#even if i have to detangle the brambles to get there
tenderleavesbob · 2 months
after the last post I would love it if you would write one of warriors hitting on llia just to piss twilight off. I want to read that fight go down.
Ha! I think I can do that.
Twilight was pretty sure that Warriors didn't even like women. He grew uncomfortable when they flirted with him in bars in a way which always left Twilight feeling angry and protective. Warriors and Hyrule seemed to be in agreement that sleep was the best thing someone could do in bed, so Twilight didn't think that Warriors like anyone at all like that.
He doesn't like women, Twilight told himself, watching Warriors and Ilia laugh together. Warriors leaned close to her, elbow resting on the fence, and said something to her that had Ilia literally doubling over with laughter.
Twilight didn't know if Warriors liked men or just liked being alone, but he was confident that Warriors didn't like women. He usually wasn't even comfortable around women.
Except with that bright grin, Warriors seemed very comfortable around Ilia now.
Ilia noticed him staring and imperiously waved a hand at him. "Aren't you supposed to be taking care of Epona? I can't believe you let her get that dirty!"
"After she takes such good care of him, too," Warriors agreed. Twilight's brother sounded far too cheerful when he said that. When Ilia turned to him, though, his expression turned commiserating and he shook his head at her. Ilia sighed and Twilight knew she had that "I'm not angry with you, but I am disappointed" expression that she and Uli did so well. Twilight was not pouting when he turned back to Epona's mane.
His girl was dirty, but it wasn't Twilight's fault! They had been attacked after they left the portal, and it had just rained! Everyone was filthy!
Except Warriors somehow. His brother looked immaculate and charming as he smiled at Ilia. Ilia, who smiled back.
Twilight grumbled to himself and resumed detangling Epona's mane. Epona snorted at him and tossed her head, which only made it worse. "C'mon, darlin'," Twilight murmured. His shoulder slumped. "I said I was sorry."
Epona snorted at him again, unimpressed. Twilight did not pout as he worked a bramble out of her hair. All right, so maybe he should have directed her away from the battle, but he hadn't realized the slope was that muddy!
Twilight peeked at Warriors and Ilia again. Ilia was covering her mouth with one hand and giggling. Warriors beamed at her. Twilight reminded himself again that he was pretty confident that Warriors didn't like women.
But if he did, it would make sense that Ilia could turn his head. Ilia could turn anyone's head, and Warriors could be smart when he wasn't being an idiot and he was a great judge of character...
How many brambles did Epona get in her thrice-blessed mane, anyway?
Another burst of laughter and Twilight broke. "What are you two chattering about over there, anyway?" he shouted. A bramble stuck under a nail and he growled curses under his breath.
"Oh, nothing much!" Warriors sang back. "Just how you need to worry about cleaning your hair after you finish cleaning hers!"
His hair...?
Ilia burst out laughing again as Twilight slowly reached up and touched his hair.
His hair was filled with brambles.
Twilight cursed so fiercely and loudly that Uli started shouting at him from her window and Time yelled, "Language!" from somewhere out of sight.
Warriors and Ilia cackled like the fiends they were, doubled over and chortling. Twilight was tempted to throw Epona's brush at them, but he knew he would be the one who needed to fetch it. He just knew it.
And maybe it was nice to see those two of all people relax and let loose like this. Maybe it wasn't so bad being the butt of their jokes if it made them laugh like that.
"Don't s'ppose you two could help any?" Twilight called, trying to sound cross. "Or did you just want to -- hey!"
Epona huffed in his hair and resumed nibbling at his bramble-covered hair. Ilia and Warriors only laughed harder as Twilight swatted her away.
Warriors might not like women much, but damn, did he love laughing at Twilight.
"A little help, please? C'mon!"
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chaoticbooklesbian · 2 years
Every time I look back at a situation from my life I'm sure I understand, and I read the messages I sent to the other people involved, I realize I didn't understand it at all at the time. I thought a breakup was wildly unfair to me, but in reality, it was amicable until I decided to make my emotions the other person's responsibility and that's when it went bad. I thought I was the best friend I could possibly be to someone, but it turns out I was actually being a really shitty friend. I can only think of one example where it's turned out the other way - where I thought someone was a really good friend to me, but they were actually kind of mean the whole time. I like to think that I wouldn't act like that anymore, that I wouldn't do those kinds of things anymore, but how can I know not to do something if I didn't realize it was wrong until years later? How can I be a better person than I was if I didn't know I needed to be better? I know these are biases we're all subject to in some way or another, it's how the human brain works, I just don't understand how I got from doing that to knowing not to do that without ever internalizing the fact that I did that.
Slightly relatedly, how do I know I'm not still being a bad friend to the people who still talk to me after what a piece of shit I've been? How do I keep being a good friend when I get really comfortable with someone and relax the rigid control I exert over myself? Do I just never relax? That doesn't seem healthy, but what do I do instead? If I was a bad friend before I put myself in this tiny little box, how do I leave the box and still be a good friend? When was I supposed to learn all of this? Was it high school? Middle school? College? It's definitely before age 27, right? How do I learn it at age 27? Did I miss the boat on lifelong friendships by being shitty during the years I was supposed to be building those?
If you stopped being my friend because I was shitty to you and somehow read all of that anyway, I'm sorry I was shitty. I'm trying to be less shitty. I'm trying to find all the ways I was shitty and figure out how to be better than that. I'm trying not to think I'm no longer shitty, in case I actually am being shitty and need to change, but I'm also trying not to think I'm irredeemably shitty so there's no point in trying, or that I've been so deeply shitty that any improvement I make is far too little and far too late. I'm trying to be better than I was to you, because you didn't deserve that.
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vegalocity · 3 years
(I’m probably gonna send you a few of these so brace yourself) Hugs #35. Hunter experiences his first ever cuddle pile when he hangs out with Luz and Her friends. - Pixel Anon
affection meme
35. cuddle pile
Pixel (adnd basically anyone lol) send me as much as you want, my computer is busted rn and i can't draw writing is all i've got.
sooo you wanted like a shitton of words about Hunter being touch starved yeah? Good here's the Extended Friend Group (Extended to include the Former Detention Kids) having a sleepover
Luz called him touch starved. He thought the idea was ridiculous when she'd first said it; as people touched him all the time, He had the scars to prove that people touched him all the time.
But when he'd come down the stairs of the Owl House to see her and her friends (and girlfriend) spread out along the sleeping bags and cushions, and the girl with the glasses gently placed a hand on his upper arm to keep him from bumping into her as she called back to the others that she was going to go check on the Moon Lillies Eda had let her keep here, and it felt like lightning across his skin. But like... good lightning? It made him jolt and gooseflesh rose up on his skin but it wasn't unpleasant. It felt nice... Like... really nice.
The faintest whisper of her fluffy hair brushed his shoulder as she passed him and his heart was pounding in his chest. He didn't even remember the girl's name and for a moment he was sincerely convinced he'd fallen in love with her. The moment passed and he'd recovered from his temporary insanity, but the memory remained.
Luz called him over, claiming the lot of them were having a sleepover tonight, and if he wanted to join he was welcome.
'Lot of them' was at the moment Luz, King, her friend with the glasses, a younger boy, her girlfriend, a girl with her hair tied up in a bramble scrunchy, a taller boy whom towered over him, and a four legged demon whom also wore glasses.
He only joined because he had nothing better to do. He was introduced to her extended friend group (those being Viney, Jorbo, and Barkus) Luz going on to the others he didn't remember the names of with 'and you already remember the rest of these guys'
He sat apart from the others and avoided eye contact with the glasses girl (Willow, as Luz called her upon her return) wondering idly if as a plant person she'd somehow doused herself with some sort of plant pheromone to make all boys make fools of themselves around her, but then again, Jorbo Barkus and the younger boy (Gus as he'd spoken in third person for a but while telling a story) all seemed to be unaffected.
Then Jorbo slung an arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer in one arm, Barkus under his other and claimed loudly that 'the guys get to choose the game' and Hunter's brain stopped working altogether until He let him go to insist that Gus doesn't count as 'the guys' because he always sides with Luz and Willow on games anyway. And for another very stupid very insane moment he'd convinced himself he'd fallen in love again.
Though this time he'd barely had a moment to recover from his temporary bout of insanity as the two began to bicker before Barkus sighed and placed a paw on his knee in solidarity and he was sent reeling again.
This kept happening on and off all day, someone would touch him, and his insides would positively lurch and he'd fell at once like he both needed to get as far away as possible, and lean into whatever the touch was and cling to whomever was providing it. But thankfully after those first two his brain had stopped taking the exact wrong conclusions about his reactions, so he'd stopped having to talk himself down from the worry that Luz's friends were all sirens and he was falling for their trap.
But it did mean he was now acutely aware of the lot of them as they continued about their games. Amity and Luz were play acting a scene and Amity dramatically fell backward, her upper half and head resting for only a brief moment in his lap and his knees felt like jelly for almost a full hour afterward.
Gus dramatically leaped in his direction and out of reflex Hunter caught him, and he... didn't want to let go. He was able to get away with carrying Gus around for a little bit, as there were no complaints from him at least, but he let the kid drop before it got suspicious.
Viney pulled him aside and while he was getting used to people touching his arms quickly, he was NOT used to another person's hot breath on his skin as she whispered a plan to prank the others into his ear.
King was perched on his shoulders for the longest time after he'd carried Gus around for a bit, insisting that if anyone deserved to have a personal chauffer it was him. He made sure to play up how annoyed he was, but the warm fur on the back of his neck was comforting.
But Luz, Oh... Luz was the worst. She already knew his reactions to being touched before going into this, so she made sure to do it as much as possible. sitting herself right next to him and swaying side to side so sometimes she'd brush up against Amity, and sometimes brush up against him, and she was single handedly the reason why he was getting used to people touching his arms.
