#eua flag
conexaoamerica · 2 years
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This is a shot of one of Charleston’s historic alleys. I love the tomato red color - it’s one of my favorite colors for a manicure. 🍅❤️ . . . ➢ Credit 👉🏆📸 @thatjanebird . . . ➢ Follow 👉 🇺🇸@conexao.america for more photos and movies about United States 🇺🇸 . . . ➢ Alliance @america_states @enjoy_la_ @latinbrazil . . . ➢ ✈ Mark your photo with tag #conexaoamerica or @conexao.america and we'll post it! . . . . #dream #iloveusa #explorecharleston #charlestonsc #historyofcharleston #flag #americanflag #usaflag #fredom #usa #eua #travel #trip (em Charleston, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoAG5LxL03B/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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drsbutmakeitspicy · 3 months
The neutral to enemies to friends to lovers but spice it up with a horrible crash and learning to live your life again
A messy idea that can't leave my head, can someone write this please
Everything that is canon but also future where Oscar and Carlos have 1xwdc and are fighting for their second one, they are friend now, always driving together to Lando or Max parties, playing drinking games or just chatting, it becomes easy to open up after a scary crash in ITA 25, where their cars collided while avoiding a spinning Ocon, causing a red flag and a 2 night stay in the same room with cracked ribs, funny hospital gowns and feeling high from painkillers.
Oscar's ribs take longer to heal and Carlos check on him every day.
At some point Carlos is always driving him around, they play padel with Max and his horrifying technique and golf, the latter sometimes with the company of Sainz Sr, which Oscar enjoys a bit more, since Carlos Dad always tells him a new embarassing story about his son.
During the 2027 season they are fighting for the championship, it's exciting and as much as Netflix try to say otherwise, they get even closer, criticizing other teams orders and choices together while drunk on the floor Max balcony. If things get heated during the race and they end up saying ruse things about eachother during media duty, it all gets resolved with a WhatsApp call or a room number text.
Oscar only realize they are close when Carlos is the last thing he sees in Eua Rouge and the first in the hospital room.
His eyes are familiar and made Oscar feel more comfortable while the nurse asked him some questions, his hand was pleasant on his shoulder as they waited for the doctor, and his hug was everything Oscar needed, delicate due to his injuries and warm, while sobbing with the heartbreaking knowledge that he wouldn't be able to drive anymore.
Carlos would be there for most of the first of this new life, like the first time taking a showing while sitting on a wheel chair (very awkward and depressing) but also the first time taking a shower in his own bathroom at home but with the additional premium hair wash service from Carlos (Relaxing and also funny and carlos ended up drenched)
Before they knew it they were sharing Oscar's apartment and months later sleeping on the same bed. It was nice, specially Monday naps, no work duties for Carlos, no online meetings for Oscar, just lazy naps after some training together. Lazy naps that would endup with Carlos face on Oscar's neck and his hand on his chest.
(I have more of this but I'm so sleepy, I'll write later)
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claudiosuenaga · 1 year
Como a Ordem dos Cavaleiros Templários criou o Sistema Bancário Internacional
A Ordem dos Templários, fundada em 1118 em Jerusalém, jurava pobreza, castidade e obediência de um lado; do outro, tornou-se uma das mais ricas e poderosas instituições do mundo.
Os Cavaleiros Templários estiveram por trás da criação do Sistema Bancário Internacional, emprestando dinheiro às Casas Reais e deixando-as reféns e à mercê de sua chantagem.
Além de possuir riquezas (ainda hoje procuradas) e uma enorme quantidade de terras na Europa, a Ordem dos Templários possuía uma enorme esquadra. Os cavaleiros, além de temidos guerreiros em terra, eram também exímios navegadores e utilizavam sua frota para deslocamentos e negócios com várias nações.
Segundo alguns historiadores, os cavaleiros foram para a Escócia, Suíça, Portugal e até mais além usando seus navios. Muitos deles mudaram seus nomes e se instalaram em países diferentes para evitar uma perseguição do Rei e da Igreja.
