#eunwoo i love u i swear it
muniimyg · 6 months
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7.5: the perilla leaf 》 series m.list
note: nah cos why did u guys blow up 6.5??? jus cos it was nasty sex ????? WAS THE MIRROR SEX CH NOT AS HOT ???? 😭 jus kidding … hello to my new readers !! hello to my day 1s !!! i’m so glad u’re here <3 enj this ch as we are near the end … i know i took a hot minute... but now u guys will know WHY. pls lmk ur thots ,, i am in desperate need of validation cos i’m losing motivation 😀✊🏽 mwah ,, wuv u all ,, until next time !
warnings: this ch is lengthy !!! i'm too lazy to do a word count... anyways,, miscommunication (jk & mina, mina & oc, eunwoo & jk & oc, etc etc), rejection (take a wild guess 😛) and jealousy ((take an even wilder guess)) angst & implied smut (((pls do not be like jk,, he’s such a douche in this ch))) oc has mean girl vibes... etc etc👨‍🍳✨
taglist request: send a request with the title of this fic “c2u” // DO NOT comment here or on the masterlist . it gets confusing and i prefer answering and tagging through asks !!!
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When Yuna meets you, she's wearing Taehyung’s jersey. 
You keep your mouth shut about it, hoping if you don’t bring up her situationship with Taehyung—she won’t bring up yours with Jungkook. 
It’s simple girl logic. Something you’ve always loved about Yuna is that even though she is the nosiest human to ever exist—she knows her boundaries when it comes to you. With that, you’ve always felt safe with her. Eventually, you’ll tell her everything. Besides, what fun is being in a situationship when your loving friends come in with their thoughts and concerns? Evidentially bringing the truth to light and ending your delusion? 
No fun! 
Speaking of delusion…
“Oh my god,” Yuna gasps as she makes an effort to block your view. You huff at her, annoyed at how childish she’s acting. She waves her arms frantically, trying to keep you focused on the other side of the bleachers. Isn’t that ridiculous? For someone trying to get you to avoid looking a specific way, she draws all the attention to it.  “Babes, whatever you do, don’t look—___, seriously? Stop! Please, you’re just going to—”
In disbelief, you grumble; “why is Mina wearing Jungkook’s jersey?”
Your own words make you want to throw up. 
What the actual fuck. 
She’s standing a few feet away from the soccer team with her friends. The towels in their hands—at this point should be pompoms—make them look so… Entitled? You don’t even know half of the girls she’s standing with. Yet, you hate them. 
You despise them and the way they look so perfect. 
They’re all wearing a team member’s jersey… Mina just so happens to have Jungkook’s on. It makes you wonder… Did he give that to her? Did they meet after you two fucked? Did he really mean it when he said, “quickie?”
Did he mean anything he said to you at the party? Not that he was making promises... It's just irritating because you almost believed him. 
Believed in being his girl.
... Whatever that means.
His words were sweet but the way he looked into your eyes was his entire tell. They were sweeter. He had a softness in his gaze. It looked genuine—you swear it was. 
“I think the jerseys are from last season… Look!” Yuna tugs the fabric of the jersey sleeve to you and begins to point details out. “See? This is Taehyung’s from this season. It’s made of thinner material and even the colour is lighter! Mina’s is—”
You turn the other cheek, not bothering to entertain the rest of this conversation. What was the use? You’d only hurt yourself with all the overthinking and cause drama between you and Jungkook. Besides, you have faith in him. He knows how you feel when it comes to Mina… He wouldn’t push it, right? And if anything… You can’t seem to think of a reason why he would be upset with you right now. 
The quickie was just a quickie.
Not much to say. He was normal—until he left. Jungkook had left without saying goodbye and it made you feel a little weird. Not even a text? Not even a heads-up? Not even a kiss? Odd of him. 
Again, it’s nothing worth starting a fight. 
… And besides, when were you guys the type to fight over things like this? You two aren’t dating. Communication—in this sense—is it really necessary? 
“Shit,” Yuna nudges you. “She’s waving at us. Wave back so she doesn’t know we’re talking shit—”
“We’re not talking shit,” you hiss. “Who even cares?”
“Okay, jealous era!” Her words earn an eye roll from you. Quickly, you give in and flash Mina a faint smile and wave your hands at her. She giggles and returns to chatting with her friends. 
“Remind me again… Why did I come?” you groan as you take a seat. Ignoring you, Yuna sits down beside you and takes her phone out. You peek over and see that she’s texting Taehyung good luck. “Do you go to all their games?”
“I try to.”
“What do you mean why?” Yuna snorts. “Taehyung likes the support.”
You bite your tongue. 
Should you even ask? It’s probably safer to assume, right?
“Do you like Taehyung?” Your words come out of your mouth before you can stop yourself. Afraid of her reaction, you brace yourself for her defensiveness. Instead, her lips curve into a smirk.
“Do you like Jungkook?”
Stupid question. 
Just when Yuna thinks you’re about to react to her question, the crowd begins to cheer. You two turn your attention to the field where your Uni’s team and the opposing team all come out and shake each other’s hands. Then, they run a small lap around the bleachers and briefly greet everyone. 
You watch Jungkook in silence. You don’t cheer his name or even wave. It doesn’t matter though. He sees you. 
When he does, he playfully squints his eyes and tilts his chin up. With both of his hands, he makes the OK hand gesture and brings the circle parts to his eyes. Then, he flips one. 
Your eyes widen. As you throw your head back to laugh, out of instinct, you give him the middle finger. He chuckles and returns your gesture by blowing you a kiss.
Mina watches as he blows his kiss towards you.
Her cheers go quiet. For a split second, you two make eye contact. She smiles at you shyly. You gulp and turn your attention back to the field. Shortly, the game begins. As the crowd cheers, she finds her mood again. Meanwhile, your attention goes back and forth to Mina, cheering on the sidelines, and Jungkook, playing like losing isn’t an option.
For some reason, you feel a little bad. She’s so supportive and cute (you hate to admit it)… And he’s… Well, why does it matter what he is? All you know is that he isn’t hers. 
Yet, he isn’t yours either.  
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Jungkook scores the final goal. 
Of course, he does. 
As the crowd goes wild, you can’t help but join in. His teammates run to him, engulfing him like the ace he is. Jungkook pokes his head out and looks at the crowd. When his eyes land on you, you offer him and smile and a thumbs up. He sticks his tongue out at you before he returns to his victorious team. 
Shortly after, Yuna guides you down to the field the minute your area clears. As she does this, you can’t help but feel a little nervous. What were you going to say to him? Even if you had already seen and spent time with him today, right now feels a lot different. 
The way to the field isn’t that long of a walk. Suddenly, you’re standing across from him. He’s saying his last few goodbyes to his teammates and hanging back with Taehyung. Yuna sprints to Taehyung, happily congratulating him and teasing his soccer moves. You watch in awe as the two bond and laugh together. Walking to Jungkook, you keep your head high. 
He would be happy you showed up, right? You didn’t text him that you were coming… But this is a good surprise! At least, you hope it is. He mentioned not telling you about the game because he didn’t feel like begging you to come. Well, here you are. No begging and no sour attitude. You’re here for him. 
It’s all shits and giggles until Mina beats you to him.
He’s only a few steps away from you, but in an instant—he feels so far away. You pause, wondering if you should continue to walk to him. It doesn’t matter if he was watching or waiting for you to come to him; you can leave right now. You could turn around and just wait by the bleachers. Or… You could just go home.
Perhaps there’s a look in your eye that gives your thoughts away or maybe, your friends just know you too well. 
Yuna catches you backing away. She glares at you and side-eyes the direction towards Jungkook. In response, you shake your head with a polite smile—a smile that is trying to mask the fact that you kind of want to rip Mina’s cute head off. 
Just as you’re about to turn away, you feel someone grab onto your forearm. Looking up, you realize it’s Eunwoo. 
“When we were dating, I almost always begged you to come to these games,” Eunwoo complains, grinning ear to ear. “Funny seeing you here.”
Eunwoo isn’t on the team.
He doesn’t even play soccer, really. Basketball is more of his thing. In all fairness, he loves sports and a lot of his friends are on the soccer team. When you two were dating, you were almost never together on Friday nights because of these stupid games. He’d beg for you to come with him and you’d reject and promise him your Saturday night. 
“You aren’t even on the team,” you laugh, earning an embarrassed grin from him. “What’s the point of going to a game if your boyfriend isn’t on the team?”
He tilts his head. Suddenly, your words sink in. Did you really just say that?
“I came with Yuna!” you attempt to save yourself. “She always comes to these things… For Taehyung or something.. I—I just thought I’d c-check it out.”
Eunwoo gives you a funny look.
You aren’t sure if he bought your excuse but you’ll pretend like he did just to salvage any dignity you have left. Everything feels so embarrassing right now. Nothing is going your way and you just feel so out of place. 
Is it overstimulation?
You came all this way to see one person—why are there so many other people?
“Are you here to see Jungkook?” Eunwoo asks bluntly. “You know… Since he’s on the team.”
Eyes widened, you shake your head profusely. “Ew! W-what? No! Who said that? I’m here because my friends are on the team and—”
“You’re a bad liar,” he interrupts you. “Always have been. You should stick with being honest.”
You huff at him. Out of everyone here, he’s probably your safest option when it comes to admitting the truth. In a way—in your way—you give in.
“He’s talking to Mina.”
“Oh,” Eunwoo turns his head, seeing for himself what all your fuss is about. When he takes it all in, he turns back to you with a shrug. “She’s cute.”
“She is cute… You should date her.”
Eunwoo rolls his eyes before engulfing you in a bear hug. He ruffles your hair, knowing you hate it when he does this. You groan and shove him away from you. As you compose yourself, he sighs. 
“Yah, ___,” Eunwoo lifts his finger and points at you. With a serious tone, he warns you: “Don’t be so obvious with your jealousy. It hurts my feelings that you never acted this jealous when it came to me.”
You smile at him sweetly. “That’s because you’re a well-trained dog.”
“Ouch!” Eunwoo laughs, pretending you hurt his heart. “Yes, it’s true. What can I say? Any day being your bitch is a good day to be a dog… That’s why I’m still begging for you back even though I broke up with you.”
With a whiney tone, you say, “oh, shut up.” 
“Still a no to the whole getting-back-together-with-me thing?” he winks, sightly kidding and slightly not. You cross your arms and shake your head at him. He attempts one last time. “Awh, come on! We can even fake date just to get a reaction out of Jungkook… I have no problem betraying friendship for love.”
“Oh my god, shut up!”
This time, you roll your eyes at him and tell him he’s being ridiculous. You remind him that his little drunken confession at the party was close to meaningless. He knew from the very start that you’re the type to move on when things end. Good or bad, you never look back. You’ve lived your life this way for so long—you can’t recall whether it brought you more luck or pain. 
Eunwoo doesn’t care for your little speech. Instead, he laughs and continues to push your buttons.
“Wow, you must love Jungkook at this point. You know, you can just say that, right? You loveeee—“
You lunge yourself to him, attempting to playfully put him in a chokehold. He’s a lot taller than you so you struggle. Honesty, it’s cute and he can’t resist you. Eunwoo laughs and bends his knees, pretending to struggle as you seek revenge. He gives in, letting you have your way.
Meanwhile, Jungkook can’t concentrate on his conversation with Mina.
The big smile on his face faded as he watched you turn away when you were only a few steps away from him. How could you do such a thing? You walking towards him made him so happy. It was a sight he had been daydreaming of for the past few days. Though he saw you just hours before, he didn’t expect to see you at the game. 
He thought you didn’t care. 
Yet, there you were. 
Shit, how does he even begin to explain how it felt to see you there? How annoying it was when you threw your head back to laugh, and his heart raced like never before? He was obsessed with you. Every little thing you do—he was your number one fan. 
Except for moments like these. 
Where you hesitate as you walk towards him. Where you get distracted and forget about him just because your ex showed up.
Where you give up. 
“... And so, I guess… What I’m trying to ask is if you’d want to grab dinner with me and my friends? And then maybe we could do something after that… Alone? Like just the two of us?” Mina’s voice cuts in, interrupting Jungkook’s thoughts of you. “We could watch a movie at my place? My roommate went home for the weekend so we’d have the place to ourselves.”
He stares blankly, trying his best to process everything Mina is blabbing about. 
“Ohh… Thanks for the offer! You know the team and I usually celebrate with dinner together, right? ” Jungkook says it happily as if he isn’t rejecting her. “Next time?”
Idiot, Jungkook thinks to himself.
No next time. No this time. No nothing.
Why does he do this? Why does he always push things back for Mina when he doesn’t even want to reschedule? He doesn’t want to reject her… But he does.
Within seconds, the disappointment in Mina’s eyes fades when she comes up with a solution. Her eyes light up, believing in the compromise she’s about to pitch. “Then maybe I could join you guys? Taehyung and Yuna already know me and—”
“But it’s a team thing.”
Mina’s eyebrows furrow. Slightly offended, she pushes the conversation. “Oh… But Eunwoo goes. Yuna does too. She isn’t on the team—she’s just dating Taehyung.”
“No, she isn’t,” Jungkook laughs, finding the assumption cute. “At least, not yet.”
It’s not that funny, though. Mina doesn’t laugh and the silence between the two is heavy. Her facial expression drops, indicating her mood shifts to something less enthusiastic.
“___ isn’t on the team. She isn’t dating you… But she’ll be there, right?” Mina chokes her words out as if she’s accepting her defeat. Saying this is a wildcard, but she plays it anyway. “Or what I mean to say is that she’s not dating you… Not yet. Haha.”
