#eva kaili
voidpumpkin · 2 years
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I feel like this is the dumbest way a politician got caught for corruption. Like girl, at least take them out of the bags.
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palmiz · 2 years
Oriente VS occidente, interessante esposizione dei fatti .
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bopinion · 2 years
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2022 / 50
Aperçu of the Week:
"Having to go to school should be considered child labor."
(My 14-year-old son)
Bad News of the Week:
In a European country that is also a NATO member, the judiciary has sentenced a citizen to two years and seven months in prison for insulting public officials. Sound harsh? It is. Especially when the convicted man merely spoke of "fools" and did not address anyone personally. Even harder, however, is that the person also got a so-called "political ban". Especially because he is a politician. Stupidly from the opposition. Stupidly in Turkey.
Ekrem Imamoglu is the mayor of Istanbul, by far the largest city in Turkey, a vibrant metropolis located on two continents. He is accused of publicly insulting officials: he is said to have called those who "canceled the (municipal) elections (on March 31, 2019)" idiots. The bottom line is that he has thus denied non-partisanship to the officials. And is right in doing so. Because after two decades of the richly authoritative AKP rule under President Recep Erdogan, Turkey's state agencies, like the judiciary, have degenerated into lackeys.
And just like other critics such as Deniz Yükel, Osman Kavala, Canan Kaftancioglu or even Jan Böhmermann, Ekrem Imamoglu is now suffering the same fate. Anyone who doubts the ruler gets into trouble. Especially if he is considered a promising challenger to Erdogan in the upcoming elections in June 2023. Who obviously thinks little of the rule of law. You can also ask any Kurd. Or, more recently, any Swede or Finn. He denies the former any right to exist. And at least NATO membership for the latter, because he disagrees with their treatment of the - surprise! - Kurds. After all, they are basically terrorists.
But as I said, Turkey is a NATO member. For the U.S., therefore, it is a geopolitically indispensable partner. Because of its location on the southern Black Sea, which controls the access of Russian navy - not only Cuba fan Nikita Crushchov can sing a song about that. And for the EU also geopolitically an indispensable partner. Again, on the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles. In this case as the bridge of countless not only Syrian or Afghan refugees to Europe. As long as Erdogan protects the democracies of others, he may nip this same democracy in the bud in his own country. That is probably also politics. Without any ban at all.
Good News of the Week:
Political Brussels has been rocked by a scandal for a week now: there are allegations of corruption against members of the EU Parliament. And these are so massive that the investigation has led to house searches and even arrests in four cases. At the center is a vice president of the Parliament, the Greek Eva Kaili. Bags full of cash would have been found on her. The accusations are serious. They range from bribery and money laundering to participation in a criminal organization.
Corruption always involves two parties: the bribed party and the bribing party. The latter is allegedly the Gulf state of Qatar. Which is apparently not only willing to buy international sports organizations, but also political goodwill with key partner countries. And it seems fitting, after all, Kaili in particular has recently been a vocal advocate of visa-free travel for Qataris. Her lawyer has so far denied any corruption, but that is his job: "She has nothing to do with money flows from Qatar, nothing at all," and he is not allowed to comment on details.
The reactions at the European level came promptly. Still on the weekend, Kaili was deprived of all powers of the office by the President of the Parliament, the Maltese Roberta Metsola. Then she was expelled from her Greek Pasok party and also from the Socialist group in the European Parliament. And finally, the formal impeachment by the Parliament itself. Already on the second working day of the week! And with only one dissenting vote!
Mind you, the presumption of innocence also applies in Belgium until a legal conviction. And at the moment it seems that Kaili's partner Giorgi is the mastermind. But political hygiene demands action in the case of such serious accusations. Quickly and clearly. That is what happened. The U.S. Republicans, for example, could take a leaf out of their book.
But what also makes this case so unique is just that - its uniqueness. For background: the EU Parliament has existed since 1952, has 705 members from 27 countries in this legislative period, and is the only directly elected supranational institution in the world. And yet this is the first time that a scandal of this magnitude has happened. For me, this means two things: Europe is not a banana republic. And if it is, it knows how to fight back.
Personal happy moment of the week:
Just now the fireplace crackles für the first time this winter. Which pleases me in several ways. The never-ending fascination of the flames. The adorable scent that fills the whole house. The almost therapeutic warmth, which is incomparable. And it was a simple wish I could fulfill for my wife on her birthday.
