#estarossa is real
ampedupkaon · 2 months
August Writing Challenge Day 9: Ban/Elaine
AN: Set after the Sins have kicked the Demon King out of Meliodas, but before the Demon King gets inside Zeldris.
He hadn't thought this would happen, not after she'd died. Ban knew he'd fallen in love with Elaine and the sort of things that lovers did. He didn't think he'd actually get to do any of them with her. And yet... They'd kissed. They'd cuddled. And they'd shared a bed. Like they were doing right now. King wouldn't approve. Ban didn't care. She wanted to come to bed with him and he wouldn't deny her that. There was a moment of peace and they could sleep together. Not like that. Not yet. He wasn't going to get her pregnant when the fighting was still going on. A war-zone was no place for a baby.
“Ban...” He felt Elaine's hand on his chest and glanced down. He smiled softly.
“What is it, Elaine?” He asked, his hand trailing her wings lightly. He was a little frightened of damaging them, but he knew she liked them stroked.
“Go back to sleep.” He glanced around and saw it was rather dark in their room. It had become their room now; King was outside with Diane. Ban would make sure to tease him about sleeping with the giant in the morning. Right now... his treasure was requesting he went back to sleep.
“Sure. Night beautiful.” He shuffled down to peck her lips. She giggled, giving him a kiss in return.
“Night handsome.” He felt a flush of pride at her words. He got settled and dozed off, her doing the same. When he next became aware, there was orange light starting to peek under the curtains. Still too early. He closed his eyes, but sleep evaded him. Elaine stirred after a moment, sensing he was struggling to get back to sleep.
“What's wrong?” She asked. Ban didn't know, beyond the obvious. And that wouldn't be keeping him awake. It would be sad... but it wasn't his problem. Elaine held him tighter.
“You'll find a way. I know you will.” She was reading his heart; knowing the feelings going through him all too well. Perhaps she was sad Elizabeth was going to be forced away from the man she loved? He didn't dare ask. It would make it feel more real. He knew there was only so many days that Meliodas could remain in this world. And losing his best friend would hurt. It hurt when he thought Estarossa had killed him. It hurt when he'd left with Elizabeth and Chandler to become the Demon King. It had hurt when he thought he'd lost him as he left Purgatory too.
“It doesn't matter right now. Right now, I'm here. With you, the woman I love.” He leaned forward, Elaine resting her forehead against his. Her lips met his and he jumped, not expecting the kiss. He quickly started kissing back though, showing her that he loved her, as many times as it would take to etch it in her mind. She drew back with a grin on her face.
“It already is Ban. And I love you too.” She leaned back in and locked their lips. A few more kisses and he felt the tiredness starting to set back in. Elaine drew back.
“Sleep for now. I'll be here when you wake up.” She snuggled in to him and he relaxed again. He knew that too. It was still hard to believe he'd actually done it. He'd actually brought her back. He wasn't dreaming, about to wake up in Purgatory looking for the captain once more. He felt a pinch to his cheek.
“Ow. What was that for?”
“This is real Ban. I'm here, with you. And I'll be here with you every morning you wake up.” She once more snuggled in, trying to coax him to stop worrying and go back to sleep. He settled down this time, managing to doze off. He felt a tickle of lips on his forehead after a while. He smirked, blinking his eyes open. The kisses trailed down over his nose, before moving to both cheeks and then, finally, his lips. He kissed back with as much passion as he could manage after just waking up. Elaine giggled when she drew back.
“What did I do to deserve a wake up like that one?” He asked. She kissed him again instead of answering. He allowed that for a few moments, just letting her get a good feel of his lips with her own, before stopping her.
“Answer my question.”
“You exist. You're here, with me, and I couldn't be happier.” Ban smiled, one filled with love. She squealed when he grabbed her, lifting her up and placing her on top of him. She smirked, realising what being here meant.
“You know I'm not going to let you up, don't you?” She teased, kissing his cheeks.
“Eh... not like I had any plans today. Staying in bed with you sounds perfect.” Elaine giggled, locking lips with him once more. He hoped every morning could start like this; the woman he loved kissing him for... however long she felt like it. That sounded like heaven.