Jungkook opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. It’s dry and it’s… Nothing. No words, no thoughts.
He can’t think of a defense and he isn’t even really sure what he’s supposed to say. In his lifetime, he has gotten more than a handful of confessions… But for some reason, this one feels painful.
“I don’t know what you want me to say,” Jungkook breathes. He scratches the back of his neck and looks at Mina shyly. “I really appreciate the support—I really do. It’s just… I never wanted yours.”
Mina stares at him blankly.
“Okay, I get that… But… This is what you do when you like someone. You do thoughtful things they never ask for. You sit through their practices even if it’s pouring rain or hot as fuck. You wash your towels with their favourite laundry detergent because they mentioned they're sensitive to strong scents—no, actually… I think you drive them home and ignore the other girl who sits with his friends and waits for him… Right? You blow her kisses from across the field instead of the girl that helped set up for the game.”
Jungkook’s heart drops. 
“I waited for you and you never came. You didn’t even text me. Do you know how that feels? To wait for someone and they don’t even—god, I like you so much I made myself look sooo stupid.” Mina groans in frustration. She puts her hands to her face, taking a breath in before continuing to get things off her chest.
“I should’ve left. Instead, I stayed and checked my phone every two minutes in case you texted. Then, I thought, okay… At least I can try to bond with your friends. But you know what? All they could talk about was you and ___. I sat there, listening and nodding like an idiot.”
Jungkook wants to sympathize with her, but can’t find the words or the strength to reach out. As he hesitates, Mina gathers her final thoughts and makes her last few moves. Abruptly, she shoves the towel in her hands to Jungkook’s chest. 
“She didn’t even know you joined the team again after quitting. She has never gone to a game until today. She doesn’t even chant your name or cheer when you score a goal. She’s over there, flirting with her ex-boyfriend while you’re here rejecting me.” Mina fumes. “Is that who you’re going to pick over me? If so, fine. Nice choice, Jungkook. I wish you the best. Thanks for wasting my time.”
“You chose to be here. Look at yourself. Why are you even wearing that?” Jungkook points at the jersey she has on. Mina tightens her lips, suddenly feeling ridiculous. She pushes past him but pauses when Jungkook mumbles the words, “You led yourself on.”
Sharply, Mina raises her voice. “She doesn’t even want you.”
Mina’s words hit Jungkook right in the heart. Right in the spot where his insecurities and overthinking take place—the words strike him. 
They hurt him.
They kill him.
“Don’t speak for her,” he warns, gaze lowered and stern. “She may not have cheered as loud as you during the game, but who fucking cares when she was chanting my name the other night… Or was it before the game today? I can’t remember. Fucked around too much to remember.”
Mina darts Jungkook a glare. “You’re an insensitive asshole. Do you know that?”
Jungkook huffs, beginning to feel frustrated. “Your feelings are yours, my feelings are mine. So, you don’t get to say shit about ___ to me—not about the way she treats me or her choices. I’m a grown man, Mina. I can figure it out when I need to pull out and how much shit I can take.”
“Mind giving me a few lessons, then?” she asks, eyes beginning to tear up. “I think I put up with yours for a minute too long.”
Everything becomes difficult in that exact second. There’s so much empathy Jungkook wants to express, but can not. He should not. He needs to pull away now or else he would be doing exactly what she’s accusing him of doing—leading her on. 
“I’m sorry, Mina,” Jungkook apologizes softly, truly feeling stuck. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”
Mina sighs, eyes watery from the tears that threaten to fall. “You’re a grown man, Jungkook. You can figure it out when you need to pull out and how much shit you can take.” 
Jungkook lowers his head, feeling bad for his harsh words. A part of him hates how this interaction went down. He could’ve been kinder. He should’ve been kinder. At the same time, it feels like this is all worth it. There’s no better way to end things than just to cut everything off. 
Still, he attempts one last time. 
“Mina,” Jungkook raises his face and looks at her in the eyes. “Look, I was as honest as I could be. I didn’t know I would like her so much. I didn’t know I’d feel this way about her at all… It just happened. I don’t mean to be an asshole. I didn’t mean to lead you on. I’m so sorry. With my whole heart, I am so fucking sorry."
Mina gulps, a little taken aback by his words. There’s a relief in her heart when Jungkook expresses his feelings to her. At least, there was clarity.
At least, he was honest.
At least, it ends like this. 
She balls her fists and raises them. Waving them in the air, slowly and cutely, she smiles at Jungkook one last time.
Softly, she cheers, “go, Jungkook. Go.”
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In the past, the friendgroup seating arrangement was a no-brainer. The order always went: other friends, you, Yuna, Taehyung, and then Jungkook. This was the blueprint. 
Tonight, it’s different.
It earns a few confused looks, but nothing major. No one thinks twice about it. Maybe that’s because they didn’t catch the small moment in between—the one where Jungkook tugged on the hem of your crewneck and you complied. Taking a seat beside him, he keeps his hands near yours.
Though the restaurant is packed and busy, sitting beside Jungkook feels slow. 
Was this even possible? For time to feel like it slows down when you’re beside him? It’s like every gesture he makes, every word that comes out of his mouth, and every stolen glance at you feels mindlessly slow. Yet, your heart races beside him. Even then, you can’t deny how gentle he is. 
How every fingertip brush he makes is intentional. How he eventually hooks his pinky onto yours. How he inches closer and closer to you. Each time, you look away and pretend you don’t notice it. You do. You really do. 
It feels strange.
Back at the field, it felt like he didn’t pay attention to you. Was it because of whatever he and Mina had discussed moments before? He didn’t talk about it when he joined you and Eunwoo. Instead, he kindly greeted you two and excused himself to quickly shower at the locker room before heading out to dinner. You and Eunwoo agreed to wait for him. 
So, you can’t put your finger on it.
He was acting strange, but it wasn’t like anyone else was saying anything about it. A part of you wonders if it’s all in your head. Even though he had acknowledged your presence and excused himself politely—it felt like he was distant. 
It hurt your feelings. 
Why is he acting so weird? The possibilities you make in your head feel limited. The entire way here, you kept replaying moments between you two recently. What could have gone wrong? What could you have done wrong? What about him changed his mind about you? These thoughts flooded your mind so much that you didn’t even realize that he tugged on your crewneck for you to sit down beside him. 
Now, here you are. 
Mind racing with anxious thoughts, sitting beside the man who is the cause.
Your mind is telling you one thing, but his actions are proving otherwise. You don’t know which to believe and it makes you unsure of what to do. Everything is muffled and you can barely make out the small talk happening around you. The only thing clearer than your confused feelings are Jungkook’s gentle touches.
… That is until Yuna and Eunwoo begin to argue. 
“Don’t you usually sit beside her?”
Yuna dismisses him. “Who cares?”
“I do,” Eunwoo protests. “If anyone is going to steal your seat, it’s going to be me!”
“No! You can’t. You can sit beside Taehyung—”
Eunwoo crosses his arms at her. “I thought you liked me. Am I no longer your favourite?”
His words trigger Yuna’s shoulders to drop. She bites her tongue and side eyes Jungkook. Jungkook catches her look and simply clears his throat. Then, he nudges you. 
“Let Yuna sit beside you.” Jungkook’s tone is serious yet casual. You tilt your head at him and give him a weird look. 
“Why does it matter?” you press. In all honesty, you aren't sure of what answer to expect. You're just poking the bear just because you can.
“I’m sitting beside you,” Jungkook points out. “It only makes sense that Yuna sits on your other side. Your favourite people in the world, you know?”
Unfazed, you shake your head. “Be honest… Do you not want Eunwoo to sit beside me?”
“I’m sitting beside you. Focus on that.”
You huff. “It’s yes or no, Jungkook.”
He answers without a lighthearted tone. Without a smile. Without the intention of miscommunicating what he wants. You can’t help but pity him. It’s obvious he’s a little sensitive right now and considering how he left things with you earlier—maybe you should be kinder. Maybe you should cater to him tonight. 
But… At the same time… 
Jungkook is being difficult, so maybe you should run the same play. 
Okay, fine. 
Since the ball is in your court, you shoot your shot. 
“Eunwoo,” you say sweetly, “sit beside me. Yuna can sit beside Taehyung.”
Taehyung, who is sitting across from you, gulps. He instantly feels like he’s caught in the middle. Between trying to please every request Yuna throws at him to catering to his friends—when would this agony end? When could he finally have peace and not get poop anxiety from all this drama?
“But ___—”
You hush your best friend. Yuna pouts and glares at Eunwoo. Truth be told, she doesn’t care if she’s the one sitting beside you or not—she just didn’t want it to be Eunwoo. For Jungkook’s sake; she wanted it to be him. But by the looks of it, Jungkook is in a mood and you’re way too in your head tonight. Ultimately, she accepts her defeat and slumps beside Taehyung. 
Taehyung tries to cheer her up by pointing at her favourite foods. It works. She instantly smiles and sits up with pep. He lets out a breath of relief and shares a look with Jungkook. A, that-was-a-close-one kind that makes Jungkook laugh. You watch as he laughs and can’t help but feel your annoyance begin to fade. 
Okay… It’s confirmed. He’s in a weird mood tonight, but he’s still Jungkook. 
He is still your Jungkook. 
As Eunwoo settles beside you, he strikes up a conversation with the other teammates around him. On your left, you just hear Eunwoo talking your ear off. On your right, Jungkook goes on his phone and goes quiet. Only every so often would he chuckle or make a side comments. 
It’s then that you realize you hate where you’re sitting. 
So, you do the only logical thing you can. 
Flirt with him.
Slowly, you place your hand on Jungkook’s thigh. You lean forward, pressing some weight on him. He puts his phone down and looks up at you. Cutely, you smile at him and take your hands off his lap. 
Patting his head, you softly tell him; “Jungkook, you played well.”
You run your fingers through his damp hair and look into his eyes. You bat your eyelashes a few times, attempting to act cute. Deep inside, you hope this works. You hope you win him over. 
You do.
Right then and there, all his plans go out the window. He will never get used to this. He loves hearing praises from your lips. In complete trance of how you say it, what you say, and why you say it—everything. He craves for you to be obsessed with him the way he is with you. 
So, fuck it.
He could pause his sulky attitude for you. 
Anything for you. 
Jungkook’s lips curve into a half smile. “Don’t be cute.”
“Why?” you pout. “Is it working?”
“Are you trying to entice me?” He chuckles before leaning close to you and lowering his voice. “It’s working, I’ll admit that… But it’s kind of shameless of you to be trying so hard right now. Our friends are here, ___… Don’t start shit you can’t finish, pookie.”
Playfully, you hit his shoulder. “I always finish.”
“Is that so?”
You look at him as innocent as possible. “Yeah. Thanks to you.”
Jungkook goes dizzy.
As he’s about to make a shameless remark, the waiter squeezes himself in between you two and places water down for the table. Everyone thanks him and reaches for a cup. Jungkook hands you one and you drink it. 
“Thirsty as always,” he shakes his head at you fondly. 
Then, he takes a sip of his water. By complete accident, some water spills and gets the corner of his mouth and a bit of his chin wet. You laugh, put down your cup, and tug on your sleeves. Without much thought, you move closer to him and use your sleeves to dry him. 
“You always spill your drink,” you nag. “Are you a child?”
He stays still, not wanting you to move away. “No.”
You taunt him. “Baby.” 
“Who the fuck is baby?” Jungkook mimics. 
Lowering your gaze, you send him a warning look. He laughs and puts his hands up in surrender. As you finish cleaning him up, you sneak in a final comment. “Yah, a lot of girls would break up with you if you do this shit on a first date… Such an ick. Imagine going out with a guy that needs a sippy cup.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes at how extensive you’re stretching this out. “It’s charming. I make it charming. My girlfriend would just have to get over it. It’s that simple.”
“Sure,” you agree with a sarcastic tone. “As if I can ever get over it.”
At this point, Jungkook is going to lose track of how many times you’ve made his heart skip a beat. This is completely unfair. How do you say shit like that so easily and captivate him without even knowing? Should he say something about it? 
As he opens his mouth to speak, he loses his chance. 
“___, Jungkook,” Eunwoo chimes in, “Since this is ___’s first time eating with the team… Should we just order our usual?”
Jungkook nods, agreeing with the suggestion. You do the same and state you feel indifferent. Eunwoo then goes on and on about the food. He tells you about the dishes he thinks you’ll like and which ones you should avoid due to your preferences. All the shit he says are things Jungkook has noticed about you before—it just annoys the hell out of him that Eunwoo is telling you all this shit like he’s still your boyfriend. 
He isn’t. 
So, he should shut the fuck up, right?
Jungkook’s thoughts are put on pause when his phone vibrates. He looks at the notification and reads:
Yuna [8:07PM]: stop making that face
Yuna [8:07PM]: idk if u're jealous or need to shit
Jungkook [8:08PM]: lol but like did u see her flirting w me 😌🤘
Yuna [8:08PM]: yes. do u want a medal or smt?
Jungkook [8:09PM]: she wants me fr 🦄💕
Yuna [8:11PM]: is that why she nd eunwoo look like they're abt to kiss?? 😳
Instantly, Jungkook looks up from his phone and turns to you. You're just laughing and talking with Eunwoo. No kissing in sight.
Yuna [8:11PM]: made u look 🤣
Jungkook [8:13PM]: not funny.
Yuna's laughter fills the room. You turn to her, breaking away from your conversation with Eunwoo.
