#eunuchs pet
rigelmejo · 2 years
Translation: Eunuch's Pet, Introduction
Author: Lv Yao (Green Medicine)
Everyone recognizes the handiwork of Eunuch Pei Huaiguang, treacherous and sinister, his reach covering the sky.
With the Emperor's collapse, everyone says that reach won't spare the Empress's life from it's touch.
At the ceremony to worship heaven, in front of thousands of faces, he bows down at her feet, to hold up her palace gown.
He is a living demon, born to sow destruction, but he desires only to serve her.
Shen Hui is fed up with being the Empress in the daylight, in the night giving the eunuch as his meal for the day's acts, she can't help kicking him: don't get the idea of beating sorrowful families again, can you do that?
Pei Huaiguang took in her expression which possessed a lingering fierceness. He spat out: I cannot.
With Pei Huaiguang's words, Shen Hui is like the grand moon in the sky, and he is the filthy mud.
But even if rotten, he can also use up all extremes, risking everything to prevent the world from getting her.
Turning this world within the deep red walls of the palace into a sea of happiness, until death when they part.
Dishes Guide:
1. True Eunuch, 1v1, he
2. The leading man really isn't a good person.
3. Weibo @一只绿药
4. Writing done in advance, started in 2017, saved some manuscripts and now spring flowers are blooming more and more.
Content Label: A match made in heaven, sweet.
Lead Roles: Shen Hui, Pei Huaiguang | Supporting Roles: Yu Zhan, Qi Yu, Shen Mingyu, Can Zhu
One sentence introduction: World Destroying Crazy Eunuch x Brave Beautiful Little Empress
Theme: Evil can never prevail over good.
Brief Overview:
Everyone recognizes the handiwork of Eunuch Pei Huaiguang, treacherous and sinister, his hand covering the sky. With the Emperor's collapse, everyone says that reach won't spare the Empress's life from it's touch. At the ceremony to sacrifice to heaven, in front of thousands of faces, he bows down at her feet, to hold up her palace gown. He is a living demon, born to sow destruction, but he desires only to serve her.
The main characters are vivid and unique, the leading man is ferocious and feels deeply, the leading woman is kind and courageous, made for one another. The story has ups and downs, interspersed with touching emotional threads that tug the heart.
Translation notes:
1. 'he' is likely Happy Ending.
2. Not sure if Pei Huaiguang's name is meant to be Huiguang or Huaiguang.
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mejomonster · 2 years
By the way, an update. Eunuchs Pet on the eunuch romance rec list I can already tell probably Will live up to its glowing recommendation.
《宦宠》 作者:绿药
1, it's written lovely. 2, even when thrown into DeepL to read faster (since I do not see any translations so we got mtl), it also reads pretty lovely. I can tell this is going to take a while to read but it's going to be enjoyable. 3, the summary includes a just evil demon tier eunuch with political power and a bright brave empress, with the line "a match made in heaven" and just with an introduction of the girl Shen Hui she does seem sweet and brave and i can only imagine how pure evil is going to be her perfect match. It sounds like it's going to Goodbye My Princess levels of intense and that is a tempting promise.
Shen Hui ran with her skirt and struggled to help her father up. Then she squatted down in front of her father, and her small white hands carefully wiped the snow stains from his body.
"It's already so late, and the road is slippery, so father should rest early." Shen Hui raised her head, revealing a picture-perfect hibiscus face. The bright red hood set off her bright eyes and snowy skin, and her natural beauty. She is still young, her eyes are unstained, with a touch of clean and pure childishness.
Looking at his little daughter's well-behaved appearance, Shen Yuanhong pulled her up and gave her a bitter admonition: "Don't make any mistakes tomorrow."
"This daughter knows." Shen Hui replied in a warm voice, with a light smile on her face.
Shen Yuanhong looked at his daughter's carefree and pure appearance, and was even more heartbroken. He suppressed his emotions before continuing to speak: "His Majesty...... is unpredictable, A Hui must protect herself."
Shen Hui nodded her head.
She knew how dim and lustful and violent this earthly emperor was. She gently lowered her eyelashes and hid the disgust and hatred in her eyes.
"I'll help father go back and rest."
Shen Hui made a small jacket for her father and mother, rushed a thousand times to get it done before entering the palace, and delivered it personally.
It is clear that Mrs. Shen cried half the night for her little daughter, and when she saw her little daughter coming, she immediately put on a loving and gentle smile, and a thousand words could not tell her to take care of herself.
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indigostudies · 8 months
very silly post but i wanted to unwind a bit so i thought i would rate chinese endearments!
宝贝:classic, casual endearment. i call my cats this, has a similar feel to "babe" for me. 4/5, one point deducted because it's pretty basic.
宝宝:like a cutesier version of 宝贝, i would never call a romantic partner this, but it's great for pets and children. 3.5/5, points deducted because it can sound kind of trite or cringey.
亲爱的:much more formal, has a similar feel to "beloved" or "darling" to me. arguably my favourite endearment because it literally means "[one] who is an intimate love". 5/5 if an s/o called me this i would melt.
