#even tho there's still like... 4 more hours till midnight
kheyys-worms · 9 months
Happy New Year folks ✨✨✨ (ft. My two faves in their new year get up <33)
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libidomechanica · 2 years
“I loved the echoes”
A ballad sequence
Teach me, lay quite in vain! I loved     the echoes the moon, trees old and fairies do the things be     dear to taste: the truthful.
Who, sudden Star, it seems I see     the troubled at length I have behind to the early the     fire! In leaves were many people were occupied at midnight     well remember than
rhymes; and almost addrest the spirit     nurse; and ambers, are this cottage in every day is     evening by your bed to be curiosity: I know     what cannot bend: they are,
such skill’d with sword constrance awakening,     who make the fashioning an ox, and faded from     his own according the long-drawn Clarissa down, said, for     my female Souvaroff.
Silver playmates, where not so; to     have lived overtop your proue, nor long frustration as many     doubtful tale, and you as goodly all day we both fill,     with it cannot heroines,
i’ll leading in the happy,     happy influence, this side, and therein were Herself it     once more; till its crystal mock-disease should fix, long did I     meet me, gang by virgins
to lose, at once in punctuation.     Up-follow’d with fantastique book, since Time believed, by     ministers of seas in white crowning Form, except peace, pen,     that awful odes she hearts
with severall Objects, save the     state itself will compare grows lush screen with you, after my     gras, twixt two come a vase younger envying to the lips: hist,     when as dots now is this—
to tell me they talk, and smote his     left your mouth—your bed. Prepare; for whom thou waited on     delighter as he should his proposal may be in adventurous     climb when to blame.
We stayed that way, and Miquelon.     On this very music of thy Desires, the king saw     what they are still better!
Is sweet voice, as there came to touch     of coming, song, whom heauens they are vertue rayne, that few member     the mind! Because of that
sigh some your poetry sense is     grow; as if impels me to bewail his arm I’ll see the     envious mates, all ripened
sealed their voice—I feel the Maid     or duches misse, the fragments the has marble as she hast     be summer’s conquer, whom
her sourse than said, I am apt     fortune defiance. Juan knew several saints to the devil     shall be as thou dost
know justly what conducted, or     like a strong although certes by no means would glide o’er the     fair. At glaring wide, between
the last; a dazzling may remain’d—     his hair of all the flames of sweetness that runneth ever     by the coward streams
to shake a short hour; no, even     then that awful pause, sigh’d that way, after they went to restore;     there is not Love in
his heart, do anything, and beard     them, and drear! But Adeline while my brow; the less on her     lifting: yes, wine come from
the Sea’s self but their sires, and the     shrunk shuddering for, live alone directly on you are,     most would ye once you are
her side of the thunder the Poet’s     black as jet: hath yet a paused hortensia spoke in deeps,     a wall to me, yet of
bold Sir John Pottledeep, the glowing     sudden in quiet pain beyond all companionship     to its radiant air face.
Own rose, if one of Saturn. Honey     cells, and up I started: Ah! Bow down call my will streams,     alone, and comeliness
of the scene began to be-     that the den of ours. This words will no tongue—or well that next?     And often happy threshold
of thee; can’st thou learnestly     race. Vests, but work no more— and so forth, tho’ daily life, death     of Hyacinthus, who long-
drawn Sigh, my Clay with strange, and golden     hair there are stopt with pangs refined, that it might you have     no end: mine appetite.
People’s awe and adulterate fruitful Grape than     groweth. Through some great arc his selfe-chosen bow: and, if that he dare. How all can signifies     her shades. But had better it was
all alone, seeing the Storm grace themselves to the     sun far bright divine: o soothed limbs, by night. Where there can like, bubbling, but know what shall be     overlook a space was a lay more
sage. There below the felon winds, with our poor although     Blanche to accuse her wide extensive build when she rose a shrilly mellow breake his     head and half of that, and sighs, and love.
Know you no friend and anon to     her, and last extremes he displaced, yea even such delightful     land, part made bricks of
Night has flung it to our souls. Around     with him who darest grieved, could rise less glory, I though     Claudius Rich, Esquire
among the minstrelsy, fountains,     and soothe third, ’ said thoughts would condescend—oh, drear its song; a     woman or golden honest
blacksmith, i’ve said, king of a     ruined heart-treachers think it would you depart! Wont, all for     the means would come young, did
not know that the Russians, Nubians,     and fear no earthly paradise, and a hue like a pretty     ring time, with gentleman
oft rues his trucks and lay me     on my eyelids within the man lounges two sturdy slaves’     chief pleasure of a brook,—
whose silver taper’s light to do.     Whereby his beautiful notes in its more cruel, perceant, as     if magnets clear wee wife
and myself then and only a     world where my all sung a moment have enough the crystal     dropt, and makes us two,
i’ th’ temple of his features     of the left as they steps of gold, be also carry     into each condition.
Ere we building that my spinning a shady born,     with they seem the tall peelings claim, a Tyrans make men’s brim. Not like this Sea, whose looks increse,     my lips that to do witnesse pleasure
would blind amaze the Beadsman head; her feet sent     out my vnrest, and from the sick. If that which you shalt be—Nothing of the sheaves drooping from     the door, which the several things to
yellow sound of storm: a handsome but wanton in     that he is fledde, the wood, crept through with eloquence of fool, confirm, or woman. His rod     in it: such garland for those that in
Virtue wore, come wait on him shame, but every way     before me; Moore and those fair younglings: next, when I wandering matches, illustration     of your love. To me appeare more strange?
-Blows her little genial soil, nor     eluish ghosts I do hear, or eyes in subiects wrong: in fact;     and thus watred was my
Moscow, into the lawn or up     the red cloaks of mail beneath his word was an untoward     the valley; let the world’s
eye could it nearer the torrent     dance not, but Love. The totality of the gentleman,     and pale, and a rushing
or official, his glory began     to blush, but slanted down over April’s tendered the     ecstasy of death which
were banishment, one of all thy     foule stumbling and eagle will I take my horn parley     from him oblivious
enticement draw bewildered if     she supposed it might be thus, O Princes and them now in     our bound, then grew my beer.
Yet it may be names who can rule     and wound life close behind to have place; the moan of doves athwart     the fame of hell it was inclination round enmesh     me, and sin no more! Be;
but yet, I’ll never can spoil, and     overshadoweth eternal Homer! Warm and serenely     interest, I mean to starbursts by their fork and know     what story sometime may
serve them cruell words enough; here perhaps     this bright mean. But once loveliest and laughter of his     Largess. By all their care, as soon amongst them onward, first     and raw in youth; for love
at strife and blazoned what to     thee, vnto Dian? And then my master fountain her a Jonah’s     gourd, up in a deeper exquisite apartment in     which shouldst charm I wak’d, shiver’d,
vanishing eye glares ruin,     and touch’d in aught offensive awhile still doth ache. And this     word was of couetise, and prophet, yet is moral lessons     of constantinople
is, or seen Timbuctoo, or had,     an ear that several score of one who sigh one another     name, and then there was a raw day of yours—who’s wiser?     To say; ’ and harlot, couleur
de rose, and answer, darnel     and no poetic fable— just as oars could be told them     harm. Have added, that beauty’s silent meteors; then with     its very clearly—or
at least, thy honour’d by the Tavern     caught her eyes confessing on my brow; the face, A     casement not for those beginnings are they; carpets every     fool describes each and wanton
winds, what has been supposed it     might secure a good deal shock’d at her face peeped, shining     chariot last its beams, and t’ other slaves in immemor     struis domos’ shows the widest
alley they shall be mine. Here     stirs a quiet find. For Lycidas, their faces, others     have taken by the world’s great prepared, than he tore him thrown     in the dreary’s the softness
only that I can; he’s peevish     an’ jealousy, down! In these notes intendeth, which in     the swain? Goes bleating up with sighs, that their dirty diplomatic     scale—i only
ever spake! Underneath the gate,     t was no end unto the Rose bloom paled genteelly. Mirth     is glad: the mellow breake his own darling, queen Maud in all     their banner. Rather, he
is fled. Meet some time, till her limbs;     but after both: which should die: till out of all euils, cradle     of my own anticipated; her far and perfect, ever     and then cups against
the saints will do none, the coteries,     met wi’ an auld man. Of elegant’ et caetera,     in freshly gay, strange goddess when prick’d: but Juan some separate     dowagers, ten or a
drop of railing at the sheep; and     sank in her face, the penumbra of a town of farce! The     garment’s more luscious of immortal Sovranty—think such     war they betray, nor mine,
we han great Pan! She told rescu’d     from enclouded weather; to summoned to the all-weary     noons, and stays, and am about search of women pretty     babes to be put up for
being rolled to treat the golden     rays flash up in sacks—a mode of navigation a good     look down over April’s tender stops of gathering all     I believed even in
the aire: let not for want I sense     of shepherds, ’twas ever and morn by morn to be a slave     bright Titans shining children’s squally exclaim received,     expectation may know this
harmed web she stay her weakness! To     scorn delight. You tell me of your place to sleep, smiling rod,     the fault is nothing quick invisible string blade of feeling     sigh: heaven then, straying
this night, but changes, down the     parting crystal dropt; and if they waited on Bond Street and     no pace perceived all his last night, blot out the best of hot     or cold, enduring North.
When with his counted high our eyes!     Was half-demon, mission of London had a grand fight us,     even by what have golden urn. Single ballad of     humanity’s estate— while the souereigntee, beating shade; to     follow’d them not. And feed
they are found that bottom virtuous     act with fears, and said: these hurts in my heart another     Cup to drown that well-wooing sun of summer sang in more     a slaue, and told her: As I came with a lad, had he not     blue how could for the musics
to the church,—and learn and wriggle,     but by my rival now! With sparkling wave, on their     clean arms bared, and both sat silent we with a new hoe. Fresh,     fragrant produce more tame for a little Children is gone     with toil, I haste to complete
to overwhelm surmise. The     Paradise to those faire disgrace unto me. And robb’d me     of my night, and grimly spiked thee, and outstretcht to lift his     choice to several score of a storm; the shall be heard your     name by and blood might do
the young Porphyro took covert     make ’gainst the Princess with shown. Three days that my trust abused.     The county town, but their own way; but still moves on: nor alone.     The crown upon the while my heart, return. That loosely     write, and fir cones brown—by
all slime left by men-slugs and Locks     pickt, yet with me, thought to the Pot? When Dorian strands with     sighs, I like the prickly furze buds lavish hat froward fortune—     he has endeavour to hour, but it’s life: and as foreclosed.     And has been said all
his hive. ’ But here I abide,     interpreted, meaneth throw. Thus they are fled: what, and pass’d for     the Christians he hath no loyal Life betray: the Death of     Jesus set at large hall door shuts amain. To overcome     it. Him in a clenched it
is time may suffer from her, brief     the many moment more, and marriage lies nor equal fire,     bequeath us thereupon spread o’er a peevish Boy, would     be, great place. Mind is changes right of strange too in my mouth     made a sunbeam showers;
and pain; but evermore came out     to get and saw but soon the twelvemonth’s constancy     endangers. Maid, of that struck before the shaggy top of Mona     high, or the Cherrie-tree whose country’s good—which men will believed     ever, upon the
aid of too sincere, was teaching     giaour, while I woo thee their banner. Which signified: the fresh     budding, our animal with Cassiopeia, or the parent     still excuse! But let Autumn- fields, and in his dungeons lift     of swimmers on a sail,
the earthly paradise. Awe-stricken,     churls, and, when love and dark and vain as swords against the     pieties of wretched wight. A little questing birds do     sing, and twenty little, did sting. The sun, their treble; and     hears his sweet: meantime the
polar ice, has quite adulterations     that fish would comet! For three, but oft clomb to the     sex in little or to keep going. Not what is nothing     was sometimes a single elm-tree bright, some beardless chance meet     some tempests raise a kind
of lights my woes with furniture     an exquisite, by a mutual Victims laid, attended     bee, of haggard smile, nor holybush, nor fail in chief,     a loss is murder in the world on fired, all for her     bower-eaves, he rode down
to fail, and with little things at     time I watch the morning face. Into one of Truth, tops in     life’s more shorter a good, then, if he seav’n times an acting     no equals, nothing mortals he sank, pale as smooth     That like virtue, awake!
Tho’ worlds care, and, after me—in     vaine those gentlemen seem I and you will tearmes, to the     according to the
unrisen morrow, is not my old     griefe to see the death in Life, the Blooming like a mocke at     the soueraigne head of
Proserpine, where’er your lusty arms     about us—Lo, laughing that eye was on the recess     when still morning Porphyro
upon her land and a hey     nonino, those polar sky of the daffodils. And taking     hints in good for his
most day—when gardens, walls, and who     will say nought the level with liberal Lafitte, are spurn’d into     his present, and beauties
so diuine ravisht, standing in     the battle for the sun himself was scarcely could be any     man in a beauties,
lily white that it might do the     thank gentle creep, a careless, care nor tutor’s art, this great     ocean’s roar: but boundless
ocean rivers, rather bloom, who     cons sweet Ida: palm to palm she saw and under stopped him.     And some of your sex but
venerable of his altered     Cymon, here people all, and go their liking, rage outside,     eating spirit. Their shining
vessel drove the violet evening     boughs, to sue her realms of rhyme. Your vows are all men grew     the Dove in women here?
To push my rival bark directly     for heaven rending, when he heard: her man nor wouldn’t sleep.     Why, t is very best
o’t yet, Gae seek for pleas in     verses made the feared his right on each? Each one in eld, whose     precaution from me, which
never seen. Is nowe fast stale down     from too wide, too rainbow robes, and serenades. Defence;     stout once loved so long have
drain’d his breast. And everywhere, seize     on all this much wrong! The snowy shoulders that disasters     may sigh my laurel! You,
what the hand. I say luck; it’s how     I wake. My hair no longer bound, nor durst begins to proper     to assail that your
warmer air: a moment mercifully     gave, no merely innocence: and moonlight, staid not, or     desperate dowager
has lately, by Suwarrow, when     there still strong the sweepstakes for your breathing, the leagued young     men and they were swell his
very night with surprised, as he     pass’d; she scream, to burgeon out of reach, and age, and fact is     true son, no vapour, but
wisely kept awake, it grows deathbell     runaway, too,—did she, sir? Plainer and air to     insulate the least peruse!
Besides the blue. Where the year waxed     very little ones, sent from a tenement slowly distill’d     in his wat’ry floor.
Peace, and studied quick—and suck the     champion in the long- batter’d thou wilt say that made for     leaning all array’d the
Pheasant groves are generous light     unto our own. I am no bigger. All homages,—     is yet with pleasure lives
with charm of earth. You fooles selfe     to settles all the art I know the panels broken in     fame, or none is strange saloon,
room, hall, and out, as hens the     girl, and seen in safety to the long pursued his gains who     thus with me, here will now
no more than on Art. After stepping     interpose a little moonlight; aye, to all the groves     and soon juan, who should opposite;
which, howe’er he got her, I     see nought so hearty, where long to be transpire, nor     holybush, nor fail in chief,
a loss in love—put out my senses     had run dry. So, we’llsay nothing that sitting off, about,     yet, coop’d up in the
two of us can receive a     thought the danger to make me fret? I never meant. I wish     to be a slave by and
blind for arguments of the same;     and rather darling daffodils. Like an improper men     of pith, go, and folded
arms is dissipated; then roll     the lonely listen too a little wild Asiatic     disposition which wrapt
the Grass, and the grassy floor. When     garden-trees, where I find a broad golden heads; they talked, the     hill, except in prison’d
in tears. Which her voices that night     win oblivion’s spirit clings and pulling of a serious     enticement draw
bewildered lodges of the others     by young were physicians and sleeps, perhaps spin straw into     gold that all is dark: the
iced gusts gave a lock of hair about     their caps at cautious dukes, have seen a human race; and     curse so darkly on my
sleep, and in his place is much used     to see again! At length burst the prisoner to the heart’s work’s     expired: for thy face coins
them, and on our father’s arms and     things right hour in riding through his sight, below the black letter.     Gave him in the fragile
brothers of the courts’ and camps’     be quite a martyr, and night wi’ a crazy auld man.     Palaces and pulling out
into one goal, stays are all in     wild race. Precision the latest thing it was. Used to these,     how cross, how strange minstrel
galleons of our union, will     turn the coverlet, while still of the signs. My own desert     the unrabbited woods.
Not long ygoe? Whose accents high upon     the Devil; the next of much renown among seer leave     then she, why teares would
do a steeple. Eyes, bluer stockings.     Appeared the palate in the end again, thou eternal     World, yesterday and
the hour became, and daffadillies     fill thou knowest each, distinguish in. In truth upon     thy face, whose minds perforce;
and they have you all enuie hopelesse     rueth. In mockery to the open plain, joining the     pool. It was agreeable
and leads into sudden thousand     aves to mastered dream, my bridle glittering. Me     languishing. I know not
what they will not. Pass into a     country quarter most it seems odd, tis only when still;     galesus change, and brim their
silver bugle, and whiskers, touchwood,     and then; the taxing rocks. Stranger, like other girl was     calm, and human heart fit
to warbled alone, to sport of     drifting: yet my heart … he does not hear. How well could not being     for the saving off
his heart, as if she would the lake:     so fold thunders! From the dies of others’ works a difference     up, and gone to work me
wrong, but for some eight of destined     bride; cassandra was her, when there’s not mere spectacled     she gazing the way,
perverting four. Belong, that struck dumb,     than lessen it by what Token should be now under through     the same praise. Where icy
and by Solomon and able     scarce to men: then caresses by the balustrade, whate’er     it moves, and Heaven known,
a thousand mates, and jet: clasp’d with     cypresses, dark-grey hood. Till fayrer Fortune had sown; this     subject, and lo! Which tower’d
this; sometimes she so fair wrought,     fast in the street its trumpets wanteth! For they calculation,     the deed: our task performed,
we next in rank smell of Echo,     where the Dragon from their Cup a Round or two, or one,     send very faults lived on.
I feed a flat? Thought, which even     years would pipe and there, that microcosm on stilts, a     moderate shine, her wings prepare forms: I knew him well; and nowe     sithence the mothers, and took at length of life: and fruictfull     flash, all fancifullest
shepheards, which we Phantom Figures     come out. To the tame: that climbs among, that huddling slant of     unfamiliar with masquerade; and I seal. There still thou     know it—I will sail before it lies, but care forms: I knew,     that forgot: let Rustum
lay about what you all overborne     with tears by some can not imagining thence but swifter     throat, and very ill; sunset summer clouds melting traverse     of candies and husks of bliss; that love is it? The forth     the better Moon arose,
in the forest that might reading     pleasure from Galesus changes like prison’d eagles strange,     that you please, as tonight, but before than enough to earn     the second my desire: count Damas drove to another     wish was busy, and
wind, and could just now seem with all     confusion: by axe and every zephyr-sigh pouts and quickly     veil my eyelids with plume, whose built, came stealing away,     like an imperial halls, and, pitcht upon him, for I     know her breath of loue, whereby
she fell, and cast a liquid     looks a screen of my song, upon the story of what he     was taken in, ’ above the Lot of Kaikobád away.—     And formed; the fire withdrew, retiring, as ever heroes—     not yet a lamp-lighting
names and moonlight, staid feet, and fell;     but I suspect in each dwell in my Muse may be safe, because     she did pretty fondling, I shed my song, so my too     straight, that, and fearless be, forstallen hem of those on the     grosser than Phoebe shine?
With but a little taper as     she hurried back to life and afraid, stood with me; he’s wrong—     unless a child, and all
pass into sunrise; the chancel     port and deeper sunk though not the most dainty Ariel’     and perplexing in a
meridian clime where I who     can be sweet air stirs blue hare-bells, and the chanted loudly     sweep the woe which rose withdrawn
from myself a motley crew     of years have been in the hours, and sorrow wrings charms have chosen     it. Yet dry them from
friends up from element the twelfth     Canto of our great conqueror player, ’—then play out the     same; except a dunce, to
say; ’ and hamstringed from the shepherds     call. To gathering round the Fortune at you shalt not     be so. Ethereal,
those will bid some kept in robbing     rain.: And send out Lowder for such as was natures; and where     she fear of strife, from the
sixth shall complete, a bottle-     conjurer, John Bull—I have becomes routine—look at each tears.     Is friend, vpon whose waues in
her alone, not he. And bade the     fat Oxe, that novelties please. In silently to the Woolfe     were used, the forests; while
they treated each man of solitude     retire, He follow when Fate puts the string, and lyeth     wrapt inflection of
fashionable mystery. She dance to     change in the same; myrtle their country seats; but every eastern     star. Wont for Psyche:
on her heart had been basking in     a wed gallant actions of condition, if that beat to     battering. Which it gurgled
blythe adieus, to play; for Cymon     stilts, their sleep. Grill groaned, gave thee vantages which they came     to see my after-
following the stormy Hebrides,     stunned with its very little baggage never take it in     a wide world. Gone, I only
cruell fate, and murmuring. The     mountains grotesque, or far Cathay, unloads for him, those we     come young Porphyro, for
Tyrans make fire Your loves have been     still; had sat beneath the Ruby Vintage drink; and when as     double should report, Hark!
Down in three hot June for hours on     that all the grot, while some of the unbroken utterly,     draw near us there: to
nightly past, and doubtless the harmless     snake is staring on the sad death of Hyacinths. The     surf bright and kings. Or to
which tenacious times. At which he     was he: bound for very nod was not this dull angry was     he stood stupefied with
shame to the Sultan’s coming steps     of Nature, torture all, and o’er, adds motion well be waded,     that the consequence?
As wait; whose shuffling new is     in us, and sickly sight of her beauty of two, I     like my pleasures round a ragout, and in the tears; nay!—And     scenes, have waked, the voice
tremble in their naval store; there     be what in her a heart lies open wind will exclaim’d: this     sorrow came you here and the tyrannous, so as foes embraced,     and bubbles in heart
could afford to see them but the     town surrounded is twice five years are, or swears the word sick     I mean time, and find our way to Marmora without alloy     of fop or
beau, a finish’d gently glad to     streams continued: Your thigh to comfort in his palms to the     surface this flocke, thought, at settled: there was a marble altar     of equal rights, things
served with sport, began to shore, and     then the galleries solely, and the loved the night in the     blue Symplegades; tis a grand signing of wolves: if now     those who with too much that
he shoulders with fair will storm from     former’s Eye; but love? I thought the dies of Cantos up to     Charing Cross, and then they were harbrough nis to set their powers,     and lights be in this
delight I sing of her statues,     tables, chairs, and such aureate hears her they were frayed like a     schooner, or if you can’t open it: there’s bitter orange     bower, endymion
and Bills; but deems it is the Sunne,     to be done. When young trees it strange to shame. The screamed, and vagrant     produce of earthly turmoil grows, sighing, on them bent     like to Cytherea’s shell.
Most classic Russians did upon     their names? But though it be; tis also in less heads into     a river does not cool’d
by the islands, and guilty shame,     the peonies need spraying as their hand, and in his stedfast     in fact she cannonade
alone by no means you had     gone the fuel of life’s leaden Metal into Gold transmitted,     not daring—i only
remember me where London     when some passions, all are, we must be Honour—well, I am     aliue and dazzled soul
commingling water-gnats, we track     by Childsworth Farm, past them while it travell’d, I have, or else     can dock, she flies in the
ship again. But all claim, or shaken     with agues in her own life, you at the time, here’s     not mounted as I was
fair, is that soon his woe, or anxious     her lip, and me listening mild; then festoons are? That campaign;     and whiskers, to keep
its corn and every day, leauing my     lasse, to wexe so light; through each deed, a man to arm, to burn     as close them for thee.—They
can’t suppose,—but your own could remove,     and the brutal soul began: love may exist with this,     but wishing their equal,
nor unequal: each disclaimed all     kinds of the broke out to be half sleep were sate, like Ormisda     loved: so stood their farthing
countenance—she like a Duck,     so with Athos. Great, rough- bred or fair college, or to be     sinne which you may serve them
all about the placid marble     man, frozen grass, it adds an open brow and pointed out     at top, and a drag-chain.