"What's so funny?" you ask.
She shrugs with a smug smile on her face. Pointing at him, she teases, "Jungkook's in a mood."
You look at Jungkook and see him roll his eyes. He sinks into his seat and mutters a few inaudible words. From the looks of it, you can almost swear that his eyes were a little teary. Was he about to cry or something?
"You okay?" you ask him softly. Your concern grows as he lifts his face and looks at you. He looks tired. Exhausted even. "Do you wanna talk?"
Jungkook feels a sense of relief.
You care.
Thank god you care.
In response, he squeezes your thigh. “I’m good,” he promises. “You okay?”
You nod, leaning in. “More than.”
It happens so fast. Your eyes fluttered closed, and you were barely an inch away from his lips. He even dipped his head—and then you caught yourself.
Holy shit, were you just about to kiss him? In front of everyone? When did this become second nature? You want to believe that only you caught yourself… But it’s too late. Jungkook was bracing himself. 
He knew what you were about to do. He was giving in too.
As you break away, his heart breaks a little. Laughing awkwardly, you turn back to Eunwoo and continue your conversation with him. At this point, he isn’t sure if he’s just hangry or purely annoyed with everything and everyone. He feels so alone. He hates that you’re right beside him too. 
He’s so fucking over this. 
When the food arrives, the spread is breathtaking. Maybe it’s because everyone is hungry as fuck and the game was a huge success, but the mood suddenly lightens. The smell of meat being grilled and the sound of the side dishes being passed around was music to everyone’s ears. 
As Jungkook grills the meat, he places the first one ready on your plate. He continues to pile your plate. With lingering eyes, Taehyung groans out in frustration. 
“Yah!” He cries, “that’s unfair. You can’t possibly give ___ all that meat! Give me some!”
Yuna hits him playfully and tells him to let Jungkook be. She reaches over to the other grill and places meat on his plate. Taehyung huffs, and sinks into his seat. 
“Jungkook used to put meat on my plate first.” Taehyung continues to whine.
You all hear him but choose to ignore his words. You aren’t even sure how you’re supposed to act with this. Jungkook was always sweet to you. He has always looked out for you. He has been a gentleman… Now that you’re paying attention to him—you can’t help but feel so infatuated. 
You're drawn to him.
“Do you even eat that much meat?” Eunwoo teases, as he reaches over your plate and picks a piece of meat off. He shoves it in his mouth and you laugh at him. His cheeks are all puffy from the food he stuffed in. 
“No, but that doesn’t mean you can steal it off my plate,” you mutter. “You’re such a thief.”
“I stole your heart once upon a time,” he reminds you. “I’ll be the thief if you’re the cop.”
You cringe at him. “Thank god you broke up with me.”
“You used to love my lines!” Eunwoo jokes, suddenly ruffing your hair like how he did at the field. You shove his hand away and groan at him. 
Jungkook witnesses it all.
The entire time, he feels like he’s being tortured. Sure, you’re allowed to have other guy friends. Sure, you’re allowed to have exes… So why was this bothering him so much? Eunwoo is a good guy too! He’s his friend and it’s not like Jungkook has dibs. If we’re being realistic—Eunwoo had you first. 
Cue Jungkook’s insecurities. 
Do they know how long it took for Jungkook to get to where he is with you right now? How long he had to wait just for him to be able to hook your pinkies together under a table? How long it took for you to sit down beside him without arguing? How long it took for you to accept his presence? How long it took him to get you to act cute?
Too long.
And here Eunwoo is—a mere ex-boyfriend—getting your banters and treating you like you’re still his. 
It makes Jungkook sick to his stomach. He’s losing his appetite by the second.
His thoughts are put on pause when Eunwoo proclaims: “___, look! Our favourite… Perilla leaves!”
Jungkook’s eyes bulge. 
You smile at Eunwoo and practically celebrate with him. As he picks one up with his chopsticks, another sticks to it. As you pick up your chopsticks, you take the other side and peel the perilla leaf apart. Together, you and Eunwoo giggle and wrap the perilla leaf with some meat. Suddenly, he brings his wrapped perilla leaf to your mouth. Happily, you eat what he offered.
“Good bite, baby.” Eunwoo praises you.
With a mouth full, you childishly hit him and scold him for not taking a bite himself. Eunwoo listens and picks up another perilla leaf. You two repeat to peel them a part and—
Jungkook wants to kill himself.
Oh god, he wants to rip Eunwoo’s head off. 
To make matters worse, Yuna attempts to be of rescue.
"Eunwoo," she gasps. "Aren't you being a little too shameless?"
Eunwoo shrugs as he prepares another bite for you. "Yuna, just because there's a goalie doesn't mean I can't score."
That does it. Something inside Jungkook snaps. He wants to be so mad at you—no, he is so mad at you.
How could you do this to him? How could you let Eunwoo say such things?
Don’t you know what this all means? Falling in love. Marriage. Children. A whole fucking nuclear future with someone that wasn’t him. It’s fucking insane you’d let Eunwoo go this far… And right in front of Jungkook? Were you serious? Do you hate him this much?
In a hurry, Jungkook takes his phone and opens his iMessage. He taps on your name— which is easy because it’s pinned—and sends you a text. 
Then, he puts his phone down and begins to shove food into his mouth. He stays quiet and glares at the meat as if the meat did him wrong too. He can’t even begin to express how he feels—it’s just all over the place. He is all over the place.
When his text is sent, your phone vibrates. You glance at Jungkook, a little confused as you see that he sent you a text. Sliding your phone open, you tap on his message.
mfker [8:32PM]: video attachment
Curiously, you tap on the video. As it loads, you turn down your phone volume just in case it was too loud. When the volume icon goes away, your screen reveals a familiar zooming in shot of Jungkook's face. He rolls his eyes and you hear yourself laugh. Suddenly, the angle switches to you holding the camera out at arms length.
You see the corner of your face. Your boobs. Your ass. His abs. His smirk. Him. Naked.
Your hands fly to your mouth, stopping yourself from gasping out-loud.
The sex tape.
Your sex tape with him.
In a split second, you shut your phone and turn it over. Wide-eyed, you push yourself away from the table and make the effort to excuse yourself. Everyone acknowledges your announcement but for Jungkook. He doesn’t even look up.
As you get up, you turn to him. You utter under your breath, “meet me outside. We need to talk.”
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The minute Jungkook slams his car door shut, you get right to the point. 
“What the fuck was that?”
Jungkook settles into his seat, unafraid of your anger. He was unashamed. What he did was reckless, yes, but it was no mistake. 
With a nonchalant tone, he answers you. “What? The video? You told me to send it to you.”
Groaning, you bring your hands to your face. “Not during dinner! Not when our friends are sitting beside us! That was fucking embarrassing. Are you trying to humiliate me? That shit is private. It's us intimate. What kind of game are you playing—”
“I’m not playing any fucking game,” Jungkook controls his rage. “Why are you so embarrassed? Because it’s me fucking you in that video and not Eunwoo?”
Your eyes widen at his words. 
You want to scream. Instead, with a calm and slow tone, you confront him. “So… That’s what this is about?” 
Jungkook sighs heavily, clearly fed up with this conversation already. He doesn’t answer you. Instead, he reaches over and opens his glove compartment. As he rummages through, you huff at his avoidance. When he finds what he needs, he aggressively shuts the compartment closed. You watch as he brings his device to his lips. Inhaling, he takes a hit of his vape. 
You glare at him.
“Can you do that on your own time? I’m trying to talk to you.”
He turns to you and blows a puff at you. 
“Jungkook,” you warn him, “stop it.”
In response, he shrugs and takes a final hit. 
“I didn’t even know you vape,” you say quietly. “Aren’t you supposed to take care of your body and shit? As an athlete?”
He chuckles at the label. Athlete. Sure, that’s what he was… But he was also on a break for a good amount of time. He was also human. 
“I’m just stressed,” he admits. “You make me stressed.”
You laugh and take the opportunity to grab the vape from his hands. Without much thought, you open your door and toss it out. He rolls his eyes and just as he’s about to open his car door to retrieve it—you catch his wrist. 
“Can you focus on me?” 
As much as he hates to admit it, your words will always win him over. Even though he hesitates, he surrenders. Jungkook settles himself into his seat again and puts his hands on the wheel. Bowing his head, he shuts his eyes and takes a moment. 
Silence fills the car as you two try to figure out which direction this conversation should go. So far, not so good. 
You attempt once again. This time, you go from a different angle. 
“Why did you leave me earlier today? I know you were busy but… You didn’t even say goodbye.” In all honesty, you hate it when you say shit like this. You feel so weak and like you could let out a sob in between words. Not to mention the fact that you’re rarely in this position. This was new. You have never fought for anyone the way you fight for Jungkook.
“I had a game.”
Jungkook’s concise answer irks you. Was he fucking serious? Could he try even just a little bit?
“I know you had a game.. At least, I found out through Mina’s Instagram post… Which… I mean, you didn’t even bother telling me you had a game. Yuna goes to those—I can too.”
That’s not even what you really mean to say. What you mean to say is: I want to go to your games. I want you to want me to be there. I want you to care if I’m there or not. I want to be the one wearing your fucking jersey. 
Jungkook responds plainly, “I told you… I didn’t feel like begging for you to come.”
“You don’t have to beg,” you pitch. “I would have—”
“You would have what?” he sneers. “Would you have come then? Without me asking? Without me telling you? Or did you come out of spite? Like, the fact that Mina was around me and you weren’t… Is that what brought you to me today?” 
Wow, what a dick.
“No,” you object. “I came because you came over for a quickie and then left. Without a word. Without a kiss. It was unlike you. I wanted to talk about it but you’re acting like this and I can’t—I don’t understand what’s going on. Jungkook, what’s going on?”
At this point, you're practically desperate. You reach for his hands. Eyes searching for his, he shakes your grip off his hands the second you intertwine them. You furrow your eyebrows, completely confused and shocked at his rejection. Wasn’t this what he wanted?
“I hate you.”
Suddenly, your throat feels dry. In an attempt to calm your mind, you search for his hands again. For the second time, he pushes yours away. Then, you brace yourself. What he says next could ultimately be the end… Right? This is where everything is headed. 
The end. 
Then, he says the oddest thing. 
“I hate perilla leaves.”
You tilt your head at him. “What?”
“Are you going to marry him?”
You blink.
For a moment, you wonder if he’s joking. Was he actually serious? Your question is answered as Jungkook lifts his head and looks at you with a sad expression. It takes you by surprise. Come to think of it—you’ve never seen him upset. At least, not like this. Not sad. Not defeated.
“You’re mad at me… Because of a perilla leaf?”
Your loss for words. Unexplainable. Unbelievable.
He looks at you with despair. “Do you not get it? ___, the next thing to happen after you peel perilla leaves with someone is holding hands with them. Then, you fall in love. Marriage. Babies. What about me? What happens to me, huh? What happens to us? You don't even hold my hand.”
You’re dumbfounded. 
“Jungkook, you can’t be serious…”
“He patted your head. Are you a fucking dog?”
Sharply, you mention, “I patted your head too.”
It doesn’t matter. He looks at you dead in the eyes. “Eunwoo is supposed to be your ex-boyfriend, not your fiancé.”
You almost gag. “He’s not my fiancé—”
“You peeled the perilla—no. You let him feed you. Fuck you for that.”
Frustrated, you curse. “Holy shit, do you hear yourself?” 
He doesn't utter another word. Instead, he stays quiet. Then, when you open your mouth to speak, he beats you to it.
“I hate Eunwoo.”
A beat.
“I hate Mina.”
Just as expected, Jungkook provokes you. 
“What the hell does Mina have to do with this—”
“Everything!” you express rather triggered. "Look, I don't know what you expect from me. I’m not going to go to your fucking practices with a towel in my hand ready to wipe your precious golden sweat. I’m not Mina—”
Jungkook cuts you off only to repeat his question. “What the hell does you not being Mina have to do with all of this? How does that justify the perilla leaf?”
At this point, you feel like you're losing your mind. Childishly, you chant: “Fuck the perilla leaf. The issue is that you're all about her. Mina this, Mina that! You’re so fucking annoying with her—”
Jungkook snaps. “Are you this insecure?”
“Fuck that,” you grumble. “She was wearing your jersey today. How do you think that made me feel?”
He glares at you. “You’re fucking insane if you think I rather see her wear my jersey over you.”
“Why’d she have it on then?” you interrogate. “Are you fucking her too?”
Line: crossed.
There's madness in Jungkook's eyes. His chest burns in slow anger and feels like he's overheating from everything you've said and done thus far. He's tired.. He feels like he's losing.
Fuck it.
One last fight.
One last try.
“Are you fucking serious?” Jungkook slows down his words, trying his best not to raise his voice. It’s so fucking hard. He’s so irritated by your attitude and your fucking delusion. “___, I acted like a total douche to Mina today so she’d leave me alone. I feel horrible already, but I also feel relieved. So, stop it. You don’t have to hate her. You shouldn’t hate her. You don’t need to make these fucking assumptions because that’s just out of line.”
Like fire, your own anger consumes you. “Are you defending her?”
“There’s nothing to defend,” he insists, voice beginning to tremble. “Holy shit, I was such a douche to her already so you can chill.”
You glare at him. “I am chill.”
“You gave me a blowjob that one time so I wouldn’t make it to my dinner plans with her,” he comments. “That was a pretty bitch move.”
Out of reflex, your mouth drops a little. You can not believe it. Did he really bring that up? “Excuse me?”
