#and if Louis is simply baiting fans
louisisalarrie · 7 months
Also I haven’t seen any solo Louies say what you just mentioned [hating Harry & saying he is sabotaging Louis]
Haven't you come across this notorious blog? She has run a hate blog for Harry since 2019 and thinks Sony is still sabotaging Louis' career so that all the fans go to Harry. All the louies who liked this post think the same.
Woweee no I have never come across this blog before. I had to read this post like 3 times to gather some thoughts on it, Christ. It’s a bit of a mess, this post, a jumble of a lot of emotion and ideas, but I’ll do my best to make some commentary. Anon, and by extension OP, welcome to the show.
First off, I’d like to say that while Harry’s team, the Azoffs, did groom him from a young age and grabbed him the second they could to push a solo career and use him as a money maker, Louis, Zayn, and Liam being inactive to a degree does NOT mean that Harry’s team silenced them. And Harry’s success wasn’t entirely dependant on their silence (it helped, sure, but my point stands). While Azoff already has a massive monopoly in the industry, they knew the right ways to push, market, and deliver Harry Styles™️ to the public. That’s why the Azoffs are so big, because they’re good at what they do, and have held a legacy for a long time. Harry was picked up by them for a reason, and we all knew early on that Harry was always going to be the golden child. He was always marketed as it, from the very beginning of 1d, and they took advantage of that. Harry was the most famous member during 1d, and he had the potential to get bigger, more flamboyant, and appeal to a wider audience. It’s very simple marketing. It’s how a career grows. It’s how managers choose their clients. It’s why A&R positions exist.
Secondly, I know it has been a topic of discussion for a long time, but Harry not denying Larry is just a thing that’s happened. Whether you believe it’s because Louis was protective and took it on the chin as the older one in the relationship, or whether you think 1d’s team didn’t think Harry would be able to handle it/make it convincing, or whether it was simply to keep Larry as a topic still up for discussion because we held on to the fact Harry never denied it, is up to you. However, if the OP wants to talk about queerbaiting, let’s do it.
So, queerbaiting, or larry baiting, or whatever people in this fandom are calling it these days, can exist to an extent (before it truly becomes unethical). Sexually ambiguous pop stars in this day and age gains traction, gains attention, double the news stories and double the scandals. Yes, I agree that Harry’s team play up his image to keep people interested, and yes, I believe Harry truly enjoys dressing/acting more freely in his life. I believe that yes, he is allowed to act more himself and open, but still under the umbrella of stunts and needing to keep his sexuality open for interpretation to leave a space open for said stunts. I mean… people are speculating his sexuality alllllll the time, while still getting the added bonus of news articles with TR… it’s working, right?
I think, personally, OP is demonising Harry as a person, and slips in and out of the public narrative at times. Like, they believe it’s his team, but also Harry encouraging it. And I don’t think it’s the case. I think Harry is doing what he can right now, in the circumstances that he’s in. He’s at the high point of his career, the peak, you really think he’s gonna argue with his team to a point of losing everything he has??? Like I’m sorry, but simply put, if Harry gets dropped from a major music team like the Azoffs, they’ll ruin his career and any plans he has for the future. Tragically, he’s so reliant on them as well, because he knows that if he ducks out now, he’ll probably have like 2 years left of a dying solo career, and a lot of harries will leave. Not the die hard fans, sure, but the GP and more casual fans won’t be attending his shows, because he won’t have that platform anymore. It’ll be absolute crash and burn. And if he wants to do that, I think he’ll risk it all and do it with Louis, or do it when he’s contractually allowed to, without burning all his bridges. He’s under some seriously strict clauses right now (pls just trust me on that), but people seem to not recognise that due to the fact he’s more “free” now. It’s a problem, and continues to divide the fandom due to a lack of understanding of contractual obligations and toxic solos.
The whole thing of him recently where he showed up to the footy not as flamboyant as he usually is, is sooooooo dumb. Like, the fact people are saying he’s straight because of that? Truly shows you what an image and narrative can do. Anyway, let’s carry on.
So, I actually had never seen Euphoria and forgot entirely about that whole thing until my housemate made me start watching it and I got so shocked HAHA. But… I do find it extremely interesting that there seemed to be a lack of approval and it went to air. Using their names and likeness and throwing us and fic writers into the mix was not necessary for that scene to go ahead. Also, it’s a well known topic that causes some serious shit when it’s brought up. Perhaps there’s some sneaky little loopholes the writer used, I can think of a couple actually, but I’d have to dig deeper to make sure I’m getting my terminology right, but yeah. If that can go to air without problem, and Louis tweeting after the fact “I can categorically say that I was not contacted nor did I approve it”, speaks volumes. He didn’t get super aggressive, deny Larry, whatever. He made it clear that he didn’t approve it because like… why the hell would he? Why would Harry? They’d much rather have that part of their lives private and not aired like that, and god even if they weren’t together, that would’ve been horrible to see too. Euphoria fucked up for that, and breached fandom/band/GP crossover big time.
However, OP seems to think that Harry and/or his team approved it. That it was another one of his marketing ploys, using Larry as “fresh meat for Harry’s fetishizing, fantasizing, mostly heterosexual female fans” which, yeah. I get what they mean, but Harries don’t tend to like Larry. It’s not a tried and true method, like the stunting has been. In fact, I imagine it made a lot of Harries very angry and turned off of Euphoria and just caused a bunch of fighting instead. And trust me, Harry, nor his team, would’ve signed off on that shit. Absolutely no way. That doesn’t fit what they’re pushing, it just… doesn’t. And being mad about Harry not saying anything, well… it is what it is. I don’t think he needs to. I think Louis often says enough for the both of him, and is in a very different situation to Harry anyway.
Anyway, the further down this post from OP we go, the more bitter it seems to get, and the more emotional. They say how Louis’ overcome the odds, how he’s thriving, and yeah, that’s true. It’s just not necessary to compare them because that doesn’t make sense, in industry standards and trends.
