#eternal sakura rumor
Sakura Photoshoot! 🌸
I noticed Sakura would look amazing with this event's background and I took a few ss 🌸
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Sleeping Beauty 🌸
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Bonus: Here's Ui!
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Feel free to use them if you like ☺️
Also... I love this feature, so if you want to see more ss with a theme + meguca let me know and I'll try to make it 🥰
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harvestmoth · 11 hours
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anyways !! her :]
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puellatransparents · 1 year
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Magia Record Rumor and Uwasa Transparents Part 1
Requested by @squidink18
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neptunemagia · 2 years
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yacchannanamin · 2 years
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Favorite Magia Record quest victory quotes 51/91
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saintbarou · 2 years
tags: 18+ minors dni, stepcest, fingering, squirting, corruption, virginity, infidelity, overstimulation, mention of m! receiving oral but does NOT happen...ayato calls himself your father and calls you his daughter because he’s a freak!! mot actually related. age gap mentioned, arranged marriage.
synopsis: i’m starving, darling. let me put my lips to something. let me wrap my teeth around the world - when your mother marries a man one year your senior you begin something that will last an eternity.
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When you return, you find out your mother was to marry the Yashiro Commissioner, Kamisato Ayato and that your families were to be joined - you only took the news with a stiff smile and a nod to your head. With the passing of your father, the relationship between you and your mother dissipated into something sour and mist-like. She wasn’t always like this, maybe your father was the only thing in the world that could make her happy but when he left this world it seems so did the person she was once, all that was left is the vapid and vain shell of a woman you’ve never met before.
This world gives and this world takes, it took your father away and gave you the beginnings of the next phase of your life. 
One where you have to call a man one year your senior father, who married a woman only enough to be his mother. The wedding ceremony was fast and happened in a blur, something so unlike the rest of the world created by Inazuman customs and it’s only when you move into the Kamisato estate is when you finally have a moment with your stepfather and mother. It appears Lord Kamisato has set his foot down to have quality time as a family. His little sister, Lady Ayaka is a beacon of shining purity just like what the rumors say and her company is pleasant to put it lightly. Thoma is kind, and understanding of what this feels like, familiar with the experience of acclimating to this specific household.
Dinner is a meal most familiar to you, warm towels for your hands - tea with pickled vegetables is served first before the heavier courses of rice and meats, for now, your miso soup grows cold as you just stare at the murky contents that reflect your mind. Only your mother is eating her meal as if this was the conclusion of a normal day, and you find that Ayato also leaves his food untouched. Tentatively, your eyes rise from the cutlery on the table to meet his - and you find it hard to look away. The young Lord Kamistato has always been heard to be handsome, it is the whisper that leaves every heiress and matchmaker’s lips but you find that such remarks fade to nothing when in the presence of such beauty in the flesh. His eyes are the same soft violet of the lightning Her Excellency controls and the mole on his lip is like an inverted moon, the mark calling your eyes among the white skin of his glass skin.
Your eyes widen, flinching on your cushion when his eyes flickered to your mother's look to what’s before him and then they look up at yours.
You are seen.
How terrifying is that?
A small smile graces his face, blooming like a sakura petal and it feels like you’ve seen spring for the first time in your life. He says your name, it sounds poetic when he speaks the characters that make up the sacred name you were given at your birth. He makes conversation with you, and you find yourself smiling while actually eating - he asks about your studies, what cultural affairs you’ve mastered, and which season you like best. You fail to see how your mother watches this exchange, eyes narrowed in a venomous stare at how you quietly laugh at his quips and wit. Dinner comes and goes, all the way the coldness your mother regards you does not thaw or melt - it’s as if her heart has frozen since the day her husband was buried and nothing could change the everlasting winter that lived within her body.
It is like this when the dinner ends and she leaves first, leaving her plates there for Thoma to clean up and she stalks to her shared room with the Lord of the House and Ayato frowns, for once looking like his age and no longer like the master everyone expects him to be since the loss of his own parents. The atmosphere that was once pleasant, and almost happy faded the moment your mother stepped away from the dining room, and now the air is tense with all things unsaid.
“I’m sorry about her, my mother…she - she has not been the same since my father’s death. Please don’t hold this against her.” You say, voice quiet and polite in the way you’ve been taught to speak since you could walk. Ayato turns to look at you, and you shiver in your seat again as you are trapped by those lovely eyes once again. Is this what a butterfly on a corkboard feels like? You find his gaze terrifying as it is lovely.
“It’s quite alright, I hope you don’t mind me speaking plainly but this was an advantageous match for me. I have no intentions of loving your mother, like the way your father did. I do not think there will ever be another man for your mother that could fill the hole of a husband as he could.” He explains, wiping his mouth with a napkin in the smooth and pristine way men of his class only could and you find yourself nodding.
“You would be correct in that assumption. She was changed much by the loss of my father and I understand this was arranged, all that I can ask is that you take care of her to the best of your abilities. I pray that is not too much to ask.” You say, inclining your head to show your respect to him, both as the husband to your mother and as the master of your new home. You can’t see how this makes him ball his fists under the table, knuckles growing white at your soft and delicate speech. Your mother was known for her ways, grief made her lose all her wits, and many men find her not to be a respectable match despite the wealth she carries both from her own blood and that of her previous husband. It is because of how she carries herself it has made many men, many fine suitors turn their eyes away from you despite how well of a match you would make for another man. Mayhaps that is why he took this match, you now being…his daughter in the legal sense could make you find a good match, and take you away from your mother and her wretchedness.
He blames his sympathy for women on his little sister, finds much of her traits that people love in you, and wants to sponsor your own growth so you may grow into a finer woman than you already are.
“Of course, and please do understand that I will take care of you in any capacity. I understand that me being your father may be uncomfortable for you but I do believe that every young woman should have a male figure that she could rely on entirely. I will do my best to fill such a role for you in the most respectful capacity. I do not wish to replace your father, I just want you to know I am here for you in any way you would like me to be.” He explains, rising from his position as head of the table and reaching out a hand to help you rise from your own seat. 
He lets you fit your arm into the crook of his elbow and begins to lead you away from the dining room and to the bed chambers part of the manor and he nods when he sees Thoma once again taking the cutlery away. Ayato finds it difficult to walk faster, your company is so sweet it reminds him of the red bean mochi his mother made for him on his 12th birthday before she grew too frail to see him for his 13th. Your perfume fills his senses on the last turn to your new room, it sweetly makes its way past his cheek when you tuck a lock of hair behind your ear, and he finds his eyes tracing the line of your neck as you turn to bid him goodnight with a smile.
You step into your room, and the shoji board slides shut marking the end to a moment he truly wished was a moment more eternal. He makes to turn and makes his way to his own bed chambers he shares with your mother, and the towering castle of Tenshukaku is all he sees. In a moment of pure weakness as he will call this moment when morning comes and he prays - prays to his god that is most closest onto heaven and prays that you could be his rather than the woman in his bed. 
The night does not go well for you, despite being dressed in your favorite sleeping yukata -  the fabric of soft and loose against your body and does nothing to aid you in sleeping tonight. You think of your mother, of your father, and of Ayato. You fall into a trance of almost sleep and almost awake, every time you nod off you would wake to the image of your mother shouting at you and how Ayato smiled at you. Sitting up from your futon you sigh, bringing your hands to your face and shaking your head as the all too familiar stinging in your eyes makes embarrassment fill you from the inside out.
 The only thing that soothes you in times like these was a stroll through the gardens of your home, counting the petals of the tsubaki when they are in bloom but this isn’t your home and you don’t know if there will be tsubaki petals to count when you arrive to the beautiful gardens you saw when you had first arrived. The moon is full, high in the sky, and through the shoji boards that make up your window you can see the branches of the tree in the gardens move in the gentle wind almost as if it waves you, beseeching you to see the garden in all its glory and who are you to deny what is asked of you? The manor looks different in the dark than in the light of day, no candles are here to guide you but the moon and you find yourself on the porch looking out at the blue flowers that glow in the night with a soft small.
The natural beauty of the world always soothes you in a way nothing else can and it can be seen in the smile you wear as bright and as high as the moon in the sky that watches over you. You are so entranced you don’t hear the footsteps on the tatami mats behind you nor the steps on the wood paneling until you hear the voice that has haunted you tonight since dinner started.
“You shouldn’t be here so late at night,” Ayato says, voice low and firm, his arms crossed over his chest as he looks you over. Your hair is down, no longer done in the style you had it in the day and you have forgone the beautifully designed kimono instead you wear a plain white yukata made for sleeping. He finds how cruelly unfair it is that you are ethereal in this state of undress  - there is a lump in his throat, your eyes shine in the light of the moon and he finds that he wants you more than he has wanted anything else before. You look back at him over your shoulder, your smile falling at how the man that has haunted you stands before you in all his otherworldly beauty and your throat aches with all that is inside you begging to be freed.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t sleep and I always come out to the garden when that happens.” You apologize, hands folded in your lap as you direct your eyes to fall where it is your hands are situated. Ayato’s eyes trace your figure that is bathed most intimately by the light of the moon with the same heat of the lightning that forks through the Inazuman sky and sighs deep from within. This is a joke, a cruel twist of fate that must be punishment for either his actions or that of his ancestors - that he wants you as the ocean waves want for the shores but can’t have you but must keep you close by the title of family.
“You must not do this again, the Kamisato family has many rivals. Doing this without a guard would prove to be lethal for you.” He lectures, sounding every bit of the elder brother he is, and though he speaks of dangerous, dark things you can’t help but feel at ease with him so near. Ayato is a pillar - in the realm of a beautiful dream that is this nation, a pillar in his house’s affairs, and now he is a pillar to your family. It should trouble you how easily you trust this man that was a stranger a week ago but now you find yourself wanting for him the way fire begs for wood to burn.
“You are right, forgive my lack of foresight my lord. It won’t happen again.” You apologize, head bowing in your admittance and Ayato is not a man strong enough to not watch how your neck moves, sakura petal eyes tracing down your decolletage that is revealed by the open folds of your yukata. He takes his eyes away from the action heavily as if he has stones in his heart at the idea of not having you before him. Nudging with his head he tells you to go back inside, you only catch the mole on his lip in the light of the moon as you rise from your seat on the porch. You make your way across, until you are beside him and you freeze when you catch the scent of sakura and cypress - soft and floral but still cuts through the soft scents of the garden in which you stand.
You once heard of a story in the far regions of the Mondstat, of a snake that tempts a woman to sin the garden of the Anemo Archon and you wonder if that was not just a story but a warning. Lord Kamisato - Ayato, he requested that you call him that is so, is before you and he is as beautiful as a pearl, shining in the palm of your hand; bringing you to him like a moth to a flame.
Mayhaps the snake in the story is you - the weaker parts of you, that relish in your desire and spit on your chastity. Here, in the garden face to face with a piece of you that you aren’t familiar with and a man that brings her into the real world, you find yourself unable to leave as you drown in between the sakura petals and the cypress leaves. Ayato spoke of the danger from rival clans but really doesn’t he know he is more dangerous than any poison or assassin? With a single look, a single word, and a single passing of his perfume he leaves you in shambles, and everything about your life is swallowed by the flames and you can think about wanting him.
From his princely build to the way his hair falls and his eyes shine, he is what you most want at this moment - maybe all you will ever want for the rest of eternity. At festivals Lady Ayaka most often speaks the words most familiar to all Inazumans - We pray to our god, may all our dreams endure forever. In the past, you’d find such sentiments noble but now you can’t help but find them cruel, this must not endure - the heartbreak on your mother, the shame you both would be at the hands of should sapling bud and bloom into a flower you could never take back.
No, this must not go on from the moment you leave the garden. So why is it that you can not make the last step? You can’t leave this place, standing at his side and gazing up at him with all the wonder of first love.
“You need to go back,” Ayato says, his voice heavy when he says your name, “please go back to your chambers.” He urges, eyes locked on the shape of your lips and he curses himself for thinking about tracing the cupid bows of your lips with his tongue.
“I can’t.” Your voice wavers, shy and scared of what you are about to admit - speaking of the things that only exist in your heart makes them real and you can’t help thinking of all the repercussions this would bring if you say what is in your heart.
“Why can’t you?” Ayato asks, hand clenched in a fist and he knows the answer despite it wishing it would be anything else but the truth he knows. The Lord Kamisato is not good at dealing with the truth, all his matters are worked with the materials that lie in the shadows - deceit, manipulation, and veiled threats. All that is around you is but an illusion, only trust what is before you to be true and he desperately wishes you could be anywhere else but before him, as it is what makes the sentiment in your heart to be true.