老[姓名]:this can come off as overtly lovey-dovey at times but it's also really common among married or long-term couples. it doesn't really have an english comparison but personally i think it's very sweet. it can also be used teasingly which i enjoy. 4.5/5 with 0.5 points taken off because it can sound kind of old-fashioned.
老婆/老公:an even more married version of the above; this feels much more teasing to me, though. 4/5 with one point deducted because unfortunately 老公 can also mean eunuch (oops).
(老)狐狸(精):i've only ever heard this in dramas as a reference to a man, but it's meant to call someone sly or cunning. can be admonishing, but can also be an affectionate reproval. can also be used for women, but then to me it comes off as a bit more judgemental, so 4/5.
小哥:technically a descriptor of a young man, but i'm personally attached to this as a term of endearment, and if someone called me this i would be smitten. i think it has been gaining some popularity among chinese sapphics, especially butch lesbians/T's? but unfortunately i don't.............really use social media so i can't confirm this.
姐姐/哥哥:these are technically originally terms for older brothers/sisters, but they're also used for people of the same generation who are older than you, and can be used in a flirty way. 4/5 only because non-chinese english speakers can get kind of weird about them.
阿-/小-:personally i prefer the 阿- suffix over 小- because 小- sounds like you're talking to a child to me, but i'm aware this is very regional. not overly romantic, but can be very sweet, so i'm giving it a 3.5/5.
those are all the ones i can think of off the top of my head, but if you have any others you can think of, let me know!
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There's this really specific fanfic plotline that's like "character A gets magically turned into a cat somehow, character B finds him on the street and looks after him, character A learns trust/self-acceptance/whatever and this breaks the curse and they change back", and I am endlessly amused by how the writers always have to write in some contrivance to both establish that character B is a responsible pet owner, and somehow avoid having character A get desexed. Write that man starving and bleeding out on the winter streets in chapter 1, sure, but don't dare touch his balls!
Just once I want to read a fanfic where character B responsibly gets his new pet desexed and when he turns back into a human twelve chapters later he just has to deal with the fact he's a eunuch now.
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daenystheedreamer · 3 months
the role of the harem eunuch has been replaced by the neutered pet cat
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nucleo-bang-tan · 5 months
The Uisa's Daughter | Chapter 11: Her Unfriendly Friend.
Tumblr media
Pairing/s: Kim Taehyung X Reader, Future!Jeon Jungkook X Reader, Slight!Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre: Medieval Korea AU, Mystery, Strangers to Lovers, Angst, Smut
Rating/s: 18+ Mature Themes
Warning/s: blood, violence against a child, Yoongi following reader everywhere (I mean everywhere), sneaking out, exhibitionism (kind of), squirting, choking, sex on the grass (fertilizer oop), piggyback ride, pet names, a shock at the end ╥﹏╥
Summary: In the 1700s, the Jeon Dynasty spread all across the Korean peninsula.  Happiness quadrupled with the founder Emperor's presence, or so it seemed. Secrets scattered over the palace in the capital city, Hanseong were known to none except a few.
Chapter Summary: Turns out your new bodyguard isn't that bad. Your lover still wants to prove himself but he's not your lover for long.
A/n: This is just a filler i guess. And if you can't guess what the italicized sentences are... well, can't help you.
Series Masterlist
Prologue Teaser Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV
"Good morning, child. Who might you be?" The older lady inquired lovingly.
Your 5-year-old self was lingering around the palace courtyard after your father had asked you not to bother him while he conversed with the Emperor.
You had caught sight of a small pup and followed it all the way to where you were now.
The aforementioned lady wore her pitch-black hair in an updo, which you were sure couldn't be replicated on your short hair. Her smile reminded you of a bunny. Everything down to her hanbok was beautiful, it was decorated with embroidered pink flowers.
You looked at the canine skipping towards the said lady. "Father told me to not talk to strangers. I am sorry, I must take my leave."
The woman watched you, amused as you tried to navigate back to the King's private study.
Reluctantly, you asked, "I am not talking to you but could you lead me to the King's study?"
"Oh, but you are talking to me, aren't you?"
"This does not count. I am asking you directions." You pouted.
"See, you talked to me now!" The lady laughed.
You grew frustrated and began to burst into tears.
The woman panicked, "No, I am no stranger, honey."
"W-Who are you?" Your naive self asked the person who claimed to know you.
"I am the King's wife. I have known you since you were a tiny infant." She smiled and bent down to lift you up.
You gasped, "The Queen?"
Her melodious laughter once again filled the courtyard, "Don't be afraid, dear. I am here to introduce you to someone."
She pointed to a pillar. What you didn't fail to notice was a kid, likely 5 years older than you, peeking his head full of obsidian black hair and glancing at you with his doe-like brown eyes.
"He has been meaning to speak with you but he is quite timid." She said, gesturing for the older kid to come out from his not-so-obscure place, "This is my son."
Her son walked slowly, eyes catching everything but your own, and came to a halt where the two of you stood.
She set you on your feet and placed a caring hand on both of your heads, "I'll leave you both to it then. Ask Eunuch Kang if you need anything."
You turned to him. Surprisingly, he didn't carry himself as a prince. You assumed he had a lot of pride inherited from his father but he looked simple and humble much like his mother.
"Do you want to play with Bam?" He asked being unsure of himself.