Jungkook blinks at you. “It was a bitch move. I didn’t mind, though. Why? Because it felt like you wanted me. Every time you make me feel that way—I can’t let that shit go.”
“So what? Do you want me to say thank you?” you spit. “Are you fucking kidding me? I don’t care if you—”
“You never asked for it, I get that,” Jungkook interrupts you. He takes a minute. Suddenly, he recalls his moment with Mina at the field and feels his heart break a little. So... This is what it feels like to be on the receiving end. “What I’m saying is that I stopped entertaining her because I—well, I thought it would ease your heart. You overthink so fucking much, I'm beginning to run out of solutions. Do you even know how much I hate your jokes? The ones about me talking to other girls? I hate them. I only talk to you. I only think of you. Only you.” 
Your heart drops. 
“I never asked for any of that.” 
Something is wrong.
All your words are wrong. Everything you want to say is not coming out of your mouth. What you mean to say to him is; oh my god. You didn’t have to do that for me, but I feel so seen and heard that you did. 
Jealousy has always been a funny thing. Never has it been triggered the way it is when it comes to you and Jungkook. Though some may argue this to be toxic, it is simply the truth about relationships. Jealousy is a healthy emotion as long as it is expressed and validated moderately. It’s so hard to be upset with Jungkook when his confessions are so wholesome. He did a kind thing for you. He did it to bring you peace. Here you are, acting ungrateful because you can’t fathom the way he cares for you.
Jungkook huffs. “___, that’s exactly it. You never need to ask when it comes to me. Whatever you want, I give. I fold. Tenfold. That’s the fucking cycle we’re in and I’m beginning to get sick of it.” 
A silence falls upon you two. All you hear are the raindrops from the sky begin to splat on his window. For a moment, you get so lost in your thoughts, that your head begins to hurt. After a few more moments of silence, you realize it isn't your head.
It's your heart.
It feels like a knife has been stabbed into it—his and yours. All at once, it just aches. You both feel it. Your hearts grow tired and fragile.
Truly, it's ironic how the gentle silence is ruined by such brutal words. It's then when the knife, that was stabbed into both of your hearts, twists.
"What do we do now?"
"I think we need a break."
919 notes · View notes
divinctions · 6 months
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Is that Cha Eunwoo ? oh, no, that's Arlo Hwang ! A twenty-seven year old Gaming Content Creator/Streamer who uses he/him pronouns. They currently live in Valparaiso, and the character they identify with most is Arataki Itto from Genshin Impact. Hopefully they find their own little paradise here in el país de los poetas!
your resident gamer boy with brainrot here only to be loud and wrong / more below
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full name: arlo haneul hwang ( contreras )
nickname(s): hannie ( by his mother ), lo, lolo
age: twenty - seven .
ethnicity: korean american . korean chilean ( dual citizenship ) .
gender: cis man .
pronouns: he / him .
orientation: heteroromantic / heterosexual .
occupation: youtube gamer / streamer .
language(s) spoken: english , spanish ( valpo spanish ) , learning korean .
career claims: lazerbeam fortnite content, markipliers fnaf content, and quinbobins youtube channel .
aesthetics: glow of a computer screen in a dark room, the sound of someone feverishly typing on a keyboard, and screams of delight followed by hours old monster energy and axe body spray
most replayed song: snooze - sza ( patrick star ai cover )
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absolutely unhinged . speaks without thinking . impulsive . he’s comfortable in his skin, career, and outlook on life which makes him confident beyond belief ( alot of the time unjustifiably so). he’s an idiot and he knows it. anyone can correct him and he won’t say anything, even if it’s a topic he knows like the back of his hand; he just assumes they’re right because he’s really dumb like barely graduated dumb and that’s okay. which means he’s so fucking gullible. it doesn’t even take much to gaslight him, it’s more of a match that won’t strike and he’ll still believe it. truly takes everything at face value. easily gets hyper fixated on his interests and will talk about them nonstop, you don’t have to be listening to him but he’ll yammer on and on; he swears it’s just the streamer effect but honestly he’s just like that. like i said he’s dumb as hell but the knowledge he does retain is all very irrelevant and useless on the grand scheme of things like he couldn’t tell you the right way to use a comma but if you have a few hours for to go over five nights at freddy’s lore he’s excited to share . very kind mainly because he’s not someone who will do well in a fight. his comebacks are limited to ‘ i know you are but what am i ’ and ‘ i’m like rubber, you’re like glue; what you throw at me bounces off me and sticks to you ’. he has to be nice. always has a joke on his tongue that it’s okay not to laugh at because he’ll laugh enough for everyone . over all has very good energy, he’s a go with the flow kind of person, the kind you can call on a whim to go out and he’ll be down. can make the most out of a bad situation and tries to see the positive in everything. that being said though he is dramatic af, but it’s over minor inconveniences like his package is delayed or he’s hungry and his food got delivered to the wrong address. then he’s the biggest baby around. 
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arlo grew up in a extremely loving family. as the only child with a single mother who worked from him, he wasn’t necessarily spoiled, there were a lot of guidelines he was expected to follow and his mouth often got him in trouble in school, but his mother was always very gentle with him. he had undiagnosed adhd as young as four years old and had no place to expel that energy; he was no good at sports, didn’t have the athleticism for it, it only left him with injuries. but he was restless so his mother decided to introduce him to a variety of video games she was working on the concept art for..
it was a way to get him to settle down and focus on something, and also spend time as a family. he got to learn more about his mother’s job as a concept artist and what sparked her interest in video games and the kind of escape they give. arlo was very bad at them from the start, no matter how long he played or how easy the mode he set himself in, but it never turned him off from the games. he was really attracted to the idea that he could fail however many times he wanted and would still get the chance to try again and correct where he went wrong until he did get it right. or the game took pity on him and pushed him forward anyway.
his mother would go out and purchase a variety of consoles and games to have family game nights that she would use to slowly introduce her new boyfriend to. what started as a weekend thing quickly turned into a nearly every night of the week thing and something he looked forward to the most. At first, the addition of mr. contreras ( the name arlo still calls the man to this day ) bothered arlo to his core. there was a routine he’d fallen into and he loved it. he lived a comfortable life, but him showing up meant nights with babysitters and limited time in front of the tv or in front of his games to be sent to his room or go out on family outings where they’d pretend to a big happy family, but arlo always felt they were just that without mr. contreras.
despite arlo being a dramatic little shit, his step-dad was determined to get on his good side. he worked hard to prove to arlo he was someone he could trust and that he wouldn’t be going anywhere with a beautiful engagement ring to his mother. his soon to be step-dad, a costume designer, would hand make arlo’s costumes for halloween or events where he wanted to be his favorite video game character. it was a process he actually really enjoyed learning about and taking part in. by the time they packed up and moved to chile when arlo was 11 for the wedding, he was beginning to make his own costumes and tailoring his own clothes ( not always the best but he was getting there ).
as he got older his parents interest in the games dwindled as his mother turned to the beautiful mural work of valpo and his step-father focused more on the local theater scene, but they had already created a monster. he tried to connect with his classmates, joined gaming clubs, and online spaces available, but the thing is he’s not very good??? at playing games??? easily confused, has a hard time figuring out controls, and panics at any sudden music change which makes him forgot how to play the game completely because he thinks he’s about to die anyway. his game play style didn’t really mesh well with the people who are very good at games and they figured why let him play if he was only going to die or bring his team down. not to mention he was still adjusting to learning a new language, being in a new country, and missing the time when it was just him and his mother. he wasn’t use to sharing her, and it had always felt like it would be him and her against the world. it’s not that he didn’t like his step-father, arlo just couldn’t adjust to change well. once he was comfortable in a space that’s where he thrived, where he wished to stay. his step-father took that comfortability away and pushed him into something new, and he wasn’t doing so well with new.
like all us lonely, ostracized folks who wanna share a space with people who share like interests, he turned to the internet ! at first, he started uploading on youtube and streaming to get better. he was looking for tips, and hoping others would reach out to help him out. games had become a solace for him when he was growing up, and he hated feeling like he was being torn away from it because he couldn’t find anyone to connect with. what his bad gameplays actually brought him was a community of people who liked that he just enjoyed the game for what it was without worrying about being the best. they laughed when alongside him as he managed to die for the fourth time in ten minutes, they cheered when he managed to win a match by pure luck, and they felt comforted knowing there was someone out being bad at games and having fun with like most of the game players at home. he had created a space for players of any level to just have fun and not have to worry about the pretentious ridicule from others in the community.
after having that realization he completely embraced the brand he unintentionally created and the upward success. his parents are super proud of him and brag about his career all the time. of course, he’s insanely active on social media always posting but he’s especially active in his discord servers and in the comments of his posts because he really does love engaging with his community. he loves collaborating with smaller creators and pushing the notion that gaming should be fun and relaxing. and never cruel.
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he absolutely ADORES music. could be the adhd but he often has to have it on in the background when he’s playing games no matter what. during his streams he’ll have a 15 minute dance party with viewers to hype himself up before playing. also enjoys learning gg dances and tiktok dances on stream. he’s actually a pretty good dancer too but you won’t catch this man in a class. closest he gets to sweating is when he plays just dance and takes it very seriously, obviously.
sza’s number one fan. if he could uproot his life to become her groupie he’d do it without hesitation.
He’s a cosplayer!!! Very serious about it to, he’s invited to hella conventions to host cosplay contests and has talks with some of the most famous cosplayers in the game. He thinks the craft is really cool and is super proud of the work he does. His current favorite cosplays to do are: Sidon from botw/totk, Childe, Itto & Zhongli from Genshin Impact, Levi Ackerman from Attack on Titan, and Tuxedo Man from Sailor Moon.
the gaming chair he has is really just for show, because he stands almost immediately whenever he’s playing games bc he panics. spends a lot of time walking in laps around his room whenever he does something more stupid than usual in game. 
he doesn’t really have “gaming rage” he finds it more funny if anything. that doesn’t mean there’s no shouting, there’s a lot of shouting, it’s just not angry and vile. It’s a lot of laughter and a lot of begging, but whenever he’s playing horror games his spanish comes out. he’s been living in chile for 16 years so the language is second nature to him he just blurts it out very passionately, very terrified. It’s very funny.
absolutely hates horror games, he has a gentle heart, but he also has fomo and a curious mind so he plays all of them that are requested. especially since his fnaf videos skyrocketed his career forward. He actually had a cameo in the fnaf movie as the security guard in the beginning of the movie, and yes his fear was very real and yes it’s one of the coolest thing he’s ever done. 
has a fortnite skin and locker bundle and it’s his pride and joy he loves it so much. Will brag about it whenever he gets a chance, so give him a CHANCEEEEEE.
does not pull at ALL. he simply does not know how, and does not know when anyone is interested in him so he really is just out here spinning like a ballerina with his steam deck in one hand and his switch in the other.
Has a pet turtle named after his queen, his icon, the goddess he preys to: urbosa from the legend of zelda games.
━━━━━━━━━    W A N T E D C O N N E C T I O N S :
A vampire by olivia rodrigo esque plot where arlo is just used for money, status, company ( dont know why youd want that BUT FDKGIJKODFUKHJIS We can plot ), but he’s very gullible so he believed that it was real and it was fine but they only ever came around when it benefited them, never wanted to talk about anything he was interested in or any problems he had was basically just so awful to him and it took him way too long to get the picture honestly UFIJDKSFUFIJSKO
FESTIVAL PARTNER. This would be someone he goes to musical festivals with, like all the festivals. It doesn’t matter where in the world it is or how last minute it is, if there’s a festival they’ll get tickets and catch the flight, rent the car, etc. It’s led them on so many great adventures and they’ve landed in some very funny situations because of it. Just an all around great time.
ROOMMATES !!!! I think its funny if they didn’t know arlo was a streamer when they agreed to move in and so are shocked when he’s not only home all the time but shouting at top volume at 4am. He’d definitely try to convince them to game with him, and try bribes. He’s always ordering food bc he cant cook so at least he’s eating good.
Influence/Celeb/Socialite frenemy. I’d like to see him in a collab contract for a clothing company, or energy drink, or something influencers are paid insane amounts to promote, but they can’t stand each other BKJFGKODUHFIJKOS Arlo is notoriously hard to work with because he doesn’t find the work fun so he pouts a lot until it gets fun and then he can manage but only for a little bit because he’d rather be doing something else so I can see them bickering a lot but at the end of the day they’ll stand up for one another if they think they’re being mistreated.
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aajjks · 19 days
mommy issues!JK
“oh! u-uh…” you’re so flustered after eunwoo’s antics. you can’t remember the last time you were around people so genuine like this. despite the chaos that transpired not too long ago, everyone’s laughing, smiling, and celebrating all of the good things happening in their lives. these are the kind of people you wish you grew up with but you’re thankful to have met them now.
when jungkook goes to hold your hand, you don’t resist him. after all, you gave him the green light to display his affection towards you. you thread your fingers with jungkook’s and the couple across you immediately notice.
“she deserves it. nobody messes with the people i care about and get away with it. besides my classroom being in ruins and my job being on the line, my life’s been okay. as for us” you lift up your hand and show that you’re all in. no more 20/80, 75/25, you’re 100% invested in your relationship with jungkook.
“aaaahhhhh!!! i’m so happy for you!! i knew everything would work out. you two are so cute together” coos alina. “but what do you mean ‘on the line?’ did that bitch get you fired?”
you sigh. “yeah. i’m pretty sure ae-cha is gonna fire me. the only reason i wrecked her car was because she wrecked my classroom and exposed my relationship with jungkook! i mean, i would’ve wrecked it regardless but really? my place of business?”
