moss-wizard · 2 years
Pomodoro breaks more like lay on the floor breaks because it's too fkn hot.
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automotiveamerican · 2 years
Have you wondered where the rust from Evapo-Rust goes?
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paperbaldi · 5 months
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Gift for evapo-rated on twt 🦅
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Trust - Harry Hook x Male!Reader - Oneshot request
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Anon request
Harry dropped down from the small cliff, just off the main path of the forest-which led to the enchanted lake. But Harry wasn’t going to the enchanted lake, he was going to a hidden spot he and his boyfriend, (y/n), had found a few years back, soon after Harry had moved to Auradon.
They had been together for about four years now, and had met each other five years ago this very day. Harry smiled at the thought, remembering when he first saw his boyfriend, his eyes bright as they locked eyes for the first time. Harry remembered being dismissive at first, defensive was the correct word but-he hadn’t wanted much with Auradon and its brats.
That was until (y/n) was made his tutor, since Harry was all but hilariously failing math and their teacher volunteered (y/n) as Harry’s tutor. Harry had been….peeved, at first, but soon came to see (y/n) just wanted to help, he never made fun of Harry’s lack of understanding, or frustration, or any of his problems, he just helped him understand and push through it all.
Through that, the two became friends, hanging out practically every day until Harry realized-he really really liked (y/n), like-really liked (y/n). it took Harry nearly a month to confess, fumbling over his words and blushing like no other-only for (y/n) to smile, take Harry’s face, and kiss his cheek gently. “I’m available this Saturday at five, see you then?” Harry just babbled and nodded, his jaw dropping open as (y/n) laughed and walked off. Harry had hardly believed it, but he had a date with (y/n).
Then there was a 2nd date, then a third, then they had been dating a month, half a year, a year-and then they graduated together, moved in together, and now-they had known each other five years-five wonderful years Harry wouldn’t trade for anything in the war.
“wonder what he has planned,” Harry muttered to himself, (y/n) had been oddly secretive for the last month, nervous as well, as if he was scared for whatever was coming to pass. The only thing Harry could think of was their anniversary, and neither of them had been nervous or scared about it before, well, other than the first one.
Harry was thrown from his thoughts as he found the scenic opening in the trees he and (y/n) had made their spot all those years ago, beaming as he spotted his beloved standing in the middle, a picnic set up below him. (y/n) beamed at the sight of Harry, opening his arms with a cheer of his name. “Harry!”
Harry chuckled, running towards (y/n) and leaping into their arms, the two sharing a sweet kiss, Harry laughed as (y/n) ran his hands up Harry’s sides till he held Harry’s face, squishing his cheeks a bit. “so-other than a picnic-“ Harry started, glancing down at the blanket that they were standing on now, a basket of food set to the side. “-what did ye want? Ye said earlier ya had somethin’ ta show me?”
(y/n) smiled, one that made Harry’s stomach flood with nerves, good nerves, but damn the butterflies never stopped around his amazing boyfriend. “Well, I wanted to show you something, something I’ve never really shown anyone-not unless I knew I could trust them…do you trust me?” (y/n) asked, his voice becoming quiet and shy as he continued to speak, biting his lip nervously.
Harry nodded, taking (y/n)’s hand and kissing his palms. “With anything, my love.” (y/n) grinned, pecking Harry’s lips, chuckling as Harry leaned in to snatch another kiss, but (y/n) was already out of reach, stepping back until Harry was left to stand alone on the blanket. “(y/n)?” Harry asked, tilting his head, wondering what (y/n) was doing.
Harry’s jaw dropped as (y/n) rolled his wrist, his palm toward the sky-and the night sky seemed to appear in his hand; stars, comments, galaxies, planets-all in the palm of (y/n)’s hand. “Wow,” Harry breathed, stepping toward his boyfriend, reaching out to cup (y/n)’s hand in his, his eyes almost sparkling with wonder. “ye have, magic?”