Um dado interessante relativo aos cavaleiros que se refugiaram na Suíça, é que antes dessa época não há registros da existência do sistema bancário naquele país. Como é sabido, no auge de sua formação, os cavaleiros da Ordem desenvolveram um sistema de empréstimos, linhas de crédito e depósitos de riquezas que na sua época já se assemelhava bastante aos bancos de hoje. Provavelmente foram os cavaleiros que se refugiaram na Suíça que implantaram o sistema bancário que até hoje é a principal atividade do país.
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Adquira aqui meu livro "As Raízes Hebraicas da Terra do Sol Nascente: O Povo Japonês Seria uma das Dez Tribos Perdidas de Israel?"
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star--nymph · 2 years
In regards to Dolly, was she just found? Did Artemis procure her by some unholy means or more just pure happenstance end up discovering her and then go, yes, mine, mine now, love this abomination against human existence, takin’ her home naming her Dolly and giving her all the things because how can he not when she’s that adorable. But also like is there a plan for her beyond grow and become what you wish, as I end up thinking, if she doesn’t have a focus like Artemis, will she not just become the greater danger if/when Kass puts a bullet in his head. Or is she like a hidden sleeper that if one could look beyond the lens of vengeance for a hot minute one might see that Artemis? Likely not the worlds worst possibly enemy to have for as absolutely wretched he is. If I’m interpreting Dolly’s bio correctly.
(tw- implied child abuse--and no not by Artemis)
Ho, okay so. To explain how Artemis got her means I have to explain Dolly’s entire thing in full, so sit back because this is going to get into some world building and cosmic nonsense.
(Side note: I love how every time someone asks about how Artemis got Dolly, it’s ‘WHAT THE FUCK DID HE DO’ and ‘DID HE STEAL HER’ to which the short answer is no, this is very much a ‘I have fucked my self into a situation I can not fuck my self out of’)
So Eua’s creation and its many Elder Gods are shrouded in mystery. What’s known is at some point many eons ago, the elder gods that had physical manifestations had some kind of battle with each other and it reformed the planet. Some elder gods vanished, some supposedly went to sleep, and some dissolved and became one with the planet. The battles or perhaps the bodies themselves left behind pockets of scars, deep tainted holes that corrupting the land and creatures near it, becoming deadly to most other beings. Somehow, humanity sprung out of all this and built their world off what could be the very remains of their gods. Cities built on what could be giant chairs, expose hands, only temples, skulls, and arms. Humanity having to constantly fight and form their world against strange giant beasts that jump from endless festering holes, eventually uniting under one flag to battle against them. This is the climate that society on all fronts was based on with Eua. There are gods, there is some semblance of magic or power left over from them, and there are monsters that will kill you if you wander too close to these uninhabitable lands, if nature doesn’t kill you first. Hell, it’s why the military split into two fractions: the human fraction and the beast fraction (and yes being aside to the beast fraction is considered the worse of the two).
As a result of all this, religion is a funny thing on Eua. There’s not really a question of ‘is there a god’ because the answer is ‘yeah look out your damn window, I’m pretty sure your Vespa is parked in one’. The questions are more ‘why are the gods asleep’, ‘are they still alive?’ ‘Can they hear us?’ ‘Do they care?’. There’s also the concept of the abstracts of cosmic gods, one that they CANT see but know exist in theory, or the concept of death on Eua, in which most people believe that most souls turn into stars and some souls get stuck on the earth for one reason or another ghosts—and that evil souls rot in an empty abyss until they are rendered down to nothing by sheer weight of oblivion. I want to describe all this because I don’t want anyone to get the idea that religion on Eua is a bad thing or that its an atheist society. There are very much religion, the study of the gods, the respect and belief in the land itself, and they are varied and nuanced just like our world.
And THEN we get to underground cults. Now these guys are the little freaks who want to start playing with shit they shouldn’t. They want to name gods, contact them, harness their powers, even wake them up (which is insane because we’re talking beings that are anywhere from giant leviathans to FORMLESS CONCEPTS BEYOND HUMAN PALE). Some of this can be harmless, the equivalent of like using an oujia board and telling your friends that Jesus just spoke to your and he says buy more nfts. But then there’s the people that hide in what they believe are centers of powers deep underground and out of the sight of society—and some are depicted to the study and deep reflection of their chose god. But others go too far and start using any means to contact them.