AN: When Elaine decides Ban can get up and they meet with the others... Ban asks King if he enjoyed sleeping with Diane. King answers with yes before realising what he's just implied and he becomes a spluttering mess!
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librathefangirl · 1 year
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Real or not, Estarossa had some peak middle child energy.
Bro really said I do not want to be Demon King but I will get into a fight for it just to not feel left out.
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mertylmylove · 8 days
Thoughts on Mael x Estarossa?
Note: Before i start i wanna say this my personal thoughts. You don't have to agree but please do not be aggressive tho. Or fuck off.
Okey so to be honest. I don't know what to feel about this ship ,On the hand it's wrong on so many levels but on the other side too i get why people too,There no stopping people from shipping🤷‍♀️ ,Yeah I know it's a very toxic ship. Estarossa was cause of all Mael problems from almost killing the woman he was in love with and almost him wanting to take his own ,The list just goes on.... ,But I'm going to say one thing though. If the Maelrossa stans ain't bothering you that i'll say just block and move on with your time. You shouldn't waste time harassing/bullying others for shipping what they like. Yes even if it's very problematic/toxic. Let them have their peace and you have yours. Doing that is really cringe in general and very petty. These are also real people just like you! You say they are the "weird ones" but in this case it's the table around. You are totally the weird one here. Blocking would make life so much eaiser i promise you baby:) ,If they are not attecking you than leave THEM ALONE.
So that's my true opinion.By the way I don't support this ship at all. This is just my true thoughts on it.
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helblis · 16 days
Maerossa Appreciation
*This is the one I posted on Twitter before. I believe I did want to post this here at some point but then completely forgot about it haha. So let's do it*
It has been a while ago since I set up my “Maestarossa appreciation” page on my tumblr blog but I really don’t have a chance to finish it… One of the main reason is that I feel sometimes people argued with me a lot in the past regard to the interpretation and understanding of the character arc etc. so I just stop writing such things at some point. But maybe I should speak up more about my own opinion…
I know that it’s hard to persuade people, so this will more serve as a reminder for me to always read the manga again and appreciate the ship
As I always rant on my twitter, I have a feeling that people absolutely love to emphasize how different Mael and Estarossa are, and this is what I hate the most haha. People have the right to say they are different because they do in some way, but really I feel like in the fandom there is a lack of the voice to appreciate how they share the same personalities and feelings in the end. This similarity is a bless and a curse that both cannot escape.
But how? I will explain in detail below.
1. A hypocritical love
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Since back then, Ludociel has taught Mael that to kill a demon is to save the soul from the foul. To him, killing is a way to show the mercy and love, even a hypocritical one. 
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The Commandment of Love sounds definitely sarcastic in my opinion. In the original Japanese, the commandment is specifically referring to the love that has a merciful side. Even though Estarossa seems to kill people to fulfill the order from Demon King or even just for fun, he does show his hypocritical love side and kill people as a mercy.
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2. A lonely heart
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From Bonus: Awake from a Black Dream
Mael has said that he hates wars and killing people; nevertheless he follows his brother and becomes the Angle of the Death and the strongest Four Archangel. Why he would do so?
In my mind, he is a child who always eager for the recognition from his beloved. Mael values his brother and choose to kill demons even though he is not willing to do so. He also hopes his beloved Elizabeth could toss him a glance as a nod; however, this is almost impossible due to the conflict nature of Elizabeth and Ludociel’s stands:
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He constantly devalues himself as he tries to fulfill the expectation from others. In the end, he becomes a lonely child who never truly grows up and always sit on the lawn of the sky islands.
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This self-devaluation and loneliness also plays an important role in Estarossa’s personality.
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Imitation is a form of self-devaluation.
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And always be alone.
3. Reconcile
The tragedy is never solely a coincidence. Besides Gowther’s plan, the fall of the great archangel is majorly caused by Mael’s ignorance and the lack of true self-recognition.
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Mael (or Estarossa) looking at the opposite side to Elizabeth, implying the loss of the true self.
Thus the true remedy for the trauma is to reconcile with the lost self. It seems like “Estarossa” is dead for everyone else, as people around Mael will naturally use the real name to call him and celebrate his return.
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However, Mael specifically refer his “fake” name when he looks back into the past. Estarossa never dies nor disappears, but lives with him forever. There is no way for him to escape from himself.
