#He used to have a robot arm and robot wing. but I wanted to make his world less technologically advanced. so i just got rid of his right arm
slumbergoblin · 4 months
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Redrew my dragon OC Steve (I've just been calling him Stephen) from when I was 11 years old^^
New version with old colors under the cut:
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bigfan-fanfic · 4 months
Bats in the Web (Spider-Man!Batdad x Batfam)
What if batfam meets a version of Batdad who is Spider-Man in his universe??
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"We can't interfere!" Bruce growls. "I know you want to help, but after the last world we jumped into, we can't take chances."
Dick sighs. The last world they went into, they nearly ruined everything because Gotham had no Batman yet.
But luckily, something descends upon the mugging in progress.
But it isn't Batman.
A strange silver cable zips into view and slams into the assailant's back, spreading in a strange geometric pattern. He stumbles forward at the force of the blow, before the cable springs taut, and the mugger is flung into the air.
Someone lithe and graceful sails through the air, trailing more silver cables and quickly wraps the stranger up in them, robotic arms emerging from their back to assist - almost like a four-armed... spider.
The mugger dangles upside down from a traffic light, completely mummified in silver, and the figure, in a black bodysuit with light-catching silver filaments in a web pattern shining along the whole thing, and what appears to be a yellow hood and short jacket, crouches atop it.
"You get home safe, you hear?" they call. "We'll just be... hangin' around."
The would-be victim grins up at them. "Thanks, Spidey!"
But the Bats are looking shocked.
Because that was clearly your voice, only slightly altered by a voice changer - the voice you use when you broadcast to negotiate with people while they're on patrol.
Before they can speak, though, you've flung yourself through the air, opening your arms to reveal the gliding wings attached from your sides to the arms of your jacket so you can sail through the air.
"Pops is... Spider-Man?" Dick yelps.
From what they can surmise, in this universe, Bruce still lost his parents at a young age, but he didn't develop the desire to become Batman.
Instead, while on a field trip, you were exposed to some kind of radioactive spider, and Bruce did what he could to keep your secret and develop his technological aptitude to help you.
It was Alfred's death that convinced you to become a hero - his last words to you being that with great power came great responsibility.
You and Bruce are still very young in this world, barely old enough to have adopted a young Dick Grayson. It's probable that Damian won't be born, and Tim won't be adopted by you.
You're so much more cheerful than Batman - Gotham's Spider-Man quips, sometimes with dark humor, and inspires her citizens to fight back against the oppressive darkness of their city with good humor and clever tactics.
The Bats make their way to Wayne Manor, only to find the harsh brickwork and traditional architecture has made way for modern-quality of life improvements, fiber optic light fixtures, glass bay windows, and high tech at every turn. It barely resembles their Wayne Manor.
In fact, the caverns beneath the estate aren't even utilized, with there instead being a high-tech laboratory on the grounds with a launchpad to fling you over the bay and into the city.
It's a shock to see them - Bruce Wayne, his body in shape but much softer: he obviously works out hard but he's clearly not a fighter. His movements are relaxed, even sluggish compared to the constant vigilance of the Bat. And he wears an unfamiliar expression on his face - a genuine lazy grin.
Meanwhile there's this world's you - lithe and strong, battle-worn and with the at-rest tension of a vigilante.
Alt-Bruce and you have an easy banter, a love very much like two young people - you're only a little older than Dick, after all, which he finds weird - especially when he and Tim babysit his younger version.
Jason is utterly touched when Alt-Bruce asks about all the kids, so he can make sure to adopt them - he wouldn't want them going homeless in this world. All Jason knows is that young Jason Todd in this world might just be saved from years of trauma.
You're still the strategist, but Bruce is your mission control and the gear/science guy - he helps with upgrades and is the one to suggest a way to get the Bats back to their world.
But you'll need their help.
You fly through the city that night accompanied by five gliding shadows. Shadows that brutally subdue the henchmen of Black Mask as you soar above their heads, connecting some power towers with a filament web, forming a major circuit Alt-Bruce can use to power a tachyonic collider, which should launch them back into their world.
They return to their world, but Jason pulls Bruce aside.
"B... you owe him."
"Owe him what? Who, Jaybird?"
Jason sighs. "Pops. You owe him a chance to see that smile. On you."
Bruce looks at him. "You think my face can still do that?"
"Hey, I was surprised that you were actually funny! But... yeah, I do."
"Maybe you're right. Maybe you're right..."
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idkwhatever580 · 4 months
Where Did You Learn That?!
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Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader
Prompt: It’s a casual day when Tony brings the team to a new area to show them something. And Y/n surprises everyone.
Warnings:cursing, sexual innuendos, stripper pole usage (don’t worry there’s clothes), degradation, praise?
Pronouns: unspecified
A/N: I saw this video on tt and I immediately had to do this drabble . Lmk if you want a smutty pt. 2
Y/n’s pov
It’s everyone’s off day in the compound so we’re all just chilling out. I’m laying down in between nat’s legs on our designated couch in the living room.
She’s playing absentmindedly with my hair while everyone does their own thing.
Wanda is playing with Peter and America on the switch.
Thor is chowing down on poptarts.
Yelena is eating Mac and cheese while cringing and gagging about Kate’s latest boyfriend. Saying how “she doesn’t know how anybody would ever want to do something like that” and Kate obviously banters back with “says the aro ace person”
I smile at their friendship. And then I look at Bucky and Steve, Sam is helping them catch up on the greatest movies of all time.
Well everyone is taking part in that, but it’s Sam’s turn. I obviously made them watch every single Barbie movie when it was my turn. Especially the newest one. God Margo Robbie is so good. And of course Natasha made them watch all the Bond movies.
Anyways. We’re all just having a chill day.
Until Friday starts talking
“I have been instructed to inform everyone that Mr. Stark has something he’d like to show you. In the west wing.”
I frown and say outwardly to anyone who will answer
“I thought the west wing was under construction?”
Thor shrugs his shoulders and says
“I guess not anymore. Let’s go look!”
We all make our way over there and along the way Clint, Carol, and Vision join us.
We walk into the west wing to find a big ass room.
Tony is standing in the middle and says
“Welcome to the new party central!”
The lights go up a bit but not a lot. Just enough to see that there are multiple stripper poles, bars, and party amenities scattered around.
I raise my eyebrows and everyone either groans or cheers a bit. I don’t say anything I just walk up to Tony and point at the pole in the middle of the whole area. I whisper
“Is that one currently spinning? Or stationary?”
He smirks and says
“That one is turning right now. Imagining a hot girl already?”
I shake my head and say
“Something like that”
Then walk up to the pole. I’m a few feet away from it and I look down and see my outfit. It’s a baby shirt and jeans. I might fall because I’m a bit rusty but who cares. I used to be amazing. It can’t have gotten that bad right?
I shrug my shoulders and go for it. I do my most remembered and most practiced routine from my stripper days. BEFORE I became Natasha’s girlfriend.
She doesn’t know about it either.
Watch this for what it looks like :))) ⬇️
I hop down from the pole and flip my hair back and look at the avengers who all have different looks on their faces
Wanda, Steve, Kate, Thor, and Peter all have their mouths wide open and they are blushing hard.
Clint and Vision are unimpressed, probably because one is a robot and one has a wife who is also my sister. (He is literally my brother in law. He’s not gonna be impressed when he knew what I used to do)
Yelena looks disgusted naturally.
Bucky, Carol, Tony, and Sam are impressed with my skills.
And Nat. I can’t determine what her look is right now. So walk to her and take another look at everyone as I rest my arms around her neck. She absentmindedly rests her hands on my hips. Everyone is still looking in awe so I say
“What? Like it’s hard?”
That snaps them out of it.
Peter, Kate, Yelena, and America all go to the poles to have fun on them. They’re just kids.
And the rest of them walk away or start talking.
Natasha though, grabs my hand and leads me to the corner far away from everyone.
She is about to say something but Wanda walks up to us and says
“Uh- that’s- um- that was really cool.”
She’s blushing so hard and I smile at her. She’s a cutie.
I smile and say
“Thank you Wands”
She smiles and walks away quickly.
I giggle at her flustered state and turn back to Natasha and say
“Was it good?”
She scoffs and says
“Good? Are you kidding me?”
She pauses long enough for me to cut in
“Are you mad? I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d be mad if I did it in front of everyone. I know you like showing me off to everyone just to make them know who I belong to.”
I ramble a bit about her possessive tendencies with me. I also like feeling like a trophy wife sometimes.
She shakes her head and says
“No that was fucking hot. Why didn’t you tell me you used to do pole?”
I shrug my shoulders and say
“I guess it just never came up. We don’t usually talk about strippers you know?”
She nods her head and then says
“Well, I’m gonna need a few things from you from now on. Can you handle it?”
I nod my head and say
“I’m sure I can”
She smiles and kisses me and I pull away to say
“What are the things?”
She smirks and leans in to kiss my neck and says into my ear
“One- you’re gonna get fucked tonight. Two- I’m gonna need a personal show now. And three- I want at least one dance at every party. I want everyone to see what a good slut you are on the pole. Then I want them all to be sad that you’re all mine.”
I let out a shaky breath at her words. I think I get a high from feeling like a trophy wife. Only sometimes though.
I thread my hands through her messy, slightly wavy hair and pull her head back to look at me.
For some reason I get a kick of confidence and say
“I’ll do all of that for you. If I can do whatever I want with you tonight”
She raises her eyebrows at my sudden dominance but then smiles softly and says
“Whatever you want you say?”
I nod my head and say
“And you can’t say otherwise. Unless of course you are uncomfortable with it.”
She smirks and says
“I think I can handle that.”
She steps back and holds out her hand and says
“Do we have a deal?”
I nod my head and shake her hand like a business woman. And she then pulls my hand so that I get pulled up to her and she whispers against my lips
“Let’s start now. I have a feeling we have a long night ahead of us”
I nod my head and she drags me to the bedroom.
A/N: this turned out a lot longer than I thought I would. And I know how I said I’d be taking a break but I couldn’t get this off of my mind. <3
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maxmagic · 4 months
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SHIT I realize I never posted these losers on Tumblr
Uh- Here they are !!! At some point I decided to give the boys some more members (kind of...). These are only concepts too I will defo redesign them ^^'
The first is the third band member we see in the pilot. At first I thought his name was Locust (like the bug), but someone on the disc said his name sounded like Lucas, so hes Lucas now.
The second is a full Oc- Aka Samantha/Sam
✨Descriptions and design explanations under read ✨
-Lucas came to my mind first. Like given how Mollox looks it was pretty obvious he would have been a potential hero member if the show got picked up, so I HAD do give him a design.
-He has a skull motif, because of the original thought of his name being Locust (and they're usually associated with plagues... And plague causes death... You catch my drift). And I did add the same robot arms the Mollox drummer has, but he also has it in his costume. I wanna redesign him at some point cuz I'm still not 100% with the design
-I also want to tweak his colours at some point cuz like I wanted It to be green, but Hank is also green (technically a neon yellow bit fuck that, that's green)
-I imagine he can summon giant drum shields or maybe even sort of bombing based abilities. Like he uses the beat of the drum to basically make explosions.