“The same reason you came here, for me.” You say and it is like the lightning and thunder of his god have struck him down from his place in heaven to the earth. Ayato swallows, heavy and thick and he turns his gaze to look you in the eye. Oh, how lovely you are in the moonlight and Ayato does not curse himself when he thinks about how lovely you would look bathed in the candlelight laying under him in the bedding of his futon.
“Can you fault me? How do I look away now that I have seen you?” He speaks so softly you have a hard time remembering that he runs the darker underbelly of the Yashiro Commission's affairs along with the other commanders - they are the sword that Her Excellency wields in her nation and to keep the peace you can only shudder to think about what dark deals transpire in the shadows of your country.
“I feel the same, something changed tonight. I know it is for you too.” You say and it’s the best you can manage - words such as I love you, I want you, You should be mine instead of my mothers are too dangerous as if they are coated in a poison that would stop your heart should they escape your lips.
“Yes. There has been a change.” Ayato chokes out, his own admission heavy but finds whatever noble words he wanted to say do not come out. Instead, they die, turning to dust on his tongue leaving him parched for a thirst that can only be satisfied by you - your essence in him, surrounding him in a way that only the most intimate of lovers know of. All nobility leaves his lean body with each step he takes toward you, sheds off like snakeskin as he lets his hands cup your face and he finds that sin tastes of you. You gasp at the gentle touch of his kiss, the first one in life by a man and you find yourself accepting it, and the vain, vapid part of you that you have tried so hard to rein in explodes within yourself as you let your hands tremble and clutch at his own robe.
Something small and soft, an ember grows into a wildfire as his tongue swipes at your lips for entrance and your gasping mouth concedes naively as you moan into his own mouth when takes your tongue to suck on. Ayato is a teasing kisser - sucking and nipping and tracing the curves of your teeth to leave you gasping hotly at the foreign experiences that make you break out into goosebumps under the night sky in the garden. 
When he breaks away because the gods have cursed him by needing to breathe and not being able to sustain himself off of you completely, he follows each movement away with a peek at your flushed mouth. Pressing his forehead to yours he looks into your eyes, hazed and dimmed with the rush he gave you; he twitches at the thought of that being your first kiss and that tonight, if you let him he will be your first everything. You are sweeter in your affections, pressing fleeting kisses to his lips and brushing your nose to his chin as he pants back his breath, his hands still cupping your cheeks. His thumb rubs at the soft skin and he laughs under his breath quietly at the observation he makes at the moment.
“Your skin - it’s soft, like mochi.” Ayato comments, voice soft and deep, coated in desire as he presses kiss after kiss on your soft cheeks that you giggle at their plushness. You quickly shush yourself and take a quick look around.
“The guards won’t be here if that’s what you are concerning yourself with.” He says, turning his face to whisper into your ear - pressing a gentle peck against the gentle shell and humming amusedly when you gasped at the ticklish sensation. His hands have long since abandoned their hold on your face and you only squirm in their descendent as one settles at the swell of your breast. You gasp, your own soft hands coming to clutch at his wrist when Ayato lets out a pleased hum at the weight of your breast in the palm of his hand, thumb swiping at where the visible pebble of your nipple in the thin fabric.
“Have you ever been with anyone else before me tonight?” Ayato asks his voice smooth as a river and it might be from how he’s touching you, groping you with expert hands that leave you muddled and but you can only give him a soft little “what?” to his question. Ayato’s other hand soon settles itself on the curve of your hip that can’t be seen from the form of your yukata so when it is found - it leaves you trembling when his fingers trail over the curvature, even going as far to make them dig into the plush of your backside.
“I’m asking - sweet little thing if a man other than me has ever been where I am? Has a man kissed you as I have, touched you here,” he is interrupted by the harsh squeeze on your breast that makes you whine,” or there.” Ayato finishes off with a hard squeeze and light tap against your flank that makes you gasp and wilt in his hold.
“No- no one has ever- been where you are before.” You hastily say, voice high and thin as you stutter when his hands grow more and more demanding. Whining when Ayato looks into your eyes and nods when his hand goes under the folds of your yukata, your pure skin shining in the moonlight. You are soft like tsubaki petals and sweet like mochi, Ayato thinks - virginal is the word to describe you from the heat in your cheeks and the doe eyes you give him. He can see your chest in full, enticing and calling for his attention which is received in quick tugs of your tight nipples that make you gasp. Squirming against his touch, you are open to the hot open mouth kisses he places against your neck.
“No marks - please,” You gasp out, your voice withering at his ministrations and you are given a soft nod from him. His hand that was busy pawing your ass has made its way to your front, where the tie of your yukata waited to be undone by his expert hands.
“We can’t have anyone know you were with your new stepfather like this can we?” He teases, hand undoing the knot, finding its way through the silken fabric and pressing against the undergarments you wear. Stuttering at how his fingers press unto the now damp gusset of your panties, you whine into his ear.
“Don’t - don’t call yourself that right now. It’s-,” you are interrupted by the soft moan you let out when his fingers roll against the flushed pearl of your clit in your panties that only grow to be soaked at his slow ministrations. Ayato is experienced and cruel in how he plucks at your strings as if he was the finest koto player in all of the world and you, his instrument.
“It’s what my dear? It appears you’ve lost your thought.” He teases, voice dark like sin and you shudder when it is poured by a kiss at your neck and his fingers making their way past the barrier of your soaked underwear to touch your bare cunt for the first time. They swipe at your folds, collecting the clear nectar you leak so sweetly for him as he waits for you to speak again.
“It’s perverse.” You speak but it comes out like a whine, voice pitched by the haze of lust and you are helpless to how he keeps his fingers at your folds, mapping out the petals of your own flower that blooms so prettily for him. When one goes inside for the first time you squeak at the intrusion, your own hands coming to clutch at his arm as his finger is curled and pumped inside of you.
“Ah, yes it is but you see dearest,” Ayato tilts his head at you with something darker than mischief dancing in his violet eyes, “that is all more reason to call myself such a title - I fear I have quite the penchant for all things perverse.” Anything you want to say next dies on your lips as the second finger makes its way inside of you, joining the first one in how it curls against the spongy spot on your walls that he found with his expert touch. You gasp and shake as you slick his fingers more and more, to the point you wonder if what it is you two are doing can be heard from on the other side of the manor. 
You hate yourself for how you feel your cunt clench around him, slick now dripping onto the wood floor beneath you like drops of rain. His thumb aligns itself with your clit and it’s as if one had bottled the lightning that most commonly dances in the sky into your body and only now do you notice how it sings in your veins. Such is the manner of pleasure, one could assume.
Ayato has brought your face to his, violet eyes that will forever haunt gaze at the “o” of your mouth and the scrunch of your brow and he knows what is about to happen to you. The sea of pleasure crashes at your ankles and he will be the one to take you to its depths.
“Go ahead, pretty thing, fall apart for me - for your father.” You feel the saltwater of pleasure crashing onto you, it sinks into your bones - deep into the marrow that slips into each drop of blood that pumps into your heart. One of his hands, you don’t know which one comes to your mouth and steals every moan and cry you let out. It is too much pleasure, too much shock and you don’t have it in yourself to be quiet when everything feels too good for you right now. Ayato does not still his fingers, keeps them focused on the bundle of your nerves intent on making you spill across his fingers in ways that you’ve never done - not for anyone, including yourself.
When you whine against his hand, his palm as warm as the sun he only chuckles softly - the sound sends something hot into your blood and in your sore stomach as the band that had snapped rewinds again and it feels so good it aches.
“Pretty thing, I want something from you and I will have it - give your father what he wants. Be good for me.” It is as if the thunder god had struck you herself as light flashes across your eyes when the shut - squeezed tight as tears from your eyes and tears from your cunt slide out. Ayato - your stepfather’s hand is coated in your slick that shines like the petals in Chinju Forest in the light of the moon. You feel weak as if Ayato was a vampire, a demon that had sucked the life out of you and left you as nothing but a shell. The night does not end - when the Lord of the house himself sees you as you are before him, unclothed and washed in sin how could he ever look elsewhere? How else is he supposed to send you on your way with a satisfied cunt while his cock pulses in his own robes?
It is a mercy that he won’t have to, it seems.
Not when he sees you languidly tying your robe loosely, enough so it closes at your legs but open enough he can see your heaving breasts and tight nipples. When he wets his lips he thinks about them in his mouth and how cute you sound when you squeal from having them played with. His mind goes to a complete blank when he sees you drop to your knees, pressing your knees to the wood that was now tainted with drops of your cum - nudging your face to where the tails of the tie around his waist fall.
The hot bulge of his cock can be felt, and Ayato moans softly when you press the shape of your lips to the imprint. His hand that once quieted you, quieted him in turn and he murmured softly into the heated night air as he let another hand run through your loose hair.
“Now where did you learn this - this is what pleasure women do, did you know that?” He asks a teasing question meant to fluster you at the mention of such a salacious occupation.
“It’s also something that wives do.” You say back, voice muffled by the fabric of his robe and he half chuckles half moans at the tease of your breath against his neglected cock that seems determined to break free of the confines of the fabric.
“Oh? Is that what you want from me - is being my daughter not enough? I never would have mistaken you for a greedy woman.” You whine pitifully - face warm when he mentions what it is that binds you together.
“Stop calling me that when we are like this - it’s a cruel joke.” You say, allowing yourself to be manipulated by him until you realize that you are no longer on your knees but rising to your feet, and pushing yourself in the direction of your chambers.
“Why are you sending me away? You still haven’t-”
“I know, and I won’t, at least not tonight.” Ayato cuts you off, voice firm as he watches you stumble with shaky legs like a newborn fawn. You’ve clutched the opening of your yukata closer to yourself, it reeks of sex and sweat, and things better left unsaid. You tremble as you stand and Ayato finds himself back at your side as he puts a hand on your waist to keep you steady.
“Why?” You ask and he finds it most amusing how your voice has now grown timid, it’s sweet almost and he has always delighted in sweet things.
“Because you aren’t a whore, or my wife - I won’t fuck your cunt or your face like one. You are a lady and I will fuck you one like another time and in another place.” He announces, voice unwavering as he keeps on the right path of sending you to your chambers. It’s later than it once was and the chill will soon take you now that you are not partaking in any strenuous activities - you are open to being taken by it.
“You want to do this again?” You ask, voice as soft as an owl’s wing and Ayato can’t help but coo at you - such an innocent little thing he has in his grasp. How will he be able to focus on other matters with you in his home? He has no idea but he has always found a thrill in the sadistic game of wanting what’s right before you.
“Dearest now that I have had you, I fear there is no one else I could want. So let’s do our best to enjoy it while it lasts.” He teases and he pushes you forward, into the halls that lead to your bed and you find yourself looking back at the man that in a single night has you in his web. Ayato smiles at you, and you fear something wicked this way comes.
“Get some rest, daughter dearest. I’ll see you in the morning.” with a shiver running down the notches of your too-delicate spine, you run back to your chambers and find that sleep takes you in her arms much more openly than before.
And when you wake up and sit across the periwinkle-haired man you find that the night before was not a dream but rather the reality upon which eternity is built on.
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magiarecordhomescreen · 3 months
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Character of the day is... Eternal Sakura in her rumor outfit!
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jujumin-translates · 10 months
Event | Act 3.5 Event - NEW ERA GARDEN | Chapter 4
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*Contains spoilers for Act 12 - eternal moment*
Kasumi: “Toshi-san, I heard a strange rumor from your sister.”
Kasumi: …Getting this intonation right is hard. Need more emphasis here…
Kasumi: “Kondou-san, I’ll defend here! I won’t let anyone escape!”
Kaede: Papa, are you playing a woman?
Tsubaki: Or a man?
Sakura: Which is it~?
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Kasumi: Uuh… actually…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Kasumi: …Y-Yukio-san, this… is a mistake, right…?
Yukio: It’s not a mistake.
Kasumi: EEH!? B-But why am I the only one that’s double-casted…?
Yukio: Because I wanted to see you both as Kimigiku and Toudou Heisuke.
Yukio: You just played Shizuka Gozen in “Traces of a Dreams,” so it’d be boring if you were only the beautiful Kimigiku this time around, wouldn’t it?
Yukio: And we needed more people for the Ikedaya scene anyway.