(y/n) nodded, the nervousness evaporating from his body, his eyes softening. “Yeah, magic of the night, runs in my family. it can be dangerous if not used properly, but-it’s easier to use if you're not afraid of it, or those you are using it around. This is just some basic magic though, not very impressive.” Harry just nodded, tracing his fingers along (y/n)’s palm, chuckling as the night shifted and turned-revealing more of the galaxy (y/n) was showing him.
“What else can ye do?” Harry asked, his eyes wide with childlike wonder as he looked up at his boyfriend. (y/n) grinned, pecking Harry’s lips and closing his hand, dismissing the sky he had created in his palm.
“I’ll show you, after we eat,” (y/n) teased, laughing as Harry pouted, just wanting to see more of the pretty magic. “Harry,”
“Fine,” Harry groaned, dragging (y/n) back down to the blanket, throwing open the basket, and digging in. “yer showing me everthin’ got it?”
(y/n) laughed again, nodding, intertwining their hands on the blanket, taking a sandwich he had made earlier. “Got it,”
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose @rintheemolion
@random-thoughts-004 @anythingbutmar @dai-tsukki-desu
@imtryingthisout @remembered-license @thecaptainsgingersnap
@thetrueghostqueen @littlewierdalien @melonsmysteriousmonarchy
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ashlexzz · 13 days
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(I love drawing sm)anyways heres a drawing of MAXXXXXX I LOVE HER SM and this is a little gift after they announced that the show is going to continue In October 30th IM SO EXCITED:3(also this post was inspired by evapo-rated!!!)
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coconuttyglittersmurf · 5 months
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based on this drawing by @evapo-rated 😉
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bagelsbites · 1 year
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Commission for @evapo-rated drew their big nate anarchy au I love their ideas and how they draw these sillies!!!!
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astrodices · 1 year
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this felt incredibly on brand
@evapo-rated @solaris-the-star
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floral-force · 2 years
Code of Honor - Chapter 7
Violent Delights
Din Djarin x Fem Bounty Hunter Reader
summary: an unwelcome confrontation leads to the discovery of hidden desires.
warnings: 18+/MDNI, sexual innuendo
words: 2.8k+
read on ao3 | series masterlist
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As you waltzed with the prince, forcing a flirtatious smile and feminine giggles, you couldn’t help but notice the Mandalorian was still in the ballroom, lingering on the outskirts of the dance floor. His arms were crossed, and he didn’t acknowledge any of the occasional stares he received from guests that passed by him. His nonchalance irritated you; a man like him only reveled in arrogance, knowing nothing could penetrate that beskar. Much to your chagrin, you noticed he had his visor set on you, tracking your every twirl and step. You felt like prey under his blank, metallic gaze, and a part of you wanted to drag him to the balcony and remind him who he was dealing with, run your hands along his armored thighs, drag your fingers against the exposed areas of his flight suit, make him beg for mercy at your skilled hands…
Not now.
You snapped your head back to focus on the prince, who was slurring his words and filling the small space between you with his drunken breath. Your eyes briefly flitted back to the Mandalorian. You secretly wanted him to see you seduce the prince; you knew it would make him squirm inside his armor even if you couldn’t physically see it. You focused your thoughts back on the prince, who had been slurring compliments your way while also insulting the other men that were around you, telling you that he was superior in every way. It was annoying, but it gave you space and material to use for your seduction technique.
“You’re right, my prince,” you interjected as he ranted about one man that had been staring at you for almost the entire night. “None of them compare to you, and how handsome you are.”
“You flatter me,” he said, squeezing your waist.
“I’m so lucky to have wooed a man of your caliber,” you cooed, moving the hand that was on his shoulder to his chest, running your finger up and down. You were pleased to see him smirk; it was much easier to flatter a tipsy man, but you needed him to be a little more sober to be able to understand what he was hearing. 
“A man of my caliber?” he scoffed and stared too long at your chest before pulling you even closer to him. His gaze made you squirm, but you’d endured worse. “A woman of your caliber deserves all of my effort.”
You returned his embrace and whispered into his ear, “Can you give me that effort after we’re done waltzing?” You pulled away and looked into his eyes through your lashes, a coy smile on your face.
He laughed lightly and squeezed your waist again. “I thought you’d never ask, my dear.”
