#Sonic does not appreciate the increased scrutiny
guardian-of-da-gay · 11 months
Knuckles Wachowski, not used to having to answer to adult authority, has a tendency to disappear and not say where he's going. He doesn't do it to be a bad boy he's just... unintentionally a bad boy. And asking where he's been afterward doesn't really help because it goes something like this:
"So where'd you go?"
"I visited a forest with most impressive trees! I saw a large bird."
"How far away are these impressive trees?"
"Hmm. Not far, I think."
Finally Maddie lends him her fitness tracker with strict orders that he not take it off. She gets up the next morning to see her phone flooded with generic app notifications: Congrats on running 1 mile! Congrats on running 50 miles! Congrats on running 100 miles! Its not even 7am! This is how she finds out he does 'perimeter patrols' multiple times a night.
A week later he cheerfully relays that he visited the impressive trees again. She checks the app. The Redwoods. He's talking about the California Redwoods. A thousand miles away. 'Not far' her ass! Now she's kind of worried where Sonic goes when he reports he's 'going for a run'.
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sondepoch · 4 years
Day 6
10 Days (Jumin Han x Reader)
You didn't expect to find yourself locked in an engagement to Chairman Han, but with your own mother forcing you into it, you have no way of denying her. But as time continues and things change, you begin to develop affections for your fiance's son: Jumin Han. But the sad truth is that there's nothing either of you can do to stop the marriage, and you only have these 10 days before your future becomes reality. 10 days with Jumin Han.
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | ✔
BREAKING NEWS: C&R Chairman Han to wed BC-Sonic's Corporate Heir?!
After a tip from an anonymous source, it has been newly confirmed that corporate heir (F/N) (L/N) has is engaged to C&R's Chairman Han, and has been for the past eight months! Looking through recent media footage, several sources have discovered multiple pictures and instances of these business lovebirds on various romantic getaways in these past few months. There has been a noted increase in sightings over the past few days of the lovers as they prepared for what we just learned is their approaching wedding date—a short four days from today!
"They wanted the wedding to be a private affair," A reliable source, wishing to remain anonymous, has informed us. "They were worried that if the media caught wind of their plans, then their relationship would suddenly be under scrutiny. But now that the date of the official wedding is so close, no one can keep the surprise any longer!"
The wedding is currently set to be in a private location, the two business typhoons wishing to keep the ceremony as intimate and secretive as their discreet relationship thus far; but now that this news has reached the media world, every outlet in Korea is abuzz with excitement for their future!
There is currently an interview scheduled with Chairman Han on the 12th, just after the wedding. Tune in to this outlet channel to watch the interview LIVE as he reveals all the exciting details of the relationship he's managed to keep secret for so long and stay tuned for a followup article to reveal all the juicy details!
With the number of times you've reread this article, you should be able to recite the whole thing from memory, but your mind simply cannot. You can't process it. Your brain can't begin to comprehend the utter, ridiculous possibility that this is real.
You drop the phone Jumin had handed to you on the table, leaning back in your chair. For once, he doesn't say anything and leaves your mind to process what you just read.
They got so many details wrong, you think. It's the media, shady and unreliable, so the severe drought of truth in the article was rather unsurprising. But the sheer confidence at which the information was delivered made even the lies seem convincing.
Eight months. They said I've been with Chairman Han for eight months.
If not for the severity of the situation, you would scoff at that fact alone. The two of you have been engaged less than eight days, and the 'multiple' pictures showing the two of you together weren't linked anywhere in the article, an obvious nod to the fact that you two had yet to even meet each other during that time.
But the biggest lie is even more troubling.
The words still bounce around in your mind, numb and daunting. Wedding date. Approaching.
You swallow.
Four days from today.
You close your eyes, shutting them before any tears can form and escape. You don't need Jumin to see you cry again.
But the man can practically read your mind.
"(Y/N)," He murmurs, placing a comforting hand over your trembling one. "Don't..."
But even Jumin can't complete the sentence.
Don't what?
This article isn't the only one popping up on headlines today. There are at least a dozen other articles, all quoting the same anonymous source, and you're quite confident that, if you turn on the television, you'll see features talking about your love life there, too.
The article said it.
All of Korea is abuzz.
And there are only a few people in this world who have the power to do such a thing.
You clench your jaw. Anonymous source. After meeting with the woman just yesterday, what other person can this mystery person be?
"Why would my mother leak these details to the public?" You ask, voice breaking in the middle.
Jumin knows the answer.
He also knows that you know the answer.
But you want him, you need him, to lie to you. To tell you that maybe it isn't true. That you aren't going to be marrying Chairman Han in four days. That your mother didn't inform the media as a cruel Checkmate against you, tying you down to the future that the world now expects of you.