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Kasumi: Nonononono! I would be fine if it was just the female role, but it’s been so long there’s no way I can do the Ikedaya sword fight…!
Kasumi: It’s like sending the neighborhood kid to get into a fight with a yakuza boss!
Yukio: It’ll be okay. Yuzo said he’d help you.
Yuzo: …Yeah. Leave it to me. I’ve done this whole Shinsengumi thing before.
Kasumi: !!!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Kasumi: (…Yuzo looked like a total bully then.)
Kasumi: This time, Papa has two roles, so it’s going to be a lot of work.
Kaede: Then you’re gonna have to practice a lot. We always practice dancing a lot at daycare.
Tsubaki: You gotta do it everyday. That’s how you get really good at it.
Sakura: You can do it if you just keep practicing a lot.
Kaede: We’ll go over there and play so we don’t get in your way.
Tsubaki: Yeah!
Sakuya: Good luck, Papa~.
Kasumi: T-Thank you…
Kasumi: …Phew.
*Page turns*
Kasumi: …
Kasumi: (It’s been a while since I played the female role of Shizuka Gozen, but I had so many people compliment me for it that I’m looking forward to playing Kimigiku.)
Kasumi: (The problem is Toudou Heisuke… I guess just practicing… is a good place to start.)
Kasumi: (That reminds me of the disaster that my first time sword fighting on stage was…)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
“…Haah, haah, I’m sorry…”
After I fell to my knees, I struggled to get back up.
My body ached all over and felt as heavy as lead.
It’s like gravity had changed only in the area surrounding me.
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“…Ain’t much to be said if the leader is like this. Shouldn’t we find someone else for the role?”
Syu-san’s words were as blunt as usual, but in that moment, they cut deeper than ever.
I felt so pathetic and sorry for myself that I couldn’t even face him.
It was the first time I was assigned a role that involved sword fighting, but no matter how hard I practiced, I couldn’t remember any of the moves.
Even when I tried to follow the movements slowly, it would just end up looking like a Bon Festival dance or something, nothing like a sword fight.
It was no wonder why Syu-san, who was trying to teach me, was so disappointed in me.
“Well, how about we just call it here for the sword fighting practice today, okay?”
I bowed my head slightly as I heard Yukio-san’s kind voice call out.
I was completely devastated by my own inadequacy.
Yuzo looked at me as if he wanted to say something, but felt like I couldn’t take even the softest of words now, so I just left practice as if to just run away from the situation.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
“…I have to get some things down today.”
The next morning, I headed to the practice room early, determined as ever.
“You’re here pretty early.”
“Eh, Yuzo? Why are you…?”
Suddenly appearing before me, Yuzo throws a wooden sword at me.
As I hurried to catch it, Yuzo spoke again.
“Grip it.”
Without knowing why, I grasped the wooden sword just as Syu-san taught me.
“Try and follow my movements.”
“But your role is…”
“I’ll keep your movements in mind, Kasumi. I’ll do it at a speed that you can keep up with.”
“--T-Thank you.”
It was only after repeating the process over and over again and gradually increasing the speed that--.
“Yay! I did it!”
I was finally able to keep up with the speed of the rest of the group.
The joy of being able to do what I had been unable to do for so long welled up deep inside me.
“This is just the beginning, Make sure you tell Syu-san that this role is yours.”
Yuzo has always been harsh to me, but when I’m in trouble, he comes and helps me so casually like this.
He’s a really reliable childhood friend.
I’ll definitely make this role my own in order to repay the debt of gratitude for all of the help he gave me.
I had made up my mind and got back into the swing of things.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Kasumi: (Back then, there was a feeling I had that I had to do well as the Spring Troupe leader.)
Kasumi: (…I wonder if Sakuya-kun had any difficulties with his first time sword fighting.)
Kasumi: Wait, won’t Sakuya-kun definitely come to see this play…!?
Kasumi: (I can’t possibly let Sakuya-kun see an uncool sword fight. He adores me as the first-gen Spring Troupe leader…)
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Kasumi: Sigh…
Kasumi: (I have no other choice but to accept my fate and let Yuzo push me around a bit…)
Kasumi: (But still… in this story, Kimigiku supports the Shinsengumi from the shadows and Toudou Heisuke leaves the Shinsengumi later on…)
Kasumi: (And I want to support MANKAI from the shadows in my own way, and I couldn’t help but overlap with them even after I left the company.)
Kasumi: …I always knew Yukio-san was still amazing.
Kasumi: (He’s truly like a wizard.)
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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mercuriians · 7 months
May I request a femreader x Sakura (Naruto) story? Reader has a dream of a small retelling of Rapunzel. Reader climbs Sakura's hair and is happy to talk to her. The story doesn't advance in reader's dream as Reader just happily talks to Sakura. She then wakes up from the dream, surprised to see Sakura waking Reader up.
princess in pink
content info — fem! reader, fluffy drabble, lowkey a disney crossover.
word count — 1.0k words.
author’s note — thank you for the request anon!! i apologize for taking an actual eternity to write this 🙁, my sense of motivation was not kind to me. however, the good news is that it’s back now! this story is a little on the shorter side but i hope you guys enjoy it still. :)
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all around the town, there’s been word of a beautiful, fair young girl who can only be found within a spiraling tower.
it's a myth as common as can be, having survived a decade of being passed around and exchanged like a silver coin. most of the people believed it, of course, ever since the village's princess mysteriously went missing, but there were always those who remained unaffected by all the talk. "people will say anything nowadays," they'd say with a scoff before proceeding on with their usual day-to-day business. you, like the majority, stood firm by the myth. however, unlike the majority, your spirit was fierce, unrestrained, and above all, inquisitive. in your eyes, everything was a challenge waiting to be beaten, a puzzle waiting to be understood. so, naturally, you vowed to prove to everyone that the story was in fact real, and that there was someone who genuinely needed help.
because there was no way that the village's princess was dead.
two days after you turned eighteen, you finally ventured outside the town walls, carrying nothing with you but a lamp. you were dressed simply, wearing your weathered boots and an onyx cloak that ensured you stayed hidden amidst the shadows of the night. you'd also stolen your father's dagger just before you left, figuring that you might as well be prepared for anything. you were adventurous, but you weren't daft. safety wasn't guaranteed when you were essentially leaving behind the sole place you'd ever known. but then again, you suppose, that was part of what made this escapade so exhilarating.
so you set off on your awaited journey, not knowing what to expect and yet expecting everything all the same.
but, after four days of searching all over the land, scribbling unprecedented areas into your little map, and relying on the surprisingly delicious berry bushes you were fortunate enough to stumble upon, maybe the one thing you didn’t anticipate was the overwhelming long, thick, silky rope of rosy hair dangling over the grand tower’s open window, its ends touching the grass-covered grounds of the clearing. your eyes widened.
there was someone inside that tower—the princess.
after taking a brief but thorough look at the building, you deduced that there was no other way to get in, so you started walking towards the rope of pink hair. carefully, you set foot on it, steadying yourself as best you could. a few seconds passed, and with a sharp inhale, you felt yourself being lifted, the hair being used as leverage as you got closer and closer to the window. voluntarily, you willed yourself not to look down.
it was only a minute later that you found yourself face-to-face with the lost princess herself, your mouth completely agape as you took a moment to process several truths all at once. the rumors were in fact true—of course they were—and the princess was alive and well, and wow were her emerald eyes always so captivating—
"you've come to save me," she says a little breathlessly, gaze clearly bright with joy. "after all these years, i've been found! please, tell me your name."
the sound of her smooth voice is enough to shake you out of your stupor. clearing your throat and disregarding your momentary embarrassment, you offer her a smile as politely as possible before bending into a bow. "(y/n), princess sakura. i'm glad that i've finally located you. the village has been in a deep state of unrest ever since you disappeared."
for a moment, sakura's smile tightens, but she regains her composure so swiftly that you question whether you were merely hallucinating. "i'm sorry to have caused all the worry. it's all a bit of a long story, but i'll make sure to tell you it later. how did you find me?"
you explain the details of your journey to the princess, and she nods along attentively, her eyes rarely leaving yours. her soft giggle wafts through the air when you comment on how the berries you found lined up along the dirt path were a delicious, convenient snack. "when we get back to the village, remind me to bake you a blueberry pie," she hums pleasantly. "think of it as my way of saying thank you."
you can't stop the way a rosy blush dusts over your cheeks. “it’s alright, really,” you protest weakly. “i’m okay.”
sakura’s smile drops a bit, a more stern expression passing over her face. “are you refusing a gift from the princess herself?” she asks with a fair sense of sass, her lithe fingers curling around her hip for good measure. it’s rather cute, especially with the pout she’s now maybe unintentionally wearing, but you keep that observation to yourself.
immediately you shake your head, a slightly nervous smile ghosting across your lips. “not at all, i promise,” you assure her. “thank you kindly, my lady.”
the two of you talk for a long while, exchanging remarks until it seems like time has worn itself thin. it never registers in your mind that the nature of the reality eventually grows hazy, almost as if the moment has been frozen in place like a lake during winter. really, all you’re able to focus on is the princess in front of you, with her soft rosy hair and easy smile. her scent is delicate, somewhat like strawberries, but there’s a sense of a kind yet assertive strength that sharpens her gaze. it’s one that somehow gives you an impression of what the princess thinks of you—as equals, as people who stand on the same ground. it’s a nice, comforting feeling.
but then the world starts to shift, and you start to feel someone shaking you awake. that’s when you realize that your reality—the one you’d been living in before—has ultimately never even existed. light pours into your line of vision, and with a small groan, you look up. fortunately, a familiar pair of emerald eyes is there to greet you.
“hey there, sleepyhead,” sakura laughs, fondly flicking you on the forehead. “nap time’s over. did you dream of anything?”
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navihack · 4 months
okay, so i have the weirdest headcanon that i personally adore for futaba, and i wanna finally share it with y'all. get ready for this one. -drumroll noises-
her biological father is baofu / kaoru saga from the persona 2 duology. let me explain. - his age sounds about right, placing him at the age of roughly 34 years old in 2001, when futaba was born. doesn't seem too far off the mark for it to be plausible, if you ask me. - his role in innocent sin is as a rumormonger, and his particular method of sharing information on rumors is via computer, through his own website. it feels very reminiscent of futaba's intense interest and comprehension of computers and the internet as a whole. - in eternal punishment, he's an extortionist, and would have likely been a negative association to have for anyone in a position of authority and responsibility, with my thought process going straight to futaba's mother, wakaba; an employee studying at a government-affiliated research facility in her pursuits of cognitive psience. - it is canon that wakaba had futaba out of wedlock, which i can refer to the previous point to explain. i figure that no fuckin' way would a workaholic like wakaba realistically want to risk ruining her own reputation and, by possible proximity, the fruits of her research by marrying baofu. or, rather, i imagine that baofu himself chose to abandon the two before learning that she was pregnant, not wanting to put her down the firing line of public prosecutors if anything came out about her being affiliated with a walking scandal waiting to happen like himself; heaven forbid he put her in a situation where she's on the receiving end of something like his former line of work. - both of them suffered the loss of someone extremely close to them, which altered the course of their lives entirely; baofu lost his assistant, miki asai, while futaba obviously lost her mother, wakaba. - my main point here, though, is that this all culminates in the fact that they literally share an evolved persona, being prometheus. it may just be me, but the linings along baofu's iteration of prometheus seem to make a visual design return in the way of the rainbow ones along futaba's later on. i dunno.
none of this is to say that she perceives sojiro as anything other than her father, in any way, shape, or form. for all intents and purposes, in all senses of the title other than biology, sojiro sakura is futaba's father. however, i thought this warranted sharing, since it lines up a little too well, if you ask me. that's all.
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soloistschornicles · 2 years
ᝰ ┆︎CHAPTER 01
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⩩﹕𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬﹒[name] was invited by their relatives to join them in familial events, hail from the nation of eternity. there, they experience supernatural encounters, including meeting the infamous 7th wonder of Inazuma; Wanderer-san of Inazuma. 
⩩﹕𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠﹒kuni-scara-wanderer x reader
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Rumors and tales circulated through the docks of Liyue; it was only in the early hours of the morning when the port's bustle could be seen. The sun wasn't up yet as the ships were slowly making their way into the harbor. People had come out of their homes for work or to do errands as the sun rose further up in the sky, lighting the world up more like a dream than a memory of yesterday evening. 