Then, we head onto Harry “siding with the abusers and colonizers, because that’s where the money and fame are” which is a… uh… yikes statement? Sure, he’s been around some questionable folks. Sure, he’s stayed silent on topics that if he could comment on, he would. But his position in the industry requires him to rub shoulders with these people. It’s work. And it sucks. But simply put, would they be saying the same if Louis was hanging out with those people? Because if they would, then good on them for holding their values so highly. But unfortunately, it is almost impossible to consume any kind of media these days without someone horrible having been involved in the creation, promotion, or acting adjacent to the creator of the art or the art itself. So, yeah. It’s not something we should be silent about, I’m not saying it’s okay, but that won’t change for years and years and years to come. Plus, see above when I talk about him losing his career. Because yep, that’ll happen if he speaks up, too.
Next, OP says a bunch more nasty things about Harry, and then contradicts themself, and then the final sentence basically says that he’s made his bed, he’s sided with oppression and greed, and… idk, I feel like OP’s post jumps around so much, and fails to hit home with the point they’re trying to make, because it is so emotional.
Listen, we all love Louis, and it can feel frustrating to see Harry shoot out into the stars ahead of the other boys, and that of course can cause resentment and anger. I’m not blaming the OP for having those feelings whatsoever, I just think they maybe need to analyse a deeper split of Harry, Harry Styles™️, and how much control artists at that level actually have over their career. And it is a real shame that this is what it’s come to. And so many Larries turned into solos, and with Harry and Louis acting quite outspoken in very opposite ways, it’s easy to see the split of fans leaning one way or the other. But, I don’t like to see this kind of anger towards the boys themselves. Get angry at the industry. Fight the belly of the beast.
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hermit-frog · 3 months
I love how those lestat fans anons are so angered by Louis lmao LDPDL the power that you have! He makes them loose their mind over his beautiful existence. They cannot comprehend how enthralling and compelling he is as a character. And why their fave is at his feet and will always be.
I'm always laughing when lestat fans complain about Louis being whiny when he has legit reasons to be sad and complain about his life. But if we have to point out fingers at whiny people, Lestat is right there. Like this man is the definition of whiny and pathetic. His fans have to brass themselves because we're going to see more of this side of him in s3.
But like Jacob said "fuck Lestat". This abusive asshole of a man was never worthy of Louis and I'm glad Louis choose himself. Had their reunion in that shack and he said "it was nice seeing you but that's about it. I love my life as it is right now and I wouldn't change it for anyone. Adieu!✌️"
that was blatant bait, just wanted to share
Louis is such a complex and deeply layered character, idk how people can find him uninteresting. He is kind of silently gloomy, he likes to ponder, soak in his sadness and grief. He expresses it with anger (at others and himself). A very depressed vampire, love that closure he got for himself, growth✨ (ignoring the implication of that ending).
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Lestat is a narcissistic drama queen. I find both characters interesting, but Louis is my fav while Lestat is on the bottom, he's (unintentionally) hilarious, but i just simply don't think about him (if i do, i either laugh or get mad), while i could discuss Louis for hours. I am biased, ik, but idc, i love him unconditionally. It's hard to hate bookStat because he's so stupid it's funny, showStat is also stupid af, but he pisses me off more, i will never get over how he treated both Louis and Claudia, what he did to them. I'm happy for Louis tho 💖
it's silly to have a one-sided beef with a fictional character, i appreciate what Lestat's character is portraying in the show, he's simply a tool to share a certain idea/message/story after all. my problem centers on the reception he gets. the double standards when it comes to Louis and Claudia, insane.
it would be so funny when we get to s3, and the “real” Lestat, from his own pov, is even worse lmao, he's such a clown. i mean, i was reading the books and i just, i can't even be mad because of the ridiculousness? 😂
oh hey Niki, why u crying lol anyway, i'm leaving today, going to trave. oh, about that, do you remember that fucked up scary ass vamp who had kidnapped and tortured you? yeah, the one who had released you literally just this morning ha ha... so, i'm leaving you with him and his minions, yeah those guys, i think it will be a nice experience for you. oh, no, don't cry! i know that you already miss me but i can't take you with me, i'll write you tho. oh, please stop the hysterics, it's not that serious, you will see me soon. very cute of you to cry because you love me so much btw :/ anyway, have fun, make new friends, i'm sure you'll have lots of great experiences ;) x
lestat had really listened to armand's backstory, and was like, hm, this marius guy, would love to meet and be friends with him. lmao 😭 and then rubs it in armand's face? i can't. there was a similar post, but i can't find it, i'll try to do something similar. so all this time you though marius was dead, crying yourself to sleep, wishing he'd save you, grieving him? yeah, so he's actually... doing great? yep, this whole time lol oh, and he came to me, like, immediately ha ha ha. we had so much fun. remember his secret he refused to share with you? no, no, he hadn't just told me, he took me to them! can you believe it, lmaaaao. and then i drank our mother's blood, mmm😏.... just made realize, since i am my mother's maker, it makes me her father and master😏...i will return to these thoughts later today, once i'm alone))) oh, yeah, so marius was like, if you tell anyone i'm going to kill everyone you love and then you. but then he was like, jk lol he even game a loving nickname, so silly. are you sure it's the same guy who had beat the living shit out of you over nothing? the one from whom you had to hide under some chick's bed? naaah, can't be him. he says i'm his favorite, which is ridiculous because we knew each other for days, ha ha ha
and with the body thief, jesus christ (talking about jesus christ😏yep), lestat. oh, so this random guy, who has been stalking me, who steals bodies (he said so himself, and even tried to steal mine without my consent lol), that everyone had warned me about, suggested to swap bodies for like a week, and he promised to give mine back, so nice of him. obviously i had accepted lol, but i think he might have tricked me??? like, he left me with nothing? but that wasn't sus tho. but he haven't shoved up to switch our bodies back, so weird, really didn't expect this :/ anyway, pissing sucks, and i really want to fuck that old man david, oh and for some reason my brain has connected him to claudia??? yea, but i wanna hit real bad (to be fair lestat wants to bang everyone)
i have a new daughter now, she's married to my clone btw ;)
the core of all the vamps, the spirit Amel: *looks and acts just like Lestat* Lestat: i want you so bad🥵
normal person: Hello, my name is -. lestat: I’m the vampire Lestat. I’m six feet tall, have blue-gray eyes that sometimes appear violet, and a lean athletic build. My hair is blond and thick and hangs to my shoulders, and over the years it has become lighter so that at times it seems pure white. My face is square, my mouth full and sensual, my nose insignificant, and I am perhaps one of the most conventional looking of the Undead you’ll ever see. Almost all vampires are beautiful. They are picked for their beauty. But I have the boring appeal of a Matinee Idol-
you can't make this shit up, those books were a trip
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twopoppies · 1 year
Hi Gina.. I've a question.. I joined the fandom when HL were declared as partners on their Google pages and since then I've not seen them interacting with eachother. Recently saw your response that they have not publicly interacted like you know to and fro for 8 years now.. but every couple of months, we get such articles saying they are best buds.. on twitter when I've joined fandom, everyone were saying ohh they've started friendship narrative and it would be interesting going forward and shortly they would be seen in same places & all such theories.. but it has been the same for as long as I've been here..