(You're probably wondering where Artemis falls in between all this and the answer is none because Artemis doesn't ask for worship of a god, he's specifically demands worship of him. His platform is fuck the gods, I'm hotter and so are you.)
With that I can touch upon one specific cult known as the Cult of the Butterfly. Situated in a cave network and it’s temple carved into solid rock, the Cult of the Butterfly is dedicated to a creator entity known by several names: The Cosmic Weaver, The Reality God and the Butterfly. The Butterfly is a being believed to exist on a higher plane, weaving into reality both time and different worlds. It is one of many creators of gods, but it’s realm is that of sewing all universes into one big tapestry, never meeting but endlessly connected through the same threads and a singular hand. Occasionally, The Butterfly will take a physical form of a butterfly which wings encompass every color and light and fly through its realities. It's believed catching a glimpse of it in it's physical form will give you a glimpse of the scope of the cosmos (why you would want that is anyone's guess, though).
Reasonable, I suppose, that this cult exists except it's main desire isn't to simply worship or by chance see The Butterfly. Members of the cult want to specifically awaken the Butterfly, turn its gaze upon them, and capture it--and they believe the best course of action is to make it listen to them. But listen requires loudness, it requires being so loud the universe can not ignore you. It requires loud, painful, agonizing screeching the likes of which not a single being can simply turn away from.
You see where I'm going with this.
It's here that Artemis, chasing his own pursuit on how to unlock godhood, that he's introduced to the Cult of the Butterfly and the Red Priestress--otherwise known as Phoebe Evans. Call it his own holy pilgrimage, he had gained access through another cult he had been studying with and was allowed to look through their archives under Phoebe supervision. Now the thing is about Phoebe, without giving too much away, is she that she's her own brand of awful. A spoiled brat whose endless drive for ego and power drove her from being just a high school mean girl into a full blown tyrant of her own cult. Where Artemis is a bottomless pit of hatred, Phoebe is overflowing fountain of egomania.
Turns out, they were into that. So, ya know, they fucked. I mean they didn't like each other but were they turned on? Yes, absolutely. Sometimes you find someone you utterly loud and also want to bang. It happens. Then Artemis went on his way, found exactly what he was looking for, and erupted out of a literal hole as the new stunning god of this forsaken world and Phoebe was pissed.
Not because she liked him or anything but because he did the impossible and he did it because he was already a freak of nature. He found a way to be somehow already the most powerful thing in the world and then jump the shark from humanity into actual godhood. That was supposed to be Pheobe. That should be Pheobe. And now she's finding out that she can't because she's normal human and to be human means you can't cross that fucking line?
No, absolutely not there is a way.
Then Phoebe finds out she's pregnent and she's figures out, alright. So she can't become God, but what's second best to God? How about the Mother of God.
So here's the thing. I have not exactly figure out the next part of this or how she did it. All I know is that Phoebe does manage through a heighten dream state to meet on the same plan as The Butterfly, grab it, and eat it--allowing it to find its home in the fetus inside her. Nine months later, a child with cosmic eyes is born unto it and Phoebe...is not happy. Because besides the whole eye deal, this child is normal. Just a random newborn baby. Boring, useless, weak. This is not what she was looking for. She wanted to be the Mother to user in The Butterfly's wisdom to the world, not spend her time changing diapers, waiting for it to wake the hell up in this infant's skull and realize its divinity. If you haven't notice, Phoebe, as ambitious as she is, isn't exactly patient. So she returns to the original plan; trying to wake The Butterfly up, just now in a new form.
Phoebe is not kind to her new child/new god. She doesn't have to be. If she's a real god, then she can withstand what she does next. If she isn't, then she can start all over.