-I also posed him poorly, but he is supposed to have a spiky mohawk 😭😭
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like this ^^^^^
-Samantha came after, cuz I felt like the team would be rounded out with a keyboard (and I personally like rock songs with piano so sue me)
-She has a wing motif. When I was looking up what kind of themes to give these two I realized Hank and Ronnie both have motifs that are common in rock imagery (fire and lightning) so I basically went to Google images and both skulls and wings appeared the most next to the first two, so they got that
-The rollerblades are only there cuz I had the idea she can summon like piano ramps that, when she slides over, make noise as if you went over the piano keys with your finger. With the belts the kind of resemble sandals and with the wings it kind of nods to Hermes. Her hair is also supposed to be wing-ish
-I also thought of maybe her keyboard can split to form wings on her back, with the keys kind of looking like wings. I do want to redesign her keyboard it just looks to plain to me, but it's so hard to styalize a keyboard.
I have a lot more ideas about their personalities and how they'd interact and join the boys
So if y'all are interested drop an ask or DM :D
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Next - Latest
SOOOOO..... I have been seeing animal HRT show up on Twitter a lot in the trans community because of @ayviedoesthings little dragon comic so I thought "Hey why don't I join the fun." But there are two problems.
I'm a straight cis mostly white guy and
SO I DECIDED! ah to hell with it I never cared about my masculinity, I am a being of ADHD, autism, OCD, AND CHAOS! FATE GAVE ME A MALE FORM TO EXIST IN!! I WOULDN'T GIVE A FLYING FLIP IF TOMORROW IT GAVE ME A FEMALE ONE!!! and also I'll just do it in a written story. but I am not doing someone going through the whole HRT process. 1. because I would probably be very grim describing it and 2. my brain won't stop thinking about what would happen if the military had access to a drug that would turn their soldiers into animal soldiers. SO HERE IS
Part 1
General Samuel grumbled as he rode the elevator down. If it was up to him he would have never approved this project. If it was up to him he would have never tested this on former soldiers. If it was up to him he would have gone with the doctor with the German-sounding name instead of putting the cryptic scientist who somehow knew about the project and contacted the government about being in charge. And if it was up to him he would have never would have never put himself as the one to be reviewing this project. As the elevator stopped and the doors opened Sam saw a man in a lab coat waiting for him. "Ah, General. So nice of you to visit us." said the man. Sam assumed this was the scientist. Doctor Thánatos. "Come in, Come in. I got something big I want to show you." The scientist turned around and quickly walked down the hallway. As Sam walked down the hall with the scientist, he noticed big cells to his sides with humanoid beasts in them with the names of the occupants by the cell, one of whom he recognized. Sergeant Thorn, one of the best hand-to-hand fighters he knew, before she lost her legs and an arm in an explosion. But now it looks like she was more than a fighter, she was a beast. Not only were her legs and her arm back, but she now sported green scales and a long tail. She resembled a female version of the villain the lizard. Suddenly Thorn jumped towards him, causing him to step back. her claws struck the reinforced glass wall that divided them. She let out a guttural laugh. "Ah, it's nice to see a familiar tasty face." She said licking her teeth "What's wrong soldier. Don't you know time changes people?" Sam was shocked. This was not the Thorn he knew he knew. She was tough, but she would always rather make friends than start a fight. "What's wrong captain. Not happy to see old friends captain." Said a voice behind him. Sam quickly turned around and saw in front of him a creature with dark black feathers covering its body, razor-sharp claws for feet and hands, and giant black-as-night wings sprouting from its back. "Oh sorry is it General now?" It said from a sharp-beaked mouth. Sam turned to look at the nameplate. Pilot O'hares. Sam knew him. One of his old drink buddies. He had heard that he quit the Air Force when he crashed his favorite jet, one he had gone on so many missions with, saying he would never fly again. "Ah, Ignore them. They aren't important right now." Sam turned to the scientist who was at the end of the hall by a big metal door. He was about to question what he did to his old friends when he noticed something. Three empty cells, one of them having more dust than the other. Doctor Harris, Private Gorgonzola, and Private Tompson. "I got some questions for you egg head. Why the hell are these people in cells, Why the hell are three of them empty, AND WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO THEM!" The General yelled angrily "I was told they would look more human like this far into the project and not like animals. They also shouldn't be acting like ones too." The scientist only let out a laugh. "Oh I will answer the first and third questions but I will only answer the second once you see what's behind these doors. Now the cells are for ours and also for their safety. The normal drug that excuse of a doctor is selling is quite too slow, so with some modifications, I was able to speed it up, though it does seem to increase a person's animalistic instincts. Still, I see that as an improvement. My version is much more suited for the battlefield." The scientist pressed some buttons on a keypad and the metal door opened. "Now let me show you my personal project."
This is part 1 and part 2 will be out soon
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the-unaligned · 7 months
Bravern episode 8 spoilers
EP 8 Analysis
This is going to be super incoherent and is mostly just going to be me rambling but idc, I need to post this somewhere so it’s not ruminating in my head until I assault some random human with word vomit
So this is mostly going to be focus on episode 8 but I will touch back on previous episodes for references.
Anyways Episode 8 basically just confirmed the “Bravern is Smith” theory and I am so hype
What is the “Bravern is Smith” theory?
So the Bravern is Smith theory is a theory that.. well.. Bravern and Lewis Smith are the same person.
I’m not sure who started it but (I think) it started when the opening showed for the first time and we got to the scene of Smith’s arm becoming Bravern’s. From there it spiraled, more and more evidence pointing towards it, such as: Bravern knowing A LOT about Smith, Bravern making a lot of human pop culture references and speaking English interchangeably with Japanese (Smith does this too), Bravern being a super robot (Smith is a massive Super robot nerd) and a ton of other things
Episode 8:
Now we get into why I’m finally making a post about this, I’ve been following along with this theory since episode 2 and have been taking my notes on it but I never bothered posting about it anywhere
Why now?
Because episode 8 might’ve just confirmed it.
Let’s start with the opening:
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So this right here is the catalyst that started this all, Smith’s arm turning into Bravern’s. Now, we knew all that, but the one thing we never knew until now was “who tf is glowy bitch”
I think is Knuth
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“But why her? She looks nothing like the silhouette”
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Look here, she has plates of armor that highly resemble two pairs of wings. Who else has two pairs of wings? The silhouette. Same placement and everything. I think the silhouette is meant to be vague, as to not tip the viewer off right away that the silhouette is a deathdrive.
We’ll come back to this later, I need to talk about Bravern’s lines during this episode.
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I’m not entirely sure how to explain it but this line will be important later, for now it’s just more Super Robot inspirational speech
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Right here is the important line, the title of the episode (which is what tipped me and a lot of other people off to Smith dying) and the last thing Bravern says to him. Now normally when entering a battlefield, you’d tell your comrade “Good luck”, “Until we meet again” makes it seem like someone will die, this is a line usually used when you’re not sure when you’ll see someone again. Bravern used this because he knew what was going to happen to Smith, and either he can’t stop it, or he doesn’t want to.
Bravern knows because he has gone through this before, as Smith.
That is likely why he told Smith to “save as many people as he can”, likely because when he went through this, a lot of people died
(This ties into my own branch of the theory where Bravern has already gone through all of this before and went back in time to change the outcome)
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Now during the fight, Bravern isn’t really focused, he’s taking hits he’d normally be able to dodge and isn’t really rushing like he usually does. I think it’s because he’s trying to stall, trying to keep Isami away from Knuth and Smith so their fight can happen, either that or he’s distracted due to knowing what’s happening not that far away (or it could be both)
Before we get to this next part I wanna point out a quote I noticed during the episode from Knuth. I can’t find it just by scrolling and I’d rewatch the full episode to find it but Tumblr is lagging like hell and burning through my battery so I can’t
At one point Knuth mentioned something about fusing with Smith, this might mean that Knuth’s body ends up being the base for Bravern, but im still not 100% sure about that, just thought I’d add that. If she is the base and Bravern did in fact go back in time, this would make sense as Knuth had mentioned that she had gone back in time a few times
Now we get to focus on the important part of the episode, Smith’s death. Let’s just start listing off things to pay attention to.
(I reached the photo limit oops)
- Smith is humming his own theme song as he charges Knuth, Bravern sings his own theme song and blasts it whenever he fights
- He straight up says “Brave Slash” as he strikes Knuth
-Smith talks DIRECTLY INTO ISAMI’S MIND and says the following quote: “Isami. Isami. Brave. Brave… Bang.” And we all know why that’s important, the title of the show is literally “Bang Brave Bang Bravern”
There are still some questions, like “how was Smith able to use telepathy?” “How exactly is Bravern created?” “Is Bravern truly a fusion between Smith and Knuth?”
I know this probably makes zero sense but I need to get this out somewhere
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk (holy shit it’s so laggy)
Edit: I forgot to mention it but the foreshadowing for Smith’s death was so obvious, legit in his introduction Isami legit goes “You’re dead, the dead don’t talk” so uhh called it lmao
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davantagedenuit · 28 days
Variation #1: Wings
Bruce woke up with his wings tingling. When he slept, he would turn naturally on his side and let them spread out. But he had been sedated and they had been stuck under him for a few hours now, if the pins and needles at the tips were any indication. Clark was sleeping at his bedside, his translucent wings draped over the chair's back. Taking the opportunity to test his new hand, Bruce reached for the bed railing to pull himself up into a sitting position. His new robotic hand closed over the steel handle. The metal creaked. Bruce tried his best to soften his hold. Yet as he pulled, the handle was crushed between his prosthetic fingers. Bruce fell back on the pillow, feeling some rachis snap.
"Eggs," Clark's sleepy voice said.
"Ma used to make me practice with them. When the strength came in," Clark explained. He stretched, arms and wings both. "Actual eggs at first. Hollow eggshells after that." He held out his hand. "Here. Try this."
But Bruce's pride and self-control were as rumpled as his feathers. He shook his head. "I'll get more practice." Twisting, he pulled himself up leaning on the hand he knew how to use. He was at least able to stretch his wings out now, their dark grey and its bronze sheen seeming to absorb the faint golden light emanating from Clark's own immaterial wings.
Clark had pulled his hand back. He opened the crossword puzzle in his lap, wings flowing behind him contentedly. "You don't have to stay," Bruce said, busying himself with three broken contour feathers from his wing-elbow.
"No, I don't. But I want to," Clark said. Wings balancing as he moved, he leaned back in the hospital chair to put his feet up on Bruce's bed.
Bruce closed his eyes with a knot of pain and trust in his chest. He slept on his side this time. He woke up later to find that Clark's hand was holding onto his left arm, where the metallic hand began.
