#ethan dolan proposal
This ethina edit it just...✨perfection✨
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dxlansdarling · 6 years
me encanta | e.d
Summary: your boyfriend ethan decides to learn Spanish for a little surprise
Warnings: pure fluff♥
Word count: 2011
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It all started when he heard you curse in Spanish. You had accidentally dropped a glass cup to the floor where it shattered completely and the only word that came out of your moth was “¡Carajo!”. As Ethan was with you when it happened, he looked amused at you not because of the now broken glass, but because he never heard you spoke in your mother tongue. He knew you were a Latina, but you refused to talk in Spanish in front of him. Somehow you didn’t feel comfortable with him not understanding what you were saying.
After that day, he never stopped trying to make you speak your native language again. Apparently he loved the way the Spanish accent was marked in the words and wanted to hear them again, not only because he thought you looked hot as hell speaking Spanish, but because he wanted to know about your past life in your country and also, he wanted to learn Spanish from you too. First he would try to use Google Translator, typing the sentence he wanted to pronounce. But when he looked at you, lying in his bed under him, giggling at his actions, he knew something in the grammar was wrong. An as you denied to correct him, he gave up with the app, throwing his phone into the bed and sighing against your neck as he let his body fell over yours.
Then, it was the online classes. One evening after going grocery shopping with Grayson, you entered Ethan’s room to bring him some chips you bought for him but you stopped on your tracks as you looked at him. Sitting with his legs crossed in his bed, his eyes never leaving the woman who was speaking in Spanish in his computer and writing down some words as he tried to pronounce them. You couldn’t believe your eyes as you chuckled in surprises, making him look at you with a goofy smile for a moment before looking at the woman again.
Shaking your head in disbelief, you threw the chips at his side and smirked. Your wicked mind decided to tease him a little bit before leaving his room.
“Buena suerte con los diferentes tipos de español, bebé” [Good luck with the different types of Spanish, baby] You said, and you heard him gasp as the door closed with a small slam behind you, making your way back to the kitchen where you left all the groceries before.
“Wait! I’m just learning the colors!”
You thought he was going to give up days after that, but when days turned into weeks and weeks into some months; you knew he was really decided in learning Spanish correctly. What shocked you the most, was when some of his friends that where from Latin America or at least knew Spanish only spoke to him in the language. If it wasn’t in person, he would text them and asked them to correct him. To this point you were so surprised and more in love with your boyfriend than never before. You have been dating for two years and a half, and he never stopped surprising you.
As you heard him practicing, you fell in love in the way his voice sounded with the Spanish vocabulary. Once you were walking through the small hall, and as you walked in front of the bathroom door, you could hear him practicing the roll of his tongue against his palate as he tried to pronounce the remarked ‘RR’. You were smiling at him even when he wasn’t aware that you were listening to him, and as you turned around and kept on walking, the smile never left your face. He was really really trying.
That same night you were waiting for him in the bed, your back against the frame with your knees against your chest as you scrolled trough Instagram. He was playing Fortnine with his headphones on his head, but lying in front of you, with his back against your legs. Sometimes you would scratch his hair, mostly when he lost the game and he huffed annoyed at it. You giggled slightly at his reactions, making him laugh a little bit too.
In one of them, as he was about to kill the last player that was in the arena, he got killed somehow. With a growl of irritation, and the joystick falling of his hands, you were taken back as he cursed.
“Hijo de perra, ¡casi gano!” [Son of a bitch, I almost beat him!] He growled, and you smiled as you heard the foreign language. 
“¿Con esa boquita le das un beso a tu novia?”  [With that pretty mouth you kiss your girlfriend?] You let yourself say, making him freeze and close his eyes softly. 
He turned around slowly, opening his eyes to stare at you lovingly, and with a little bit of lust in his eyes but still, looking at you so purely that it made your heart beat faster. He took his headphones off, throwing them near the joystick, and pulling your knees down, he hovered over your body with both of his arms supporting his weight over your legs.
“Speak again” he mumbled, staring down at your lips now, slightly shaking his head. You arched one of your eyebrows as one of your hands grabbed his face softly, making him look at your eyes again “Please, say something like that again…”
You couldn’t help but smile, tilting your head back as it hit the bed’s frame and sighing, you stared at your pleading boyfriend again. He earned the favor.
“¿Qué te gustaría que dijera?”  [What would you like me to say?]
He smiled widely, and in less than two seconds, he pulled your body down until your back hit the mattress and his body was hovering your completely. You squealed at the movement, but kept smiling at the goofball that was over you. His arms were in each side of your head.
“Cualquier cosa—I mean, whatever” you giggled at the two languages, and focused your eyes on him, that was still looking at you like before. As your eyes started travelling through his face, you let the words flow.
“Me encanta tu pelo” [I love your hair] Your started, raising one of your hands and playing with the hair that was in the back of his neck. “Tambien me encantan tus cejas, tus pomulos y más que nada tus ojos” [I also love your eyebrows, your cheekboones and mostly your eyes]. Your fingers ran through the named features as you kept on talking, and he closed his eyes at your touch. “Me gusta la forma en la que hablas, sea el lenguaje que sea. Me encantan tus lunares, tu mandibular, tu barba cuando es que tenes una. Y después, me encanta tu forma de ser” [I love the way you talk, in any language. I love your moles, your jaw, your beard when you have one. And then, I love the way you are]
His eyes opened when you stopped talking for some seconds, still caressing his face and looking at him. But now you were far from being done.
“Tu sarcasmo, lo testarudo que sos, tu forma de dramatizar las cosas y hacerlo divertido. La forma en la que te reís y miras hacia arriba al soltar el jadeo. La forma en que miras la boca de las personas al hablar cuando te interesa lo que dicen. La forma en la que pasas tu mano por el pelo porque te molesta que te toque la frente. La forma en la que tenes que estar abrazando algo para poder dormir, o en la forma dulce que tratas con la gente que amas.” [Your sarcasm, how stubborn you are, the way you dramatize something making them funnier. The way you laugh and look up as you wheeze. The way you look down at someone’s mouth as they talk about something you’re interested in. The way you comb your hair with your hands because you don’t like it when it touches your forehead. The way you need to be hugging something to sleep, or how you treat so sweetly the people you love]
The words slipped through your lips without noticing. It wasn’t your mind talking anymore, it was your heart. The things you never named before were coming out of your mouth, in another language, but somehow they were. And as Ethan kept looking at you, eyes full of feelings and a little bit teary, you knew he understood every word you say.
“Pero más que nada, te amo a vos; porque me encantas todo vos y porque siempre me vas a encantar vos” [But more tan anything, I love you; because I love all of you and because I’m always going to love all of you] You finished speaking, the last words being just a quiet whisper. Your eyes never left his, and as you kept on caressing his cheek, he closed his eyes and one little tear fell on your chest.
He understood.
“I-I…” he stuttered, and as you shushed him, you leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips, making him moan quietly against your mouth. You pecked his lips several times, a smile growing in between his cheeks, until he kissed you one last time, sighing against your lips, and looking at you intently when he pulled back. “Casate conmigo” [Marry me]
As your heart stopped and your eyes opened widely, he stood up from the bed and almost tripped over your shoes that you left beside the bed after you got in the sheets, he opened the little drawer on his bedside table. It wasn’t until he pulled a little box out from it that you realized you weren’t breathing and your eyes were pricking.
“I wanted to propose to you in Spanish, that’s why I was practicing so hard all this time, but right now I don’t trust my pronunciation. I know you don´t feel comfortable with me not understanding you, but you don’t have to worry about that anymore. I don’t have the best Spanish, some words are really hard for me to understand in a sentence; but I know that I will learn with time, and that I will learn with you. I want you to don’t feel uncomfortable with your bloodline, not only because it is part of your family, but because it’s a huge part of you where I want to belong too. I love you, te amo, I can say it in both languages every day from now one if you want me too. And for the rest of our life” he stumbled over his own feet as he kneeled in front of the bed, where you were now sit on the side, shocked. He opened the little box, and the tears fell down your cheeks without knowing “if you accept me as your husband one day”
Your hands flew to your face as you sobbed happily. The love of your life was proposing to you, right in front of you, after weeks and weeks of trying to do it correctly so you wouldn’t have to worry about your cultures. You heard him cough and take a deep breath.
“So… Y/N Y/L/N, would you—“ he stopped midtracks, and as you took your hands off your face to face him, he cleared his throat. “¿Te gustaría casarte conmigo?” [Would you marry me?]
You smiled so widely that your cheeks were going to hurt the next day, and throwing yourself into his arms, both of you falling to the floor because of the weight impact, you both laughed.
“Sí, un millón de veces sí” [Yes, a million times yes]
The next day, as you wore the beautiful ring in your left hand in the Dolan house, Grayson’s eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw it, and he raised his arms letting out a low yell.
“Fucking finally! I was going to kill Ethan if I had to keep trying to use Google Translate.”
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fxckdolanz · 6 years
grayson bailey dolan needs to hurry up and marry my ass already
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jtsfavslut · 4 years
idk if u do requests but an imagine where you do the survival challenge with gray? 🥺
But that would be so cute cuz Grayson is superior at camping.
Also it's short but you know how it is if you want a part 2 just let me know mamas😌
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“I’m not doing that, can we just do something else Grayson,” Ethan groaned as Grayson proposed another survival challenger as a video.
“Than don’t go, I’ll do it with Y/N,” he answered and grinned at you, you didn’t know what they were talking about since you were editing a video of your own.
“Y/N is doing what?” You asked closing your MacBook, making sure you saved the video before.
“Grayon wants to do another survival video and wants you to go with him,” Ethan said as Grayson looked at you with begging eyes.
“Please baby, I want to do this with youuu,” he begged. You were gonna say yes anyways but you wanted to tease him for a little.
“Me? Surviving with you? In the wild? Without showering?” You joker as he shook his head.
“I’m kidding, we can go. I know how to survive too, my dad used to force me to watch that guy on Discovery Chanel that eats bugs,” you said, bringing a smile to his face.
“Ughh, you two were made for each other. But in the plus side I’ll have the house to myself for two days,” Ethan said walking away.
“God, you were made for me,” Grayson said getting up and standing in front of you.
“Ehh, I don’t think so.” You joker and went back to editing.
“Oh yeah?” He teased. He moved the computer from your lap and picked you up carrying you to his room.
“Yes sir. I was made for my self,” you nodded as he dropped you in his bed and crawled up so that his hands were on each of your side, and his body on top of yours.
“Well yeah, but you’re mine,” he grinned placing a quick kiss on the tip of your nose.
“True,” You shrugged.
“When are we going, and where are we going?” You asked as he dropped down next to you.
“Tomorrow since it’s Saturday, and our last day will be Sunday. And I’m thinking that forest that we go to,” he said and grabbed a piece of your hair playing with it.
“Ight that’s cool,” you said nodding. “We need to go to Walmart to get stuff, we’ll what we sculls need” you added and he agreed.
“Have fun, and call me if you guys need anything,” Ethan said as we loaded our stuff in Grayson’s car.
“Thanks E, make sure you don’t destroy the house,” Grayson joked closing the trunk.
“Also, I left you a bunch of cooked stuff in the fridge so that you don’t burn the house down,” you said putting your phone in your back pocket.
“See everything was good, until you insulted me,” he said and pulled you into a hug. He let got and hugged Grayson.
“See you on marsh E,” grays shouted as you to got in the car. You drove away as Ethan went back inside.
“I’m not worried about anything, but bugs, or showering,” you said, as Grayson put his hand on your bare thigh since the shorts you wore weren’t covering that area.
“Well, the bugs we can kill, but the showers, I’m not sure. We can find a lake or pond” he shrugged putting on his glasses.
“We love a smart man,” you smiled as he blushed.
“Stoppp,” he said digging his fingers on your thigh.
“You stop,” you said and grabbed his hand and played with his fingers.
“You know,” he began saying. You looked his way to his infamous, but famous smirk displayed on his face. “There’s a lot of stuff we can do while camping,” he said.
“Really? Like what,” you said. “Oh wait I know,” you added.
“We can make s’mores,” you replied.
“Well yeah but other things too,” he said.
“Grayon Bailey Dolan. We will not be having sex on the ground. What if a bug bites me ass,” you exclaimed as he laughed.
“A bug will not bite your ass, you say no but we’ll end up fucking anyways.” He shrugged.
You pulled into the parking lot of the forest or park you would be ‘surviving’ at.
“So first we need to find an area-” he began saying before you cut him off.
“Close to water, has shade, and is flat, and close to wood. Yeah I know Grayson,” you said grabbing your back pack and his as he grabbed the other stuff.
“Well damm,” he muttered.
You spent a couple of minutes looking for a place, those few minutes were spent joking around, and you almost falling into a ditch.
“Babe? Can you set up the tent while I look for more wood?” Grayson asked you placing all the stuff down
“Yeah. Iv never done that before but I’ll just look for the instructions.” You said and he walked away.
“Hey guys. So it’s just me and Gray today because Ethan was being a little bitch, so you have me instead of Ethan today. How nice” you spoke into the camera.
“Anyways, Grayson told me well, he asked me to set up the tent, so I’ll be ATTEMPTING to do that,” you said emphasizing the attempting.
You placed the camera down makeing sure that you’ll be able to see what you’re doing.
“So I’m supposed to put this on first” you started talking as you built the tent.
You spent a good ten minutes building the ‘foundation’ while talking to the camera.
“So now I’ll we need to do is put this” You said holding up the cover. “On top of the tent, but I don’t reach so we need to wait for Gray.”
“I would go ok my phone, but we left them in the car since we can’t use it” You said as you picked up the camera.
“Also I look a mess, but when do I not” You joked.
While you were speaking to the camera, Grayson came back with all the wood.
“Baby, when we’re done setting up, can we go shower in that lake we passed?” You asked him.
“Yeah baby, I’ll be done in just a sec, can you get our clothes from the bags.” He said, without replying you went in your bags, pulling out a pair of biker shorts, clean underwear and one of grays tees.
“I’m just gonna gran him some underwear and joggers cuz I know he’s not gonna wear the shirt,” you spoke to the camera. You could hear Grayson talking to his aswell.
“Also guys we brought some natural soap that doesn’t harm the environment, I don’t know if it counts as cheating but we need to shower.” You spoke shaking the soap you guys brought.
“Baby lets go,” Grayson said standing next you and placing a kiss on your cheek, making you blush.
“Ok guys, we’re gonn cut the cameras because our we don’t post that type of videos,” Grayson said you nodded your head as he turned it off.
You quickly took of your clothes and jumped in the lake.
“Heyy, that’s not fair, I didn’t get to see anything,” Grayson shouted while he stood infront if the lake.
“That’s not my problem Mister,” you laughed as he took off his boxers and jumped in.
“What did I tell you earlier” he smirked as you shook our head.
“Not a chance,” you laughed.
He wrapped his hand around your bare waist pulling you into him.
His right hand came up to your face, moving your wet hair away from your face.
“I love you,” he whispered kissing your forehead.
“And I love you, Gray,” you smiled up at him, admiring how good he looked as water droplets fell from his hair to his face.
“Good, but I love you more,” he said and softly crashed his lips on yours.
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dolantwinsfavss · 5 years
Meant To Be {g.d}
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Always (Part 2) // Masterlist
“Gray?” You mumbled after waking up to realize that Grayson’s side of the bed hadn’t been slept on.
Rubbing your tired eyes, you noticed a faint light coming from the living room and got out of bed, wrapped yourself in a blanket and headed to the living room to see a very tired Grayson on his laptop while Ethan slept beside him.
“Hey why are you still up?” You whispered before yawning.
