#esther leach
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Richard Oswald Longbottom, proud father and blood traitor
Eldest and first son to Gilbert (b. 1892) and Esther (nee Summerbee) born in 1917, during the Great War in France. Raised in Yorkshire with his other siblings: Nicole (b. 1919) and Algernon (b. 1922) alongside Muggins. Richie was best friends with Donny Moody, but befriended twins Septimus "Timmy" and Kenver Weasley at Hogwarts and encouraged Cedrella Black’s liberalism.
After Hogwarts, Richie studied at the University of Leeds in Education despite wizarding opportunities. His romance with Cedrella fell through before he joined the RAF in the outbreak of war. Flying Hawker Hurricanes most of his long career, he grew as a flying ace yet aiding France’s liberation, he fell, but never gave into the Zanos' lures.
After the war, Richard fell in love with Augusta Moody (b. 1919) and he rose up in the RAF regaining reputation in the Cold War. They had two boys: Franklin (b. 1952) and Orson (b. 1954) though adopted their orphaned niece Marlene Moody (b. 1949) in her teenage years, who later took her mother's maiden name McKinnon.
Eventually resettling in Yorkshire, Richard retired a Group captain and became a Muggin Studies teacher at St. Hilda's Magical Abbey teaching equality and tolerance and Gusta a mere shopkeeper. They raised their boys to be stanch advocates of all life.
Dear friends with Minister for Magic Nobby Leach (1962-68) and his family but also to the Potters, Blackworths, and Boneses. Yet their wizarding respect declines even to cousins Harfang and Callidora, long forgotten what a Longbottom is. Very close to Dumbledore, they're marked but they'll die before they forget themselves - once Muggins.
(Photos: poppies from pexels.com, Gryffindor crest from HP wikia/Wizarding World.com, and cropped Hawker Hurricane and cropped Yorkshire flag from Wikimedia.com)
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monosko · 2 years
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romana73 · 5 years
Post written by ME. The animated gifs listed AREN’T MINE and DON’T BELONG TO ME IN ANY WAY. In recent months I have been watching replies of TV Shows The Vampire Diaries (TVD) and The Originals (TO), TVD’s spin off. I realized one of hidden storylines I miss is incestuous relationship between Klaus and Rebekah, brother and sister, both ancient vampires and vampiric bloodlines progenitors. Many are indications and large subtext in two TV Show lead to realize relationship between brother and sister is incestuous. Unfortunately, Klaus and Rebekah’s relationship is never made concrete in story, there aren’t sex scenes or kisses between them. On the contrary, this storyline is left to die, in favor of normal and conventional ships such as Klaus/Caroline, Klaus/Camille and Rebekah/Marcel, in which there aren’t blood ties. Before continuing, I want to clarify a thing: in REAL life, incest DISGUSTS ME. In narrative fiction, however, if told well, brother and sister or/and cousins incest ​​and ONLY THIS may like me. On this point, we must remember one thing: Klaus and Rebekah AREN’T 100% brothers, but HALF BROTHERS, since they have only their mother Esther as a common parent. In vampiric literature and fiction in general, however, incest between brother and sister is more common than it seems, especially since, as TVD and TO remind us, one of beautiful sides of being a vampire is to free oneself and be disconnected from morality, conventions and rules human. Here are some examples: 1) In Vampire Knight manga and anime, protagonist Yuuki Cross is torn between romantic love for Kaname Kuran, her brother, a pure blood vampire and noble bloodline, to which their parents have promised her and Zero Kyriu, plebeian vampire and vampire hunter, raised with her:
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2) In TV show True Blood, vampire Eric Northman makes love with Nora, his vampire sister:
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3) Protagonists of horror movies The Hamilton's and The Thompsons are 5 vampire brothers, 4 males and a girl, called Darlene and she’s also Wendell, her twin, lover; 4) In role-playing game Vampire The Masquerade and Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines, between of family and vampire clan Giovanni’s habits, there is incest:
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5) In Hemlock Grove TV Show, hybrid Roman Godfrey, partly human, partly vampire has a relationship with Letha Godfrey, his half-sister and cousin:
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As for incestuous relationships between brother and sister in narrative level is long, but for vampires, I stop here. Nevertheless, none of these couples resembles Klaus and Rebekah. Incestuous brothers pair really resembles two vampires is Cesare and Lucrezia, of The Borgias, 2011 Canadian TV Show:
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Big difference is in The Borgias third season, Cesare and Lucrezia physically consume their love, weaving a relationship, Klaus and Rebekah don't even kiss one another. Before moving on to parallels, however, I would like to show moments are indicative, in my opinion, of an incestuous relationship between Klaus and Rebekah: 1) Klaus's blatant jealousy for Rebekah's boyfriends and his habit of killing them or stabbing Rebekah, causing her to fall into torpor (vampire’s deep sleep) to separate her from them:
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2) Klaus's habit of always searching, until he finds her, and not leaving without her. A question Klaus asks most often in TVD and TO is: "where is Rebekah?"
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3) In 3x03 TVD episode and 1x03 TO episode, first Stefan then Camille mistake Klaus for Rebekah's FIANCE and remain perplexed when he replies he’s her brother:
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4) In TVD's 4x02 episode, disappointed by fact Klaus saved Caroline, abandoning her, Rebekah attacks Klaus, shouting, despite everything, she has always loved him and she has always been close to him:
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5) In TVD 4x04 episode, Klaus and Rebekah’s battle continues and their argument between contains ambiguous sentences: "You broke my neck”
“You threw away Elena's blood so I can't make anymore hybrids”
“Because you took me for granted!”
“ That's what big brothers do, sweetheart” (Rebekah and Klaus, 4x04, The Vampires Diaries) "[...] I mean, it's pathetic, really isn't it? How she continues to hand her heart to any man who shows her a hint of affection, you think she would learn by now from the endless cycle disappointment of and deception”
“But, I haven't.. instead, I STAY WITH YOU and let you leach every moment of happiness from my life” (Klaus and Rebekah, 4x04, The Vampires Diaries) 6) In TVD 3x08 episode and TO 1x02, first Elena, then Hayley, openly ask Rebekah WHAT'S REALLY BETWEEN HER and KLAUS, both surprised, even when she seems to hate him, she continues to love him:
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6) There are other sentences lead us to think about true nature of Klaus and Rebekah’s relationship:
“[...] I'm bored. I want to go”
“Then go without me, I'm not your GIRLFRIEND”
“No, you're my sister, which means...You have to do as I say”
(Klaus and Rebekah, 3x03, The Vampire Diaries)
A sister or cousin doesn’t respond to her brother or cousin: "I’m not your girlfriend", to limit she says "you aren’t my father" ...
let's continue:
“Nik was MY FAMILY. If you were after him, you were after me”
(Rebekah to her father Michael about Klaus, 3x09, The Vampire Diaries)
Oh, WOW!
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“Again with the wishes. Let me rephrase, you will come back with me or I will put you back in that coffin in which you rotted for 900 years”
“What happens to one, happens to all. You may not feel the effects of the dagger, but you'd lose YOUR PRECIOUS REBEKAH”
“Wouldn't be the first time”
( Klaus and Finn, 3x18, The Vampire Diaries)
“You could have come after me!”
“YOU WERE WITH KLAUS! I didn't know where, I didn't know if you still wanted to be with me! All you had to do was come home!”
(Rebekah and Marcel, 1x07, The Originals)
No matter how jealous a brother may be, why would a boyfriend be afraid to go and look for girl he loves and, above all, why should he think she might prefer her brother to him?
"You betrayed me. My OWN sister! " (Klaus to Rebekah, 1x08, The Originals)
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"She's your sister. How can you hate her?”
“Because she has done what no one else has managed to do to me for 1,000 years... RIP MY HEART OUT” (Camille and Klaus, speaking of Rebekah’s betrayal, 1x15, The Originals)
Oh ... double WOW!
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“You have no idea, do you? You have no idea what she was prepared to do for you [...]” (Elijah to Klaus, about what Rebekah was willing to do for Klaus, 1x16, The Originals)
Triple WOW, remember Rebekah, still human, was about to KILL her FATHER Mikael FOR KLAUS!
6) In TO 1x02 episode, Klaus tells he LOVE his sister Rebekah and, while other men come and go, HE’S CONSTANT in her life. In same episode, we learn Rebekah helped Klaus to GROW Marcel, whom he regarded as a SON. In TO 2x22 episode, Klaus asks Rebekah to stay in city and GROW his daughter Hope with him and Freya's help; 7) A perplexing narrative solution is Esther's choice, in TO 2 season, to transfer Rebekah’s soul and spirit into Camilla’s body, woman for whom Klaus and Marcel feel romantic feelings ... this isn’t first time Esther uses Rebekah to deceive Klaus. In TVD 3x20 episode, Esther enters Rebekah's body to trick Klaus and finish her plan with Alaric; 8) We cannot forget, then, Tristan, his sister Aurora and Lucien’s story, who remember Klaus/Rebekah/Marcel triangle, only with a vein of madness. Developed by Elaijah, Rebekah and Klaus, relationship between Tristan and Aurora is morbid and all-encompassing, so much so out of pure jealousy, Tristan almost tortured Lucien to death, on suspicion he was his sister's lover... only Klaus intervention, who created him, saved Lucien...
