#european parliament elections
motsimages · 4 months
Info about European Parliament elections
Because the elections to the European Parliament are approaching (6-9 of June), I wanted to make some kind of master post about it to see if I understand it better and to give some tips. But I forgot we're talking about the fucking European Union and all its levels and sublevels and the respect to each country doing whatever the fuck they want. You may want to watch the series Parliament. It's funny and you will understand how the EU works better than I could ever explain it (I am not kidding).
THANKFULLY, the EU knows the mess it all is and they created a very clear and easy to use website just for this: https://elections.europa.eu.
It gives you general info and a guide for your country. I want to kiss in the mouth to whoever designed the website and wrote the text. Whatever it is they are paid, it's not enough.
The most important thing about these elections is that the European Parliament represents the interests of the European citizens. Copying from that website I gave: The European Commission is the EU’s executive branch, responsible for proposing and implementing EU law and the day-to-day running of the EU. The European Parliament, representing the interests of EU citizens, and the Council, representing the interests of the countries, shape Commission proposals and, if they agree on them, adopt them.
This is important to know because the Parliament will elect the new President of the European Commission who later will examine and approve the entire College of Commissioners. But this is another thing, so go check wikipedia about the President of the European Comission. In the last elections there was some mix-up between the candidate, the system and who ended up being president (current president is Ursula von der Leyen, chosen in 2019).
The European parliament is separated into 7 political groups. 23 members are necessary to create a group and each group must represent at least a quarter of the countries in the EU (again, watch Parliament, this is very well explained there in a fun way). Here you can find the list of the political groups (if you click each link, they send you to the website of the group and you can look for who/which party from your country is part of it). Some people do not belong to any political group.
From what I see, those 7 political groups include:
4 Right-wing groups (some say "center-right" but they may be right-right. 2 of them are clearly called something like "Christian democrats" or "Conservatives")
1 green party
1 left party
1 center-leftish party
Not all of the websites for these political groups are in several languages of the EU, but they are all in English. Here you can see how many members of the parliament belong to each group by country. In short, you can see where your country is leaning in the European parliament. For instance, Spain has 13 christian democrats, 9 "center-right" and 4 right vs 21 "center-left", 3 green and 6 left, plus 3 non registered in any group for a total of 59 members.
In reality, we do not vote for those political groups. We vote for politicians in our countries and then, they, if they want, they join one group or another. In short, if you vote a left-wing party from your country, it is likely that they will be part of The Left political group of the European parliament.
Historically, over 50% of the parliament is a group of right and another group of center-right. No sé qué de los nazis por Europa estos últimos años. This is how it looks like right now. The yellow party is right-wing adjacent too (Renew Europe), so you can see how it currently looks for the left (green and red colours, where the dark red colour is The Left and the bright red is center-left). The gray one do not belong to any political group.
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In other elections, about 50% of the population did not vote (which may be why there are more right-wing parties than others, just saying).
So yeah, vote. This organ represents you and your interests directly. They are the ones who adopt laws that affect anyone and everyone.
Vote because the European Parliament is your voice in the EU.
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lollki · 3 months
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pinkie-satan · 4 months
ofc ppl from this joke of a country voted for prorussian fascist scum, not surprised
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tearsofrefugees · 3 months
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bookish2bookish · 4 months
El ascenso de la derecha. ¿Cómo el giro hacia la extrema derecha en Europa impacta la globalización, la sostenibilidad y el comercio?
El giro hacia la derecha en las más recientes elecciones del Parlamento Europeo 2024-2029 (resultados provisionales al día de hoy) ha captado la atención de quienes trabajamos en temas de globalización, sostenibilidad y comercio internacional. Aunque en la extrema derecha europea aún existen algunos negacionistas del cambio climático, la realidad es que la mayoría de los partidos europeos de…
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French President Emanuel Macron announced Sunday he was dissolving the National Assembly and calling a snap election after his centrist alliance was trounced by the far-right National Rally in the European Parliament elections. According to the first exit polls, the National Rally won around 32%, more than double Macron's pro-EU coalition, which received 15% of the vote. The first round of France's parliamentary election will be held on June 30 and a second round is scheduled for July 7.
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mel-rhodes-place · 4 months
Franziska Giffey, a prominent Berlin politician, was violently assaulted and suffered injuries to her head and neck. (https://apnews.com/article/germany-election-violence-eu-4d09d90a6cc380aacf62ca4a69af1a64) Latest attack on a German politician stokes concern ahead of elections German politics is getting violent. This week, Berlin’s top economic official was attacked, sustaining head and neck…
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ardri-na-bpiteog · 4 months
Just a reminder to my European followers that the European Parliament elections are coming up and they are very important! The far-right parties are projected to win a lot of seats and many of the left/environmentalist parties are expected to do poorly.
This could have serious implications for major issues like climate action in the EU. It is very important that young people turn out to vote, EU elections typically have relatively low turnout but the composition of the EU Parliament does impact the lives of people in the European Union in a lot of ways.
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fabcreature · 3 months
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visit-ba-sing-se · 4 months
Hello I do not know how to say this in a way that would do numbers on tumblr.com but if you are a citizen of an EU country this your reminder to vote in June. Elections for the EU-Parliament take place from the 6th to 9th of June depending on where you live, you can find more details on when and how to vote here.
I know that the EU can seem like this far away thing that you can have many complicated feelings about. But at this point so many key decisons are made at the European level, where the Parliament really can make or break a law. And I am talking about big topics like climate change and global politics but also everyday situations like buying stuff online or getting a refund for your delayed flight.
So even if it might not always be visible, who makes those decisions in the EU-Parliament does affect you now and will continue to do so in the future. Use your vote to determine in which way.
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enlitment · 4 months
In honour of the EU Parliamentary Elections, let me briefly interrupt the staple frev/classics posting and tell you about the terrible, beautiful insanity that is the Czech political scene.
Okay, so we have three brothers who are all in politics, except each of them is in a party that is diametrically opposed to the other two.
The most famous one of them is a notorious right-wing populist who made his fame by running on the 'I hate foreigners and immigrants' platform (even though he's half Japanese)
The other one would almost be a decent guy, except he is a member of a Christian party that continues to push for 'traditional values'
The youngest one is a gay architect who aligns himself with what is arguably the most progressive party on the current Czech political scene
I know it sounds like something straight out of a sitcom, but I swear that I'm not making this up
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whentheynameyoujoy · 3 months
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america centered ass website. europe goes downhill and noone even knows about it on here. anyway fuck afd and fuck everyone who voted against democracy in the european parliament elections.
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ironsnows · 4 months
Watching the EU election results be like ..
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destiel-news-network · 3 months
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coline7373 · 4 months
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