The chill breeze caressed your slightly-shivering figure, your luggage trailing behind you as you saunter towards the port of Contracts. By dawn's early light the riders came, the sun opening up as a flower on the horizon, rising to send those petals of gold to shower the city with its radiance.
You might be wondering what you're doing at Liyue's port at this hour of the day. I shall begin with a simple courtesy, to enlighten your starting point of the story.
It was late in the night, but not midnight. The streetlamps lit the streets with warm colors, as if the lights were a fire burning brightly within you. Your footsteps echo against the cobblestone of your path to your humble abode. 
The energy you had in the morning has now been depleted as the night has gleamed. You felt yourself aching from a tiring, and the fatigue weighed so heavily on you that sleep was a distinct possibility. Endless herbs needed to be processed, and medications and prescriptions needed to be tended to the worrisome patients and customers.
Your attention was drawn to the silhouette of your house from a distance; it was barely visible from the road. But, eventually, you will be able to retreat to a central site and find sweet solace.
Upon arriving, on the doorstep of your abode, you spotted a polished-looking envelope with a familiar seal that fastened the letter. 
A recognizable insignia was marked upon it. A gold-plated seal consists of a hexagon shape with a blooming lotus in the middle.  
Taking the letter by hand, they went up to their bedroom, where their safe haven was situated. Glancing a questioning gaze upon the envelope. A faint sweetness and powdery aroma were wafting from the said envelope once they opened it. 
You knew this smell too well to be mistaken; it was the scent of a sakura bloom that was often to be seen at Narukami Island of Inazuma.
You began to unravel it slowly and saw a letter written in elegant calligraphy, and the name of the sender was not something you expected. You immediately open the envelope and read the contents.
Blooming Flower~
Sender: Kamisato, Ayato
Salutation, my dear [Name]. I am most pleased that you received my letter, and I hope that you do not mind me contacting you after such a long time, though I am quite certain that you would be gladdened to know that this year we’ll be inviting you for a break at our family house, at Kamisato estate. 
I have been informed by my informants about your recent work and your long period of working hours at your disposal. I’ve seen many reports of your success in the past two years since we spoke.
And so, I wanted you to be aware of how proud we are of you and how much we wish to share the news with you in person. Myself and Ayaka, have been looking forward to your arrival at the Kamisato estate for some time now. We’ll even have to cease our work schedules just to show you the beauty of Inazuma, which is in store for you. 
Furthermore, don’t fret. I had already contacted your executive. 
Sincerely, Ayato.
As you finished reading and reflecting about the said letter, a ripple of mixed emotions returned to the forefront of your mind. There was happiness, joy, excitement, and even sadness. All of a sudden you couldn’t help but feel a sense of deja vu as you remember the last time you read such a letter.
At the time, you were young. You always sent letters to your cousins, to see how they were doing for the past months since you sailed from Inazuma to Liyue. They were fun times back until the reign of the Kamisato clan had trampled to dust.
That incident was no more, but the pain of the loss of their parents will never fade. The grief and sorrow they faced and felt were now hidden away in the depths of their hearts. Masking with a smile on their face.  
Till that day, you and they never had a touch of contact for many moons. Until now, you felt a sense of relief flooding over you. That all of these years had passed by in peace made you sigh in relief to not have any worries in the world.
You fold the letter and seal it inside the envelope before placing it in the drawer beside your bed. Turning off the lamps that illuminate your room. 
Throughout the rest of the night, you had been pondering over the sudden invitation, it was all unexpected but welcome. You'll give in to some thought, then decide upon what to do in the morning. 
You turn on your side, closing your eyes as you try to fall asleep after a long day. The moonlight streams through your window, the glow brightening up your dark room. 
Back to the present at hand; you presently standing at the port, waiting for the arrival of transportation. There wasn't a single thing to keep you awake. You simply had enough sleep for the week. When the ship docked, you stood patiently waiting on the dock to be picked up. It was an hour earlier that you arrived at the port and the early morning crowd was still going strong. 
After a while, however, you became aware of someone walking towards you. The sound of a footsteps thudding against the hard ground resonated throughout the small crowd as people parted to make their way to wherever their destination was. 
After a while of walking towards you, a boy appeared in front of you with an apologetic expression. 
His appearance was unique; he had choppy-medium white hair with a singular red streak, and his outfit consisted of red-white Inazuma fashion, typically samurai attire. Maple leaves are decorated in them as a hallmark.
He appeared to be your age. "I apologize for the delay, but...are you [Name] [Lastname]?"
"Erm-yes, I'm [Name], can I assist you with something?" you politely replied. This makes the boy smile. "I'm just here to confirm your identity; Captain Beidou asked me to fetch a friend of hers named [Name], and it appears the wind did guiding me in the right direction."
You squinted your eyes toward the boy with skepticism. "How should I know you're telling the truth? I know Beidou for a while now but I have never seen you before."
Instead of being frustrated as you expected, the boy in front of you just let out a string of chuckles slipping from his lips. "If that's the case then I guess I should introduce myself!" He said smilingly at you.
"My name is Kaedahara Kazuha, and I'm recently recruited by captain Beidou herself. You don't have to believe it straight away. For your comfort, we can stay here and enjoy the tranquility of the sea while we wait for Captain Beidou. Does that sound good?" 
You were reluctant at first, but seeing the sincerity, you heave a sigh before nodding at his suggestion.
You and 'Kazuha' waited for a few minutes, relishing the carefree zephyr flittering the ends of your hair. As you waited, you took a glance at the boy who closed his eyes with a leaf between his lips; a dulcet tune swung through your ears as the winds playfully blew around you. 
It seemed like you were alone. Not knowing whether this was indeed a good or a bad thing, you thought. Perhaps, your company could be appreciated better.
As you relish yourself with the soft tune, you two heard a heavy footstep resounding through the dock. Cast a glance behind you; your eyes met with ruby-colored eyes that belong to the captain of the Crux fleet.
"My apologies for the latency, little one; I was having an...audience with the Tianquan, and I hope you didn't have to wait too long," Beidou said with a grin.
Her gaze shifted to Kazuha; she placed her hands on her hips. "Kazuha, didn't I tell you to fetch [Name] as the crew prepares for the ship?"
"Apologies, it appears I was too caught up in the moment," the samurai said. You stood there with your mouth formed in the letter 'O,' and a silver lining of guilt diluted over you. So he was telling you the truth while you pierced him with skepticism. 
Before the woman took the wrong way, you interjected. 
"I'm sorry I waste our time here, I simply didn't trust Kazuha once he inform me that the ship was preparing for my departure to Inazuma. So, don't blame him for any of this." You gave an apologetic gesture to both Beidou and the samurai. Your attention shifted to Kazuha. 
"I'm sorry Mr. Kaedahara, I didn't mean to offend you with my words."
Kazuha gazed at you with an astounding expression as he took a minute to watch you with apologetic motions. A serene smile makes its way to his face; his red-colored eyes glow with lenience. It was the most genuine and gentle expression you ever witnessed, and it warmed your heart greatly.
"No, don't worry about it; I wasn't offended in any way; rather, I was glad you were cautious; simply put, you're concerned about the possibility of being harmed," he said gently. "People nowadays are willing to trust strangers so easily; it's not a bad thing, but we should be meticulous." 
"And please call me Kazuha," he added.
You're thankful he's quite a reasonable guy. Even though you've known each other for a very short time, he has a friendly disposition that puts you at ease in a matter of seconds. 
Beidou approaches both of you and claps her hand in excitement. "I'm glad that you both set your difference aside."
She set hands on each of your shoulders and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Now, shall we prepare ourselves? We'll be embarking on a journey through a sea of depths, to the land of tempest and storm. The nation of Everlasting law. Inazuma."
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⌗﹒𝗆𝖺𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍 ⊹ 𝗇𝖾𝗑𝗍 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋
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(づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡ ┊@raideneiari ・ @cynzcir ・ @louise-rosita-leroux ┊{ send ask if you wish to be tag : OPEN } 
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ˢᵖⁱʳⁱᵗ'ˢ ⁿᵒᵗᵉ: Although there's no appearance of Wanderer-san yet, please enjoy⏤Happy 2023 everyone!! Hope you celebrate with lots of Luv with your family and friends ♡
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
oho~ oc lore? 👁
*Deep breath*
Me and my friends have like 2 OCs each in this sht. It's so fricking complicated so I'll only explain my children. @a-dose-of-phitre has the most angsty ones like i fricking swear each update she makes "crempog" suffer with Khaenri'ahn lore.
This is going to be long af.
So anyways, mine is Brynhildr and Sweep. I'll start with Brynhildr. They're both comedy reliefs w/ angst lmao if you want pain then here's some
Brynhildr's a grandma (we made jokes that she's itto's grandma and turns out itto DOES have a grandma.) and Sweep's a celestial spy lmao
Ya know what, I'll just drop my old Character Story notes lmao (note: they're mostly unedited. These are things I typed in a group chat)
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"Nyobo Hiroda"
Vision: Pyro
Birthday: ????
In-game Character Attribute:
An otherworldly descender that settled to live and serve Inazuma's form of eternity. She had been reinstated to the Kamisato Clan decades prior.
Character Details
Hiroda's past is no secret to Inazuma. It had been a topic of discussion for children and adults alike since forever.
Some use her narrative and twist it to their advantage to fit theirs, while some listened and learned from her tales. Either way, Hiroda finds that she doesn't mind. It helps her pass the time when cleaning the Kamisato Estate.
As long as you're a local and you need to know more about her, you need only ask with a bottle of sake in hand. She'd whisk it away from your fingertips and down herself a shot.
"Ah, you want to know more about this old grandma, eh? Well, sit tight, 'cause I'm feeling quite peckish today!"
Note: Kids, do not buy liquor with your allowance! If you want to hear her stories just give her your best puppy eyes. You can do it! It's ridiculously easy!
Character Story 1
Unlocked at Friendship Level 2
People say that the Nyobo has two sides to her that get more apparent the closer you become her confidant.
Foreigners get to experience this vastly different treatment the most. The Nyobo would approach them formally and with sharp elegance that they would either be entranced or forced to agree with her tourist recommendations. Many have unwittingly spent their mora on souvenirs they may not need over her kind tone and polite appraisals. Some would even claim that she seduces both male and female tourists with her elegant speech. It is not impossible to mistake her as a distinguished clan head. She can keep calm and negotiate in her own right.
"My humblest greetings to you outlanders, I am the Nyobo of the Narukami Island. May the blossom of the Sakura tree cleanse your spirits on this fine evening. How may I be of service?"
However, that facade disappears once she lets you in the Kamisato Estate or her humble abode. Her footsteps are lighter and she usually toned down her way of speaking is a more shrill, especially chatting away with the rest of the servants.
"Ah, welcome home Ayaka! Chef Aiji's making dinner tonight!"
She and Thoma would be the first ones to greet their masters. It is less out of excitement and more of a contract for her compared to Thoma, but she does not lack3 in the energy department.
"Would you like for me to run a bath for you? Ayato had recently bought scented candles and other toiletries with him– allow me to elucidate you with the rest of its contents. Oh, by the way, this 'body milk' thing I found on the basket tastes spoiled. I don't recommend tasting it, my lady."
... Of course, generational gaps come with age, so the Clan also has to make sure the Nyobo is attuned to modern products. That includes making sure she doesn't die from chemical poisoning. Her constitution is weak enough.
Character Story 2
Unlocked at Friendship Level 3
There was only one person in Inazuma who managed to become famous over being an ordinary housewife and it was Nyobo Hiroda. The only woman bestowed with the title Nyobo by the Almighty Shogun herself.
Rumors had spurred that the old housewife of Inazuma is part yokai, for she had mingled with various family generations. While she used to be an immortal being, that does not make the rumors that she's a half-oni who cut off her horns or that she was an ikuchi who resurfaced from a sea earthquake any truer.
The truth is a lot simpler than what Yae Publishing house would like you to believe. She was an exiled grandmaster tactician from another world who swore an oath to protect the Kamisato Clan and its subordinates.
Sounds like a mouthful? If so, she encourages people to think nothing of her past and only regard her as one of the Yashiro Commissioner's assistants. Her work is quite domestic. It entails that she would dry off his towels every sunny morning, dispose of unnecessary gifts, and double-check his paperwork, among other trivial matters.
Being with the Nyobo Hiroda's company may feel lighthearted and pleasant on the surface, but her true allies know that behind that name hides Brynhildr's unfinished businesses.
