#so fun facts: 1. im halfway done with chapter 1
rigelmejo · 2 years
Translation: Eunuch's Pet, Introduction
Author: Lv Yao (Green Medicine)
Everyone recognizes the handiwork of Eunuch Pei Huaiguang, treacherous and sinister, his reach covering the sky.
With the Emperor's collapse, everyone says that reach won't spare the Empress's life from it's touch.
At the ceremony to worship heaven, in front of thousands of faces, he bows down at her feet, to hold up her palace gown.
He is a living demon, born to sow destruction, but he desires only to serve her.
Shen Hui is fed up with being the Empress in the daylight, in the night giving the eunuch as his meal for the day's acts, she can't help kicking him: don't get the idea of beating sorrowful families again, can you do that?
Pei Huaiguang took in her expression which possessed a lingering fierceness. He spat out: I cannot.
With Pei Huaiguang's words, Shen Hui is like the grand moon in the sky, and he is the filthy mud.
But even if rotten, he can also use up all extremes, risking everything to prevent the world from getting her.
Turning this world within the deep red walls of the palace into a sea of happiness, until death when they part.
Dishes Guide:
1. True Eunuch, 1v1, he
2. The leading man really isn't a good person.
3. Weibo @一只绿药
4. Writing done in advance, started in 2017, saved some manuscripts and now spring flowers are blooming more and more.
Content Label: A match made in heaven, sweet.
Lead Roles: Shen Hui, Pei Huaiguang | Supporting Roles: Yu Zhan, Qi Yu, Shen Mingyu, Can Zhu
One sentence introduction: World Destroying Crazy Eunuch x Brave Beautiful Little Empress
Theme: Evil can never prevail over good.
Brief Overview:
Everyone recognizes the handiwork of Eunuch Pei Huaiguang, treacherous and sinister, his hand covering the sky. With the Emperor's collapse, everyone says that reach won't spare the Empress's life from it's touch. At the ceremony to sacrifice to heaven, in front of thousands of faces, he bows down at her feet, to hold up her palace gown. He is a living demon, born to sow destruction, but he desires only to serve her.
The main characters are vivid and unique, the leading man is ferocious and feels deeply, the leading woman is kind and courageous, made for one another. The story has ups and downs, interspersed with touching emotional threads that tug the heart.
Translation notes:
1. 'he' is likely Happy Ending.
2. Not sure if Pei Huaiguang's name is meant to be Huiguang or Huaiguang.
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idlerin · 1 year
nonsense — 05. i think i’ve seen this film before
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masterlist — previous | next
✦ fun facts !
[name] has always been stubborn, even in highschool where she claimed she absolutely despises that other team’s pretty boy captain *ends up dating him*
it has only been a day since chapter 1 (i didnt mean for this to be slowburn help)
nonsense ! an oikawa tooru social media au
synopsis. you were oikawa tooru’s #1 fan, until you became his #1 hater. you hated him so much you went viral on twitter (accidentally) and literally became known as “the oikawa tooru hater”, doesn’t help that he keeps fueling the fire by subtweeting you. everyone is all in for this new drama. what isn’t known to the public, is that this particular drama’s been on hold for three years (him being your ex and all).
a/n — you guys didnt think the twitter fights were done did u? pls its so much fun to write sometimes u make the characs do dumb stuff for the plot to keep going 🫶 also its exam week so im stressed aND we’re halfway done with act 1 that is an achievement for me.
taglist is open ! + @kawaii-angelanne @ceneridiankaa @kittycasie @rukia-uchiha-98 @polish-cereal @kellesvt @rockleeisbaeeee @kashxyou @imsoluvly @jjulliette @tooruchiiscribs @littlefreakjulia @gomjohs @qualitygiantshoepsychic @mellowknightcolorfarm @konzumeken @migosple @kuroogguk @sangwooooo
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novemberevenings · 1 year
what comes before night? | chapter 1
In the entire history of Prythian, there have always only been three solar courts: Dawn, Day, and Night. But, on a seemingly random day, an island located closest to the Night Court suddenly makes itself known. No one knows who they are or where they come from but it cannot be any good. Especially when its power rivals that of all the courts, both seasonal and solar. 
word count: 4326
a/n: first chapter!! woo hoo!! also fun fact the picture im using as a divider is one i took myself and it just reminds me so much of the Dusk Court so yeah :) hope yall enjoy this chapter! 
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The sun had just begun its descent when you start getting ready. It had been a very busy morning, filled with people fussing over you and countless last-minute decisions. You were already so exhausted. This morning’s activities were draining but it was the weight on your shoulders that made you want to curl under the covers and sleep for a century. 
You had been preparing for this moment for your entire life. Then why do you feel as though you’re walking off the edge of a cliff, going into a free fall, and not knowing what’s next? 
The funeral was held last week. The entire court came to pay their respects to their late High Lord. Fae of every kind showed up wearing Dusk’s traditional mourning color of the darkest blue. You were dressed in dark blue yourself. But, unlike the mourning fae around you, you did not let a single tear escape from your eyes.
The only time you let yourself truly break was in the comfort of your own room, with only the deafening silence as your company. The citizens of Dusk were looking to you for leadership now. You couldn’t afford to look weak in front of them. 
For a single moment, you hoped that maybe, just maybe, the Mother would overlook your presence. That the power from your father would flow to your brother instead. But, you dismissed the thought as soon as it came. Your brother was not trained to rule over an entire court and frankly, he didn’t want to either. 
You wanted this power. Had craved it from the moment you saw your father sitting on his throne. You wanted the ability to change things for the better, to help your people. You had inherited many things from your father, his ambition was one of the things you loved the most. 
Thinking about him makes your chest ache. You feel your throat tightening, tears threatening to spill from your eyes but you try to keep them at bay. You’ve cried enough late last night, thinking about how different your life would look after today. About how much you miss your father. 
Your hair had already been done by one of your handmaidens along with a soft brush of kohl on your eyes and a neutral kind of red painted on your lips. It was simple, regal. You stood from your spot on the bed to walk to the window. 
From your window, you could see the entire capital city of Cyra. Your home, your safe place. As you look up at the sky, you could see the dome that has been shielding your court for the past couple of millennia. It was a complex work of magic and was created by your ancestors. The dome itself was made up of two layers: The outer layer was for protection, to ensure that nothing can go in, almost like a physical barrier. The second layer was an intricate spell that allowed your court to stay hidden without any detection. It’s transparent but if you look closely enough, you could see that it has a faint gold color. With the sun setting, it makes the entire sky look like it's shimmering. 
It’s been a few hours after lunch, the sun halfway through its descent. It was the afternoon now and you could see people preparing for the big event. 
The coronation of the Dusk Court’s newest High Lady. 
The event would take place on the highest point within the court which is located at Roava Hill, just before the sun sets beneath the horizon. Fae from all over the court had come to see the ancient Dusk crown placed upon your head. 
You mutter an incantation to project the sounds of the people from below into your room, finding the silence to be a little suffocating. The sound of bustling vendors trying to find a spot for their stalls, courtiers setting up for the ceremony, and the birds chirping their afternoon songs filters into your room. 
That small release of power granted you some reprieve from your earlier thoughts. While closing your eyes, you tip your head back and take a deep breath. Listening to the people below, your people, helped to calm down your thoughts. As you listened, you silently applauded yourself for your work. If there was one thing you liked about being High Lady, it was the power that came with it. 
The specialized power that originates from Dusk is unique. And even though you had been studying it for your entire 400 years of life, it never ceases to amaze you. The other solar courts had healing, knowledge, or darkness as their specialty. The power to wield fire or ice, water or earth, belonged to the seasonal courts. The Dusk court had its own specialty powers too. 
Sorcery and the Mystic Arts. 
The citizens of Dusk could manipulate power gifted from the Mother and Cauldron themselves. While the other courts did have access to basic magic that is unrelated to their specialty powers, Dusk’s powers are wholly different. The magic that the citizens of dusk possess is magic in its purest form, which can be harnessed using spells and incantations. However, the wielder also affects the scale at which the magic can be used. The more powerful the wielder, the greater the magic.
As High Lady, the magnitude of the power you wield is insurmountable. Not to mention the fact that you had been training and studying your powers since you took your first steps. 
The realization hit you out of nowhere, the fact that you were one of the most powerful Fae currently in existence. Great, another burden you have to bear. 
You wonder if you have what it takes to do this. To lead an entire court, to protect them and serve them just as your father did. You wonder how you could ever do this without him. 
The door of your chambers opening interrupts your train of thought. Your mother slips inside, already in her ceremonial garb. “Why haven’t you put your clothes on yet? It’s almost time for the coronation.” 
You look to the sky again and realize the sun has set even more since the last time you looked at it. “Sorry, I didn’t notice the time.” 
The ceremonial dress for your coronation is beautiful. It looked like a sunset captured in fabric with a blend of oranges, pinks, and purples. The silhouette is loose and flowy, making you look like a deity. It made you feel like you could deserve your title. 
Your mother helps with the simple gold necklace you chose to wear for the ceremony. She stands behind you as you move your hair to the side, allowing her to clasp the necklace. A simple gold chain with a ring around it. It was your father’s ring. The ring that he dedicated to you. He had three rings in total, one for each of his family members. Engraved inside the ring was the nickname your father affectionately called you. Witchling. 
As a young fae learning all about the mystic arts and sorcery, your parents realized that you took to it quite easily, the Mother blessing you with great power even as a child. Your father had joked that you could be a witch with how good you were at using your powers. From then on, you became your father’s little witchling. 
The ring rests between your collarbones, the sunlight hitting it just right and emanating a soft glow. You feel as though your father is watching over you at this very moment. 
“I know what you’re thinking about, you know,” Your mother breaks the silence with a small smile, her eyes glinting knowingly as she looks at you through the mirror. 
“And what would that be, mom?” Your tone is a little disbelieving, but deep down, you’re worried that she could see right through you. She rests her head on your shoulder, hugging you tightly for comfort. 
“Your father was nervous too before his coronation. He was a mess. I still remember the day like it was yesterday, the day I became the High Lady.” At the mention of your father, your mother’s eyes flutter shut, as if she was replaying the memory behind her eyelids. “I’m pretty sure he was still nervous as he was climbing up Roava Hill, even more so when he was saying his oaths.” 
“Well, it couldn’t have been that bad since he became one of the greatest leaders in the history of our court,” The thought of your father being nervous was impossible. You never saw him as anything less than brilliant, both as your father and High Lord.  
“That is precisely my point, sweet child. Despite the fact that he was nervous, and that he didn’t believe he could lead, he still did. He ruled with no tolerance for injustice and with kindness in his heart. You will do just the same, if not even better.” 
You take a deep breath, readying yourself for what's to come. You knew that you had what it takes to rule. You had been born for it. You had been trained in the art of politics, battle strategy, diplomacy, and everything else that comes with being a ruler since you were a child. You could do this. You have to do this. 
With one last look in the mirror, you turn to face your mother. You take a deep breath, and with a harsh exhale, you dismiss all your earlier worries and concerns.
“Alright. Let’s get myself crowned shall we?” 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The coronation starts the moment you start climbing Roava Hill. It’s supposed to be symbolic, representing how you will have to persevere through hardships as a leader. You make the climb alone, the courtiers and your family already at the top of the hill while the citizens of Dusk gather at the base of the hill to watch you make the climb. 
The hill is steep and the journey is long, but when you finally make it to the top, you decide the view was worth the effort it took to get there. As it is the highest point in the entire court, you get to see everything that will rest on your shoulders, your responsibility. A feeling of pride surges through your veins, feeling eternally grateful that this beautiful place was your home. That you had the privilege to rule this magnificent court
You turn to the small clearing where courtiers are gathered alongside your family. The priestess stands before a marble altar that has been worn down with age. 
The light of the setting sun glows on your face as you step toward the altar. It seems like an eternity before you arrive in front of the priestess, the entire court at your back and only the setting sun as your companion. Everything else around you drowns out as you focus on keeping a brave face, too scared that people could see your fear. Your fear of failure, your fear of not being enough. 
The priestess begins the ceremony by casting a similar spell that you did earlier, making her voice project to the people of Dusk waiting at the bottom of the hill. You can’t back out now. 
“People of Dusk, we gather here today to witness the rise of a new ruler. The passing of our late High Lord is a loss that we will grieve for eternity. But if there is one good thing that has come out of it, it would be this. A new High Lady of the Dusk Court.” 
Cheers ring out from all around you, the people standing at the bottom of the hill applauding and shouting, your mother and brother with matching looks of pride on their faces. With every second that passes, your fears slowly slip away, turning into a feeling of pride and joy. This was your day, you realized. It’s time you acted like it. 
Your mother steps forward next, moving to stand beside you. As the current High Lady by marriage to your father, she will have to renounce her title before you could proceed with your ceremony. Your mother’s hand brushes yours slightly, her silent way of showing support. 
“I, High Lady Solana of the Dusk Court, renounce my title as High Lady. With this setting sun, I shall step down from this title as it shall be passed on to Lady Y/N of the Dusk Court, the firstborn daughter of the late High Lord and I.” Pride laces through her words. When you turn to look at her, you see her eyes glistening with love. 
After her speech, your mother steps back from the altar, gives your cheek a kiss and returns to her spot beside your brother. The priestess continues with the ceremony, moving on to the oaths next. Oaths that you will have to uphold during your entire reign, promises that you make not only to yourself but also to the entirety of the Dusk Court. 
“I swear that I will serve and protect the Dusk Court with my life. To have the court’s best interests at heart. To cherish and uphold Dusk Court values. I swear that I will give up my time, my efforts, and my life if duty calls for it. I swear to act as High Lady of the Dusk Court from this day, till the end of my days.” 
With the last words of the oath leaving your lips, the bargain you made inks itself on your skin. A band of orange and purple colored swirls appears on your right upper arm. With the oath finished, there’s just one more part left for the coronation ceremony. The crown. 
The Dusk Court’s crown was beautiful. It was gold and had a simple design, purple and pink gems lining the entire crown, with an orange gem set a bit higher than the others. 
The priestess picks up the crown from the cushion it had been resting on. Before the crown is placed on your head, you kneel before it. Another symbolic act, the last time you would ever kneel to anyone or anything would be for the crown. 
With a deep breath, the priestess places the beautiful crown on your head. It's heavier than you expected. You stand from your position on the ground with shaky legs, hoping and praying to the Mother that the crown doesn’t fall off your head. 
The ceremony was planned meticulously for this precise moment. The light of the setting sun passes through the gems of the crown at just the right angle, reflecting colorful light all around the clearing. You feel the sun shining on your face, the soft glow providing you comfort. 
As you turn to face the crowd, a hush falls over all the attendants. 
One by one, everyone drops to their knees and bows their heads, the crowd at the bottom of the hill following suit. 
You were now, officially, the High Lady of the Dusk Court. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:
The entire court is in celebration following the coronation. The entire city of Cyra is abuzz with excitement. As the capital city and home of the royal palace, fae from all over the court has traveled to witness the coronation of the newest High Lady. 
You didn’t receive any breaks in between the ceremony. After you were crowned, your mother and brother came to congratulate you. They both crushed you in a giant hug, both sporting matching looks of pride and love. 
“See, that wasn’t that bad wasn’t it?” Your mother says while she cups your face with both hands. Her thumbs make a swiping motion on your cheek and it brings you so much comfort. 
“Do I have to start calling you your majesty now?” Your brother jests with a teasing smile. “Ugh, please don’t,” You groan, reminded of all the courtiers coming up to you and bowing as low as they could while saying Your Majesty continuously. 
“I’m still your big sister. But now, you have a legal obligation to do just as I say” Now it’s his turn to groan, rolling his eyes and huffing like a petulant child. 
You smile looking at your family. Eternally grateful that you still had them by your side. But there would always be that one piece missing. Your father was the source of many jokes and, surprisingly, loved to share court gossip with you all. You’ll miss family dinners every night and sitting in your father’s study while he gives you lectures on politics. 
You shook yourself out of that train of thought. You were happy, beyond happy right now. You would carry your father’s memory with you for your entire life. But now, it was time to party. 
