#even if I personally don’t view Larry and bbg as one and the same
twelvedaysinaugust · 2 years
Hello hello! Was just scrolling through and reading about Louis DM thing and then pointing at the Larry is real sign and wanted to share some thoughts. I don’t agree that he’s been larrybaiting, to be honest I think he’s been very consistently distancing himself from Larry and Harry. I have seen all the videos of the pointing from different angles, and I don’t think it’s possible for us to be absolutely certain of what he was pointing at? Like, he could’ve been pointing to a fan behind that or close to it? On the other hand, the video of him speaking with F at the concert convinced me much more. You could see the emotion in his eyes and hear it in his voice when he said “love you”. And I was also here in 2015 and 2016 and if you asked me then if I believed he was his dad I would have said fuck no. It was a shit show. But today? It’s impossible for me not to believe he’s the father of the kid. It’d be too much of a charade even for the most crazy Hollywood people, 7 years of this. I also don’t get the people who argument ‘Louis is MIA so he’s with Harry’, then say “he’s never with the kid”… mmm it doesn’t make sense to have this double standard? He could be on the moon for what we know, so why not with his son? I’m sorry I didn’t want this to turn into “he’s a father” manifest, I think my point is that I have seen more of him taking his distance from it rather than “signaling” anything even remotely related to Harry. I don’t know what it means for their relationship, I don’t necessarily think having a kid means Larry was never real or anything like that, but in the present day I don’t think it’s fair to accuse him of larrybaiting because he hasn’t really done much in that sense in ages, while he is being vocal about his kid. The DM thing also annoyed me because exactly of what your anon said, and yeah should he finally be loud and clarify how he feels? Probably, but then again I can also forgive him on that as long as it doesn’t feel like he’s leading larries on, and to me it doesn’t. Quite the opposite honestly, with the son mentions etc. But I want to hear your point of view, am I being too naive?
Okay, so forgive me, but I'm going to keep this brief. Personally, I don't view Larry and bbg as one and the same. I was in the audience, in the pit, at the LA show you mention. I don't think Louis' sentiment was disingenuous - I think he meant what he said to Freddie. But I've already talked a lot about that night and my thoughts on it, so we're just going to leave it be. I feel reasonably certain that Louis acknowledged at least some of the Larry signs on tour and it would take a lot to change my opinion on that. It happened at the LA shows, too and Charlie even filmed the fans who brought the RBB (very curious to see how/if that footage will be used).
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twelvedaysinaugust · 2 years
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