#even if I don't think about my dragon OCs anymore. I'm happy that I'm giving them some love again
slumbergoblin · 4 months
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Redrew my dragon OC Steve (I've just been calling him Stephen) from when I was 11 years old^^
New version with old colors under the cut:
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gigglebug · 2 years
OC Name meanings
tagged by @randomstupidchaos
okay, so I think we all know that I primarily write a bunch of fanfic. so a lot of my characters come pre-built with names. there are several that I came up with myself, but if I only listed those names, it wouldn't even look like my book anymore, so I'm gonna define all of them anyway. (except for Malroth. I have little idea what his name means or where it comes from. it's not even his name from his starting language. who knows!)
that said I do have ONE original story (I have not worked on it in so long agh) and I will do that one at the end.
Crea- short for Create. stole it from the tutorial lmao.
Aris- short for Arisplotle. who is a slime. dragon quest has a thing about slimes having pun names, you know? (granted in maskverse I named him Aristaeus, which he hates, and it means some variation of "best" because he's the best boy.)
of note, in Maskverse specifically, "Malroth" is a nickname he made up for himself that he could use while in hiding as the prince so no one could sus him out. his first name is Troy. this is because his mom is Hellen and I thought it would be funny. Hellen of Troy from illiad fame is now Troy of Hellen in my story. (it's really not that funny, is it?) (yes this is basically the sole reason I made Hellen from the game his mom for the sake of the story. good times!)
of the main builders cast I'm mostly interested in Rosie (self-explanatory since she's a gardener), Babs (comes from Barbara which means stranger), and Anessa. From the (weirdly few) posts I can find about this name, Anessa is short for Agnessa, which is another form of Anges. in Greek, Agnes is pure/holy/chaste/satisfaction (everyone gives a different one lol), which I find interesting given her role in the story.
of other interesting note, Warwick can mean from the settlement by the weir (which I guess is a dam), but it also can mean "strong leader who defends". personally I think they went with his name because "war" is in it and hi that's what his island is known for.
Ludovic itself means Famous war/battle, but I chose it because the Spanish version of builders named Warwick "Ludovico" and I needed another antagonist.
Damara is Greek for "gentle" which makes sense cos she was created to be a mentor character. ended up later adopting Malroth but she lended well to it XD
Griswold- english was grey forest or grey land, french it was a ruler with grey hair (which is kinda weird because in game he is VERY bright blue). that said, I think they picked it because it kinda sounds like gristle, which is related to bone, which he is a skeleton.
Floria- flower. just thought it's fun to have a hypercompetent soldier be named Flower because her parents wanted her to be a nice proper lady. (she said fuck that.)
that's all that's coming to mind on that.
Patrick- nobleman (english)
Jonathan- God has given (hebrew)
Scotia- person from Scotland (english) (she's not Scottish tho I just liked how it sounded)
Troy- footsoldier (greek) (don't ask me how I got two of these)
Easton- from the east (he arrives to the story from far away)
Brinda- from the basil plant (india) (again I liked the sound)
Kurt- courteous (american) (it's funny because he's overtly sarcastic with everyone but Brinda and then he turns into a teddy bear. only Patrick ever sees it tbh)
Felice- fortunate/happy (latin)
Tahlia- morning dew (hebrew). also because my dad always joked about naming me Talitha so I played with the letters.
Sera- shortened from Saraphim, which is an angel (something latin related)
I have other characters that only appear in book 2, but given I haven't touched that story since 2014-2016, I don't think it's going anywhere enough to bother listing here.
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avettabendrot · 2 years
We know that A'vett has a slight… thing for Elezen, but how does he feel about the races seen less often in Ishgard? When did he first meet an example of each and how did he react?
Did he panic when he first met an Au Ra? Because he thought they were Dravanian infiltrators?
Did he feel intimidated by Roegadyn or fret about having coffee cups big enough?
Did he feel some feline solidarity with Hrothgar? Or mistake them for a beast tribe?
Did he find Viera very different culturally? They certainly are very tall and quite reserved for the most part. Did he mistake this for rudeness at all?
Finally what did he make of Lalafells. Mimble would like to visit for some famed Ishgardian pastries, but doesn’t want to alarm anyone.
Might well depend on which npc, oc or other he meets first I suppose!
