#even post about anymorešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Iā€™m still confused about how I got here tbh.) and Iā€™ve been knitting more again. and crocheting way more.
foxgloveinspace Ā· 1 year
Hulloooo! I just restarted my island last week! It's my personal nightmare currently but it'll get there. How have you been?
Iā€™ve been pretty good! This weeks been a bit of a time cause I had cold that just completely zapped all my energy, but other then that, Iā€™ve been doin pretty ok. Nothing to stressful or crazy and nothing too like.. exciting to talk about I guess, lol.
Hmmm, I think the most exciting thing that has happened is that I drove home from ā€˜the big cityā€™ and I even drove in it, so likeā€¦. That was a bit crazy! Slowly getting there on the driving thing lmao.
Iā€™m both really excited about starting over my ac island and like. Nervous lmao. I never really got very far in decorating it tho, so Iā€™m looking forward to a completely fresh slate with it!
How about you? Anything cool, or just acnh (nothing wrong with that if itā€™s the answer tho šŸ„°).
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bejoomi Ā· 1 year
post-next gen plotting!!
hi everyone WOOOOO congrats to all the next gen participants that got signed!! and great work to the admins for everything what a fun event. for those that didnā€™t read the post (SPOILERS!!) nayoung just signed a contract to sr media, and joomi did not get a contract offer at all.
both muses are ultimately happy with these results!! i think iā€™m going to do my standardĀ ā€œhereā€™s whatā€™s up with the gangā€ thing to cover their post-next gen thoughts for ease of plotting.
speaking of plotting, since next gen consumed my life for the past few months, most of the threads i have on both muses are either not super relevant anymore or iā€™ve lost muse for. because of that, iā€™ll be dropping all threads unless previously discussed. iā€™m sorry to do this tbhĀ šŸ˜­ but iā€™d really love to get fresh stuff going! especially trainee threads for nayoung, though iā€™m still wrapping my head around the new system atm asdfasdgdsg so! like this post to plot, no matter who you are, and iā€™d be happy to plot w you all againĀ šŸ’— let me put whatā€™s up with the muses again below!
joomi had this weird moment where he was actually nervous waiting for the last runner upā€™s name to be called on next gen. early on the show, he had wicked bad imposter syndrome and felt like he didnā€™t deserve to be there, and he also never wanted to be a kpop idol; he didnā€™t WANT to be there. over time he grew to just want to do his best, but even by the finale he didnā€™t want to win or get a contract because he knew there was a 99% chance heā€™d turn it down. and yet still?? he kind of wanted to be that last runner up, which is confusing to him too. maybe he just wanted to know he was good enough to at least get the offer? but heā€™s mainly just relieved, and is even happy to go back to working at lotte world again even though he hated it. next on his agenda is ditching the asshole lead singer of his band and starting a new one where HE will be lead singer this time, though, so we can definitely plot around that! and i will probably write a solo. hopefully.
nayoung is mostly happy. of course, she wishes she wouldā€™ve made the top 3, and she thought if she would get a contract she surely suited lime entertainment best, but beggars canā€™t be choosers, so you bet she signed that contract right away. she may not think sr mediaā€™s concepts suit her the best but personally, sheā€™s a high performance gal and will have decent acting going forward too, so i totally get it. regardless, sheā€™s eager to get started as a trainee again and is thankful for the opportunity!! sheā€™ll work super hard. i think sheā€™s still kind of in shock right now tbh iā€™m trying to get in touch with her in my head and sheā€™s just like o__o whatever that means SDSDGSDGGD but she has a tendency to fight with other girls because she sees them as a threat or something, but next gen taught her a lot about how to be a team player, so i think sheā€™ll be keeping that in mind going forward and try to be nicer. but itā€™ll be fun for her to fight people too, iā€™m sure itā€™ll happen from time to time, especially since there arenā€™t cameras around anymore :^)
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voxofthevoid Ā· 5 months
Hey Vox! Werewolf anon here and glad to hear you're doing good! Or maybe feeling spiteful? I saw your poll and I can't wrap my brain around people who still do top/bottom discourse. Maybe Yuuji needs to go on a marathon and top all three choices?
As for me, I'm glad to see Yuuji kicking ass. And he's definitely giving me the Ichigo vibe with all the convoluted family connections and power legacies lol. He's a human! He's a vessel! He's a cursed painting-ish? What's next???
