#even if its a dif otp then my ocs!
seeminglydark · 2 years
hope you know that your detention art has taken over my brain and i am in love thank you very much xoxo
ahhhhhh thank you, IM SO HAPPY people like it! literally frothing at the mouth.
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zeleniafic · 3 years
All of the salt ?s for HP?
ALL THE SALT?! Omg. You've answered my wildest dreams, I love being salty on main tysm~
1 - What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
As far as canon ships go? Romione, honestly. I don't hate it I just don't see the appeal, personally. I don't think they're actually the best fit for each other, romantically speaking, but I won't like... refuse to read a fic over that or something. I just keep putting them both in other pairings when I write HP fics LOL
2 - Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
Marauder x marauder ships. I'm at a point now where I'll read wolfstar if the premise of the fic outside the ship is REALLY appealing to me but I genuinely have always hated Marauder x Marauder ships of any combo, since the very beginning. I just really value relationships with a deep level of love that isn't romantic, and I think adding romance between any of them cheapens it, IMO. The number of times I've been called homophobic for this opinion is absolutely staggering considering that I aM GAY askdfjgnkfl
3 - Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
Honestly probably, I've been on here since I was like 13 and I used to be way more impulsive LMFAO, but I can't remember anything specific for HP tbfh. Marvel is usually what makes me go “nope I can’t do this” and unfollow someone asjkdfgn
4 - Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
P much covered this already I think buuut since we're all OC people here I WILL get messy and say that I dry heave every time I run across an OC fic on the archive that's, like, a currently enrolled Hogwarts student....... and their professor??? Why is that such a fad. When will it die. PLEASE let it die.
5 - Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Not for HP I don't think.
6 - 13
Answered here!
14 - Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
It's not as cringey as ppl make it out to be now??? Like, not in the JKR sense — there's some deeply rooted ethical issues in the way some of her political thinking seeped into the fine print of the world she made, but like the story itself... idk I just see a lot of "ugh just grow up" attitudes about it now and it's silly to me. For all its flaws, HP explored a lot of deep themes and introduced that to a lot of kids. I was one of those kids from a very broken home who got to see themselves in Harry and grow up with him and, WOW THIS GOT TOO DEEP ANYWAY what I'm saying is it's not just a silly kid's story and it's not as simple as "find another book to read" like so many people say now. The world is so vast and Hogwarts really did become HOME at such a young age for a lot of people, and walking away from the emotional investment in that is a lot less simple than ppl want to act.
15 - Unpopular opinion about the manga/show movies?
The movies got a few (minor) things better than the books. Idk why the wardrobe always comes to mind first but sometimes I'm writing fic and I realize that the "students wearing muggle clothing outside of class/formal events" originated with the movies and not the books and I just cannot lmfao I refuse to accept the robes 24/7 give these children some COMFORT and INDIVIDUALITY can u tell i was not sent to a school with a uniform?? i think u can tell
16 - If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
The names of Harry's children. If I could change ONE THING and ONE THING ONLY, that would be it. Do not even get me started holy shit
17 - Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Percy dies instead of Fred, and the "urban myth" (I guess???) that Hermione was originally supposed to be endgame with Fred happens. But Zel how does that make more sense than Romione to you, she also argued with Fred a lot— LISTEN they have more in common in terms of how they approach their goals and challenges in life, they have a certain shared ambitious quality (though reaching for dif end goals, obviously) that Ron doesn’t share (and that’s not an insult to him!!! I just think what he wants in life and how he wants to get there is v different!! don’t come at me ajsdfl), and the back and forth was FUNNY, the GoF movie scene banter with Hermione right before they put their names in for the tournament has lived RENT FREE in my head since I was in middle school okay it's too late I am too far gone—
18 — Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
Lmfao no??? That's such a silly concept, ship what you like, ignore what you don't, that is the secret to happy fandom life~~ **Snily shippers excluded from this sentiment, pls seek therapy~
19 — What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
Like I said I don't interact much with fandom outside the writing sphere so with THAT in mind... I feel like HP fic (and Game of Thrones, tbfh) draws a lot of wildly pretentious feedback??? More than other fandoms I've written for??? I get the strangest reviews sometimes, people write like they're one of my college professors grading my work and have a bunch of back-handed compliments and it's SO ODD. I almost prefer the straight up hate reviews I get in other fandoms lol.
20 — What is the purest ship in the fandom?
Luna and Neville. Forever canon in my heart they are simply TOO PRECIOUS together.
21 — What are your thoughts on crack ships?
Uh. I have none, essentially? Not my cup of tea to pursue a lot but the memes make me laugh. Drapple is unmatched
22 — Popular character you hate?
Rhymes with grape.
23 — Unpopular character you love?
P much covered already.
24 — Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not?
The only people I know who haven't read HP are old church friends who weren't allowed as kids bc it has magic in it and was therefore “satanic”. (See also: Chronicles of Narnia. Despite Aslan literally being furry jesus.) It's been over a decade since then so I hope they've read it since then, among hopefully some other lifestyle changes... 💀
25 — How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
In my ideal HP ending, Harry winds up working as a professor after helping round up all the MIA Death Eaters and playing a season or two of pro quidditch whilst getting some intense therapy. Fuck that ministry noise. Harry James Potter is composed 99% of Problems With Authority, you cannot tell me that boy turned into a magical cop. Who’s gonna stop the guy who saved the world from chasing baddies independently????? NO ONE
26 — Most shippable character?
Sirius. Is he the most emotionally available? Now that's a different question
27 — Least shippable character?
Rhymes with ape.
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