But then she kept upping the game. Dramatically insisting that He was too cool for this or that dumb game that she clearly just wanted him to agree to play, putting a hand on his shoulder and pressing her cheek to his, and wathcing his brain promptly shut off as he reeled over how squishy her cheek was against his. sitting o the couch as he sat on the floor, and grabbing his head, tilting him back so that his head was essentially in her lap and smiling like the cat that ate the screamerfly at his reaction as she told him something or another he suddenly couldn't pay attention to. She even got Eda involved when she appeared briefly downstairs! She called in some sort of 'owe' and Eda pulled him aside, looking put upon and sighing.
And he didn't almost cry when the Owl Lady wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him to her chest. He didn't. Her gem dug into his forehead and her nails were long and sharp as she gently brushed them through his hair, and he'd somehow never felt so protected in all of his life, the downy feeling of feathers that still clung to her dress and the soft silver hair that brushed against him in odd places, and he only put his arms around her middle and squeezed back because it was the polite thing to do. Her chin brushed the crown of his head and-.... he just didn't know he was allergic to feathers until then, okay? It just also happened to feel really really good and he didn't want to let go. That was unrelated.
Hours had passed, he'd been shocked with physical affection enough times today that he could barely remember what they'd been doing the entire night, his memory only clinging to those moments where his brain had been so thoroughly flooded with endorphins that the rest of the night was a blur.
And he HAD to go back to is room. He wouldn't be able to sleep at all in the little 'cuddle puddle' Luz and the others had arranged. If he was so distracted by which body parts were in contact with other body parts sleep would elude him entirely, and sure he used to rarely sleep at all, but that was by choice back then!
But he-
He couldn't detangle himself.
Willow used his stomach as a pillow, he watched her head rise and fall with his breaths and felt the whisper of her fluffy hair against the smallest sliver of skin where his shirt had ridden up a bit. Gus and King were curled up to one side, Gus using his shoulder as a cushion and King beside his head. Viney had grabbed his arm in her sleep and clung to it like a stuffed animal. Barkus curled up in the space between his legs and Jerbo was using HIM as a pillow. if he even moved either of his legs one or both of them would be disturbed.
And Luz of course was curled up on his other side. a hand thrown across his shoulders and breathing softly into his neck. Amity was cuddled up behind her with her arms on her waist, and she was using his other arm as her own pillow.
He was effectively buried under the entire sleepover.
The pressure of others resting on top of and near him, the softness, the warmth, he didn't even need a blanket for all the heat the other bodies were providing. A shiver crawled up his spine as Luz hummed in her sleep and he could feel it in his chest as she did so. and Hunter had to concede defeat because this felt too damn good to even want to try and pull away.
Eda walked in about an hour after to a silent living room save for periodic snoring, she nursed a mug of Apple blood as she inspected the effective dogpile atop of the former Golden Guard.
Wow, it was days like this where it was really damn obvious how young the kid was. She could see even from here the freshly drying tear tracks on the boy's face, all that from just some cuddling? Sure Eda wasn't the best with handling physical affection either but she hadn't cried from something like that.... ever. (though if they managed to save Raine from whatever it was Belos did to them Eda couldn't be certain that that record would keep)
When Luz had approached her about their newest 'house guest' and insisted that Hunter needed a social circle, and probably just needed affection after living most of his life under Belos' thumb, Eda had assumed that would make him cagey and aggressive at the idea of being treated softly. But... eh... She supposed people always had a tendency to surprise you.
"Gettin' soft Owl Lady..." She muttered to herself as she approached the top of the cuddle pile and placed a hand on the boy's forehead, moving just slightly to comb some of his hair from his face. Hunter let out a quiet whimper but didn't stir. She watched as a sleepy smile lit up the boy's face.
Send me stuff
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rrrawrf-writes · 3 years
what is it good for?
pt. 1 || pt. 2 || pt. 3 || pt. 4
Every day, more and more bad news poured in.
Mafvin had thought things were turned around when they regained Aelford; the siege was broken, his daughter rescued and returned to him. His son, fighting with the mage corps, was accounted for; he’d razed one of Eola’s key fortresses to the ground.
But then, somehow, things changed.
The Eolans pressed forward. They didn’t need Aelford - Boarcross was theirs, and they poured across it, flowing around Aelford like a stream around a boulder. Allspeak fell, and so did Chaserhorn. They cut off General Liya’s battalion during the winter, trapping them in the Dragonspine, and that very nearly killed off all of them.
Every day, come spring, his councillors came to Mafvin, begging him to put a stop to all of it.
“You have thrice the magic they do, Your Majesty -”
“Your father and grandfather both fought their own wars -”
“And both died in them,” Mafvin snapped back. The advisor, a general herself, scowled at him.
“I know.” He knew. Mafvin was the most powerful mage in existence. He’d built settlements in one day. He’d grown crops for the entire country during a drought. He’d built dams and redirected overflowing rivers to save villages, he’d grown entire forests, he’d summoned lethal storms and shooed them away. He knew that. “I will not use my magic to harm others.”
General Porrin hissed something perilously close to a curse against her king. “Sire, our soldiers are dying by the score. Your son is out there, fighting. Our common folk are being slaughtered -”
“Don’t lie to me,” Mafvin snapped. “The Eolans fight honorably.”
“They were not honorable in Aelford,” Porrin retorted. Mafvin clenched his jaw as the general continued. “You could put a stop to this, Your Majesty. We’re redirecting them. We have a dozen places we can lure them to and stage battle - all we need is you, sire, just you -”
“Get out,” Mafvin said flatly, and turned away.
He took refuge in the rear gardens, the ones that had once belonged to his mother. There, the gardeners had long stopped trying to curb the king’s enthusiasm. Instead, they left it to him and never stepped foot inside. A place where he could let his green magic run rampant. Trees grew, bloomed, bore fruit, and withered, all in a single winter’s day; the ground was always covered in clover or flowers or grass or bramble, depending on the king’s mood. Today, everything was overgrown. Thick vines smothered the walls and the trees had grown so large and close together that their thick foliage blocked out much of the light. Ivy and thick moss hung in sheets from their branches.
Dayehmon sighed as he stepped into the garden. The vines curled all over the ground obediently shifted away from his steps, which showed that Mafvin knew he was there, and was being polite, even if he didn’t realize it. “Eos,” Dayehmon said quietly, and the king looked up from where he sat in the dark thicket, his arms wrapped around his knees like a child hiding from his tutors. Dayehmon came to join him, though he remained on his feet, one hand resting comfortably on the pommel of his sword.
Mafvin sighed and flicked a leaf with disgust. “Are you here to tell me to fight, too?” he asked, defeated.
“Gods, all right,” he complained, taking the scone. He slouched back against the tree with a scowl and nibbled at the pastry. “Thank you, mother hen.”
“I’m here because it’s my shift,” Dayehmon said wryly. He leaned against a tree, heedless of the ivy that covered it. One tendril curled over his shoulder, winding down his arm like it was looking for attention. “Have you eaten?”
“I’m not hungry.”
“Have you eaten,” Dayehmon repeated firmly, as if King Eos Mafvin of Cordel were a toddler pouting in a corner, and not the most powerful man alive. Mafvin tipped his head back to glare at Dayehmon, and was greeted with the guard shoving a scone into his face.
“You’re welcome.” Dayehmon crossed his arms over his chest, chewing on a scone of his own. They remained in comfortable silence for some time. Mafvin didn’t get enough of this companionship these days, not since this war began. He was close with much of his royal guard - but so many of them had been tapped to fight the Eolans, and instead Mafvin was brought new ones, young and bright-eyed and in awe of the man they were supposed to be guarding. Mafvin had stopped trying to break them out of their wonder and fear, and now he just sulked and let them watch from a distance. Eventually, they’d figure it out.
They’d realize he was a fool and a child and, if the muttering of his council was to be believed, a coward.
He ate the scone automatically, not tasting the sweetness despite the honey baked into it. Dayehmon had another waiting for him when he finished, and Mafvin sighed, taking it before his guard pinned him down and stuffed it into his mouth.
“Am I a coward, Tibur?” Mafvin asked, after a long moment. Dayehmon paused, looking down at him.
“I don’t think there is an answer to that question that will satisfy you, Eos,” he said finally. Mafvin scoffed.
“You can be honest,” he said, disgusted.
“I am.” Dayehmon straightened up off of the tree, carefully detangling the flowering ivy that still clung to his arm and draping it from the tree. “You’re the only one who knows that answer.”
Mafvin sighed, dropping his head back against the tree trunk. “The council thinks I am.”
“The council,” Dayehmon said flatly, “are sitting flat on their asses while they send the common folk off to war. Only three of them know what fighting’s like.”
“I’m sitting flat on my ass while I send the common folk off to war.”
Dayehmon hummed. “You are.”
Mafvin ran a hand over his face. “So you must think as little of me as you do of them.”
“Well, you’ve never called me a scarred son of a pig, so you’ve got that going for you,” Dayehmon pointed out good-naturedly. “I don’t think that little of you, Eos. Not that it matters. You are my king.”
“A king you have special dispensation to put down like a sick dog if ever you see fit,” Mafvin said dryly. Dayenmon smiled, one side of it pulled crooked by the three scars running down his cheek.
He held out a hand to Mafvin, who pulled himself to his feet with a sigh. “So. Our soldiers are going to war and being killed. That is their choice.”
Dayehmon snorted. “Now I think you’re a fool,” he said sharply. “We conscript our soldiers, Eos, you know that. Not all of them made that choice.”
Mafvin flinched, but Dayehmon was right. Mafvin had tried to overturn the conscription acts again and again, but the council refused to agree. He’d never fought in the army, they had argued. He’d never fought in the nearly constant wars against Eola, or had any idea what running a military was like. He clearly didn’t understand the necessity of conscription. He should stick to overseeing agriculture and logistics, and let his council and generals worry over such matters.
They’d said that for years, and now, they begged him to fight their war for them.