"That's Bam?" You asked pointing your finger at the pup who decided to run in circles around the little prince.
"Yes, mother brought him for me. She says it's good to grow up with pets, although, father says the opposite."
The prince picked the dog up and carried it close to his chest. You playfully tickled Bam.
The royal chuckled, "How are you so tiny?"
"Uh, because Bam is a puppy. I think you should know that." You stated snappily.
"No silly, I am talking about you. I suppose the same logic applies to you?" He teased as you frowned.
The two of you played around a lot that fine day. Annoying the chefs by sneakily taking a few sweets, earning a sigh from the gardener as the prince picked out a few flowers for you to wear, and testing the durability of the guards' armors.
He showed you around the palace, which he was sure you'd forget. Unbeknownst to him, you were relatively smarter and mapped your way back to the study where your father and the King were chatting.
You looked out the window, the sun had already set, which meant your father and you would return home.
"I see you have met the little prince." The King laughed. It echoed around the high ceilings of the room. It was not anything like the Queen's beautiful laugh, rather, it was quite scary.
He patted his lap, which meant that he demanded you to sit on it. You had no choice but to do what delighted him. Of course, your father would prefer to stay silent, if he cared, that is.
The prince, in contrast to his father's expression, held an angered one. He held your wrist to stop you, "Stop, don't feed into his disgusting thoughts."
"What did you say you insolent boy?" The Emperor rose from his chair, the force tumbling it over.
Before you could process anything, you heard a loud thud followed by blood being strewed on your face followed by another thud.
The King had punched the poor prince so forcefully that his ring pierced through his soft skin and left his cheek bleeding. The young lad was rendered unconscious by this blow.
"I should not find you with that boy, under any circumstances, is that clear?" Your father cut your line of sight.
"Leave me alone with my son, I need to teach him a lesson." The King fumed from his wrath.
"No, no-" You finally came to your senses and when you did, you were bawling your eyes out.
"What did you do? Wake up....." You realized you didn't even know his name.
It was you who woke up instead. Panting, covered in a sheen of sweat. It was that dream again.
You weren't sure if it was a dream or a memory being played back to you. But you had had this dream a couple of times, and every time you did, you remembered every single detail.
You groan remembering last night. You fought with your father for not trusting you. You were sure he wouldn't hit you for your insolence because he had a reputation to uphold in front of Min Yoongi.
Speaking of Min Yoongi, he was supposed to follow your every step and protect you. Oh, but how could you forget the most important thing, report things back to your father and the King.
You chuckled bitterly, this was going to be very difficult. You had gotten so used to Taehyung being around, that it would be practically unbearable for you to be without him. A few days, sure, but we were talking about an indefinite amount of time.
A firm knock pulled you out of your thoughts. You didn't recognise this knock.
"I suppose you're up by now?" A voice asked from behind the metal-wood door.
"You can come in, I have no solitude in this household." You replied.
Min Yoongi entered the room with a bright face somehow; even when his cat-like eyes still gave a dark expression.
"Good morning, kitten." He chimed.
You gave a clear sham smile, "Good morning, indeed, now that you are here."
"That attitude will take you places, I am positive."
"Please, do not bother me."
"Its afternoon, Hoseok told me to invite you to the dining room for lunch." He was on first name basis with your chef already?
You sat under your favourite tree in the garden reading a medicine journal that your father gave you to memorise. Usually you would love something like this, but today was not usual.
Min Yoongi stood in the sun 'guarding you', probably getting a sun stroke, or probably not, just because he was so fit. He probably had a lot of days where he trained in the sun.
"You do know, I am perfectly safe in my own home, Mr Min."
"Wouldn't want you to die, that would be a sad story to tell." He replied snarkily.
"Like I said..." You continued being ever-so-slightly annoyed, "I am safe in my house, you can have a chat with Mr Jung or some other thing."
"No, I'd rather watch you." He smiled lopsidedly.
You huffed in pure annoyance. You weren't going to bear any of this. You strutted through the hallways with him following close behind you. Finally reaching the kitchen, you called out for your best friend.
"Mr Jung? May I speak with you?"
Hoseok wasn't shocked, he knew this was inevitable. He sighed, "I am not going to keep Yoongi busy for you."
This was going to be very difficult.
You looked at the sun's position, it was almost time for you to meet Taehyung near the river. You weren't going to tolerate your new bodyguard stopping you or even catching you whilst you went to meet your lover.
"Mr Min?" You asked closing your journal and catching the attention of the man blankly staring at the sky.
"What is it, kitten?"
"I wish to take a bath." You said dusting your hanbok.
"I don't believe I will be the one to bath you." He raised his eyebrows.
You sighed, "Well, you could atleast go and ask the maids to prepare a bath for me?"
Yoongi was perpetually tired of standing in the sun and figured it would be best if he went under some shade, even if it was for a while. So he agreed and went to go look for your maids inside the house.
This was the ideal time to sneak out. One last glance at your bodyguard and you were already inching slowly towards the gates of the establishment you were supposed to call 'home'.
Yoongi was stumped, he didn't know where to find the maids. So he decided to ask his only friend about it.
