#evan redgrave
As Evan enjoyer, my conscience tells me that I must at least once draw him and his wife. The problem lies in the fact that she doesn’t have a design, and I have no desire to come up with one from scratch, so that’s the best I can come up with.
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(I was raised in the Fnaf fandom, you know)
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swanno-arts · 2 months
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i love the beholder protags i sure hope nothing catastrophically horrible as a result of their choices happen to any of them
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lambyrammystuff · 7 months
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ristorr · 8 days
It's time to remember the existence of the YouTube channel
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jellylilhornfish · 2 months
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inkanika · 12 days
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beholder textposts pt. 2
can you tell im psychotic about marco x evan
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ronniesministry · 2 months
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Carls being pure perfection
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vampirtulpe · 6 months
This made me think of them, so I busted out the editing software. Rip Peter- xD
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eeve06 · 2 months
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Three years after purchasing, I finally finished Beholder 2. I love this series.
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furiouspatience · 7 months
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evanisalittlelost · 7 months
It's been one of those days.
I kinda had an episode last night, and I'm still recovering from it. Sometimes, I feel like I can't function by myself. Which is part of the reason I moved back in with Dad. Well, that and when he was gone, I was an absolute mess. I did not leave the shop for weeks after I met Nero for the first time. Anyway, I'm still... broken.
This time of year absolutely sucks for me. I know I mentioned that in another post, but I have to talk about these things in bits and pieces. It's not easy to explain what I went through as a child. The bullying was only a small part of my problems. My grandparents (Mom's parents) did not really love me. They tolerated me at best. My grandmother was worse than my grandfather. To this day, I still refer to them as 'the Mafia' because, at one point, they came to try and get me back.
Yeah... you can just imagine the field day my Dad had with them. Especially when he had Morrison go through all the trouble of forging my birth certificate and identification records to keep me out of their hands. The Mafia had the absolute nerve to come to Devil May Cry and slap a warrant for Dad's arrest on his desk. WITH police in tow.
Oh yeah. He was pissed.
This was about a year after the realized I was still alive. They told everyone that I had dragged off by an animal out in the forest, which is why they never recovered my 'body' and were so heartbroken about it. Then they had people watching my Dad the whole time.
Apparently, I was going to inherit their money or something like that. I don't care to know the full details. Not important anyway. But it's the abuse that I went through growing up in that mansion that I can't get over. I wasn't physically abused, I was emotionally abused and treated as Mom's pet.
I'll make it clear that Mom did not treat me like that at all. She was the only person who really loved me, but they tried to keep us separated as much as possible. The Mafia is exactly what they sound like.
I almost drowned under their watch and they didn't do shit about it.
I'm getting angry just thinking about it. The worst part is up until I turned 18, they still got their lawyer to send a letter to my Dad every year about how they could pursue him for legal charges. He pinned the letters up on the wall and used them to play a really fun game of darts. We don't get letters anymore, but I did hear that the Mafia has lost quite a bit of money in a bad investment.
Karma is a bitch.
Still, this is just one of the many problems I'm dealing with emotionally. The good thing is that I am in the right place with the right people. I have a family that really loves me. They aren't all blood relation, but they are my family.
Okay, I've made myself cry. I'm gonna stop here before I have another episode and this has gone on entirely to long.
Thanks for reading 😊
I'm gonna go make some hot chocolate and watch anime with Dad now.
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I already wrote a post about my a bit rewritten version of Emma, ​​so now it’s the turn of the ideological continuation, where I will describe my vision of such a fruit as Evan Redgrave. As it’s not difficult to guess, I also quite like him.
So, Evan is a communicative and very charming comrade, what he knows and knows how to use, a good and diligent worker. This is a rare case when I consider a character to be an ambivert, and not one of the two extremes. In some matters he is naive ("You know, you seem to be a smart man - you made up your way to the top, after all. And yet you still don’t get some very simple things. Strange.”), periodically managing for this reason to fall under someone’s influence. By the standards of his state, his moral principles are higher than local norms. He thinks about those around him, periodically questions some things from their world order (remember his conversations with visitors on the 1st floor, when in dialogues with them he said things that a player in his place could say, but not any representative of their society. Or his “will I remain human after this?”-or-something-like-this phrase at the beginning of the game), but does not always develop ideas on this matter in his head, and most often strives to take a position in life that would be most favorable for all parties involved. However, there is also a catch here - Redgrave is capable of violence and crimes if he is convinced that his actions have good intentions or will lead to a positive outcome (or, again, out of simple-minded naivety), sometimes sincerely justifying what he condemned from the outside. I don’t think that he became like that in the Ministry, after all, “we live in a country partial to suffering” - his words, not mine, and it would be strange not to get used to it as any part of everyday life, so we end up with a hypocritical, dangerous, but pleasant young man, a kind of chaotic antihero.
Most likely he must go through some developmental arcs and mental changes over the course of history, but:
a) I haven’t thought it through yet
b) I just like this concept. Maybe it’s good if he remains like this from beginning to end, without fundamentally reconsidering himself, but only changing his attitude towards certain things and people.
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lipsticksuccubus · 1 year
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I miss my non-broken sims game before the update...
Here's a pic of Evan Redgrave pole dancing like a boss!
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lambyrammystuff · 7 months
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jokerman9540 · 1 year
Would anyone be interested in me posting my Beholder 2 fanfic when it’s finished? It’s about what happened to Carl Zero after the fall of the ministry
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jellylilhornfish · 2 days
I can't I can't i can't I feel bad, I draw bad sketches in paint
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