#euronymous interview
euronymous-files · 6 months
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The following is part of a 2021 interview to Attila by the YT channel Over Music. Read below for the highlights, but definitely go and check the original video.
interviewer: "How was your relationship with Euronymous? Did you have a friendship relationship with him or he contacted you to work on DMDS and nothing more?"
Attila: "First he contacted me about that and he invited me to sing in Mayhem. Also he wanted to release Tormentor, my first band; we had Anno Domini, our debut album which was never released. So he really wanted to do that as well. I don't know how the fuck he phoned me, you know, he had this great network and we had some common friends […] Anyway, he wrote me a very fucking nice letter, kinda like talking like a fine gentleman, you know I really appreciated… in a little bit noble, sofisticated style… and we talked by phone and shared some music, I sent him some photos, stuff like that. He sent me the Deathcrush record and Darkthrone and Burzum records and shit. I think we had been in contact for maybe one or two years. I think he contacted me as I understood not long after Dead commited suicide. Of course he told me about it, and I think I was one of the favourite vocalists of both him and Dead. That's why he invited me in the first place to join the band. I was just thinking about Euronymous, actually, Øystein, who I consider as my brother, I can't say anything bad about him, actually. He was always super cool, very nice, friendly and like a gentleman to me, totally cool… you know, I was thinking about just yesterday because I have this beautiful new speaker system […] I was just listening to music and I put on some Tangerine Dream record to try to relax […] and it came to my mind that Øystein had this huge fucking Tangerine Dream collection […] He had all this collection and even he had all the side projects of the members of the band. So beside he had a very nice metal collection, he had this huge Tangerine Dream collection, I was like man, that's great that you like electronic music. […] So I'm just saying that music for me is everything but also, like you I guess, you're not listening only to extreme metal but that's the driving force that keeps us together […]."
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notyinnina · 4 months
Euronymous' And Dead's Interview Found In 50Megs
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INTERVIEWER: For a long time the band didn't have a reh. place, what did you do during this time?
DEAD: "Good question ........After that we couldn't be at the old VOMIT's place anymore we had for a very short time our own place (2 weeks or so) before they cut of the electricity and later on tore down the whole place......By then Hellhammer had joined the band. What we did then was to find somewhere to live (well, some things go before rehersal place). We could stay for some month mostly at each place and those have been at friends, half broken down houses, forests and camping places etc.......... But luckily it's much better now, even if we can't stay here so much longer. For really long time we were out of any place to rehearse at all and what we could do then for the band was not much else than replying on the mail."
INTERVIEWER: Now much material have you written which you have thrown away? How many songs do you have now?
EURONYMOUS: "Probably 50-75% of all the riffs I make will be thrown away sooner or later, because after a while it is not good enough. I don't want to make any mainstream music, so each riff must be something special, and then it takes very long time to make the music. We have five new songs now ("Funeral Fog", "Buried By Time and Dust", "The Freezing Moon", "Pagan Fears" and one new without any lyrics), but if you're thinking about the total number of songs which we have and will play live, it's nine songs + this new one which we will not play live before some time."
—Information found in 50Megs
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"Perhaps it should be mentioned that we'll re release the MAYHEM mini-lp "Deathcrush" VERY soon. We also have t-shirts available now. People should write for prices on things. Be EVIL, not open-minded." - Øystein’s final sentence from interview by Bard Faust, June 1992
Fragment of the photo with Øystein "Euronymous" Aarseth.
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can i request a dead x reader x euronymous fic where the reader has a solo project of her own it comes out to the public that she’s dating both dead AND euronymous?? pls and thank you
Dating the devils
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warning : drinking, mentioning of smoking and drugs, smutish (making out), implied threesome
Info : Thanks for the request anon and your formal words ;) Have fun reading and everyone else too.
Breaking News: The Swedish celebrity "Dark Lilith" the solo artist and also necomer to the black metal scene was seen performing a satanic ritual in the cemetery last night, apparently trying to summon demons, two figures were seen walking into the night-" the TV was switched off and a sigh came over her lips, her eyes rimmed with dark make-up showing annoyance and yet a little amusement.
She held a bottle of beer in one hand and her guitar in the other. The dark material shone slightly in the dim light in the anteroom. Outside, she could already hear the audience waiting for her.
Thanks Satan that I'm here but the report is unnecessary shit she thought and took the last sip of her beer. She liked it when people reported on her and yet she could do without false statements.
Two unnamed people. She knew for sure that it was neither a ritual of shame nor two unknowns. Her lovers and sex on the farm were more likely to be asked. But every interviewer had either fled or refused.
It was true that she was female, a witch, Lilith, and perhaps went a little too far. But she was a part of the scene, of the time, and in that time from her beginnings to her rise she had gotten to know them.
Her two dead ones, her loved ones, it was romantic. Euronymous always gave her song lyrics and gestures in the form of kisses and instruments. Dead, on the other hand, often drew her things and wanted her to kill him.
Things that flattered her, but she also knew that if it came out that she was the biggest solo maker in such a scene, dating the two men from Mayhem would be hell. Everywhere. ,,The Christians and fans are coming for me," she muttered, plucking at the side of her guitar before throwing the bottle into a garbage can, hearing the rumble and clink before she stood up and knew it was time.
The stage was her home. Her fans were her worshippers and her voice was the magic. Looking into the crowd, she saw the many dark shapes, the make-up of the women looking up at her and the blood on them. It was perfect.
And when her eyes fell on the group, she saw the black-haired and the blonde. She winked at them and saw that they knew she meant them. Felt the beating of her heart as she started to play and the guitar joined in. It was another concert of life, it was everything.
The walls shook, the crowd went wild, her voice screamed into the microphone and everything was fucking perfect. It was a bloody night, there was alcohol involved, some drugs and Satan himself.
It was all perfect and as the dark curtain closed and she retreated she heard the voices of the group. ,,You played perfectly!" she heard Euronymous shout as he pulled her close and gave her a deep kiss.
,,Really good...almost deadly," quipped Dead and she saw the hint of a smile on his lips, a gesture she knew she didn't see often and yet she was grateful that they were happy. But the rest of the black circle also congratulated them on another successful concert.
They all grabbed a beer and a cigarette before retiring to the anteroom to have a little celebration of their own and make it all the better. Euronymous always had his hand by her side always had his lips on her body wanting more of her whether in front of the others or not.
Dead watched her, every now and then he would say and show her something and gently stroke her hand, enjoying feeling the bones underneath. They both loved her in a way that was indescribable. And at the latest when the cold night air hit her body, she was snapped back to reality.
,,The afterparty is long over, but here... it's cozy, isn't it?" she heard the voice of the band founder as he stood next to her, entangling her in a kiss and only making her mind even more clouded by alcohol and drugs.