Explainer and variation index
Vanilla version
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zeggyzone · 3 months
off-air | isekko
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iso/gekko (valorant) tags: love confessions, domestic fluff, feelings realization, snuggling & cuddling, might be ooc, cross-posted on ao3
synopsis: while iso is trying to blow off some steam after a stressful day, gekko texts him. fifteen minutes later, he's in his best friend's room on wash day. bonding ensues.
sfw. 5.1k words.
notes: - most of this was written at 3-5 am, so if you see any grammatical errors, *no you didn't.* - iso and gekko have a pre-existing friendship; a close one at that! they have platonically held hands, hugged, all of that while trying to break iso out of his shell :) - sorry if it's out of character - i also wrote this while listening to iso and gekko's canonical spotify playlists, along with the isekko playlist made by lili on spotify! - the name of this fic in my documents is "The Oneshot Where Iso and Gekko Confess Over A Bathtub On A Random Tuesday" hahaha
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STOKYO DRIFT, Cemetary Drive I said I’m ready to cash out I said I’m ready to– I said I’m ready to– I said I’m ready to–
Iso exhales.
Just a round at the Range. It’s that simple. Blow off some steam, Zhao Yu.
It’s that simple. No strings attached. It was just him, his Raging Hunter (which he customized with the help of Raze just a while back– she helped everyone with it at one point, and Iso was on her supposed list of clientele), and a bunch of robot dummies.
Truth be told, Iso didn’t even know why he was here. In recent meetings with Sage, he found himself sitting across from her in her own bed, talking about the nightmares he experiences on the daily. The gunfire, the blood, the flashes of violet.
Especially the gunfire.
Yet here he was, Raging Hunter in his hand, doing the one thing he knows how to do in a last-ditch effort to calm himself down. He pulls back the hammer with his thumb, exhaling as he flicks his arm towards the ‘start’ button, squeezing the trigger ever so slightly–
Iso tries to ignore the buzzing in his front pocket, gently vibrating against his side. He steadies his aim, but it buzzes again, and he sighs, holstering his Raging Hunter, and pulling out his phone.
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GEKKO [15:41 UTC]
yo yo yo can u help me clean wings ?
Iso blinks.
You have to send five back-to-back texts to get that point across?
ISO [15:42 UTC]
Why so sudden ?
GEKKO [15:42 UTC]
yk how he gets and he likes u Hes fussing so fuckin bad rn holy shit
[SYSTEM] Gekko sent an image. [A 0.5x photo. Gekko looks disgruntled at the camera. He’s in a black shirt, and you can see Wingman crawling out of the tub.]
Iso almost laughs.
ISO [15:42 UTC]
Let me clean up. Ill be there in 15
GEKKO [15:43 UTC]
THANK YOU DUDE I was going actually crazy you are like a life saver
ISO [15:42 UTC]
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Thumbs-up? Thumbs-up?
Holy shit.
Iso unholsters his sidearm, putting on the safety as he makes his way to the teleporter, walking through it with a shudder (he’ll never get used to it) and making another healthy stride toward the locker room. He passes Omen’s desk, glancing at his bonsai tree left with a refilled watering can as he puts four of his fingers on the handle, the fingerprint scanner whirring and clicking the locker open with a little green light. Iso puts away his gun in the tiny mold left in the back part of the locker.
On the little hanger for his mission outfit, he has a woven bracelet Gekko made him a few weeks prior; red, purple, white, and black in nature. He took it off before training. It means quite a bit to him, and he would hate to mess it up.
He goes to close his locker, looking at it for a moment, hesitating, then closing it.
He was going to help bathe Wingman– he doesn’t want to get it dirty.
Iso’s sneakers pitter against the floor, narrow steps suddenly growing heavy as he approached Gekko’s door. He knocks, putting his hands in his pockets immediately after.
Gekko doesn’t seem to notice, as Iso hears small Spanish curse words leave his lips behind the muffled door. Iso shrugs, pushing the sliding door open with a small huff. He closes it behind him and walks towards Gekko’s bathroom door, generously left open for his incoming guest.
The sight is comedic. Wingman is hurdled over his owner’s shoulder, trying to squirm his way out of Gekko’s grip, both hands reaching outward like a baby trying to reach something. Gekko has his hands on Wingman’s chubby jelly sides, holding him back with an iron grip. Wingman suddenly falls limp at the sight of Iso, except for the grabby hands that continue. Gekko turns around, confused.
“Oh, shit, you’re here.” His eyes widen, letting go of Wingman. He hops down to climb Iso like a jungle gym, and Iso picks him up before his pants get any soap on them, walking over to the tub once again, and placing Wingman in.
“Let me take off my jacket. I can’t really help with all this stuff on–” Iso says, turning on his heel. Gekko gives him an acknowledging ‘aight’ and very gently scolds Wingman to stay.
Iso walks to Gekko’s bed (his radivore sling was notably discarded on the bed— a pair of eyes look at him) tugging his hoodie over his head. He neatly lies it on the end of Gekko’s bed, having done so quite a few times before (Gekko often called Iso up for a friendly hangout that consisted of Iso knocking out a few hours into their gaming sessions). He looks at the gloves on his hands, removing them with the tiniest bit of clamminess.
He feels weird without them.
He tucks them into the pockets of the hoodie, sliding over to Gekko’s post, and kneeling on the bathmat. Wingman looks up at Iso expectantly. “I’ve never… washed a radivore before.”
“All good. It’s pretty damn simple if you ask me. Just lather the little guy up with some soap until he’s extra squeaky clean. It’s the same for the rest of my crew.” Gekko explains, handing Iso the soap along with a little glove with bristles. Gekko has one on his non-dominant hand. “And you literally can’t mess this up. Bro loves you.”
Iso nods, taking it. “Pfft, I hope so,” he responds, feeling the warm water against his one bare hand.
He’s not particularly used to having his gloves off. Sure, he takes them off when he has to, but otherwise, they stay on. He feels practically naked without them. The same goes for his headphones. His little earbuds are in his ears, playing music low enough to the point where he can still understand what Gekko is saying.
UBER EATS, Northside Hollow & Ethan Ross
Gekko watches as Iso puts on the glove. He places his bare hand to hold Wingman gently as Iso puts a generous amount of soap on the garment, lathering it on Wingman’s jelly head. He watches attentively, folding his arms on the edge of the bathtub to rest his head in. Gekko takes in the sight in front of him; Iso, in his bathroom, washing his little buddy with all of the benignity in the world.
Iso glances toward Gekko, a small huff leaving his lips, “So you called me here to do your dirty work for you?”
“No, I called you here to be Wingman’s .. uhh, social … buffer. He likes you. I’m using my resources to my advantage! Boom.” Gekko moves his hands to the best of his ability despite resting on them– his animated self refuses to go unseen even in a moment of exhaustion. “He’s been fussy all day,” Gekko reaches his gloved hand to lather some soap on the radivore’s back, “but the second you show up,” a short breath, “se convierte en un angelito.”
Iso understood ‘convierte’ and ‘angelito’ when placed together. He assumed from context clues… “He turns into an angel.”
He stifles a laugh.
Gekko blinks, “What’s good?”
“I’ve been wanting to ask–” he keeps his gaze on Wingman, but he can feel Gekko staring him down, “–we never exchanged names. Of course, we have our callsigns, but … that’s different. I just feel since we’ve been hanging out so often we should refer to each other as something more … uh, friendlier than … Gekko. Or Iso.”
“Oh?” Gekko furrows his brows, running his bare hand through his prickly green hair, “Damn, you’re right,”
It was… odd, admittedly, but, when he really thought about it, Iso was right. How many weeks has it been? Hell, it’s probably been a bit more than a few months. He’s been hanging out with this guy almost non-stop and yet, they don’t know each other’s actual names.
Iso knocks him free from his thoughts. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
“No, no, I’m so down. Just, how do we like, go about this? Like… yo, man, my name is blah, blah, blah.”
 Iso offers a playful smile, “Rock, paper, scissors for it?” he asks, swatting his bare hand in the air to remove excess droplets, drying it to the best of his ability. “If I lose, I go first. And vice versa.” He holds his fist out to indicate the beginning of the game.
Gekko laughs, a small grin on his face as he puts his fist up. “Oh, you’re on.”
“Aight– rock, paper, scissors, shoot–!”
Iso plays paper.
Gekko plays scissors. “Tough luck.”
Iso lets out a small laugh, returning to washing Wingman. He keeps his gaze on the radivore, feeling Gekko’s eyes burn into him like fire.
“My full name is Li Zhao Yu.” Iso makes sure to accentuate every letter.
“Li … Zhao Yu,” Gekko repeats it back to him, getting a few of the syllables wrong, but Iso is quick to correct him— gently, of course.
“Shit, that’s cool. So, it’d be just Zhao Yu, right?” He asks after the mild training, lifting his head up from the side of the tub, holding himself up by his chin.
“Yeah, basically.” Iso shrugs, returning to washing Wingman.
“Yo, could I mash those together? I think that’d be a pretty sick nickname,” before Iso could say anything, Gekko spits out, “Zhayu. It’s like, not even that different, but, it sounds cool as fuck, right?”
Iso looks at Gekko, eyes wide.
“I don’t have to use it if you don’t wanna—“
“No,” Iso says almost immediately, “I mean— no, I like it. I just haven’t had someone give me a nickname in— I don’t know— forever,” Iso admits with a small laugh, rinsing Wingman. “It’s nice. I like it.”
Gekko lets out the tiniest sigh of relief, “Good. I didn’t wanna like, overstep.”
Iso nods followed by a small hum of acknowledgement. “It’s your turn.”
“Oh, yeah— we doin’ full names, right?”
“Oh man,” Gekko says between a laugh, pushing himself to sit up straight. He reaches over for the towel on the counter, holding it and awaiting Iso to hold him up, clearing his throat, “My full, legal, name is Mateo Armendáriz De la Fuente.”
“… what.”
Gekko laughs even harder than last time, “Dude, that’s why I asked. It’s kind of a mouthful.” He bites back a laugh, “You can just call me Mateo.”
“Mateo … Armen—what? Woah, you’re right,” Iso says with a tiny laugh punctuating the end of his sentence, “if you think you butchered my name, I wouldn’t even know where to begin with yours.”
He then realizes the meaning behind his words, quick to defend himself, “I’m not saying your name is weird or anything— it’s just hard for me to pronounce— or uh, remember, in that sense.”
“Maybe I should just stick to Mateo.”
Gekko laughs, thankfully.
“I’ll learn your full name, trust me,” Iso says, drying off Wingman like a little baby.
“I know, man.”
“But, now that I’m looking at you… you really do strike me as a Mateo.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Gekko raises a brow, a little smile on his lips.
“Oh— nothing, it just— makes sense?” Iso quickly explains, not wanting to offend.
“Dude, you’re chill. I’m just playin’.”
Iso blinks, turning back to Wingman. “One more thing,”
“Where did your crew’s names come from?” Iso asks out of the blue, holding Wingman up in the air next to his head, making him face Gekko with him.
“Honestly, most of them kinda just … came to me,” Gekko admits, not having an exact answer. “I kinda named them based on their whole ability thing—? I dunno how to explain it.”
“Dizzy has that plasma thing— and guess what! Makes people dizzy. Get it?” He shrugs, “Wingman’s kinda self-explanatory. He’s my wingman.”
“Then, uh, Thrash. She was kind of the more aggressive outta-all of them? And if we’re goin’ back to the whole ability-based-name-thing, Mosh seems pretty self-explanatory too, yeah?”