“I could end the fighting,” Mafvin said, looking down at his hands. “That’s what they all tell me. I could end it all. I could march into Eola and take Kydrei whenever I wish.”
“I suppose you could,” Dayehmon agreed. Mafvin continued as if he hadn’t said anything.
“I could kill them all. It would be easy. Eola is pushing because they don’t fear me. They don’t fear me, because I’ve never brought my magic against them.” Mafvin paced, thick, tangled grass and weeds blossoming under each step, only to be trampled again when he turned in his little circle. Dayehmon reached up to pluck an apple off the tree above him, nestled among out-of-season flowers. “They believe my power is diminished if I leave the heart of the country - I suppose the council’s spies managed one good thing over the years,” he added dryly.
“More likely the soldiers believe that, and the generals have some idea of how to deal with you when they get here,” Dayehmon mused.
“I - I don’t want to kill anyone, Tibur.” Mafvin stopped to look at him, despair in his leaf-green eyes. “I’ve hurt enough people already. Vitalia bears the scars of my mistakes, I - I’ve sworn to do everything I can to avoid killing with my magic.”
Dayehmon eyed the apple. “And you’ve tried to end the wars.”
Mafvin gave a sharp laugh. “Not that it’s helped anything,” he said scornfully.
“But you’ve tried,” Dayehmon pressed. He gave a sigh of his own. “I don’t have an answer for you, Eos. They see you as a weapon. As magic incarnate, and nothing else. A means to an end. The same way they see the soldiers.”
Mafvin remained silent, staring into the cluster of trees. They groaned and creaked, though there was no wind to make them shifted so. The ground shuddered under his feet; a breeze picked up, rattling the tree branches and fluttering the moss and ivy.
Dayehmon watched him, and the restlessness of nature around the king; small lights winked on and off among the trees like fireflies in the middle of the day. He was sure Mafvin had no idea.
“I don’t think you’re a coward,” Dayehmon said, at last. “I think you have an impossible choice to make. They see your magic, but that’s all they see. I don’t have magic, just blood. I see what the soldiers would see. Death.”
Mafvin flinched at that, and looked down at his hands. He was rarely still, but he’d stayed in one place long enough that a vine crept up his legs, wrapping around his arm and flowering in his palm. Dayehmon scuffed his feet as he stepped over, placing a hand on Mafvin’s arm.
“There’s going to be death either way,” Dayehmon said quietly. “You have to decide whether the cost of action or inaction is worth the toll yourself.”
He gave Mafvin’s arm a comforting squeeze, then looked up as the gate to the gardens creaked open. A servant cleared her throat, bowed, and said, “Your Majesty, the Queen wishes to invite you for tea.”
Mafvin knew what side the queen had taken.
She’d been more involved with the council than ever during the war, speaking with them in meetings Mafvin was carefully not told about. They all feigned innocence when he asked why he wasn’t summoned. “We did, of course,” one councilor would say anxiously. “Perhaps the message was misplaced.”
The queen would widen her blue eyes and suggest, “We had assumed you’d be off on one of your jaunts anyway, my love.”
My love. They had never loved each other, and everyone knew it. Yet she always fell back to her pet names, her condescending terms of endearment. Even the children had long stopped believing there was any affection between them.
Of course, it wasn’t as if the council’s assumptions were unfounded. Mafvin hated council meetings, hated war meetings, hated anything where he had to sit still and focus for longer than ten minutes. He hated being king.
The queen’s gardens were neat and orderly, a sharp contrast to the sprawling mess that Mafvin’s magic shaped without thinking. He stepped out onto a perfectly manicured path of crushed white gravel - crystals, really, ones that he’d summoned from the earth himself to please her, and to burn off his magic one foggy autumn morning. Maybe he didn’t truly love her, but there was no reason not to try to please her.
At least, there used to be no reason.
She sat at a small iron-wrought table, one Mafvin had crafted after spending a month with the iron-smiths in the capital. Tea had been set out, and she looked up from the table with a smile when she heard his footsteps on the path.
“I hear,” she said, her voice as lyrical as a brook, “that my husband has decided to be a coward.”
Mafvin stopped short.
“Is that so,” he answered, his tone flat. The queen smiled at him and gestured to the other chair.
“Would you like to sit, or pace about like an unruly child, as you usually do?” she asked. Mafvin twitched his fingers, and the teapot poured for them both, one teacup floating towards him.
“Why do you want me to fight so badly?” he asked, deciding to just get straight to the point. “Hoping I’ll be killed, so you can take the throne?”
During the more pleasant days of their relationship, it would have been nothing more than a playful jab - she and Mafvin knew why they’d been married to each other. But now, there was a snide, sharp weight to the words. The queen stiffened, tilting her chin. Mafvin watched her as he sipped at his tea, and nearly apologized - but why should he, anyway? They’d never loved each other. It was merely tolerance.
“No,” she said, after too long a silence, her voice curt. “I want to end this war. Which I had thought was your goal, as well. You always say how tired you are of the fighting.”
“I was tired of the fighting long before this conflict ever began,” Mafvin snapped. He let go of the teacup, but it remained in place, with nothing but his magic to support it. “I was tired of the fighting when it was my grandfather who had the throne, and I was just learning what a sword was meant for. But you - all if you, the council, the damned country - you all kept pushing and poking at them, at the border, and now see where we are!”
“Here, with the Eolans knocking on our front door,” she retorted, “and the best man to stop them refusing to care for his people.
Mafvin sucked in an angry breath. The gravel shifted beneath his feet, and the teacup wavered next to him. “Do not,” he seethed, “accuse me of not caring. Everything I have done, I have done for my people.”
“Except keep them safe from those marauders,” the queen snapped back. “You see the news from the front before any of us. You hear what is coming on the winds, what the animals chatter about. You see the blood that soaks the Finns. Don’t pretend you’re keeping them safe with your inaction.”
Mafvin’s jaw clenched, his hands curling into fists. The teacup trembled, and then some invisible force crushed it into perfect dust.
The tea never hit the ground, but instead swirled around, ridding itself of teacup fragments before it streamed through the air and back into the teapot. It was guided not by the king, but by his wife, her fingers directing the liquid back down the spout of the ceramic teapot.
Water. The most powerful water mage in the Eastern Quarter. ‘To nourish the green magic of the king,’ they’d proclaimed at the wedding ceremony, as if the entire court were pretending this was not a marriage to breed even more powerful mages than Mafvin himself.
She was as nourishing as seawater. Mafvin was more likely to drown in one of her storms, than to ever be bolstered.
“Eos,” she said flatly. “The Eolans tortured and killed the governor of Aelford, his family, and the people of his city. When they finally reach Finns, what do you think they will do then?”
She stood, her skirts not quite brushing the ground. “Will you let them march in? Will you raise your magic against them then? I suspect you will not, because of your fear and cowardice. You’ll leave the fighting to us.”
“And yet,” Mafvin returned, his voice sharp, “you are still here, my darling wife. You, who could bring the entire river Finns against them, or choke them with a fog. I don’t see you marching off to the front lines, with the mages you so happily conscripted. Why should I go while you stay behind, and drink your damned tea?”
The teapot rattled, cracks forming in the ceramic; the tea began to leak through in droplets, and then the entire thing exploded - and flash-froze just as quickly, leaving a chunk of iced ceramic and tea in the center of the little table.
The queen pursed her lips. Mafvin tried to feel smug, but he couldn’t quite bring himself to it. Goading her into losing control of her magic used to be a victory, but now he just felt empty and angry. They never loved each other, but at least they used to like each other. What had changed?
“I will do what is necessary,” the queen said, quietly savage. She gathered up her skirts and stalked past Mafvin, disappearing down the winding path back towards the castle.
He didn’t watch her leave, but remained there, staring at the frozen tea and broken ceramic until his vision blurred. He blinked once, twice, then wiped at his eyes.
The frozen liquid softened, swirling upwards and letting the shattered pieces of the teapot lower gently to the table. Mafvin stepped over, picking up the shards with his hands and his magic, trying to piece them back together. His result was a cracked vessel. He wasn’t exactly a potter, just like he wasn’t exactly an ironsmith, or a miner, or a soldier, or a king.
All the magic in the world, and Mafvin couldn’t fix any of this.
His wife’s voice floated back to him through the gardens. She wasn’t talking to him, but her beautiful voice always carried like a stream’s trickling.
“Ah, Vitalia!” The queen sounded bright and cheery as she greeted their eldest daughter. Mafvin barely heard Vitalia’s murmured reply, and the sound of a door opening. “Have you heard? We’re sending you to the Summer Palace, until this whole nasty business with the Eolans is settled.”
The queen’s voice faded as they walked inside. “You’ll be safe there, my dearest.”
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ramble-writes · 4 years
Better With Practice
O lord please don’t mind me. It was a convo that I started randomly with @franks-mixtape over discord about our Franks and how weird their interactions are. It’s either some weird ass relationship, or chaotic af brothers of some sort... Or something else I dunno. This is going off the brother thing sooooo don’t mind me! *scuttles off* And thanks for letting me ramble about it bro.
Breath coming fast.
Heart beating rapidly.
Legs forced to move faster.
Midnight black locks whipped at Frank’s forehead as he ran, emerald green eyes were nothing but a ring around blown pupils as his eyes scanned the darkened forest that whizzes by him. Boots dig into the ground and arms move like jackhammers to propel him forward. Teeth are bared as he pants for air, his heart loud in his ears as he strains to listen for what’s got him to run.
There, off to his right, he heard the sound of thundering steps running beside him. Frank vaulted over a downed log, catching a glimpse of the shape chasing. Large and big in shape, the slight glint of long teeth caught in what little light is breaking through the branches from the half moon in the sky, and vibrant amber eyes focused right on him while dodging oncoming the brambles on the ground.