Three months later, Artemis--back on the surface and just turn his own crime gang into a full-blown culure--gets word that Phoebe gave birth. Considering he was told that cult doesn't get many visitors and there were exactly many men in it, well...Like I said, Artemis fucked himself into a situation he could not fuck himself out of, so he might as well go check.
Cut to him arriving to a blood covered temple and finding his child bound to an alter by chains. Now I won't say exactly what happened with Phoebe or the Cult of the Butterfly after that but lets just say after that day, they weren't operating anymore. Artemis unchained Dolly, fell in love with at first sight, and decided that if she's going to look like a little doll, she might as well be called that--besides, one of his mother's favorite songs she used to sing to him was Hello, Dolly. He likes to think she would have liked the name. Dolly responded by blinking and her cosmic eyes changed to his violet. And that was that.
And so was the story of how Artemis came to find Dolly. Completely was not his fault for once but he must say, it was the best and only good thing he's ever done.
As for what Dolly is, well. She both a natural thing and abomination. It's a very odd thing to be both a human child (because for all intents and purposes, Dolly is human) and also be cosmic god. She is hopelessly in between mortality and immortality--all knowing and still learning. For Dolly, it's like her brain is a giant book but she does not have the reading level to understand what's in front of her. One day she will, and her powers are going slowly everyday, but at the same time, she is a very normal eight year old girl with a very normal eight year old body. If she pushes too hard, her the god part of her might start to awaken and break out of her, return to where it's supposed to be. Like, by virture of what the Butterfly was, it was never supposed to be IN a timeline. Being IN a timeline now means instead of there being a SINGLE VERSION OF ITSELF there are now SEVERAL VERSIONS OF THEMSELVES ACROSS TIMELINES AND WORLDS. AND THESE VERSIONS CAN NOT MEET OR EXISTENCE WILL RIPE APART.
Dolly is THAT. She's not the end all, be all but she's sure up there as far as concepts go and now she's an eight year old girl who is both extremely old and extremely new at the same time and all she wants to do is draw pictures her and her father holding hands.
And for the record Artemis is aware and he loves her. He doesn't want anything from her except to love her. The fact that Dolly is an actual literal god and he's technically running a grift was incidental and would be kind of funny if he wasn't violently aware that one day Dolly will be on her own and lose her less shard of humanity and any awareness she has of him along with it.
As for what he has planned for her. Just for her to grow up. Dolly wasn't in the plans and the plans were just to destroy the world. She comes along and he decides 'well, why not destroy the world, remake it, and then give it to her after I'm done?' It'll be like baby's first planet. Trial run for when she goes out and starts being literal god.
My plans for Dolly? I don't know. I mean part of me does know but it would be kind of a spoiler for her development. I have a storyline as Dolly gets older but that's so far in the future right now. Dolly could be a danger as she grows or she could turn out to be a benevolent or just uninterested. The problem I think for everyone else outside of Artemis, like Kassandra and Blaine, is that despite seeing the powerset Dolly has, it's hard not see her as just a little girl--and that she might not turn out to be anything more than that. She's just little kid with, yes, a bad father but there's a chance she won't end up like him. There's a chance she could change. Right now, I think when Kassandra looks at Dolly she's just...sad. Sad because she knows what she has to do and maybe she doesn't want to make another little girl an orphan. It's not that she unaware of the threat Dolly could be, it's just that she has hope that maybe that won't be the case. Cause the alternative is hurting a small child for a possibility and Kass won't do that.
And Blaine. Well, Blaine has his own reasons to be sad over Dolly and starts with he wishes he had known about her sooner.
Either way, it's good that Artemis is an actual good father who doesn't use Dolly. Maybe treating her like just a precious little girl is the best thing you could do a little god.
Although, I will add Dolly is as lonely as you might think she is--and maybe Artemis holds onto her a little tighter for that reason too.
(side note: given Dolly's power of being able to jump through realities that DON'T involve, it does give her room to exist in any canon. Funky, huh?)
(additional side note: Dolly has a phobia of butterflies, specifically red butterflies. I wonder why)
ANYWOO. THAT WAS A LOT. UM. SORRY. I hope that answered your questions? If you or anyone else has more, feel free. I am clearly an endless book with this story.