All these articles usually mean anything or they are just click bait??you know because they know that if HL are mentioned together it would be viral in short span in the fandom??
Hi sweetheart. I’d suggest paying very little to what twitter gets super excited about. That “friendship narrative” theory has been going around since 2014. It’s not happening. And checkerboards don’t mean babygate is about to end, either.
I think some of these insignificant outlets will write stuff based on fan theories and are simply click bait. None of them know anything about what Harry or Louis are doing. If their teams want something spread, it’s going to be syndicated by PR teams. It’s not going to be some random article in Life & Style or whatever rinky dink publication.
So, no. There’s been no back and forth between them since the band went on “hiatus”. The belief they’re still together, as far as I can tell, comes mostly from song lyrics and occasional behavioral patterns/interactions on their part.
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theundeadelf · 2 years
Not to teleport what is ultimately very minor Twitter drama over to Tumblr but I'm seeing a few people on there saying they don't consider the last few VC books canon???
Going to be discussing book spoilers below the cut....
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Okay. Uh, in all seriousness here. I completely understand why someone might think that way. There was a large publishing gap between Blood Canticle and Prince Lestat, and the latter effectively acts as a reboot. It and Atlantis go a little off the rails in terms of... everything? And although I haven't read them, the general consensus of the last three books seems to be, "utterly wacky and stupid plot but at least Louis and Lestat get back together."
I get hating any or all of the books. I get not reading them because of Anne Rice, the heavy themes, the problematic themes, the declining quality of the writing, any combination of David and Marius, or even because Louis and Lestat getting together feels a little undeserved or unrealistic or simply not written well. I understand if you prefer Louis/Armand or Lestat/Anyone Else/Himself/No One. I get reading the first three and ignoring the rest, or picking and choosing the ones you like.
But. The books were written regardless, they ended in a certain way, and they are what AMC brought the rights to. They are obviously free to change whatever they want, sure, there's not an absolute guarantee that Lestat and Louis will end up in their castle dancing the night away like they do in Blood Communion. If nothing else, The Magicians has singlehandedly ensured that I'll never fully trust showrunners and adaptations ever again. The endgame pairings could be Lestat/Rowan, Louis/Daniel or Lestat/Louis/Armand/Daniel/Rashid. Nandor could make a cameo and so could Bella Swan. Who knows!
BUT, given a lot of fans of the show haven't read the books, I don't think it's very helpful either to tell them "Louis and Lestat don't end up together?"
Not when they absolutely irrefutably do in the only medium we have access to. It may not be what you wanted. It probably could've been written x10 better and definitely has somewhere. You don't have to personally think of it as canon. Frame it as, Louis/Lestat get together in the books but here's my 100k Louis/Armand fix-it fic, or here's my AU where the weird alien subplot never happened.
But don't mislead people into thinking there's somehow a tragic ending (that we know of, given that the show could do whatever)?? At the end of the day, what is the point other than to upset or annoy people who've so quickly become invested in the characters??
I mean, bait might also be the point, in which case touché.
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alarrytale · 4 months
Dylan has new music out there so I’m sure she wanted to try out those songs for a new crowd. That song is a couple years old already. There was also a big Twitter fight when she announced that she was playing at afhf between all the fandoms. It was a cute way she announced it but solo harries got involved pulling Larries and Louies into it and she was sort of stuck in the middle. Having her invited to afhf was because Louis met her at the rolling stone event and he liked her music, not to Larry-bait. And if she decided to pull her own older song from the setlist then she can do so. Her musical talents and louis’ eye for choosing musicians shouldn’t be reduced to Larry. As a Larrie myself, I can say not everything is about Larry. Especially not a woman’s musical talents or her own set choice. That’s pretty misogynistic actually and disappointing that people would even have that thought process. I would hope Larries wouldn’t show up to afhf just to hear an opener sing one 2 year old song because it’s considered a Harry song. If that’s the case, then maybe Larries are really just Harries, who sort of like Louis because he’s Harry’s partner. And only follow louis for this relationship. Maybe when it comes to a festival that Louis created on his own, his fans could simply acknowledge that. Imagine being reduced to someone’s partner after accomplishing something like that for 4 years. This goes for Harry too. His achievements are his own also. As an actual valid criticism of his show last night, he needs to reduce the # of 1D covers. Maybe not a popular opinion but he should highlight his own music as a musician, 3 was too many and he has so many good solo songs. 505 will hopefully stay because that went viral with even Arctic monkeys’ fans liking it more than the original. Honestly, Louis needs a break though. Touring for a couple years like this, isn’t good for a person and can definitely burn a musician out. Having to fly to the next location right after shows and too many extreme temp changes. Some things just look better on paper but in realty it’s too much. This isn’t like residencies where they play the same location for numerous shows, it’s a lot of traveling in a short span of time with this leg.
Hi, anon!
I know she has new songs out, but this is kind of like H not playing As it was or Louis not singing Chicago when in Chicago lol. Dylan first landed on people's radars because of YNQHS and it was people in this fandom who started to give her a bit of mainstream attention. It's just not possible that she made the decision that she'd rather play some of her new songs and skip the fan favourite. The one everyone has been talking about and looking forward to hearing her perform. I just don't believe it was her choice not to do it.
I also think Louis knew of Dylan because of her Harry song. It's not like he met her and then found out after. I don't believe that at least. Not everything is about larry and her song is about Harry. It's a song from a harrie about Harry! It's got nothing to do with larry? It's just funny he invited a harrie to perform a song about his bandmate (and spouse)? It's also her choice what to perform, but it's not misogynistic to want her to perform her most famous song and the most relatable song to the festival audience? It's also a bad career move for her, so that makes me pretty sure it was not her that pulled it.