It is not a secret she had ever hidden that she's well adept in politics and schemes. Her previous occupation entails that she must be adept at various oppositions, including underhanded tactics. It is not a surprise that the Yashiro Commissioner seems to operate on the same facade as well. If you hear the elderly gush out about how how the Yashiro Commissioner is akin to his old man, Hiroda is partly to blame. To raise a young master also meant that she would raise a disciple as well, just like what she had done to his father and grandfather.
Perhaps it is not wise for a single woman to teach generations of one clan how to prepare themselves for politics, but as it stands, she is the only mentor the Kamisato siblings have left upon their parents' passing.
"My dearest friend is hard working as ever. But Hiroda, isn't your Nyobo no Ongaeshi contract with the Kamisatos null since twenty years ago?"
"Huh?" She asked. "What do you mean it's null? Lord Kamisato extended my contract two weeks prior."
The head shrine maiden was usually not one to be flabbergasted, but this was a perplexing matter.
"The commissioner can't just extend a contract made by the Almighty Shogun."
"He just did?" Hiroda raised an eyebrow. "What on earth are you talking about? He signed it all and everything."
Hiroda added "Ngah...! If only he didn't add Clause III in the newest revision! Now I can't sneak Thoma out at night or else he'll make me eat pickles. Ugh..."
The Head shrine maiden digressed and decided not to bring up the topic again. Whatever forgery Lord Kamisato had been doing to keep Hiroda on her toes is far more entertaining than the prospect of reporting him early.
Character Story 3
Unlocked at Friendship Level 4 and must complete "Wishes" Chapter II: Act III - Omnipresence Over Mortals
When Raiden Makoto carried Brynhildr to an abandoned cave it was the name she kept chanting, like a curse or a prayer. Makoto never dared ask who was the person behind the name. Based on how her vision glowed in each chant, the question would be akin to activating a hundred field tillers on purpose.
The name sounded akin to that what would hail from Khaenri'ah. Even her name, Brynhildr, sounds Khaenri'ahn to a fault, yet she claims to be from another realm. She claimed to be from one of the nine realms of Yggdrasill, the world tree. Makoto spoke no refute to these claims when she confirm the truth from her aura. If there was a nation closest to the heavenly principles and the leylines, it would be the thunderous Inazuma. And Makoto was sure Brynhildr spoke only of the truth.
As strange as that claim may sound for the twin Shoguns, they believed her words. The attack on Khaenri'ah had yet to start, and the way thunder roared from the sky as she fell down the murky waters was enough proof of her claims' validity.
The people were wary of Brynhildr. They are not to blame, as it was the preparations of war. Food is scarce enough, and to share their provisions with an outlander would make even the most patient samurai boil.
"Raiden Shogun!"
Makoto heard their people call out to Ei who stood outside.
"Must you keep that outlander here? How are we sure that the woman is not a spy–"
"Silence, Mineo of the Kujou Clan!" Raiden Ei yelled. "If you wish to criticize my judegment, then you must be prepared to fight. Draw your blade!"
In truth, it was not Ei's judgement that kept Brynhildr alive, but Makoto's.
Baal pitied Brynhildr tremendously. She had told Ei multiple times that the sight of such a wounded and ill-being made her stomach churn. Makoto felt as if they were both kindred spirits with a penchant for tactics in the field and she had descent to aide them in the war.
Makoto was right.
"In our nation, you will not survive unless you know how to adapt," Makoto would whisper while brushing her frizzy hair. "Our nation is brimmed with thunders and great waves– all fleeting yet eternal. I sense great turmoil in your heart, and I suspect that you do not like the sound of thunder and flashes of lightning, do you?"
"Do I have the privilege of being truthful?"
Makoto laughed. "Why, of course!"
"I hate them," Brynhildr muttered. "I hate thunder and lightning. They all remind me of my father."
"Hmm. And you claim he was the God of War, correct?"
"Yes, his name is ████. And I loathe him."
It was said that Hiroda's original words were laced with more obscenities than this rendition of the events. Her tongue could not be controlled to the point that Raiden Makoto had to lock her up in a domain until the next battle preparations were due.
"...How very straightforward of you."
"But you are kind and generous," Brynhildr said. "It matters not if you are also the God of Lightning like my brother as you claimed. Know that my spite does not extend to you and your sister."
"I'm glad to hear it."
Makoto stopped brushing.
"However... We will need to change your hair." She said.
"Inazuman fashion already suits you, dyeing your hair black would easily be the next big step, is it not?"
"I-I quite enjoy my hair as it is right now!"
"Hmm, it seems that we would have to cut it short as well... You see, Inazumans see long hair as a symbol of wealth and power. You are far from noble from our standpoint. Shall we cut it off? Or would you rather singe it with your vision?" She teased.
"M-Makoto please!"
It's said that Hiroda's natural hair was an ethereal mix of blonde and apple green, but of course, that speculation is hard to believe when the Inazuma of today had only ever seen her with bland short raven hair.
A Brother's Scarf
Unlocked At Friendship Level 4
Hiroda will lie to you if you asked what she cherishes the most. Depending on who you are or what is your position in life, it could range from a description of something intangible or a very materialistic item. If you were in an immoral occupation, she might just drop the names of her Lord and Lady just to see if they can successfully harm them in a week after. It's not as if she can't defend them anyways.
But everyone in the Kamisato Clan knows that the scarf around her neck is her most precious item.
Contrary to popular belief, she doesn't wear it because she's sickly and wants to cover up all her coughed-up blood.
Not a single servant, including Thoma, could wash this piece of clothing. When the Yashiro Commissioner was but a Young Master, he nearly scared himself to death when he saw Hiroda's eyes hawking his form when he tried to steal the scarf from her room. Hiroda had made remarks that only Arataki Itto and the Lady of the Clan can hold her scarf.
The Oni found the clothing ominous and would refrain from holding it. Even Ayaka would not dare touch it without her permission, however, much to her brother's dismay.
She had only poured her heart on one soul regarding much the scarf meant to her. Remembering the look in his eyes, however, only made her feel small again.
The flimsy red scarf is the only link she has left to her home. She can tell you the story behind it with ease, but stutter on how to convey its worth.
"You understand, do you not, traveler? I wear this scarf for the same reason you do not change your style. There is comfort in something familiar. Please don't ask again."
Character Story 4
Unlocked at Friendship Level 5
She is a master of spite. Everything about her mannerisms and motives was controlled yet unrelenting.
For example, Brynhildr used to write in the Enochian Alphabet, but as Nyobo Hiroda, her pen can only transcribe Hiragana.
She didn't find it strange that she could easily read Khaenri'ahn and Abyss languages. As a child, she had communicated with the outer realms before, and out of every foreigner she had spoken to, Memphis was the easiest to talk to. Her memories are faded, but she was from Khaenri'ah for certain. Their alphabet and dialect are similar to her native tongue. Of course, those language similarities lead to speculations.
"How are we sure that she's not Khaenri'ahn?"
"Can Khaenri'ahns obtain a vision?"
"They're a suspicious bunch, it's not a far-fetched notion that they might replicate or steal some from us."
"Hmm... You have a point. Bah! The shogun should really pluck out fleas like that Hiroda! She leaves nothing but a sour taste in our mouths."
Of course, these words do not hurt her. These jabs at her reputation had always been around since she became the Captain of the Valkyries. Instead, it fueled her with spite. She used those comments to drive herself to the fullest.
In a span of three days and four nights, the renewed Hiroda had perfected her craft in calligraphy. She had run through multiple textbooks and gone over intricate theories until her writing was akin to printing businesses in a years time.
It had been reported to the Shogun that the already frail outlander began missing her meals to focus on her work. Neither shoguns were able to dissuade her from this. Long after, Hiroda was announced to be the Shogunate's official scribe, as her writing was exceedingly overqualified.
Receiving such titles and benefits meant that she must also take responsibility when it comes to all of the Shogun's personal records. All of it. Makoto's passing lightened her workload but that did not exclude the responsibility of writing the logs of Ei's first puppet experiment, which soon named himself as Kunikuzushi.
He did not have a name at the time, or more appropriately, he did not wander yet. Ei had never been too keen on naming her subjects, so instead Hiroda offered him a name instead. Shiraishi. It stood for "white rock", which is a nod to the ores they've used to mold him.
The name did not stick around long. When Ei discarded the innocent boy, Hiroda could not in good conscience leave him to fend for himself and offered a place to stay.
There was a point where they both referred to each other affectionately as siblings. Hiroda and Shiraishi acted roles similar to that of the strict older sister and the prodigal younger brother. Whilst one frivolously traveled about, one was stuck home to act as his roots.
They both lived harmoniously until his desire for traveling alone outmatched her desire for a loving family. It had come to the point where coming home for Shiraishi meant another endless argument with his sister.
Eventually, they called it quits. Hiroda helped him pack his bags and bid him farewell. It was a mature and clean process, and he left his domain.
However, decades later she would hear from him again, but not for his strides as a wandering adventurer as she had prayed for.
He came back to her with blood splotching his clothes and eyes that convey nothing other than the void's reflection. Eyes that confirmed to her that he was the one responsible for the fall of the Raiden Gokaden.
"Ahh... Seeing you here, Hiroda, I grow weak." He told her with a crack in his voice. "I lost my will. Act as my big sister and clean up my mess, won't you?"
He once again left her unceremoniously, and to this day Hiroda is conflicted about what she should feel.
Family is never easy. With the same hands she was forced to learn how to write Hiragana, she signed her life away as a housewife. If it meant taking an oath to the Kamisato Clan that she will serve them for centuries as compensation for her beloved brother's crimes, then there is no room for hesitation.
But Shiraishi– Kunikuzushi will have to repay her tenfold once he sees her again. Brynhildr is a master of spite, and she had only lost once.
A Vision
Unlocked at Friendship Level 6
She swore that the vision dangling on her hip used to burn cyan when she first had it.
Her anger used to be misdirected and out of control. Upon falling into Inazuma, her first thought was to release all the screams trapped in her throat down the mud. Her hands were dirty from both foreign soil and her tears and bloody splotches– she could not tell the difference between what stained her ragged scarf. All that was in her head was to rid this world of everything that dared stood in her path. Especially those that reminded her of that man.
Compared to her, the vision she found whilst mindlessly digging through was vibrant and pure. She saw that it was as light as the sky on the day of her faithful reunion ███████. And with that, she stilled.
At the time, she had no idea what she saw was a shell of a cryo vision, yet it scared her nonetheless. The feeling was putrid. The sight of it whispered nothing bad ill omen to her. She refrained from releasing her anger upon unearthing the vision. In that split second, Hiroda pondered over what was the point of her anger. Was seeking vengeance over her father the only reason she has left to live? Isn't that such a pathetic raison d'etre?
Brynhildr sobbed uncontrollably. She wanted more for herself. More than a petty motive to watch the world burn.
Brynhildr wanted to come home to a loving family. A home she could never attain in her world. She just wants to clean again. Hildr misses what it felt like taking care of her troops. She wants to wipe sweat off her loved ones' faces and talk to them about their day. As long as their visage does not belong to the two men she despised the most, she will be content. Even if she had to beg and flip the world upside down for a comrade– a family.
The cyan gleam vanished and she was left with a shell.
Scared that she had done something to it, Hildr picked up the vision. The icy glimmers melted into a comforting warmth in her palms. It turned red.
Somehow, she felt as though this was more fitting than the last color. She couldn't tell if the warmth she felt was the vision's touch or her own emotions, but that matters not when dread over the unknown had not been deterred.
She carried the vision and trekked to the nearest city. It won't be long before Brynhildr passed out and woke up as Nyobo Hiroda, the famous pyro Inazuman Housewife.
Character Story 5
Unlocked at Friendship Level 6 and must complete at least 1 ending of Nyobo Hiroda's Hangout: Act I - "The Housewife's Sick Leave!"
Eternity is a beautiful thing. The word "endless" to Brynhildr however, is distasteful. Nothing is endless. There will never be a delusion that could convince her otherwise.
Countries had crumbled below her feet and she had heard victory horns for both good and bad. No fire could ever reignite a fear quite like what the flame walls that surround the Hindarfjall mountain had done to her psyche. She thought that would be the last of her pains after living a few months in tranquility. That was until the attack on Khaenri'ah started.
She no longer wishes to dig up those events, her memories are crisp and clear but the heart refuses. She still remembers some of their names out of respect. The most notable ones were Roneth, Alberich, Skeld, Buliwyf, Edgetho, and Dainsleif.
