person aka YOU so I think your sex would really depend on what you like. And because we're all whores, we're going rough. Let's go!
No matter how tall your are or what's your body type - next to Lorcan you will always look small and what's go with it - SIZE KINK
He loves seeing you under him, so helpless and totally submissive. How you struggle to take all of his cock or when your hands hold onto his muscular arms and look so tiny. And how big his hands are compared to literally every part of your body.
And those long, agile fingers... When you make out and you’re sitting on Lorcan laps, your legs on both his sides and he thrust them deep inside you without any warning. He can immediately find all of your most sensitive spots, hitting them hard and fast as his thumb play with your clit and you’re shaking and cumming within seconds.
When he’s eating you out Lorcan likes when you’re sitting on his face. It’s so fucking hot when you are not able to stay upright and you have to hold onto bed post to don’t collapse. Or the other way - he will throw you no the bed and immediately kneel between your legs, not giving you even a second to realize what’s happening. 
He’s as skilled with his tongue as with his fingers. And he always bite and drag his canines along your clit making you scream when pain mixed with pleasure hits you. Basically he can make you loose your mind so fast that he’s not even done with foreplay yet and you’re already shaking, screaming and panting, staring at the ceiling with a gaze of ecstasy.
His dick is huge, okay!? And it’s almost impossible for you to fit it in your mouth so mostly you must use your hands, occasionally dragging your tongue along his whole length making Lorcan grunt and moan in pleasure. But who knows... Maybe after lots of practice you’ll be able o give him some more... 😏
Lorcan is really strong so he can easily pick you up and throw around, manhandle you in general. He can hold you down with his iron grip when you’re moving too much or when you push away from him because you’re too overstimulated he brings you even closer and force you to take what he’s giving you.
And I think it’s obvious that Lorcan is the dominant one all the time. Don’t even think about taking control because he would immediately bend over you and put you into submission, giving you THAT look, whispering dirty stuff into your ear and touching your body in most sensitive places making you melt into him.
This guy has stamina. Fast, rough, deep. No mercy. He can easily spend whole day and night with you under him, only taking short breaks for you to catch your breath. He would make you cum several times before doing it himself and even then Lorcan only needs few breaths to start getting hard again.
Mostly he finishes inside you but sometimes he likes to cum on your belly or breasts and leave it there because you look so hot covered in his seed, claimed as his and his only.
Lorcan is not very vocal. Most often you will hear low grunts and curses fall from his lips but sometimes he’s not able to control himself and he finishes with loud scream and few moans. You on the other hand... It’s impossible to stay quiet when this man is literally fucking life out of you so yeah... He doesn’t mind it though.
So we know Elide has big boobs and Essar has curves like a fricking goddess so I bet everything that Lorcan loves big booty, thick thighs and boobies (who doesn’t though?) so if you got those you get +10 points. Like he would scan you from head to toes with his eyes literally black from desire burning in them and then worship you in all ways possible.
He sleeps with his hand on your ass. (Gotta protect his property, ya know)
He likes to grab it in general. Cooking? He will come behind you wrapping one arm around your waist and resting the other hand on your ass. Casually walking past him? You get little pat on your butt. Walking past group of males? His hand on your ass within seconds. Fucking you from behind? He squeeze it so hard you have bruises the next few days.
He would prefer overstimulating than edging. He doesn’t like to refuse you anything and by overstimulating he can destroy you more. It doesn’t mean he don’t edge you though. Sometimes he wouldn’t allow you to come for an hour or two and then fuck you mercilessly for another few hours, bringing you to fulfillment after fulfillment.
You had fucked on every surface in your house possible. Lorcan especially loves to do it on the dining table or bend you over kitchen counter with his hand on your throat. Also you often do it in the bath but it’s more like slow, romantic sex where he guides your hips with one hand and with other one holds you tightly to his chest while marking your neck with his canines.
Does he own any sex toys? Bitch, he is a sex toy, end of discussion. Like he can already easily destroy you and now imagine what he would do with all this assortment... Bro. You wouldn't survive this.
When he sees you in only his shirt and nothing more... Baby you’re getting railed. One look at you and he’s already hard and ready to go.
Okay, like I said before Lorcan has soft side and actually can be gentle and romantic.
Sometimes he would softly lie you down on pillows and climb over you yet not in dominant way but protective. He would brush your hair behind your ear and stare into your eyes with look full of love and a small smile. He goes slow but very deep, letting you enjoy every inch and every second. In moments like this Lorcan wants to be as close to you as possible, slipping one arm around your waist and pressing you to his chest, softly kissing your lips and caressing your body with his warm hands.
After intense evening or night sex when you lay almost unconscious Lorcan gently cleans you up, dress you in one of his shirts and tuck you under soft blankets. Quickly he joins you, laying you against his chest and stroking your hair until you fall asleep.
After morning sex he helps you get dress and carries you downstairs in his arms and then hold you close when you both make breakfast.
After quickies during the day you always have endorphin boost so you just go back to your duties but with big smiles on your faces and sparkles in eyes.
When it’s night and you already finished your fun but none of feels like falling asleep you spend hours talking about things from totally basic ones like your day to deep life questions and conspiracy theories. And after you finally doze off Lorcan will lay next to you, melted by your cuteness, smiling to himself because he loves you so much.
Ask: I want to write poly Lorcan x reader x Rowan and I don’t know if I should make Lorcan and Rowan date or not because I can totally see it but on the other hand I’m not sure so... give me your opinions and look out for another post <3
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booknerdproblems · 4 years
Hello lovely people! This is the seventh chapter of Pining, its rather short but I should have the next chapter up soon. As always, comments and reblogs are appreciated! If you want the earilier chapters, they are on my blog or you can read it on Ao3 here:
TW: drinking, swearing
It was a warm Friday night, and Aelin Ashryver Galathynius was exactly where she wanted to be. She was wearing a short black dress with capped sleeves, and a zipper done all the way up to her neck. The modesty of it, however, was undone by how the fabric hugged every dip and curve of her body. 
Aelin was tucked into her newly minted boyfriend’s side, as they sat in a booth with Lysandra, Fenrys, and Connall. Elide and Lorcan had gone to get another round of drinks; Manon and Dorian were dancing seductively on the dance floor, too enamoured with each other to really notice the many glances and offers getting thrown their way. 
It had been two weeks since Aelin and Rowan had announced their relationship, the declaration being greeted with groans and cheers alike, as cash was exchanged between their friends, much to Aelin and Rowan’s chagrin. 
It had been two weeks of pure bliss, of forehead kisses, of secrets being whispered in the safety of each other’s arms, of midnight lust and candlelit dinners. Aelin supposed the peace had to end sometime. 
Lysandra had been in the middle of talking about her latest crush, a girl at work named Nehemia, when Rowan’s get-over-Aelin one night stand walked in. But Rowan hadn’t noticed, too busy laughing with Fenrys over one of his and Connall’s funnier childhood stories, and she trusted Rowan implicitly, so she took no notice.
But she couldn't help the sinking feeling of dread in her stomach, the feeling that something was about to go horribly wrong. 
Rowan Whitethorn was having a great Friday night. He had the most beautiful girlfriend wearing the most sinful dress glowing with vivaciousness, his friends, and alcohol. Given, his gorgeous girlfriend was definitely tipsy, but he himself was only pleasantly buzzed. 
He shuffled out of the booth to go get another round of drinks, walking steadily to the bar. 
He leaned over to get the bartender’s attention, and placed his rather large order of drinks for his borderline alcoholic friends. 
He felt a warm body drop into the barstool next to him, recognizing the golden brown eyes and soft curves of his rather pathetic attempt to get over Aelin. Given, the woman next to him was very attractive, and he was sure she was a very lovely lady, but he was gladly taken. 
He cast his mind back to the tequila-soaked memories of that night, and at last remembered her name.
“Essar, right?”
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easkyrah · 8 years
Hi! May I have an elorcan one shot, please? Something fluffy/funny, awkward first date modern AU? Thanks so much!
@kateflowrchild13. I’m sleep deprived. What’s new?
I don’t know what’s happening. I tried. 
“A well read woman is a dangerous woman”
Elide slammed the pile of books of the counter, and seethed at the plethora of folded edges between the papers. She sprung the book open, and began pressing the pages into the original positions, angrily muttering under her breath. One binder had fallen apart quite disastrously, and the hot glue trick wouldn’t simply due.
“I’d like to check these out,” a deep voice rumbled, and the book nearly slipped from her hands.
Not many frequented the library near the end of hours where storms picked up at night, ranging from whirling winds to jagged hail storms. She’d used to feel uncertainty and fear—those frozen assets clouding her mind and ghosting across her skin—but these past months, she’d become acquainted with the late hours, and security of unexplained comfort.
Elide looked up, and blinked.
The male blinked back at her.
He held out a stack of three, thick books, and set them on the counter.
Elide continued staring at that rough-hewn face, meeting onyx eyes. She hadn’t been used to seeing large males with ropes of corded muscle and tanned skin, all the stronger bodies called away to to serve in the army against a distant queen Maeve’s own. She much less saw males of this size in a library. 
So Elide soaked in the sight of this muscular male oozing power and strength.
Manon would have already had him in her bed, and Aelin would have been checking out more than those books on the counter.
He scratched the back of his head, revealing the nape of his neck, curled with dark markings she found utterly fascinating and outright mysterious. The markings from the borrowed books flew past her mind, and her own eyes traced the thin clothing that clung to his skin, doing wonders for his form.
“Am I not allowed to check these books out?” the male asked, swallowing. His arms gripped the edge of the counter, and Elide had never felt so small in her life, compared to this large specimen that had mesmerized her.
When he coughed a moment after, Elide’s eyes widened. She quickly look down and grabbed the books, the last one the heaviest. Running the books under the scanner, she internally cursed herself for staring, hiding the blush creeping up in her face.
“History of the Foreign Queen’s Governmental Regulation to Modern Policies, History of Assessment and Extrapolations to Genetics and Army Soldiers, and How to Get a Girlfriend, correct?” Elide stated, and re-stacked the books, her breath catching at the last title. 
She paused at the third book, and watched the male look up at the gray-lined ceiling and brush imaginary dust from his pants.
“Yes,” he said, voice hoarse.
Elide could imagine Aelin snickering next to her, hand propped under a chin in anticipation. Yet—this would most likely be her first and last chance to see a male of this size, astoundingly well-built, with piercing, dark eyes, not swept under the government cloning program.
The male reached for the stack of books, and Elide quickly and fiercely snagged the third book back. The customer abruptly dropped the others, staring at her with wide eyes. A ghost of a question lingered in his eyes, and those hands had gripped the edge of the counter again, the material nearly crumbled from his sheer force.