Also, larries are there for louis. Harries though and directioners might be drawn to Dylan and her relatable song about Harry. Also, you can be a larrie without being into louis solo music, but want to meet other larries and enjoy the festival and other acts.
I have no opinion about the number of 1D covers he does vs his own songs. I see people having different opinions. I'd change them all out for No Control though. I do think he needs a break and he'll hopfully have one after the summer is over.
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twelvedaysinaugust · 2 years
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awesomefringey · 2 years
Why am I a bad person for believing his kid is his? How does this make me homophobic? Can’t we all just accept that people have different opinions in this fandom and that they are also being vocal about it? This is not about winning a game. It shouldn’t be a gang war between different groups in this fandom.
I have nothing against anyone, i simply disagree with many theories in this fandom so im probably not a larrie by definition but more somewhere in between. I would love to discuss different perspectives especially regarding all the things that happend this year. But it’s not possible bc everybody only sticks to their own theories. Nothing else seems to be allowed. Taking Larry aside, I think questioning Louis or Harry’s actions sometimes doesn’t make you a bad fan. It’s fair to do so, sometimes. Not everything is black and white. No need to call out people just bc they don’t agree with you. And you are probably confused why I’m even on your blog. It’s bc i agree with some things that come from larries. There’s also lot of stuff that I can relate to that comes from other parts of the fandom. It’s hard to find a space where you can discuss different opinions in a more unbiased and neutral way. Maybe you can understand what I’m trying to say, at least a little bit. I understand what you believe and where it’s coming from and I respect that (not the bbg part, I must add but nevermind :))
All the love
Hi nonnie, I admire that you can remain open for every opinion, but you’re in a very comfortable position, on anonymous and not being a target.
Whilst asking me, a (“no stunts” as they say on Twitter) Larrie, why they’re not willing to accept other people’s opinions. You’re singling out that one group in the fandom whose stance is in itself the most burdensome, the most painful, in order to support them in the shit closet they’re stuck in. In order to celebrate the good people Louis and Harry are.
Yet we are relentlessly harassed, bullied, doxxed, hated on, called out, fooled, used, attacked. Yet our opinions are the least acceptable nowadays in this fandom. So don’t come to me and ask for validation and acceptance - on anon, maybe lurking for me to take some bait so you can come back and reveal you’re actually an anti having a field day.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that we’re all so sensitive. No one actually wants talk opinions and have a discourse with Larries, so we will shut you out and huddle and won’t trust anyone. That’s why I don’t trust you one bit, nonnie. Don’t take it personally.
And while the new influx of Larries has grown Louis’ fanbase in quantity not quality (mostly teenage Larries who are willing to accept Louis is closeted but not that closeted, he is probably bi, Larry broke up in 2015, Louis had an oops baby and now Larry is back together, they’re coming out soon, they made it, everything’s a scavenger hunt and oh Hamille was defo real cause they were cute or whatever), it has become harder to talk to one another in a proper discourse. Even the “respectful Larries” are going at “no stunt” Larries now. (And RIP rEsPeCtfUl Twarries because Louis is uncomfortable with all of us apparently, you too!)
But we are being attacked from all sides, not only from within:
There are Louies who in general don’t care about Louis’ private life (his sexual label, his love life, his partner) and enjoy his music with zero links to his personal experiences I guess, they say they stan the artist and probably don’t really care what Louis wants to say with his music. I guess they’re the most casual fans but will claim their neutrality wherever they can - unsolicited. Like you, they’d go to Larries and asking what the fuck our problem is. (Just in comparison, I believe Harry has managed to gain loads of new fans of that caliber.)
There are Louies that ship Louis’ private het life the way it’s presented in every gossip mag and interview. They follow Eleanor, create fan pages for the kid, fan pages for Elounor, follow all of the Tomlishians around. Most of them are ready to fight Larries without hesitation.
There are Louies that are rads, who believe Louis is gay, was in a toxic relationship with Harry, shit on him, his looks, his music any way they can, blame him and the Azoffs for sabotaging Louis’ career but also say Harry’s obsessed with Louis still, hence all the songs and stuff. They spend a lot of their time in the fandom looking up Larrie blogs to bully them.
And there are Louies that are antis, who spend their days solely fighting Larries, trying to win whatever fight for Louis’ straightness. It’s their only mission.
Everyone above feels encouraged to blame Larries for everything. Daily. So excuse me, when my opinion hurts your feelings a bit, but I’m not too worried about you since you’d be welcomed with open arms literally everywhere else! 💜
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Saw your post about Louis shirt that had a letter H on it and how that could mean something. How do we know he picked that out himself? Even for a livestream he could’ve had a stylist pick out his outfit or give him a couple options. I have a hard time reading too much into t-shirt ya know?
Hi anon,
It very well may be one of the options of clothing his stylist presented him with. But it certainly wasn’t his stylist coming to him and being like “hey wear this”. Like he has a choice. His stylist likely had several options that they came up with of different outfits he could wear. We don’t know if the shirt was a coincidence - like if it just happened to be one of the options or if it was planned and asked for.
But regardless of that, he knew exactly what it would mean for him to wear the letter H on his chest. He’s not an idiot nor oblivious to his own fans and fandom. Plus H is Harry’s nickname. And he very well knows that. So regardless of how he came upon that shirt, his choice to actually wear it for his show was very intentional.
I mean, put yourself in his shoes. Having lived the last 10 years having a super intense fanbase, who are notorious for looking into every small detail, and a fanbase he knows is comprised of millions of people who think you are dating Harry. You see that shirt, and you’re like “oh I already know what they’re gonna think”. There’s no way he’s unaware of that. 
He knows what kind of message that would send.
And in regards to him using that to “lead larries on” or “bait larries”, I also don’t think that’s the case. This was his biggest solo show ever. Why would he do such a major thing simply to appease and continue to bait? Especially when the narrative is that he finds it annoying? He could very simply have picked a different tshirt. Like an Umbro shirt he loves to wear. Larries wouldn’t have been disappointed or “unlarried” if he had not worn the H shirt. Everyone was excited for his show. Including larries. If this is about baiting us in order to keep his fanbase and he chose to do that by overshadowing his own gig by wearing Harry’s name...like that simply makes zero sense to me. It also doesn’t sound very much like Louis. Like that Livestream was a moment for him. For his career. For himself. I don’t see him “tainting” that with a cheap bait towards his ex boyfriend/bandmate (as non-larries say).