“Hmm?” Grayson slowly blinked before saying, “Oh um we’re editing a video... What are you doing up?”
“I woke up and realized you weren’t in bed yet.” You sighed sitting next to him, “I thought you were going to go to bed early tonight.”
“Y-Yeah. I was but then things weren’t working out the way we wanted them to and I guess I just lost track of time?” Grayson said never taking his eyes off the screen.
You could see how tired he was. He was trying so hard to stay awake, eyelids drooping every few minutes and rubbing his face with his hands. You hated seeing him like this, sacrificing his own health for work... once again.
You reached over and softly scratched the nape of his neck which he instinctively leaned into. “You promised you would stop pulling all nighters for videos remember?”
“I know I know. It’s just we promised our fans the video would be up tomorrow and I don’t want to let them down.” Grayson said softly, finally looking into your eyes. You could see that he truly wanted to keep his promise. He absolutely hated it when he broke any promise and that’s just the way he was. Someone who was always true to his word. Always wanting others to be happy.
“Grayson. Your fans will understand if the video isn’t out tomorrow. They know how hard you guys work on them and how far you’ve come to put videos out for yourself, not their views.” You explained softly, hoping you would be able to change his mind.
“I just... I know. I know what we said about not having a deadline or rushing to put out a video, but sometimes I still feel guilty for being selfish.” Grayson admitted with sorrow in his voice.
In that moment you could feel your heart breaking into a million pieces. The man who always wears his heart on his sleeve, despite being fucked over so many times, feels selfish for putting his happiness above others.
You placed your hand on his cheek and brushed his soft skin with your thumb while saying, “Grayson Bailey Dolan. You are the least selfish person I know. Don’t say that putting your own health and happiness above others is being selfish because you’re not. You’re finally taking care of yourself after all these years. And your fans will love and support you endlessly as will I, but how can they do that when you’re not taking care of yourself? You have to put yourself first, no matter what or who, including me. It breaks my heart to see you're pushing yourself to the point of burning out. So please don’t ever say that you’re selfish.”
Grayson knew you were right. You were always right. Somehow you always knew what to say at the right time. And that’s what he loved most about you.
Grayson rested his head on yours and closed his eyes. “I love you.” He softly mumbled, not knowing what the right words were to say in that moment.
“I love you too.” You smiled before pulling him into a soft kiss.
You pulled away and put the laptop to sleep, “Now go get ready for bed while I try to get Ethan to go his bed so he doesn’t complain about his back hurting tomorrow.” He chuckled and placed a kiss on you forehead before walking towards his room.
Somehow you managed to get Ethan into bed, but before you were able to close his door, you heard, “Y/N?”
“Yeah E?”
“Thank you for taking care of Grayson.” Ethan said with a smile on his face before falling back asleep. He didn’t know it at the time, but his words made you smile.
“Goodnight E.”
“Goodnight Y/N.” He said before you closed his door to head back to Grayson’s room.
When you got to the room, Grayson was already asleep. As you laid next to him, you couldn’t help but to stare. How can someone look so perfect and be so perfect?
“Like what you see?” Grayson mumbled into his pillow, opening one eye to look at you, “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
You chuckled, “I would, but I think I just want to enjoy this moment with you.”
He reached over and pulled you into his chest, wrapping your legs with his. “Your feet are so cold.” Grayson said, making the both of you laugh.
“I know. They’re always cold but that’s why I have you to warm them up for me.” You said, leaning your forehead against his chest.
For the remainder of the night, the two of you laid in each other’s arms, mindlessly drawing shapes on each other until Grayson whispered, “Y/N?”
“Do you ever think about our future together?” He asked, feeling his heart race when you didn’t answer him right away.
Truth was, you have. For a while now actually. You’ve pictured the way he would propose, the day of your wedding, even starting a family with him. Grayson has been the only person everything has felt right with. You never knew what love felt like until you met him.
“Yeah all of the time.” You spoke softly before placing a kiss on his chest. “Have you?”
“Yeah. For our wedding, we’ll be surrounded by all of the people we love and I know from the moment you walk down that aisle, I’m going to start crying because of how happy I am to finally spend forever with you. And for our honeymoon, we’ll go wherever you like. Just the two of us. It’ll be unforgettable, a time to start the beginning of our lives together. Then when we’re ready, we’ll start a family. Have a house right next to Ethan just like him and I have always dreamed. Maybe we’ll have kids at the same time as Ethan so then they can all grow up together. And maybe we’ll have twins just like how Ethan and I are. We’ll travel the world and be so happy. Then we’ll grow old and smelly together  because we’re meant to be.”
You knew this wasn’t going to be anytime soon, probably years from now, but the fact that he’s thought about all of this or the thought of him mentioning spending the rest of his life with you to his mom, Ethan, and Cameron, made your heart melt.
“I love that. It’s everything I’ve always dreamed of.” You softly said
He pulled you closer, if that was even possible, and placed a kiss on your forehead. “I love you, my angel. I can’t wait to spend forever with you.”
“I love you too.” You said as the two of you fell asleep in each others arms.
This is where you were meant to be. Right here with the love of your life. The two of you were meant to be.
But wasn’t always like this. 
You were happy... a long time ago.
You were the couple everyone wished they could be. Everyone was sure would get married and live the perfect lives destined for each other. But it broke your heart knowing the future you once envisioned with the boy you loved was slipping away day by day. 
One day you were so in love with each other, planning your wedding, how many kids you would have... And the next... it was like you were strangers again.
But tonight was different. It seemed like every little fight was leading to the biggest fight you’ve ever had and it scared you knowing what might come next.
“Would you stop walking away from me when I’m trying to talk to you?!” Grayson shouted as he followed you into the house.
“Fine. You want to talk? Let’s talk. Let’s talk about how you were kissing another girl tonight.“ You said slamming the keys on the counter before turning around to face an angry Grayson.
“I pushed her away! You saw me do it!”
“Yeah that was after I caught you shoving your tongue down her throat!” You said shaking your head, “God knows if I wasn’t there, you’d be doing a lot more than just making out.”
“You’re one to talk...” Grayson scoffed while crossing his arms.
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” You shouted angrily at him, not ready to believe the words that were about to come out of his mouth.
“It means I shouldn’t be the one who should be accused of cheating when you’re the one who’s been flirting with every guy you see!”
Is he actually being serious? Did he really think that you would cheat on him? I am so fucking in love with him that it hurts. But it hurts even more to think that he thinks I would...
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?! Do you really think that I would cheat on you?!” You shouted, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. 
He didn’t say a word, but that’s all what you needed for an answer. He really believed you would...
“You know what? I’m done. Do whatever you want, but I’m not going to stand here and be accused of something I would never do.” You managed to say as your voice broke before leaving Grayson standing in the living room.
You were angry, hurt, and betrayed. Never have you felt so much pain in your life, especially with Grayson. Your whole entire relationship was filled with nothing but love and happiness. It was hard to believe that in this moment you would feel so empty.
Your vision became blurry as tears spilled from your eyes. You couldn’t stay there anymore. You just couldn’t... so you began to pack your bags until you were interrupted by the one your heart still yearned for.
“Wh-what are you doing?” Grayson said with a quiet voice as he stood in the doorway, praying his mind was just playing tricks with him.
“I don’t know anymore. I don’t know.” You said continuing to throw your things into your bags, not daring to look at Grayson because you knew if you stopped, you would break down right then and there.
“St-stop we can fix this. Just stop... please.” Grayson said walking towards you as he continued to watch you.
“Grayson. Just leave me alone!” 
“Y/N we can talk about this! Just please stop!” He begged, but you wouldn’t listen. 
“No Grayson! I’m so tired of fighting for something that doesn’t exist!”
“What are you talking about?” He asked, not moving from his spot.
“You! Me! Us! Don’t you get it? We barely talk to each and when we are we’re at each other’s throats!” You said as more tears fell.
“If you would just talk to me, we can work this out.” Grayson said, feeling himself begin to choke up.
“But we can’t Grayson! Every time we try to, it always leads back to us fighting over and over ag-” By now the tears were streaming endlessly and Grayson knew that if he didn’t do something now, he would lose you forever. 
Grayson quickly grabbed your wrists and pulled you into his chest. You didn’t even try to fight him. It was no use. Even after all the screaming and crying, you still couldn’t help but to feel safe in his arms like you belonged there.
“P-Please. We can f-fix this. Please don’t... Please don’t go... I can’t lose you.” He sobbed into your neck as he held tightly in his arms.
You couldn’t bring yourself to say the words that needed to be said so you stayed silent as the both of you stood there with tears falling from your eyes. Neither of you wanted to ruin what could be the last moment of your relationship.
Somehow you both ended up laying in bed in each other’s arms, but still no words were exchanged as the both of you were terrified of what the other might say until you asked quietly, “Are you happy?”
He paused for a moment, debating if he should say the words that would keep this relationship alive or the words his heart felt was right. Earlier in the beginning of your relationship if you had asked him that, in a heartbeat he would say yes because that was true. But now... he wasn’t so sure, “I don’t know... Are you?”
I really wish I was. I wish I could lie and tell you that I am but I’m not.
Just like Grayson, you contemplated on what should be said next. But you knew what your heart wanted. “I want to be...”
As the night grew on, the both of you fell asleep from how tired you were. But you woke up earlier than expected, leaving you to find yourself wrapped up in Grayson’s arms for one last time. You carefully untangled yourself from him and finished packing your things, careful not to wake Grayson up.
By the time you were finished, he still was sound asleep, except this time soft snores came from his slightly a-gaped mouth. You couldn’t help but to feel your heart melt at how peaceful he looked. Something inside you still wished there was something you could do to save your relationship, if there was anything left that is. But you had promised yourself you needed to do what’s best for you so you placed a soft kiss to his temple and whispered, “I love you.”
No matter how much it hurt you to leave him. It hurt more knowing you weren’t right for each other.
Grayson woke up to the sound of the door closing after you had left. He fluttered his eyes open as they adjusted to the sunlight shining into the room. “Good morning angel.” He said expecting you to be by his side, but was shocked to see your side of the bed empty.
He quickly got out of bed and ran out to the rest of the house as memories of last night flooded his mind, “Y/N? No... No!” He was praying you didn’t do what you had thought of before, but when he couldn’t find you, he had lost all hope.
As Grayson reentered his room, he found a note with his name on it. With shaky hands, he picked the letter, terrified of what you wrote. But he knew that if he didn’t do it now, he would never be able to.
With defeat Grayson sat on his bed, heart racing a mile a minute, he began to read:
Grayson Bailey Dolan.
My love. My heart. My everything.
I love you. I will always love you.
Never in a million years I thought I’d be writing this letter to you nor would we ever be in this position... But I guess time has changed over the last few years, hasn’t it?
I will never forget the day I met you. Sometimes I wonder what happened if I took a different route or went at a different time, then I would have never met you. But I’m so glad I didn’t because I met you and from that moment on, I have felt nothing but love and happiness I’ve only dreamt about.
You’ve given me the love I never thought I was capable of because you learned how to love my flaws, especially my never-ending questions when I worry too much. Most importantly, you learned how to love me when I pushed you away and built walls to keep everyone out. I never thought someone was going to be able to breakdown those walls, but you did. You made me into a better version of myself, pushing me to chase my dreams and being there every step of the way. You never left my side.
Gosh and that night when you brought up our future, I swore I fell more in love than ever because you saw a future with me. You planned out everything to the point where we grow old and smelly together. That future was so perfect and I was so ready to love you forever and ever. And if you asked me to marry you that night, I would have. Just like any other day. I would in a heartbeat.
But somehow along the way I guess we fell out of love. Day by day that future we planned together was slipping away. Nights together weren’t the same. Grayson... I tried. I tried to stay a little longer, but my heart couldn’t take it anymore. We weren’t happy. I wasn’t happy.
Please know that this is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. It physically hurts me to write this as you’re sound asleep two doors down. I never wanted to hurt you. 
They say that if you love someone, let them go. And if they come back to you, they’re yours to keep. God I am hoping this is the case, Grayson. I hope that one day we’ll run into each other, years from now and be able to finally have our future together. I can’t wait for that day because I will still be in love with you and hopefully you’ll still feel the same. But for now, I guess this is... see you soon. 
I love you.
When Grayson finally managed to finish the letter, his heart broke into a million pieces. He never wanted to hurt you. He loves you more than anything in the world. He would do anything to turn back time and give you the love you deserve.
He put down the letter and picked up the engagement ring he gave you a few months ago, made to fit you perfectly and read the words engraved into the ring:
Meant To Be. -G
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warmdolans · 4 years
How Long - Grayson Dolan
I have questions for you, Grayson Dolan.
Your chocolate eyes.
Your bright smile.
Your boisterous laughter.
Your intoxicating lips.
The uncountable times i've pressed mine against them.
With lipstick, sweat, tears or smiles between them.
How many times have they pressed against another when you were still mine?
How many times have they marked another woman's neck and chest shades of purple like you marked mine after our drunk nights together? I could never erase the smug look you would have on your face when you caught me covering them in makeup. Does she cover hers?
Have they traced the bare chocolate skin of hers as much they did mine, perhaps more?
And your calloused hands,
The first time you held my hands in your large ones, you were guiding me through the forest behind your house when I tripped and u grasped on to them tightly. Remember? When we stood there holding one another and you laid the softest kiss on my numb, cold lips. You asked me to be yours before we even made it to the picnic you had set up.
It was too cold for the picnic to work, but my cheeks still hurt from smiling at you talking about New Jersey.
That was five years ago.
And those large arms,
I sat on your bed crying over my parents divorcing, you couldn't take it any longer and pulled me into your arms. I cried even more after ruining your Louis Vuittion sweatshirt with my makeup, you were so confused with what to do as you pressed the softest kiss to my forehead. I woke up at four in the morning with your arms gripping me tightly but I manage to escape your grip, you ran after me before I had the chance to leave. When I told you I wasn't sleepy, you played a movie for me on your projector. I woke up at 9 in the morning with your arm around me and my head on your shoulder. This happened 2 months before you asked me to be yours.
They've been around me so much more since then. In bed where you used to trap me in your arms from leaving for work, when I cooked and you'd have your big head on my shoulder, how I laid against your chest with your arms around me as you watched random shows I wasn't interested in. Oh how I used to feel in those arms, safe and protected.
Did she feel safe in them too? Did they carry her to bed when she tried to leave? Did they trap her arms when you smothered her in wet kisses?
Did she fall for your lies as well?
How did you say you loved her? Was it different from the way you said it to me? Maybe you said it when you were in bed with her, much like how you said it to me the first time, or maybe over those late night phone calls I'd catch you taking, you would tell me they were with your manager who was on a different time zone, and i stupidly believed.
Did you cook her breakfast after the sex she gave you? The classic sunny-side-up and bacon you used to make for me? Or maybe you had no time to cook, you had to leave and see me and pretend you weren't fooling around as I smelled her perfume and tasted her on different parts of you. Or maybe you would use that time for another round instead of breakfast.
Why were you so paranoid I was doing what you were? At first it felt scary when you constantly asked who I was hanging out with and why I was always with them, how you would say it made you feel like you weren't enough for me, how you would ask if I actually went to pick up stuff I accidentally left at work late at night or if I was going somewhere else. I had begged and cried for you to just trust me again, all whilst you were visiting her bed during those six months, one of our last months together.
Just know I would never do to anyone what you did to me.
Do memories of us haunt you?