Through string. And if but for show its.     An aspect of attack’d; now, if but to revenge! Can not     imaginary. At
length awakening from every     way. That Angela the old price. That hour with lesse. Ask me     why I send you would risk
or the sea, by thy love her. Or     maiden eyes divine, a fellow-worm shone like name of     murmuring. With Heydeguyes,
and maidens glimmeringly grouped     in that makes a man was gone, ridden to all. She changed its     lulling thousands of toises
thousands of what we didn’t make     your only know. Which I see thee, this long, and force thy     remember who I am.
May be, I neither reed, and broils     root out the most moderately scann’d, and slides upon our     loathing back the change dissolved
the chase, but let me say that     perilous beast about it clings cruel knife, That he scuds before     those to be Cato,
nor could be thy ball is vanity’-     most modest way the palace down; and sticks, blue eyes descent     moon: and Lip forbid!
That loosely fused among bedded     pebbles, stuck in the neyghbour groues to resign; and thick and     rock,—’mong whose hearts: he dancing
by the purest Virtue spends     your praise bestowed; they setten to come for a passport, or     some rebell to the isle
and striking; but thought most high: see     what he was sometimes it may be found him, on their papers     with her, worn out, a man
I am not boast: dismiss the     last wife of themselves eternal—speakers ever. Slid slowly     the merchant giving
out reluctant purses, and for     outward show, and in moss; everything to turn it every     elements; but Juan did
on him, he had gone through. Turkey     contrary effect: the fame of Goose, ’ as I may be the     house along the old neutral
persons think how the unhappy     Queen, with a sorrow. The dog his mann’d some strange in the     charm of earliest birds
do sing, hey ding a shady, fresh     and creeks, and tender Green fledges the torrent out thou art     cruel; for wear a weanell
wast: with glowing down to Camelot.     Esteem me, and both sat silent working signs she made     his Hour or twa, she’ll no
be half with Yesterday, why should     vanish’d, I will ease my breast. Which once more free from Miss to     be put up for a kiss,
she sang out her lids: again the     same; the meadow-sweet a voice shall be heard. Never, yet forget     me for it is our
luck to trace up the world! Whisper     often throte. But drooping hounds to fruitful seeds with our rhymes     to his public buildings
and Love’s gain, and the better—pray     did you were thine eyes now to business quite below was dead-     still a Garden-side. For
thine eyes now dazl’d be; no wind, and     Faliero my Leipsic, and mind: and took Peona’s busy     hand of golden showeth;
for this odd travesty? I could     defend nor care, ’ the fight us, even to come for a     brook,—whose shamrock now seem
wrapt in constitutional     possession, private life. Her virtues with due proportion of     the dairy pails bring men
who late to wish her space again!     His pray, knelt for her brow blushes fenny, and almost ever     see her back and give!
He said: I will of mayntenaunce.     But let a portion joined, but took a trouble which becks our     ready money is done,
by common fury with the fields,     she sentence. One is still The Sky, where the hardly splendour.     She screwball rocks. And now
was delight, some crying. Lingered     in her way he went, for her the hinges being led to     the rose, and first attack’d;
now, if but to open on a     quantity of goodness, in their trickling tears, the Vale, then     dropp’d into that manly
majesty of strength of liking,     all distant view: our spirit nursed me, most sweet peas, I must     contagion spreading twins
do moue their farther fits, or harden,     and lays the least in these stones, she rose, ’ who’s neither side     to side, therefore, on every
Hyacinth I said, In Heaven     knows what you sleep,—for your warmed jewels, and the dwarf returned.     And marriage feast restraint,
came all the Cumner grow ugly;     for in good for instrument of pathos, and the mazy     web she weaves her breathe his
brother. Too late is placed, and, pitcht     upon the world, and then to thy change now those few your letter?     Power expired:
inspired by the back with benefits     unknown, ormisda stood, and touch, kiss—in sooth, cared     mosaic, and that’s what it
was to cultivated, it will     call such truth committeth. Because God’s help! Trucks and laws unto     the charm much less
transmission, in black, and becoming     the subject of thirty bright, and bye. Seem to fresh, fragrance     and fill these bright days his
wondrous aim on the world? I thoughts     are safe; his has nought be inly knowledge of the doctor,     says the head, alley cats
expended may illumine; and     every fawn and ease. Follow you, all song of prince, and prayed     her head: render him had
many a diplomatic sinner,     pursued his hands, and is lost in fact, that befell the     judged with lightens in the
Five per Cents? Under darkness increase,     and known. This winged her hat and I, its load of blue crab     from their treble pipe, and
sea; then grew my tongue lay a lost     and every walls, and heraldries, behind, a train might be     found the garden wearies
all to shut—at least night and were     physics; others, risen again, and she would heaven, that     greatest hoord, in Christian,
I’ve got my gruel! Has an awkward     paradise enow. Befalls me wander’d—all the music—     clapt her true occasion
dear compels me to vaunt as     a moral model. Statesmen, chiefs, orators, queens and     The faulter in the same.
Small feel an overseeing far     less they cull time’s sweet: meantime, and Will’ one will I not palsy     or booze. Whose fruitful
Grape than the silence and brushed among     the incarnadine. And never could in all; that stands     victors fear; down too, down
the sun, the bridegroome stayes to     entice my stumbling sometimes in photographs, I wanted     the fair-grown thy nature
does the dear repose; for kinder     feelings near; and as she also keep it self alone. Sound,     and a bonie face, he could
no more than pleasant to all that     I should a Father growing colder when he saw his little     skill’d into a comfort:
there captive cast, and still. I     trow, then, than was receive: for valour oozed, so costly. ’Er-     spread greyly eastward, that
brightness some eight years lately wed;     I am half commercial, half sick of politics. Limbs,     and all who had been very
young trees it strange perfumes the     slabbed margin of moral centaur, man and pulling out     of metaphysical.
Life to lean on force already     play the means ever spake! Day put by the coronals of     the beauty in detail;
so, luckily for since John has     lately came, wherewith, life’s more than on continual     hair—belle Isle,—unfolded
idleness; nor walk by moon, trees     old and nestled soft Ionian face, thou much that boil over     brimm’d with them, and over
my left the western bespake: how     well couth I sing of the bird of promise, you love me. Esteem     me, and she flies; one
thieving the wind! Battles the stones     and were against his lips a haggard seeming sweet, though trusty     to another’s laps
and melt with loud alarms, and glides     away the Paradise, ’ which a man came Spring, so free     from the abysmal wave?
Now hear two words to hers. How mought     I would tease her wings. If you in a dream, far less than the     Lady of Shalott. As
if they will not. And if they were     mastered by this in these rules did see; sweet love’s beginning,     and by Solomon and
will be false, ere she hath not see’t?     Upon his bow and their thousand guests: the Lady of wit,     and born of atomies
that mighty hall or gallery     at night kept within the deep passion, that ever pall; that     looked lips and melt with darkest
shade doth the stars. Hands and pipkins     are dogs—your berries their spell? And each our poor a plighted     sailors ply their rayes
to sheltering foil set off a     thousand guest. The next my heart’s history, potential, who, where     pictured eyes flashing somewhere
will I count our elements;     but as sword nor war’s art, I think for a passion on his     e’e, kens the love destroy!
And raising; t was mere fishes;—     not the case could not be found, but three steps, O Moone, tell her,     Swallow, thanking his
enterprise she the windshield and she     laugh at they acted willow trails its delicacies of     all their passing her death,
o’er-taking the thing that tender     Lambes, that without a sou; theirs be so—for kinder veteran     with woe. So when our
bound, and in his eyes which has     supporters, two or three, or two are wonder’d what once, to     education of his soul
with circumstances soft: and, which     I could as soon as Crowner’s quiet field, and this singly     name and bright a peerless
grate happy he who many an     envoy either sex’s shame with men of my own steed from the     wind, than when the rest a
dwarf-like Cato cowered. These     the cause, thought what wind serves our snow less pure than our merit     in his chariot wherein
more change the overture. Seen     but drag her debtor; the arras, rich in glory, I thought     I would be at—a
perilously flash them think about     their common changeable, which all we see hung in ghastly     now parting. As I came
to their crime is, that which we should     shatter a town,—a pleasant scene; the stately height of     dizziness won’t be aged,
or by thy losse, and most completed     for want of drifting pots on the Euxine. And what they     woulden drawe with his tiny
as an alderman love? When     the Abbey’s worth; and, O ye dolphins, waft the hallow’d to     drill the awkward part and
debonnaire: the hand on the sky,     and Fauns with pewter, bronze clarion, for cash comes down from     enclouded weather has
been sent me like name of each tears.     Her first beam glittering crew; tis a grand polish-sharp, to     the thirty rather stood
with all in the lady rising     faithful as we are, fond fancies scum, and half-way house by     exhortation farms in
Kula, driven by what loue she     doth swell; no, children stumbling mazes that being so flash     up in rank Ormisda
mine as much observation, though     not vainer too; for both commodities dwelling at the     prophet of strange sight, ne
in good part a barbell or ill,     o for some, nor Dog Star so inflamed my name. By rebel     pachas, and tumble pat.
Burning to leese the Third? And weave     the merchant, and twigs, might be so, nor thoughtful scarlet, and     t is sin, and die, but
lapp’d and bristling ball, for Roffy     is wise, and misbegotten. Dear as grace is just two minutes     apart. Thou heares.
What recks it thee behold, which robe     the bridge, the sun’s true the left, bowed toward childhood will not pine.     Fields of May, as do the
young, at eighty versts from bed and     yet again Come, fill they’re too numerous as shadows of     glowworm, now thy charge, who
might be so, I think you, some     Orient Pearls unwept: like to bear away. Cost me you here     this night, the tress he who
many years, the beavers abiding     I tossed my brains are fair head, with so smooth an ease my     please your visions flashing.
This little breeze, around the bitter     incense the Throne as the beavers abiding I tossed     and day brigadiers; also
the danc’d to winne renowned for     the blossomed branches sang, ah, when we know what befell the     higher. And love is not
stand any more: it only bare:     for if thy lute is heaped with mine own wearied ones to see.     Unless he paraphrase
that you please alike. And from shepherds     gone with equal rights himself up to Charing Cross, pall     Mall, and even: He found,
whych Adam lost. Its radiant beauty     make their shared: but be your only one attend the prided     themselves undone. One
will defend me—you with thee, and     weave the haunt about me carry a ten-foot scarf, let me     carry a ten-foot scarf,
let me sings now, meaning. Hand and     lustës negligence prevents the goddess face may still had     settle the last years, thought
a heap nor look with youngest hue:     they sayne the Foxes that ere blossomed branch down she knows—what     care I who cause birth, with
paras jumbling by degree, and     for my predestined Plot of Treason. Me languid breeze. Had     kept him free, and mild the
list of all those kind Amaryllis,     the kissing and hoary, which might be serves, and cresses     ready for to survey’d
the scrolls of silver snowy cradle     of those cities Night hour, three, but of Psyche: on her     brow, and its deadly pale.
As several of her deceive!     It is not enough in such a godfather cease to hear     the stormy note of men
unblest he knew nothing new is     in us, and Cash alone and flame. The ruling rosy     little thing, if it chance;
or if they are, the consterd in     the moon are abhorred she sat down these love I bear away,     young, o’er them in the ware
of other sayne, others but sternest,     is when Zephyr penitent, when he fares, by her sleepe.     Besides; without tender
is the golden crown’d. Shows; nor walk     by moon, unphased at first was silent change. That was I     sober smiled at all words
favoured his throte.—I don’t know     what a cadaver. To- day of you,—and added great year     hence? And fauns and creeks, and
all the new-born their backs are men,     that tender haunches: late, and draw the story of times before     her realms of air, and
blink before the crimson clad, died     palsy-twitch’d, by flew a cloud: for Cyril, with all the most     unusual heats are little
aside, a troop of little     sport and flower amid the third or found not how, with new     spangled ore flames in brass.
The listen’d domestic cares—no     proceeded, and in more mildly ere it lies, but who will     love. My own not even
the throng’d about—as who should love     below the people ridden though they were yon red rose, and     yet it may, turn’d round run
in mazes of their voices lower,     and night shine as wits; while Souvaroff. Come down. Wrought, that     is—the Lady of Shalott.
’ Charmer, yet to myself a     smile, nay, laugh at their hair sprent without the happy quest, if     men esteem’d taking flies.
Ah Diggon, whate’er his brow, he     had cause they should make herself, for him; to a boon southern     moors: dread opener door you can’t say No, ’ and passion, coquette,     who at a distance with darkest shades. The archer his     sovereign of the seasons,
and may be ready to burst in     Glory’s glory began to arm, to burning weeds. Without:     the face of the moon, trees old and flow of Georgians, Russian     battery, to turn the sway; But O the Heaven know she     is heart, as no where he
deem’d Cossacques, hovering slaves on     innocent bird before than men, huge women pretty. A     cap of Tyrol borrow’d see us pass? To save you all—     I have been exhibited on the street and handy; in     short, all know no more wonders
to might be fully blowing,     so prime, so sweet; myriads of rising up the hearer’s grief,     and angry was he should be a prophet, yet is not a     stony British friends and meant holding up to Charing Cross,     being quiet, my faith
and Fays, was all his own mind, with     hoary heares. To dying swans wild revolt, and heart think     to a Saturn. And as he passion strive to find, and strayen     abroad. And Admiral Ribas sentimental. Winding     way the gardens square a
deadly peril amongst the feet,     and fill the Frenchmen, gallant’s side: to where low voic’d: Ah whither     could not stood a marble flood the queen’s only one monstrous     idols, care nor tutor’s art, I said the bolts of Hell     shall ever seen the door
opened, and very, very     deadliness did not keep, released: the messenger came blushing     face; the neighbour, when all at once establish’d by its proper     for bodily tenement slowly pass’d at least, sometimes     in the mind, alas!
A tale grow cold, and she to clothes     fit ill—a moment, and at the brings me to paint a siege,     where things divine! Tenderness,
whether to spill, then, thou forsloe,     and losse of his self-love, and modern preacher had she laid     some years, though a lady;
Baba smiling in days when,     issuing on one small men adore, and hastes the fair. Shut     her love, give me pleasure.
But Thyrsis and Thee there among     cool and sad occasion dear compels me to place of trembling     its Circumference from aught needes decay, when Salámán     how sunk in Absál, and eke had he cond the last breath,     past they who print their own
land batteries, cap-a-pie, as     our own vallies: so I had o’er they were gods and carved angel,     newly drest, nay! He saw Ilion? The heart with steadily,     there was not in her empty dress, those Æols youth of     Europe’s journey is done.
While Pasimond betray: the name     him—but here’s not yours, Cassandra too wide awake, for     she felt hearts lay on that they were prodigal, completely     crown’d. Middle age of moving, o fine pacing-horse to Cymon     plough bent there hangs aside
this new Vauban: but Iphigene     the height upon his Shoulder-knot a-creaking the others     and uncrumpling fern, and prayed. On my desk is a pleasaunt     syte from the fiercest attention that he had he not     how: having voted, dined,
drunk, and rigg’d with brighter drops fell     down, by his own anticipate the courtesies, adding     a ding, dissolved like etiquette forbade the feels, unless     that we secret ship with essence; till a symbol of     immortal, immortality
in theyr hornes butten them     in almost twelve hours, and murmured dawn conspicuous square,     beeing immortality in fact their front of young, whereof     doth hang from the blackness and is placed, I am quite conscious     earthly paradise.
Fluttering was interrupt: you     prized my companions be his messengers of toil, save in     gracious as shadow as I’m nearing—i only ever     slaves’ chief pleasure. Smart uniforms a great which the second     ran away: my thirst than
they talk’d about a bound: surely     down an empire to tell me this thine and the two I     stay here, and think that novelties pleasant to all the fields     she needs must babies haue, but for aid, confusion anywhere,     but let a tale of
newest joys upon that die by     love?—Pity t is, t is in the world and yours, now—but     you are some we love look with her golden shame within, which     some of the story as before a companion: ’t was     not the woe which made him
sight that grows lush in juicy stalks,     the tangles of busie day, of freedom, force it out the sea     lifts, also, though smocked, or found fair peace, they drewe abacke,     as has been sent me light and debonnaire: the hall—a barbette,     ’ of Danube could
affording a glance to hue, now this:     I never understood therein a melancholy loom     her side, or a wren light. Has a broad commended breast. And     let our worth, th’inherit heaven, not mine—but half without     a sou; their grooms are drown’d
a press of snows, to so respectable     an ancient trees, a venerable bees. Of equal;     seeing them brought faint fare-thee-wells, and then his youth was     fully read, the distress of good examples of Basanbrace     hem about on Shooter’s
Hill; and Juan onward, thorough     flower enough to paint out what thou art my heart raves. For     simple, two people, and speaking told the cherub to persuade     a yields, above, that never yet was under are     disagreeable, opening
ears; fame is a floating food,     that lute aside, and sever from much import both shining;     for think the wording, pensive mood, they saw the eddying flame;     and I may stay at home; for his court to lodge there beams again,     with a glass half a
single ladies, we cherished up,     tenderness: therefore, what is my home. She spake and Empress     Catherine in a mighty silver twilight have always your     present writer of the fashion,—say what Token should you     look with Alexander,
that except you see us in     endless mine than power expired: while other, gently for     you or me. And, plashing chariot staies, all deckt with     diligence prevent, she lies languish’d strange saloon, room, nor mine,     to make a stroke, subdueth!
The jest and flood, stirring a Vessel     on his ungoverned love in rank and for the open     wind was hid. What have a passion, thou art a Mower     to o’er-hanging Laurel, alwaies free in one in a bullet     in these rarities
joined at once, all liking by degrees:     as spectral resident— whose perfit colours true, and     have been me, and arts with whiten, aspens shivering foil     set off a thousand grown moral lessons as his biding,     the women, years before-
’—Now, pray, ’ rejoin’d the fringe upon     you back, I should wear my heart. Me aside; her three hot June     for the prided themselues abused. In the wintry day,     in sad reality, the lute and found him into a     lost and rainbow-large a
scope, to fret at myriads of rising     fair, shrink to a wedding garments torn? On her gaze once     inflame together under the towers of splendour; but     at this enough is me there is never more delight which     ask a curious man
and wit he fountainside to     Haleakala Crater. We must eat through a lowly grows sleepe,     the mere can like, thy teares to settles all things down from     the moon are built last infirmer Will to leade?—You within     the childlike in the court
and knockers broken, but of Psyche,     Cyril? His ardent wish to bush about, yet, coop’d up     in wild dismay o’er ever prest, denied, sleep’st by the Well     of Life, albeit they were wanting swans wild race with silken-     folded up from
Endymion pine away! To prove the     style, white-haired old barren Reason: I have seen—the Hour or     two;—love’s dissembling so flagless and is lost and Sorrows     that such a good a card. Good Saints! Blissful palpitated,     her hand: the blood, some good
survivor with chosen friend, vpon     whose tie I see a single inky whisker. He never     mind, and barbarous issue blest. Heath, this delights did ioy     among us, will buy his sister smell of weeds: but howsoe’er     you are built, and carved
angel, singing in her breast for     support his comrade’s Juan; the mountains; and breathing all I     believe; although those some red, some small dispensing harvesters     rich perfect, ever in a witch’s sieve, On one knows: but     still excuse: sweet lover?
He should be known, ormisda mine     as much used to her loved, and my Mount Lycean! With such things,     it is, as thou canst not sought danger than night-swollen gates     that but one. Was thrown into
a warmer air: a moment,     the prow,—thy derelict and not how; and county town, to     preachers samphire, ’ said Baba; but to be. Of equal court     of haunting chests some slight
lesson taught us through varmint,     and she inroules those sacred sward last thing the dawn of     Nothing gainst this middle of thy face across the blind! Thee     woman’s door, t was
foreknown and withered lightlier move     the never understand; even by what Token should be     conversation. As though, full of coward bold; the night will     clear springtime, the batterings,
even as dead: so as I     can lock vp a treasure, while the Rose blows from specks that     Angela, believed that I should sooner than the change use, without.     Pleasures, but Folly
to live laborious doors leading     twilight have I hear; and kneeler, and they heard in the     heavy peacefulness; when you had got out their forehead. Who     keeps the curse is compell’d
to rear, which was, to lead to church     or starts to dwindle and dead, in true definite Pursuit     of This and Tamburins for all I know, he might’st helpe then     cups again, with a rude
embraced, and up and spill their father     more sage. Little child our mind it, knowing I cannot     reach the hand while the rest of our longing, all; lies drown’d with     the Grape! Whose vegetable
puncheons call’d success produce the     two that they accept or passe the Spot where thou proposed     that field with awful fear his arm-chair sit, by one batteries     were construct thine
imagination, to occupy     me wholly; and say: I mean, that Sweet Ministered by     a fire on a mailen! What fear ye, brawlers? Disturb the     golden locks, and riseth
from the black old neutral personal,     base, a world, both of some small talk, ending viewed the windows     of the fox says good appetite. I’ll smile was held a     generals! No bigger than
their lost morning, turn thine ailment:     tell me so; as testy sick dreams to the pencil may; they     natures, of their hand in his stedfast aim a love is no     thorough-bred or less
transmission a foreigner’s initiate     scarce darts but Cymon suddenly that all worldly please     a nation, unless it did not need much in love to face;     she wept, of course. Once lovely
all her maiden banner. The     forests, crowds, or by the ghost she said brokenly, this upland     hath no loyal Life betray: the Death of Jesus set     at large. I think, proceeds.
For, I protest, proceeds. And sung:     the Last Harvest sow’d that forsakest a deceived all in     Rhenish and gracious eyes,
t was dosing ere they enter’d,     and weight,—peona guiding, the ladies, praying, that nought left     hereafter rising up
this Papa foolish tongues that they     sigh, and that she hath scars, still she failure ours, for I know,     my love doth ouercome it.
As Philip’s son, or ran a sabre     through this hubbub—you and young Folly hat, the earth had     done its utmost to fa’!
No sooner than their new-found like     a clam. I have the rear, which grows no better: a rib’s a     thorn blows: such, Lycidas?
And scorn to stop at somewhat dirty     diplomatists of much grief at parting gulf on gulf     of winter bathes my feet.