Din left the ballroom as planned with the drunken stragglers. The random babbling and stumbling allowed him to slip away unnoticed and sneak around a corner. He was able to keep an eye on the ballroom doors, watching and waiting for her and the target to exit. His plan from here was simple: follow his rival and target to the prince’s chambers, quietly enter, and stun him before he could alert any guards. As for his rival, Din planned on stunning her as well; he couldn’t risk her following him and sabotaging his exit with the bounty. Din was patient—he’d wait for the perfect opportunity to strike. 
Once again, she found the perfect way to get under his skin and rile him up just enough to mildly throw him off. Her sultry glances, the way she made sure to look at him during moves that required her to bend over, how her eyes burned through his visor when she looked at him while planting a small, lipstick-stained kiss on the prince’s cheek…
She was taunting him. She had his beskar on the floor and him on his knees, nearly at her mercy, her plush lips curled upwards into a seductive smirk. 
Din couldn’t let her get away with this bounty, couldn’t let her slip through his grasp like he had before. She was slowly evaporating before him, disappearing, and laughing as she did it. 
She was cruel, relentless, and she had no honor. Din had to adapt to her game and start to play by her rules if he wanted to win the war, even if it meant going against what he knew to be true.
Finally, the pair exited and walked up a staircase immediately to the right of the entrance opposite of where Din was hiding, snapping him out of his thoughts. He enhanced the distance and watched them continue down a corridor. Din’s opening to follow them was at that exact moment—the guards that were directing people out of the ballroom and out of the palace had left and there was no one in sight to spot him as he crept across the floor and up the staircase. He got lucky enough to just catch them making a left, and he checked his surroundings once again before creeping down the corridor. The thermal vision mode showed no significant heat signatures except for ones that seemed further down the corridor, so his luck of avoiding a commotion continued. 
The left turn led to a winding staircase—hopefully it led to the prince’s chambers. He slowly climbed it and got off at the first landing, noticing a bright heat signature behind the first door to his left. It had to be her and the prince, and Din turned the thermal mode off so he didn’t have to bear witness to anything unwanted, even if he could only see it through heat signatures. The thought of her below that drunken snob made him seethe where he stood, enough for him to place a hand on his blaster holster, ready to charge into the room and stun the prince before he could even take off her dress.
Patience be damned—Din couldn’t stand the thoughts and images racing through his mind. He waited another half hour, testing the limits of his self-discipline. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore, and he slowly walked over to the door, testing the handle to see if it was locked—and it wasn’t. They must have been in such a rush to fuck that they forgot to lock the door, which was lucky for Din. He slowly opened the door, ready to successfully execute his plan and take an expensive bounty back to Nevarro.
He crept up to the edge of the bed against the wall to his right, moonlight illuminating the lumps under the sheets. There was her red dress in the center of the room in front of the footboard; it looked like it was removed in a rush. Din readied his blaster, aiming at the sleeping form closest to him. Their back was turned but given the fact that there was a random blouse on the floor below them, Din assumed it was the prince. He took a breath and peered over the prince’s shoulder, ready to shoot.
Din lowered his blaster. It wasn’t the prince—it was her. She was peacefully asleep, and she was alone. The moonlight fell perfectly on her face, gently illuminating her features. For once, she wasn’t scowling at him or rolling her eyes; she was gently snoring and hugging a pillow to her body. It was almost endearing to Din—almost. He still had a job to do, and she was still in the way. Din still had to remedy this obstacle. 
When you were startled out of your sleep, you whipped out the vibroblade that you in your right hand under the pillow you were hugging and held it to the throat of whoever disturbed you. You swiftly rose to your knees, turning your body quickly to face the offender and threaten them with your blade. When you saw a flash of beskar and felt a gloved hand catch your wrist, you gasped, and then scowled. Why the fuck was the Mandalorian here?
“You better have a good fucking reason for waking me up, Mandalorian,” you growled, your arm still raised. You were eye level with him, and he felt a little more imposing than he had before, but not enough for you to show it.
“I was going to take care of the bounty.” 
