#eti polls
etirabys · 2 months
You have acquired the perfect piece of art to hang in your living room.
Is it more
1. Apollonian or Dionysian? (Apollo: harmony, progress, clarity, logic, the principle of individuation // Dionysus: disorder, intoxication, emotion, ecstasy, unity – in the Evangelion instrumentality sense)
2. beautiful or sublime? (beautiful: well-formed and aesthetically pleasing // sublime: has the power to compel and destroy us)
Some examples of art I consider to belong to each category under cut. Please note this is just my personal taste – try to vote based on the descriptions of the concepts, without anchoring too much to the specific examples I chose.
Apollonian beautiful (Rino Kitano, Jef Bourgeau):
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Apollonian sublime (Artem Chebokha, Evgeny Sedukhin)
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Dionysian beautiful (Matthew Brandt, Egon Schiele)
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Dionysian sublime: (Helena Tchórzewska, feii on zcool)
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feh-alt-battle · 4 months
VS Battles - Victims of woman haters
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Requested by @reasonablywittyatbest
Notes: Whoever designed these characters seriously need to learn how women - and bodies in general - work. People still have difficulty understanding that having actual visible abs is actually very unhealthy and in no way makes anyone strong. These poor women
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feshippingpolls · 5 days
Chloé X Etie
FE: Should they kiss?
Chloé x Etie
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Preliminary battle 5
Alfred & Etie (fire emblem: engage) vs Caspar Von Bergliez & Shez (fire emblem warriors: three hopes)
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Propaganda under the cut!
Alfred & Etie
They share one braincell and it only works during exercising
Caspar & Shez
they share one brain cell that bounces back and forth between them like a tennis ball during a rally
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dazzlerazz · 2 years
Excluding Emblems - there weren't enough options :(
Please don't spam hate towards any characters in the tags! We're not here to choose an objective "best", we're just here to see who your favorite is! Don't forget that there's a can't choose/results button!
Bonus: Why do you like your chosen character? Tell me in the tags!
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cursed-fe-edits · 2 years
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doodlesandbooks · 7 months
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etiragram · 3 months
I've seen a particular post I consider "sympathetic but bad" three times now and I'm on the verge of writing out my disagreement which I really don't want to do. it's this one
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WLW Tournament Round 1
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These are our tournament lineups! We will begin with Group 1 on Sunday, March 19th and polls will run for a week.
I will add links to the matches here when they go live.
Group 1
Lyn/Ninian VS Ursula/Sonia (CLOSED)
Sharena's Harem VS Farina/Karla (CLOSED)
Ethlyn/Ayra VS Celica/Faye (CLOSED)
Minerva/Palla VS Edelgard/Hilda (CLOSED)
Byleth/Edelgard VS Edelgard/Constance (CLOSED)
Tana/Marisa VS Marcia/Elincia (CLOSED)
Florina/Ninian VS Nanna/Mareeta (CLOSED)
Lachesis/Selphina VS Constance/Hapi (CLOSED)
Nyna/Midia VS Altena/Eda (CLOSED)
Eirika/Tana VS Melady/Guinevere (CLOSED)
Mikoto/Reina VS Sophia/Idunn (CLOSED)
Larcei/Lene VS Nyna/Elice (CLOSED)
Maribelle/Olivia VS Alear/Yunaka (CLOSED)
Lucina/Severa VS Timerra/Merrin/Panette (CLOSED)
Edelgard/Bernadetta VS Lissa/Maribelle (CLOSED)
Rebecca/Nino VS Tanya/Mareeta (CLOSED)
Group 2
Cèline/Hortensia VS Bernadetta/Marianne (CLOSED)
Kris/Katarina VS Petra/Bernadetta (CLOSED)
Dorothy/Sue VS Isadora/Eleanora (CLOSED)
Fjorm/Laevatein VS Panne/Emmeryn (CLOSED)
Elincia/Leanne VS Micaiah/Vika (CLOSED)
Ethlyn/Edain VS Edain/Deirdre (CLOSED)
Titania/Petrine VS Annand/Rahna (CLOSED)
Soleil/Ophelia VS Serra/Priscilla (CLOSED)
Kris/Cecil VS Nephenee/Heather (CLOSED)
Linoan/Eda VS Micaiah/Fiona (CLOSED)