... Perhaps that was half the truth. Those names were not only stored in her head for their remarkable swordsmanship and combat but also for their familiarity. The names were akin to the tales and characters she had interacted with before. Buliwyf was a picture-perfect parallel to the heroic legend Beowulf. Alberich looked exactly like the dwarf king she had offered her mercenary services to. The only outlier was Dainsleif who was, quite frankly, a bloodthirsty sword based on her memories.
Her enemies used to be a symbol that her unpleasant past still follows like her footsteps' shadow, but they soon served another purpose. These fallen men had reminded her that nothing lasts forever.
But there is an exception to that.
"Sigurd." The starry-eyed blonde man spoke. "That was the real name of your past lover, is it not?"
Hiroda poured a cup for herself, disregarding the Inazuman tradition of etiquette. She did not bother extending her generosity to Dainsleif as he started to make himself home. "What are you doing in my house, Dainsleif?"
"I just want to confirm my suspicions, that's all." He said. "Besides, this conversation is long overdue. You said you'll tell me the answer after I die. Seiraimaru, the Guerilla Incident. Do you remember?"
"You're very much alive right now."
"Am I?"
"Fine. It's true. That's the bastard's name."
"And if you were to slay him, to follow your fate," He droned on. "You will regain your immortality, is that correct?"
"... How do you know that?"
"Brynhildr Odinsdottir, you were meant to seduce Gunarr into slaying Sigurd. Why did you choose to be exiled to Teyvat instead?"
"...Because no matter how much I despise him, I could not bring my heart to kill him. Perhaps I'm a fool. That's the only reason why Nyobo Hiroda chooses death. Why do you care?"
"I'm concerned."
"Somehow, I don't believe that. I think you're using these facts to entice a truce between us. You want to offer your arms to kill Sigurd so I'll owe you in return, right?"
"That's part of it, but I only saw misery befall those who challenged fate. You and Aether are no exceptions." He continued. "You may have once been an enemy commander, but I can't wrap my head around how you chose to shorten your lifespan like this."
"Perhaps?" Dainsleif copied.
"Perhaps the only reason why I jumped off to a portal to Teyvat is because I wished for death."
Hiroda laughed.
"I have never felt love quite like the way the people of Inazuma had given me. My kin never treated me kindly, and my colleagues were wary of extending affections to a woman cursed by her own father. You should also take into account that these hands have been taught how to wield a sword and shield before it had learned how to write." She rambled.
Nyobo Hiroda finds the term "endless" distasteful. Not only because there is no such thing, but also because she had been waiting for the end with open arms.
"Maybe I just jumped because I wanted to see the end?"
"Don't pity me, Captain. My views in life had changed after I became the Nyobo so don't be so sympathetic, it doesn't suit you." She chuckled. "I've got a whole 50 years or so ahead of me. I don't need immortality like yours to make the rest of it count."
A moment of silence ensued before Dainsleif laughed softly. There is a gleam of sadness and disappointment in his eyes that Hiroda did not acknowledge.
"I see. Then I was wrong to approach you on this matter. Thank you for the tea, Hiroda."
"What tea, I didn't offer you any– Whatever. Don't mention it."
He was already by the door before Hiroda quipped out one last remark.
"Oh, and before you go," she said. "Can you keep calling me Brynhildr? Not that you're special, it's just that the way you pronounce Hiroda bothers me. It's grating to the ears, that's all."
He laughed, more audibly than usual.
"Sure. Till we meet again, Brynhildr."
She smiled.
She still finds the term "endless" distasteful. After all, if there was no ending to a story, where else would you add those bittersweet "goodbyes" in? Such is the final tale of Nyobo Hiroda.
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I have yet to give a formal introduction, haven't I? My apologies. They call me Nyobo Hiroda, but I am no housewife. It is a name given to me by the Raiden Shogun to solidify my domestic loyalty and occupation as the caretaker of Inazuma. As long as you are in the land of Eternity, you, traveler, are under my care.
About Raiden Shogun: Ei
Ei... So you know the name now, "ei"? Haha, I'm not sorry for that awful pun– believe me, you're not the first person I did that to if that makes you feel better. Compared to her sister, I get along with her swimmingly. She and I have grown in the background of our siblings so we have are similarities. Her eyes bare the same jadedness as I, and that's what seperates her from Makoto.
That and err, her murderous intent in battle. Each time I wield a polearm and she's a few feet away, my heart starts thumping like Fenrir footsteps on a hunt. It's a strange, yet thrilling emotion. I dare say it's addicting... But my poor heart can't handle more stress, lest I'd cough a gallon of blood.
...Wanna hear a small anecdote? Before she shut herself from the world, Ei tried to pass as a normal human on the streets. But, the fool I am, I called her and fully announced her title and divinity so that her people will not take her lightly. Amidst such panic, the dessert in her hands slipped and splat on the floor. I have never seen such adorable tears and display of distress. Can you imagine it? Baal? Close to crying at the supermarket? She's cute. What? No, that can't be the reason Ei isolated herself from the world. Give me a break, she's not THAT sensitive!... Is she...? Oh no.
About Raiden Shogun: Makoto
Makoto was the one to discover my limp body. In fact, she was the one that groomed me into the "tame" and "docile" woman I am today. When I entered Inazuma, I was blunt and had a "colorful language" so not many polite citizens would dare associate with me.
Her training was strict yet gentle. She had judged me starting from my appearance to my personality. Makoto insisted that I dye my bright green hair to a brownish color simply because I wouldn't blend in with the Inazuman crowd. It's almost funny remembering how I broke down over failing basic calligraphy, and having Makoto comfort me with 4 piece takoyakis. E for Effort, I suppose.
Now she's gone, I slip a few curses or two, but not without the guilt of forsaking her teachings. The hundred eyed statue haunts me for it. Makoto and Ei are names that will be shamefully forgotten in history, until only the "Raiden Shogun" remains. I hope that you will remember those two, Traveler. That would give me great comfort when I, too, will pass away.
About Sangonomiya Kokomi:
You wish to know my opinion of her? Oh, then prepare to be disappointed because I do not think of her at all. I like her aesthetics and the way she leads, but other than that I have nothing significant to add. Her Excellency can barely compare to the Almighty Shogun.
About Kaedehara Kazuha:
I watched his friend die. I was at the roof at that time, hawking Baal's movements. It was scary how the poor vagabond nearly tripped over the stairs that I had to quietly distract some soldiers with fire. Other than that, I do not know much about him. I applaud his bravery over risking his life to attack the Shogun, of course. Don't snitch about my intervention.
About Yae Miko:
Since Beelzebul went to live in her own euthymia, Yae and I had become closer than ever. At first, I thought she was a pretentious and traditional kitsune that wants nothing to do with a zealous outlander like me. Well, with how she perceives truths, I would be right with my assessment in a sense. But there's more to her character than just the head shrine maiden. For starters– The two of us pranked my younger brother before by trapping his consciousness in a grain of rice and mixing it in the sacks. Why did Yae do that? Because he disrespected her work. Why did I join in? Because he didn't water the plants. Were we insufferable? Definitely. But the best people aren't without their faults, right?
About Scaramouche: The Balladeer:
Oho? Interested in my brother that wears a woman's hat? He's a doll. The first time I met "him", there was no pulse, and may I add, it was the most peaceful I've seen him. The second time I saw him, he was sitting on the temple staircase, looking like a lost puppy waiting for his master. I... Don't tell Ei this, but I have a feeling I might've been the one that pushed him in this dangerous path. I tried giving advice that would allow him to process his emotions in a healthy way but–... Forget I said that.
Since I was the one that temporary gave him a home, he sees me as a nagging older sister. By that, I mean that I would give him a sermon and he would reply with a smart aleck and leave without eating dinner. *Chuckles*. Can't blame him, I'm not the best cook. I can tell that he does value me, though. Who else would leave a well crafted and oddly clean basket with medicine at my front door every fifth of the month? When you do battle him, not if because I'm certain your paths will cross, won't you take it easy? Shiraishi is like a confused teenager in my eyes. I don't want him too hurt that he won't recover.
About Scaramouche: Younger Brother:
In essence, his real family would be Baal and Beelzebub. However, neither took him in, so I became his first official family before the Tsaritsa. Whenever I have a disagreement with the Raiden Shogun I can't help but bring up the resentment I have for when she left Shiraishi to his own devices. Who's Shi... Oh, right, you don't know.
That's the name he wanted to be called when we lived together. Most people thought it was his surname, which meant neighbors would mistakenly address me as Shiraishi Hiroda when neither of us have a last name. Believe it or not, Shiraishi was loved by the neighborhood as the resident boy-next-door. The teens loved his facade of polite charm, and are even more infatuated whenever he breaks out of that character. Having girls hurdle by our fence, prowling for a glance was a nightmarish sight, to be frank. Makes me grateful the kid moved out. They don't know how that kid wanted to step on them.
About Thoma:
Beel appreciates my neutrality, hence, she had assigned the group whom she thought would share the same values as I to take care of me: the Yashiro Commission. However, Thoma is quite the activist. Never saw a man so dedicated in cleaning the house just so he could listen to some nonsensical resistance meeting. His comical determination to free the tables and carpet of stains isn't anything to laugh at after a while; you'll get used to it. Be that as it may, he would not prioritize my health over it. He's a sweet soul, one that's better off carrying a broom over a weapon in my opinion.
About Kamisato Ayato:
He's doing his part, even when people acknowledge his charismatic sibling more. I would say his strength rivals mine, but to be honest I doubt he can best you, traveler. Still, I raised this man. His strategic wit is a reflection of my own, from long ago...
About Crempog: First Impressions:
Do I know her? No. Does she remind me of someone? Yes– Crempog bares the same smile and mischief as my uncle, Loki. Being in her company feels like home because of her eccentricies. Less toxic than my actual home.
About Baizhu:
N-No! No more! Please! No more herbs! I can't– p-please stop!.... Oh. I thought you were going to say Baizhu will... Nevermind. You wanted my thoughts about him? Well... My reaction speaks volumes, does it not? Please don't scare me like that again.
About Frost:
I'm not so easily deterred by intuition that I would declare with certainty that she and I knew each other in the past. However, it does seem like that, doesn't it? A princess who had slain her father and overruled all corruption in her realm... Sounds like a character I would've idolized before in tales of old. Thread carefully around her, traveler. She is a very persuasive figure in both speech and mannerisms, best be on your guard.
About Dainsleif: First Impressions:
A remarkable blonde swordsman with piercing blue eyes... Hah... It's been a while. The Shogun had placed instructions that I should keep an eye on that Khaenri'an, so I'm simply taking down notes as a humble servant should. It's strictly business. He reminds me of him...
About Dainsleif: Aftermath:
Do not speak his name ever again– I cannot grieve for a man that planned his death. I'll come find him in the afterlife and give him a piece of my mind, instead. Him and Sigurd.
About Brynhildr:
To this day, I doubt Odin is my true father, for I am a valkyrie. In fact, I'm more inclined to think uncle Loki is my father. Freya refuses to answer my questions regarding this, hence why I do not like my realm. Mortals make so many versions of the truth that the genuine artifacts remain lost in literature. Who in the right mind would think uncle Loki is the adopted son of Odin anyways? Foolish mortals. That's who.
About Hiroda:
When Beelzebub took me in, she first positioned me to reside in a cave system because Baal did not trusted me. So in truth, the first nickname I got from this realm was "The Bellowing Squalls" from frightened adventurers, and not "Hiroda" as Baal liked to boast. If those hefty adventurers knew the truth, they would've called me "The Coughing Patient" instead. Still doesn't change the fact the adventurers did it first, hehe.
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She used to be incredibly apathetic, having spent most of her years as a instrument of war.
Like this example:
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Brynhildr never had been a foe with honor. She would come back to the deceased's family, make a speech about how her soldiers have died with honor, but none of those words ring through. Under her leadership, they died tactless deaths. Some had their heads off their shoulders, some had their blood water the soil below them, while some had their bodies used to the bone. Yet, she plays if off as a necessary sacrifice. That those deaths were all to honor their lord Odin.
When she should've been competent enough.
Brynhildr is an apathetic captain. She never thought of human lives equal to her own. Sure, she led some to her bed but her partners felt akin to clay, molded to her own pleasure. Afterwards, she disposes of them and edges a blade down their throat. It's always up to them whether or not they let themselves get killed. At least, Hildr never realized that what she only offers is an illusion of choice.