,,Supper cozy-fuck," she mumbled and leaned into him wanting more of him wanting more of them both no matter if it was in a side alley next to the hall. It didn't matter, it was the only thing she needed to get down. ,,Warm...soft," she heard Dead murmur as he knelt in front of her and kissed his way up her legs.
His cold lips almost as cold as a corpse, his pale pale in the moonlight as he ran his knife over her skin while Euronymous used his hand to start massaging her breasts. She wore no tights, just the black top and the short leather skirt.
The warmth she gave him was the only thing the blonde needed to live. He needed her to stay here and Euronymous needed her to keep going. And she needed them both to feel fucking good.
It was a moment between them that would lead to a promising night. If all three of them didn't pause when they heard the clicking sound. ,,What the fuck?" she mumbled, coming back to the now lost to the two of them and looking into the surprised face of a reporter.
,,You're dead!" Euronymous hissed and took out his taser, which flashed through the dead end. ,,Death," Dead muttered, gripping the knife in his hand tighter before the two ran towards the reporter. As he ran screaming for his life, their laughter could be heard. It was satanically good, it was hellishly ampsant for her.
It only got better when she saw her picture on the title page the next day. ,,Fuck look at you so pretty," Euronymous said and Dead nodded in agreement. ,,An album cover...for Lilith," the blonde said and began to draw inspiration.
The picture showed her leaning against the brick wall, her eyes closed with lust, Euronymous at her side, his hand under her top as he kissed her neck.
Dead kneeling in front of her with the knife running over her skin as he kissed his way up her legs to her center. ,,A fucking good picture...I think we should have done this sooner," she muttered, picking up the newspaper before cutting out the article and nailing it to the wall with a knife. It was a fucking satanic masterpiece.
@mayhem-things , @icarus-star
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corspepointvision · 7 months
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A New Pelle Interview from Death Power!!! From DeadFromMayhem.ru Dark Hel
Interview with Dead, done by Scottis Kriss-Toff.
It’s always the same hard to give a brief history and to shrunk down about 6 years. So, I tell of the line-up of MAYHEM. After that MANIAC (ex-vocalist) and MANHEIM (ex-drums) left (straight after the recording of "DEATHCRUSH"), I joined MAYHEM in the early spring 1988 and HELLHAMMER joined about a month later. We’ve got terribly hassles with rehearsal places, somewhere to live, money, etc etc... But we don’t feel for give up only to continue when the band is the reason of our existence.(We would be dead without MAYHEM, eh ! ! !) We’re still trying to get enough of material together for the L.P. We do only songs that will last for years, not the shit songs that becomes a short-time trends,...I hate trends !
We’re a Black Metal band!!
We're trying not to copy other styles, but every band has got inspirations even if they don’t think so by themselves. We’re still VENOM Heads (old VENOM of course) and VENOM created the music. I’ve got personal influences by different singers of course and to mention some: MANTAS/early DEATH, SARCOFAGO, POISON (german of course), PARABELLUM (the first demo) and early SEPULTURA.
By all these years, it has not been much of discocraphy.There have been "PURE FUCKING ARMAGEDDON" in 1986 limited to 100 copies, DEATHCRUSH in 1987, our second demo, our mini-L.P. DEATHCRUSH in 1987 limited to 1000 copies + some rehearsals tapes given out by MANIAC’s "MANIAC PROD".
-DEAD (but still not buried) (vocals)
-EURONYMOUS (greek name for prince of death) (lead guitar)
-DEAD : immigrate to Transylvania, castle mania, cut deeply in myself and others, torture humans and animals.
-EURONYMOUS : dangerous expriments with chemicals, weird science.
-NECROBUTCHER : guru and pot-smooker.
-HELLHAMMER : hellish drunks always and then sings sailor songs.
It sound cruel enough we think. But as the most people who’re reading this now, there has been lots of other "MAYHEMS" all over the world, but we were the first ! The name is from 1982 when EURONYMOUS had a band then.
At "PURE FUCKING ARMAGEDDON" the lyrics were pretty VENOM clones. "DEATHCRUSH" had more slaughter, insanity, Eating corpses style over it. As for the new ones, I make them far and I’m possessed of transylvanian legends and its castles, satanic coven meetings, black art and nice animals as vultures, bats and goats. So that, I write of Evil ! I’m inspired by evil in everything I do. When I make a drawing, it’s to express evil, when I talk, when I dream, when I’m thinking... and when I create lyrics.
Alcohol : Nothing left. Drug : Against. Cigarette : No smoking. Sexe : Violence and death. Politic : Crap! Religion : Evil, ancient, Satanic! Money : Broke always... A.I.D.S. : Marcin Wawreynzak (of "ETERNAL TORMENT"). Torture : Nice to do. Noise : Children’s bands!!! Dream (hope) : Transylvania, Immortality. Death : Peace. Life : Stupid mortals! Rain : By the night. Wind : In the dark forest. Thunder : At the darkened sky. Evil : Evil weather, castle. NAPALM DEATH : Trend! Earth : No hope. Wizard : Black arts. The end : Crossover, straight edge and Grind. You : The superstitious mortals in Transylvania’s dreams came true...
(this is not in order) PARABELLUM (R.I.P.) from Colombia, SARCOFAGO from Brazil, MASACRE from Colombia, DEATHPEED (R.I.P.) from Japan, POISON (R.I.P.) from Germany, DAMNATION (R.I.P.) from Canada, TORMENTOR from Hungary, IMPERATOR from Poland, GROTESQUE from SWEDEN, REENCARNACTION from Colombia.
Do you know MAYHEM, the MAYHEM from U.S.A. ? What do you think about what they do.
I hate them !!! How can a records company releases such crap, even if they are a commercial label !?! We gave out our mini-L.P. "DEATHCRUSH" a half year before they released their excrement compilation ! I suppose you’ve heard the Brazilian MAYHEM (?). They’re now splitted up but that was at least a Death Metal band and I liked their music. There has been also other MAYHEM’s in the history but they don’t exist no longer. I know of two other still existing MAYHEM’s : from Hungary and from Uruguay.
The two bands I’ve singing in are MORBID and MAYHEM, the both of them are Black Metal.
‘Cause the original guitarist of the line-up left the band and the others didn’t know if they wanted to continue like before and to remain a dirty and a Black/Satanic band. There had been too many hassles of the gigs and between the members, so, after my opinion, that band didn’t exist after the first demo "DECEMBER MOON". Later, they recorded a second demo with another line-up, new logo and completly different style than before. Something I think I have to add here is that we’re thinking of having one, just one more MORBID gig of the old style as MORBID was (and also should be) and we also think of the finish song "DEATH EXECUTION" that the "DECEMBER MOON" ends with (on the demo it’s only the la-la version slowly of the refrain and the opening riff). It was a whole song but a not finished such coz we were changing it the time during MORBID’s existence and then, have one or two more songs and then, give it out as a demo… some dark day.
