#evan mateen
berberriescorner · 1 year
🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹several because I want them all!
Not several 😂😂🤣🤣. Ask and you shall receive. I'm going to enjoy this😈.
Let me see what I can do for you boo💜.
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This is from an untitled Chris Evans fic: “Dodger. Hey, bud. Are you worried about momma? Such a thoughtful and caring boy. You're right he has been worried about you. Now that I think about it, he hasn’t left the floor on your side of the bed once today.”
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This is from an untitled Kevin Atwater fic: “Halstead, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Y/N. We’ve actually been dating for the last six months. This is a pretty odd way for you to find out, but yeah. This my lady.”
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This is from an untitled Jay Halstead fic: “Sarge, believe it or not, she dragged me out here,” he stuttered, face flushed with embarrassment.
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This is from a future part of my Angel Reyes series "Disastrous Deception." “Angel, please. You have to stop. There’s a house full of people. I’m starting not to give a damn. I’m this close to letting you fuck me right here, right now. Press me up against a fucking wall already.”
Can you tell the f-word is my favorite😩😂🤣?
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This is from a Yahya Abdul-Mateen II fic, "My Sweet Empath." This is a lengthy one:
You were trying your hardest to look anywhere but into the camera. Yahya took notice, questioning you again.
“Baby girl. Look at me, please.”
Your gaze settled onto his as you let out a deep sigh. Seeing how sad you looked made his stomach flip. Yahya knew that stare. He should’ve clocked it yesterday when you weren’t as talkative as you usually are.
“Please talk to me. I need to know that you’re alright.”
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This is from a Pablo Schreiber drabble. It's from my "Mini Mediators" series (lengthy as well):
“Yes, it gives you the perfect opportunity to argue. You know your sexy mood swing having ass loves a little toxicity.”
You kissed your teeth, “Boy, fuck you. I am not toxic.”
“ Boy, fuck you, would imply that you are.”
The two of you shared a smile as you silently agreed that he was right.
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This is from an untitled Deacon Kay (Jay Harrington, SWAT) series: “I didn’t want to interrupt the conversation. I’m glad I didn’t. Who is this guy? What’s his name? How long had he been abusing you?” For a moment, Deacon forgets Hondo’s in the room. His hand gently touches your chin.
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Last, but most certainly not least, my baby. Mr. Gang-Friend himself, Rio. This is from a future part of my "Are You Listening?" series: “You gon’ always be my business, mama. I think it’s time you accept that. That’s cute, you know I’m only down for one woman, darlin’. I am starting to wonder though. What was that you said? Ah, yes. Didn’t you say something about making my pockets hurt?”
Hope you enjoy them🥰💓! Be sure to let me know how you liked them. Reblogs and comments greatly appreciated! If anyone else is interested leave a 🌹 in my inbox and I’ll share a line from a WIP.
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blazinbeautywrites · 2 years
This my new masterlist for 2023. I'll expand who I write for as I learn more about them.
Michael B. Jordan
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BB Records
BB Records Character Guide
BB Records Character Guide pt. 2
Yahya Abdul Manteen II
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Trevante Rhodes
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BB Records
BB Records Character Guide
BB Records Character Guide pt. 2
Tyler Lepley
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BB Records
BB Records Character Guide
BB Records Character Guide pt. 2
Chris Evans
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Title: Forgive Me, I Am A Sinner  {1}* {Two-Shot}
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Title: Forgive Me I Am a Sinner {1}* {Two Shot} 
Someone x Reader
Words: 2.9k
Warning: Play on the church confessional, Cursing, Adult themes, Mild crude language/discussion, Mild NSFW(Toward end), Mistaken Identity
Summary: You have some things to get off your chest and end up walking into a church.
Note: So, this might be mildly taboo for some, if it is for you, don’t read, I’ll understand. While I don’t think I took it too far in someone’s eyes it could be blasphemous. Again, don’t read if you feel it may offend you. Nothing lewd but be warned. Don’t come to me with your complaints. They will fall on deaf ears and be met with a quick delete. I don’t think it’s bad but 🤷🏽‍♀️
  ***NOT EDITED/Proofread***
“Forgive me lord for I have sinned. It's been...never since my last confession. I've never done this. Yep, I'm a virgin. Well with confessions otherwise I am soooo not a virgin. The things this body has done, these eyes have seen, these hands have touched, and this mouth has had in it...yikes. Not a virgin. Oh god, I probably shouldn't have said that in a church with a priest across from me. Shit. I probably shouldn't have cursed in the house of God either. Oh, fuck."
You facepalmed then sighed already fed up with yourself. You didn’t know what was wrong with you or why your mouth was still moving and allowing words to pass through. Yes, you were nervous and most of it were nervous ramblings you’d always done but now was not the time to be censor free.
 "I'm going to hell, aren't I?”
 Silence. There weren’t even breathing sounds. Either there was no one there or the guy across from her was weighing his options speaking to an actual heathen. You leaned a litter closer to the wooden screen peppered with small holes that was separating the two booths.
 "Uh...priest guy? Padre? Father? Oh, great even God's messenger sees the heathen in me and has run for the hills to tell the lord this sheep has steered far from the flock. Definitely going to hell."
 You hung your head in disappointment.
 "For all the scripture that has been written about the heavenly trio, the father, the son, and the holy spirit, I doubt they would be so quick as to damn one of their flock."
 You could hear the humor in his voice, and it made you pause. Were priests supposed to have a sense of humor? It did sound like a biblical joke so maybe that wasn’t weird.