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debbymatt · 7 months
CTFs, a maneira mais prática de se aprender a Cybersecurity
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Afinal, o que significa CTF ?
Capture the Flag, ou da tradução literal, "Capture a bandeira", usualmente um código e/ou informação oculta. Tem como sua origem em uma das maiores convenções de competição Hackers do mundo, o DEF CON, realizada em Las Vegas, Nevada - EUA.
Que consiste numa competição hacking em equipe, que tentam atacar e defender computadores e redes usando certos softwares e estruturas de rede, num ambiente controlado, que quem pontua/resolve primeiro, vence.
Atualmente, este tipo de pratica é muito comum entre profissionais, estudantes e entusiastas de cibersegurança, inclusive para auxiliar a desenvolver habilidades em sub-ramos da segurança da informação, que citarei adiante.
Principais Vertentes
Reversing (Eng. Reversa).
Crypto (Criptografia).
Miscellaneous (Diversos).
Pwnables/Exploitation (Exploração de Binários).
Web Hacking.
Networking (Redes).
Forensics (Forense).
PPC (Professional Proramming and Coding).
O que você ganha com isso ?
Além de todo o conhecimento que você vai adquirir e se divertir com seus amigos, muitas plataformas de CTFs dedica prêmio em dinheiro, como foi o caso do ganhador de R$6 mil reais de bitcoin no CTF 2023, Rafael Souza.
Proeminência na area de tecnologia ou setor de inteligencia tornando assim mais chances de ser contratado em algum grande empresa de tecnologia ou mesmo policia federal / militar / civil.
E também, faculdades / universidades que percebem potencial nos envolvidos e ofertam vagas e bolsas de estudos.
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Resumo do evento do ano passado, YouTube: https://youtu.be/3DuS1yRO_gY?si=ouPI4gjEy9P7Sxgz
Evento responsável por alavancar boa parte de todos os competidores e vencedores de CTFs.
Noticias nos últimos de competidores de CTFs:
Capture The Flag (CTF): extraordinária competição de computação ;
Brasil fica em 5° lugar em competição hacker contra 75 países
Nubank: evento irá contratar mulheres em Segurança da Informação
Hackers ganham prêmio por invadir satélite da Força Aérea dos EUA
Campeonatos Capture The Flag (CTF) estão em alta no universo da cibersegurança
Polícia Civil do DF terá estande na 5ª edição da Campus Party Brasília
Como começar ?
Se você é alguém com pouco conhecimento em informática, mas precisamente em segurança da informação, é fortemente recomendado, iniciar estudando conceitos como: Criptografia, Esteganografia, Redes de Computadores, Programação, Engenharia Reversa, Sistemas Operacionais, Maquina Virtual, etc.
Apesar de que, a maioria da plataformas que recomendarei a seguir, te dá uma base introdutória para conseguir cumprir a maioria dos desafios, mediante do estudo prévio aprofundado, terá um desempenho melhor e mais critico para a resolução dos problemas propostos.
Segue uma lista de repositórios para estudar: Introdução a CTF, para iniciantes; Guia de campo CTF ; Manual Capture a bandeira 101 .
Onde jogar ?
Muitos dos CTFs “oficiais” hospedados por universidades e empresas são competições com limite de tempo.
Capture The Flag – HackerSec
Google CTF
Enquanto outros são gratuitos e disponíveis como ferramentas práticas e de aprendizagem.
RingZer0 Team
Nota: Num post posterior detalharei e terá indicação de cursos e plataformas gratuitas com certificação para area de tecnologia. Assim como, diferentes tipos de virus e fraudes, métodos e ferramentas de ataque e defesa.
Nos mais, quaisqueir dúvidas, sugestão e recomendação, fiquem a vontade de comentar, curtir e compartilhar. Referência bibliográficas sobre o assunto, logo a baixo.
Obrigada por lerem até aqui, nos vemos no proximo post, espero que tenham gostado.