9) Watching TVD and TO we note when Klaus has to donate his blood to other vampires, he offers his wrist to women (Caroline in TVD 3x11 and 4x13, Elena in TVD 4x03), feeling pleasure when they drink. When Klaus must give his blood to men, he cuts his wrist, making blood flow in a glass, and then he pass it to victim. Only in extreme cases of life and death does Klaus offer his wrist to FAMILY men. For example, to Marcel in TO 1x22, when Marcel SAVES Hope born from witches, although he’s dying from Klaus' bite:
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This is because, perhaps, as Damon explains to Elena in TVD 4x02, blood exchange between two VAMPIRES (Blood Sharing) is something PERSONAL (also sensual judging Damon and Klaus reactions when a vampire woman sucks their blood). That's why he left me puzzled to see Klaus urgently and rebelling give his wrist to Rebekah to get her back...
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goalhofer · 2 years
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1980 winter olympics Canada roster.
Skiing: Ken Read (Calgary, Alberta), Dave Irwin (Thunder Bay, Ontario), Dave Murray (Vancouver, British Columbia), Steve Podborski (Blue Mountains, Ontario), Horst Bulau (Ottawa, Ontario), Tauno Käyhkö (Thunder Bay, Ontario), Steve Collins (Thunder Bay, Ontario), Loni Klettl (Lamont, Alberta), Laurie Graham (Caledon, Ontario), Kathy Kreiner-Phillips (Timmins, Ontario), Sharon Firth (Aklavik, Northwest Territories), Angela Schmidt-Foster (Woodstock, Ontario), Shirley Firth (Aklavik, Northwest Territories), Joan Groothuysen (Ottawa, Ontario) & Esther Miller (Edmonton, Alberta).
Bobsleigh: Joey Kilburn (Ottawa, Ontario), Robert Wilson (Montreal, Quebec), Brian Vachon (Moncton, New Brunswick), Serge Cantin (Montreal, Quebec), Martin Glynn (Montreal, Quebec) & Alan MacLachlan (Toronto, Ontario).
Figure Skating: Brian Pockar (Calgary, Alberta), Paul Martini (Toronto, Ontario), John Dowding (Oakville, Ontario), Heather Kemkaran-Antymniuk (Strathclair, Manitoba), Barbara Underhill (Pembroke, Ontario) & Lorna Wighton (Toronto, Ontario).
Hockey: Bob Dupuis (Blind River, Ontario), Paul Pageau (Montreal, Quebec), Warren Anderson (Toronto, Ontario), Donald Grant (Niagara Falls, Ontario), Randy Gregg (Edmonton, Alberta), Terry O’Malley (Toronto, Ontario), J. Brad Pirie (Guelph, Ontario), Don Spring (Edson, Alberta), Tim Watters (Kamloops, British Columbia), Glenn Anderson (Vancouver, British Columbia), Ken Berry (Burnaby, British Columbia), Dan D’Alvise (Toronto, Ontario), Ron Davidson (Prince Albert, Saskatchewan), John Devaney (Edmonton, Alberta), Dave Hindmarch (Vancouver, British Columbia), Paul MacLean (Antigonish, Nova Scotia), Kevin Maxwell (Edmonton, Alberta), Jim Nill (Hanna, Alberta), Kevin Primeau (Edmonton, Alberta) & Stelio Zupancich (Toronto, Ontario).
Luge: Bruce Smith (Toronto, Ontario), Mark Jensen (Toronto, Ontario), Danielle Nadeau (Montreal, Quebec) & Carole Keyes (Woodstock, New Brunswick).
Speed Skating: Jacques Thibault (Quebec, Quebec), Gaétan Boucher (Quebec, Quebec), Craig Webster (Regina, Saskatchewan), Sylvie Daigle (Sherbrooke, Quebec), Kathy Vogt-Gregg (Edmonton, Alberta), Sylvia Burka (Winnipeg, Manitoba), Brenda Webster (Regina, Saskatchewan) & Patricia Durnin-Leach (Winnipeg, Manitoba).
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outoftowninac · 2 years
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The Street Singer is a two-act musical by John Gilbert, Nicholas Kempner and Sam Timberg (music), Cyrus Wood and Edgar Smith (book) and Graham John (lyrics), featuring songs by Richard Myers and Edward Eliscu. The original production was produced and directed by Busby Berkeley. 
It is set in France in the foyer of the Café Royal in Paris, the reception room in in a summer home, and the foyer and the green room of the Folies Bergère.
The story concerns the efforts of a young millionaire to change a Parisian flower girl into the personification of his "perfect lady," in order to convince! his fiancé of his ability to mold the character of anyone to conform with his idea of perfection. 
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The plot bears a remarkable similarity to George Bernard Shaw’s 1912 play, Pygmalion, which concerns the efforts of a rich speech professor to change a London flower girl into the personification of his “perfect lady,” in order to convince his friend of his ability to mold the character of anyone to conform with his idea of perfection. Pygmalion was first seen on Broadway in 1914, and there was a revival just two years before The Street Singer arrived. As history knows, the story would make a ‘loverly’ musical in 1956. 
The show was not connected to an English musical of the same name that premiered in 1924. This was also made into a 1937 British film. 
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The cast was led by Queenie Smith (as Suzette), and featured Guy Robertson, Andrew Tombes, Peggy Cornell, Nell Kelly, Jane Alden, Harry K. Morton, Ed Garvie, and Nick Jr Long.  Making his Broadway debut in an ensemble role was future Latin star Cesar Romero.
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Robertson wasn’t with the show long. By September 20th he was headlining in the new Romberg operetta Nina Rosa at the Majestic.
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Just prior to the show’s start of production, impresario Busby Berkeley married Broadway star Esther Muir. They divorced in 1931. 
The Street Singer was Berkeley’s only musical for which he produced, directed, and staged the musical numbers. Later advertising claimed it was the “fastest- dancing ensemble on Broadway.”
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The Street Singer premiered at the Broadway Theatre in Long Branch NJ, and from there played the Garden Pier Theatre in Atlantic City on August 12th. Before heading to the Main Stem, it also went to Baltimore, DC, and Boston. Berkeley had been in Atlantic City the year before staging the dance sequences in Earl Carroll’s Vanities at Nixon’s Apollo Theatre. 
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It opened at Broadway’s Shubert Theatre on September 17, 1929. It transferred to the Royale Theatre (now the Bernard B. Jacobs) on February 17, 1930, closing there after 191 performances.
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Reviews were positive, with lots of attention regaled on Smith (”A bright constellation and a quiet Cinderella”) and Berkeley’s choreography (”Mr. Berkeley’s proudest achievement”). 
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Smith’s contract was extended to June 1931, so a tour was launched starring much of the original cast. First stop - Brooklyn. 
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When the show toured in 1931, Archie Leach (above, with Queenie Smith), took  the role of George. Leach would later change his name to Cary Grant, and became of Hollywood’s biggest stars. Leach / Grant and Smith were briefly engaged.  
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In May 1931, the Shuberts announced that Hearts in Repair, an adaptation of a German play, would be Queenie Smith’s next show. Out-of-town tryouts were held in Brighton Beach the week of August 17 and in Atlantic City the following week. The play never made it past the Great Wooden Way. But that’s the story of a different Singer. 
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redcarpetview · 3 years
52nd Annual GMA Dove Award Nominees Announced
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(Nashville, Tenn. (August 11, 2021) – The Gospel Music Association is pleased to announce nominees for the 52nd Annual GMA Dove Awards. Top nominations include Steven Furtick with ten (10) nominations, Chris Brown with nine (9), Wayne Haun with eight (8), seven (7) nominations each for Elevation Worship and Brandon Lake, six (6) to for KING & COUNTRY and five (5) nods to CeCe Winans, Ed Cash, Tiffany Hammer (Hudson) and Zach Williams. Voted on by the GMA Professional Membership, this year’s nominees were chosen from over 4,600 submitted entries and include a wide range of creativity and artistic integrity in both artist and non-artist categories.
Nominees were announced in a star-studded livestream eventfeaturing Alex Campos, John Cooper, Bill & Gloria Gaither, Kari Jobe, Brian & Jenn Johnson, Jonathan McReynolds, Wande and Tauren Wells. The announcement premiered on the GMA Dove Awards YouTube and Facebook pages with clips on the Dove Awards Instagram and TikTok.
“We are thrilled to welcome back an in-person Dove Awards this year and equally excited about our impressive list of nominees,” says GMA President Jackie Patillo. “As we continue to celebrate the immense creativity and diversity within our community, we’re looking forward to an awards program this year’s nominees deserve.”
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GMA President Jackie Patillo
Voting for the final winners will run August 19th through August 26th. The GMA Dove Awards are happening live and in person in Nashville, TN, October 19th, 2021. A limited number of tickets and Fan Experiences are still available. The broadcast will air exclusively on TBN, Friday, October 22nd, 2021 8:00p.m. ET and then again at 10:00p.m. ET.