Do you think of the nights we spent talking, or the times we got drunk and things got heated, the first dinner I had with your family, the time you talked with the biggest smile and brightest eyes over how happy you were that Ethan loved me, the time you overheard my mother telling me how much she liked you, the phone calls we'd have when we were apart, the time I flew to Los Angeles and surprised you for your birthday after being apart for two months or maybe you think about just simply waking up next to me. Or maybe you're already off making new memories with her again.
What did I have that she didn't?
Was it my body? Were you sick of those nights you had to hold me and remind me I was worth it? Tired of reminding me I was the only one, tired of lying to my face when your dick ached for her? Did my body change since the first time you laid eyes on me? Was it the sex? Could I have not satisfied your needs enough the way she could? Were you so used to me you got bored? That there were no more new pages of me to learn and so you roamed to another.
If so, Grayson Dolan, why did you put a ring on my finger?
Right on the night of our fourth year together.
Why did you give me the hope that our relationship might last a lifetime and I was about to be complete with the man of my dreams?
Why did you let all your cousins and family know I was your fiance with the proudest look on your face when you were sleeping with another lady behind my back? Did you strategise this proposal? So it would be too shameful for me to leave if I ever found out about your secrets, so it would make it harder for me to tell people the relationship I had with a million dollar man was over? So I would cower over leaving you in fear of people calling me stupid?
Because for a while it worked. I read her emails, the thousands of words describing your excapades with her, the things you bought her, the ways you've touched her, the promises you made to her, yet I was still too scared to leave.
I burried my knowledge of your scandal. After all, she had said you left her in hopes of growing the feelings you had for your fiance again, me.
But that night, a week before it would be the third month of our fourth year, when you came deep inside me and whispered how much you loved me beside my ear, I lost it.
I cried and told you I knew everything.
You never knew of the emails she had sent and screamed at me for accusing you of doing such things.
I was at a loss of words to defend myself and you slammed the door and drove away. Who knows, maybe you drove to hers. Maybe you found comfort inside her like you always do. She told me those were the words you said to her, that you found comfort inside her.
I ran for you through the tears blurring my vision, I watched you speed off and I fell to my knees in front of my house.
And this all happened as I felt traces of you drip down my thighs.
So, Grayson, help me sleep at night and tell me,
How long were you planning on lying to me?
So this is my first posted fic :) Kinda nervous but I wrote it for fun and kinda liked it so thought i'd just post it for anyone who came across it to read hehe. Be easy on me im scared :")
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iheartgrayson · 5 years
                        INCORECT DOLAN QUOTES
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
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                            GRAYSON BAILEY DOLAN
1 2 3                                                                                                                                                                                                                               AU:VACATION IN HAWAII WITH GRAYSON! AU:BEING MARRIED TO GRAYSON DOLAN! AU:DATING GRAYSON! AU: BEING IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH GRAYSON pt.2
                           ETHAN GRANT DOLAN
                                        DOLAN TWINS
I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become! The finest sould are those who gulped pain and avoided making others taste it He’s broken but you love him anyway not because you want to fix him but because he is the only one who knows that you are just as broken as him. If they want me borken then I will have to be whole. they were kids i once knew….now they are both free hearts to you. INCREDIBLY ATTRACTIVE PEOPLE WHO ARE SIMULTANEOUSLY GIANT DORKS ARE MY WEAKNESS BLOODY HELL HE’S UP Life is hard, my darling,but so are we. cause you better knock me out the first time thank you universe everyone things that we’re perfect, please don’t let them look through the curtains. persuit of hapiness and in their smile i see something more beautiful than the stars. what is a legacy? it’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see. i think we deserve a soft epilogue my brother, we are good people and we’ve suffered enough and it’s not over... AU:BEING BEST FRIENDS WITH THE TWINS AU:FORCING THE TWINS MAKE A FASHION SHOW WITH YOUR CLOTHES!
who is in control? people are not rain or snow or autumn leaves, they do not look beautiful when they fall. I feel like I am the worst so I always act like I am the best. Thank God I don’t look like what I have been through
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fxkthatdairy · 5 years
Panic Room Chapter 10 (Finale): SAFE AND SOUND~ Grayson Dolan
Overview: In the year 2020, to solve the problem of overpopulation. Selected few are thrown into the PANIC ROOM simulation. If the person finds their soulmate in the simulator and manages to survive, they are able to rejoin the rest of the population. If they fail they will become a victim of the PANIC ROOM. What happens when (Y/N) gets thrown in the PANIC ROOM? Will she survive? Or will she fall victim to the simulation?
Warnings:Fluff, smut
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“I’m right here baby, and I’m going nowhere. You are stuck with me for the rest of your life because I love you (Y/F/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N) so much and I will love you till the day I die. Now let’s get out of here so that we can see our families again.” Grayson said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me up. We held hands as we walked back through the hallway and to the exit.
(Y/N)’s POV
As we approached the white waiting room two doors began to open revealing a bright light. We covered our eyes from the beams and continued through the doors. The doors shut behind us and we were in the same room where we started. The sunshine beaded through the windows. Real sunshine, not the artificial bullshit of the simulator. Sparse amounts of couples were in the room, all keeping their distance. Some were in worse shape than others, some were beaten and bruised while others looked just the same as they entered. I finally was able to let out a relaxed breath and laugh and I wrapped my arms Grayson's waist and pulled him into a tight hug.
“We made it! We fucking made it out alive!” I said as I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him passionately.
His hands rested on the small of my back as he kissed back. I felt both our happy tears on my face and I pulled back. I used my thumb to gently stroke his cheek.
“We did it, baby, we get to go home and see our families. I get to show you to my mom and Ethan and I can see your mom. We can go get married, we can live our lives,” Grayson said as he held onto my hand tightly.
“Congratulations, you all have survived the Panic Room Simulation. In a minute the doors to the outside will be opened to you. Your families have been contacted and will be waiting for you. Congratulations again on surviving and God Bless America. Thank you.” The intercom voice rang throughout the whole building.
We walked closer to the exit doors and five minutes later the doors opened wide revealing the city square filled with parents and families. I gripped onto Grayson’s hand tightly as the nerves filled my body. My body shook in anxiety as I scanned the crowd looking for the familiar face of my mom. Grayson’s thumb gently stroked the top of my hand in attempts to soothe my high anxiety. I finally spotted her, sitting on a bench with her head in her hands praying. I kissed Grayson's hand and let go.
“I’ll find you in a minute. I saw here babe. You find Ethan and your mom, they’ve got to be here.” I said as I walked down the stairs and walked fastly, pushing through the crowd of people.
“MOMMA,” I yelled as I approached the bench that she was currently sitting on. Her head shot up and her eyes filled with tears. She stood up and I engulfed her in a hug. Tears filled my eyes as I inhaled her signature perfume and felt her loving touch engulf me.
“My baby, you made it,” my mom let out a happy sigh. I pulled back and kissed her forehead.
“I did momma, and I have someone that I want you to meet. We have to go find him,” I said as I took her hand in mine and drug us through the crowds.
Grayson’ POV
I watched as (Y/N) wandered off into the crowd to go to her mother. I stood on the platform and searched for my mother, Ethan, and Cameron. I felt the presence of my brother her. It was sort of a twin's intuition. I finally spotted them standing by a tree looking for me as well. I walked down the stairs of the platform and sped walked all the way over there. I finally pushed through the crowd and spotted them by the tree.
“Mom! Ethan! Cameron!,” I yelled as I approached them.
“Grayson!,” they all responded and I wrapped my mom up into a hug and Ethan and Cameron hugged around us forming a huge group hug.
“Oh my baby boy, you made it, you made it, I’m so happy. I love you so much,” my mother said as she kissed my forehead.
“Gray, fuck, I missed you so fucking much brother,” Ethan said as he pulled me into a tight hug.
“I missed you too, E, more than you’ll ever know,” I said as I rubbed his back gently.
“I want you all to meet someone who is very important to me. Without her, I wouldn’t have been able to make it through. I mean we’ve known her before but she left,” I said and I looked around trying to spot her out in the crowd.
(Y/N’s) POV
I took my mother's hand and I searched frantically through the crowd. I stood on my tiptoes to see above some people but I finally spotted him in the crowd.
“Grayson!,” I yelled as I saw him and I brought my mother along with me.
“Grayson, as in Dolan. Like Lisa and Sean’s kids,” my mother questioned as I pulled her through the crowd.
“Yes momma, he’s my boyfriend and the reason I survived the simulation,” I said as we approached them.
Grayson ran up and picked me up into a hug. His mother smiled at us as well as mine.
“It’s nice to see you again, Lisa,” My mother said  
 “It’s nice to see you as well (Y/M/N),” Mrs. Dolan said as they hugged each other.
“Mom, this is (Y/N) and she is my girlfriend. I don’t know why I introduced her because you know her but it just felt right.” Grayson rambled as he ran his fingers through his hair which had grown long within the month we were trapped.
“It’s nice to see you again, Mrs. Dolan,” I said with a smile as I wrapped her into a hug.
“You can call me Lisa dear, I’m so happy you make my son happy, welcome to the family (Y/N),” Mrs Dolan said.
“Yeah, welcome to the family, (Y/N)” Ethan and Cameron said as the wrapped me in a hug.
“Mom this is my boyfriend, Grayson,” I said as I brought my mom into the group.
Everyone hugged each other and we all began talking.
“As much as I love that everyone is getting along, I think Grayson and I would love to take a shower and change because these clothes are kind of dirty,” I said with a slight laugh.
“Yeah y’all go ahead and shower at our house and after we can all have a welcome back dinner,” Mrs Dolan said as she grabbed my mothers hand. We all walked to Mrs Dolans car and I took a deep breath and got in and held onto Graysons hand the whole entire time. For once in my life I didn’t feel afraid of cars, as long as I had Grayson.
When we got to Grayson’s house we got out and Cameron handed me a pair of her clothes to borrow since I had none on and I walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on and on hot water. I stripped out of the dirty clothes and finally looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was matted and my body was covered in dirt and small bruises. I took a deep breath and took a step into the shower and let the hot water wash the dirt off of my body. My muscles relaxed under the pressure of the water. I ran my fingers through my hair and felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist.
“You know, you look beautiful as ever,” Grayson said with a smirk as he placed gentle butterfly kissed up and down my neck.
“Hmmm, our parents are downstairs, Gray,” I said as I felt his hard on pressed against the curve of my ass. My own arousal began to grow as he continued his kisses down my neck. He turned my body around and pressed me up against the shower wall.
“Guess you’re going to have to be quiet then huh beautiful,” he said and lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist.
“Make it quick, my love, wouldn’t want to keeep them waiting for us, after all we are the main attraction,” I said raspidly as he gently entered into me.
“Of course, my queen,” he said as he pressed his lips on mine as he picked up his speed.
“I love you so much, Grayson,” I moaned softly out as I dragged my nails up his back.
“I love you more, (Y/N), more than you’ll ever know,” he said as he placed his head in between my shoulder blade and neck.
I felt my orgasm approach and I smashed my lips against his to drown out my moans as I felt my release. Shortly after my own, he release into me and slowly pulled out and sat me back down on the ground.
“That was amazing, I think I’m addicted to you,” Grayson said as he began to wash my hair for me.
“I think I’m addicted to you as well, thank you for that, I needed it,” I said as I leaned back into his relaxing touches.
He rinsed our my hair and washed my body before washing his own hair and body. We turned off the water and got out and dried off. I pulled on the pair of skinny jeans and forest green sweater that Cameron had give me on my body and brushed my hair into a braid. Grayson wore a simple black shirt and a pair of green pants.
“Wow, you look absolutely stunning,” Grayson said as he placed a gently kiss on my lips.
“Thank you baby, you look absolutely handsome, now let’s go spend time with our family,” I said as I gripped his hand.
The rest of the night we spent time catching up, nobody spoke once about the games, they were understanding on we would talk about it when we were ready. That night Grayson proposed to me and of course I said Yes. I guess some good did come out of bad.
This is it! Wow I can’t believe this is the final part of the main series. Thank you to everyone who has supported this series and I hope you enjoy this series. If you have any concepts I would love to write them. I love you all and thank you for the support.
Tags: @dolanshellyes @graysavant @graydolan12 @flowery-dolan @dolan-bliss @justordinaryjen @dickdowndolan @dolans4lyfe @lanelessdolan @pineappledols @reblogserpent @frickin-bats @cautiouscalum @grays-laugh @youtuberimagines12 @minecraftgamerr @wrcn9fvlcver @buildermangray @highoffdolan @beautorigin
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Hurt, part 14 (E.D.)
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Summary: Back home, Ethan and Y/N show just close they’ve gotten.
Warnings: ANGST, fluff, smuttish, talk of depression and anxiety
Word Count: 3100
Hurt - Masterlist
''You know I can feel you're shaking, right?“ Y/N giggled into Ethan's neck, her arms loosening slightly as he continued to carry her inside the house.
''No clue what you're talking about. You're as light as a feather.“ He countered, his voice a little strained.
The past month has been spent in the hospital, in the spirit of horrible food and sneaking in pizzas, a ridiculous amount of tests and a lot of lying down. Ethan learned to sleep on the small bed they've added to her room, his hand always outstretched toward her bed in case she needed him during the night because he knew he wouldn't wake up by her voice alone unless she was screaming at him. But, as long and scary as it was, they were finally cleared to return home to rest – their actual home.
''Do you think we're moving a bit too fast?“ Y/N asked, a little lost in thought. She knew she'd never let Ethan so close had it not been for the pregnancy, more importantly, had it not been for all the complications. Reading how people connect deeply in stressful situations in short amounts of time is one thing, but to feel it all happen to her? That felt like skydiving without a parachute.
''I don't know. As far as I'm concerned, nothing is too fast or too slow as long as you let me hold your hand like this.“ Smiling softly, Ethan glanced at their intertwined fingers, giving her a light squeeze of reassurement. He had been more than happy to eat crappy hospital food and sleep on a bed that barely fit him, all if it allowed him to be with her.
''Are you having doubts?“ Ethan was almost afraid to ask, she could tell, but it was an obvious follow-up question. She could see it in his eyes, the flames of his love burning bright and the ones that represented his pain flickering right beneath. He's struggling, even now when he's holding her hand as if nothing was ever wrong to begin with.
''No! Never.“ She was quick to correct his thinking, deciding to take the plunge and just say what's been on her mind since she learned she could go home soon. She did want to go home, her actual home.
''I was just thinking if...if you'd have a problem with me moving back home? I'd take the guest room or something?“ For a moment she expected Ethan to pull his hand back or break eye contact or run off where she could not follow. She expected he'd tell her to go to hell for playing with his feelings and not letting him in without making every doorknob a razorwire that could lead to her heart. She thought he'd say something to turn her down, but instead, she saw his face light up brighter than it did when she accepted his proposal.
''You can have the master bedroom. I haven't slept there in months anyway.“ Ethan lifts her hand up, kissing the back of it tenderly – once, twice, three times as she shook her head with a fond smile.
''But I'd like you to be in the room too. I'm not sure I'd quite be comfortable with sharing a bed, but...I'm scared of being alone in case something happens and I can't get to you.“ She excused, knowing fully it's not entirely a lie, but it certainly wasn't the only reason why she wanted him there. In fact, she'd have asked him to share the bed too, but baby steps they've been taking have clearly been working and she feared they would run before learning to walk and how that might affect them.
''No problem! I'll have Grayson move a couch in and it's gonna be fine!“ Smiling like two very shy teenage kids, Ethan and Y/N looked at each other as if it were for the first time. Sure, they're both a little older and a little rougher around the edges now, but they like they're reintroduced to one another. It felt like a fresh start.
