#euskal politika
Euskadi has
4.62% of the population of Spain
5.93% of the Spanish GDP
pays for the
6.24% of the Spanish state's expenses
It's okay. Just so you don't believe anyone that say that the Basque economic agreement with the Spanish state is a way to hoard money by not paying our taxes and that Basque people are not solidary and etc.
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re ask about late basquisation I'm sorry but I disagree with you ladies on this one. How could you say that your rights over your lands depend on the moving or not of a tribe in the 5th century? That makes absolutely no sense and you're reaching. I don't know Spanish politics dynamics but I bet that nobody cares whether Basque people came from afar or were always there but present day Basques
Kaixo anon!
How could you say that your rights over your lands depend on the moving or not of a tribe in the 5th century? That makes absolutely no sense and you're reaching.
We didn't say our rights depend on the movement of Aquitanians, ever. We said that for people that defend that theory - most of them quite fond on Spanish nationalism, oddly enough - it may be a historic basis to claim that Basque people are living on borrowed lands. Yes, we do think that radical Spanish nationalists - not us - could reach that far wielding the late basquisation as a proof.
I bet that nobody cares whether Basque people came from afar or were always there but present day Basques
Oh, and it would be fair enough! But still where we come from have been being discussed by Spaniards and French from at least the 16th century: Spaniards saying we come from France, French saying we come from Spain. So they do care a bit, even if you don't think it can be possible.
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You just know those Vox and PP politicians are crying right now because this proves the Basque language is real and older than Castilian hahaha. What is all this if not a sign for independentzia? ;)
Kaixo anon!
Oh they're not crying at all, they mostly don't care.
In fact, on Spanish social media there are looots of comments doubting the discovery, saying that Vasconic may be very old but nowadays Basque is 100 years old and invented by nationalists, that this only proves that Vascons spoke Vasconic so they still support the late basquisation theory (it's their way of calling modern Basque people non-Basque-natives and diminish us and our ancestors).
Not to mention that if some text featuring Romance older than Glosas Emilianenses - not gonna even comment about that the language they're written in is NOT Castilian Romance, but Navarrese-Aragonese, now extinct - surfaced it would open all news bulletins and it would be hugely covered. Yesterday, TVE1 considered the hand of Irulegi to be its 5th most important news piece.
There are many battle fronts, this changes nothing for righties and their position towards EH.
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To the anon saying maybe people don't want to hear "about minority cultures being mistreated by the Spanish police" I get that, I really do, but have you considered that mistreatment of Basque Country is a BIG part of our history? The girls could just post about food and music, but denying the mistreatment of our history is like asking any other cultural minority not to talk about their struggles with central governments/police. 1/2
2/4 We have been killed, we have been beated, our language, names and surnames were forbidden and changed up to "look spanish". My mom and my older brother were beaten up on peaceful demostrations in the 80s constantly because the police didn't care if you were a kid or a pregnant woman or elderly. Not to talk bout GAL and the people they tortured and killed and how scary that time must've been.I had my school bus stopped on the way to school by police thinking some terrorist was hidding inside? 3/4 I get only wanting to know the "good" cultural parts, the music, the food, mythology, etc, but as I said before, brutality and mistreatment of basque people has always been a big part of our history and, sadly, our culture, it really sucks but it's true. All the things you see catalonians complaining about now, that's what has been happening to us for many, MANY years an noone batted an eye. 4/4 Also, I don't know where in the world you are but I almost feel I know more about US politics than my own because it and it's not because I care about it but because it has been fed to me everywhere because the US thinks all the internet belongs to the US, it0s not going to hurt to learn about this stuff from other countries, and if you really really don't want to hear it, you can just block, ignore or silence the tag. Barkatu neskak spam egiteagatik! Mezu horri erantzun behar izan nion.
Ez kezkatu, anon! Arrazoi guztia duzu eta batere ados gaude. Azkenean, esan duzun bezala, indarkeria eta kontestazioa gure herriko parte handiak direla ukaezina da, eta, haiek barik, benetako Euskal Herria aditzea ulergaitza da. Horrexegatik gure bloga aldatu genuen eta politika ta albisteak sartu genituen.
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