 "I think you are being too harsh on yourself," the voice on the other side followed up.
 "You do?"
 "Yes. Also, heathen in quite harsh."
 You giggled nervously. However, those nerves were dwindling with every joke he cracked. There was something soothing about his husky voice that sounded like he was half asleep and just awakened from a quick nap.  "That is what I feel like whenever I muster up the courage to speak to him about this."
 "Start from the beginning."
 "Are you sure it's okay for me to be telling you all this in a church nonetheless?"
 Silence. Was he actually thinking if it was okay? You circled your thumbs and waited for him to speak but when he didn’t you leaned closer again.
 “You came here because you needed help. You came here looking for answers and acceptance. You will find all 3 here. So, let's begin again. Trust me I've heard it all."
 You sighed relieved by his welcoming words. You then nodded and mustered even more courage. "Okay. Forgive me lord for I have sinned I've never confessed before.
 "What is your sin?"
 The silence stretched for so long then the person on the other side of the screen cleared their throat.
 "Lust. Go on. How are you lustful?"
 His voice was even deeper than before.
 "I like sex--like I really, really like sex. I know the bible leans more on sex for procreation and marital health, but I am not married, and I have no plans for children. So, for me, sex is something that feels good, better than good, amazing especially if it is done right and the person I am with understands a woman's body and needs."
 The silence returned but only for a few moments. "Ehm, I'm listening."
 "Lately I've been feeling unfulfilled."
 "Yes, mainly. I have a great career, amazing friends, wonderful family, and a life I love but when it comes to sex it's just not cutting it. The guy I've been seeing..."
 He sounded disappointed and that made you pause. Why would he sound disappointed? You explained it away deciding that he was disappointed in it not being a husband or fiancé.
 "You mentioned you were not married just trying to get a better understanding," he clarified.
 "Oh. Not really. We see each other whenever we have an--itch."
 "For sex. Understood."
 "You sound very chill about this father."
 "I am simply here to listen and never to judge--my child. This is the house of the lord, and all are welcome to be who they are and lay down their burdens. That is the lord I represent."
 He sounded like the cool youth pastor that was written about in some YA novels. The one who would create raps for G.O.D. You stifled a laugh at the thought.
 "Wow, that's really cool. Anyway, he's very...vanilla. Whenever we meet--. Wait should I explain what vanilla is? Um...well."
 "No need," he quickly interrupted.
 "Uh...I am what I am now, but I was not born a priest."
 His unexpected answer had you snort loudly before a laugh escaped you. "Well go on then fuck it up, father. Damn no, I didn't mean that."
 He heartily chuckled. "It's alright. Go on"
 "He's vanilla and never really knows what I need and rarely ever do I cum. I mean reach completion."
 "Then why are you wasting your time with someone like that?"
 "Uh...well...ummm...I am very picky with who I spend my time with. When I said that I like sex, it didn't mean I was some chick who sleeps around with anybody with the right body part."
 "Of course not. I didn't mean to imply that. I'm sorry."
 "No, it's cool."
 "For the record, I didn't think that of you anyway."
 "Okay. Thanks. It's just most guys are insensitive assholes who think if a woman likes sex and pleasure then they must be easy and DTF anyone."
 "Guys like that are the ones who should be offed and sent straight to hell."
 "Preach it, father.”
 It took some time for his words to make full impact, but after a few moments, they did. “Wait shouldn't you say they are also God's children and just need to be steered to the righteous path?"
 "You sound well versed in the priesthood."
 He laughed again and it sounded so welcoming that you laughed with him.
 "Please continue. He doesn't satisfy you."
 "No. I thought I could handle it and finish myself off or something but tonight I couldn't."
 "Did you just have sex tonight?"
 "Yes. I guess that's another sin you have to forgive me for."
 "And you are unfulfilled."
 "Yes. So unfulfilled. My bullet couldn't even take care of this, not even my rabbit, hell not even the usual porn I watch."
 The silence across the way was deafening and you noticed. It was like you’d become hypersensitive to quietness since sitting in this booth. Suddenly he groaned as if in pain.
 "Are you okay father?"
 He groaned again then took a few breaths. Through the tiny holes in the screen, you could only make out a head turned down, everything else was shadows. "Completely.”
 It came out hoarse, strangled. “Ehm...continue.”
 "Uh, so I facetimed him and decided to tell him what I need and even some things I would be into, and he laughed and had the most freaked out look on his face. He said it wasn't normal and I shouldn't tell anyone about it again. Like he made me feel crazy and so--dirty."
 "Uh-huh. For better context. What are these preferences--my child?"
 You twiddled your thumbs then uncrossed your ankles only to cross them again. "I don't know if I should say them now. You might say the same thing."
 "No. I would never. Remember I said my place is not to judge and I am here to help?"
 You took a deep breath and tried to calm those nerves that were beginning to creep up again. After another breath you began.
 "I um...I told him I want to be tied up while he takes all control and completely ruins me. I told him I wanted to try doing it while others watched that him being so gentle is a turn-off and I wouldn't mind some teeth or nail marks on me. I can see myself being into BDSM and get turned on by dominance and submission. I want to be choked a little while he slams so hard into me that I see stars. I want to be weak in the knees unable to walk, sore throat can't talk, eyes full of tears, chin covered in slobber, delirious with pleasure until I squirt and then pass out to do it again. I want him to know my body and what it needs better than I do. I want dirty, nasty, rough, hot passionate sex I'll never forget."