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Oh this is some interesting question :3 I think as he saw them all for the first time, he sure was curious. As for a Lala, A'vett probably was misttaken them for a child sadly :'D
But let's start. I like to image that A'vetts first "meeting" with a Roe would probably be Rostnsthal ( He's the NPC who belongs to the MCH guild of Steph :p ) I'm pretty sure he saw them as he had bussiness there. Of course his first thoughts about them was like "Oh my. The Haillenart are so rich, they even have big bodyguards" Of course he sure was aware about the Roe race but still thought about the "protective role" for them :'D
*:;,.★ ~☆・:.,;*:;,.★ ~☆・:.,;`
For Au'ra, A'vett sure was a bit reserved. He probaby saw the first one at camp dragonhead when he started to work there and met a lot of traveleres. Their horns are too close to dragons and he thought like "Is this what heresy does?" But of course even if it would be like this, A'vett wouldn't deny to help them.
*:;,.★ ~☆・:.,;*:;,.★ ~☆・:.,;`
A Lala...well I'm sure he put one's foot in one's mouth there (is this even right to say? :'D ) He def thought it would be an Elezen child as they had one as customer. Gladly his dad was there and was able to avoid the angry jumping on A'vett :'D Since then he feels a bit ashamed about the small race but he learned of it and is now treating them with all his respect haha ( So Mimble doesn't have to fear weird talking from him anymore x'D Feel free to come by and get some fresh bread and tea hehe )
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Viera and Hrothgar. I think these are probably the ones he meets at his studium in Sharlayan ^^; So he's a bit older already. I don't think he has bad thoughts about them just might be a bit jelly of Hrothgar tail of course :'D So this might be still a WIP ^^;
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Last but not least....other Miqo'te! Even thought it's his own race, A'vett sure was a bit shy to approach the first one in his life. Not to forgett that he has this bad habit of staring at their tail. He enjoys being with others but there he's extra cautions about the "Don't look at my blank back!" feeling and for sure tries to avoid turning his back at them as hard as he can.
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So at all. His thoughts about other races may be a bit....special. But there's noone he was absolutley afraid of ( not not even Au'ra). He's happy to chat with everybody as far as they show him the respect he gives as well. Not every situation was perfect at the beginning of course :'D But A'vett sure learned from them and he tries his best to bring them a happy smile. Customer or patient.
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was tagged by @timefire25 ! Thanks for tagging!
I'll start with Suncloud for this one
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)?
Her name. Suncloud, direct afterwards her personality was sculpted after her name. Also she was kinda my first OC
2. Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind?
Suncloud, a feathered dragon, Moonclaw a silver raptoric beast, Nightrain, a dark blue endangered waterdragon
I liked Suncloud much, that I even colored her concept as the only one of the three, the other ones are pretty much scrapped.
Other than that not really, just later I wanted to give her a story she deserved
(I'm not talking much about the total story because I hardly move forward and scrap one story after another.. )
3. How did you choose their name?
Like I said, I thought about certain weather bases and Suncloud seems like a shimmer of happiness peeking behind a clutter of sorrows
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts?
The society her kind is trapped in and her family
5. Is there any significance behind their hair colour?
At the edge of her jaw, some off colored feathers are seen, rather uncommon for her kind, don't you think? They are supposed to have a meaning, yes.
Oh and her belly colour used to be s bit dark grey instead of black, but it didn't show in her original ref and I just kept it that way.
6. Is there any significance behind their eye colour?
I wanted it to be not yellow or orange, but otherwise nope
7. Is there anything significance behind their height?
She is short. Judging by the length of her horns, that won't change much anymore and doesn't help her getting along with Bloodcloud and Crimsoncloud either. How is she supposed to fight like this?
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story?
I…won't bring this up now…
9. Are they based off of you, in some way?
Not really, no.
10. Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation?
Nope. But after I made my second OC I had to refrain from deciding just yet
11. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: Writing, drawing, edits etc.)?
Her way of acting and involving herself
12. How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?
a bit
13. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
Most of the time she has no idea of what she is doing/is going on
Too careful
14. What is something about your OC that can make you laugh?
Ridiculous cluelessness
15. What is something about your OC that can make you cry?
Her relationship with Bloodcloud and Suncloud and what she is forced to be
16. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
I haven't bumped into a problem yet
17. What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC?
Lucyf and Suncloud are a possible ship?
18. What is your favourite fact about your OC?
Smol poor floof
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