#eunuchs pet translation
rigelmejo · 2 years
Translation: Eunuch's Pet, Introduction
Author: Lv Yao (Green Medicine)
Everyone recognizes the handiwork of Eunuch Pei Huaiguang, treacherous and sinister, his reach covering the sky.
With the Emperor's collapse, everyone says that reach won't spare the Empress's life from it's touch.
At the ceremony to worship heaven, in front of thousands of faces, he bows down at her feet, to hold up her palace gown.
He is a living demon, born to sow destruction, but he desires only to serve her.
Shen Hui is fed up with being the Empress in the daylight, in the night giving the eunuch as his meal for the day's acts, she can't help kicking him: don't get the idea of beating sorrowful families again, can you do that?
Pei Huaiguang took in her expression which possessed a lingering fierceness. He spat out: I cannot.
With Pei Huaiguang's words, Shen Hui is like the grand moon in the sky, and he is the filthy mud.
But even if rotten, he can also use up all extremes, risking everything to prevent the world from getting her.
Turning this world within the deep red walls of the palace into a sea of happiness, until death when they part.
Dishes Guide:
1. True Eunuch, 1v1, he
2. The leading man really isn't a good person.
3. Weibo @一只绿药
4. Writing done in advance, started in 2017, saved some manuscripts and now spring flowers are blooming more and more.
Content Label: A match made in heaven, sweet.
Lead Roles: Shen Hui, Pei Huaiguang | Supporting Roles: Yu Zhan, Qi Yu, Shen Mingyu, Can Zhu
One sentence introduction: World Destroying Crazy Eunuch x Brave Beautiful Little Empress
Theme: Evil can never prevail over good.
Brief Overview:
Everyone recognizes the handiwork of Eunuch Pei Huaiguang, treacherous and sinister, his hand covering the sky. With the Emperor's collapse, everyone says that reach won't spare the Empress's life from it's touch. At the ceremony to sacrifice to heaven, in front of thousands of faces, he bows down at her feet, to hold up her palace gown. He is a living demon, born to sow destruction, but he desires only to serve her.
The main characters are vivid and unique, the leading man is ferocious and feels deeply, the leading woman is kind and courageous, made for one another. The story has ups and downs, interspersed with touching emotional threads that tug the heart.
Translation notes:
1. 'he' is likely Happy Ending.
2. Not sure if Pei Huaiguang's name is meant to be Huiguang or Huaiguang.
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curried-mermaid · 2 months
A Review: The Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish Vol. 1
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Author: Xue Shan Fei Hu Publishers: Seven Seas Entertainment Age Group: Teen Genre: Danmei, Boy Love, Historical Fantasy, Isekai, Drama, Friendship Type: Danmei, Light Novel
Content Warnings: Political Backstabbery, some violence Spoilers ahead
He’s the perfect catch…or he would be if he wasn’t the pet fish of the future tyrant emperor. 
Li Yu wakes up to find he’s been transmigrated into the body of a fish. The less-than-helpful (even scammy) Moe Pet System tells him he has to change the tyrant’s personality, changing the future. Only… he’s just a pet fish, how the hell is he supposed to do that? 
Li Yu quickly learns that if he doesn’t follow the quests he’ll turn into fish bones and ash. If he accomplishes these quests he’ll be human again. Now, if only he could find a way to catch the tyrant’s attention before this cat eats him! 
I found this plot a great read. The challenges that Li Yu is up against and how he handles them are unique and refreshing. There’s plenty of comedy in this along with seriousness. As shown by these examples taken from the book (some of my favorite lines):
“…someone had stolen both His Highness’s fish and his underwear? There was clearly something wrong with this thief” (187).  “Li Yu continued to act like a cute little squid in the face of Prince Jing’s fish-targeted eye lasers” (250-251). *for reference Li Yu ended up in an ink bowl after they found some ink on him.
This series does an excellent job balancing the comedy and serious story telling, along with some sparks flying (as we expect from a danmei). 
Character Development
Li Yu is an interesting character of a human turned fish. He’s very relatable in that he freaks out about things, worries about others, but always comes up with a plan to accomplish his goals. He tries to be meticulous but he always misses something, creating clues for Prince Jing to put together throughout the novel. Li Yu can be mature and also childish. His character makes for a fun read. 
Prince Jing is mute and technically the heir to the throne, but he doesn’t qualify since he’s mute. He’s cold, doesn’t care about others, is a violence then questions later type of person, but also very intelligent. As he interacts with his pet fish, we see him become softer over the course of the series. It’s very endearing. 