She channeled her inner Aelin and Manon, and inhaled sharply.
“You don’t need this one,” Elide blurted, motioning to the last book. “I’ll be your girlfriend.”
 Elide only knew his name because he needed an identification before checking out the books. His card had been barely illegible, full of creases and grime. She hadn’t ask questions, and merely, and successfully, stored away the third book.
Lorcan Salvaterre
The male had merely stared at her for as long as she had probably stared at him, an unfathomable look on his face. Then those onyx eyes had flickered to her name tag, and heaved a deep breath, a pained look crossing his chiseled features.
She’d paled. He probably didn’t like what he saw and was about to gently reject her, comfort her like the delicate creature she’d always been treated like.Elide had been ready to hurry to the employee’s only room, ready to slam that third book into his face prettier than hers, ready to take back her words, when—
“Elide Lochan,” he had gutted out so abruptly she had slightly jumped. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
Elide had paused, then let out a meek yes. Clutching the third book under her arm— refusing to check it out for him— Elide ran away into the employee’s room.
Minutes later, a knock had sounded through her hiding place, and Elide had reluctantly opened the employee’s room, biting down on her lip. By the Wyrd, Manon would have beheaded her by now. Aelin would have had been laughing her head off. (insert A/N: Sorscha would have been dead without a head)
The male stood taller, revealing his full height, the books nowhere in sight. He had stared at her so intensely Elide had wondered if she should slam the door in his face to recollect the emotions running through her.
“Elide Lochan, my girlfriend” he said firmly, with a touch of dark severity. “Will you go on a date with me?”
She had said yes again and slammed the door in his face, her back against the wall.
A deep chuckle had resounded from the other side, the sound of his footsteps the only signal he’d left. When Elide had emerged, she’d spotted a sheet of paper on the check out counter, listing a time and location.
She’d actually scored a date. 
Elide had called Aelin and Manon.
“I have a hot male tonight at seven, at Emrys’s cafe,” she had rambled out, ignoring the blaring and screeching on the other end. Gods, what had she done?
Aelin and Manon had arrived at the cafe beforehand, situating themselves as empty tables, hoods pulled up, and half-eaten plates surrounding them.
Elide had rolled her eyes as she had walked in, spotting the tall and dark-haired male that had everyone’s eyes centered on.
Onyx eyes met hers, and the corners of his lips twitched up. He rose from his booth, holding out his hand. Elide blushed, and took it.
She settled into the booth, Lorcan following.
“You’re doing well,” she told him, smiling a bit, and noticed the bouquet of flowers in front of her. “Lorcan.”
He returned her smile, which shoved away the rough lines on his face. “I’ve had some cheats,” he easily returned, and jerked his chin towards the end of the table.
Elide stilled, and her eyes widened at the book there.
How to Get A Girlfriend innocently sat next to the bouquet of roses, a page flipped open. Elide immediately noticed the folded, doggy-eared pages, and flinched.
“How?” she demanded, and laid a finger against the brim of a cup. She’d stored that book in the back. 
“Well, after not having the chance to check out that book,” he mused. “I went to another, and checked it out from another librarian.”
Elide bit her lip, red running through her cheeks. A sorry bubbled out of her throat, and the male next to her merely chuckled softly, the sound shooting down her spine.
She instead picked up the menu she knew by heart and skimmed over her choices. Normally she’d eat all out with Aelin and Manon next to her, but the male next to her was an unfamiliarity, a variable.
“I’ll have a salad with tomato soup,” she opted, and the male raised a dark brow. Before he could open his mouth, a shadow fell across the table.
“Lorcan,” a sweet voice breathed.
Lorcan turned around, and his eyes slightly widened. “Essar.”
Elide swallowed harshly, and stared at the intruding female with soft curves and soft smiles.
Essar smiled at Lorcan, and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She glanced at Elide, and tilted her head to the side.
Lorcan placed his hand in Essar’s outstretched one, and guided her into the booth across from them, the other female’s golden hair a halo outlined by a dark blue blazer. Doe eyes stared at them, full of unshed beauty.
Elide blinked at the her, hands curling around the fringes of her menu. Her skin felt too wide, her hair too dull. 
“Elide, meet Essar, my other date. The librarian I checked the book from,” Lorcan rumbled.
Essar blushed, and pink lips parted. “It was quite a shock.” Lorcan leaned forward at the other librarian’s words. “Are you his sister? You both have those piercing dark eyes.”
Elide had wanted to pierce her eyes through the other female’s, but instead she leaned back in her own seat, and sharply closed her menu. “No,” her voice rang. “I’m his date.”
Essar blinked, and her lips curved up into a smile. “I’m his girlfriend.”
Before Lorcan could settle into the booth, Elide’s hands flashed out to grab the book, ignoring the stray thorns from the roses scratching her skin. She slammed the book against Lorcan’s chest, rising from her seat.
“One rule,” Elide hissed. “In getting a girlfriend—” She flipped her hair over her shoulder, “—is to not have two at the same time.” She didn’t turn around to see Essar’s face, and stood shoulder to shoulder to her now-ex boyfriend. “You never buy roses on the first date. And especially never fold pages in a book.”
She left the cafe, with the two hooded figures of Aelin and Manon trailing after her, carving a mental reminder to overcharge the other two books for fines.
“Oh?” she tossed one last look over her shoulder where Lorcan watched her go with shimmering twilight eyes. “We’re over.”
Needless to say, before Aelin and Manon could lead her home, she charged extra fines under Lorcan’s card. 
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nalgenewhore · 3 years
essar x lorcan, alternate canon au, domestic fluff, word count: 1556
Outside, the storm rages. The windows and cupboard doors rattle, the noise forcing tension to crawl up her spine. Essar sighs softly and turns over again, just as a clap of thunder erupts in the skies above. The female startles, immediately reaching for her bedmate.
As she stretches towards him, she hesitates, her eyes tracking over his slumbering face. He’s been so tired lately, what with all their preparations for the winter. She shouldn’t bother him, she thinks. With another sigh, Essar returns to her spot and tucks her hands beneath her pillow. She closes her eyes, but the flash of lightning is bright and they open a moment later.
She curses into her pillow, frowning in annoyance. Essar peeks out at her mate, who has hardly moved, except to rub the tip of his nose and wrinkle his brow. She turns her head and watches him, silent. Something in her chest calms as she continues staring at Lorcan, but she knows that sleep will still evade her. Carefully, the Fae gets up from her bed and pads across the mat-covered floor to the door of their bedroom.
Essar slips through the door and walks down the hall, Lorcan’s shirt falling to her mid-thighs. Her bright eyes trail over their cosy cabin, seeing the fire that glows in the coals of their fireplace. Before it, on a soft wolf pelt rug, her clothes are still laying rumpled from their… frenzy. A smirk pulls at her plump lips and Essar scurries into the kitchen, her body recalling his warmth. After her tea, she’ll curl up next to him and his presence will soothe her back to sleep.
The storm attempts to shake the house, but it doesn’t bother her as much anymore. Essar feeds kindling and larger pieces of wood into the oven, summoning her flame to set it alight. The heavy kettle is still halfway full, so she won’t need to fetch water for it. She puts it down on the metal surface and takes a mug down from the shelf.
She spins to the island counter, where they keep a collection of various everyday dried herbs to make their drinks. There’s a hand-sized mortar and pestle next to the collection. Essars plucks a small jar from the neat row and pries the cork off with an audible ‘pop’. She tilts it to the side, trying to determine how much of the tea blend is left.
A week or so ago, they traveled to the nearest village to stock up on supplies that were hard to come by, like specialty dried flowers and roots, dairy products like butter and a dozen pints of goat milk, eggs, flour, and sugar too. Their pantry is well stocked and Essar knows they don’t need to worry about starving over the colder months.
She takes a small linen bag and shakes some of the blend into it, then ties the drawstring closing shut and puts it in her cup. While she waits for the kettle to boil, Essar keeps her eye on the weather outside, watching it whip at their sheet-covered crops. A slight frown graces her brow. She doesn’t like to see their plants so abused.
It doesn’t take long for the kettle to boil. When its steam billows in the air, Essar lifts it off of the stove and carefully fills her cup a few centimetres beneath the rim. Then she lets it steep for a few moments as she hunts for the honey. She knows her love has hidden it somewhere. It’s a joking habit of theirs, wanting to keep the sticky-sweet treat all for themselves.
Essar finds the jar quickly and takes the teabag out. As she stirs in some honey, she hears steady footsteps tracking across the wood floor, made audible so that she isn’t scared moments later. Two big, tattoo-covered arms circle around her waist and his head comes down to rest his face in the crook of her shoulder. “Essar,” Lorcan grumbles, clearly displeased from waking up to an empty bed. He sniffs and presses his lips to the curve of her neck, his lips brushing against her, “S’matter, love?”
“Nothing,” she murmurs back, resting her free hand on his forearm. “Just can’t sleep. The storm.” Essar stirs in her honey and turns to look at him. Lorcan’s eyes are shut and she grins, leaning back against him. She loves the way his shoulders curl around her, protecting her.
He hums, “Why didn’t’cha wake me?”
“You… you were sleeping. And you’ve been working so hard lately.” Heat blooms across her crescent-shaped cheeks, knowing that he’ll think her reasons ridiculous. The male leaps at chances to comfort her and fuss over her. “I didn’t want to bother you.”
Lorcan gently nips at her soft brown skin, his elongated canines scratching harder than the others. “You could never bother me, Tangaroa.”
She smiles and turns her head to kiss his temple, “Alright, darling. Would you like some tea?”
He sighs through his nose and lifts his head, humming lowly. “No, s’alright. Just wondered where ya were.” Lorcan taps Essar’s hip so she’ll turn and she does, her tea cupped between both hands. Lovingly, with such care, he brushes her wavy hair back and kisses her forehead, “Is it the storm?” His mate has never taken well to them. Storms don’t frighten her, per se, they simply disrupt her sleep and are a tiresome, stress-inducing nuisance.
Essar nods, “Yes. Come sit with me.” She reaches behind her to take one of his hands and neatly spins out of his arms, leading him to their living room. They bypass the large couch in favour of the armchair. It’s a snug fit, what with Lorcan’s towering stature. Essar is not a small being either – the top of her head comes just past his chin. Her legs are across his lap, her backside on the cushion beside his left thigh. Lorcan rests a hand on her thigh and eases his other arm around her waist, his fingers splayed across her ribcage.
She laughs when she sees his eyelids drooping and kisses the bridge of his nose, “Tired, are we?”
He smiles softly and nods. Blinking hard a few times, Lorcan sits up straight and strokes his thumb over her side as Essar sips on her sweetened tea. “Gimme a sip,” he implores her, nudging his chin towards her mug.