His legs burned as he changed course with a sharp turn to his left at a large trunk of a tree. The thing behind him followed in suit, a growl reaching his ears despite the wind howling loudly. The thing hung back, not making an attempt to catch up any quicker which irked the raven-haired 19 year old. Raising his voice as much as his lungs would allow, he shouted over his shoulder to the thing.
“C’mon ya big bastard! I know you can run faster than that slow shit!”
That seemed to set it off. The beast quickened its pace, its own breath coming fast as it sped up that it was close enough to just snag the back of Frank’s jacket. But it didn’t. The rumbling sound stopped, meaning it jumped. He knew this by how the hairs on the back of his neck raised up like an alert and he did the one thing he was told: He drops down onto the ground like a rock.
The large mass of a creature sailed over him, but he snapped back up like a sprinter out of the blocks and pounced onto the thing. Hands were quick to take a hold of thick fur in a vice like grasp to hold on. The thing under him let out a snarl as it veered to ram its back to a tree to knock him off. But Frank was quicker than that. His arm wrapped around its thick neck and took a hold of the fur on the other side and yarded on it hard.
The beast yelped and its feet stumbled under its body. They both took a hard tumble to the ground, the wind getting knocked out of Frank when it landed on him along with his back connecting with the ground below them. Just because he took a hard fall, his grip on the creature didn’t let up, muscles locked up like the jaws of a dog. His legs moved to wrap around its waist the moment it rolled onto its side and his ankles twisted together to hold. It started to struggle, trying to stand to shake him off to gain the upper ground. This made Frank let out a snarl between his teeth that canines just barely poked at his bottom lip.
“Oh no you fucking don’t! I ain’t finished with your ass yet flea bag!”
It snarled as it did its best to twist its head around to snap at him, but his other arm came around to take a hold of his wrist in a lock and pulled his arms towards himself. Muscle under fur rippled at the sudden strangulation when Frank’s arm tucked right under its chin where less muscling is to protect it. The beast let out a choked sound before using one of its appendages to slap the ground a few times.
“ACK! Let go!”
“Mer-” A gasp for a breath. “MERCY!!”
A grin spread across Frank’s pale features, but as the rules go, his limbs detangled and let the thing go. It stumbled up onto its feet with gasps before looking at the smiling teen who proceeds to roll onto his back with arms tucked behind his head like the smug bastard he is.
“Lighten up Morri, I won fair and square. Your dumbass just calculated your shit wrong.”
Morri, as the now identifiable wolf, lets out a huff as he sat down. Thing is, the wolf’s form shifted to that of a human upon sitting. Same age, similar facial structure, but different in his own way. The now human Morri let out a sigh as he rubbed at his neck.
“Geez. Ya didn’t have to pull so hard like that, Frank. Any harder and you might’ve bruised something.”
“What. You gonna be a pussy about it? Your neck is literally thicker than my waist! You’ll live if you stop being such a bitch baby about it.”
That made Morri scoffed. Now thinking, even though these two just met about a month ago, it still was pretty weird as all shit to address him as the same name they share. Talk about parents with shit tastes in names. It’s why he says to just go by Morri, a shortened version of the last name they both share, or just Morrison. Either way, it was one way to call them both out if needed.
Frank glanced over, with the little light peaking through, he can see Morri muttering to himself. Of course, keen ears picked up what was said, but when it comes to his half-brother, he ain’t one to pry for information unless shits serious. His chest expanded with a breath, then let out as a sigh. He got himself up onto his feet, brushing dirt off from his ass and his back, then went over and held out his hand towards Morrison.
The russet-haired boy looks up to the other, amber meeting emerald before glancing down to the hand held out to him, to the hints of a tattoo sleeve of roses. Letting his hand drop from his neck, he took a hold and Frank took a step back to haul Morri to his feet with a grunt. Now standing, it’s easy to see the two are the same height. Many kids looking at the two would say they’re fraternal twins or something. Same name, same flaming jester skull tattoo on the neck, but whereas Frank is pale, Morri is a bit tan. Hair color was another thing. Russet to raven black. Though, the sibling thing was right. Same dead beat father that didn’t give two shits, but different moms.
Frank was only half of what Morri is. Werewolf. He couldn’t shift like the other, but sight, smell, hearing, and other things were enhanced. Morrison was full werewolf. Able to shift from human to wolf in seconds with, thankfully, clothes on. Other than that, they see each other as full on brothers. Who the fuck cares about the differences? They don’t.
“Ey, bro. You mind if I crash at your place for a bit? Clive is giving me shit again.”
Morri blinked at that, but nodded. “You know you’re always welcome. Swear though, one of these days I’m gonna rip the bastards throat out.”
Frank chuckled at that and looped an arm around Morri’s shoulders. “I wouldn’t mind that. Fuck. I’d even watch that happen. You wanna know what the fucker does with the checks he gets from family services?! He-”
“Spends it on alcohol. I know. Half the time I can smell it on you. And you’ve told me this, multiple times.”
Well that made Frank shut up. But he sighed and nodded. Morrison chuckled a bit, then rested his own arm over the other’s shoulders as they made their way through the forest to the dark street of Ormond.
“At least you’re getting better. The more practice, the better. Soon enough you just might be able to fight me head on,” Morri said, changing the subject. This pulled a slight smile from Frank at that.
“Yeah? Me being able to kick your ass without running? Siiick.”
The wolf listened as his other half rambled about how cool it’ll be to fight without any given leverage. Banter was thrown as they made their way to Morrison’s current foster home, acting like as if they haven’t been separate for 19 years. Safe to say, this felt normal. Like it should’ve been.
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aethelar · 5 years
Please can I have a sprawling romance set against the backdrop of a wisteria-laden English castle estate? Specifically the wisteria-laden castle estate that belongs to the Scamander family and that Percival Graves, the young American soldier wounded in action in the first world war, is staying at as he relearns how to walk.
It could happen. A lot of old English estates were offered as hospitals during the war, and wisteria suits castles. It’d be down in Kent somewhere, with a stone Tudor keep and rolling grounds covered in trees just coming into leaf as the seasons change. Lord Scamander won’t be around, I don’t think - he was Lady Scamander’s third husband and she divorced him when he was boring enough to protest her training as a nurse for the VAD. Lady Scamander though, she’ll be there, running the hospital with an iron fist and covering night shifts when the new arrivals were brought in. Graves met her, once, when he’d only recently woken up from surgery. She asked him how he did in a cut-glass accent and checked the dressing on his leg; he spent the whole time tripping over his tongue and half-believing it wasn’t real.
But Lady Scamander isn’t the focus of this romance. The focus of this romance is Graves, of course, and the way he braces himself against the uneven 15th century wall as he shakily hauls himself to his feet, the way he frowns and rehearses the letter he writes to his parents before he dares put pen to paper, the way he sits next to another soldier with another wound and talks them through the dreams they can’t stop seeing every time they close their eyes.
It’s the way he sits on the stone windowsill in the green dining room that’s been repurposed as a hospital ward and watches the summer sun rise and thinks what it would be like if he’d never gone to war.
There’s a figure, down in the grounds. Graves has seen him a few times - tousle-haired, tall, carrying supplies in off the delivery trucks or lugging boxes of potatoes down from the gardens. He’s heading to the stables this morning, sleeves rolled up and something cheerful in his step. He waves when he sees Graves watching from the window.
Newt, Graves learns his name is, though it takes him a while. Healing can’t be rushed, Lady Scamander scolds when Graves pushes himself too far and hobbles his way towards another injury. She taps her lips in thought then raises a hand in imperious summons. Newt, get the man a wheelchair. He needs to go outside.
What am I, a dog? Graves wants to bite back, except he doesn’t because she’s a Lady and his mother raised him right and he really does need to go outside.
Newt fetches the wheelchair and pushes it where Graves asks him to go, and when Graves falls silent with his head tipped back in the sun and his eyes closed to stop himself crying, Newt drops to the ground next to him and waits. He talks, when the silences stretch too long and too loud and Graves hears echoes in them of friends who’ll never come back. It’s nothing important, the things Newt talks about, except that it is because it’s Newt; Graves listens to Newt talk about the pigs and the chickens, the best place to spot robins in the leaf litter, the kinds of flowers that attract bees and which of the horses are learning to work the latches on their stable door.
Newt takes him to see them and Graves holds out a hand with an apple core for a pale grey foal to shy away from then dance towards and take. Graves smiles and Newt notices, and they go back to the horses until the route to the field is familiar, littered with red-gold leaves and lined with autumn brambles. The wheelchair sticks in the mud after rainy nights and Newt laughs each time and stains his white shirt black as he tries to get it free. Eventually, when the frost is thick on the ground and the days are short and cold, Graves hobbles over on a prosthetic leg and the foal - barely a foal anymore - prances up to greet him with its ears pricked high in hello.
He’s beautiful, he says, and Newt leans on the fence and watches Graves and smiles, achingly tender-soft, and says, He is.
They want him on the front, Newt says another day. He’s frowning, almost angry, but his hands are ceaselessly gently as he teases the tangles out the grey yearling’s mane. Graves’ fingers tighten on his cane and the drumming of rain against the roof seems to change in tempo. Newt reaches out to ask for a different brush and Graves is back in the stable again, back in Kent, in the castle estate with Newt. Not now, Newt continues, flicking his eyes over Graves to check he’s alright. He’s not ready yet, but when he is, he’ll leave.
He swaps places and the yearling noses at Graves’ pockets when he steps forward to take over grooming. Graves laughs, and Newt watches him, and says, I don’t want him to go.
Spring comes and the wisteria blooms again, clouds of purple floating over the arched gateway and lining the stairs up to the balcony terrace. Graves takes them slowly, over-bending his knee to account for lack of flexibility in the ankle of his aluminium leg, but he takes them steadily, by himself, walking on two feet he’s finally accepted as his own.
Newt, he says, and he can’t help but smile. Newt is windswept and sunkissed, the pale of winter fading into a spray of freckles across his cheeks.