First of all, I don’t think it’s Metal. Then, I think as long as it can be called Metal it comes originally from VENOM… Even if there is Grindcore, fun-noise, straight edge-anti-everything or yucky white metal. To me, only Black is true and only death is real !!!
It seems like the white « bands » believe Black Metal is only for fun… We’re a serious black band. We take this mortually serious! The « white » bands don’t deserve to exist.
Well, the chritians, new-boru christians, the mormons, hare-krishnas, Jehovas witnesses and more have tried lots of their methods of turn me into it, without success of course. The most of them, especially the christians and fanaticals but do not believe in it cos so many of them have been forced by their parents and their family to « believe » and, after that, they’re going out trying to make others join them… of the more limited believers who chose it by themselves and have got a belief in it, I use to scare them up (and to them it works almost every time) most of the cases. The all I have to do is to talk with them and they’re getting corpse pale in their faces and then realize I’m lost and impossible to turn over. One guy even tried an exorcism on me......
She (and also my dad) thinks it’s good for me that I’m in a band, so I don’t start with something stupid instead. It’s hell a work to play in a band, whatever someone might think. Only the letter writing is a full-day job. What she do not like is when I sometimes gets ideas of cutting myself up and when I lived at my parents home, none of them liked when I had parts of animals in my room (from some animals they used to start to rot already at the second day).
Not the best lyrics I’ve done.
It simply is my way of thinking. The only that feels as the possible right to me. I search for the Evil and Black in all matters and I don’t give a dawn of what others are saying of that !
It sounds too mystical only, to me... I’m into the pure Evil and right on Black ! But with that I don’t mean I’m a great sorcerer. I mean of a though and a style of living.
I just don’t really know why I’ve hated all the fucking christans the whole life of mine and I’d search for the Evil darkness. I totally ignore those who are telling me I sicking my head I better go to hospital. Occult can be just anything that people think sounds strange to them. There is no actual limits of what is the occult… Yes mystic, it can be anything from practice. After my opinion, that word occult doesn’t say anything !
Of course, I won’t run nor put shit on you. Mainstream people of clone bands used to fuck with the very few existing anti trend Black Metal bands when crossover-straight-edge-vegetarians ruled the trends… then grindcore was "in" and people used to refuse listen to anythong else than NAPALM DEATH, and so on... It’s not actually NAPALM DEATH who created this awful fashion actually, it was the children who then had to try playing fast. How I hated all the demos with hundred of second-sings and lyrics talking of how many animals that get killed coz of hamburgers and do not vegetables either coz they’re also living. AAAAARRGH !!! As what happens sooner or later with all trends they’re vanishing completly and everybody forget about it really fast. Even Death Metal became trend. At least, it’s on its way. So, what did happen to all the "important" lyrics bands that blamed all the others for not been "in". Did they went designing new fashions that everyone had to follow ? Hell no ! AAAAAAARRRHHHHGGHH-death, the mother fuckers jumped on Death Metal !!! How dared they make Death Metal to something normal that wimps are starting to play to await something new to appear… Next trend ! I will guess the most of the true BM heads (who’ve been into it since Venom) can understand what I mean here. It feels like something is really wrong when serious bands that wanna create something own musically are in ‘zines that also feature noise bands that have been existing for a week but already have released 3 demo’s or something like that and are playing in 25 differents "bands" only for fun. Bands that are sending picture of theselves who are supposed to be funny, strange glasses, toilet paper and a shirt on the head and so much other childish and above it all boring bullshit, I think those have misunderstood humour completely! I refuse to laugh of this! I cannot understand why everything has to be so fucking funny and how people can laugh at this, and if someone might laugh of this interview, I can tell him that he has misunderstood the whole point of this and the rest of this interview, read it again more carefully and he won’t find this funny at all! It’s not funny and I refuse to say something funny or laugh, everybody would misunderstand everything only. There’s so much that stupid people only seek for a good time, so they can laugh don’t understand by the music so I should even refuse listen to music... But that would be too hard to do and it needs more self control for that. The most of the new demo’s sound all the same, the originally is gone it seems. I can’t see why so many self-condemned bands have to exist. One weird thing is that when a band almost is formed they have to record a demo and straight after that, they "have to" give out something on vinyl... and then only after a few weeks they can’t understand how they could record this when they’re sounding much better now if they haven’t already forgot it.
Only with Ozzy! By dio I can listen to « Holy Driver » but nothing else.
Hey, I’m lucky I’m not a NAPALM DEATH/CARCASS kid. Well, then the most Evil, "Occult", dirty and the worst are BLACK SABBATH, KISS,IRON MAIDEN, AC/DC and MOTORHEAD, they were my faves. When I heard VENOM and MERCYFUL FATE, it felt like I lost an important part of my brain and I worshipped them.
Cos I hate that word !!! I wanna hear an explanation of what the moshers actually do when they’re moshing...
"Antiquus Malum Cruentus Scriptum De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" : It’s a book I recommend.
Link To The Page: https://www.facebook.com/PerYngveOhlinTributePage
Per Yngve Ohlin Tribute Page from Facebook
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josibunn · 3 months
euronymous who definitely doesn’t care if you’ve got a bf. or doesn’t care to “hold back” compliments. hell scout you at a party or smt like “you’re adorable” and you’re like “I have a bf” and he’s like “??you’re still adorable” or he’s like to his friends “dude if she wasn’t yours i’d be balls deep” and everyone’s like “…?”
this brings me to the shaggy smashed interview where matthew lillard says to that guy “I’ve seen your wife btw, she’s cute” and it’s so euronymous it’s not even funny. he’d totally do that and wouldn’t gaf bc no one’s gonna check him anyway lmao
he’s not a complete asshole, if you’re his friends girl he won’t go after you but he’ll outwardly go “she’s all yours? you?? oh nothing she’s just..adorable😊” like what do you mean by that😀
or if you just have a bf he’s like “what does that have to do with me? I said you’re hot asf you wanna take this somewhere or what lol”
“what’s he gonna do about it” like you can’t just say that
he only gets away with it bc he’s pretty🙄😒
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thatsthewrongwallcraig · 11 months
From Helvete With Love
Summary: Euronymous' twin hippie brother is in town and up to cause some chaos! (Bear with me, I'll make it work!)
Pairing: Euronymous x fem!Reader x Kappa
Word Count: ~1.8k
Content Warnings: Double Trouble Smut 18+!, You Don't Really Expect This To Have A Noteworthy Plot Do You?, Threesome (mfm), Spit Roasting, Hair Pulling, Subspace, Emotional Cheating, Implied Substance Use (Alcohol and Pot), Dub-Con Due To The Substance Abuse, Kappa Having Insane Amounts Of Audacity While Euro Is Kind Of An Asshole
A/N: I really hope the nonnie with the Threesome request from 2-3ish weeks ago sees this 👀 Also not proofread bcs I literally need to catch the bus to work in like 3 minutes.