You were still in your ceremonial outfit when you joined the festivities. The plaza in front of the palace was decorated beautifully. There were stalls lined on the edges of the plaza, selling food of all kinds, trinkets and souvenirs to remember this occasion. 
Despite the anxiety and worry you were feeling before, being surrounded by your people made your heart feel a little more at ease. So you conversed, accepting congratulations from strangers and receiving gifts of all kinds. 
The center of the plaza became a dance floor, with musicians playing lively music. You were hit with the sudden urge to dance, to let yourself enjoy the night after such an exhausting day. So, that is exactly what you did. 
You let your thoughts fade into nothing and allowed your body to take over. Twirling and swishing around the dance floor, your dress flowing just as you did. Eventually, your mother and brother joined in and you basked in the presence of your family. You were all still grieving, but at this moment, you finally felt like you would be alright, in time. 
Later on in the night, after dancing, drinking, and laughing to your heart's content, the promise you made to your father rings in your ears. 
You must share our court with the rest of the world. Please, Y/N. It is the last thing I will ever ask of you.
I promise, dad. I will share the beauty and knowledge of our court with the world. We will never hide again while the rest go to ruin. I promise.
You decide that your first act as High Lady will be to fulfill that very promise as a way to honor your father. With a deep breath, you head up to the palace steps, garnering the attention of everyone who has come to celebrate.
With a raise of your hand, everyone falls silent, waiting to hear what their newest High Lady has to say. You feel everyone’s eyes on you, and suddenly the crown feels just a little heavier on your head. 
“Good evening citizens of Dusk. I hope that you have all been enjoying your night as I know I’ve had,” More people make their way to the front of the palace steps after hearing your commanding voice. “Before we end the night, I would like to make my first act as High Lady.” 
“For many millennia, we have kept ourselves hidden from the rest of the world. We have watched as history forgot about our existence. We have remained silent as wars were waged, as the rest of the world suffered. We have done nothing when we have all the resources and abilities to help many others.” 
You take a pause in your speech, looking around to survey people’s reactions, wondering if they would be against the idea you were proposing. But you didn’t see a single look of disapproval in the crowd so you continued. 
“I made my father a promise before he died. I promised him that I would share the wonders of our court with the world. To help even more Fae and ensure their safety just as he has ensured yours.” 
The crowd starts to cheer, excited at the prospect of finally being able to see the rest of what the world has to offer. “This dome has shielded us from the outside world. I hope that you will all join me in this new era of Dusk. The old ways of our court will fall with the setting sun. Come dawn, the rest of the world will know who we are.” 
More cheers and shouts of approval ring out throughout the crowd, applause and cries of excitement feeding into your own confidence. You raise your hands to the sky and aimed at the dome that has been shielding your court for several millennia. 
You reach into that power deep within yourself and mutter an incantation. With a thrust of your hands, your power shoots from the palms and into the night sky, manifesting as a glowing purple and pink column of light. It hits the inner layer of the dome, the spell that kept your court hidden from the rest of the world. 
Your face scrunches up in concentration as you dive deeper into the well of your power. The depth of your power was unimaginable, you thought that it would never end. Slowly but surely, the inner dome crumbles. Cracks start forming from the point where your power made contact with it. 
After a few more seconds, the dome is completely broken. Golden flakes fall from where the inner dome used to be, covering you and everyone else in gold glitter. You tip your head back to the sky and let the flakes fall on your face, relishing in the cheers and joy from the people around you. 
The Dusk Court is no longer hidden. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:
It was a peaceful night at the River House. All of the Inner Circle were gathered for the weekly family gathering and surprisingly, everyone is in attendance. Everyone has long since left the dining table. The sky is clear tonight, so the Inner Circle chooses to head to the backyard where little Nyx can stretch his legs and run around in the grass. Feyre and Elain both chase him around while the others choose to lounge on the chairs and sofas on the shaded patio. 
Rhys looks at the sight with a contented smile, taking a sip of his second glass of wine. 
“-as I was about to land a hit, the motherfucker decides to trip me using his spear. It was cheating! Admit it, I would have won if you didn’t play dirty.” Cassian recounts the sparring match he had with Rhysand from earlier in the morning. 
“You forget that I excel in playing dirty, Cass,” Rhys says with a teasing smile on his face. The rest groan in unison at the innuendo. 
Azriel sits in the seat beside Rhys, rolling his eyes at his brother’s antics. As usual, the Shadowsinger keeps to himself. In fact, he almost decided to skip coming to the River House entirely but he knows if he misses another meal he’ll get an earful from his family. 
Yet, despite his reluctance on coming, he finds himself relaxing further into his seat, his shoulders becoming less tense and his wings drooping with every laugh and chuckle from his family. He closes his eyes for a bit, letting his guard down just a fraction. 
These gatherings usually last the entire day, so Azriel figures that he could get some much-needed rest in the shade. The others continue on with what they’re doing for a little longer. After Elain catches Nyx in her arms, he manages to squirm free from her hold and squeals when his aunt and mother start chasing after him again. Cassian continues to tell stories they’ve all heard a million times, Mor refills Rhys’ glass of wine, and Amren sits a little farther, but still close enough to snark at Cassian from time to time. 
Everything was perfect. The entire family is in one place, with no threats anywhere in sight. 
Then it happens. 
Something in the fae realm changed. A sudden shift in the balance of power that has been so carefully maintained. 
Goosebumps rise all over his skin and all the chatter stops. He sits up in his seat, going tense once more, shadows dispersing to ensure that everyone is safe. All his friends are quiet. Even Nyx can sense something is wrong, running back to his mother and Feyre picks him up quickly, holding him close to her with a hand on his head. She heads to the patio with everyone else, Elain following quickly behind. 
“Did you guys feel that?” Mor questions, confusion, and curiosity etched onto her face. Everyone shares the same sentiment, having felt the strange disturbance too. 
“My shadows don’t report anything unusual. But they’re on edge” Azriel announces to his family, all of them sharing matching looks of confusion and worry on their faces. 
It was an unusual feeling. Like something old and powerful was making itself known. Like a lion roaring its challenge or a wolf howling its victory, another apex predator telling everything around it that it is a force to be reckoned with. 
It’s pulsing, this strange feeling. Like a heartbeat. As if it was a signal to inform every one of its location. 
Strangely, Azriel felt drawn to it. He didn’t know why but instead of warning bells, this felt more like a beacon, a summons of some sort. As if something or someone was out there calling to him. He was tempted to shoot to the sky and follow it, see where it takes him. Nyx’s cry snaps him out of it, turning to face his family once more. 
Amren, who normally remains unphased, seems just as worried as the others “We best get inside. Secure the house and figure this out from there,” Everyone shuffles out of their seats and heads back into the house, all of them wondering the same thing. 
What the hell just happened.
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sirendoesomestuf · 2 years
C’est La Vie, Says The Old Folks, It Goes To Show You Never Can Tell - Phase One // Byler x Doctor Who //
ok so basically this is the first ‘chapter’ (they are very short chapters, im putting this all in one ao3 chapter) of my byler doctor who crossover fic that i’m about halfway done with maybe. since i have adhd i know that it will probably take a while to get done so i decided to share the first chapter on here because of reasons i myself do not know lmao.
basically the plot is: wills a time lord, mikes immortal, they are professors at moon college. have fun.
this is obviously not all what i have done, i have like 9k words so far, so maybe i’m not halfway done yet. i just felt like sharing this
tw- mentions of death and seppuku
Chapter 1- The Calm Before the Storm
"Professor Byers from the arts department, how can I help you?"
"It's about Wheeler."
"What did he do this time?"
"He's being put on no-pay suspension for the rest of the month."
"For what?"
"For committing seppuku in front of a lecture hall full of freshmen."
"That's just what Mike does."
"Professor Byers, please do not encourage your husband's behavior."
"He gets better every time!"
"His immortality should not change the fact that he is regularly traumatizing new students."
"Well, some of them are psychology students aren't they?" There was a pause from the other end.
"I-I do not see how that could change anything."
"I think it gives them a very good insight into the trauma of seeing a dead body." The other line was silent for about a minute.
"Professor Byers, you cannot be serious. For one this was not one of his psychology lectures, but one of his Anthropology ones." Mike, seemingly after he learned the true species of his beloved, became a slight overachiever.
"And he committed seppuku? What was this lecture about?"
"We're not completely sure to be honest." Will sighed.
"Where is he?"
"We sent him home." Where Mike would get a dirty look from Will, a list of chores they need done--the study really needs a good going through--and a grocery list. Will sighed.
"And...what do you expect me to do about this?"
"Talk to him?"
"What should I say to him?" The other line stayed silent. Will leaned back in his chair.
"I have an appointment soon; I have to go." That was a lie. This wasn't the first time Mike had killed himself in front of other people--hell, this wasn't the first time Mike killed himself in front of students. These days Mike is never careful if he's the only one in danger. Will can't blame him--why would you be careful if you came back to life 4 minutes after you died every time. Will hung up the phone. He worries about Mike; Will has no idea if the day will come when Mike doesn't wake up and that scares him--the idea of their lives together ending before the end of time itself.
Needless to say, when Will came home, he and Mike had words.
Will found Mike lying on the dining room table. They didn't live in a house--they lived on the moon, it's not like they had the space to. They lived in what was essentially a dorm with multiple rooms. Mike was nose deep in a book titled 'The History of Honor in Medieval Japan', a very ironic book title. Will slammed the door and stared at him. Mike blinked and had an expression that screamed 'I did something wrong; I know I did something wrong, and I am not sorry for it.'
"Mike, you have to stop doing this!"
"Because eventually they're not going to put up with your bullshit and you're going to get fired." Will put his bag down on the couch.
"So......I'll just go full time with the Ops!"
"Oh yeah! That's a great idea!"
"Why wouldn't it be?"
"Because The Master is still after me, which means he could be after you, so forgive me for being a bit worried about you going full time on special ops missions for the Galactic Federation without me!"
"I've gone on them before! Why are you always so worried about me?"
"Because you're still human, and humans are fragile."
"I'm immortal, I come back to life every time I die!"
"But what if you don't! What if you die someday and you don't come back?! What am I supposed to do then?" Mike sat up and swallowed.
"You...you'll manage. You managed before."
"Because I knew you were still alive Mike!" Mike stayed quiet. "Mike. I love you. So much. I can't live without you."
"And you think I can? Do you have any idea how hard it was when you were on the run and I wasn't with you? Two hundred years and the only person I had was Professor Song!"
"I didn't want The Master to know who you were!" The human got off the table and went over to his husband. Mike cupped his face and kissed Will's forehead.
"Alright. I'll be more careful."
"You fucking better." Mike smiled.
"I promise!" Will smiled back.
"So no more killing yourself in front of your students?" Mike looked away and Will could hear a little laugh from him.
"Thank you." The two hugged. After a couple seconds Will pulled away.
"I'm still mad at you."
"I figured."
"So you know I'm gonna make you get the groceries and clean out the lining closet?" Mike sighed but nodded. Will grinned. "Thank you~" Mike let out a breath and smiled. He stole a kiss from Will.
"I made dinner."
"Are you trying to bribe me?"
"Nooooooo...." Will giggled.
"What did you make?"
"TV Dinner." Will grinned.
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icharchivist · 3 years
hello icha!!!!! learned from my mistakes and typed this out in a separate document. first i have to say im feeling a very deep connection with citron as of late bc i was giving myself a pep talk abt like physics and i told myself "face up and man the music!" and was like "...is that wrong. theres that song called man against the music isnt there... yeah it must be right" and. well i realized later. i also think the phrase "dont cry because it happened, smile because its over" is very good. also I’m halfway thru creating a very eclectic list of like. a Pokémon team for each a3 character which is… something. kinda knew it would happen to me. might take a while for me to finish it tho now that I’m halfway bc I’m suddenly having a crisis like “wait shit I’m only confident on my understanding and characterizing of like 4 characters am I good enough” so… it’s slow going lol. anyways. i finished that damn physics thing I was giving myself a pep talk about and so am treating myself to autumn/winter. happens that watching these events is also like. the only thing which reminds me to actually like. log into a3 lol. i am so bad at gacha games. probably a good thing in the long run. ok starting from the top!
hisoka going "zzz" as his reaction made me immediately go... oh dear, please dont fall asleep in the bath and guess what happened. yeah. good thing homare was there lol. speaking of i fucking adore homare and his poetry. id buy his collection. i also wish there was a collection like if there was a master list of every poem he says in like. at the very least main story. if not i will literally do it myself. i love homare so much im like him in that back when i had to play dodgeball id always be like kufufufu they cant hit me if im friendless enough that no one pays attention to me but like in my case it actually worked out. on the subject of the pillow fight tho, hisoka's crazy strong pillow fight throw... one more mark on the list for suspicious, maybe assassin occupation. this event made me realize how much i missed winter like. i saw the stranger pretty recently (which has caused the effect of be being like "taichi!! thats my boy!!" in my head everytime he shows up lol but anyways i havent gotten to a winter play yet so im VERY hype. especially bc this seems like it stars hisoka and homare??? like oh!! oh!!!! also detective fiction... im swooning. i also just enjoy the hisoka homare dynamic a whole fucking lot i think its nice how homare was like "yeah im ride or die for this funky lil amnesiac, why wouldnt you be?" and its just like. nice. feel like hes always reaching out to hisoka which is like. man homare is so nice.
back to chronology. ofc sakyo goes cheap for the hot springs lol. on brand as ever. was very hype for the azuma sakyo dynamic bc all i remember is like azuma trashing everyone including sakyo at some game or the other in one of the winter chapters and it was very good. or was this a clip in like a stage play? either way it was delightful. at first i misinterpreted taichi going "…" after azuma and sakyo said theyd never been on a field trip bc like. taichi being quiet or noncommunicative... after going thru autumn troupe act 1 it makes me fear for my life a little lol. anyways im glad he was just like planning fun times. speaking of taichi tho we got a tasuku taichi pair for etudes!!!! im not spoiling myself for later events but i hope to GOD tasuku and taichi do like a lead co lead in SOMETHING or at least like some mixed troupe event i want them to talk!!!
also dunno if this is an intentional pun but i enjoy that its called high spirits at the hot spring bc like oh theyre having fun but also bc like. "spirits" is used to refer to a certain type of alcohol i think? which is cool. dunno if its intentional but i liked that. anyways the talent show. taichis moving rendition of single ladies... ok i know it said single fellas but like. we know. wonder if that line was a different song in japanese? its not too old at ALL tho imo. anyways the way banri and juza being themselves Are the entertainment... flashback to when banri slaps juza live on stage instead of doing a stage slap lol. my reaction to azuma essentially went:
azuma: I can offer to bare my soul, and a little more ;)
izumi: what do u mean by that???
me: hey tasuku and omi were shirtless what's ur problem with azuma
anyways i reread and from what i understand they were maybe only flexing and doing a gun show? which like. no wonder it didnt last too long then lol. also explains why they didnt have shirtless sprites i suppose lmao. i am SO curious abt what azuma ended up doing tho that fade to black is so mysterious! did he tap dance? did he pole dance? the world will never know...
oh also im not like super familiar with azuma yet but my read on his personality is definitely like "I am so touch starved All The Time but I will be chill. :) :) this is fine :)" like he just seems to rly like being around people! just like basking in presence whether or not hes rly talking that much.
i enjoyed that juza mentioned pillow fighting with his lil brother... thats nice! i think a lot of this event was just focused on ppl having fun over the drama lol bc it got wrapped up sooo quick. i liked the bit where sakyos worried that izumi was out late searching for him tho it was so sweet. table tennis match was very fun although id argue calling hisoka and juza the two quietest tho lol like... banri exists so juza isnt quiet. just like inevitably. finally, the event cg!!! azumas hair tied up... so nice! thats how I tie my hair up sometimes tho it doesnt look nearly as nice lol. taichi rambling abt his first love for so long tho... lol. ill be honest i have to reread autumn bc i was not aware of this whole situation until it came up in the stranger and i like inferred from there. the end of this event was nice! it was cute. i dont rly have much thoughts on it but im so hype for the winter play
Hello:!!! so good to see you again, freshly learning from your mistakes then :3c
the connection with Citron is a BLAST to read about. I am glad that Citron is there, on your mind, supporting you at every turns of language. It's beautiful.