You scoffed. “And you thought he’d be here with me?” You tried to yank your wrist out of his hand, but he squeezed hard enough to make you drop your knife to the floor instead. “Fuck you.”
Silence filled the air, both of you staring at each other, completely still. You hadn’t tried to move your hand out of his leather grasp, but you secretly didn’t want to. In fact, you almost wanted him to grab your other wrist and pin you down. He tilted his helmet slightly, and you felt your face grow warm; he was eyeing you up like you were one of his bounties. 
And you liked it.
“At first I thought doing that was a bad thing,” he said, his modulated voice now tinged with something sultry and predatory. “But now…I think I’ve changed my mind.”
His words made heat run through your veins, and you felt a familiar wetness in your panties. Though your eyes were locked on his beskar helmet, your mind had wandered to a dark place, and you were trying to pull it back to reality, like how you were trying to pull your wrist out of his grasp. Your strength was no match for the Mandalorian, and he pushed you back into the mattress and swiftly pinned your left wrist under his hand. His knees were between your legs—already spread open for him, fuck your body was betraying you—and his helmet was inches from your face. The Mandalorian had you cornered, and you wanted more.
“And what are you going to do about it?” you whispered, mocking him.
He silently considered your taunt, tilting his head. It was almost enough to make you squirm—almost. Just as he had three months ago in Jakku, he’d pinned you down between his thighs, holding you beneath him as he stared down at you. He was giving you the same gaze he’d given you every time he had you cornered and powerless, and over time it had lost its ability to strike fear into you. Now, it incited something akin to lust. It was a lust for finally beating him and breaking the hold he had on you, both physical and mental. Each hunt you started almost always ended with facing him. The bounty had become the easy part of your hunts; the Mandalorian was the real challenge, and you hoped you were his as well. 
You held your breath now, waiting for him to say or do something in response. He released your wrists and backed away from you, watching you sit up and fix your hair and night gown. 
You realized your thighs were shaking, your pussy aching, and your heart pounding. Every piece of you, every fiber of your being wanted to throw him to the floor and rip him to shreds. You had seen how he had fallen prey to your temptation techniques at the ball—even he wasn’t immune to your sweet seduction. Your story with the Mandalorian had been one of constant battles in a long, deadly war. The bounties you both collected along the way were merely collateral, only used as a means to an end.
At the end of the day, there could only be one winner. It would be the Mandalorian lying in a pool of blood, and you standing above him and his bloody beskar.
She looked…hungry. Ravenous. It was almost enough to make Din respect her and let her have her way. But, it still wasn’t enough—it never would be.
He crossed his arms and kept his eyes locked on her. If she tried anything, he’d strike back. 
As he looked at her, he couldn’t help but notice the thin straps oof the nightgown barely staying on her shoulders, its V-neck deep enough to almost reveal too much of her breasts. The white silk of the gown hit her curves and edges almost perfectly, and with the moonlight, Din almost compared her to a mysterious angel. But he could see the darkness behind her eyes, the venom in her movements, the poison in her smile. Even as she sat in front of him, hands folded in her lap, back straight, Din knew she could topple him to the floor in a heartbeat.
And a sick part of him entertained—no, enjoyed—that thought.
“You’re going to leave this place in the morning,” Din stated, breaking the heavy silence.
She scoffed. “Oh, you’re a fucking joker, Mando.” 
“I never had a passion for comedy.”
“If you think I’m leaving this bounty to you, you have worms for brains,” she said, crossing her arms. “I have a claim to this bounty.”
“That’s never stopped you before.”
Din hated that he noticed how her breasts came to rest on top of her forearms, at risk of toppling out of the gown’s neckline. He felt his cock stiffen, and he forced himself to focus more on her words and not her breasts, or her lips, or how easy it would be for him to close the small distance between them.
She paused, her lips parting slightly, then closing again. “Listen, Mando,” she hissed. “I had to fight my way through the Guild. Playing by the rules meant I lost. People like you used to walk all over me.”
She stood and marched over to him, only centimeters between her chest and his. Din tilted his helm downwards, taking in her violently angelic appearance.