Tagging the horny horde:
@crypticsewerslut @quicksilversg1rl @cc-luvr @icarus-star @milaeth @roryculkinsgf @spookyorchid @arch1viste @whoareyoi @angelsanarchy @b4sementgrl @blueberrypancakesworld @rocketqueen-world @r0ttenmess
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Who do you need? Who do you love
When you come undone?
Who do you need? Who do you love
When you come undone?
- Come Undone By Bad Omens
In a high pitched jingle, the little bell above the door indicated that someone had entered the record store but you didn't really bother looking up from the latest issue of Kerrang! magazine, your eyes busy with studying an oven-fresh Duff McKagan interview.
"You call that shithole a record store, huh?" A somewhat familiar voice asked in a cocky tone.
You couldn’t quite pinpoint the person it belonged to and the snarky comment certainly had you raising your gaze towards the counter, shooting right towards the new visitor.
With a sleazy grin playing around his mouth, a well familiar face stared at you with strikingly blue eyes just like those of your boyfriend.
"Look what the cat dragged in…it's the hippie cunt!" You teased right back at the man that happened to be Øystein's twin brother, Kappa.
"Oh, mean, missy!" He scoffed and arched his brows in amusement.
"What do you want, trashbag?" You sneered, smiling at him while your eyes roamed over his features.
You only had met him on a few rare occasions but it never failed to befuddle you just how similar and yet dramatically different Euronymous and Kappa were. Polar opposites in everything but being terribly eccentric and pretentious jackasses.
"I'm in town and I thought to say hi to my brother, is he around by any chance?" Kappa inquired, leaning his torso against the counter whilst throwing you a borderline flirty smile.
"In the back." You nodded your head towards the bureau behind the countertop to gesture him the way.
"Thanks, sugar!" Kappa quipped whilst walking around the counter, heading towards the bureau.
"Fuck off, hippe." You beamed at him with a cheeky smile before lowering your gaze back onto the glossy pages of the magazine.
Neither of you had really been ready for the way this day played out after this seemingly innocent interaction. Everything started with a few guiltless beers at the pub nearby, maybe a few shots of vodka too and the occasional cigarette to go with tipsily firing neurons, craving one hit of serotonin after the other at this point. However, the nicotine in your bloodstream turned into herbally-pungent THC by the time the three of you arrived back at Helvete, sloppy steps scratching over the cold asphalt illuminated by cool-toned street lights. Of course, Kappa had brought some weed with him and neither of you held back in indulging in it to the point where your body felt like one buzzing cloud made out of cotton candy. At some point you weren't sure anymore whether the couch was actually a part of you or not as your weary eyes grazed over a scenery of crushed beer cans, shot glasses and scattered vinyls. The air around you was thick and heavy with the smell of alcohol and pot, the smog covering the record store in a white, translucent veil seeping into every last nook and cranny.
Your bloodshot eyes felt like simply fluttering shut and you could've sworn they did but you weren't sure of this at all. Did you black out for a moment or where did the memories go that would’ve explained how your train of thought got back on track again as you heard yourself breathing out a muffled moan?
"There she is! Got me worried there for a second, sugar." You noticed Kappa talking to you in a breathy tone from above.
The hits of information reached your brain one after the other in a violent flush of realization. You knelt on all fours, a soft mattress underneath your palms and knees swallowing up a good part of the recoil caused by your body being penetrated from both ends, Kappa in the down your throat and Øystein buried deep inside your oozing cunt, both their cocks fucking into you in a firm pace.
Pulling in all the air you possibly could through your nose, you reluctantly looked up to Kappa as you noted how sore your jaw felt with your lips eagerly wrapped around his girth, sucking him off like you never did anything else in your life. How the hell did you get here? The question burned inside of your racing thoughts but you tried to push it to the side as your gaze met with Kappa's, who was looking down at you with an unexpectedly warm smile.
"Don't worry, I got you, make sure you’re okay, hun." He whispered to you in a raspy voice as the hand, that wasn't grabbing fistfuls of your hair to guide your head back and forth over his throbbing cock, went to your cheek to give you soft caresses filled with affirmation.
"Good girl.", He praised, the tip of his hard on nudging against the back of the throat, "Øystein really lucked out with you as a girlfriend. You're funny, you're smart and hella pretty."
"Could you not?" It was now that you really took notice of your boyfriend behind you with his hands on your hips and his lap rocking against your rear in desperate thrusts.
"What? You gotta make her feel at least a little special right now." Kappa sneered back at his brother without ever taking his eyes off of you, practically hypnotized by the way his cock disappeared into your throat with every roll of his hips.
"I think I can do that very well on my own." Euronymous huffed, tightening his grip around your waist before pushing himself into you with such brute force that it nearly hurt.
You winced around Kappa's cock, a few wayward tears pricking at your lower lash line and his thumb wiped them away before they could even really trickle down your face.
"Issok, sugar. C'mon, close your eyes and enjoy yourself." His broad hand cradled your face and you trusted him, allowed yourself to.
"There you go…" Kappa cooed to you in a saccharine-sweet voice, hips rolling against your face in a steady pace, careful to not hurt or overstimulate you.
With that you let yourself go, adjusting to his rhythm while your mind rendered blank. You've never ever felt this filled up before and it was continuously bordering on the very fine line of being just too much for your body but instead of your actual boyfriend it felt like Kappa was guiding you through this, all his attention was on you and you only. Of course, he loved the sight of his cock slipping in and out of your mouth in wet, sloppy sounds, making him feel ready to burst at any minute now but he not once put his own pressure released over your well-being in this constellation. Quite the contrary to his brother who was railing into you at a merciless pace from behind, rendering your tightening cunt sore from within. In a way, he knew that he wasn't having the upper hand here anymore and in desperate, failing attempts Øystein tried to turn your attention back to him which only led to you being even more infatuated with the gentle yet firm ways of his brother.
Kappa put you in a headspace you've never experienced before and to say that this state was blissful oblivion would've been an understatement. Mixed with all the substances in your bloodstream, you felt yourself slipping into beautiful nothingness and just felt your body, felt Kappa's cock sliding down over your tongue again and again while he held your head by your hair, steadying you, making sure to not accidentally choke you with his girth. He made it known that he was here for you and it made your chest feel all warm and secure, a warmth that would shot right down between your legs in the very next second, making you clench down around Euronymous' cock in what turned out to be the first contractions of an orgasm that took you by surprise. You inhaled sharply as undefined moans and whimpers vibrated around Kappa's hard on which he only reluctantly pulled out of your mouth. While Øystein rode you through your orgasm, gradually losing himself in it, Kappa stroked himself off with a few quick pumps of his fists, spilling and splattering thick ropes of his seed right onto your face. With your entire body convulsing around your boyfriend one rouge thought escaped its prison and ran wild inside your mind. For a moment you couldn't help yourself but to wish that it was Kappa's cock you were cumming on right now. Your eyes shot wide open as a sharp pang of shame and guilt chased right after the orgasmic high.