AND OH THE POKEMON LIST!!! thrilled to hear about it being a wip ongoing! take your time ofc and i hope you'll feel more confident as you go for your characters interpretation! i believe in you!
lmao i'm glad the events help you remember to play a3, i'm sure that by the time you'll be done with the events you will have unlocked so much of act 2 you won't have to worry too much about it. Anyway i'm glad you treat yourself to good things :3c
of course Hisoka fell asleep in the bath. tbh this event was a lot of "Hisoka almost dies in a spring house multiple times if it wasn't for his troupesmates". Between sleeping in the bath and almost swallowing the table tenis ball... where would we be without Winter, and especially Homare, taking care fo him.
I'm SO GLAD you like Homare that much! he's so so good! i'm sure there must be a masterlist somewhere, or well. can be done anytime i guess?? but yeah Homare is fantastic and LDJFDLKFJDF the evil plan to avoid dodgeball from both of you.. this is incredible DLKJFDLKF. But yeah alas he's loved by his own so he gets hit smh.
And yeah Hisoka is just acting sus huh.
BUT YEAH... YEAH... WINTER... BELOVED.... I feel regular and normal feelings for Winter as you know, s o .
(i'm so delighted that you feel that way about Taichi though, as he deserves!! what a good boy!!!)
But yeah Winter play next!!!!! i love the winter plays so much i hope you'll like it as well!! aND YEAH HISOKA AND HOMARE AS A DUO... for a DETECTIVE story?? so good.
I'm sO GLAD you like their dynamic! yeah i adore it too. Homare was so quick to leap into taking care of Hisoka? Like i mean he immediatly called him sleeping beauty when they first met, and immediately decided to be his roommates to watch over him, and then he did everything to take care of him and it's just so sweet. Homare has such a big heart he's so gentle with Hisoka. Homey and comfortable, whenever Hisoka admits it or not ahah.
ahah wouldn't be Sakyo if he didn't need to stay cheap. BUT YEAH the Sakyo/Azuma dynamic is pretty good. oh the event you talk about i think is in some of his very first backstage storyes (that you can read if you have them since they're at this point of the chronology). There's one where they play a mafia game and Sakyo is warry of Azuma because "people like him are those you need to worry about the most" and Azuma is just ":) you wound me :) i would never :)" and then Azuma wins the game and starts to mess with everyone. It was so fun. and yeah i see which clip you mean for the stage play!! it's so so fun they have such a neat dynamic and i loved to see it in this event as well.
and omg worrying about Taichi while he was just there preparing a fun time! this child really would have worried us all back then huh
but AHH YEAH TASUKU TAICHI.... It's such a neat dynamic! ofc i won't say anything but man i love the potential of their stories, as the two ex Godza boys. To see them bond and be comfortable with each other always make me so soft.
OH NICE CATCH FOR THE PUN! i think it must be the reason for it tbh, i love it! thanks for pointing it out!
The talent show was really fun yeah ahah! I wonder what it is in Japanese too but at least the localization was hella fun!
"anyways the way banri and juza being themselves Are the entertainment." THEY'RE SO SILLY I love them so much
AND LMAO YOUR REACTION AT AZUMA I LOVE IT. YEah i think Tasuku and Omi are just flexing (which is Still. SO FUNNY. Just there saying "our talents is.. our muscles...") meanwhile Azuma is like "my talent is that i'm crazy hot :)"
your read on Azuma's personality feels pretty spot on to me ahah omg. Staying with what you know about him, the fact that with his job and all, he seems like he's starving for connection while also terrified to make himself emotionally vulnerable. He loves staying with people, listening to them, caring for them, and he's touch starved as hell (i mean it's his job) but he doesn't seem to really know how to be on the receiving hand of affection. there's a flair talk, i can't remember where, with Omi at some point, where Azuma compliments him, and Omi is just "mhm.. but you know i think that it's more about you" and ends up complimenting Azuma in depth and it let Azuma dumbfounded because he didn't expect Omi to trick him at his own game, while Omi just genuinely don't get why Azuma is reacting that way. He gives he gives he gives, and he's genuinely happy with that, but he seems to have difficulties to take, or to demand for something, while also starving for it. I have so many emotions for Azuma.
Any mentions of Juza's little bro are the best things. I love this type of mention TwT
And yeah it was such a laid back event. Honestly deserved after the crying fest that was The Stranger imo. It's good to relax once in a while and it was nice to have them have fun. There was the bitterness of both Azuma and Sakyo's past that was always a bit looming but everyone was working so hard for them to enjoy themselves that the joy just overtake any sadness i loved it.
Sakyo worrying about Izumi is always adorable TwT
And yeah the Table Tennis match was so fun and chaotic LMAO. I love the dynamic between Juza and Hisoka. Just two usually quiet boys who like sweets. Except that yeah like you say, as long as Banri is around, Juza cannot be 100% quiet. Rip.
THE CG WAS SO PRETTY i loved seeing it. And omg you can share your hairtips with Azuma how nice :D Azuma manages to make everything look beautiful smh....
Oh yeah Taichi and his first love! if i recall he mentions it quickly at the begining, that Yuki reminds him of his first love, and he says that again at some point - then the fake Portrait he does he mentions his first love again. And since then it's been a reccuring topic so yeh :3c
but yeah! this event was really sweet and laid back, not much to say about it, but it was nice to have it at all!
Hope you'll like the winter play :3c
Take care and thank you again for your thoughts <33 i love reading them!! bless you!!
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madokasoratsugu · 5 years
im new to shokugeki and i dont care about spoilers, why is it bad?
a no joke answer bc u deserve this:
tl;dr Shokugeki sucks because it lost its direction halfway through the story, and when Tsukada (the author) realised that he’d bitten off more than he could chew with such a huge cast of characters.
long answer:
here’s the thing. Shokugeki started out good. 
it mostly played off the usual shounen tropes: a challenger would appear, but then they quickly joined the friendship circle, rinse and repeat. but with such a wide cast of characters with differing goals and personalities plus the high stakes of only the top 10% graduating, it made it easy to bank on the character interactions and friendships, which is what the first half of Shokugeki did, heavily so. and it worked ! 
it was a simple set up (protag aims to beat his dad in a cook off, goes to cooking school, meets friends and foes ! a tournament arc ! fun and shenanigans ! yay!), but Shokugeki did it good. it didn’t subvert any expectations, just did according to what it set out to do. nothing felt exaggerated beyond the typical manga stuff, and everything achieved was earned with hard work. with the occasional fluff and friends thrown in, it became a comfy mix for a good shounen manga.
if anything, id say that half the success came from the character’s relationships themselves - the plot wasn’t anything special, but the genuinity that the characters and their friendships and goals (shared or not) were treated with were wholesome and fun.
which is why it was so fucking jarring when it derailed by throwing aside half of its cast and completely stagnating all character development for the remaining half.
(insert infamous Central Arc expulsion joke here)
if you’ve started/are intending to start, id say its the most obvious after the Moon Banquet Festival Arc/beginning of Central Arc. the writing started getting sloppy, as did the handling of the characters. ive mentioned this before, and ill stress this again: i honestly believe that Central Arc is when Tsukada realised what a big miss steak he did in creating such a huge cast, and in the face of Shokugeki’s then success, made some poor authorial choices to keep the hype going (both plot and character wise).
for characters: half the cast was rid of via expulsion, including very competent chefs (which had no proper in canon explanation on how the fuck that happened) who happened to be fan favourites. i mean, Hayama Akira ? fuck, Nakiri Alice, anyone ? plus any poor remaining characters got shafted in lieu of Souma, hard. this became more prominent as the Arcs slowly go on, the ones of which took the worst brunt of it being Takumi and Megumi.
(what do u think is worse. your fav never getting a cameo or your fav being part of the forefront team but constantly getting fucked over because Souma didn’t get the spotlight of the chapter yet. vote now in the replies.)
for plot: higher and higher stakes were introduced that again, just didn’t make sense !! in Central Arc, Souma was expected to win against Eishi, the best chef in his entire school. when two arcs prior he just lost a cooking contest to two of his peers (placed third), and one arc prior struggled to beat Kuga in ticket sales (even then he didn’t win because his cooking was better, so. wasnt even a win on the cooking front). there was no build up ! NOT EVEN A TRAINING ARC. he just went straight from the bottom rung of the ladder to the fucking ceiling. super different from the first half of the series when everything would be shown in careful detail (best example i can think of off the top of my head being the Shokugeki against Mimasaka in the Autumn Election Arc).
also: in the midst of introducing Erina’s character arc and backstory, Tsukada seemed to completely forget (or maybe just didnt know how to link back?) that he’d already established an overarching plotline: Souma’s quest to best Jouichirou. so when Souma began overthrowing these foes that are his seniors said to be leagues ahead of him, the suspension of disbelief was stretching waaay thin. but hey ! its a shounen manga ! we can forgive this much (sarcasm). 
then Tsukada introduces Asahi. mother fucking Asahi. who is basically introduced by beating Jouichirou without breaking a sweat, but oh boy did he break the suspension of disbelief right then and there and completely toss the plot into the fucking fire. because there’s no end goal anymore ! the one thing that our main character has been working so hard for ? non existent. pointless. this no name (at that time) character has done it, pack your bags boys, let’s go home.
(might i note that at this point, Shokugeki was also uuhh nothing like the slice of life comedy it originally was. it became an action-psychological mix that just…doesnt work. and i mean. of course it wouldn’t. there was no foreshadowing, the villians can’t be taken seriously because 1) theyre also teenagers for fuck’s sake 2) Azami’s just a creep, plain and simple. he has no depth. no one cares about an antagonist who’s bad at just being bad.
the themes it began with was completely set aside for really badly written character backstories and angsty edgey bs that i still don’t understand why Tsukada thought would work in retaining hype. especially when considering how pure the premise was.
i honestly also think that its the Blue Arc + Dark Chefs Arc when Tsukada actually realised that his plot had gone haywire, since volume sales were dropping hard and fans clearly hated the direction the series had gone in. but instead of trying to reign it back in, he decided to just let it run buckwild because he just didn’t know how to fix it.)
to rub salt into the wound: so many promised resolutions are shoved into the background, done offscreen, or worse yet, forgotten ! scenes that fans have literally been waiting for. Souma VS Erina Shokugeki. Souma VS Takumi Shokugeki. Nakiri Alice coming back to the series and actually fucking cooking again.
(im sure that there’s more that lead to its downfall but like. shrugs. this is mainly to me why it sucks: it had A Lot going for it (im not ashamed to admit that at one point i actually genuinely believed it could be one of the next Big 3 on Shounen Jump), and it just didnt live up to any of it for no other reason other than Tsukada mixing elements of a story that didn’t work well together, tried to force them to work, and did nothing to fix it when it didn’t.)
so our plot is gone. so are our lovable characters. so is the slice of life comedy that drew most people in in the first place. the potential that it had is now dust. what does Shokugeki have left that makes it unique, that makes people love it ? here’s the answer !
that fact kicks you in the teeth every fucking time you remember how good the first half of the series was. 
then that fact dropkicks you when you realise that Shokugeki no Soma literally started on a 90degree drop into a dumpster fire when the series was at the apex of its popularity and plot buildup.
that’s why it sucks.
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comicteaparty · 4 years
January 11th-January 17th, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from January 11th, 2020 to January 17th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
What’s an unplanned idea you had through your story part way through that forced you to change things?  How did everything go?
eli [a winged tale]
After my beta feedback there were some characters that needed further fleshing out with stakes and relationships. Therefore I had to change some backstories to make certain interactions impactful. Thankfully im at the start so nothing i had to go back and fix. I did think of some alternative openings should the comic goes to print but that can be future me’s worries
simultaneously very little and a huge amount, lol. in terms of big story beats, they've pretty much all stayed the same since i first started planning the comic. the twists have been set up and paid off and the like. but there's a bunch of things i've improv'd at the last minute. one notable example that was pretty well-received - in book 2 chapter 4, taci has a fear of puns (basically only shown in facial expressions and a single comment from mizuki towards the end of the fight). this was added because... otherwise the fight at the end of that chapter is just a bunch of walking around in near-identical dark tunnels. the way the fight ends is fun, but the fight itself isn't really anything. with taci having a reason to be afraid of coruby, the fight has more stakes & entertainment value, and it makes coruby feel much more interesting as a character. another huge example is the love triangle in book 1 - in that in the script, it was non-existent. mizuki being into girls was originally only gonna be introduced in book 2 (guess where), and the relationship between cahe and pejiba was going to advance with no real competition (besides bullets). it was gonna be mentioned in like book 3 that she had a thing for pejiba, but nothing in book 1 itself. (similarly to the pun thing, you may notice that mizuki being into pejiba isn't referenced at all in the dialogue besides pejiba saying "i know what mizuki thinks of me" which is kinda vague. i... don't like changing scripts last-minute lol.)
Not gonna lie, everything I do is entirely unplanned. I focus a lot on improvised comedy and what feels right 'at the moment', and considering I write scripts way in advance, sometimes it leads to jokes falling flat when I read them again a few months later. Which is all fine, honestly, it's part of the process. The main unplanned idea for My Husband is a Cultist was turning it from a 12 page one-shot into a fully fledged webcomic, now with 3 chapters and more to come. It was very 'on a whim', and from that very first chapter I came up with more silly ideas. And the more I talked to friends, the more ideas I had for chapters. So the biggest change personally was going from a pure slice-of-life comedy and spending time actually building the world around it so that there was structure to the chaos. I'm still working on it all. I now have an underlying plot that I'm hoping to explore, and I have the arcs planned out way in advance. So it's wild that I went from 'random ideas spewed on a document' to 'I now have a plot and several arcs to cover'. That being said, I still come up with a lot of things on the fly, so I'm changing things constantly as I go and hoping that there aren't too many inconsistencies!
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
One of the most important story elements of Phantomarine (http://www.phantomarine.com/) came up early in the second chapter, when I was asking myself some more questions about the world - and came upon a crucial opportunity. Luckily I didn’t have to change too much to make it work, and while it didn’t really change the plot, it upped the emotional stakes 100-fold. Which is just what I wanted. In this world, I have a big naval force, of which my heroine is (was?) the future leader - but with relative peace and cooperation between the different island nations, who the heck does the navy fight? Pirates? Eh, maybe. But vanilla pirates have been done to death, and while they can be awesome, I wanted to do something different. I wanted to tie them into the world’s supernatural element - while strongly avoiding the Pirates of the Caribbean cursed-buccaneer aesthetic. I decided to tie them to a particular blight that affects some of the characters - so as to up their stakes and better convey why they’re societal outcasts. And finally, I wanted to give them a freaking awesome name, something both nautical and supernatural. Thus, for those reading - the Fata Morgana. What didn’t even exist at the beginning of the second chapter is now an absolutely crucial story element, and I’m so happy they came into the picture. They’ve changed everything for the better. This is one reason why I resigned myself to revealing the world in bits and pieces - I’m revealing it to myself as I go along, too. It helps to be slow sometimes
eli [a winged tale]
The Fata Morgana introduction in the story was A W E S O M E! I’m so glad you have them in the story and looking forward to that amped up stakes!