Human life had always been fleeting, like a bubble rising to the surface. Transitory. But bubbles stare at her with reverence, with respect. She could only do the same with awe, before she pops them one by one out of curiosity.
So, she never tried. She's already an amazing tactician but she never strived to be better. In her eyes, it would be all for naught. Why should she put effort in something she never cared about?
Something her father never cared about?
"Father! Father!" Young little Hildr crawled up in her father's lap. "I did it! I lead the humans to the right path! We secured a victory! We seized the capital and saved the civilians. I even brought a holy artifact home!"
"Hmm, yes."
Young Hildr grinned widely but as she was about to continue speaking, her brother had entered the room muddy and fatigued.
"Father! I won the axe tournament!"
"Is that so!"
Her father was noticably prouder after hearing his son's achievement, not even noticing how his hands subconsciously tried to pry Hildr away. Hildr watched as his brother completely monopolized their father's attention.
"That's my boy! C'mere son. We'll hold a grand feast!"
Was an amateur axe duel a bigger feat than the war she won?
She slowly frowned. That was the day Brynhildr had her doubts.
"Something her father never cared about?"
The answer to that question is obvious, is it not?
Odin, God of War and Death, never cared about Brynhildr, his "prized" shield-maiden.
She never muffled the complaints and screams of the humans who called her out. Brynhildr never talked back when she heard people call her a cold person, the black sheep of the divine family or a bastard because it's true.
Brynhildr was an unloved child.
She had always been on the sidelines to her brother's glory, when without her, Thor would never gain a victory in the first place. It was her tactics, her effort, her late night strategies that grasped the win and Thor was her pawn. Yet Thor was the face in the posters. He was the one who gets all the compliments. The golden child.
Brynhildr didn't say a word. She just frowns. Because she knows that the father who raised her only did so to make his real biological son look better.
Brynhildr is a bastard.
But being one does not excuse the crimes she had committed.
"You..." The blonde mortal soldier under her feet coughed up. Despite being disheveled and splotched in his own blood, he had not shut up. "You will pay for what you've done!"
"You will pay for killing my frie–"
"Enough already." Hildr scoffed. "You're tired. Your allies are likely to he happy on the afterlife after receiving an honorable death."
She grabbed a chock-full of his comrade's hair before hurling his corpse above his.
"So just rest and join them, while you still have the chance."
"Honorable?!" He gritted his teeth as his tattered gloves dug through her heels. He refrained from letting his tears fall as his dead friend lingered above him.
"You call that honorable?! It is not about honor– It is about lives! You took their lives for something as petty as honor!"
"Is that not what humans desire?"
She kneeled and met his cerulean eyes.
"Human soldiers have always aspired for a memorable death. One worthy of their cause. You should be glad I had given them such."
"What they wanted was peace..." He said. "For Khaenri'ah. For their own future."
"No. What they wanted was glory in battle. For their enemies' blood to till their land." She wiped the blood off his face.
"You humans are like mindless beasts. You run around to gain wounds, let others heal you, before running back to get some more. Does that life not sound like your own?"
A resounding punch echoed through the empty field.
Brynhildr clenched her jaw.
"... In a hurry to die, I see." She chuckled. "I see. Shame. That just angered me more."
Brynhildr stood up.
"You see... I'm a very spiteful person." She smiled. "And I have close ties with Celestia too, believe it or not."
Dainsleif gulped.
"It would not be a difficult task for me to persuade the higher ups on what punishment– curse you mortals shall receive." Hildr continued.
"It would take centuries. Would you care to find out?"
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But of course!!! I make sure she's not sad 24/7 lmao so here's some fun notes:
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"Yes, Hiroda?"
"Have you seen Ayaka?"
"No. Not at all. Goodness me I haven't seen her all day." Ayato pouted "Have you tried the outskirts? Maybe she had already left early today."
"Ayato." Hiroda sighed. "She has a meeting with Takeru this evening. She cannot afford to be missing an hour before their introductions."
"Maybe she can." Ayato placed a hand over his mouth with a pensive expression. Though if Hiroda has to take a guess, his thoughts are far from the matter at hand. "Maybe she can just skip this meeting. It is not my place to meddle with her choices, is that not what you told me last time?"
"You say that but Ayato," Hiroda looked over his shoulder "I don't recall seeing a comically large pile of laundry basket in this room the last time I entered."
Ayato closed his eyes.
"Ayaka get out of the covers and meet Takeru," Hiroda shook her head and clicked her tongue "before I make you."
The "pile of laundry" moved and the ever-so-elegant Ayaka bloomed between the covers. Ayaka, holding back a disgruntled sigh, pushed over the makeshift clothings her brother threw above her. In hindsight, this plan wouldn't have obviously worked, but Ayaka was desperate enough to ignore what she had learned from the Shuumatsuban. She really should've just tried to climb the ceiling.
Ayato can barely hide his stiffled laughs.
Hiroda pulled Ayaka out of the laundry basket. "Takeru isn't a bad kid."
"Pardon me for my appearance at the moment, Hiroda. And also please excuse me, for I am genuinely not interested in meeting him. Not at the present time nor in the near future."
Ouch. Poor Takeru.
"It's a shame that you don't have a choice then." Hiroda deadpanned. She glared at Ayato. He quickly composed himself and gave her an indifferent look. Hiroda closed her eyes.
There were rare moments where the two acted like children, and considering their past, Hiroda finds it difficult to scold them when they went out of line. She watched the kids mature so quickly. Moments where they act out like these are few and far between. To hear Ayato laugh and Ayaka a tangled mess does play with her heartstrings, gently reminding her that the mortals she sworn loyalty to are still kids at heart, hardened by the world's burdens.
Hiroda smiled briefly. This moment is but a gentle reminder of just how important these children are to her.
But of course, it doesn't save them from a mother's wrath.
"My Lord, forbid Ayaka from running off, lest you want to be thrown under the covers too." Hiroda growled. "And Ayaka? Try to escape again and I'll make sure to appoint 5 more meetings with the Kanjou kid."
"My punishment doesn't sound half-bad." Ayato mumbled.
"Fine then," Hiroda placed both hands on her hips.
"Maybe I should whisper a word to our dear head chef that you should lower your sugar intake. After all, 'the poor boy seems to be getting a lot more headaches from all the junk he's been eating'!" Hiroda palmed her cheeks and tilted her head, her tone was sickenly sweet. "'Oh no, what should we do about that Chef Aiji?'"
"They're not 'junk", the audaci–." Ayato sighed. "Get up now sister, you have an appointment to get to."
"It would be a disgrace to the Yashiro Commision to be absent at such an important meeting. You must attend." He said. Just like that, Ayato's demeanor changed in a flash.
He snapped his fingers and had his ninjas place a neatly folded change of close in his disposal. Not only that, but there is also a book on the basics of social interaction for dummies. That was not a slight against his sibling but a gift out of concern. Based on how quick his men acted, Ayato likely knew that this is a likely possibility and prepared for this outcome. Hiroda smirked.
Cheeky bastard.
"Brother, you traitor!"
"Now now, Ayaka." Ayato teased. "Loyalty does not translate to blind obedience. Don't worry, big brother will accompany you."
"Wha– I–" Ayaka blushed. "N-No! You will embarras me further! Where have you even heard of a suitor arrangement where the older brother is present. I-I would prefer if you leave me to my own devices thankyouverymuch!"
Ayaka left the room in a hurry.
Hiroda turned to Ayato. "Don't you have work to do?"
Ayato shook his head "No. I secretly had Thoma clear them all out so I can monitor her date."
"I figured as much."
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There's so many brainrots for this but I'll stop there.
Here's Sweep's lmao. He's a joke character cuz my second account (which i use to just pull with freemogems) keeps getting electro mommies. To this day the only electro he doesn't have is Cyno
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Vision: Dendro
Birthday: 12/23
In-game Character Attribute:
A boy said to be a traveling freelance researcher stuck in a teenager's body. Strangely charismatic despite his lack of self-expression. He claims that he knows all everything.
Character Details
Code Name "Sweep" is an entity known to many.
There had been several audio logs and reports retrieved by different organizations coming from this pen name. The papers and audios often foretold upcoming events and weather patterns for the entire year. Some have stumbled upon them coincidentally, while some had to pay their way to retrieve them. If you know where to look, you may find these information sold at prices unattainable by average research fundings.
It's been said that this year's papers weigh more than accounted for since the unknown writer had written in heavy detail about how a blonde traveler will reinstate the nations. The paper was immediately sold to that of Snezhnaya's archon and was never heard from again. Many have sought out who "Sweep" was since then, including yourself, but...
...You should've connected the dots the moment you saw his workstation.
"What? J-Just because I am not the most organized person in Teyvat does not mean that I unwittingly left those notes lying around! I am very calculated when it comes to distributing my research, thank you very much!"
Character Story 1
Unlocked at Friendship Level 2
Contrary to his acquaintances' assumptions, Sweep did not earn his writing techniques from Xingqiu's teachings. When he packs up, he travels alone.
Yet, he ends up being followed by many anyways.
"Keqing, I am not a child to be coddled no longer."
"I'm not coddling you!" She said. "You're being too rash about traveling! Did you pack your underwear?"
"L-Lady Keqing!!!"
This did not stop in Liyue alone. Even in Mondstadt, Inazuma, and the rest of the nations, there would be at least 2 adults that would act as if they knew better than he does (they do.) and it irks him to this day. At first, he thought of it as amusing, especially when the affectionate gesture came from older feminine figures, but it quickly escalated to something that of possessiveness.
"Raiden Shogun," Kokomi, divine priestess of Watatsumi Island, armed herself with her catalyst "put Sweep down immediately."
"Foolish mortal!" The puppet roared "This child is under my protection. You should beg for mercy now before you witness your final moments!"
"Little boy, why don't you come here?" A fox yokai emerged from the shadows, her hands slithering to his shoulders. "Let the two argue while I get you something to snack on, hmm?"
... What? Of course these petty fights weren't the primary reason why he began helping the traveler resolve Inazuma's conflict! He's not that petty! He has some morals, you know?
Character Story 2
Unlocked at Friendship Level 3
Before he became "Sweep", he went by the name "Kai Min". It was a name given to him by the first friend he made in Teyvat, Xingqiu of the Guhua Clan. They met when he woke up in Guili Plains with a fragmented recollection of who he was and it just so happened that the boy passed by.
With nothing to his name nor inventory, he had aided Xingqiu in cutting down the hilichurls that dared to attack them mid-conversation. Inspiration came to the boy quickly and he was dubbed "Kai Min", a name that stands for sharp and triumphant victory.
The name was soon popularized, courtesy of the writer "Zhenyu". In the second volume of his most famous literary work "A Legend of Sword", he had dedicated the book to this dear friend.
"Although these pages are borne out of my adventures, they would not be complete without a Princess Geppeta by my side. Thank you, Kai Min, for being the light in my dark study room."
Inazumans flood to learn more about this Kai Min in hopes of tracking down who Zhenyu is. They had begun to speculate that this person was the writer's love, who remained unrequited and miserable as he wasted away in his books. Some had gone on to examine the meaning behind the name, claiming that Kai Min is merely a poetic personalization of his book's success. Even Albedo, the book's illustrator, had tea with Sweep over who this mystery person may be.
A month after its publication, the "moody teenager" began to wear an Identification Card by his belt. His friend, Xingqiu, began to tease him for such unnecessary actions. Now with a newfound sense of identity, Sweep began to distance himself from the Guhua's juvenile adventures.
"C'mon, Kai! It's not that bad!"
"That's Sweep for you now, frog face!"
Character Story 3
Unlocked at Friendship Level 4 and after finishing Archon Quest Chapter 1 - Act III: "A New Star Approaches"
Sweep as a name is merely a play on his life's true purpose. He was not meant to awake to journey Teyvat and explore its mysteries but to hide it. And 'sweep' whatever dirt the archons and Khaenri'ah's remnants may have over Celestia under the rug.
In short, he was sent to dispose of what mortals can use to topple the divine principles. They dropped him off Liyue first because they suspected Morax, now Zhongli, would do something that would void their contract.
Upon learning this truth, he had left the Guhua Clan's manor in search of his true self. His crisis went unnoticed as Zhenyu's second volume was published. The event was used to cover up his fragile mental stability and excused him as a prepubescent teen. However, he has yet to recover from all that he's learned.
"The rain... It won't stop pouring any time soon." Angel's Share's bartender at the time, Master Diluc, spoke aloud. "Perhaps you should stay here for the night? I can clear out a room for you, kid."