"Dude, really?!" Øystein groaned behind you, drilling himself into your now utterly overstimulated pussy one last time before coming undone deep inside of you himself. You recognised how he filled you up with himself like so many times before but you couldn't pull any please from it right now, instead you stared back up to Kappa who was breathing heavily.
"What? I thought it to be a bit more decent than busting my load down your girlfriend's throat, no?" Kappa scoffed at his brother, lowering his hand down to your face again, gathering a dollop of his cum from your chin and smearing it just over your trembling lips, the tip of his thumb prodding against your mouth, leaving it up to you whether to open up or not. Entranced by the way his icy blue eyes were beaming down at you, you did just that, a part of you defiling your boyfriend for never taking care of you the way his brother did.
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disgusting-semla · 6 months
Another clarification. I don't think Euronymous killed Dead. And I think all conspiracies about that matter are dumb af.
Feel free to look at the pictures, read the letters, the interviews. Do it for fun, you're not uncovering anything new
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euronymous-files · 6 months
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This would’ve been around spring ’91, when Slayer Mag #8 came out – the one with that legendary Euronymous and Dead interview where they lay down the law in terms of, ‘Black metal is like this, death metal is like that. And it’s a lifestyle.’ All this really resonated with me. I thought, ‘Fuck, I love what they’re saying here. It feels right.’ That interview changed my whole approach to music, my interests, and the direction I wanted to take. […] I never got around to playing him (Euronymous) my music. I was a little concerned that he might not be into it, so I kept dragging my feet a lot in terms of letting him know about the Mortiis project. I was literally terrified that if Euronymous told me it sucked, I wouldn’t want to make more music. I can handle a lot of criticism but, at the time – as an eighteen-year-old – I’d have been devastated if Euronymous said, ‘Dude, it’s shit.’ Because he was very honest and would’ve told me in no uncertain terms if he didn’t like my music. So, I think that held me back. I do recall entertaining this little daydream that it would’ve been fucking cool to release something on his label, but, at the same time, I knew it would’ve taken forever. Euronymous was always dealing with various financial complications. […] I’d just turned eighteen and thought I was going to prison; I had a police detective with a big beard staring me straight in the eye… and I’m like, ‘I am so fucked.’ I wasn’t raised in the fucking Bronx, you know. I didn’t grow up in The Godfather, nor have I ever been forced to survive on the street. I’m a middle-class kid! My parents paid for my first album, for fucks sake. So no, I’m not tough like that. They fucked me and then I had to fucking deal with it. You know, for years. People felt I’d snitched on Faust, but that wasn’t the case at all. It’s true that I did talk to the police because they tricked me. The motherfuckers tricked me. When it came to Varg, I had zero loyalty. I told them everything I knew, because he killed Euronymous. I even testified in court against that dickhead. Still to this day, I’m fucking glad I did that.
Excerpts from the interview on Bardo Methodology #7
Please please please go read the rest of the interview, it's extremely insightful.
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notyinnina · 5 months
Hellhammer's interview Found In Sound Of Dead Magazine
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SOD: I was curious about the photos of that, and how they appeared on the album.
HELLHAMMER: Well, me and Euronymous and Dead were all living in an old house, kind of in the woods, you know. And I was in Oslo, because things weren't so good in the house, and I was visiting my mother, and I got a call from Euronymous and he said "Dead has gone home now." And I said, what, Dead has gone back to Sweden? and he said, "No, he has gone home, he has blown his brains out." That was totally shocking for me. He was a very shy, quiet person. Then Euronymous told me "But the best thing is that I have taken pictures!" (laughs) Then he told me the whole thing. They only had one key for the door, and the door was locked, you know, so he had to climb in through Dead's window to get into his bedroom. Luckily he had left the window open. So there he was, and he told me that he went straight out the get his camera, and he came back and took a whole roll of pictures which I had to develop because we couldn't take it to a commercial developer, you know. But some of these pictures were stolen, and they appeared on this CD from Blackheart.
—The interview of Hellhammer, from Mayhem, done after 1993.
Dan Zimmer, of Sound Of Dead Magazine.
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bebeeebado · 5 months
"I hope many people will hate me after this interview and consider it personal. 
people thought to hate us, after all, we never intended to form a band that people would love "  (Euronymous confession 1992)
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xardoth · 2 years
Decibels Of Storm (1990) | Pelle Ohlin
I know I've talked about posting a Euronymous interview but I haven't had time to type out anything new and I apologize. I'm taking all the Pelle interviews I've published on different social medias and posting them here until I find the time to sit down and search for other ones. As usual, Pelle's words are in italic and the interviewers are bold!
"Hi! What'sup after the release of your EP "Deathcrush"? Is it selling well?
- Deathcrush is sold out since nearly a year! But DC's demo wich is not limited is still available and we don't intend to stop selling it at 5$. The record was produced & pressed by us! If we would have had a commercial record label on us, the songs would have been different as they are, and they would never have allowed that front cover and everyone who got one knows why... After Deathcrush we had a long time of no release and no gigs. We got our actual rehearsal place in April '89, a great equipment and fount at last a place to live and so on.. Now we can really begin the hard work for realizing all our band's future plans!
Why did you change the line-up?
- Well, in fact we never changed it.... only Manheim (ex drummer) and Maniac (ex vocalist) left the band after Deathcrush's recording! I began in spring '88 and Hellhammer joined a few weeks later! Now we are: Dead: vocals; Hellhammer: drums; Necrobutcher: bass and Euroymous guitars. 
What do you think now of your first demo: "Pure fucking armaggeddon"?
- It's the same extremely bad sound quality now as it was before! In '86, when it came out and I first heard it (I didn't sing on that one). it was the rawest and noisiest crushing black metal I'heard till then. The songs we'll use from PFA live are carnage & PFA. We'll print carnage in tha same version as before, and PFA on vinyl, maybe on CD..... What I can say for sure is that Deathcrush will come out again on vinyl, with another cover. Unfortunately, we can't use the name "posercorpse" anymore, as we started our own record label called "Deathlike silence productions" and all our future records will be on DSP. We'll press not only our own records, but also those of some other bands. The first one will be "the awakening", an LP from Merciless from Sweden.
How is life in Norway? Tell me about your country.
- In almost every country you'll find people who would prefer to live elsewhere. I wanna live in Transylvania! I'm not norvegian, maybe another of us should answer this question. I think everything here is too far expensive and the Death Metal scene isn't big enough. There aren't so many satanic covens, the blasphemes in christian churches aren't grim enough and Scandinavia has also a rotten weather. I think that France is more human and nearer other european countries (compared to Norway). I've also heard all about those many ancient castles, I'll have to check that out some days.