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Referências Bibliográficas
Wikipédia: DEF CON ;
CTF - BR ;
Capture the Flag
Por que jogar CTF?
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factmrps · 1 year
Global viral antigens market forecasted to expand at a high-value CAGR of 8.2% by 2032; States Fact.MR
The global viral antigens market is estimated at US$ 175.9 billion in 2022 and is forecasted to expand at a high-value CAGR of 8.2% to reach a market size of US$ 388.1 billion by the end of 2032.
Viral antigens are gaining attention owing to advancements in microbiology as well as vaccine development, in which, North America is the most favorable market for manufacturers of viral antigens.
For More Insights into the Market, Request a Sample of This Report: https://www.factmr.com/connectus/sample?flag=S&rep_id=1305?SP
Based on component, the global viral antigens market is sub-segmented into Iinfluenza Vviral antigens, Ccoronavirus antigens, Zika Vvirus Aantigens, Ebola Aantigens, Dengue Aantigens, Herpes Simplex Vvirus (HSV) Aantigens, Rrotavirus antigens, Hepatitis A-E antigens, Mmeasles antigens, mumps/parotitis antigens, and others. The Coronavirus antigens segment held the largest share of the market in 2019, and it is expected to register a the higher highest CAGR during the forecast period. Based on technique, the global viral antigens market is segmented into ELISA, immunoassay, hemagglutination, Rradioimmunoassay (RIA), immunoperoxidase staining, immunofluorescence, and others.
Competitive Landscape:
Prominent viral antigen manufacturers are Microbix Biosystems Inc., Bio Rad Laboratories, Creative Diagnostics, Aalto Bio Reagents, ProSpec-Tany TechnoGene Ltd., The native antigen company, Meridian bioscience, Inbios, Rekom biotech, and Sekbio.
Technological improvements in the biopharmaceutical industry are providing substantial growth prospects for viral antigen suppliers. Additionally, manufacturers are focusing on new product launches and product development. Hence, the rise in new product launches and developments, including the introduction of numerous novel recombinant antigens for the growth of antibody tests for COVID-19, will hasten the development of the market.
Apart from organic tactics, key market players are also adopting inorganic growth strategies for business expansion and the generation of a high-revenue share in the market.
In May 2020, the U.S. FDA issued the EUA to Quidel Corporation for its Sofia 2 SARS Antigen FIA. It is a new category of test that can quickly detect protein particles on or within the coronavirus. The test is conducted by taking samples from the nasal cavity of patients.
In May 2020, Bio-Rad Laboratories, a U.S.-based developer of high-quality products for the clinical diagnostics market, bagged the EUA approval for its SARS-CoV-2 Total Ab test from the U.S. FDA. It is a blood-based test for identifying the antibodies created by the human body in response to COVID-19.
Fact.MR has provided detailed information about the price points of key manufacturers of viral antigens positioned across regions, sales growth, production capacity, and speculative technological expansion, in the recently published report.
For In-Depth Competitive Analysis, Buy now: https://www.factmr.com/checkout/1305?SP
Segmentation of Viral Antigens Industry Research:
By Component :
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
Hepatitis A-E
Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV)
By Detection Technique :
Radioimmunoassay (RIA)
Immunoperoxidase Staining
Electron Microscopy
By End User :
Diagnostic Centers
Blood Banks
Research Institutes
By Region :
North America
Latin America
East Asia
South Asia & ASEAN
What differences can the VIRAL ANTIGENS market report make on the revenue impacts and strategies of businesses?