Essar smirks and arches a brow up while she moves her drink away from him. “Thought you said you didn’t want any.”
His grin widens, showing her those dishy dimples that they both know she’s weak for. “Just a wee bit, my love.” She rolls her eyes and concedes, letting him have a taste. In thanks, Lorcan kisses the curve of her shoulder before resting his chin atop her head.
She nestles into him and clicks her tongue, “Ya big thug. Stealing your mate’s tea. How shameful.”
Lorcan huffs a laugh through his nose and winds his fingers through her hair, his neat nails scratching her scalp. Essar melts instantly, near purring as her eyes become hooded and gently slip shut. Unseen by her, the male smiles a pleased smile, pride sparking in his chest at the sight of the female he adores happy under his care. Her lashes flutter as she opens her eyes, staying curled where she is, and finishes her tea slowly.
He takes her empty mug and puts it on the end table, right next to a stack of books. “Feeling ready to sleep now?” Lorcan asks her softly, petting her hair gently. Essar hums and kisses the underside of his jaw.
“Yes, but… only if you… carry me,” she whispers, voice drowsy and sweet.
“Of course,” Lorcan tells her, hooking his arm beneath her knees and the other across her shoulders. He cradles her against his chest and stands smoothly, walking across the cabin. The storm seems to have lessened in its intensity, the strikes of lightning softer, the rolling of thunder gentler.
He bumps the door open with his hip and kicks it shut, remembering to not use full force. Essar is seconds away from true slumber, he can feel it as she becomes heavier and heavier in his arms, relaxing into him. He won’t do anything to jeopardise her rest.
The layered blankets and quilts on their bed are rumpled, pushed to the foot of the mattress. Lorcan sets Essar down and eases himself beside her. She makes a noise in the back of her throat and shifts closer to him as he pulls the covers over them.
Essar fits herself against him, stretching her arm across his waist and hitching her leg over his hip. Her head is rested against his chest. Lorcan runs his hand down her side and fits his hand in cradle above her hip, making the shirt she’s wearing bunch up. He rubs his thumb over her waist and she hums again, shifting so that her chest is cushioned against his.
He buries his face in her hair, smelling her gentle sea salt and tiare blossom scent. “I love you, Ess.”
More asleep than not, his mate mumbles an incomprehensible jumble of words, but he smiles all the same, knowing exactly what she’s saying. With all that I am, and with all that I ever will be.
an: i realise i dont have a taglist for this so......im going to tag a couple people who i know appreciate essar n lorcan <3 let me know if u want to b added for future writings !
@sassyhobbits @hellasblessed @ladyverena
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
Too Late To Turn Back Now - One
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Elide Lochan has been living and working in Doranelle for years. Unknowingly, she let her visa expire and now must leave the country for a year - including losing her position as Crown Counsel. Without thinking, she ropes her associate, Lorcan Salvaterre, into her scheme to let her stay in Doranelle and announces that they are to be wed. As they fumble their way through their new relationship dynamics while visiting Lorcan’s family deep in Doranelle’s northern isles, they must keep up pretenses while their intentions change, all under the watchful eye of the immigration bureau. 
masterlist - ao3 - next chapter 
Lorcan did not recognize the room he woke up in, his head buried in a frilly pillow. Without moving his head, he quickly scanned the room around him, eyes widening at the amount of stuff the girl had on her dresser and desk.
The bed shifted and he lifted himself up, looking down as the girl next to him rolled onto her back and stretched, the duvet falling from her chest. Heat sparked in his veins and she smiled lazily, reaching up to tug his face down to hers, kissing him slowly. “Morning, baby,” she whispered, running a hand through his hair. “Wow. Your hair’s longer than mine. You should cut it.”
Lorcan shook his head, “Already told you that I can’t.”
“Not even for me?” she pouted and he wished he cared enough to remember her name. Actually, he did not really care. Sighing through his nose, he kissed her one more before glancing at the clock, trying to see if he had enough time this morning to have a little fun.
“Oh, fuck,” he cursed, jumping out of bed, and rooting around the room for his slacks and shirt. His boss was going to kill him.
“Where you going,” the girl whined as he tucked his slightly wrinkled shirt into his pants and buckled his belt.
“I gotta go to work, baby.”
“Well, when am I going to see you again?”
He slowly pulled his hair into a messy bun and rubbed his fingers over his stubbled jaw, “Listen. I don’t really do that type of stuff, you know?” She crossed her arms and drummed her fingers on her upper arm, tilting her head to the side. “Last night was great, but it was kind of more of a one-time thing.”
“You’re beautiful and fun, but I’m just not in that place right now. I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok. Call me when you are?”
There were already two coffee cups waiting at the counter when Lorcan ran into the coffee shop. The barista smiled as he grabbed them, “You’re the best, what do I owe you?”
“Look at the side of your cup and it’s on the house,” she said, winking as she turned to the next customer and he glanced down, seeing her number and name – Chloe – scrawled on the side.
Lorcan smiled and nodded a goodbye as he pushed his way through the door and broke into a near sprint, dreading his boss’ wrath.
Fifteen minutes later, Lorcan calmed his fast-beating heart as he pushed open the pristine glass doors to the offices of the national Prosecution Service. He glanced at his watch and sped up, hoping his boss had missed her alarm and was not in yet.
It seemed as though one of the gods took pity on him and had graced him with extra time this morning. He half-jogged into her corner office and put a coffee on her desk, speeding out to his desk just as his phone buzzed. Lorcan cursed in his mother tongue as he fished out his phone, a text lighting up the screen.
Boss Lady: Cairn’s in five minutes
He internally groaned and texted the office group chat, just two words.
LS: She’s here
The mood dropped as everyone hurried to do what they were supposed to be doing and the doors opened. Elide Lochan walked in, her heels clicking against the floor.
She was dressed in her firing outfit – a black sheath dress that was square at the top, exposing her delicate collarbones and smooth neck, her dark hair pulled up into a sleek ponytail. She wore red-bottomed heels that matched perfectly with the dark blood-red shade of her lipstick, and her purse hung from her elbow.
Everyone scattered as her gaze cut across the cubicles. There was a limp, but after years of physical therapy and the best orthopods money could buy, it was hardly noticeable save for the scar marring the otherwise perfect alabaster skin of her leg.
He handed her her briefing folder and followed her into her office, shutting the door behind him as she dropped her bag in one of the chairs in front of her glass desk and perched herself on the edge of said desk. “The firing dress?” he asked mildly, knowing she would appreciate the remark.
After two years of working for her as her associate, Lorcan knew her better than she knew herself, which is why he knew what type of smile would grace her round lips before they graced Cairn with her presence. True to his word, she grinned a wicked grin, “Do you know how long I’ve been wanting to sack his ass? Losing the Baldor case gives me the perfect opportunity.”
Lorcan cracked a smile as well. He hated Cairn and would be glad to see him go. Losing their biggest case just before the biannual board review was a slip up no one would let go unnoticed. “When do we go?”
Snapping the folder shut, her red acrylics flashing, Elide said, “Now.” Any trace of joking familiarity she revealed when it was just the two of them left her face as she stood up straight and she walked to the door, just a tad of swagger in the way her hips swung with every step.
Elide rapped on Cairn’s door, a false sympathetic tilt to her head. The man looked up, a smarmy grin on his lips he thought she couldn’t tell was a complete farce. Lorcan would’ve pitied him if he didn’t loathe the man. “Well, if it isn’t our fierce leader and her lap dog.”
Chuckling, Elide strolled into his office, stopping before the small window, more than a little smug that she had the corner office, not him. “I’m letting you go, Cairn, darling.”
“You’re what?”
Lorcan watched, highly entertained as he sipped from his coffee, as Elide slowly turned around and spoke to Cairn as though he were a small child, “You’re fired.”
Cairn shot up, his fists planted on his desk. He seethed, near foaming from the mouth, “You can’t fire me.”
“Oh, but I can. You see,” she said, walking in measured steps over to him where she planted her own fists on the desk and leaned over, “losing the Baldor case was just the tip of the iceberg, darling.” Lorcan bristled as Cairn’s eyes dropped down to her cleavage, lingering much too long before he dragged them back up to her eyes, no doubt glittering with that icy rage of hers. “Now, I’m going to be nice and not report you for sexual harassment and give you two months to find a new job. You must think you’re so slick, staring at every twenty-year old law student who walks in here, calling them sweetheart, thinking I can’t feel it when you stare at my tits and my ass. Get a nice long look, because it’s the last time I’ll allow it before I rip your beady little eyes from your skull.”
Without another word, she stood up straight and spun neatly on her toes, walking out of his office with Lorcan on her tail. “What’s he doing,” she whispered, her back straight and head held high.
Lorcan subtly glanced over his shoulder, eyes on the raging man. “Pissed and ready to go. T-Minus five, milady.”
“Oh, Cairn, honey, don’t do it.”
Elide turned to Lorcan, that sadistic smile playing at her mouth before she neutralized her face and waited, almost bored as Cairn came storming out, a finger pointed at her, “You cold-hearted crippled bitch. You can’t fire me!”
The office went dead silent and Elide just surveyed her nails, appraising the deep burgundy colour and sleek coffin shape, “Why are you doing this, Cairn? I gave you a civilized way out of this.”
“You fired me because you’re threatened!”
Lorcan choked on his laugh, way too invested in the scene unfolding. Elide sighed again and smiled icily, “Oh, Cairn. You foolish, foolish man. Nothing about you threatens me. I fired you because you’re entitled and incompetent, not to mention you prey on every girl that comes through these doors. Care to remind the office how much you’ve lost in sexual harassment settlements and how many law clerks you’ve gone through in the past year?” He went beet red up to the roots of his brown hair and she continued, “Hm. That’s what I thought. So, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll get your ass out of this office before Lorcan here forcibly removes you. You have a choice to make here.”
Cairn’s watery blue eyes promised her a painful death but he slowly nodded and Elide clapped, “Oh, goodie. Now, carry on.”
Everyone else suddenly found somewhere else to work as Elide and Lorcan continued back to her office. Once the door was closed, Elide flung herself across the low couch and laughed, “I haven’t had fun like that in ages.”
Lorcan huffed a laugh and read her her schedule, “Your immigration lawyer sent over some things for you to sign and you have a deposition with Lucy at one.”
She sighed, “Push the deposition to three and we need to push for an appeal. I’ll need you here this weekend.”
“I can’t.”
Elide slowly sat up, a brow raised. “And why not?”
“I’m going home for the weekend. It’s my sisters’ birthday.”
“I gave you time off?”
“I can just cancel, it’s fine,” he said, silently cursing her and everything she stood for. First weekend home in two years and she makes me cancel?
