#even better!!! you walk in and the SUPREME GUARDIAN is giving you a tour
ceramicbird · 1 year
the belobog history and culture museum event is so funny because i don’t want to do anything else. why would i want to do simulated universe or calyxes or whatever when i can play Museum Management Simulator
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Bamboo for a Bashful Captain - (Gepard x Reader) - Chapter 4
Summary: Serval stops into the shop, and you and Vaska go to the cafe Gepard showed you.
▸ Genre(s): Fluff, a sprinkling of angst
▸ Word Count: 15k in total, 3.1k for this Chapter
▸ Tags: Gepard x reader
▸ Warnings: Food mention, possible ooc, reader is shorter than Gepard and slightly fem coded, explicit pronouns aren’t used but Serval calls you a doll,
A/N: When I was revising this thing, it started raining really hard. I turned all the lights off and put on some lo-fi beats, and everything was perfect for a solid half hour.
MASTERLIST (also link to series)
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A few days later, you were sitting on the edge of your mattress, waiting for Vaska to reply to a text you sent earlier that morning. Two tickets to the Golden Theater laid on your bedside table. Your phone buzzed and your hand darted to pick it up nervously. 
From: Vaska
Vaska: Sorry, I can't come to the theater today! 
Vaska: I haven’t had time to reread Tale of the Winterlands lately. I wanted to get to that today.
You: That’s all right! The tickets were discounted, so I just figured I would get them! Enjoy your reading!
Vaska: Wait, I am available for lunch though. 
Vaska: It feels like forever since I’ve seen you! 
You: Vaska, we work together.
Vaska: Yes. And?
You: …
You: Ok, I’ll be there.
You sighed, shaking your head. It had been a bad idea to buy an extra ticket, even if they WERE discounted for the final day of thIs play they were showing. 
Well, worst case scenario, I have a fancy piece of paper I can hang up, but it’ll be a shame if this ticket gets wasted, you thought to yourself.
You chewed on your nails. Should I ask Serval? She might still be busy fixing her device. I’d better not… 
What about Gepard? Maybe I could pay him back for giving me that tour, You flicked the screen to Gepard’s contact info, but you noticed the name in the slot read “Gerard” instead. 
Oh shoot, better fix that,
You tapped the screen to edit his name, but hit the “call” button by mistake. 
“Nono wait no—,” you gasped. Your thumb darted to the red icon in the corner, but you heard someone on the other line pick up ridiculously quickly. 
“Hello? Gepard Landau speaking,” His voice was clear on the other end. Your nervous system threatened to wrangle its way out of your body that very second. 
“Hi! Hello! Um—, I’m really sorry,” you stuttered. “I clicked the call button by mistake,”
“Oh..? That’s all right,” There was no marked change in tone when he spoke again. He was standing in the office of the new Supreme Guardian, right next to some stacks of papers. Pela peeked her head out from behind one of them.
“I was meaning to ask you about something though,” you blurted out, grabbing your beret from the side table. “I happen to have an extra ticket to the Golden Theater. There’s a showing today at two o’clock. I'm sorry it’s on short notice, but would you like to come with me?” 
Gepard clasped his phone in a death grip.
“Ahem—, yes. That works for me. I don't have any urgent meetings today. Can I meet you on the steps outside the building?” He asked. 
“Yep! Sounds good! I’ll see you— YEOW!!!” Your foot smacked your dresser as you spun towards the door. You yelped as your phone flew out of your hands and landed on the ground a solid meter away. 
You groaned, rolling onto your back and sitting up, tears springing to your eyes. 
“Shit—! Aeons, that hurt,” you winced.
“(Y/N)? (Y/N)?? Is everything all right?” You heard Gepard say loudly. 
“Y-yeah. I tripped, s’all,” you grunted, placing a hand on the wall to keep yourself steady as you rose to your feet. “That definitely woke me up,”
“Take care of yourself,” he sighed, relieved.
“Yep, yep! I’ll see you— soon!” You choked out and hung up frantically. You placed both hands against the wall and hit your head against it repeatedly, groaning in shame. 
You were in the middle of fixing the broken cash register when a familiar blonde-haired woman walked through the door.
“Serval!” Your head shot up as you gave her an excited wave. “Good to see you! What brings you to our shop today?” 
She strolled over to the counter, where various pieces of equipment were sprawled out on the surface. 
“Mornin’ (Y/N)! Molly and I were just RAVING about how the flowers Gepard got us have livened up the place!” Serval tossed her silky hair over her shoulder. “We were thinking of buying some more, since we could really use some more color in our lives,”
“I'm sure flowers are better than soot,” you giggled. “What did the Ministry of Education say about the experiment you were running?”
“Huh?” Serval looked bewildered. 
“The research project? Y’know, the one that exploded??” A shadow of confusion flickered across your face.
“Oh! Yes, that one! They were gracious enough to give me an extension.” She shook her head up and down aggressively, her eyes rattling in her skull.
“I'm glad to hear it!” You wiped your forehead in relief, turning to some pots resting on a cabinet. “So… as for the flowers… I know you have the purple ones, so why not go with yellow? Purple can represent maturity and elegance, and yellow might round it out a bit.” You ran your fingers across the wood.
“Although, if you'd like to keep the place feeling more formal, you could go with these blue ones here,” you quipped. “They match Molly’s hair,” 
You lifted up the planter that held said flowers, which were white on the inside, but faded into a dark teal on the edges.
Serval reached out to touch them tentatively, her eyes flicking towards something behind you.
“Hmm… what’s that one over there?” She said inquisitively.
“Oh--!” You spun around to see what she was pointing at. It was a wooden window box, filled to the brim with flowers of every hue.
“That’s one of our clearance boxes! We had a mix up with the seed packets during planting time, so they’re 30% off. Pretty interesting looking, right?” You lifted up the box, your chest heaving with effort. 
“Definitely.” She peered over the walls of the box with an approving smile. “I'll take this one,”
“Really? Are you sure?” 
“One hundo percent. This one speaks to me,” she mused.
“Fair enough. Whatever pleases the Rock Star of Belobog.” You shook your head and shrugged.
“Oh please, you flatter me,” she chuckled. You pushed the components of the cash register into a neat pile to make way for the flowers. 
A ghost of a smile crossed your lips as you recalled how painstakingly long Gepard had spent picking up the flowers for his sister, and just how spontaneously she had chosen hers. 
I can’t believe I know people equally as incredible, but as different as night and day, you contemplated.
“So, (Y/N),” Serval piped up, snapping you out of your thoughts. “You seem awfully chipper today. Did something good happen?”
Maybe something involving a certain bashful captain? She thought with a sly smile. 
The air in the room seemed to turn pink as you swayed happily. 
“Well, business has been skyrocketing lately with the weather getting warmer.” You rested your head in the palm of your hand thoughtfully. “More people feel like they have the means to take care of flowers! In fact, there’s been a ton of people coming in today,”
“Awwh, that's wonderful!” She said joyfully. “...anything else?”
Her smile grew wider. Serval could almost sense there was something you weren’t telling her. You gulped. 
“Um— well, Gepard and I are heading to the theater today,” you said, a little quieter than the way you had talked previously. “I wanted to thank him for guiding me around the plaza a few days back,”
“What??? Why didn't you lead with that??” She slammed her hands on the desk, flabbergasted. You flinched and shook your head. 