Graves, Newt answers, pushing himself off the crenellated wall and reaching for Graves’ hand. He pauses for a moment, gaze roving over Graves’ face as though he could paint it into his memory if he looked at it hard enough, and when he continues his voice is small.
Mother says you’re well enough to go home.
Mother? Graves asks, because Newt is the stable boy, the gardener, the fetch-and-carry boy that does anything and everything to keep the hospital-castle running. Then, with shock, Mother, because there’s a painting in the east library of a laughing child with tousled hair and freckled cheeks and Graves had been distracted enough by it to ask one of the maids who it was.
Oh, the young master, she’d said. He’s a charmer, isn’t he?
Mother, Graves repeats a third time, and Newt, the charmer, the young master, Newt Scamander frowns at him in confusion.
You didn’t know? he asks, hesitant. His fingers tighten around Graves’, a brief moment of weakness that he regrets when Graves steps away.
I’m sorry, Graves says, eyes wide. He’s a soldier, not even a soldier, not even American just the son of an Italian immigrant who thought he could save the world and lost his leg in a trench. Newt is a Lord. And Graves had thought - Graves had hoped - in a letter to his mother that Graves had rehearsed three times before writing, Graves had asked if he could bring Newt home.
He stares around him, at the castle, the wisteria, the rolling grounds and the stable where the horse he’s started thinking of as his is waiting to be sent to war. His mother can send him all the love she has, but the only home Graves could offer Newt would be a hovel compared to this.
Graves, wait, Newt says, but Graves is gone, limping-falling-running down the stairs with his cane clattering against the stones as he flees.
The second half of Newt’s statement doesn’t register until he’s back in the ward, staring blankly as the smiling doctor pronounces him as healthy as he can hope to be. I bet you’ll be glad to get home, he says with a friendly pat on Graves’ shoulder, and Graves nods woodenly and doesn’t want to go. Castles in Kent are not made for leaving lightly, he thinks; nor are tousle-haired boys with freckled cheeks who push his wheelchair and hold his hand and steal his breath away when they laugh.
The bag that he packs into is too small for the year of his life he’s spent falling in love. He slings it cross-ways over his body and balances his cane against his knee as the truck rattles its way to the castle gates. The sound of the engine morphs and twists in his mind until it’s a droning plane, a machine gun, a spray of shrapnel, a horse’s hooves. He closes his eyes and wills the memories away but he can’t block them out by himself.
The hooves get louder and he thinks he can hear someone shouting; he grips his cane tighter and digs his nails into his palm but it doesn’t stop and someone shouts his name and his eyes fly open with a gasp and -
and -
Graves, Newt begs, leaning forwards against the grey horse’s neck. The war falls away and Graves is back in Kent with Newt. Please, Graves, I don’t want you to go. 
You’re a Lord, Graves says, baffled and confused and so cautiously optimistic it almost hurts. I’m - I’m no one.
You’re someone to me, Newt says. The horse dances under him, ears flicking between them and head tossing at it tries to understand. Arguments run through Graves’ thoughts, tripping over themselves and part of him can barely believe this is real, but Newt holds out a hand and blinks like he’s trying not to cry. Please, he says. Stay.
Graves loves him. He doesn’t want to go. He takes his hand and stays.
The wisteria fades, summer passes, the seasons change and the trees drop red-gold leaves as autumn falls. The war ends. The Lady Scamander hires a new cook and a new librarian and raises an unimpressed eyebrow at Graves when he chokes. You mentioned your mother’s cooking was the best, she remarks coolly. I think I deserve it, don’t you?
Newt just laughs when Graves tells him. Do they like horses? he asks. You’ll have to show them yours. Maybe you’ll be able to stay on for five minutes at a time. The teasing is light-hearted and gentle and Graves flaps a hand in pretend annoyance to hide his grin. They didn’t take his horse to the front because there wasn’t a front, not any more, and Graves hides apples in his pockets and sneaks down to the stables in the early mornings to detangle his mane, and in return his horse waits patiently while Graves lifts his prosthetic leg over to sit astride the polished saddle and - slowly, carefully, steadily - the pair of them learn to ride.
It can’t be rushed, Newt says when Graves and his horse both push too fast and Graves ends up on the grass with the breath knocked out of him. You’ll end up back in your chair, and then what will I do with you?
Whatever you like, Graves promises, and pulls Newt down to land on top of him.
He could fall in love a thousand times, he thinks, and one more smile would be all it took to fall in love again.
Yes, Newt says, and presses a kiss against his lips. I rather think I shall.
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wildheart-warriors · 7 years
Timelines Chapter Ten
The days before the gathering passed in tense silence; every cat was focused and grim-faced, the usual cheerful atmosphere of camp replaced by one of fear and anger. Mosspaw spent her nights training; battle practice from sunset to moonhigh, and hunting from moonhigh to sunrise.
Featherwhisker was always within calling distance of Thrushpelt, while Spottedpaw gathered supplies tirelessly. The elders reinforced the nursery and camp walls, weaving brambles and strong branches into any gaps. They were preparing for the worst.
“Thistleclaw,” Sunstar called. “Gather Halftail, Oakclaw, Fuzzypelt, Goldenflower, Whitestorm, Tigerclaw, Leopardfoot, Adderfang, and their respective apprentices. We must leave soon.”
The deputy nodded his assent, and paused as he passed Mosspaw. “Could you fetch your siblings and Frostpaw for the gathering?” he asked. Mosspaw nodded quickly and gulped down the last bite of her shrew before sticking her nose into the apprentice’s den. Frostpaw lay inside, curled around her injured sister Brindlepaw. The deep gouges down Brindlepaw’s chest would likely rip open again if the apprentice moved too much. Frostpaw spent every spare moment at her sister’s side.
“Frostpaw, Thistleclaw wants you for the gathering,” she mewed. The gray and white she-cat looked up, her blue eyes glittering like ice, and carefully detangled herself from Brindlepaw.
“Shadowclan better have a good explanation for this,” she growled as she stalked past. Mosspaw shivered and stepped out of her way, noticing for the first time how imposing Frostpaw was. She carried herself with the same quiet power as her mentor.
Mosspaw turned toward the gorse tunnel and spotted Stonepaw, returning with a load of brambles held delicately in his jaws. Everyone was staying close to camp tonight, both in hopes of attending the gathering and to guard against possible attack.
“Stonepaw! Sunstar said we could attend the gathering,” she called. “Do you know where Mistypaw is?”
Stonepaw waved his tail, and jerked his head towards the gorse tunnel. “By the stream,” he mumbled. “She stepped in something rotten.”
Mosspaw trotted out past the slowly assembling patrol to find her sister. Sunstar had chosen more cats than he usually would to attend. Hopefully it would show how strong Thunderclan was; and overpower Shadowclan should the truce break.
She spotted Mistypaw as she rounded the next bend. Her sister had waded out to the deepest part of the stream and stood there, soaked up to her belly fur, eyes closed. Mosspaw’s whiskers twitched and she took a deep breath, sitting up on her hind legs.
“Y’know you only had to wash your paws!” she bellowed. Mistypaw gasped and lost her footing as she turned to face her sister, plunging the rest of her into the stream and drenching her.
Mosspaw tumbled onto her back, laughing so hard she couldn’t breathe while Mistypaw dragged herself onto dry land. The normally elegant apprentice glared at her through dripping fur, her pelt plastered to her sides. Before Mosspaw could say anything, Mistypaw lunged for her and knocked her barely-regained breath from her chest.
“You stupid furball,” Mistypaw hissed. Mosspaw gasped for breath and kicked weakly at Mistypaw’s flanks in a futile attempt to get her wet sibling away from her. Mistypaw grabbed Mosspaw by the scruff, and Mosspaw didn’t realize what she was trying to do until she was almost in the stream.
“Mistypaw no!” she cried, flailing against her sister and trying to contain her laughter long enough to escape. Cold water flooded up the back of her neck and shoulders as she was plunged into the stream, her thick tabby fur soaked to the skin.
The sisters returned to camp dripping wet and the last of the gathering party to arrive. Sunstar narrowed his eyes but said nothing, and they quickly shuffled to the back of the group.
“What in Starclan’s name did you do?” Stonepaw whispered, padding a safe distance away from his dripping sisters.
“Mosspaw made me slip in the stream,” Mistypaw sniffed. “I made us even.”
“You wouldn’t have slipped if you weren’t belly deep! Last I checked that’s not how most cats wash their paws,” Mosspaw retorted.
“How I wash my paws is none of your business!” Mistypaw hissed. Mosspaw stuck her tongue out and shook herself out. Stonepaw let out a little yelp and raced forward out of the splash zone, leaving his damp and drippy siblings to plod alone at the back of the group.
By the time they reached Fourtrees Mosspaw felt mostly dry, but not at all dignified. Her fur was fluffed out and sticking up in spikey clumps; she must look like a messy kit in place of an apprentice! Sunstar paused at the top of the slope, and she quickly tried to smooth out her coat with a few rapid tongue strokes. Nearby, Mistypaw was attempting the same thing, and not for the first time Mosspaw was envious of her longer fur, which seemed to cooperate much more nicely than her mid-length pelt ever did.
She nearly missed Sunstar’s signal, and was at the tail end of the Thunderclan party as they charged down into the hollow. Immediately Mosspaw was swamped with the scents of the other three clans; Shadowclan’s strong pine-needle musk, Riverclan’s wet, fishy smell, and Windclan’s light heather scent. Unlike her own clan, she couldn’t pick out individuals here. They all blended together, foreign to her and indistinguishable from one another.
The Thunderclan cats split apart and vanished into the throng of unfamiliar felines, leaving Mosspaw on her own and entirely lost. Thankfully Oakclaw spotted her, and waved her over with his tail. Stonepaw and Mistypaw joined them, both as wide-eyed and nervous looking as she felt.