And Estarossa will simply accept the truth then smiles back.
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ambersky0319 · 1 year
Alright I need to destress AND kickstart my memory of nnt so! Gonna do a rewatch and write out some thoughts (inspired by @spacehostilityy and their rewatch posts, go check 'em out! 💜)
Gonna be using the tag #amber rewatches nnt btw ^^
Also might talk about Eternal a bit idk yet but keep in mind the rewatch is also to help me write that 😅 also also doing each post by episode because I ramble far too much at every little thing.
Enjoy the rambles!
Episode 1
Honest to god forgot about those flying sting ray things, and especially forgot they're one of the first things we see in the show!
The art? For the opening sequence?? Is so cool????
Like those things that can shapeshift in the forest Diane hides in are in there? And MAYBE Gerheade? Idk about her but one of the fairies look a LOT like her/has a dress very similar to the one we see her wear AND she's bigger than the other fairies
And are there any demons with feathered wings besides the blue bird like things? Because if not there's an armored character with wings like the goddesses (who only have 1 pair of wings in the art) on the DEMON side. Probably just digging into this too deep, but it'd be REALLY cool if that was foreshadowing Estarossa/Mael
I really wish Elizabeth had muscles and wasn't CONSTANTLY portrayed as being physically pretty weak (at least that's how it comes across to me - in fights she's constantly told to run/is never given any chance TO fight physically). Because she literally can't be?
Like Elizabeth has been walking REAL FAR in that armor and it is DEFINITELY not light. Do you know the strength she'd have to have to move that? She also slumps in it and her footsteps are slow/small so it IS weighing her down but the fact that she can move in it as far as she has - and probably up and down hills too without falling - is impressive
Anyway reminder to myself to show Elizabeth being physically strong in my fics from now on. This is canon now and no one can fight me.
Also the shot of Elizabeth on the hill in the armor with the sun glaring through?? It's such a gorgeous shot??????
Meliodas may be a shit cook but damn is he a pretty good server
Like mans got the entire tavern full and he's serving it basically alone cause Hawk cleans the scraps doesn't serve people booze and every customer is pretty happy and having fun (until they have the food lol)
Wonder at which point in time the whole telling your children "if you keep misbehaving one of the seven deadly sins will come for you in armor that's rusty from blood" because it HAD to be in the past 10 years, right? Unless people were saying that while they were still respected holy knights in which case,,,, ooof
But I'd assume a little after Zaratras was first killed
But also I wouldn't put it past this dude maybe coming up with it to scare his children lol he seems like a tired dad type
And here comes all the parts I hate
The groping and sexualization
Elizabeth is like. Fucking 16. And Meliodas DEFINITELY knows that. And just. Ugh
I do like Elizabeth in this color tho- the dark blue really suits her! It's why her uniform post-Meliodas' death is my favorite of all her outfits
How many talking pigs are there in Britannia??? Because Hawk's from purgatory and I figured THAT was why he could talk
And many other people get super confused/shocked by Hawk talking so it can't be common
When Elizabeth said with the most dejected face "no" after he asked if her father got her a talking pig Meliodas looked momentarily like "that bitch."
Let's be real he would've totally gotten her a talking pig somehow
Then he instant switches the conversation to try making her feel better 💜💜💜💜
I'm sorry, the order of WHAT?
"the Order of the Beard of the Mountain Cat"
Is this a translation error? Because if not... I have found my new favorite order and I am no longer worried about naming things in my own stories with ridiculous things
(also btw I watch in Japanese with English subs)
Wonder how the Boar Hat got so popular in this town in a matter of days. Like the booze is good sure but how tf did people find that out and who was the first person courageous enough to go poking around
Yknow. I'm surprised they didn't believe Hawk was the rust knight. I mean, the people who reported it had to be drunk right? Who's to say they weren't so drunk they mistook a pig in armor as the rust knight?
Damn Elizabeth is pretty agile! She's running across roots and jumping over things pretty efficiently!
Like as clumsy as she is, she still got some skills that they NEVER UTILIZE!