“It’s not THAT big of a deal,” you brushed it off sheepishly. “Just a little outing, nothing more to it,”
Serval’s bottom lip quivered with something between joy and rage.
“It is too!” she argued. “My brother lives and breathes his work. I can't believe someone is finally helping him loosen up a bit,” She sniffled dramatically. “I think I'm getting teary-eyed!” 
You handed her the hefty window box with a smirk. “If you say so. Well then, it was great seeing you! Take good care of them,” 
“Of course! Have fun on your date!!!” Serval sang, pushing the door open.
She gave you a salute with her free hand and slipped through the crack in the door before it shut. 
Well, that was weird, to say the least,
“... and seventy-five grams high nutrient fertilizer,” Gepard murmured, reading off the slip of paper you had given him. He scooped some fine powder from the burlap sack, lowering himself to eye-level with the plant with the meticulousness of a scientist. 
His blue eyes were fixed on the measuring spoon, tilting it onto the plant when his sister barged in. She was carrying a box of flowers, almost slamming the door into the wall with how much foece she put in. Gepard flinched so hard he flung the spoon into the air and it hit the ceiling with a “thud”.
“Geppie!!!” Serval shouted affectionately as the spoon landed on the hardwood. “A little birdie told me that you have a date at the theater today!!” 
She sauntered in and set down the flower box on his desk. He looked on sadly as bits of soil fell onto his paperwork.
“A d-date? Where’d you get that from? And how did you even get in here!? I thought the Landau—,” he stumbled over his own words and she cut him off, too elated to notice how she was trampling his attempts to speak.
“I stopped by the flower shop this morning. You never mentioned anything of the sort!” She swayed excitedly.
“That’s because I found out today,” Gepard grumbled. “They merely had an extra ticket.” He bent down to gather some of the fertilizer into a pile on the floor.
Unless… they said it was a date..? He felt hope rising in his chest but he quickly squashed it. Hope? No, he wasn’t hoping. Of course not. 
Serval smirked, stepping closer to him. 
“Don't think I don't notice how utterly smitten you are.” She looked at her nails with a frivolous expression. “You know, how your face gets all rosy, your voice gets higher, and you listen extra hard when they speak?” 
Gepard’s lips pulled back into a thin line. He glanced at the bamboo plant one last time before spinning around and dropping onto the bed, the mattress straining with the sudden weight.
The Captain rested his head in his hands, heaving a sigh as his blue eyes stared onto the floor. 
“Is it… that obvious?” He said quietly.
Serval widened her eyes in surprise. Usually her brother stood his ground and brushed her off. She took a break from her teasing to plop down on the feather bed next to him. 
“Maybe just to me,” she answered. She leaned back and stared at the ceiling. 
“After all, I've known you long enough that I've never seen you care about anything this much. Your sister gets a little worried sometimes! You practically live and breathe your work.” Serval leaned slightly off the bed to get a closer look at his face, analyzing his features.
“And, as much as I love to tease you about it, I’m really happy my cute little brother has found someone he wants to offer his heart to,”
She rifled a hand through his hair teasingly, sending golden strands everywhere. Gepard’s hands shot up defensively with a grunt. They sat in silence for a bit, until she spoke up again.
“Also, I’ve noticed you've gotten pretty good at taking care of plants now too! Look at you, my little gardener!” Said Serval. “Well, I’ll get out of your hair now. I doubt the Landau Residence really wants me around anyways.” She shrugged, picking up her box. She kicked the door open unceremoniously and skipped out into the hallway, leaving a plethora of confused faces in her wake. 
Gepard sighed. She hadn’t let him get a single word in edgewise. It was the trademark Landau stubbornness, after all.
Vaska’s stream of praises for the cafe you had chosen today were endless. She had the expression of someone who had just won the lottery as she bit into a cinnamon strudel. 
“Mmm, thish ish sooo delicious...” She licked the sugary dust off her fingers in satisfaction, wiping her lips and picking up another one. “How’d you find this place?”
“A friend introduced me,” you replied as you sipped your raspberry mint tea. “I'm surprised you didn't know about it, actually,”
“Well, I'm trying to avoid spending money because I’m saving for the upcoming sequel of my favorite book!” She giggled. The air seemed to be filled with sparkles all of a sudden. 
“Is it to Tale of the Winterlands?” You asked, raising your eyebrows. 
“Aren't you afraid of it being confiscated?” 
“Not anymore,” Vaska crossed her arms with a smile. “It’s pending approval. Anyways, I didn't know you had friends outside of the flower shop. I'm glad you're finally branching out!” 
She rested her index finger on her cheek before continuing. “Although… Meg is gonna have your head if you keep coming back late after deliveries,”
“Gah, I know, I know. I just get so caught up talking to one of the clients. The friend I was just talking about,”
“Hmph. I'm just trying to keep you out of the fire, you know. On the other hand, she sounds delightful! What’s she like?”
“Um,” you paused. “He’s a guard,”
“A guard?” Her eyes glittered as she leaned across the table. “No way. An Underworlder and a guard, huh? What an interesting pair!” 
You chuckled. “I guess you're right. He can be a little awkward sometimes, but he's very genuine and diligent!” 
“As all good guards are, of course,” she nodded. A surprised expression flickered across your face.
“Vaska… Is there something you want to tell me?” You jested. “I didn't know you had a type. Besides the musician, of course,”
You've never seen someone’s expression go deadpan so quickly. 
“No. Nope. You've got it all wrong!!” She crossed her forearms in an “X”. 
“The idea of romance isn't half bad, but being in it sounds way too hard. If anything, my type would be more like Anna, from—,”
“Tale of the Winterlands,” you interjected again. She hummed in approval.
“That’s understandable,” you said. “You’re both very independent,”
“Aww, you think so?” A rosy blush spread across your co-worker’s face. “It's so nice to have a friend like you,”
She fiddled with the straw in her drink. “Anyways… what's the name of your guard friend?” You took a sip of your own before replying.
Vaska’s jaw dropped through the floor.
“WHAT?!?” She stood up and slammed her hands onto the table. You recoiled in shock, her exclamation almost blowing your beret off. Heads turned towards your table as you panicked.
“Shh! Vaska, keep it down!” You hissed, placing your hands on her forearms in an attempt to soothe her. She sat back down and began to chew on her fingernails.
“Gepard… Gepard Landau??”
“Blonde hair, blue eyes, built like a tank?”
“Yeah, what about him? He’s not like a serial killer or something, right??”
Your mind flashed back to the times he directed you to the inside of the sidewalk or smiled tenderly at the flowers in the shop when he thought no one was looking.
No way—,
“No, goodness gracious no. Of course not! Gepard is the furthest thing from a serial killer you could get.” She shook her head vigorously, her beret flying off and drifting to the floor. She leaned down from her chair to grab it, her face still red from shouting.
“Then WHY is this such a big deal??” You inquired with an exasperated look on your face. 
“It’s because HE'S THE CAPTAIN OF THE SILVERMANE GUARDS,” she spat out in a single breath. She let out a wheeze as she dropped her head onto the table.
It was your turn for your jaw to drop. 
“Th--, Th-the Captain?!? Oh Aeons…” you stammered, biting on a mint leaf. You winced as the icy juices spread across your tongue. 
“Didn't you notice no other ‘guard’ in the area looked like him?”
“I mean, yes. But I thought the guards OUTSIDE the city wore stuff like that too,” you said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear nervously.
“Oh by the PRESERVATION.” She ran a palm across her face. 