Below is the list of nominations announced during today’s livestream. For the complete list of nominees, visit doveawards.com.
For official social media assets, click here. Images of top nominees can be found here. Logos for the 52nd Annual GMA Dove Awards are located here.
Song of the Year “Another In The Fire” (Writers) Chris Davenport, Joel Houston “Famous For (I Believe)” (Writers) Alexis Slifer, Chuck Butler, Jordan Sapp, Krissy Nordhoff, Tauren Wells “Graves Into Gardens” (Writers) Steven Furtick, Chris Brown, Tiffany Hudson, Brandon Lake “Speak To Me” (Writers) Donnie McClurkin, Jeremy Hicks, Johnta Austin, Troy Taylor “Thank You For It All” (Writers) Aaron Lindsey, Christopher Thomas Leach, Jamone Davis, Marvin Sapp “The Blessing” (Writers) Chris Brown, Cody Carnes, Kari Jobe, Steven Furtick “The Father’s House” (Writers) Benjamin Hastings, Cory Asbury, Ethan Hulse “There Was Jesus” (Writers) Jonathan Smith, Casey Beathard, Zach Williams “TOGETHER” (Writers) Joel Smallbone, Josh Kerr, Kirk Franklin, Luke Smallbone, Ran Jackson, Ricky Jackson “Truth Be Told” (Writers) AJ Pruis, Matthew West
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Lauren Daigle
Artist of the Year Elevation Worship for KING & COUNTRY Lauren Daigle Phil Wickham Zach Williams
New Artist of the Year Brandon Lake CAIN Dante Bowe Hope Darst Maverick City Music
Gospel Artist of the Year CeCe Winans Jonathan McReynolds Kirk Franklin Tasha Cobbs Leonard Travis Greene
Southern Gospel Artist of the Year Ernie Haase & Signature Sound Gaither Vocal Band Jason Crabb Joseph Habedank Triumphant Quartet
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Pop/Contemporary Recorded Song of the Year “Famous For (I Believe)” – Tauren Wells “Good God Almighty” – Crowder “Hold On To Me” – Lauren Daigle “There Was Jesus” – Zach Williams, ft. Dolly Parton “TOGETHER” – for KING & COUNTRY, ft. Kirk Franklin & Tori Kelly
Southern Gospel Recorded Song of the Year “First Church of Mercy” – The Sound “I Just Feel Like Something Good Is About to Happen” – Gaither Vocal Band “My King is Known By Love” – Crabb Family “Religion Isn’t Working” – Joseph Habedank “Wake Up” – Ernie Haase & Signature Sound
Contemporary Gospel Recorded Song of the Year “I Got It” – Pastor Mike Jr. “joyful” – Dante Bowe “Never Lost” – CeCe Winans “Speak To Me” – Koryn Hawthorne “Touch from You” – Tamela Mann
Worship Recorded Song of the Year “Battle Belongs” – Phil Wickham “God So Loved” – We The Kingdom “Graves Into Gardens” – Elevation Worship, ft. Brandon Lake “Jireh” – Elevation Worship / Maverick City Music, ft. Chandler Moore & Naomi Raine “Peace Be Still” – Hope Darst
Rap/Hip Hop Album of the Year 3:34 – Zauntee Feared By Hell – Social Club Misfits His Glory Alone – KB Restoration – Lecrae The Divine Storm – Ty Brasel
Pop/Contemporary Album of the Year Chris Tomlin & Friends – Chris Tomlin Holy Water – We The Kingdom Inhale (exhale) – MercyMe No Stranger – Natalie Grant To Love A Fool – Cory Asbury
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Bluegrass/Country/Roots Album of the Year Alone With My Faith – Harry Connick, Jr. Little More Love – Jordan Family Band My Savior – Carrie Underwood Peace At Last – Nelons Songs of the Times – Isaacs
Spanish Language Album of the Year Desesperado (Spanish) – Evan Craft Mil Generaciones – Miel San Marcos, Essential Worship Renovada – EP – Blanca Todos Mis Mejores Amigos – Hillsong Young & Free, Hillsong En Español Uno – Alex Zurdo – Redimi2 – Funky
Worship Album of the Year Graves Into Gardens – Elevation Worship Old Church Basement – Elevation Worship / Maverick City Music Revival’s In The Air – Bethel Music The Blessing (Live) – Kari Jobe The People Tour: Live from Madison Square Garden – Hillsong UNITED
Inspirational Film of the Year A Week Away Fatima Mahalia My Brother’s Keeper QUEEN ESTHER
About Gospel Music Association & Foundation: Founded in 1964, the Gospel Music Association serves as the face and voice for the Gospel/Christian music community and is dedicated to exposing, promoting, and celebrating the Gospel through music of all styles. The GMA produces the GMA Dove Awards, The GMA Hall of Fame Induction and Honors Ceremony, and the IMMERSE Conference. For more information on the GMA, visit www.gospelmusic.org and follow @gmadoveawards on Facebook, Twitter, and @gospelmusicassoc on Instagram.
About TBN: TBN is the world’s most watched faith-and-family broadcasting network, reaching over 175 nations with inspirational programming in 14 languages and on 32 global networks. TBN, the original pioneer of faith-based television, is expanding into other marketplaces such as publishing and innovative digital content in various formats, all designed to reach every viewer demographic with the life-changing message of hope and grace. To find out more about the TBN Networks, visit us at tbn.org.
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thedsp-blog1 · 6 years
Dr. Death’s victim list
Acton, Lily Adams, Lizzie Adkinson, Sarah Adshead, Norman Adshead, Rose Ann Aitken, Irene Andrew, Dorothy Mary Andrew, Joseph Andrew, Mary Emma Arrandale, Albert Arrowsmith, Winifred Ashcroft, Netta Ashton, Dora Elizabeth Ashton, Ellen Ashworth, Ada Ashworth, Brenda Ashworth, Elizabeth Ashworth, James Ashworth, Sarah Aveyard, Clara Ethel Baddeley, Elizabeth Mary Baddeley, John Bagshaw, Bertha Barber, Squire Bardsley, Joseph Bardsley, Lily Bardsley, Nellie Barker, Elsie Barlow, Charles Henry Barnes, James Edward Battersby, Elizabeth Baxter, William Beech, Joseph Bell, Norman John Bennett, Ethel Bennett, Frances Bennett, Nellie Bennison, Charlotte Bent, Arthur Berry, Irene Bill, Edith Annie Birchall, Mary Ivy Bird, Violet May Black, Alice Boardman, Kathleen May Boardman, Mary Louisa Bogle, Geoffrey Bolland, Alice Bowers, Mary Elizabeth Bradshaw, Miriam Brady, Edith Bramwell, Harold Bramwell, Vera Brassington, Charles Geoffrey Brassington, Nancy Anne Bridge, Doris Bridge, Jane Brierley, Albert Brierley, Edith Broadbent, Lily Brock, Edith Brocklehurst, Charles Edward Brocklehurst, Vera Brooder, Irene Brookes, Lily Brookes, May Brown, Alice Brown, Mary Alice Brown, William Henry Buckland, Edward Buckley, Ethel Burke, Elizabeth Mary Butcher, Lydia Edith Cains, Ida Callaghan, Sean Stuart Calverley, Edith Campbell, Annie Carradice, Marion Carrington, Alice Carroll, Josephine May Cartwright, Hannah Chadwick, Wilfred Challinor, Ivy Elizabeth Challoner, Genevieve Chapman, Irene Chappell, Alice Chappell, Wilfred Charlton, John Charnock, George Cheetham, Albert Cheetham, Alfred Cheetham, Elsie Cheetham, Hena Cheetham, Norah Cheetham, Thomas Chidlow, Amy Clarke, Fanny Clayton, Elsie Clayton, Frances Clee, Beatrice Helen Clough, James Condon, Thomas Connaughton, Alice Hilda Connors, Michael Conway, Margaret Ann Coomber, Frederick Cooper, Ann Copeland, Erla Copeland, Sydney Hoskins Couldwell, Constance Anne Coulthard, Ann Coutts, Mary Couzens, Hilda Mary Cox, Eileen Theresa Crompton, Eileen Daphne Crompton, Frank Crompton, John Crossley, Lily Cullen, Lilian Cuthbert, Valerie Davies, Cissie Davies, Eric Davies, Fred Davies, Miriam Dawson, Fanny Dean, Elsie Lorna Dean, Joan Edwina Delaney, Bessie Denham, Christopher Dentith, Frederick Devenport, Ronnie Dixon, Alice Dobb, Edgar Dolan, Ethel Drinkwater, Alice Drummond, Joseph