I couldn't care less...
...about the publicly celebrated royal family therapy of "Harry & Meghan" - now also available as a streaming service. There's really nothing more to say about it.
As I write this...
...I am once again very much in agreement with a position taken by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. He had reacted "very disturbed" to the interim blocking of various journalists' accounts on Twitter by Elon Musk. The "arbitrary" move sets a "dangerous precedent" at a time when journalists around the world are facing "censorship, physical danger and even worse." Media should not be "silenced on a platform that declares itself a space for free speech." There is really nothing more to say about this either.
Post Scriptum
U.S. Republicans continue to work to lack respect for the rule of law. The latest highlight was delivered by Marjorie Taylor Greene at the New York Young Republican Club Gala, when she commented on the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, as follows: "I got to tell you something, if Steve Bannon and I had organized that, we would have won. Not to mention, it would've been armed." There was applause. That can only be called a loss of reality. In comparison, the digital trading cards in the style of superheroes of her idol Donald Trump, who considers himself "better than Lincoln, better than Washington," are merely a bad joke. But they also show that the true function of elected politicians - namely to be public servants - has not yet got around in these circles.
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explo-bit · 2 years
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Giusto rimuoverla dalla vicepresidenza e sospenderla dal partito, è necessario però riflettere che questo avvenga solo dopo evidenti indizi di corruzione e non a fronte di prese di posizione alquanto insostenibili e fuori ogni evidenza, anche contro i principi propri del suo schieramento. Si chiedano anche come sia possibile che determinati soggetti arrivino ai vertici del partito e delle istituzioni e al modo con il quale costruiscono il consenso.
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fangirlshameblog · 2 years
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Parlement saison 4 🔥
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frenchbulletin · 2 years
Eva Kaili est en garde à vue selon les médias belges et l'AFP
Eva Kaili est en garde à vue selon les médias belges et l’AFP
DERNIÈRE MISE À JOUR : 10/12/2022 – 00:01 Lors de l’enquête sur la corruption de députés européens d’un État du Golfe, l’un des 14 vice-présidents du Parlement européen a été arrêté pour interrogatoire, note l’agence de presse belge. C’est ce que rapportent le magazine Knack et le journal Le Soir et que confirme le parquet fédéral. Selon les deux médias, il s’agit de l’eurodéputée grecque Eva…
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der-auftrittsberater · 9 months
EUROPA-WOCHE 2023/50: Katargate, Kinderarbeit, Kurzer Atem
Moin, ich grüße Dich! Hier Neues aus der EUROPA-WOCHE 2023/50: +++ Versandet der Katargate-Skandal? +++ Kinderarbeit wird künftig scharf geahndet, Folge des EU-Liiferkettengesetzes. +++ Längste Nationalhymne. Das alles und viel mehr: european.expert
Europa–Themen der Woche (Europäische Union) – Was hat die europäischen Macher und Beobachter der EU-Länder vergangene Woche an- und umgetrieben? Der größte Korruptionsskandal Europas versandet womöglich wegen schlampiger Ermittlungsarbeiten… Mehr dazu unten. Unternehmen sollen künftig Kinderarbeit und andere unethische Praktiken nicht mehr hinnehmen, ansonsten drohen harte Strafen… Scrolle…
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asikomecom · 2 years
Comment le Qatargate révèle les travers du parlement européen
Comment le Qatargate révèle les travers du parlement européen
Libération Le 9 décembre, la police belge perquisitionne le domicile de l’eurodéputée grecque Eva Kaili et y découvre plusieurs centaines de milliers d’euros en liquide. En pleine coupe du monde, le premier corrupteur suspecté est le Qatar, mais son implication dans cette affaire semble peu cohérente au regard de son manque d’intérêt à… Lire la suite
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lejournaldupeintre · 2 years
EU corruption scandal: Greek MEP Eva Kaili denies Qatar bribery after €1.5m seized