“And— and I did notice people gave us some weird looks when we danced in the square—,”
Vaska was about to rip her hair out. You buried your face in your arms and nodded. 
“...Vaska, does this mean I have to stop hanging out with him?” You said quietly.
She grabbed you by the cheeks and pulled you close.
“NO. Of course not. It’s just that.. I’d hate for you to be involved in some high class squabble or something,” she snorted. “You know how easily agitated the nobles are,”
“Er—, Not really?”
“Well, they are! Who knows, you probably already have a bunch of jealous suitors!” 
You held your palms out to placate her. “I mean, Gepard is great and all, but it’s really not like that. He values his work more than anything,” 
“You can't ever be too safe.” She gave you a warning glance. “If rumors get spread, and you lose your job, who would I look forward to talking to every day??” 
“I’d still come and visit!” You protested. “And I hardly believe Meg would kick me out because of a bunch of silly rumors,” you said flatly.
“That is NOT the issue,” she groaned. You reached out and clasped her hands.
“Don't worry, Vaska. I'm gonna be careful, okay?” 
“I trust you, but just know I will be terrified. Forever. ‘Til the end of days,” she bemoaned. 
“I get where you’re coming from,” you reassured her. “Just remember, this is my decision. I’d never take on anything I couldn’t handle!”
She pouted, stretching her arm across the cafe table and snagging your tea. She took a sip and handed it back to you.
“Ugh. Too much milk,” she scowled before quickly returning to her normal self. “Now, Tell me what being friends with the Captain of the Silvermane Guards is like…” 
You laughed gently. 
“Of course. I'd be happy to,”
Later, after you had left the cafe, you opened up your phone and sent a text to Serval. 
To: Serval
You: Serval, why did no one bother telling me that your brother is the captain of the Silvermane Guards???
Serval: …belobog’s last bastion of hope?
You: Do NOT avoid the question
Serval: ahahaha
Serval: sorry, sorry
Serval: I thought you knew
You: I did not.
Serval: oops
Serval: don’t worry, it’s not like he's any less dorky when he's commanding platoons or anything
Read at 13:22 pm ✅
You just about threw your phone across the street. 
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2023 - Oven-Mitt-On-A-Bookshelf - Do not repost/translate without my permission - NO AI
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aurorawest · 3 years
can you also do a director's commentary on "Fool for You"? 🐠 this is one of my favs 🥰
Yeah! Thank you for asking about this one! Since it’s over 6k words I’ll just grab the interesting parts, I hope that’s okay! Link on AO3.
First of all, I will just say, I was shocked by the response to this fic. I wrote it for Froststrange Week earlier this year, and it was by far the fluffiest fic I wrote for that event. It’s one of the fluffiest things I’ve written ever. I was actually nervous to post it...and I’ve written some very dark stuff that didn’t even give me pause before hitting the post button on AO3, haha. But this one? I distinctly remember my palms getting sweaty (gross) and having to walk away from my computer after I posted it, because I was so freaked out. But people liked it! It was probably my most popular Froststrange Week fic.
Onto the fic...
Loki craned his head, staring upwards as the massive shark moved smoothly and silently through the water overhead. He’d never seen anything like it, despite his one thousand and sixty years in the universe. It moved off, disappearing over rocks dappled with slow, turquoise sunlight.
“It’s a whale shark,” Stephen informed him, staring down at an informational plaque posted along the walkway. Loki had read all of them so far, but he’d stopped dead in his tracks in the glass tunnel when he’d seen the shark, too awed by it to move. Ahead of them and behind them, the screams and excited voices of school groups echoed, but the two of them were in a lull between throngs.
The prompts for the day that I used were ‘firsts’ and ‘aquarium date.’ The aquarium part was a no brainer for me, because I head canon that Loki is a big nature lover, and that he particularly loves the ocean.
Rays sailed through the water alongside the shark. Those, Loki was more familiar with. They’d had them on Asgard. Extinct now, of course. All of Asgard’s species, all its plants, animals, insects, all of it, were extinct. It was a depressing thought.
Okay, well, this is a fluffy fic, but obviously I’m incapable of writing pure fluff. It’s Loki, so there has to be some angst.
Always prone to depressing thoughts, Loki was. He looked at the whale shark again, then at Stephen, leaning over the plaque and reading it—mostly for Loki’s benefit, so the two of them could talk about it. That made Loki’s heart swell. His sadness would always be with him, but his happiness sat next to it, bright and blinding. Stephen Strange, Sorcerer Supreme, Guardian of the New York Sanctum, human sorcerer and ridiculously, heart-poundingly beautiful man, was responsible for much of it.
Loki is really, really in love. And he can finally be free about admitting it.
Turning around, Stephen met Loki’s eyes and said, “So, the Georgia Aquarium was a good choice?”
In preparation to write this fic, I googled what the world’s best aquariums were. I knew the Georgia Aquarium was a big deal (both from living in north Florida for a time and just...being a person who likes zoos and aquariums), but I wanted to see if there were others. Obviously, Stephen can go anywhere, so for their first date, he would take Loki to the best of the best. The Georgia Aquarium does consistently appear at the very top of aquarium lists (others were Monterey Bay and one in...Dubai, I think?).
I spent a lot of time on the Georgia Aquarium’s website. It’s a huge place and has lots of different aquariums, so I had to choose the one they would spend most of their time at. The website has webcams on a lot of the aquariums, so I actually watched them while I was writing.
[...] This place made one want to learn about Earth’s oceans, which might make them less prone to destroying them. Since he’d taken up permanent residence on Earth, Loki had learned to love it—and he’d grown increasingly aware that humanity was rather short-sighted about the planet they lived on.
Loki the environmentalist.
Then again, somehow he doubted that if Hela had been better educated about Asgard’s mollusk population, she would have decided not to take over and kill everyone.
This line always makes me laugh.
[...] “Good,” Stephen said. “I figured you’d like it. But, you know. First date and everything. I wanted to get it right.”
The squirming in Loki’s stomach turned to a full explosion of butterflies. First date. Could two people have a first date when they’d already exchanged avowals of love? Hadn’t that been the first date? Or perhaps their first date had been years ago, without either of them quite knowing it?
It’s always a balance for me to write these fics that take place in the ‘future,’ as compared to where I am in the chronological writing of this verse. I just finished fic #6 in my series, which takes place in 2027. This fic takes place in 2030. The avowals of love Loki refers to hear is from the end of the last fic in the series, ‘The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling,’ and is when the two of the officially get together. They unknowingly going on their first date years ago is a reference to the fact that the two of them have been doing date-like activities with each other for years, just with neither of them admitting it. One of my other fics for Froststrange Week is actually one of these instances (‘far away from here and closer to somewhere else,’ where they run into each other in Hong Kong and get drunk together). In fic #8 (which I’m working on now), they end up spending the day together in London. In fic #9, they spend a lot of Thor and Jane’s wedding together.
He craned his head up to stare at the top of the glass tunnel, 
They’re in the Ocean Voyager aquarium.
suddenly not knowing what to say, feeling as though he might make a fool of himself. A sea turtle swam by slowly, the underside of its shell gleaming like the moon. The truth was that he’d probably made a fool of himself in front of Stephen so many times that it no longer even registered to him.
Or maybe… Loki looked over at him. Stephen was watching him, a look in his eyes that made warmth spread through Loki. Maybe Stephen didn’t actually find Loki foolish. Maybe he never had.