What are you listening to now? Death metal I suppose!!
- The bands I prefer are: Mantas and Old Death/Necrovore, Azagthoth, Matricide, Immolation, Autopsy, Damnation, Merciless (SWE), Casbah, Necrophile, Deathspeed, Nausea, Imperator, Panic, Slashing Death, Mercilles death, Tormentor, Mutilated, Agressor and the new stuff on Loudblast.
So you know Mutilated!! Yeah! I think they're awful, shit with big head. Do u think this too?
- Mutilated is OK musically, but as I don't know those guys I can't say much about them, only that someone wrote to us once telling that Mutilated doesn't answer letters. So don't ask me what might go on between them and French public.
You plan an LP. Please Dead, talk to me 'bout it.
- We hope to get a studio in March '90 for the recording of "De Mysteris Dom Sathanas" LP. Exactly when it'll be out and the time for the recording depend of any possible new gigs appearing. We hope go to Russia for about 20-30 gigs at this year's end and if nothing appears after that then we can record in March. The title "De Misteriis.." comes from a book with ghost stories; ghosts made of human flesh with forced far beyond human imagination. Unfortunately this book seems to exist in only 1 examplary, but I still try to find another. Just now I can tell you which songs we'll use: carnage, the dark of the freezing moon, buried by time & dust, funeral fog, de mysteriis dom sathanas and  song we could call "when the vultures left" and one more without title yet! That makes 7 songs, but as we have 10 on the LP, we have to make 3 more. We still have 4 songs on DeathCrush and all those we composed for the russian tour! There's of course a difference in new track and that of DC, but to me they're in the same vein as our old stuff, maybe longer, with more solo parts! We did all improve technically since then; but it will be the same Death on it!
Are your lyrics funny, or do you speak about reality?
- Let's talk about the new lyrics... They're mostly done by me, and I take it very seriously! I'e been mad of horror since my birth and I'm insane of ancient, nearly forgotten... covens of pure evil!! Lonely castles in carpatians, in transylvania... vulture legends wich are so ancient but still alive in Transylvania! Black metal!!!!
Any future plans?
-I don't like future as I'm obsessed by the past! Hard to talk about it as everything goes so slowly! What will happen after the LP? We've got many plans for then but the biggest is our tour and the way we planned it: Eastern Europe (in its whole), many places in the west (I can't for sure it willbe France, but I would rather think so), southern and  central america and maybe Canada and Asia! My own idea would be to play in the places which invite us. We only wanna play in so "sick" as possible places, communist, with closed borders and impossible to see for tourists. That's all I can say now.
Any last words?
- If one of you, Satanic true evil horror Nosferatu insaniacs of immortality finds per chance the book "De Miteriis Dom. Satanas" and survives its contact, please contact me, so I can die in peace!!"
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lords-of-mayhem · 2 months
hey all im saying is that if you write a thesis about how loc made you unwell i would read the hell out of it
like ik how it personally is making me worse, i need to know what its doing to others desperately
Okay, so. I'm gonna just throw all my thoughts that I currently have here. No promises on how coherent I'll be.
A lot of it is just based off of how violence is portrayed in the movie.
The parallels and foreshadowing in this movie fucks me up so much.
The scene of Euronymous simply saying "Scorpions?" to Varg and walking away from him paralleled by him telling Varg later, "I attracted people by saying you can't have this, you're not worthy."
Euronymous saying "nothing could stop me" cut immediately by Varg staring in the mirror???
The way Euronymous gives a speech that Varg overhears in the restaurant that Varg later parallels in the bar, trying to get the same adoration and it just doesn't happen?? Ough
Euronymous: We're not just a fucking metal band. I'm sick of all those speed and death metal bands, all that Swedish shit. All they do is celebrate life and party, they should just call it life metal. We play black metal, true Norwegian black metal. Varg: Exactly, posers claiming to be Satanists when all they wanna do is drink beer and have a good time. I hate that, all those death metal kids with their stupid Morbid Angel t-shirts. Making a trend out of something that was meant to instill fear.
Also I know I've said this before, but SOMEBODY in production has a blood kink. I refuse to believe otherwise.
There are at least 15 separate shots of men with blood splattered across their faces in this movie. I didn't even carefully examine every scene, I just kind of skimmed through the parts I knew of right off. (The show scene, Faust's murder, etc.)
And the way blood/violence is presented is so horny for no reason?? Like Occultus having his mouth wide open while Pelle's blood is actively pouring onto his face? This????
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Who asked for this? ^^^^
Another thing is the parallels between Pelle and Ann-Marit. I KNOW I've gone on and on, but it fucks me up. There was no reason she needed to look so similar, down to their outfits being similar.
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The multiple shots of Varg ass naked and fucking?? (This caught me so by surprise the first time I saw this movie, like why did they need to do that lol)
Euronymous pinning Manheim down while he encourages Necro to cut him? Lives in my head rent free.
The pure sexual tension in the Varg/Euro church burning scene. Like they had a cute little date and then the most homoerotic stare-downs ever. The way they smile at each other and the little hug :(
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Then this gay shit
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On the note of gay shit, there's not a single reason why Faust needed to touch Occultus as much as he did, yet here we are.
On the topic of Faust, there was also not a single reason why he needed to double take watching Euronymous piss. (keep your eyes to yourself girlie <3)
Emory Cohen also being so phenomenal at expressions really fucked me up in this movie, particularly him breaking up with Euro and him killing him later. He's so talented and it makes me so insane
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Emory Cohen in general is just such a fantastic pick for this role, he's hands down my favorite casting. He's similar enough (especially irl Varg's arrogance that he captures) while also making the character his own is such a good mix. Plus, knowing that having a Jewish actor playing him pissed irl Varg off is a bonus.
Side note, but Pelle's dad leaving that voicemail while he was killing himself? It gets to me, man. It gets to me. (And while we're on the topic of parents, Faust's mom yelling in the background while he's getting arrested? Oh lord)
The Varg/Euro tension while they played with Atilla??? Hello???
Blackthorn decorating Varg's room for when the interviewers come by is also something I think about a lot. It doesn't fuck me up in the same way the others do, but I love that little scene. And him offering tea at possibly the worst time
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They were sharing the same brain cell in this scene fr
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The ending will always fuck me up the most. The shots of them all having fun intercut with Varg/Blackthorn/Faust getting arrested, Euronymous' memorial, etc. If you want to be really emotionally unwell, I highly suggest listening to this while watching it.
Everyone's reactions were sooooo good too
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If you want something depressing to think about too, you can think about the fact Necrobutcher was probably just finally moving on from Pelle's death, only for Euronymous to die as well.
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haywire-hetfield · 3 months
I’m borederline sleep deprived rn sorry if this doesn’t make much sense.