EU corruption scandal: Greek MEP Eva Kaili denies Qatar bribery after €1.5m seized
Greek MEP Eva Kaili has denied involvement in an alleged bribery scandal involving World Cup host Qatar at the European Parliament. She is one of four suspects charged after Belgian investigators found €1.5m (£1.3m) in two homes and a suitcase. MEPs have voted – by 625 to one – to strip Ms Kaili of her role as one of its 14 vice-presidents. Parliament leader Roberta Metsola has spoken of…
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sintagma11 · 2 years
Noticias más importantes de hoy, martes 13 de diciembre de 2022
Continúan jornadas de Protestas en Perú
Parlamento Europeo destituye a vicepresidenta
Caen precios del petróleo
Moneda de mil avaluada en 600.000
Bernard Arnault desplaza a Elon Musk --> https://bit.ly/3V9bf97
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haute-lifestyle-com · 2 years
Haute-Lifestyle.com European Contributor, Olivier Longhi covers France, the EU & Hot Spots on the Continent w/his Weekly Reports. #janetwalker #hautelifestylecom #beltwayinsider #franceculture #olivierlonghi #france #theentertainmentzonecom 
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diarioelcentinela · 2 years
El Parlamente Europeo investiga si hay más involucrados en los sobornos de Qatar
El Parlamente Europeo investiga si hay más involucrados en los sobornos de Qatar
Eva Kaili, de 44 años, fue presentadora de la televisión griega. (IG evakaili) La presidenta del Parlamento Europeo (PE), Roberta Metsola, anunció este lunes una “investigación interna” y la suspensión de negociaciones de exención de visados con Qatar en medio de un escándalo mayúsculo por el presunto pago de sobornos a integrantes del Legislativo de la Unión Europea (UE) por parte de ese país…
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frenchbulletin · 2 years
Qatargate : Aujourd'hui la décision sur la détention provisoire d'Eva Kaili
Qatargate : Aujourd’hui la décision sur la détention provisoire d’Eva Kaili
Qatargate : Aujourd’hui la décision du Conseil préliminaire pour Eva Kaili Le conseil de mise en état de Belgique devrait décider aujourd’hui si l’ancienne vice-présidente du Parlement européen Eva Kaili passera le temps jusqu’à ce que son affaire soit entendue à la prison de Haren à Bruxelles ou sera libérée avec des conditions restrictives. Avec Mme Kaili, son partenaire, Francesco Giorgi,…
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radioshiga · 2 years
Polícia belga prende vice-presidente do Parlamento Europeu, a socialista Eva Kaili – ONG financiada por George Soros envolvida no escândalo
Polícia belga prende vice-presidente do Parlamento Europeu, a socialista Eva Kaili – ONG financiada por George Soros envolvida no escândalo
Polícia belga prende vice-presidente do Parlamento Europeu, a socialista Eva Kaili – ONG financiada por George Soros envolvida no escândalo Foi presa na sexta-feira (09), a parlamentar e socialista grega Eva Kaili, uma das 14 vice-presidentes do Parlamento Europeu, segundo fontes relataram à agência de notícias AFP. Outras quatro pessoas suspeitas também foram presas – uma delas seria próxima de…
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explo-bit · 2 years
Leggo oggi che Paolo Gentiloni, Commissario europeo agli Affari economici, ha definito il Qatargate "una vicenda vergognosa ed intollerabile, anche perchè le condizioni di lavoro in Qatar erano sotto gli occhi di tutti negli ultimi anni proprio per via dei Mondiali di calcio"
Cribbio, ma se un esponente del tuo stesso gruppo parlamentare, per giunta Vicepresidente del Parlamento Europeo, difende il Qatar contro ogni evidenza, non era il caso di prendere le distanze allora e non adesso, col rischio di risultare colluso con questo sistema di tangenti?
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superkulup · 2 years
Avrupa'da rüşvet skandalında yeni gelişme: Katar
Avrupa’da rüşvet skandalında yeni gelişme: Katar
Avrupa, aralarında Avrupa Parlamentosu Başkan Yardımcısı Eva Kaili’nin de olduğu üst düzey isimlerin Katar’dan rüşvet aldıklarına dair suçlamalarla çalkalanıyor… Dünya Kupası’na ev sahipliği yapan Katar adına lobi yaparak parlamento kararlarını etkilemekle suçlanan Kaili dahil 5 kişinin gözaltına alınması Brüksel’de şok etkisi yarattı. 44 yaşındaki Yunan Sosyalist milletvekili Kaili, Orta Doğu…
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