espys-art-stuff · 2 years
It has occurred to me that I should probably... publish more of the random, insane things that go through my head rather than keep them locked up in my private digital notebooks forever. So with that said, please have this thing nobody asked for,
(disclaimer obvious satire piece is satire)
Directory of Europe (as written by an ignorant US tourist)
BRITISH ISLES, aka the only places we care about (wait they're islands?? I thou--)
England: Harry Potter Land and so London, very Posh, quite barmy out innit, god save the queen King, I want to hop into a queue and buy some fish and chips and good english tea, *waves the union jack aggressively*
(i feel so bri’ish!!1!11 did i do the accent right [is speaking cockney])
Ireland: EIRISH ((does several bad (scottish)ireland imitations)) and so beer and drienk, my grendfather was born ‘ere so I understind everythin’ aboot this playce
N. Ireland: I understand nothing about this place
Scotland: Aye Laddie, kilts and bagpipes and castles and ACCENTS (we're so scottish)
(wait you guys sound irish--)
Wales: tbh we didn't know you existed until we looked up the funny nonsense words
what do you mean there are native languages spoken in ENGland that aren’t english
THE SOUTH (Boonies)
Spain: Mexico 2.0
wtf do you mean it's more similar to california, california speaks Only English, a spanish-speaking country could never be as advanced
Italy: PIZZA (and old people) (and fascists), florida if floridians ate proper food
Greece: boring ruins and so poor, none of this was ever significant
Portugal: tbh we thought you were a territory of Brazil
Turkey: Earthquakes and Muslims (terrorists) (barbarians) (Iran begins here)
THE EAST (Mordor)
Hungary: We know nothing about it except that it's led by that one guy all our Conservatives really like for some reason, but hey he's White and European and Will Smith did a dance video in Budapest so they’re probably fine, also LOL they must be Hungry
Russia: Very Bad And Mean, We Boycott You For 1000 Years :( (but actually we still buy all your stuff and want your tourist traps and money)
Ukraine: *waves flags* (we did not care about you before but you're White and European and frankly Russia just isn't playing to our interests anymore, so we'll back your war while we look the other way on all the ones in those Non-White Countries)
Poland and like 70 other countries: Witcher 3 and commies
THE WEST (Civilised Countries)
Germany: yeah sorry like 85% of us still think you’re nazis, you're sort of just screwed on that front
France: PARIS and EIFFEL TOWER and ROMANCE (and also rude people)
Belgium+Luxembourg+Switzerland: Alps and croissants and swiss cheese and yodelling (and also rude people)
The Netherlands: 67,342 people skipped over this country because "the netherlands" sounds like the sticks
(we later figured out you were the dutch and we apologized that you have to live out in the sticks)
Austria: The Sound of Music
THE NORDICS (Socialist Paradise/Hell, speaks Weird Shit)
Denmark: we thought it was in America (the Actual America, not the rest of it) like all other good companies are tbh, but LEGOS
(you mean nothing to us otherwise)
Sweden: The ones who will take us, but too liberal and socialist high taxes and immigrant for our tastes (ALL (nonwhite) immigrants are illegal) (enlightened Conservatives STAY OUT)
Finland: The forgotten edge of the world, everyone here lives with eskimos and polar bears
Iceland: Hawaii vacation but Cold and Exotic
Norway: So rich and socialist, but they're White and European and sell oil so we can't knock it tbh
Greenland: the USA definitely claims this. we just haven't taken it back yet because there are absolutely no colonies living on this useless rock
(however once we begin shipping all the illegal immigrants out like how our lord and saviour Ron Desanctimonious has shown us, we will require it once again)
tune in next time for my post where I do all 50 states of the USA and destroy half the world as a result
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