Jumin is quiet.
You clench your fists, too horrified by the situation presented in front of you to even relax as the man squeezes your hand tenderly. You close your eyes, trying to think and find a way out of this situation.
And ridiculous as it seems, there's only one thing you can think of.
Something stupid.
Something you should have done a long time ago.
Pulling yourself out of Jumin's arms, you force yourself into a standing position, hoping that the assertive pose will give you the courage you need as you dial Chairman Han's number. The moment he picks up, you don't even give him the chance to bid you his usual "Hello darling," cutting straight to the point.
You take a deep breath.
"I don't love you."
Somewhere, in the distance, your father watches the scene playing out before him in the afterlife. Heaven is supposed to be a place of joy, he's been told, but ever since arriving here, he has only been brought misery at seeing all the paint that befell you after his death.
A tear slides down his cheek.
He's so proud of you for having the courage to tell your betrothed the truth: of your unwillingness in this godforsaken marriage.
But then another tear slides down, and another, and the man is quietly sobbing as he continues to watch the scene before him.
It's too late for you, he knows.
It's too late.
"I know, my darling."
Your eyes widen at Chairman Han's words, turning to Jumin in shock. The man seems just as surprised as you are at the words, though on his face, confusion overrides everything else. You can hear the gears turning in his head as he thinks: his father knows? This can't be happening, right? This can't.
"But in time, you will come to appreciate me as much as I do you." Chairman Han continues. "There's no other solution. Your mother sees it as much as I do, and while it will be difficult at first, things will definitely sort out. You will be happy in the end, my child. Truly."
You know that Chairman Han is waiting for a response from you, but you can't think of anything to say. He knows you don't love him, and he still intends on continuing with the engagement?
In your state of shock, Jumin takes over.
"Father, what is the meaning of this?" His voice is controlled, but there's no mistaking the raw fury that lurks in between every word. "Surely you do not intend on marrying a girl who is unwilling?"
"She may not wish it now, but in time she will see that this is the best thing for her," Comes the Chairman's response, loud and clear. "If anything, Jumin, you should be the one to understand my situation here. You know of the...issues C&R has been facing, the very reason why I'm in international waters right now!"
"That?" Jumin's nostrils flare, and your ears perk up. C&R is facing issues? You knew that Chairman Han had left because of something serious, but what could be so ridiculous that the only solution he sees is marriage?
"As an independent company, C&R's stock will drop five days from now when the press statement and the details of this data breach get released. We need as much positive PR as we can get right now—this is to benefit your future, my son."
And then, it clicks.
Your mother, she seeks to torment you. To return to you all the pain that you caused her when your father protected you from a drunk driver and lost his life. That's why she's so on-board with this situation.
On the other hand, you'd thought that Chairman Han wanted to marry you because he had taken an actual liking to you, and perhaps he had. In the beginning.
Now, it's obvious.
It's not a marriage Chairman Han seeks.
It's the cushion that the marriage will provide.
Marrying you, to him, will be a safety net.
Linking BC-Sonic and C&R will automatically ensure that his company doesn't go under, no matter how large the scandal caused by the data breach C&R suffered. Moreover, the current benefits that both BC-Sonic and C&R are facing are immense, the amount of media coverage going into investigating the details of your supposed "love life" only further advertising both companies and raising their value.
The rise caused by the media hype around your two companies will offset any losses that C&R takes when the public learns of this data breach, and the empire that Chairman Han has worked so hard to build will be safe.
And on top of that, he gets a pretty and young wife out of it.
"Father, you cannot be serious." Jumin looks terrifying now, pure wrath dripping into his every word. You wish that Chairman Han could be here now and see his son in front of him, see the distress that he is causing. "Do not marry (Y/N) for the sake of your business."
"Our business, Jumin."
"I would rather have no company to inherit than to inherit a company that was saved through you ruining an innocent girl's life."
"Goodness, Jumin! I am not ruining her life," Chairman Han defends. "She may not love me today, but she definitely will in the future. You know I will treat her well. I'm telling the truth."
And angry as Jumin is, you're shocked to find that even he does not contest that statement—though you're not sure if that's because it's the truth or because the man's judgment is being shrouded by the fact that he's dealing with his own father.
"Father, if it is the PR that you seek..." Jumin's voice wavers uncharacteristically, his tone desperate. "Please let her marry me instead. It will have the same benefits you seek."
You know you should pretend to be surprised, but you're too tired to put up an act. These past six days have shown you an entirely new world with Jumin, a world that you never want to leave.