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I think the biggest example would be the last-minute inclusion of Jonathan as a main character in my comic Dark Wings: Eryl (https://www.flowerlarkstudios.com/dark-wings-2/). I had originally planned for him to be a temporary character that we said goodbye to at the end of Chapter 5. But the more I thought about it, the more I realised the main travelling party needed another character to balance things out. I was really struggling with planning future scenes because the pool of characters felt too small. I also realised that I had developed Jonathan’s character quite a lot for him to be dropped so early. So halfway through drawing chapter 5, I rewrote the second half and he’s now a major part of the cast.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
A second example is Anor in my other comic, Children of Shadow: Ashes (https://www.flowerlarkstudios.com/cos/). He was originally written as a far less sympathetic character. In fact, he was going to be a borderline antagonist who only became sympathetic close to the end. But my characters often do things I don’t expect, and as I was planning the story, he and one of the other main characters, Rava, started falling for each other. I honestly loved this, and so I reworked the entire story to make Anor part of the main cast and much more sympathetic. He’s still a tsundere, and at the point where the story is now, still in constant friction with Rava, but I feel he’s now a much stronger character and is contributing a great deal more to the story than when he was a vaguely ominous frenemy in the original draft.
ooooo I am intrigued by this factoid about Anor
re: unplanned story elements, in Chirault..... [spoilers obviously] Ridriel and Trillia being sisters was something that hit me out of the blue about halfway through the story, and I immediately reworked a lot of things to make it happen http://chirault.sevensmith.net/(edited)
In ghost Junk... We actually avoided a major character death and had revised it literally a chapter before it happened!! We had everything written out right the the very end, but were seeing the readers reactions and reflected on the importance/and if it was absolutely necessary! So with that said, we saved the character, and kept the necessary impact and growth that it was to bring, and honestly- I'm so happy we did it
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
@varethane Yeah, Anor’s character has evolved a LOT since the first draft.
With Blackblood, we actually created the 2nd and 3rd chapters and then thought we wanted a chapter ahead of those as sort of a prologue to give some world building and lore elements haha. Worked out well i think! https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/blackblood/list?title_no=300252(edited)
Erin Ptah (BICP 🎄 Leif & Thorn)
This is kind of the opposite, since I did the "include a new thing in the story" part first, and that's what forced me to come up with a previously-unplanned idea to explain it... In Leif & Thorn, I had a character drop a reference to "that country doesn't allow interspecies marriages" before there's any canon reference to nonhuman species that human characters might want to marry. ...and even I didn't know what that species was going to be. Had some vague idea about revealing that mermaids existed, but in my head I never managed to integrate them with the rest of the plot or the worldbuilding real well. A few months later, I finally remember that I like drawing Tiny People (not like hobbit-size, think Borrowers-size), and realize this is the perfect setting to have a Tiny People Species! Now I get to come up with plot-based excuses to draw them wherever/however I want. Plus it opens up a whole new mine of jokes: https://leifandthorn.com/comic/somethings-cooking-26-29/
Can't for the life of me remember where I got this quote from, but there's an author who, when readers would ask for details about future developments in her books, would only give answers with the disclaimer "I reserve the right to have a better idea." Words to live by.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Damn, I love that quote.
Admittedly there isn't a whole lot I've changed, maybe a couple small things here and there, but major stuff has been the same since I started. During the very beginning of the planning phase Daniel wasn't even going to be in the story and Julian was going to be homeless, but I wasn't quite satisfied with it. The story would have been too short, contrived and the resolution didn't feel satisfying. After some brainstorming and reflection on my feelings on certain experiences I've had, I added Daniel and 'The Guide to a Healthy Relationship' as it is kinda fell into place. It's weird thinking about how important Daniel is in spite of how new a character he is. Usually it takes me a little time to build one up before throwing them into a story, they gotta age like a fine wine first, but he popped out all ready to use like one week hooch.
Not sure if it counts, but I've also made changes to future parts of my comic. Like recently, even though I know what the ending is, I put a more final image in my head on what the final frame will look like. Also I changed an event that will happen at some point revolving around Apollo and his friends. Originally something skeevy was going to happen with Brandon and Apollo involving video uploads, and a homemade contract that was signed with Apollo was drunk. I thought it was too... I dunno, stupid? impractical? So I changed it to Julian was going to (unwillingly) attend a party at Brandon's (Apollo's friend) apartment, then some big, jealousy induced fight happens where Julian gets kicked out and Apollo feels bad. I didn't like that either, felt too reaching, so I'm going with another event that is a little out there but does happen in real life and something I have done some good research on.
Gonna be as vague as possible because it's spoilers.
Surprising myself is pretty much every step of my writing process. For good or bad.
I do plan things in advance, but find that sometimes things aren't what they seemed from 15 chapters ago.
I think what it is is this particular comic is such a visual story. I could plan out my previous comic with far greater accuracy. That comic was more dialog-driven; you could convert it into an audio drama with minimal changes, and it would still make sense. Whereas my current comic, you can't turn it into an audio drama without very VERY extensive changes (not even sure if possible... Many silent scenes). So I need to actually draw the pages to feel it out. And I can't draw out of order. Brain just won't that way.(edited)
totally agree with you @keii4ii sometimes u have to actually draw it out to get a feel for it. when i write out all the dialogue for my chapters i feel like it always ends up coming out so stiff, thats why i prefer to let it flow naturally and if something happens that i didnt account for just roll with it and adjust the story accordingly
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I'm kind of weird about always needing to know exactly how many pages a chapter is going to have, so I script right down to the panel. It can create flow problems on occasion, so I wish sometimes I could plan my pages more visually, but my brain just doesn't work that way. >< It's a good thing my stories mostly rely on dialogue because they're pretty much novels in comic form.(edited)
When planning a scene at the end of Chapter 3 of Whispers of the Past (https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/whispers-of-the-past/list?title_no=191366), I was having a hard time writing the dialogue. I had the images of my lead characters, Agatha and Izrekiel, talking by the docks in the moonlight, and I knew generally what they talked about, but I couldn't script it. And then, one day while walking to work, my characters straight up had the conversation in my head! And as the dialogue unraveled, the characters (mostly Izrekiel) did something completely unplanned (which I won't reveal because spoilers). This unplanned change has completely upped the drama and sexual tension for the entirety of the future story. The second event of this is in Chapter 2, where Izrekiel is helping out on Kelan's farm. Initially, there was going to be some dialogue that mostly served as world-building, but when actually writing the scene, it occurred to me that they would likely not talk too much, too absorbed by the work of harvest. And then, I suddenly visualized/heard Kelan and the other farmhands SINGING. I don't know why it popped in my head that way, but they began singing a working song. Now, I am not a musician, but I used to sing in choir and do musicals and such, and like half my family members are musicians, so I have a bit of a musical background. Anyway, all this to say that the characters started singing, and in response, Izrekiel (who has amnesia) has a flashback to some repressed memory of men marching and singing the same song, with altered lyrics. This can get extra spoilery, so I won't delve too deep into what his memory means, but.... The lyrics go as such: Oh earth, oh rain, Oh sun in the sky, You grant me with your fruit In this land. And they are directly mirrored in the flashback with: Oh strength, oh grace, I'll raise my sword, With victory in mind In this land.(edited)
For me, I totally changed the ending! I was going to make it a tragedy, and then at some point I realized I didnt NEED to... that a story can be happy and good. So, I rewrote a ton of stuff, and actually ended up adding in some new characters! I'd say It's gone very well ^^ I'm much happier with everything now (for one, I can think about the ending without crying!!) I've changed a lot of other little things as i've gone along too. too many things to count, really.
Initially I was writing the story timeline to 5 days but it spanned to something about a year. Which means I had a chance to develop it further than trying to rush plot points. Used to be like 3 chapters originally but now its like ....I guess 20 chapters? I don't remember the full count but lmao I'm ready to endure.(edited)
most of the biggest changes to Chirault were decided on during the first 3 years of me making it..... I completely threw out the first plan I had made, lol. There was no specific trigger for this, except maybe for 'I don't like this, actually'
Oh! I remembered something specific. My tiger character used to have a 'generic lean-ripped' build. Kinda like the rabbit from Juuni Taisen. Then I posted a random beach day picture, and someone (who wasn't used to seeing characters with visible leg muscles... A lot of comics they read have characters who suffer from Skipped All The Leg Days syndrome) pointed out how insanely muscular his legs were. I ran with it. Today his legs are 2x bigger than they were in that beach day pic, and it's all muscle. Also while this character stays very lean throughout the story, I as the author guarantee you that if he were to put on fat, his thighs will be the first to expand, and the most. 8)
@keii4ii I'm so glad for this change. Lu's legs are majestic
Capitania do Azar
Interesting replies here
In o Sarilho https://www.sarilho.net/en/, I have avoided one major character death in the first part of the story because I grow super fond of them and also because it wasn't really going to build up to anything... Which felt really unfair. So now I had to come up with narrative lines for them and I'm quite enjoying that. Furthermore, I was halfway through chapter 3 when I figured out Eurico's looks but especially his role in the story. It involved drawing a lot of trucks (and there will be more trucks in the future) but I'm really excited for him as a character
As I was writing my comic I was trying really hard to keep the POV limited to one character, but that character doesn't have enough perspective to set up the plot very well at the beginning. This meant hopping POVs to some other characters and now I'm gently trying to squash a lot of these subplots before they go completely out of control...
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pikapeppa · 5 years
Fenris/f!Hawke modern AU: Tequila
Chapter 5 of Damned Spot is up on AO3! It ends on a bit of a cliffhanger BUT THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE UP EITHER TONIGHT OR TOMORROW, I PROMISE. Posting this one tonight for @dadrunkwriting Friday!
In which Fenris and Rynne flail around like awkward idiots in the wake of the previous night’s party. Tiiiiiiny hint of smut. Previous chapters can be read here: [1] [2] [3] [4] 
And beautiful art of this fic can be seen on the Tumblr of my partner in life and crime, the ever-talented @schoute​. 
2:21pm - you had fun last night. admit it!
Rynne’s phone made a little swish sound as it whisked her message away to Fenris. She grinned to herself as she pulled her sunglasses from her forehead down to her nose, then stepped out into the brilliant afternoon sunshine.
She was still on a high from how great the party was. After the intensity of the conversation on the balcony, Fenris had spent the rest of the night by her side. They’d both continued drinking, and he’d started loosening up, and Rynne lost her breath every damned time he laughed. He talked more than she’d expected, firmly sharing his opinions in the ebb and flow of conversations as they moved among the various groups of people in the house, and he was just…
He was so fucking smart. And articulate. And surprisingly opinionated. Rynne hadn’t expected that either, given how infrequently he participated in chit-chat at the Hanged Man. But now that she’d seen him talking more freely, it was more obvious than ever that his customary reserved silence masked an unceasing river of thought rather than a lack of anything important to say.
His opinions didn’t always match with hers. In addition to the lyrium issue, Fenris favoured the death penalty and really seemed to hate big corporations like Amazon. Rynne, on the other hand, supported rehab for convicted criminals and didn’t particularly care where her stuff came from as long as it was cheap. She and Fenris butted heads a few times, and the conversation became rather heated on more than one occasion - too heated for Isabela, who complained that this was a party and not a courthouse - but somehow, Rynne always managed to diffuse the tension and make him smile.
And as soon as Fenris smiled, every hint of cogent thought fled her foolish brain.
He’d followed her from the couch to the kitchen to the games room, scoffing at her jokes and returning her teasing with rapid-fire retorts that made her laugh so hard her stomach hurt. He’d point-blank refused to dance with her, but it hadn’t stopped her from dancing up on him like the shameless tart that she was. At one point, while she was twisting in front of him like a snake, he put his hand on her waist.
Fenris had touched her. Touched her of his own free will, twice in a single night. He’d shaken his head and smirked at her as his elegant, tattooed fingers squeezed her waist, and…
Maker’s balls, Rynne really wanted to fuck him.
But it was so much more than that. Usually Rynne was happy to hop into bed with whoever caught her interest, and if the fling became more than physical, that was a happy plus. But with Fenris… She got the sense that that wouldn’t work for him, and that she’d have to wait for him to come around to the idea of sleeping with her.
Rynne didn’t care. She was more than happy to wait. She would wait for him for months if she had to, because she could happily admit the truth: in the space of less than two months, she’d become more attached to Fenris than to any other romantic partner she’d ever had.
Fenris knew her worst secret, the one she’d been forced to hold most closely to her chest, and he didn’t think she was a horrible person for what she’d done. He’d given her a few secrets of his own, and she knew that was no small thing for him. Somehow, for some reason, Rynne trusted him at a visceral, instinctual level, just as much as she trusted Piper and Cullen. And in the most uninhibited depths of her heart, she knew that she would wait for him for as long as it took.
But hopefully it wouldn’t take too long.
She cheerfully hummed along to her tropical house playlist as she made her way to Athenril’s coffee shop in Lowtown. She was so busy rehashing the happy events of the previous night that she was halfway to Lowtown before she realized that Fenris hadn’t texted her back.
She pulled out her phone and swiped through to her messages.
2:33pm - fine, play coy, i dont mind ;) 2:33pm - seriously though i’m really glad you came
She popped her phone back in her pocket, but to her happy surprise, it dinged less than a minute later.
2:34pm - Thank you for having me.
I haven’t had you yet, she thought cheekily. But she would keep that thought to herself. For now, at least.
2:34pm - anytime ^^ 2:34pm - are you super hungover? did i wake you up? lol
2:34pm - No. I’ve been up for hours. Some of us don’t have the luxury of blackout curtains in every bedroom window.
Aw. So snarky, she thought fondly. She could imagine the crease of his eyebrows and the smirk on his lips as he texted her. The image fostered a warm feeling in her belly, and she grinned to herself as she stepped into the road.
“Hawke! Be careful!” A strong female hand grabbed her elbow and pulled her back, and Rynne squealed in alarm as a taxi screeched around the corner in the spot where she’d just been standing.
“Fuck!” Rynne gasped. She pulled out one earphone and stared up at Aveline, who was scowling at her with a look that she usually reserved for shoplifting teenagers. “Av! My hero! Kirkwall’s finest at her very best! How are you?”
“I’m fine. But you need to pay attention to your surroundings,” Aveline scolded. “Turn your music down. You would have heard that cab coming if your music was quieter.”
Rynne tilted her head playfully. “Sorry, I couldn’t hear you over my music. What was that you said?”
Aveline pursed her lips. “Very funny.” She waved a hand for Rynne to cross the street, and they made their way in the direction of Lowtown together.
“Seriously though, how are you?” Rynne asked. “How’s Donnic?”
Aveline’s expression softened at the mention of her husband. “He’s well, thank you. Enjoying paternity leave.” She smiled slightly, and Rynne grinned at the pinkness of the police captain’s cheeks.
“And how’s Carver doing?” Rynne asked. “I hope he listens to you more than he ever listened to me. It would be embarrassing for a police officer to get another ticket for parking in a no-parking zone.”
“He’s doing very well,” Aveline replied. Her tone held a hint of censure. “He’s a hard worker, you know. A good addition to the precinct. And yes, he listens well, so no complaints there.” Aveline shot her a sideways look. “It’s been a while since you’ve seen each other, hasn’t it?”
Rynne shrugged casually. “Yep.” It had been about six months, in fact. But it was better this way. It wasn’t like Carver wanted to see her, anyway.
She changed the subject. “What are you doing out in these parts, anyway?” she asked. “I thought you were more of a desk jockey these days. Are half of the precinct on vacation or something?”
Aveline pursed her lips again. “A good captain keeps her eyes and ears on the street whenever she has a chance,” she announced. She gave Hawke a knowing look. “You should be grateful that I’m out and about. You’d be roadkill otherwise.”
“That I would,” Rynne chuckled, and she slipped her hand through the crook of Aveline’s arm. “Care to escort me the rest of the way to Athenril’s, just in case I decide to wander into traffic again?”
Aveline smiled. “I’m afraid not. I’ll be leaving you here, actually. I’m off to the docks.” She patted Rynne’s hand, then pulled away. “Be careful,” she warned. “Volume down!”
“Yeah, all right!” Rynne waved and popped her earphones back in at full volume, then pulled her phone out again.
No further texts from Fenris. The ball was still in her court.
2:40pm - hey, those blackout curtains are necessary ok 2:40pm - you don’t know this, but im actually a vampire 2:41pm - i spontaneously combust in direct sunlight 2:41pm - none of that sparkly diamond skin twilight bullshit. i’m the real deal
She held her phone loosely in her hand as she strolled along. When he didn’t reply a few minutes later, she lifted her phone and tapped out another message.
2:44pm - what are you up to today? wanna hang out later?
She sent the message before she could stop to think twice. Maybe she was being overeager, but she’d really enjoyed spending time with him last night. They were both off work until Tuesday, and if she had to wait that long to see him again, she would drive Piper up the wall with her gushing.
By the time she reached Athenril’s coffee shop, he still hadn’t replied. But as luck would have it, he didn’t need to. As Rynne stepped into the cafe, she instantly spotted a familiar black-clad and hooded figure standing at the counter with his hands shoved into his pockets.