“Come on, there’s someone I want you to meet,” their father purred. He led them through the crowd, towards the center of the clearing where the Great Rock loomed high above them. No cat stood their now, but soon the clan leaders would assemble atop it and call the gathering to order.
Around the base of the rock were eight cats; two were familiar, Thistleclaw and Sunstar, her own deputy and leader, but the others were strangers to her. Oakclaw padded toward them, and a hulking brown tabby tom looked up. Mosspaw had to stifle a gasp. He was big and broad shouldered, with long, thick fur the same shade as her own and warm green eyes; but what caught her attention was his jaw. It was twisted to the side and jutted forward more than was natural, exposing his bottom canines and crooked, misaligned teeth. This was Crookedstar, leader of Riverclan, and her uncle.
Crookedstar rose to meet them, bumping his head against Oakclaw’s affectionately. The two brothers purred greetings while Stonepaw, Mistypaw, and Mosspaw looked on in awe.
“I’ve brought some cats I think you’d like to meet,” Oakclaw purred.
“So you have,” Crookedstar mewed. His voice was warm and friendly, and much cleared than Mosspaw expected. “It’s good to meet you at last, my kin. Now, which one of you is which?” humor sparkled in his eyes, and Mosspaw found herself at ease with the Riverclan tom.
“I’m Stonepaw!” Stonepaw rushed forward, standing up as tall as he could and puffing out his chest.  “And these are my sisters, Mistypaw and Mosspaw.” He gestured to each of them with his tail.
Mistypaw shot him a glare and shouldered him aside. “We can speak for ourselves,” she retorted. “As he said, though, I’m Mistypaw.”
Crookedstar’s whiskers twitched with amusement. “You’re the spitting image of your mother, the two of you. And you,” his gaze turned to Mosspaw. “Just like your father. A little on the small side, though.” he chuckled. “Pity your parents chose to bring you up in Thunderclan, you look like you’d be strong swimmers!”
Oakclaw shot his brother a warning look, but Crookedstar paid no attention. He lay on his side and hummed quietly for a moment. “Did Oakclaw ever tell you how I broke my jaw?” he asked.
“Oh, yes!” Mosspaw mewed. “And he said you even ran away from Riverclan after! Where did you go?”
“Why did you come back?” Stonepaw added.
“Well, I went up past Windclan’s moors and into the farmland beyond,” he began. Mosspaw tried to pay attention, but her gaze kept wandering; they were surrounded by cats from other clans, and she didn’t want to spend the whole gathering listening to Crookedstar tell them stories they’d already heard.
A Riverclan apprentice was her saving grace. A small torbie charged up to them, thrusting her muzzle into Mistypaw’s face. Mistypaw reared back in surprise, and the strange apprentice blinked at her, then spun to face Crookedstar.
“Is this your Thunderclan kin?” she asked. She showed none of the reverence expected towards her leader, acting as if she were his kin as well.
“Ah, yes. Mallowpaw, my brother’s children, Mistypaw, Mosspaw, and Stonepaw,” Crookedstar coughed. “This is my apprentice Mallowpaw. I expect she’s about your age. Oh, don’t let me keep you too long, this is your first gathering! You’ve got plenty of cats to meet.”
Mosspaw gratefully took the opportunity and slipped away, back into the crowd. Stonepaw, too, disappeared. Mistypaw didn’t move. She crouched, tucking her paws under her chest, and asked the Riverclan leader another question. Mosspaw shrugged and made for a group of apprentices near the edge of the clearing. She could see Frostpaw among them, though her denmate looked disgruntled at best.
She  sat at the edge of the group, beside her clanmate, and pricked her ears. A gray tom was sat up on his haunches, clawing the air to demonstrate his point. “Archeye obliterated him!” he crowed. “I think he would’ve killed that Thunderclan wimp, if Stormtail hadn’t pulled him off.”
Frostpaw jumped to her paws, growling. The group’s attention turned to her and Mosspaw. The Shadowclan apprentice was looking at them smuggly, two of his clanmates flanking him.
“It’s against the warrior code to kill your enemies in battle!” Frostpaw hissed. “What Archeye did to Thrushpelt was barbaric! He fought like a filthy rogue!”
The gray tom bristled, curling his lip. “Talk about my mentor like that again, I dare you,” he snarled.
“Your mentor’s a fox-heart,” Frostpaw growled. “And so is every warrior in that patrol. They nearly killed an apprentice, and Thrushpelt may be permanently disabled,” She stalked forward, thrusting her muzzle into the smaller tom’s face. Her tail lashed, and she stood there, waiting, as though daring the Shadowclan tom to challenge her. “It was a completely unprovoked attack,” she added, after a moment. “Your clanmates mauled a border patrol without cause, and Sunstar won’t let you get away with it!”
“Flintpaw, let’s go,” murmured a scruffy gray-and-white tom. The gray tabby, Flintpaw, was on his feet now, his claws curling into the earth. Frostpaw was nearly twice his size; most Shadowclan cats were undersized, and Frostpaw likely had age on her side as well.
“I’d say stealing prey is enough cause!” Flintpaw spat. “That’s against the warrior code too, or does Thunderclan not teach that bit?”
“No one stole anything!” Mosspaw piped up. Frostpaw shot her a grateful glance, glad of the support. “It’s newleaf, and prey is plentiful in Thunderclan territory. Why would we need your slimy toads?”
Flintpaw’s icy gaze turned on her, and Mosspaw puffed herself out. Frostpaw’s size might’ve been enough to deter a fight, but she was younger and closer to the Shadowclan cat’s size. His clanmates stood around him, a tortoiseshell she-cat and a colorpoint tom, equally outraged.
“Brokentail showed us the evidence himself,” the colorpoint growled. “Your clanmates didn’t even bother to finish what they stole! There was a half-eaten squirrel on our side of the thunderpath just the other day, reeking of Thunderclan!”
“Stop it, the lot of you!” a skinny brown tom shoved his way between the quarrelling apprentices, stubby tail lashing. “This is a gathering, there’s a truce! We don’t need Starclan’s wrath over squabbling apprentices!”
“Quiet, Barkpaw,” the tortie snapped. “You’re an apprentice too!”
“A medicine cat apprentice, Fernpaw” the scrappy gray and white tom spoke up again. “We know the will of Starclan better than you, now knock it off!”
The tortie, Fernpaw, whirled to face him, but before she could retort a chorus of yowls rose from the center of the clearing. A hush fell over the gathered cats, and they turned to watch the Clan leaders silhouetted atop the great rock.
Frostpaw turned, lashing her tail across Flintpaw’s muzzle, and stalked over to where Tigerclaw and Whitestorm were sat. Mosspaw scurried after her, not eager to be left alone with the furious Shadowclan apprentices.
Crookedstar stepped forward first. “The prey has returned with the warmer weather, and as always the thaws have swollen the river. Every cat must use extra caution until the water levels have gone down,” he announced. “And, Riverclan is proud to welcome two new apprentices, Mallowpaw and Dawnpaw!”
The hollow erupted with cheering, cats of all four clans yowling the apprentice’s names to the stars. Mosspaw shivered with excitement; would she and her littermates be welcomed the same way?
A tall tuxedo tom took his place; he must be Rookstar, leader of Windclan. “Prey is running well on the moor,” he began. “And Windclan welcomes new life in the nursery; Wrenflight has had a litter of three healthy kits.”
Mosspaw held her breath as Sunstar took his place at the head of the Great Rock. “Thunderclan also welcomes new arrivals. White-eye has had two kits, Mousekit and Volekit. In addition, we have three new apprentices: Mistypaw, Mosspaw, and Stonepaw!”
Their names were yowled to the stars, though Mosspaw noted that many of Shadowclan’s warriors remained silent. Still, she sat up straight, her chest puffed up with pride.
“Unfortunately, I have graver business to discuss as well,” Sunstar said once the noise had died down. “Several sunrises ago, a border patrol was viciously attacked, beyond any normal border skirmish. Thrushpelt was practically mauled. He has had the skin and lips on half his muzzle and cheek ripped away, and we don’t yet know if his eye is damaged.”
Startled gasps and murmuring broke the hushed silence. “Who would do that?” someone yowled. Sunstar waved his tail for silence, and paused before he went on.
“Brindlepaw is on bed rest due to her injuries, as well as Poppydawn. The attackers were Shadowclan warriors, who were completely unprovoked.”
Outraged yowls erupted from the  Shadowclan cats. All around her cats were on their paws, fur bristling and claws out. Raggedstar shouldered his way to the front to face Sunstar, his patchy fur spiked and bristling with fury. He waved his tail for silence, and the Shadowclan warriors quieted down.
“My warriors were instructed to teach Thunderclan a lesson for their blatant thievery,” he hissed. “I’d say half-eaten prey reeking of Thunderclan scent is provocation enough.”
All around her her clanmates leapt to their paws, hissing and spitting at the accusation. Sunstar glared at Raggedstar, his neck fur bristling. “Prey is plentiful this newleaf, Thunderclan has no reason to steal! My warriors have done no such thing.”
“Scent doesn’t lie, Sunstar,” Raggedstar sniffed. The Thunderclan leader growled, his eyes narrow.
“If you don’t keep your warriors under control, there will be trouble for you, Raggedstar,” he spat.
Raggedstar sneered and shouldered his way to the front to make his own announcements, but Mosspaw was deaf to his words. Her eyes were on Sunstar, who stood just behind the Shadowclan leader, his tail lashing furiously.
Finally, the leaders leapt down to the ground below and began to gather their clanmates around them, putting the gathering to an end. Frostpaw lead the way through the crowd to join Thistleclaw. They were surrounded by bristling, angry cats. The truce had not broken, but there would be consequences.
“Those dirty fox-hearts,” Frostpaw snarled. The apprentices were gathered around her, listening to her encounter with Flintpaw. Mosspaw’s claws curled into the ear, and she found herself imagining that it was the arrogant apprentice’s pelt instead. “They’re proud of what they’ve done. If Sunstar doesn’t order an attack, I’ll maul Archeye myself!”