''Katie, sweetie...You have to let Y/N rest.“ Clara tried to talk her daughter into leaving Y/N's arm alone. The moment Ethan put her down on the bed, little Katie attached herself to her right arm and refused to let go.
''Katie, you know I'm okay, right? I'm not sick and I'm not going anywhere. You're just going to have three cousins to play with.“ Y/N spoke sweetly, her left hand running up and down Katie's back to soothe her worries.
''I'll be resting in my bed with ice cream a lot. I'd say it's a win-win situation after all.“ Exclaiming, Y/N giggled too in her desire to show she's truly doing better than it seems.
''Really? Can I have some too?“ Lifting her head, Grayson's big brown eyes meet Y/N's and she melts at the sight. Soon enough, she could have Ethan's big brown eyes stare at her from three different tiny humans and she couldn't wait for her fantasies to become reality.
''Of course! But for now, I really need my arm back.“ Chuckling, Y/N managed to get a smile on Katie's face and her arm back – a little colder and worn out though. As they walked out to leave her resting, Y/N took a moment to look around.
Ethan had taken care of everything. The walls were painted a different color – a gentle shade of purple, the curtains matching was probably Clara's doing, the bed was different too – from the actual bed to the mattress to the sheets. She thought it to be his way of cleansing the last of Bianca's spirit from the house, a way for him to tell her this was her room, her house, her husband.
''Everyone's gone and I have some awesome food in the kitchen. Full disclosure, I'll have to send photos of you eating to mom, both my grandma's and Clara, since they agreed it's the only way I can make them leave us alone for a while.“ Ethan sat beside her on the bed, his weight dipping the mattress toward him and her as well. She didn't mind when her thigh touched him, nor when his hand wrapped around hers on instinct. She was comfortable with him touching her. She craved his touch, his affection and loving kisses. She missed it all.
''You know my mother never liked you?“ Y/N begins and Ethan's eyes widen in shock and his jaw falls, leaving his mouth open.
''I THOUGHT SHE ADORED ME!“ Ethan exclaimed, a little too loudly for comfort but he genuinely couldn't believe what he was hearing.
Moving aside, Y/N lowered her head down on the pillow, patting the spot next to her for him to take.
''Yeah. When she met you, she told me you're a fuckboy and you'd ruin my life.''
Ethan laid on his side, chewing his bottom lip anxiously. ''I had no idea. I really thought your family loved me. Why'd you marry me then?“ He looked up at her with those big brown eyes that look so deeply into her own.
''You were a YouTuber then and she saw your Instagram page. I guess she was just worried about me. When I told her I think you're my forever, she never brought it up again. My dad loves you. He's still your number one fan.'' She tried to console, noticing his pensive look melt into a smile and she knew he wasn't as upset anymore.
A pause ensued, the two just looking at each other silently like there was a whole new level of closeness developing. Usually, they'd both look away and smile shyly, but neither of them wanted to miss anything – not a single moment of the beauty the other person possessed.
But there were some questions they both needed answers to and while Ethan got all of his about Edward and why he was no longer around almost immediately in the hospital, Y/N had been holding off out of fear of having Ethan change his mind about it all – about her.
''You never had sex with Bianca. True or not?“ She had heard it from her, and she had heard it from Grayson, but Ethan never said anything. He hadn't said a word about how far he went with that woman or how deep his feelings reached. Judging by the way his eyes fell to their hands for a moment, Y/N felt there might be some cause for concern.
Looking back up to her eyes, Ethan shook his head. ''No. But I won't lie to you and say I didn't try. Because I did. I just...Every time I touched her, I wanted it to be you. And I was painfully aware she's not. I didn't love her. I didn't even care about her or anyone at the time. You're the only one who crossed my mind and that's all I remember clearly. The rest was just...going through motions. I spent a lot of my time drunk or high and the first moment of clarity since you left was the moment I saw your head bleeding after you passed out.“
Nodding, she pressed her lips together as she narrowed her eyes at him ever so slightly.
''That day I left...when we were in bed, you were still telling me you love me. How real was that?“ Those whispers of his haunted her constantly. Not only was he whispering the sweetest proclamations of love as he thrusted into her so slowly, so affectionately like nothing else mattered in the world but their well-rehearsed dance, but it was also the last time he said it before everything fell apart. She felt haunted by that day, that morning in particular.
''My therapist said that it's remarkable how close and intimate we are as a couple. She said it's probably what kept my depression at bay for so long and how I managed to keep myself together. She quite literally called you my shield against the darkness. Apparently, an orgasm is better than antidepressants and those were also my moments of clarity – where I did and said exactly what I felt. It was real for me.“
Y/N tried not to smile at the analogy of being his shield against the dark. She tried so hard not to smile and let it be as obvious as it was that his words have definitely melted some of the lasting ice around her heart. Those words have chased away her fears and all she could see is him. He wasn't clouded by the ghosts of the past or tears she had shed in her agony. She could see Ethan Dolan and the vulnerable, honest eyes more clearly than ever before.
''When's the last time you had an orgasm?“ A ballsy question escaped her and her curiosity peaked when he closed his eyes and held his breath. He seemed mortified by her question as if she had asked something he'd rather never talk about. But before she could apologize and tell him this questions can be skipped, Ethan let the answer slip.
''With you. Almost eight months ago.“ Avoiding eye contact, Ethan turned on his back and looked up at the ceiling instead of Y/N. He felt his cheeks burn, embarrassed and a little humiliated by the fact.
''I'm a lot more fucked up than you think I am. I'm broken. My penis doesn't even work. Every day I hope and pray you'd let me in again, let me kiss you and hold you. But then I remember I can't satisfy you anymore and that scares the crap out of me. If I can't give you the pleasure and intimacy we used to have, how can I ever be with you?“
There's a moment between action and consequence, eternal and fleeting. It's when whatever you did has occurred but the reaction is yet to come. She knew no words could comfort him now. Ethan believed he was broken. He believed there wasn’t a way to fix him, that he was unworthy, somehow less manly. No words she speaks will change his mind, but actions would.
‘’Close your eyes.” She ordered, turning to her side as glanced at her, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips pressed tightly together as if he was trying to figure her out.
‘’I don’t see why –“, He had started his overly defensive speech, but Y/N had a point to make.
‘’Do you trust me?” She cut him off, placing her right hand on his chest, right above his unnaturally fast heartbeat.
‘’With my life.” His response didn’t surprise her. The sweet, non-questioning tone he used had her heart speed up as well. He was always sexiest when he was unashamed to be real with her, even if he was as soft as Bambi when he did.
‘’Then please close your eyes for me and relax.” Nodding, Ethan closed his eyes and squirmed nervously as he awaited her next move. Y/N could be a little unpredictable, always. More often than not, Ethan had no way to assume what she’d do next and he certainly never thought that when his eyes closed, he’d feel her hand move from his chest to his abdomen – slowly, but with purpose. His eyes snapped open the very moment her fingers brushed his cock, feeling her touch despite the sweatpants and boxer briefs set in place. His hand grabbed onto her wrist instinctively and he looked back at her mischievous eyes and saw something he hadn’t in a long while. She knew all his fears and faults now, yet she still didn’t care or she simply didn’t understand.
‘’It won’t work. It just won’t.” He spoke in a rushed manner, relenting his hold on her wrist in fear of hurting her.
‘’Close your eyes and breathe. Can you do that for me?” She raised an eyebrow in expectation and while he didn’t think anything would come of it, he could at least relax and let her take a leap of faith she clearly needed. Ethan accepted his condition, assuming it’s either because of depression or antidepressants, but if she wanted to try something, he wouldn’t fight her on it. In fact, he thought it might bring them closer together and if a little embarrassment was all he needed to contribute to that, he’d do it.
Closing his eyes again, Ethan drew in a deep breath. His cheeks were burning, eyes desiring to open but refrained from doing so.
She took her time too. While she couldn’t really move much and sex would be out of the question regardless of the risky pregnancy, Y/N had something in mind. She let her fingers run along his cock slowly in brushing, feather-like manner. She made her movements deliberately slow and lazy and by the way his cock began to twitch, she knew he still reacted the same when she touched him.
Placing her palm over his clothed member, she continued her torturous moves, adding a little pressure to which Ethan’s mouth opened and shuddered breath escaped him. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration and she smiled.
His fingers clenched, suddenly needing to touch her seemingly soft and smooth skin, but he knew he couldn’t. In fact, he was afraid if he tried she would stop and the feeling she provided was divine, enough for him to resist. His heart drummed inside his ears, blood rushing to his lower region and he knew she would prove him wrong. She always did.
A low, deep moan spilled out of his mouth as her hand moved across his crotch skillfully, knowing exactly what he liked. But when she hooked her fingers into the waistband and pulled it down just enough to free his semi-hardened cock, Ethan had to open his eyes.
His blush intensified as his eyes fell on her hand, seeing precum at his tip and the satisfied smile on her lips as she licked them carefully. He shifted his gaze on her face, watching the red hues that adorned her cheeks, realizing she’s feeling shy about this too – it wasn’t just him.  It felt like their first time all over again when Ethan had managed to give her a concussion by throwing her on the bed, trying to fake confidence. How was he supposed to know she would bounce right off the bed and into the nightstand?
‘’Your eyes are opened.” She mumbled, lips pressing against his chin while her hand grabbed the base of his cock. His breath hitched in his throat as she began to stroke him, painfully slow. She felt him harden against her palm, relinquishing all control as he twitched in her hand, completely at her mercy.
‘’I wanted to remember this.”  Hearing a low groan from him that traveled all the way to her core, she picked up the pace. Ethan kept his eyes on her, intently watching as her hand pleasured him before shifting his eyes back to her face, noticing just how close she way. Swallowing emptily, he grabbed her wrist, stopping her stroking movements. It’s not like he didn’t want her to continue, but if he came then everything would end, and he wanted for this moment to last longer. He didn’t care if his cock was hurting, begging for release, he didn’t want for it to end.
‘’You want to remember when I proved your wrong? When I showed you weren’t broken? Because you’re not. You got a little lost Ethan, but you’re back on the right path and you need to trust me when I say that I’m doing all I can to light your way back home.
‘’Y-YES. That’s not all I want to remember. I just want to remember the moment you decided I was worth saving.’’
And she did because, after nearly eight months of being unable to get hard, Ethan got his release that night. But he got a lot more than just that. He had a piece of her back too. While she was ready to forgive, forgetting was a little harder to do, but she decided to fully open her heart for him again. She decided to take a chance on the man who had spent the night rubbing her back and peppering her face with kisses. She decided to let the past go and let him make things better, piece by piece.
However, just a week later, he had something else to worry about entirely.
‘’ETHAN?!” She screamed for him to wake, unable to reach the light on her own and while he wasn’t a heavy sleeper since they returned home, Ethan felt out of sorts as he jerked awake at her call.
‘’WHAT? DID SOMETHING HAPPEN?!” He screamed as well, turning the light switches up to see better, but when he did, his eyes widened.
Tags: @melodiesforari @brittttneyyyy @beautorigin  @dolandolll @xalayx @godlydolans @heyits-claire @peacedolantwins @dolanstwintuesday @accalialionheart @ethanhes @lanadeldolans @ebbach-03 @dolangels  @xxaamzxx @cutestdolans @yaren-ates @dolansmith @vintagebitttch @primadolangirl @caqsicle @jjustjoy @justordinaryjen @graydolan12 @imaginashawnns @graysonslovie @fandomsfeministsandothershit @bdsmdolan @graysavant @ethanspillow @dopedoodes @anything-dolan  @sugarfootdolan @joyrivh @reblogserpent @luvdols​ @emiemille  @herewegoagainandagainandagain​ @adventureswithmell
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No Place I’d Rather Be
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I’m on my period and emotional. Enjoy.
Summary: Spending your last day of weekend visit with a sick Grayson, but he decides to propose an idea you have been too scared to ask. 
Words: 2,879 
     Birds singing in the trees, bright blue skies, and the loving heat of the warm sun beating down from above were just a few things to describe a perfect morning. It was hard to tell if the birds were actually singing from inside the house and what tune they chose for this morning, but they were there happily flying around going about their bird business. As for the sun and clear skies it was a safe bet to assume that the skies were clear and the sun was beaming in the city of angels. This was also easily confirmed by the sun streaking through the glass doors opposite of the large, modernized kitchen that looked like a still from an episode of Fixer Upper, Property Brothers or whatever new HGTV show that made you crave granite countertops and apron sinks to fix all the problems in your life.
         You slid across the hardwood floors in your white tube socks to grab your previously used knife from the opposite end of the counter. Scattered across the white marble was the carnage of various packages and peels of fruits to make full breakfast. Eggs whites were sizzling in the pan next to another filled with turkey bacon that you were careful to handle with some grease popping out of the sides.  The knife in your hand was now being used to open up a second avocado to finish covering the six pieces of toast that had already been perfectly toasted in an obscenely expensive toaster. An item that you would never be able to wrap your head around but also couldn’t argue its efficacy and great toasted results. Four of six said pieces were already covered and done, set aside on their respected plates as you finished the last two for yourself. After scraping the green insides on the toast and adding all of the other garnishes, you set it on your plate and being adding the eggs whites, bacon and filling up three glasses with a previously made smoothie that had a tropical taste of pineapple and mango mixed with coconut milk.
         With a large huff, blowing some of the fly away hairs that had escaped from your ponytail up into the air to only fall on your nose, you gave yourself a pat on the back for completing the morning task of breakfast. Looking at your phone you saw the time was 8:30am on the dot. This boasted even more pride in you time management skills having had forced yourself up early for a gym session, followed by a relaxing shower and then getting all of this done. Distracted by said accomplishment and preparing to grab all the completed food items to place on the dining room table, you were unaware of the footsteps that were the tell-tale sign of someone else entering the kitchen with you. Placing one hand under each of the plates, you began to turn and head towards the table.
         “ETHAN!” You screamed, startled by his presence. You began to wobble back and forth in attempt to save the plates that had gotten shaken up in your fear before they smashed to the floor next to where your heart currently was from the scare.
         “Woah, woah, I gotcha.” Ethan said, leaning forward to help prevent a mess he was about to cause.
     He steadied one plate in your hand while grabbing the other one that was closest to teetering over the edge. He made the first move into the dining room to set the plate in front of one of the chairs and you followed suit. After everything fragile was placed securely, you walked over to him and smacked him on the shoulder.
         “Ow! Rude!” He whined, rubbing his arm as if your punch would do anything. Sure, you had been going to the gym and the boys were helping you get into weight lifting but your height and weight was still no match for 180lb and 6ft beasts that were the Dolans.
         “Dude, you scared the shit out of me. I almost dropped your breakfast by the way. If that had happened your ass would be the one remaking it so I’m not hearing any complaining about how you don’t like it.” You told him, attempting to fix your bun that was already lazily thrown up on your but now you were certain was sitting promptly lopsided atop your head.
         “Don’t worry, you already cook a million times better then Grayson. I would never send your food back. In fact, you being here I think is the only reason I’m alive and getting real food.”
         “I make the exact same avocado toast that Grayson does.” Ethan shrugged.
         “Yeah but yours just has that…” He trailed off and simply made a chef’s kiss with his fingers.
         “I’ll take that as a thank you.” You commented, before going to wash some of the dishes you had made. You also sent a quick text to Grayson letting him know breakfast was done.
         Grayson had been sick and therefore was unable to work out this morning with you like your normally do. You made it a goal to stay on track with workouts though and wanted to surprise him with a good breakfast. Sick or not, unlike some people, Grayson wasn’t the keenest on sleeping in. You also didn’t want to waste a second with him before having to go back to San Diego.