Entering the kitchen he asked, "Hey, Hoseok-ssi, Y/N wishes to take a bath. Where are th-"
"You left her by herself?" Hoseok asked in distress.
"Don't worry. She's in the garden."
"No, no, no. You can't leave her alone at this hour!"
"What do you mean?" Yoongi was now alarmed.
"She may slip out of the house!" Yoongi wasted no time in hastening back to the garden.
Surely enough, you were no where to be seen. He immediately rushed out of the house to see you steadily close the gates.
Alright, now seemed like a perfect time to panic and run. And that's what you did. You didn't dare to look back at him and assumed he was chasing you.
You were very wrong to think you could outrun an exceptionally healthy man in his late 20s. It was quite effortless for him to grab your arm and turn you around.
"Well, caught you, kitten."
You squirmed and tried your very best to get out of his grip much to no avail.
"Where were you leaving to, huh?" The man who caught you, asked.
"I don't suppose you have any business knowing of it." You spat.
"Oh, I do. Your father will be informed of this." He said tugging you back inside the property.
"No, fuck no. I beg you, anything but that." You tried to free your wrist from his grasp.
"Careful with your language, kitten. And your father will know of it."
"I'll tell you!" This made Yoongi stop in his tracks and look at you, "I'll tell you where I was headed to, if you don't tell my father."
He scoffed.
"Please, I'll do anything. Don't let him know."
"Anything?" He smirked. You gulped knowing well that he could have ulterior motives. But you still nodded.
"Take me there. Take me where you were headed."
"What?" Was all you could say. You didn't want him to discover Taehyung. The fear of what Yoongi might possibly tell the King almost had you shivering.
"I won't even mention of this to anyone as promised. Not your father, not the stupid King."
"How could talk of the Emperor like that?" You whispered checking around you if there were any ears.
"I have heard the stories; of what he makes you do. Don't act so loyal, I know you hate him too."
"You work for him!"
"I don't work for anyone, I work for the money." He said, nonchalant. "So take me there."
You were at the rendezvous point, the lake-side forest where Taehyung had always asked you to meet him. But today, unfolded a quite peculiar scene.
You could see the annoyance seething from Taehyung. Who was this unnamed man and why was he brought to the secret meet-up point?
You stood between your lover and your bodyguard who at once decided to enter into a staring contest with each other.
You tried clearing your throat to grab their attention and possibly break the staring spree much to no avail.
"Taehyung, this is Min Yoongi, my bodyguard." You tried to break the silence.
Taehyung smirked, "Nice to meet you, Yoongi."
The other man scoffed, "And you are?"
"I'm Taehyung, her lo-"
You cut him off, "My friend! This is Taehyung, my friend."
Taehyung held your hand reassuringly, "Y/n's lover." He stated.
You groaned with disbelief. You knew well that this would be directly reported to the King in some way even when Yoongi said he wouldn't.
"Fine by me." Yoongi shrugged, "I'm just here to protect her."
Taehyung speaks with a certain weight on his words, "I don't think, I'm the one you need to worry about, Min Yoongi."
Yoongi doesn't press or question anything because he somehow knew he was alluding to King Jeon and your own father.
"Why did you bring him here, again? Taehyung questions you.
"I just told her, I would inform her father of her failed attempt to sneak out." Yoongi speaks.
Taehyung narrowed his eyes and let out a chuckle. He walked behind you and wrapped his arms protectively around your waist making you blush profusely at the display of affection in front of someone else.
Placing his chin on your shoulder he looked at Yoongi and said, "I can never let anyone, and I mean anyone interfere between us." Taehyung says as if stating a law.
"Never said I wished to interfere." Yoongi backed away and decided to stand guard a few meters away with his back facing the both of you.
As soon as Yoongi turned his back towards you, Taehyung placed a kiss on your neck, while rocking you side to side slightly.
"Taehyung!" You whispered, blushing more at your lover's affection.
Taehyung hummed in response as he buried his face further in the crook of your neck.
"We can't do this right now, Mr. Min is right there!"
"Do you remember what I told you about men? None of them have a pure mind, Yoongi is no exception. I can see that he fancies you."
"Taehyung, I don't adore him like that at all."
"I know you don't, but I want to let him know you belong to me."
"What are you suggesting?" You asked, still whispering.
He turned you around and without wasting a second, kissed you.
His kisses were always, tender yet passionate but today? They were possesive, as if he was trying to prove himself worthy of you. You couldn't help but moan slightly into the kiss.
" That's right, Y/n. Let him know." Taehyung pulled away, "I want you to moan as loud as you can." He requested.
He laid you down onto the grass, soft beneath you as Taehyung's hands explored your quiet, yet submissive body.
His lips found yours, and you responded with a shy gasp, heart racing under his tender touch as he gently parted your thighs.
Taehyung's hands roamed over your comparitively petite frame, teasing your sensitive spots through the thick fabric of your hanbok.
He knew how dumb you got for his cock. He knew you would let him do this. But he wasn't all shameless, he just pulled his pants and undergarments down slightly, just enough to pull his length out.
"Come on, Y/n. I know you want it. Ask for it."
"I- please, Taehyung." You whispered.