Fact.MR strives to provide comprehensive assessments of opportunities in various regions and technology segments. The study also offers an uncluttered data-driven insights into the growth avenues of the VIRAL ANTIGENS market and all its segments. Some of the ways the study can make a discernible impact are by offering evidence-based perspectives on:
Attractiveness quotient of emerging product/technology types in various products in the VIRAL ANTIGENS market
Micro-economics factors that may hamper the prospects of some of the key segments
Recent spate of research and development (R&D) funding on key VIRAL ANTIGENS markets
New business models paving way for disruptions in demand dynamic of key segments
Regional markets that will be future engine of growth and the industry trends that will support these markets
Challenges overcoming which may offer industry players competitive edge
Contact: US Sales Office: 11140 Rockville Pike Suite 400 Rockville, MD 20852 United States Tel: +1 (628) 251-1583 E-Mail: [email protected]
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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10 Reasons to Criminally Charge Pfizer NOW
Pfizer's Contract with the US Military is shattered and so is their Immunity
January 13, 2023: You can NOT contract to commit a crime, any crime. Just to be clear, Pfizer can not go through the entire Initial New Drug (IND) application process, Phase 1/2/3, Biological License Application (BLA), pay the $3 million dollar Pharmaceutical Drug User Fee (PDUFA), FDA-approval, post-marketing clinical requirements, and manufacture and market FDA-approved product and then claim that under their contract with the DoD they were instructed to perform the clinical trials and receive FDA-approval as a part of a psyop. This is the most ridiculous story I have heard so far in an attempt to defend Pfizer’s EUA vaccine immunity shield which is completely shattered.
The only reason why Pfizer is getting away with murder is because Pfizer is influencing the narrative that we are listening to from trusted leaders and media platforms on both sides of the COVID-19 isle to convince the entire population of the United States that their injectable COVID-19 mRNA lipid nanoparticle bioweapons are;
safe and effective vaccines,
vaccines gone wrong, or
but Pfizer is following orders from the US military under a military contract and under EUA law Pfizer has legal immunity, so there is nothing we can do about it.
These are all false statements!
As we read through the DoD contract, it’s clear that Pfizer is in charge of communications with the FDA. Per the FDA documents, Pfizer exerted extreme influence over the FDA forcing the FDA to ignore safety flags during the clinical trials, thereby strong-arming the FDA to fraudulently authorize and then fraudulently approve a bioweapon as a safe and effective vaccine.
Pfizer is obviously the criminal in this case and can be criminally charged now.
If I was an advisor in a criminal case, here’s a few examples on how I would eviscerate many of the fraudulent claims (extrinsic fraud) currently being made. Extrinsic fraud is when an attorney or expert witness misrepresents material facts or law so that victims are unable to take effective civil or criminal action.
Fraudulent Claims Made by Experts and Attorneys
1. Pfizer’s DoD Contract was for a Prototype, NOT a Vaccine. False!
2. BioNTech is the Clinical Trial Sponsor and EUA/BLA Holder, NOT Pfizer. False!
3. BioNTech is the Marketer for COMIRNATY, NOT Pfizer. False!
4. There is NO FDA-approved COMIRNATY Available in the United States. False!
5. The Military Controlled the FDA Clinical Trials, So Pfizer is Not Liable. False!
6. The US Military Controls the FDA Data of US Citizens Injected with mRNA Vaccines, So Pfizer is Not Liable. False!
7. Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines were Manufactured by the Military and Outside of the United States. False!
8. Pfizer is Not Liable if Vaccines Contain Toxic Substances Because the mRNA Vaccines Are Not Subject to Good Manufacturing Practice Laws. False! 
9. Pfizer is NOT Liable because the Vaccine Technology Manufactured under the Military Contract is owned by the US Government and NOT Pfizer. False! 
10. Pfizer Can NOT Be Charged Criminally Because They Have Immunity as a Covered Person per the PREP Act and Contract. False!