The idea of Loki being a sentimental fool is something that pops up pretty constantly in my fics. Here, Loki is thinking of times he’s actually looked stupid in front of Stephen, real and imagined. He has the wherewithal to recognize that maybe a lot of them are imagined, and that even the real humiliations don’t make Stephen view Loki as a fool.
“How did you know I would like this?” Loki asked.
[...] “Remember the time we went to the Museum of Natural History?”
“Yes.” Loki raised an eyebrow at him. “You really played tour guide quite often, didn’t you?”
Giving Loki an amused look, Stephen said, “It seemed like the decent thing to do. I had royalty living at my house.”
[...] “Silly me,” Loki said. “I thought it might be because you had a bit of a thing for me back then.” Stephen shot him a crooked smile. It wasn’t agreement. But it certainly wasn’t denial, either.
Stephen definitely did have a thing for Loki back then. Loki had a thing for him, too. By the time Loki leaves the Sanctum, they’re in love with each other, though neither of them has quite realized it yet. Stephen realizes much sooner then Loki (surprise).
[...] If Loki was being honest, he’d been mildly terrified that he would arrive at the Sanctum and Stephen would do something—look at him in some way, speak to him in a way that was just a bit false—that Loki would know that Stephen had thought about it and decided that they’d made a terrible mistake and he was looking for a way to extricate himself from their new…relationship. Romance. Whatever it was.
This is Loki’s constant fear. It takes him a long, long time to stop worrying about it. It’s his fear with everyone, though. Boil Loki down to his bare essentials, and you get a giant heart and massive abandonment issues.
Loki snorted with laughter and then grinned at Stephen. “Your expression, honestly, Strange. I’ve seen you face far greater foes with much less fear.”
[...] Shrugging, Stephen said, “Kids. Not really my thing.”
“It’s not as though you need to bring them home.”
[...] “I enjoy the chaos that children cause.”
“You might be the only person here who’s enjoying the decibel level of that pack of kids,” Stephen said.
Loki actually really likes kids! And Stephen doesn’t at all.
Loki flashed a grin at him, thought about making a joke about having children, and then dismissed it. It would be a joke, because the last thing Loki wanted right now, possibly ever, was a child that he could pass all his hang-ups to. His own upbringing had been…a challenge. He doubted his ability to overcome it.
My main interest in the two of them ever having a child lies in exploring Loki’s issues with his own father.
[Stephen reveals his big surprise...is that he booked an aquarium sleepover] It was more than Loki didn’t know what to think. What was an aquarium sleepover? Sleeping here? They allowed people to do that? Had this cost extra money? Stephen didn’t have any money, so why would he spend extra on something like this?
You really can do aquarium sleepovers at the Georgia Aquarium! It’s actually not that expensive, but Loki knows that Stephen’s only income is a stipend from Kamar-Taj. Stephen has nothing at all left over from his pre-wizard days and he depends entirely on that stipend.
[...] The two of them continued through the aquarium, visiting each gallery in turn. Even though Loki was quite sure Stephen’s interest in all of this was limited, he never gave any indication that he was bored. He seemed, actually, entirely taken by Loki’s enthusiasm, and that was a feeling that Loki had certainly never experienced. 
I really tapped into that brand-new relationship feeling for this fic, haha.
The number of healthy romantic relationships that Loki had experienced was…pretty close to zero, so there had never been someone who had been interested both in sleeping with him and in seeing him enjoying his interests.
It actually is zero. Loki has never had a healthy romantic relationship. He’s hedging here because the romantic encounters he’s had that approach healthy count to him as relationships.
They ate dinner at the aquarium café, which was serviceable but nothing special. At least, the food was nothing special. It was the first time Loki and Stephen had eaten dinner together as a couple. Gods. Loki felt like an adolescent. He was eating a veggie burger and Stephen was eating chicken tenders, with drinks they’d filled themselves out of a fountain machine, and somehow it was the most romantic dinner he’d ever had. Stephen’s knee pressed against Loki’s under the table and he leaned forward like he couldn’t stand that the table top had put a couple feet of space between them.
In other words, Loki could have been eating just the ketchup packets that had been provided to him on his tray, and he would have been happier than he’d ever been in his life.
This is one of my favorite parts of the whole fic. Anyone who’s ever been crazy about a new romantic partner has had this experience, I think.
[Stephen conjures butterflies for the kids they encountered earlier] Suddenly, thousands of blue butterflies burst from within the half-spheres, swirling in a bright blue stream across the ceiling and amongst the children, whose delighted shrieks made their teachers wilt. The butterflies flitted, azure and lapis, iridescent, bobbing on air currents, until they turned to wisps of light and disappeared.
I rarely make use of the whole butterfly thing with Stephen, primarily because I tend to associate it with another Stephen ship (which is one of my NOTPs), but...it’s nice, right? I wanted to use it. A butterfly also appears in Doctor Strange, so it’s imagery that seems to be sort of associated with him.
[left alone in the gallery for their sleepover...] Loki looked around. “Shouldn’t there be other people here?” he asked.
Stephen looked immensely satisfied with himself. “Nope. We get the whole gallery to ourselves.”
Furrowing his brow, Loki asked, “How? Did you buy all the tickets?” This seemed as though it would have been exorbitantly expensive.
Still looking enormously pleased, Stephen said, “I might have played the Sorcerer Supreme card.”
“No one knows what the Sorcerer Supreme does.”
“Okay, fine. I said I was an Avenger.”
My head canon is that Stephen is pretty disdainful of the Avengers. He definitely doesn’t want to be part of the ‘team.’ He’s a loner by nature. Definitely the guy who hated group projects, because he was the one that got stuck doing all the work. This loner quality is something that Loki and Stephen have in common.
[...] Loki buried his nose in Stephen’s hair and breathed in his scent, his shampoo that smelled like sandalwood, the cologne he had definitely put on today, cedar and faintly citrusy. Norns, he smelled good.
Loki first associates the smell of sandalwood with Stephen in Sleight of Hand (it’s right at the end of chapter 12). His cologne makes an appearance in my fic ‘Afterimage,’ which is the fifth fic in my series.
[...] Loki took the sleeping bags from Stephen and undid the ties on them, which were knotted far too tightly for Stephen to loosen.
Stephen actually being affected by his disability is always important for me to include.
[...] Loki laughed. Maybe none of the other Masters thought Stephen was funny, but Loki had always found his sense of humor addictive, sly and surprising, and perfectly suited to Loki’s own.
This is a callback to Stephen’s and Wong’s exchange in Doctor Strange:
“People used to think I was funny.” “Did they work for you?”
[...] There were other things in the bag—a change of clothes for tomorrow, toothbrushes, toothpaste, some over-the-counter medications. When Stephen went to the bathroom to change, Loki snooped more thoroughly. Razor blade, shaving cream, nail clippers, a little bottle of mouthwash, a bottle of cologne. Loki decided to pop the cap open and smell that, then tried to tell himself that the feeling that washed over him could be described in some other way than ‘a swoon.’ There was nothing in the bag that implied Stephen thought they’d be doing anything tonight but sleeping.
I really love this because it’s really not particularly above board for Loki to snoop through Stephen’s bag...but it is a very Loki thing to do. And pretty human. Especially because he’s looking for condoms and lube. Of course he is! They’re spending the night together...are they Spending The Night Together?