Dudley, Mary Rose Dutton, Elaine Earls, Doris Earnshaw, William Eddleston, Harold Eddleston, Monica Edge, Agnes Evans, Bethel Anne Everall, Hannah Everall, Joseph Vincent Farrell, Phyllis Fernley, Marie Antoinette Firman, Mary Elizabeth Fish, Hilda Fitton, Hilda Fletcher, Dorothy Fletcher, Elizabeth Floyd, Arthur Fogg, Leah Foulkes, Edwin Fowden, Thomas Fox, Moira Ashton France, John Freeman, Harold Freeman, Winifred Frith, Hannah Galpin, Minnie Doris Irene Garlick, Rose Garlick, Violet Garratt, Mary Alice Garside, Millicent Gaskell, Marion Gaunt, Mary Gee, Nellie Gess, Clifford Givens, William Goddard, Edith Godfrey, Elsie Golds, Annie Elizabeth Gorton, Alice Maude Graham, Edith Gray, Rebecca Greenhalgh, John Sheard Grimshaw, Annie Grimshaw, Muriel Grundy, Donald Anthony Grundy, Kathleen Grundy, Nora Hackney, Clara Hackney, Clara Hadfield, Violet Hague, William Hall, Josephine Halliday, Frank Hallsworth, Janet Hamblett, Leonora Hamer, Mary Emma Hammond, Caroline Veronica Hampson, Jesse Hancock, Christine Hannible, Elsie Harding, Joan Milray Harris, Charles Harris, Harriet Harrison, Christina Harrison, David Alan Harrison, Marion Harrison, Muriel Eveline Harrison, Samuel Harrop, Elsie Haslam, Mary Elizabeth Hawkins, Sarah Healey, Winifred Heapey, Clifford Barnes Heapey, Gladys Heathcote, Irene Heginbotham, Olive Hennefer, Ellen Hett, Mary Jane Heywood, Ada Heywood, Florence Hibbert, Hilda Mary Hickson, Robert Higginbottom, George Eric Higginbottom, Peter Higgins, Barry Higgins, Lily Higham, Marion Elizabeth Highley, Ruth Higson, Ellen Hill, Sarah Ann Hillier, Pamela Marguerite Hilton, Ada Matley Hilton, John Hirst, Emma Holgate, Ethel Doris Holland, Alline Devolle Holt, Alice Hopkins, Dorothy Doretta Howcroft, John Hulme, Hilda Hurd, May Iwanina, Jozef Jackman, Harold Edward Jackson, Maureen Lamonnier Jackson, Nancy Jameson, Ronald Jeffries, Beatrice Johnson, Norah Johnson, Richard Johnston, Leah Jones, Alice Mary Jones, David Jones, Hannah Jones, Ivy Jones, Jane Jones, Robert Edward Jordan, Mary Ellen Keating, Mary Kellett, Ethel May Kellett, Fred Kelly, Ellen Kelly, Moira Kennedy, Alice Killan, Charles Henry King, Elsie King, James Joseph Kingsley, Mary Kitchen, Alice Christine Lacey, Renee Leach, Florence Leech, Edith Leech, William Henry Lees, Olive Leigh, Carrie Leigh, Joseph Leigh, Wilfred Lewis, Elsie Lewis, Florence Lewis, Peter Lilley, Jean Lingard, Robert Henry Linn, Laura Frances Livesey, John Louden Llewellyn, Edna May Lomas, Harry Lomas, Ivy Long, Dorothy Longmate, Thomas Alfred Lord, Jane Ellen Lowe, Beatrice Lowe, Esther Lowe, May Lyons, Eva MacConnell, Charles Mackenzie, Selina Mackie, Christina McCulloch Mansfield, Mary Ann Mansfield, Walter Marley, Martha Marsland, Sarah Hannah Matley, Maud McDonald, Kathleen McLaren, William James McLoughlin, Gertrude Melia, Joan May Mellor, Elizabeth Ellen Mellor, Samuel Mellor, Winifred Meredith, Oscar Metcalfe, Margaret Middleton, Deborah Middleton, Mary Mills, Samuel Mitchell, Cyril Mitchell, Wilbert Molesdale, John Bennett Morgan, Emily Moss, Bertha Moss, Hannah Mottram, George Henry Mottram, Hannah Helena Mottram, Pamela Grace Moult, Thomas Mullen, Nellie Mycock, Miriam Rose Emily Needham, Nora Nicholls, Violet Nichols, Fanny Nichols, Lily Nuttall, Hervey Nuttall, Norah O'Sullivan, Thomas Ogden, Mary Oldham, Agnes Oldham, Samuel Oswald, Frances Elaine Otter, Enid Ousey, Margaret Ovcar-Robinson, Konrad Peter Overton, Renate Eldtraude Oxley, Phyllis Parker, Marjorie Parkes, Annie Parkin, Laura Victoria Parr, Bertha Pearce, Elizabeth Pedley, Rosetta Penney, Vara Pickering, Leah Pickup, Kenneth Pickup, Mavis Mary Pitman, Edith Platt, Elsie Platt, Marion Pomfret, Bianka Potts, Frances Potts, Reginald Powers, Annie Alexandra Preston, Ada Marjorie Prestwich, Alice Proud, Ethel May Quinn, Marie Ralphs, Anne Lilian Ralphs, Ernest Colin Rawling, Alice Reade, Audrey Redfern, Tom Renwick, Dorothea Hill Richards, Jose Kathleen Diana Richardson, Alice Riley, Stanley Roberts, Edith Roberts, Esther Hannah Roberts, Gladys Robinson, Eileen Robinson, Eveline Robinson, Lavinia Robinson, Mildred Rogers, Elizabeth Ann Rostron, Jane Frances Rowarth, Dorothy Rowbottom, Annie Rowland, Jane Isabella Royles, Elsie Royston, Betty Rudol, Ernest Russell, Tom Balfour Sankey, Margaret Saunders, Albert Edward Saunders, Gladys Scott, Edith Scott, Elsie Sellors, Kate Maud Sharples, Cicely Shaw, Joseph Shaw, Leonard Shaw, Lilian Shaw, Neville Shaw, Susan Eveline Shawcross, Edna Shawcross, Ernest Shawcross, Mabel Shelmerdine, Jack Leslie Shelmerdine, Jane Elizabeth Shore, Lily Sidebotham, Florence Sigley, Elizabeth Teresa Simpson, Kenneth Harry Slater, Albert Slater, Florence Slater, Lena Norah Slater, May Smith, Alice Smith, Dora Elizabeth Smith, Emma Smith, Kenneth Ernest Smith, Margaret Smith, Mary Alice Smith, Sidney Arthur Smith, Winifred Isabel Sparkes, Monica Rene Squirrell, Alice Stafford, Harry Stafford, Kate Elizabeth Stansfield, Joe Ainscow Stocks, Louisa Stone, John Stopford, Arthur Henderson Stopford, Harriet Strickland, Ruth Sumner, Grace Swann, Bessie Swann, Robert Swindells, Emmeline Taylor, Caroline Mary Taylor, Edna Mary Taylor, Florence Taylor, Lily Newby Taylor, Mary Tempest, Mary Ann Thomas, Alice Thomas, Sarah Ann Thornton, Maria Tideswell, Sarah Tierney, Angela Philomena Tingle, Walter Toft, Beatrice Tomlin, Mary Townsend, Margaret Tucker, Dorothy Tuff, Mary Tuffin, Winifred Amy Turner, Frances Elizabeth Turner, Irene Uttley, Stanley Vickers, Frederick Vickers, Margaret Mary Virgin, Lucy Vizor, George Edgar Vizor, May Wagstaff, George Lawton Wagstaff, Jessie Irene Wagstaff, Laura Kathleen Waldron, Margaret Anne Walker, Edward Walker, Ellen Walker, Henrietta Walker, Winifred Mary Waller, Harry Waller, Marjorie Hope Walls, Mary Walton, Sydney Warburton, Ada Ward, Maureen Alice Ward, Minnie Ward, Muriel Margaret Ward, Percy Wardle, Eric Wareing, William Hill Warren, May Wass, Kathleen May Watkins, Annie West, Maria Wharam, Ellen Frances Wharmby, Lavinia White, Mona Ashton Whitehead, Amy Whitham, Colin Whittaker, Maureen Whittaker, Violet Mary Whittingslow, Vera Whittle, Edith Wibberley, Edith Wilcockson, Joseph Frank Wilkinson, Annie Wilkinson, Maud Williams, Albert Redvers Williams, Emily Williamson, Sarah Jane Wills, Jack Wilmore, Margaret Wilson, Muriel Elsie Wimpeney, Mark Winston, George Winston, Olive Winterbottom, Mary Wood, Annie Wood, Charles Henry Wood, Fanny Wood, James Woodhead, Joyce Woodhead, Kenneth Wharmby
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libromundoes · 4 years
Libros para ampliar sus horizontes, por Hilary Mantel, Simon Schama, Lisa Taddeo y más | Libros
Hilary Mantel, novelista
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Fotografía: David Levene / The Guardian
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Cómo escribir como Tolstoi por Richard Cohen El libro de 2016 de Richard Cohen fue un tono para mí. No me hizo más ruso, pero despertó mi imaginación. Nunca he anotado un libro tan ferozmente. Garabateé la mayor parte de una historia corta en las páginas en blanco en la parte posterior, y en las primeras páginas, comencé mi novela más aburrida del siglo XIX. Recomiendo este libro a cualquier escritor, ya sea que duden en comenzar o vacilar bajo el peso de sus propias palabras.