Wang Xi is Prince Jing’s eunuch caretaker. He’s cared for him since he was little and knows what all of his movements and emotions mean. He’s in essence, the translator for Prince Jing and the rest of the world. He’s very loyal to his master and willingly does his job. 
The secondary characters and antagonists are all interesting characters, even if some of them follow typical historical drama cliches. What makes it fascinating to interact with these characters is how they react to Li Yu, his relationship with Prince Jing, and how Li Yu chooses to deal with them. 
The world-building is subtle at first as we only get descriptions when Li Yu can see. This isn’t very much as he’s kept in a porcelain container until the emperor gifts Prince Jing with a large crystal fish tank. This world is based off a web novel that Li Yu was following before he was transmigrated. He knows what plot points he needs to be aware of and how it’ll affect Prince Jing. The original web novel has Prince Jing fall in love with a delicate concubine, Chu Yanyu. Only that doesn’t happen this round (mostly from Li Yu being in Prince Jing’s life). Li Yu learns from this experience that the major plot will change but sub-plots will still continue. This gives him the drive to help prevent death to secondary characters, especially ones he likes such as Prince Jing’s cousin, Ye Qinghuan, one of the only family members that Prince Jing lets visit him. 
Everyone needs a companion that can understand them and reach their heart. While this is a semi-serious danmei, I feel like this theme works really well. It’s only after changing the story so Prince Jing has a pet fish that he begins to change. He sees some of himself in this fish, a pet that cannot express itself but with a few gestures and looks, just as he does. 
Observations & Predictions
Li Yu will continue to warn and help Prince Jing navigate the different plots happening around him, while developing a stronger bond with him. We already have hints of sparks flying between the two (at least on Prince Jing’s side). It’ll be interesting to see what happens as Li Yu uses his abilities to transform into his temporary human form. Will he interact with him on purpose or continue to make it seem like accidents? 
I’d love to see their relationship blossom into something more than a bromance. We may get that, but Li Yu will have to go through an emotional arc to realize those feelings and come to terms with it. He may refuse them at first as he was supposed to be with Chu Yanyu according to the plot (even though that plot no longer exists). 
I see Prince Jing developing stronger feelings for him, and maybe even trying to put the moves on Li Yu in his human form. 
I found the writing for this really strong. The unique voice of Li Yu moves the story really well. Anyone who likes Danmei (boy love) should give this a read. 
Similar Plot:
Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System By: Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Historical Danmei:
Ballad of Sword and Wine By: Tan Jiu Qing
The Husky and His White Cat By: Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou
Stars of Chaos By: Priest
Heaven’s Official Blessing By: Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation By: Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Danmei, but not published in English (have to find translations online)
The Emperor’s Favorite Imperial Concubine is an O By: Gu Zhijun
Transmigrated as the Villain’s Cat By: Su Zening
After Playing the Fool and Marrying the Blind Villain By: Nei Sei
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mejomonster · 2 years
Okay well 1 this is not the first time priest has quoted other stuff, priest quotes galore in Silent Reading and yeah that's part of why priest is so difficult for me to read in chinese it's In Depth man
2 I own the print copies of Can Ci Pin in chinese and they are SO pretty, so freaking pretty. 4 massive volumes. So pretty. One day I'd like to be able to read them in that form. I'm not there yet by far
3 I am making some chinese reading progress though! I glanced at Granting You a Dreamlike Life again and it looks significantly easier now, as does They All Say I've Met A Ghost. Which is a bit funny because you'd think the tomb raiding intensive shennanigans of wu xie would not have vocabulary in common with Granting You a Dreamlike Life's pretty city then republican era city words, or They All Say I've Met a Ghost's very work-modern-city focused vocab. And the only thing besides dmbj I read lately is Eunuchs Pet which I'm trying to translate, and while I Have Learned some words they're palace/historical genre type vocab and Also not words I figure would help make the novels I checked become easier. And yet, they have.
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howlingmoonrise · 4 years
Thoughts on Petshop of Horrors: Wandering Ark volumes 1 & 2
(also on dreamwidth)
HOW did I manage to miss the translation of my long-awaited Papa D PSOH series?? I've been stalking it ever since I found the announcement and somehow the fact that @ruthlessnightsscans​ already put out the first two volumes completely went past my head.