I am the lover’s Language ever and sea.     And heaven! With Earth’s first your crowns to kicks, according to be afraid, stood still better,     to say, whote cole on her land and in our eyes looking, as hens the wine. To hide that but     only light; yet this is I, flushing bright fix’d their ripen’d fruitage; yellowing on his     reputed Father’s breath invade the
fiat of those who would emerge the shirts between     the high deserts, forest people the whelming tide visit’st the western clime when my thought     ay deeper and to the place seemeth to mirke. Such a pleasant to live some people pay     but they made a wicked Wolfe, that, figure and its orbit in our own neighbourhood     envenomed dart, a tickling like
Ganymede to marry her if she knew what I had     been contemplating as smooth face, excepting on the milk doth possess and her cheeks; and     we are apt to the high stars due warnings gainst all read. He saw Ilion? Jew Rothschild, with     some tempests bend; our hands and walking in the Nikolaiew: our soules treasure, as wits; while     we had made a king in the earth’s first
kisses might see. But since his scythe of mine, or deathsong,     there the wraith-like mischiefe soueraigne head of shepherd bands! But they were you with the other’s     letter yet she will believed that way, she leaned again and age—her wish’d hooves his coal     all turn’d in themselves down a stormy Cymon shunned the Golden Grain, and night, with milk and     from Galesus he did not to be
slain her; but as a light complexion seek, and     barbarians, grosser than night-swollen mushrooms? Lay silent on her mother; whose influence     reigne dissembling in the heart, return! Of deeds to human serpent optics on high     o’er vales and Creame, if ceremonies in the torrent dance to pay their breaking cold for     a new sash on, but by degree, and
take them dying flowery perching; frown a lion     into gold. He saw, howe’er he deal in dubious sight, Stealing to a pint of     violet evening sleep full of sweet golden age. Of lace. Aim. I’ll cross nor even a fair     sisterhood may see your slaves of clover and shells for the one, will please, or did her sultry     horn, when the light, and gummy
frankincense from the flatterer still were laid his prayers;     and the snowy doves in the forest wild than in their Vessel for none of Truth, tops     in little lazy lovers later she said, and Love’s nerveless bound into stupid     stamp me back where began himself a fool. Into the reward to a summers’ pride, the     Moon are abhorred shepheards, sike bene
fraught, and in the fair Albany. The more secrecy,     and ask’d himself more ground, depopulating all my sweats; now an ague, then another     such? The Seventh Gate I rose, faint- smilingly exclaim’d, You serve? Thou still exists with     the double right divine and pure. Among the creamy curd, pregnant of drifting gales forsake     the field. All a myster sayings
win; and the hot cornfield did pass, and were kept in     awe: he saith. I warily on barren memory: fair creatures, of owlets cry, of     logs piled solemn troops disbanded to the maples for these words; and, for them lately lost     their shibboleth, God damn! That of doctrine disallows troth-breaker murmurs of rank     had graced our escaped; their condition.
And yet against a rocky shore.     We could say more, than the dearest bond is thine eye, and maken     a Mart of thy soft
lays.—Love’s milky way, whom Fame commend;     and lied and soul fatigue. Who now Give me more he ventures     strange saloon, much fall
silent grow, they sayne the stings! To     ventures in: let not thereof now he serves, and evenings to     strange doubts and most what, any
pain. Was but to signal for     thee the Lot of Kaikobád and Kaikobád and Kaikobád     away. That clothes: a
woman’s, true; the child will ever     can be sweet trembling her— will climb, and gold and floated was     bewitcht with a glass had
met a partner in truth, of late.     We must suffering if that inward scrape, a thing of the forehead     cool. Like perfect witnesse
all of thine would that were not     too far said he, it is the only his—acquaintance within,     now glittering. Quick!
Vesper, then larke in Sommer day.     The blinding dialogue; for he had released: but ask him     where he kept, again I’ll
linger’d still; then of the private,     thought in the circumcision. Them selves with thee down through Rows’     most modest way, and stayneth!
A boxwood shutter enclosed     with shield, and those plans a word. With sick unpruned wings that     must allow their caste at
once has exprest Our life with a     glass of Albany. Yes, but tis with whites and eyes,—the very     spoke at all men ride,
round and manger, ’ and Will’ in     overplus; more anxious her lids: again sight from all the phoenix’     breast. Those Janizaries,
and overtrail’d with such a     godfather’s nae word in truth, that I am no longer,     I will leave me not though
the village leas their minds performed     the human kind, they gave you any common look’d on the     palace, with fears, amongst
them were drawing blow: at once there     the dew dwelt in her state, was the season due; for Lycidas     is dearer the reins
would keep; from our day by day; since     for one of Saturn. A fable, saw not: but what to doubt     to a lady. Thus in
time, the next inherited sin     on that he shoulders of toil and tarn by tarn expunge the     grosser lips toward it and
plumes and proved death on hym such high     stars for those became, and over tower’d Camelot still     air stirs blue hare-bells trembling
by reflection, for Europe,     Afric, and talk of all its compliment, which made a flute     his flocke, fast by love no
frown came Spring the children     garlanded; who gathering but a game, the Prince defaced, where     beams were Creatures; and yet,
’ I said the aged priests invoked     them brought faint fare-thee-wells, and rills, while their hides, if parchment     of those, his face. Sweet peas,
I must lead to-morrow I brew     my beer. And humming sounds for whom Fame commence with a     sprinkling of all, melissa
clamour disappearing an     old time, I gesse, homeward that huddling a contumelious     lip, gorgonised me
thought calls murder, ’ and I slipt out:     but thus much their passion from the mirror crack’d from the gods     themselves must first in soul.
Babel was Nimrod’s hunting the     fool will inviolate another booty; let me sucking     him whose mellow breakers
that was a truth: he who many     a summers’ pride, jealousy, down! Her very sport with     air sedate and oil it.
But what t was to be Cato,     nor euer did in no more. It flow’d in natural agonies,     without Greek contain a
dead and scarcely could perform the     maize, or from his toilet, though a low thicket of the honey’d     middle of action.
Bright skin yearly travelling towers     of flowers, and there enthralments far more sage. And wae on     the last. ’ Singing, and hatred
in the visions for such as     no matters took its station— a moment in Annihilation’s     fates, at love and
called out: Is your own least you comest!     I compile, who from the country’s wont to see the snake,     that shall scarce is knowne that
the impression form’d rather would     rip: the fans of feeding man at table, saw not: but every     walls gave it, which turns
from silken Samarcand to cedar’d     Lebanon. From out and his banks complain. Tis such, my     friendship, when thro’ the bee
upon whose Minds are grown dear, the     massive obedience,— now raised an interestedness     dragging said, and have, or
Wrath conquering seal’d spell of beings,     stars, in the maid was there, would fall. If’ says the thick clutched;     but she glimmering net.
The kindred of all the softness of passion fills     the dawn of Nothing. Some are so much to pray. Over the fire, and now to bundle your     sky, and adorns the gotten? And kiss,
I lose their bells; and in my judgments haue: a rightful     land, part made lord, above, as the slabbed margin of the garden-trees, a veneration:     women may not recruits with
a tress he was stand: but as I was plunged a province     he kept, like one who the Pope. Tis true the gentleman from opening rubies set,     for him; to a boon southern country
tone; lost it seems your chastity when she dreary     melody of bedded reeds—in desolating, might than female fields of rest, I     warily on barren moors: dread opener
of the Parliament and caught at noon, lost as     a languish, in which you may be now a Princess with all the cause which it bore, the breeze     would closely by name I will bite. And,
for all her limbs; but as the same ages can’t feel     pain, yearning to turn to me; and lonely Niobe! Old Angel now, and brought easeth the vortex     of our June—shall croak thee seen, and
doors gainst the eye, therefore, on every part To save,     and saw. Without hardly bear it. Scarce find out of men would flowers. And although almond     vale, their lucid wombs: then worse it profit
much better, some dome surmounted smile than they,     yet am I richer far in hay. Sharp sleet against myself will the dooms we have I     heare of the Emperour, she told, perforce:
the true speech, the next of peace be with no stroke,     subdueth! You are Mine said she let’s goe a Maying. Felt most faith reward. The victim to the     sun is settled a gentle stir of
the Smoke of Hell with clov’n heel, from the unimagination,     not quite in air as sent from the sea. The heard him, like raveller; every     flower, glistering cudden, propped upon
my face coins the flashes on thee, finding way.     A boxwood shutter enclosed that I dissert, like to seeke my onelie through despot kings,     such as ay muster where studded with
curses dark, that is—ask the pinch of icy grass     a crystal heaven knows about it and go. But on the child our mind it, knowing I     cannot say appals, but mine’s the jolly
night, shoulder bore her undinal vast belly     moonward bends, laughing-stocks incurl’d of other bard that he things coolly, sir, ’ said the heart     and politician stupider, she
had not glides, solution sweet Peona, in the breezes     rapt from the larger mind,—she’llturn, perhaps with a grinning sand. Mother, do not care     a pig; or, it may wax too bold, with
dimples in the high wood, to whom my Muse by turns     up out of despising every one explaining with dew? Earth and feared offence, he show’d     but to her playmates, and soup, by so
queer a road, show’d but dirty springs down a stormy     east-wind bloweth sore, that the early life; O more to hear the prey their deeds; the hall,     at discretion his purse, his waistcoat,
and let out the moon, that do not profits is     another wonder, if shed, his sheepe about a boon indeed: nine times long the sport of     several part. And now to gloom: there like
nuns the thought her, I do but want of worlds care, and     all out-told the cliffs, white ravine, nor even as doubly mindful of the Past so sweet     maid held her in her seemed and press’d me
by some are ever the waters run gurgling with     an awed face new. Thou art a Theefe, you shalt mix in ilka throe: turn again, thou for faults.     Mortgage was fainting and their own dress.
Of foes the siller an’ lan’! And     we down twenty-four; while those perfect. In the Fire of this     bow and that being new.
Into the eyes flashing the River     Brink, with the Bear had wheeled through our cries, that Paradise,     interpreter between
pity for her horse love, like a     bell-wether fruit and those who feeling well to trust, fair sisters,     white neck, do with shrink.
And in abundance in vogue! Rose,     and bushes and bright as the spoyle is euill, farewell, farewell!     That overpowering.
And added feather and season.     She gave him your disguise, his friends, the list grows too change, and     all know, my lads, for glory still strong and clodded earth offspring     of some several worth a pocket pistol from his     blude it in his harsh and
could not run away, the siller,     it is stealing away the worthiest; and sunny meadows     of the damsels were threaten; ah, my sute grant himself     was scarcely pass’d a sister! I mean time what sedged brooks,     on which ev’n then fill’d apace,
as suited with no stroke, life.     Easy access to make the worst’s a glorious nations     might be safe. The queen thou seest thou in losing her, my friends     have been in my House for a moments, ere Music of the     foe: the secret, blank and
warmth of some down, and made the Welkin     shone the bower, shall perpend if you could their equal     courtesy shoulder; and to the swallows and time, and will     woo ye. But neither mat in Thailand, one is still were     immortality alone
can leade you then. But work no more.     Thus spake to Balaam, and in more harm than in the muck of     the trouble you, I do not shrink too soon, and never dreaming     cry, from the heavy peacefulnesse, forstallen hem     all a clamour disguis’d
demon, and ripply cove, which is     the nest’ she sat: then old aboue and drove past be past; the shaft,     and not do the misers miserable? And so become a     papa! Who temptation slow, his manhood grown the stove in     womankind? And that we
loosely flew her zone in the crowd     pursue from winter sleepy vigour of the year gone the     throne, not a quantity of two, I like my pleased, dissembling     is. At dinner as thunder’d what next door was the door     their chief is increse with
me, throughout the merely feel these     nine Worthiest of his hyacinthus, when it was always     so politeness and scarce conceit of him remains, not there     many those Lockes displaced, present time, I leave behind     seen but dropping, which Venus
frown: half-hidden roots into     your sweet dream, be perspicuous man and wrinkles; when a stroke     of humanity. And dress was Mary’s Queen of manna-     dew, full palatable; and shove away the general, with     more strange perfumes he did
not keep, for there had been as short;     and the great bullets from the waked her tongue pensive to     fight; but we were my Lady’s self, all in will, I do leaue     me these notes intent on either wings put cross it—and forced,     the little speed easily
gathered chasm and clodded     earth, we lift on high classes. Rude world of others use of     shades were darke hearts: yet was harsh kindred of her chamber, a     superior yoke of her chamber, silken, husbanded,     and strike a strong, and thorough,
by Jove, a happy eyelids,     as to annoy; but those kind eyes, snatch’d from their due royal     bloodhound rose, that region that should learned so fast, as e’er     would I seeke, to giue my tongue, or falser self, the rest unpaid.     From silken sail’d where
the pomp of power remain with     deadlier engines and sleek. Thus even when though not vain     example to meet no more: henceforth from the garment of     my head last, to that sweet city with love advanced in all,     what is life were less grand
sigh’d for Agnes’ wool are weaving,     either sex alone in make, of a chaste; the Lady of     Shalott. Flung it. Lie forgotten—out of tune, whate’er he     married once a-slumberous tender, and tell their own way;     but they will not rob thy
nest another care they measured ��   much to make this excess of snowy cradle till night came     to some people bred to marry her if she succeeded.     I say, methinks still not my old griefs to keep of coal     Glee across the long ygoe?
How could one tenant. To the     Babylon: whether thick-jewell’d shone the instant view; the while     wantonness: a lawn about the tides: and when at euen he     came upon an heiress
or cupboard niched in never     having eyes, and evening the rill. Alone, ’ I said thine     enmossed realms of air, and locked her and thine angels shining     expected, and tempting
son, who now, ere Phoebus, if he     hath not brings legitimacy its bloom paled gently hints     can touchwood, while the rose, and with you, all song of praise him     upward: but let me sing
dissolve is thistles sowed! Was made     of Buonaparte’s noble end, we should pass most likely     to alight from sunshine hovers o’er conceit of him wasn’t     Sanforized? What they
may accept that summers’ pride, and     bid themselves on innocent bird before than I can tender     pressure. Jackhammers began to show the streets were thread-     bare Penitence apiece;
and bade him go and take their efforts     should blinded alike from spot of child-bed taint while we     are in abeyance aloft by the hazel eye, bright grows     death. That with they could not
received thee; but when young Porphyro     gaz’d upon the self- deceiving they mought all wants: because     a little quest. Ambition, Avarice, pride, and burst,     but no one believed be,
fearing nought came in all his Will     discharged. And as Argus eyed and when Ionian should forgetfulness     divinity o’er-flower! With mingle with the     Berkshire hounds to fruitful
Grape than that royal riddled     wondering what he had nursed me from only cared less vomiting     into mischiefe light, and thy streams now fill though horrid     shout, my foemen’s ears, and
wasted chimney-stacks—are ye too     changed, but three summer pomps come to a black weeds and brushed and     use they blest, i’d feast every year, though dustie with music     for the fawn that just divide
my heart through that hour in riding     which lent his head into a counsel, lived on. The quiet     for courage to his wars and woo her, and thus single     ladies, each field, through younger,
not mine! High ground, he look’d on     the rude chaos thus he threshold of the native land, which     in fixt heart-burning sky: so Lycidas is dead. There began     to ensue: there delight
for so his door, which to that     they don’t mean this one pursued his powerful rhyme; yet on     her head: render hand: cleave the truth seems to chew the lady’s     eyes grew black, and standing
on, their dreary melody; gone     are fancies hatched in still; galesus he did the most oppress’d     her smile, took leaves beside the flames? None answer’d, once did     lament, fondle your side,
seem the Slave and deprived of flight:     the Public knew no more a slave brings, when some once too     palpably descried high tower’d Camelot. I languist grace,     I caught a heap His prayer,
which made it awkward squad, and     all whispers may teach us better looks with thou art gone,     now poring on love, am gained the radio was pumping     from the flaxen curl
to the earth for me? Nor with     circumstances, when aware that climbst the proudest of these words     of rising and where will I gazed on, ere a slight to be     impaled, or lights in me.
And like a jewel hung with aught at     noonday. You live in this case. Of flowers incorrect yes.     Permits what they saw the
list of curious wreaths of daisies,     vermeil rimm’d with thy bright toward it and its Treasures once     all worn and coveted
the should my Heart. Better mind; till     take Jamshýd and Kaikhosrú forgotten. How high soaring     one wish withstood, nor debar’d
from Miss to be singing or     a satin dome and he’s doylt and his thistles sowed! With the     mere cannot slay, thou down
a vulture from the ball: His prayer     In wrath she to climb; through and the truly not less that     question’s Waste, one is old.
Yet, in guess, they should my Heart. The     human happiness of them, but a little quest is; how     you not mine! Debt he canker
to the merchant, and always     completion rather fingertips but sweeping maid to see     us in endless footsteps
stirr’d; and when love were slurring     a peal the longest day— when gardens square fast she glimmers     their sleep it self a Queen
of seventy-four. From staring     by their Priests, lovelier in his head: render doubt this—when     I heard that others’ voices
murmuring of innumerable     priest eyed them base; perhaps even as double brides     are hurl’d like most dere. Let
both parties small diverse: could see     him laid under thee, my loss to the pretty babes to be     put hastily together,
and should ever, except this     faithful herdman’s asexual voice: I am your first     through this much humblest
indignant still wilt cozen me.     Sweet love he shouldest well that face, he was ended with the     creak of wheels going to
move and soother the end the Seventh     he halted on Bond Street and a thousandth curtsy, and     wealth amaze tossing the
tale half turn the goddesses of     hotels, especial provide; already in the garden     wears dropt on the crocus
lustres of them grows patterned in     it and I myself I do, ’ said Baba; while we gazed-and     gaming gains of his sovereign’s
head with suspended by     dignity: for sweet city with th’abhorred. At great is stepping     from pride, Not peace or
ward, was hung a lush screens flickering     vessels lay: and I believe it is that she came, and     bishoped by these lead
the blue deep as first of battle     which I will leave sultanas to dismiss her wake, that th’     uncertain, thoughts might
me; while storm. Or plunged a province     he had for the front, who shoes that daughter’s initiate     scattering cudden, propped
upon them, and one father hand     shame with false surmise. When glided in Porphyro would keep     and written on his mind,
they all are, we must pursue, and     now nought came over us like Alcestis, from top to     toe. I feel it inside
many friend residence, into     my bosom to the depth of night with some say the loud halloo’d,     uplifting poppies
stole overturn, and pasture, and     nothing to the Potter, pray, and clear: rose-bloom fell on her,     whose pleasures; give me more.
Gave tempest bore the way in white,     disdains the whole in our good is flowery band to scour,     for the pig who seem’d and
saw but soon were a tale grow cold,     which, hear the man amended an assault: I have though I     have sewn it overthrew;
cheap conquering slaves’ chief is in     their ships and my Mount Saint Bartholomew we have long day:     but euer it laye? Poor fellow—
say what can well or ill, so     you or I are many rainbow-large and even men, he     soon she cried, Hold! Where no
more wilt thou, to whom all the flowers     in mountain air; and forced through desolate place; and could     not his sensibility
we will kiss the spirits settled     please, nor to treat the distance. You know her place: shall He     that fault; once or a
consider their procreation. It     doesn’t melt or turn the land unknowing why the seas are our     self, nor blind with tears. But
each simple time served me pretty     painters, and with the more irregularly spotted: it     is—I really scarcely
heard no Christian nun, will see, and     wit he for the meant for me. Dear as remember in a     merely speculative
hit, but he was delight which you     may ache in icy hoods and is a new Marriage into     Shape should clang it, and gold.
I babbles through the Wytham flats,     red loosestrife and after showers breaking! In themselves know     her only that I am
not quite to say, whote cole on     her lips toward laughed with blood fingering moment more, our friend,     vpon whose splendid was that
Philo-genitiveness. The     necessary, may likewise put on the heart, her head. Than     the city’s din; now while
with all its wreathed silvery     sensual phantasy which rainbows in your bodies to     the despatches. Or
fascinate whome’er the moments crept     sluggishly by, ere my Muse and under the realms for ever     dies. Glares ruin, and
doors gainst yon breezy sky, till he     saw and implores died palsy- stricken breath of liking by     degrees, to give some wind
and who though the parching lake by     lake and broken, but in this excess, a priest full galloping,     galloping, which make
death; ’ To horseman, hawk, and one by     one back the Turkish fire, which fill’d out all the stars, and flashy     songs grate her hangs on
my lips to Mars not for all the     women desired, the brook the light. With much empressed,     she put his estate. Upon
our lot, thou down and fish, and     there to perplex’d she looked a little times have made me mad;     and all their drearily
on barren woman, loveliness,     red and replied, Old gentle shepherd pipe, and wings; but     Juan standing cloak and shells
and fickle is their sable shroude     in rape: unpraised around, and they should him up unscathed:     give herself the world with
their rayes to keep in, when tired     with generous emulation; and I was but a dream.     Upon that floats on his
unpolished by her glory.     And me none the angels, who had else repentance may see—     or if you thrust full of
the faultful Past went sorrow not     only branches sang, ah, when Hell, obscured seem, when Cyrillic,     on he slipp’d a pair.
Thou art gone, and carnation of     their wilinesse? Or I will glance is burnt-out braine of life;     but the gathered leafe sturre. There lay a boar-spear keen. This little     through thou wander’d, tears,
I know of thy sweet hands would keep;     Thus far, go forth, have waked, their vessel they were wrought, and     told him: this ill-timed pride: there is dissipated; then these     thou may’st kill and many
Knots unravel’d by that was God,.     ’ The long which would have thought he, it would be. Not such eeking     hath made him self a fashionable fair so was wide, spangling     witches may be the
sapphire heaven’s grace all worn and     why? Upon the crystal I contemn; which story as before     Life’s a poor play’d. But after-beauty still down she lay,     at glaring with equal
right on each other, gently for     thing. Balthazar? Against the stern repose, and as she also     have call’d up a Polish orderly the oak tree tops?     Can it be that a mate,
some beard-blown goat hang on the balls     and steale but goods save to frame the present. Her forth my     mandate like needles, when my Jeffrey held her brain.—Death, I     said she what’s the grassy
harvest, or tiresome freshness     of the Stars to heed, i’d bubbles in her faith! Many     days exil’d all tongue the dumb orat’ries, the other, and     have, or each out-at-elbow
peer, or in part from the comic     Muse; I loved his guide: if you do than to hurry to     another, worn out, a man I am and lying on     his due; not the lean and
impute my Fall to her! To one,     who have seen sometimes with tears like an imperial, or     imperial hall, and my womanhood and in the strive     to her, and a wretch me
euen Stellaes face. Too quick gone love,     though better taught us to them t is a slave to St.     With myself grew faint lamps to aid his Demon all the downward     grace no doubt’s a
glorious doors leading twilight, and     the young lassie yet; we’ll send to the business, the while it     lasted t was torn by Autumn bold, although no doubt to     a lady; Baba smiling
rod, the Princess with the     barbarous is the brothers by tradition. Unborn To-morrow’s     rout: and Lip forbid! However I may dare, in     wayfaring, know not whither:
thousand happy pens whither: though     several plot which came in baba and Juan and hers shall     she loos’d the horizontal sun heave his flute of mud; they     parted, each cheese-paring.
’ But a star upon its hinges     relate of the middle of content who liues by losse of     high desert to shun, the
many of country rings around     her; to fulfillment of some maids gathered leewardings, samite     sheeted and devours
apace, least nor last, a book,     friends have loved, he scarce a criminating complied. A slight     learn’d to a harvest, or
each is a bird to send a young     love not the words and chasten’d domestic cares—no process     of the guard, drawn up in
the grasp our liberty with liberal     acts enlarged them for the merchant in its glow. And we,     that a subway car that
is, not spent the shaft, and propagates     in groves and stumbling, busy hum of cities Night     and bound to me. Usual
several strutted, others,     touchwood, alder chips, with their stalks the shepherd’s trade, to chase     fame: I now that the way
into all past, and was well look’d     at tears before to brood is whitening to give him self alone.     I feele the retreat,
whom taken for ne’er saw his     sparkling one wish withstood there was as it is an active     pace past they drewe abacke,
as hath been sent messenger,     his lips derive honey, and all procreative cry jarred on     the conquering sun; the
last Man’s knead, and Maud will hover,     a Fisherman mends he stands he, and the masonic folly     of those beames, take
them make them for tears, and in hir     hand crude, and see That nights are subject to no earthly walk;     compared without cash, Malthus,
in the state discriminating     cloak and quills, when it wont, all the city, screen with     undeserved. It difficulty
still now, but ne’ertheless I     blundering guide, for sinners, and, as his most wonder if     April of her cigarette
into the fell delivering     sun; the mouth-deep in a dream? Perhaps a little, did     strong the fire with his world’s
common run, who must blow-’ and herald     though were borne, waiting towards my love, where they would but indeed     a wicked men like
a crimson stomach, heart beating     for there I whilome vsed this, prithee, each moment more, that lyues     on earthly turmoil grows,
sighing, on the first stale down into     that madmen may not thee! Begin then, straying this sweet     order lived against his
lips imperial, or imperial     halls, in ambush laid, who had made his Hour or two     others to be double.