His hands found their way to your neck, applying a slight yet firm pressure; something you figured Taehyung enjoyed a lot. You weren't complaining because your neck fit so snug in his grip. The power dynamic made you gush.
"It's not me that needs to hear it, it's him. So louder. Let him know how much you crave me being inside you."
You tilted your head just enough to peek at Yoongi. He wasn't looking and didn't seem like he had any intentions to. But you could see him shifting his weight from leg to leg, which he never did before.
Yoongi seemed impatient.
"Say it, Y/n." Taehyung urged.
You took a breath and said in a voice that was just enough to let Yoongi hear without an issue, "Please... Taehyung. I want you."
You could see Yoongi's breath hitching as he got more impatient.
With one swift motion, Taehyung pulled the skirt of your hanbok down just enough to reveal your glistening pussy for him. Both of your footwear long gone.
He smirked, "Does this make you wet? Your bodyguard being a few meters away from us while I fuck you?"
You nod, a gesture that seemed way too cute to Taehyung.
He leaned down and kissed you after muttering a quick, "God, I love you so much." His kiss was still possesive.
You jutted your hips upwards and whined, "Taehyung, please. I want you inside of me."
He chuckled, "Yeah? I shall give what my queen needs."
With those words, he pushed his length inside of you entirely. The intrusion made you roll your eyes as Taehyung had to hold himself up. The pleasure, heck, the feeling of being so close was too much for the both of you.
Over the time, you had realized that Taehyung was much more than an ordinary farmer's boy who just happened to be handsome.
Your lover had secrets, he somehow knew every happening and every dark event that the aristocrats hid.
The rebellious son of the Cha family? Taehyung knew that he didn't just disappear, it was his father who had sent him off, disowned him.
The daughter of Hwang household? She got pregnant before her marriage resulting in her 'untimely death.'
You knew Taehyung had to be involved with these high class people somehow.
A particularly harsh pull on your bottom lip by the aforementioned man got you back to the present.
"Are you alright, princess?" He asked. No matter how rough he got, he always asked if you were alright.
"Please move..."
He slowly pulled his length halfway out only to thrust it back in. "How are you so tight? I assumed that I had fucked you enough."
Taehyung's brown eyes were filled with determination, an urge to prove himself where he didn't need to.
He fondled your breasts through the thick fabric of your top. His hips snapped into yours, slowly yet powerfully.
"Yes, princess? Do you want more?"
"Please faster." You shut your eyes, the pleasure almost bringing you over the edge.
His hips picked up pace and the sound of your skin slapping was too obvious to not be heard by Yoongi.
But this wasn't close enough for Taehyung, he wished to be deeper inside of you. He lifted your legs and put them over his shoulders. You knew Taehyung loved to try new things and you loved them just as well.
You could feel the tip of Taehyung's dick brushed against your cervix at this angle. Your moans became more and more erratic.
When you did open your eyes, you saw a man, you saw someone you loved so much that it hurt being away from him. His tan skin reflecting the setting sun perfectly and his fully set on yours.
His hair was stuck to his forehead due to the sweat and you couldn't help but reach out and touch his cheek.
At that very moment, a gush of fluid. The pleasure was so intense you blacked out for a quick second.
You had never read about this, probably because the female body wasn't explored or documented much.
Taehyung looked down, you had just squirted on his cock. "Shit, that was so, so beautiful. Princess, I love you."
Taehyung had experienced this before, but never with you.
You were tired and Taehyung could sense that. He wasn't too far behind on coming deep into your womb.
"You did so well, my love." He placed his forehead against yours, nose rubbing against yours.
"I love you, Taehyung." You muttered, being way too tired.
"I love you more than you think." He pecked your lips before helping you pull up your skirt. "You can rest now." He caressed your hair.
Taehyung carried you on his back to the edge of the forest. You were asleep.
Yoongi walked besides him. The two men had clear distaste towards each other but decided to keep quiet about it.
"I know you love her, but how long do you plan on continuing this exactly?" Yoongi asked.
"Till my last breath. Even then, I would not go to the afterlife. I'll stay on this Earth as a spirit." Taehyung said, stopping before just before the exit of the forest. He couldn't carry you further in the open.
"The King, do you know how much he wants her?" The older man asked.
"I do, but I would never let him get her."
Yoongi scoffed, "That useless man would stop at nothing to have her."
Taehyung's ears perked at the disrespect towards the ruler. He smirked knowing Yoongi was possibly on his side.
"I heard you were the King's son, the prince's half brother. Is that true?" Taehyung inquired.
"Yeah, I may or may not be."
"Listen to me, Min Yoongi. The King needs to be killed, tortured even. He has never treated Y/n kindly." Taehyung stated.
"You don't know his power."
Taehyung and Yoongi started yet another battle of staring.
"I don't care." Taehyung replied snarkily.
"Let me just tell you this, Kim Taehyung. King Jeon is going to marry her and it's going to be soon." Yoongi sighs.
"What do you mean by that?" Taehyung knew this was more than just a hollow warning to him.
He tensed up and his grip on your thighs tightened, making you stir.
You and Yoongi had walked towards the Kim household and you got home before your father did, as always.
After dinner you asked Yoongi to follow you to your room. And he did as you said, sitting on the floor of your room in a seiza stance.