Like if I had a massive project coming up that I worked hard for, I would not get up on that stage and wear my ex’s initials. No thanks. This is my moment. Or I also wouldn’t wear the initials of someone the public thinks I’m involved with but that I’ve denied several times. No thanks. This is my moment. To say my words. To show the world who I am and what I have to say.
I especially wouldn’t do that if I had a partner who I have been dating for the past 7-whatever years. Do you understand just HOW disrespectful that is to them? I’ve been with my partner for over 6 years, I’d be devastated if they did that. If my partner showed up wearing the initials of their ex during a big show like that I would be up the walls in hurt, disrespect, anger. Honestly. It would signal to me they don’t respect me or care about me or my feelings at all. PR baiting be damned. He would not do that, especially since he said that it’s allegedly "a bit disrespectful to me gf Eleanor”. Please.
Note: in reference to this post
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wellthatwasaletdown · 2 years
Louis could have simply avoid this song and he could have chosen any other song from this band. //
Maybe he just got fucking tired of HSHQ larry baiting again and again? Is he not allowed to express his annoyance? It is a thing that has impacted his career the most. It's not his fault larries spin the entire thing however times he goes on to deny it . I have said this before stakes for him are higher . He is the one having to literally prove to delusional fans his son is real . His gf is real . His family being hounded in so many ways that his mother had to delete all photos of Freddie before her death bcuz she couldnt defend him. Meanwhile for Harry it's just a way to pander to set of fans to earn money. It's Harry who makes campaigns like Eroda and YAH .
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cosmicleeds · 3 years
Heyy arden! I wanted to ask you about something that has been buging me for a while now.I hope i dont come across disrespectful to louis or harry in any way with this question. Like do you think harry or louis might be larrybaiting? I actually dont wanna believe that they do because its literally about closetting people and which is very disrespectful but i saw a lot of tweets about harry and louis might be larrybaiting and that confused me so i am asking for your opinion about this.
hi! I think this is a complex thing that we’ll never know the true answer to. I do agree that it would be a quite disrespectful and messed up thing to do if two people weren’t in a queer relationship but used it to manipulate the part of their fanbase that supports it under the guise of being closeted.
harry and louis do have teams though that are working to appeal and market to two separate sides of their fanbases (i.e. the larrie side and the anti side) and I do think sometimes they might operate under a “trying to please both sides” system. I guess I totally understand why harry’s team would tag the word “larry” in the coding of his music videos to increase views, but not necessarily in a manipulative way. it’s a huge portion of his fanbase and they know that.
but for the most part, no, I don’t think either of them “larrybait” in the calculated and malicious way that anti’s say they do. it’s simply a term they have made up to make themselves feel better about things they refuse to understand, and use it to shame larries when they have no other argument to make. it’s quite confusing too, because they say that larry makes H&L so “uncomfortable” and that they “want nothing to do with it” yet also say that H&L use larry for promo and to bait their fans? hm.
it’s all a very unusual accusation to me, but there’s a lot of layers to it
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smokeybrand · 4 years
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: You Should See Me in a Crown
I’m not a massive fan of the classic Sherlock Holmes tales. I’ve read them all and appreciate the legacy and what they’ve inspired in other works, but they’ve never been my favorite tales. I actually enjoy the various interpretations and re-imaginings much more than the core mythos. I like RDJ’s take in film and the more modern spin with Elementary but, by far, my favorite rendition of Sherlock was the BBC version that made Benadryl Cumquatt a star. That show is inspired, at least the first two seasons, and it blessed me with one of the greatest television villains i have ever had the pleasure of witnessing; Andrew Scott’s Moriarty. My goodness, is he the greatest adaption of that villain! He even looks the part. I say all of this because Enola Holmes dropped today on Netflix. It’s a completely different take on the Holmes mythos centering on Sherlock’s younger sister, Enola and starring Millie Bobby Brown of Stranger Things fame. This is her vehicle, i think she’s producing it, so I'm curious how well it’ll fare. These Stranger kids are all growing up and trying to transition into adult stardom. Finn Wolfhard is doing fine and Millie seems to be taking things into her own hands. Let’s see in those hands are steady enough to push her into the next phase of her career.
The Good
I’m not one for that old timey Victorian aesthetic but i can appreciate the effort it must take to give it life in the modern age. The costumes and sets in this thing are exquisite. This is gorgeous and meticulously crafted film.
This film’s direction is pretty okay. The narrative, itself, leaves a lot to be desired but what is presented, has been deftly constructed. Credit to Harry Bradbeer for that. Dude has directed a few episodes of both Fleabag and Killing Eve so he’s got the chops. I just wish the fare this time was a little more substantial so he could really sink his chops into it.
This cast is loaded. There are several names in supporting roles worth note. Adeel Akhtar, Fiona Shaw, Frances de la Tour, and Susie Wokama all make memorable appearances. Louis Partridge is a little flaccid in the love interest role but he does enough to distract.
Millie Bobby Brown makes this movie. Her Enola Holmes is brilliant, witty, and full of that ardent, rebellious, energy all teenage girls are filled with. Though er story is one of mystery and intrigue, it is, first and foremost, kind of a coming-of-age tale. Brown does a decent job carrying this film and never falters in the same space as older, seasoned, actors like Helena Bonham Carter and Fiona Shaw.
Henry Cavill is basically playing Superman. His Sherlock Holmes is easily the weakest I've ever seen. Dude simply doesn’t have the chops to pull this off. I might be judging him too harshly considering the caliber of actor to have filled this role and made it their own in recent times. These are big shoes to fill but they fit ill on Cavill. This ain’t his story so we don’t really get to see that brilliant deduction but i don’t know that he could have pulled it off even if we did.
Helena Bonham Carter as the Holmes matriarch, Eudoria, is a pleasure. She steals every scene she’s in, even if there aren’t many. The Mrs. Holmes is mostly absent but the specter of her charisma permeates every facet of this film and it’s very welcomed. I just wish there was more of her.
Sam Caflin’s Mycroft Holmes is a very interesting take on the character. Dude is effectively the villain of this narrative. He’s out to force Enola into doing everything she doesn’t want. Dude is the overbearing pops or whatever. It’s awkward seeing Mycroft this way but he is ably portrayed by Caflin so i don’t have too big an issue with him.