 The silence this time was so heavy so filled with the charge of excitement and arousal. You didn't know why you were slightly turned on finally getting it all out, especially to a priest in a church of all places. Hell, you didn't even know why you had come in here in the first place. The idea of confessional had always creeped you out for some reason. Telling a stranger your secret sin. It felt so vulnerable.
 "Shit. Surely I should burst into flames for all that right? First in line on the locomotive to hell? I shouldn't have said all that."
 "Are you ashamed of these desires? Do you wish to be rid of them?"
 "He made me feel ashamed."
 "Fuck him. Are you ashamed?"
 "Answer me.”
 His voice was serious, and authoritative now. “Look inside yourself and answer truthfully."
 You did as he said and took some time and truly listened to yourself and everything that was going off inside you right now. Among everything, the uncertainty, the excitement, and the confusion nowhere inside of her did you feel ashamed. Not at all.
 "No. I'm not ashamed."
 "Do you wish to be rid of them?"
 "No," you replied with a little more confidence.
 "Good. You should be unapologetically you. You should not allow others to make you feel small or shameful for who you are, what you want, or what you deserve. You deserve all of that. You deserve to be sexually fulfilled and happy in all avenues of your life. We all only have one to live and restricting ourselves from true happiness is not doing service to someone, it does a disservice to ourselves."
 You sat there thinking over his words and gained confidence from each of them. He sounded as if he spoke from experience.
 "Is this your first day as a priest? I don't think you should tell parishioners to sin more to live a fulfilled life if you truly want to gain access to heaven."
 He snorted. "It is my first day doing this, but I stand by my words."
 You sat there noting your nerves had melted away and your confused state had turned to one of mellowness. You didn’t feel in a war with yourself anymore. Perhaps this was why others did this.
 "Do you feel better?"
 "Good, then my work is done."
 "Wait shouldn't you give me instructions to repent like a Hail Mary or ten or something?"
 "Will it ensure you do not sin again?"
 Snorting, you replied, "Probably not."
 "Then you are free to step out of here and live your life with one piece of advice."
 "What's that?"
 "Drop that pathetic loser you're seeing. You can do so much better little lamb."
 The doors on the other side opened but you didn't register it until nearly a minute had passed. When you stepped out and looked in the opposite booth from sheer curiosity, it was empty with no priest inside.
 "Little lamb? What kind of priest was that?"
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4 hours later and he was still solid as a brick hard.
 He palmed himself yet again then squeezed hoping to relieve some of the ache there but no luck and no relief. He shoved his hand under his head and stared up through the glass roof of his skylight at the night sky. It was clear without a cloud in sight allowing the stars to really shine.
 "I want to be choked a little while he slams so hard into me that I see stars."
 His cock throbbed so forcefully it could be seen through his now too tight pajama bottoms. Glancing down, he groaned exasperatedly.
 "Come on. It’s not funny anymore."
 He knew he shouldn’t have gone into that confessional. He knew he should have found somewhere else to wait for his manager as he spoke with the priest of the church he was donating a large amount of money to because of his connection to some of the kids he'd encountered the weekend before.
 He'd gone at that time because he was sure it would be empty and there would be no stray photos of him leaked. Donating money was no fun when everyone knew you'd done it. He liked the incognito life. He just wanted somewhere that had zero chance of him bumping into someone. No way did he expect someone to drop into the other side of the confessional and no way did he expect that someone to have that kind of confession.
 He closed his eyes as he recalled the little slivers of her face. Plum painted lips that looked full, a cute nose, skin that looked incredibly soft, and eyes that called to him. From the small perforations in the wood, he would classify you as a fucking goddess.
 Once you began your confession he should have interrupted and set the record straight but there was something about your voice that held him in place, silencing him. He’d picked up the distress in it, the frustration and uncertainty. Then the more he listened he fell under some spell. When she mentioned her definite non virgin status, he was way past curious. Maybe that’s what possessed him to answer her when she asked if he was there.
 "Curiosity," he muttered mulling over it.
 He thought over your entire confession and within seconds his cock throbbed again. Without even realizing it his hand had drifted into his pajama bottoms and was now wrapped around his engorged length.
 "I want to be tied up while he takes all control and completely ruins me. I wanted to try doing it while others watched, that him being so gentle is a turn-off and I wouldn't mind some teeth or nail marks on me. I can see myself being into BDSM and get turned on by dominance and submission. I want to be choked a little while he slams so hard into me that I see stars. I want to be weak in the knees unable to walk, sore throat can't talk, eyes full of tears, chin covered in slobber, delirious with pleasure until I squirt and then pass out to do it again. I want him to know my body and what it needs better than I do. I want dirty, nasty, rough, hot passionate sex I'll never forget."
 "Uggh. Uggh. Uggh. Fuuuuuck."
 His hand moved so fast he was sure it was going faster than the speed of light. It had to have been. His groans, moans and grunts filled the space as he raced toward a finish he imagined would go across her beautiful face or her breasts he couldn’t see but was convinced were equally as gorgeous as her aura. Within seconds, his back angled off the bed as if whatever had possessed him earlier was finally exiting his body and being pulled into the air.
 "Holy fuck!”
 The white spots that decorated his vision made it impossible to see anything and in that moment he didn’t care. He was only focused on the amazing feelings coursing through him. When he finally regained some motion and sense he glanced down and found stream after stream of his release decorating his chest, pelvis, and pajama bottoms.
 "Ah shit. Come on! Haven't had to jerk myself off since I was twenty fucking years old, and one confessional tipped me over the edge? Unfuckinbelievable!”