“You do that, and push Lucy to three.” She stood and waved her hand, effectively dismissing him. Lorcan nodded and took his leave, sitting down heavily as he punched out his mother’s number.
Lorcan knocked on her door and entered after she called him in. She looked distracted as she spun in her chair, her head resting on her fist. Lorcan slowly closed the door and carefully approached her, “Elide?”
���Did you speak to your mother?”
“Yes.” And she told him to quit, once again. “It’s all sorted.” He was supposed to be going up for his twin sisters, Aneha and Sadirah’s sixteenth birthday. He hadn’t been home in the two years he’d been working for Elide and hadn’t seen his family for seven months.
“There’s been a change of plans, Lorcan.”
“And that is…”
Elide breathed out and stood up, beckoning him over to the low-lying couch and matching armchairs that overlooked Doranelle’s magnificent rivers. “I’m in danger of being deported back to Terrasen. My visa expired and I won’t be able to reapply for a year, which I’ll have to spend in Terrasen.”
Lorcan’s eyes widened and he nodded, “Ok, well, you can always work remotely and-“
“I can’t do that, I won’t be able to work for any Doranellian companies so…” she trailed off and bit her thumbnail, refusing to meet his gaze. 
“So?” he prompted, leaning forward, and resting his elbows on his knees.
“I told my boss that we’re getting married.”
“You and me.”
an: so i hit six hundred followers today (which is kinda wack but go off i guess) and decided to share this lil thing with yall! lemme know if you wanna be tagged 🥺💛
@mythicaitt​ @schmlip-scribble​ @tinywolfofeyllwe​ @the-regal-warrior​ @westofmoon​ @empire-of-wildfire​ @rhysands-highlady​ @city-of-fae​ @shyvioletcat​ @alifletcher2012​ @tangledraysofsunshine​ @ttakeitbacknoww​ @tswaney17​ @ourbooksuniverse​ @flora-and-fae​ @thesirenwashere​ @queenofxhearts​ 
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
Too Late To Turn Back Now - Four
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masterlist - ao3 - last chapter - next chapter
an: kinda like....getting in to it now....
The sun was already bright when Elide jumped up at eight am, her biological clock forcing her awake. For the first seconds of the day, she thought it had all been but a dream so she peered around the wall of pillows separating the bed in half.
Lorcan was sprawled, half-off the mattress, on his stomach, his head buried in a mountain of pillows. Elide let her eyes wander down his back, tracing the traditional tattoos marking coppery-brown skin of his back and arms. She swept her eyes back up his spine to the thick hair braided back in two Dutch braids, the silver chain he wore glinting in the morning light. 
She looked her fill until her eyes dipped down to where the duvet was covering his frankly fantastic ass. Elide quickly snapped her eyes away and felt her face heat as she climbed off the bed and grabbed a hoodie to throw over her tank top and sweatpants.
Something buzzed in her bag and she rooted through the pockets before retrieving her phone, seeing all the calls she’d missed from her boss, including one from Benson.
Her lip curled and she walked on silent feet to the balcony that overlooked the yard and the ocean. The glass door clicked shut behind her and she clicked on the immigration agent’s voicemail, his slick voice coming through the speaker.
“This is Agent Benson, calling to inform you that your unscheduled drop-in can happen at any time. If either of you come to your senses, call back to set up a deal.”
Elide viciously hung up the phone and slammed it on the balcony railing, pacing back and forth angrily, her brows drawn tight together. She was still muttering obscenities in an ancient language when Lorcan lumbered outside, pulling his hair from the braids. The sight of his bare chest, the smattering of dark hair on his pecs and the trail leading from the grooves of his stomach down below the low-slung waistband of his shorts was enough to make her pause in her anger. Lorcan rose a brow at the fury on her face, not a stitch of cosmetics gracing it for once, “What happened?”
“Benson called,” she muttered, continuing with her pacing. Elide moved to the railing to pick up her phone to show him the voicemail, only to find that in the heat of the moment, she’d smashed the screen. “Fuck it all to hell.”
Elide looked ready to explode and out the corner of his eye, he saw his sisters, tea mugs in hand as they squeezed themselves into one of the wooden chairs circling the fire pit, giving them direct access to the balcony. Lorcan reached out to Elide and smiled, “Come here.”
She wrinkled her nose at his outstretched hands and took a step back, frowning at his smile. “What. No, what are you even doing?”
“My sisters are watching so come here, and give me a hug,” he said through his smile, his cheeks growing more tired by the second. When she still didn’t move, Lorcan sighed and tugged her close, wrapping his arms around her. “Want to stay in Doranelle? Give me a fucking hug, princess.”
Resentfully, she curled her hands on his chest and laid her cheek above his heart, his body heat warming through her face. Elide felt his hands slide down her spine to the small of her back and sighed softly, relaxing into him.
“That’s it,” he murmured, gently rubbing her back. “I’ll order you a new phone and we can go into town to pick it up, ok? But first things, you need to go get dressed.”
“Dressed for what?”
“Brunch, my love.” 
“Don’t call me that.” 
Lorcan sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time in the five minutes he’d been waiting for Elide. “Elide, c’mon, can we just go? I’m sure you look fine.”
The bathroom door slammed open and Elide walked out, yet another pair of heels on her feet. Elide wore a baby pink silk slip skirt that ended mid-calf and a chunky cream sweater, paired with delicate gold necklaces and dainty matching hoops. Her dark hair was down and fell in romantic waves down to the small of her back. Her pointed-toe pumps matched her skirt and her thick lashes had been lengthened and darkened with mascara.
She spun, “Well? Suitable, is it, Mr. Salvaterre?” 
Lorcan sweeped his eyes up and down her figure, nodding absentmindedly. “You look good. Can we go?” 
Elide waltzed up to him, taking deliberate steps until she got to his side and tucked her hand in his elbow. 
Elide surveyed him in his outfit, sweeping her cunning eyes up and down his figure. Lorcan was wearing a ribbed fisherman’s wool sweater and a pair of navy slacks, the collar of his business shirt poking above his sweater. “I didn’t know you wore glasses,” she whispered, taking in the round, tortoiseshell spectacles. He looked quite dashing, the bottom half of his ruthlessly beautiful face graced with fashionable stubble, and his hair braided back into a bun at the crown of his head.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me,” he said, not too kindly. Elide supposed she deserved it. They weren’t friends and he was being blackmailed into a marriage that could very well end his law career before it even started.
Shaking off the feeling of guilt, Elide rested her head against his bicep, shocked again to find that he was pure muscle. Get it together, she berated herself, this is so not the time to be attracted to your associate, Elide.
Elide looked up at him and nodded, “Yeah. I’m ready.”
Not another word was passed between them as they walked into the brunch. They had gone all out and Elide’s eyes widened at the amount of people, all chatting quietly with plates of food or drinks in hand. Odette walked up to them and hugged Elide, “Welcome.”
Elide tensed as Odette hugged her but then slowly melted into the embrace. She’d forgotten what it was like to be hugged by a mother. Quickly, she blinked back tears, “Thank you for going through all this trouble for us.”
“Oh, don’t worry! This is the first time Lorcan’s brought home a girl,” she said, dismissing Elide’s concerns. “Now, help yourselves to food and drinks.”
With that, she swept away, going to talk to other party guests.
Elide tapped Lorcan’s shoulder, waiting until he leaned down. “I’m going to go get a drink.” He nodded and she was off, smiling and nodding as she slipped through the crowd to the bar.
No one bothered her as she mixed various liquors and syrups in a glass and picked apart a muffin, feeling isolated amidst the happy brunch-goers. Everyone was chatting, laughing with old friends. Elide looked up and searched the room for Lorcan, finding that he had been cornered by his great-aunt, Maeve.
Elide hadn’t exchanged two words with the woman, hadn’t even seen her since their arrival and she was glad of it. Something about her made shivers run down her spine and she could see Lorcan grow more and more uncomfortable as she appeared to be berating him for some reason or another.
Deciding she would graciously save him from the situation, Elide turned back to make him a drink, stumbling for a second when it hit her that she didn’t know what he drank. She didn’t know a thing about him and he knew everything about her.
At an office dinner once, she’d seen him with a glass of whiskey in his hand and that seemed to fit him, so she poured him two fingers worth and added some other things to make it more appropriate for brunch. She’d worked as a bartender all through her undergrad and law degree and hadn’t forgotten the skills she’d picked up at the swanky cigar club.
With a decisive nod, she squared her shoulders and made it back to his side, just in time to hear him harshly spit: “Elide and I are engaged.” Everyone around them froze, including Elide, the ice cubes in his drink clinking against the glass.
Maeve’s eyes widened and her face hardened after her initial shock. Elide recovered from her freezing and smoothly stepped up to Lorcan’s side, holding his drink out to him, “I didn’t know we were telling anyone yet.”
Lorcan whipped his head to her, his anger checking as he saw Elide and the drink. He didn’t know what it was, but took it, puzzled as he looked down at its contents. She tapped the bottom with her fingertip, “You’ll like it.” He warily looked between her and the glass as Elide turned to face Maeve. “We were hoping to tell everyone a little later, but yes. We’re engaged.”
Lorcan looked down at her, opening his mouth to say something when someone clinked a glass. They looked up out of their own bubble, confused as they looked around to find that everyone was staring at them, the people closest to them urging them to share the story.
Excusing themselves from the corner with Maeve, Lorcan and Elide walked to the centre of the room. He sipped from his drink and raised his eyebrows before sipping again. She mumbled into her glass, “Told you you’d like it.”
“Yeah, yeah, El,” he said under his breath, sliding his arm around her waist and tucking her into his side. They fit just right. “You’re always right.” Lorcan was looking across the room at his mother, wincing until he saw her pleased expression, barely a difference to anyone who didn’t know her, but her eyes were bright as she pulled Aneha and Sadirah inside.
Elide beamed up at him, like a girl in love as their audience settled down. “Well, it was beautiful. He did wake me up at midnight, which I wasn’t too happy about, mind you,” she spoke clearly, commanding the room’s attention without demanding it, just like she performed in court. Elide paused as a chuckle ran through the crowd and sipped from her drink, clearing her throat before continuing. “We went for a drive to this gorgeous waterfall ten minutes outside of the city and sat in the bed of his truck, wrapped up in this huge blanket, just watching the stars.” Elide swallowed hard and blinked quickly, “Sorry, there’s something in my eye.”
She carefully wiped them and ignored the look he gave her, the question dying on his lips. “So, we saw this shooting star and I asked him what he wished for. Nothing big or fancy, just… that I would say yes to his question. I had no idea what he was talking about and asked him what question.” Elide looked up at him, something sorrowful in her expression, “And then he asked.” She waved her left hand and Lorcan saw that she’d moved the diamond ring she wore on her right hand to her left. “And his wish came true.” 