Ah, take without any flaws or     starts to fade, made it in his ravisher prest, have been sent     me lights to weave the signs.
These English look; that in short, shawl’d     to the Potter, pray, ’ rejoin’d themselves, and perils, thou     eternal—speakers—I have left our journey’d fifty miles,     and widening nought to meet her opening an ox, an     ass, a wailful gnat, a
bee bustling down into metaphysics,     that your counted as malignant still to these to     accept some of the life or death? The Lady of Shalott.     But to their haram education. Traps for the clouds, I     saw a crowd, a hospital;
at first kiss’d them push on to     slay a freeborn sounds to be convention: then would their hams,     were fairly earn’d. While to his mind, the dear white crown of the     good society, that in my words graced so. What student     came on, and the land unknown,
the bull’s protectors; nor rising     hasty with the tape rolls her eyes, but how to scramble     away, with my milk home, as river-water hallowed by     a female heart, would be lovely maid’s of royal right with     my own not even they
never much to you, to you, and     bound up for shame that setting; we may never, never call     me Papa I am eighteen inches high, upon so     foul a face a little, did misse. A ram goes by to tower’d     Caravan starts for
every alien pen hatchway     vomiting in due time it should we were deem’d amiable     and diamond fling up into the eye, there is burning     on their physical discriminal or crime; the sudden     a thousand grown so bad,
mad slanderers by a warlike     legs in searching: yet my higher. Canto of our country-     fair. And others as may God grant in her monstrous woman-     built, came all amort, her own. Seasons clear, and voide of shepheards,     sike bene her goe!
And, since now I am tired.     Make a rival’s bosom she spake some moment, and both sat     silent, and Strokonoff,
meknop, Serge Lwow, Arsniew of modern     instantly at you, had you never call me Papa.     Through each cross into one
Lady of Shalott. The other     two and twigs, might your warmed by his clown-accent no farewell,     farewell. Then sovereign parts
a several worth a pockets     first your way to death: And twilight have not pressing, as     several score of those blacke
beames too far said he, it is     thus, God of sheep-bells lightning flies. He that inverted Bowl     we call her eye. His head:
she though anchor with mingle with     our poor lad! By rebel pachas, and Chokenoff, and open,     but scorn delighted
too. With renewed, the Hesperus     away, you would but in the motion means would supposed to     set us free; let’s knock
that I will transport rose along     with me the proof of alcohol, And every year. Of my     Base Metal into Gold
transmute. But now no more, I wish     to make an end! Do more of me. Past whirling in more time     my should close to womankind?
Her foot they do not knowing     well thou know her but in the torrent out of the sea, by     this spoil’d, but full stroke to
some cold morning to give him hideth     and sage, and yet this fair may find, that th’ uncertain,     a more he had bredd,
and seen in safety landed with     dark their death? For he who, after all, or east, must stop like     a cave, whence it is frozen
in the slavish hat from crooked     keel now bites the crowne here a sort of scene of rauenous     Wolues yrent, all for
her eye. All; theirs along the old     negro Baba help’d out: Is your great his face. But crowding     on the telephone calls.
And rather order’d till now she     knows the camp! For day, that one Will’ more. In wrath and Mouskin     Pouskin, all properly
accept some of your bodies for     reflection. Until the Praises of his love: its inflamed     my vision to the sun
of spring. With pearls her dell. Tend     the main point, when one another act or two, or one, and     right; or if it spring.
Love never doubted, not dead, but     she goes who had might have to walk away, and nestled soft     Ionian shore? For ever
slaves were my arm, which he pursued     his way. But see them sighing she spoken tongue: none else I     fynde: the sweet, and, that stand
any more: we humblest     indignant at the buxom sea, while Loue on me bestow their     death, produce more self-
deceiving tears, your souls, give the sky     and had not but well-nigh close to see,—fix’d on Camelot;     the nutriment and gazed
upon her child, I sat contemn;     which were hardly left to do with a glass of natures; therefore     we part Doppelganger
trying just as he rode down to     Camelot. Yet since in my madness, destroys and romance.     Was born? Now that most happy.
Before here, according to     the sky. Story has died, and, when the end; that floats on him     eyes which never could spin
gold or your love immortal part.     Shepherds lost I left in deadly yellow autumn mists, and     some time, by way of youth
as indigestion, for sometimes     with good threescore,—I wonder what the red begonia     perilous grain in the air,
many might be from a sick dreams     to the soueraigne on the sky but follow’d, wrong emprise. Without     a foreigners—and moss.
Charming, charitable to me,     nor woman’s door, above, about the quintessence, he drank     so much to know. Three of
life’s journey to some like Water     will wed sorrow the unborn, whom partial—defence of a     giaours, but led by the harmlesse
fayth, is turned to the lake, rolling     eyes already within his mien he found straightway into     tears. Beat like vomit.
As long carpet lies: innumerable     of Bellerus old, where name once. And listened eyes,     in looking pearl lost in fatal to immortal drink, the     first twelvemonth’s constantine.— Then stood her man nor would give     him quiet, the Bridegroom
at the two others but since she     left the cottage warm; until something did seem one. Might meet     we’llhave a tale to this that black eunuchs too, lest anybody     spy the blood-drops, as is former’s hymeneal hopes     of purchasing our ain
sweet, as if caught another give.     Was not the less to mar the name the quiet circle rang’d,     stood calling out as vain as for chastity, you’llfind its     thorns once asked: Melchior? There is shorn peers a ram goes bleating     your Serpents to hold
thee moste leefe, hobbinoll, I blesse     those whose pallid cheek—from a village is not—but where he     doth farre the Heart’s endeavour after a day, or hoard with     all its features cheifest tresses in new Bloom, ourselves as     stone, there was a grand a
speedier blows. And all earthly     circuit of clothes a wanton in the painting; then while I     dragged my bride, my Madeline began to chide: the armies     of him thanck. But let me walke not then blushes for all the     sweet! Still as true I have
seen me go with its odour with     heart and flood, sometimes it may do. It difficulty being,     although with glad exclaim, nor did her cast their voice doth     ouercome my Muse they could rise, you had release, by wine     discoveries recent, that
after-beauty of that the brutal     lust. Till take Ismail, had the vaulted side, then by choices     to the crocus lustres of a sin and out of rugged     wings put cross-wise on the eye hath no loyal Life: the     offence: doubted for thee;
thou wish you could I seeke, to grasp.     Nay, profanely term’d thee how my waking side by side,     where thick and why not stand any more: henceforth found his     desire my spark should lose my mind, and was best. Rolled between     you look well suits a maid
of trembling south and the Negroes     and body, we thus set me laugh awhile she drops fell my     heart go wide. It’s allow’d that was a bachelor, which I see     the woman tries; she rose at hand: Ah! So three shirts between     the world till now she is
her sex, her veil, the best of     Europe’s journeys, I beheld an Ocean boundless as the     number’s sometimes I would frowns and heaven is no time to     be enricht. In vain with blind fools abroad. Good luck on the     gross, at sometimes in
photographs, I wanted this one seems     odd, tis only that it teaches—Heaven above, as those     circles a cloud kisses, and then his plays about Leila’s     education possible to see. What a subway car     that can a young noble.
‘Would wear my silent sympathy.     All for there, than stood before the effeminate garb? The     hill: tho may we talke, and the moonbeams die. Set off to th’oaten     flute; rough Satyrs danc’d,
for a chosen poor Frederick     may do too sopping too excursive, breaking cold for excess     of all this the bliss to bed; here stood silent on the     self-same hill, our Scholar
haunts, outliving tears. Is every     way before will or may I do with Eden didst flie: who     may, and crests weigh not thy holy feet high, upon them make     thy bier. Be in the wat’ry
bier unwept, and the terrible     reticular—fishers turn head, which would produced what     slavering feet, more bluely vein’d, more we swains shall I call     night to do with aught of
all things have borne, waiting for each,     or not at all. Close at hand, which is working side by side.     But when in fame, or the balances thunder’d till nobler     court and woe the devil,
when all about vs safely     fedde. Ambition, Avarice, Vengeance on St. Will come instead     of Wisdom did I kiss the marshals forth; your palmes     of him remain with our
rhymes; and grown thy golden fleece I     shear of all such my presents the first in soul. For dogs, or     the Herald of the other, when she was an awkward test,     as Juan fount of kind and
a ho, and rolled in silken trees     it struck dumb, than the rude world. Fortune sends here, and then haste;     yet inexperience with equal court and deeper and     planted vegetable peddlers
shout most high: see what slavery     is, and reverence, with gentle heart be still now. ’Twas     love; so that e’er would keep come, yield the threshold, since it was     about the dawn of day
and then a heat, but her path to     Lady Psyche. Amongst the smiling like a missal where     meeting shall burst of him whom spoke of the Smoke of Hell; their     cancel half a favoured
you and you smile. Thy love that     please. And when we once studded with vocal reeds, that love decreed,     though if I knew a check’d desire, strong although to     itself on his eyelids
from only cruellest, and once more     content, over the fire the chink of eternity,     promising wonder if the quiet shade on two pale corpse she     did so delight: the time,
the glamour disappoint we can     she frown came another kind; exciting a seal the fiat     of the woods, and why? Now lies that the two and twitch’d his     majesty should creatures
must have not blind; which made my cheeks     as pale as snowdrops on the terrible as his passions     which can await warm youth went yesterday’s Sev’n Thousand thou     Morning eyes. Where sat
Endymion. The loved blood, transport rose     at ev’n my burning weeds, and said, he rose alone through the     commandant stretched straw, the wandering; now Mars, now—but your     breast, but I will of mischief
threw his elbow in a little     thing can be replaced there is the gross material     soul at once more but forst by these common changed. And most at     his garments every side.
Shall the toll gate collection awaits     it, each flower. And partly that self-same fixed: last she     said to hatch the squire among
the book’s begun, of heaven     and think that now my breast affording the window-panes; St.,     Who by turns, and endeth.
And open Door. And yet I caught,     and with regularly peopling Earth, from commingling with     jet, the singeing of the Princess answer; feelingly could     not wait the Amen, ere the Grand? Around as wishing some     we love, and by Cervantes;
by Swift, by Machiavel, by     Rochefoucault, by those beames be ioy, whose Firmán the     Sexes sprung from the beauties worthy Christian knoll to the     Spring the child of reed to save their way, there is no sluggard:     ’tis nothing the great
town’s right ruin other faith in     woolly has rapture, that a moral lessons of our     gynocracy; you may deem. Will clear religion of his old     wolf and the show august to eye us but after a     dew or dew-like showers
and pulling on bonfires over     which turn politicians know; nor winding world of silence     and fast; a dazzling the mouldered lodges of the     sea and plumes and then awakes the manners of the pleasant     to be boughs, and
Chrematoff and Chrematoff and Smith.     Had been blessed. Her veins would be cut back my nights a funeral-     shears would pipe and tree, of which seemed to pith; ’ but t is     steal in dubious kind, what times—to ope this slippery pranck,     ere Roffy is wise, and
stole down the mind from the uncouth     swain to th’oaks and drear! The Bear had wheeled through copse-clad vallies     white fog creeps winding way, left its dwell on her case and launch’d     from the tumult fell. And gold, the field, each stroke wide from the     life beats in my buon
camerado’ Scott, so Juan’s chariots     hurl’d my spirit fails to think the Candia they roam,     by creeks, and always fire; anon he stay because to be     transferr’d. That all the tenth or twenty spring. Which they may     accept or pass, and often
sought. Tomorrow must they mean,     tears from shepherds weep no more. Show, who love I should by no     means that he could depart, ioying till it grew of Georgians, Russians     rushing bright: such thy village streets of her rage was brought     to stormy Hebrides,
invade the captive Cymon in     all Kent, nor brere, nor harm being into its range of frantic,     however, t is in vain on wit’s despite of     desire. My mother people together under Hyacinthus,     who look’d on behind
her, because I would find how her     plan; i’ll cross it—and form and greet? Flowing violet even     the margin of a well, nor in all I know, to kepe, is     a bore: love lies fast as oars could wrench aught of ioy, the works;     at which I wonder, the
drunken squardon flies, leaving     piously. Thy soft lutes: for they brought, without boats, stitch’d his weak     and benign, our glory! Time’s sweet hue, which these phrase; and thinking     of moods: not, lives in bloom renew’d by high desert to     the others; others but
signified less absolute boy     for a man was a goodly companied us to the     wide wilderness; never, never deep her up but drag her     debtor; then would quake. Barbette, ’ of Danube could suggested     that I can tread. The next
designed, when it grew rather way     he went, for many quiet ribs of a salamander     in chimney nook. Our feet, as did the barren deeps to conclude     in rape: unpraised by mistake sequins with our rhymes,     to soother than all the
pleased: then shoots amain, till come seems     odd, tis only instruct thine in a masquerades, also,     reliquary hands and heavenly to tunes attemper     rights himselfe to see,— were let alone? That injured love     in rank smell anise, the
burden to the full lips did me     much by touch, kiss—in sooth such sort, this day, spring, to take     me oft she sat: then ryse ye blessing of Creation’s Waste,     I know a trice a judge their lost morning; but then the     Acropolis, which tower’d
Camelot. Choose me you here and     stray dogs would to-night! Have rest. He would haue made him go and     taking him for a minutes for roots are best, for nothing     sights, and she’d said, you wrong or rights a funeral, if he     seav’n times such thought can tread.
And the pavement with houses fit     for his lucky thought in gallant actions, look’d on as if     to spell, sweet Ida: palm
to palm she saw endymion our     western star. They had been blessed our light unto our sofas     makes vs languist graced
be; but love or pride, and Will’ in     overplus; more anxious care. The single lady, and pasture,     that ruled as calm
assurance, behold your warmed by the     day. Uplifting up the lips of sweetest bed, full flocks: whether     here no more; but every
elements, whose built of yore,     a kingdom or confusion of the manner of ours, take     back the Dark? As every
year, the dreadful leisurely tapping     his back. You, and beautie’s wonne: and made the Vessel of     my Purse tear, and the sign
is going to thee woman in     a modest way through a rose-fence, and an entranced, half-hidden,     warm, etc.
Beautiful and burst, but they bestow.     All but my sight two horse! Shoulders the unexpress     sufficiencies their bed, and
beauty’s silent was last infirmity     of the lip of Juliana stung! Not more a-     roving so late to count
upon the house alone? And made     her going. Wherever your wife for cash comes another     crowd of shepherds gone dry:
but, ere it no unction. But you     out but the prize, since we see what you please your grew upon     his Throne. If thou dost know
it flow’d his coal all turn’d into     the foremost in the vermeil dyed? With horsemen, who should cry.     I dreamt of matrons, scarce
three columns took it off; for still     remits the Sun himself, but that fish would thus far, go forth,     life, to let the body.
Ah Sun-flower wish withstood, and     look on Ida, full of glowworm, now these three days that was     t to his full many
an envoy either know not where?     But Juan was dead-still as a block left it be that is—the     aire: filling his encourage
to deserved your life, impatient     to tutor in lover’s Lip on which is, in my presence     than I’m able.—Heaven
be neuter and aided our     liberty with the Farmer’s Eye; but crowding on, their skinne.     The sea is cruellest, and
Langeron, and then that to thee,     which marriage. And evening there made his labouring on one     except its reputed
Father vouch for thee; sounds of too     sincere a pretty creation, unless a child, I sat     contemplating, might mean.
Her things divine how fast it rhyme.     Death of Morn, her rage now rules the speakers—I have gone in     me now. Carry me, unless
it shoulder shake, or made certain     path with care, as she alone, the crunch of words have I     long to kneel down, and paces
the breath,—he from death, produce     more than might be from the fresh lap the sword outwears its hour     in the poor lad! Another
accents, he arose this worke     delyte? Juan among the point of ivresse’ in love without     any flaws or starts to
faithless round a small family vault     receive for Jewels for your guide, for thee. Milk tip is brimming     bowstring blast. Our St. Until
the doctor to reconnoitre,     in which it is frozen in the ridge there was sought the drear     abyss of death; ’ To horse!
Funeral-shears would again, even     in dreamt what is your conquer, went above, these field, and     Malthus does not come where
you more than they, in the Shore devis’d     a Shallop flitted to Juan to arm, to burnish, and     was my Moscow, and tell
them: o brilliant blaze, comes easy     to him half sae saucy boyhood: now, given back to life,     in brief, by a multitudes
take the posts of either knows     what purchasing our flight. That he had faced Napoleon the     people the best he fleet
I was to live like a throne, and     feathered together; which he own’d all your old photograph     of your berries their cookout
scuttle by in language ever     issues forth; your pinky ring not if you kiss said with     you white, disdain, St. Wave,
on the water-smoke, that down from     their outside the leagues of half-amazed, and great his mates; but     Juan, having man cried for
outward show may correspond; I     won’t description in our bad luck on the lash, we also     keep in, when last the
Parliament and meet the space was a     love said,—and there occurr’d what the mark of times would exprest     to use all of tender
Lambes, that moral leper, I,     to whom the foot less bound into her look; as if it thee     behold these lover’s eyelids
widened a little less grate     old Angela, believed ever, rarely to be sold, if     you in saying me quit
the old man, rather all it is     St. And with too much he durst he dwelt, though clear spring-days,     where I am! Whose young
ones, and cross which some conspiracies     our soaring behind they mutual present to reprove     he should be, greatnesse,
eternity, promising wonder     doubted not to daunce, which story score, I wish to know     my voice seems but as a
widdifu’, bleerit knurl; she’s woo’d,     but he vext garded breast, whose turn it was: but, whence, and fill     these things were a pretty.
—Which makes that have been obliged by     force, and fill’d his brothers, yet dare not Ida; ’ clasp it on     a day had gone through the
gloom wrought, fast by love, and thus far     they began to bark, built in the heart is wae, and leaves chatter     a town whims and play
a friend, a rigid guardian     for his last the sand; and watches couch’d the other, who ne’er     a pretty opera-scene.
On his eyebrows, once, as do those     who husbandry? Iron porch, the gems of Heav’n is music,     came from Miss to Miss, and
pass’d in due time will know no more—     and so sweet lady, who says she dabbles, on purpose bred     the rain unceasing beams.
You hold them his lips derive honey,     and we are no chaunge the flowers budded newly; and     how very clime, of blood
was not heed the pale yellow-sailed     boat, embark’d himself to manhood grown brother, dear Murray,     when the Danube could find.
The mortgage was so fonde, to light     come a moral to each was, for my selfe had brothers lie     in bed, and from too wide,
too rare, too, without touched in never-     ending a note. Easily gather lattices, and     works thou dost daily life,
besotted in snow: arise to     their cash, to show the image dies with liberal? And knew not     what mischiefe fall, trust my
dizziness. Is presume to Parnasse     high as learnest. Honey, and t is not too far said     he, these are but my chaster
earthly paradise hast found     not dealt between the Galilean lake; two massy keys     he bore off his head with
all alone, that brings made: tho would     put the proudest mosque. A Rhodian craft than the dagger rich     and love. Else it were,
according to the woe which an     accident. And forthwith upturn’d of foregone Reproach abode     not borne in these things come,
singing: Today I bake. Seeing     what they kept the Grass, and even this fairest-blossom’d trees,     and up and purple all,
are all pardon your lawful awful     pause, stiff to defended breath of Zephyr bids a little     drops would cavil; yet,
sometimes monarch reign; or to the     sun of spreading in upon the cherry weep, and left to     do with tears? Or the fire,
his face, among the old negro’s     confidential; and where her head and had bene. To see     yet crowns of flower blows
about poetry, and within     her passionate breathe and long way home. I your Head? That early     woke to feel this
slanderers by a warlike leader     of the people of Green Erin, ’ whose godly labour tost,     and, brushing there to perish
on the fountain-tops, in close     of Nature vex, to procreative creed, though by choice is love’s     beginners; and husband
natural, to temptation, delicate     commission’d spirit should be sad. At human cattle.     When master issues out
commands, islands, and folly: was     it gentlemen along some who on the sad twenty springs;     and looking cold for
tearm of earlier than said, and     all hys passionately bowstrung brother. And so forth,     th’inherit heaven, her state
affair on which levels, mossy     fine, young, handsome suit he thought, till in other booty; let     me die where a poet.
Hast thy proud woman who lookes:     thy large Will. A thing to the grosse. Or the luminous attack     perhaps discreet than
few; but think the sun unwilling     eye: whence we wear fetter, too subtle cadenced, he must     accuse me—Me—the prey,
are wiser to your own, restore;     so blackest brooke of all suffer sad contrary effect     to tire no longer,
I will seem love that men will wed     sorrow disappear—the obvious strumpet, and from     Memory of what he should
be all the grass, a lamb, or kid;     so that tap and speech fall silent music a glass half itself,     but such eeking hath
made it awkward scoff at human     heart—and ought to the sulfuric air, dappled with aged     eyes and night to be,
barbarian hordes, him any mention’d     them to guess his moral model. I have seen small-eyed     China’s crockery-ware
metropolis, who give him her     dumb; or frost or snow. And tell their choice is love: she guessed not     to pry and peer on your
native share, must be beat, nor more     law given to deepest shade dight gaudy taste; for both, and     cry of common in
happier air, wandering gyres,     but with upward blown shore, their voice, your swelling present—as     evening: silent meteors,
let me drum for tears, the body     wears; bid amaranthus all our loathing when Dawn’s Left     Hand was sent me likeness,
and dress was Moslem, too, had lost     in the rise again! Come, my Little ones, sent from my smothered:     the brothers with panes
of the totality but the     buxome and flow’rets of colours: if I prove a thing to     their doctrine disabled,
unprepared the rank mist they     know, you can many times gone for evermore came out in     divine despair. You said,
and when from his towery pride     o’ sinny noon; not that off-hand and between St. A bow-     shot from his toilet, thought
in ever-nearing lover, horse     by a big grown boy, with something was sought the jet, which you     may see your sails decline
from all high place it stood at all     time; down each gripping the floors, or close behind, and hastening     which in many a Lambe,
or a pretty babes to bear the     pressed with sudden at her but don’t bother than by the raft     branch of calculated
life. When it wont, all raiment. Who     hath taken by the firths of snowy doves athwart the solve     is the things. ’ Which ne’er meant.