 Not in a rush to get up and filled with frustration, he looked back to his skylight at the glittering stars and thought of the side profile of her face. Within seconds, he felt himself harden again and it was then he knew his cock was not done. He was in for a long night.
@chaneajoyyy @caramara3 @valkryienymph @babyflowa07 @est1887 @halfrican-heat @mauvecherie-writes @nunya7394 @lovebittenbyevans @gardenwonders2 @sweetlikecoffy @dillie60 @ olabelle757 @ophiaedits @kenequa @triton08 @skyesthebomb @shipatheart @keytodespair @xsweetdellzx @labella420 @coldmuffinbanditshoe @ak329 @shar74nett @youremysuperstar @whore-like-behaviour
@alookintohersoul @asiaaisa77 @jd-now-jq @naturalthrone22      @mrsbarnes-rogers @beyourownkindofbeautiful @beccacupcakesxo @toni9 @wonderlandfandomkingdom @partypoison00 @queenoftheworldisdead @doublesidedscoobysnacks @sophiealiice @richonne4life @coffeebooksandfandom @siempremamita @raveviolet @dumbchick @amennariee @briellableu @leebabe444 @31miw-inkpsycho
@rororo06 @disaster-rose @bugngiz @yourwonderbelle @queenbetter @melaninhawtie @bekindbecoolbeyou​ @heartfullofgolden      @idkiwantchocolatee @missuniee @avngrsfangirl @a-highly-opinionated mess
@19jammmy ​@nunya7394 @eltima02 @shar74nettt @soapjay @ashanti-notthesinger @caplover22 @blackpinup22 @areubeingserved @your-chaotic-neutral @zejess93 @reignandrain @ovohanna24 @ramp-it-up 
@littlepreciousangel @msblkfire84 @id-do-it-for-free-babe @my-rosegold-soul @sadthotsonlylove @arination99 @wondersofdreaming @veganvampre @ohsoverykeri @mery-be @insanitytreason @mauvecherie @xximpressions @turnthepageandbeburnt @turn-thy-paige @reignandrain @brownsugarcoffy​ @udeadass
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andnowwedance · 9 months
How am i having the same argument in 3 different fandoms right now. Oh wait i know their favorite make celeb got a girl and it aint them.
Its a real relationship, not fake.
You dont know these people, you have no insight into there level of happiness or satisfaction in these relationships
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xo-tough-love-xo · 1 year
Sad see places I work at having most members not come on and make gifs no more in many months and going into some years . This is because there are so many likes I watch in the notifications when I come on each day. Pretty tiring reblogging on the source blogs for people and other gif makers to not reblog other peoples work but continue following . Like I don’t know what you expecting ? when content is being thrown in your face. You need unfollow if you are not into a blog that makes content you want to reblog.
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daimiyamoto · 2 months
‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎→ KEI'S GIF PACK DIRECTORY!
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Since Tumblr terminated my previous account, where I stored every gif pack I ever made, I decided to upload them in a separate one just in case this one gets nuked too. This is the link to the directory, but I will also post a list in alphabetical order under the cut so you know which ones I've made so far. Some of them are in a payhip page, the rest are in their respective Tumblr page.; most of them are for free, a couple of them are paid.
If you like, use or plan to use any of them, please spread the word! I won't be making an individual post for them again, so a reblog to this post helps too. Thanks!
Alec Secăreanu in Happy Valley season 3
Alex Høgh Andersen in Darkness: Those Who Kill season 2 (P)
Álvaro Rico in Madres: Amor y vida season 4 (P)
Bilal Hasna in Extraordinary season 1 (P)
Brian Tyree Henry in The Outside Story
Brian Tyree Henry in Atlanta season 3 (unfinished)
Carlos Cuevas in Citas: Barcelona season 1 (P)
Carlos Cuevas in El verano que vivimos
Carlos Cuevas in Sin límites
Carlos Cuevas in Smiley season 1 (P)
Carlos Miranda in Station 19 season 5
Woo Do-Hwan in Bloodhounds (P)
Evan Peters in American Horror Story: Red Tide (gif icons)
Elias Kacavas in Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin seasons 1 & 2
Wi Ha-Joon in Bad and Crazy
Wi Ha-Joon in Little Women
Wi Ha-Joon in With Coffee
Hasan Piker in several interviews (gif icons)
Kim Hieora in Bad and Crazy
Jesse Williams in Only Murders in the Building season 3 (missing one episode because I'm d*mb)
Jesse Williams in Your Place or Mine (P)
Jim Parrack in 9-1-1: Lone Star season 3 (unfinished)
Jordan Calloway in Fire Country season 2
Lakeith Stanfield in The Changeling season 1 (P)
Omid Abtahi in American Gods seasons 1 to 3
Omid Abtahi in Damien
Nabhaan Rizwan in Industry season 1
Nico Greetham in American Horror Stories season 2
Peter Gadiot in Yellowjackets season 1
Raúl Castillo in Night Teeth
Raúl Castillo in Seven Seconds
Ritesh Rajan in Twentyfiveish
Sachin Bhatt in But She's my Best Friend
Stephan James in Surface season 1 (unfinished)
Ted Sutherland in The Walking Dead: World Beyond season 2
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II in Watchmen season 1
I think I didn't forget any — if you think I did, let me know!