There was applause and soft cheers before someone started a ‘kiss’ chant. Elide and Lorcan laughed it off, shaking their heads and smiling tightly until Maeve gave her a disapproving look and Elide saw red. She put her glass down on the table before her and took Lorcan’s as well, looping her hands around his neck and pulling him down. They didn’t kiss yet and Lorcan whispered, “What are you doing, princess?”
“Just trust me,” she answered, leaning in, and pressing her lips to his. He responded immediately, his hands on the small of her back as he dipped her. Elide gasped softly into his mouth, her lashes brushing against his cheeks as her eyes fluttered shut. Countless moments later, they came up for air, their chests rising and falling unsteadily as they stared into each other’s eyes.
Lorcan righted her and looked away, his cheeks tinted pink. Elide reluctantly tore her eyes away, flushing as the guests laughed and clapped. She flicked her eyes to where Maeve had been to find that she’d left and sighed in relief, reaching for her and Lorcan’s respective drinks. He nodded absentmindedly as she pressed his glass into his hand and Lorcan lifted it to his lips to drain the rest, “Let’s get out of here.”
Elide agreed and they slipped away. They didn’t get very far before a gentle voice was heard. “A lawyer, huh? You’re really marrying up, Salvaterre.”
Lorcan whirled around, Elide forgotten as he laid eyes on a beautiful woman. She wore a pair of black mom jeans and a green silk tank top that contrasted wonderfully against her warm brown complexion. “Essar?”
The woman, Essar, laughed and Lorcan crossed the hall to sweep her into a hug, lifting her off her combat-booted feet for a few seconds, “What are you doing here?”
Essar laughed as he set her down, her hand fondly resting on his upper arm, “Your sisters made me come.”
“From Varese?”
She shook her head, tucking a strand of dark brown hair behind her ear, “No, I live here now. Moved back a year ago. I teach kindergarten.”
“Oh lords, over at Wayawakiya*?” He turned to Elide, as if just remembering that she hadn’t disappeared back to Hellas’ realm, “That’s the school we went to.”
Lorcan was oblivious to her unenthusiastic answer and turned back to the woman. She smiled, “We’re being rude, Lor. Introduce me to your bride!” They both turned to her and beckoned her over. “Hi, I’m Essar. It’s lovely to meet you, Elide.”
Elide was coming to the realization that hugging was the normal greeting in the Northern Isles because she had never been hugged this much. Still, it was nice and Elide could see herself getting along well with Essar, despite the situation.
“Essar and Lorcan were quite the item during school,” an icy voice helpfully commented. Without looking, Elide knew it was Maeve and didn’t deign to look over her shoulder, grabbing Lorcan’s hand to deter him.
Essar chuckled, “Yes, well, that’s old old history.” Lorcan nodded in agreement, but the look in his eyes told a different tale. “Anyway, I’m going to get going, I promised Dresenda I’d help her at the bar, I’ll see you two later, I guess.” Essar gave a two fingered salute and walked back down the hall.
Slowly, Lorcan turned to face his great-aunt but Elide dug her nails into his hand, not giving him a chance to say a word before she was pulling him away.
She tugged him to the patio and let go of his hand, going to lean against the railing just as a group of men spilled outside and started yelling at Lorcan. Elide watched, mildly terrified as a silver-haired man tackled Lorcan to the deck and the rest followed.
The door opened again and two women walked out, rolling their eyes at the boys’ antics. They were both tall and drop dead gorgeous. One had long corn-silk yellow hair that fell nearly to her hips and fair skin, her eyes bright blue. The other was a few centimetres taller than the blonde woman and had deep brown skin, her coily curls styled in a fluffy afro that was decorated with golden cuffs. They matched the little septum ring she had piercing her nose. Her voice was even and had the gentle lilt of an Eyllwe accent, “Don’t mind them. They haven’t been all together for a while. You must be Elide.”
“Yes, that’s me,” she replied, still watching, half-concerned, as they pulled Lorcan up and he squared up with one of them, one who looked like him but gentler. More tame. “I’m Elide.”
She laughed a tinkling laugh, “It’s lovely to meet you, Elide. My name is Nehemia and the blonde one is my boyfriend.” Nehemia pointed out one of the men, his short hair styled in meticulous waves and bleached blonde. “His name is Fenrys, and then you have his twin, Connall,” Elide’s gaze slid to the next man, identical to Fenrys save for his hair – worn in a high-top twisted fade style and his natural colour. “Oh, sorry, I should let you say hello to Aelin here.”
Aelin laughed and nodded, pulling Elide into yet another hug, “Hi, I’m Aelin! It’s great to meet you, Elide.” She let Elide go and they all turned to watch the boys interact. Aelin pointed to the silver-haired man, “That’s my boyfriend, Rowan. The one that looks like Lorcan is Vaughan, they’re cousins. Vaughan and Lor grew up together here, but they all met in university.”
Lorcan turned, as if hearing Aelin’s voice and let out a shout, “G-Money?”
Elide and Nehemia chuckled as Aelin held her arms open and swaggered forth, “In the flesh.”
He laughed loudly and they hugged briefly before they began a complicated handshake, one with many steps and ending with a chest bump that nearly knocked Aelin on her ass. She just laughed and hugged him again, her feet lifting off the deck. He let her go and walked over to hug Nehemia, kissing her cheek, “Hey, Mia. Still with the pup?”
Nehemia laughed as Fenrys made an offended squawking sound and Elide was introduced to the boys. Aelin clapped her hands, “Alright, Elide, you need to change.”
Elide looked down at her clothes, confused, “Why?”
“We’re taking you out. Come on!”
She looked to Lorcan, eyes stricken, but he just shrugged, “Better get going, princess.”
Lorcan watched the boat depart, standing on the patio. He worried his bottom lip, fiddling with his leather watch strap as they drove off. Aelin and Nehemia had roped in his mother and sisters, strong-arming them into joining their outing.
He tried to not worry but Elide didn’t exactly have the best social interaction skills. She approached everything in life as if she were still in court and he wouldn’t be surprised if she clashed with one of the women and this whole mess became just that little bit extra messy.
He was still fiddling with his watch and staring at the empty ocean, the boat long gone, when Rowan walked out. “Lor,” he said, his hand resting on Lorcan’s shoulder. “You good?”
Lorcan smiled, pretending like Rowan could see right through him, and nodded, “Yeah, ‘m fine.”
Rowan sighed and rubbed his eyes, “What are you doing, Lorcan? You’ve hated this woman for years. Tell me what’s happening.”
His throat tightened as he searched for the right words. He didn’t want to lie to his best friend – his brother – but there was no other option. “I don’t know, Ro. Things changed.”
“That’s what you’re going with?” asked Rowan, his brows lowering as Fenrys, Connall and Vaughan slowly walked out, their faces unreadable. “’Things changed’?”
Breathing out slowly, Lorcan nodded. “It’s different now. I’m in love with her.”
Vaughan snorted and shook his head, “Whatever you say, L.”
“I get lying to your sisters and aunt, but your mom? Us?” Hurt bled through Fenrys’ voice and Lorcan opened his mouth to say something, anything, but no words came out.
Connall, ever the peacemaker, placated them, “Boys, let’s calm down, ok? Let’s give Lorcan the benefit of the doubt and not fight, agreed?”
They all muttered their agreement, but the look in their eyes told him this was far from over.
After two hours, their spat had been long forgotten and the boys were all sitting around a bonfire, smiling and laughing as they recounted tales of the days when they were youngins.
Right now they were laughing at Vaughan as Lorcan recalled one crisp November morning when he’d been called in a panic to drive the boat a couple islands over, where he’d found his cousin in his briefs standing on a cliff’s edge, terrified as he glanced over his shoulder and jumped into the sea, swimming to the boat as one of the elders yelled obscenities at him.
The sounds of people’s voices interrupted them and they looked up to find that the girls had arrived back. Elide and Aelin were walking together, chatting quietly. He wasn’t surprised that they got along at all.
When Elide’s eyes flicked to his, the light in them guttered and she grew sadder, deflating. If anyone noticed, they didn’t show it as the twins ran up to the bonfire and their attention shifted. Elide stayed in place as the girls joined them, Odette smiling and accepting bear hugs from all the boys. Quietly, Elide said, “I’ll be in the house.”
She neatly spun on her heel and walked away, the boys stiffening and shooting him dirty looks as Odette said, “You should go talk to her. There’s a surprise.”
Lorcan grimaced as he stood, “You know how I feel about surprises, iná**.”
“You’ll like this one though!” yelled Aneha, sticking her tongue out at him when he gestured rudely at her and nodded goodbye, his long legs not taking long for him to catch up with Elide.
She looked so much different in a pair of blue jeans and a lavender-coloured wool sweater, her hair in a thick braid that rested on one shoulder. “Elide, what’s wrong?”
Elide didn’t answer him until they had crossed the yard and entered the house. She toed off her slip-on sneakers and refused to look at him. “Elide. Tell me.”
“We’re getting married on Sunday.”
Lorcan’s breath left his lungs in a rushed exhale and he fought for air. “What are you talking about, it’s their birthday on Sunday, are you really trying to take that away from them?”
Elide snapped her head up, her eyes blazing, “No, of course not. I’m not some fucking prick who walks in and takes whatever she wants-“
“Could’ve fooled me,” he snarled, kicking off his shoes and pushing past her to the kitchen. “I need a drink and you need to explain yourself.” Lorcan sat at the bar but didn’t move to the liquor cabinet as Elide walked in, her brows lowered over ire-filled eyes.
“We were at Dresenda’s,” she said. Dresenda’s was the local pub, owned and operated by Essar’s sister. As she mulled over something, she pulled out a shaker and various liquor bottles, her motions like second nature as she mixed a drink. “And they asked me how it came to be, because for the last two years all they’ve heard is how much you hate me.” Elide’s voice didn’t diminish in pitch or strength, but he flinched all the same, regretting the fact that she knew just how badly he talked about her to his family.
She didn’t give him a chance to say anything as she shook the mixer vigorously, “And then I said we wanted to wait, but we just didn’t care anymore. It was Sadirah’s idea and they all agreed, even Essar.”
“Ess was there?”
“Yeah, she was helping Dresenda with serving. She said she wanted you to be happy.” An uncomfortable silence fell over them and as if to break it, Elide pushed his glass towards him before she fiddled with her ring. “I got an email from Benson. He’s set up our scheduled interview and sent sample questions. I printed them out.”
He hated how quiet she had become, her words muted. From her back pocket, she pulled out a thick bundle of folded up papers, attempting to smooth them as she unfolded them. “Here.”