[...] Stephen looked at the foot of empty space separating the two sleeping bags, then glanced up at Loki. “Are you comfortable with…” he began, then trailed off, before trying again, “I mean, do you want to be…further away…?”
“Do you?” Loki asked. When Stephen hesitated, Loki took a guess about what the honest answer was, then reached out and tugged Stephen’s sleeping bag until it was right next to his.
Stephen is big on enthusiastic consent. Loki is far more willing to take his chances and guess based on body language.
Eventually, they drew apart, and Loki couldn’t help suspecting it had something to do with the way Stephen seemed to be keeping his hips pulled back just a little. Temptation. If Loki reached down…
But no. Instead, he very deliberately folded an arm under his head, resting his head on his bicep. Stephen did something that looked like it was probably a clothing or anatomy adjustment to accommodate a situation, but Loki didn’t comment. Quite honesty, he had his own situation down there, and it just felt like good manners not to say anything.
I honestly have no idea what guys would do in this situation. Just guessing based on both of their personalities. Is a first date too soon to admit, ‘Hey, you just gave me a boner?’ It feels like it is?
Neither of them spoke for a minute or two. They simply stared at each other. Then, Stephen said gently, “I know you’re worried.”
“Worried?” Loki raised an eyebrow. “What do you think I’m worried about?”
Stephen’s gaze didn’t waver. “This.” When Loki pressed his lips together, Stephen added, “You think I’m going to change my mind. Right?”
No one has ever gotten Loki the way Stephen gets him. And Stephen is very patient, very gentle, and very like...you know when you pspspspsps and hold your hand out to a cat? That’s Stephen with Loki, haha.
[...] “The reasons are myriad, of course [for Loki’s insecurity]. I’ve made poor choices. But yes. In part, it’s because I’m…challenging. And people change their minds.”
Oh hey look, it’s the author projecting.
[...] But Loki was greedy. He didn’t want to say in a few months, or a few years, This was great while it lasted. 
There’s something kind of sad to me about the idea that Loki can’t even view his love for Stephen as an entirely good thing. He’s a sentimental fool, he’s overly romantic, he’s greedy. And if I wanted to go this route, I could easily make Loki very co-dependent in this relationship; it would be easy to turn it really unhealthy. But I don’t want to, haha. It makes sense that Loki would feel like he has to gorge himself on Stephen’s adoration of him, because he’s never really had this before, not from someone he wants to be with (other people have loved him, but he hasn’t loved them back).
He would already have to give it up too soon, because he would outlive Stephen by such a long time. And he already knew there would never be anyone else.
There isn’t. Stephen will die, and Loki won’t ever be with anyone else. Luckily for him, he gets Stephen back eventually.
Stephen leaned forward and kissed Loki softly; the most tender, most heartfelt kiss Loki had ever experienced. “Don’t worry,” he murmured, his lips warm against Loki’s.
It was difficult not to deepen the kiss, difficult not to kiss Stephen harder. He’d never needed anything to be true as much as he needed this to be true, or at least it felt like it. Don’t worry. But Loki always worried. All the good things in his life still felt so fragile, as though they could implode at any moment.
Though—he supposed he was getting better at not actively sabotaging them himself.
This is part of Loki’s arc in my fic. Stephen and he aren’t together until Loki heals in a lot of other ways. One of them is not trying to blow things up so he can control their destruction.
Thank you so much for asking!! Sorry for the delay in responding.
Fanfic Writers: Director’s Cut
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elisaphoenix13 · 5 years
To Lose Everything...(Ch. 6)
Stephen woke to the sound of crunching and his television on at a low volume. The latter was definitely off when he fell asleep the night before, and when he cracked a single eye open to figure out where the crunching noise was coming from, he found Peter sitting cross-legged on his bed and eating cereal. The sorcerer also noticed the teen was watching cartoons but decided against saying anything. Instead he just closed his eye again and rested for a little while longer. He wouldn't be going back to sleep, but the extra time to lay in bed was nice. Normally Peter's munching would have driven him up the wall, but he found that it didn't bother him at all.
The sorcerer grabs one of the extra pillows on his bed, one Peter isn't leaning against, and wraps an arm around it. "What in the world are you watching?" He asks without opening his eyes again.
Stephen huffs and opens both eyes. "I gathered that much. What exactly are you doing in here anyway?"
Peter looks over at him sheepishly before looking back at the television. "I...uh...got a little lonely. Sorry for waking you."
"It's alright. I think I'll enjoy staying in bed a little longer though. You're welcome to stay."
Peter nods and finishes his cereal, milk and all, while Stephen relaxes into his mattress. The teen had felt lonely and came to his room just to be near him, even if Stephen had been sleeping. He didn't really blame Peter though. The Sanctum could get eerily quiet even if Stephen and Wong were up and about. Wong and Stephen studied, and occasionally the Sorcerer Supreme took to meditating. All of the activities were quiet ones, and Peter was even considerate enough to try and stay quiet as well. It didn't always work since the kid was clumsy sometimes but it was the thought that counted. Maybe Stephen should let him have a friend over. Peter was always talking about Ned, and he supposedly knew about Peter's alter ego and had kept it a secret. He could probably trust Peter's friend to keep another one.
Sorcerers still weren't widely known since the battle with Thanos had taken place at the ruins of the Avengers Compound, and before that, when he and Wong used their magic before the snap, civilians were too busy running to pay any attention. Not that it concerned them at the time.
"Peter." Stephen mumbles against his pillow. "Who's the friend you're always talking about?"
The teen wipes his mouth with the back of his hand as he looks over at his guardian. "Ned. Why?"
"Why don't you invite him over for the day?"
Brown, doe-like eyes had brightened in the span of half a second. "Really?!"
"If he can keep the secret about sorcerers, then yes. Really."
"Y-yeah! Totally! I'll go call him now!"
Peter vibrates with excitement as he scrambles off the bed, and barely remembers to take his empty bowl as he leaves the room. Stephen decided that was the time to get up and give himself time to wake up if he were to have any hope of surviving the day with two teenagers. Peter and Ned would more than likely coop themselves up in the teen's room, but not before having a look around the Sanctum. That little tour would be supervised by the doctor so that the boys wouldn't accidently get themselves into trouble as Ned sated his curiosity. Said boy had arrived within the hour, Wong had locked himself away into the library, and the show of the Sanctum was painless. Stephen even showed what a couple of the more harmless artifacts did, but the Cloak of Levitation stole most of the attention since it opted to float behind them instead of resting on its master's shoulders.
"Okay Ned. Come on." Peter says with exasperation when Ned stops to stare at a fourth artifact.
"Dude, you literally live in a magical house!" Ned exclaims with awe as Peter grabs his arm and drags him to his bedroom. "Oh! Uh, thanks for showing me around Doctor Strange!"
Stephen didn't even have time to respond before the boys were in Peter's bedroom and the door closed behind them. It didn't bother him in the least, because Peter looked happy. Of course, the young Avenger was steadily getting better as time went on, but there were still nightmares. Peter still came into Stephen's bedroom in the middle of the night to listen to him breathe, and while the visits were lessening, it was still concerning. He should probably talk to Peter about seeing a therapist. He almost never shared what his nightmares were about, even when they were bad enough for Peter to curl up in bed next to him, and Stephen had an inkling as to why.