Edelgard/Dorothea VS Lucina/Morgan (CLOSED)
Azura/Felicia VS Panne/Olivia (CLOSED)
Lapis/Citrinne VS Lilina/Gwendolyn (CLOSED)
Igrene/Echidna VS Deirdre/Ethlyn (CLOSED)
Marisa/Tethys VS Ladislava/Judith (CLOSED)
Selena/Ismaire VS Dorothea/Ingrid (CLOSED
Group 3
Lyn/Florina VS Faye/Silque (CLOSED)
Chloe/Merrin VS Leonie/Marianne (CLOSED)
Eirika/L'Arachel VS Byleth/Shez (CLOSED)
Annette/Lysithea VS Shamir/Catherine (CLOSED)
Karla/Vaida VS Guunthra/Laegjarn (CLOSED)
Ayra/Brigid VS Sigrun/Tanith (CLOSED)
Sonya/Rinea VS Kjelle/Severa (CLOSED)
Caeda/Catria VS Marianne/Hilda (CLOSED)
Lethe/Jill VS Tiki/Say'ri (CLOSED)
Sakura/Hana VS Severa/Cynthia (CLOSED)
Dorothea/Leonie VS Clarine/Dorothy (CLOSED)
Tsubasa/Ellie VS Sully/Sumia (CLOSED)
Dorothea/Monica VS Elincia/Lucia (CLOSED)
Etie/Yunaka VS Mist/Jill (CLOSED)
Sue/Lilina VS Celica/Mae (CLOSED)
Soleil/Nina VS Ayra/Lachesis (CLOSED)
Group 4
Rinkah/Charlotte VS Lumera/Eve
Sakura/Elise VS Olwen/Ishtar
Lumera/Zephia VS Camilla/Beruka
Emmeryn/Phila VS Ethlyn/Lachesis
Sumia/Cordelia VS Erinys/Silvia
Tharja/Olivia VS Micaiah/Laura
Seforia/Eve VS Camilla/Hinoka
Dorothea/Petra VS Hilda/Annette
Sonya/Mathilda VS Edelgard/Monica
Genny/Est VS Vanessa/Lute
Alear/Ivy VS Lyn/Serra
Ilyana/Mia VS Neimi/Amelia
Kagero/Orochi VS Celine/Chloe
Rhea/Catherine VS Corrin/Rhajat
Lana/Julia VS Annand/Pamela
Morgan/Nah VS Fjorm/Laegjarn
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fire-emblem-poll · 8 months
FE popularity polls
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She’s very cute I think I used her for one map though
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etirabys · 8 months
what's your favorite Magic the Gathering two-color combo
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roy622 · 1 year
I'm not including Female Alear on the polls. I wanna see who the community ships more besides female Alear. I already know Alfred/Alear are the most popular ship for him but like I said, I'm curious who besides Alear is his second best pairing. Now with that out of the way.
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asilaniyablog · 1 year
Menggagas Revolusi Digital: Mewujudkan Demokrasi yang Lebih Partisipatif di Indonesia
Pada era digital yang semakin berkembang pesat ini, teknologi telah menjadi kekuatan utama dalam membentuk banyak aspek kehidupan kita, termasuk juga dalam dunia politik. Indonesia, sebagai salah satu negara dengan jumlah pengguna internet terbesar di dunia, memiliki potensi besar untuk memanfaatkan revolusi digital ini demi mewujudkan demokrasi yang lebih partisipatif. Revitalisasi demokrasi adalah sebuah tujuan yang harus terus diupayakan dalam membangun negara yang inklusif dan berkelanjutan. Dalam konteks Indonesia, di mana banyak warga memiliki akses ke internet dan media sosial, revolusi Digital dapat menjadi alat yang kuat untuk meningkatkan partisipasi politik masyarakat secara luas. Salah satu potensi besar revolusi Digital adalah kemampuannya dalam menghubungkan masyarakat dengan para pemimpin politik dan pejabat pemerintahan. Dengan menggunakan platform digital, seperti media sosial, aplikasi ponsel, dan situs web, warga dapat dengan mudah berkomunikasi secara langsung dengan para pemimpin mereka. Hal ini memungkinkan adanya dialog yang lebih terbuka dan transparan antara warga dan pemimpin, sehingga memperkuat keterlibatan dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengambilan keputusan politik. Selain itu, revolusi digital juga dapat memfasilitasi akses informasi yang lebih mudah dan cepat bagi masyarakat. Dalam demokrasi yang partisipatif, informasi yang akurat dan transparan sangat penting untuk memungkinkan warga membuat keputusan yang cerdas dan berdasarkan fakta. Dengan menggunakan teknologi digital, pemerintah dapat menyediakan data yang mudah diakses oleh publik, termasuk data tentang anggaran pemerintah, program pembangunan, dan kebijakan publik lainnya. Hal ini memungkinkan warga untuk lebih memahami dan mengawasi penggunaan dana publik, serta ikut berpartisipasi dalam proses evaluasi dan perencanaan pembangunan. Tidak hanya itu, revolusi digital juga membuka peluang baru dalam hal partisipasi politik langsung. Dengan adanya platform daring, seperti polling online dan petisi elektronik, warga dapat secara aktif berpartisipasi