You sat in front of him, "You don't have to sit so formally, you know."
"I know I don't need to, but I want to."
"I am sorry." You bowed to him, head on the floor.
Yoongi tried to stay nonchalant when he asked you the reason.
"Taehyung can be a bit too much at times." You say raising your head. "I know you heard us and it may not have been pleasant. But know, that I meant no disrespect."
He chuckled, "I know you didn't, kitten. But he sure did."
You smile at the light heartedness.
But you could hear footsteps from the other side of the door.
It was a habit you had picked up since your parents never gave you any kind of privacy. They never knocked or asked before entering. The way your father walked, the soft creaks of the wooden floor, everything was etched into your memory.
Their footsteps were the only indicator that they were entering your room.
And you proved yourself right when your father opened the door without any second thought.
He frowned looking at the both of you. "I see, you have told her."
"Not yet, Mr. Kim." Yoongi replied.
"Ah, not yet? Well, do tell her. She needs to leave tomorrow morning."
"Tell me what, father?" You asked.
He looked extremely worried, "Yoongi, please do tell her. I'll leave you two to it." Saying this he closed the door and left. The soft creaks slowly fading.
"Well?" You asked.
Yoongi couldn't bring enough courage to look into your eyes, "I don't have a choice, do I?"
Yoongi sighed, "The King found out that your father is a spy for the enemy."
You would have laughed if Yoongi wasn't so serious. Your father and King Jeon were extremely close.
So close that at times, your father forgot that you were his daughter and let the King hold you in front of him.
"What are you talking about?" You tilt your head in confusion.
"Mr. Kim has been working undercover for the past 25 years."
"He had married my mother more than 20 years ago. And he had me as well. Do you even know what you are suggesting?"
Yoongi clenched his jaw, "Marrying your mother and having you was just a part of his plan. King Jeon doesn't take kindly to treason."
Your face felt numb and you seemed that you couldn't breath at the information.
Maybe you were just dreaming and your mind was playing weird tricks on you. But the pain in your chest signified that it was real.
"What do you- what do you mean?" You asked.
"The King gave Mr. Kim two choices."
He paused for a while.
"Let the King marry you, or he publicly executes both of your parents for treason."
You held your head in your hands trying to process it all. This was real, this was happening and you were in the present.
"I am going to let you guess what your father chose."
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princehendir · 12 days
My fat broke blind eunuch advisor who knows nothing of the world and still has the nerve to tell at me for treats and pets and such.
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creativitycache · 18 days
If anyone’s wondering how TDTPPF is going right now, the Eunuch is developing rabid grandbaby fever to the point he’s willing to pretend, without being asked to, that his boss’s pet fish’s babies are his boss-he-raised-like-a-son’s offspring.
Nobody has informed him yet that his Eunuch-grandfather instincts are actually correct.
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We have also been informed the Emperor had a gay situationship with another royal in his 20s.
His only concern with his son requesting a monogamous gay marriage is there can’t be kids.
He expresses this concern unaware that his son is demanding to get married quickly because he has fathered bastard fish-spawn and is desperately trying to legitimize these currently-fishes-unable-to-transform children.
The fish father? Unbothered. Moisturized. Swimming in his lane. Doesn’t want to be Empress and is such a Modern Man he has no concerns about his fish eggs being bastards.
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Honestly though, the way Go Won consoled Bu-yeon and tried to cheer her up when she was sad about her husband was literally the sweetest thing ever!
It was clear that she likened herself to a mere turtle, small and unimpressive. She couldn't possibly compare to the grand peacock that is Naksu/Mu-deok.
That's when he drops the tough-guy act. He tells her that he took the turtle home and found that it was clever and cute. He tells her that even if a turtle could not compare to a peacock, the turtle still had a charm of its own.
And just as he came to adore his pet turtle, surely her husband would come around to like her as well. So she should keep her chin up.
He doesn't even know who she really is. To him, she's this poor shaman lady who thinks he's a eunuch. But he still tried to make her happy simply because she was upset and felt abandoned. Even in a previous scene with the court lady, he looked worriedly at her wounds and got kinda angry about the queen lashing out at innocents. He also went as far as to investigate the powder the queen was giving to the other concubines when it has nothing to do with him.
Bu-yeon is 100% right when she said that he's a good person.
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also just. imagine you're a hardened soldier at the border of the empire, and you're informed the emperor is sending a new leader. then when said new leader shows up it tuns out he's a 17 year old eunuch with a pet human in a cage. how do you even deal with that. i need a whole series just about wang zhi's adventures after somd.
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ibijau · 3 months
i've started reading "the disabled tyrant's beloved pet fish"
actually, I've started devouring it lol. Two days and I'm 2/3 into reading the first volume.
It's very stupid in many aspects, but also very fun. And we do like a cold and calculating man warming up because of a goofball in this house.
Also poor eunuch Wang is a favourite and dear gods that man isn't paid enough for what he has to deal with. Or maybe he is paid enough, and that's why he's so chill about his boss's insane behaviour toward a fish lol
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curried-mermaid · 2 months
A Review: The Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish Vol. 1
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Author: Xue Shan Fei Hu Publishers: Seven Seas Entertainment Age Group: Teen Genre: Danmei, Boy Love, Historical Fantasy, Isekai, Drama, Friendship Type: Danmei, Light Novel
Content Warnings: Political Backstabbery, some violence Spoilers ahead
He’s the perfect catch…or he would be if he wasn’t the pet fish of the future tyrant emperor. 