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Obviously I had to read it right away, sleep be damned.
this is the edited version of my brain thoughts after i managed to get two sleeps and calm down a bit or it would be a lot more incoherent
The art: the initial pages really remind me of the old art! Unfortunately it goes back to the roundness prevalent since the Shin series (which has only become even rounder with time) not long after. That art style is also a lot less dynamic than the original, I find. It's a bit of a problem on scenes that are supposed to have some tension caused by movement. This is nothing new since, like I said, Sensei has been using this art style since a good while ago. I really miss the original art though. It had a major nostalgia punch to it and a lot more feeling as well.
-- First chapter: "I am on a journey with no destination in mind" just say you're on vacation and go off I guess. 
Papa is... weirdly easy-going. I want to say it's because he's not yet mad with grief and his son being taken away and so on, but the glimpses we saw at his time in university definitely didn't paint him this soft. There's no edge to him, on this volume or the next. 
Regarding the story itself, I can't say I loved it but it’s not the worst out of all of them (there are four in total between these two volumes, and a third volume is on the way). I liked Koushun's character, but Seiyou annoyed me, especially when he presumed to know what she wanted (or perhaps he didn't presume, but decided for her what was better anyway) - something like I Shall Revive This Species So Breed In My Name Okay Bye. Note also that while Koushun was willing enough to marry (thinking she was marrying someone else but that's another point entirely), the groom himself came in chains. And then Seiyou... locks them in together? Great. Just great. Very conducive to a loving mood indeed, locking a woman with a potentially dangerous stranger who might cause her harm and telling them both to fuck (note. the. chains. you don’t put chains on someone you think is harmless; they never put any on Koushun even when she attacked Seiyou). I was afraid for her when it cut to another scene here, with the last we saw of her being pushed against a wall and being told by the groom that it seemed that he would have to make a child with her. "Rather than hate each other, I want to break that curse"? Seiyou, sweetie, that is NOT the way to make them not hate you. ((The reveal that Koushou is some sort of creature - very PSOH-y - does not help, since putting two wild animals together without them being used to each other is perhaps even more likely to them killing/harming one another.))
MAJOR little mermaid vibes on Koushun standing over a sleeping Seiyou with a knife. 
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There are quite some parallels with the D species on this tale of bloodshed and revenge. The Ds could stand to learn from this, though historically they don't. "Even if you kill the third prince, the Kagetsu people are already gone. They won't return." Papa himself says that 'winning on the last available tile' is a waste of time, which really resonates with his research into reviving lost species and the issues of his own kind. A reference to the health of descendants when no new blood is introduced is also made here, which might or might not point to our D depending on where in time this Papa is from.
Second chapter: it's... frankly, super choppy. The story is all over the place. On the author's note, Akino herself says that it's a challenge to put the whole life of that empress in 57 pages, and I have to agree. Either it should have been cut to the REALLY relevant parts and worked on them some more, or be discarded in its entirety. It's too rushed. The whole first part was unnecessary: it could have started with her already working at the palace or being chosen as a concubine, and then made references to her previous life in her thoughts instead of wasting several pages on it when that backstory won't be going anywhere (except for some references to Hakubun whom she sees on that other actor - who dies like, two or three pages later, so that's that on that). I do like Ranji herself as a character: she's clever and quick to pick up on things. Her life is just a series of tragedies one after the other, unfortunately. 
Papa D is some sort of benevolent helper in this chapter for some reason - this pattern repeats somewhat on the next chapters, but on this one there isn't really anything to gain for him at all, other than perhaps his dubious acquaintance with one of the concubines/future empress, which wouldn't really hold much weight since he met her ?once? apart from near her death.
And then, somehow, the initial Papa D in this chapter was actually Sofu?
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Sofu???? I'm calling bullshit. As far as we know - going back to Sofu's own series and flashbacks on the original PSOH, even - Sofu never had a hairstyle of that length, and out of our three known Ds (new!D excluded) he's the one least likely to help a human just because. The ark is also said to travel through space and time, so I'm saying that's Papa D and that's it. Fun aside: on this chapter, Papa says he's the "third generation", meaning that on this series he's probably the youngest existing D (and by inference our D does not exist yet).
Also, some issues with in-story continuity here: when the last emperor dies Ranji still looks fairly young and the emperor-to-be is three years old, a couple pages later she looks a lot more aged but the new emperor is still three years old. To be honest, I think the story would have been tied off much better if A-chan had some connection with Hakubun or the eunuch instead of each having their very brief, individual emotional connections to her - which, in turn, doesn't really make them memorable. The "wishes" thing was interesting, really called back to the old PSOH tradition with the mystical pets and bittersweet be-careful-what-you-wish-for endings.