Peter must have known that Stephen blamed himself for Tony's death. That moment was likely a constant in the teen's dreams, and he didn't want to pass on the hurt to the sorcerer. Stephen appreciated what Peter was trying to do, but would rather have him talk to him. Maybe it was something he needed to vocalize.  If Peter wasn't comfortable talking to Stephen about things, that would be when the sorcerer would offer the option of a therapist.
The doctor rubs the bridge of his nose after telling the Cloak to keep an eye on the lids in case they leave the bedroom, and walks into the library to join Wong at the table. The other sorcerer glances up at him for a few moments and then returns his attention to the book in front of him. Stephen didn't feel like looking to see what it was.
"Regretting letting another teenager come over?" He asks gruffly.
"No. Peter is the happiest I've seen him in a long time. Besides, Ned is respectful...and they're both being quiet." Stephen answers.
"He was with you again last night."
The doctor blinks. "What? Are you sure? I thought he only came in about an hour before I woke up?"
"No. All night. You need to talk to him Stephen." Wong says as he flips a page and the Sorcerer Supreme sighs.
"It's on my to-do list."
"Right after you brood some more over something that wasn't your fault?" The darker man quips.
"Shut up Beyonce."
Wong did after glaring at Stephen for the nickname, and they studied in silence. He of course kept an ear open for the teens, and while Wong didn't show it, he was sure the other man was listening for trouble as well. He wasn't very open about it, but Wong did like Peter. He caught the man portaling forgotten homework to the teen while he was at school, lunches, lunch money, and even Peter's winter jacket one time. If Stephen didn't notice something, Wong usually took care of it. If Wong didn't care, he wouldn't have done any of those things. He really was like an uncle.
Their quiet studies were temporarily interrupted when Peter hung down between them from the ceiling, and Wong sighs.
"Can't you walk on the floor like a normal kid?"
"...but I'm not a normal kid." Peter quips before looking at Stephen who had laughed at the boys retort. "Can we order Chinese?"
Stephen raises an eyebrow. "Not pizza?"
"I'll call for you when it arrives." The doctor says as his way of an affirmation and Peter pulls himself back up to the ceiling to crawl his way out of the library.
The first half a dozen times Peter had hung down in front of them, Wong had nearly jumped out of his skin because the teen was so quiet when he crawled on the walls. To both Stephen and Peter's combined disappointment though, the darker sorcerer how grown used to it. They couldn't get a laugh about it later anymore.
Dinner was ordered, delivered, and eaten, and Ned headed home a couple hours afterwards. Stephen had offered to send him home via portal but the boy had told him no thank you because his mom was already in his way. Ned had tried to hide his disappointment, but Stephen had caught it and simply said 'Next time then'. The teenager had left with a hopeful smile on his face and Peter just shook his head.
"You know he's not going to shut up about that now."
"What's one more thing for him to talk about after he came here?" The sorcerer says with a small smile.
"Fair point."
Peter turns to go back up to his room, but Stephen clears his throat, regaining the teen's attention. When the fellow Avenger turns back to look at him, the doctor pulls a folded piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolds it to hold up and show the boy. It was a permission slip from school and he had found it in the trash in the kitchen. Not that he went rummaging around in the garbage, it was sitting at the top so all Stephen had to do was pick it up. There was no touching of anything else.
"Why was this in the garbage?" He asks softly when Peter bites his lip. "Do you not want to go to Europe during the summer?"
A school trip. Two weeks traveling through Europe, and Peter had thrown the permission slip away. Either he didn't want to go or he was afraid to ask. The trip wasn't exactly cheap, and Stephen had a feeling that Peter thought it was too much to ask for.
"No." The teen lies.
Said boy sighs and looks down as he mutters. "Yes."
"Then why was it in the trash?"
"You've already done so much for me, and the trip is really expensive! It's not that big of a deal." Peter motions wildly as he speaks. "Really."
"Peter, you of all people deserve a vacation after everything that has happened. Now look at me." Stephen waits until the teen does as he's told. "Do you want to go on this trip? No lies."
Peter licks his lips and sighs. "Yes."
Stephen walks back into the kitchen to rummage through their junk drawer for a pen, and when he finds one that works, he signs the permission slip. Money wouldn't be an issue. He had squirreled away some money after his accident, something he refused to dip into for the possible reconstruction of his hands, and he had more than enough to cover the fee for Peter's trip to Europe. He wouldn't use the money for himself unless it was an absolute emergency, but for Peter? He barely gave it a passing thought. Isn't that what a parent did anyway? Put their child first?
"You're signing it?" Peter asks dumbfoundedly when he follows Stephen. "How will you pay for it though?" Ah. So he was worried about money.
"I have some money set aside from after my accident. I would much rather spend it on you than myself." Peter opens his mouth to protest but Stephen holds up a finger (completely ignoring the last time he had done it. He didn't have time to dwell on that right now.). "Don't argue with me. You want to go so you are going. It will not take funds away from how we live because I don't use this money. Understand?"
Stephen writes a check as well, something he had to do with some magical focus into his hands, and he hands both slips of paper back to Peter. The teen stares at them for a few silent seconds, and then takes Stephen by surprise when he throws his arms around the sorcerer.
"Thanks Mom." He mutters before scurrying out of the kitchen with a blush and past Wong who had heard the last bit.
Of course he did.
"Do I get another fifty dollars?"
"In your dreams!" Stephen says as he tosses a book at his friend.
Wong ducks the flying literature with a scowl. "Quit throwing books at me! Where did you even get it?!"
Stephen smirks. "What? You don't have your own pocket dimension?"
"Leave it to you to store books in it. Do you have snacks too?"
"For Peter."
Wong snorts. "Figures."
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Namjoon x Idol!Reader ~ Better Than An Award
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[My BTS Masterlist]
A/N: This story was inspired by the video of Bangtan receiving their Daesang back in 2016.
Word count: 3472 (g/n): group name (fb/n) fanbase name (h/c): hair color
Loud screams, chants, and compliments of the attenders of the Daesang Awards ceremony echo throughout the large arena. Massive numbers of fans would seem overwhelming to the average person if he or she were to stand on the stage, facing the crowd. The noise only gets louder as a group of young women walk down the large catwalk, their group leader taking her spot in the center with a microphone in hand. As soon as she raises the microphone to speak, the audience settles down, but resorts to chanting the group's name in a repetitive fashion.
"Annyeonghaseyo! We are (G/n)! Tonight, we'll be announcing the winner of the 'Artist of the Year' award!"
Once again, the crowd goes crazy after the group's introduction. Their screams rival the volume of the young idol's amplified voice. With a small wave of her hand, (Y/n) motions for the audience to remain silent. The (fb/n)s are the first to quiet down, the other audience members following their example shortly after.
"This year's 'Artist of the Year' award goes to..."
Slowly peeling open the envelope, (Y/n) carefully removes the results from its sleeve. She pulls out the small slip of paper with the winner's name and takes a moment to read it. A small smile tugs at her lips once she recognizes the name. There isn't a sliver of doubt in her mind that any other artist should get this award. After years of watching their videos and listening to their songs, (Y/n) is positively sure that the recipients are more than worthy of the award.
"Congratulations, Bangtan Sonyeondan!"
Shrieks of joy erupt throughout the crowd. Confetti drops from the ceiling as the group's most recent and popular song "Blood, Sweat & Tears" plays loudly. Bending over in their seats, the boys can only blink in shock. They're too surprised to leave their spots. Slowly, each of the Bangtan members stand up, some helping out the one's who are still frozen with shock. With huge smiles adorning their faces, the young men come together for a group hug before walking over to the stairs leading up to the stage.