Simon Schama historiador
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Fotografía: David Levenson / Getty Images
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Hielo: un viaje a la Antártida por Stephen J Pyne Fue publicado en 1986 y fue para mí una revelación extraordinaria: tanto la geología como la física, la prosa intensamente poética en sus pasajes descriptivos y la rica historia de un lugar erróneamente asumido como no tenga ninguna. Es a su manera un libro perfecto y un precursor en la escritura ambiental, y me dirigió al tipo de investigación y escritura que finalmente produjo Paisaje y memoria.
Samantha Power, ex embajadora de la ONU, autora
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Fotografía: Simon Simard / The Guardian
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& # 39; Cuarentena & # 39; por Eavan Boland "En la peor hora de la peor temporada / peor año de todo un pueblo / un hombre salió del taller con su esposa". No sé dónde estaba cuando leí el poema "Quarantaine" de Eavan Boland, pero su primera oración se quedó conmigo. Por supuesto, no esperaba que ocurriera una pandemia para dar nueva resonancia a un poema ambientado durante la hambruna irlandesa. Pero gracias a Boland, a quien comencé a leer en la universidad y falleció en abril, las vidas y experiencias de las personas a menudo borradas de la historia ocuparon un lugar central. la escena. Aparecieron madres, abuelas y niñas, a menudo en pequeños momentos. Boland hizo que sus voces y personajes fueran tan vívidos que los encontré dolorosamente familiares. Lo que algunos llamaron el lado "doméstico" de la vida, Boland dejó en claro que era simplemente la vida. Ella usó sus escritos para transmitir la dignidad inherente de los individuos, especialmente aquellos que lo niegan en la vida cotidiana.
Philippe Sands, abogado y escritor
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Fotografía: Antonio Olmos / The Observer
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¿Por qué ser feliz cuando podemos ser normales? por Jeanette Winterson Es una de las mejores memorias que he leído, con el mejor título de todos los tiempos. Esto me hizo descubrir mundos con los que me había comprometido pero que no entendía tan mal. Abordar los problemas de orientación sexual y sectarismo religioso con tanta humanidad y tanta generosidad de espíritu me llevó a reconsiderar mis propios prejuicios. Nada es nunca lo que parece. Como ningún otro, este libro me ayudó a descubrir una voz diferente de mí mismo mientras escribía. Calle este oeste. Siento gratitud eterna.
Jessie Burton, novelista
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Fotografía: Lara Downie
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El libro de las mujeres de noche. por Marlon James Cuando era joven, estudié la vida de Jane Austen parque Mansfield. Sir Thomas Bertram estaba ausente en Antigua, pero recuerdo haber sentido algo más de lo que faltaba el patriarca. Debajo de las páginas de Austen había otra novela, que podría, de una vez por todas, explicarme las raíces de tanta riqueza y tal poder inglés y darme más de Un eco débil de la colonia, este estado mental tropical. Aproximadamente una década después, encontré El libro de las mujeres de noche. por Marlon James, y mis otros estudios han comenzado. Instalado en una plantación de caña de azúcar de Jamaica a fines del siglo XVIII, y visto a través de los ojos de quienes se vieron obligados a servirlo, es una de las novelas más en expansión, el más lírico y relevante que jamás haya leído.
Inua Ellams, poeta
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Fotografía: Karen Robinson / The Observer
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Fotografía: Alamy
El catálogo de Argos Sé lo ridículo que suena, pero el contexto lo es todo. Éramos niños en Nigeria, mi padre acababa de regresar de sus viajes de trabajo al extranjero. Mis hermanas y yo allanamos su equipaje y no pudimos encontrar ningún juguete, pero sí encontramos un catálogo de Argos. Nunca hemos visto algo así antes; no había tales tiendas en Lagos. Nos fascinó que hubiera un libro de cosas que podría comprar y que podría comprar todo de una tienda Nos dirigimos a la sección de juguetes y encontramos artículos marcados, lo que era una prueba de que papá había pensado en nosotros. El pensamiento contaba y, motivados por eso, mis hermanas y yo comenzamos a imaginar, luego a jugar, escaramuzas donde reclutamos juguetes para formar intrépidos ejércitos imaginarios con los que hicimos la guerra. Esto implicó tres horas sólidas de intensa estrategia de combate, la suspensión de la creencia y el poder de la imaginación. Hemos adjuntado historias a estas imágenes estáticas, y eso es todo lo que he hecho desde entonces.
Polly Samson, novelista
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Fotografía: Linda Nylind / The Guardian
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Tu bebé y tu hijo por Penélope Leach Pienso en otro momento en el que parecía que nunca podría volver a salir de la casa. Cornualles, un chalet en un hueco oscuro rodeado de bosques en el asaltante días después del nacimiento de mi primer hijo, nuestro horizonte oculto detrás de grandes nubes de lluvia oscura, noviembre, barro, charcos, vientos amargo. El libro que luego prometió horizontes más amplios fue Penélope Leach. Tu bebé Y niño. La suya es una voz tan sensible, tranquilizadora y anti-consumista (no es necesario comprar cosas especiales, fabricar juguetes a partir de desechos) e incluye el mejor consejo que he dado, que es entrenar a su hijo lo antes posible para saborear la manzana y el queso porque entonces puede ir a cualquier parte sin problemas. Estoy encerrado con este hijo y su esposa y su bebé, y ahora sueño con el día en que mi nieta y yo podamos irnos de forma segura con nuestra manzana y nuestro queso.
Esther Duflo, economista
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Fotografía: Joseph Prezioso / AFP a través de Getty Images
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Familia al azar por Adrian Nicole LeBlanc y Detrás de los hermosos eternos por Katherine Boo He dedicado mi vida al estudio de los pobres y la forma en que viven sus vidas. Dos libros sobre los que leí al mismo tiempo, aunque fueron escritos en diferentes momentos, afectaron profundamente mi perspectiva. A partir de 1990, Adrian Nicole LeBlanc pasó 10 años inmersa en la vida de un clan extendido (la familia "aleatoria" en el título se refiere al conjunto de los lazos que las personas vinculan con amigos, novios, parientes) en el Bronx, Nueva York. LeBlanc escribe sobre la vida de un elenco de personajes interconectados, dándoles una profundidad y una sensación de tragedia que te hacen pensar en el rico mundo de las novelas en expansión de Balzac. Katherine Boo habla de la vida en un barrio pobre de Bombay, escondido del viajero en la autopista del aeropuerto por vallas publicitarias. Una vez más, los personajes principales llevan una vida complicada y gratificante, llena de agencia y autonomía, pero también limitada por estructuras políticas y económicas. Mi propio trabajo se basa en datos más que en los detalles de un destino, pero trato de poner el respeto y la dignidad en el centro de lo que hago. Leer estos libros fue como ver mi trabajo en un espejo, comenzando con el individuo para reflexionar sobre lo general. También me enseñó el profundo poder de la empatía, algo que he tratado de mantener conmigo desde entonces.
Jon Sopellocutor de noticias
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Fotografía: Alan Davidson / SilverHub / REX / Shutterstock
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El artista del tatuaje de Auschwitz por Heather Morris Leí mucho durante este tiempo cuando estaba solo en Washington DC, incluyendo El artista del tatuaje de Auschwitz, que había recogido en un aeropuerto pero que aún no había leído. Eso realmente me ayudó a poner en contexto las privaciones del bloqueo de Covid. Sospecho que si lo hubiera leído cuando se lanzó por primera vez, la gravedad y la maldad de la decoración me habrían conmovido, pero la historia realmente se refiere a la naturaleza indomable del espíritu. humano, cómo incluso en las peores circunstancias humanas es un espacio de compasión y una red de esperanza. No estoy seguro de que esta novela haya ampliado mis horizontes, pero al enfrentar otro día y otra noche sin hablar con otro humano en persona, me sentí desconectado de mi familia y preocupado por lo que iba a suceder, este libro me hizo recordar lo afortunado que soy.
Lisa Taddeo, autora de Tres mujeres
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Fotografía: Christopher Beauchamp / The Observer
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Las pequeñas virtudes por Natalia Ginzburg Natalia Ginzburg & # 39; s Las pequeñas virtudes Abrí los ojos a la forma en que pensaba sobre el dolor, al entendimiento de que mi propio dolor era microscópico en el gran esquema. Claro, era "autoabsorción 101", pero fue temprano en la vida cuando leí Ginzburg y sentí que mi cerebro crecía debajo de él. sabiduría tranquila Solo recordaba todo el libro, su obra maestra; Fue solo cuando lo volví a leer, esta vez como esposa y madre, que noté las pequeñas y gigantescas evisceraciones. Hay un pasaje que comienza: "Mi esposo murió en Roma, en la prisión de Regina Coeli … Ante el horror de su muerte solitaria … Me pregunto si nos pasó a nosotros, a nosotros , que compró naranjas a Giro y salió a caminar por la nieve. "Si lo lees una y otra vez, entonces lee las obras alegres que precedieron a este horror, que hicieron que el horror fuera aún más horrible, podrías escucharlo decir, como yo, que la vida es extremadamente fría y, a veces, eso también la hace hermosa. Y puedes sentir, como yo, que Ginzburg es uno de los mejores escritores que haya vivido, que también murió mientras 39, ella vivió.