dalam isuisu politik yang mereka pedulikan. Mereka dapat memberikan suara mereka, mendukung atau menentang kebijakan tertentu, dan menyampaikan aspirasi mereka kepada pemerintah. Melalui partisipasi ini, masyarakat dapat merasa memiliki suara yang didengar dan terlibat dalam proses pengambilan keputusan yang lebih demokratis. Namun, untuk mewujudkan demokrasi yang lebih partisipatif melalui revolusi digital, ada beberapa tantangan yang perlu diatasi. Pertama, penting untuk memastikan bahwa akses internet merata di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Masih ada daerah yang sulit terjangkau oleh jaringan internet, dan ini dapat membatasi partisipasi politik warga di daerah tersebut. Pemerintah perlu bekerja sama dengan operator telekomunikasi dan lembaga terkait untuk meningkatkan infrastruktur digital di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Kedua, perlu diperhatikan juga perlindungan data pribadi dan privasi pengguna dalam revolusi digital ini. Dalam mengumpulkan dan menyimpan data pengguna, perusahaan teknologi harus memastikan bahwa data tersebut tidak disalahgunakan atau digunakan untuk kepentingan yang tidak etis. UndangUndang Perlindungan Data Pribadi yang memadai perlu diterapkan dan diperkuat untuk melindungi hakhak individu dalam era digital ini. Terakhir, perlu diadakan edukasi dan pelatihan yang memadai bagi masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan teknologi digital untuk berpartisipasi dalam politik. Banyak warga yang masih kurang akrab dengan teknologi digital atau tidak memiliki keterampilan yang cukup untuk menggunakan platform digital secara efektif.
Cek Selengkapnya: Menggagas Revolusi Digital: Mewujudkan Demokrasi yang Lebih Partisipatif di Indonesia
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hardynwa · 1 year
Despite popularity, Nigerian entertainers fail to clinch political seats
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Popularity, they say, is a critical success factor for a politician and her/his party to win elections. But that hasn’t been the case with most Nigerian entertainers who, despite their celebrity status, have continued to suffer embarrassing defeats at various polls across the country. Prior to the 2023 general elections, some industry heavyweights announced their retirements and sojourn into partisan politics. Among them are Nollywood actresses Funke Akindele and Tonto Dikeh, who were the deputy governorship candidates of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and African Democratic Congress (ADC) in Lagos and Rivers states, respectively. Others include actor Femi Branch, who was the deputy governorship candidate of the National Rescue Movement in Ogun State; singer Olubankole Wellington, popularly known as Banky W, who ran for the Eti-Osa House of Representatives seat under the PDP, and “The Johnsons” star, Olumide Oworu who was the Labour Party candidate for the Surulere Constituency 1 seat in the Lagos State House of Assembly. DAILY POST observed, unfortunately, that the voyages of Nigerian entertainers into the murky waters of politics haven’t been smooth sailing. Except for veteran actor-cum-politician, Desmond Elliott, who defeated Oworu, the rest of the pack lost their bids. Funke Akindele Akindele was the running mate of the PDP’s gubernatorial candidate, Abdul-Azeez Adediran, aka Jandor, in the just concluded Lagos State governorship election. Many had high hopes for her and her principal, considering her celebrity status and “street credibility”. However, all those hopes were dashed when she and her boss finished a distant third (62,449 votes) behind the incumbent governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu of the APC (762,134 votes), and LP candidate, Gbadebo Rhodes-Vivour (312,329 votes). Days later, the actress deleted all campaign photos from her social media pages. Banky W Veteran singer/rapper and record label boss, Olubankole Wellington, better known as Banky W, made the headlines when he lost the Lagos State Eti-Osa Federal Constituency election to a less-known Attah Thaddeus of the Labour Party (LP). The LP candidate, surprisingly, polled 24,075 votes as against 18,666 votes by Banky W, who was the PDP candidate, while the incumbent, Babjide, son of Musiliu Obanikoro, a