I forget if we go over how Hawk and Meliodas met/how far we go into their backstory
Like is he in on Meliodas being a Sin/previous Holy Knight or does he really just not know? (because there's no way Meliodas isn't at least a little wary of Holy Knights himself, hiding for 10 years no matter how in plain sight he is)
I mean. Elizabeth. Sweetheart. Your dad IS laid up in bed sick. It just so happens that the holy knights ALSO arrested the rest of your family and refuse to get your dad help (I think? Cause Merlin has to magically treat the king for his illness later and I assume the holy knights would be wary of letting a doctor treat him. Maybe Vivian was treating him?)
Unless Elizabeth didn't know her father was sick. In which case. Oooooooof. What a reunion later if that's true
Meliodas 🤝 Zuko : "That's rough buddy"
I forget what crime Merlin committed, because Elizabeth says the Sins are "composed of seven terrible criminals" unless she's not actually a criminal when they formed at least
Ahhh that's right, Elizabeth probably wouldn't remember the sins well because they had to leave when she was 6-
Although I wonder if Meliodas also tried to make himself scarce around her once she got to the age where she would retain memories better to avoid the curse activating somehow? Because I have a shit memory but most people do tend to remember things, even vaguely, from the ages 3-6 (my friends and I all have our earliest memory around 2-3)
Meliodas stiff as a board falling when Twigo attacked lmao-
It does make me happy to see some knights in Britannia, even if they're not Holy Knights, try to confront Holy Knights. Sure they backtrack but like, who wouldn't in the face of that power?
Twigo got awesome eyesight to see Elizabeth's earring from that far, nevermind it's DESIGN. Like damn I got 20/20 vision but I doubt I'd ever SPOT that
I was gonna say how tf did Allioni realize it was Meliodas/how would he see Meliodas' tattoo but going back his shirt was already ripped in that general area so! Continuity win!
He be shitting his pants too lol man was holding the most dangerous Sin up and yelling in his face, and he's SEEN what the sins can do
Wonder if he retired after this. I wouldn't blame him
Also Twigo recognizes his face? And says "how can you look exactly the same as you did that day" Was he the old guard that showed Allioni the Sins' carnage? Or was he a Holy Knight that survived that attack?
I guess he also could've just been an apprentice Holy Knight too that recognized him but asking that question to me hints that Twigo tried fighting the Sins with everyone else
Netsujou no Spectrum is such a great song too. The NNT soundtrack is amazing
Is the tavern a recent development for Meliodas??? What was he up to before getting the tavern but after going into hiding?
This also brings up how I really don't remember what time in his backstory he meets Hawk. I just remember they met in jail
This town is in the boonies Twigo how long do you expect this trio to wait until you can not only get a message to the capital, but receive reinforcements??
Mama Hawk best murderer
Oh nvm she missed :/
"Was our meeting chance or Providence?" man I wish I could say for sure it was chance and she got damn lucky (it'd be cool imo to explore how things would've gone if she'd found one of the others first) but. With the curse and all... There's a VERY good chance it was Providence
"I hope it's a real one this time" - Gilthunder
Okay so... When does he get in contact with King then? I'm pretty sure we SEE them interact around Ban escaping Baste but like. Gilthunder would have to know that's where King was before that. When do the Holy Knights find and make a deal with King?
And that's my thoughts going through Episode One!
Don't know how often I'm gonna do these, maybe after Wednesday I'll do a lot more? Idk we'll see
If you made it this far, you're awesome! Lmk who your favorite character is and I'll do a quick drawing of them for you if you want 💜
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spacehostilityy · 1 year
NNT Rewatch s2ep7-12 !!
(Still from my drafts! Just moved back to college yesterday and today and classes start tomorrow. Wish me luck! My schedule sucks this year so I'll need it lol)
man this is flying by!! but lucky me, the druids’ holy land arc is one of my favorites
King learning throughout this season that not only does he need the other Sins, but they need and love him is so sweet. I just love the character development they all go thru this season
draw him like one of your french girls ~~
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I love that Matrona has purple eyes like Diane, the small details really make it
I actually NEED to know what Monspeet and Meliodas’s relationship was prior to his betrayal. “I can’t believe HE’S the one who sensed us” ?? Whats that about🤨 also zeldris and monspeet seem to have been in good terms, like were they all friends?