“Not anymore, Mando. I got sick of sticking to the Code when everyone else around me got to abuse it,” she smirked. “And now look at me. You can’t stand that I’m five steps ahead of you.”
“I wasn’t the one who got my partner killed,” he retorted, dropping his fists to his side.
She stuttered, her expression contorting into one of rage. The demon overtook the angel, and she flew into a fury, pushing his chest plate, ready to fall into the bedside table with him. 
Instead, Din managed to use the energy she wasted trying to move him to push her back onto the bed, throwing her off her feet and out of her blind rage. She scrambled to her feet with a growl, and as she stared down at Din, he noticed how truly primal and wild this woman was. There was something so utterly alluring about the way she stared down at him, something that lit a fire within him as well. She was a force to be reckoned with, but he was the only one who had ever been able to tame her.
“Don’t ever say that again,” she growled, her teeth gritted and bared. “You have no idea what I’ve been through.”
Din placed a hand on his holstered blaster, ready to draw it in case she lunged. 
“And you don’t know me,” Din countered, taking a small step back to hopefully aid him in case she tried to attack.
“I don’t want to.” She adjusted herself, rolling her shoulders back. “Now, get the fuck out before I yell for the guards.”
Din had to admit that she had him there. She was giving him a chance to leave without incident, something he didn’t think she had the capacity to do.
He walked around the bed and to the open balcony, peering down at the ground. It was a few stories, but he’d make it if he rappelled down. 
As he climbed over the edge and started to tie off his grappling hook, he saw her approach, her arms crossed. 
Stars, she was attractive. Inviting. Intoxicating.
Thank the gods that he was able to mask his face, otherwise he’d be giving away how intently he was looking her over, studying the the silk gently moved in the night breeze, how the moonlight seemed to make her glow and accent her features in the most angelic and gentle way. It masked the deadliness within, and Din could see how she managed to rope in her bounties now.
“Stay out of my fucking way, Mando,” she snarled, watching him closely. “Interfere with my hunt again, and I’ll be selling your beskar to the Jawas.”
Din only gave her one last glance before pushing off the edge of the balcony, his boots tapping the walls of the palace only a few times before he hit the ground. 
He looked up to see she was still watching him, her hands spread wide on the balcony, still bathed in the pure moonlight.
Din had never wanted to return to a threat more than ever.
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@charlottetownwaffles @theamuz @jellybeanstacey0519 @elinedjarin @maddiedrmr @kaqua @tortor-mcgee @tizylish @graciexmarvel @spxctorsslxt @dheet
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andmaybegayer · 2 years
robot who goes around with a hip flask full of Evapo-Rust
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intimidation297 · 9 months
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(creds to @evapo-rated for the hairstyle)
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automotiveamerican · 2 years
Evapo-Rust and Ultrasonic Cleaner Meets Model B Transmission Parts
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Solar Opposites in Mighty Solars Issue #41: “Stolen” Pt. 2 Ch. 1
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Back to where our heroes left off, Quasarblast dries his eyes with a tissue while Nova comforts him.
Nova: You okay there Korv? I had no idea you had a sister.
Sonya Solar-Opposites/???: Me neither.
Quasarblast snaps.
Sonya Solar-Opposites/???: Aw, I’m really sorry Korvo.
Quasarblast calms down.
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: I’m sorry… it’s just my sister, who is the oldest, Janiz, was always there for me ever since I was an infant sproutling. She was like my best friend and she and I always been so close. She even relocate at a different area on Shlorp after graduation and before Yumyulack was born. I thought she was dead because I heard she didn’t get an evacuation partner and… starts crying as Nova starts to comfort him and-
Nova: Korvo, I'm so sorry.
Quasarblast starts crying as Nova soothes him. Vil-Gil-An-T sighs sadly.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites/Vil-Gil-An-T: It’s true. Janiz is Korvo’s sister… and my aunt.
Sonya Solar-Opposites/???: Wait. You know her?
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites/Vil-Gil-An-T: Yeah. I even barely remember her because I was just a baby. She would always come over when she wants to see her nephew.