She grinned, then sashayed over to him and leaned against the counter. “Excuse me, sir. Are you a janitor? Because you’ve swept me off my feet.”
Fenris recoiled at her abrupt appearance, then his eyebrows rose as he recognized her. “Hawke! What are you doing here?”
“Inspecting the goods, of course,” she said. She bit her lip and gave him a coy smile.
To her slight disappointment, he didn’t smirk in return. Instead, he ran a hand over his hood and dropped his gaze.
Rynne straightened up. “I’m picking up an order,” she explained. “It’s our usual after-party thing. Unfortunately, I drew the short straw for pick-up today.” She stood on her tiptoes and waved at Emile, who held up two fingers to her.
She nodded, then turned back to Fenris. “Did you get my text?” she asked brightly.
“I did,” he confirmed. And he said nothing more.
Rynne frowned slightly. He wasn’t looking her in the eye. Maybe he was just really focused on getting his coffee, but she was getting a distinctly weird vibe from him.
Well, he’d been weird when she first him, and that hadn’t thrown her off. “So. What are you up to today?” she said. “Want to come over and hang out with us?”
“I’m sorry, I can’t,” he said. “I’ve… I have errands to look after.” He nodded at the barista as she handed him his coffee, then turned away from the counter and from Rynne.
Her stomach started writhing. What was wrong with him? Had she done something wrong? She could hear Isabela’s voice in her mind telling her to brush him off and let it go, but Rynne’s shameless, prideless tongue wouldn’t stop wagging.
She followed him as he moved toward the door. “Do you want to go for dinner with me?” she blurted. “There’s an Antivan tapas place that just opened in Hightown. I haven’t been there yet, but Varric said the fish tacos are to die for.”
“No,” Fenris said bluntly. “I mean - no, thank you. I will see you on Tuesday.” He finally looked her in the eye - the briefest, most neutral look - then pushed open the door to the coffee shop and left.
Rynne stood dumbly near the door as she watched him leave. Then she slowly made her way back to the counter.
“Hé, Hawke!” Emile glided over and handed her a tray of drinks and a paper bag as he reeled off their regular order.  “One Nevarran spiced chai, one espresso, one black drip coffee and one Arlathan apple spice, and one mixed box of Orlesian petit-fours… hey, are you okay?”
She hauled her face into a smile. “Yeah,” she lied. “I just remembered I haven’t done my taxes yet.”
Emile’s face fell. “Ah merde, I haven’t either! My father will have a fit…” He pulled his phone from his pocket and began madly tapping at the screen.
Hawke grimaced guiltily and backed away from the counter. “Er, sorry! I’ll, uh, see you later.” She hurried away from the counter and left the cafe, but as soon as she was on the street again, she let her smile fall away.
Her chest felt heavy, like someone had dropped a pile of rocks into her rib cage. Why was Fenris being so cold? Maybe she’d said something stupid last night that she didn’t remember. She had been pretty drunk by the end of the night. Maybe they’d argued about something
Or maybe she was just a deluded idiot, and he wasn’t actually interested in her at all.
She pulled her sunglasses down to hide her burning eyes. It doesn’t matter. He’s just a boy, she told herself. A handsome, intelligent boy with hidden depths, but still just a boy. As Isabela would say, boys come and go - literally and metaphorically - and they were imminently replaceable.
Maybe if she kept telling this to herself, the stupid childish pain in her chest would go away.
Maybe if she kept telling this to herself, she would start to believe it.
Hawke slid Fenris’s water with lime across the bar. “Hey,” she said.
He nodded. “Hawke,” he greeted, but she’d already glided away to the other side of the bar.
Fenris watched her wistfully for a moment, then lifted his water and turned around on his stool to face the rest of the pub. The Hanged Man was relatively quiet, as was usual for a Tuesday; they didn’t do karaoke on Tuesdays, so the customary mix of 80s new wave and 90s grunge was pumping through the speakers and carrying the conversational susurrus of the laid-back post-work crowd.
Fenris sighed quietly. He slid his hand into his pocket and idly toyed with his phone. This was the first contact he’d had with Hawke since he’d run into her at Athenril’s cafe on Sunday. She hadn’t sent him a single text since then.
She’d only started texting him regularly about a week ago, but it was odd how quickly he’d become accustomed to the presence of her sunny swearing and ridiculous typos on his phone. Since the run-in on Sunday, she’d gone completely radio silent. It was…
Necessary, he told himself. It was necessary. She was getting too close, and Fenris couldn’t let that happen. The closer she got, the more dangerous it was for them both.
He’d been a fool at the party on Saturday. On the balcony during that moment of weakness, he’d told her Danarius’s name, and it was a foolish fucking mistake. Knowing even that much information was a risk to them both. What if she tried to Google Danarius, and someone was spying on her search histories and tracked her down to get information about Fenris’s whereabouts? Fenris used a VPN for all his online browsing, but Rynne didn’t seem the type to care about that kind of thing. Fenris wasn’t ready for Danarius and his men to come after him. He needed more time.
If Hawke learned anything more about Fenris, it could compromise his goals. His revenge would be at stake. Worse yet, Hawke herself would be in danger, and Fenris’s blood ran cold at the thought of any harm coming to her.
He briefly turned back to the bar and lifted his water. As he sipped from his glass, he glanced at Hawke again; she was leaning her elbows on the bar and giggling with a pair of businessmen.
“Puppy eyes.”
He turned and met Piper’s shrewd amber gaze. “What was that?”
“Puppy eyes,” she repeated. “That’s what Merrill would call your face right now.” Her eyebrows were lifted and her lips were pursed; her expression was the definition of unimpressed.
Fenris frowned and turned away. “There are no puppy eyes.”
Piper snorted. She leaned over the bar and stared at the side of his face. “This would be cute if we were all sixteen. News flash: we’re not. We’re all fucking adults.”
Fenris refused to look at her. He restlessly ran his thumb across his phone. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Yes you do,” Piper retorted. For a long moment, she stared fixedly at him as though he was a bizarre piece of art, then straightened up and wafted away.
Fenris scowled at her slender back, then replaced his glass of water on the bar and went to sit by the door of the Hanged Man. Only one bouncer was needed on Tuesdays to monitor the inside the pub, but Fenris couldn’t help but wish he could sit outside today.
An agonizing few hours later, after the waitstaff had cleaned up and gone home, Fenris made his way to the bar while Piper and Hawke were starting to lay out the cash. But before he could say goodnight, Piper raised her eyebrows at him.
“I have to leave early,” she said.
Hawke’s head whipped up at her words. “What? Since when?”
“Since two hours ago,” Piper said pertly. “Cullen got off work early tonight, so guess who else will be getting off early?” She waggled her eyebrows suggestively.
Hawke groaned and rolled her eyes. “Wow. That was a stretch, even for you.”
Piper snickered and bumped Hawke’s hip. “It was clever and you know it.” She smiled as Hawke chuckled, then turned back to Fenris. “Can you help Hawke to count the cash?”
Fenris tensed, and Hawke’s grin immediately slid away. “What? No! I can do it on my own-”
Piper flapped her hands. “No, Fenris can help.” She looked at him. “I asked Varric already, he’s paying you for an extra hour. That works out for everyone, right?” Piper’s tone was light and friendly, but her eyes were like daggers on his face.
He clenched his jaw and gave her a hard stare, but her strong chin was belligerently lifted, and… well, the whole point of being here was the money. If he was being paid for an extra hour…
He turned his gaze to Hawke. “I’ll help. Tell me what to do, and it is done.”
Hawke stared at him for a second, then smiled tightly and shoved a pile of twenties toward him. “Fine. I hope you can do math.”
He frowned slightly. “Of course I can.” He sat on a bar stool across from her and lifted the pile of bills.
“Good,” Hawke said. “Because I can’t. Pipes is the brains of this operation.”
Piper laughed. “Nice try, bitch. You’re brilliant too.” She checked her phone, then hitched her purse onto her shoulder and waved at them. “Cullen’s just outside. Have a good night!”
“Bye. I hate you,” Hawke called to her departing back.
“Love you too!” Piper chirped, and then she was gone, leaving Fenris and Hawke alone.
Hawke stared blankly at him for a second, then shot him an alarmingly bright smile. “Who wants a drink?” She turned away and grabbed a lower-shelf bottle of tequila, then pulled out two shot glasses.
“Oh. Er - perhaps just one-” Fenris said dumbly, but Hawke was already pouring him a shot.
The pushed the tiny glass of tequila across the bar to him, then poured one for herself and immediately drank it. “Want a piece of peach with that?” she asked. “Piper calls it Fen’harel’s Fuzzy Cock. Well, she does when we add some lime juice to it. Three ingredients makes it a cocktail.” She winked at him as she poured herself a second shot.
“No,” Fenris said. “No peach is necessary.” He downed the shot and winced at the harsh burn of cheap liquor, then began counting the stack of twenties.
Hawke chattered the entire time they were counting the cash. Fenris listened as she complained about her favourite food stand in Lowtown closing last week and an outlandish anime she’d just finished watching and how she was planning a trip to Rivain in a couple of months. He watched with no small amount of wonder as she managed to swiftly count the cash and write the amounts on a spreadsheet while simultaneously talking and pouring them shot after shot of tequila.
By the time the task was almost done, Fenris was feeling a little hazy from the drinks, and he wasn’t sure how helpful he had ultimately been. “You may want to check this,” he confessed as he pushed a pile of dimes toward her. “I counted twenty-three, but I… I may have miscounted.”
She grinned at him. Her coppery eyes were brilliant from the booze. “Some helper you are,” she teased. She quickly counted the coins again, her face briefly furrowing into a frown as she counted them, then gave him a satisfied smile. “You’re good,” she said, and she wrote the amount on her spreadsheet, then began to tally it all up with a calculator.
Fenris watched her as she worked. She hummed to herself as she tapped in the numbers, some song that was vaguely familiar to him from earlier that night. Her face was peaceful and her tiny smile was sweet, and…
Venhedis, he wished his life really were this simple. If only he really was just a man working at a pub with a beautiful woman who hummed happy songs while she counted the cash. But this kind of simplicity, of uncomplicated peace and quiet… This was as foreign to Fenris as his native language was to her, and there was no point pining for something so bright when all his future held was blood.
She looked up from her spreadsheet and tapped at the computer over the till, then punched her fist in the air. “Yesss. Counted the cash while drunk. Pipes and Varric will be so proud! Or horrified. I can’t decide.” She grinned at him, but her smile froze when she met his eyes.
He stared at her, unable to breathe and unable to look away from her stricken expression. Then she dropped her eyes and began replacing the cash into the drawer. “Fenris, can you put the bigger bills into that envelope, we’ll lock it up separately in the safe-”
He reached out and took her hand. “Hawke,” he blurted, “I… I am sorry.”
Her hands went still, and her eyes darted back to his face. “Sorry for what?” she said faintly.
He hesitated as he realized that he wasn’t entirely sure what to apologize for. He hadn’t forced Hawke to talk to him, after all. She’d flirted with him and garnered his unwavering attention without any particular encouragement from him. He hadn’t asked her to be his friend. He hadn’t asked her to become the first person he’d trusted in a very long time. If he was sorry for anything, it was that he’d indulged her incessant attempts at conversation and gotten them both into this uncomfortable position in the first place.  
But he couldn’t tell her that, not without explaining why they couldn’t be… whatever she clearly wanted this to be. Finally he settled on a cheap diversion. “You’re a beautiful woman. Is there no one else who has your attention?”
Her eyebrows leapt high on her forehead, and she smiled. “I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that first part.”
He gave her a chiding look. “I’m a Tevinter gangster with years’ worth of blood on my hands,” he said bluntly. “None of those things bother you?”
She turned her hand in his grip and squeezed his fingers. “You’re not a gangster anymore,” she said.
A wriggle of guilt burrowed into Fenris’s belly, but Hawke wasn’t finished. “Besides, if I was interested in anyone else, I’d be with them. I’m only interested in you.”
He stared at her with growing puzzlement. “Why?” he said hoarsely. Now that he thought about it, he genuinely wasn’t sure why she was so drawn to him. He wasn’t even particularly nice to her. Kaffas, he’d been a downright ass the last time he’d seen her, and purposely so.
She raised an eyebrow and smiled slowly at him. “What, you want me to list all the reasons?”
With horror, he realized that it indeed sounded like he’d been soliciting compliments. “No,” he said hastily, but it was too late; she was already pouring more shots and talking.
“You’re smart. You’re funny when you’re in the mood. When you’re not in the mood, your angry face makes me want to rip my clothes off. I…” She trailed off and ran a hand through her tufty hair. “You get me, Fenris. Or I thought you did.” She downed the shot and poured herself another. “It also doesn’t hurt that you’re fucking gorgeous.” She tilted her head. “Why are you asking me this? Do you like me?”
With a slightly shaking hand, he gulped the shot she’d poured, then watched as she filled his glass again. “That is not the issue,” he hedged. “Whether I like you or not is irrel-”
She bluntly cut him off. “It’s a simple question, Fenris,” she said. “Do you like me, or don’t you? I can’t tell, you see. I need you to break it down for me like the idiot that I am.”
He shook his head in growing exasperation. This was not where he’d meant this conversation to go. Where… where had he meant this conversation to go? He couldn’t quite remember.
He lifted the shot glass to his lips. “We shouldn’t be together,” he insisted, then downed the shot.
She frowned, then placed her glass on the bar with a clatter and poured two more. “I told you stuff about me that no one else knows. And I thought… I thought it was the same for you. Was I wrong?”
“N-no,” Fenris said. He was feeling increasingly agitated. He was starting to get the distinct sense that he was being interrogated; ironic, since he was the one who had clumsily started this conversation.
“Then what’s the problem?” she asked. “Do do you like me or not? That’s all that-”
“Yes,” he finally snapped. “Yes, I do, all right? I like you, Hawke. I think about you, and… in fact, I’ve been able to think of little else.” He snatched the shot from the bar and gulped it in one big swallow, then slammed the glass on the bar and glared at her.
Her mouth had dropped into a comical little ‘o’. Fenris dragged a hand through his hair. “Why are you staring at me like that?” he demanded.
Her expression slowly lifted into a brilliant smile. “I didn’t expect you to say ‘yes’,” she said. Then she burst into laughter.
Fenris planted one elbow on the bar and pointed at her accusingly. “You see? This - your - you laugh like this and it… You drive me mad with your incessant flirting and your laughing and that macabre little dress of yours with the skulls-”
“Oh, that dress,” she drawled. Her voice was vibrant with mirth, like laughter smoothed and curled into speech. “You liked that dress, did you?”
“I…” He buried his spinning head in his hands, then scowled at her again. “I wanted to peel it off and watch it pooling around your feet,” he growled.
Her eyes widened, and Fenris watched with a nearly-vindictive rush of satisfaction as her cheeks turned pink. “Well, fuck me sideways,” she breathed.
Her evocative curse painted a brilliant picture in his mind: Hawke naked and sweaty, stretched on her side while he slid up behind her and stroked the inside of her thigh…  
A roar of heat blazed through his chest from throat to groin, and he dragged in a heavy breath. His eyes were fixed on her lips, her plump and parted lips, and suddenly it felt like he couldn’t catch his breath, not even if he was panting for it.
Then Hawke lunged toward him and hooked her hand around the back of his neck, and before he could do more than gasp in surprise, she was kissing him.
Hawke was kissing him. Hawke’s lips, her fingers on his neck, it was… she was…  
The next thing he knew, he was on his feet with one hand gripping her short dark hair as he leaned over the bar and kissed her back, and she was whimpering against his lips like the wanton little thing she was. There was a faint clatter of coins as she splayed her palm on the bar - the bar, the fucking blasted bar that stood between them, separating them and stopping them from doing something stupid-
She petted his neck and released a tiny sob of want when he nipped her lower lip. “Fenris,” she begged. “I want - I…”
“Come here,” he breathed. This was a foolish thing to do, an act of complete idiocy, but Fenris couldn’t stop: he was drunk on her, intoxicated by the reddened look of her lips and the taste of tequila on her tongue and the sheer shining joy in her eyes, and he wanted this more than he’d ever wanted anything in his cursed life.