         The back and forth between LA and SD wasn’t crazy, it’s about only an hour plane ride. It was just the amount of having to do it. Thankfully that would be fixed soon as you had saved up and enough and with your job having plenty of spots to place you permanently for work in LA, you were finally making the move further up North. This didn’t come without it’s struggles though because finding an apartment was hard enough, but a decent one that wasn’t forever away from the boys, even harder. You settled for Glendale and had even tour the place with Grayson and Ethan while you were visiting this weekend. They had approved of the place as well and once you were back in San Diego you were going to sign the lease to move in next month. Honestly moving itself was the hardest part of any of it.
         “He has risen! I thought I was the lazy one.” You heard Ethan speaking, shaking you out of your inner musings.
     You looked over to see the most beautiful, pitiful baby boy there ever was. Grayson dragged himself into the kitchen, clearly still just wiping sleep from his eyes. He had changed clothes from the gray sweatpants and white tank he had worn to bed into red Adidas track pants and a black DT hoodie. His hair was still lying flat on his head, a clear indication that he only did enough to run his hands through to get out the mess from tossing and turning. Grayson also continued to sniffle as if was just figuring out that he had a nose and how it worked. His eyes were glazed with both sick and sleep as he looked over to you before padding his way over, sliding his bare feet on the floor.
         “Ehhhh,” He groaned, making grabby hands towards you as you turned off the water of the sink, drying your hands on a towel.
         “Yes, zombie boy?” You teased. Grayson stuck his tongue out at you before wrapping both his arms around your waist and digging his face into the crook of your neck and shoulder.
         You reached up to play with the hair on the back of his neck as he lightly swayed your body back and forth. He muttered something into your skin.
         “Didn’t quite catch that, babe.” You told him, patting this head to tell him to pick his head up and try again.
         “You do too much.” He sniffled before leaning his head back to do an over dramatic cough You loved the boy but Ethan was right that he was very loud, it was cute though.
         “Oh my god shut up.” Ethan yelled right on cue.
         “Fuck you!” Grayson called back, before lowering his voice to speak directly into your ear. “I’m sorry. I know with being sick I haven’t been able to fully enjoy being with you this weekend. Now you are making breakfast for us and it’s just all amazing. I can’t say thank you or I love you enough, baby girl.”
         You smiled, turning in his arms to face him. You leaned up on your tip toes to place a quick kiss to his nose, not caring if you got his germs.
         “That’s what I’m here for, bub.” You placed your hands on his cheeks, slightly squishing them beneath your hands.
         Grayson smiled back down at you, causing a bolt of heat to strike your stomach. Something you weren’t sure you would ever get over, which was perfectly fine with you.
     “Gross.” Ethan commented, shoving the last bit of toast into his mouth. He walked over, hip checking the two of you out of his way so he could clean his plate before setting it aside. “I’m going to pack a bag get ready to go to the beach, let me know if you want to join in later.” He tossed up a peace sign before heading towards his room.
         Grayson grabbed your hand, heading towards to the table for you two to eat your breakfast. You sat down, facing each other across the table before digging in. 
         “How come he never does that for me? Little shit always just leaves it here expecting me to do it. Or if he does clean it he just leaves it in the sink instead of putting it in the drying rack where he belongs.” Grayson complained, stabbing at his eggs. You smirked at him.
         “Maybe he just likes me better.” You teased, seeing Grayson not being able to help the little glare that slid across his face at the intention of your words. There was genuinely nothing there between you and Ethan, just some fun banter. You were an only child and only had a few close guy friends growing up so getting both a boyfriend and another friend all in one as a package deal actually made you pretty happy.
         The two of you continued eating, talking about maybe joining Ethan at the beach or just going for t a lazy swim in the pool if Grayson was up for it. Eventually the conversation shifted to your upcoming move.
         “How are you thinking about getting all your stuff here?”
         “After having moved with just a car or two like five times now, I’m renting the U-Haul. The time it takes for it to get here on the road and me by plane isn’t too hard to coordinate. What I really need to do is start packing to make that easier. Fortunately, again after so many times I have it down to a science but it’s never not annoying ya know? Just thinking about it- “
         “What about here?” Grayson interrupted. He looked sheepish like that wasn’t his intention but was also staring at you head on.
         “What about here?” You repeated back in confusion.
         “Like, here. For you to stay.”
         “Gray, baby, I am moving to LA.”
         “No, no, like right here. With me and E, here. Mainly me.” He said, you could tell he was nervously rubbing his hands together underneath the table in anticipation for your answer, ready to bolt if you laughed or said no.
     “Oh, I guess I hadn’t thought of that.” Lie, your brain said. You totally had but didn’t want to overstep any boundaries. You are Grayson were coming up on your two-year anniversary in a month. It wasn’t crazy to think about living together, I mean your rule was at least two years anyways before moving in with a significant other so what’s a month in the long run?
         “I mean, you don’t have to. Don’t feel pressured or like I’m forcing you or anything it was just, um an idea.” Grayson stuttered out, now needing something to do to ignore feeling foolish so he began furiously stuffing bacon into his mouth and ripping it with his teeth.
         “No, Gray, I’m sorry. No as in I’m not saying no, no as in oh fuck me.” You tripped over your words, nerves now pervading your body as well. “What I’m trying to say is I would love that, truly. I just didn’t want to make anything hard or weird for you guys. Inviting myself to live here isn’t fair. I mean it’s been just you guys living together for almost 8 years. It’s okay to have concerns about bringing someone into that and I didn’t want to just assume it would be okay. Plus, I know you guys don’t upload weekly or anything anymore and we are public but moving in together brings another level to that that I wasn’t sure if you wanted to deal with right now.” It was actually extremely reliving getting this off your chest. With the move you had always thought it made sense just to move in with Grayson, you would be here all the time anyway, why pay rent somewhere else with two other roommates that you really didn’t know and hoped they weren’t secretly stealing your food from the fridge or leaving the bathroom a mess. It was a big step in a relationship though and even more for one like this.
         Becoming public was a feat on its own. You knew who the twins were before you met, so you had no problem leaving it up to Grayson about when to post about you guys. He felt comfortable enough to do it on your one-year anniversary. While there sadly was always going to be a few people who made nasty remarks, they didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things and the reception was warm and made you feel grateful. And while sure, the fandom wasn’t involved into everyday life, and there had been security issue in the past about literal living situations, it felt like stepping into another boundary that needed permission from the fandom. The boys cared about every single subscriber so much that you never wanted to cause a rift between that. Although Grayson assured you that was never the case. Fandom and girlfriend were two different loves in their own special ways, that also deserved certain boundaries.
         “Don’t even worry about that.” Grayson reached across the table to grab your hand. “What we do, is what we do. No one makes that choice but us and if anyone wants to get upset that’s on them. It doesn’t mean you have to be in all our videos or whatever else people might think would happen. It just means that I finally get to wake up and go to bed every day with my favorite person in the world. I don’t have to take you to the airport anymore and give you the final hug before going home to count the days when you come back. We can make dinner, and go out on nighttime adventures and I need someone else to help me when Ethan is being an asshole.” You both laughed, he squeezed your hand tighter. “I mean it. The place in Glendale was fine but it’s still a 45-minute drive on a good traffic day. Just stay here, and you’re not paying rent, just groceries and whatever else you want to buy for your or for the house. It’s yours now.”
     Tears began to prick your eyes so you quickly spoke before they could fully form.
         “Is Ethan okay with this though? I mean he actually is my number one concern because I don’t want to like encroach on his safe space or anything. I know we are close but still.”
         “Ethan was the first one to bring it up actually.”
         “Yeah, after we had gotten back from viewing the apartment. You had to take the phone call with your boss so you went outside. Ethan said to me, and I quote, ‘Gray, are you really going to let your fucking girlfriend stay there? Ask her to move in already you, dipshit’, so I think he’s chill.”
         You merely snorted in response, thankful yet not too surprised at Ethan’s boldness with the subject.
         “Well it looks like I’m approved on all angles, so where do I sign? 
         “Right here.” Grayson leaned across the table to pull you into a soft, sweet kiss. The two of you lingered there for a moment just letting the morning settle in around you. Around what was now your home as well.
         You pulled apart and watched as Grayson began scraping the last bit of food into his mouth before asking if you were done, you nodded. Grayson stood up, collecting both of the plates before kissing you on top of your head as he walked by to go wash the dishes. You turned around in your chair, placing your arms over the back and setting your chin on top, gazing at the boy in the kitchen.
         Home, you thought. There was no place you’d rather be.  
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sinfullypassionate · 5 years
The Nanny - G.D. { Part Five }
summary: it’s the day of winnie’s birthday party and everyone is excited to celebrate the youngest member of the dolan clan but gray has a surprise for his darling girlfriend just as the fireworks go off.
warning: fluff, smut, daddy!kink
a/n: i’m sorry this took so long, but personal things happened but it’s finally here. i hated how this turned out bleh forgive me pls
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It’s been exactly seven months since Grayson asked Y/N to be his girl and it’s literally been the best thing that’s ever happened to him, besides having Winifred, he honestly couldn’t be happier. Winnie’s birthday was today and after Y/N suggested Disneyland, he couldn’t say no specially since she already told Winnie before asking Gray. She was so lucky he loved her but he could see Winnie’s face light up at the thought of having a giant tea party with princesses. The party was literally about to start any minute and seeing their daughter in matching outfits made Gray’s heart soar. She’s been the mother he’d always wanted Winifred to have, someone who loved her unconditionally. He was dressed as Prince Eric since Y/N was Ariel and of course Winnie was dressed Melody, but her dress was blue while Y/N’s was pink. I honestly couldn’t be happier. Coming up behind Y/N, Gray wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder. “You look beautiful.” He kissed her cheek, smiling when he saw the small shade of pink on her cheeks. “And you look handsome as ever.” A wide smile formed upon Gray’s lips at her compliment, he turned her around in his arms and eskimo kissed her. “I love you, you know that?” Grayson spoke in a soft tone, resting his forehead against hers. Y/N simply just smiled, nodding her head slightly before nuzzling her face in his chest. “I love you too, Gray. So much.” She mumbled against the fabric of his shirt. He closed his eyes and just enjoyed having her in his arms, the engagement ring burning a hole in his pocket. Grayson wanted nothing more than to get down on one knee right now and ask her to be his forever but he wanted to wait until the fireworks started. Everyone was in on it, Ethan told him Mo was avoiding talking to Y/N longer than five minutes because she didn’t wanna randomly blurt out Gray was gonna propose. Y/N was the exact same way when E popped the question to Mo, poor girl avoided her for almost a week and it was a torture. They were literally almost always together, just like Ethan and Grayson; somehow in a past life he believed they were actually twins.
As Grayson pulled away from Y/N, Winnie ran up to him with a wide smile on her face. “Papa! Papa! Cinderwella is here! She said she’s fwiends wiff Ariel and she’ll be here soon!” She giggled, completely and utterly excited and happy. Grayson loved seeing his baby girl like this, he glanced over at Y/N and she stared at Winnie with nothing but love in her eyes and at that moment he knew that she really was the one for him. “That’s good, princess. She’ll be here for the tea party before your cake and presents.” Gray picked her up and kissed her nose softly which caused her to giggle. Her dad set her down and watched her run to meet Mahogany in the other room, “you know, you definitely win father of the year award.” Gray heard Y/N’s voice and he just simply chuckled, “Nah but I’m glad she’s happy.” He smiled, looking over to see her running around with her friends giggling and smiling. “I hope one day, we’ll add another beautiful child to this mix.” His eyes widened at her words, his heart bursting with love as he literally ran over to his girlfriend and scooped her up in his arms. “Really? You mean it.” Y/N giggled which caused him to smile, “Of course, I love you Gray and I’d love nothing more then to have your babies and give our precious little Winnie a sibling.” She cooed to him, Gray leaned down and pressed a loving kiss against her lips before pulling away and leaning his forehead against hers. “I love you. so fucking much.”
Hours passed and the fireworks were about to start any minute, Grayson felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest. Ethan chuckled a little seeing his younger brother’s nervousness. “Bro, she’s gonna say yes. Stop stressing out so much.” He slapped him on the back which caused Grayson to let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding in. “Exactly, so stop freaking out. She loves you.” Mahogany chimed in, her hands resting on her growing baby bump. “Doesn’t mean I’m any less nervous guys. Like she could think we’re moving too fast.” He told them, his voice shaky. “We just started dating.” Mahogany walked over and placed her hands on her brother in laws shoulders, “and she’s been in love with you since day one, Gray. She’s gonna say yes.” She reassured him which caused Gray to smile and hug her. “Thanks, Mo. I love you.” He smiled, kissing his sister in laws cheek before taking a breath. “Okay.. let’s do this.” He took another breath before walking out to the balcony where his girlfriend and daughter were standing. “Hey, you.” Y/N smiled looking at him, Gray felt his heart skip a beat. Man, he really was in love. “Hey, my love. The fireworks start soon.” He said, handing her the Minnie Mouse headphones for Winnie since the fireworks got pretty loud. Placing the headphones over their daughter’s ears, Y/N leaned into Grayson as the show started. “This has by far been the best day ever. It honestly couldn’t get any better.” The woman spoke, sighing happily. “I think it can.” Grayson chuckled, Y/N simply looked up at him and arched her eyebrow. “How exactly?” She asked. Gray just grabbed her hands and stared into her eyes, “You know...i never thought I’d get a chance to have a happy ending. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me after Winifred. You came along and you made my whole life just fill with light and hope and I wanted nothing more than to give that right back to you, every bit and then some just to show you how much it meant to me. You saved my life, Y/N, and have almost given me the happiest ending ever.” Grayson took a step back and dropped down onto his knee, taking out the ring box is opened it to reveal her dream ring. “Y/N, would you do me the honor of finishing the happiest ending and marrying me?”
At those words, Y/N completely lost it. Tears were streaming down on her cheeks and she couldn’t help but throw herself at him. Grayson landed on his back and held her tight, laughing. “Is that a yes?” Y/N simply just nodded her head with a huge wide smile on her face. “Yes yes yes, a thousand times yes!” She kissed him passionately before pulling away and squealing once he slipped the ring on her finger. “Oh my god! I’m engaged!” Y/N squealed, jumping up and down with Mahogany. Both Ethan and Grayson chuckled, watching their women so excited about the fact they were going to be related. The fireworks finally ended and after Ethan and Mo offered to take Winnie for the night, Grayson and Y/N were currently making out heavily in their hotel room. “I love you, so fucking much.” He mumbled against her lips, his hands running up the back of her shirt. She felt shivers go up her spine at his touch, pulling away from him she let a giggle escape her lips as her fiancé whined. “Oh don’t whine. I just wanna suck your cock, daddy.” She purred. At those words, Gray felt his cock twitch and a groan left his lips. “Sit down on the bed,” she whispered with a shy smile. At her words, he couldn’t help but smile because she was acting so shy and cute. “Whatever you say, baby.” He did as she instructed and sat on the edge of his bed, his hazel eyes never leaving her. Y/N smiled as she pulled the baggy t-shirt she was wearing up off her head, revealing her bare chest before she knelt between his legs and slid her hands up his thighs to start undoing his pants. “i want to make you feel so good, daddy.” Gray couldn’t stop himself from staring. fuck, she looked so good. once she dropped to her knees, the taller male pulled his bottom lip between his teeth as he lifted his hips so she could take off his pants. She couldn’t help the moan that came from her as his length came free, leaning in to place soft kisses up his cock. She looked up at him with lust filled eyes as she slowly licked at his tip. Grayson’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as he felt her lick his tip, “god damn, baby girl.” he moaned out, biting his bottom lip as he locked eyes with her. Y/N’s hand wrapped around the base of his shaft and she pumped him as she spit on the head of his cock. “you’re so big, daddy. you taste so good,” she moaned out before her lips wrapped around his tip.
