copaz94 · 1 month
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fovarosiblog · 1 year
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Az a Halász utcai kereszteződés eddig is elég veszélyes volt, de ezzel az újítás még meredekebb lesz a helyzet.
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Eurovelo 6
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My Favourite Eurovelo Memories pt. 1
In 2019 I decided to cycle along the Polish section of the EV10 which was the best thing I ever did to myself (the dunes!!! the bogs!!! the moraines!!! the small pomeranian villages) but the last 200 km was more tolling than I planned because of a number of reasons (mostly my unhingedness, but it also rained and I found myself in an otter-ridden swamp at nightfall, didn’t believe I’d find my way in the dark throught the forest so had to make a 80km detour on the main road and other fun stuff) so for the last day of cycling I decided to go all out and bought a pizza at a train station. I had well-formed plans for that pizza. I thought a lot about that pizza, as I was cycling after nightfall from Wladyslawowo to Hel. I had fastened the pizza box carefully to the luggage rack of my bike with hooked rubber straps, which had never failed me before (we call these ‘rubber spiders’ in Hungarian btw and I think that’s neat). When I sped throught the dark, forested dunes of the Hel Peninsula I was 100% sure that my pizza was safe. I was even checking the box from time to time. I blasted the remixed version of The Forest from the Cure on my bluetooth speakers (no one was around except some foxes) and managed to make a great time. I arrived to the slightly depressing socialist building of the youth hostel (we have the same architecture in my hometown so I felt at home at once) and after I found the receptionist and my room, I collapsed into a chair with a happy sigh and opened the box to have my first solid food for the day.
The box was empty.
It was a jolty ride, getting though the forested dunes, and at some point the pizza must have slid out of the box and since I was living the moment fully with Robert Smith’s voice I had no chance to hear it falling to the road. I thougth of riding back and searching for it but I was nearly sure that the foxes or the badgers had already gotten to it.
This story has no moral, though I’ve never trusted in my rubber spiders ever again.
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auto-rhume · 3 months
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pietroalviti · 7 months
Ceccano al centro della ciclovia del Lazio meridionale
Ci sono quattro firme nel progetto finanziato dalla Regione Lazio per la grande ciclovia (una strada completamente dedicata alla circolazione a pedali) che collegherà la capitale d’Italia con il Molise e tre sono di Ceccano, che si trova al centro delle direttrici della ciclovia. Due architetti, Luigi Compagnoni e Matteo Capuani, e un avvocato Rino Liburdi, si sono visti approvare dalla Giunta…
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darkyayincilik · 1 year
Eurovelo Bisikletli Turizm Konferansı Başladı
Bisiklet şehri İzmir, Avrupa Bisikletçiler Federasyonu (ECF) tarafından organize edilen EuroVelo Bisikletli Turizm Konferansı’na ev sahipliği yaptı. “Bisiklet: Mirasa Yeni Bir Bakış Açısı” temasıyla kapılarını açan konferans Avrupa’nın bisikletçilerini İzmir’de buluşturdu. Avrupa Bisikletçiler Federasyonu (ECF) tarafından organize edilen EuroVelo Bisikletli Turizm Konferansı Avrupa Bisiklet…
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friedelio · 1 year
Nordseeküstenradweg von Tönning nach Brunsbüttel - Gottseidank mit Rückenwind!
87 Kilometer, 306 HöhenmeterGefahren am 23 Mai 2023 In der Nacht hat es ordentlich gestürmt und geregnet und wir sind froh, das wir nicht draußen schlafen mussten. Für heute ist besseres Wetter angesagt, aber davon merken wir morgens erst mal nichts. Wir starten im Nieselregen und es stürmt! Tönning Hafen Bei starkem Gegenwind kämpfen wir uns südwestlich aus Tönning heraus. Na, das kann ja…
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20230523 Mulțumiri Mario and Giant Romania for boxing bike and transport!!!
Very special thanks (mulțumiri) to Mario and staff at the Giant Romania store in Bucharest for getting my bike boxed and driving it and me to the airport bus transfer station … for free!!! When I arrived the day before at opening time he was very friendly and helpful. I asked if they could box the bike. I can do this myself but I wanted to use the time to see Bucharest. He asked what my flight…
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kilometermacher · 1 year
Testfahrt nach Ungarn mit neuem Setup
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ejcmedia · 2 years
Mandelieu bon élève, Cannes un peu moins: j’ai testé les pistes cyclables
Une nouvelle piste cyclable de 700 mètres a été inaugurée la semaine dernière à Mandelieu-la-Napoule. Elle fait partie de l’EuroVelo 8,qu’on est allé essayer jusqu’à Cannes pour constater les aménagements. A Mandelieu-la-Napoule, la piste cyclable est fonctionnelle. Photo Bastien Dufour. C’est le début d’après-midi à Mandelieu-la-Napoule, je suis au départ de la toute nouvelle piste cyclable le…
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ukonilmacom · 5 months
Bikepacking Estonia Coastline
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lucabaldassari · 8 months
Un foro stenopeico a NordKapp - Identità, relazioni, emozioni
Puoltikasjärvi Lake
21° 6'56.04"E
dal libro Un foro stenopeico a NordKapp - Identità, relazioni, emozioni - 2014
Direzione Capo Nord per il mio primo viaggio in bicicletta seguendo il percorso EuroVelo 7 da Stoccolma a NordKapp 2600km 48giorni in solitaria con il foro stenopeico come compagno di viaggio.
link libro Un Foro Stenopeico a Nordkapp
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Eurovélo 6
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I try to spend a week cycling alone every year and it’s so hard to just pick one for 2023...
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callmeanxietygirl · 2 months
Así luce el mapa EuroVelo en 2024 🚴 🚴 ¡ En bici !
👉 92.000 km. 17 rutas en bici. Por toda la UE y más allá.
Si buscas viajar de forma sostenible mientras disfrutas de las vistas y los sonidos a lo largo del camino, ¡elige una de las muchas rutas en bici de EuroVelo!
🗺️ Atlántico – Mar Negro pasando por 🇫🇷 🇨🇭 🇩🇪 🇦🇹 🇸🇰 🇸🇰 🇭🇷 🇷🇸 🇷🇴 🇧🇬.
🗺️ Ruta del Mediterráneo pasando por 🇪🇸 🇫🇷 🇮🇹 🇸🇮 🇭🇷 🇲🇪 🇦🇱 🇬🇷 🇹🇷 🇨🇾.
🗺️ Ruta de la Costa Atlántica pasando por 🇳🇴 🇬🇧 🇮🇪 🇫🇷 🇪🇸 🇵🇹.
🗺️ Vía Romea pasando por 🇬🇧 🇫🇷 🇧🇪 🇱🇺 🇩🇪 🇨🇭 🇮🇹.
Puedes seguir toda la ruta o disfrutar de una parte de ella.
¡La elección y la diversión son todas tuyas!
📌 Algunas de las rutas EuroVelo han sido posibles gracias a nuestra política de cohesión, que tiene como objetivo mejorar las regiones de la UE, tanto social como económicamente.
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