The Bad
This thing exudes female energy. It is every bit Enola’s story. Now, I'm not too mad at that. Millie is decent in the role and it is unmistakably her film but that is, in this current climate, very abrasive to some. There is a strong feminist slant in how this narrative is presented and that might turn a lot of people off, depending on if they feel that is “controversial” or not.
There is just SO much exposition in this thing. It’s the nature of the genre, cats have to talk there way through problems or whatever but I've seen this part of these types of stories done much better. Sherlock, for example, found a way to visualize this and did it very well in the first two seasons. This film does not do that. It’s not super terrible but it did take me out of the story a little bit.
The music in this is very distracting. There aren’t many scene where the narrative just let’s you breathes. There’s always a whimsical swell or a punctuation flare to emphasize a shot. This feels like a callow tactic to give more levity and agency to the film where there really isn’t any to be had.
The writing in this is kind of weak. I thought, with how everything was progressing, that it might have been written by several people bu it wasn’t. One person crafted this tale; Jack Thorne. I’m really familiar with the bulk of his work but, if it’ anything like this, i imagine his is an underwhelming catalog.
This thing doesn’t feel like a movie. It feels like a series or that it should have been a series. I don’t see how this thing could have succeeded in the theater and it should count it’s blessings it found a home on Netflix because this definitely would have flopped. This thing feels like a proper Netflix movie, not a Hollywood outing.
As if to dive my previous point home, this is definitely sequel fodder. This film was made with several to follow in mind. Enola Holmes is a whole ass book series so there is definitely material to be had there. There’s six book so content isn’t lacking but i kind of feel like that ending should have felt a little more finite. This cash grab attempt at film universes and sequel bait is the most disingenuous sh*t ever outside of microtransactions in games and i kind of hate it. It’s wild to see everyone release sub-par entries on the hope they can patch the sh*t with sequels but everyone forgets that Iron Man was exceptional. It’s easily the third best MCU film and was the first to release. That first film has to be solid enough to bare the weight of a entire franchise and Enola Holmes ain’t doing that level of heavy lifting.
This film wears it’s Young Adult categorization like a badge of honor. You can tell this film is just a step and a half up from the likes of Riverdale or Nancy Drew. As a grown as man, this was not for me and i understand that very well. That said, it falls into that same, tropey, nothingness that the worst of the YA genre is known for, which is all the more reason this should have been a serial not a film. It’s not aggressive in it’s cliche but, if you’ve seen as many films as i have, you pick up on it immediately. For me, that’s the biggest issue with the film but for others. it might not even be worth mentioning.
The Verdict
Enola Holmes is a very cute, but flawed, viewing experience. It’s an interesting take on the Sherlock formula, injected with all of the GRRRL power you’d expect from a film starring a teenage woman in the lead. It’s not pretentious or forceful about it’s messaging but you definitely understand that there is a message it wants to convey. Millie Bobby Brown is excellent as Enola, easily the second best thing about this movie after the scenery chewing Bonham Carter, and there are some strong supporting performances. Cavill is a miss as Sherlock and Mycroft might as well be a mustache twirling villain but, in service to this particular narrative, the change in character makes sense. The film, itself, is ably directed and it’s a legitimately gorgeous watch but there are severe shortcomings. The writing is pedestrian, the plot is cliche, and to cover up these weaknesses, the music is leaned on too heavily. The foremost mystery isn’t one of true merit, i figured it out about halfway through, and it eschews the real conundrum for later time. The whole premise of this movie delivers a relatively intriguing situation but that is left for a later film to resolve and i kind of hate it. Sh*t was mad bogus. None of these issues are very pressing but they are noticeable and, at times, a little grating. Still, i was never bored and it is a rather well put together film, overall, even if it does feel like it should have been a proper miniseries. Enola Holmes is worth a watch but, understand, mileage may vary. I thought there was potential going forward but this thing should have definitely been a series and not a film.
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silverfoxlou · 4 years
I’m sure Harry is not reading Louis The Fish and this is Capital larry baiting by linking the book with AY for clicks which they will get cuz larries are so excited. For all of the Louis, 1d, Larry, Freddie, Beiana, Eleanor mentions Capital does, it’d be nice if they had played Louis’ songs since ‘17.
Yeah, he’s not actually reading that book (at least be better not be). I’m pretty sure Capital FM saw this tweet and went with it. They know how to rile the fandom up and use Louis (and larry) for clickbait. And with nothing else happening in Louis’ career right now, fans are going to react - some because they think it’s appropriate to demean Louis in this manner (do not get me started on how fucking twisted the Louis the fish metaphor is and also how Harry can be painted as the bad guy in that story if they really want to pursue that metaphor) and others because they’re tired of Louis being used like this.
I really do wonder what Louis did to deserve such hate from Capital FM. Did he sneak out in the morning after an unsatisfactory night? Are they simply allergic to good music? Or is it that Sony is paying enough (money/other benefits.. who the fuck knows) to smear Louis (and the other members of 1D) in order to elevate Harry and continue to manufacture his success. 
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fanartguru · 5 years
What if we're wrong?
This is going to sound stupid but... what if?
I have a lot of pure examples of love in my life. My parents have been together for 25 years, my grandparents on both sides for almost twice that amount of time. Each and everyone one of them can easily tear the Mickey outta their partner with nothing but tender affection in the eyes and joking voices while stating that they wouldn't change them for anything in the world.
I've never felt that kind of love myself but I've grown up seeing it. And it's almost like I can't stop seeing it in some couples, whereas others are simply lacking that spark.
So, when I was 10. When I saw two strangers become best friends over night. When I saw how they were practically hip to hip all the time. When I saw pure fondness every time they spoke of or to each other. And I told myself, "this has got to be love."
I then had to watch for 5 years while people forced their harsh words on the pair and belittled something so pure and beautiful. I watched for 5 years while people burnt flags with their joint name on it while screaming slurs and spewing hate. I watch as a boy with the brightest smile and softest personality became duller and harsher. I watch as a boy with the biggest heart and kindest soul was dragged through the mud and became empty and hurt.
But both boys still loved the world and their fans. They put Kindness into a world that showed them so much hate. Hatred for the way they looked at each other with love, fondness and affection.
But we fought. Hard. We made videos, sent hate, dug up proofs, hack cameras and scared off fandoms and celebrities alike.
We fought a tough battle.