You love him. And you know he feels the same way.
No doubt, you adore the idea of spending the rest of your life with him.
"You love her?" Chairman Han asks.
"Yes." Jumin doesn't hesitate. His father, however, does.
It's a long time before the man's response finally comes, but the weight of his words seems to sink your entire world. "I'm sorry, my son. Your hand in marriage is to be saved for separate business pursuits, and the public already knows about the two of us, and..."
You tune out the rest of Chairman Han's words, only aware of the fact that, other than Jumin, no one is on your side.
And now that Chairman Han has made his priorities clear, nothing can save you from your future.
"Please, put her back on the phone. This wedding will do no harm to any of us—it simply quickens things. (Y/N) and I were to marry from the very start, and we're going to be doing just that."
Jumin bites his lip, internal conflict glowing darkly in his grey eyes.
You can see his turmoil over having to accept his father's words or fight against them. Your heart softens. Just as weak as you are in front of your own mother, Jumin seems to harbor the same soft spot for his father.
You sigh.
Jumin has done so much for you.
It's time for you to accept that this is beyond your hands.
Gently, you take the phone from him. "Fine," You murmur into the microphone. You keep the words coming steadily, not giving Chairman Han a single chance to interrupt you. "I will marry you in four days. Send me the details over text, and please have all arrangements ready. Do not call me until then, do not contact me until then. Say what you will to the media—I'll marry you. But, Chairman Han, I do not love you."
You hang up the call, somewhat shocked that you even had to courage to say those words. They were so bold. So unnaturally bold, coming from you.
Then again, nothing about this situation is natural.
Closing your eyes, you slink back into your seat.
So much has changed over the course of these past few days.
Too much.
Just yesterday, when your mother had left the apartment, you'd been so willing. You'd truly accepted your fate. Resigned yourself to the fact that your life would be spent with the Chairman, as your mother wished.
You knew that you would have to marry Chairman Han.
But now, things are happening too quickly.
"I don't want to marry him, Jumin." Your voice is small as you say the words. "I don't want him."
I want you.
"I know," Jumin murmurs. For once, he doesn't fight back or try to offer you any way out of the situation, now that he, too, knows how futile it is.
Fighting against one parent was one thing, but for both to be in on it?
Nothing could have prepared him for this, just as nothing could have prepared you.
"We have three days," You murmur quietly to Jumin. It's a silent proposition.
Three days until the day of your marriage, three days for the two of you to bask in what you both recognize as newfound love. Why, six days have already been wasted—you don't want to sacrifice even a minute.
Jumin turns to you, eyes focused. "I'll take these days off, then." He comes close to you, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. "You do want this, correct?"
You nod your head.
You don't just want this. You need it.
And then Jumin's lips are on yours, as tender and delicate as the very first time you'd kissed.
You kiss back with a strange sense of solemnity, noting how this kiss is different from the previous ones. It's sad, the tear stains on your cheek moistening Jumin's own face. It's pained, with the knowledge that the two of you won't have the rest of your lives to continue kissing and loving each other. It's yearning, yearning for more of each other and more time to appreciate each other.
But most of all: it's helpless.
Because at last, the two of you have come to terms with the truth: you're soon going to be sealed away in marriage to another, and Jumin will meet a similar fate.
You can't belong to each other.
But, perhaps, for these next few days, you can forget that truth.
You gasp lightly as Jumin wraps his arms around your waist, murmuring the word "Jump" huskily into your mouth. You don't waste a moment in complying and wrapping your legs around the man as he walks you to his room, pressing you against the wall. He keeps you pinned upright with his body, kisses trailing lower and lower until his mouth is settled over a familiar spot over your neck.
He sucks.
Your moan is breathless as it leaves your lips.
Jumin continues, slowly pulling articles of clothing off of you until you're entirely naked for him, only your underwear separating him from unleashing all his lust upon you. His eyes are hungry, starved for contact and starved for you as he gazes down upon your exposed form.
You can't belong to Jumin.
But for these next few days, that doesn't matter. For these next few days, you're his, and he's yours.
And as he tosses you onto the bed, crawling on top of you to continue leaving love marks all over your body, you can already sense that he plans on showing you all the love and lust and passion and happiness of your would-be life together in the short time you have remaining.
So with thoughts of Chairman Han and your mother pushed far to the back of your mind, you yank Jumin by his tie and pull his lips back onto yours, savoring the contact.
For these next three days, nothing will be able to pull you from him.
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 |  ✔
Word count: 2.8k
Notes: i havent seen my best friend in over a month and i hate it
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Next Update: 5/06/20
I do not own the rights to Mystic Messenger or any of the characters within it.
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