Patrice Lawrence, autor de Orangeboy
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Fotografía: Simone Padovani / Awakening / Getty Images
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Reel to Real: raza, sexo y clase en el cine. por bell hooks Descubrí accidentalmente bell hooks en mis treinta años mientras estudiaba para una maestría en escritura de guiones. Ella desafió la forma en que realicé un "salto étnico" para sumergirme en la cultura dominante. Me encantaron las películas de los 80 como Bonita en rosa y El club del desayuno, pero para identificarme con estos personajes, tuve que fingir que era blanco. (¿Una niña negra como deportista o princesa? Esta es una película completamente diferente). Romcoms me dijo que las chicas negras como yo no podían ser protagonistas románticas. Nuestra mayor aspiración debería ser un "compañero descarado". (O el cuarto tipo suscrito en cazadores de fantasmas.) Hooks me enseñó que mi punto de vista es válido y que una representación auténtica y matizada es esencial.
Paul Dolan, psicólogo y escritor
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Fotografía: Jeremy Baile
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John Stuart mill. Fotografía: Corbis a través de Getty Images
Sobre la libertad por John Stuart Mill Leí esto como un estudiante de nivel A y me dejó alucinado. Es increíble que los problemas planteados en un libro de 160 años estén directamente relacionados con la forma en que lidiamos con los problemas más acuciantes de nuestro tiempo, incluido Covid-19.
Kapka Kassabova, poeta y autor.
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Fotografía: Murdo Macleod / The Guardian
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Mitos y leyendas de la antigua Grecia. (1979) Mi copia de la infancia fue ilustrada con escenas de cerámica antiguas, a menudo eróticas, frescos y bajorrelieves, y traducida al búlgaro de una edición soviética anterior de Nikolai Kun, publicada en Moscú en 1957. Las imágenes de Quirón el centauro y su alumno Ulises, o el objetivo de las arpías aladas se queman en mí. Se derrumbó en la columna vertebral pero no perdió nada de su poder. Siempre lo abro al azar y surco las olas de estas primeras historias humanas que ya contienen toda la literatura.
Onjali Q Raúf, activista y autor.
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Fotografía: Waterstones / PA
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Mi vida en el camino por Gloria Steinem Este es el libro que inició mil y un nuevos incendios debajo de mí y me hizo repensar la lucha por la igualdad de las mujeres bajo una nueva luz. Steinem nunca dudó en contar historias de mujeres cuyas diferencias con su propia posición privilegiada en la vida significaron reconfigurar la lucha por la igualdad. Este libro es básicamente un homenaje profundamente personal y magnífico para ellos. Atraviesa el largo y desigual camino que Steinem tomó para mantener los problemas de las mujeres en la vanguardia del pensamiento político, y muestra claramente que es un camino construido por muchas manos, perteneciente a mujeres cuyos nombres no aparecen en los libros de historia ni en ninguna de las salas de renombre, pero que merecen ser conocidas y honradas. Una copia firmada (comprada unos minutos después de enterarse de ello en 2016) se encuentra orgullosamente en mi estante, lista para recordarme que los horizontes están aquí para ser cambiados, y para mejor.
Hallie Rubenhold, historiadora y autora.
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Fotografía: Steven May / Alamy Foto de stock
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Familia, sexo y matrimonio en Inglaterra, 1500-1800 por Lawrence Stone Me ha encantado la historia desde que era niña, pero no fue hasta muy tarde en mis estudios universitarios que decidí que quería estudiarla por mi cuenta. profesión. Es el libro que abrió la puerta a este camino. Fue una revelación completa para mí. Hasta entonces, no había apreciado realmente que la historia social, o el examen de la experiencia de la vida cotidiana, fuera un área legítima de investigación. El trabajo de Stone ha respondido a muchas de mis preguntas básicas sobre los fundamentos de la vida en el período moderno temprano; todo, desde cómo los hombres y las mujeres se percibían a sí mismos y a los demás, hasta lo que pensaban de sus cuerpos y cómo experimentaban amor o pérdida. Estaba impresionado. Finalmente, esto destacó mi pasión por la microhistoria centrada en el ser humano.
Adam Rutherford, genetista y autor
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Fotografía: Richard Saker / The Observer
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Leviatán por Paul Auster Creo que debería elegir un libro de Darwin, cuyas palabras definieron mi adultez profesional. O algo de ciencia ficción o cómics que me enseñó a empujar, empujar y probar el universo: Alan Moore, Stan Lee o Kurt Vonnegut. Pero Paul Auster Leviatán me abrió el mundo Es la historia de vidas vividas, amistades y amor, todo tallado en un meandro por el azar cósmico, el azar y el fracaso, y la naturaleza evasiva de la verdad. Es la narración de estas historias lo que es importante, más que la historia misma, y ​​para mí, todas estas ideas son la base de la ciencia y la exploración. También me enseñó la importancia singular de las líneas del frente: "Hace seis días, un hombre se inmoló al lado de una carretera en el norte de Wisconsin …" la única pregunta es "¿por qué?"
Michelle Paver, autora infantil
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Fotografía: Pako Mera / Alamy Foto de stock
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El espiritu en la cueva por David Lewis-Williams Me encantan las pinturas rupestres desde mi infancia, pero este emocionante libro ha transformado mis ideas sobre la Edad de Piedra. Lewis-Williams imagina a antiguos chamanes que ingresan a las cuevas más profundas e inaccesibles para interactuar con los espíritus. Sugiere que pueden haber percibido las paredes de la cueva como una especie de membrana entre su mundo y los espíritus, y por lo tanto crearon sus pinturas como un medio para estimularlas. Un antropólogo prominente, también es un escritor formidable, y cuando el libro fue lanzado en 2002, lo devoré de un solo golpe. Un año después, comencé a escribir. Hermano lobo.
Anne Enright, novelista
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Fotografía: Patrick Bolger / The Guardian
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Trilogía Memoria del Fuego por Eduardo Galeano A mediados de la década de 1980, cuando el realismo mágico tenía su día, me encontré con el trabajo de Eduardo Galeano, un escritor uruguayo que mezcló la historia y el mito de una manera que dio un vuelco. hacia lo real. Era como un Márquez más arraigado, se podría decir, y también había pistas de John Berger. El suyo Memoria de fuego Trilogía (1982-86) es un mosaico de pequeñas historias de la historia latinoamericana. Cada viñeta es lírica y clara, y el resultado es una obra de arte que desafía el género. Si un libro es un mundo, el mundo que contienen estos libros es detallado y vasto. Me ha llevado mucho tiempo viajar de una manera que, me di cuenta más tarde, no es realmente posible. Cuando viajas, solo ves lo que es visible, y aunque puede ser encantador, no te cambia. Con un escritor como Galeano, no eres un turista o un extraño, eres una especie de participante. Después de leerlos, sentí que el mundo era un lugar más grande de lo que nunca podría saber.
Konnie Huq, autor de niños
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Fotografía: Ken McKay / ITV / REX / Shutterstock
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Nuevo mundo valiente por Aldous Huxley Lo leí por primera vez en la escuela secundaria en sexto grado. Era un adolescente de los años 90, usaba Levis 501 y trataba desesperadamente de encajar. Escrito en 1931, el libro se adelantó a su tiempo en más de un sentido. Ubicada en 2540, esta es una sociedad en la que se fomenta activamente el consumo sin sentido. Desde una edad temprana, los niños aprenden "riqueza y no puntadas": tirar cosas y comprar más para inyectar dinero en el sistema. Es un mundo en el que las personas son manipuladas. Luego hice una disertación sobre consumismo y "querer la creación" como parte de mi título en economía y compré menos de 501. Además, no compro casi nada excepto comida.
Greg Jenner, historiador y autor.
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Fotografía: James Gifford-Mead
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Los caminos de la seda: una nueva historia del mundo por Peter frankopan Nunca romántico ingenuo, espero que cada libro cambie mi forma de pensar, pero a veces hay cambiadores de juego. Peter frankopan Los caminos de seda golpeame en el costado. Leerlo fue una experiencia humillante que reveló la vasta grieta de mi ignorancia. Como historiador público, pensé que estaba haciendo un buen trabajo para avanzar en la conversación más allá de los nazis y los Tudor, pero de repente me di cuenta de que apenas cubría dos tercios del planeta. Desde que lo leí, he estado presionando para incluir una historia más global en mis podcasts, libros, programas de radio y en el Historias horribles Series de television. Y si estoy nervioso por saber si hay apetito por historias desconocidas, informo las ventas de libros de Frankopan de 2 millones de libras.