Lorcan took the papers and flipped through them, scoffing. “I know all of this already.”
“You do?” Elide took the papers back and her eyes widened as she scanned the list. “All of these?”
Chuckling, Lorcan sipped from his drink and was surprised, yet again, that she’d made something this good. “Try me.”
“Fine. Let’s see,” she perused the list, flipping back and forth before her eyes lit up. “Mm. How do I take my tea?”
“You don’t drink tea. You drink coffee, exclusively, and your usual is a sixteen-ounce cappuccino with one package of sugar – nothing else. Too easy, Lochan.”
Her eyes narrowed, “Fine. Do I have any scars?”
“Yep, one on your right ankle and I’m pretty sure you have a tattoo.” He leaned forward, swirling his drink around.
“Oh, ‘pretty’ sure?”
“Mm-hmm. Your dermatologist called a couple months back, asking about a Q-switch laser. Obviously, I searched it up and found out that it’s for—”
“Tattoo removal.”
“But you asked me to cancel the appointment. So. What is it?”
Elide shook her head, returning back to the questions, “We’re done with that.”
“You have to tell me, they’re going to ask—”
“I’m not telling you, so quit asking me,” she said, in a tone that brooked no arguments. “We’re done here.”
He didn’t know what he’d said to offend her as she hastily dumped the drink materials in the sink and turned on the tap, viciously washing as he slowly stood up and walked up to her side. “Are you going to tell me about that engagement bullshit you made up?”
“Fine,” he seethed, angry at her for being so closed off, angry at her for being rude and unfeeling, angry at her for once again ruining everything. “Then at least tell me why you can mix drinks like this.”
Elide didn’t answer at first, but her scrubbing became gentler until she sighed heavily. “My uncle made me make drinks for him and his friends. During university, I got a job at a private bar and worked there until I started as crown counsel.” Her words became strangled and she coughed as she rinsed the shaker, not looking at him as she whispered, “And the story wasn’t bullshit, Salvaterre.”
Without another word, she put the clean dishes in the drying rack and disappeared down the hall, leaving Lorcan to the realization that he didn’t know a damn thing about Elide Lochan.
*Wayawakiya: School 
**Iná: Mother 
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
Too Late To Turn Back Now - Three
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disclaimer: when i write lorcan, i write him as native american - lakota specifically! so, i made up a fictional tribe named ‘Ozuye’ which means warrior in lakota and based it off of the lakota nation 
The plane landed clumsily on the air strip outside of Otȟúŋwahe and Elide pressed a hand to her stomach, swallowing her nausea. Her seatmate, the ever-irritating Lorcan, grinned at her despair and had the audacity to chuckle. “Is her majesty not used to rough landings?”
She just scowled at him and ignored him as the flight attendant gave the all-clear and they could depart the metal can with wings. Elide vowed to herself that she’d charter a jet, if need be, because there was no way she was endangering her life like that again. Lorcan wouldn’t be invited. He could crash and burn in the Cambrian Mountains for all she cared.
Lorcan led the way to the door, speaking a word of thanks in his mother tongue to the pilot and attendants. Elide nodded and smiled politely, precariously making her way down the stairs in her heels. She couldn’t remember why she’d brought heels to the Northern Isles of all places.
The sound of high-pitched screams pierced the air, over the sound of the plane engine, and Elide tripped over the last step, righting herself before she ate asphalt. When she looked up, she saw two identical girls holding signs up as they hollered.
They had Lorcan’s complexion and those long locks of hair whipping around their heads from the wind, the same high cheekbones and straight nose, full lips, and sharp jaws. They were tall like him too, way taller than her – not that that was a feat of greatness of any sort. Elide grabbed her suitcase as they sprinted towards Lorcan, crashing into him and squealing.
Despite herself, a genuinely warm smile pulled at her lips and she walked down to where they had gathered, lugging her heavy bags behind her. Lorcan had set the girls on their feet by the time she got there and they were speaking in rapid fire Ozuye, going back and forth until they all erupted in hearty laughter. The siblings noticed her presence and turned to her, shock lining the girls’ faces. “Lor, are you going to introduce us to your girl?”
He shook his head, “Gods, you two are the worst. This is why I never come home.” Elide chuckled and he nodded, “Yeah, so this is Aneha,” the girl stepped up, wearing a pullover fleece and leggings, and held her hand out to be shook. Elide obliged and said hello before the other half of the twins was stepping up.
“And I’m Sadirah!” Sadirah wore a red flannel lumberjack coat and paint-splattered overalls and what appeared to be hand-beaded moccasins on her feet. Instead of a handshake, she hugged Elide tightly. “It’s great to meet you! I love your shoes.”
“I love yours.They’re beautiful,” Elide said, her words genuine. 
“Thank you, I made them myself! Now, Lorcan’s never told us, but do you prefer Elide or Hellas’ Mistress?”
She let out a cold laugh and subtly stepped on Lorcan’s foot, leaning all her weight into the heel as he bit his lip and his eyes watered, “Elide’s just fine.”
“Good, well, let’s get going, the truck’s running!”
As they all traveled to the truck, Elide stared up at Lorcan. He looked as though someone had taken years off his still-young face. At work, Elide had a hard time remembering that they were the same age, but now, it was blatantly obvious through the lightness of his body and the relaxed way he carried himself.
The town was lovely and quaint, situated on a picturesque island.  As Aneha drove down the main street, Elide looked out the window, taking in the sight of the ocean and bay. The natural scenery around Otȟúŋwahe was breathtaking and it reminded Elide of Perranth. It had the same untamed wilderness and a certain ancientness she couldn’t place.
She had booked two rooms at the only hotel in town and as they approached the street, she spoke up, “You can just turn right up here for the hotel.”
Lorcan frowned for a split second as Aneha and Sadirah exchanged a look. Aneha just drove on past as Sadirah explained, “Oh, we canceled your reservations. Hope you don’t mind, but we thought it’d be nice to stay with family.”
They pulled into a marina’s parking lot as Elide nodded, hiding her annoyance at the presumptuous behaviour. It’s fine, you can make it six nights, she told herself as they all hopped out of the vehicle and she climbed out in a more dignified approach. “Where is your home?”
Lorcan pointed to the sleek speedboat, “We need to take the boat there. The property’s a few islands away.”
Elide shook her head adamantly, “Lorcan, you know I can’t swim. I am not getting in that boat.” He shrugged and dropped her luggage at her feet.
“That’s fine. See you in a week.” He stalked off to the edge of the dock and disappeared down the ladder as she gritted her teeth and dragged her bags over to the edge. The twins were already seated in the boat and averted their piercing gazes as Elide tossed her bags down to Lorcan. One of them hit the deck and rolled right over the edge, landing in the water with a splash.
Sadirah quickly leaned over the boat and grabbed it, yanking it up. “Got it!”
Lorcan smirked up at Elide as she hesitated by the top of the ladder, “You can always jump, princess.”
He held his hands up and she fought the urge to flip him off as she carefully made her way down. She was almost down when her foot missed the next wooden rung and before she knew what was happening, she felt a hand on her ass, keeping her upright. “Off the ass, hand off the ass,” she hissed, seething once she finally made it down and glared up at Lorcan.
He wasn’t sure how she’d acquired the talent of looking down her nose at him even though he towered over her. With a huff, she stepped into the boat and sat down, looking out at the horizon as Aneha started the boat and Lorcan shoved the back before hopping in.
Elide watched the water as they cut through the bay, watching as if it would sweep her away. Lorcan could tell, through the way she gripped her bag with white knuckles and barely dared to breathe, that she was petrified right now. It was purely for show, and nothing else, that he scooted closer to her and took her hands in his, cupping his around hers to blow on them, “Your hands are freezing, El.”
She smiled softly and something in her relaxed as the girls exchanged secret smiles and they continued on.
A few minutes later, Lorcan nudged her and nodded towards the nearest island, two figures standing on the dock, “That’s it.” He turned to Aneha, “Is Aunt Maeve back?”
She grimaced and nodded, “Yep. Got back yesterday.”
He made a face and Elide rose a brow, “Who’s Aunt Maeve?”
Lorcan shook his head as Aneha slowed the boat and they floated up to the dock, “Later, Lochan.” He dropped her hands to toss out the rope to one of the women. She looked exactly like the girls, just a few decades older. She too wore her hair down and Elide could see gray streaks amidst the dark strands.
“Come here and give your mother a hug,” she said, smiling as Lorcan hopped out and walked over to her, ignoring the pale-skinned woman next to his mother. Maeve, Elide assumed, stared at her with a predator’s gaze that had Elide’s spine stiffening as she stepped out, her chin held high.
She did not back down and stared coolly at the woman for a second longer before Lorcan beckoned her over. “Elide, come over here.”
Smiling tightly, Elide stepped over the wooden slats to Lorcan’s side. “Hi, I’m Elide. It’s nice to meet you.”
“You as well, Elide,” she said, regarding the couple with an attentive eye. “My name’s Odette. This is my aunt, Maeve,” Odette gestured to the woman behind them. “She’s come up for the weekend.”
Lorcan visibly stiffened as Maeve stepped closer and made her introduction. His hand moved to the small of her back as Elide and Maeve shook hands. “So, Elide, you’re dating your secretary.”
“Actually, Lorcan’s my associate,” Elide corrected her, a dangerous glint in her eye as she smiled sweetly. “As in, he already graduated law school.”
Maeve’s face paled with rage.
Lorcan pulled Elide with him, ending the conversation before anything drastic happened, and getting their luggage.
“We’ll show you around,” Sadirah said, linking her arm in Aneha’s and not waiting to see if either of them followed before they were skipping along.
Elide hadn’t been able to see the entire property from the dock and her eyes widened once they could see the house. It was a mansion, really, spanning from the middle of the large acreage. “You didn’t tell me you’re rich,” she murmured, gritting her teeth when her heel sunk into the grass.
Lorcan lowered his brow, “My mom’s rich, there’s a difference.”
“Only rich people say that.”
He sighed heavily and rolled his eyes, “You know, you’re kind of anti-rich, so it’s not a secret why I wouldn’t tell you and how would I even say that? ‘Hi, my name’s Lorcan Salvaterre and my mother owns the largest enterprise in the Northern Isles’?”
“What does that even mean ‘anti-rich’?”
“Oh, come on, you’re always going on about the entitled pricks in law school and those same pricks that we work with. It’s a little ironic, you know, considering you’re loaded.”
She made an affronted sound, “I earned everything I made, those trust-fund-“
“Yeah, yeah, those trust-fund man-children were handed everything on a silver tray while you worked three jobs to support yourself and pay for school. I’ve heard the story, Elide.”