“I guess— makes more sense now,” Iso shrugs. “And that’s pretty cu—“
“— cu-ool,” Iso catches himself, making a weird new word in trying to save himself from that embarrassment.
He quickly holds up Wingman for Gekko to dry, and lest Iso’s anticipations, Gekko doesn’t take Wingman from his hands, just running the towel on Wingman to dry him off.
Iso feels Gekko’s hands against his, hindered by the towel between them as he holds Wingman while Gekko pats him down to dry the little guy. A tiny rosyness creeps up to the round of Iso’s cheeks as he watches Gekko’s hands, hyper-aware of the fact that they would be touching if it weren’t for the towel working as a barrier.
Iso looks away, tapping his finger on Wingman as gently as he can to the beat of the song playing in his earbuds.
Gekko’s eyes flick up to Iso midway through the task, and he smiles. Gekko smiles up at Iso and he returns it without a second thought.
“Yo, you’re all red, amigo.”
No fucking way.
“Há? No, am I? I’m not, no, it’s just the light, no?” Iso sprints through his words, looking at Gekko everywhere but his eyes. He utters a curse in Chinese, tilting his head away in an effort to hide his supposed blush. “Sorry.”
backseat, jungle bobby & lentra.
“Pfft,” Gekko lets out the tiniest giggle, “It’s aight.”
Iso comes back to reality when Wingman shimmies out of his grip, running back to the harness on Gekko’s bed. He almost begs the little radivore to stay– to save him from this terrible situation. He thinks he could die.
Instead, Iso looks at the radivore harness like a broken man, and Gekko laughs even harder, forcing Iso to get up.
“I’m grabbing my hoodie.” He announces, shuffling towards the bed.
“Oh, come on– I don’t mean to tease–”
Iso rolls his eyes, falling onto Gekko’s bed, face first. He grabs his hoodie– gently pushing Gekko’s harness out of the way– now pulling the pull-over up under his chin as a pillow. 
He didn’t want to believe he was in love with his best friend, but Iso knew he was too far gone to even deny it anymore. The way Gekko laughed, the way he teased him, the jokes he made, and the considerate things he did for him, whether it be making little woven bracelets or buying him Boba whenever he went out— that was all casual, right? It had to be.
Gekko walks out– Iso doesn’t notice– and sits near the headboard, looking down at him with yet another teasing grin. It’s fucking lethal.
Then, with that smile, Iso realizes.
Of fucking course it wasn’t.
Iso averts his gaze, jaw dropped as he came to that realization.
“Relax, bro. You’re gonna pop a blood vessel.” He hears Gekko say.
Iso shoves his face into his hoodie. There’s silence until Gekko asks the burning question,
“Were you going to say that it was cute, or am I crazy?”
Iso groans. “Do we really– do we really have to talk about this now??” He says with half of his speech muffled as he finally peeks up from his hoodie, blush flaring into his pale skin.
“I mean, you’ve slipped up a lot like that before. I dunno why you’re tweakin’ right now,” Gekko shrugs.
That sentence makes Iso’s heart drop.
“I’ve what.”
Gekko looks at Iso and is met with a beautiful picture; he’s resting on his bed (his!) and his eyes are a bright violet, looking at Gekko with a wide expression. If Gekko could peer into his mind, he’d only find that Iso is so embarrassed that he might as well have been stripped bare in public– but despite all of it, he finds Iso sprawled like this endearing. It’s hilarious, even– how did Iso not notice Gekko noticing all of the little moments? The stolen glances, the lingering touches, the late-night talks– Gekko almost laughs at his obliviousness.
The silence is almost suffocating, so Gekko begins, “Zhayu,” a breath, “you’re not as slick as you think.”
Gekko looks at Iso’s hands, and they’re balled into tight fists, and when he looks into those raging violet eyes again, they’re twitching.
“And…” Iso sounds out of breath, “You never told me?!”
Gekko blinks. Then he howls.
“No! Don’t laugh–!“ Iso pushes himself up, kneeling on the bed in a position that would definitely make his feet numb later, “Gekk– Mateo. How long? And— just how many times have I slipped up like this around you?” Iso curses just a few seconds after the delivery of that sentence, running a hand through his hair, forehead moist.
Gekko sits up straight, adjusting his sitting stance into crisscrossed, looking away as he puckers his lips, drumming his hands on his thighs, “Man, you know… like… was I supposed to count?”
Iso’s eyebrows drop.
“Mateo, I will strangle you right here, right now.” Iso threatens, but his hands don’t move from his knees. Gekko looks at him with a dubious look, and Iso realizes he isn’t exactly feeding into the whole ‘fear factor’ of it. He’s quick to lift up his hands in front of him and exaggerate the motion as if he’s moving Gekko’s head back and forth like a maraca.
It’s silent.
Then, it’s enough to make Gekko fall into a giggle fit. Then, Iso gets mad that he’s not taking his threat seriously. Then, Iso is so mad that he starts laughing. Hard.
He’s hurled over on his knees, holding his stomach as he falls onto his side, just next to Gekko’s knee, and his gut hurts. His gut hurts from laughing, and Iso realizes he’s laughing with no one better than Gekko himself. Iso cough-laughs, covering his mouth. Gekko is hitting himself with his fist, smack dab in the chest to stop himself from coughing. Iso remembers the little ‘I lowkey have asthma’ and one last laugh bubbles out from his throat.
He looks at where the woven bracelet Gekko made him a few weeks ago would be and imagines it; purple, white, red, and black, all woven together to create a sense of Iso in itself.
He feels naked. Yet the mirage reminds him that he would protect it with his life.
Gekko deflates, his arms lining up behind him to keep himself steady. His head falls to where Iso’s head is, then his unusually bare wrist.
“Where’s your bracelet?” He asks, reaching over, and tapping on the little pulse point where it would be. “I thought you liked it.”
“I didn’t want to mess it up when we cleaned Wingman,” Iso breathes, his voice tired.
Gekko hums.
Iso blinks.
“You’re my best friend, you know that?” Iso says blankly, feeling Gekko’s fingers brush up against his wrist ever so slightly as he retreats them back to hold himself up. Iso’s fingers twitch with anticipation. He bites his lip softly, looking at Gekko’s surprisingly soft hands, despite them looking so rough.
Iso keeps half of his face in the sheets, left cheek squished up against the surface. He rests on the bed, getting comfortable with Gekko at his side, legs crossed and looking at him like he is a piece of valuable, fragile treasure and not the cold-hearted ‘Dead Lilac’ killer everyone made him out to be.
No, Iso corrects himself, not everyone. Me.
Iso is who makes himself out to be the Dead Lilac. He leaves that behind today; hopefully forever.
“And you’re mine, querido.” Gekko breathes, his foreign tongue slipping. Gekko registers what he said seconds later, quick to change the subject, “You look like a cat like this.”
Iso mumbles, “Querido? What does that…” But he gives up halfway through the question, mostly because he knows Gekko won’t tell him what it means. “A cat?” He instead asks, raising a brow. Gekko flicks his cheek, and he mumbles a small “ow” as soon as the stinging feeling occurs. “I’m not going to meow if that’s what you’re asking.”
A chuckle, “That sucks.”
“Ew, you want me to meow?” Iso feigns a laugh, hiding his full face in the sheets to muffle the tiny effervesce, before coming back to look up at Gekko. “You’re so weird, Mateo.”
Iso sticks his tongue out, lifting his right arm to flick Gekko’s nose.
Then it’s quiet. Iso hates quiet.
“Teo. I want to ask you something.”
supernova, Godly the Ruler.
Gekko feels like he knows what’s coming. “Ask away.”
“Have you ever thought about …” Iso pauses, looking away to regain some of the composure that he lost as he began the sentence, “Have you ever thought about us? And what we are?” Iso exhales, unaware he is holding his breath. “Because I don’t know what we are at this very moment.”
Iso had avoided eye contact for so long. He brings himself to look at Gekko, and he looks at him the second the look in his best friend’s eyes alters.
“I have.” A deep breath, “Many times.”
“What do you think about? What are we?” Iso asks.
He quickly adds to the end, “To you?”
“I…” Gekko purses his lips, “Well, right now. We’re just homies, yeah?”
“At the moment … I’d say so.”
Iso looks at where the bracelet would be— a fond reminder of their camaraderie. Then he looks into Gekko’s eyes and finds the same unreadable look. He looks at Iso’s wrist with such fondness. Happiness. Content. A secret fourth thing. Iso finds comfort in it.
“What about everything else you’ve thought of?”
“You really wanna know?”
“Do you want to tell me?” Iso asks, avoiding Gekko’s gaze, and he realizes that their two hands are almost grazing— holding each other. Iso’s hand twitches again. “If so, yes.”
“Pfft,” Iso swears he sees a mischievous glint in Gekko’s eyes, “Least serious… uuh…”
“I’ve thought of kissing you.”
Iso’s face distorts, pursing his lips as he shoots up from his lying position. “Least serious?! That’s the most uncasual thing I can think of!” He almost shouts out of pure shock. He’s not angry, just confused.
Gekko belly laughs, his hand smacking onto his stomach to support himself, “I’m playin’! There’s stuff before that, tonto.”
Iso wants to smack him for messing with him like that. That thought is wiped when he sees the red against Gekko’s ears and he’s done for. Smitten.
“And… compared to other shit, I think that’s pretty tame.”
“You’re so gross.” Iso blurts out.
“What? You wanted the truth, so you got the truth,” Gekko holds his hands up in defense before falling next to him again, “and to give you the whole truth, if I were to tell you what I’m thinking now, it’d be... that… ay…” Gekko’s right hand returns to his face, covering his mouth and trailing down his jaw, “maybe there have been times I’ve thought about us– and not as what we said we were a few minutes ago.”
Iso understands those connotations. He looks in the middle of their laps, almost touching. He exhales.
“I would say that the thought is mutual.”
“Yeah.” A pause, “... Yes.”
“Mateo, I—“ Iso purses his lips. “I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”
“You welcomed me. Open arms. I don’t know if you… if you knew, but, you invited me anyway. I didn’t know if you were just like that with everyone, but– either way, you– you are just… perfect. I got to know you and I was like, how could anyone ever hate this guy? You’re everything, you’re all that there is right, and, wǒ qù, I can’t even fucking describe–” 
It’s hot. Then Iso realizes why.
Gekko leans in, pressing their lips together in a tender, soft embrace. Iso’s lips are the tiniest bit chapped against Gekko’s fairly soft ones, and he eats it all up. He relishes the feeling of his lips on Gekko’s— his best friend.
He stays like that for a hot minute, pulling away and looking at Gekko like a lost kitty who had found homage in him. He catches his breath.
“... I didn’t know how to shut you up–”
“Oh my God.” Iso smacks Gekko’s shoulder and in return, he pokes him in the side.
Iso jolts, letting out a quiet yelp— one that’s a bit out of character for his assassin background.
Then Gekko has a devious look on his face.
Was the fabled ‘Dead Lilac’ … ticklish?
Iso quickly covers his mouth in embarrassment, grip tightening as he realizes the noise he just let out. He looks at Gekko.