former Minister of State for Defence and APC candidate, got 16,901 votes. The music executive had previously lost the Eti-Osa Federal Constituency election in 2019. His latest electoral defeat triggered some of his friends, like Nollywood actor, Deyemi Okanlawon, to challenge the victory of the “unpopular” LP candidate, Thaddeus Attah, online, which didn’t sit well with many social media users. Tonto Dikeh Controversial Nollywood actress and brand influencer Tonto Dikeh suffered a similar fate as her colleagues in the Rivers State governorship election. Dikeh’s celebrity prowess failed to save her and her boss, Tonte Ibraye, governorship candidate of the African Democratic Congress (ADC) in Rivers State, from losing to Simi Fubara of the PDP. Despite her popularity, her party performed poorly at the poll, with the APC and Labour Party doing far better than them. Shortly after the election, she took to her Instagram page to thank her fans and well-wishers for their support despite the defeat, insisting that she cherished the experience. Olumide Oworu Rising actor, Olumide Oworu was not officially entered into the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) portal as the Labour Party candidate for the Surulere Constituency election. However, he campaigned for the position under the platform. He claimed that INEC failed to enter his name due to some reason. Adebayo Bode was the name officially entered as the LP candidate for the election. Notwithstanding, the LP lost to the incumbent, Desmond Elliott of the All Progressives Congress, APC. APC polled 17,837 votes against 7,822 votes by the LP, and 1,045 votes by the PDP candidate, Thompson Sulaimon Abolaji. Oworu and his supporters were reportedly attacked during one of their campaigns. Femi Branch Veteran actor and filmmaker, Femi Branch was the running mate to the Ogun State gubernatorial candidate of the National Rescue Movement, Tofunmi Ogunronbi, in the just concluded election, which the duo lost to the incumbent, Dapo Abiodun of the APC. His celebrity status couldn’t influence the voters as his party was among the bottom losers. APC polled 276,298 votes to emerge the winner, while the PDP candidate, Ladi Adebutu, scored 262,383 votes to come second. Biyi Otegbeye of the ADC polled 94,754 votes to come third. Femi Branch rejected the results, insisting that the election was flawed. The actor wrote via Instagram, “It is the audacity for me! After buying (sharing) the voters between themselves, APC and PDP also compromised the Independent National Electoral Commission; and the small parties are suffering for it. Any candidate declared winner in Ogun State is a fraud. “First, (there were) fake ballot papers and after protests lasting over two hours, another set (of ballot papers) was brought, and we finally voted; only for them to count only APC and PDP votes,” he added. Honorable mentions: Actress Carolyna Hutchings was the running mate to the African Action Congress governorship candidate in Akwa Ibom State, Iboro Otu, before stepping down a day before the election. The election was eventually won by PDP candidate, Umo Eno. TV reality star Tuoyo Ideh was the House of Representatives candidate of the All Progressives Grand Alliance party (APGA) for Warri Federal Constituency of Delta State. However, the former Big Brother Naija housemate lost the election to the incumbent, Thomas Ereyitomi, of the PDP. Read the full article
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ogpnews-online · 2 years
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referencedailynews · 2 years
“Grateful for the win, ready for the work” – Banky W emerge winner of PDP House of Reps rerun election for Eti-Osa
“Grateful for the win, ready for the work” – Banky W emerge winner of PDP House of Reps rerun election for Eti-Osa
Veteran singer and songwriter, Olubankole Wellington popularly known as Banky W has been declared the winner of the Peoples Democratic Party’s (PDP) rerun primary elections for the Eti-Osa constituency. The declaration came after the votes were counted on Monday afternoon, and he received 24 votes to overcome his competitor, Sam Aiboni, who only got five votes. After the initial primary poll in…
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