Gray wrapped her locks in his fist, making a makeshift pony tale as she spat on his tip. “fuuuck, baby girl. you take my cock so good.” he moaned out, biting his bottom lip as he leaned his head back a little. She moaned at his words, sucking him harder before bobbing her head further down on him, taking about half his length in her mouth before gagging slightly and pulling back to take a breath. “i want to feel your whole cock down my throat, daddy,” she murmured as her wet plush lips brushed over the head of his cock and she pumped his length slowly. God, this girl couldn’t get any more perfect. the man let out a throaty moan, his bottom lip found between his teeth again as he tugged on her hair. “yeah? you want daddy’s cock deep on your throat huh baby girl?” He wrapped his hands around her head and pushed her head down to she could took all of his hardened cock in her mouth. “fuck, you look so fucking pretty with my huge cock in your mouth.” Y/N loved the way he was with her, so easily taking charge and making her whole body feel alive with desire. her hands gripped his thighs as he pushed her head down. she choked as he pushed into her throat, body tensing and her eyes watering but she obediently stayed down. she moaned around him, her eyes still watching him. Grayson was basically fucking her mouth at his point, he loved how submissive she was for him. he could see the tears falling down her cheeks and he gently pulled her off of his hard cock so she could breathe, “you take my cock so good, baby.” he smirked, tucking her hair behind her ear.
Y/N sucked in a large breath, tears on her cheeks and saliva wet on her lips and chin, but she smiled up at him. “i love it so much. did you like that daddy?” she asked as she lowered her head and sucked at his balls with a moan. “i want to make you feel so so good.” the sight before him was enough to make him cum but he didn’t, “i loved it.” Gray smiled at her before letting out another throaty moan as she sucked on his balls. “fuck you’re gonna be the death of me, baby girl.” his words made her even more needy for his pleasure and she lifted her head again. “will you fuck my face again, daddy?” Y/M asked as she licked his tip, “want to taste your cum.” God, she was so innocent yet so freaky and he fucking loved it. a smirk just formed upon Gray’s lips before he gently tilted her chin so he could kiss her. “anything you want, baby girl. now open wide.” when she did as she was told, he slid his cock inside her mouth and let out another throaty moan. “fuck, i love the feeling of your lips around my cock.” She opened obediently, practically dripping from arousal now as he pushed his cock back in her mouth and her lips closed around him. she could only moan in response as she sucked him, wide eyes still looking up at him and begging for more. the look his fiancée gave him alone almost made him cum right then and there. Grayson just gripped her head and started fucking her face, standing up at his point so he could thrust harder. “fuck, baby. you like gagging on daddy’s cock don’t you?” he growled darkly, his eyes completely filled with lust. Y/N was choking and moaning around his cock, tears falling from her eyes as her nails dug into his thighs. she loved every moment of it, about to cum from this alone. the look in his eyes mass desire pool in her stomach and she did her best to answer yes around his cock. Grayson couldn’t take it anymore, in one quick motion he pulled her off his cock and moaned at the sight. She had saliva dripping down her mouth and he almost came but he quickly got her to her feet and slid off her sweatpants. ripping her panties off her, literally, he threw them on the floor and bent her over the bed. slamming into her from behind, he let out a loud moan as he slid in easy because she was so wet. “who made you this wet, mamí?” he slapped her ass hard before thrusting into her hard and fast.
Y/N’s head was spinning in the best way, she barely had time to suck in a breath and process things before his thick member was splitting her open and her hands scrambled to grab at the blankets on the bed as he fucked into her. “you did, daddy! you make me pussy so wet,” she whined out in lust. Gray groaned, gritting his teeth as he kept thrusting hard. “who’s pussy is this?” he growled, grabbing a fist pull of her hair and slapping her ass hard with his free hand before gripping her hips as he fucked her harder. “answer me!” he growled, pulling hard on her hair. the possessiveness mixed with his roughness turned her on more than she thought possible, her body completely giving in to his. “yours!” she cried out desperately as her head was yanked back. “it’s your pussy, daddy!” she gasped out, pain and pleasure mixing in her voice. a smirk formed upon the taller male’s face at her words, “damn straight it is. this pussy is mine and only mine.” he growled, releasing her hair and gripping her hips with both hands so he could fuck her harder. “mine.” he growled again, smacking her ass before reaching a hand forward to rub her clit in figure eights as he kept his pace hard and fast. “you gonna cum for me? you gonna cum all over daddy’s cock?” Y/N was lost in the sensations, her mouth open, eyes rolling back, hands gripping at the sheets with white knuckles. all that mattered in her mind at that moment was him. the second his fingers touched her clit the moans were unstoppable, growing louder and needier with each passing moment until almost immediately after his words Y/N exploded into orgasm. she couldn’t remember a time she’d cum this intensely, her whole body shook as she clamped around his cock and squirted hard, cries of unintelligible words coming from her mouth. Gray didn’t stop his motions, he kept thrusting and rubbing her clit as she squirted all over the bed and helped her ride out her orgasm. once he knew she was done, kept thrusting a few times before finally busting his load inside of her. he leaned forward and kissed her back, moaning leaving his lips as he finally came down from his own high. “I’m.. honestly so fucking thankful... E and Mo have Winnie because i don’t think i’ve ever heard you moan like that before.” he spoke in a soft tone, pulling out of her with a moan leaving his lips and falling down on the bed; pulling her into his arms he nuzzled his face in her hair. Y/N’s orgasm had ended but the high was still coursing through her. she felt shaky and tired, breathless still as she cuddled against him and rested her hands on his chest. “i-“ words wouldn’t come to her, nothing could describe what he did to her anyway. instead she lifted her head for a soft passion kiss.
Gray chuckled at her speechlessness, he thought it was cute. “Now that’s how newly engaged people have sex.” He chuckled once again, smiling as she suddenly became so shy and innocent, he found it cute. “You really are perfect you know that, I never thought I could love someone as much as I love you.” He admitted, kissing the top of her head gently. “The feeling is very mutual, baby. You make me the happiest woman alive and I wanna thank you for making me a mama.” She spoke softly, at her words Gray just arched an eyebrow. “To winnie, you goof! You didn’t get me pregnant already.” She giggled which caused him to smile, her giggle was music to his ears. “Hey, after tonight I think I may have.” Grayson wiggled his eyebrows which caused Y/N to let another giggle escape her lips. “Mm, let’s get some shut eye. I’m exhausted.” He yawned, cuddling up to his fiancée. “I love you.” She whispered, running her fingers through his hair as he rested his head on her chest. “I love.. you more.” He grumbled, drifting off to sleep with the love of his life in his arms.
━━━━━━━━━━━ ♡ ━━━━━━━━━━━
tags: @vinylhazza @pineappledols @mmmmmgd @dolanshellyes @starlightdolan @graysavant
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Mind the moon: part one
warnings: This story is very descriptive. Other trigger warnings are: sexual and graphic scenes, death, religion talk, descriptions of murder, alcoholism, and binge food eating.
pairing: Grayson Dolan x reader
summary: in the first two years after his girlfriend died, Grayson became a wreck, and maybe he will get himself fixed up, and maybe he won’t. Two years later, he meets Y/N.
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when they told her her story was  written in the stars, she went to heavens and crushed each one with her bare hands: stars have no power over her, the night sky is hers now and she will carve it with constellations of her own.
–never tell a goddess her faith
;Wʜᴇɴ ᴅᴏᴇs ᴍᴀʀᴛʏʀ sᴛᴏᴘ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴀ ᴍᴀʀᴛʏʀ?
You carry the heavens in your eyes like one of those ancient Greek tragedies.
And I’d call you Atlas but he wasn’t given the choice to hold the stars.
You were.
–yet you still break your back by holding the sky in your palms
–Wʜᴇɴ ʜᴇ sᴀᴠᴇs ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ ʙᴜᴛ ʜɪᴍsᴇʟғ.
She knew she fucked up the moment her customer laughed manically, pulling out a gun beneath his coat. She couldn’t speak a few moments, but then slowly raised her fingers from the keyboard, putting her hands above her head.
“Mr. Jameson, please, lower the gun,” she spoke calmly, but her shaky voice gave her away.
“You are Mr. Dolan’s girl?” the man spoke out, his eyes boring into hers. She nodded, heard his chuckle and looked around. It was a safe room, no cameras allowed here.
“Well then, miss Sage Tucker, you are dead,” he answered. A shaky breath escaped her. She couldn’t die! She promised to go out with him tonight, on a fancy dinner and then maybe… He would’ve proposed and then they could live happily after, and then— Her brown eyes were becoming pools of confusion and her vision blurred, and she wasn’t ready to die.
“Any last words?”
“Tell him that I loved him.”
A gunshot. A scream. Bangs on the door.
A year later, Grayson Dolan was standing next to her grave, still crying his eyes out for not kissing her that awful July morning. He never found out who killed her.
He just knew the letter he got from the killer said her last words were “Tell him that I loved him. “ Fuck he missed her so fucking much it hurt him.
God, he thought, God, if You’re really up there somewhere, keep her safe. Please. You took her away for a reason, but please protect her. She’s more fragile than she lets on. Please. If she had to die, please, let her know her life was my life’s best part. And, please, send me an angel. So I don’t get messed up.
A sigh behind him.
“You remember too much, Gray,” a man, a face, almost same to his, speaks out, “You carry too much guilt and it wasn’t your fault.”
“Where can I put it down, Ethan?”
God’s greatest joke was giving alcohol calories. It’s not about coping. At first it was, for inspiration, but for coping, too. But as months progressed, it was more of a need. He was drinking to forget he was drinking to forget he lost her. It’s easy to mix up coping and inspiration and addiction and he spiraled into the last one. It’s not about coping when he wanders into his and his brother’s house, all bruised up and beaten up and dirty and- He’s gotten out of shape. His beard unshaven and his eyes holding dullness everyone saw. He retired, claiming he couldn’t find happiness in the world anymore, and by the time he wonders why he can’t climb up fourteen stairs to his room without almost passing out; his heart wasn’t set on coping. It was set on self-destruction.
Most days, Grayson is a museum of things he wants to forget. If he could, he would rip his own skin off, but he knows the skin cells that touched her are gone. She was gone from his body, and all evidence she was ever his lost with the molecules of his skin components. He lost them in the first few months of grieving. That still makes him want to rip himself apart, though.
He left her in her favorite places. The diner where they first met. Her childhood home, where her parents still live. The creek where they used to skinny dip. His old car. He was happy he did. He was happy that she lived her favorite memories through him.
When Grayson asked his brother to stop smoking, Ethan laughed at him and said: “I will consider it when you stop drinking your way to death.” And as I’m writing this, he has seven shots of liquor swirling in his bloodstream and four hundred eighty three empty calories and no food in his stomach and he thinks he used to handle much more, and his best friends joke about him being such a lightweight.
He was drinking whiskey from a bottle when a girl interrupted him.
“Mr. Dolan?” her soft voice full of grief. He groaned in frustration, his vision blurring because of the alcohol.
“I don’t want to talk to any journalists right now,” he answered, words slurring, blinking a few times to focus his eyes on the girl that stood in front of him.
“Mr. Dolan, I’m not a journalist. You are sobbing in the middle of your backyard, drunk out of your mind, and it’s only one in the afternoon. It’s July. I wanted to ask you if you needed any help.”
He looked like the boy from those modern girl poems. His eyes were framed with wildflower bruises and he had quaking knees to prove she could wax poetry like Poe about his goddamn hands alone. He carried himself like one of those old Greek tragedies and his eyes looked like the skies Atlas held above their heads, and his trembling hands held watercolor bruises and she thought his beauty was more of a tragedy.
He wore the smell of blood and alcohol like a perfume, and there was fire on his lips and ice in his veins, and he was a star burning with a light of thousand suns.
“Miss…” he looked at her, his eyes pleading for her last name.
“Miss Y/L/N.” She finished for him.
“Well, Miss Y/L/N, thank you for asking, but I’m doing pretty fucking good.”
“No, you’re not. Look… Grayson,” she hesitated, her hands flying up to toy with the crucifix on her necklace.  Grayson scoffed. “Grayson, I know you’re not okay. You need help. “
He looked at her. Perhaps she was the angel he prayed for months ago. God, he hoped.
“What’s your name, honey?” He asked, his hands playing with the bottle between his knees.
“Y/N. And don’t call me honey,” she answered, her anger towards God showing up. He ruined an angel. They say the loveliest angels make the cruelest demons, and he was so kind and beautiful before they dragged him into hell. She knew, she did see him before he became the mess of limbs and heartache and hate. Two years ago.
“Sit down, Y/N.” He patted the grass next to him. She hesitated. He might have been nice before, but who knows of his morals now? She certainly doesn’t.
“Y/N. I’m not repeating myself. If you want to help me, sit the fuck down.”
So she did.
“Tell me, Y/N. Where does your God live?” He asked her when he caught the glimpse of the crucifix adorning her neck yet again. She smiled at the question.
“Oh, Grayson! What kind of question is that? Our god lives in His Glory, all over the world and its wonders!”
“How come He was there when Sage died?”
“Excuse me?”
“Your answer is wrong. God lives where we want him to live, where He is invited.”
She hummed.
“Yeah, He does.”
“I tried quitting. I really did. I know Sage would hate me now. But once you get dragged in there, there’s no turning back. I hate it, I hate myself.”
Y/N didn’t expect him to say that. Neither did he, to be honest. But if she was his angel, he should let her know. He should let her know he was in desperate need of saving.
“Was she pretty?”
“I’m not going to compare her to neither sunsets nor flowers. She wasn’t something pretty just to look at, she was the blood running through my veins, and when she died, she took a part of me to heaven. Yeah, she was pretty. But in other ways, like your mother’s hug or your childhood memories or your favorite stuffed animal. She was the sunshine, and when they told me she was gone, it felt like moon fell from the sky.”
“Oh, God.”
“No point in calling his name. He doesn’t hear a sinner’s suffering.”
The next time Grayson saw Y/N, she was talking with his brother. She laughed, and he was convinced God sent her. Perhaps He heard his suffering.
She brought a cherry pie. His goddamn favorite. The way she looked was so sweet; wearing that yellow sundress, all soft and delicate and warm, like an otherworldly being, her hair in a pretty braid, lying on her tan shoulders.  
She left as soon as Ethan took the warm dessert, thanking her. She said something about visiting her mother and how he should leave some for Grayson.
That night, Grayson texted the number she wrote on his notepad, claiming it was hers.
“I don’t want to seem unapproachable, but it’s hard to interact with people sometimes. It’s draining.”
He hit send. It was hard, and he thought about it for a few minutes, but he did it.
“I know, G. I was like that once, too”
And then, another message: “People shouldn’t expect everyone they want to talk to wants to talk to them”
“They don’t get us, Y/N. They think you’re okay unless you are bleeding.”
“My mom tells me pain fades with time.”
“I don’t think so. You just learn to be strong despite it one day.”
And again: “How did you like the pie? It’s my favorite recipe”
“God, it was the best pie I had in a long time.”
“I’m glad.”