“No way.”
“No. It wasn’t anything. That wasn’t me, it was … Thrash—“ Iso quickly tries to back himself up, hand slipping from his mouth and immediately going to cover his sides as a last defense.
“Uh-huh. And where is Thrash?” He asks, nudging his head towards his harness as his hand reaches over to an exposed part of Iso’s side.
“Mateo!” Iso quickly scrambles away, rolling over to the other side of the bed, getting on his knees, and holding his left arm in front of him, creating distance between them as his right arm wraps around his own waist, trying to protect himself from an impending tickle attack.
“I will wrestle you on this bed and win.”
“I have little siblings and cousins. Fuckin’ bring it.”
And then he pounces.
The tickle match is full of empty threats, foreign curses, and lots of giggles. Too many. There was a cackle here and there, maybe even a snort. By the time it ended, Gekko fell from his place on top of Iso, lying next to him with a few laughter-filled coughs. Iso catches his breath.
A breathless “Yeah?”
“I wanna be your boyfriend.”
Iso’s headphones die.
A deep breath, “Can I?”
Iso stares at the ceiling. He notices Gekko is, too.
It’s quiet. So fucking quiet.
But Iso can handle it now.
Gekko is next to him, their arms are touching, and the silence isn't deafening for once. He feels the energy in the room and it doesn’t suffocate him, if anything, he’s breathing better.
“Yeah. I think I’d like that.”
Iso turns on his side. Gekko faces him.
Iso’s tired expression shifts into a happy, close-eyed smile as he tackles Gekko into a bear hug, invariably pushing him down onto the bed, putting his full body weight onto the poor guy, hugging him tightly. “Thank you.”
Gekko let out an involuntary gasp as Iso suddenly tackled him down onto the bed, nearly winding him as felt Iso’s full weight. He laughed softly, the air knocked out of him as he lay there under, returning the hug with equal enthusiasm, wrapping his arms around Iso and holding him tightly against his chest.
“Yeah, mi corazón,” he said softly, “Thank you.”
“Corazón,” Iso exhales against Gekko’s neck, pushing himself off from the top, “what does that mean?” He asks, breathing against Gekko’s chest, cheek squished against it. He holds him softer now, breathing in Gekko’s cologne.
“My heart,” Gekko says, a careful hand running up Iso’s clothed back, drawing small circles, “you are my heart, Zhao Yu.”
“If I am your heart,” he feels Gekko’s heartbeat against his cheek, “then, you are my treasure,” Iso smiles, “bǎo bèi.”
“Bǎo bèi…” he repeats sleepily, “mi tesoro.” Gekko breathes.
“I love it when you speak Spanish, Teo.” Iso says, nickname rolling off his tongue tiredly. “I don’t understand it, but it’s…” a huff, “nice.”
Gekko has a feeling he wanted to say something else, “Yeah?”
Iso realizes he’s fucking done for (again), “¿Te gusta cuando hablo español, mi tesoro?”
“Augh, stop it,” Iso rolls his eyes, pushing Gekko’s face back by his chin, looking away, laughing just a little bit. “You’re such a tease, sha bī.”
“Aww, is that another cute nickname?”
“No. I called you an idiot.”
“Oh. Chúpamela.” Gekko deadpans, flicking Iso’s forehead with little to no remorse.
Iso laughs and realizes that this is all he has ever wanted. This was bliss, and Iso has felt this way for as long as he was in Gekko’s presence. He moves ever so slightly, just so he can smell Gekko’s cologne, and his new boyfriend allows it. It smells of lemon zest with the faint undertones of green apple and vanilla. Iso swears that he can smell the tiniest bit of cedarwood. That combination with Gekko’s personal musk makes him dizzy. (Pun intended)
“You smell good.”
“You like my cologne? I wanted to try a new one.” Gekko says breathily, drumming the pads of his fingers on Iso’s back in a rhythmic pattern.
“I know. You smelled different.” Iso mumbles, inhaling. “I like this one better, though. The other one was too…” He thinks of a descriptor, “Smoky.”
“I used to layer two colognes,” Gekko admits, “The footnotes on it were tobacco, vanilla, then uhh… truffle, I think.”
“Too smoky.”
“It was a gift from Brimstone. I felt kinda bad,” He mumbled, “I’d feel better if he taught me how the hell he got his score so high in the video games in the basement.”
“You’re still trying to beat it?”
“… wait, you noticed that I changed my cologne?” Gekko blinks, looking down at Iso, who looks up to him bashfully.
“Maybe,” he exhales, adjusting his position to face away from Gekko, “it’s a very discernible smell— anyone would notice.”
Gekko slightly spoons Iso, resting his head atop his, breathing in. “Damn, your hair smells like…” he thinks, “Tangerines?” he says with a slight hint of confusion in his voice.
“It’s just my shampoo,” Iso hums, shifting himself to tilt his head up at Gekko, “I like tangerines.”
“Me too,” Gekko says.
Quietly, Iso asks, “We just gonna stay like this?”
“What time is it?”
Iso looks at the alarm clock to the side. Before he can speak, his stomach grumbles, which prompts Gekko to ask instead, “Have you eaten?”
“I had breakfast.”
“You need to eat.”
Iso exhales knowing there’s no stopping Gekko– he’s already getting up and Iso follows that action. It’s quick, it’s swift, and his new boyfriend grabs his wrist and pulls him up onto his feet, intertwining their hands. They’ve held hands before– you know, in cases where Gekko is dragging him through a crowd at a festival or Iso has to pull him away from getting distracted while the agents go shopping. But this was different. The old Iso would probably tug his hand away, but the new Iso is comforted by this scenario– better yet, he seeks it. He never wants to let go of it and he doesn’t think he ever will. Gekko’s touch is grounding and Iso feels his mind go quiet as their fingers interlace. His free hand comes to remove his headphones and awkwardly puts them in the case, shoving his hand into his pocket.
He’s gotten used to this.
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hope you enjoyed! it's my second valorant fic i've written, so hopefully i did them justice.
here's my twitter! check it out please i need moots (not just valorant) LMAO
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bumpkinspice0 · 1 year
Parallels: Chapter 4
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Miguel O'Hara x Spider!FemReader
No use of y/n
Rating: Explicit (Minors DNI!!!)
Word Count: 2564
Summary: Miguel calls you into the tower for a mysterious one on one meeting.
Warnings: Descriptions of blood being drawn, Needles (I tried to be as vague as possible, I don't now how this works), Tension, lil kisses No smut this time. Don't worry, we make up for it in the next one ;)
Series Masterlist
Chapter 4
Business as Usual
You crawl further into the dark corridor just outside the Spider Tower lobby. You bring your knees to your chest with a heavy sigh. Miguel had called you in personally. Rather than go directly to his wing you found a dark little corner to hide in. You wouldn’t have to talk to him if he couldn't find you. Genius.
Then again, if you didn’t want to talk to him you would have just stayed in your own dimension. Christ, you jumped so fucking fast when you got the alert from Lyla, you didn’t even change into your suit. An actual meeting with Miguel. One-on-one. Isn’t that what you wanted?
Apparently not. 
As soon as you stepped into the tower all your confidence wilted like a cut flower. He’s probably furious with you. How could he not be after how you left him in the training room? Still, it was pretty hilarious.
You just had to let your cocky pride take the wheel.
One week had passed since then, he was probably weighing all the cons about actually letting you stay. He was the head honcho and you were a distraction to him. He’d made that abundantly clear. You know a leader like Miguel wouldn’t hesitate to remove any obstacles in his path.
So, here you were hiding in the dark spaces of the tower, too nervous to go to his office but too anxious for an answer to go home.
“You know I can just tell him you’re here and he’ll come find you, right?” Lyla illuminates in front of you. 
“ Have you told him I’m here?” you ask, a pit forming in your stomach.
“Not yet,” She glances down at her nonexistent nails. You always felt she had a personality all her own. She couldn’t just simply be a program. A complete consciousness beyond the yellow pixels— maybe.
You sigh into your hands, “I’m in trouble, aren’t I?”
“Didn’t say. Just told me to call you right away.”
“That sounds like trouble,” You lean back against the wall.
“Everything does when it comes from Miguel,” she glitches to your side. “Only one way to find out?”
You stare at the light just beyond your little hiding space. At the countless spider people just like you doing their part to save what they can. Was all of this about to be ripped away from you? 
“He really didn’t tell you what it’s about?” you ask the AI companion. 
“I literally just told you everything he told me.” she looks annoyed, with every right to be.
You pick yourself up with a groan. You’re a big girl. A freaking superhero. You’d faced mad scientists, hundreds of armed henchmen, and literal monsters. You could have a regular adult conversation with Miguel fucking O’Hara.
Well, you just traded the only other dark corridor of the tower for another. Miguel’s wing was the darkest-lit science lab you’d ever seen. Dozens of machines and seemingly long abandoned experiments lined the walls. Several small spider-like robots scurry about the place, attending to whatever their programmed tasks were.
The automatic door shuts behind you, blocking off any of the remaining ambient white light from the citadel. Your eyes quickly adjust to the dim red lighting of this apparent mad science lab.  This was the house of a man that liked to stay busy. Was running a multi-dimensional superhuman strike force just not enough? 
You take a deep breath and walk further into the belly of the beast. 
“Hello?” you call out into the seemingly endless room of science projects and low lighting. Your spider-sense was a faint hum in the back of your head. He was nearby, but not close. Honestly, why did he call you in if he wasn’t going to be here? Unprofessional.
You come to the open, and seemingly only well-lit, part of the room. A platform a few feet above the ground stood in the center. Several monitors and a swivel chair adorned the odd structure. Was that his… desk? 
You hop up on the platform, calling out his name in hopes of any kind of reply. Still nothing. Well, you’re sure he wouldn’t mind if you waited for him here— near all of his computers, top-secret paperwork, and personal effects.
You take a spin on the desk chair, getting a basic cursory glance at everything. Security footage of the tower, various problem points in the multiverse, and some equations you don’t understand. All in all— disappointingly boring.
Then something catches your eye at the corner of his desk, it’s small and neon green. A vile of some sort, loaded into an injection gun. Upon closer inspection there were several of them all lined up on a wheel, each one no larger than your thumb, holding what looked like pure poison. Something in you said this was more than just one of his little side projects. It was here on his desk, dozens of them ready to be loaded into an injector gun. 
Before you can inspect further, the low hum in your head bursts into a panic alarm. He’s here. A  loud thud rings out behind you and you turn to see him standing in the center of the platform— heavy shadows cased across his face making him look more menacing. 
“Hola, arañita ,” he greets you emotionlessly.
You shrink in the chair, “Uh, hi.”
“Making yourself comfortable I see,” he scoffs, turning to his monitors. He deactivates a few, “You know, if you wanted to snoop you could have just asked Lyla.”
“She’d rat me out in a minute,” you chuckle, mostly to yourself.
“Sounds like you're ratting yourself out,” he says, nonchalantly.
“Maybe I wouldn’t have snooped around your creepy room if you were actually here when you called me.” You retort.