“that’s so low of her. why don’t you come work with us? you can be close with your man~”
“so we can hear them ‘mess around’ in his office? no thanks” interrupts eunwoo and alina immediately swats his arm.
“shut up, eunwoo. you’re so embarrassing”
“i’m only telling the truth. ouch! stop hitting me”
you can’t help but laugh at the couple in front of you. they’re so cute together and you can tell they’re still madly in love. while you’re talking to alina, jungkook can’t help but admire you.
your pretty face, lips, beauty marks, everything. you’re just so beautiful to him.
“look at him. my brother is head over heels for you. you haven’t even hit it yet and you’re already hypnotized”
you hide your face in your hands while jungkook and eunwoo go at it. “is he always like this?” you ask alina who’s shaking her head in shame.
“girl, 24/7. i don’t know how i’m still married to this man”
“oh, i know why~” smirks eunwoo which has you and jungkook laughing.
“i swear, if i wasn’t five months pregnant i’d kick your ass”
“love you too, alina. i love you too”
It’s so fun, oh Jungkook wants to jump up and down, you make HIM SO HAPPY HE WANTS TO SCREAM.
He’s having a great time with you and his friends, but mostly it’s because now you’re not shy or uncomfortable with his advances which is the best thing about today honestly.
Losing his job? Means nothing. What really matters to him is his relationship with you and his precious son
And once you’re ready to tell Seol about your relationship, Jungkook knows that his son is going to be so happy to constantly have you in his life a lot more now.
Everything is going right and he is so grateful to God. It’s been two hours since you guys got here and now the couple are almost about to leave.
“Yn I had to invite you to the baby shower.. I know it’s just five months right now, but I’d like to be a little ahead so. Remember the date. Next month. And you will be there.” Alina and Eunwoo get up.
“Oh and Jungkook we will be having a boys night and all of our college friends are gonna be there…” eunwoo winks. Alina adds on. “Oh yeah yn it’s gonna be really fun. These guys could hang out together and us girls will have a fantastic time together… together with the children.” She thinks for a moment.
Eunwoo and Jungkook hug it out, Honestly, their Bromance is so cute to witness. “Get laid soon.” Eunwoo says, slipping something into jungkooks back pocket.
Of course, he knows what it is. “Since you forget to use one.” He pats jungkooks back, and Jungkook feels so hot once again.
But he’s not wrong either because jungkook is so hypnotized by you.. he doesn’t even feel the need to be intimate with you right away because there’s so much more to you than just sex appeal.
as the couple of finally make their exit, you and Jungkook are all alone in the restaurant, and that’s when he asks you.
“So yn… what would you like to do? You can see I’m all yours for a few days until I find a new job.” Jungkook asks you.
Anything you want he will make it happen.
You both start to flirt with each other blushing, looking at each with something so close to love not aware of the storm that is about to hit.
But maybe jungkook has an idea because he feels his phone going off with texts in his pocket. The vibration is so insane.
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sanhatation · 6 years
kdrama tag 😎
i was tagged by @parkminhyuk @r0ckyswag & @myunghjun thank u guys sm ily!!!!!
Kdramas I’ve finished: i hate myself
to the beautiful you (the very first....iconic.......the reason i got into shinee too 😔💞)
boys over flowers
playful kiss
shut up flower boyband*
my love from another star*
it’s okay that’s love
my loveable girl (this is the worst drama ive Ever watched and my sister & i only finished it for L)
reply 1997*
you’re beautiful (second worst drama ive ever watched . if u watch just one episode u will understand why)
salamander guru* (ICONIC)
dream high
dream high 2
kpop extreme survival
doctor stranger
dream knight
EXO next door  
gu family book
the moon that embraced the sun*
modern farmer  
to be continued********  
she was pretty*
sassy go go
flower boy next door
noble my love
because it's the first time
high end crush
while you were sleeping*
i’m not a robot
legend of the blue sea*
click your heart (im gonna count this one even tho ive never watched the episodes besides rowoon’s path lmao) 
moorim school* (hongbin’s character deserved better but anyway)
weightlifting fairy*
strong woman do bong soon**
the best hit
my shy boss
shopping king louie*
9 seconds eternal time
choco bank
moonlight drawn by clouds (???? i actually can’t remember if i finished this idk man things have been WEIRD ever since i found out bo gum is in a cult or smth WHACKED FGDJDJS)
nightmare high (this one was so bad but so entertaining......)
angel eyes
one more time
part time idol (lmaoooo a guilty pleasure)
Incomplete Kdrama List: 
im literally not doing this section because its at least 3x the length of my finished dramas list
but right now im watching the great seducer !! 
also im making it Clear before anyone tries to recommend these to me. i have started both goblin and descendants of the sun and did not like either FJDJSJSJ ok so anyway I WANTED TO LIKE DOTS SO MUCH BC ONEW BUT ..........I COULDNT
K-movies I’ve Watched:
the werewolf boy*
200 pounds beauty (entertaining..? but also has a poor message ...? soundtrack is bangin tho ://// )
pure love (????? this movie had NO business being that sad) 
miracle in cell no. 7*
back to 20
the pianist (i have no recollection of this movie anD I JUST LOOKED IT UP FJDFKDS minho was the lead thats why i watched it. good stuff its all coming back to me) 
train to busan
Watch List:
i have nothing im still trying to find one to entertain me while i wait for more episodes of the great seducer to come out lmaoo im so tragic BUT if u got recommendations i will take them happily
im going to tag @xuhoon @fourseasonsofastro @blueberrybins @jinjinxed @minhyxks @octahao & @eunwooh  !! hope yall watch dramas and if u dont ur lucky fhsdks
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princecha · 6 years
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brief introduction to astro!! i attached links to the slides so please view the whole slideshow for the links and to see the last few slides more clearly!!
stan astro stan the best boys!!!! \( ˙ ˘ ˙)/
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softbinu · 6 years
“Goodnight ladies and gentlemen, Captain Cha and the entire crew would like to welcome you aboard ASTRO Airline. This is...
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beihonglin · 6 years
Rules: We’re snooping on your playlist. Set your entire 🎶 library on shuffle and report the first 10 songs that pop up, then choose 10 victims.
tagged by @hanmub0, @pandachaoze, @zhu-xingjie, @yanjunniiee and @vicccwrites, thank you!! ♡♡♡
야! (Ya!) - Sandeul
阳光不锈 (Sunlight Never Fades) - TFBoys
Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued - Fall Out Boy 
滿天星 (Sky Full of Stars) - 李玉璽 (Dino Lee)
Baby - ASTRO
너란 사람 (Pretty Boy) - Weki Meki
歌谣 (Ballad) - 李荣浩 (Li Ronghao)
我爱过你 (I Loved You) - 周興哲 (Eric Chou)
내 곁에 서 있어줘 (Stand By Me) - BTOB Blue 
永不下线的才算爱吗 - XNINE (X玖少年团)
kadfhlasdj i feel like everyone on my dash has been tagged already so i’m just going to deadend this one :”) 
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astrofireworks · 6 years
20. Your ultimate bias?
send me kpop asks!
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jiminrings · 2 years
That is indeed heavy. Like every fiber of it is heavy. In the part 1 we saw how it shows the emotion and perspective of hurt through the mc and now with jk but, this was different too because both of them were suffering badly but in a different level. You know. But it's more evident how jk's feeling was much open in part 2. I like it because it's fair, really.
As I'm writing this I haven't cried yet. I don't know if I've already comprehend it or I'm still trying to resist the hurt it brings.
I love this part because it keeps me on my toes for the next parts.
Points I love in this part :
But srsly jk stepping up is something<3 Mc is I think still processing nd trying. Eunwoo makes my blood boil. I wanted to kick him in the balls and curse at him endlessly. But oh god jimin, Idk if I should be okay with that decision but I get it I DO just.... It runs me off a bit. But I do get it that's the best than mc contradicting her statement of being single and it does benefit the artist involved. I just wished someone especially mc tried to reach out kook and explain it to him a d reassure him. Tho that's not 100% effective, it's better than nothing. Poor kook wanna cuddle him up and let him cry all he want then take care of him🤧🤧
U GET IT EXACTLY!!!!! mc is still in a standstill bc everything’s getting too much, jk’s trying to make himself better by being less avoidant, and eunwoo.... will unfortunately continue to be eunwoo until the next update :O jimin’s decision is rlly off i’m gonna say but it’ll all play out in chapter 3!!! they r gonna fix this i swear ty for being here <3
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yoonia · 3 years
I just read the post about JK's name and ur tags reminded me of how a lot of the times when someone screams "cultural appropriation" it's mostly white ppl, like for example I'm Mexican and one time the Americans tried to cancel Eunwoo from Astro for using a Charro hat and being painted like a catrin (sugar skull) IN MEXICO FOR DIA DE LOS MUERTOS. And they were like "that's so disrespectful for Mexicans how could u do that" but we were actually really excited by that because he was appreciating the culture, and the moment we told them that, they had the NERVE to say "you don't know enough about cultural appropriation to say that" like ¿¿¿????. What makes u think that u can call cultural appropriation in a culture u know nothing about and its nOT ur culture? I swear next time there is a scandal about this subject only the people from that culture are allowed to speak up, the rest shut up and learn.
(If there's a misspelled word, I'm sorry)
omg I absolutely agree with this!! I mean, I get that they want to appear *woke* but please, for the love of anything that is holy, I wish they had done more research before being so wrong and so loud and learn how to listen to the actual people who are a part of the group they are talking over. I feel like people still need to be educated about the differences between cultural appropriation, appreciation, and a goddamn cosplay. I didn't see the thing with Eunwoo as it was happening but that was a huge embarrassment to witness because he was dressing as an actual character??? not a whole culture! And white people seem to always be louder about these topics compared to the people who actually own the culture and live in it 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
They really SHOULD take a step back whenever any scandal related to Black, POCs, and Asian culture happens and just let the people from that culture do the talking.
And the case with JK's name has been addressed so many freaking times by Asians (both South-East Asian and South Korean) who literally speak the language and yet, they never listen! It's shocking to see this being mentioned again, which shows that people never truly learn or even take the time they have to search out facts. it also makes me cringe to see people so loud about not allowing others to use JK's real name in any form cause...seriously, that's just...dumb.
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kuroosweakness · 3 years
Okok VIRTUAL HUGS! and late night thought dump again! -🐾
I should start writing notes on myself so I can remember stuff better
Why is it on every quiz I take, the main character likes me? Like I swear I’m perfect for itadori
Kuroo🥺 why do you not exist😔
Bruh how would his hair translate to the real world😳 it’s all fun and games till you see how bad his hair ACTUALLY is
Lmao it’s fine bc I still love him I guess🙄🙄
I drew Kuroo and OH MY GOD I SUDDENLY NOW DESPISE HIS HAIR👺 but I also love it🥺🥺 like the first time I drew him😃 that was trash like wtf is that his hair- BUT THE SECOND TIME? I DID IT AND I WAS SO PROUD so I guess his hair isn’t that bad. Oh well, the more I draw him the easier it is I just don’t know where his hair falls from
Who should I draw next? Idk
I’m obsessed with jjk so for the first time I’m drawing everyone from jjk, I already drew Gojo, Megumi and Nobara
I wanna draw a Haikyuu character ^^ anyone who won’t give me a HARD TIME WITH THEIR STUPID HAIR👁👁 (yes I’m talking abt u Kuroo what u gonna do abt it?) ((*cries bc he’s fictional and isn’t here to fight me))
Tsukki’s hair is lowkey crusty like wtf is that😃
Tanaka is prob the easiest to draw since well, HE BALD😶
Ok but lowkey, (I’m kinda like a therapist but not but bc I act like one I dug so deep into this) I headcanon he sleeps between two pillows bc his parents used to fight all the time when he was younger and now he’s just so used to it I don’t think he can sleep if he stops🥺
I also think his a light sleeper when his ears aren’t covered LIKE THE TINIEST MOVEMENT COULD WAKE HIM UP😳😳 imagine getting out of the bed for a glass of water and he’s just asks you why you’re awake and you tell him your throat is dry so you want some water then he puts you back in bed and gets the glass for you🥺🥺 and the he gets back in bed and cuddles with you after you drink your water-
Nah I love him sm🥺 It’s prob not
Imma listen to yagami yato again for the 3rd time in a rOw
hey hey! I honestly am getting rlly attached to you :) Ik I’m just a anon and I’m prob too shy to ever reveal myself (even though it’s probably the most obvious connection lmao) I enjoy sending you asks and seeing your reactions. >w<
writing notes on yourself is such a good idea! :)) except it might be bad for ur skin- u can carry around sticky notes! 
jjk 😳 i saw a tiktok that reminded me that sk8 the infinity is coming out in a few days and jfdksajlsdkjf ugh, time to fall back into the anime hole (i haven’t watched animes other than haikyuu in a while :’) 
i tried drawing kuroo’s hair and it looked like grass that haven’t been mowed in years. 
hair is too hard to draw smh :’
*imagines playfights with kuroo* *cries* 
i- RIGHT? tsukki’s hair looks kinda soft. tanaka, our king 
WDYM, KUROO’S SLEEPING HABIT IS CUTE 🥺(it’s not helping him but it’s helping his s/o because they’ll be able to lay on his back at any time and he won’t be able to do anything about it. UNLESS HE PURPOSELY ROLLS TURN AND CRUSHES HIS S/O- he would.) 
i- fjdkslakdjf your water scenario isn’t good for my heart. not me melting into a puddle of goo </3 i’m a light sleeper too- (see, this is another sign we’re compatible- >< ) 
i love ur details!! <3
omg i really don’t want him to be a phase. i’ve had phases too and they only last like a few weeks because i move on to other things like kdrama actors (*sighs in cha eunwoo*) and other anime characters- BUT THIS IS THE LONGEST I’VE EVER <33  i won’t be dating for the next couple of years because my mental health says no; gotta find ways to cope with loneliness :’) 
I’VE SEEN HIS TIKTOKS BEFORE- but it’s been a while so i’m sorry babes i don’t really know what ur talking about :’D 
i enjoy reading your asks 🥺come talk to me again soon! <3 
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milkybonya · 4 years
Fist I would to congratulate you 🥳, you deserve that and more💞 So for the event I would like a ship with Pentagon, Verivery and Astro (hope that's okay) I'm Brazilian, I'm about 1.57cm tall, I really like reading, I'm trying to learn more languages(it's really entertaining for me at least), I'm antisocial and shy 😳, my favorite book it's battle royale (don't judge me lol), spring it's my fav season because of the flowers they are so beautiful, Who u are(Kang Daniel) it's my fav song atm~🐼
Let me ship you with a member of your favourite group(s)
thank you so much ♡ thank you for being by my side for all this time!