And that tiny Gojou crumb we got. Seriously it's sad how even those few panels make me happy. Then I see Nanami's weapon being used and ugh my Nanami sadness hits again. Fuck you Gege for killing them. šŸ˜­
And ahhhhh you want some updates on my werewolf namesake situation. Well since the last time I mentioned my foray into monsterfucking porn to my non fandom friend, I've also told her about the existence of a/b/o which went as well as you might expect...as in total confusion. She didn't initially understand the link between a/b/o and werewolves but then I had to go full blown fanlore explanations of werewolf fanfics and the whole knotting business and omegaverse and yeahhhhh. I think I might have added to the confusion when I mentioned that it's still mostly a sandbox and each author can kinda pick and choose whatever the fuck parameters they want. Gods...I haven't even mentioned the mpreg yet. Pray for me.
As for the knot dildo...I did briefly look into the inflatable ones but I got a bit intimidated. I decided I didn't want to end up as a Buzzfeed headline by accidentally rupturing an organ or something so instead I researched non-inflatable ones. Because unlike the Bucky in your fics, I do not have a black hole as a body part. I eventually saw a mold I liked and ordered the smallest one JUST IN CASE and uh...
I think you've ruined me, Vox. Because I don't think I can go back to normal dildos anymore. Even this smaller one (Let's call it Steve kun. Pre-serum Steve kun) definitely hit a lot different and better lol. Am I possibly also maybe kinda sorta admitting I re-read your Stucky werewolf fic before I gave the new toy a test run? I mean...I'm certainly not denying it. šŸ˜‰
I think I'm going to try the next size up. I can name that one Rogers san, like a post serum Steve. Then maybe try the next bigger size and call it Nomad sama? Just keep ranking my knotted dildos based on the Steve Rogers DILF scale but adding Japanese honorifics because I'm unhinged.
Hopefully this wasn't TMI for you. If it was, you can just delete this ask lol. But I get the feeling you'd be cackling over one of your readers using your fics as sex toy shopping/orgasm inspiration. Thank you for writing and please keep feeding us the good stuff. šŸ¤Ž
Tbh, Iā€™ve been running on spite in this fandom since I posted the first chapter of little lamb to the slaughter and received a comment within 24 hours bitching about top!Yuuji. The spite levels keep rising because people keep clowning. I, too, would like to know why we have topā€“bottom discourse in the year of our lord 2024. But itā€™s fine, spite just makes me more productive! And donā€™t tempt meā€”Iā€™d actually scrapped an idea featuring Yuuji topping ten men in a continuous narrative, and shit like this makes me want to revive it.
Yuujiā€™s family tree continues to fascinate me. Iā€™ve been heart-eyed about the whole thing ever since Kenjaku was revealed to be his mum, but the new reveal about Jin and Sukuna has got me howling. Then they added the part about the finger being sealed in him at birth. No wonder Kenjaku sounded so fascinated with Yuuji at Shibuyaā€”sure wish they lived to see what heā€™ll become.
Iā€™m with you on licking up the Gojou crumbs šŸ¤ The Nanami crumbs tooā€”still not over Yuuji thinking of him when Higuruma died.
Youā€™re opening your friendā€™s third eye with a knotted crowbar. I approve! Iā€™m also laughing my ass off. YOU HAVENā€™T EVEN STARTED ON THE MPREG. Thatā€™ll be fun, especially on the heels of ā€œhereā€™s a highly flexible alternative universe based on disproved wolf behavioral research.ā€ I salute your commitment šŸ¤£
And first things first, no worries about TMI. Thisā€”
But I get the feeling you'd be cackling over one of your readers using your fics as sex toy shopping/orgasm inspiration.
ā€”is 100% accurate. Iā€™d print this ask out and put it on my wall if it wouldnā€™t lead to someā€¦fascinating questions. (Okay, in all fairness, anyone Iā€™d invite to my place wouldnā€™t even bat an eye, but the landlord is another story.) Anyway, if Iā€™d like to call anything my lifeā€™s work, itā€™s all the porn I write, and getting people off is itself an achievement. Throw in you finding a sexual revelation or ten via knotted dildos (gleeful that the werewolf fic wormed its way into the equation btw), and Iā€™m over the fucking moon about it. I can die happy now.
ā€œSteve-kunā€ made me lose it, and the progressive naming scheme youā€™ve proposed made me put down the phone and just laugh for a good few seconds. Enjoy your shopping and please donā€™t rupture anything!
Also, thanks to you, Iā€™m considering ā€œBlackhole Assholeā€ as a tag. God knows a bunch of what Iā€™d write would warrant it. Plus, it rolls off the tongue!
Loved the update šŸ’—
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