Cressida Cowell, autora infantil
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Fotografía: Antonio Olmos / The Observer
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La estepa interminable por Esther Hautzig Mi maestro me leyó este libro en voz alta cuando tenía unos 10 años. Esta es Esther Rudomin, quien fue transportada desde Polonia a un campo de trabajo en Siberia por el régimen ruso en 1941, con su familia, por ser "capitalistas". La historia de Esther realmente resonó porque tenía 10 años como yo, pero pasó por dificultades y pruebas que eran inimaginables para una niña pequeña que crecía, como yo, en un ambiente cómodo. Londres en tiempos de paz. Los libros leídos en voz alta por un adulto viven contigo toda tu vida, como lo hizo este libro conmigo.
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readerfromjupiter · 4 years
The Autograph Seeker - A Review
The Autograph Seeker – A Review
Hello everyone! ❤️
After a break of four months and five days, I’m back with another review! *smiling*
Today, I’m writing the review of Tony V Francis’s “The Autograph Seeker”. 
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      About the book
  During the British rule in India, fate throws together a diverse cast onto the stage of the San Souci Theatre: the Kohinoor of Bengal theatre, Esther Leach; James Barry, the theatre manager facing…
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Petition to free Rebecca Nurse after she was accused of witchcraft in March of 1692:
"We whose nams Are heareunto subscribed being desired by goodman Nurse to declare what we knewe concerning his wives conversation for time past: we cane testyfie to all whom it may concerne that we have knowne her for: many years and Acording to our observation her: Life and conversation was Acording to her profession and we never had Any: cause or grounds to suspect her of Any such thing as she is nowe Acused of
*Israel Porter
*Elizibeth porter
*Edward beshep sen
*hana beshep
*Joshua Rea
*Sarah Rea
*Sarah leach
*john putnam sen.
*Rebeckh putnam
*Joseph hucheson sen:
*leda hucheson
*Joseph holten sen
*Sarah holten
*Daniell Andrew
*Sara andrew
*Jonathan Putnam
*lydia putnam
*Walter Phillipps senior
*Nathaniel Felton Sen:
*margaret Philips
*Taitha phillipps
*Joseph houlton Junior
*Sam'll Endecott
*Elizabeth buxtston
*Samuel aborn senr
*Isaack Cooke
*benjaman putnam
*Sarah putnam
*Job Swinerton
*Esther Swinerton
*Joseph herrick sen
*Samuell Sibley
*hephzibah Rea
*Elisabeth Cooke
*William Osborne
*hanah osborne
*Daniell Rea
*Sarah putnam
*Joseph Putman"
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neva8thday · 7 years
The Eternals Ch.1 Part 2
“James! Don’t you see, we’re going to be superheroes!”
“Ty! For the last time that was not us!”
“Then what was it?”
“I don’t know, but it wasn’t us!” James glared at his brother as the younger blonde bounced on his heels.
“We’re going to be like Atomica, or Freedom Fighter! My life is now complete.”
“For the love of God just sit down, have breakfast and act like nothing happened!”
Ty frowned, “Fine. Do we have any more cereal?”
“It’s on the table.”
“…But that’s special K.”
James rolled his eyes, “What’s wrong with Special K?”
“It’s healthy.”
“Oh, and that automatically makes it taste bad?”
James sighed, “Well that’s all we have, so eat it.”
“It’s all we have because you dumped the rest on the floor.”
“That wasn’t me!”
Ty threw his hands up, “Okay, fine, God. Don’t act like some chick on PMS, it was just a joke.”
“Just eat your cereal!” The special K flew off the table and smacked Ty in the face.
“OW! Man, What was that for?”
James took a step back, “I-I didn’t do that.”
“Yes you di-“ Ty stomped his foot only to fall through the floor.
“Shit! Ty!”
“I’m okay.” Ty’s voice was faint but James could hear it, “I’m in the basement. I landed on some boxes.”
Before James could respond there was a knock at the door.
James took a breath and walked to the entrance, “Hello, can I help … you?” James had to admit, it had been a weird morning with flying cereal and his brother falling through solid objects, but this just might take the cake. The prettiest, spunkiest, coolest girl in his school was standing on his porch.
“Did you finish the homework last night?” Esther got straight to the point.
“I … uh … What?” Come on James! Use that honor roll brain of yours!
Esther cocked an eyebrow, “You were at the museum last night for Ms. Calium’s worksheet on the new exhibit. Did you finish it?”
James frowned, he couldn’t really remember. When he had thought about it earlier that morning and couldn’t come up with an answer, he had thought it was because he had just woken up. Now he realized that he couldn’t recall much of anything from last night besides fighting with Ty over something. “I don’t know. I’ll go check.”
“And you’re going to leave me standing out here like a lawn ornament?”
“No!” James quickly stepped to the side, “Come in. I’ll go get the homework.”
As Esther passed, James could smell the sweet scent of her perfume and his heart rate jumped. Oh Lord please don’t let anything bad happen. He thought as he climbed the stairs to his room.
Esther waited in the foyer of the Wyatt house. She gazed around at the off white walls and cement floor. It was very contemporary and reminded her of the home renovation shows on trutv If only I could take the time to enjoy it. Her heart was still racing from the events of the morning. That and the situation Esther had put herself in.
“How exactly am I supposed to do this? Just walk up to James and say, ‘Hey, a bunch of sci-fi crap happened to me this morning. Do you know anything about that, because you were at the museum last night too.’” Esther sighed, “No matter what I say I’m going to sound like an idiot.”
“James!” The yell had come from the small dark door underneath the stairs. Several thumps emitted from the other side of the door before it swung open with surprising force. Out came a young blonde who’s attention was directed more to his leg than the girl in his house. Though Esther had to admit, that’s where her attention was at now too.
The boy had a cardboard box stuck through his leg, but not like he had kicked it through the cardboard. His leg of fused through it. “James! Seriously I can’t get this stupid-“
“What. the. fuck.”
The boy’s head shot up to meet Esther’s gaze. He quickly swung his leg behind him trying to hide his … problem. “S’up girl. How you doin’?”
“James! Get your nerdy ass down here!”
James quickly stumbled down the stairs, “What’s wrong?”
“Care to explain that.” Esther pointed a slender finger to the basement doorway.
“Ty! What did you do?!”
Ty threw his hands up, “I didn’t do anything! I didn’t even know Esther was here. How was I supposed to guess that? Esther Heart is the most popular girl in school. There is no way she’d know where you live.” Ty’s eyes widened as he came to a realization. He smirked, dragging himself, box and all over to Esther. “Unless you know where I live.”
Esther answered with a sound of disgust. She grabbed the side of Ty’s head and pushed him away.
Ty tripped over his box leg and landed on his back. The shock wave of his fall knocked his leg out of the box. “Ha!Ha! Freedom!”
“Ty!” Warned James. He was getting frustrated. His hands were balled, his jaw clenched, and … the pictures were floating off the walls?
When James noticed the pictures his eyes widened and all the pictures fell to the floor. Esther raised an eyebrow, “So…This normal?”
James rubbed his neck, “Uh…No. Look Esther, I know we don’t know each other that well but please don’t say anything to anyone.”
“Don’t worry honor roll, my morning has resembled a sci-fi film too.”
“Wow! Really?” Ty smiled at Esther, “What’ve you been doing?”
“I blew up my coffee table, leached my phone battery when I called Jasmine for your address, I had to walk here because I drained my car battery, and every time I touch a light switch the fuse blows.”
Ty’s face fell. He looked at Esther, the switch behind her, then back again. He carefully took her by the shoulders and move her over one step. “There!” A bright smile returned to his face.
James face palmed and Esther groaned, “Is you brother serious?”
“Hey! I’m just being careful!”
“Okay look,” Esther said, “I don’t know about you two, but I was normal yesterday.”
“We were too.” answered James.
“Yeah, it was boring.”
Esther raised an eyebrow at Ty, “Whatever. We were all at the museum last night. I don’t remember what happened when we were there, but we were there.”
James started thinking, “And that’s the only place all of us were together. What ever made this happen to us must have happened at the museum.”
“Hey James?” Ty looked at his brother, “Wasn’t that jock at the museum with us?”
“Oh, no.”
“Shit.” Esther threw open the front door. “Come on. I know where Dallas lives. We’ll take your car.”
Ty started laughing, “You think my brother has a car!”
“Seriously?” asked Esther, “You’re a senior in high school, with a lawyer and doctor as parents, and you don’t have a car?”
James was rubbing his neck again, “Uh…yeah.”
Esther sighed, “No. That’s fine. I love walking.”
This was not how James imagined how his first real day out with Esther would go. He had always thought that if he was lucky enough for it to happen, they’d go to a movie or something. His brother definitely wouldn’t be there, and he definitely wouldn’t be talking about superheroes.
“We could be on magazine covers. Oh! and they’ll make action figures of us, and we’ll have our own fan clubs, and-“
“Ty, shut up. We’re not going to be superheroes.”
Ty frowned, “You’re just a stick in the mud. I bet Esther wants to be a hero.”