Sonya Solar-Opposites/???: Aw, I bet you were so cute back then as a sproutling.
Naomi helps banadage a wound on Quasarblast’s arm as he continues crying while Nova keeps soothing and comforting him while Vil-Gil-An-T blushes at what Sonya said.
Nova: Shh… it’s okay Korvo… Shh…
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: I want my sister...I want her...I WANT HER! punches something as he continues weeping
Nova give Quasarblast a cooldown hug as he cries into Nova’s chest as she smiles at her best friend. Vil-Gil-An-T, Mighty Pupa and Sonya pit comforting hands on Quasarblast. Quasarblast wipes away his tears as he starts breathing heavily in anger.
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: I can’t believe it! How could I not know she is alive! I’m her brother, I’m supposed to know-
MAX: Easy Korvo. She’s here on Earth. She’s just hiding for awhile until she is ready. She also want me to let you know that she is happy you’re here and that she loves you.
Quasarblast stops and shed tears of happiness.
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: Sh-she did?
MAX: Of course. She cries herself to sleep because she misses you so much.
Quasarblast smiles tearfully as he hugs MAX. AISHA is even touched by this moment.
AISHA: Aw, that is so sweet.
Quasarblast then looks at the sky with determination
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: Guys! I don’t know about you! But, we got some ass to kick!
Trevor: That’s great news! Nighthowler told us you needed our help!
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: Nighthowler?
Sonya points to herself. Quasarblast gasps but then smiles tearfully.
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: You? Nighthowler! Oh honey, I am so proud of you!
Nighthowler giggles. Then, Quasarblast hugs his daughter while Mighty Pupa and Vil-Gil-An-T hugs their sister. Starburst also join in on the hug
Meanwhile with Terry and Jesse…
Monica Miller: Did you find any way to escape?
Stacy G hears what’s going on and runs down there as she overhears the conversation.
Terry Solar-Opposites: Ugh. No! Oh my Korvy...he must be so worried about me.
Jesse Solar-Opposites: Not yet. But we have to get out of here?
Cherie: looks at the unconscious prisoners They might not make it that long.
Kevin’s Daughter: Quasarblast will come and save us. Right?
Terry looks down as a tear runs down his cheek. He then snaps as punches the wall.
Terry Solar-Opposites: That does it! Guys, we’re get the fuck out of here right now! But, first we need a plan! suddenly hears Stacy G grunting as she tries to break through the wall
Jesse Solar-Opposites: Stacy G?
Stacy G: Hold on! I'm getting you outta there!
this scene is about to emotional. It’s a reference to when Ember cries and tells Wade she loves him before he evaporates in Elemental
Jesse Solar-Opposites: Stacy G! You can’t! You’ll get captured!
Stacy G: But you will get killed! I-I don’t know what to do!
Jesse Solar-Opposites: Stacy G! It’s gonna be okay!
Stacy G: NO! voice breaking IT’S NOT OKAY!
Terry gasps. Jesse goes up and smiles and goes up and holds Stacy G’s hand.
Jesse Solar-Opposites: Stacy G… I have no fucked up regrets… you gave me something Shlorpians search for their whole lives.
Stacy G: But I can’t fucking exist in a world without you! begins crying I’m sorry I didn’t say it before! weeps I love you Jessica Wearspreada Solar-Opposites…
Stacy G starts sobbing. Jesse is touched as she smiles and then notices Stacy G’s eyes shimmering with the color of glittery magenta thanks to a candle light.
Jesse Solar-Opposites: I really love it when your eyes do that in the light…
Jesse and Stacy G then leans over and finally kiss for the first time in their lives. Terry smile in tears, knowing that his daughter is all grown up and has found love. Monica smiles in tears of happiness over her best friend finally finding love for the first time. Jesse giggles
Maverick: Administrate the poison.
Bullet bends the poison, splitting it into four portions and attaches a portion to each limb. He metalbends, causing the poison to diffuse into Qourra’s skin. Throughout the administration, Qourra screams in agony and her eyes begin to glow momentarily.
Bullet: Wait! What hasn’t she enter the state yet?! And how are our new test subjects?!