Third chapter: I think, overall, this was probably the one I liked the best. Can't really bring myself to call it my favourite though, since none of them even begin to compare to the original PSOH chapters. I cackled at the "jawline is too sharp" dialogues and thoughts: with this art style EVERYONE has the same round jaw as every other character, and it's the furthest thing from "sharp" possible.
With this series it really seems like Sensei is giving more focus to trying to tell historically-accurate stories rather than focusing on the stories themselves, as there is a huge amount of superfluous historical information to be found in these volumes. 
The empress Elizabeth reminds me of Sofu, in truth. She won't "mind" affairs and the like (read: she will hate it but ignore them) as long as it works towards her ends. Her taking away the newly-born child is a huge parallel to Sofu regarding both Papa and D, and D and new!D. Child-snatching FTW! That being said, I actually kind of liked her, ruthless as she was: the whole reason why Sophie made it as far as crown princess was because Elizabeth valued her hard work. You don't get to hold an empire together without having a steel spine and a cunning mind (or people to do the work for you I guess, but here it doesn’t seem to be the case).
I hate that Sophie had to change even her name and religion to fit her new reality, accurate as it is to history. That sort of thing always messes me up (throwback to the Nazi/teddy bear chapter of the original PSOH series, where there was also a name/religion change for the sake of survival). Not a reflection on the author in any way, I just hate that this is something people had to go through. As something I hated that kinda does reflect on the author, though, was the ugly = terrible association with Pyotr and the maid. Sophie/Catherine is initially said to not be beautiful but she's not depicted in the same way those two are at all. 
Papa's benevolence is thankfully offset this chapter by the fact that he does have something to gain here. For some reason Ds doing things merely for the goodness of their hearts kind of rubs me the wrong way unless it's D during or post-Leon. 
Most PSOH victims clients: oh a pretty person! WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S AN ANIMAL Sophie/Catherine: a dog you say? sounds kinda hot ngl
Gotta respect how she just jumps straight into the dog affairs. The take-back of the empire was also nicely executed, and I'm always here for ladies in traditionally male clothing. 
Fourth chapter:
This is linked semi-directly to the third chapter by virtue of the amber room Papa D craved. Marks also the second time that Papa takes a human on board of the ark.
D, circa end of original PSOH, a single tear rolling down his cheek as he watches Leon plummet towards the earth: Humans have not earned the right to board this ark. Papa D: I'm gonna go for a joyride and take along this human and this human and this human and this human and--
Papa really gives Doctor Who vibes on the ark matter. Travelling through space and time, occasionally taking human companions? The one for this chapter - who I'm guessing might be a cameo from one of Sensei's other series, since I didn't recognize him and there was no backstory for him on the chapter - even has era-appropriate wardrobe changes (at least assuming it's the same person and not just someone who looks similar scratch that they have eyes of different colours so I guess Papa has been giving rides to delivery men now), the second of which leaving me very ??? as to WHEN he is from. 
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That last Look(TM) reminds me a of Leon Orcot, between the long ponytail and the clothes resembling the ones Leon wore on the last chapter of Shin PSOH (in PSOH time, that would have happened approximately 15 years after the end of the original series, meaning that Papa was already long dead then. Unless Leon's style was just stuck in time, which is also very possible). 
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It might or might not have endeared him to me for that exact reason. What can I say? I'm a sucker for Leon Orcot, and apparently also for characters that visually remind me of him. ANYWAY.
Why another Nazi-era chapter??? Sensei plz. One was already enough on the original PSOH - it wasn't anywhere near my favourites back then, either - and the fact that this one mostly followed a Nazi colonel didn't help either. Here we witness them tearing down the amber room, "reclaiming" art from all over the world, a father's heartbreaking sacrifice to “save” his daughter’s dog, and Papa D coming to meet the Nazi dude. One would expect the Ds to avoid genocidal racists given the fate of their own species, but apparently the Nazis were relevant enough for not one but TWO Ds to interact with them. Oh well. Either way, I really don't like how Papa appears to not care one way or another - when the D for the original series interacted with people he didn't like, his mask was really fairly obvious (at least for the reader). Perhaps Papa simply has a better mask. Perhaps those nuances were lost to time and round art styles. Perhaps Papa or Sensei just don't give two shits. Guess we'll never know.