Elide pursed her lips but kept quiet as they walked through the front door. The house was rustically designed and decorated, high ceilings with exposed beams and a woodstove in the corner, a flame happily flittering away.
She took in the couches and knitted blankets strewn about, her eyes lighting up as she locked her gaze on the far wall of the living room to find that the entire wall was made of bookshelves, crammed full with all sorts of reading materials. There was a TV and another shelf filled with DVDs that she was itching to peruse.
They slipped off their shoes and the twins’ eyes widened for a split second at Elide’s height before they beckoned the two of them in, “We’ll show you to your room.”
Elide and Lorcan followed dutifully behind the whispering girls, down a long hallway. She traced her eyes over the framed artwork on the shiplap panelling. They seemed to tell a story, one she couldn’t discern, and Elide made note to ask Lorcan later. When they arrived at a closed door, Elide felt her ankle twinge and hid her discomforted wince. Lorcan caught her hitched breath and whipped his head to her, scanning her body. His gaze narrowed on her ankle and he moved to her side, letting her lean into him. “So, this is you guys. There’s a bathroom and towels are in the armoire by the balcony doors. We thought you might be tired, so we’re having brunch tomorrow with everyone.”
“Everyone? Who’s everyone?” Lorcan asked, apprehension in his dark eyes.
“Don’t you worry,” Sadirah said, smiling as they retreated down the hallway and let the couple settle in.
Elide didn’t say a word as she unpacked her bags and moved the throw pillows from the bed. Lorcan was checking his phone when something slammed into the back of his head and he whirled, seeing Elide standing across the room, a pillow landing on the floor by his feet. “Hellas’ Mistress?”
@mythicaitt @tinywolfofeyllwe @schmlip-scribble @the-regal-warrior @westofmoon @empire-of-wildfire @rhysands-highlady @city-of-fae @shyvioletcat @alifletcher2012 @tangledraysofsunshine @ttakeitbacknoww @tswaney17 @ourbooksuniverse @flora-and-fae @thesirenwashere e @queenofxhearts @maastrash @superspiritfestival @yikesitsmaddie @flowerspringsea​ @queen-of-glass​ @sleeping-and-books​ s @b00kworm​ @bat-wing-rhys​ @poisonous00​ @empress-ofbloodshed​ @feyrethedarklady​ @gorl-power​ let me know if you want to be removed/added to the tag list! 
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
Too Late To Turn Back Now - Two
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masterlist - ao3 - last chapter - next chapter 
Elide Lochan has been living and working in Doranelle for years. Unknowingly, she let her visa expire and now must leave the country for a year - including losing her position as Crown Counsel. Without thinking, she ropes her associate, Lorcan Salvaterre, into her scheme to let her stay in Doranelle and announces that they are to be wed. As they fumble their way through their new relationship dynamics while visiting Lorcan’s family deep in Doranelle’s northern isles, they must keep up pretenses while their intentions change, all under the watchful eye of the immigration bureau.
an: just a quick lil thing! so, i headcanon lorcan to be native and the nation i use for inspiration is the Lakota tribe, this will be more apparent in the following chapters, but just wanted to let yall know! happy reading 💛
“Lorcan? Did you hear me?”
He hadn’t said a word in the past five minutes and Elide was getting worried. Finally, he opened his mouth, “I quit.”
Elide scoffed and rolled her eyes, “You can’t quit.”
Without another word, Lorcan stood and walked out, passing the rows of cubicles as Elide walked quickly after him, trying not to cause a scene. “Lorcan. Lorcan,” she hissed, her heels click-clicking on the marble floor of the building.
She followed him into the elevator and he pushed a random floor button, glaring at the paneling as if it had somehow grossly insulted him as he leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms. Elide tracked the way his jaw ticked and his nostrils flared, his eyes ablaze. Sooner than she could react, he slammed the emergency stop button and whirled on her. “You told them we’re getting married? Elide, you’re a fucking prosecutor, do you even understand that’s a crime? Like, punishable by the law.”
“They’ll never figure out it was a scam and besides, you can’t quit.”
“Why not?”
“Because I have the power to ruin your career and make sure you never get a job practicing on the continent and you know it.”
He did know it, but that didn’t mean he had to like it. Lorcan fumed silently and said, expertly calculated, “Fine. Say I say yes to this. I have some conditions.”
Lorcan shoved the urge to snap her neck down down down and breathed deeply, “First of all, a fifty percent pay raise, effective immediately. Secondly, after I finish articling, I get Cairn’s job with an added thirty percent pay raise after the first raise. And I want your office.” The last one he threw in for fun, knowing she would fight tooth and nail to keep her coveted corner office.
Elide seethed silently, tapping her foot on the floor, glaring up at him. Gods, she was an itty-bitty woman and he’d never been more terrified by anyone. “Thirty-ten percent raise. Promotion, Cairn’s office.”
“Eighty-sixty. Promotion, your office.”
Elide spoke through gritted teeth, “Forty-five-thirty, promotion and your choice of office besides mine.”
“Deal,” he said, holding his hand and they shook on it. “I’ll get the necessary documents.”
Elide muttered something in her first language that he chose to ignore as he restarted the elevator and they traveled back to their floor. News sure traveled fast because the moment they stepped out, everyone was staring at them with semi-horrified expressions.
She pretended not to notice while Lorcan stared ahead, stony-faced. As he stopped at his desk, Elide informed him they’d be leaving in fifteen for the immigrations office. Lorcan groaned and hit his head on his desk, wondering just what he’d done to deserve this.
Elide’s pert nose wrinkled as they stepped into the crowded office and she took in the long line up. With a sigh, she snapped her fingers at Lorcan and bypassed the line. “Elide, you can’t do that,” he said, trying to get her to stop and wait her turn, like everyone else.
Of course, she dutifully paid him no heed and slid in front of the person who was stepping up to the counter, “Hi, I’m sorry, do you mind if I just? No? Good.” She plastered on her case-winning smile as she put her papers down. The tired man keeping the desk looked at her unimpressed as she said, “I have a marriage visa I need processed.”
She tapped her sharp nail on the folder and the man gave her a dirty look before he picked up her papers and moved to the back to process them. Elide blinked and turned to Lorcan, “Rude.”
Lorcan bit his tongue and ushered her into an empty seat as they waited for their fraud to be processed. A few minutes later, their names were called and Elide stood up excitedly, clapping her hands before she tucked her hand in his elbow and tugged him back to the front desk. “Hi, thank you so much-“
“Ms. Lochan, Mr. Salvaterre, if you two would just follow me please,” a serious looking man said, clearly no time for any games as they walked at a brusque pace to a dreary little office in the back. They both sat in the uncomfortable chairs, hands clasped on their laps.
“Is something the matter?” Elide inquired, a picture-perfect air of innocence on her stunning face. Though Lorcan loathed her most of the time, he wasn’t blind. Her high cheekbones and angular, uptilted eyes paired with a button nose and round, bee-stung lips made for a breathtaking image, especially with her molten brown eyes and hair that was black as a starless night.
Her figure wasn’t bad either, sinful curves in all the right places, lean legs that looked like they went on for miles and miles – Elide would be exactly Lorcan’s type, if only she wasn’t like this.
The man looked up from their file, his dark eyes lingering on Elide too long before flicking to Lorcan and sliding right back to the petite woman. He addressed her breasts as he spoke, “I am Agent Benson and it’s come to our attention through anonymous tip that this wedding might be a scam so that Ms. Lochan can keep her position as Crown Counsel.”
Elide tensed as his gaze never dropped and Lorcan reached over, gently taking her hand in his before she could commit yet another crime, one that she would never see the sun again for. She gave him an almost grateful smile and turned to Benson, “Mr. Benson, did this anonymous tip come from a man named Cairn Beinn, by any chance?” The agent hesitated to answer and inadvertently showed his hand. Elide chuckled and shook her head, “Mr. Beinn is nothing more than a disgruntled former employee. It’s merely a coincidence, nothing to worry about.”
Lorcan nodded, squeezing her hand once. Benson looked unconvinced and rose a brow, flipping through their papers once more. “Five years in federal prison and a fine of two-hundred-fifty-thousand dollars.”
“When I find out you’re lying, Mr. Salvaterre here will go to prison for five years and you’ll both pay the fine. Ms. Lochan, you will be deported and never allowed in the country again.”
“I guess it’s a good thing we aren’t lying then,” Lorcan said, pulling Elide’s chair closer. She squeaked in surprise at the sudden movement. “Ain’t that right, sweetie?”
She smiled uncomfortably and he subtly shook his head, nodding as her smile grew more natural. “You know it.”
Benson sighed and leaned his elbows on his desk, “Let me explain what's going to unfold. Step one will be a scheduled interview. You’ll be put in separate rooms and I’ll ask you each and every question a real couple would know about each other. Next, I dig a little deeper, start going through phone records, emails, interview your friends and families. If your answers don’t match up at any point, it’s over.”
Neither of them said a word and he pressed again, “So, which one of you is going to tell me the truth?” Elide refused to break and leveled him with a cool look. Benson turned to Lorcan. “Well?” 
“Mr. Benson, the truth is that we started dating six months ago and kept it from our coworkers and friends. We fell in love and we’re getting married. That’s it.” Lorcan gripped Elide’s knee and she gave him a loved-up smile she’d seen her parents give each other all those years ago. “We weren’t supposed to fall, but we did. Nothing we could do about it.”
“Hm. Have you kids told your parents about your… love?”
Elide said bluntly, staring with deadened eyes, “My parents were murdered when I was seven, so no.”
“How convenient.” She sucked in a breath and Lorcan squeezed her knee harder as Benson turned to him, “How about yours? Your parents dead too?”
“My mom, very much alive. Don’t know about my dad, haven’t seen him since I was eleven so.”
Elide cut in, “We’re telling her this weekend.” Lorcan choked on his breath and coughed, growing red. Elide patted his back and went on, “Yeah, it’s his sisters’ birthday, so we’re making the trip and letting everyone know. We thought it’d be a nice surprise, the whole family’s coming together.”
“And, uh, where’s this taking place?”
“Lorcan’s mom’s place.”
“And where might that be?”
Elide laughed coyly, “It’s Lorcan’s mom, why are you asking me? Come on, darling, jump in.”
Finally, he had his breath back and said, “Otȟúŋwahe*.”
“Otȟúŋwahe,” Elide repeated, nodding. She hadn’t stopped rubbing his back and Lorcan realized it was rather soothing in the situation, her long nails scratching over the material of his suit jacket.
“Northern Isles.”
“Yup, Norther-ern Isles?”
“You’re going to the Northern Isles this weekend?”
Elide and Lorcan nodded along, the former trying to control her look of utter fear. “Mm-hmm. Cause that’s, that’s where Lorcan’s from. The Northern Isles.”