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soft-baby-dobrik · 5 years
ridiculous // david dobrik
a/n: hi :( sorry y’all i’ve been super busy and just kinda out of it, and my laptop broke so i’m saving up for a new one so ill be writing off my phone so pls don’t be mad!!! ily all and thank you for all the love in my absence :’) ALSO the request was vague so i got the idea and ran w it so i hope you like it :) side note: not sure if this is what you wanted and it didn’t turn out as good as i wanted but i’m rusty and typing on my phone SUCKS so pls don’t hate me :(
request: Can you write something about when David filmed with the Dolan twins ☺️
summary: david films with the dolan twins and friends and gets a little jealous (BC ANGSTTT) ((pre-relationship))
follow my instagram (david page) <3
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Everyday was a crazy memory or adventure when being friends with the vlog squad. Although you weren’t a big vlogger yourself, you had found a home with them. All the time was spent with reckless decisions and lots of laughter. Today was no different, except there was a slight colab happening. David was gunna shoot some footage with the Dolan Twins. No girl in their right mind could not find them attractive, so of course your excitement was stemmed a bit from their looks. Since joining the friend group, you had meant countless people, but never the Dolan’s and today was the day to meet them. When a text was received from Zane to be ready for David to pick you up, you didn’t hesitate to rush out of bed and get ready. Without being too extra, you threw on a cute outfit and did your makeup.
Waiting on David felt like forever. Of course, you weren’t going to make a move on them or anything, but meeting a celebrity crush, or two, was kind of a big deal. David texted you once he pulled up and you bolted to his car, flopping into the passenger seat.
“Well someone’s excited to see me,” David teased, laughing loudly. You faked a laugh as Zane responded:
“No I know that excitement, because i’m feeling the same amount. It’s the Dolan excitement.” An actual laugh cackled out of you as you shook your head.
“What are you talking about?” David asked as he peeled out of your driveway. You shrugged, not wanting to discuss your silly crush.
Zane answered for you, “Are you blind? The twins are attractive ass guys, so of course y/n is gunna get all cute and shit.”
“Or you guys could have just left it alone. Maybe I wanted to dress cute bc he’s recording? You don’t know,” you shrugged, facing forward, trying to hide the slight flush to your cheeks.
“I doubt they’ll pay any attention to you anyway,” David said, tensely. Your head whipped to look at him, clearly offended. David shot you a look, regret written on his face. “No I don’t mean that, just that-well we’ll be filming, so-“
“Fuck you,” you muttered, turning away.
“y/n,” David began before you rudely cut him off.
“It wasn’t that big of a fucking deal. I never said I was gunna make a move. I think Ethan is cute and didn’t want to look like a slob, but don’t worry, it won’t ruin your fucking vlog, since he won’t notice me anyway right?” you snarled, angrily. David knew that trigger. You grew up in a school where you were never noticed or valued all of high school. Boys wanted you for your body and would text you gladly and ignore your existence in person.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean it-“ he started again, but you crossed your arms over your chest.
“No you did, I’m not some gorgeous vlogger, so why would he pay me any attention. It’s not like I’ve had a guy since I’ve been here. But don’t worry about it, I’m used to it by now,” you snapped. After this, David drove in silence. Zane didn’t dare speak either. You sat there, so angry and hurt, tears welled up in your eyes. Even if he didn’t mean it that way he had no right to judge you or feel any way about it. For months you had tried for David and dropped hints of flirting, and he never payed you any mind. Now, he’s got something to say about you putting a little more effort for another guy? Ridiculous. The rest of the car ride was silent. You turned as far away from David as you could and watched the scenery changed until David parked. Zane climbed out of the car, glad to rid of the tension. You immediately followed, slamming the door shut.
A small smile was on Zane’s face as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder. “He didn’t mean it that way,” he said, softly.
“It doesn’t matter, he’s being a jerk,” you murmured.
“Well let’s go introduce you to some sexy men, so smile,” he teased, making you shake your head as you both walked into the building. It was a big space with some skateboarding ramp, you weren’t too sure. It was brightly lit and you smiled. After a deep exhale, you calmed your nerves and anger and focused on walking in sync with Zane. An outburst from Zane broke your focus for you to see Grayson and Ethan walking over.
“What’s up?” they called, walking over to you both, meeting you in the middle of the room.
“Nice to see you guys,” Zane smiled, hugging them both.
“Hi,” Ethan smiled over to you. Internally you felt yourself scream and externally you felt a slight blush.
“Hi, I’m y/n,” you smiled back.
“He’s knows, he watched David’s new vlogs and asked if you were coming,” Grayson smirked, watching Ethan roll his eyes, clearly not embarrassed. You bit back a smile as you fangirled internally. As you were going to say something, you heard David’s loud laugh.
“You ready to shoot?” David called, grinning. Sighing, you glanced over and saw his smile falter slightly.
“We’re always ready,” Grayson said. Before you knew it, the guys were all doing dumb stuff and laughing and you sat back, just laughing at them. You watched as they messed around and relaxed on a couch near them. Your relaxed state returned to nervous as Ethan approached you, sticking out a hand. Quizzically, you looked up at him.
“I’m gunna teach you,” he smirked, showing the board in his hand. You laughed loudly and shook your head, signaling no.
“I’m not trying to break a bone or my neck,” you laughed, remanding seated.
“See but that’s why I’m here, to break your fall, and hold your hands,” he smirked as he saw your cheeks flush slightly.
“Tempting,” you teased, debating his offer.
“Sounds like you need more convincing,” Ethan said, pursing his lips in thought before a smirk returned. “Any injury you get, I have to kiss better,” he proposed.
“Guess I’m gunna have to fall face first,” you mumbled, taking his outstretched hand.
“I might push you in that case,” he replied, tugging you up. Your face flushed at the fact he heard you. “Alright, let’s get you set up.” His other hand dropped the board and you climbed on, understanding the jist of it. His other hand grabbed yours as he began to pull you on the board, slowly.
“What are y’all doing?” Zane screamed, making the flush on your face deepen.
“I’m teaching princess over here how to ride a skateboard,” Ethan smirked, looking at your fake shocked face.
“You never offered me personal lessons,” Zane pretended to pout, making you laugh. Your eyes glanced to see David standing there with a scowl.
“Grayson can teach you!” you called, making everyone laugh slightly. David remained unmoved, glaring.
“Alright do you wanna try to push yourself?” Ethan asked, looking down at you.
“I’m okay,” you laughed, continuing to hold his warm hands. You watched as Zane tried the ramp and laughed loudly as he fell on the ramp, making both you and Ethan distracted. With no attention being paid to the board, Ethan’s foot rammed into it and caused you both to fall on the ground, only making you laugh more. Your leg was scraped up a little bit, but you payed it no mind.
“Are you okay?” Ethan asked, laughing with you. You nodded. “Guess I owe you a kiss,” he added with a smirk.
“Oh you totally made us fall on purpose!” you exclaimed, giggling.
“Me? You’re the one who was supposed to be paying attention!” he teased back. Suddenly, David’s loud steps made you both turn.
“Ethan what the hell?” David exclaimed, looking down at you. “You hurt her!”
“David, we fell, it was an accident,” Ethan said, looking up at David with a confused expression.
“It’s not even bleeding,” you added, confused as well. David tugged your body off the ground, calling Zane over to leave.
“I knew you shouldn’t have come,” David snarled, starting to pull you towards the door.
“David what the fuck?” you said, stopping abruptly.
“I’m gunna take you home,” David said, annoyed.
“Why? I’m fine,” you asked, lost on where this anger came from.
“No you’re hurt and you will get hurt here,” David said, sternly.
“What the hell are you talking about?” you asked, ripping your arm away from him.
“Ethan is just going to try and sleep with you, and then you’re gunna be devestated,” he said, glaring at you. To say you were confused was an understatement.
“We were just flirting. I never said I was gunna go home with him!” you exclaimed, angrily. “And if I did it’s not any of your business.”
“He’s talking about kissing you and then let you fall off the skateboard!” David shot back.
“David we were barely moving and I scraped my leg. Why are you losing your shit? And you’re not gunna tell me when to go home,” you said.
“Fine then I’m going to go the fuck home, get a ride from Ethan or something,” he replied before heading out the door. Your mouth hung open before the anger hit you. Without another thought, you were rushing out the door and towards his Tesla, walking after him. The bright sun shone down on you as you called after David.
“What is your fucking problem?” you screamed. “You’re pissed for what reason?” He continued to ignore you. “Okay, fine, don’t talk to me and be childish,” you screamed, going to turn around, but the sight of David angrily turning to face you stopped your movements. You stood near the trunk of his car and his body whipped around and left no space between you two.
“Childish? I’m childish? You’re flirting with one of my friends and wondering why I’m pissed. Then he hurts you and you don’t care? Like are you that easy, a smile and some flirting makes you melt? I’ve been trying for months to get your attention and he swoops in and you’re just about to kiss him?” he yelled, placing your body in between him and the car. You stood there, eyes wide at him.
“What are you talking about?” you asked, quietly.
“I have wanted you for months now and you show no interest in me. I try to drop hints and you don’t show a care. I’ve been trying for months and then you’re just gunna go after one of my friends?” he snaps, running his fingers through his hair, roughly.
“You haven’t tried anything? You’ve been nothing but friendly to me. You never made a move and you have all these beautiful girls surrounding you and you want me to believe you wanted me this whole time?” you said in disbelief.
“I never wanted went after anyone else!” he exclaimed, still angry.
“Fuck you for playing with my emotions right now,” you muttered, going to move away from him.
“Playing with your emotions right now? You’re the one all flirty and shit with my friend!” he yelled, clenching his fists.
“Because you never showed you cared more than a friend, and I’m sorry I didn’t want to sit around and wait for you to like me the way I like you-“ you rambled before being interrupted.
“Like,” he said, calmly. His eyes looked away from you for a second.
“What are you say-“ you again were cut off by David as he spoke:
“Shut up, y/n,” he whispered, leveling his face with yours. Anger had left you as you felt the air being taken out of your lungs. He stood there, looking over all sorts of your face before speaking softly, “You’re fucking ridiculous,” he breathed. That’s when the anger came back over you.
“I’m ridiculous? You’re fucking ridiculous, fu-“ Before you could finish your angry tangent, David’s body collided with yours. His lips pressed against yours, roughly. Immediately, your body relaxed and your hands grasped his shirt. His body pushed you against the car as he guided the kiss, digging his fingers into the kiss. Your mind became hazy as you couldn’t think of anything besides how good his lips and body felt against yours. He licked and tugged at your bottom lips making you sigh into the kiss. Months of craving this moment and it was finally here. You let your fingers tangle into his wavy hair, running through it and tugging on the ends ever so slightly, making him deepen the kiss. All his pent up anger he was letting out in this kiss, showing you how frustrated you had him and you wanted to moan at the feeling. Right as you parted your lips, Zane’s loud cackle halted the continuation.
“I knew this shit would happen,” Zane smirked, looking at both of your disheveled state. A blush came over your cheeks as your hands dropped to your sides. David remained standing exactly where he was, his grip not loosening on your hips.
“Zane, I need you to leave right now,” David breathed, laughing lightly.
“Without a thank you? You’re fucking welcome. I set all of this up so one of you dumbasses would make a move,” Zane replied. “You’re fucking welcome.” With that, Zane whipped around, adding, “I’ll grab a ride from someone else!”
You and David stood, looking at each other. Your mouth was parted in confusion and David’s had a big smirk plastered on his lips.
“What just happened?” you asked, eyebrows furrowed.
“y/n, shut the fuck up, I’m over your mouth today,” David said, smirking as your face changed to anger.
“Um excuse me I-“ you began once again, and of course were cut off.
“I have waited months for this moment and after today, I need my girl to relieve some of my stress that she caused me,” he breathed, leaning down to let his lisp hover over yours.
“Your girl? You never asked me to be-“ you shot back, tugging your face away from his, only have his finger lace around the back of your neck.
“Yes my girl, I like you and you said you like me and I’m not wasting another minute arguing with you,” David rushed out, leaning down to connect your lips again. You leaned into this kiss, letting his body support yours before he pulled away abrudptly. “I mean unless you don’t wanna be my girl, I’m sure Ethan would love to-“ he smirked.
“David, shut up,” you whispered, shaking your head.
“Hmm, I’ll make us both shut up,” he mumbled, leaning down to push you against the car and kiss you once again.
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ethanfreakingdolan · 5 years
The Halloween story👀
As soon as Arlandria was adopted at the end of September she decided she was going to dress up as Grayson. Complete with his real heavyweight championship belt (she was under strict instructions to leave it with Y/N). Her gloves were custom made to look exactly like his. 
She practically bounced into the school that morning, dragging her Mama behind her dressed as Morticia Addams, they were supposed to be going out later and Grayson was going to be Gomez. Beaming about how cute her baby girl looked. The rest of the class walked in dressed as an amalgamation of princesses and monsters. 
“What are you supposed to be then Arly?” Jackson, he was dressed in all black with a mask to make him look like the Scream killer. the kid had probably never even seen Scream. 
“I’m my Papa, he’s a boxer,” she held up the belt in her tiny hands, “see he’s the heavyweight champion.” She felt so smug showing off her Papa’s accomplishments.
“Seriously? You know girls are weak and make bad boxers right?” 
“No, they aren’t! Girls make great boxers!” She was getting a little wound up now, all the girl power her parents had taught her starting to come out. 
“Girls suck!” He was right up in her face now, but he was soon on the floor. The impact from the heavyweight belt hitting his cheek knocking him down.
“They aren’t!”
“Arlandria Jane Dolan!” She just got full named by her Mama, in front of her entire class and then walked to the Principals office. Where they sat together in uncomfortable silence until Grayson arrived. 
Y/N explained to Grayson that Arly had hit a kid with the belt and shoved the belt into his chest before walking back to her classroom. Immense concern all she could feel, her kid at the principal's office. In her school, with her boss. What if this came back on her? Makes her look like she can’t even control her own child let alone a whole class of them?
“Papa I promise I didn’t even hit him that hard!” She tried to defend herself.
“Oh really? Because it looks like he has the words heavyweight imprinted on his face sweetheart.” This made her get embarrassed. He had a point, little Jackson did have the words on his face from how hard she had hit him.
They got called into the office with Jackson and his father. His father dressed in a business suit topped with a face like stone after being pulled out of his office. Grayson still in his shorts and vest from the gym, creating quite the contrast.
The principal asked for Jackson’s side of the story first,
“Well I asked what her costume was and she told me she was a boxer, like her daddy and I said that it was cool and then she hit me!” Arlandria was getting wound up again. For multiple reasons.
“My Papa, I’m dressed like my Papa. Not my daddy, he was mean Papa isn’t,” she whispered only for Grayson to hear, although he was unsure if she was telling the others in the room or herself. He knew immediately that the other child was lying they’d taught her better than that. Mr Lee then asked for Arlandria’s side,
“He asked what my costume was so I told him I was dressed as my Papa and then he told me girls were too weak to be boxers so I said they weren’t and then he tolded me that girls suck and then I hit him,” as she got to the end she started to get embarrassed again and was looking at the floor. 
“Well, those are quite differing stories, I would usually call the teacher in at this point but I have a feeling one party may have a problem with that,” he turned to Jackson’s father, not wanting to deal with accusations that Mrs Dolan was showing a bias. 
“No! No, bring the woman in I want to hear her side.” Not what they were expecting. 
The fear Y/N felt when walking into the principal's office was as though she was the one being punished. She felt like she was the eight-year-old about to get told off. 
When they asked for her side she understood the smug look she was getting from Jackson’s father he thought he’d won either way. If she said she heard Arlandria being riled up then she was just defending her daughter, if she didn’t see anything then she was incompetent. 
“Well I was attending to another child at the time but I heard Jackson say ‘Girls suck’ and then Arlandria hit him, so I can only assume from what I know about both the children that he been winding her up prior.“ 
“What do you mean ‘what you know about both children’?” Jackson’s father enquired.