Pentagon: Kino
i first thought of Hyunggu without even listening to your favourite song, then when i listened to your song, it just confirmed it was Hyunggu ! i feel like that's definitely his type of groove. i also feel like he LOVES spring flowers too ! he'll love to look at them with you in the park and sit on the benches to read books together ♡ the two of you will help each other learn languages and i feel like his sweet personality will compliment your shyness very well !!
Verivery: Yongseung
(i'm still learning more about Verivery with each day, so bear with me!)
i feel like this gentle soul will take of you so well, understanding when you get shy or don't want to talk to anyone. he'll enjoy reading with you and the two of you will grow many plants together, teasing each other when one of them dies, claiming it's the other person's fault. Yongseung will also help you on your language learning journey! and since he's taller, he'll love giving you back hugs hehe
Astro: Cha Eunwoo
y'all will be such a movie couple i swear.. reading books together while lying in bed, going on study dates and walks through the park. i feel like Eunwoo will tell you all about the flowers as you pass them, and if you get bored, he'll kiss you on the cheek to grab your attention LOL. also he'll really enjoy listening to music with you..
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aajjks · 5 months
you feel like a princess when jungkook carries you to your bedroom with ease. yes, bridal style all the way to your bedroom and he even lays you down on your bed like a princess. you smile at jungkook’s antics and pat beside you for him to lay down but before he can, you search your dresser for something he can wear to sleep in.
“hopefully you can fit these. they’re bigger on me but maybe they’ll work for you” you hand jungkook a white long sleeved shirt and basketball shorts for him to change into. you show him to your bathroom and tell him to change in there while you put a movie on for the two of you to watch and cuddle to.
even your bathroom is so you. everything is hot pink and white from your rug to the shower curtain and even the LED lights around your mirror. curiosity does get the best of him and jungkook finds himself snooping through your cabinets to see them stacked with products. seriously, you have a lot of items in here.
4-5 bottles of native body wash, 4-5 containers of floss, stacks of utensils for your menstrual, loads of baby wipes, you have a lot in here. he even finds your cute baby pink robe and fuzzy headbands.
after seeing all of this, it’s no wonder you smell so good.
after he’s finished snooping, jungkook changes into the clothes you provided for him that smell just like you. he’s sure after this, your sweet scent will be all over him.
“i put your favorite movie on. c’mon, before i fall asleep” you tell jungkook who is walking out of your bathroom and excitedly gets in bed with you.
“i like this. being in bed with you is…nice. we should do this more often” you joke before leaning in closer to jungkook. “you look good in my clothes” you whisper before planting a kiss on jungkook’s cheek over and over.
“i like you so much, jungkook. i really really like you but i’m scared to love again. my love is…it’s overbearing sometimes. remember when you said to treat you nicely? well, i want you to be patient with me. i want to be the best partner for you and just you but…” you cut yourself off to look at jungkook’s lips. why? you’ve no idea but you’ve got an urge to just lean in and kiss him.
then again, you want him to kiss you because you’re too scared to act on how you feel. you’ll kiss back this time, you swear but you’re sure you scared him off.
tightrope, remember?
you resume “u-uh but i want to you be patient. you do that, i’ll be like putty in your hands and i get obsessed easily. you sure you can handle a girl like me? are you sure you really want me?”
He has never seen the side of you. You have never been this open with him, or affectionate with him. Your kisses on his cheek are like the everything to him and he’s so happy that you’re comfortable with him enough to do that.
And the way you suddenly confess about your loving way, it’s taking him by surprise, but he’s not scared to be loved in the most suffocating way by you?
“Yn… I am sure that your love will not be suffocating and I’m not asking you to love me right now because I know it’s gonna be really hard for you…. So just take your time and I’ll just hope that you get obsessed with me.” He winks, staring deeply into your eyes, maybe he just wants you to love him just like you loved eunwoo.
He wants to be the only man in your life and on your mind. “ I want to be the only man in your life and in your heart.” Jungkook noticing the way you’re constantly staring at his lips. Should he make a move on you right now? He’s not sure.
He really doesn’t want to lose you by overwhelming you, so he lifts up one of his fingers and caresses the meat of your lip, while listening to you, your lower lip feels so soft under his thumb.
“I am going to be here so just take your time and love me soon.” And now like a creep. He is staring at your lips and you have fun of the most gorgeous set of lips he has ever seen.
Naturally plump and just a perfect color. How are you naturally beautiful? “Yn… I love being in bed with you like this… just let me in your heart- please.”
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cupidhaos · 4 years
i have just realised the amount of different gcs there are i thought there were two but i was WRONG omg i keep being dumb i swear i couldn't have a more fitting url 😔 anywas the coolest kids or SOMETHING are the funniest i love them 🥰❤️ also u stan astro omg the TASTE mj do be the cutest but i'm more of a sanha girl myself 😌 although eunwoo is always a close second 😤 i'm sorry i'm just talking randomly 😭😭 ily
UR GOOD THERES TOO MANY GCS TO KEEP UP WITH KWKFKSD also YES SANHA BABY <3 and no ur good i love seeing ur asks!! ily more <3
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silverlightqueen · 5 years
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Ruin My Life - Part 4
RML masterlist
(fratboy!Jimin) - fluff! angst! S M U T!!!
Summary - Someone from Y/N’s past shows up and has Jimin losing his temper ft. the boys roasting them again lol
Word Count - 6.3k+
Warnings - so smutty omg it’s like my smut scenes get filthier and filthier wow! explicit sex, possessiveness, degradation, dirty talk, d o m!Jimin, fingering, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, choking, clit slapping (and probably some more bc it’s so dirty lmao). also, violence, drug use, alcohol abuse, etc.
a/n: here’s part 4!!! I know I said i’d be gone for a while but your girl’s been going through some shit and instead of facing up to my problems and emotions like everyone else, I turn to my stories and write really explicit sex bc I can’t cope with emotional stress lol. I haven’t edited this so sorry if it’s shit. i’ll be gone for a while after this too (probably, I don’t know, I might fuck around and channel more of my emotional and psychological trauma into really explicit sex again). Hope y’all enjoy this, and message me, it makes me day (and I really need it at the moment lol) 
silverlightqueen masterlist
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‘y/n? Is that… you?’ I hear someone ask from behind me, the person’s voice making my blood run cold. I’d been having a fantastic time up until now. Jimin virtually hadn’t let me out of his sight all night, knowing I was worried about my ex, and, as much as I hate to admit it, I’d been loving the attention we’d received. Everyone had been whispering and staring, and I saw people eyeing up the ring as well. I’m sure that, by tomorrow, the entire university will believe that me and Jimin are engaged, and the stupid gossip page will have broadcasted it out to everyone. Not that I’m bothered. No straight girl my age would turn down this kind of attention, everyone believing that they’re with the most desirable boy anyone had ever met. I’ve been enjoying myself immensely with the boys and Mija, Jimin’s arm protectively around my waist all night. But now, the second the boys decided to go outside to bump a few lines and Mija went to the toilet, my fun is definitely about to end. 
I turn on my heel, seeing him stood there in front of me, and my heart pounds. Tall and broad, soft brown hair swept up, twinkling brown eyes and smooth tan skin, he looks more handsome than ever. ‘Hey, Eunwoo,’ I reply carefully, not letting myself put any emotion into the words. ‘How are you? God, it’s been, like, what? A year, since I last saw you? How’ve you been?’ he asks. I lean against the wall with my right shoulder, looking up at him, just the two of us in a quiet corridor. ‘I’ve been good. What about you?’ I reply. ‘Yeah, I’m good. You look great, by the way,’ he says, eyes sweeping over my appearance, momentarily stopping at Jimin’s ring, the moment so fleeting that I only noticed because of how well I know him. ‘Thank you. So do you,’ I reply truthfully. ‘How is everything with you recently? I haven’t seen you at any parties. Keeping a low profile?’ he asks, and I shake my head. ‘The opposite actually. I go to the Alpha Sigma Phi parties instead ‘cause, you remember Kim Namjoon?’ I ask, and he nods. ‘Yeah, you two were close, right?’ he asks, and I nod. ‘Yeah, so he invites me to their parties. I’ve never actually been invited to a Kappa Phi Nu party,’ I say, and he laughs. ‘We don’t invite people, y/n. If you wanted to come, you should’ve just showed up. I’d never have turned you away, you know that,’ he says with a soft smile, something dangerous hidden beneath. ‘And you know I’d never turn up anymore without being specifically asked, or invited,’ I say, and he nods with a wistful smile. ‘We should meet up, y/n. Have a proper catch up. I’ve missed you,’ he says, and I think over my next words carefully.
‘I’m not sure that’s such a good idea, Eunwoo,’ I say, and it’s almost like I see something snap inside him. ‘Why not?’ he asks, still smiling, though it looks forced now. ‘We broke up for a reason. We should just keep our distance from one another,’ I say carefully, and the smile disappears from his face altogether. ‘We didn’t break up. You dumped me, though god knows why,’ he says, trying to sound sad, but his voice shakes with the internal anger. ‘You know why, Eunwoo,’ I say, and he laughs, no humour in the sound at all. ‘So that’s why?’ he asks, and I nod. ‘Of course it was! And it was more than good enough of a reason,’ I reply, looking over his shoulder to see if anyone’s there, but all I can see is a couple making out against the wall. ‘You’re ridiculous, y/n. I was so good to you, all the time. I treated you like a queen. I spent so much money trying to make you happy,’ he says, and I scoff. ‘And that was your issue. I don’t owe you anything, just because you bought me things. You can’t buy love, Eunwoo, no matter how hard you try,’ I say, and he shakes his head angrily. ‘I made one little mistake, y/n. That’s it,’ he says. ‘One little mistake? It was hardly little, and it was hardly a mistake. You knew exactly what you were doing. It’s not like you were drunk, or high.’ ‘I was angry!’ ‘Oh, yeah? So what happens the next time you’re angry? You’ll make another little mistake, right?’ I demand, and he laughs bitterly. I wait for Eunwoo to reply but he doesn’t, eyes focused on something behind me. I turn to look, and there he is. My knight in a shining jacket.
‘Hey, princess,’ Jimin says gently, and I almost fall into his arms. It’s only then that I realise how scared I was, my heart rate rocketing and my hands virtually shaking. Jimin seems to realise it too and presses his lips to mine in a brief sign of solidarity. I can smell the fresh floral scent of the cocaine he’d probably just sniffed and his expensive aftershave, as well as the sweet scent that belongs to just him. ‘The boys all want to leave now, you ready to go?’ Jimin asks softly, his gentle voice making my heart pound. Before I can answer, though, Eunwoo starts laughing harshly. Jimin looks at him over my shoulder, acting as though he’s only just noticed him, and smiles politely. ‘Hi. Can we help you?’ Jimin asks, arm around my waist protectively, and Eunwoo shakes his head disbelievingly. ‘God, I’d heard the rumours and I didn’t believe them for a second, but I guess they’re true. This is who you’re fucking now? This short ASP dickhead, with his head stuck up his own arse?’ Eunwoo laughs, and I feel Jimin’s body become tense and taught with anger. ‘Yeah, and his dick’s better than yours was. Bigger, too,’ I say truthfully, shrugging, and Eunwoo’s eyes become dark. ‘You little bitch,’ Eunwoo says lowly, stepping towards me, and Jimin steps towards him. ‘You better watch how the fuck you’re speaking to her,’ Jimin says, his voice becoming 5 times lower than normal, slipping into his dialect. ‘And what the fuck are you gonna do about it, shorty?’ Eunwoo asks, taking another step towards Jimin, mere inches between them.