I don’t know how its possible, but Monspeet’s voice is even hotter in spanish
I love that despite galand not being able to lie, they still don’t believe his stories lol
KAJSDKWUDFL I forgot how shocked i was with the reveal that Merlin stole Mel’s power i just love the druid training arc sm
theyre so silly i love them
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do we know why jenna and zaneri don’t have wings? are they just hidden with magic or something??
okie so apparently they’re just inhabiting human bodies and their real bodies had wings. found this on the wiki, do we know where the info comes from?
WAIT do jenna and zaneri know elizabeth?? Like KNOW her?
HAHAHA this part always destroys me
ngl the best thing seven deadly sins as an narrative does is portray the intense agony and trauma from mel and ellie’s curses
anyway... the fact that Meliodas and Zaratras were of equal rank when they met is kinda funny
the absolute horror on meliodas’s face when he hears liz is just PERFECT
liz is so slay she’s everything i want elizabeth liones to be
King: uhh hey jenna...🥺 what are you planning to have us do in there😓
Jenna: isnt it obvious??? 🤨 rigorous training 😤😤
the way they cut btwn scenes of meliodas abt to lose it and him and liz being happy is just so well done
I love that they were trying to get Meliodas to abandon his emotions to keep his rage in check and then when he actually has no emotions we find out that he’s straight up evil and much, MUCH worse than before lol
the tears pooling on their insanely pointy chins always gets me lol. but also mel just violently sobbing and then suddenly being fine. Mans has serious issues with repression that can def be drawn to his daddy issues
BAN/ZHIVAGO ARC😭😭😭 a few observations: Ban is very clearly influenced by Zhivago’s style, like the clothes are so similar, the fact that they sent Ban to Aberdeen prison and his favorite is Aberdeen ale makes me think he associates it with his dad, Zhivago was hot, Ban mirrors Zhivago’s words to him to Elaine, Zhivago tells Ban to never trust humans and the only humans he ends up trusting are Escanor and Jericho, zhivago has lived in misery about the deaths of his children for almost 40 years :(
idk why this is one of my fave arcs it’s literally just angst lol
gil and howzer as boyfriends. Discuss.
seeing gowther fight hand to hand is actually pretty cool, i had assumed he was weak like king but he can hold his own
how did king not clue in when galand literally opened with “Meliodas its been such a long time” like BABE CMON
meliodas just mocking king for his lack of wings is always funny. nothing like a dick joke to make you feel better after Zhivago’s death
I HAVE to do a meliodas self hatred/relationship to being a demon post, i have so many thots
monspeet shielding Derieri from the rocks with his cape🥺
melascula is so sassy i love her
estarossa is my deranged babygirl i love him. that fucking freak
taizoo is a bottom.
meliodas somehow has 15 year old rizz. like the fucking blond boys.
(not so) fun fact: Elaine is my mom’s name so its a little weird
nakaba’s size kind seriously needs to be studied
okie doke that’s it join us next time !!
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sullina · 1 year
"So this is the seal" Galand said, standing above the huge hole that Meliodas left.
"It's bigger than I thought" Melascula inspected, looking down at the hole.
"Deep. 30 thousand feet. Residual magic" Drole informed.
"Geez, Mel... went over bored with the seal" Gloxinia slightly joked.
While the others were looking at the hole, Zeldris just looked at it with sadness in his eyes as he recall what happened. His mate and his brother having a talk what had happened. He was glad that he sealed her instead of killing her even without her consent.
If it weren't for the seal. He wouldn't have seen what was going on. He would have assumed Meliodas have killed his mate.
Which he knows that is something he would never do even from 3000 years ago.
Estarossa went to his brother and placed his hand on his shoulder which startled Zeldris a bit. He turns around to see Estarossa giving him a reassuring smile.
You know the real reason why the demon clan was able to watch the things is going on in the seal is because Dubs feels bad that the demon clan will be only seeing darkness so he included this feature so they won't get bored and have something to watch who ever holds it
Zeldris took a deep breath and debated on whether or not to release Gelda now. He wanted her back more than anything, but releasing her might put her in danger, too. He didn't want to risk losing her all over again, and this time for good.