“Maybe I wouldn’t have started attending to the million other tasks on my plate if you’d have actually come when I asked instead of hiding around in the tower for an hour,” He turns to face you, his face still stern and cold. Ah, so he knew you were getting cold feet.
Touché again.
Regardless of how good his comebacks were, he was still infuriating. “You know, I’m not some dog, O’Hara. You can’t just keep me at your beck and call.” You’re getting more defensive than you’d like. 
“Mhm,” he lazily raises his eyebrows, “And yet here you are.”
“Fuck. You.” Well, this was going just as swimmingly as expected. You take a moment to gather yourself, burying your face in your hands and taking a deep breath. You’re a superhero. You’re fucking Spider-woman. “Why did you call me, Miguel?”
“I need your blood,” He says without hesitation. 
Well, that was… what?
“Dude,” you immediately swivel away, “I thought the vampire thing was a joke.”
“What vampire thi— For experiments.” he clarifies, as if that made it any less weird, “I need to conduct some experiments on both of our genetics.”
You pause for a moment. “You’re gonna see why we feel this way around each other?”
He jumps off the platform and starts rummaging around a nearby table. Several of his little robots come to assist him on the tabletop, “I’d like to know why. Wouldn’t you?”
“I mean, yeah I guess,” You swing down to meet him, “I really do, actually. I just thought… you called me here to yell at me. I thought you were mad at me.”
“I am mad at you,” He says without stopping his digging or granting you the decency of eye contact, “Made Lyla call a fire drill so I could get back to my room. I really liked those sweats, by the way. You owe me a pair.”
You’ve never had to work so hard to hold back a laugh in your life.
“Well, you owed me a new suit like a month ago, so consider us even,” you lean on his workstation. He’s unboxing various medical supplies from a kit. Test tubes, iodine… a needle. Blood for experiments, right. God you fucking hated needles.
“You could have gotten a new suit on the 43rd floor,” He starts to label the various test tubes, “We have everyone’s designs downloaded. Lyla can scan your body and have a new one made for you in 10 minutes. I assumed you would have gone there.”
“We have a freaking tailor?!”
“It’s in the handbook.”
“No one reads handbooks.”
“And look how that worked out for you,” he tuts as he rounds the desk. You think you catch a small glimpse of him smiling to himself. Just a glimpse. All his supplies were neatly lined up on a white cloth. He turns on a light, illuminating a blue leather-bound medical chair. He gestures to it, “Sit. Please.”
You walk around the desk and take a seat in the chair. You roll up your sleeve and sheepishly place your arm on the armrest. He kneels at your side. The gloves of his suit phased away. He wraps a small band around your upper arm and gently runs his fingers over the crease of your elbow, locating the optimal vein. Despite how clinical all of his actions are, your spider sense immediately jumps as soon as he touches you.
He glances up at you, “You feel that too, huh?”
“That obvious?” You cover your face with your free hand, only slightly mortified.
“Less obvious when it happens to both of us at the same time,” He starts rubbing a small swatch of iodine over the area. 
“Have you done this before?” you ask, suddenly feeling more sheepish than earlier.
“I’m a geneticist,” He answers plainly. A long pause was your reply, “Yes, many times. You’re in good hands,” He clarifies.   
“I don’t like needles,” you admit.
“No one does. I’ll make it quick, I promise,” He says with all the confidence in the world. His calm demeanor was admittedly working in your anxiety's favor. He reaches over and a small robot brings the tubes and needle to his hand. He places them on a small table next to you. He begins unwrapping the sterile supplies, glancing up at you, “Why were you hiding in the tower?”
So he’s making small talk to distract you. He has a decent bedside manner, who knew? 
“I… thought you were gonna fire me.”
He pauses his work, glancing at you again, “Fire you? From the strike force?”
Admittedly, a wave of relief washes over you when you see the faint confusion on his face.
“I mean yeah. I don’t think it’s that unreasonable a conclusion.” You sigh, slouching down further in the chair, “I bet you’ve thought about it.”
He swivels back over to you, needle ready in hand. “It… crossed my mind. You’re going to feel a pinch,” He gently holds your arm. You immediately look away, face contorting at the sharp pressure before it subsides into a dull ache. He continues, “But, this isn’t your fault, it’s mine. I should have done more research. Looked into you more. I could have predicted this.”
And what if he did predict this weird connection? Would you still be here?
“Would you still have let me join if you did?” you ask before you can stop yourself. 
He pauses longer than you’d like, “I don’t know,” he says honestly, “But you are here. You’re a good Spider-Woman. We’re lucky to have you.”
It’s the most basic of compliments, but just knowing that it came from him sends your heart racing and your spider sense buzzing in gratitude. The king of Spider-kind says he’s lucky to have you. How sweet.
“I’m happy to be here.” You say with small a smile.
“All done,” The sharp pain in your arm is replaced with pressure. You turn back and he removes the small tourniquet, holding a gauze over your injection sight. Four test tubes of your blood are all neatly lined up on the side table. That was quick.
“Now what?” You ask.
“Now you let me run a few tests and I’ll get back to you.” 
“And in the meantime?”
“Business as usual.”
“I’m not fired?”
“Not fired,” he nods, “But I still say you owe me a new pair of sweatpants. Hold that.” He instructs you to keep holding pressure while he pulls off a strip of medical tape.
“Noted,” You bring your arm to your lap, instantly missing the warmth of his touch. You’re not sure if it’s the sense acting up or your own feelings. Wouldn’t they be one and the same? You don’t know anymore. The lines of either felt blurry around Miguel. 
He rolls back to your side and tapes the small gauze to your arm. He unwraps a small alcohol pad and wipes off the remaining yellowed iodine.
“Cold,” You shiver at the contact of the cold alcohol swab.
“ Aw, Pobrecita,” he coos. The sarcasm in his tone is evident but his touch is still gentle. He takes a moment and runs a thumb over the soft skin of your forearm, leaving a trail of goosebumps. 
You can feel your sense singing in joy at the contact— on the borderline of morphing into arousal. He had to feel it too. Was he testing the limits? You suppose you had to find them if you both had to learn to live with this.
“You feel it?” he asks, voice dropping an octave.
He raises your arm to his lips, placing a soft kiss on the inside of your wrist. It sends a jolt of electricity through you.
“Did you feel that?”
He moves up, placing another kiss on your forearm. Another jolt accompanied by a hitch in your breathing. His lips seared the nerves of your skin in the best way possible.
“And that?”
A kiss on your shoulder. It was becoming too much. Each time he kissed you it was like a shot of adrenaline straight to your heart— every sense in your body dialed up to 11. You’d wanted him so fucking bad, and he was finally so close now.
Before you can rip his suit off, an alarm blares through the room. 
“Boss!” Lyla materializes at his shoulder. He drops his head with an annoyed sigh. Is it selfish to say you were happy to see he was just as disappointed as you were? Probably. He turns to the virtual assistant. She continues. “Category 6 anomaly. Universe 818. Might be a full sinister crew.”
He immediately stands, mask and gloves materializing. “Call Ben and the local spider.”
“I’ll go too,” you stand up.
“Ah, ah, ah, arañita,” Miguel gently guides you back down to the chair, “You just gave blood, plus you’re in civilian clothes.”
“I feel fine,” your a little offended at his insistence. “I’ll run to the 43rd floor and grab a suit.”
He shakes his head, a portal materializing behind him, “Next time, little spider. Next time.” he backs into the portal, and in a flash of light, he’s gone. Off to save someone else's world.
The faint trill of your spider sense still lingers in his absence, as if reaching out for something that wasn’t there. You lean back into the chair with a sigh.
“Well?” Lyla materializes next to you, “How’d it go?”
You stare at  the ceiling for a moment, “I’m not fired.”
Translations: Hola, arañita- Hello, little spider Aw, pobrecita- Aw, poor thing
And of course, if I got any Spanish wrong please let me know ❤️
And holy BALLS thanks for the comments! I would die for all of you
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sketch-guardian · 1 month
IMAGINE THE ANGEL STUDENTS WITH A MONSTERFUCKER MC (I don’t know if that’s the right word, this isn’t meant to be nsfw! But I’m talking about people who really like non humans and think they’re adorable and love everyone no matter their species! So sorry if that’s the wrong word, I don’t really interact with a lot of fanfics out of platonic child reader ones!!) AND LIKE MC WANTS TO GIVE THEM A LITTLE KISS WHILE THEYRE IN THEIR BIBLICALLY ACCURATE FORM, ESPECIALLY IF ANY OF THEM ARE INSECURE ABOUT IT, LIKE LITTLE REASSURANCE KISSES WHILE MC SAYS THEYRE BEAUTIFUL EVEN WITH THEIR SCARY APPEARANCE (SO SORRY IF THIS REQUEST MAKES YOU UNCOMFY, I DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO CALL IT.)
Don't worry, I understood what you meant☺so for this occasion, to make it clear that these headcanons are SFW, we'll use the term "monsterlover"✨(I like monsters, demons, angels, aliens and robots as well, so perhaps I can consider myself a monsterlover🤣). Also aw, it sounds like such a tender scenario💜I'll try to do my best with the headcanons💖(I should draw the New exchange students' true celestial forms sooner or later🤔but it's hard to find some free time to both draw and answer asks😖perhaps I should close the askbox for a few days in order to start the sketches, would that be okay?🙈):
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Remiel's true celestial form, as the Archangel of Hope, is quite intimidating to behold, in all its fearsome glory, it's quite majestic, standing around four meters tall, with her face completely obscured by a hood, a void filled with eyes, no mouth, with tufts of hair coming out from the shadows. Remiel, in that celestial form, wouldn't have legs, only torso and arms, instead of the lower limbs, black smoke would be visible from the bottom of her black robe. Remiel's torso would be open, resembling an exposed ribcage, with a bright silver spark inside, shimmering as if to represent hope amidst darkness. Remiel would have eight wings and hands with pointed talons, her weapon would also be a long scythe with a blade at both ends of the staff. Remiel wouldn't be able to speak in her Archangel form, she would only make otherworldly noises. The angel of death would be hesitant to show her true celestial form to MC, after all she would only use it for matters of life and death, she would know that for the human mind, her sight could be overwhelming to manage, however with some kind encouragement from MC, Remiel would change into her true celestial form, towering over MC, terrifying as ever, however her baby blue eyes would be innocent as always, showing she's still in there. Remiel would have to hold MC in her hands for them to reach her and, not being able to kiss, MC would stroke her wings or hair, to reassure her they aren't afraid, while Remiel would respond with a soft guttural noise, sounding almost like a whale, it would be her attempt to communicate her relief and fondness
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Nathaniel in his true celestial form as the embodiment of Patience, becomes about two meters tall, with still six wings on his back and six arms floating, very thin pointed legs, arrows of blue light floating around him, slightly longer hair and a large mask covering half of Nathaniel's upper face, mostly hiding his several eyes. Nathaniel's weapon in that form is a bow and his form would be graceful, yet he would be able to land deadly punches with his six arms. Nathaniel would prefer not to show himself in his true celestial form, because usually he only transforms when he snaps, which is rare, it would be a bit difficult for Nathaniel to show his true self at will, however with a little insistence, he would sigh and warn MC not to be afraid, because while he might turn into a creature they might do not expect, it would still be him. Nathaniel, in his true celestial form, would cautiously lean closer to MC and nuzzle them, returning their caresses with his several arms, a little surprised by their lack of fear, but also relieved to be accepted for who he really is. Nathaniel's voice in his true celestial form would be more boomy and whispery
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Uriel's true celestial form as the embodiment of Justice would be rather powerful, buff and bulky, about three and a half meters tall, with jaws similar to those of a lion and half of her face covered by a helmet, obscuring her eyes, she would also have four muscular arms and four rather large thick wings. Uriel's armor would be even sturdier, her sword too and her hair would be longer and thicker, almost as a bright mane. Uriel isn't ashamed of her true celestial form, however she would suspect it could overwhelm MC and therefore she would ask MC if they're truly sure they want to come face to face with such a majestic being, there is a reason why angels say not to be afraid when they show themselves after all. After some convincing, Uriel would transform into her true celestial form and hesitantly lean towards MC, allowing herself to be examined by their hands, she would greatly appreciate their kisses and praises, basking in their affection and trying to cradle MC with caution, as if they were made of glass. Uriel needed to be careful in order to control her strength in her celestial form. The demonstration should happen, as in others' cases, in a fairly open environment, because Uriel's weight and size would risk accidentally breaking something
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mysticdragon3art · 8 months
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Faebruary 2024, days 1-9. Experiments in learning to draw chibi Ballister Boldheart fairy.