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charlotte-of-wales · 6 months
To the anon asking which ‘celebs’ showed support
1. Not with statements but these are the ones who at least posted a heart or a like, so I think it’s kinda of a support:
Antoine Arnault
Angella Kelly
Sabine Getty
Lauren Santo Domingo
Jennifer Garner
Marchioness of Bath
Mateen (Prince of Brunei)
Roman Kemp
India Hicks
Tatiana Mountbatten
Johanna Ortiz
(And many British celebs who aren’t well known)
2. Those who release an statement:
Giovanna Fletcher (Cressida ‘liked’ her post)
Meg Bellamy (aka Kate in the crown)
Charles Spencer 😬 (hits three words tho)
Jamie Lee Curtis
Catherine Zeta Jones
Luke Evans
Ons Jabeur
Jo Frost
Bear Grills
Ivanka Trump
Gwyneth Paltrow
Zara McDermott
(Many former tennis players (but more in Twitter)
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mortemhq · 4 months
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OF COURSE, ANON! sorry that this took so long. i just wanted to make sure i had a lot of suggestions for you! buckle up for a big list! i'd love to see: emma d'arcy, quintessa swindell, dua saleh, poppy liu, asia kate dillon, lizeth selene, emma corrin, janelle monae, yaya dacosta, liv hewson, celeste o'connor, zion moreno, aj clementine, jessie mei li, serena motola, mimi keene, nana komatsu, davika hoorne, chase sui wonders, maia reficco, chandler kinney, zaria simone, ayo edebiri, lola tung, anya chalotra, maggie q, benjamin bratt, jaz sinclair, laura harrier, zendaya, courtney eaton, hunter schafer, jessica henwick, medalion rahimi, simone ashley, khadijha red thunder, zion moreno, amita suman, olivia cooke, ella purnell, sophie thatcher, yasmin finney, rachel zegler, bruna marquezine, taylor russell, alisha boe, antonia gentry, ashley moore, naomi scott, natasha liu bordizzo, melis sezen, hande ercel, aslihan malbora, havana rose liu, amy adams, jessica alexander, grace van dien, danielle rose russell, sarah snook, adria arjona, ayo edebiri, bahar sahin, jasmin savoy brown, anne hathaway, michelle yeoh, anya taylor-joy, lucy liu, viola davis, ming na wen, sandra oh, gemma chan, maddie phillips, park sooyoung, jamie chung, tati gabrielle, sydney park, hoyeon jung, brittany o'grady, lily gladstone, savannah lee smith, nicola coughlan, greta onieogou, kylie verzosa, moon gayoung, madeleine madden, ni ni, alba flores, gugu mbatha raw, adeline rudolph, cierra ramirez, kiki layne, ryan destiny, zoey luna, lovie simone, blu hunt, park sooyoung, im jinah, samantha logan, tessa thompson, mint ranchwaree, yara shahidi, zorzo natharuetai, sobhita dhulipala, mookda narinrak, namtan tipnaree, nychaa nuttanicha, pat chayanit, nadine lustre, wawwa nicha, maris racal, ayca aysin turan, may calamawy, megan suri, banita sandhu, priscilla quintana, brianne tju, melis pamuk, camila mendes, demet ozdemir, sophia ali, bree kish, maddison bailey, jeremy allen white, tamino amir, mena massoud, archie renaux, evan mock, dev patel, taylor zakhar perez, tommy martinez, maxence danet fauvel, rege jean page, kiowa gordon, d'pharaoh woon-a-tai, derek luh, apo nattawin, tom blyth, freddy carter, deniz can aktas, emre bey, ilhan sen, josh o'connor, mike faist, joseph quinn, manny jacinto, callum turner, alex landi, barry keoughan, paul mescal, rami malek, simone baldasseroni, woo dohwan, yahya abdul mateen ii, mason gooding, cody christian, michael evans behling, jordan gonzalez, drew ray tanner, ito hideaki, peter gadiot, gong yoo, michael b jordan, hugh dancy, ben whishaw, swann arlaud, froy gutierrez, alex meraz, emilio sakraya, rahul kohli, oscar isaac, peter gadiot, jonathan daviss, danny ramirez, kento yamazaki, omar sy, cillian murphy, oliver jackson-cohen, brian michael smith, idris elba, william jackson harper, and lewis tan.
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turkishdclights · 4 months
hello! thinking about picking up a few extra 1x1’s over discord! i literally love chatting back and forth, sending headcanons, making pinterest boards, finding insp/musings with my partners. looking for someone who can be a little more active and just as enthusiastic about our plot and characters as i am! i write muses of any gender, and will be happy to write against any gender as well!
faces i love: adam driver, oscar isaac, shay mitchell, eiza gonzalez, michael b. jordan, ayo edebiri, medalion rahimi, jessie mei li, janhvi kapoor, camila mendes, arjun rampal, jenna ortega, michael trevino, riz ahmed, literally anyone from twice, jeon somi, hasan piker, natalia castellar, naomi scott, tessa thompson, can yaman, justin baldoni, emeraude toubia, jeffrey dean morgan, robert downey jr., g-eazy, yahya abdul-mateen, summer bishil, olivia lopes, kiara advani, gabrielle union, diane guerrero, lizeth selene, simone ashley, samantha logan, alexa demie, michael evans behling
tropes i love: corruption, age gaps, forbidden love, celebrity plots, long distance, toxic dynamics, power dynamics, secret relationships, slow burn, enemies to lovers
like or message if interested. some specific ideas under the cut!
dylan arkan (hasan piker fc) - let me write my big jealous 6’5 twitch streamer himbo against your twitch streamer or influencer character in a secret relationship slow burn plot
tony stark (rdj) - i would love to write as or against tony stark with another canon MCU character, preferably may parker or helen cho. open to ocs as well
alexa cortez (jenna ortega) - give me any gender against alexa in a horror/witchy small-town inspired plot
zara rao (janhvi kapoor) - my fav muse to write, would love her in more forbidden romance plots as she navigates her strict family and cultural pressures
open to so much more! i don’t bite, please feel free to suggest things!