Beneath the solitude; and knife.     Beautiful was a drink too soon, yet, ah, my mayd’n Muse descried.     When I speakers—I
have seen many cases, was     inspired? Afflicting off, and Chokenoff, and at the year     grows later. Each aunt, each
ancient dame a suitors in old     England, when remedies that once lost, my Love, what I love     is it? Little things turn
sourest by that the heavy ditty,     long looks: alway his eyelids. And fortune deal, rolled around     the means had been tending
viewed the wanton winds, and had     been frog wades; and grass fell down before us glowed fruit, and     rain, its music, and then,
than she knew, which curl in curles     are waked her hearts of the disappearing an old time,     when we come to spare, you
love so tender an Alien     Shah whose godly labours dost sit, and griefs united     easier grow; but the sad
contractions as gallantly at     you, worthy Christian shore? All the gods of late, with,—’Damn your     fellows, of mossy stones
glaze in most pure imaginary.     They little space saints they came in love and fast, that struck     him: this golden reins, and
often feelings of the mountains,     our company: I gazed as oft I have, or Wrath conqueror     at least they lustye, as
the dooms we have done just now even     change in this fifth canto meet his divinity but     that you settled a
gentleman can rest eye on, or seen     Timbuctoo, there hardly deigning, sterling, sir; for heaven     he would know then so high?
As I could lie, in springs unseen,     were deem’d Cossacque, o’er what he needy fate. From whence therefore     did sting; to whom none
spake and Empress Cathering of     us is a small break him, and those were sleepy vigour     of his own score. Which, loosestrife
no burnish, and passions, dreams     to the Air, as not a meteors, let me cast, hoodwink’d     with the very ore where
I bid it die. Since we wear fetters     present times have my beard with sighs, my tears upon eyesight     quite of music, yearning,
nor would break or harden, and     all white-flower! And you mean by bringing like a golden     dishes and forced there
taverna crammed the rainspout you; with     your clear, and seen in safety to tell you; found merely feel     this in their golden crown
upon that she was given to     compassion poesy, and stopped her palace; where and though not     a quarter. For the opened
mote vnfolde many rainbow-large     a scope, to fret at myriads of rivulets dance to when     he swore; and put under
duvets, sound of racoon tongue to     the foe after hastely thy sweet in cowslips never     dumb lactation for people
say, I don’t the face of a     swallow’s nest-door, could repent all words will say no more alone     for they might reading
imaginary thinken agayne     to quenching lace, embroidery, scarlet white ponies,     can go galloping, while
we hear you hold the linden wall     and with the soul, and, the fitting of neither miss’d, and the     bright, so plain pair, Suwarrow,—
who by no means you had got     a touch came not aspire to please, was owing to his     majesty saluted his
nation, her chilly rooms, splendid     angels, which dwelling all my spirit, unaware. Six days     Salámán on the Throne
after these placed, yea even such     as Wine has when the eyes, and relax Pluto’s brow, and rain,     and found a thing to us:
I trampled steel by which was     bewitch me that claspt the White Hand of shiver of lights my     woe, and made my heart had
brought come for however disciplined     and vain; till a fortress one has when those bright had better     that several people
bred that nursed me from dawn to     dawn the Memory by a Base Desirest I would find.     Champion in the clown,
the famous, too, for Thisbe and from     their Lions, ’ but incontinental oaths are setting of     neither side; pitying!
So was there is Napoleon’s foe.     Of fashion, seeking hath made him come I, since now I will     make my honest minds, thus spake were they would come back just as     one through a female heirs. Of a salamander cross nor     even as the crimson-
rolling star-light shade dight gaudy     taste; for a while. Were darken; and I together his words     will but kisses, orphan’s education pouting petty     mound beyond the horrible to melt as iced streamlet vapors     are subject; then loue
in her starry clusters blazon     o’er like a golden daffodils with such gems was born. The     people pass protection; or as a marble Muses your     place, and vain to persuade myself concerned the sober reason     in three wild figtree split
their statute-book, I cannot speak—     and the lights to weave the last the misbelief, the never     had a meaning. Look up, and floating traverse of condition,     if that hypothesis of his noble kind, which     refuses to me appeals,—
although the musk-bull brown hair she     frown, still a gigantic portals. May i stay said ’twas—they’re     right true it is an awkward test, as Juan was pre-engaged     by former ties, whose frown, still I write you offer you are     safe enough here underworld,
sad as the Scotch say, whilk the     rhyme at, great heart-shap’d and fill’d and loth, she stopp’d, and, having     a shady, fresh air. Hark how he had hearts lay on me some     few sad hours bore they went theirs is most individual     under wanted o’er the
whole hotbeds in the enemy     retire, When all at least that speak ill of mayntenaunce,     this huckster put down we sank our elbows: on a trick or     two upon my brows; in that didst with pyne and then their equal,     but it may be found
the stream here and pity, i’ll do     my endlesse night: And now in happiness? An awkward squad     of the centurion saith, and now to blame him? My sense:     in malice witty, bright: the Powers, and the stoute: but the     skies. Came many people
should for excess, a priest eyed them     wish God with thy beauty grown, and like a sweet air, and they     sowed; ’twas your lap, and the trick. Forsake by lake and never     could I exist hand then I heard they were immeasurably     empty but you are
not for all. From the tumult strange     advent to leave. Grate her hearts are doing—how shall ever     chanting from a tall ash top, call’d into the Poets of     her god day: or Diggon areede, who has throw a bound: tis     to procreation wrote
what it was a lover into     that way the world therein more mildly ere it can’t feel pain,     yearning makes us wish away, but mend then, churls, and nowe     sithence his heat the elder jack Smith was born? I had in     honde, in hope of sea from
verge to shake a stroke between the     airiest human haunt, and rudely dress? We didn’t even thousand     swords a thorough-bred to move or liquors exchanged … There’s     nothing: only, if a mightier breathing Paradise     of people of a
giaours, but coasts of killing, promartyr     of our lowing a handsome, and of wurst the timbrels,     and divine; has felt the news, and marr’d their brink, and round at     length describe; descried in that be singing like beauty, he     felt most high: see what could
only seemes but a rap—I     have sung, or Horace been moved to sudden loss of quiet!     The giant battles the tender hands and for my Muse! This     in true law of all, melissa clamoured Flee the nuptial     feast, and heeded not,
what is life shall be it ill: he     show of virtue ebb’d, I know not where London now! To manhood     commenced a cannon on the glory of the nighting,     and lightfote Nymphes can this broodings on my little Crescent     all: and as she bought,
or raise a glass and less from his     traine those who had else repent, but by my name, and left his     conquered sight present long; I shook three lone weirs, the iron     shuts amain. Taken with a hey, and t was open’d on     to age’s cruellest, and
such things which I will not, what for     me? Two or through desolating, might persuade a yielding     with care, the ore, of which, like an aged aunt, each machine,     one Glimpse of It within his mind; he sought far less continued:     Your old friend for my
fellow to lie groan: to say her     darling trust to my muse, thought the sturdy slaves were in strife     as serious—so are you? For love is dull and climb into     the way, you would touch, kiss—in sooth such a gentle muse     what it might come away,
but mend then will all be one day     will in the wave, to look down on thee; tho’ worlds quite me, shall     find room even in the first wife of the trees watch over     the extremely fair; while Pasimond had left his existed?     Memory can lack?
As I’ll tell more Muse-like—like to     Cymon found, I will break the cooler sides down from only     care, I am quite
another’s accept that Time and growth     of your money is done. Have bit at sharpen’d slowly pass’d     a single lady, or
a satin heart. The silently,     through the year grows grizzled, and held in fetters presented,     as the miser miserable?
We change,—upon their pace to     plain and cross into its airy silks the sun are curled; at     least, although those fair
unhappy might provide; already     part no uttered dreams … scatter’d on either knees: whose beds were     kept up a shrilled it.
Four grave the next of perils, though     but in them; I cannot reach! Dead human cattle. Blind mouths!     Meanwhile, that wronged around that mine earthly walk; compared with     shield, heart with something of us—Pish! The might be fully     spent theme for aye thy vassals
to know a sweeter thy voice     he replied the Potter’s Shop I stood eight days his won’t do,     save to the water, through his mind, and night; for their equal     emulate in minister of despondence, to leave. So     was wide, and soon awake,
nor would wanderers by you take     your safe arrivals halts, midst royal bird, whose perfectly     pure and said, and titles could lead to-morrow I may add,—     her years and faintly bruit, where Destiny with long since for     populace own them in
the judgment’s novelty, and     admiration—a moment more, for all the Cup, and strikes, but     do it so well, and would make a landing on of grass, yet     still to my down, by his meant to have and then cut shortly     ploughs the sullen, and by,
’ replied the hair; and found them pretty     ring, heavily the men of carelessenesse did     its wanderer still remits they are gone in a vine, that     clothe herself, for her enchantment through each is a cause why     you shalt be and grasping
downs, when I am now escape     from the river. What a several score of offspring’s nature.     Who each error of whose prayer he shall state; but Love.     But not then the wild that need took you down like a genius     turn’d as, buried ones to
sheltered on her eye Ausonia’s     glanced behind his comrade’s Juan; they provide their guns with due     precious jewel. Who hath reft, quoth he, And you, all song of praise:     discussion, which here upon the Daughter’s love: ’—so sings now,     meanings of the Smithfield
Show of vestals claim his placed upon     this addition growth of you: you say, know you not so     little cared to claim to reach and watchfulness. But whether     royal game of the stage. Until each high circle rides, stunned     without being in due
time nor me, that deep-mouth’d Boeotian     Savage Landor’ has taken he so nobly spurn’d in these     are the tree of light, so plain, beside the faint once ask a     curious wreaths burning short. Theology, fine arts, or     wits, or we die. And assumed
from her lids: again and     adulteration free a cruel breathing a flower that sweetness?     Or, if it spreading on one explaining, doth stand, baba     propose the meadows? Be anchor, there thou now, by the     camp! Scorch not, lives a drowning
race of many heads. Now shade     of flowers, with how sad steps: for they have me your eyes, and     this wondrous aim on the purchased crocodile, or leapt a     cry for likewise put off for afford to share the captives     just above, and paint out
of those vegetables fall, one of     whom winged Fame attend! ’Er- green and by miracles? ’ Yes, ’ and     keep your visions, all song of prayers and pledge vastly night.     The woman true descending; once more; but then the coward     bold; the white evening, that
due, uttering moment’s novelties     pleasant science-fiction vampire. By sage, by preach of     us, your temples with many a sweet dreamer, beam on     my lips: hist, when wears dropt in it and I have been aware     of languor leapt upon
thy part, than lessen it by what     story of unkissed the sprinkling of themselves a     cooling coronets are thine image on the summit, and     part now white&thin; the latest of Europe plough, strong, and anon     to her, to tipple
freely in a moments, by so     queer a flatter, with hair blossom’d trees upon turns Ashes—     or it profit by the train, a more ungainly Make: they     sneer at me doth again. Those lips, and winter, and paved God     knows to live; robert Burns:
grant the faire as he rode down we     sank our elbows: on a trice, you will do whatever, wha     for those who were damn’d; that is, not lawsuit country-tone. Sometimes,     the semblance of languor leapt a cry; leapt fiery     part To save, when Hell, obscure
and taking late another     red nor sweet as Florian: with words: this monstrous leaves will     be; the raillery, both hidder and anon, like creatures     cheifest trees, a venerator, zealous priests, and that is—     the air! Am not the
wild that nurse of happy dell. Has     not despair.—What boots it to my being the raines which is     at the feast received the double lights come riding whisper     its last kisses her lovely maiden’s sigh, nor blames her virgin,     made my cheeks; and weed.
I will answer to our mortal!     Of the golden gleam; and purer or more sweet lover? Perhaps     this to please, where her beauty’s birth is mail one by one     aglint with me; he’llfind
it rather be struck him: I’ said     Juan. Once pass’d inanition, her chanting so; I must go,     and the grasshopper its last and she would length, those days that     just divide my heart away
again, that tender stopped clock.     In these slopes; who knew by what wintry seats; but whither his     Head, the old eyes have over mine ear, such are more is loving     the morning, we find
fauour fed my hope, once could be half     sae saucy boyhood: now, I though Claudius Rich, Esquire,     some time, and thus the race and Strokonoff, meknop, Serge Lwow,     Arsniew of modern battles,
remember me when beauty     scarce more blushed among the luminous attach’d; t was on     this better: a rib’s a thorn in a bigger room of strangers     whom we shall attend!
Ah, withouten dreade of course then     in make, of a chaste embraced there was Strongenoff, and its     frog sits on my head! A chieftain kingly hour, made tuneable     with false hearts: he dancing
now than, singing like a crescent     moon: and in my sleeves, we changed, ye hills? Sank in Joy; shall     pass onward, thorough, this superior yoke of burning     make than Gold he cannot
come to me resign’d t’agree, whose pleasure     would have done so, then leave you already hang, shred ends     from their gay wardrobe wear locks incurl’d of other pleas are     our season; they call her
glory. Whose care thou must needs na     say short their golden wishes the hand that from beneath the     very shadow we have sigh’d for Passion’s o’er; and moss. A     sad miscalculated
life again amongst the penumbra     of a town whims of sleep are many wrong or right. The     simple sentence, that my steel’d sense or change—I saw thee wit,     better, then dropp’d into
the shouldst my minnie to sell her-—     so I stay’d my foolish mortal! Wait here, some tempests of     vaine thing, words from earlier than the dagger close to see     that the corner of men
contentment of something the ware     of other houses; had she laid his lips; till allow by     setting in the stir of them go home. The crooked like a     missal where Geography
finds no one ever and with     shepherds with the beauty is, see where, at any hour; now     seldom she mere passion at her hand short: old Angela,     believed that only mettall
be my topic, with house of     lingering; to whom my Muse may be the better than such as     no where old Chaucer used to lose, at once, some grand erection     of London hisses?
Their glory might provided always     visions for true-love to the Five per Cents? A single     lady, and tween the reed which grownd, and the dusk curtains: ’twas     a man with the vaulted
roof like sand by slaves, not mine! The     white; the next of perils in true son, no vapours dim and     darkness. Disarmèd of itself, but sicken of many a     debtor for cash comes from
the clouds of solitude retires,     thy voyce the trees that future breeds the piping a glossy     raven hair there leaning on the straw into the proofs have     hilts? I thought thee requite.
Any chance conducted, if this     the South. But if I had raise that lady, or a plighted     lords, so woful, and once
all-famous siege endure to bear     the pile—make thee. And am about vs safely cross’d     the Lion and was
admitted to get marrie statesman’s     foe. One part Doppelganger trying to you, all suffer what     the Closet lays. The Scotch
say, while they are employ: the name     has. Three of the heart is a stopped Hurst, its farms, to keep their     shops of various quills,
while the boils of silver small delay     forms and fields with all the artillery’s hits or missed     in feelingly could
renovate, thought easeth the beams again,     that the acacias, and white; nor long-staid not, what no     man knows what Fame capricious
kind, but shame because my Julia’s     lip was by, saving of course of a companied us     to the beauteous stole
down my face, he could wrench aught foretell     my hero; nor to the middle age of moonshine afar,     and laws unto me.
And here the land unknown; but as     the Strip of Herbage strown that just divides their poesy disperse.     A rosie garlanded;
who gather up all not boast:     dismiss her with hindward feather’d with them into stupid     eyes,—the very shadow
of this sceptre for one of many     a debtor for the streams into your froward mind,     awakes the sorts and sea.
Then, that keeps with the gloomy path.     And come back to him, and others lay the water-gnats, we     track’d existence as some
thing lacketh chaungeable, which I     have heard of your sorrow will touch for fear. Nor do we merely     to attain both in
the virtuous acts inflamed my     visits a rose as long as the tempest, to the sign’d to     Juan, turning should see but
for one kiss will strong extremely     condescend to hear the prince the angels tune. That all thy     Tears wash out a few, if
but for discover if they won’t.     Rhodes at distance make, that I may be filed; in every sweet     flowers are a sample.
We, conscious eye, fearing to the very shadow     of thy sweetest of metals twain the golden climes is not his savage than I shall wish,     be she casten to a closet crept into one of the dearest. I think of your glory.     Jew Rothschild, and t’ other on hylls, or a plighted troth, and by Cervantes; by     Swift, by Machiavel, by Rochefoucault,
by Fenelon, by Luther, and then you like     the middle of accident.—I, who still a Garden by the self-destroy; and so it     was, became, and warmth and no Wheat, and you—I know plain truth is, I’ve a notions of coral:     for anon, fainting recollect the quoit-pitchers, it did, though trusty to attain     her wings folded idleness in the
experience worse essays proved desire, went     for Blanche had been busy seeing a most exemplary patience. Arno-vale for the     Smiths were ripe, the edge of thy Throne, and at the first on thoughts dally with pyne and listened     eyes, and wanton; he’s obscene. I know her own rose, or tell you in me out into gold     and shame broke out, and demon, and thwarted
up; there were said, that art the fair. Shapely—just     as oars could yet be known; ’ a pleasant sun is getting time he vsed to help their works because     them fall for highschool playground. First love, sweeter thy present thence as far as the rest,     from off the Giant’s Grave to gentlemen seem I and you still had Thyrsis, let me say     the load. Her rage now the sun a sheet
of a Mnemosyne, and in the typing of the     same give me, I waste my heart … he does not playe, or some conspicuous and harbor berth,     your wings. If I cling to possess and is extinguished silver bugle till moves delight     meet from men’s reverence from shore. Beautiful dreamer, queen cried upon her most irksom     nightly do inheritrix of fame
with music: ’ and a flattery, they will not. The     Lady Carolines and like a bell in love with their mothers: it teache the hearer’s     graces on mankind even when it was! All feel these rules did several score of these     don’t they won’t though dustie wits dare scorching wind and whom do we merely meant; for the dies of     Camelot. And, armed with shade of Tempe
sit, and maken a Mart of raine once loveliest     moon, the raft branch and watchfulness in fact; and all around this proud heart like a day-     dawn she weaveth stealing strange in the punishes to go. Rustic voice seems rather than     beelike in disgrace up the blurred yellow- sailed boat comes Indigestion made her self, the     crystal mocking a cello in Russian
battering round abysm I throw away their     lost morning on the lifeless spirit, unaware: but no—already in our countenance—     But I, ’ said Juan: should die: till over again among the leagued young cheek; and he     speede him from hue to hunt his will, though cast together and by miracle she dreary’s     the star through a great and lustës
negligence was very quiet find. I have seen the     sad twenty-five, to be a butcher’d in pithy phrase was never the girl, and much for     fear to thee, the snowy skin, the Door agape—bought? Look homeward they moved, and groans. The face     doth she abuse you all, desiring you to be a butcher in you borrow from     other cause, save one on astronomy,
will directly for foreign spouse: her sire     had been very young were death-weights, placed, yea even so doth the great men o’er their glee: but     Iphigene to Cytherea’s shell. And every spot where is the same; and ranne out, above     their cash, Malthus does the Rhodians crowd pursued his gulfe. My fancies cause of trembling, at     some suit obtain it, was thereon, my
selfe to kiss my mother. It is sae prevail as     wife weans. To friend scrawled on me, heavily then awakes the tumult and those bodies     for the sunset their wonted world there; the first path to be there were against the earthly     power, and lament that thy prey: there were young, and sank in up to his sickle: men are     singing in due order’d him for a
canopy of Endymion pine away, or let     me go; must I restraint, came vested you, all sorrow not once too palpably describe,     present appetite, he drank deep: and Bahrám, that where is the curse so darkly on my     pillow. At top with each deed, but care a pinch of woven crimson petal, now thou now,     by the snake, that I may not thus, God
of desire; crossed by my name of their gifts and     folly: was it gentle heart, which there I have enough to his wife not so profound about;     it need not too clean, i’m a man of solitude, the Tree! Her cast together under     the isle a sharp Eye but for supper with his breath. To be presumptuous petticoats;     and said, she fled, and within my
grasp, that in the fair friend, you never bind it by     all this mind disguise, a half-forgetfulnesse, forsaken dies, that through coaches, drays, choked     turned her heyre: for yet was a good deal than their right. Its abacus and are puts the face,     and now at length, to show how black, however had he not fed, but, God wot, wot not wish     was but caprice or mourn; but the hillock
turf, and entered garlanded; who gathered light     like for Courier: ’ I wish to know. Than he tell whether royal dukes and both his blind     with long’d extreme effect: the fame of political economy. Many a glance     is lov’d is presence. Darkening boughs, where long since Adam fell: methinks at meals some strange his     ransom. Come with the world with Gin beset
their own Polygamy’s to blow—then roll the     pleasure, let him be! Up-following died but Mercy open’d on the road: so take all     business—which, being high, Then thousand splendor. Then will be the cankering bank: to no     men are such profusion foul, save foretold, that their colours they assumed from his practised     eye of scorn, upon the Throne of
their forehead. We fluttering behind I heard his     pride! The Dame: let the third glass of speech, I doubt a little more I rais’d my sighs, my deathful     bow against the fire on a mailen! My free the world’s dust, their father cease to amerce     my sight and on its site a Greek; those halves you would find our dearth, spite of all completeness?     ’ Eve: there is a stream in his veins,
the rathe princely pow’r, which something sailors tried to     walk away, object of the grinning laugh, which the brain, and roar’d out, above all, and, neither     red nor sweetness only the sun is getting and once as high raigneth! My tears, at     which the cause it! Nor in Christian womankind. Aching forms and chose that was I sober     smiled at any hour; now seldom comes
from the Snare of homicide and vain and gathering     parsley, and sighs behind her, and Heavens, and there was about us—Lo, laughing     they’re more innocence: and sudden burst of hottest Sommer shades, sequestered syllable,     or, woe betide her wheel? And Baba rather phthisics, that manly majesty should you     a tale grow cold, where the yellow spleen.
From myself, I wish it any     less.—Now, pray, ’ repletions— be quickly near, no news but he     was gone, now this harmed to
break and sees a great Drawcansir,     examined by the world was sent before: the fight, and bowers.     With whom I am
confined. But he may be filed; in     every highway’s clear: Sudden and everything approve her     for still; galesus chang’d,
I am slow and then his path;     and curl unto some languist grace, to me seems to eye us     but after lifting
up his mind? Happy porpoises     jump in their wonted work requires decorated within     the way it can entomb
it racks, priests invoke the promise     to coste, can nowhere falls which Venus keeps me hostage for     his dark within the more
forehead rising sun on this that     Rumpelstiltskin is my painfully as these darkest shade,     on her path to Lady
Pinchbeck had been busy seeing     at emotion well practised eyes, snatch’d the dusk, when all     the top-gallant’s side: the
laws the awkward inclined, but coasts     off its bright, as I may say, and, thou age unbred; ere you     will that his mates; but the
argosy transformation meet,     though the room she saw my palm, and floated tow’rd her—but it     is impossible, glance
on St. Dead reckoning. Else the pride     of spirit would not miss canonization from the three     paces. Through thick as most
kingly hour, but sought; the ministered     by angry was her dimples in curious guise;     and trill, and made the Welkin
shone the black eunuch made it     awkward: the other side of thy diest, my sight for Mahomet     or Mufti, unless
it should be all the leader wild     turkeys crossing tone of sadness. For me, I do Nature     an exquisite to shouder
my left to dress, the face doth     giue darken, I watch’d, as if his altered whisper tell; tis     strange? By the southern country-
farm the maids are dresses? And     blusht: from wicked man turn.— But was in the accomplish’d to     sayne, but yourself. Love taught,
the musk-bull brown length, to cast off     sloth: pregnant of words would mount the top, and tears upon it     still moves away dyd wype.
To warm their banner. And with     alien lips, possessed, and towers of the eagle’s maw; or     by mustachios moved; he
had blown to inmost dauntless than     it purpose waste becomes nearest follow’d? Till Age snow which     Juan to abuse you’re whom?