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hi! i've been searching the depths of tumblr for any active writers who take sds requests and unfortunately there aren't that many, so i'm really grateful to come across ur blog!
if u don't mind, could u pls write a one-shot of mael x female reader (with slight ban x reader) wherein reader is ban's best friend since childhood and she has always liked him but now he has elaine so it hurts when she sees them together. on the night of celebration at the boar hat (after they defeat the demon king), mael approaches reader and they have a small chat, where he apologizes for hurting her during his fight with escanor when he was still estarossa. reader tells him it's okay since it wasn't his real self and everything's solved now. their conversation turns into some sort of comfort session as they realize they relate to each other bc they're both victims of unrequited love. since then they've been quite close and started to fall for each other. mael began to visit her more often and then one day he finally decides to confess to her, to which reader happily confesses back.
thank u so so much and pls feel free to ignore if u think this is very detailed (ik it is but i'm really just in dire need of a therapy for my mael/estarossa brainrot rn lol). take ur time to write and pls take care of urself! ^^
Of course! I actually really like detailed asks, don't worry!
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ragesin · 1 year
𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚅𝙸𝙴𝚆. ( repost, don’t reblog )
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NAME: Meliodas / ████████ ( Tallwch ) ALIAS: Meliodas the ‘Love’, Dragon's Sin of Wrath, Destroyer, Devil AGE: physically - 435 ( early to mid 20s in human scaling ) | chronologically - about 3600 | purgatory - uh, millions upon millions of years. probably more since a real world minute is a year in turbo hell  ( ex. 16 yrs = about 8 million yrs )  and his soul spent about 3000 yrs in there. FAMILY: The Demon King / ██████████, his father. [redacted], his mother. They’re both dead. Well, the latter is. The first one is... ??? Anyways, his dad’s been physically annihilated from the plane of existence. He’s not coming back anytime soon. Zeldris / ███████, his brother. Mael / Estarossa, the adopted one. SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Elizabeth, in some form or another.
RELIGIOUS BELIEF:  His father is a god and is a prominent figure in many beliefs, but he himself has no belief in some higher power outside of the fundamental forces of the world and fate. In certain circles given his status, he is the subject of religious belief, which he finds weird when he hears about it. He likes praise but that kind of devotion is too much. SINS: greed  /  gluttony  /  sloth  /  lust  /  pride  /  envy  /  wrath VIRTUES:  chastity  /  charity  /  diligence  /  humility  /  kindness  /  patience  /  justice PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE: To remove the Demon King’s curse and the Supreme Deity’s curse, in that order. It doesn’t matter to him if he dies but he wants to ensure the survival of Elizabeth and his loved ones. If given the chance to, he wants to continue to travel with the friends he considers family until everyone finds their places in their lives. Maybe then... he’ll find it possible to find some sort of peace within himself. KNOWN LANGUAGES: Demon language ( native ). Common Brittonic ( Celtic ). Old English. He can pick up on a foreign language quickly due to the nature of his native tongue, though it takes some time to adjust and get it to a decent conversational point. He also knows a small amount of the goddess language ( enochian ). He’s not fluent in it, but he knows enough to insult someone. SECRETS:  He’s full of secrets. Some he will never come to terms with. The last time he had nothing to hide has long faded from his memory. Can and will unapologetically lie if asked about them, even to those closest to him. SAVVIES:  Training. Fishing. Cooking. Smithing.
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BUILD:  scrawny  / bony  /  slender /  fit  /  athletic  /  curvy  /  herculean /  pudgy  /  average HEIGHT: 152 cm SCARS / MARKS: Most scars don’t stick thanks to the accelerated healing rate of being a higher class demon, but its not perfect. He used to have a large diagonal cut alongside his right side from his first encounter with Mael, among other scars throughout his body mostly obtained in childhood, however the Goddess Elizabeth unintentionally removed them. The immortality curse gradually restores his body and eventually any scars he obtains will fade  ( he had seven scars on his chest from Estarossa but by the Corand arc they’re gone ). He has burn marks on his left hand post Demon King arc. His fingers are very hard and tough, calloused. ABILITIES / POWERS:  He’s got a lot so his primary traits will be listed. Swordsmanship, hand to hand combat, inhuman strength, affinity for fire. Selective magic immunity via Full Counter. His True magic. The physiology of a high class demon. He was considered second only his father, so due to this - while he’s still a mortal - he fringes closer to having god like attributes. RESTRICTIONS:  Himself. He’s his own greatest enemy and his emotions are a double edged sword. The rage he has pushes him but can become all consuming, so control of himself over a certain strength threshold often hinges on his emotional state and can easily be lost if he’s not careful. His own thoughts can stop him from action or cause him to take unnecessary action. His communication skills are pretty awful. He tends to not communicate to others very well and it can be difficult to understand him if you don’t know him  ( like how any strategic directions he gives are geared towards those who already know what he means ). Even then, he’s at risk of causing misunderstandings. The light magic of the Goddess clan. Things imbued with their holy light have a greater chance of harming him.