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avnj0gia · 1 year
Top 5 male butts?
There’s no order here, they’re all winners!
Noah Beck
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Phil Dunster
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Tyler Posey
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Jack Quaid
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Kit Harington
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Yahya Abdul Mateen II
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Evan Lamicella
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Anthony Keyvan
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Bad Bunny
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Evan Peters
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Oops I did 10 by mistake my bad 🤭
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scaryspears · 8 months
Twilight Fancasts of Main Cast + Opinions
This is mostly based on my last Twilight fancast post I made, which was just Bella, Edward and Jacob. I've decided to think of more actors to add in the mix, might have to make separate posts for all the characters, though.
Bailey Bass as Bella Swan
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Jun Shison as Edward Cullen
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1. If bro can play a kitsune in a human's body I'm pretty sure he can pull off Edward. We just need to know if Jun Shison speaks English.
2. Also, Edward needs to be an evil dick just because of vampire reasons. He needs to be mysterious and in a good way, not the way the movies portrayed him awkwardly.
Dakota Beavers as Jacob Black
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Don't make him cut his hair, and he needs to be Native American.
Also, get rid of the whole imprinting thing if they're just going to make it gross.
Julia Rehwald as Alice Cullen
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I read short hair and small frame, and I thought of her.
Evan Rachel Wood as Rosalie Hale
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I found out she was around 16 when playing Tracy from Thirteen, which might make this fancast iffy since I'm using her teenage self for the gif, considering the other actors I fancasted are 18+. But I remember watching the film and thinking that she looked like she would make a great Rosalie, which is ironic since Nikki Reed also starred in Thirteen. I know she's quite old, but I think we should find a look-a-like that looks like her younger self.
Tanner Buchanan as Jasper Hale
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1. I was trying to find handsome but creepy blond actors. Wasn't really able to find any, so bare with this. I think Tanner could manage being mysterious and creepy.
Chosen Jacobs as Emmett Cullen
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1. I remember reading some human version fanfics of the main characters, and in some of them Emmett would be Bella's older - and sometimes twin - brother. With that in mind, if Bella's black/mixed, then Emmett is too because why not?
Antony Star as Carlisle Cullen
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1. I think Carlisle's human body should be older, and thus also be played by an older actor. I know Antony Star doesn't have those same vibes that Carlisle does, but he does give off a stern exterior when playing Homelander in some scenes, and I wanna see that is Carlisle.
Emmy Rossum as Esme Cullen
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1. I don't know what to think of Esme other than the fact that I know that she's taller than Bella and randomly gave some info that she lost her baby very soon. I figured she was older when she was turned, just like I envisioned for Carlisle, but somewhat looks very young (I mean, a person is still young even if they're in their thirties).
Wood Harris as Charlie Swan
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1. I'm looking for old head vibes. Man from the old hip hop vibes. "Guy that listens to Tupac regularly" vibes.
2. Also, let Charlie be a temporary supernatural hunter that protects Forks.
Zahn McClarnon as Billy Black
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Chace Crawford as James
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James is described to be very plain looking, despite the fact that he had the vampirism that was supposed to make him look more appealing, so I was thinking about The Deep whilst reading the book.
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II as Laurent
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I think Edi Gathegi really stood out as Laurent, more dark skinned villains please.
2. Since Laurent is hinted to come from thanks to his accent I decided to pick an actor that is from New Orleans. I don't know why, I just decided to. Maybe I memorised some kind of misinformation about there being French speakers, I don't know.
3. If they really do make a Twilight remake and they toss Laurent to the side I'm actually gonna be so mad, because Laurent's appearance was promising, and then they chose James' boring arse.
Sophie Skelton as Victoria
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I loved Rachelle Lefevre's performance as Victoria, so I want that same vibe of "seemingly innocent but clearly has a hidden agenda/motive". I know it's been a while since she's been in any films (from what I know), but I think she can pull it off. Since Laurent is hinted to be French I think it would be great that they let her be British when playing Victoria. (There's no they, but play along.)
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unhallowedfm · 23 days
mw male fcs
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YES, OF COURSE, ANON! i'd love to see avan jogia, christopher briney, jeremy allen white, tamino amir, mena massoud, aron piper, archie renaux, seo kang joon, cody christian, sean teale, david castaneda, darren barnet, aramis knight, nicholas galitzine, evan mock, dev patel, taylor zakhar perez, jonathan bailey, keith powers, tommy martinez, maxence danet fauvel, rege jean page, lucien laviscount, kiowa gordon, d'pharaoh woon-a-tai, derek luh, apo nattawin, tom blyth, jacob elordi, freddy carter, jacob anderson, deniz can aktas, emre bey, ilhan sen, mike faist, joseph quinn, manny jacinto, callum turner, alex landi, barry keoghan, paul mescal, rami malek, simone baldasseroni, woo dohwan, alex fitzalan, yahya abdul mateen ii, mason gooding, cody christian, michael evans behling, jordan gonzalez, drew ray tanner, ito hideaki, peter gadiot, gong yoo, michael b jordan, hugh dancy, ben whishaw, swann arlaud, froy gutierrez, alex meraz, emilio sakraya, rahul kohli, oscar isaac, peter gadiot, jonathan daviss, edward bluemel, danny ramirez, kento yamazaki, omar sy, cillian murphy, oliver jackson cohen, brian michael smith, idris elba, william jackson harper, and lewis tan.