Hawke smiled against his lips, then pushed away from the bar and hefted herself onto its surface, and Fenris gaped at her as she clumsily scrambled over the bar and onto her feet beside him.
She grabbed the lapels of his jacket. “Now, where were we?”
He didn’t waste his breath replying. He dragged her against his body and slid his thigh between her legs, then swallowed her rapturous cry with another kiss.
She slid her tongue against his own, then broke away with a moan as he slipped his fingers into her loose camisole and up along her ribs. “Fucking Maker’s balls,” she whined, then she gasped and thrust her hips against his leg as he snuck his fingers under her bra and pinched her nipple.
He breathed hard as he palmed her pert little breast. His body was thrumming, heavy and pulsing with the strength of his need for her, and he hadn’t felt this way in years. He hadn’t wanted this in years, not since he’d had the tattoos branded on his skin. The tattoos represented so many layers of resistance, of pain and emptiness and regret. Especially since leaving Tevinter, Fenris hadn’t wanted to be seen with these metaphorical scars staining his skin.
But in this moment, he would strip himself bare in the space of a second if it meant Hawke would strip herself as well.
He carefully licked her lower lip. “Let’s leave,” he whispered.
She pressed her lips together, then gasped again as he pinched her nipple harder. “Oh fuck,” she whined. “I… Fenris, we have to lock up the cash, I can’t just…”
He growled in frustration, and she laughed breathily. “You making that sound does not make this easier for me,” she panted. She pushed gently at his chest.
He reluctantly allowed her to step away, then penned her between his body and the bar. “A renegade with a work ethic?” he whispered in her ear.
She shivered prettily, and her hands were clumsy as she collected the cash. “Exactly,” she replied. “Never let it be said that I shirked my duties to this lovable dump.” She shoved the bigger bills into an envelope and replaced the remaining money in the drawer, then picked it all up and shifted away from him. “I’ll be super quick, I promise.”
He allowed her to move away, then shamelessly watched as she hurried to Varric’s office and let herself inside. While Hawke locked up the cash in Varric’s safe, Fenris pulled up his hood and wandered restlessly toward the door.
This was a bad idea, and he knew it. It was stupid and irresponsible, and he suspected that he was going to regret it tomorrow, but it just felt so fucking right. The lingering feeling of Hawke’s hands on his skin, stroking his neck and pressing against his chest - it warmed and riled him the more he thought about it. He thought about her lips and the sharp taste of her tongue, and it was so fucking wrong and selfish and unfair, and he was powerless to stop.
The distinct click of a lock caught his attention. He turned to see Hawke hurrying toward him with her phone in her hand. “I called an Uber,” she said. “It’ll be here in two minutes.”
Two minutes. He had two minutes to do the right thing. To tell her this was a mistake, that he was a complete and utter ass whose only legacy was a trail of bodies and blood and death, and that she should write him off altogether…  
She slid her palms along his abs and lifted herself on her toes. “Kiss me while we wait,” she whispered.
He instinctively gripped her hips as she leaned into his chest. “You’re very demanding,” he said.
“Of course I am. This is everything I wanted,” she retorted. She bit her lip, and her gaze drifted up to his eyes. “You’re all I think about, too,” she murmured.
And just like that, Fenris was sunk. His resistance and his reasons were gone, obliterated by the woman in his arms, and in the muddled mess of his sex-scrambled mind, he couldn’t bring himself to care.
In this moment, all he cared about was her: the charming and infuriating woman in his arms, with all her merriness and her melancholy. And for tonight, Fenris was hers.
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Roommates (Part 2)
Roomates (Part 1) and Roomates (Part 3) and (Part 4)
Summary: When y/n is forced to rent out her extra room, Im Jaebum was the last person she expected to have to share her living space with… luckily, he kept things interesting.
Genre: romance (kinda?? it’s coming I promise), hot roommate (okay guys i’m officially making it a genre), playboy!, (NEXT CHAPTER’S GONNA GET SMUTTY Y’ALL)
Word Count: ~1000
A/N: Hi everyone!!! Thank you so much for the positive feedback on part 1, I’m glad so many people enjoyed it! I have one more section I want to write and then it’s done!! This part is kind of a transition portion more than anything I think, but let me know your thoughts anyways. ALSO I will do requests if anyone has any?? I just realized this week that I haven’t ever really said that so feel free to send them in if you want!
Update: Part 3 is up y’all! and Part 4!
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It had been almost a week since he had walked through the door and almost a week since y/n had officially lost her sanity. Jaebum often spent his time locked away in his room doing God knows what, blasting away what sounded vaguely like Bryson Tiller, emerging only for food and the occasional bathroom break. He had hardly said more than two words to y/n since their first meeting. She regularly wondered if he still knew she existed, and her infatuation with him was quickly turning into plain hatred.
When his music wasn’t shaking the walls, they were often shaking for other reasons. Every night since he had arrived, a new woman had come in with him through the front door, often scantily dressed but always beautiful. Although she had grown accustomed to his playboy ways, tonight her annoyance had peaked. Judging by the sudden quiet and sound of sprinkling water, he had finally finished his nightly fucking and was now jumping in the shower before calling it a day. Because y/n couldn’t sleep from all the noise going on, she decided to curl up on the couch with her favorite blanket and turn on whatever show was playing on Adult Swim. As she reached for the remote, a towel-clad Jaebum and his beautiful play thing passed through the living room. They exchanged a quick kiss goodbye before he softly closed the front door behind the woman.
Turning around, he sighed heavily and began walking back towards y/n.
“I hope we didn’t bother you,” he stated half-heartedly, leaning up against the entertainment center casually. He inspected the nails on his left hand, biting the rough edges while his right hand gripped the towel that hung loosely around his waist. She was surprised he would even mention it considering they had hardly exchanged more than just polite greetings to each other, but she took the opportunity to shamelessly admire while he spoke. Regardless of his annoying behavior, she couldn’t deny the fact she was still attracted to him, especially in this state. Now that he was so close to the television, y/n could see in better detail the man she had been living with for the past week. Although the screen illuminated the strong bone structure in his face, his body was what truly distracted her. Blue light bounced off his clearly defined collarbones and highlighted each ridge of his chiseled torso, causing her breathing to become as shallow as it was the day she met him.  
“It’s fine,” she muttered, snapping her eyes to the TV to stop from staring. “I would just appreciate it if you kept it down a little sometimes.”
“I can’t really control it.” Y/n noticed a sly smile creep across his face as his attention shifted from looking at his hand to her. Immediately she caught onto the game he was trying to play, and she was determined to not let him win.
“Hm, I suppose not. Thankfully you don’t usually last too long.” She pursed her lips together and looked him dead in the eye before returning her gaze back to the television. His eyebrows raised in shock. Normally he was the one with the upper hand in this sort of situation, but now it was his turn to be speechless. He pushed his tongue into the side of his cheek, trying to think of a sharp comeback before admitting defeat and silently returning to his room while y/n remained in the living room, full of pride from her victory.
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“Oh FUCK!” A moan rang throughout the house, accompanied by the sounds of a squeaky mattress and Jaebum’s headboard banging against the wall. It was now two in the morning and the pair had been at it for hours. Between this and last night’s altercation, y/n was at her wit’s end and abruptly threw off her covers before angrily stomping to his room.
“HEY,” she shouted, pounding her fist against his door, “CAN YOU GUYS MAYBE FUCK A LITTLE QUIETER IN-” before she could finish her request, she was interrupted by a woman screaming Jaebum’s name and then the slight opening of his door.
“Sorry, y/n, we were a little occupied. What’d you need?” A devilish grin spread on his lips as he stood halfway in the doorway. Anger boiled up inside her at the sight of him, his dark hair messily touseled on his head and plaid pajama pants hanging loosely around his waist, the glistening of sweat still evident on his face.
“I was just going to ask you to keep it down in…” again, she was interrupted, this time by the further opening of Jaebum’s door and an attractive brunette appearing.
“Sorry I can’t stay any longer, Jae. I had fun tonight.” The woman winked at him before kissing his cheek lightly and throwing a look of disgust at y/n before exiting. As soon as the front door closed, she redirected her anger at him once more and continued to rant.
“Seriously, what the fuck. You realize it’s late as hell, right? I’m trying to sleep and all I hear is you two in there getting it on like you have to fucking repopulate the world by yourselves.” A small chuckle escaped from his plump lips and he licked them seductively, causing her to grind her teeth in pure frustration.
“You told me last night that I don’t last long in bed,” he stated while his hand ran through his hair, “so I thought I should make it clear you were wrong.”
Fire ran through her veins and her jaw clenched tightly. That’s what he had kept her up for? To be petty? To fight her urge to smack him across the face, she turned on her heel and made her way back down the hall in hopes he would get the message and leave her alone. Unsurprisingly, he did the exact opposite of what she wanted him to do (in true Jaebum fashion) and was right on her tail, stopping only when they reached the kitchen and could go no farther. While y/n angrily grabbed herself a mug from the cabinet to make some tea to try and calm down, Jaebum propped himself up on the island, hands on the counter and arms straight. He was leaning forward like a lion stalking its prey, ready to get more revenge for the comment his roommate had made last night. As he opened his mouth to continue his attack, y/n turned and looked him straight in the eyes with a question that hit him like a ton of bricks. 
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undeadpsycho13 · 7 years
a cup of coffee to warm my icy heart
GUYS GUYS GUYS THE COFFEE SHOP AU THINGY IS DONE (first chapt at least. this whole thing is going to be AT LEAST 5 chapters)
imma tag these people, for wonderful awesome ideas: @puzzle-of-life-reason-for-death​ (for coming up with the headcanon/awesome au), @baitsakhan-adlai​ (for glaring at me constantly across the room telling me telepathically to hurry up), @13thendgameplayer​ (for the beautiful pickup lines you supplied, truly they were amazing, i swear to god imma use more of them in the next chapts), @redheaded-sniper-girl​ (this is to repent my sins, im sry this part wasnt mac’s perspective, i promise at least some of it will be, i hope you like this), and @baitsabeeisreal​ (bc even tho she didnt really contribute, she’s like the #1 baitsabee fan out there)
okay, yeesh, long boring credits are over, now lets get on with the show!! :D
The first time was an accident.
Baitsakhan didn’t really mean to walk into a coffee shop that wasn’t Starbucks, it just kind of happened.  His legs kind of just… carried him away from the Starbucks nearest to his house, and since he couldn’t be bothered to walk an extra block to the second closest Starbucks, he decided to try out that shady looking “Endgame” cafe.  Edgy name, Baitsakhan thought absent-mindedly.  Well, technically he did have reason, and it wasn’t really an accident, but hey, he can’t just say he didn’t want to go back to the Starbucks because he was pissed at the cashier.  That Hilal something, who was all about niceness and world peace and all that other nonsensical bull.  It just pissed him off, how people could be so cheery and kind.  The Incident last week, involving at least a dozen pamphlets on saving the environment and using Baitsakhan as a bulletin board, was the final straw.  He couldn’t go back to Starbucks after that, and what right did the world have to take away coffee from a poor, sleep-deprived, coffee-needing teenager, right?
A text lit his phone just when he was about halfway across the street.  He ignored the faint vibration.  Really, it could only be three people: Jalair, his very over-protective brother who wouldn’t let him do anything remotely fun (“Baitsakhan, what are you doing to that poor kitten?” “Oh, I don’t know, maybe just cutting off his tail with a butter knife if you suddenly went blind today.” “How could you do that to poor Muffin??!!”), his horribly awesomely social sister Sarangerel who had a bajillion times more friends than Baitsakhan (“A bajillion times zero is still zero Baits.” “That’s not my point.”), or his Chinese friend (read: only friend) An Liu (contrary to popular belief, Baitsakhan did have one friend, though even he didn’t care to admit it).  Turns out, curiousity got the better of him, and after another five or six continuous obnoxious buzzes (by now he was sure it was Sarangerel), Baitsakhan whipped out his phone angrily, prepared to type out a biting lecture about why friends and family should not double text and annoy the hell out of him in the process, when he realised –– with a frown –– that the number displayed on his phone was an unfamiliar one, labelled neither “Mother-Hen”, nor “Social Butterfly”, nor “Asian Hacker Lovebird”.  In fact, the area code displayed it wasn’t even from the area.
And all of them, every single text, was the same thing: bring me the goddamned ice cream.  A final: ais ik ur redin these txts topped it off.
The atrocious grammar pissed him off.  So did the fact that this person called him freaking Ais.  What kind of name was that, anyways?  Typing furiously, a long paragraph was added to the message: F off, I’m not Ais.  You’ve got the wrong number idiot.  Besides, who would give ice cream to you??  Loser.  By the way, don’t text me back.  Like ever again.  Delete this message immediately, or my weird hacker friend will be out to get you and possibly put a bullet through your head with a drone if you don’t.  Have a nice life!
Feeling pleased with his impeccable grammar, and his nice little response, Baitsakhan continued along towards the coffee shop.  The a hidden speaker above the door emitted a faint ringing noise, which was, too be honest, quite annoying.  He didn’t understand how anyone could stand hearing that sound hundreds of times a day.  For once, he kind of felt bad for the baristas.
The coffee shop was surprisingly quite crowded, at least compared to what Baitsakhan’s expectations would be.  In the far corner, a sturdy-looking dark-skinned girl sat opposite of another one, except slim and of Indian heritage.  Closer to the entrance sat a woman, hijab covering half her head, alone, sipping a cup of coffee with an icy expression on her face.  Near the cashier, three people were chatting animatedly, a guy with a scar on his face holding hands with a blond girl, sitting across from a pretty Native-American girl.
Baitsakhan made a face.  He really should have just sucked it up and settled with Starbucks.  All these annoying people… at least the Starbucks was relatively quiet.  Sighing, he made a mental note not to come back again, before begrudgingly trudging up to the counter.
The boy standing at the counter was presumably in his late teens, his hair honey colored with streaks of something darker tied up into a short ponytail, displaying a set of silver earrings that contrasted nicely with his immaculate jet-black suit, though steaks of it were already coming loose.  It suited him nicely, Baitsakhan couldn’t help but notice.  His electric blue eyes, wary like that of a predator’s, flashed eagerly at having another customer, perhaps saving him from his endless boredom.  A nonchalant expression crossed his face, followed by a knowing smirk, and then was once again replaced by a mockingly polite look as he called out,
“How may I help you?”
Baitsakhan stared unabashedly at the guy, unamused.
“I thought this was a coffee shop.  Get me some goddamned coffee.”
Something akin to surprise appeared in the cashier’s eyes, but like every other emotion quickly disappeared.  He probably didn’t get rude comments like this often.  Serves him right, thought Baitsakhan, trying to ignore the boy’s undeniable hotness as a feral grin spread across the guy’s face.  The name Maccabee was written on a pin proudly hung from the guy’s breast pocket.  Baitsakhan duly noted this, for no reason at all.  He had no reason to store away this kind of information.  He totally wasn’t planning on coming back again.
“Okayyy then,” he drawled, every word unnecessarily lengthened, “How would you like your coffee?”
“Hot, dark, strong.” Baitsakhan had no time for this nonsense.
“Just like me then,” Maccabee said, waggling his eyebrows.
Baitsakhan stared, unimpressed,
“Do you flirt with everything that walks on two legs?”
Again, the guy looks surprised.  Probably hasn’t had a pick-up line thrown back at his face before, Baitsakhan thinks with a smirk.
“Nope, just cute ones.”
The barista turned to make the coffee, and thank God he turned to make the coffee, because Baitsakhan has chosen just the right time to have his face turn completely red.
He really should have just gone to Starbucks.
cringey title, cringey chapter title, cringey everything… sounds about right
also, sorry about the non-typical depiction of maccabee, i kinda just imagined him with long hair one day and it… kinda spiralled off into the void?? idk.  i kinda like it.