2 days ago, I finally remembered the Faebruary drawing challenge, which I always look forward to (because I like drawing butterfly fairies), but I always forget (because it's February). So I tried to cram in a bunch of catch-up drawings.
Every Faebruary, I draw chibi butterfly fairies of my current OTPs. This year, it's Goldenheart.
But I still need to learn to draw both Ballister and Ambrosius. And I'm still testing out which of my Copic colors to use for them. I'm especially having trouble drawing Ballister's hair, from a front point of view. I keep wanting to draw the upturn at the back of his hair, even though it's not visible when he is facing directly straight ahead. It's really hard to not draw the upturn, after those years of drawing Claude von Riegan.
This time, I've chosen real life butterfly wings to base theirs off of, instead of making up my own designs. Because Ballister's comic book name is "Blackheart", I'm basing his wings off the "Uranothauma nubifer" or "black heart" butterfly. Ambrosius Goldenloin's wings will be based on the "Wallace's golden birdwing" butterfly, because that was the first butterfly with the word "golden" in its name that appeared in Google search.
The problem is that I think I might have referenced the wrong pictures for the "black heart" butterfly. A Google search shows many different looking "black heart" butterflies. It's difficult to know which pic to reference. I initially went with Wikispecies's pic, since it was specifically labelled "Uranothauma nubifer". But it's also labelled "Uranotauma nubifer, as Lycaena nubifer Trimen", so it might be a different variation of that butterfly. Maybe??? I went with the mostly solid brown wing from Wikispecies's reference, since that would be easier to draw/color. But I later found several other websites specifically labelling photos of the "black heart" butterfly, which look completely different from Wikispecies's mostly solid brown wings. They're mostly gray and tan speckles on white. So I tried to stylize a design based on the more speckled "black heart" butterfly wings. I'm still trying to simplify it in a way that is easy to draw. And I'm still trying to figure out colors that don't get confusing when juxtaposed by Ballister's skin or clothing.
I usually draw my fairies without shoes, but I wanted to practice drawing Ballister's (and Ambrosius's) full outfits, since I'm just starting to learn to draw them. Also, their regular clothes are close enough to the "medieval fantasy"-inspired fashion that I usually draw my fairies in.
I was unsure about adding Ballister's cybernetic arm. How would a fairy get a tiny cybernetic arm? Does their hidden fairy society in the woods, have a whole system of technological equipment and supplies? Does a human use magnifying glass spectacles and miniature cybernetics to make a tiny robot arm for him??? So I skipped the whole subject by not drawing his robot arm.
2/8-10/2024. No pencil underdrawings. Platinum Preppy fountain pen, using Noodler's Ink. Colored with Copic markers and a Daiso Fluently marker. Some corrections made with white-out, Gelly Roll white gel pen, and digitally with Krita.
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I’m bringing back the oldies baby. Portal au but y/n is a kid?? Maybe young intern Sans took under his wing before shit went down? Would things be more or less the same, or would everyone act differently with this hyperactive curious kid running around?
oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god. big robot trying his hardest to love and look after a child when he's already broken. i love it
Well, for one, it would be a smart move on Hit's part. Remember, Hit is the Portal AU's Rattmann. He's the one responsible for getting Mc to the top of the queue for testing. It makes even more sense in an AU where Mc is a child that Sans cared about- Hit's hope is that Sans' parental feelings will awaken in the cold machine.
And boy, do they.
Sans: Mc will not be tested. Obviously. As soon as he realises that it's a child, his 'this is my baby' instincts light up. He creates a robot body for himself, that can function like a physically present parent. Soft synthetics replace hard metal, warmth artificially flows through his bones, smiles can be played on his face. He obsesses over the creation of play rooms, entertaining non-serious puzzles, a kitchen where he can cook for her, a pretty bedroom with glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling. He essentially builds a house, right in the middle of the lab.
He knows her memory will be foggy, from the stasis. He intends to tell her he is Sans, rather than Sans' organic shadow uploaded into a digital mind where it festered and turned sociopathic. As far as she knows, he decided to turn into a robot because it was cool, and this is simply their new home together. Nobody died. Nobody was hurt. She is fine, he is fine. They are all fine.
... She wakes up in his arms. He never wants to let go.
Red: His directive, assigned directly from Sans, is to be the fun one. 'Uncle Red' must always be a joy to be around, a break from Sans, a distraction to keep her entertained. Sans makes him pretend he also used to be human, to keep her from asking too many questions. It sounds like it would be terrible... but honestly, Red delights in being the fun one. He has direct permission from Sans to play around with a child he's inherited Sans' fatherly attachment to, you can bet he'll be sneaking her off to cool secret parts of the lab.
... However... the more he spends time with her, the harder he finds it to see her living a lie. She doesn't know what happened, she doesn't even realise she's trapped, growing up in a perfect lie that Sans built for her. Red starts to wonder if he was really borne from Sans' consciousness... the two have completely different ideas of what her future should entail.
Skull: Skull is surprised when Sans requests his return, and promises not to kill him. Sans never makes promises. Sans, rather begrudgingly, understands that he needs Skull for Mc to be happy... after all, Skull is literally the conglomeration of all of Sans' most emotional parts, that he tried to throw away to stop feeling pain. Sans doesn't want to admit it, but he needs Skull- he knows he has lost the ability to easily display the love human children require. Mc will unconsciously seek out that missing part of Sans... but she'll find it in Skull.
Skull gets to enjoy a sleek new body, and he gets to care for his baby. Since Skull is raw emotion that turned into a living thing, for better and for worse there is probably no entity capable of loving her as much as Skull does. This is probably the best version of the Portal AU in which to be Skull.
Skull and Sans are happy to keep her forever. Red... Red is the only one who grows to have objections.
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yridenergyridenergy · 7 months
02/16/2024 sukekiyo - Tsumetai Chinmoku live report
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Aishita Shinzou
Kuchi ni ringo
Houmonsha X
Rongai na ikimono toshite
Kawattekuremasen deshou ka?
Yumemi doro
Tada, mada, watashi.
The show started if not on time, then way earlier than Dir en grey usually does. Yuchi, Takumi, Mika and UtA walked on stage in silence, swirvingly grabbing their instruments. Snow or ash was falling on screen, and the tour title appeared. Then, when everyone was ready, Kyo finally entered. All members were wearing their outfits from the MOAN music video, except that Kyo didn't have the head piece/veil. Instead, he had stuck pink braids drawn back almost like large bows, except that there was no knot visible. I'm quite sure that there were two on each side of his head. Based on the reflection of the light on his skin, I'm also certain that his hair is still shaved completely, and there was a clear demarkation between the circle on the top and his blank temples, so that crown of haywires with flames or fake hair seems to be tattooed permanently.
For makeup, Kyo looked like he had black dots around his eyes, but he mainly had sparkling white circular shapes around his eyebrows and the top of his cheeks.
What I remember from Margaret is all the glitter and sparks being shown on screen.
Gloss was surprisingly bare when it comes to stage effects. There were about seven poles coming down from the ceiling with a lightbulb at their end, and that was basically what was used for the entire song.
Aishita Shinzou was the beginning of a very pop-y bunch. Kyo bounced on stage like we saw him do in one of the videos from August 2023. The lighting was a mix of green and red. I remember that when singing "aiseru", he placed his hand near his crotch and swayed seductively, not sure how to better describe it though hah. The song ends with Kyo inside a pyramidal cage made of green light beams, which he stays inside until the next song, as if truly imprisoned in the moment.
Then Candis came, and the instrumental introduction was definitely a bit different than in the footage included in EROSIO. Like some of the instruments didn't make enough sound.
Anyway, Candis was extra special because they projected the venue at which the PV was recorded above and around the members, so bam: suddenly we were teleported on set. There were seemingly screens hung everywhere to show excerpts of the PV too. And when comes the time for Iya Iya Iya, that kanji pops up behind/above Kyo in the empty space that was there.
Valentina then starts without further ado, like the band wants to give the audience no rest and if they're already playing around in their bags for one penlight, might as well get that out of the way then, in the spirit of minimizing noise.
Aaaah, Valentina. All the classic moves, Kyo's right leg folding high at the knee to hit both ankles together in emphasis of "Lie Lie Lie Lie" and the "ii" in "Nakanai watashi ga ii?", although that one is definitely accompanied by a reprobatory fist on the hips, Kyo folding his arm up and down like a chicken wing. Dance!
When the one other pop song started playing after that medley, I had a very bad feeling. It was not subtle at all, the way they grouped all the pop songs together early in the show. I apprehended how the rest would be the polar opposite. And, well...
Anyway, for now, MOAN had Kyo gesture everything like in the PV, and parts of it were projected on the screen too.
I don't remember exactly for which songs, but Kyo did a lot of robotic dance moves and he seemed to hop left and right often too, as a default.
Kuchi ni ringo also had almost no stage effect. I think it was in this song that the crowd on the first floor was covered by a layer of blue light, making them completely disappear and giving the impression that there was a lake or something. And very oddly, at no point was there any red used. In fact, right after Kyo sings "That's not the bright red color I want", there's a blue light that erupts in the centre of the stage. Like, no kidding, that's not red at all. At the end, Kyo formed a kind of wide crystal shape with his index fingers and thumbs, which he would move from his abdomen outward in different directions. "Ah I want a womb" incessantly.
...aftermath on an orange autumn background...