EVERYONE seems to comment on the flavour of Papa's tea: it's 4 out of 4 so far for these two volumes, and in this chapter in particular it seems as if it's laced with some kind of truth serum - it seems to be Papa's version of D's (and possibly Sofu's?) incense from the original PSOH. A reference to the original PSOH's Nazi chapter is also made here, with Papa mentioning that Sofu was on friendly terms with Eva Braun: this implicates that in this time they were in closer contact (not surprising since Sofu probably hasn't stolen his still-non-existent kid yet).
The colonel seems to value art over human life - surprise surprise! - so he kills his own comrades to keep the art "safe". A stomach-turning moment comes where they find human golden teeth being kept as treasure, which Papa mentions remelting to turn into golden nuggets. Why, Papa/Sensei, why? It's in poor taste, even if you're testing the colonel the way D did with some of his clients on original PSOH.
At the very least an eerie moment comes next where Papa explains that dead creatures can be revived using DNA. "Even dead people?" Cue Papa's all-seeing stare directly into the reader's eyes (and presumably the colonel's as well) with a backdrop of an inverted black-and-white multitude of graves as he says that future is not very far. Colonel almost shits his pants, with reason when you consider the amount of people the Nazis killed off that would presumably come after them. This almost forgives the teeth comment, and it's probably the first moment in these two volumes when we see some genuine emotion on Papa's face (on this page and the next), creepy and maniac as it might be.
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Colonel dude has spent the whole chapter justifying everything under "orders of the fuhrer" so far. Then comes the moment that Papa calls him out by saying that the orders were to burn his sweet dear art so that it wouldn't fall into enemy's hands, and it's here that we see how much of an hypocrite the colonel is when he doesn't want to follow those orders. Suddenly it's "treasures of mankind" (even though he's been stealing them left and right) and the fuhrer is "a fool" (even though he's been using his orders and his "greatness" as justification for everything). 
Suddenly, Papa's companion! Who the heck is that! Shoots him! This is someone whose family was killed by the colonel (directly or under his orders) or so he says; he's gripping a piece of art we don't get to see, which is presumably the reason for those deaths. Now in the future! A guy who looks a bit like that other man who shot the colonel, but who I'm not 100% sure if it is or is not the same person because the round art style makes everyone look alike Someone who is definitely not the same guy because his eye colour is different (and who's dressed in a sporty outfit with a long ponytail, which I've mentioned kinda reminds me of Leon) looks for the amber in the place the art was stored, alongside Papa. He flies on the ark (all these humans on the ark, Sofu would have a conniption!) and reminds me of Leon once more while being shouty and holding on to the main mast for dear life.
The sacrificial father mini-plot also gets resolved with the dog returning (but not the father himself) along with a picture with that family. Which is presumably the picture the other dude who shot the colonel was holding, which begs the question: how is he related to them? He doesn't look like any of them, but he did say the colonel killed his family while (presumably) holding that same picture, so hmmm. Maybe he's the dog, colour-scheme aside? But apart from the father, the rest of the family seems to have survived, so it's kind of a strange thing to say since that sort of wording usually means more than one person. Even if he is the dog (my money is on that option), it's not exactly obvious to a reader who's not looking very closely. Some loose ends there, or at least ends that don't really look like they're tied together at all.
"No matter how long winter is, spring will come." Fairly hopeful final words there, Papa D. These echo similar ones spoken by D at the end of Shin PSOH, after running from Leon once more ("someday, the season for returning will come"): perhaps both these Ds are not as pessimistic as to their future, at least at this point? Poor Papa definitely had a change of heart between his series and the ending of original PSOH, unfortunately.
General thoughts: Sensei hasn't quite managed to replicate the feeling of the original PSOH just yet. The storytelling feels a bit shallow and rushed, though the pacing improved from the first volume to the second. There's also very little focus on Papa himself for some reason: he's more of a background character on his own series except for the fourth chapter, which is a very strange narrative choice. In part this might also be because he doesn’t have a permanent companion to discuss/argue with like in previous iterations of the PSOH series. I wonder if the third volume will continue on this trend? I wish it’d delve a bit more into Papa, but either way it’s still nice to get some more PSOH content.