ALSO, i sorta maybe incorporated a wrong number!au into this also. sue me, i was playing around with thing and it got outta hand, ok
next chapt will be up by the end of the week (hopefully earlier, i have an hr to write tomorrow, and this chapt only took an hr, so… possibly tomorrow :) no guarantees tho)
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pen-tagon-wvja-blog · 7 years
DON'T FALL(jungkook high school au)
Jungkook high school au Genre: high school au(fluff) Word count:…who knows? Paring:jungkook and reader(y/n) Summary: You are in a very popular kpop group called Krushed and jungkook is in BTS. You’re around 18(because your the maknae). You have to learn korean in order to move to korea and go to a korean school. Lets just say that going to the same school and entainment building as flirty jeon jungkook is, as you expected…..hard..
CHAPTER: 1 Part:½
Besides being half english and half korean, in the last two years a lot has happened. Such as living in LA (speaking english), to being forced to audition for bighit entertainment and being in your own kpop group, causing you to live in seoul (speaking korean). You have just done your comeback so you have more time at school; and you don’t know if that is a bad or good thing yet. You go to a school where most kpop artists go because its a overall art school which covers the subjects of art, dance, drama, photography, vocal and music. You didnt mind having to walk to school as was only a couple of streets away which is great because if you wear a mask not many people will recognise you. You knew some of the kpop artists and trainee’s in your classes and you werent in a class without your best friend, Momo. Apart from art, your favourite class was photography, but lunch time is the best.
In your kpop group there were 5 members: Yeonjoo- Leader, oldest, sensible, vocal Taeyoon- Lead dancer, tomboy, main rapper Yura- 4D and silly, vocal, friendly Happi- happy?!, dancer, vocal, cute, energetic Hyunji- vocal, dancer, sleepy and lazy Y/N- main vocal, main dancer, main face, flexible, shy, a bit of rap SIGH! You got along with all of the members but with taeyoon you could tell her anything anything and she would understand, she knew you inside out, you could trust her. You were worried about if people would like you, so you usually look your self up on the internet and people are usually nice but they all find it cute how you and taeyoon are so comfortable around each other, like when you casually just layed sprawled across her on the sofa.
Sadly you got woken up by water being thrown on your face by yeonjoo.“Wake up y/n…. sorry, i even tried tickling your tummy” were the first words you heard that morning. “Why are you like this?!” You replied with a groan while rubbing the water of your face and the sleep out of your eyes. “You should be excited becuase its your first day at your new school!“she said. “I’m sorry to burst your bubble but i’m not excited at all, if anything i’m sort of nervous.” It was true, it had to be said that you were nervous but when you said that you thouht to yourself that anyone would feel like that…its normal. “Don’t be, you’ll be fine. Here get ready. ” she declared while dumping my school uniform on my head. Yeonjoo was like a mum to the group, as none of us lived with our real mums, she took that place and made it her job to take care of us. UUUUURRRRGGGGGHHHHHH You had to wake up. As you opened your eyes, you realised that the school uniform was BRIGHT YELLOW!! just think positive. Anyway yellow could be the new fashion…….pppfftt……NO!! You decised to get it over with. At least you didnt look like a banana, it looked okay..ish. As you were the youngest you still had to go to school while all the other lazy members layed on theirs buts all day except when they have to open the door for the take-away man to give them their unhealthy lunch. You did your morning routine and headed to the living room which had hyunji laying face down on the carpet. You carried her to her room and layed her dow on her bed said bye and went to have breakfast. You had breakfast, brushed your teeth and grabbed your bag ready to go. Finally you shouted “BYE UNNIES!” And left. As you were halfway down the flat stairs you realised that you had forgotten your mask so you had to go back and get it. “ IM GONNA BE LATE!” So you ran to the dorm and back after grabbing your mask and putting it on.
《~Jungkooks POV~》
Jungkook practically had the same morning, with that he got water chucked on him, told to get ready, got ready, went, forgot his dancing clothes, went back, got them, and was late. “Well done jungkook!” He said to himself sarcasticlly.
《~ Y/N POV ~》
As you nervously tried to find the location of the school, your hands turned sweaty. Finally after a long search you found it and said “you can do this y/n” to yourself. Then you confidently strolled into the school looking like you were meant to be late. You tried to find the reception so they could take you to your class. YESSSS!! They have signs up!! You followed the signs untill you reached the counter of reception. They told you what class you were in, gave you your timetable and a vague direction of where to go. Squinting your eyes to try and figure out what the worn out signs said above each door, was a difficult task. Uuurrrgghhh they werent in any specific order, which wasnt helping. Aa-ha! You found one that looks like your class number so you knocked on the door politely and waited for an answer. You got an answer and went in. “Excuse me sir but is this class 18 because as im new i cant really read the worn out signs very well.“you said while gulping because all the eyes were on you. “Its okay, im sorry but this isnt class 18. Class 18 is just round the corner, i could get someone to take you if you like?” He said kindly and you replied with “Yes please sir”.
《~jungkooks POV~》
You werent running to school because you had a nice homeroom teacher who lets you off because your an idol. If you were really late, you would just say that there was lots of fans outside and if there wasnt then no one would disagree because people knew not to mess with you. As you casually strolled into school with no worries you saw something that stopped your movements completely. A girl. Not any girl but it just had to be a transfer student that was lost and looking really cute because she couldnt find her classroom. But this time she was REEEEEAAAAALLLYY pretty, like heart stopping pretty. And you being the flirty jeon jungkook you were, decided to go talk to her and help her find her class. Lets g–. Suddenly you felt that legs wouldnt move even if you willed them to move…they didnt. Uurrgghh why now?! You completely froze! Come on brain….ENGAGE! Then you realised that she was walking away from you…your eyes widened. She was going to YOUR classroom! She knocked, waited then turned the handle. It was like as if everything was in slow motion. You removed your headphones that were now playing sad music…typical. You knew you were a flirter and you admitted it, you did it for fun but this time was no fun, this was dead serious. You were in love… TRUE love. And not any part of you could deny it, you had fallen for this mystery girl who looks foriegn…. but what if you dont speak her language?! Aaaahh i bet namjoon hyung will speak her language… *sigh*urgh jungkook wake up you havent even spoken to her yet, GET A GRIP!! You kind of recognise her though…
《~Y/N POV~》
“Yes please sir” you replied politely. Suddenly it hit you, you were an idol thats why they were all staring at you! “Hhhhmmmmm, Ah! Taehyung! Would you like to go and take this student to class 18?” He asked one of his students. Because you were too busy talking to yourself you forgot to look around the class. You looked around the class and your eyes imediatly landed on the tall boy at the back who was asleep whith his head against the window, mouth wide open. You scoffed quietly and waited for a responce from the student that is so called taehyung. WAIT! like KIM taehyung, THE kim taehyung…from bts!? WAIT. You looked at the sleeping student and stared at his face intensly with wide eyes. IT WAS TAEHYUNG!!! “TAEHYUUUUNG!!“said the teacher obviously annoyed at the fact that he got no responce. You looked at the teacher and saw that he was looking at the same boy you were looking at! The cute kpop idol woke up with his back straight and eyes wide open and looking straight at you. You felt a bit centered so you broke the intense gaze that he created. "Yes sir?” He answered while finally breaking the gaze between you and him and looked at the teacher in question. “I wouldnt like you to sleep in my class but i would like you to take this new student to class 18 please.” He declared which you sneered at. STOOOPP! That means that taehyung will be taking me and me only around the school with no one watching us. WE WILL BE ALONE!!! eeeekkk! “Yes sir” he said with his big box smile on. To be honest you had huge crushes on taehyung and jungkook, you just didnt show it in order to seem respectful to your sunbaes. Taehyung took his precious time going down the middle of seats. But before he finished his admirable walk he banged his foot on the leg of a table. Wow, real smooth. “Ow.” He said like it didnt even hurt when he was making a face that said it hurt a lot. Reaching where you were standing he gave you a sly wink when he walked past and the teacher wasnt looking. OOOMMMMMGGGOOOSSSHHH!!!!! TAEHYUNG JUST WINKED AT ME……AAAAHHHH!!! You were silently fangirling on the inside but on the outside you were blushing sooooo hard. You told your cheecks to calm down but they didnt. You didnt have many friends at your old school, only close ones but when they heard you were a trainee they all wanted to be your friend. Typical. The reason you didnt have many friends is because you were naturally cold hearted towards new people. You probably didnt notice but you were being cold towards taehyung and you couldnt help it even though you practically knew him inside out. Back to reality. Taehyung walked past you and he purposely brushed his hand against yours while reaching for the door handle. You were totally fangirling inside yourself. You still couldnt believe that TAEHYUNG was beside you. It looked as though taehyung didnt recognise you which is good because if he did then he might treat you differently. When he was leaning past you, you took in his scent and it smelt manly but friendly at the same time. You loved it so much. After that he opened the door with ease and held it open, signalling for you to go through. ‘Such a gentleman’ you thought. You walked through without a smile and stopped outside, waiting for him to direct you where to go.
《~jungkook POV~》
It was true though, you did recognise her. You stood there thinking about how she would react if you flirt with her, but if you flirt with her she might not like it and therefore not like me, I’ll probably come across as too in her face, confident and needy so lets not do that. By now your legs could move and you could go in your classroom, sit next to her, know her name and dream about her. You started to walk in the direction of your classroom untill when you were about 5 metres away from the door you saw her walk out after someone opened the door for her. Maybe she got the wrong classroom, i mean the signs arent very clear. Then you were about to walk up to her and say hi untill you saw who walked out after her….taehyung. Dont get me wrong i like taehyung because we are best friends but this time you got a bit annoyed about him being with your girl. What are you thinking!? She is not your girl, stop dreaming jungkook. Although it would be nice if she was… YAH!! stop it!
《~y/n POV~》
After taehyung came out after you, he said “this way” and heads in the direct to your right. He leads the way and after 2 seconds he stops which makes you bump into his back. You rub your nose and look around taehyungs body to see a boy staring.WAIT!!!!! IS THAT JEON JUNGKOOK??!! OOO MMMMM GGGOOOSSSHHH!!! IT IS !! You blushed while standing behind taehyung but peaking around him with wide eyes to see 2 of your crushes. Jungkook just stood there staring but you couldnt tell who he was staring at yet untill taehyung spoke. “Oh!! Jungkookie!! What are you doing here?, are you late for the hundredth time?” Taehyung took steps towards jungkook and embraced him in a ‘man hug’. jungkook didnt say anything and stood there with his mouth slightly agape, still staring. But this time he was staring over taehyungs shoulder at you. Inside you were screaming so hard and trying not to scream outloud. [He was staring like he is in my profile picture]. AAAHH 2 BIASES IN ONE TOGETHER TAEKOOK.!!….AHHH. WAIT!! he might have recognised you as you were both kpop idols! Oh no! WAIT STAY CALM, JUST CALM DOWN CHEEKS GO ON YOU CAN DO IT. GO BACK TO NORMAL. You think your cheeks have gone back to normal so you instantly bow and say “hello jungkook sunbae, i am y/n” aaaaahhhh you let sunbae slip out of your mouth, that means he will know that you are a kpop artist. NOOO! So you covered it up with “i mean hello jungkook ssi, i am y/n”. At this piont jungkook looks really confused and so does taehyung because of your mistake. “How do you know me?"he asked piontlessly. "Um jungkook if you havent noticed, your a kpop idol…practically everybody knows you.” You answered casually. Suddenly taehyung burst out laughing at the fact that jungkook still had a shocked face on. You started to giggle too, i mean how could you not when taehyung is snorting. After all the laughter we all calmed down and stood staring at each other so you decided to break the silence. “Taehyung was just showing me to my classroom, what were you doing jungkook-ssi?” “Just going to my classroom” he said calmly. That was the first thing that you have heard his say in real life instead of through a tv screen. WoW. “Anyway…y/n… lets go” taehyung said as he put both his hands on each of my shoulders and lead me through many doors while chatting untill i said “didnt sir say it was just around the corner?” “Yes he did but we are going the long way.” He confirmed. “Why?” I asked confused. “Well truly because i wanted to spend more time with you” he said and after slightly blushing. “Really, why?” “Well because i thought you were like jungkook. 1: because you were really shy, 2: because your cold at first but cute on the inside.” “YAHH! You think i am cute on the inside?” “See? You werent like this earlier because you were cold on the outside.” “I see…. then your like a hyeena!.. 1:because your hair is brown, 2: because you have big ears and 3 because you laugh a lot!” “ummmm, thank you?…. anyway would you like to sit with me at lunch?"he asked curiously. "Of course!” Your walk came to an end and at the last step you took taehyung grabbed your hand and looked straight into your eyes. “Y/N when class finishes and its time for lunch, wait outside here and DO NOT move because i will come to show you where the canteen is…okay?” “Yes” was all you could say becuase you were still over whelmed that he was holding both you hands!!!! AAAHHHH!! *fangirling inside* “promise?” Taehyung asked with a serious face.“promise."you confirmed."okay, see ya later” he said while giving your hands a little squeeze and walking away. YOU COULD LITERALLY FAINT RN AAHH!!He was holding my hands!! You had to compose yourself before going in and introducing yourself. The rest of your classes went by like a blur and it was soon lunchtime. And as taehyung told you to do, you waited outside the class….
Authors note: I dont expect many people to read this fanfic but oh well. I will be proud of myself for getting 1 like. Wow i used a lot of capitals in this chapter! I am too tired to finish this off so i split it into 2 parts and left it on a cliffhanger. Hehe lol😜😏thats it, im finished…😊 Ep 2 should be done by 20th February 2017 Dated: 11/1/17
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judaru · 7 years
Year End Writing Progress Meme
Ahh, I’ve seen a lot of people in the magi fandom doing @dragonofeternal​‘s writing meme, and it looked really fun so I thought that I would give it a shot! This year has been really fun for me in terms of writing, and I’ve never really written much before like, September of this year, so I thought it would be fun to reflect on all of the writing and improvement that I’ve done this year!  ♡
[Here is my AO3 in case anyone was wondering! I write a lot of Sinju while crying I just… I just want them to be happy so bad *prayer emoji*]
Total Word Count: 77,415 -AO3: 61,873 -WIPs: 4,000 -Planning: 11,542
Total Projects: 14 (most are still just planning tho OTL) Magi: 14 (I also have planning for some Arslan Senki and Twin Signal stuff, but that’s the kind of self-indulgent thing that won’t ever get posted and lives at the bottom of my drafts, so I didn’t think it was worth mentioning ^^;)
Types of Fanfic Projects: -Chaptered Fics: 2 -Oneshots: 5 -WIP/Unposted: 7
Improvement over last year: Infinity LMAO I didn’t really write anything last year! I kinda dabbled in Edvy and stuff but… I don’t really talk about that anymore lmao
Top 3 projects I wrote the most for: 1) Melt (49,629) 2) Mistletoe (3,006) 3) Stay (2,386) (I guess it’s pretty easy to tell where all my effort went… lmaO)
Top 3 most popular by kudos: 1) Melt (150) 2) Stay (47) 3) Ocean’s Kiss (31) (tbh I’m like… really overwhelmed with all of the kudos I’ve gotten ghsudfksfsd I was honestly expecting like a dozen odd kudos and a paperclip because I’ve really just.. never posted writing before?? So the positive feedback was really overwhelming and I cry a lot LMAO)
Top 3 most popular by comment threads: 1) Melt (62) 2) Ocean’s Kiss (11) 3) Stay (6) (Obviously Melt won out because… I’ve put my whole life into it lmaO but I was really really surprised that the Mermaid AU did so well?? Everyone seemed to really like that one kdfjsfs so I’m really excited to write more of it in the coming months !!)