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brittanishqs · 1 month
mw fcs
get  ready  because  the  list  is  long:  emma  d'arcy,  quintessa  swindell,  dua  saleh,  poppy  liu,  asia  kate  dillon,  lizeth  selene,  emma  corrin,  janelle  monae,  yaya  dacosta,  liv  hewson,  celeste  o'connor,  zion  moreno,  aj  clementine,  jessie  mei  li,  serena  motola,  mimi  keene,  nana  komatsu,  davika  hoorne,  chase  sui  wonders,  maia  reficco,  chandler  kinney,  zaria  simone,  ayo  edebiri,  lola  tung,  anya  chalotra,  maggie  q,  benjamin  bratt,  jaz  sinclair,  laura  harrier,  zendaya,  courtney  eaton,  hunter  schafer,  jessica  henwick,  medalion  rahimi,  simone  ashley,  khadijha  red  thunder,  zion  moreno,  amita  suman,  olivia  cooke,  ella  purnell,  sophie  thatcher,  yasmin  finney,  rachel  zegler,  bruna  marquezine,  taylor  russell,  alisha  boe,  antonia  gentry,  ashley  moore,  naomi  scott,  natasha  liu  bordizzo,  melis  sezen,  hande  ercel,  aslihan  malbora,  havana  rose  liu,  amy  adams,  jessica  alexander,  grace  van  dien,  danielle  rose  russell,  sarah  snook,  adria  arjona,  ayo  edebiri,  bahar  sahin,  jasmin  savoy  brown,  anne  hathaway,  michelle  yeoh,  anya  taylor-joy,  lucy  liu,  viola  davis,  ming  na  wen,  sandra  oh,  gemma  chan,  maddie  phillips,  park  sooyoung,  jamie  chung,  tati  gabrielle,  sydney  park,  hoyeon  jung,  brittany  o'grady,  lily  gladstone,  savannah  lee  smith,  nicola  coughlan,  greta  onieogou,  kylie  verzosa,  moon  gayoung,  madeleine  madden,  ni  ni,  alba  flores,  gugu  mbatha  raw,  adeline  rudolph,  cierra  ramirez,  kiki  layne,  ryan  destiny,  zoey  luna,  lovie  simone,  blu  hunt,  park  sooyoung,  im  jinah,  samantha  logan,  tessa  thompson,  mint  ranchwaree,  yara  shahidi,  zorzo  natharuetai,  sobhita  dhulipala,  mookda  narinrak,  namtan  tipnaree,  nychaa  nuttanicha,  pat  chayanit,  nadine  lustre,  wawwa  nicha,  maris  racal,  ayca  aysin  turan,  may  calamawy,  megan  suri,  banita  sandhu,  priscilla  quintana,  brianne  tju,  melis  pamuk,  camila  mendes,  demet  ozdemir,  sophia  ali,  bree  kish,  maddison  bailey,  jeremy  allen  white,  tamino  amir,  mena  massoud,  archie  renaux,  evan  mock,  dev  patel,  taylor  zakhar  perez,  tommy  martinez,  maxence  danet  fauvel,  rege  jean  page,  kiowa  gordon,  d'pharaoh  woon-a-tai,  derek  luh,  apo  nattawin,  tom  blyth,  freddy  carter,  deniz  can  aktas,  emre  bey,  ilhan  sen,  josh  o'connor,  mike  faist,  joseph  quinn,  manny  jacinto,  callum  turner,  alex  landi,  barry  keoughan,  paul  mescal,  rami  malek,  simone  baldasseroni,  woo  do  hwan,  yahya  abdul  mateen  ii,  mason  gooding,  cody  christian,  michael  evans  behling,  jordan  gonzalez,  drew  ray  tanner,  ito  hideaki,  peter  gadiot,  gong  yoo,  michael  b  jordan,  hugh  dancy,  ben  whishaw,  swann  arlaud,  froy  gutierrez,  alex  meraz,  emilio  sakraya,  rahul  kohli,  oscar  isaac,  peter  gadiot,  jonathan  daviss,  danny  ramirez,  kento  yamazaki,  omar  sy,  cillian  murphy,  oliver  jackson-cohen,  brian  michael  smith,  idris  elba,  william  jackson  harper,  lewis  tan.
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westeroslive · 5 months
most wanted male roles and fcs? <3
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i  will  start  with  my  most  wanted  faceclaims  :  chris  hemsworth,  pedro  pascal,  yahya  abdul  mateen  ii,  alperen  duymaz,  lucien  laviscount,  jacob  elordi,  kiowa  gordon,  manny  jacinto,  keith  powers,  henry  cavill,  corteon  moore,  cillian  murphy,  archie  renaux,  gong  yoo,  berk  cankat,  deniz  can  aktaş,  chris  evans,  gong  jun,  emilio  sakraya,  lewis  tan,  richard  madden,  nikolaj  coster  waldau,  avan  jogia,  david  iacono,  oliver  jackson  cohen,  anthony  keyvan,  diego  tinoco,  ben  barnes,  christian  yu,  michael  b  jordan  and  idris  elba.
most  wanted  roles  :  i  want  to  say  every  role  in  the  great  houses,  and  just  all  our  houses  in  general  ?  i  think  it'd  be  amazing  to  fill  up  the  rest  of  the  small  council  members  since  there  are  two  left.  a  full  house  would  be  lovely  for  admin  trouble.  lastly,  our  wanted  connections,  so  many  wonderful  options  !  but  if  you  do  want  specifics,  last  rogare  sibling  +  sword  of  braavos,  heir  of  house  tully,  and  house  martell  !!