I've heard Vesca will make an appearance next volume, I'm so excited!! Out of Shin PSOH, my favourite chapters were Leon's (surprise surprise!) and the ones with Papa and Vesca on their university days. Papa definitely seemed a lot sharper there, which I miss here - I feel like Sensei has been smoothing out all their edges like with the art style lmao, and in turn it makes them feel a bit lacking since the Ds are not meant to be bland and forgiving and easy-going, at least as per their original portrayal. I've also seen sneak-peaks of Leon and D from author notes of the next volume so I can't wait at the chance to weep at the slightest panel of my son Leon.
A final shoutout to RNS for continuing the PSOH translations! I really can't thank them enough!!
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dangermousie · 5 years
All the cnovels on my list
I have put asterices by the ones I checked out (love all three). Any thoughts on any of these? And yes, I realize that the titles sound like a ff.net tab circa 2001. No, I don’t care.
Adorable Creature Attacks
A Phoenix with No Wings
Bewitching Prince Spoils His Wife
Bone Painting Coroner
Defiant Martial God
Demon Wang’s Favorite Fei
Dear the Undying Moon
Demonic King Hunts His Wife (no idea if it’s a good translation of title into English - it’s a Russian translation)
Doomed to Be Cannon Fodder
Empress With No Virtue
Enchanted Eyes
Eunuch Is Pregnant 
Fields of Gold
Genius Doctor: Black Bellied Miss
God of Illusions
Husband Be a Gentleman
Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss
Overlord, Love Me Tender
Overturning the World
*Phoenix Ascending
Poison Genius Consort
Poisoning the World
Prodigal Alliance Head
Rebirth of the Tyrant’s Pet: Regent Prince Is Too Fierce
Reborn Spoiled Ming Wang Fei
Return of the Swallow
Seven Unfortunate Lifetimes
Song of Exile
The Emperor’s Phoenix
The Good For Nothing Seventh Young Lady
The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife
The Lady’s Sickly Husband
The rebirth of the Malicious Enpress of Military Lineage
To Be a Virtuous Wife
*Transmigration: Of Mysteries and Songs
*Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator
Unruly Phoenix Xiaoyao
When I Met You
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sid-the-super-tramp · 4 years
Shih Tzu Everything you need to know
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The Shih Tzu is quite the dynamic toy dog.The actual name Shih Tzu translates to ‘little lion’ which most likely derives from the fact that they have ‘manes’ around their face. Extremely popular one due to its adorable good looks and extremely good nature. In many ways, this dog is an ideal family companion, but it does require a lot of care to maintain its luxurious coat.
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Dog Breed Group  - Companion Dogs Weight  Female: 4kg / 8lbs – 7.2kg / 16lbs (Adult), Male: 4kg / 8lbs – 7.2kg / 16lbs (Adult), Height Female: 20cm/ 8 inches – 28 cm / 11inches (Adult, At the Shoulder) Male: 20cm/ 8 inches – 28 cm / 11inches (Adult, At the Shoulder) Life Span - 10 to 16 years Know Are Shih Tzu good for first-time owners?
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Shih Tzu Temperament
Companion -  He is happiest when he is with his family, giving and receiving attention. Shih Tzus are not just lap dogs. They accompany you everywhere, even if you are in the kitchen cutting vegetables or sitting on a couch watching TV. Shih Tzu dogs are always more active indoors than outside. Most will get a burst of energy where they joyfully race around the room for a short period of time.Traning Needs a lot of time - Training requires a gentle approach and plenty of rewards, though the rewards do not always involve food treats. Many Shih Tzu is satisfied with a favorite toy as a reward, or even a hug and affectionate pat. Crate training can help speed the process, but some owners prefer the breeder housebreak the dog before bringing him home.Intolerance for Heat - Shih Tzu dogs tolerate the cold far better than the heat. They love snow and could stay out of it for extended periods of time as long as you are out there too. The Shih Tzu is sensitive to heat. He should remain indoors in an air-conditioned room (or one with fans) on hot days so he doesn't suffer from heat exhaustion.Picky eaters - Don’t let your Shih Tzu get away with it. GIve him time to adapt to what he is supposed to eatStubborn - Can be stubborn and won't do anything unless they know what's in it for them. Training should begin early, sessions should be kept short, and activities should be varied in order to keep the dog interested in what is going on. Lots of excited praise and treats can help motivate a Shih Tzu to learn new behavior.lots of barking: If the dogs are not socialized a lot or purchased from backyard breeders and pet shops probably won't possess a quiet demeanor because they were carelessly bred for profit.Friendliness - Most Shih Tzu dogs are friendly, but some are more reserved. Those that are more reserved are likely to be cautious around strangers, but never mean or aggressive. All Shih Tzu dogs are friendly around the people they know and completely devoted to their owners.Adaptability Shih Tzus are highly adaptable. He is as well suited to apartments in the city as to live on a country farm. They generally settle in quickly to a new surrounding or with a new owner.Good with Children and Small Pets - Shih Tzu dogs are generally great with kids and other pets. They have little to no prey drive, so they are usually safe near smaller pets. Very young children will need to be supervised closely as most of the dogs in this breed are relatively small and can be hurt quickly, so handling them with care most is essential.