A losing battle.
Because, what if we were wrong.
What if all we did was make it impossible for two best friends to be near each other. What if we drove two people further apart by forcing them together. What if we ruined a solid relationship because it didn't consist of the two people we wanted to see together.
It's a tragic story. From either side.
If they were in love, the world hated them for it and so did some fans.
If they weren't, then management forced two friends apart in order to protect them.
If they were but decided to stop, the world was so cruel they didn't really have a choice.
If it wasn't and they had stayed away, the world encouraged it.
There's not a single good side. All of them are battered and bruised with hate and scorn. It's gut wrenching. Heart stoppingly sad.
Antis sent hate to Lou, Haz and Larries. Why? Pathetic.
Larries sent hate to El, Modest! and Antis. Why? Unnecessary.
We all claimed to love and support Harry but we ignored that all he wanted was for us to show the world love and spread kindness everywhere we go.
We all claimed to stand behind Louis but we divided everything he said into boxes and ignored the pieces we didn't like when all he wanted was for people to be humble and have fun.
All we got out of those 5 years were stunts and hate and aggression.
The boys gave us beautiful music and even though we bought their albums and tickets and merch, did we really support them where they needed our support the most?
So, what if we were wrong?
Wrong to push.
Wrong to demand.
Wrong to invade.
What if we did more harm than good?
We've learnt from some our mistakes. It's true, we have. But the same things keep coming up. The same issues and debates.
What is Harry's sexuality?
When will Zayn return?
Is Liam homophobic?
Could this song be about him?
Was this true?
Did Zayn leave because of Harry?
Was Niall the forced to agree to the hiatus?
Is Harry dating the random person seen in this photo?
Is Louis engaged to Eleanor?
Did Niall cheat on Hailee?
Is Louis coming out along with his album?
Did Liam and Zayn have a falling out recently?
Does Liam hate Harry?
It's ridiculous. Really. 90% of the topics are none of our business and the rest are just arbitrary.
They went into the X Factor as kids.
They. Were. KIDS!
They didn't know how gruesome the industry could be until it was pretty much too late. The amount of pressure put on the 5 of them was back breaking.
Zayn left and we took him apart for it with only 30% of us asking if he was okay. Again. Pathetic.
Liam said he needed alchohol to deal with the stress and 60% of us made videos for which were mostly likely his drunk moments on stage or at award shows.
Harry asked not to be labeled in terms of his sexuality and 70% of us demand he give us an actual answer and accused him of queer baiting.
I mean. How is this love and support. So few of our fandom has shown them pure love and support and to the ones that have, thank you. Thank you. Thank You.
But the point remains the same. We need to do better this time guys.
If they get together or not.
If Larry is real or not.
If Zayn comes back or not.
If Niall cheated or not.
If Liam had a falling out with Haz/Zayn or not.
If Louis made a stupid comment on a recorded call or not.
It shouldn't matter. They shouldn't be forced into defending themselves to the media or us. Their health, happiness and success should be the only important factor to us.
I want to believe that Larry is real. And I did. For a really long time. But I just can't anymore. It did no good believing in it. We were more harm than good to be honest. I hope they had happiness in their relationship, whatever it was, because they deserve it. Always.
They all do. All of them
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noahfence1d · 5 years
Queer people who took time coming to terms with our identities know the dance of avoiding definitive terms and labels. We know what it can look like when someone is a baby queer in waiting; we certainly understand what it’s like trying to figure out how to exist both authentically and safely in the world, calculating the risks of being your true self, and why that waiting period exists—and, for some, never really ends. This process of coming to terms and coming out, however, poses different challenges and has specific implications when you’re a celebrity. Some celebrities—especially those with teen fanbases, like Shawn Mendes or Taylor Swift—are no strangers to being pinned as queer icons because of their presentation, language, or even the friendships they have, despite not being out as queer. However, figures like Mendes or Swift are known for vehemently pushing away from any narrative defining them explicitly queer. Other celebrities, like Harry Styles, have strongly leaned into queerness—or at the very least, embraced being coded as queer.
Look up “Harry Styles queer” on Google and you’ll get a range of headlines from “We need to talk about why Harry Styles is a lesbian icon” to “Harry Style’s New Music Video is Extremely Bisexual.” Styles often dons floral suits and a more stereotypically feminine demeanor alongside lyrics like ones from his song “Medicine,” which are unmistakably bisexual: “The boys and the girls are here/ I mess around with him/ And I’m okay with it.” Recently, Styles announced a tour with artists similarly dubbed queer icons, Jenny Lewis and King Princess, a musical setup that seems like it was made in heaven for queer fans. On his new Saturday Night Live appearance, Styles played a sexually ambiguous character in the Sara Lee sketch, referencing being thirsty for men, almost locking in his “brand” of queerness yet again. In October 2019, Styles’s single “Lights Up” was also deemed a bisexual anthem by certain members of the queer community, especially as the corresponding music video shows a nearly naked Styles surrounded by people of all genders who are touching and carressing his body.
In a 2019 interview with Rolling Stone, he explained why he often dons rainbow flags on stage at his concerts and why he’s been so vocal about supporting queer people. “Everyone in that room is on the same page and everyone knows what I stand for. I’m not saying I understand how it feels. I’m just trying to say, ‘I see you.’” At this point, Styles isn’t new to curiosity surrounding his sexuality. Throughout his time with One Direction, rumors about his sexuality swirled, as he had a close relationship with bandmate Louis Tomlinson. The relationship became a hot topic, and one hugely obsessed over in fan and fanfiction communities. In a 2017 interview with The Sun, while discussing the way that celebrity sexuality is constantly questioned, he said, “It’s weird for me—everyone should just be who they want to be. It’s tough to justify somebody having to answer to someone else about stuff like that … I don’t feel like it’s something I’ve ever felt like I have to explain about myself.” At his final show for his tour in Glasgow in 2018, Styles announced onstage, “We’re all a little bit gay.”
For much of his career, it’s almost seemed like his fanbase is rooting for his queerness. One reason that online communities seem to be so obsessed with queer-adjacent celebrities like Styles is that they normalize queerness, making it feel more accessible. “If they were to come out, it would be a huge benefit to LGBTQ visibility in the media, and a lot of people in the LGBTQ community would love to have a celebrity of that stature on ‘their’ side,” Ash, a bisexual woman, told me. But Styles doesn’t actually claim queerness just because many fans, queer and otherwise, have hoped that he’ll one day do so explicitly. “Can straight people be queer?” asked a 2016 Vice article about the impact of the term’s increasingly broad application. The fact is that cis, straight people can’t be queer—so what does that mean when queer communities tout artists like Styles or Swift as part of our culture?