But more important is what happened after aftermath. Kyo stepped back to his equipment next to Takumi's and promptly sat down on a plushy but otherwise ordinary high stool chair. Then, a man walked up to him from the side of the stage while the other members played a session, improvised or not. The man wore the tour long shirt, I believe, and he never turned to look at us. He pampered Kyo's forehead and cheeks two or three times with a white towel, as if to absorb the sweat, and he also (re)applied lip stick on Kyo. It was a bit funny to witness, because Kyo kept the same posture, hands by his sides legs not moving at all, hanging straight from the seat. It was as if he was a doll, but it seemed like he minimally parted his lips to help the man apply the lipstick. Rather than a doll, that gave mostly the image of a spoiled child or something. It happened for more than one layer, so maybe gloss was applied, rather than retouching the colour every time. The man swiftly left and Kyo walked hurriedly to his mic to sing lyrics that ring a bell to me, but I couldn't tell you what they were anymore.
Houmonsha X was amazing. The PV was projected on the screen. I had to remember to breathe after a while, which I'd apparently forgotten when the song started.
At first, Kyo sang before the lyrics appeared on the screen, as per the PV's English subtitles, but he seemed to fix his timing after a couple of lines. I hadn't felt that he was too early compared to the instruments, but it was otherwise done seamlessly.
Rongai had to be one of the songs where robot dance moves were used. It was intense of course, with bright spots of light appearing at every climax. At the end, Kyo only sang the first and third/last "I kill time with the likes of you", which seemed fond just because he was staring at the crowd, so it gave the impression that he didn't mean it as much as in the recorded song. And of course, there is no reverse lyric being sung or played like in the album version.
Kawattekuremasen deshou ka? came with the surprise of projected images. They showed mainly maximized ice cubes, maybe sparks too. I was somehow too absorbed in this song to memorize much from it. Next time!
Yumemi doro (not Furusaseru - I always confuse the two!) was then played and the movie projected contained a lot of swirls. Kyo dropped to the floor and swirved left and right sloooowly on his way back to a standing position. It was so smooth, effortless despite requiring strength. Oh and he was wearing his beloved pink Margiella heels, by the way. I had actually gone to see an exhibition titled "Beyond Fiber Art" at MOMAK that day and the way his knees moved below his black lace dress really reminded me of the hypnotic flows of fabric that I witnessed earlier. And yo, the other thing about Yumemi doro is thar in the newest recording, Kyo uses more diversified tones of singing than in the demo, but in this live performance, we were able to hear even more intense switches of tones. It was ingenious.
Scarlet also involved a ton of fractal swirls and the sphere of smoke, reminding me again of the art exhibition. It was a rather powerful song too, not necessarily pop but the emphasis created by showing just a couple of the lines on screen, like: "I want love" stressed the need even more.
I'm not sure in which songs anymore, but Kyo really put his hand between his legs more than once during this show. I thought Kashikomi Kashikomi would be played eventually as a reference to that, but sadly not.
Tada, mada, watashi. was performed with such strength and emotion that it was as though it was the band's eternal, signature classic. Breath-taking, really.
Hakudaku came next and it exacerbated my feeling that we were being driven to a dire end. The video showed a young woman whose face seemed to be scarred or disfigured at least on one side.
Uso was up after that and damn, of course it was emotional too. Being on the second floor/balcony, I appreciate that when Kyo gestures the "To the eyes set on tomorrow" up to us. I think that the screen displayed some sepia scenes that gave the impression of being memories.
Then, a longer pause than usual happened, with Kyo gripping his mic stand. Finally, the piano notes of Kokyuu started and ugh, I had imagined that it would be an ending song, if the band wanted to be cruel. They were ruthless. Fuck. Most of the lyrics appeared on screen both in Japanese and the English translation underneath, right in front of Kyo. At times, he stretched his arms out to the sides as if to seize possession and emphasizs those specific lines. I think it was in this song or in another with lyrics of a similar meaning, but Kyo grabbed his chest tight with both hands when relating that he couldn't be like others. He broke down for a bit with sorrow in the middle of the song. Until...
"The sadness will never end . . For whom?"
Right after uttering this in the most soft-spoken way, like in the album recording, Kyo walked off the stage. No "oyasumi", no mic drop, no nothing. For whose sake will the sadness never end, on his birthday? Puncture my heart.
Having abided by the rule to stay quiet during the show, it took Mika waving goodbye widely for us to start clapping. It continued until or during the instrumental of Margaret, clearly doubling though as everyone joined in when sukekiyo's name was displayed on the screen. The announcement was made for the July tour of four consecutive days in Kyoto.
I wish they would have played The Hole, Frameout kara no and Kashikomi Kashikomi, but I guess there's hope for a different setlist tomorrow?
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artoatsblog · 6 months
Half-Life/portal/tf2 crossover but it's a 2000's cartoon au
Gordon Freeman is our blank slate protagonist, he's 11 and just moved to town, He's bullied and doesn't have any friends until he finds out he has superpowers and it's his job to save his new town.
Chell is a goth girl who acts as (essentially) Gordon's moral compass.
Wheatley is a Mr crocker type teacher who hates Gordon and helps Caroline take over the town.
Caroline is the principal whose alternate supervillain form (named GLaDOS) main power is summoning "the all powerful nine".
They may or may not be based on the Mercs from tf2
Speeding sound (scout) is a black and white cartoon character put into the modern day, he dresses like a baseball player and in the first episode he appears in the main way of defeating him is not giving him any attention.
Powerful patriot (Soldier) is the most """Noble""" of the nine he has a skewed sense of justice and looks like a 6 ft raccoon wearing teared up army clothes he found in the dumpster probably.
Innocent inferno (Pyro) just wants to make everyone happy, granted this happiness comes from being hypnotized, but it's the thought that counts, he's/she's/they're a unicorn that looks like they're being taken over by dragon DNA, although only the unicorn parts can be seen when they're pals (victims) hypnotized to have a more "friendly" look.
Almighty alpha (demo) is a beach bum because that's the closest I can get to a PG alcoholic, He's also a wolf because... I needed another word that started with a, instead of being just connected to wizards he is one, he mostly uses his powers to hypnotize people to like him because he is very lonely and sad.
Dreaded dyr (Heavy) rarely comes to earth himself because he finds conquering humans child's Play, closest thing to a leader the nine have and looks like whatever a fat/jacked skeletor would look like.
Boastin' bronco (engineer) thinks that all humans are inferior to him, acts "real nice" to them but secretly hates every single one, he's a robot cowboy because why would you expect him to be anything else.
Medical malpractice (medic) is no angel despite his looks, similar to bronco he finds humans weak however unlike bronco he wants to improve humans by taking his favorite parts of the animal kingdom and forcing humans to be just a bit more like them, he has a human body but dove like wings, a eyeball for a head and a doctor's coat design to look like an angel's robe.
Sharp shooter (sniper) is a croc from the down under(world) doesn't talk to people and mainly stays up high to avoid being touched, He's literally just sniper but a crocodile in terms of appearance.
And finally, Shimmering shadow (spy) has the ability to possess anyone with the only downside being that the right arm is all under control of the original person he possessed, he is a pure black shadow in 2D.
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almoststedytimetravel · 4 months
Please oh please may I hear a scrap more of your thoughts on the Arena designs?
Well I mean if you insist...
First Ken and Koromaru. Koromaru design is peak and not just because he's a dog. Koro is wearing Ken's old hoddie which is peak but also does a little bit of story telling via design since it had to be Ken who adjusted the old hoddie and sewed on the wings, telling us that in between Persona 3 and Arena Ken has developed some sewing skills (and has likely worked on more practical skills because he doesn't have anyone who can do it for him).
Now Ken himself... His design is just the Gekkokan uniform with the student council arm band and evoker+holster. Which is boring, Ken's design is boring however, if I am to play devils advocate for a moment, I can kinda get what they were going for. Ken is doing his best to act like a normal middle schooler who has never experienced the horrors, meaning the lack of customisation in his uniform is reflective of his trying in fit in. Now, everyone has seen this design.
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This is one of Ken's concept designs and while this graphic only points out the Shinjiro Peacoat and the Akihiko Sweater Vest, you may also note that Ken has a pocket watch around his neck (a reference to the pocket watch from Shinjiro's portable link). While the way his collar is open is the same way Junpei's was in P3. his jacket is also undone which is a trait shared by both Makoto and Junpei (since neither Akihiko nor Shinjiro wear the school jacket in the fist place). This design also has Ken wearing gloves like Akihiko. This concept design is peak but if I has to guess why they didn't go with it, that's likely because the large coat would make Ken's animations really hard to read, specifically, it'd be really easy to lose track of Koromaru since Koro would blend in with the coat that would also cover the screen. Ken and Koro are already one of the best fighters in Arena they don't need to be made even more difficult to fight.
Now then Akihiko Sanada, he needs to be put down. That's the only adequate way I have to describe him. First of all, why does he have a knife? Second, Why is his evoker on the right side of his body in his offical art but on the left in his actual battle sprite? Third, and this one isn't character design related but, WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE HASN'T CALLED KEN IN ALMOST A YEAR?! I can get over his yapping about body building like, god forbid men have hobbies, (half of the examples people get mad at isn't even Aki talking, it's the illusion the "Protein, protein, and more protein" line is just Naoto hearing things). But, why does he look like that?! you're telling me that mr Dorky sweater vest wearer who halls around his blazer instead of wearing it is going to start dressing like this?!
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Oh and he is also supposed to be 65kg. If you want my 2 cents on how I would redesign Akihiko, personally I would put him in his epilogue clothes but with his blazer over his shoulders (and made a little longer to be both reminiscent of a cape and of Shinjiro's coat, heck maybe even make it Shinji's coat).
Yukari, Junpei, and Fuuka all look great but I don't have much to say about them, since there is nothing egregious about them. Like I said, Junpei's cross necklace is a gift from Chidori and it's a really cute reference. Junpei and Yukari are both in their "work clothes" since they both came straight from their jobs, while Fuuka is in more casual clothes, because she was with Mitsuru, Akihiko, and Aigis.
Mitsuru... She's in a skin tight battle suit with a fur coat. She's in high heals, her rapier's blade is blood red, if anyone else was dressed like that they's look so fucking ridiculous but Mitsuru pulls it off. She's serving cunt and I respect it.
Aigis switching her ribbon for a tie is kinda funny but I didn't even notice it in my play through of Arena and only noticed it when I was watching a playthrough of Q2 and the Robot who was modeled after Aigis was called Ribbon and I went "Wait a minute" and booted up Arena to check, only then did I notice the tie
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yana-revers · 2 years
if you think about it, Stormbringer is such a horror…
We have the bio-robot, the super-soldier, the scene of killing friends, the first and agonizing activation of the arahabaki, Chuuya with "angel" wings, the tough battle scene with Verlaine in true form, during which so many members of the PM die, Dazai's confidence in Chuya's humanity, Dazai admitting that he thinks of Chuuya 24/7 in front of Verlaine, the whole N fucking body horror thing where Chuuya dies in his own arms, the endless existential questions of "who am I? ", Dazai lets Chuuya make the decision to activate Arahabaka himself, and then thinks urgently about a new plan, figuring that Chuya won't want to use the true form of the ability, and lots of lots of forgiveness…
Ah, and an epilogue with Chuuya's family, "The Port Mafia is my family," an epilogue with a living Verlaine, another death scene of Rimbaud
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