Some of them tear up. Jimin and Yoongi dawdle along behind the other members with an arm wrapped around each other for support. Namjoon clasps his hands before his chest with his head hung above his hands, whispering words of thanks.
In unison, BTS bows their heads down in thanks to (Y/n) as Namjoon accepts the award from her hands. A small heat burns in the rapper's cheeks when his hands brush against (Y/n)'s. He mentally scolds himself for fawning over his favorite idol at such a time.
The group fans out to stand in a line, waiting for the screams to die down. Several of the group members have to wipe away their tears, a few opting to turn around before doing such.
"ARMY," the group leader begins, stopping to wipe his tears before being able to continue. "Thank you so much. Really... From debut, there were many people who thought we couldn't do it and said it wouldn't happen, but thank you for believing in us right 'till the end. This was only something we dreamed of, but thank you for making it come true."
From the sides, backstage, (Y/n) and the rest of (G/n) watch with proud smiles. All of them have been loyal, secret ARMYs since BTS's debut. Acting as secret guardian angels, the group has always attended their concerts in Korea whenever their schedules were clear. Of course, they always went in disguises, masks covering their faces, hats shading their faces, and sunglasses hiding the rest of their faces. In their dorm room, the girls have an entire shelf dedicated to any merchandise and albums they bought.
"Bang Shi-Hyuk, Big Hit, who always lead us; P-Dogg, Slow-Rabbit, and Supreme-Boi, who make us great music; and along with our teacher, Seung-Deuk, Seung-Hyun Hyung, and all of our staff who always stays by our sides, we are so grateful towards you," Namjoon recognizes with sincerity. "Thank you for making our dreams come true."
(I apologise if that is the incorrect way to write any of the people's names from above. If any of you know the correct way, please let me know and I will fix it right away.)
Taking a moment to breathe, the leader inhales a shaky breath before continuing his speech; the crowd takes the opportunity to cheer.
"And, ARMYs all over the world," the rapper says in English,"let's fly with our beautiful wings in 2017 as well. BTS loves ARMYs, as always! Thank you very much!"
Tears flow freely from all the Bangtan boys, their loving fans, and (Y/n) as well. From backstage, (Y/n) applauds and praises the male rapper the most. She can sympathize with him. Before the other six member of her group came along, (Y/n) was the only girl from the original lineup for (G/n). The joining and leaving of so many different members can leave one unsure if he or she wants to follow through with the group; contemplation of leaving lingered.
Tonight, (Y/n) is both applauding BTS for their award and for Namjoon's hard work and perseverance. Had he left the group early on, Bangtan Sonyeondan would not be where they are at today; a record-breaking, award-winning, world-wide famous Kpop group.
Once the award winners were all announced, Namjoon tries to look for (Y/n). He weaves his way through the large groups of other idols, keeping his eyes peeled for the girl he is seeking. Recalling the outfit she has on, the rapper is able to sift through the crowds more easily. Idol after idol, the man known as Rap Monster questions the other performers about (Y/n)'s whereabouts. Sadly, none of them are know where she had gone off to.
Just when he's about to give up, Namjoon spots a (h/c) haired girl wearing the same outfit as (Y/n) pass by, heading for the exit with her group members. Namjoon breaks into a sprint in order to catch up to the girls. Repeatedly shouting out "excuse me" and "sorry" to everybody he pushes aside as he runs, the rapper tries his best slip out of the sea of idols.
By the time he reaches the parking lot, (G/n) has already left. He watches as the van doors slide shut and the vehicle drive off the arena property. A growl of frustration leaves Namjoon's throat. With all the strength he can muster, the rapper kicks the nearest wall. All his emotions come pouring out.
Though (G/n) is under Big Hit Entertainment, the group is so busy that none of the other idols see them around often. Being a busy and popular group themselves, BTS's chances of running into the girl group is even more slim than any other staff member or idol. Before tonight's encounter, Namjoon has only seen (Y/n) a small handful of times. With her group going on a world tour in a few months, Namjoon is left devastated. Distracted by his choked sobs and loud gasps for air, the young man is unable to hear the footsteps of his friends advancing towards him.
The remaining six members of the Bangtan boys walk out to the parking lot with big smiles and red faces from laughter. As they approach Namjoon, they cannot see his pained expression in the poorly lit corner. Hoseok and Yoongi are the first to respond, rushing over to their best friend. They crouch down beside the man, who has been crying out in despair, and try to coax a response out from him. The other boys split up, two of them dashing across the lot to pull the van up while the other two stay with the rappers, trying their best to comfort Namjoon.
"What's wrong," Yoongi questions, placing a comforting hand on his peer's shoulder. "Did something bad happen?"
Choosing to remain silent, Namjoon tucks his head between his legs and bites back a sob. The two other rappers exchange worried glances. Harsh screeches of the boys' van tires catches the younger members' attentions. Jin, who is situated at the driver's seat, waves for his friends to climb in.
"C'mon, 'Joonie," Hoseok says softly, his voice contrasting with his usual cheerful and energetic one. "Let's go back to the dorm. You can take a warm shower and then tells us what's the matter."
Despite their best efforts to comfort him, nothing helped. He explains to his fellow idols the situation and all his bottled up emotions before thanking the boys for their attempts, apologizing for causing a ruckus and heading straight to bed.
From the small living area, the rest of Bangtan can hear the soft cries from the room their leader trudged into. Tossing ideas back and forth, the members brainstorm different methods and tactics to cheer up Namjoon.
"No, Taehyung, we cannot kidnap (Y/n) and keep her captive in our dorm," the eldest member cries out in horror, shaking his head in disbelief. "That is not how you get a girl to like someone. Your 'method' would make her hate us AND Namjoon."
"Then just tell her how Namjoon feels. Problem solved," Yoongi grumbles sleepily from the couch. He rests an arm over his eyes and sighs deeply. "It's simple and requires less work."
"No!!" Jin chides. "It's not our place to tell her something so private. Namjoon should be the one to say something, not us."
"What do we do then, Jin-Hyung," whines the golden maknae," You've been turning down every idea that has been thought of. It's getting late. Manager said that we have to wake up early tomorrow for a special event."
"Whaaaaaaaat?! What do you mean special event?! I'm too tired to wake up early tomorrow!!"
"Oi! Shut up! Some people are trying to sleep!"
"Guys, guys." Jimin interjects, shushing the boisterous group with a finger pressed to his lips. "Let's just go to bed and not argue over this."
With a majority of the heads nodding in agreement, the boys head off to their respective rooms and fall asleep as soon as their heads hit the plush mattress. Several of the boys steal extra pillows to cuddle with, wrapping their limbs around the fluffy cushions. The eldest remains awake a little longer, hoping that by tomorrow, his depressed friend will find happiness during the "special event" their manager has scheduled for the group.
Arriving at the dance studio where they always practice, the Bangtan Boys set down their water bottles and start their normal stretching routines. Shortly after entering the Big Hit building, the boys' manager explained that they will be collaborating to film a "fun, little promotion video" with a group that will remain anonymous until the filming period. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, so none of the boys act surprised, but they are very excited for the collaboration video. Namjoon, who was still upset about the previous night, felt his spirits being lifted around his cheerful friends.
