#even if he ran 100mph he'd still take 10 hrs to get there
guardian-of-da-gay · 11 months
Knuckles Wachowski, not used to having to answer to adult authority, has a tendency to disappear and not say where he's going. He doesn't do it to be a bad boy he's just... unintentionally a bad boy. And asking where he's been afterward doesn't really help because it goes something like this:
"So where'd you go?"
"I visited a forest with most impressive trees! I saw a large bird."
"How far away are these impressive trees?"
"Hmm. Not far, I think."
Finally Maddie lends him her fitness tracker with strict orders that he not take it off. She gets up the next morning to see her phone flooded with generic app notifications: Congrats on running 1 mile! Congrats on running 50 miles! Congrats on running 100 miles! Its not even 7am! This is how she finds out he does 'perimeter patrols' multiple times a night.
A week later he cheerfully relays that he visited the impressive trees again. She checks the app. The Redwoods. He's talking about the California Redwoods. A thousand miles away. 'Not far' her ass! Now she's kind of worried where Sonic goes when he reports he's 'going for a run'.
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