See also; Intended Consequences: The Payout https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/intended-consequences-continued-the
Moderna Delivers $400 MILLION Payout to NIH, Dartmouth, and Scripps LaJolla with Subsidiary Payments to the Inventors of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein - Barney Graham, Jason McLellan and Andy War
13 Reasons to Have State Attorney Generals Seize and Destroy All COVID-19 mRNA Bioweapons
Karen Kingston - Russian MoD Confirms mRNA Injections Are Bioweapons!!! Globalist Plan for Nanotech Revealed! https://rumble.com/v2diy7u-karen-kingston-russian-mod-confirms-mrna-injections-are-bioweapons.html View on Icedrive; https://icedrive.net/s/B7zbwYf892uGfV1R33W95hfyRiz4
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pasparal · 3 years
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Source: ПолитНавигатор
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yourparislife · 3 years
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Welcome to South Carolina
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Flags on 6th Ave, Manhattan (New York City, USA) by Steffen Kamprath
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conexaoamerica · 3 years
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Casting, Maine Credit 👉🏆📷 @loithai: Follow 👉 🇺🇸@conexao.america for more photos and movies about United States 🇺🇸 . . . . Alliance @america_states @enjoy_la @americafortwo . . . #conexaoamerica #iloveusa #dream #usa #eua #unitedstates #flag #americanflag #usaflag #winter #frozen #snowday #snow #maine #wintergarden#hage #jardin #hus #coastalhome #winter #hydrangeas #waterview #mygarden #blommor #newengland #ourhome #garten #winterhome #verytandc #coastalmaine (em Castine, Maine) https://www.instagram.com/p/Caj97HTr4Cn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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marcosgratao · 6 years
#COMOFICARRICO : É isso mesmo, galera, eu estou publicando duas histórias em quadrinhos nos EUA. veja como eu consegui e saiba como você também pode conseguir realizar o seu sonho - assista: https://youtu.be/0m2gCsFZfvk indique o video para todos os seus amigos!
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claudiosuenaga · 1 year
Tocado no ombro por um alienígena: Incidente em Kofu, um dos maiores clássicos da ufologia japonesa
Por Cláudio Suenaga
Em fevereiro de 1975, dois meninos contaram ter encontrado em um vinhedo em Kofu, província de Yamanashi, um alienígena enrugado de presas e orelhas pontudas que saiu de um OVNI e chegou a tocar no ombro de um deles.
O incidente deveria ser descartado como uma mera fantasia infantil, mas inúmeros testemunhos e evidências físicas fizeram dele um dos dois mais importantes da casuística ufológica japonesa, juntamente com o Incidente de Kera, que já abordei aqui. Acompanhe a reconstituição minuciosa deste caso clássico a partir de agora.
O Incidente de Kera: A captura de um pequeno OVNI por meninos de uma vila no Japão: https://youtu.be/xtZJ-64-Aro
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✅ Adquira "Encuentros cercanos de todo tipo. El caso Villas Boas y otras abducciones íntimas", meu primeiro livro traduzido em espanhol, na Amazon:
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Adquira aqui meu livro "As Raízes Hebraicas da Terra do Sol Nascente: O Povo Japonês Seria uma das Dez Tribos Perdidas de Israel?"
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reidapraiabr · 5 years
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Sungas diferentes com estilo e que vão te destacar na multidão, vc encontra aqui na Rei da Praia BR. #reidapraiabrexclusive #reidapraiahurb #reidasunga #reidapraiabr #reidapraiapromo #sungasexclusivas #usa #eua #flag🇺🇸 #sungacavada #sungaslim #sungatop (em Shopping Estação BH) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6WT9TEFjfP/?igshid=11blm1r92ug97
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earthenterran · 3 years
haven’t watched higu sotsu’s.... what? episode 7 yet
i’m like feeling kinda meh. The thoughts I had for the last arc were pretty like... not explored. And now we’re back to the arc with Satoko’s uncle.
I just don’t know. This is the part of the story, that if I’m right in any way, where Satoko’s turning part has to be like, flagged to us narratively.
Whether bc she.... resists something with Eua, or Eua does something behind her back, or something, anything at all. And if there’s nothing like that.... then I don’t know. Not the point of the story or the reason it’s even happening.
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leer-reading-lire · 4 years
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Importantes monumentos y edificios se iluminaron con la bandera de México para unirse a la celebración del 210 aniversario de la Independencia de México.
Zócalo, CDMX 🇲🇽
El Burj Khalifa, Emiratos Árabes Unidos 🇦🇪
Torre Eiffel, Francia 🇫🇷
Empire State, EUA 🇺🇸
Important monuments and buildings were illuminated with the colors of the Mexican flag to join in the celebration of the 210th anniversary of the Independence of Mexico.
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