FOOD: Pork simmered in ale. In general he has a preference for meat, especially dragon meat, and if it’s roasted. He also loves herb grilled beef and honey pudding. DRINK: Vanya ale. PIZZA TOPPING: Pizza didn’t exist but it had he would’ve tossed all the meat options on there. COLOUR: White & green. MUSIC GENRE:  Classical secular orchestral pieces. Really, music isn’t something he indulges in so he doesn’t mind what he listens to really as long as it’s passable and not full of screeching. BOOK GENRE: Epics are most his style, and he’s read a lot over the years. Also he’s read the occasional lyrical poetry piece and found himself more intrigued by the chivalric romances than he’d care to admit. However, given the time period, many works were centered in religious beliefs back then ( God / the Goddess Clan ie Supreme Deity ) so he tended to avoid those. MOVIE GENRE: They had plays back then so... He found himself most amused by theatrical stage plays centered on adventure and dark comedy. SEASON: Summer. CURSE WORD:  Bastard & damn. SCENT(S): Canonically ?  Elizabeth ( described as gentle flowers and refreshing fruits. a crisp, fruity floral scent: citrus, cherry blossoms, patchouli, and vanilla ). Petrichor. Cinnamon. Vanya ale.
BOTTOM OR TOP: He’ll tell you he’s a threat ( used to be strictly top but now ?  top leaning, very flexible switch ). SINGS IN THE SHOWER: Sometimes he hums. LIKES BAD PUNS: If it reaches the right threshold of terrible, you may get a chuckle out of him.
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incorrectsdsins · 6 years
Even if I fuck this up I'm still better than you guys, because you know nothing.
Zeldris, to the other commandments probably
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sparklyratto · 5 years
I hate myself for being attracted to a fictional character like ewww that’s lame but I love him but he’s not real-
I’m a loser ;m;
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bertazsleepyhead · 6 years
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Can someone please save Estarossa from that mother***g darkness and give him some slack... The poor man is on the edge...
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zeldrispendragon · 7 years
Estarossa and Peronia his Wife
I might actually... make more of this. 😂
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Peronia: I also made one for you~♡
Estarossa: Like hell I'd wear something like that!!!
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Estarossa: Nia, I would like to take my clothes back.
Peronia: Which~?
Estarossa: I don't know, maybe ALL OF IT?!?
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Estarossa: How on earth did you get in the bathroom?!
Estarossa: wait no--- how on fucking earth did you get in our HOUSE?!
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saharthings · 2 years
Nnt Actor au:
Interviewer: What do you like about your character dynamics?
Meliodas: Well what I like about my character is that he is kind hearted and that he is very determined to protect his loves ones. He also sacrifices himself like way too much!
Interviewer: How did it take to make that scene done where Estarossa killed Meliodas?
Meliodas *looks at Estarossa turn his eyes to the interviewer*: Way. To. Much. About like 14 times
Estarossa *covering his face behind his hands as he blushed*: Mel! Don't tell them that!
Meliodas *grinnes*
Arthur: Sometimes I'm quite concern for the writers about my bride being a child in the series
Drole: I am the only character who takes the longest to prepare just for the bodypaint and the arms aside from grayroad's character.
Estarossa: It's quite funny how the fans reacted about Estarossa being Ludociel brother.
Zeldris: Me and Gelda are not couples in real life only in the series same goes with Elizabeth and Meliodas. So please don't ship us in real life you can ship us only in the anime of our characters.