At some points in history, having these kinds of allies for the community who are not queer themselves, like Lil’ Kim, who has advocated for gay men and against homophobia in the rap community since the early 2000s, has been monumental. Queer audiences of yesteryears also gravitated toward performers like Dolly Parton who didn’t have to be queer themselves because they were accepting and loving toward all, and used their platform to normalize and uplift the queer communities that have celebrated them. In this day and age, however, expectations of performers have heightened. Unlike other celebrities dubbed “queer icons” who happen to be straight, including Madonna, Janet Jackson, or Parton, the fanbases of artists like Styles’s skew younger. And younger audiences don’t just want performers who see and welcome them. They want performers who are them—artists who understand the queer experience because they are queer, and they’re here to reflect audiences back to themselves.
So why the critique if there are seemingly so many positives to any representation or acceptance? It’s not that Styles, or any celebrity or public figure for that matter, owes us any information about their sexualities. On one hand, simply by existing in such a public manner, these celebrities offer a sliver of hope that there might be someone just like us navigating the world of queerness and identity. Celebrities like Styles or Swift—who has made use of queer aesthetics herself, and whose friendship with model Karlie Kloss has been the subject of rumors—remind us of who we were when we navigated our queerness more subtly before we were ready to explicitly tell someone close to us, or our resident queer community. Entertainers like Jackson or Parton became queer icons because they embraced queer fans during a closeted time, and perhaps it felt okay to have acceptance without representation. It was clear the performers weren’t trying to be queer. On the other hand, with Styles or Swift, the lines are blurred, and it’s unclear whether they’re trying to say they’re one of us or merely accept queer fans while borrowing from the culture to fit in and create a brand.
“I think it’s important for white queer folks to interrogate the whiteness of their queer idols, and work to understand why they feel more inclined to celebrate the visible queerness of one artist over another.”
There’s often a concern that celebrities are co-opting queerness as a marketing ploy. With the long history of queerbaiting (using the possibility of or undertones of queerness to gain favorability with queer people) in popular culture, there’s a certain level of disingenuousness to letting the bait and switch go on with minimal critique. The kind of support and lauding that celebrities like Styles receive for more playful expression and experimentation is not always present for queer people of color like Syd (formerly of The Internet), Alok Vaid-Menon, or Big Freedia. When she sees mostly white, thin, able-bodied figures with “queer energy” centered as icons in the queer community as opposed to queer people of color, Olivia Zayas Ryan, a queer woman, wonders why. “If you’re showing up for a pretty white boy in a tutu, where are you when Black and brown queer folks are vilified, ridiculed, and worse?” she told me. “If you are excited and feel seen when queer aesthetics are in the mainstream, what are you doing to honor, protect, and recognize the folks who created them? I think it’s important for white queer folks to interrogate the whiteness of their queer idols, and work to understand why they feel more inclined to celebrate the visible queerness of one artist over another.”
Conversation around both queerbaiting and our curiosity about celebrity queerness is an ongoing and complicated one. For example, there are theorists who have posited that Kurt Cobain was a closeted trans woman. “Many transgender women see themselves in his shaggy hair, his penchant for nail polish and dresses, and his struggles with depression,” Gillian Branstetter, a transgender advocate and writer, told me. Cobain’s fascination with pregnancy (“In Utero”) and his distaste for masculinity (“In Bloom”), as well as his partner Courtney Love’s references to having a more fluid lover (“He had ribbons in his hair/ And lipstick was everywhere/ You look good in my dress”) stoked this interest in his sexuality and presentation. “It sounds very familiar to trans women whose own relationship with masculinity and femininity was often expressed in coded ways before they came out,” says Branstetter. Styles, who like Cobain shows disinterest in conforming to a traditionally masculine rock-star presentation, seems to spark the same interest in fans from the queer community.
With our investment in Styles or other celebrities who are likely straight but exude “queer energy,” it feels as if we’re looking for a mirror of ourselves, seeking to claim the most popular public figures as our own, and in turn feel more normal and accepted. Perhaps our obsession with artists like Styles comes down to the excitement of feeling visible—but what do fans of potentially straight queer icons like Styles actually want? Can we thread the needle between feeling seen and normalized in our queerness while also feeling the imbalance between Styles’s privilege and the most marginalized people in the queer community’s lived experiences? Ultimately, it’s queer fans who get to decide if Styles’s kind of allyship and solidarity with the queer community is enough, or if it’s begun to give off the all-too-familiar stink of disingenuous baiting.
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cantquitu · 6 years
i don't care how aggressive that debunk blog is I hate the regular implications they make re: harry and louis. please stop saying they fucking played along/ were low key gay baiting. they were simply behaving the way they organically felt towards each other because they're both soft sweet souls. but because americans are weirdo prudes by 2012 the loudest fans had made things worse. .... ugh not at u
If not at me, then at who? Shit-Larries-Say? They didn’t say they were gay-baiting. Obviously Louis and Harry played along at first. I don’t see how that’s even debatable.
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allthefreakingtime · 5 years
I think perhaps you're missing the point? Or rather, avoiding it. Larry is weaponized against Louis. And used to bait fans for Harry. That's a fact. Add to that the many other burdens, career fuckery, and personal tragedies that Louis alone has suffered and it's rather bewildering to equate them. It's just a way of dodging the uncomfortable notion that HSHQ is a-ok with this. Hence Rob Stringer coming to the pub attached to Harry's public house.
Louis is way more affected by these actions by Sony. I never said otherwise. 
However, Harry is still affected. They are being pulled further and further apart from each other in the public narrative and that affects both of them. That fact takes nothing away from the fact that this affects Louis the most. 
HSHQ doesn’t have to be okay with this. Just like LTHQ doesn’t. However, it’s not their call. It’s Sony’s. 
Are you saying that Sony tries to throw Louis under the bus every single time and tries to make Harry look like the golden boy? Absolutely they do. 
However, that doesn’t mean that’s what the boys themselves want. It’s simply not up to either of them. 
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