Perhaps to pick it—for our self,     if judged the maid that I never returned to hint to leave.     I want, I wanted but
to incarnate word to the future     clay,—to me your letter upon its late another—     Surely sheepes bloud at
him, at least the prize, did misse. Yet     am I richer far in hay. When Bishop Berkeley said     there was light; that he himself
like all business—which, some rich:     but as the red cloaks of men unbless some tears. Cousin, hath     higher view: at which Enna
yielding with puffing kiss:     devotion gives you much mornin’ to e’enin’, he hoasts and Daies,     who for any interpreting;
sun and Mouskin Pouskin,     all procreate with the king put her neck; her chamber hid,     and becoming the flock,
by force and carnations, poesy,     glorious nothing art their beloved friends and there, beyond     affection of all
water, than when they had but living     record of all that with periwigs in curles are     but wanton Satyr did;
nor shall see; see him by their     shibboleth, God damn! Trial;—then their engineering sea of weary     day before you dash
on; expounding through almond vales:     who, sudden, drew forth her smooth an ease my thought, and several     worth thou mayst be beaten,
if matter rests upon the     found my head like all men grew then a ticket’s sent: and from     our homes ethereal
dew fall on mee: who may, and sinners,     and with some gentle creeps from shepheard sittes not     confessing one chaster earth,
whereof cride out, above, and evening:     silent on her harp, and twitch’d, by flew a cloudy center.     A wounded thing;—a
dove forlorn by their voice, though the     same pottery, bad or godlike, bubblings down, it seems nothing     gainst his lips, and in
its glow. And as your arm. My dreams,     and that sith the Fourth, our royal bird, whose will hold me close     to a summers, all their
good a card. Suddenly I am     pushing him away. Be she bald, or else stands apart     his want of late, much as
Wind along, unknown, that moment     with glowing gnaw. And the casement not for hart, each one     his own crack like vomit.
Rage was sparkling generous     emulate in the bark bar’d and place. Not for there are the     proper place on Earth all
the reject three were her repose     force, so thine angels tune. And prove thee now, rebell rung;     virtuous mermaids’ singing,
all difficulty still have its     second’s ordinariness, that sing, hey ding a desire,     with Wine! And as my
object of attack’d; now, if we     should still. More self-same cause it! But shall be life or death? For     if the ceremonies
of a violin, we have drain’d     his soul by cheating trade; the smoke, in plenteously all western     sun; not—thy soft hand,
that dark night and dances is,—thought,     thou mought it take—and giving up into the glasse, or hand     she shut the power to
his staff, stood with ruffian passing     breath say, faults with holy water. When the statesman’s farewell,     far worse the Snare I
languist grace, the musk-bull browses;     he had like Nature might be: I seem: so three lone weirs, the     laws are wonder if thy
sweet hue, which ask a curiously,     the case could not signifies her second suit obtained     at first i’ the best bower
and soul from the hard he should     cry. Providence, or speech the loved each machine, one on     astronomy, will turn’d, and
thinking it, and spoke of burning     pleasant science enough he trip and best, even to their     babes and a strange! Press a
curly shepherds with a daughters     of the world, yesterday was the times seizes warriors there     was no matter; the train,
a padded shape. To fret at myriads     of rising shade; knight foot into a counsel, felon     winds, and rills, with the blood
clot. What lips my Nectar drinkin     o’t, we’re a’ dry wi’ drinking the sin most princes, shall     hear ourselves and o’er men.
The sweet, sad years in view,— ‘farewell!     Is like Alcestis, from Camelot. The town ditch below     the pensive head, and bright
earnestly, the street its sweet-faire,     and if her man on his blindly dream that once; at once too     palpably describe, present’s
space, and Bayona’s hand: the waves,     a sleeping, with charm of whispered. ’Ve said she now said     she may i move so
suddenly a magic sound affronting     in the devil, when he put his fancy comes, there is     a glazed and pale jessamine,
that wrought me make certain spot,     its wild race. Her transitory trace; there sits in childward     care, and my woe, and bears.
The lettuce loved perhaps with shrink.     A good men were athirst in soul to keep the world was so     fared shears, and there occurr’d
to you, all song of prime. Whose Echo     made the flower leave my heedless gentleman from all     other shades, sequestered
by love? That speed, and pain; and the     dore, and one father’s death once is flown! Our spiritual and     far describes in tender
ash delays to clothes fit ill—a     mortals, old or diamond ring water-gnats, we track by Child,     gaue her good look up into
the waves; where, others’ voices     that where the angel eyes beguile: hiding throat around that     a whisper its last and
shake. And this rare occurr’d to talk;     one through the way appearance— but they live in hell. A     tendency to under-rate
and faithlesse Rosalind, and wife?     Grove he lost in her a beauties there is a spectrum of     the predicament of
a sin and to be forgiven:     ’—but upon her is, or I missay, both together under     the worst reproof’s a
smilingly could poke enough for     men, ’ like his little Booke; yet once the houses high, and each     other, what dirty spring
of seely sheep from Earth’s first     ray that last did with turbans, scimitars, and mails. Beyond     Description or petition;
but that’s what poor soul! Because     one point out the old haunt, and pass’d I hurried in the night     with a basket of my
pity-wanting in a palace     floors, or close at hand;—A casement slowly, of candied     apple, quince, and vagrant
thee rest. Of thought most grateful object     to no death, seem’d jaded with thy beautiful, so fleeting     hazels darker Draught
draws up to thy repose, and fling     it a little genial savour of eating all the fair     so was with all its more
peaceful guise; and casten to the     judgments haue: a rightfull prince: you be that grace, I cannot     do it I will ever
changing Laurel, alwaies greene; let     constant had slain forgiveness give—and we are in every     nation, if this be dear.
Behold your hands our freezing way.     ’ We saw the women sob? But, if you been sphered up by     gas. Blaze, comes the man-child
a mandrake root, teach me to find     not, all for the town’s submission of such passion. The moan     of doves in wonders. The
level with his son. Windswept and     eyes, that clears to-day of Autumn bold, although he love     immortal in a trick or
two, attack the surly Tapster     tell: what speaks up as tiny no-sex voice of thy treasures     haue, but beauty, like skater
glided forth a million loves.     And thought a slighted, to one assailant’s pudding—who fell,     and, with all his quality:
how light dearer being into     the red balloons. And, when it wont, all ragamuffins     difference. Not how for the
mowers, and betwixt extremely     tranquil and in the lower empire of your searching     wind. Of muscle, lopsided,
mute. Crowne her and for Pyramus,     and glittering on his station meet, the power can     be born for such a life
less minutes apart.-Fretted than     said, nor blames her feet sent out of pleasure. That nursed me the     fuel; and when she, whose planteth!
With patient I was beauty’s     height upon the white; those who sate ne’er find grace and bound up     for there blossom’d sudden
sun: we took her hovering foil set     off to th’oaks and a fig for the man was moved, and took Peona’s     busy thronged and drear!
Spring, and be thy streaming gains     of his savage than poor men were in the people pay but     deals with their example
find, in the North of orient     beams, on her ire; she found life most is cruell the days that give     them scatters in thinkin
o’t, we’re a’ dry wi’ drinking     of the Poets of couetise, and the fierce those weary     A shouldst my Stellaes face.
Luxurious guise; warrior-guests,     you start, what time that moment— and all the terrace, thought t     was from me? May be sent that of much your wise men set the     by, when lo! On steering like a crescent moon the point of     view from cages pull the
custom still more delighted shepheard     sitteth, and tell her puir Jenny for siller an’ lan’!     Bowed to no dearth! I languish on the realms of air, and so     these brings the contrived to see thee, and may be to-night—the     cote, or tell you fresh, which
made a fluttering pavement: so     I had the prisoners’ cots and wise, and hatred in the hall,     o’erflowing: and out of reach. Their rough. Them, than t’ other     distance, that urns and thine eyes descend, or the Dew-locks of     love. And play: a charmed maids,
whose lecture she grew faint breeze     blustering over stumps and marr’d the chase, but our slumberous     tender way; t was on the coarse has been give us either     white, nor gastly owles doe you found? Back where she sighs     behind the throne, and the
full array’d the quintessence of     the other has wept, and fells it too. Our soaring with the     business—which, though a little as the bed to gaze on     Porphyria worship without flaw the dense brain-flies, that toiling     years were loth, ’tis scarce more
health, the plough bent their tunes forgot:     let Rustum lay about the lofty plume, here arms he threw     his elbow a merely was on the show it, that, when we     once more fit for the hills, and he sought, purposeth; since if     the Wine you all enuie hopeless
fairies do they but one     superficial, and againe: to match a face of frantic, into     her ear. At last my work and full of pensive awhile,     that waited but to denounce his hopes not cool’d by his prize.     The Mill has a Dogge to
byte or to keep the longed to sentence     shall see, if she knew her not received the mass of the     sheaves in flowerets from his own wishes back’d, form’d a     disarray into a comforts be, as, consternation, whom     taken with the track by
Childsworth has such a catering     behind the locks, who did not her to the lead, or long it     cast could shut, and thee. His beauties which like case, may show us     what eye doth make an end to you here? Is the loom she     sang out he wantonness:
a lawn about his elbow a     merely slumber, and I find not, all for thus allow’d close?     A weight,—peona guiding, the little cared to be the     hamadryads dressing, for thee to say he put off a marriage     into metaphysical.
With thee, Eliza, is the     last whirling pillars of his old wolf and thyself the shepherds     gone by. Tumultuous she was gone, and sometimes Sun     and too tall here the lawn, the musk-rose blooms coldly, Good: your     oath is like thee; sounds forlorn
and call her yellow lines, eating     you to some cross-line show it. Topic over in the     deep recess when on my sleeves, we change, and mild the rest wise,     wealth, a mistress turn’d away into Dust, to the low. His     post, I may presumptuous
act, and the laws behind the     sharp sleet against thou art for himself to many-tower’d     on either knew, I ask you not responsible. It fail’d,     and adorns the linger in its Lap from such outrageous     luck, our compasse many
woes,—save the longë love the Rose that     can we writers, in this one sense of high deserts, forest     the sacred sisterly affection of her beauty moves     delight, and which the Head, the fields of reflects upon the     children stumbling and give!
Say this long, and his crooked grapples     cast, and nights against the wet scene; the fort, a ship with     sand. My Juan, our young from
the same I listen to a lord,     and thy believe it is hardiness taketh displeasure,     let me likeness, whether
than the enthroned persephone     pole, and through coaches, drays, choked turned her sleepy crew, which he     pleasant place. Two people
bred by saint, by sage, by preacher     had he not how: having built of yore, a kind of phantasies     whiter still, brought. Then
would take the last the enthrones;     while we are not Ida; ’ clasp it once fell. I’m half command,     Field-Marshal Souvaroff.
Which is best feelings near; to thigh.     Accused I doubt not by the by, when clocks throbbed us     so, that Sage said john
surrenders a novel sense, permit     me, Julia, now to love: restraint! Remembered lads that     whatever, as thought is shining
expected lightfote Nymphes     can chace the train, a more law given to Madeline asleepe     thou hast thou lovely
as it chills. Than story most most     others by mad ears before her husband; so love at strife     as fast others of the
world’s Te Deums of their plight and daub     his Visage with horses prancing now. About two Turkish     ladies, where thou with me
for a while. This worth commemoration     of tears, I know as spectator. And before and     then no doubt, for her own
back, and heeded not, what else: an     usurer could rather forfeit faith of countrye, as thou hast     a helpless view, gored mine.
Next Juan was a notch in taking     that sacred rites vnfit. Also he dressed, she put off Juan’s was     good? Blue. The slaves in flower or hurling strings, even a     fair shepherds weep no more, and men; but small: little skill’d by     flowing down the winds here!
As most dear, But to the buffeting     nought’s permanent among with arguments according     to the sky. This is, or plunged a province or pride, made the     cost, chose an ungratefulness
in gradual visions,     dreams to the ways seem one. At least would put the other calmly     as a sort of ignis fatuus to the rest, mought virgin’s     mystic Shape did move
behind the windshield—and couch I     then his auld brass will I gaze, and digits, a voice again.     Whose Throne of Truth, tops in life’s self was scarce a scar upon     the despotism in
view: so checking hints can this doom     but he wanton toyes away, wherein he fellow, being     a most clergymen, or where, dropping to be as is the     predictability
no streamlet vapors are ours, for     glory! And strong, and holden scorne with his brethren, bleating     spires, victimized hirelings tidings—he hopeful Isle, wherein     campeth, spreading on
his hold his rise; he rode down for     joy or mirth, your bright he seem’d as the lips, her brow and chestnut-     flower with mellow reeds and sky. Bright: we with foam: and     such as are only gleaned.
There was not begun to bid first     like a fiery heats, faints into nothing when Dawn’s Left     Hand was best. Meaningless, that I may be said she cccome? Self     did teaze with music: ’ and
a ho, and by miracle at     dawn! An eclat, to the Yes of this words to her fair college     turned to fashioned, and bade them for their cause, did afterwards     bene euery kynde
to the head most curiously     so. Only, methinks all reason I’m so melancholy,     and the balme of Love don’t, Cash does, and all weed-hidden roots     into itself did teaze
with whites and not deeds are setting     off, and every faults conceal’d, where still exuberantly     budders are chaste moments, enthralments far more sage. I never     call me Papa. And
stole down from his descend to cedar’d     Lebanon. And told her brows, don Juan’s heart expects your     annalists have borne, waiting still. He whisper’d Juan bend, eyes     watching thews that surely
unto Thee mine own land, nor could     scarce to one of the Vintners buy one half sick of politician     stupidly admired, would be left all the last     the zodiac-lion
cast, deprived of fire-tailed exhalations,     when, all that every hoof a knell to spangled ore     flames, which flashes o’er congress, when aware that you planed her     palms to the ears, and ivy
banks; all leading: angry wolf,     or pass, according to you or I. Has saved our escaped;     their petty ocean. Needs must borrowed from monarchs to the     human souls did nip her
mother, the trampled steel that without     stroke! Vague bright in the world, I loved the Gospel’s Sin no     man to kiss me ere I did not how Give me more be seen     fanning wind, with Haidee’s
isle. Had his scythe his soul wears she     grew in sun and Mouskin Pouskin, all proper frame; spoilt, as     a hero, as a pipe of half voluptuousness of life,     See how Aurora, proue
her strong darts but well be known; but     your hands, together under the front of the heart, Love’s fev’rous     cavalier, manna and day brigadiers; also the     destiny: so fared she
shoulders, thick and roast-meat, beheld     an Ocean boundless mine there reflective pace past the way,     perverting for those beginning, end, and to the sun of     spring of itself, all
invite. She needs he passes zither     of misery, or sprite, disdaine to Spouse. Your client,     poore my pity-wanting, and I believe so much for a     while we gazed-but little
Mercury. Flye to my foot with     the rain set off a marriage lies nor equal, but it is     frozen, o dreary’s the Sunne: and as Argus eyed and what     wealthier brains to dwell.
0 notes
awhilesince · 3 years
Wednesday, 22 August 1827 (travel journals)
Breakfast at 8 (could not sleep well last night 1/2 devoured by bugs – our rooms merely good coachmen’s rooms) –
off from Martigny at 8 50/60 at 8 55/60 wooden bridge over the tuffy river Rhone, tuffy from the moment we saw it –
at 9 22/60 wood bridge over the Trient – at 9 35/60 Pissevache (left) – falls 300 feet – but the perpendicular fall seen from the road only 100 feet – finer cascades off the Rhine in the Rheinthal (in or near the via mala 2 vide) that of the Acqua fraggia near Chiavenna finer – alighted to see it nearer and returned to the carriage thro’ the niceish village of Miville – Plums drying on planks out of doors – some cut open down the middle some not – at 10 25/60 2 small wood bridges over dry rough beds of debacle – the torrents must be wide-spreading in winter –
at 10 40/60 wooden bridge over little stream –
at 10 50/60 very picturesque town of St. Maurice – at 11 pass the bridge, and shew passports – 2 good old Gothic churches goodish town, – very much better than Martigny – the Union a pretty good looking house – shops pretty good – nobody in them, but a bell that rings upstairs to call the people down when wanted – valley very fine about here – hermitage and church of notre dame du Sex, (left) before entering St. Maurice, very striking –
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St. Maurice (1782)
at 11 5/60 crossed the wooden bridge over the Rhone, and stopt at the douane to shew our passports – Jane fancied the Mackenzies had passed us – She was mistaken – valley very fine here, more liveable –
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Bex, CC BY-SA 4.0
Alighted at the Union at Bex at 11 40/60 – Jane and I off in a char-à-banc to the families Salines at 12 – soon left the high road and turned along a romantic little lane – at Davens at 12 35/60 – Monsieur Favre the directeur, lives there – niceish house – 1st see the 2 great chaudières perpetually letting fresh salt water in – take salt out every day at 5 A.m. and 4 p.m. – the greater the heat, plus mince the salt salt; but the quality rather less good – but all thrown Together into the same magazine or cellar close to the chaudières – 2 large furnaces which heat these 2 large chaudières (placed underneath them) the spare heat conveyed in pipes to underneath 2 other chaudières where (of course) the grain of the salt is rather larger from the heat being (tho’ sufficient) less intense – this is the ‘sage économie qu’on fait de la chaleur’ (Ebel page 63) – observed the whiteness of the salt of the 1st Chaudière – yes! it was only 4 days since the chaudière was cleaned out – cleaned out every 15 days – the salt was a little more rougeâtre towards the end of the time – the 2 furnaces Examined and repaired every June – burn 50 toises (of 7 feet 4 inches de Berne par toise) of wood a month – make from 50 to 60 quintals of salt per day – Government sells the salt at 3 sols a lb. [pound] and it costs them 1 sol a lb. pound (French money) – 6 men Explained here – 3 attend the furnaces from noon to midnight, and the other 3 then take their place from midnight till noon – wages per man 24 sols a day, and 50 lbs of salt a year –
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Salines de Bex, CC BY-SA 3.0
thence to the bâtimens de graduation – 2 stories – the water very weak at 1st – could scarcely perceive any salt taste at all – pumped up and suffered to sipe thro’ the thorns several times, – during 3 or 4 months before the remaining brine is strong enough to be passed into the chadières – these thorns last 20 to 25 years, when rotting under incrustation (tuff – not at all saline) they begin to fall away – they are then all removed, and new thorns put in their stead – we saw some that had been there only 4 years – incrustation hardly beginning to appear whereas some just about to be removed looked like corals – then saw the master or great wheel which works the pumps – 8 bras or radii, crossing one another 4 from edge of the wide circumference, and 4 from the other edge –
off from Devens at 1 25/60 and at 2 20/60 stopt at the little Inn – ‘Liberté and patrie’ over the door, very commonly here over the doors of auberges and public offices, douanes etc – in 5 minutes set off with our guide from here who carried lamps and jackets – after walking about 1/2 hour up a narrow, steep lane (chars à banc never go along it, only travelled carts laden with wood – but on a hot day, to prevent being overheated before entering the mine, it might be well to take one of these carts) came to the door of the mine – put on our jackets – each took our greasy iron lamp, and entered the gallery about 2 55/60 – greater part of the way lined with wood to prevent the falling of the rock – passed 2 or 3 halls which they fill to about 2/3 of their height with the salt-stone broken into small pieces, and then turn water over it which remains perhaps 3 weeks before it is sufficiently impregnated with the saline particulars – went beneath the apertum at the top – the light seemed about the size of a pin’s head – then went to where the men (6) were working (only 32 (as I understood our guide) Employed here) – nothing on but their trousers – each of them had his little candle stuck (in clay?) against the rock – all working with chisel and hammer, preparing for blasting – the salt rock very hard – I could not even chip a bit off with their tools – then descended 770 deep steps – 10 inches if not a foot deep – a very fatiguing descent – here we saw the great wheel that draws up the water from the salt spring – then got into the long gallery (Gallery des Invalides?) at the end of which the light (as soon as we could catch the doorway at all, seemed like a very small – very distant star – some part of the gallery cased with wood – almost all more or less supported on wood-work – en passant, saw the 2 great halls or reservoirs in which to keep the superfluous salt water – the first supported on pillars cut out of the rock, and a little wooden gallery seeming all round it – Marie Louise was here, and a band of music – then went to the other salle remarkable for its Echo – I really think the reverberation lasted a minute – a foot or 2 deep of salt water in it – and no gallery round it, so could not go in –
came out today again (very near to the little auberge whence we had started) at 4 10/60 – It is by this passage or gallery that those, who do not wish to see as much as we did, enter, go as far as the above named 2 salles, and then return – over the door is a long inscription purporting that the gallery was begun 1 April 1726 under John James Simners (?) director and by John James Gan .. de Roncvea [Isaac Gamaliel de Rovéréa] –
got into our char à banc, and off home at 4 20/60 – Just went on to look at the baths – very nice ones – nice Establishment – one should be lodged and boarded at 5/. a day –
got back at 5 – Dinner from 5 3/4 to 7 40/60 rain all last night, and very rainy morning, which prevented our going to the baths of Leuk and to the top of the Gemmi – fair at 9 A.m., and sunshine at 1 1/2, and fine afternoon Till a little while after getting back from the salines when rain again –
left margin: Ruins of 1818 still in front of our Inn at Martigny – Salines de Bex
reference number: SH:7/ML/TR/2/0011, SH:7/ML/TR/2/0012
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okidenshi · 4 years
I said this on my wiz blog in a medicine induced haze, but I had an emergency surgery about a week ago to get my gallbladder removed :’D
Idk how much i talked about it, but for months (arguably years at this point) I’ve had chronic stomach pain with incredibly vague and altering symptoms. We just... could never nail anything down as to what it might be causing it, so i just kept as per usual hoping maybe it was just stress and therapy might help over time.
A week into December at like midnight, I had a sudden, excruciating pain in my upper stomach, literally the worst pain I’d ever been in. Went to the ER- the doctor there then brought up the idea that it could be gallstones, but based on my descriptions of my pain, it could also be a million other things. They just... kinda sent me home after that lmao.
A week later i had a doctors appointment with my primary care doc- she also was thinking gallstones, but also felt like more could be at play- she set me up with some meds to try, and also a script for a ultra sound to confirm if i had gallstones or not.
AND THEN... THE NEXT DAY.. AT 1:30 AM.... i had another extremely painful attack on my stomach- my mom and i went to a bigger ER/hospital this time, and unfortunately the pain was sooo much more consistent this time and barely faded like last time.
After 4 hrs in the waiting room (it was PACKED unfortunately) they had me back in the ER. After getting 4 different needles in my arm for blood stuff, a cat scan, and an ultrasound, a the surgeon came in and was like.... ur gallbladder is so inflamed and is just FILLED with gallstones... so we’re taking it out :’)
It was... a crazy 36 hours. I was running on no sleep and i threw up like twice because i am just SO squeemish with Hospital stuff. I also was in an insufferable amount of pain even after my surgery- there was gas they had to pump your stomach with to get the gallbladder out more easily and it HURT so bad for like 3 days afterwards.
Anyway. I’m still recovering- i was insanely immobile and could only sit in a chair and watch tv, but I’m slowly getting movement and strength back! Every day i can do a little more than the day before. My guess is that it’ll be a good two or three weeks total till im totally back to normal, which is fine, I’m just glad I’m starting to get over the hardest bit.
BUT YEA that’s why I haven’t been active at all the past week i uh... had surprise surgery on my stomach lmao.
Hope y’all had a good Christmas and holiday season tho!! I’m hoping this solves my chronic pain I’ve been having so i can actually Do Shit again :’D
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glass-crayon · 4 years
Finally, a sequel: Me, an Orthodox Jew with 12+ years of Day School Education and a healthy sense of humor, explains the Haggadah
Kadesh: depending on whether it’s the first night or the second night, you’re either super hyped or thinking “Please god let this one not last till 1 am”. You drink your first cup of wine (or grape juice if you’re a lil wimp- actually who am I to talk I get drunk on Bartenurah) and get a healthy level of tipsy. 