Mosspaw glanced over her shoulder toward the nettle patch, where Sunstar was convening with his senior warriors; Bluefur was among them, but she couldn’t tell what her mother thought from here.
Redpaw and Willowpaw were just as outraged; it seemed all of Thunderclan was in an uproar, and they would only be satisfied by battle. Mosspaw couldn’t help but agree, though. Shadowclan deserved punishment for their actions and their lies.
She went to her nest as dawn broke over the horizon, tense with apprehension. If there was a battle, would she be chosen to fight? At first, seeing what they had done to Thrushpelt, she had been terrified of the idea, but now her heart pounded with excitement. It would be her first battle, a crucial stepping stone towards being made a warrior.
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ezatluba · 6 years
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Thousands Of Dog Owners Swear By These 37 Genius Products 
The world is full of cool dog toys and handy canine accessories — but some of them are simply better than others. 
1 A Simple Tool That Picks Up Shedding Fur And Releases With A Button
FURminator, Deshedding Tool For Dogs
If your pooch loves to leave clumps of hair throughout the house, this amazing deshedding tool will change your life. With a firm, stainless steel edge, the efficient tool is able to penetrate the topcoat and gently but thoroughly remove loose hair. It's easy to use — just comb through the hair to grab your dog's fur and then press the easy FURejector button to release it.
2 A Fantastically Bright LED Collar That Will Keep Your Dog Safe In The Dark
Illumiseen LED Dog Collar
You'll never lose your pup in the dark again with this awesome LED dog collar that Amazon customers are obsessed with. The light-up collar has over 3,400 glowingreviews (see what I did there?), with thousands of customers praising its ability to shine brightly and keep your dog safe from vehicles and other hazards. The fully adjustable collar can be worn as one solid light, or it can be set to blinking mode with two speed options. The LEDs are rechargeable via USB so you don't have to worry about them burning out, and each charge lasts about five hours. It comes in five glowing color options including neon green, orange, pink, blue, and red.
3 A Cooling Mesh Dog Bed That's Elevated Off The Ground So They Don't Get Hot
Elevated Cooling Dog Bed
Constructed with breathable mesh fabric and set 7 inches off the ground, this elevated dog bed will keep your pup cool all night long. The cot-style bed allows air to circulate underneath so that dogs who tend to overheat can sleep comfortably. It's lightweight yet ultra-sturdy and is capable of holding up to 150 pounds. Plus, it's super compact, so you can bring it with you when you camp, travel, or visit friends. The bed comes in small, medium, and large sizes, so it's compatible with every breed.
4 A Powerful Odor Spray That Makes The Carpet Smell Fresh After Accidents
Rocco & Roxie Supply Co, Stain And Odor Eliminator
There are tons of stain and odor removers out there, but few blast away puppy smells as instantly and thoroughly as this Rocco & Roxie pet spray. The powerful, fast-acting stain remover is formulated especially for the less glamorous parts of puppy ownership ( aka pee on the carpet and vomit on the floor). It features enzymatic bacteria that's activated upon contact with odors, feeding on ammonia crystals and organic matter to completely remove the smell. It's chlorine-free and safe for both kids and other pets, too.
5 The Little Shoes That Protect Paws From Gravel, Snow, And More
My Busy Dog, Water Resistant Shoes
Whether it's thorns and brambles, hot asphalt, glass shards, rusty nails, or salt used for de-icing, sidewalks and trails present a lot of hazards for little paws. These thick dog booties are built with rugged, anti-slip soles to protect them from the elements and keep their feet secure. They're also fully waterproof so their paws will stay clean and dry — and that means you can go play in a muddy park and come home without spending 20 minutes wiping their paws down with a towel. They are available in four colors and eight sizes for every breed.
6 A Soothing Pressure Coat That Helps Anxious Dogs Feel More Peaceful
Thundershirt, Classic Dog Anxiety Jacket
If your little guy gets nervous easily, this doggy anxiety jacket will feel like a soothing friend. The patented design works to calm canine anxiety by applying gentle, constant pressure throughout the day. The result is a feeling of safety and security whether they're stressed out due to fireworks, thunder, separation, travel, vet visits, or other anxiety-inducing scenarios. It's a great way to soothe your pup's worries without the use of sedatives or other drugs.
7 The Feeder That's Perfect For The Dog Who Eats A Little Too Fast
Outward Hound, Slow Feed Dog Bowl
Does your dog wolf the entire bowl of food down within seconds of it being placed on the ground? If so, this slow feed dog bowl will help your overzealous pooch take it easy around mealtime and learn to eat slowly, improving digestion and reducing bloating in the process. In addition to offering portion control, it provides a little puzzle to solve, keeping his or her brain engaged while they chow down.
8 A Rugged Seat Cover That Will Save Your Car Interior From Destruction
BarksBar, Original Pet Seat Cover
Imagine, a car that wasn't covered in dog hair and muddy paw prints?This clever pet seat cover is made from a durable waterproof material that protects your vehicle from fur and shedding, mud, dirt, scratches, and chewing. You can use it as a regular bench-style seat cover or convert it into a hammock that protects both sides of the seats and gives Fido a cradled area to sit in. It has built-in Velcro openings for seat belts and is fully machine-washable.
9 A Warm, Heated Stuffed Animal That Has A Real Heartbeat
Smart Pet Love, Snuggle Puppy Behavioral Aid Toy
Dogs are pack animals who need to cuddle up with others to feel safe. Although this little creature looks like a basic stuffed animal, it's actually a behavioral aid toydesigned to reduce anxiety and offer your puppy a warm body to sleep next to. Meant to imitate the nurturing feel of a mama dog, they toy comes with a heart-shaped ticker that heats up and emits a pulsating beat that mimics a beating heart. The comforting toy is perfect for thunderstorms, fireworks, and other occasions where your puppy gets scared.
10 A Protective Balm That Keeps Their Paws From Drying And Cracking
Mushers, Musher's Secret Paw Protection Wax
Made with soothing vitamin E, this paw wax cream protects their feet from cuts and scrapes without any scent or odor. The wax-based balm goes on the pads of their paws like a cream and dries instantly, creating a protective layer to shield them from the elements. It also helps prevent abrasions, burning, drying, and cracking. "Living in the Northeast, I deal with snow, salt, ice, and blistering pavement in the summers, and this product is an absolute miracle," said one happy Amazon customer. "I purchased three more containers today for my dog to give out as Christmas presents to her friends. It is that good."
11 An Ultra-Convenient Collapsible Dog Bowl For Life On-The-Go
COMSUN, Collapsible Dog Bowl
Constructed with tough silicone, this collapsible dog bowl is the best thing ever for folks on the go. Fill the ample bowl with 12 ounces of water or a 1.5 cups of food, then press it together when you're done for easy storage. It comes with a clip-on carabiner you can use to attach it to a backpack while hiking, or to put on a crate when you travel.
12 A Fake Patch Of Grass To Help With Potty Training
PAW, Artificial Grass Bathroom Mat
Whether you've got a puppy who's still potty training or you live in an apartment where it's tough to get outside quickly to train your dog, this artificial grass matprovides a place for your pooch to do their business inside — without giving them the idea that they're allowed to pee indoors. The three-layer pad features an odor-resistant, anti-microbial mat on top with a plastic insert that traps liquid and drains it into a collection tray on the bottom. To clean it the mat, simply rinse it with soapy water.
13 A Natural Shampoo That Smells Great And Won't Irritate Skin
Earthbath, All Natural Pet Shampoo
Made with delicious natural scents such as eucalyptus and peppermint, oatmeal and aloe, mango, rosemary, tea tree, and sweet orange oil, this doggie shampoo cleans their fur while leaving them smelling fresh and aromatic. It is formulated with 100 percent biodegradable products and detangles in addition to cleansing. On top of that, it is suitable for sensitive skin. "I absolutely love this dog shampoo!" said one Amazon customer. "It makes all my dogs so soft and shiny."
14 A Set Of Rubber Fetch Balls That Whistle When You Throw Them
Chuckit! Whistler Balls 
The only thing dogs find more outrageously fun than chasing balls is chasing balls that make wild noises. This whistling dog ball is just the ticket, offering a chewy rubber fetch toy that whistles in flight, stimulating their hunting instinct and keeping their mind engaged. The balls, which come in a pack of two, are aerodynamic and easy to grip. They are available in small, medium, and large sizes, and one reviewer writes: "Chuck-it makes the best balls for retrievers. They are very durable. Far better than tennis balls. Good value as these last for years not days or weeks. The whistle balls are great for dogs who retrieve by sight AND sound. The whistling gives them better feedback in case they miss seeing the ball launch."
15 A Set Of Fantastically Compact Poop Bags That Fit In Your Pocket
Pogi's Pet Supplies, Pogi's Poop Bags 
If you're sick of searching the house for plastic grocery bags every time you go on a walk, you'll love these eco-friendly poop bags from Pogi's. The baggies come in easy, compact rolls you can fit in your pocket so you don't have to worry about looking like a jerk to the neighbors when your dog goes a second time — you'll always have a back-up. The eco-friendly bags are powder-scented and ultra-thick, so they won't leak even if you have a large dog. Plus, they're big enough to reverse over your hand for easy scooping.
16 An Easy Walk Harness That Keeps Your Dog Protected
Petsafe, Easy Walk Harness
If your dog tends to choke himself with excitement every time a squirrel darts by or a new dog walks up, you need this easy walk harness. The fully adjustable strap system steers your dog to your side to help reduce leash pulling — while also preventing them from gagging on their collar when they lunge. It comes in eight custom sizes and seven colors including green, black, purple, brown, raspberry, red, and blue.