“I know that although she is being raised in a boxing household she has been taught that she should not hit anyone and she wouldn’t unless provoked, and I also know that this is not the first time that Jackson has been in here for an incident like this.” She tried to say he’s a little shit in the nicest way possible.
 Both children were told to write the other a letter of apology and dismissed early. 
The car with Grayson and Arlandria was dead silent. Arlandria not wanting to say anything to get her in more trouble and Grayson wanting her to sit in her embarrassment for a little while. They pulled into the gym and Grayson turned to his baby girl and sighed.
“Now I know that you told the truth in the office earlier, and I’m proud of you for doing that even when it meant admitting you did something wrong. However, that doesn’t undo the fact you should not have hit him. At all. It’s a pretty conflicting situation because on one hand I’m really disappointed that you hit someone but on the other, I’m really proud of you for standing up against that little prick. So, I’m going to take you into the gym and let you get some anger out and then we’re gonna get some ice cream and you’re going to tell your Mama that I told you off more than I did.” The eight-year-old was confused and taken back by his proposal. She nodded and they walked into the gym.
Straight to one of the corners with a punching bag he got her all properly prepared and started showing her the proper technique. 
“Right baby, don’t tuck your thumbs into your fist you’ll get hurt.” She starts hitting properly and Grayson can feel his heart swelling with pride watching her. Until he hears her mumbling under her breath. 
“Stupid Jackson and his stupid costume calling me stupid names. Meany buttface.” He couldn’t help but chuckle slightly at the childish names. However, he couldn’t say she was wrong, he also thought that Jackson was a ‘meany buttface’.
Ethan walked out of his office and she showed him how she could hit, getting in a bit more practice while Gray explained what happened. Ethan was impressed, to hit him and leave an imprint? He was proud in a way only an uncle is allowed to be.
“Papa, I’m not angry anymore. Can we get ice cream now?” He told her they could and they were off to the parlour. 
They were eating their ice cream when Arlandria asked if next time she gets angry she can go to the gym with Gray because it helped. He agreed quickly hoping it would work as a deterrent to her hitting kids again. Also letting her know that if she hit another kid she wouldn’t be getting ice cream, she’d be getting punished properly.
He couldn’t help but worry about his wife though, he had known her for a decade so he knew exactly what was going through her head. She would be panicking about how this reflected on her career. He checked the time and realised she’d be almost home wanting cuddles and food, so he would deliver.
Gray got Arly in the car and headed out to pick up take out, getting Y/N’s favourite. She’d need it.
The devoted husband pulled into his driveway to see his wife still sitting in her car. Crying into her long black Morticia wig. He sent Arlandria over to knock on her car window, in an attempt to cheer her up. Once the woman spotted the small girl she wiped her eyes and opened the door. She picked Arly up for a big cuddle telling her how much she loved her. 
Moving into the lounge the two girls found Grayson laying out the food they bought, they sat and ate dinner as a family, in peace. 
“I know I was really naughty today and I’m super duper sorry, but do I still get to go trick-or-treating?” Arlandria asked her Mama as she went shy, her head hung low and cheeks bright red.
“Sure you can sweetheart, you were standing up for yourself and what you believe in but you also know you shouldn’t have reacted the way you did. I’m proud of you for telling the truth to Principal Bell. Even if you had to admit you did something wrong.” Grayson sprinted upstairs to put his costume on before heading out to join the rest of his family. Cameron would be so impressed when she heard about the mark Arly left.  
Two full pillowcases later they returned home. After putting Arlandria to bed, Y/N and Grayson decided to go sit in their own room. They stuck a film on to try and act like everything was normal, but that didn’t last long before Y/N was crying again. Sobbing to her husband about her insecurities. Asking if he thought she was a bad mother, which he shot down the thought of immediately. 
“You are the best mother she has ever had and will ever have. Arly loves you so much and adores you, that little girl isn’t sure who she wants to be more, you, me or Milo from Atlantis.” It was true, she adored her Mama and Papa, but she did also adore Atlantis. 
“I just feel like I failed you know? I’m a teacher, it’s my job to teach these kids right from wrong and my kid, the one that lives with me hit another kid. She got taken to the principal’s office. That feels so shitty. I just feel maybe she’d have been better off going to another home.” One thing Grayson loved about his wife was how open she could be about this. It took a very long time to get there but now he almost can’t shut it off.
“You know how when we first got together you were crazy shy and now you’re still shy but a hell of a lot less, yeah?” Y/N nodded slightly confused about where he was going with this, “Well, I can see the same thing happening with Arly, because of you. She’s talking more and more, she was play fighting with Ethan the other day. A month ago she wouldn’t even look at him for more than five seconds! Her and Cam’s girls are almost inseparable, April told me the other day they wished we found her sooner because she’s so much fun. Her exact next words were ‘she’s so much funner than Bailey, Octavious and Marcus, boys suck’, and Arly loves all of them so so much as well. She’s started calling Octavious, Tay! He won’t even let Ethan call him anything other than Oc or Octavious and he’s the kid's dad! Bailey tried to call him Tay and got hit. Us adopting her is the best thing that ever happened to us and to her.” Grayson had made some solid points that she couldn’t argue with really.
“Speak of the devil, I see you Arly, peeking around the door missy.” She pushed the door open a little more so they could see her better and took a deep breath.
“I’m super duper duper sorry I hit Jackson, I shouldn’t have done it and I know that. Although he wound me up and may or may not have deserved it I still shouldn’t have hit him. You two are the best parents I’ve ever had and I’m really happy here. I’m sorry if I messed anything up for you.” The fragile girl was on the brink of tears as Grayson pulled her into their bed. 
“You haven’t messed anything up for anyone baby girl, the fact that you know that prick deserved to get hit but you still shouldn't have shows me that me and your Mama have done something right. A month ago you wouldn’t have even told him what your costume was, I’m so incredibly proud of you. We are never letting you go Arly, you’re a Dolan now through and through.” 
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squishyeth · 5 years
temporary tattoo [e.d]
SUMMARY: Y/n has been dating youtube star, Ethan Dolan, for almost a year now. She starts to notice how distant he has always been and realizes how she was nothing, but a distraction. She was a temporary tattoo on his wrist and there was nothing she could do about it.
WARNING: slight angst, graphic language, (light) smut, mentions of alcohol consumption
NOTES: Italics are flashbacks
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Low grunts and the smell of sex filled the room. Ethan was pushing his length, balls deep into my wet cunt before releasing his load into the condom. It was the same routine. He pulls himself out, cleans up and I get up; putting on my panties that were thrown to the side. It’s like clockwork. After I’m dressed, I kiss his cheek when his eyes are fixed on his open closet and I help myself out of his room.
 It wasn’t always like this; or that’s what I like to tell myself. We did the whole cliche, bump into each other at the coffee shop, when we first met. 
“I am so sorry!!” I apologized while picking up my sociology textbook, that was now drenched in coffee. That’s what I get for getting a paperback book.
“It’s fine, really” The stranger replied with a chuckle “I can easily get a new drink, I’m more worried about your book.” He joked, handing me my phone.
“Yeah well, that’s what I get for being cheap instead of buying a hardcover.” I joked as well, but half serious.
“How about this” he said, reaching into his pocket “I’ll pay for your new book, a hardcover,” he winked “and in return, you give me your number?” he proposed, handing over some cash. 
“You really don’t have to!” I replied, pushing his hand back “It’s still readable?” I questioned, pulling up my book and just my luck, the wet pages rip in half. He raises his eyebrow at me, pushing his hand back toward me. I blew air out of my mouth before taking the money and thanking him quietly.
“Your phone?” I asked, returning the raised brow and holding my hand out.
“Oh right!” He replied, pulling his phone out and giving it to me.
“I don’t even know your name.” I said, typing my number into his phone, along with my name.
“Ethan” he said happily as I return his phone “you?” he asked, but before I could answer, I was turned around and walking away with a cheeky smile on my face.
“Y/n” Ethan groaned into my ear, thrusting himself into me as I’m bent over my kitchen counter. I moaned, gripping the sides of the white counter tops until my knuckles turned white. 
“Fuck” Ethan swore as he released himself into the rubber material and pulled himself out. 
“I got to go back and film a video with Grayson.” Ethan said flatly, while throwing the used condom away and tightening his belt. 
“Okay” I replied, going to kiss his lips, but he turned his head so that I ended up kissing the stubble on his cheek. He finished getting ready and grabbed his keys before heading out. I decide to follow him out before I put on one of his shirts. As I step onto the cold concrete, I see his white jeep drive off, leaving me alone. I stepped back into my apartment and open a bottle of vodka and scrolling for my sister’s contact. I take a swig straight for the bottle, feeling the sting down my throat, waiting for her to pick up. After 3 rings, I hear a hello.
“Hey!!” I giggled, taking another swig.
“Are you drunk?” She asked
“How do you know?” I asked, taking another swig, each drink burning more than the last.
“Is it Ethan?” She asked, completely ignoring my question, but I was too drunk to notice. 
“Fuck Ethan!” I shouted, throwing my hands up.
“You do this every time y/n” y/s/n sighed out before hanging up, not wanting to deal with yet another one of my mental breakdowns again. I just start sobbing, not just because of y/s/n, but of my relationship. 
I was sitting on the couch at Ethan’s house with Ethan sitting next to me. He was occupied with texting someone on his phone and I was staring at the blank wall.
“Do you love me?” I asked, still staring at the wall.
“What? Of course.” He replied.
“Prove it.” I said, turning my head to him to see he’s still fixed to his phone.
“What?” He asked, turning his head to me finally.
“Kiss me.” I said and he leaned in to peck my lips and put his attention back to his phone. Even though something still felt off.
The bed was hitting against the wall with each thrust Ethan would make. I moaned out as his dick would brush against my g spot. My nails dragged along his back as we both rode out our highs. He fell beside me as we both caught our breaths. As he got up to throw away the condom, I stayed in bed to think.
“How do you really feel about me?” I asked, staring up at the ceiling.
“Where is this coming from?” He asked, pulling up his pant leg.
“Was I another notch in your belt this whole time?” I asked, ignoring him. He stayed silent. A tear slid down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it away. He doesn’t deserve pity. I got up and searched for clothes and saw that my panties were near his feet so I quickly grabbed them and put on the rest of my clothes. After I was dressed, I swiftly left, ignoring Ethan’s pleas to stay and letting my tears flow down my cheeks.
I’ve been wrapped in bed all day. I shut my phone off and left it on the couch. I hear a knock at the door and ignore it. They’ll leave, they always do. When the knocks continued, I finally got up, annoyed, but I shuffled to the door with a blanket wrapped around my shoulder. As I made my way across the apartment, I looked through the peephole to see it was Ethan. I scoffed and ignore it.
“I can hear you, y/n” he said with a chuckle “I’m not leaving until you let me in.” He finished 
‘Fuck’ I mouthed before unlocking the door and opening it to be met with a pair of hazel eyes.
“What?” I asked with a shrug
“Am I not allowed to see my girlfriend?” He replied with a chuckle before letting himself in. I rolled my eyes and closed the door.
“You made it pretty clear yesterday that I wasn’t your girlfriend.” I stated, sitting on the couch.
“Can we please not do this right now? I had a rough day.” He pleaded, sitting next to me.
“Why don’t you tell me how you really feel so we won’t have to do this again.” I said, while scooting away from him. “I’m just tired of always getting my hopes up.
“You want to know the truth?” He asked, scooting closer to me “I didn’t know what love was until I met you.” He continued as I listened. I leaned in to kiss him and he happily accepted. Routine. He gives me a sappy quote from a song or a movie and I give in. I could talk myself into leaving him, but when he comes around, I’m weak. I can see that what we have is fading, I’m not blind. I don’t know what I should do or if there is anything I should do. I just wish that I knew I was only a temporary tattoo.
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bxckybxrneslxver · 4 years
feeling loved (e.d)
summary: y/n always feels uncomfortable around others. she feels as if people always stare at her, and say things about her when she walks by. but she only feels these things when she’s not with her boyfriend, Ethan Dolan. he shows her how much he truly loves her.
warnings: none, it’s all fluff, nothing extreme except a whole lot of Ethan Dolan cuteness
rating: PG maybe PG-13
A/N: In the end, it says they have known each other for over four years, that is because they were friends before they started dating. Just wanted to make that very clear.
Today is my first official day in Los Angeles, California. I had just made an over 1,000 plus mile move from a small town in Iowa. Not going into specifics, but I am glad that I moved here. I get to be with my boyfriend, Ethan, who we’ve been together for a little over a year now. I couldn’t be happier.
*two month time lapse*
I absolutely hate it here. Not because of being here with Ethan. But because my self esteem has gone down so much since being here. It feels as if everyone is watching me, talking to the other people they are with, saying how ugly I am, and how fat I look. Sometimes I wonder how my emotions don’t get the best of me. The looks I get from some people, it makes me feel so ugly. But when I go home to Ethan, trying to keep my spirits up is extremely hard. 
Ethan’s POV
I have never loved someone as much as I love Y/N. Except my mom of course, she’s the first woman I will ever love. 
The past few weeks I have noticed that Y/N has been acting differently. She says that everything is “just fine” but truth be told, after being with her for a year I know that everything is not fine. I know something is going on but she won’t tell me and that makes me sad. If I could help her in any way I would, but she would have to be willing to let me in.
So I have devised a plan. A plan to let her know how much I love her and how much she means to me, even if she doesn’t want to tell me what’s going on. Here’s the plan:
She will be out all day, so while she is gone I will be going out and about around town. I am going to get as many flowers as I can, all the poster board, Sharpies/ decorations that will fit in my car, and her favorite food. 
First, I will start out by laying out the flowers that I want to use as decorations. By doing so, it will create a pathway to where more decorations and flowers will be. 
Next, I will find all the candles we have in the house and get them ready to light before she gets home. I also start decorating the poster board with loving words, even simple things like “I love you” or “Ethan and Y/N forever”. I want her to know that she is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. 
Finally comes the waiting. I texted her to ask her when she would be home like I do every time she goes out. I do this to make sure she’s safe. I guess now would be a good time to mention that I’m also proposing to her when she greets me in our bedroom.
future husband <3: hey babe, i am just checking in on you.. hope to see you soon! i love you so much
Y/N: my love, i will be home soon i promise!!! i love you too
Pulling into the driveway, I just got an overwhelming feeling of sadness. Maybe it’s time I tell E that I have been struggling with all this. I barely make inside the house when I am blown away. 
There are flowers and flower petals perfectly lain all around. There are candles of all kind lit all around the kitchen, living room and up the wall headed up the stairs. I can’t forget to mention all the signs that were obviously handmade by Ethan. I was so taken aback that my feet took me where the candles led. Which was up to our shared bedroom.
There, I saw the love of my life. He was on one knee, with baby pink rose petals all around the room. He looked so nervous. I knelt down to his level, so maybe he wouldn’t be as nervous. I don’t think it helped, but he stopped shaking as much.
Then he started talking...
“Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, you have been in my life for over four years now. I have never in my life known love like I have with you. You have taught me patience, happiness and most of all, how to love again. Before you came around, I was afraid I would never love someone again. That’s how I knew you were the one for me. Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, will you make me the happiest man on earth and be my wife?”
At first I didn’t know what to do, so I just hugged him. I felt him hold me for awhile, and that’s all I wanted. I didn’t want anything else, and all my worries washed away. Everything I felt about negative people washed away. Maybe someday I would tell him, but right now was not that someday.
“Yes, a million times over, yes. I would love to be your wife Ethan Grant.” 
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