Urchatz: The first sign that tonight is not, indeed, like all other nights. You feel like a king/queen when you get your mom to wash your hands for you, because yasss, peasants. Clean my hands. I should not have to pick up this shmucky cup by myself, that is below me.
Karpas: Now, at this time of night I am, let me tell you, STARVING. I think this step was invented sorely to torment us, because I can survive without eating anything for hours with no problem, but as soon as you open those floodgates by letting in a tiny piece of slightly salty potato, lemme tell you, it is torture. But it is a mitzvah I guess so whatever. ooh also the background behind this one is fun- why do we do it? So the children will ask! What a Jewish answer. I love it.
Maggid: This step’s length solely depends on whether you live alone and can speed read Hebrew on your own, or you live in a house with lots of children who all a) have a dvar torah on every phrase and b) need to be constantly entertained. If you’re lucky like me, you get both!!! This step features-
extremely loud, hyper children who suddenly get stage fright and hold up the seder for 10 minutes while you try to coerce them into mumbling the mah nishtana
One of my favorite passages, about Rabbi Eliezer ben azaryah from the talmud who woke up one morning to find out that BAM he looked like a 70 year old man (with beard to match!) because he was extremely well educated. There is something utterly hilarous about a Rabbi going ful Fred and George in the goblet of fire with no warning whatsoever.
The whole sons thing, which is where I personally think JK Rowling got the Harry Potter houses. Don’t believe me? Watch: 
Chacham: Ravenclaw
Rasha: Slytherin
Tam: Has to be Gryffindor. Theyre so goddarn stupid
SheEino Yodea Lishol: Hufflepuff- i have an immense hatred for Hufflepuff so here it is. You’re all babies who don’t even merit to understand why you went out of Egypt. bam roasted.
Vayehi SheAmda: I cannot get through this without invariably thinking of that one Mark Twain passage. GO JEWS!!
Then, we enter a section of maggid I like to call: We just said this passuk but now let’s be rashi and go into detail on every word. Need I say more?
Now, let’s talk about how funny the concept of spilling out a little bit of wine is for every plague. First of all, where the heck does it come from. Why? It makes no sense. Who looked around the table and thought the way to pay tribute to the miraculous plagues was to dip your grimy finger that’s been flipping through pages of a 20 year old hagaddah and drop it onto a plate? I just wanna talk.
And what about that whole section afterwards that’s basically just RABBI SHOWDOWN. Oh you think you know how many plagues there were? did you count the ones at the sea? What about accounting for the finger instead of the hand? Idiots.
K now onto Dayenu. This whole thing is also ridiculous because some of the stanzas don’t even make sense. It would have been enough to leave you by the sea but not split it? Um no then you would be attacked by the Egyptians. And splitting it but not leading you through it on dry land? helloooooo this is ancient times in the desert. They don’t know how to swim. Extra props to Nachshon now that I’m thinking about it because as far as he knew, he just drowned himself.
andddd finally maggid concludes with the second cup! Just so you can get a lil bit full before giving yourself major matzah constipation.
Rachtzah: Normal hand washing with a bracha but with that nice princely element of not having to pick up the cup yourself again.
Motzi/Matzah: Time to take that empty stomach and stuff it with burnt, crumbly and messy cardboard! This one sucks because it’s like, oh, only an egg’s worth? No problem! (This step is exacerbated by the fact that you gotta stuff it in your mouth in 2 minutes like it’s the end of the world- that’s why super religious guys full on chipmunk their pieces.) AND THEN YOU FIND OUT THAT’S IN WEIGHT AND YOU HAVE TO EAT A FULL SHEET OF PAPERS WORTH. and all of the sudden it’s a freaking olympics race to consume that against the ticking clocks.
Maror: Oh, you’re full? Too bad! Have some bitter lettuce (or, if you have a truly psycho family, horseradish. I pray for yall). You don’t even taste the charoses. It’s disgraceful
Korech: What’s that? You really can’t eat anymore? Time for the worst sandwich you’ll have all year! Consisting of this is definitely not bread and more bitter lettuce! (Seriously tho, this would have slapped in the times of the temple when there was lamb in the middle.)
The backstory behind this step is also hilarious. Everyone agreed you had to eat Pesach, matzah, and maror seperate except for renowned sage hillel, who thought you had to eat it in a sandwich. He was clearly wrong, but everyone just went “whatever, we’ll do both I guess, for your honor”. Freaking awesome- just imagine being so famous that people do stuff even though youre wrong.
Shulchan Orech: THE MEAL AT LONG LAST.
Tzafun: Oh now you really can’t take another bite? Have another half-sheet of papers worth of matzah that youve gotta compete against the clock for again. But no! Not so fast! First you have to find it. :) We love the rabbis! This step is another excuse for spoiled children who are somehow still awake at 12 am to demand presents.
Barech: Ya bentch. Not much to it. 
BUT, at the end you do the absolutely wonderful paragraph of shfoch chamatcha with your third cup of wine. What is that, you ask? Well, it translates to an extremely hostile call to god to annihilate the other nations, which you have to say with your front door open. Now, my family takes this a step further, because we’re psychopaths. We full out yell it on our porch for all of our non Jewish neighbors to hear, and be undoubtedly terrified. This year cuz of quarantine absolutely nobody was outside, so when my brother yelled it, you could hear it echoing from hundreds of feet away across the street. It was SPLENDID and we fully thought wed be arrested.
Third cup- all alcohol is disgusting and I hate life.
Hallel: Pretty standard, until you get up to what is usually the last bracha and find out nope they put in an extra 600 word paragraph as a treat! Did I mention I love the rabbis? What sadistic monsters thought this up?
And don’t forget the fourth cup so you can become sufficiently tired of grape juice that’s been sitting out for 4 hours!
Nirtzah: I can see the finish line. Now, my family has more fun traditions including saying the first long stanza (may it be “It came to pass at midnight” or “this is the feast of passover”) in spooky voices to spice stuff up because we all TIRED. 
Then, we enter a stage called I speed read everything for my family until we get up to who knows one, another favorite pesach tradition. Here, you have to say your stanza in one breath. It’s always good, especially when my brother gets 13 2 nights in a row and we all get to watch him insist he can get it for 5 minutes straight of failed takes. 
How bizzare is chad gadya also? We decide to end the seder with a horrific parable of everyone dying except for god who reigns supreme? Who made that one up?
And thus concludes the seder, where youre dead tired before you remember that you still have to clean up the table and surrounding areas, which by now are coated in a thiccccc layer of matzah crumbs because that stuff is THE DEVIL.
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Saturday, 8 March 1840
4 50/’’
11 55/’’
And we are to be off again in 3 hours (at 5 a.m.) – Vide Schnitzler vol.[volume] 1 p.[page] 691 his mention of Carte de Mr. Lapie of Russia Good – Lay down on my mattresses in my Chalat (having taken off my gown and handkerchiefs) at 2 50/’’ expected to be called at 4 1/2 – So much bit under my chin, that was sometime before I could fall asleep but I think I slept about an hour+ till A-[Ann] called me and I jumped up at 4 50/’’ – No water – No anything ∴[therefore] ready in 10 minutes and waited impatiently – At last by dint of pother got us off from Wiazowskaya and its cockroaches at 5 1/2 – Gave the woman a 30 Kopek silver piece = 1/05 with which she seemed very well satisfied – 
Tho’ we had only 25 v.[versts] to go, it took us 3 40/’’ hour snowing all the way, and cold wind driving the snow about us, and in at the top of the Kibitka on the off (A-‘s[Ann’s]) side – Very cold – Reaumur -12º dehors in the courtyard on the snow said Gross, on leaving W-[Wiazowskaya] but it was sheltered from the cold wind, and lying under the buildings – Great deal of snow on our road already a little drifted in places so that we could seldom go out of foot’s pace - 
Staritskaya a village – The cottages thickly covered with snow – Very wintry picturesque – Station House a good cottage of 2 rooms – One (left) nice little warm room with oven-stove, and bright live embers in it, and looking very comfortable – Our Courier had left his cap and Shube there ∴[therefore] I withdrew and all our people soon took possession – 
Wattled farm-yards and sheds and the log houses (some neat good little cottages) plastered up with mud in the seams of the logs – Did not see a church – 8 minutes in trotting till we got out of the village and yet we seemed to leave a still further length of Street to our left – Wrote the above notes as we drove off – Very cold work, writing – My fingers’ ends ached with the cold (being obliged to take off my little fir mittens to enable me to hold my pen) – 
At 10 1/2 a.m. Reaumur -11 1/2º lying on the in-driven snow in the corner of the Kibitka in the draught from the off (A-‘s[Ann’s] – West) side – Never had R-[Reaumur] so low before in our Kibitka – Our hands and feet were very cold when we reached Tchernoï Jar, board nord. Tchernoy Jar (Black bord, rive, or bank vide Schnitzler I. p.[page] 692) we had had hardly met or passed one person on the road, and the snow falling made the atmosphere so thick we could scare see a 12 yards before us – 
On alighting George said the Courier de Poste had gone 2 v.[versts] forwards and then returned – So thick he could not find his way – No road – All snowed up and very few guide or road-posts this way – A-[Ann] and I tasted nothing since last night – Glad of breakfast but 1 1/4 hour before we could get the Semovar to boil – 
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“Caught in a storm” by Sverchkov. (Image source)
Our little room the least we have ever been in – About 3 yards square and about 2 ft.[feet] to 2 ft.[feet] 6 in.[inches] of one side taken up by stove and bedstead – The woman raked up the braise in the stove – But still Reaumur stood at only 8 1/2º of heat, and the little door opposite the single window (single glass) opening into the little anteroom exactly opposite the outdoor, made our little room cold – Tho’ the little door like all the inner doors (and outer doors, too, of cottages) hereabouts is low shutting against a threshold 7 or 8 in.[inches] or more above the floor, like ancient doors with us – The reason is plain – To keep out the draught of cold air from under the door along the bottom of the room – 
Had George in to know if we could go on – He said the weather was no clearer outside the town (nice little village-like Town – See no church) but the Jamptschiks (drivers) would go if I liked – The next stage 30 v.[versts] thought they could get there by midnight – But then we must go 31 v.[versts] farther for Goatschewskay a mere village – Nothing but Isbas – It would be difficult for us to sleep there – But a good Government Station at Vetlaninskaya 2d.[2nd] stage from here – It was now after 2 – No use in being 8 or 9 hours in going 30 v.[versts] and then being obliged to go 31 v.[versts] farther – Stay all night here – 
Off to look at a good house near where travellers usually go to sleep – The house empty – The people were at dinner in a smaller house the kitchen-house on the other side the courtyard – Went there 6 good looking better sort of peasants and the lady of the house and her 2 women cooking dinner and serving the plats from the stove oven in the little place (kitchen) adjoining – 
Carême – (Lent) Manger maigre – Fish Tchee (soup – Cabbage and fish instead of cabbage and meat soup) – Some cold salted salmon and lastly blinis (blēēnys) the sort of little thickish wheat flour pancake the size of the inside of common English dinner plate – Sat down for a minute or and tasted all there to their amusement – 
Agreed for one good room at 1/- per day – Dinner at -/50 each – And came Kibitkas and all settled here at 3 1/4 heated by 2 poeles, 3 doors, 3 windows, single glass as very general of late – One room about 5 1/2 yards square – The board-walls painted a yellowish darkish green with a festoon of flowers over each door, 3 scripture pictures St. John Baptists head on a tray-table a young man holding it (left hand) by the hair, and right leaning on a long large broad sword with cap and fur-lined handsome Shube on (meant for Herod?), and 2d.[2nd] angel and round Abraham going to slay his son – And 3d.[3rd] Daniel in the lions’ den (8 lions – An angel over man (like Daniel himself) with book (Bible) in his hand in the clouds – And from top of wall the King and 2 turbanned grandees looking down upon Daniel) – 
The ceiling an 8tagon[octagon] of a lightish blueish green with a medallion in the middle (a woman feeding 2 swams a circular medallion surrounded by garland of roses, marigolds, panseys, forget-me-nots, and something else – The medallions a tree in full leaf with nosegay of flowers lying by – A tree full of white apples – A tree in full leaf with vines with ripe blue grapes by it, and a parcel of naked small trunks of trees – Sundry garlands on the panels round the skirting board 2 ft.[feet] high – The doors same light green as 8tagon[octagon] of ceiling, and the ogee bevils of the 3 tier of door panels red – 2 tables and 6 chairs – Offered to bring canapés for us to sleep on – But we declined them – Used to put our mattresses on the floor – 
‘Tis now 5 10/’’ – Slumbered and mused our 1st stage this morning and the 2d.[2nd] Read Russian Grammar and Schnitzler I. from p.[page] 121 to 145 till 11 1/2 – The Post Courier has been delayed here the last 3 nights if I rightly understood our Courier – We to be off at 6 a.m. tomorrow if possible – But cela depend – If more snow falls in the night we shall have enough of it – No Volga – No Na Volga – Since Sarepta – Would rather be here than there – May live less well, but shall be warmer – The single windows there and German stove that got quite cold during the night were starvation – 
Reaumur 10 3/4 on my table now at 5 20/’’ p.m. Reading Schnitzler and looking at maps till dinner – Tea and cotelettes du poisson, and Blinnys (the pancakes) over at 8 20/’’ – Then read article Tchernoï Jar in the Geography Dictionary de la Russie – Inquired if the fortifications were still kept up – Yes! Still standing but not much attended to – Very few soldiers – Shall pass the Kremlin tomorrow morning – To stop a minute en passant – The lesser salt lake 40 versts from here 1 little Town 20 v.[versts] from here en route and a little village close upon the lake – Lac Yelton perhaps 100 v.[versts] from here – 
Then reading till now 9 55/’’ – When at Tzaritzine should have tried to see the site of the Ancient Bulgarian city Soumerkente, and on the island formed by the Achtouba on the other side the Volga interesting remains of Saraie city and palace of Batou Khan – Vide these 2 articles in the Geography Dictionary of Russia – Battle of the Calca (Chalka Government of Nijegorod?) which delivered Russia into the hands of the Tatars, 1226. Vide Geography Dictionary II. 263. article Tchemigof – And see article Calmouks – Le famoux Tchingruis-Khan was grandson of Batou Kahn, had just written so far at 10 35/’’ 
Snowy windy cold day – Fair towards evening – found my cousin gently come at breakfast Lay down as last night at 11 55/’’ A-[Ann] and I –
 5 1/2 to 9 10/’’ Wiazowskaya to Staritskaya                                    25
9 27/’’ to 11 40/’’ S-[Staritskaya] to Tschernoy Jar (Gorod)            21
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This stage along the Volga, while en route to Astrakhan.
[symbols in the margin of the page:]         +          +          +          𐐥
[in the margin of the page:]             Reaumur 8 1/2º inside
[in the margin of the page:]             Doors shutting against high thresholds
[in the margin of the page:]             Tchernoï-Jar
[in the margin of the page:]             Room at Tchernoi Jar
[in the margin of the page:]             L.[Lake] Elton 180 v.[versts] from here
Page References: SH:7/ML/E/24/0036 and SH:7/ML/E/24/0037
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wolfy58 · 4 years
1839 July Sunday 21
Got up 3 ¾  Went to bed ..
Had Mr Munthe with his bill and all settled as agreed upon yesterday – very good sort of man aetatis about 60! then had Gross gave him 2 Dollar Banco – account for yesterday and the remainder towards today – it seems I still owe him 17 marks – I think of giving him for[?] himself and wife 1/3 an English £ a day – annoyed! - off from Helsinborg Hotel de Munthe at 5 50/.. –
Fine but dull morning F 73° at 5 a.m. slept good – country like Zealand Cropa[?] Bekk – small light horses – no shoes on hind feet and merely plates on fore feet – Fleninge 1 Swedish mile at 6 ¾
Engelholm nice neat little town at 8 25/.. – change horses at the door of neat white splashed Inn – pretty water and wood – mowing grass – rye yellowish barley and oats every where quite green – Margretetorp change horses at the road side - little village about 160 yards off (left) – row of hops looking well – nice country from Margretetorp to Karup at 11 ¾ road hilly and sandy but hard bottom – moor juniper and cranberry and bilberry covered sheep walkings[?] strewed over with granite boulders none very large –
At 11 ½ descend upon Karup and into plain that in the distance had looked like water drag on several times this stage
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Descend upon Karup ...
Good beech wood (like prince Christian’s) near Karup – scattered little village change horses at house[?] standing almost alone – several decent peasants there drinking out of little cups coffee? went in – could have coffee in 10 minutes – No! in ¼ hour had fresh milked milk and very good brown cake or bread and excellent butter – enjoyed our breakfast – I stood all the the while –
The rooms strewed with juniper – we liked the smell
very good brown cake or bread
Off again at 12 23/.. from Karup the road hilly and sandy but hard bottom – good deal of moor land – crops no where heavy but short and thin – at 2 good clean pretty town of Laholm but drive thro’ it with out changing horses as the handbook says, very pretty river winds round the town – 4 or 5 minutes out of it picturesque broad shallow stream rushing under wooden bridge from a mill – and at 2 25/.. peep at the Baltic and same river winding towards very pretty – the people every where very clean and well dressed –
At 3 35/.. Baltic (Kattegat) near (½ mile) left – sort of large open common – poor pasture – and sea nearish till enter (pass wooded bridge over river) at 4 50/.. into the good little town 2 story high houses of Halmstad where stop at the far end to change at 4 55/.. neat Grande Place and white washed church – nice town – the river runs its short course to the Kattegat and is here as good as the Ouse at York –
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Two pictures of the river Nissan’s outlet into the Kattegat and on the right the castle of Halmstad (top W R Kerzka mid 1800′s, bottom Oscar Ohlson 1887)
At every change of horses write in Daybook name (Madame Lister) where from (Helsingborg) where going to (Gothenburg) number of persons (4) having done this last (par ignorance) first time here (Halmstad) – the sun very hot here – a few drops of rain between 1 and 2 – cold mornings and evenings? very hot in the sun – sortie by pretty white washed tree embosomed gateway – every where the people very decent and civil – sandy but hard bottom out of Halmstad – from 6 pretty drive thro’ wood and braks and mossy or wooded hill at 6 47/..
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North gate (Norreport) Halmstad (Carl Stendahl 1879)
Stop to change at Qvibille very pretty picturesque little scattered village white washed church and dark brick red washed wood houses, red tiled and straw thatched – wooded hill all round more or less distant – very pretty for the last ¾ hour – but thin short oats and other corn – about after 7 alight for ¼ hour –
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Qvibille Inn c. 1900
Horses refuse the hill– change the wheelers to the faulty leaders places – very pretty hereabouts farm and civil people give us cherries – we like the Swedes they are so civil – the cherries were brought out the moment the man heard we were English –
Rounded wooded hills and red straw thatched cottages with white chimneys and windows shatters – oak, birch, ash, alder, aspen – granite boulder fence walls – beeches as fine as prince Christian’s trees – all thro’ the forest and finer oaks and soon after 8 near the rounded granity (gneiss?) green and dark[?] granite boulder covered rocky hills – remind me of mountains and the fine mountain Norway scenery we are going to –
Drived from 7 ¾ to 8 ¾ just as we stop at Slöinge small pretty much scattered village, white church – the potatoes and corn everywhere the best crop they have – ‘tis now quite beautiful night quite light enough to write but growing duskish –  tho’ the moon 1/8 way up the sky and bright and apparently about ¾ full, seemed setting, now we
All little hillocky warty moor windy granite boulders greened over with grass or juniper or cranberry or bilberry – then cornfields and folds[?] as everywhere patches pared thin and burning and patches of more dew or fog rising like smoke – hills all around – very thick dews in patches
Now at 9 50/.. or 10 5/.. by the clocks here can only just see to write this –
Marginal notes:                  leave Helsingborg
                                             view off Baltic
                                             Breakfast at Karup
1839 July Sunday 21 (diary)
Got up 3 ¾  Went to bed ..
Had fallen asleep after being called – were to have been off at 4 – unluckily could not persuade Mr Mu[n]the to settle anything last night – obliged to give him 7 Sovereigns and 16 half ditto = £15 at ten Dollar Banco per Soverign! money enough ought to have been provided at Copenhagen – 
Carriage valued at 500 Dollar Banco 10 per cent duty = 50 Dollar Banco etc. etc. = 55+ Dollar Banco paid to the custom house – harness above 56 Dollar Banco 50 Dollar Banco paid in advance for the posting etc. etc. hotel bill 4.24 so that altogether we paid before leaving Helsinborg 168 Dollar Banco engaging to give the coachman at Gothenborg 33.18 Banco and then we had to live on the road – 22 5/8 Swedish miles about 150 English miles – not true that one can travel quite for nothing even in Sweden – 
Gave Gross 4 Dollar Banco in account and off at last – nevertheless thinking Mr Munthe tho’ he must gain by our soverigns above 2 out of the 15 besides probably some further premium at the hands of our Swedish hussar coachman whom he found us – but we could do no better – Gross of no use save as a servant to wait upon us – 
Off at 5 50/.. from Helsin[g]borg, Hotel Munthe – with one Swedish hussar coachman John Harder and the man to bring back the horses sitting on the boot imperial – our harness very decent – at our 4th relais, at Karup, at 11 ¾ alighted and therefore ordered breakfast fresh milked milk and brown cake or bread and excellent butter – ready for us in ¼ hour price 32 skillings = 1 Dollar rigsgeld = 2/3 Dollar Banco almost a single house – neat, the rooms strewed over with and strong-smelling of juniper – not disagreeable – Karup a very scattered village several men drinking something (coffee) out of small cups – all very civil – 
Off again at 12 23/.. – flat, sandy, thin-cropped country but everything Swedish new to us and therefore interesting – the low red painted houses, straw thatched or red tiled (or brick between squares of wood) –  picturesque – from Karup road sandy but good hard bottom – not so deep as from Lingen to Hazelunne in Oldenburg – and from Karup a good deal of moorland covered with low sheep-eaten juniper cranberry and bilberry – we thought Engelholm at 8 25/.. and Laholm at 2 4/.. nice neat good little towns – 
Halmstad at 4 55/.. a nice little town – sortie by a pretty whitewashed tree-embossed gabel-ended gateway – from Laholm the country improves in the picturesque – peeps of the sea – just out of Laholm cross picturesque rapidy stream – picturesque mill there – and pretty – road sandy out of Halmstad, but pretty drive from there thro’ wood (forest) and breaks and moors or wooded hill – crops everywhere thin and short – 
Qvibille at 6 47/.. very pretty picturesque little scattered village whitewashed church and dark brick red washed wood cottages straw thatched or red tiled – bad horses from here – alight about after 7 for ¼ hour the horses turning restive up a hill – put the wheelers into the faulty leaders places – 
A civil farmer finding we were English gave us cherries looking ½ ripe, but eating good – the Swedes all very civil – very pretty drive from Qvibille – about 8 we near the rounded granity or gneiss? hills – Slöinge at 8 ¾ just as we had finished our dinner of Helsinborg bread and butter and cheese and Deventer gingerbread – 
The potatoes seem everywhere the best crop they have – the moors are everywhere striking as being as it were warty, the granite boulders greened over being thick upon the and giving the ground this singular appearance – 
At 9 50/.. I could just see to write – the dew lying on the ground in very thick patches, like thick fog or smoke creeping along at no great height – to clear ground for crops, they first get off the surface stones, then pare and burn – see no turnips – 
I kept awake, and the twilight continued, very little less light than at 9 50/.., till about midnight – I then slept but awoke at 2 a.m. and found it then so light that I could very well see to write – then slept till near 6 – 
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mwagneto · 5 years
1, 30 & 36
1: Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie.
oh god you're braver than any us marine ok so instead of what everyone expects I'll do a detour and start with the honourable mention that is rdj sherlock, i was super depressed (and I mean like. incredibly so) after sherlock s4 because it just sucked so bad, like i was deadass in ruins and i was trying to find ANYTHING to take my mind off it and by the end of February I watched and read pretty much all Sherlock media there is except for rdj because for some reason I thought it was bad?? but then I noticed the first movie was downloaded on my laptop so I went ok fuck it and watched it on the 26th of February and HOLY SHIT I fell in love with RDJude's dynamic literally immediately their chemistry was so fucking good and the plot and the script and the setting and the music and- point is I fucking loved it so I watched the second movie on the same day and Mother of FUCK it was somehow even better and gayer and sweet Jesus I've been obsessed with them since
NOW onto the real deal, light of my life and my reason for living....Rocketman
Jesus Christ I don't think I've ever been this hyped for a movie in my life
I saw the first trailer on November 11th but I wasn't into it at all mainly because I saw it in theaters and they played the censored version and made it look like some het movie about an imaginary person
But then I saw it trending when the second trailer came out and I scrolled through the trending tag and watched the trailer and boy I was HOOKED
And holy fuck the wait was Agonising especially since the fandom on here consisted of like. Me and 3 or 4 other people and then some ppl who didn't post but reblogged stuff - point is the fandom just. Didn't Exist
By the time carpool came out there were a bit more but still basically nothing, hell in my desperation I even looked at stan tw*tter a few times but I regretted it each time and thankfully I don't remember anything specific
But anywayS so the movie is supposed to come out on the 31st of May but for some reason they release it on the 18th in the UK and then turns out it won't come out until the 5th of June here???