Maverick: Give it Time! It won’t stay long.
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Tina: Kid, I'm about as stable as a boat made out of evapo-paper in a tsunami
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vinn12799 · 7 months
Old doodles comp
( some of the art is fanart of evapo’s au’s )
some of it is old art
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headstrongblake · 8 months
[ DEBATE ] our muses are arguing because sender is worried and overprotective of receiver, but when they get up in each other’s faces they end kissing and groping at each other. / grant & o / @thewholecrew
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octavia was wasting time at nick's bar top, pestering him while he poured drink after drink for the others in the bar. for once, she smiled easily, rolling her eyes at nick like normal. if it weren't for the fact that she was really just waiting for kassy's text that she was coming by nick's apartment for the night, it might even be normal. but for weeks now, her best friend has forgone the comfort of her own bed to keep octavia's nightmares away. grants spent most nights doing just the same. & lately, the injustice of it all was needling at her.
it's a quiet enough night, save one rowdy group at a booth. from time to time, she'd notice nick watching them, but it wasn't long before the whole bar listened to one particularly bigoted-minded man. his loud foul mouth directed at nobody but his group of friends still grated underneath her skin as she clenched her teeth together. his voice grew louder as he wandered toward nick, shouting for the no-good barkeep. emerald hues flashed at nick, who remained unfazed, telling the man his group could find another bar before she spun on her seat. "what did you say to him?" suddenly itching for a fight, the simple way the man sneered at her had octavia up from her stool, slamming her coiled fist into the centre of his face.
nick leapt instantly from behind the bar, rushing the stunned man to keep him from winding up toward her. "o!" grant's body quickly intercepted her after that while nick shouted and urged the man and his group to leave. with grant's back turned to the guy currently gushing blood from his nose, he walked them back, an arm wrapped around her torso while octavia spitefully tried to push toward the stranger. once he moved her back far enough, she tossed her hands up in the air, angrily turning her back on grant as she moved in the direction he'd steered them. heading directly for the back office, she stormed away, fingers flexing at her side before throwing open the door.
"octavia, what are you doing? you can't go around picking fights with anyone, you're---" octavia whipped her head toward him, shooting him a dark glare and daring him to finish his sentence. what does he want to say? that she's still hurt? still recovering? that she's somehow fragile now because three cowards attacked her in the middle of the night? nick's bar is one of the only public places she feels comfortable in while the fading bruises are still present, but lately, she's traded her fears for anger. so what is she supposed to do? make herself smaller to keep herself safe while dicks like that could just say whatever the hell they wanted? in her space that felt safe? fuck that.
"that man is a hateful prick, and he got less than what he deserved!?" octavia scoffed, her nose crinkling as her temper flared. "i am not some delicate glass okay!?" she thought they'd already been through this that night she'd turned away from him. when he'd told her, he didn't want to add any more pain to what she had already gone through. she stomped toward him, shaking her head, "i am still the same person i always have been, and no one, including you, is going to stop that. i'm not broken!" she said forcefully, shoving at his chest. the fire inside of her was alive and burning brightly, standing mere inches from grant as she invaded his space.
those honey eyes looked down at her, and her desire to prove her statement rose through her, as did her burning hunger. aggressively, octavia fisted his shirt, this time pushing him back against the door. darkened hues flitted between his and his lips before, "i am not broken," she quietly declared again, perhaps more for herself.
crashing her body against his, octavia devoured him in a heated kiss. all her thoughts of anyone outside of this room evaporated, disappearing with her every panted breath. her leftover adrenaline melted into lust as her heart thumped loudly in her chest. deepening their kiss, her grip loosened from his shirt, only to trail up to the nape of his neck, pulling him as close to her as she could, all while grinding her hips against him. as his hands explored her, possessively groping her body, desire spun wildly inside of her, craving more as she groaned into his mouth.
& as if he could feel her every want, octavia was quickly lifted into his arms, her legs spreading to wrap around him as he pressed her against the door. she coiled tightly around him, her lips sliding from his as she worked along his jaw. moving higher and higher until she captured his ear lobe with a little nip.
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