Gelda: Yeah
Derieri: I kinda wish that my character does not really hate Mel that much and wanted to kill him and suffer since you know his my brother
Meliodas: It's fine it's just an act after all Sis
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bestjeanistmonster · 2 years
Vigilante Zeldris AU
Meliodas getting manipulated by Golgius.
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Now, Meliodas knows that Golgius is manipulating him into becoming another test subject but he’s just so desperate that he willingly takes the bait because he doesn’t want these memories anymore the memories that made him weak, real and fake. he wants them gone.
(These memories include all the fake memories and the part of his childhood when he was still happy, bitter but happy, when he and his brothers were still close)
He basically thinks that he plain does need them and they just causing him pain anyway so he’ll just eject them from his brain and then go back to his old identity with ease
So he’s not an idiot he just makes bad life decisions
Ban, Estarossa and Zeldris obviously can’t let that happen or else he’ll go on a villainous rampage. Ban and Esta especially don’t want to be forgotten by him, not again. Zel would rather die than listen to the small part of himself that doesn’t want to lose his brother again.
But with Meliodas opposing him, Zeldris can use this opportunity to beat the fuck outta his older brother for some much needed catharsis.
There’s also this part with the inhibitor on Meliodas’s neck that he still hasn’t removed and it symbolising that he doesn’t actually want this. If he really wanted to go back to what he used to be, he would’ve removed it by now and destroyed everything in sight but he hasn’t.
He won’t and that terrified him.
(Meliodas doesn’t go through with it obviously, he came close but he makes the mistake of looking at his brothers one last time and he hesitates. Seeing this hesitation Ruin does a little hypnotism/illusion magic to make them all try to kill each-other while he escaped)
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herwritingartcowboy · 2 years
Okay as much as i love Meliodas Nakaba can't let him live and it would be a great time to kill off him off as Arthur the strongest characters in the verse is coming into the battle and Meliodas getting ready to get him out there i feel like this would be a good time.
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Call me Estarossa but i'mma kill you, cause i love you. We dont want another Boruto situation, cause we have a bunch of characters to solve this problem. Meliodas can easily solved this like chapters ago but he's been standing around, and not like he is staying around for Bartra cause Elizabeth is there and she is also very strong.
Again it would give Tristan a more of a real motive to want to kill or get rid of Arthur cause for Lance he kidnapped (maybe even messed up her mind) his master leaving him to search for her, By the way Gawain was asking for forgiveness you can tell she might of seen some shit to beg for her (step) uncle to forgive her (cause its weird knowing her character to beg). Now for percy not only does his father work for him he send out his own father to kill him only for his grandfather to get killed leaving Percy feeling guilty.
And what's for Tristan yeah you want to protect Liones and your family and friends but the others go deep. And hey seeing your dad get killed or injured badly infront of you makes a really great reason to kill the villain.
Now lets say Nakaba does do this and Kills Meliodas i feel it would play off like this. Meliodas arrives just on time to save his son and the others but with that blow/attack he is already injured. With that maybe Tristan might snap out of his whole demon thing and listen to more of reason. Meliodas tell everyone to leave as he is about to fight the big bad, with a struggle soon everyone leaves to not be in the way.
As Meliodas tires to fight Arthur but you can he cant stand a chance and Meliodas knows he doesn't either, so he is prepared to make a big sacrifice. So as he fought Arthur leaving himself weak, Arthur knows Meliodas will die and he kills him right then and there. Leaving the great Meliodas to die by the hands of the chaos king.
So i feel this would be a great time to show on how powerful Arthur is as the Chaos king to even kill Meliodas. And with this All of the original sins would come together to sorrow over there friend/captain death and that's how we met the Seven deadly sins cast at Meliodas funeral.
But with this it would leave guilt on the knight as they couldn't even help the king so this is where they train harder and that's how we will end it there.
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Again as much as i would hate to see it but we need the seven deadly sins death or any characters who can easily solve this problem like Zeldris, Elizabeth,Mael, Ban, King, Dubs and Dahlia. As if we get rid of these characters we can let our new cast shine.
Or we can just seal everyone and not do all that.
And remember on what the intro to Seven Deadly Sins states, "A time before the human and non human worlds were forever divided".
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