Most fun to write: Oh man rfsjdkhgj I have a lot of fun writing in general aaaaaah that’s why I post so much and clog the archive all the time omg I’m sorry? I think the winner is probably Ocean’s Kiss, my Sinju mermaid AU :’) The concept of a mermaid AU has always been very dear to my heart–the first thing I ever did in magi fandom was actually a mermaid AU rp with my friend–so I had planned to write it from the beginning, tbh? It just took me a while to get to, but it’s just so so much fun to write, I think Judal definitely fits the role of troublemaking siren, with Sinbad as his idiot pirate of course :’) god i love them im gonna start crying Sexiest moment: lmao im 15 and inexperienced and really, really not good at writing sexy scenes sorry @ all of my readers who arent minors hgrfudkfhfj but I guess Burn was fun to write lmao? it was masshar and it was supposed to have a blowjob scene but then i remembered that.. i dont know how to write porn.. so it was just needy sharrkan and grinding gudfkjfsdhc but it was fun i guess Funniest moment: im literally not good at any of these hdiufks my humor scenes fall SO FLAT i hate it but i was laughing at myself in the mermaid au because every time judal smacked sinbad in the face with his tail i felt 10 years being added onto my lifespan tbh.. i was cackling ND ALSO in melt any time ja’far is talking to sinbad about judal frsdkjgvhd i liked those scenes.. every time ja’far said shit like “i mean he’s cute but he can’t be here sin” i laughed @ myself Hardest to write: group settings ugh please kill me i hate when im writing and there’s twelve people in the scene like i’m bound to forget 7 of them its just the nature of the beast? exhausting. like every chapter in melt where there’s a festival and all the generals are there is so harD for me *eyeroll emoji* and i have one more festival scene planned so its gonna have to happen AGAIN and im gonna suffer Big Time™ Biggest Disappointment: i vastly underestimated both the size and demand for masshar fic and i was kinda sad when it only got like 5 kudos hrifgj i really thought there was still a masshar ship community but there wasNT and it flopped lmao. but i still like writing masshar and honestly i’d probably do it again tbh? it was still fun :^) Most Surprising: ocean’s kiss hdsufkfgs lmao that thing got comments from people who hadn’t showed up in the sinju fandom for months to years and i was crying the whole time.. it was a fic that meant a lot to me too so the fact that it got so much sweet feedback really made me  ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ Favorite story of the year: probably melt tbh :,) i put my heart and soul into that fic and the fact that it did much, much better than i’d first anticipated just made me so happy ♡ its about halfway done now and I can’t wait to tell the rest of it!! i have so many plans I am crying Something I want to revisit: like, half the chapters in melt ghfudeilfjge anD ALSO THE HOLIDAY AUS i wrote them when i was really sad and upset for Reasons so they weren’t as cheery as i would’ve liked :( first snow was cuter because it was posted later and i was happier then but.. mistletoe was written when i was :V about a lot of things so I’d like to rewrite it someday.. maybe next christmas :’)
What writing risks did I take and how did they pay off: I.. honestly didn’t take that many risks? I think the biggest risk that I ever could’ve taken was to write for myself. I really really tried to write only things that made me happy, and I was really nervous as to how the reception of that would be, but it turned out really well!! I’ve got a lot of sweet comments and feedback from readers, and the response was more than I every could’ve asked for  ♡ Writing goals for 2017: my goal is to finish Melt before the end of the school year, preferably before the end of April. I also just really wanna try harder to stick to my freaking update schedule because, like, some people are banging out a solid 7k every week, people with JOBS, and I’m still in high school and I can barely finish my measly 4k by Sunday ghfdklrgjdj. I just need to work harder on time management tbh, but overall I just wanna write more in 2017!
This was really fun to do!! Thanks again to dragonofeternal for sharing their template, I think doing these meme really helped me get my thoughts together and decide where to go with my writing in 2017. I can’t wait to write more for the new year! ♡
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svtskneecaps · 3 years
im actually curious now... ive never played the game myself but ive seen ads floating around... why Are you so heated abt hogwarts mystery if u dont mind me asking?? --💕
i've ranted before on here and i'm too lazy to read it over and make sure i don't repeat points so if you want to hear me say the same stuff a different way then this post is the main rant i did before (although some bits are out of date, like the stats rant; they fixed that some), basically i have a few big problems
gameplay is frustrating
energy is required to do almost all things story related, except like. the occasional duel.
energy recharges one point at a time, every four minutes. there is an energy maximum that you can increase at certain points during the story. as far as i can tell, everything is divided between things that are "1 hr", "3 hr", and "8 hr". this goes for classes, story moments, etc. you use the energy to tap highlighted shapes and fill a star meter and if you collect all the stars you need, you pass
the 1 hr stuff requires a full energy meter, no matter how big your meter is, as far as i can tell. my meter is 33 max energy. it takes me 2 hrs to fill this meter. THE ONE HOUR STUFF TAKES ME TWO HOURS TO COMPLETE. SO NATURALLY, I THINK THAT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT.
either way, waiting for the energy to recharge is fucking boring, especially when the story is progressing at a snail's pace (it's a mobile game, they're trying to make you pay money to complete the game faster, which i GET. i play idle games. i have the patience of a god. BUT AT LEAST FUCKING BAKERY STORY MAKES ME FEEL LIKE I'M ACCOMPLISHING SOMETHING)
duelling used to be worse (it uses a rock-paper-scissors mechanism and it used to be if you lost the rock paper scissors you just didn't get to go, so you could get stunlocked by the enemy and lose just because you suck at random chance rock paper scissors, which was fucking frustrating. now the rock paper scissors just decides who goes first, which i'll admit is better)
i guess they've been trying to fix it and make it less. shitty. so a while back they added "clubs" which is pretty much just another incentive to complete events. the highlights you tap on to fill up the meter to complete events are a different color sometimes and it gives bonus club exp that gets you rewards sometimes. clubs aren't terrible, like they're a bandaid fix but i mean they did at least add some measure of satisfaction to the experience. even if it's like. not enough.
they also added a "memory log" which i guess the idea was that it would be fun to revisit scenes from past years and quests and ~view your memories~ but. it doesn't work. like i try to play a memory and it loads for infinity. so. that's a useless feature
they also added "pages" which are just. pieces of paper you can bind into a notebook (used as a form of special currency in the game; you buy animals with it). apparently you can also use them to buy another chance at the timed quests but i hate timed quests very deeply so they're useless to me. not sure if that feature works but considering it's triggered using the memory log it's really anyone's guess. so that's pretty. awful.
(it's much harder to get genuinely heated when i'm taking the time to list the faults i take with the game one by one in an essay like format but this game sends me into rand mode 90% of the time i'm just apathetic to it right now, i'm being clinical)
it's ugly
this game is more glitch than graphic. i cannot count on my appendages how many glitches and weird moments and gross graphical choices there are. maybe this is just because it's a mobile game and it's a hardware limitation, i have no idea. that's probably the case. doesn't make me hate the game any less. doesn't make me hate how ugly it is any less.
now i don't record the quidditch matches so i don't have many examples of that but those cutscenes are glitchy as all fucking get out and that's one of the things you can use to grind stats, energy, etc. there's not a quidditch event going on so i can't get images of the tail end of my broom EXTENDING OFF INTO THE TREELINE FOR FIVE MILES OFFSCREEN in certain cutscenes so you'll have to take my word for that one, but it's a thing that happens in two separate cutscenes and it's fucking bananas that it's still a thing that exists and hasn't been FIXED or NOTICED do they not have quality assurance????????????
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THEY'RE HANGING OFF THE BACK END OF THEIR BROOMS. THIS PLAYS EVERY MATCH. WHAT THE FUCK. (don't mind the image quality that's coming from me screenshotting a screen recording)
i don't feel like editing video clips right now just for a shitty rant post about a shitty app game so you'll have to take my word for it that there is more shit and it is egregious and barely a scene goes by where something ugly doesn't happen. half the time they're like "cast this spell!" and i cast it and there's supposed to be a sweet little animation of your character casting the spell but every time i do it, the game glitches and my character freezes, and then the spell has been cast. no animation. which is awful. half the time it loads in such a way that you think you blinked, but no. the screen just glitched everything into place. i don't know how to describe it honestly. it's awful.
it's boring
the story COULD be good, if it wasn't fed to you in tiny chunks over the course of several years. it's an okay plot, the usual harry potter chasing after some mystery (in this game it's the Cursed Vaults, usually there's a specific vault you're chasing in every year to hopefully find your brother and save hogwarts from the curse in the process). that's a pretty solid start
but there's so much FILLER. like there's a bit in year 3 where you go fucking around trying to make an extra sweet butterbeer for madame rosmerta while she's trying to track down your brother's journal in her back room (which is apparently as organized as my fuckin bedroom) and like. it takes so fucking long to actually progress with ANYTHING related to the story after that. like the entire plot STALLS while you try to make the butterbeer. LIKE IMAGINE IF A HARRY POTTER NOVEL STOPPED FOR A CHAPTER TO DESCRIBE HIM DOING SOMETHING SO FUCKING BORING. like at least in there you might get some character development or something, there's no shit like that in this fucking godawful shit of a game. hell there's barely character development, for you, for your friends, for the professors, fuckin NOTHING
they bloated their cast out. there's way too many characters and they waste their time on filler rather than actually developing the characters (for reference, i'm halfway through year 4). ben's personality is "cowardly gryffindor". rowan's personality is "books and socially awkward". tonks's personality is "prankster" (which, incidentally, i've heard is also the entire personality of another character you meet later). they aren't developed. i think they're blowing their character development budget on the "enemies to friends" arc they're trying to pull (i'm guessing that based on a christmas theme side quest and her uncharacteristically spilling her tragic backstory, that's a prediction)
year 1 was entirely wasted time. they could have done so much more with year 1, and they just. didn't. year 1 is disproportionately short and it only involves three friends (rowan, ben, and penny) plus your main enemy. it lays the base bones for your rivalry fairly well, all things considered, and starts the chase for the cursed vaults, and lays some bases for your friendships (wish they would have done more, since the characters are still a little one-note), and then they fucking drop the ball in later years. like i haven't seen ben since year 2, but there was SOMETHING going on between him and the vaults, what the fuck was that? why is no one acknowledging that?? there is a mystery that they're just fucking ignoring and i'm going to go fucking crazy
i went into greater detail on this in the other rant so i'm not going to do it again but it pisses me off. that and how useless the house is. and the fact that it presents you with choices like they'll do anything, but they don't really affect anything (at least not where i'm at in the game). like, i've been presented with the option to take different characters with me, but the friend i took with me didn't get any meaningful dialogue at all so what even would the difference be if i'd taken someone else?? what was the point?? it's stupid. it's dumb. i hate it. i hate it.
anyway there's 1600 words on it. the only reason i'm still playing it is because i plan on reworking the whole damn thing using the "each house gets a different storyline with a few constant story beats", but to do that i need to know the plot of the stupid fucking thing. so that's what i'm doing for the moment. it might take me a couple years to finish though. this game sends me spiraling into burnout at speeds only rivaled by public school, even when it's NOT forcing you to stop and wait eight straight hours.
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comicteaparty · 4 years
January 4th-January 10th, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from January 4th, 2020 to January 10th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
What goals do you have going forward with this new year for your story?
well i basically have the same goal every year which is to cover more ground, i made the mistake of making my first comic be a super long 3 part epic so it feels like it's going to take me years to make it even part way through when i try to make my chapters longer however it generally leads me to feeling burned out so i still have a way to go when it comes to finding the right length per chapter that i can put out consistently
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
In Phantomarine (http://www.phantomarine.com/), this year I finally reach the chapter where all my main characters meet and start interacting - it's where the story truly kicks off. I've spent almost 2 years in setup/exposition mode, and I finally get to exit it properly. I'm so. SO. Excited. And I really want to take my time and do it properly. It's about to get very fun for me, and I hope it will show in the work!
My goals mainly consist of reaching page 100. I'm over 1/4th of the way there, and I believe I can get there before 2021. I also want to reach the introduction of one of the main characters, but I don't think that'll happen this year. This character doesn't appear until the end of Ch. 5, which is somewhere around page 170-180. Am I waiting too long to introduce this character? Absolutely.
eli [a winged tale]
I am almost halfway through Arc 1 and almost at 10% of the story Looking forward to chugging away at it and hope to reach the First Plot Point by the end of the year
I guess one of my goals is to reformat chapter 1 for printing (I drew it at the wrong size), and then update chapters 1 & 2 for colors. I’d like to compile the first four chapters into a book, but I’d like all the chapters to be visually similar in color at least.
Gonna try to finish two chapters this year and clean up ch.1 and 2 for printing its gonna be a lot of work but I know it can be managed~
In terms of where the main story will go - Book 3 just started, and Chapter 1 should be finished mid-March. Chapter 2 will be finished early-mid July, maybe even late June? Chapter 3 will be finished sometime in September. And then it's Chapter 4... which won't be finished until like June 2021 lol. But anyway, by the end of the year we'll be introduced to all the important characters of this arc (though we won't have had much time with some of them). Including a character who's so important, I'd almost call them the deuteragonist of the entire comic if not for the fact that they're only showing up 700 pages in, lol.(edited)
Past the actual story aspects - the comic will be celebrating its fourth birthday at the end of February! And, given that the first page of the comic was started on a leap day, it's technically the first birthday the comic has actually had. The upcoming short stories for the year are some of my favorites so far, so that's exciting. I'm also interested to see how the shipping contest & fan-art contest turn out. We'll also be reaching page 750 at some point this year, which is a pretty big milestone.
I have a goal for my second comic to get it off of hiatus, and for my main one I would really like to make improvements in the areas I've received critiques! Mostly, I just want to keep making them for another year <3 I don't really have any goals other than to keep on going with it
(also, a preemptive congrats on four years!)(edited)
Well, having fully reuploaded my archives, I'm letting them update gradually to hopefully attract a new audience over on comic fury. When it catches back up I intend to finish up Chapter 10, and with it book 2. Then I'll finally launch book 3, Coast to Coast, which will allow me to tell more different stories by changing locations.
Kelsey (Kurio)
Hey Vinnie! How goes it?
Still chugging along.
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
The big goal for Wayfinders off course is first of all to launch! In start February (we will find a date today iiih!!) Then at the end of 2020, if everything goes accordingly we should have produced 7 chapters enough for a book Ah! This is all so exciting
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Pretty much my goal is to just keep swimming. I hope to complete more chapters this year. I should be able to finish chapter one of my comic, Eryl, unless I have to take a long hiatus (which, honestly, is looking very likely). Ashes is less time intensive than Eryl and the chapters half as long (only 16 pages each; Eryl chapters are usually 30-35 pages), so I’m going to try and finish at least two, if not three chapters before 2021. But honesty, just getting what I can done and continuing to push forward is my biggest goal.
I only started My Husband is a Cultist last year in April (https://tapas.io/series/MyHusbandisaCultist) and my goal is to reach that first year anniversary and to keep the train rolling for this comic! I initially wanted to have the rest of this arc completed in 2020, but I've decided to be realistic as I will be making a grad film at the same time (yay), so I just plan to do as much as I can, and to at least have Chapter 4 completed before March, and maybe Chapter 5 after that! I have a lot of story I want to tell and it's hard to stay focussed on it, but I'm doing my best, doing a little at a time!
Phin (Heirs of the Veil)
My goals are mainly to become a little quicker and finish the second book in time for the Heirs of the Veils (http://heirsoftheveil.fervorcraft.de/) fourth anniversary next October. Story-wise we want to have all the bits and pieces in place to slowly approach the actual meaty parts of the comic and prepare well enough to finish it in the coming 3 years.
Our goal is to have our book fully edited, with help from editors and friends, so we can be more confident in it's true rendition. Im not one to stick to making pages perfect, but there are definitely parts that could use some attention! Other than that, book 4 is on it's way and it's always a main goal to get to print for upcoming cons!
My goal this year is to get to the end of the first arc of Wychwood! After a year of working on it, I'm roughly halfway there. I'd also like to lern 2 colour better.
Capitania do Azar
This year I hope to get a new book out!! That would be great and also you know, just keep going. If all goes well I can get a chapter out until the end of the year and that'd be cool (but also perhaps a bit too hopeful, since my chapters have started to...get bigger with time..)
This year my goal is to start posting the comic! And, if it works out, I'd love to get the whole thing thumbnailed out by the end of the year. Fingers crossed!!
My goal is to finish chapter 5 in less than a year. Up until now it's taken a year to finish a chapter thanks to work, chores and the occasional procrastination spell. But in December I quit my depressing job that was a two hour drive away, so I'm hoping to be more productive, even if I get part time work somewhere in town.
along with finishing chapter 6 and 7, im also hoping to have all of book 2's script written and edited~
My goal is id love to get the first chapter or two of kate blast printed
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