Jimin rocks back, and I already know what’s coming, having seen him do this before. Admittedly, it was to an actual punching bag rather than my ex-boyfriend, but regardless. Jimin’s fist flies through the air, landing square on Eunwoo’s jaw, his head rocking back as he stumbles to the floor. I’m frozen in my position behind Jimin when I hear Namjoon’s voice from behind me. ‘Jimin, what the fuck?’ he says, both of us turning to see the boys and Mija stood in a huddle in the end of the corridor. ‘Is that Eunwoo?’ Jin asks, looking down at the boy who’s clutching onto his jaw, groaning on the floor. ‘Yeah,’ I reply shakily as a couple of Kappa Phi Nu boys show up on the other side of the corridor. ‘Eunwoo? Did you take the stash from my room? I can’t find it,’ one of them calls before their eyes land on their brother lying on the floor. ‘Woo? Is that you?’ one of them shouts, beginning to walk towards us. ‘Let’s go!’ Hoseok calls from behind me, Jimin grabbing my arm and pulling me down the corridor away from the KPN boys. We run through the party, heading towards the front door, barging through the crowds of partygoers, hearing the KPN boys shouting behind us. Once we reach the front door, we spill out onto the front garden, laughing and breathless. A group of five KPN boys follow us out, angry, but Jin walks up towards them. ‘Who do you think you are, coming into our frat, attacking Eunwoo, feeling up Chanyeol’s girlfriend, stealing our stashes? ASP bastards,’ one of them spits at Jin. ‘First, you have no proof that we ‘attacked’ Eunwoo or ‘stole’ your stashes, and second, Chanyeol’s girlfriend made the first move,’ Jin says calmly. I look around at the boys, wondering who it was they were talking about with regards to Chanyeol’s girlfriend, but they all look just as confused as me. ‘Don’t come at us with that bull. We’ll beat the shit out of you,’ another threatens Jin, who smiles serenely. ‘I wonder what my dad, your landlord, would say if he heard you threatening us like that,’ Jin says in an even tone, the meaning behind the words very clear. ‘Fuck you,’ another hisses before they all turn away, heading back up into the party.
‘God, hyung, you’re so badass,’ Jimin says admiringly, cradling his fist in his hand. When he notices me noticing, he drops both hands, trying to act as though nothing’s happened. ‘What were you thinking, Jimin?’ Taehyung demands, all of us turning to face the boy accusingly. ‘He called y/n a bitch! And he cornered her in the corridor by herself. I was worried,’ he defends himself, everyone turning to look at me now. ‘Did he do something to you? Shall we file a complaint? We can totally sue his ass,’ Namjoon says threateningly, looking around as though Eunwoo is hiding in a bush near us. ‘What, he touched you? I swear to god, if that motherfucker laid a single finger on you, I’ll kill him,’ Yoongi begins, all of the boys now coming out with threats, holding onto their fists, looking up towards the house. ‘God, it’s like you’re stuck in some kind of shitty fanfic,’ Mija says to me quietly, and I have to hold back a laugh at how right she is. ‘Oi, dimwits! Listen!’ I say, the boys instantly falling silent. ‘He didn’t touch me. At first, he was nice and then he said we should catch up, and I said no, obviously, and then he got a little annoyed. And then Jimin showed up, kissed me, Eunwoo laughed and called him a ‘short ASP dickhead’ and then I said Jimin’s got better dick than him, and he got angry, and Jimin punched him,’ I explain briefly. ‘God, why are boys’ masculinities so fragile?’ Mija asks, all of the boys staying silent because they know she’s right.
‘What I wanna know is who got with Chanyeol’s girlfriend,’ I say, curious. ‘Oh, shit, I think that was me,’ Mija says, all of our eyes widening. ‘You think?’ I demand, and she shrugs. ‘It was at the start. I’d taken like, loads of shots, and I was pissed. A pretty girl appeared and started flirting with me, and we made out, and then she disappeared,’ Mija explains. ‘What? You’re a lesbian?’ Jungkook demands, and Mija and I roll our eyes. ‘She’s bi. Obviously,’ I say, and she nods. ‘Bi? Have you two ever, like… you know?’ Jungkook asks, looking between the two of us. ‘Are you… are you kidding me? Are you really asking if Mija and I have ever fucked?’ I ask, both of our mouths hanging open in disbelief. ‘Obviously not, Jeon! What do you think this is?’ Mija exclaims. ‘It’d be fucking sexy, though,’ Jimin says, Taehyung and Jungkook nodding in agreement, their hyungs looking at them in disgust. ‘God, it’s dogs like you three that give ASP a bad name,’ Hoseok says, shaking his head, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘Would you like me to bring up our conversation in the library the other day, Hoseok?’ I say, and he falls silent sheepishly. ‘Right, can we, like, go up to the house, please? I don’t wanna stand here arguing all night,’ Yoongi says, all of turning to walk up to the house.
‘Cold, princess?’ Jimin asks, and I shake my head. He ignores me, shrugging off his jacket regardless, and holding it up to me. I roll my eyes, letting him put it on me, the material soft and warm. ‘Are you annoyed with me?’ he asks, and I think this over for a moment. ‘A little. You didn’t have to punch him, Chim. It was so unnecessary. We could’ve just left,’ I say tiredly, and he nods in defeat. ‘I know, I know, you’re right. But it just… god, it got me so angry the way he spoke to you. I don’t know your reasons for breaking up with him, and I won’t ask, but I don’t blame you at all. He’s a pompous, big-headed dick,’ he begins, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘But, that’s no excuse and I’m sorry,’ he says, warming my heart. ‘It’s okay. Just don’t do something dumb like that again. This isn’t a shitty fanfic,’ I say, repeating Mija’s earlier words, and he laughs as we reach the outside of the house. ‘Do you guys wanna eat?’ Jungkook asks, and I look at him in disbelief. ‘Are you kidding me? We had pancakes earlier, then Mija brought pizza, then we had Panda Express, and you still wanna eat? Even though it’s literally midnight?’ I ask, and he nods. ‘You’re insane,’ I say, shaking my head. ‘Does anyone else wanna eat?’ Jungkook asks, the other boys, except for Jimin, and Mija nodding. ‘You’re all crazy,’ I say in disbelief. ‘Well, we’re not eating,’ Jimin says, grabbing my hand and leading me upstairs. The boys and Mija all whistle and jeer teasingly as me and Jimin ascend the stairs.
When we reach his room, he slams the door behind him and pushes me up against it, pressing his lips to mine instantly. I melt into him, his body pressed up against mine, my head tilted back against the door as he locks it with one hand. His tongue slips past my lips, our mouths moving in perfect harmony, and I let out a soft whine when his hands press down onto my waist. ‘God, you’re so fucking perfect, y/n,’ Jimin groans at the noise, pulling me away from the door, pushing me down onto the bed instead, hovering over me. ‘He doesn’t deserve you. No one does,’ he says, eyes drinking me in as I stare up at him, laid out for him, before he captures my lips between his again. The room is dark, the only light coming from the streetlight outside the window, the bright white light giving the boy an ethereal glow, his blond hair silvery in the radiance. ‘You know I love kissing you, but I really need to do something. Is that okay?’ Jimin asks gently, and I nod. He grinds down against me, his hard-on against my thigh, and I let out a gentle moan at the feeling, slick beginning to pool in my underwear. ‘Shit, I fucking need you,’ Jimin says, pushing away from me with effort. ‘Do you want my mouth, daddy?’ I ask, sitting up, squinting in the light. ‘No, princess, it’s okay. I just want to be in you,’ he says gently, but I shake my head. ‘Please, daddy. I want you in my mouth. Please,’ I say, my eyes sliding down to the bulge in his jeans, unconsciously licking my lower lip, mouth watering at the thought of him. ‘God, princess, you don’t know what you do to me. I really want to, but this is about you. Maybe in the morning,’ he suggests, and I nod in agreement.
He pulls me down the bed by my ankles, making me giggle, and he smiles at my laughter, pulling my heels off my feet. His fingers tickle the bottoms of my feet momentarily and I let out a startled laugh, kicking at his hands so he stops. He chuckles before his hands pull his jacket off me, flinging it over his shoulder. His fingers appear at the buttons of my jeans, quickly flicking them open before he pulls the tight material down my legs, pushing them apart afterwards. Our eyes locked together, he slowly flicks open the buttons of my bodysuit, fingertips nudging against my core, and I shudder at the feeling. He grins as he pulls the material up my body, tugging it over my head and throwing it onto the pile of my other clothes. I sit up then, kneeling at the foot of the bed to take off his clothes. I unbutton his shirt as quickly as I can before pushing it off his shoulders as he kicks off his shoes and socks. I unbutton his jeans next and push them down his toned legs, watching as he steps out of them, leaving him in just his boxers. He climbs back onto the bed with me, pressing our lips together again, and as his hands ghost across my sides, I let out a moan. ‘That’s it,’ he says, unclasping my bra with ease before ripping my pants off, throwing the torn material onto the floor. He runs his fingertips over my slit and I let out a little whimper, leaning on my elbows. ‘It’s okay, daddy, I don’t need prepping,’ I say, and he chuckles, his warm breath against my core making me shiver. ‘Of course you don’t. Sluts like you are always ready for a cock in them, aren’t they?’ he growls, and I nearly celebrate aloud.
Jimin, whilst being a dom through and through, has a tendency to go easy on me. He gets worried that he’ll hurt me, and so tones down the dom behaviour quite a lot. But sometimes, he’ll lose all logic and common sense and will only hold back when I say the safe word. Until that point, he will do what he wants with me with no regard, which I have no objections to, obviously. And clearly, tonight is one of those nights, which has me over the moon, because I’ve been waiting for him to lose control with me again.
‘Answer me,’ he says, delivering a harsh slap to my core, and I gasp at the feeling. ‘Yes, daddy,’ I say instantly, and he grins, looking up at me through hooded eyelids. ‘Good girl,’ he compliments, before ducking his head and licking a stripe up my slit. ‘You taste so good, princess. This pussy was made for me to eat, wasn’t it?’ he asks, getting up off the bed and getting a condom out of the drawer. ‘Yes, daddy,’ I reply dutifully, and he chuckles, throwing the condom to me. He pushes his boxers down his legs, hard length springing up against his stomach, and kicks them away. I rip the condom open and slide it onto his length with as little contact as possible before throwing the packet to the side. ‘On your back, princess,’ he says, and I move onto my back, spreading my legs for him. ‘I’ve got such a good little whore, haven’t I?’ he chuckles, and I nod, biting my lip. He stares between my legs, almost inspecting me, before humming in satisfaction. ‘You’re dripping, baby girl, you’re the wettest I’ve ever had. You really are a little slut,’ he says, and I moan out at his words. He plunges a finger into me and I gasp at the feeling, only to have him add another, curling them against my walls. Moans and whimpers fall from my lips as he pumps in and out of my heat, adding another finger to relentlessly abuse my pussy. ‘Don’t stop, please, daddy,’ I whimper, and he chuckles. ‘You take my fingers so well, babe. My little slut is desperate to have something in her, you just keep sucking them back in,’ he laughs, pulling out of me, admiring his slick-covered digits. ‘Are you ready for my cock, princess? Do you think I’ll fit inside this tight little pussy?’ he asks, and I moan. ‘Yes, daddy, please,’ I reply and he moves over me, leaning on one forearm as he rubs his head against my folds. He sinks into me, and I gasp as he inches in slowly, enjoying the stretch as I grip onto the strong muscles of his back. He lets out a low groan, bringing his fingers to my mouth, and I suck on them, tasting myself. He bottoms out, our bodies lined up perfectly, and stays still for a moment, both of us savouring the feeling. I already feel like I won’t be able to hang on for much longer, knowing I’m going to cum after an embarrassingly short amount of time.
‘You feel so good around my dick, princess, such a good little slut for me,’ he says, beginning to thrust into me, setting a fierce pace. He pulls out until just his head is inside me before ramming all the way into me, hips pressed against mine. I let out moans louder by the second as he drills into me, the bed banging against the wall with each thrust. ‘Your cunt feels so good, it was made for my cock, wasn’t it, princess? Scream my name, baby girl, let all the boys know who’s making you feel so good,’ he prompts, not relenting with his pace at all. ‘Please, daddy, harder,’ I cry out, knowing that the other boys will be able to hear me, but not having it in me to care. His hand comes up to my neck, pressing tight against my skin and Joon’s choker that’s still around my neck. ‘My princess wants it harder? Be careful what you ask for, babe. I’ll fuck you so hard, you won’t be able to walk, you won’t be able to move without hurting. I want you to milk my cock, baby girl. I’ll make you into my slut, my pet whore, my good little bitch. Is that what you want, princess?’ he growls, panting, ramming into me endlessly as his hand tightens around my neck, the choking so pleasurable. My nails dig into the softness of his back, raking across the skin. ‘Yes, please, daddy! Fuck, please! Make me yours,’ I cry out, having never been fucked by him like this before, the pain only making the pleasure more intense.