Forming into small groups, with one main dancer in each cluster of BTS members, the boys practice the dance moves for "Blood, Sweat & Tears." Vibrations from the loud music, in addition to the jumping and stomping of the idols, shakes the floor and walls of the studio. From the outside, staff members and other idols passing by can hear the jubilant shouts of the young males within can be clearly heard. They ignore the noise, having learned that such occurrences are anything but rare whenever Bangtan Sonyeondan is in the building.
With the music on full blast, the boys are unable to hear the creaking sounds of the opening   door behind them. A group of seven shuffles into the loud studio and make an effort to slam the door as hard as they can. Namjoon jumps at the sudden banging noise, being the only member to be only half-participating in the horseplay. The rapper stands still, eyes widened with shock at the sight before him. It takes a couple of seconds before he clears his throat and yells at the member closest to the laptop and speakers.
"Turn off the music!!"
Once the music is turned down, the room is filled with a new sound: giggles. All seven of the (G/n) members cannot contain their laughter after witnessing the males' goofy dancing. The boys all flush pink with embarrassment, but promptly assemble together to politely introduce themselves.
"2, 3, Bangtan... Annyeonghaseyo, we are Bangtan Sonyeondan!"
Looking up after bowing down, the boys see (G/n) bowing in return. Namjoon, being the clumsy man he is, nearly stumbles forward when he realizes that (Y/n) is standing before him. She notices and shoots him a concerned glance, but he brushes it off with a dimpled smile as her group starts their introduction.
"1, 2, 3... Annyeonghaseyo, we are (G/n)!"
"Not to be rude," Jin comments," but why are you guys here? Aren't you busy with your new album?"
"Yeah, we are," answers (Y/n)," but we are here to film a promotional video with you guys. You all know about the filming today, right?"
"Y-Yeah," Namjoon stutters. "We're just surprised, that's all."
"Oh, okay!"
(Y/n)'s soft giggles makes the rapper's heart leap into his throat. The loud thumping of his heartbeat mutes out all other sounds in the room. A sudden epiphany comes to him. Namjoon now has his chance to talk with his favorite idol.
"Hello? Anybody home?"
A sharp, patterned cracking noise pulls Namjoon out of his thoughts. He shakes his head before looking back at the woman who has been snapping in front of his face for nearly a minute.
"S-Sorry about that. I was lost in a thought."
"It happens to the best of us. Now, let's start filming that video!"
The camera rolls and all the idols in the room start the given activity. Each of the (G/n) members are paired up with a member from BTS. Much to his delight, Namjoon is paired up with (Y/n). Giddily, the rapper comes to a decision: He will act with the utmost respect and gentleman-like manners towards (Y/n).
"Okay, Namjoon, (Y/n), you two will sit adjacent to each other at the table and when the cameras roll, I want you two to look through that textbook on the table and pretend to be studying." The director yells through a megaphone while waving his free arm around, motioning the two group leaders to the set on his right. Once (Y/n) and Namjoon are seated, the director screams "Action!" and the two take on their roles for the video.
On the outside, the male rapper appears to be his normal, suave self. In reality, he is doing everything in his power to calm his tense nerves. When (Y/n) gestures a finger to a random line of text in the book, Namjoon leans in closer, as if to examine the words. His face brushes against her own as the man pretends to help (Y/n). Distracted by his anxiousness, Namjoon accidentally swings his arm out and knocks a vase off the tabletop. The decorative container shatters in an instant, flowers splaying out onto the floor as water floods out in a radial fashion.
"Aaahhh!" Namjoon jumps, his entire body lurching backwards, causing his chair to tip over.
"Are you okay?!" (Y/n) worriedly yells, leaping out of her seat to help the fallen man. "You should be more careful. You could have gotten hurt!"
"I'm okay," he assures, waving his hand at the other idols who had run over upon hearing the sound of the ceramic container breaking.
Jin pays no mind to the leader's words. He rushes over and, with (Y/n), pulls Namjoon to his feet. Like the motherly person he is, Jin brushes off any dirt or debris from his friend's clothes while ranting about the man being "too dangerous for the world" and  having a "destructive touch."
"Is everybody okay?" The director, once again, yells through his megaphone. When all the idols give a shout of confirmation, he has the vase replaced and starts the camera again.
During the second take, Namjoon acts out his lines hastily. The embarrassment from before takes a toll on his performance. A wave of nausea comes crashing down on him out of the blue, causing Namjoon to instinctively smack a hand over his forehead. Trying to rub away the sickening feeling, the rapper moves his arm out to allow his head to rest against his limb. This action, yet again, results in the newly placed vase to fly off the table.
Shouts of disbelief can be heard from the other end of the room, where the the twelve remaining idols are standing, waiting for their cue to step on set. Several of the Bangtan members face-palm at the second mistake from "god of destruction."
"Are you alright? What's going on?"
An awkward silence lingers in the air when Namjoon remains silent, only shrugging his shoulders as an answer. After embarrassing himself for the second time in under an hour, Namjoon shamefully keeps his eyes glued to the ground below him. He doesn't want to face any more humiliation in front of the girl that he is smitten with.
Sensing the male rapper's perturbation, the director calls for a ten minute break and suggests that Namjoon step outside for some fresh air. He readily agrees and darts out the back door without a moment's notice.
(Y/n) waits for a few minutes to let rapper collect himself before running off to check on the him. She pushes the heavy door open and slips through the small opening before it closes shut.
Hearing the door open Namjoon's body whips around, his mind ready to curse at whoever is joining him. When he sees (Y/n), he shrinks away and averts his gaze, refusing to let the girl witness him in such a weak state, but she won't have any of it. With the gentleness of a mother's touch, (Y/n) gingerly grabs Namjoon by the shoulders and turns his body to face her own.
"You've been crying... Why?"
"It's nothing you need to worry about..."
"That's where you're wrong. You can't concentrate on a scene with me and end up in the back of the building crying. I think I deserve to know why you're acting like this. Did I do something to hurt you?"
Namjooon's eyes widen after hearing her words. He is quick to reassure (Y/n) that she was not the source of the problem, even though she is, although for a more complex reason. Using the simple excuse of having jittery nerves, Namjoon is able to dismiss any thoughts of wrongdoing from (Y/n)'s mind.
"Oh, well, whenever I get nervous, one of the girls help to calm me down. We would just talk about random things until I'm ready to partake in our activity. Since we don't have much time left, I'll give you something for good luck!"
"What do y-"
The feeling of soft, warm lips on his cold cheek startles Namjoon. The rapper is more than shocked when (Y/n) pulls away with a bright smile on her face.
"Bangtan, fighting," she cheers.
Without a doubt, Namjoon's face shows exactly what he feels at the moment: shock. His body is frozen and unable to move. (Y/n) takes his silence as her cue to leave, but before she can reach the door, she is stopped by Namjoon's voice.
"I really like you," blurts out the brunet, who immediately slaps his hand over his mouth after realizing what he had just disclosed. The man's cheeks, which are already flushing pink from the cold, burn bright red.
Instead of leaving like he thought she would, (Y/n) turns around, a smile gracing her lips. She approaches Namjoon and plants a chaste kiss to his cheek again. "I'm glad you do, 'cuz I like you too. Now, let's go back inside and finish that video!!"
Walking hand-in-hand, the pair return to the set and wrap up the scene without a single mistake, leaving the remaining members of the other groups confused until they detect the close bond (Y/n) and Namjoon had formed during the short period of their break.
All the members of BTS smile warmly at the two, knowing that a beautiful relationship will soon blossom.
The End
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