Li Yu wakes up to find he’s been transmigrated into the body of a fish. The less-than-helpful (even scammy) Moe Pet System tells him he has to change the tyrant’s personality, changing the future. Only… he’s just a pet fish, how the hell is he supposed to do that? 
Li Yu quickly learns that if he doesn’t follow the quests he’ll turn into fish bones and ash. If he accomplishes these quests he’ll be human again. Now, if only he could find a way to catch the tyrant’s attention before this cat eats him! 
I found this plot a great read. The challenges that Li Yu is up against and how he handles them are unique and refreshing. There’s plenty of comedy in this along with seriousness. As shown by these examples taken from the book (some of my favorite lines):
“…someone had stolen both His Highness’s fish and his underwear? There was clearly something wrong with this thief” (187).  “Li Yu continued to act like a cute little squid in the face of Prince Jing’s fish-targeted eye lasers” (250-251). *for reference Li Yu ended up in an ink bowl after they found some ink on him.
This series does an excellent job balancing the comedy and serious story telling, along with some sparks flying (as we expect from a danmei). 
Character Development
Li Yu is an interesting character of a human turned fish. He’s very relatable in that he freaks out about things, worries about others, but always comes up with a plan to accomplish his goals. He tries to be meticulous but he always misses something, creating clues for Prince Jing to put together throughout the novel. Li Yu can be mature and also childish. His character makes for a fun read. 
Prince Jing is mute and technically the heir to the throne, but he doesn’t qualify since he’s mute. He’s cold, doesn’t care about others, is a violence then questions later type of person, but also very intelligent. As he interacts with his pet fish, we see him become softer over the course of the series. It’s very endearing. 
Wang Xi is Prince Jing’s eunuch caretaker. He’s cared for him since he was little and knows what all of his movements and emotions mean. He’s in essence, the translator for Prince Jing and the rest of the world. He’s very loyal to his master and willingly does his job. 
The secondary characters and antagonists are all interesting characters, even if some of them follow typical historical drama cliches. What makes it fascinating to interact with these characters is how they react to Li Yu, his relationship with Prince Jing, and how Li Yu chooses to deal with them. 
The world-building is subtle at first as we only get descriptions when Li Yu can see. This isn’t very much as he’s kept in a porcelain container until the emperor gifts Prince Jing with a large crystal fish tank. This world is based off a web novel that Li Yu was following before he was transmigrated. He knows what plot points he needs to be aware of and how it’ll affect Prince Jing. The original web novel has Prince Jing fall in love with a delicate concubine, Chu Yanyu. Only that doesn’t happen this round (mostly from Li Yu being in Prince Jing’s life). Li Yu learns from this experience that the major plot will change but sub-plots will still continue. This gives him the drive to help prevent death to secondary characters, especially ones he likes such as Prince Jing’s cousin, Ye Qinghuan, one of the only family members that Prince Jing lets visit him. 
Everyone needs a companion that can understand them and reach their heart. While this is a semi-serious danmei, I feel like this theme works really well. It’s only after changing the story so Prince Jing has a pet fish that he begins to change. He sees some of himself in this fish, a pet that cannot express itself but with a few gestures and looks, just as he does. 
Observations & Predictions
Li Yu will continue to warn and help Prince Jing navigate the different plots happening around him, while developing a stronger bond with him. We already have hints of sparks flying between the two (at least on Prince Jing’s side). It’ll be interesting to see what happens as Li Yu uses his abilities to transform into his temporary human form. Will he interact with him on purpose or continue to make it seem like accidents? 
I’d love to see their relationship blossom into something more than a bromance. We may get that, but Li Yu will have to go through an emotional arc to realize those feelings and come to terms with it. He may refuse them at first as he was supposed to be with Chu Yanyu according to the plot (even though that plot no longer exists). 
I see Prince Jing developing stronger feelings for him, and maybe even trying to put the moves on Li Yu in his human form. 
I found the writing for this really strong. The unique voice of Li Yu moves the story really well. Anyone who likes Danmei (boy love) should give this a read. 
Similar Plot:
Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System By: Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Historical Danmei:
Ballad of Sword and Wine By: Tan Jiu Qing
The Husky and His White Cat By: Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou
Stars of Chaos By: Priest
Heaven’s Official Blessing By: Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation By: Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Danmei, but not published in English (have to find translations online)
The Emperor’s Favorite Imperial Concubine is an O By: Gu Zhijun
Transmigrated as the Villain’s Cat By: Su Zening
After Playing the Fool and Marrying the Blind Villain By: Nei Sei
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feng-huli · 2 months
What do you think Jin Yans pet names are for his significant others?
Thanks for asking this question! 😺 It’s very interesting to think about, especially for Jin Yan. Words are incredibly important to him; the Yan part of his name, 言,literally means word. He uses his name as a pun numerous times while speaking, and the tagline at the top of his official poster means something along the lines of: “Be careful in your words and walk on thin ice.”