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Coprophagy (aka stool eating) is more than just a disgusting behavior in Shih Tzus and other breeds. It could put your dog's health is at risk. If another animal's stool is loaded with parasites, your dog could become infected with roundworms, which cause weight loss or whipworms, which may result in anemia, among other parasites. So clean the poop quite often.Heat stroke - When temperatures start to rise, Shih Tzus are at risk of overheating. That's because their flat faces and short snouts restrict airflow through the upper respiratory tract, so they can't cool themselves down as effectively through panting. Weakness, heavy panting, and frothing at the mouth are a few of the signs that a dog is too hot.Periodontal disease - Shih Tzus are prone to developing the painful periodontal disease because their teeth (all 42 of them!) are crowded inside those tiny mouths. Consequently, plaque accumulates faster on their teeth around the gums, and if not removed it hardens into tartar, a brownish calcified material.Renal dysplasia, an inherited condition in which the dog’s kidneys don't develop normally. This is something a puppy inherits from his parents, so buy puppies only from breeders who test all their dogs for renal dysplasia.Shih Tzu is prone to several inherited eye diseases, including cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy. Shih Tzus are also prone to dry eye, or keratoconjunctivitis sicca -- a condition in which inadequate tear production leads to corneal dryness, pain, corneal ulcers, and other complications.Dogs with bulging eyes, such as the Shih Tzu, are more likely to have an injury to the eyeball that causes the eyeball to bulge out of the orbit, called proptosis. When proptosis occurs, blood flow is cut off, and the lack of oxygen can result in blindness. It is a medical emergency.Shih Tzus can have underbites (or "undershot jaw") in which the lower jaw extends past the upper jaw, resulting in trauma to the gums and malocclusion of the teeth. They are also prone to periodontal disease and should have their teeth brushed daily. Know What is Teacup Shih Tzu or Imperial Shih Tzu
How much should a Shih Tzu eat
It is very important to keep a check on how much and how often you are feeding to your dog as these dogs are prone to obesity. After six months, two meals per day will work best. A healthy and normal Shih Tzu dog weighs anywhere between 10 to 16 pounds. 35 calories per pound of body weight are sufficient for an average adult Shih Tzu dog while 30 calories per pound of body weight are sufficient for senior dogs. Too much carbohydrate in their diet is not suggested. Like all other dogs, these dogs also require a good amount of protein for healthy growth. Chicken, turkey, and eggs are the major sources of lean protein for a Tzu. Also, add veggies to supplement minerals and vitamins. Shih Tzu puppy, based on age 2 to 3 months: 1/2 to 3/4 cups per day 4 to 8 months: 1/2 to 1 cup per day 9 to 12 months: 3/4 to 1 and 1/4 cups per day Shih Tzu adult, based on the weight 9 to 12 lbs. = 3/4 to 1 cup 13 to 16+ lbs. = 1 to 1 and 1/4 cup
Shih Tzu Grooming
Grooming is a sure way to make sure you’re keeping tabs on the health of your canine. Grooming doesn’t just include taking care of their coats. It also is the upkeep of their hygiene. Their ears can harbor bacteria quite easily, and they’re prone to ear infections. Not only their ears should be examined, but their entire body too. Check their coats, nose, ears, eyes, mouths, and paws for anything suspicious. This means inflammation, redness, rashes, parasites, infections, and anything that seems at all abnormal. By grooming your dog consistently, you keep them cleaner and less prone to infection, and you remain aware of their physical state, meaning you can catch something early if it comes.