The agent just laughed humourlessly, “Fine. If that’s how you want to play it, fine.”
“Perfect,” Elide said, “my fiancé and I will see you then.”
She turned primly and walked out of the office, holding herself as though she had done nothing wrong and doing the interview would be an inordinate waste of her time.
Elide was tapping away on her phone when Lorcan came out of the building and walked right past her. “Lorcan, excuse me, Lorcan!”
He slowly turned around and looked down at her with an extremely displeased look in his eyes. “Yes, dear?”
“Funny, anyway, we need to talk about what’s going to happen when we get up to Oto- Ota-“
“Otȟúŋwahe.” The fact that she couldn’t remember, despite having a near photographic memory made what he was going to demand of her so much sweeter.
“That. So, I’m thinking, we play girlfriend-boyfriend, tell your family we’re engaged-“
“Ask me nicely.”
She arched a brow, looking up from her phone, “’Ask you nicely’ what?”
Lorcan smiled and batted his eyelashes. “Ask me nicely to marry you, Elide.”
Elide made a face and gestured vaguely, “What does that even mean?”
He tilted his head to the side, a strand of his hair falling over his harsh cheekbone. “You heard me. On one knee and everything.”
Elide glared at him and he glared right back, not budging an inch, so Elide tucked her phone in her purse and held out her hand. Lorcan took it and helped her down to her knees, her dress not allowing for anything but a two-kneed approach. “Is this good?”
Lorcan swallowed his laugh and nodded, “Mm-hmm, I like you like this.”
Scowling up at him for the implication, Elide rudely asked, “Will you marry me.”
“Mmm, nope. Try again, baby.”
“Don’t call me that,” she spat before closing her eyes and breathing in deeply. Her gaze was true and deep when she swept her eyes open, smiling serenely up at him, “My darling Lorcan?”
“If you would, please, do me the greatest honour of any woman’s life, and marry me? Please, with a cherry on top?”
“I don’t appreciate the sarcasm, but fine. See you at the airport tomorrow.” With that, he left, leaving Elide to fend for herself on the pavement.
*Otȟúŋwahe is Lakota for town! 
@mythicaitt @tinywolfofeyllwe @schmlip-scribble @the-regal-warrior @westofmoon @empire-of-wildfire @rhysands-highlady @city-of-fae @shyvioletcat @alifletcher2012 @tangledraysofsunshine @ttakeitbacknoww @tswaney17 @ourbooksuniverse @flora-and-fae @thesirenwashere e @queenofxhearts @maastrash @superspiritfestival @yikesitsmaddie @flowerspringsea @queen-of-glass @sleeping-and-books s @b00kworm @bat-wing-rhys​ @poisonous00​ let me know if you want to be added/taken off the tag list! 
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
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Elide Lochan has been living and working in Doranelle for years. Unknowingly, she let her visa expire and now must leave the country for a year - including losing her position as Crown Counsel. Without thinking, she ropes her associate, Lorcan Salvaterre, into her scheme to let her stay in Doranelle and announces that they are to be wed. As they fumble their way through their new relationship dynamics while visiting Lorcan’s family deep in Doranelle’s northern isles, they must keep up pretenses while their intentions change, all under the watchful eye of the immigration bureau.
chapter one: son, please beware - ao3
chapter two: put you in a misery - ao3
chapter three: and now i’m in trouble - ao3
chapter four: if i knew she really loved me too - ao3
chapter five: this feeling just can’t be right - ao3
chapter six: it can break your heart - ao3
chapter seven: it’s so unusual - ao3
chapter eight: i believe i believe i believe - ao3 
chapter nine: i’m falling - ao3
chapter ten: turn back now - ao3
chapter eleven: i’m in love alone - ao3 
epilogue - ao3
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
elide x lorcan & kohana, modern au, word count: 1102
She held her arms out, reaching for him, “Come here and hold me.” Her boyfriend looked so warm and soft in his sweatpants and hoodie. “Please?” 
Lorcan chuckled. He looked at Elide through the bathroom mirror, his hands stilling in his hair, “I’ll be there in a moment.” Elide pouted and watched him braid his hair. After a moment, she crawled to the end of the bed and stepped off. Elide walked over to Lorcan and slipped under his arm. She hugged herself to his chest, burrowing her face in his warm skin. He laughed slightly, dropping a hand onto her back, “Yo, Hellas, E, what’s wrong?” 
“Nothing,” she mumbled. “‘m fine.”
“Hey, c’mon, I know you better than that,” Lorcan said. He finished off his braid and wrapped her up in his big arms. Elide melted further into him. “Tell me what’s wrong.” 
She sighed, her breath slightly shaky, “I don’t know. I missed you today and I don’t know why.” 
Lorcan hummed and rubbed a soothing circle over her back. “I missed you too.” 
Elide slid her arms down to curl her fists against his chest. She pressed the side of her face against his shoulder, “My head hurts too.”
He frowned and tilted her chin up, “Migraine again?” 
“Yeah,” she whispered, closing her eyes again. Her brain pounded against her skull. Elide had managed not to cry until now, when tears welled in her eyes. Her voice was shaky when she said, “It’s really bad. I can barely think.” He pressed his lips to her brow, not quite a kiss, but a reassurance that he would be there with her. Elide smiled softly and lifted her face to kiss across his until their lips met. She kissed him slowly and softly, not trusting herself to move without hurting. 
They traded those sweet kisses until Lorcan pulled away, his eyes heavy-lidded and dark. Slowly, he stood, lifting Elide into his arms, “Bed.” She cuddled into her boyfriend’s broad chest. Lorcan carried her to her bed and held her up as he flipped the duvet back. He didn’t let go, not once while he sat down on the plush mattress and leaned back against the headboard. “What happened at work?” 
She shrugged, nuzzling her face into the warm crook of his neck, “Not much. The kiddos were good today. Esther had a headache too, so we had a naptime.” 
Lorcan laughed, “Naptime? Is that what my hard earned tax payer dollars are going to? Naps?”
Elide sniffled, “I like my naps. They’re so nice when my head hurts.” She cried softly, her tears dripping onto his neck. “Don’t be mean to me. Take care of me.” 
“C’mon, princess, you know I got you forever,” he murmured, slowly rubbing her back. He kissed the top of her head, then her temple. Lorcan pulled the duvet over her and curled her into the shadows of his chest. 
Elide loosened her grip on his collar and moved her nose lower, so she could breathe evenly. “How was your day?” 
“Mm, fine. Ko called me a couple times, asking me to come home early. He’s... he’s been lonely lately. I don’t know why,” Lorcan said, the corners of his lips turning down. “Asks me to tell him about Essar.” 
Elide hummed, mumbling her soft, sedated support. “Should we worry?”
In the back of his throat, he made a dismissive noise. “No, no. He’s curious. It’s just... hard. To talk about her. Some things... I feel like if I speak them out loud, they’ll disappear and I’ll really lose her. Everything that was us.”
Tears brimmed in her eyes again. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m—“
“Please, don’t apologise, Elide,” he cut her off, running his hand over her hair. “I didn’t feel like talking.” 
She hummed again. “Ok. I don’t-“ she stifled a yawn “-want to ignore you, but I’m... so tired, L.” 
He chuckled, “I know. Go to sleep. I’ll be here.” 
It couldn’t have taken more than three seconds for her to drift off into a dreamless state. 
The next time she woke up, Lorcan was still holding her. He had his eyes closed, but Elide could tell he wasn’t asleep.
“Stop staring at me, Elide. It’s invasive, don’t you know?” 
She laughed, her head feeling a little less horribly than before. “Shut up, stupid.” Outside the door, they both heard little feet pattering down the hallway. Elide was smiling in anticipation. 
The door was slowly pushed open, “Até*? What’s everyone so quiet for?” A little head of dark hair poked through the door. “Hi-hi.” 
“Hi, baby,” Elide whispered. “How are you?” 
Kohana stepped in and shrugged, “It’s so silence.” She swallowed her snort at his words and reached her hand out to him. 
“C’mere, Ko.” 
He ran across the room and slowed as he climbed into bed. He nestled under Elide’s arm and into his father’s side. “Does your head hurt?” 
“Yeah. It does.” 
“Was I too loud? I’m sorry.” 
“Oh, no, honey. You were perfect,” Elide said. She stretched her legs out so she was laying down between Lorcan’s legs, with her torso and head resting against his chest. “It’s nobody’s fault.” 
Kohana regarded her skeptically. He sighed through his nose and cupped her face in his hands. Slowly, and so sweetly, he pecked her forehead. It was something he had learned from Lorcan at some point. In her chest, Elide could feel her heart melting. The little one cuddled closer and whispered something in his mother tongue. Then, he pulled away and looked at her with a serious furrow in his little brow, “All better? All better.” 
She laughed and tugged him close, wrapping him up in her arms. “All better, sweetheart.” Kohana nodded decidedly and rested his head on her chest. 
He became drowsy, mumbling softly, “‘kay. ‘m... ‘m gon’ sleep... now.” 
Elide brushed a kiss to the top of his head and laughed quietly, “Ok, baby.” He sighed softly and soon, Kohana was deep asleep. She tilted her head up when Lorcan slid his arms around them, “Hi.” 
He grinned and kissed her forehead, “You’re perfection, you know that?” 
“Mmmm,” she said, pressing back into his embrace and holding his son that much closer. “I am pretty amazing, it’s true.” 
Lorcan muffled his laugh in her silky hair, “And so modest, too.” 
She clicked her tongue and gently slapped his cheek, “You love me like this.” 
“That I do, Lochan.” 
“Forever?” she asked, looking up again to meet his gaze. 
Lorcan rubbed his thumb in soothing circles over her ribcage. “And always.”
*Até: father in Lakota 
@mythicaitt @werewolffprince @schmlip-scribble  @empire-of-wildfire @the-regal-warrior @ladyverena @ttakeitbacknoww @shyvioletcat @alifletcher2012 @tswaney17 @ourbooksuniverse  @flora-and-fae @thesirenwashere @queenofxhearts @maastrash @mynewdreamwasyou @cursebreaker29 @empress-ofbloodshed @b00kworm @hizqueen4life @silversprings98 @amren-courtofdreams @minaidss @superspiritfestival @sanakapoor @ireallyshouldsleeprn @spyofthenightcourt  @thegoddessofyou @more-espresso-less-depresso-xx @claralady @neonhellas @darlinminds @readingismyonlyhobby @autophobiaxx @silversprings28 @myshadowsingeraz @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @elriel4life @always-in-a-daydream @jlinez
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nalgenewhore · 3 years
thinking about them* again 🥰🥺🤩👑✨😭
*essar x lorcan
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