I love the idea of Faust being terrified of being too much of an alpha to the point of him practically hovering over Euro instead of touching him. Just perfect *chefs kiss*
Honestly this is making me feel like writing a Faust/Euro fic.
Oh man you mentioned him being a traditional- yet chill and respectful alpha - I think he’d mesh well with my favorite alpha trope, the overly possessive alpha. When other alphas try to flirt with euro, something in him snaps. He shoves away the other alpha and threatens to fight them. Euro would totally be into it ( in the movie he was just a little too into the violence if you catch my drift ) and excited at the idea of Faust finally being rough in bed, only for him to immediately go back to treating Euro like glass. And Euro is just baffled, wondering if Faust will ever be actually rough.
Idk my brain is actively rotting the more I think about this it’s like I have too many thoughts to type them out. I’m much better at talking😅
If you have other omegaverse loc ideas you want to share I’m all ears 👂 you have great ideas - 🐈‍⬛
You're fine, it makes sense!
I loooove traditional alpha Faust in this sense, it fits him so nicely I think. (I think especially about the scene where he's like guiding Occultus by the arm when he's already walking in that direction. Like there's 0 practical reason for him to be physically guiding him, but he still is and that is sooooo)
He also 100% will fight other alphas if they're getting a little too close or familiar with him. (This is based more around the interviews irl Faust has done where he's talked about how it used to take a lot for him to actually get angry/physical.) I think he'd normally be so cool and composed about things, but it just sets him off.
It surprises Euronymous the first time it happens and he's definitely into it, but Faust is very scared of frightening Euronymous. (Even though let's be real, that's not happening.)
Euronymous gets whiplash from the way Faust can punch another alpha then turn right around and hold his hand like he's delicate.
I think this results a lot in Euronymous purposefully trying to get Faust into scenarios where he'll fight with other alphas.
I can also see Faust accidentally getting too rough with him and realizing how into it Euronymous actually is.
I want to note too that Euronymous bosses him around in the movie and it's the cutest thing. (Him telling Faust to turn the movie down and him immediately doing it. Him telling Faust he's gotta listen to Varg's tape and Faust catching it as soon as he tells him to. Him telling Faust "okay that's enough 😑" when he's smashing that car windshield and Faust going along with it)
Here's some of my personal omegaverse headcanons for LOC (I could talk for hours):
I'm a firm believer in omega Varg, although he WILL try to present himself more as a beta or alpha. (I can see him going at either angle. Presenting himself as a beta gives him the advantage of acting as though he's above it all, he doesn't deal with the same animalistic urges alphas/omegas do. Presenting as an alpha gives him the advantage of seeming in control.)
100% deals with internalized hatred regarding being an omega.
Occultus is an omega, just a very loud and hyper one. He tends to be on the nicer side, but he can be a lot to deal with and it can lead to confrontations (thinking particularly about Varg snapping and punching him.) This is usually accompanied by one of the others stepping in to defend him.
I particularly enjoy the dynamic of loud o!Occultus x quiet a!Faust.
Pelle is either a beta or an omega. If he's an omega, he tends to just ignore the fact he is one and honestly treats other people the same way. He generally doesn't think about it too much unless he's forced to. (Heats and such)
I can see Metalion as being any presentation. (If he's an omega, he's o4o with Occultus.)
I'm actually a big fan of alpha Euronymous, but Euronymous who is just the biggest failguy of an alpha ever. He's awkward, he sucks at being commanding, he's short, he's not really that strong, he's awkward with omegas, it's always fighting for power with the other alphas. (He's like a chihuahua that always barks and growls at the bigger dogs, not seeming to realize they're tiny.)
Blackthorn is an alpha and he is having the least fun time out of everyone. Alphas scare him and omegas scare him more.
Necrobutcher is a beta, although I could also see him as an alpha. If he is one, he does not usually act like it, though. He's usually pretty relaxed and only acts like a stereotypical alpha if he needs to.
Fenriz is an alpha (potentially a beta, but I'd put him way closer to the alpha side.) He tends to be chill-ish, but nowhere near the same level as Faust is. He's a lot more likely to snap quicker/more easily. Thinking particularly about him shoving Pelle at the party. (Man was NOT playing 😭)
Hellhammer is an omega, but you would never be able to tell it. He doesn't try to seem like an alpha, but that's usually the vibe people get from him. He's overly flirty, he's loud, he isn't afraid to fight, etc.
Manheim is a beta or an omega. If he's an omega, he's the most traditional/stereotypical one out of the entire group.
Atilla's an alpha/stereotypical and he's closer to the most traditional one out of the group.
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“The Black Metal is so extreme that not everyone can get into it. This isn’t any funny hobby which stupid kids shall have after they come home from school”
“... We don’t have to prove that we are evil, and we don’t care about what people thinks about us. If you will you can look at us as unserious. WE ARE NOT FOR YOU!”