Hair color
Black - Solid black Shih Tzu are rare, however, full black coloring does exist. For most, black will exist within a bi such as the lovely black and white, or tri-color coat. Because liver colored dogs lack all black pigmentation, you will not see a true black dog with a liver colored nose.White - While you see it every now and then, white Shih Tzu without a secondary color is rare. Most are white with one or two more of the accepted colors.Liver - A Shih Tzu is liver based on skin pigmentation. The coat may be any color at all. The dog has brown pigmentation on the nose, paws and eye rims.Blue - Blue is a color given due to skin pigmentation. Only if the nose is blue, will this be the official color? Blue may also be on the eye rims and paw pads.Brindle - This is a combination actually, of a base coat with streakingGold - A tan - yellow, found commonly among Labrador RetrieversRed - A very deep and dark orangeSilver - Gray/white but with a deep shine
Shih Tzu history
Will knowing the history of Shih Tzu makes a better owner, well certainly not. But it's better to know about your little lion. The Shih Tzu is considered one of the most ancient dog breeds. In fact, many members of ancient Chinese royalty kept the breed as pets. Today, they are also kept as companion animals. The lamas presented the dogs as a tribute to Chinese rulers, and it was at the Chinese imperial court that they received the name, Shih Tzu, meaning “little lion” or “lion dog.” The Chinese also gave the Shih Tzu another name — chrysanthemum dog — because the hair on the face grows in all directions like the petals of the flower. Empress T'zu Hsi had a great love for animals and carried out extensive breeding programs under the direct care of palace eunuchs. During Empress Tzu Hsi's reign, the Dalai Lama gave her a pair of magnificent Shih Tzus, reportedly the source of the imperial palace's little lion dogs. After her death in 1908, the kennels were dispersed and palace breeding became haphazard. Some breeding was still practiced by private individuals and specimens were exhibited, but the dogs were almost impossible to acquire. So far as is known, the breed became extinct in China after the Communist revolution. In 1928, the first Shih Tzus, a male and female pair, were brought to England from Peking by Lady Brownrigg, the wife of the quartermaster general of the north China command. In 1933, a Mrs. Hutchins brought a Shih Tzu from China to Ireland; this dog was eventually bred to Lady Brownrigg's. These three dogs formed the foundation of Lady Brownrigg's kennel. The gene pool of all existing Shih Tzu is from fourteen Shih Tzu dogs in England in 1952. Returning military personnel brought some of the first Shih Tzu into the United States during the late 1940s and 1950s and began breeding programs. From the first day of formal AKC recognition (Sept. 1, 1969), the Shih Tzu moved suddenly from a relatively unknown breed to one of the most glamorous and popular of all canine companions. Read the full article
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mejomonster · 2 years
By the way, an update. Eunuchs Pet on the eunuch romance rec list I can already tell probably Will live up to its glowing recommendation.
《宦宠》 作者:绿药
1, it's written lovely. 2, even when thrown into DeepL to read faster (since I do not see any translations so we got mtl), it also reads pretty lovely. I can tell this is going to take a while to read but it's going to be enjoyable. 3, the summary includes a just evil demon tier eunuch with political power and a bright brave empress, with the line "a match made in heaven" and just with an introduction of the girl Shen Hui she does seem sweet and brave and i can only imagine how pure evil is going to be her perfect match. It sounds like it's going to Goodbye My Princess levels of intense and that is a tempting promise.
Shen Hui ran with her skirt and struggled to help her father up. Then she squatted down in front of her father, and her small white hands carefully wiped the snow stains from his body.
"It's already so late, and the road is slippery, so father should rest early." Shen Hui raised her head, revealing a picture-perfect hibiscus face. The bright red hood set off her bright eyes and snowy skin, and her natural beauty. She is still young, her eyes are unstained, with a touch of clean and pure childishness.
Looking at his little daughter's well-behaved appearance, Shen Yuanhong pulled her up and gave her a bitter admonition: "Don't make any mistakes tomorrow."
"This daughter knows." Shen Hui replied in a warm voice, with a light smile on her face.
Shen Yuanhong looked at his daughter's carefree and pure appearance, and was even more heartbroken. He suppressed his emotions before continuing to speak: "His Majesty...... is unpredictable, A Hui must protect herself."
Shen Hui nodded her head.
She knew how dim and lustful and violent this earthly emperor was. She gently lowered her eyelashes and hid the disgust and hatred in her eyes.
"I'll help father go back and rest."
Shen Hui made a small jacket for her father and mother, rushed a thousand times to get it done before entering the palace, and delivered it personally.
It is clear that Mrs. Shen cried half the night for her little daughter, and when she saw her little daughter coming, she immediately put on a loving and gentle smile, and a thousand words could not tell her to take care of herself.
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