17 A No-Foam Toothpaste That Fights Bad Breath And Controls Tartar
CET Enzymatic Toothpaste
Formulated with an extra-strong, enzymatic solution, this high-quality doggie toothpaste prevents tartar build-up and reduces bad breath. The toothpaste is designed for pups who form plaque rapidly, showcasing an enzyme system that is more abrasive than your typical toothpaste. It won't foam up, is safe for them to swallow, and comes in five flavors including beef, malt, poultry, seafood, and vanilla-mint.
18 A Pack Of Squeaky Toys That Don't Have Stuffing To Shred
ZippyPaws, Skinny Peltz No Stiffing Squeaky Toy 
All dog owners know that stuffing is the bane of their existence. This stuffing-free squeaky toy, however, lets your dog chew to their heart's content without covering the living room in shreds of white puffs. The value pack comes with three toys for a low price — including a fox, raccoon, and squirrel. "Bought these for my Pomeranian and she loves them!" said one Amazon user. "I wanted something that squeaked, was light weight, and came in a package of more than one.. and this was EXACTLY what I was looking for!"
19 A Set Of Training Bells That Your Dog Can Ring To Go Outside
BLUETREE Dog Doorbells Potty Training Bells
These dog training bells provide an innovative way to communicate with your dog during potty training — it teaches them to ring the bell when they're ready to go. That means you'll never have to worry about them scratching at the door, whimpering, or barking when they need to relieve themselves. The adjustable design makes it easy to change the height to cater to your dog's specific size, and the soft jingle is pleasant and easy on your ears.
20 An Interactive Toy That Dispenses Treats While It Rolls Around
Our Pets, IQ Treat Ball Interactive Toy
Keep your dog sharp and on its toes — literally — with this interactive treat ball that dispenses goodies as it moves across your floor. The toy features adjustable difficulty levels so you can start easy and work your way up to harder challenges as your dog gets better at the game. The device, which twists apart easily to fill or wash, can be used for exercise, brain training, or to encourage slow feeding for pups who eat too fast.
21 A Cool Fountain That Provides Filtered Water For Your Dog All Day Long
PetSafe, Drinkwell Platinum Pet Fountain
Rather than refilling your dog's bowl several times a day and letting the water get warm and dirty, this clever pet fountain filters their water, keeps it cold, and ensures that it flows all day long. With a 168-ounce capacity, the fountain will fit dogs of all sizes — so it's an awesome choice whether you have a Pomeranian or a Great Dane. Lots of dogs are drawn to free-falling water streams, and the replaceable carbon filter makes the water taste better, so it's likely the apparatus will make your pup drink more frequently.
22 A Toy With Little Sliders You Can Hide Treats In To Stimulate Their Brain
Spot Interactive Seek-A-Treat Shuffle Bone Toy
Featuring ten compartments and six sliding disks, this interactive dog treat toy gives dogs a way to fight off boredom while increasing their mental aptitude. Use the wooden, bone-shaped puzzle board to hide treats and watch them try to get them out. On top of strengthening cognitive abilities, the toy increases their positive behavioral habits.
23 A Mat To Put Under Their Food Dishes To Keep The Floors Clean
PetFusion, Waterproof Pet Mat
If the area around your dog's dishes is always covered stray dog food and splashes of water, this waterproof pet mat will help you keep the floors clean. Constructed with durable, top-quality silicone material, the mat is flexible and able to sustain paw scratches and other doggie-induced wear and tear. It has a raised lip around the edge so water won't spill over, and textured bumps to prevent the bowls from sliding around.
24 A Food Storage Container That Looks Good And Keeps The Odor In
Gamma2 Vittles Vault Plus Food Storage Container
This food storage container helps keep dog food fresh with an airtight seal, and it's definitely more aesthetically pleasing than an overflowing paper bag. It prevents odors around the food bag because the pet food smell stays contained in the vault, the container comes in three different sizes (and the largest can hold 35 pounds of kibble) with a free measuring cup, and one reviewer writes: "My dog is happier with consistently fresh food, and I'm happy with the perfectly sized and easy-to-use design. No more fumbling with dog food bags. This has been a great investment."
25 A Plush Toy You Can Hide Squeaky Squirrels In To Keep Your Dog Entertained
Outward Hound, Hide-A-Squirrel Puzzle Plush Toy
This cool interactive dog toy features five squeaky squirrels and a plush, tree-shaped container. The idea is that you hide the squirrels inside the trees (aka "Hide and Squeak") and let your dog dig them out with its snout. The toy helps dogs stay engaged, fends off boredom, and strengthens their mental capacities. You can also use the toy, which is available in different sizes for varying breeds, to play fetch and add some bonding time.
26 A Hyper-Absorbent Towel To Dry Them Off After Baths
Bone Dry, Microfiber Pet Bath Towel
When you dry your pooch off after a bath or a wet trip to the park, you don't want to use your nice terry cloth towels. This fantastic microfiber pet towel is made especially for canines with ultra-soft, hyper-absorbent material that lifts moisture from their fur and soaks it up quickly. As a bonus, the cozy towel makes a great blanket for kennels and dog beds, too.
27 A Super Effective Detangling Brush To Remove Mats Of Clumped Fur
GoPets, Dematting Comb
Brushing your dog can be a Herculean task when their fur is covered in mats and little doggie knots. Fortunately, this brilliantly designed de-matting comb offers a way to get a brush through their hair, detangling and un-matting as you go. The double-sided comb offers a low-density rake on one side for de-matting extra stubborn tangles, while the other side is higher density for de-shedding and detangling.
28 A Genius Paw Cleaner That Removes Caked Mud From Their Fee
Dexas Mudbuster Portable Dog Paw Cleaner
You can wipe your dog's paws over and over, but when they've got mud between their footpads and claws, they're going to track it all over the floor. This completely genius dog paw cleaner is built with squishy silicone bristles in the middle that get in between the pads on their feet, claws, and nails. Just add water to the device, stick your dog's paw inside, and gently twist back and forth — voilá, instantly clean paws.
29 An 'Adidog' Track Suit To Make Your Pup Look Adorably Cool While Staying Warm
Adidog Pet Clothes
Not only will this athleisure-style doggie track suit keep your pup warm, it will also make them look cool AF. With an easy-snap button closure design, the suit is a breeze to put on and take off, while the soft cotton feels cozy against their fur. The jumper is available in twelve different sizes and nine colors including black, blue, green, gray, orange, pink, red, yellow, and white.
30 A Pair Of Grooming Gloves That Massage Your Dog While You Work
DELOMO, Pet Grooming Gloves
Constructed with 255 silicone grooming tips, these grooming gloves give your dog a massage while you sweep their fur for loose hair and dander. The sticky material grabs shedding hairs, picking up dirt and clumps of fur as you swipe through. You can also use the gloves at bath time, soaping up the soft rubber to scrub your pooch clean in a gentle manner.
31 An Extra Thick Toy That's Nearly Impossible To Chew Through
KONG Extreme Dog Toy
The KONG is a classic interactive dog toy that stimulates the mind while it entertains. You can stuff it with peanut butter or shove it full of dog treats to give them extra inspiration, and when you're not using it for mental stimulation, it can also be used to play fetch. The thick, durable rubber is almost impossible to chew through, making this one of the longest lasting dog toys out there.
32 A Pack Of Chew Sticks That Act Like Mini Toothbrushes
Greenies, Original Dog Dental Chews
If your dog's breath scares away the neighbors, these doggie dental chews are just the antidote. Made with vitamins and minerals that promote optimal canine oral health, the ingredients are highly soluble so you dog won't have a hard time digesting them. The bumpy texture cleans their teeth and gums while they chew, and it's an easy way to get many of the same benefits of brushing when you don't have time to sit down and stick a toothbrush in their mouth.
33 A Handy Bag To Store Their Treats And Accessories In
Paw Lifestyles Dog Treat Training Pouch
Store your dog's beefy kibbles and treats in this handy training pouch that you can sling around your shoulder when you head for the park. It features an easy-to-use drawstring top and a main compartment that can hold dog toys in addition to treats. It has a built-in poop bag holder and two rings to hang training clickers, and if you don't want to wear it over your shoulder, it also has a removable waistband and strong metal belt clip.
34 A Black Light That Can Detect Where Your Dog Peed While You Were Away
ESCO LITE, UV Flashlight Black Light Urine Detector
Next time your dog gives you that guilty look but you can't figure out why, use this clever black light to scour the house. The special UV rays are able to detect urine so you can determine where the smell is coming from and get it up as quickly as possible. "This thing is so good," said one Amazon user. "It shows every single stain over the years where our dog peed when he was a puppy and still having accidents on the carpet."
35 A Super Effective Flea And Tick Collar That Lasts Eight Months
Bayer Animal Health, Seresto Flea And Tick Collar
Instead of treating your dog every month, use this flea and tick collar to keep the bugs away. The grease-free, odorless collar kills fleas and ticks upon contact, allowing you to save all the money you spend every month on other flea treatments. The collar, which features a low concentration, continuous release design, lasts for eight months.
36 A Convenient Pooper Scooper That Picks Up Waste Without You Bending Over
Dogit Jawz Waste Scoop
Never again bend over to scoop up dog poop with a thin little baggy — this brilliant waste scooper lets you do everything while standing upright, and you'll avoid sticking your hands in the mess. The spring-loaded scooper is easy to use and collects the waste in one simple motion. Store it in your backyard to keep the grass clean, or even take it with you on walks to ditch the scoop bags.
37 This Unique Shower Attachment For An Easy Bath
Waterpik, Pet Wand Pro Shower Attachment
Whether your dog loves baths or goes running every time he hears the faucet turn, this shower attachment will make the experience more pleasant for everyone. With a curved shape, the device delivers a powerful spray that you can use like a water comb, running it up and down the length of their body. It feels like a gentle massage and is immensely helpful for getting soap out of thick fur. The attachment has an 8-foot flexible hose for extended reach and can also be attached to your garden hose for outdoor baths.
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