Interview with Euronymous (Oystein Aarseth) 1993
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fvte · 2 years
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Interview With IT For Petrified Zine 1994... Hail IT, so what is the current line- up for Abruptum? IT: I hail you Jon...The Line-up is as follows: Evil - guitars, piano, effects, torture. IT - drums, screams, torture & hell. Whatever other forces have to do with our recording sessions they can not be mentioned here. Why have "Ext" and "All" left the Band? IT: "Ext" was afraid of the pure evil that lurked behind our backs all the time...Being a member of Abruptum is no childs play. He heard the result of the first demo and got so afraid that he joined the nearest church - idiot!! "All", on the other hand, left me shortly before the recording of our EP...He couldn't handle the alcohol and he couldn't handle himself so he went for a long journey...to find himself...It must have surely been a journey in darkness...However, he has now returned stronger than ever doing the vocals in Opthalamia and Vondur. He lives at my place here in Stockholm and shares his thoughts with me...He is surely a great brother... What has been released so far through Abruptum? IT: 3 demos, "Evil" EP, "Obscuritatem Advoco Amplectere Me" CD/LP, "In Umbra Malitiae Ambulabo In Aetemum In Triumpho Tenehrarum " CD , some t-shirts. Now we'll do a picture EP, a picture LP of "In Umbra...", some more t-shirts, of course our new album. Also a re-release of the "Evil" EP on vinyl and a release with first two demos and the EP on a CD is planned. We will also be on the Necropolis Records Compilation. Tell us how you go by recording the album? IT: Its true ritualistic and tenebrous/torturous music! Whatever happens in the studio while recording is both too painful and too private to discuss, those fuckoffs out there who do not believe in our torture: go and die! Abruptum are original and we are the superior ones so everybody spreading rumors are just jealous and have to he killed for that. What is the reason for such hateful and sick music? IT: We are the chosen ones to do this, we are the most hateful and sick persons ever, That's why. "Evil" stated that the new recording will have lyrics, is this true? IT: We have always have some amount of lyrix in our music more or less, that will also be the case this time. What will the new CD he titled and what will it be comprised of? IT: I'm still working on it...so you'II just have to wait for it, but I 'm absolutely sure that the new album will crush everything in its way. What do you do in Ophthalamia? What will the title of the new album be? IT: I do all the music and lyrics. I play the guitars, do whispers, vocals, screams and keep the band together (which is not always the easiest thing to do). What I hate though is that everyone seems to think of Ophthalamia as a hobby band. This is absolutely not the case! Opthalamia is a band that is fighting hard and you can hear that on our new album. We are not taking this lightly, Opthalamia belongs to the elite of Sweden. The new CD is titled "Via Dolorosa". I have heard of your solo-project "Vondur ", What is this like? IT: "Vondur" is not a solo project. "All" has joined so now Vondur consists of the two original members of Abruptum. Vondur are about to sign to Necropolis Records for a full-length CD and just like Abruptum & Opthalamia, Vondur is very original & hateful and very hard to describe. Just buy the fuckin' CD when it is released and you'll see. Can you now tell us about the "True Satanist Horde" and what it's about? IT: I formed it back in 1990, it's an organization for black, Satanic warheads, people who live on the edge, on the warpath and live only for Satan, our goals I won't discuss but they are hardly not that difficult to guess. I heard that the Norwegian Black Circle was a part of or formed because of the True Satanist Horde, is this true? IT: Yes, Euronymous and Cunt Grishfuck were members in the organization and after awhile they wanted to call it the Norwegian Horde, something different. So they did. I guess that is the big problem, breaking up, going own ways, being too proud hen we should stay close. I have also heard that you were a true ally of Euronymouse, how did you get to know him? IT: First I was in contact with Dead from Mayhem but suddenly I did not receive anymore letters from him. Anyway, I got a letter from Euronymous instead where he described Dead's suicide in detail. I am a true ally of Euronymous as I know he was a true ally of me. Count Grishnackh is not your ally, why is this? IT: I think everyone can find that out themselves. The cunt must pay for what he did. What will happen to him if you ever meet-up with him? IT: He will meet his end. Whats your opinion of the Black Metal scene now? IT: Opinion? It's only stupid to bother that much about the scene of today. I haven't got the interest to build myself a opinion about it, I could care less. Black Metal once brought fear, now it's a huge trend scene, in your opinion, what do you think will happen in the future? IT: Yes, the future is nice to wonder I about...I do it everyday...but I only think about things that are of great importance to me and not about stupid things as the future of Black Metal. Black Metal is the greatest music, but I concentrate my thoughts on Satan instead. What bands do you hate? IT: Hmmm...I think it will be easier for me to tell you what bands I like instead...or the bands I hate would take the whole space in your mag. I enjoy the four bands of Abruptum, Marduk, Opthalamia, and Dissection. I also think Satanized, Dark Funeral and Vondur is ok. From Norway comes three great bands, namely: Mysticum, Mayhem, and Enslaved. I also enjoy Darkthrone and Isengard, besides that...well... Thanks for your time, comments? IT: Thank you. I would like to say that I hate you all and that we are the superior humans. Everybody else should kill themselves or we will do it for you. Soon the great 4th Reich will rise. You're probably stupid enough to buy our new album as well. Fuck You! Darkness it'll be. From "Lamentations Of The Flame Princess" Zine 2002... I’ve never heard any of the ABRUPTUM stuff because from all descriptions, I just had no interest in it. Is it true that they were cutting and burning themselves in the studio and recording it? That’s really true. I recorded everything with ABRUPTUM. I am the one that made them sound evil. They were really bad. They played like assholes. They sounded horrible. I took the reverb unit and cranked it toeleven and made it sound like it was recorded in a fucking church. The biggest reverb ever made on an album. That made it sound, even to me, really fucking evil. Imagine standing in a school or something that is totally silent, then all of a sudden you hear something really disharmonic and weird echoing throughout the halls. I get goosebumps talking about it. It’s weird. This sound coming from somewhere, very distant, very evil, very eerie, strange. It’s not here. Where the hell does it come from? That’s the sound of the ABRUPTUM demos, that’s what made people freak out. This is the most evil recording. There’s something in the ambience of that. They played like crap. There were no songs. They just tuned down the guitars and I played drums for a few songs. All of a sudden, they were not playing, they were out cutting themselves in the arm and smearing blood all over them and just whipping the guitar with something they found on the floor. It was this big jam session, with the lights out of course. Just this one candle so I could see the recording unit. It’s true, they cut themselves real bad. I remember one really fun thing about the ABRUPTUM sessions. Tony was a pretty small guy. He wanted to crawl under a sofa, put a microphone in there, we would put the sofa over him and sit in it, so when he had this panic attack, it should be recorded on tape. It was so really really funny. And he never got the panic attack! It was hilarious! But they were really cutting themselves with the knives I had around the studio. The knives were from like 1970, they’d never been sharpened, and I used them to cut metal stuff and whatever. Your average scissors were a lot sharper. They were trying really hard to cut themselves. It didn’t work, so they’re biting each other, “Get some blood here man!” So they start burning themselves. “Ow! That hurt!” It was not what you imagine. It was fun. There was a lot of blood. It was hilarious. For the album recording, there were tons of people coming down to the studio. I can’t remember, like ten people just hanging out. Weird times. The classic was the recording of the second album, I just soundchecked one guitar and one drum kit. “That’s good. I’m going home now, and I’ll be back in 45 minutes.” So I got in my car and went back, I had to wait a few minutes, out of tape, turn on the lights, bye then! The fastest album recording in history. In real time! I recorded them to DAT. No mixdown, no nothing. I just recorded to the master tape live. That’s the second album. Really funny. Didn’t cost them many Swedish crowns, I can tell you! It must have sold 10,000 copies! Remember the movie Prince of Darkness? There’s something about that movie, even just looking at the poster gives me chills. It inspired the hell out of me. Tony was into similar stuff. He wanted to sense the evil. The soundtrack to Omen is one of the most evil recordings ever made and it’s just strings, you know? This feeling you get in your body when you hear it, and I admit that I don’t care for the albums of ABRUPTUM, they’re just a lot of reverb. But the first demo, there was something happening in the rehearsal room, in the studio, whatever you want to call it. It was a really evil feeling in the air. I was pretty close to Tony around the time and I remember going to the gas station to buy the tapes to copy the demos, I helped him to copy the tape cover. Of course it was all black. I distributed it to some friends, I sold some. You and I could easily do something that sounded similar. Just a bunch of banging with effects. There was something, it was an accident in a way, that sound that came up. It was unique. No one had ever heard anything like it. More related to industrial music than black metal. It took everybody by surprise because there was a weird ambience in the music. That’s what got them signed.
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