“No, I don’t.”
“What! Why?”
“That’s not my job, there’s already heroes in New York. Besides, I’m fine with my life the way it is. The sooner we fix this the better.”
“You’re both boring. I bet Dallas will be a hero with me. How long till we get to his house?”
Esther rolled her eyes, “Just around the corner.”
Ty sprinted off down the road and out of sight.
“Ty, wait!” James kneaded his knuckles into his temples in frustration, “It’s like he’s five instead of fifteen.”
Esther smirked, “Did he fall and hurt himself as a child?”
James chuckled, “No, but he did fall through the floor this morning.”
Esther giggled at the thought. She busted out laughing though when they turned the corner. Ty was spinning around in a circle trying to figure out which house was the one they were looking for.
Ty noticed the duo and stopped, “I’m lost.”
Esther laughed harder. “Oh, God. Breath. I need it.”  She stumbled over to the stoop of a red brick town house. She took a moment to gather herself before climbing the steps. “Come on you two. This is it.”
James and Ty followed up the steps behind Esther as she knocked on the dark colored door. For a moment nothing happened, then it slowly opened.
A little asian girl looked up at the three teens with big eyes.  It only took a moment for a huge toothy smile to fill her face. “Hello.”
“Hello.” smiled James, “Is Dallas here?” a flash of movement caught his attention. He looked behind the girl in the doorway to see another little girl, a brunette, peeking around the edge of the door.
James’ attention returned to the first girl as she started talking, “He says he doesn’t feel good. He’s in his room.”
Esther kneeled down to the girl’s eye level, “We think we might know what’s wrong with your brother. Can we come in to see him?”
“You can make him better?”
“We’ll try our best.”
The girls face squished up as she thought a moment. She finally turned to her sister who was still peeking at the trio. The brunette looked over the three. James couldn’t help but feel like his entire being was being evaluated by a five year old girl.
Ty on the other hand just smiled and waved.
The brunette turned back to her sister and gave a little nod.
The oriental girl turned back to them, “You can come in. I’m Tony, This is Talia. And I know we don’t look alike. I look like daddy, she looks like mommy. So can you not say it like everyone else does?”
“Don’t worry. We won’t.” Esther and James walked into the house like civilized people, Ty jumped through the doorway.
“You two are so cute, like oompa loompas!”
“Could you control your brother?”
“If I could do that I would have done it by now.” James grabbed Ty’s arm and lead him up the steps.
“His rooms the third door on the left.” explain Esther.
“How do you know that?” asked Ty.
“I’ve been to a party here before, plus Jasmine tried to hook us up.”
James felt his heart drop, “You two dated?”
“No. I’m not his type.” She knocked gently on the bedroom door, “Dallas? Ya’ decent. Cause I’m coming in.”
“W-Who’s there?”
“Esther. I’m with king of the nerds and his little brother.”
There was a long pause before Dallas finally gave them permission to enter his room. When they did, the three found Dallas sitting on his bed just staring at the wall.
“Dallas, dude, you okay?” asked Ty.
“The cracks.”
James raised an eyebrow, “What?”
“The wall. There’s cracks. So many cracks.”
“Uh, I don’t see anything dude.”
“Cracks and chips and ridges. A layer of grime and it won’t go away. I can’t stop seeing it. Make it go away, please help me.”
Esther and James looked at each other, “It almost sounds like he’s looking at paint under a microscope.”
Esther frowned, she walked over to Dallas and sat next to him. “Dallas, close your eyes.”
“I tried that. It didn’t work.”
“Just close your eyes okay.” Dallas did as told, “Deep breaths, think about what your wall normally looks like.”
“O-okay.” He took a deep breath before opening his eyes. He immediately looked around the room, “Oh my God you fixed it.”
“Really? I just guessed.”
“How’d you do that?”
Ty smiled, “We all woke up with superpowers. Not that we can control them ya’ know, so we’re all in the same boat as you.”
“We think whatever caused this happened at the museum last night. Do you remember anything?” asked James.
“Didn’t that space rock start glowing?”
“Oh my God! We have space powers!”
“Ty, shut up.”
“You keep telling me to shut up, James. It’s not going to work.”
Chapter 1 Pt.1: https://neva8thday.tumblr.com/post/164881739008/the-eternals-ch1-part-1 
Chapter 1 Pt.3: https://neva8thday.tumblr.com/post/164953722958/the-eternals-ch1-part-3 
Summary: https://neva8thday.tumblr.com/post/164812536083/the-eternals 
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izatrini · 5 years
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303 Style Profile – Esther Lee Leach Founder of Cherry Creek Fashion - 303 Magazine http://dlvr.it/R5GlNX http://dlvr.it/R5GlNX
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banglapdfebook · 5 years
The Autograph Seeker
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Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] – Details)
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During the British rule of India, fate throws together a diverse cast onto the stage of the San Souci Theater- Esther Leach, the Kohinoor of Bengal theater, James Barry, the theater manager facing bankruptcy, Alice Anderson the enchanting Englishwomen estranged from her husband, and Baboo Bustomchurn Addy, the dark Bengali…
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pplindex · 7 years
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two rehearsal shots for Embarrassed of the Whole’s process Presenting As Michael DiPietro during Food for Thought at Danspace (bottom photo by Michael DiPietro) with ensemble comprised by Jessica Bathurst, Lorene Bouboushian, LJ Leach, Thea Little, Ellen O’Meara, Dave Ruder, Jeff Tobias as well as OO’s Esther Neff, Brian McCorkle, and Kaia Gilje 01/10/2017
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tsgdenvercolorado · 5 years
SHOP // ANDRISEN MORTON is hosting a Head-to-Toe trunk show Friday, April 19th and Saturday, April 20th with Boglioli, Eton, Zanella, and Trask.
Another anniversary sale is at HOMEFEST this weekend through Monday, April 22nd. In honor of 25 years in business, they are offering 25% off floral purchases of $100 or more, including custom arrangements. Use web code 25YEARS if shopping online.
VISIT // TANSEY CONTEMPORARY presents a solo exhibition for Fort Collins-based artist Carol Shinn April 20-May 27, 2019 as well as works based in photography by Australian glass artist Lisa Cahill and Canadian textile artist Lesley Richmond. Join us for Carol Shinn's opening reception on Saturday, April 20 from 1:30 to 3:30!  
TASTE // Wander + Ivy will be having a tasting at Westwood Liquor on Saturday, April 20th 3-4pm.
CELEBRATE // Have a night out with Denver’s leading ladies in politics at ATC | DEN for Women in Power on Monday, April 22nd 7-9pm.  Panelists include Jamie Giellis, Lisa Calderon, Peg Perl, and Candi Cdebaca.
LEARN // How to Build a Brand from the Ground Up with Esther Leach from Cherry Creek Fashion Magazine at RISE Collaborative Workspace on Wednesday, April 24th 8:30am. In the world of social media and so many direct-to-consumer brands, it can sometimes feel like it is hard to cut through the noise. Learning how to create buzz and momentum are incredibly important when building a brand. Come learn from Esther how she carved out a space for herself and her new brand Cherry Creek Fashion Magazine, in a crowded industry no less! Hear about the steps to take and what to consider when building a brand from the ground up.
STYLE // Tina Friedman of STYLE TM is hosting a Spring Fashion event on Thursday, April 25th 6-8pm. Join her and Ashley Schenkein and Simple Beauty Makeup for the best style, jewelry & glam inspiration for all your Spring adventures.
GLOW // Rejuvenate winter skin in time for spring with a skincare routine that isn’t complicated. Après with Halcyon and Glow Facial Bar in Halcyon’s Living Room for an hour of small bites and complimentary beer, wine and a specialty spring cocktail Thursday, April 25 from 5-6pm.
Skilled estheticians will answer all of your questions, from what you should use to nourish and nurture your skin to what skincare products are actually worth your money. Plus indulge in a moisturizing, anti-aging hand treatment!
SAVE // VASU SKIN SOLUTIONS has a couple of great April specials for you: Buy a 6-pack of SilkPeel for $750 (a buy 5, get 1 free deal) and 15% off face and/or neck laser hair removal package.
GIVE // PLUM SAGE FLOWERS is Introducing the Plum Sage “Locally Grown” special. Every month they will feature a flower that is currently growing locally and offer a gorgeous vase filled with them in their online shop.
Live. Love. Local. Leigh
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budaallmusic · 6 years
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Mike Westbrook ‎– Live #CadillacRecords ‎1973 UK Bass, Flute, Performer [Pongo Stick] – #ButchPotter Design [Sleeve Design] – Alan Jackson Drums, Alto Saxophone – #AlanJackson Electric Piano, Harmonica – #MikeWestbrook Guitar – #GaryBoyle Photography By – #RogerPerry Photography By [Band Photo] – #JimThorington Recorded By – Nigel Leach (tracks: A1, A3, B1, B2), William Capon (tracks: A2) Saxophone [Electric] – #GeorgeKhan Sleeve Notes – Esther Ripley https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqns6XjAU5l/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zc232yex15we
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