"I'll be fine, Mister."
He looked over Diluc's counter.
"You should try putting those sweeteners to use," Sweep pointed at the shelves. "Once the rainy season ends, more and more people are eager to cozy up with a drink in hand. Trust me, the people WILL be interested in new non-alcoholic refreshments this year. Better a new trendy juice than wine, hmm?"
"Hmph, easier said than done." Diluc scoffed. "What do you propose I do?"
"Try using Wolfhooks."
"... Excuse me?"
"My father loved wolfhooks," Sweep said. "He used to brew me a juice as a child. Just add a teaspoon of berries and caramel, and you could probably make money off a wolfhook stand."
"I didn't know you were from here."
Sweep chuckled, "I was, a long time ago."
"Where are your parents now?"
He smiled and looked gazed out the window. The somber clouds have yet to move.
"The same place yours can be found; take a guess."
A Broken Hilt
Unlocked At Friendship Level 4
There were a few times when Albedo asked Sweep to be his study for his illustrations with each of his poses featuring a broom at his disposal to act as the legendary sword.
"Hmm, this won't do..." Albedo crumpled his draft. "Let's try another position."
Unfortunately, the perfect position wouldn't be found until the next three days. The two went on a two-week hiatus over this project, and even Albedo, who's usually calm, had been occupied by what was once a simple task of painting the next light novel's cover.
On the fifteenth day, Sweep came back with what appeared to be a hilt. The handle was white and akin to that of an eagle's wings, yet the edges are laced with gold and azure glimmers.
If Albedo had to take a guess, that sword was none other than the twin of the legendary sword, Aquil–
"I had to pull this out of someplace unpleasant," he cursed under his breath as he stared at the alchemist. "The cryo regisvine sure is a great place to hide things huh?"
The chemist was too confused to speak.
"Now, let's try this again, Mister Albedo," Sweep smirked.
"Don't blink now, or you might just miss my brilliance!"
Character Story 4
Unlocked at Friendship Level 5
It took Sweep months upon his first descent to recall who he was and what his objectives were. When the realization dawned on him, the look on his face was one Xingqiu would eloquently describe as "a man forced to place flowers on his wife's grave".
Sweep never talked about his true occupation or motives, but the dark circles under his eyes and unkempt skin blemishes say more than words. Each time he had to travel through tourists spots, he could be seen smiling before a frown plasters on his face. His expression was never short of pity and grief.
"Why do you look so down, █████?" ██ asked. "Are you not enjoying the ███████ festival this year?"
"It's not that it's..." He trailed off, before laughing emptily. His blade dug between the roots of a tree and his head rested on the hands that held its hilt. "It's nothing."
"C'mon, tell me, my dear." Her voice called out, soft yet still. Only expected from someone from her position.
"Why should I?"
It is said that after he remembered who he was, his smile and laughter were akin to the noises inside the chasm. Hollow and loud.
Which is an eerie thing to hear alone when you stand before a giant tree and empty field in Mondstadt.
Sweep looked up to the heavens with scorn in his eyes.
"Mom, you left me here to die."
The wind blew past his form. Perhaps the anemo archon mourned with him too.
A Vision
Unlocked at Friendship Level 6 and after finishing Archon Quest Chapter 1 - Act III: "A New Star Approaches"
Of course, Celestia would be unwise not to give its spy the eyes of the heavenly principles.
When Sweep first awoke with Xingqiu staring at his sleeping face, he was bombarded with questions as to how he attained his vision. At the time, the writer had been facing a humongous block for weeks and when he stated that he cannot recall the details, he was initially distraught at Xingqiu's disappointment at first.
But now he felt as though he should've been more callous when he speaks about the glowing green object.
He can barely recall his parents' faces or how he initially received his dendro vision, but he can take an educated guess. The snippets in his memory imply that he had been a curious child centuries ago, one that had sacrificed his physical wellbeing in the pursuit of wonders. When he gazes at his vision now, he can only guess that the same logic applies to who he is today.
A researcher slaved to Celestia's whims.
"Ha..." He said while he helped Zhongli place his furniture in his new apartment. Sweep had been roped in with the promise of retrieving his mother's sword, so he obliged. "You know, Mister Zhongli, would my lives be a lot more different if I was someone like you?"
"What do you mean, child?"
"Someone with a geo vision, I mean." Sweep said.
"If I wasn't smart enough or didn't get a dendro vision, do you think my soul would've been resting by now?"
Zhongli smiled at him with pity.
"I'm afraid it's written under my contract that I cannot share that information with you, my apologies, child."
Character Story 5
Unlocked at Friendship Level 6
Sweep is slowly recovering after piecing his memories back together. Grief is such an egregiously long process that if there were a potion to lessen its effects, he would've taken it in a heartbeat.
However, perhaps he doesn't need a potion for that to work, when he's surrounded by friends all year round.
"Greetings Kai!" Xingqiu called out to him with empty parchments in hand. "I got us a slot at this year's This Novel Is Amazing!"
"You mean you got yourself a slot."
"My win is your win, my liege." Xingqiu teased. "Tell me, which genre will sell more this season?"
"Why on earth should I tell you, cheeky monkey?" Sweep huffed.
"Because I am your friend and you are incredibly perceptive when it comes to socioeconomic and political trends?"
"... Fine." Sweep gave in, making Xingqiu beam at the prospect.
"In exchange, you have to listen to my confession." He said. "I will tell you all that I am and I want you not to judge me. You will not stop being friends with me after I tell you everything. I will not allow it."
The two went quiet.
"S-So..." Sweep coughed, blushing behind his hands. "A-Are you going to take this deal or not?"
"Kai Min, Sweep..." Xingqiu pushed his hands away from his face. "You will always be a dear friend to me, no matter who you may be."
"So go on, tell me everything."
"█████", "Kai Min", or "Sweep" may be a lonely figure written in history as an anonymous prophet, but from then on, he will always be alone together with his companions.
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SS Month ‘23 - Day 2
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3
Prompt: Warring States Era AU
Warnings: Trauma, mentions of violence, child soldiers, child death, and war
From the age of four, hardly a day went by without a shuriken in her hands.
In such a turbulent time, any and all help was needed in the eternal power struggle between the Senju and Uchiha - and she was no different; the frail daughter of a Senju woman and a peasant from Water country, her father had immigrated to Fire country in search of a better life and had landed in the middle of a bloody standoff between the two clans.
Her father had been hesitant for their only daughter to become a kunoichi, but her mother had grown up the daughter of a ruthless shinobi and a skilled kunoichi and was determined for her to learn the skills necessary to survive in such a ruthless world.
On the evening of her fifth birthday, she found that she could manipulate plantlife with her hands. Her mother was thrilled. She had said something about studying under the famed Senju Hashirama, but little Sakura hadn’t been listening - she was too busy admiring the gladiolus under her fingertips.
It was on her sixth birthday when she truly understood the gravity of the war - her cousin was slain by an Uchiha, and her mother wept bitter tears for her aunt. Sakura had been too numb to truly process the death for a few days - and when she finally recognized that her cousin was dead, she screamed herself hoarse while her father attempted to hold her back from running out the front door.
That innocent six-year-old had grown into a cold, calculating sixteen-year-old woman under the tutelage of not Hashirama, but his brother Tobirama - the man had seen the potential in her mind and was determined to expand it. Not that the man minded; she hated fighting and preferred to spend hours reading texts from beginning to end, absorbing their words. She had a certain expertise in genjutsu, and was content to let her teacher practice on her.
Everything changed when she met fifteen, soon to be sixteen-year-old Uchiha Sasuke.
The son of a high-ranking Uchiha, he was every bit as battle-hardened and ruthless as his kin; his was a name that was whispered more in fear than reverence, and her teacher found every excuse to keep her away from battle whenever word got out that he and his brother Itachi would be fighting. It was clear he didn’t want them to meet, and she never questioned him.
But today, of all days, she found herself alone by the riverbed, getting water for her ill father. It was a beautiful morning, and she hummed a tune while she filled a bucket.
Suddenly she paused, sensing a presence for a split-second behind her.
Turning her head, she nearly dropped the bucket in surprise when another person emerged from the treeline, long dark hair draped over his shoulder. Deep worry lines creased his face, and despite his youth there was something remarkably aged about him.
She knew him immediately.
Freshly twenty-one-year-old Uchiha Itachi, son of the man they called Kyougan Fugaku, was calm and collected as he nonchalantly strolled up to the river, a cloth in hand.
“Good morning, kunoichi,” he greeted politely, seemingly ignoring the emblem sewn into the sleeve of her kimono top as he knelt on the rocks.
Sakura stared incredulously at the man for several hesitant seconds. Why wasn’t he attacking? She had heard of his tendency for small mercies - on the battlefield he was like a machine rather than a man, cutting down Senju no more coldly than he ate or drank, but supposedly there were rumors afloat that he wished for peace more than war.
Truthfully, there was a certain softness to the way he carried himself. Minutely, she relaxed her rigid stance, seeing no sharpness in his shoulders nor steel in his gaze.
“You’re an Uchiha,” she finally spoke up, almost accusingly.
He paused in cupping his hands around the water. “I am.”
“Why aren’t you attacking me?”
That finally got him to look up, and for a moment she felt a guilty chord for the way he gazed at her with mild surprise.
“Why should I attack? You’ve no weapon and at the moment neither have I,” he pointed out, and she sheepishly looked away, feeling quite chastised. “I am merely here to wash my face, and no more.”
“Forgive me, I meant no offense.” She shook her head and went back to her bucket. “I’m not used to sitting near one of your kin without a sword in my hand.”
Itachi was quiet for several long moments, staring at the cool water. Then, he replied, “It would be a grave offense to my honor as a man if I deigned to strike you unprovoked. You’re no harm to me, and so I am not to you.”
Though his words were meant in good faith, his casual admission bristled her, and she barely held back from shooting him a glare as he dipped his head near the water’s surface, splashing his face.
The silence between them was awkward, and as she went to get to her feet, a sword to the side of her neck immediately raised her hackles, and she belatedly reached for her pouch.
There came a sigh, and Itachi looked up with a disapproving, “Sasuke.”
“Brother,” the younger Uchiha tersely greeted. “What are you doing with a Senju?”
“She was here first, and neither decided it was prudent to begin a quarrel where there is none.”
“Have you forgotten how many of our number hers have callously murdered?” He demanded. “Have you forgotten how they desired to strike down Cousin?”
“You’ve killed just as many, if not more,” she spat with a nasty glare over her shoulder. “My own cousin was murdered in cold blood by one of your kin. I was six; she was eight.”
“Please.” Itachi raised his hand, rising from his knees in one smooth motion. “Sasuke, sheath your sword. Do not shame our father in this manner.”
For a couple of seconds, the young man looked like he would argue, but one sharp look from his brother made him reluctantly pull back, and the katana glided back into its sheath.
Itachi sent the girl an almost apologetic glance as he extended a hand. “Forgive my foolish brother - though our father has raised us with peace in mind, I fear old habits die harder than they must.”
She stared at his hand before her eyes traveled up to his face. She searched it for a long moment before she sighed through her nose and accepted it, allowing his sure grip to guide her to her feet.
“All grudges forgiven, Uchiha,” she answered, letting go and stooping to retrieve her full bucket. “For your sake, I do hope this feud ends soon. I too grow weary of the fight.”
Itachi nodded simply, bowing at the waist before turning. “Come, Sasuke. Mother is expecting us.”
Sasuke stared at her, gaze sure and dubious. He was handsome, despite his blood - a slender nose, high cheekbones, regal brow, soft dark hair - had she not been a Senju, and he not an Uchiha, she might have fancied him.
He nodded dismissively and turned, hand on the hilt of his sword. “Good day, Senju. Be cautious when you make your way back.”
“And to you… Uchiha.” She managed to answer, clutching her bucket to her chest.
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phantomknights · 1 year
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rumor of the eternal sakura
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ultimatecutenesspeaks · 6 months
Bunny good now I’m believe it time for you to relax so let spend time together us three to make you feel better sounds good ? As haruki nods with a smile in his face bunny good so let go than as the trio spends time together happily bunny also tells haruki about the rumor of eternal Sakura tree
*Haruki listens to Bunny and smiles at the rumor.*
Haruki: Oh yeah, I've heard that story from Grandma before! It's a really nice one, isn't it?
0 notes
madokas-notebook · 4 years
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simple swimsaku wallpapers bc her art is gorgeous,,
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