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dear-indies · 1 year
Hi hello! I wanted to know who some of your favorite male fcs are that are between 35 and 40 ish years old. Thanks in advance.
Nonso Anozie (1979) Igbo Nigerian.
John Krasinski (1979)
Daniel Henney (1979) Korean / German, Irish, English, Scottish.
Lee Pace (1979) - is queer.
Luke Evans (1979) - is gay.
Diego Luna (1979) Mexican / Scottish, English.
Conrad Ricamora (1979) Filipino / German, English, possibly other - is gay.
Ben Whishaw (1980) - is gay.
JD Pardo (1980) Argentinian / Salvadorian.
Vinny Chhibber (1980) Indian.
Brett Goldstein (1980) Ashkenazi Jewish.
Brian Tyree Henry (1981) African-American.
Miyavi (1981) Japanese / Korean.
Joe Taslim (1981) Chinese Indonesian.
Tenoch Huerta (1981) Nahua, Purepecha, and Spanish.
Ricky Whittle (1981) Afro-Jamaican / English.
Fawad Khan (1981) Pathan Pakistani.
Jesse Williams (1981) African-American, Seminole / Swedish.
Riz Ahmed (1982) Pakistani.
Sam Adegoke (1982) Nigerian.
Mahesh Jadu (1982) Kashmiri and Mauritian Indian.
Daveed Diggs (1982) African-American / Ashkenazi Jewish.
Iko Uwais (1983) Betawi Indonesian.
Utkarsh Ambudkar (1983) Marathi Indian / Tamil Indian.
Alfonso Herrera (1983) Mexican.
Aidan Turner (1983)
Alex Blue Davis (1983) - is trans.
Michael Malarkey (1983) Palestinian, Italian-Maltese / Irish, German.
Ed Skrein (1983) Ashkenazi Jewish / possibly English.
Marwan Kenzari (1983) Tunisian.
Andrew Garfield (1983) Ashkenazi Jewish / English.
Bobby Wilson (1984) Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Dakota Sioux.
Sacha Dhawan (1984) Punjabi Indian.
Brian Michael Smith (1984) African-American - is trans.
John David Washington (1984) African-American.
Clayton Cardenas (1985) Filipino and Mexican.
Alex Meraz (1985) Purepecha.
François Arnaud (1985) - bisexaul.
Cooper Andrews (1985) Samoan / Hungarian Jewish.
Rahul Kohli (1985) Punjabi Indian.
Sinqua Walls (1985) Afro-Jamaican, French, Unspecified Native American, possibly other.
Martin Sensmeier (1985) Tlingit, Koyukon, Eyak, German and Irish.
Rahul Kohli (1985) Punjabi Indian - he/they.
Tanner Novlan (1986) Plains Cree and White.
Remy Hii (1986) Chinese Malaysian / English.
Bobby Soto (1986) Mexican and Puerto Rican.
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II (1986) African-American.
Hale Appleman (1986) Ashkenazi Jewish / Irish, English - is queer.
Ryan O'Connell (1986) - is gay and has cerebral palsy.
Lewis Tan (1987) Chinese Singaporean / Irish.
Arifin Putra (1987) Indonesian, Chinese, and German.
Here you go, anon!
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survivorsfm · 8 months
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*       ANONYMOUS   ASKED       :       do  you  and  your  members  have  any  mwm ?   thank  you !
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hello  ,  my  love !   first,  before  i  answer  your  question,  i  wanna  apologize  for  the  delay,  i  was  feeling  very  under  the  weather  yesterday  and  didn’t  have  the  wits  to  be  around  the  main.  but  i  have  your  answer  now !   so  here  is  a  lil  list  of  our  most  wanted  men  from  me  +  admin  nina  +  our  amazing  members,  in  alphabetical  order  in  case  you’re  expecting  for  a  specific  name  to  be  there: alex  landi  ,  alfie  enoch  ,  alfonso  herrera  ,  andrew  garfield  ,  apo  nattawin  ,  archie  renaux  ,  ben  barnes  ,  boss  chaikamon  ,  cillian  murphy  ,  daniel  radcliffe  ,  deniz  can  atkaş  ,  diego  luna  ,  drew  starkey  ,  emilio  sakraya  ,  evan  mock  ,  finn  wittrock  ,  freddy  carter  ,  gong  yoo  ,  idris  elba  ,  jack  mulhern  ,  jade  hassouné  ,  joseph  quinn  ,  josh  segarra  ,  keanu  reeves  ,  kedar  williams-stirling  ,  kento  yamazaki  ,  kingsley  ben-adir  ,  kofi  siriboe  ,  lakeith  stanfield  ,  mackenyu  arata  ,  manny  jacinto  ,  martin  sensmeier  ,  matt  smith  ,  mena  massoud  ,  michael  malarkey  ,  michael  vlamis  ,  morgan  davies  ,  oliver  jackson-cohen  ,  oscar  isaac  ,  paul  mescal  ,  peter  gadiot  ,  rami  malek  ,  song  kang  ,  tom  glynn-carney  ,  tom  hardy  ,  tom  holland  ,  thomas  doherty  ,  woo  dohwan  ,  xolo  maridueña  &  yahya  abdul  mateen  ii !
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