‘You are mine, baby girl. And don’t ever fucking forget it. Not Eunwoo’s, understand? You’re mine, princess,’ he whispers into my ear, his thrusts becoming less forceful and more… passionate, his lips briefly meeting mine. He buries his head into my neck as his hand around it loosens, lips sucking at the skin, and I wrap my arms around him, pulling him as close as possible. ‘Say it, y/n, say it,’ he demands, thrusting deep and slow, one hand reaching between our bodies to rub against my clit. ‘I’m yours, Jimin, I’m all yours. Whenever you want me, I’m yours,’ I cry out, feeling myself nearing the edge. ‘That’s a good girl. Come on, baby girl, cum for me. Cum all over my cock, princess, soak it like a good little slut,’ he prompts, and I tense up completely, approaching my high. I let out a loud moan as I cum after one particularly hard thrust along with the continuous rubbing of his hand on my clit. ‘Good girl, that’s my good girl,’ he says soothingly, though he doesn’t let up at all, hands planted on either side of my head as his pace speeds up once more. I tremble beneath him, twitching due to the overstimulation. ‘Daddy,’ I whine, and he chuckles. ‘Hmm? Speak up, baby girl,’ he prompts teasingly, pace not faltering in the slightest. ‘It hurts, daddy,’ I whisper out, still twitching uncontrollably. ‘Aww, poor baby, but I haven’t even cum yet. Are you sensitive? Too. Fucking. Bad,’ he says, thrusting with each word, the pain of the overstimulation slowly ebbing away into mind-blowing pleasure. He reaches down for my clit again, rubbing furiously fast, and I cry out at the feeling. ‘You feel so good, clenching around my cock, princess. Felt so good to have you cumming around my cock,’ he praises, and I can sense him reaching his high too. ‘I want you sobbing, princess, I wanna milk this tight little pussy,’ he spits out, ramming into me whilst his hand works at a ridiculous pace. ‘Come on, princess, cum for me. Be a good little slut and cum for me, princess,’ he says, and I reach my high, clenching around him as I cum with a scream of his name. ‘Good girl, you’re such a good girl, princess. Your pussy was made for me, baby girl,’ he moans, hips stuttering and his thrusts becoming slower. ‘Fuck, I’m gonna cum, y/n,’ he shouts out, burying his cock deep inside me and his head falling against my neck as he releases into his condom.
We both stay as we are, letting out deep breaths, the smell of sex on the air intoxicating. ‘Am I tripping… or was that the best we’ve had?’ he breathes out, and I feel him softening inside me. ‘You’re not tripping, babe,’ I reply breathlessly, and he chuckles. ‘We are going to get ripped apart by the boys,’ he laughs against my skin, and I already dread having to leave his bedroom. ‘We’ll just stay in here all night,’ I joke, and he cuddles up against me. ‘That sounds like a plan,’ he replies, voice muffled against my shoulder. We stay cuddled up like that for a while, running my fingers through his hair, the only noise being our breathing. After a few minutes, I start to feel too hot and sweaty, and I need to go for a wee. ‘Babe, we need to get up,’ I say, and he whines. ‘Just five more minutes, princess,’ he pleads, and I have to use every ounce of my self-control to stop myself from giving in. ‘No, baby, I need a wee,’ I say, and he sighs. He presses his lips to mine briefly before rolling off me. I smile at him as I slowly get up out of the bed, heading over to his en suite. I go for a quick wee and when I come back out, Jimin’s holding out a pair of clean pants and a white hoodie for me to wear, as well as a pair of white Nike socks. I pull the clothes on with an appreciative smile, Jimin putting on a clean pair of boxer and a pair of black sweatpants, his torso bare.
‘Come on, princess, let’s get you some water, and something to eat,’ Jimin says gently, entwining his fingers with mine, leading me out of the room and downstairs. We pass through the dark living room where Jungkook and Yoongi are lit up by the light from the TV, both of them fast asleep on the sofas, in their pyjamas now. In the kitchen, Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok sit around the breakfast bar, having changed out of their party outfits, also in their pyjamas. ‘Did you really just get fucked whilst wearing Joon’s choker?’ Hoseok asks me, Namjoon’s mouth hanging open in disbelief. ‘Um… yeah. Sorry, Joon,’ I say sheepishly, and he shakes his head as Jimin pours me out a glass of water. ‘Just keep the choker, please,’ he says, mild disgust on his face, the other boys laughing. ‘I’ll buy you a new one,’ I promise, and he shakes his head with a small smile. ‘It’s alright, you don’t have to. I don’t think I’ll ever wear it,’ he says as Jimin hands me the water, and I thank him with a gentle kiss on his cheek.
‘Where’s Mija?’ I ask after taking a sip of the water, and they all grin. ‘In Tae’s room,’ Jin replies, and my eyes widen. ‘Wait, why’s she in Tae’s room? And where’s Tae?’ Jimin asks, and we all turn to look at him with confusion on our faces. ‘Um, he’s in his room? With Mija? The two of them are in there together? Alone, just them two?’ Jin says slowly, waiting for it to sink in, and Jimin realises with a loud gasp. ‘Oh, my god! Are they like… fucking?’ Jimin asks, and Hoseok shrugs. ‘We haven’t heard anything, unlike you two loud bastards, but god knows. They might be. They were all pally-pally down here first, all cuddled up, and then Mija said she wanted to get changed into something more comfy, and Tae went up with her. They only went up about ten minutes after you,’ he explains, and I feel myself getting excited with his words. Ever since Mija’s high school boyfriend cheated on her, Mija’s completely shied away from any kind of romantic relationship, just the very occasional one-night stand with a complete stranger. So, if it is true, this is completely new for Mija, new to see her getting close with someone she’s known for a while. ‘They probably got turned off by hearing you two screaming next door,’ Namjoon says drily, Jimin swatting out at him in good-humoured annoyance. ‘Tae’s room’s next door to yours?’ I ask Jimin, who nods with a roll of his eyes. ‘I’ve had to listen to the various girls he brings home, so he can listen to you and me. Karma’s a bitch,’ Jimin says remorselessly, and I laugh at the thought of Jimin lying there, trying to sleep, listening to Tae fucking some girl next door.
‘Do you guys want something to eat? You must be hungry after that. I would be,’ Hoseok says shamelessly, and I feel blood rushing to my face in embarrassment. ‘Am I really that loud?’ I ask sheepishly, and Jin takes pity on me, putting an arm around my shoulders. ‘No, y/n, you’re not. You can only hear if you’re on the same floor, and we have to go past Jimin’s room to get to our bedrooms. That’s the only reason we heard,’ Jin says, making me feel a bit better, though not much. ‘Do you think the other boys in the frat can hear?’ I ask, and the boys all laugh. ‘I hope not, we’ve got a no-girls policy,’ Jimin says, all of them laughing even harder. ‘Guys, that’s so mean,’ I say in shock, trying not to laugh, ‘will I get in trouble if they find out?’ ‘Remember who owns the house, y/n,’ Namjoon says, and I shake my head, feeling terrible that they all take advantage of Jin’s dad owning the house. ‘Here,’ Jin says, pushing a plate of pasta towards us, having just microwaved it for us. ‘Thanks, Jin,’ I say, taking a seat, and Jimin sits beside me. ‘Do you guys get offended that I don’t call you my oppas?’ I ask. ‘No, I don’t mind. I don’t like being called oppa. It’s too sexualised now,’ Namjoon says, Hoseok and Jin nodding in agreement. ‘I get offended,’ Jimin jokes, and I roll my eyes. ‘God, so you have a daddy kink, and an oppa kink?’ I tease, the other boys laughing.
‘You might want to stop talking, y/n, because you’ve got a whole lot of kinks I can expose,’ he says threateningly, and I immediately fall silent, the other boys intrigued. ‘Come on, Jimin, you can’t leave us hanging,’ Hoseok says, and Jimin shoots me a mischievous look. ‘Well, let’s just say, y/n can be a bit of a masochist,’ he says, and I gasp at his betrayal. ‘Says you, Mr. ‘I like your nail marks on my back’! You’ve probably got some marks now, actually. I even made you bleed once, and you didn’t mind! And you’re a sadist! You get off on seeing me in pain!’ I exclaim, and now it’s Jimin’s turn to gasp. ‘Well, you like being spanked!’ he fires back. ‘No, it’s you that likes spanking!’ I correct him heatedly. ‘You’re into degradation!’ ‘You’re the one that started degrading me!’ ‘You didn’t complain though!’ ‘Well, you enjoy edging me!’ ‘At least I can give you fucking orgasms to be able to take them away! And it’s not like you complain about that, either! Or overstimulation!’ ‘I complain about that every time! I did today, did I not?’ ‘But you never use the safe word!’ ‘Well, you’re a total voyeur! You love watching me get myself off!’ ‘And you love watching me too, so don’t even try to deflect that onto me! And you love being humiliated as well!’ ‘No, you love humiliating me!’ ‘You love it too! And you love bondage!’ ‘Well, you love exhibitionism!’ ‘And so do you, y/n!’ ‘Well… well… you love using toys on me!’ I exclaim, knowing it’s something that I don’t enjoy as much as he does, and then he falls silent.
‘Are you two fucking done?’ Yoongi’s gravelly voice comes from the door, Jungkook stood beside him. ‘Yeah, we are, hyung,’ Jimin says venomously with an evil glare my way. ‘Well, it’s too late now. You’ve already woken us up,’ Yoongi says tiredly, taking the seat on my other side. ‘God, you two are some freaky little shits,’ Hoseok says, looking between us both with a grimace. ‘I can confirm that Jimin is a voyeur. He was watching me and y/n like we were some HD porn, or something,’ Jungkook says, stealing a forkful of our pasta. ‘Um, Kook! That’s the only thing you can confirm? What about everything else?’ Jimin asks indignantly. ‘Um… I can confirm that you’re both into degradation and humiliation, edging, overstimulation. I don’t know about the masochism and sadism, though. That’s fucking weird,’ Jungkook says, sitting down beside Namjoon. ‘Don’t kink shame them. Just be thankful they’re not into piss play, or something gross like that,’ Jin says, both Jimin and I scrunch our faces up in disgust. ‘I am never letting you piss on me,’ I say to Jimin, whose eyes widen. ‘What the fuck, y/n? I wouldn’t want to anyway, and you know that!’ he says, and I supress a smile at his disbelief. But, before anyone can say anything else, Taehyung walks in, wearing a long hoodie and a pair of boxers.
He stops at the door, surprise and guilt etched all over his face, and we all stare back at him. ‘Why aren’t you guys in bed yet? It’s like, 1.30,’ he says, his voice deep and husky. ‘We could ask you the same thing, hyung,’ Jungkook says mischievously, and Taehyung’s face breaks into a grin. ‘A gentleman never tells,’ he says, and I roll my eyes. ‘You’ve basically just told us,’ I say, the boys laughing. ‘I wouldn’t say anything if I were you, y/n, considering how loud you were about twenty minutes ago,’ Taehyung fires back, and I fall silent sheepishly. ‘What was she saying, hyung?’ Jungkook asks curiously, and I shake my head at Tae. He hesitates, our eyes meeting, before the signature boxy smile breaks across his face. ‘Please, daddy, harder! Don’t stop, daddy, please! Make me yours, daddy! Daddy, it hurts! I’m all yours, Jimin!’ Tae says, moaning in a high and affected voice, the boys all laughing. ‘Tae!’ I exclaim, and he points at me. ‘Exactly like that, except it was for Jimin,’ he says, and my head falls into my hands.
‘Aww, princess, it’s okay, don’t be embarrassed. Just own it,’ Jimin says comfortingly, putting an arm around my shoulders. And then I get an idea to gross the boys out even more. I sit up, leaning towards Jimin, and press my lips to his jaw. ‘I’m not embarrassed. I’ll never be embarrassed of how well you fuck me… daddy,’ I say, the boys all groaning as Jimin chuckles, capturing my lips with his. Our mouths move in sync, as his hands tangle into my hair and my hands run across his back. I can feel the bumps from where I scratched him earlier and I break away from him, ignoring the exclamations of the boys. ‘Oh, my god, turn around,’ I say, and he does so with a confused look on his face. I gasp when I see the bright red scratch marks on his back, the other boys doing the same when they see them too. ‘God, babe, don’t they hurt?’ I ask, running my fingers gently over the marks, and he shakes his head. ‘I’m so sorry,’ I say, feeling ridiculously guilty, and he turns back to face me. ‘Don’t be, it’s okay,’ he replies, pressing his lips to mine briefly. ‘God, can you two just get married already?’ Jin says, watching us with a fond look on his face. ‘Well, they’ve got a kid on the way, haven’t they?’ Jungkook jokes, the boys all laughing as Jimin and I give him dirty looks. ‘It might be yours, Kook,’ Namjoon reminds him, the boy turning pale as Jimin and I give Joon the dirty looks instead. ‘It’s mine,’ Jimin says definitely, and I can’t keep the smile off my face as he pulls me into his arms. ‘If it exists,’ Yoongi reminds us, and Jimin rolls his eyes. ‘Don’t burst our bubble, hyung,’ Jimin says.
‘What, so you want a baby?’ Tae asks, and Jimin and I share a glance before he answers. ‘Well, it wouldn’t be ideal but we’d make great parents, right, y/n?’ Jimin says, and I nod in agreement. ‘I’m not having any kid of ours live in this frat, though,’ I say, the boys all letting out reproachful exclamations. ‘She’s right. Our little angels are not growing up in this kind of environment,’ Jimin says, the boys gasping. ‘Angels?’ Namjoon asks, and Jimin and I share another glance. ‘Yeah, we planned our own little family,’ Jimin says, the boys looking at us in disbelief. ‘First, a boy called Park Taemin. Then, a girl called Park Jisoo. Then, a boy called Park Minjoon, and last, a girl called Park Mila,’ I list off, waiting for the boys to rip us apart. ‘Oh, my god, Minjoon is mine,’ Jungkook says instantly. ‘Fine, but I call dibs on Mila,’ Yoongi says quickly. ‘I call dibs on Jisoo,’ Hobi says. ‘I call dibs on Taemin,’ Namjoon says, the boys all saying the names of the ones Jimin predicted earlier. ‘Well, I call dibs on all four,’ Jin says. ‘That’s not fair! What about me?’ Tae whines, and I let out a noise of annoyance. ‘Stop calling dibs on mine and Jimin’s children!’ I exclaim, Mija walking in as the words come out of my mouth. ‘You know what?’ she says, sitting down beside Tae, ‘I don’t even want to know.’
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jingrapher · 7 years
i went from cha-night to jin-night what have i become
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