#even in the truman show some actors genuinely became attached to truman
threeletterslife · 3 years
Hey, I’ve been a silent fan (I’m sorry 🙈) for quite some time but I decided to message you today because I JUST FINISHED Tommorows another problem and I can’t fathom how someone could think of such a plot. I was absolutely mesmerized and fascinated. I have to say that you BLEW MY MIND. But I did have a few questions on it if you don’t mind answering them.
Firstly, why did Yn’s mom do that to her daughter? What was her motive in hiring all these people to just script things down and act it out? I can’t wrap my head around the storyline and the mother and all these people that YN trusted that just scripted out her life. It was really good 🥺🥰
Secondly, will YN ever tell Namjoon that she found out about the notebook? I mean if they talk it out won’t it be better? Maybe Namjoon loved her and cared for her all this time…
Thirdly, if this ever happened to you (God forbid) how would you feel? What would you do? And if you found love again and they also had a notebook then would you leave them or stay?
I’m so sorry if I’m confusing, I’m just so stupefied by your story and I literally cannot THINK PROPERLY because it was awesome, and great and fantastic and fabulous and magnificent and all the good adjectives in the dictionary. Thank you so much, for everything, really🥰
omg pls don't apologize for being a silent fan! we all have different ways to enjoy and process our favorite works, and if i do say so myself, i'm a pretty silent reader as well LOL
i also can't take all the credit in coming up with tap since it was inspired by the truman show (1998)! i rewatched that movie recently on a flight home from vacation and damn, it was much more well-directed than i remember LOL (especially for an older film)
and yes, i'd be very glad to answer your questions :)
1. it's implied very loosely that yn's mother was the main orchestrator of the journals, BUT this was also yn's theory (it doesn't have to be 100% true). if you watch the truman show, you see that a whole ass studio picked truman (an orphan) to star in their 24/7 live show. from there, they had camera directors, scriptwriters, actors who would play the important people in truman's life—although they're not marginally related to him at all. the only thing that differed from the truman show and tap was that in tap, the actors were given more precise scripts in the form of a black leather notebook. basically, yn thinks her mother orchestrated this whole thing because her script is the first one she read. however, there might be a high power above her so-called 'mother.' a director, perhaps, or an actual scriptwriter. and though none of this is written in tap, this is what i was thinking of when i wrote the fic! however, that doesn't mean it's the correct way to interpret it since i never explicitly state it. tap is supposed to be a ~mystery~ so i put most—if not all—things up for interpretation!
2. here's the thing. i wanna say that yes, she does eventually tell him about the notebook. but the answer will unfortunately be no. i don't think yn will take any more chances. her separation from jimin was hard. (i like to think that jimin genuinely cared for her.) but i'm not 100% sure that namjoon is as genuine, and yn is rightfully worried about that. the sad thing about tap is that yn has accepted it. she likes her controlled life. she likes namjoon. and she doesn't care that he might be following a script. because he fooled her into thinking he was genuine once and she believed it; she supposes that she can believe it a little longer (maybe forever). it's not easy to pick yourself up, leave your 'mother' and 'best friend' and 'co-workers' and 'boyfriend' to live in a completely new environment. i think yn is tired. she doesn't find the point in searching for the truth, which is pretty understandable too
3. well this is a very fucking good question. man, if this ever happened to me i would honestly be pretty pissed LOL. (and also be slightly amused that i wrote a whole ass FIC about my own situation??? fortune teller much?) i can be proactive if i want, but in this case, i feel like i won't do anything—or anything super reckless LOL. instead, i'd pretend that i didn't see the notebook at all. then i'd read it behind their backs and try to do the opposite of what they think i'm going to do. but i'm pretty sure that's gonna get tiring after a while. in a few years, i'll probably force myself to forget about the notebook and just live how i did before i found out. and let's say i had a partner and i dumped them bc of the notebook. if i found love again (and also found their notebook), i'd leave lmao. i have a no-nonsense rule in my dating/friend life and have no problem cutting off people i don't trust oop. if i broke up with my last s.o. because of the notebook and found out that my recent s.o. also has said notebook, it'd seem pretty stupid to me to continue the relationship for whatever reason 😭 also imagine not being able to hide a teeny notebook from me 🤨🤨 this is not a main character answer whatsoever LOL. but thank you so much for asking this question because it really made me think!
and thank you for leaving such great inquiries and kind feedback!! i'm honestly amazed at how much you enjoyed tap <3
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