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For the most part, when speaking directly to a person, Jin Yan will exclusively use their title or one of the versions of “you” (你/您). When talking about people who aren’t present, he’ll use their name (and, sometimes, their title in addition to their name). There are only two occasions that I could find as exceptions to these general rules: once in episode thirteen to Jin Xian and once in episode thirty-five with Jin Xuan, where Jin Yan directly calls them by their names—both for specific purposes.
So, regarding pet names for significant others, I believe he would most often simply use their title in a flirtatious manner. For Jin Xuan, that would be Director. For Ye Xiaoying, General.
Interestingly, despite Jin Xian referring to Jin Yan numerous times as his shidi, Jin Yan never calls him shixiong. Perhaps that’s because for Jin Yan to do so would be to claim a relationship he may not feel entitled to claim, given how he grew up separately from the other eunuchs and under a different shifu. In theory, then, Jin Yan would call Jin Xian and Jin Wei, Director of Incense and Director of Sword, respectively. However, given that they’re of an equal ranking and Jin Yan’s characteristic submissiveness doesn’t play as much of a role in their interactions, Jin Yan would probably mostly stick with an informal you. In addition, there is the fact that Jin Yan only ever used Jin Xian’s Director of Incense title out of anger.
Jin Yan does have a penchant for flattery, however, and in the occasions which he lacks a sufficient title to call someone, he surely could find and invent some clever pet names to lift up whoever he’s trying to flirt with.
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fragilelovelythings · 9 months
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Eunuch Besties (chapter 11)
Summary: Self-loathing came as easy as being delusional. As if it was just the same package for any deranged soul without any conceivable chance to bargain with the offer. That and of course, sex defiance. Somebody had to carry the cross, why not him? Why not subconsciously transform every possible instance in a sex debauchery scenario without really fucking anybody? It was brilliant. Just brilliant. Deeply disturbed and Roy-like. To feel the need and desire crawling from your bones and project it whenever possible, but tainted, tainted, and feasible to deny any glimpse of honesty or human need. To make sure nobody would be really able to pet his head and quiet him, tenderly lull him and make him feel sure again.
Chapters: 11/?
Tags: Character Study, Porn With Plot, Porn with Feelings, Sexual Tension, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Canon Compliant, Daddy Kink, Daddy Issues, Family Issues, Family Dynamics, Episode: s03e06 What It Takes, Sibling Rivalry, Friendship, Childhood Memories, Childhood Trauma, Eating Disorders, Symbolism, Masturbation Interruptus, Masturbation, Self-Denial, Dream Sex, Wet Dream, Platonic Cuddling, Lucid Dreaming, Private Investigators, POV Lesbian Character, Frottage, Food Kink, Roman Roy Needs a Hug, Roman Roy Has an Orgasm, Roman Roy Has Issues, Roman Roy - Freeform, Slow Burn, Slow Romance, Light Dom/sub, Blow Jobs, Mutual Masturbation, Mutual Pining, Anal Fingering, Fingerfucking, Finger Sucking, Nipple Licking, Nipple Play, Dubiously Consensual Blow Jobs, Smoking, chai lattes, lana del rey - Freeform, Barebacking, Rimming, Jealousy, Fucking, Spit Kink, Phone Sex, Sex Toys, evil Lukas Matsson ahead, no beta we die like logan
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48915430/chapters/123401656
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seshrat · 9 months
born too late to be a eunuch in the noble ladies' court. born just in time to be an office of middle aged women's pet fag
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tanadrin · 9 months
consolidated responses to the kink ask meme:
violence if it's for real vs. if it's uploads who can just reset? magical healing?
if this is like, hand to hand combat, meh. beating the shit out of each other with no real consequences might be fun, but it doesn't feel horny. 4/10.
Kink meme: arguing while having sex
i could see this working if it was somebody who really got on my nerves, but was hot. 5/10.
arranged marriage kink
love a complicated excuse plot in porn. 8/10.
play piercing
i can dig it. 7/10 though bc i'm a wimp about pain.
Latex? Rubber? I guess generally kinks where clothing that's tight and/or shiny is the point?
looks great, seems like a huge pain in the ass IRL. 7/10.
pup play
isn't this just pet play?
Society which is more or less like our own (including significant diversity in political opinions), except eunuchs are no more controversial than child actors, beauty pageants or full-contact athletes? (or AFAB athletes in the DDR, for that matter)
child actors and child beauty pageants are pretty dang controversial in some circles! if by this counterfactual you just mean "people who want to castrate themselves have more social acceptance," then i'm on board simply from a bodily autonomy standpoint. a society that accepting of bodily autonomy in general seems like it would necessarily be accepting in other important ways too.
Size contrast( you smller/partner bigger)/getting crushed, ( I think It’s related to autism in the same way the calming effect of weighted blankets is)
a very tall partner would be pretty hot. if you mean like giant-sized, that would be less hot, but would be super useful in other ways. getting crushed would suck, though. 6/10.
5/10, a bodily feature i feel totally neutral towards.
7/10. my wife sometimes accuses me of having a foot fetish. this is incorrect; she simply happens to have sexy feet.
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