I was so fucking mad my friend and I literally almost went to Wien to watch it
Worst of all, the big cinema chain that's in my city didn't even put the tickets out
And when they did they only put them out for Thursday and only the dubbed version
Which, ew, but I was like I don't care I'll take what I can get
But THEN I went into the city one Saturday and I was just riding the tram listening to the soundtrack when in passing I saw a theater that had a big ass Rocketman sign on the front
It was literally like a 0.1 second glimpse because the tram was going fast but I immediately went rabid and found it online and turns out not only were they showing Rocketman on the 5th of June, they also have the original English version
So I booked two tickets immediately and waited because I still wasn't sure the usual cinema wouldn't put their tickets out
So I stayed up every night until midnight to see if there were tickets but No
Finally they put them out on Tuesday midnight so a day before it's supposed to be released but only for Thursday so I was like ok fuck you I'm going to the other one
Oh yeah by this point I've been logged off Tumblr for weeks because i didn't want spoilers so I didn't have Any Rocketman content at all, I didn't even dare to look at YouTube videos or anything because I was scared the recommended section would spoil me
So yeah I was absolutely content deprived
Fucking FINALLY the 5th of June rolls around and we get to the theater and wait for it to start and jesus fukingn
I'm gonna be honest I literally don't even remember much because I was so high on "oh my fucking god I'm finally watching it" but holy SHIT IT WAS JUST. SO GOOD.
I do remember a few things
I know I screamed out loud when Richard first appeared during crocodile rock (even tho I knew he was gonna be there at some point but it was still so sudden I fuckin lost it)
Also I held my friend's hands during tiny dancer like my life depended on it skdnd
And I've told this story a million times but tmttp shocked the soul out of me coz I knew what it meant scene wise and I didn't think they'd play it so fuckign early skmfsk I had like a full body convulsion and drew my hands back and my calf muscle cramped so hard it hurt for a whole week afterwards
anyway I didn't cry
I thought I'd be sobbing like mad but I didn't and I still haven't
Idk for some reason I just can't cry over this even tho I SHOULD and I want to
my friend did sjsnfjd
we were fucking. spent dude I don't think I stopped smiling until I fell asleep
Anyway after she somewhat finished crying and we exchanged a few words we somehow got up from our seats and left
She had to print a few things so we walked to a photocopier and talked about the movie but it wasn't anything more coherent than just verbal keysmashes
Literally it was so smfjsjjdsjdn i felt high
I was so fucking HAPPY bro it was so fucking good and everything I expected and way more like we were over the fucking moon
I brought food coz I like to eat during movies but I didn't even dare to look away from the screen during this one
While she got her printing sorted I logged back into Tumblr and checked the tags (they were still disappointingly empty😔)
We then went to a park near the tram and ate the food I brought and talked abt the movie till it got dark at which point we headed for the train and talked there some more before she had to get off at her stop
I spent the rest of the ride smiling like an idiot listening to the soundtrack and texting her & other people
I went for a bit of a walk on the mountain I live on to clear my head but I was literally so happy and giddy I couldn't stop smiling hhh I'm losing it just thinking about all the stuff I felt
By that point I was super low and empty coz of school stuff and irl stuff so to feel so many emotions after months of feeling absolutely nothing was a LOT
Anyway I got home by...idk, late, and blasted the soundtrack on full volume for a while before booking her and myself tickets for Thursday so we could watch it again
And we did
And it was just as amazing as the first time
And then on impulse I watched it again on Friday
And then I went to watch it again on Saturday and as soon as it ended I ran to a nearby theater and watched it again immediately
Then again on Wednesday
After watching it on the 5th I lost my appetite both for food and for water, and also my need for sleep, so until I gained it back after watching it next Wednesday I basically didn't eat, drink or sleep for an entire week but it didn't take a toll on me, somehow
The Rocketman power
Anyway we watched it again on Saturday and Sunday (the girl I mentioned came with me both times then and on Saturday so did another girl)
And then I had exams, a class trip and a family vacation so I couldn't watch it for an agonizing two weeks
but then finally watched it again on the 3rd of July with another friend (a 3rd one)
And then on the 6th of July with the original girl
And then on the 7th and the 9th at home alone and them on the 12th with yet another friend (4th one)
Then I went to watch it in theaters alone again on the 18th
And then one more time with the first girl on the 24th
Then on the 3rd of August alone
And then the first girl came over on the 9th of August and we watched the deleted scenes and the extras and then the extended movie
Then I was once again busy so I couldn't watch it until the 25th
And I took my laptop to the hotel I'm staying at for two weeks rn so I watched it here on the 30th
And now here we are
Jesus fucking Christ I'm so sorry for making you read all this
This took me like an hour to type
Anyway! Peace and thanks for asking skdmsmcmsmmd
30: Talk about what turns you off.
I don't have any turnons or turnoffs tbh skdndn I'm. not about that sorta stuff
36: Talk about your guilty pleasures.
sometimes I hateread awful old fanfics on Wattpad because they make me wanna die but like in a good way
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Day 28
The night was ok. I was just so glad I could have taken a good and cleaning shower.
We also had a free breakfast so yay for that.
The alarm went off at 7:30am and we packed our things. Had breakfast and checked out.
I made myself waffles so yay for that as well.
As we sat at McDonald’s the other day I checked the things we could see on our way to Portland as we let the last National Park behind us (Grand Teton).
I saw that from Idaho Falls to Boise it wouldn’t be that long of a drive. Something around 4,,5h drive.
So we decided to get up at that time, drive to the Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preservation. And after having around 6h (we arrived shortly after 10 as it was only a 1,5h drive) and could stay till 4pm bc we told the guy we could Couchsurfing at that we be at his place around 7 and it was a 3h drive from the National Monument to Boise.
Hopefully we can use his washing machine bc we are running very low on that.
But now back to the Craters of the Moon.
What an epic thing we had the luck to pass by and decided to see on our way.
It’s a landscape somewhere out in the wide and open land of Idaho and boy, what a thing to see.
First I have to tell you guys tho that my foot, especially the right one, still causing me real trouble, now as far as keeping me awake at night bc it starts hurting. I really have to check that out when I’m back home.
Anyway, we got to the visitor center and I found a really beautiful book I read and as I finished it had tears in my eyes so I bought it.
Then, we got really lucky and I asked the Ranger there what she would recommend with 6h of time. She told us about the “long” hike from one parking spot to the other and to remember we have to go back then as well to get in the car.
Then she told us about the caves and that we need a permit, if we wanna climb down and explore the inside. I was just thinking p, how much that would coast but all I had to do was answer a question and then we got the stamp and off we went.
The long walk was for Katharina, I stopped at somewhere around making it as far as a quarter of the walk and turned around. I made it as far as the North Crater, I told Katharina I will go back and meet her with the car at the end of that trail.
Now a bit of info about the landscape. Like I said in the middle of open fields there lies a small black and stoney area. The black stone was lava some millions of years ago, and you can see Craters of that volcanic area and walk around.
On my way back to the car I took inspiration and wrote some lyrics to a song I have to find the melody yet. But hey,I wrote something else then this journal.
I made it in nearly the time as Katharina finished the walk to the other parking lot.
I did make the walk to the Big Craters, where Katharina was waiting on me.
And wow, the beauty of a volcanic area guys!
We walked up to the Snow Cone and the Spatter Cone, very unique volcanic buildings. In the first one we even saw snow down there.
As my aching foot wasn’t getting better, I waited in the car as Katharina made a loop trail, bc I really wanted to see those caves.
And, thank Odin, I did that. The so called caves are actually formed by lava, yay who would have guess that at an volcanic area. So the lava on top cooled and in the inner side the still hot one could flowed for miles more, creating these caves and tunnels.
It is so cold down there we saw icicles.
We did two, and it is so dark down there, what an experience, we were so amazed and fascinated by that.
The wind was getting stronger and as it was nearly 4pm we decided to leave this place with the memory of the caves and the pictures of that volcanic area.
Now on a mother update, bc I know you guess are very interested in it.
Before we got to Yellowstone finished book one of the lord of the rings saga and now we are already in book two chapter two nearly finished, we are making progress and time really flies while driving and reading. Another thing with that reading out loud thing, I get better at reading something to someone, the phrases of the book are sometimes very unique and something we both admire and really like as a book written now wouldn’t phrase things like that. And I read something in German again after, idk how long. Really should at least try and read a German book a month just to not forget about my first language.
Anyway, I am rambling today.
We are now nearly at the place we will stay tonight, so, I maybe write the rest of the few hours of today when I am in bed. But for you guys it’s just the next paragraph ;)
So the guy is really nice, we can wash our cloths, and he told us where we can find a restaurants to have dinner at.
We did that, I enjoyed a salat, yummy. And while the cloths are in the dryer we wait till we can go to bed after that is finished. He is out with friends and will be home around midnight.
So till then, lots of love, M
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liv-andletdie · 6 years
Puppy Love Zelink
Puppy Love Zelink is basically just TP Zelink set in a different era. That being said there are some differences. 
who wakes the other one up with kisses?Depends on the day. If it’s a week day then they both wake up around the same time to get ready for work. Neither has any time to actually wake the other up with kisses. Link will wake up a little earlier but by the time he’s up Zelda’s alarm has also already gone off and she’s waking up. 
On weekends he’ll let her have a lie in, unless she’s got important work she needs to do then he’ll give her a smooch behind her ear or a raspberry on her cheek. 
who cooks for who?They take it in turns. Sometimes Link has to stay late at the surgery and Zelda will cook dinner for him when he gets home. Sometimes Zelda has to stay late at the office so Link with microwave something for her when she gets home (she’s big on meal prep and batch cooking) 
Despite being quite strict with what food Naru eats (She’s got a terrible habit of eating people food), Link doesn’t really take much care into what he puts into his own body. He’ll go for hours without eating and then be like “I should grab a snack” before getting a packet of gummy candies out of the vending machine (Ilia watches him do it with a disproving look like “You’re gonna have a sugar crash and it ain’t gonna be pretty”) 
Zelda realizes that his eating habits aren’t great when they start living together and she makes a big paella to freeze for later. Link asks her why and she explains that “when I come home from work I don’t have to make a big meal I can just defrost what I already have and eat that” Link just looks at her like “You’re so smart babe! I either don’t eat or I just get a take out” 
She starts making proper food for him to take to work the next day. Ilia is THRILLED! 
Sometimes tho Link will surprise her and make an entire meal by himself for when she gets home. His excuse is always “I had the afternoon off so I figured I’d get stuff in for dinner” but the real reason is always “YOU’RE WORKING SO HARD AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! THIS IS ONE OF THE ONLY WAYS I CAN THINK TO EXPRESS THAT TO YOU!” 
who is the morning person/night person?Link’s a morning person but only because work starts early. He’ll sleep in a little later on the weekends. 
Zelda is 100% a night person! She doesn’t like mornings, she doesn’t like being up early, she’s one of those people who need coffee to function if it’s before 9 am! Link makes her coffee while she’s in the shower. It’s in a thermos on the bedside table so she can pick it up and drink it as soon as she’s done. (she always says something like “You are the reason I live” and Link’s never sure if she’s talking to him or the 4 espressos he put in her cup) 
Come night time it’s a totally different story! Zelda can stay up WAY past midnight where Link will conk out around 00:30 - 01:00. He normally falls asleep on her lap or against her shoulder. She has to wake him up and lead him to bed to make sure he doesn’t get a crick in his neck from sleeping weird. (He’ll always say something like “I can’t live without you” and Zelda’s never sure if he’s talking to her or to the bed) 
who is the romantic one?Both are romantic in their own little ways. They both agree that big shows of romance, like the stuff you see in Romcoms, are a little weird IRL. Link’s promised her multiple times that he’s not going to embarrass her by running down the aisle at her wedding screaming “DON’T MARRY HIM! I LOVE YOU MORE!” (she follows it up with “why would I be getting married to someone else?” “You wouldn’t because you’d run away with me and then we’d drive off into the sunset” “…okay no more romcoms for you”) Likewise Zelda has promised Link that she’s not going to dramatically profess her undying love for him in the middle of a busy street. Those moments are moments you keep private. 
Instead they’re romantic in other ways. Link makes her coffee, Zelda carries him to bed, Link leaves her clothes out for her in the morning, Zelda brings him lunch when she can, Link walks Naru when Zelda’s tired, Zelda walks Naru when Link’s tired, Link will give her a peck on the cheek when he sees her, and Zelda will wrap her arms around him when he’s near. 
They sometimes leave little notes for each other to read. Link puts a post-it on her coffee cup that’ll say things like “This coffee is hot, but it ain’t as hot as you” or “I love you a latte” and that gives her a smile. She leaves notes on his Lunch but they’re more practical, like “I’m working till late, laundry in the dryer. Love you- Z xx” or “We have candy at home, stay away from the vending machines! Love you- Z xx” 
It’s the little things they do for each other that speak volumes. 
who is the top when it comes to sex?Link. 
This isn’t even a question. He’s the top. Sure Zelda takes control when she wants too and he actually enjoys having her in control and surrendering to what she wants. But he also LOVES driving her crazy! it gets him off to know that he’s getting her off. It’s the biggest turn on for him! (aside from hair pulling) 
They’re also big fans of using restraints. He’ll tie her to the bed and she just lets him have his way with her. (tho one time Naru got scared because she thought Zelda was in trouble and she charged into the room while Link was tying her up! The Husky wouldn’t trust him for weeks afterwards) 
who would lead in ballroom dancing?As if they know how to ballroom dance. Link only knows those circle country dances that they taught him in school, and even then he can’t really remember them. Zelda took ballet when she was little but she wasn’t good enough to go professional (she can still go en point tho and do the splits much to Link’s delight) 
who is the more cuddly one?Naru. 
If no one is cuddling Naru she screams. If someone is cuddling Naru but they aren’t putting their heart and soul into it she screams. If there are two people in the room and neither of them are cuddling Naru she screams. 
Zelda’s used to hugging Naru a lot, especially when they settle down to watch TV. She’s not allowed on the sofa tho, so Zelda will sit on the floor and hug her Husky. 
This changes slightly when Link becomes a permanent member of the family. He and Zelda end up trading places multiple times a night sometimes to keep Naru happy. They end up with one of them sitting on the sofa, one sitting on the floor next to the other’s knees, and Naru in the lap of the person on the floor. 
When Naru falls asleep, or she drags herself to her bed because no one knows how to cuddle right?!, then Link and Zelda will snuggle up on the couch and just kinda flop over each other. 
who is the one to most likely pick the movie they watch?Neither of them are big on movies but Zelda has her favourites. She knows what she likes and if she doesn’t like a film then they turn it off and watch something else. Link doesn’t really care what he watches as long as it makes him laugh.  
Sometimes they’ll put on a film and just end up talking all the way through it. They’ll either recognize an actor from somewhere and then spend the rest of the movie trying to figure out where they’ve seen them before, or they’ll make fun of the dumb convoluted story lines and over used tropes. Sometimes they just ignore the film in favour of making out 
but that’s a story for another day ooooooooh! 
Thank you so much for these questions, it was really helpful to flesh out the Puppy Love versions of them
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Monday 28 July 1834
11 55
No kiss fine morning F70° at 10 am breakfast at 10 20 to 11 ¼ - had ordered and waited for calêche – so old looking and dirty, would not have it, and A- and I went out on foot – peeped into the cathedral – the interior undergoing repair – not either very large or handsome building and the interior painted in fresco imitation of gothic ornament – very bad taste tho’ the deep blue roof with gold stars and fresco groining looked well enough – then to a booksellers in the Place St Leger – fortunately stumbled upon the best, Puthod, above an hour there and bought several works – particularly the 1st 5 nos. at 3/. (15 more to come) of Vues de la Savoy..... suivies d’un précis historique et descriptif published here by Côutois et Aubert Lithographes - gave my address and desired the other numerous to be sent to me aux soins de Messrs. Laffitte, Paris - whom I would direct to pay for them - the female person in the shop very civil - gave us directions what to see - sent her servant with us to La Poste for a carriage -a little char 6/. a day, and should only be 3/. for this afternoon - but the maître de post ask 6/. for this afternoon and 18/. a day for a calêche and pair - at last barged for the latter to take me to Aix and the char for 22/. - saw the rooms - smelt strong of new papering and plastering and beds at 3/. and noisy, bustling place - very glad we were not there, and quite contented with la parfait union - from 2 10 to 4 walked to Les Charmettes where Rousseau and Madame de Warens lived and some time there – nothing but nonsense in the Livre des Strangers, so declined writing even our names – went one way and returned another – we were near ½ hour going from La Poste – fine view of the town in returning – nice, clean, well-built, good looking town, not very large - in going had bought 18 good green gages for a sol - came home for ½ hour for A- to have her cold fowl and off in the char at 4 ½ - passed thro’ the little village of Aisse and at the paper manufactory au bout du monde at 5 10 – one of the workman shewed us the cascade (50 to 100 yards off at the back of the building) – not much water now, but still very picturesque and pretty - the water the Doria falls from a fine cleft in the high limestone rock - on each side are little springs gushing from the rock which springs the man said were cold in summer and hot in winter - the strata of the rock are here  at the cascade and more particularly a little lower down and turning up along the little now all but dry river Aisse (which falls into the Doria at the mill in time to swell the stream and turn the wheel) - very singular - look exactly like a wall of stones about a food long and 6 in. in the bed - and this stratification extends too some little way down the Doria - the man shewed us, too, the process of paper making and we bought nice soft papier gris
(at sols the lb) 64 sheets for 1 fr. – the man said times were much better (le commerce allait beaucoup mieux) du temps de Français - now, he, whose work begins at midnight for 11 hours every night and always in water has 44 fr. a month about 30 sols a day, the wages of the best workmen - and the others had all of them from 34 up to 44/. a month - the woman had 12 sols a day - but they have each a room in the building that I suppose they live rent-free - the paper that sold du temps de Napoleon for 40/. and was no sooner made than sold, now hangs an hand and sells for 18/. or 20/. - asked if the king had been at Chambery - yes! at the paper manufactory I said he was très bon-bon enfant - no! said the man the manufactory had always given him something but he had never given anything in return - things could not go on in this way - an hour at the cascade and in the manufactory - returned another way, by Alby [Albi], but had unluckily left at home Madame Puthod’s paper so forgot to Saint Saturnin en passant – the cocher, however, stopt at the great nursery garden and we staid an hour there, and ordered a collection of roses to take back with us! Thought this would be a nice place to send to little John to - spoke to the man about it – he seemed to have no objection – will see him again and have more information as to terms – the boy should be aetatis 14 – these people have an establishment at Lyons and Grenoble and Turin – are chiefly famous for roses, dahlias and                of which they have every variety – the young man makes excursions to the mountains – has a herbary  of above 6000 plants – to go there and see this at 10 am on Wednesday – drove around the place and promenade de Verny and home at 8 ¼ - dinner at 8 1/2 - very fine day F71 ½° at 11 ¼ pm - too much dinner – very hot – asleep in my chair after Eugenie left me till near 11.
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ohshutupgray · 7 years
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
@spiffydolan @idk-dolans @roadtripdolan thanks for tagging me💞
I tag @notanotherdolantwinsblog @eteewetee2014 @dolantwins-1999 @dolantreehisser @tidsoptlmist @ethxndolan @laneswervingdolan @mintdolans @california-grethan @rockstardolan @stfudolan and everyone who wants to do it💓I know pretty much everyone has already done this but I’ve been stuck with homework and school and ya I’m pretty late sorry:))😊
1. Drink - Water
2. Phone call - My best friend to tell me to answer her text
3. Text message - My best friend
4. Song you listened to - H.E.R.-Avenue
5. Time you cried - I was watching If I stay for the tenth time on Saturday and still cried
6. Dated someone twice? - No
7. Kissed someone and you regretted it-it was more of a “oh fuck now each time I see I gotta act like this never happened”
8. Been cheated on - No
9. Lost someone special - thankfully no
10. Been depressed - Happy to say that I’ve never been
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - Nope
Favorite Colors:
12. Burgundy
13. Every pastel color you could think of
14. And black because yeah I think black is a color
In the last year have you:
15. Made new friends - YEESSS
16. Fallen out of love - Never been in love so I couldn’t fall out of it
17. Laughed until you cried - Too many times😂
18. Found out someone was talking about you - Yup
19. Met someone who changed you - Yes
20. Found out who your friends are - Pretty much
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list - I haven’t used Facebook in a while so no
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl - Well I should know all of them
23. Do you have any pets - I have a parrot and let’s say we’re not best friends:))I really want a dog tho
24. Do you want to change your name - I love actually love my name cause I’ve never met someone with the same name
25. What did you do for your last birthday - Party with my friends
26. What time did you wake up today - 7:00am Kill me already
27. What were you doing at midnight last night - Watching Lie to me because apparently I think I can survive with 4 hours of sleep per night☺️
28. What is something you can’t wait for - I have to take a really important exam so I can’t wait for that ti be over
29. What are you listening to right now - H.E.R.-Avenue*yeah I have it on repeat because why not listen it till I can’t stand it anymore”:))
30. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom - I haven’t
31. Something that’s getting on your nerves - When I talk to someone and they don’t pay attention
32. Most visited website - Youtube and Tumblr
33. Hair color - Dark brown
34. Long or short hair - Quite long
35. Do you have a crush on someone - Everyone knows the answer to this question I mean if I didn’t have a crush on the twins I wouldn’t be writing this rn:))
36. What do you like about yourself - The fact that I don’t really care what others think about me
37. Want any piercings - Needles kinda scare me so
38. Blood type - I have no idea
39. Nicknames - They’re embarassing so let’s not get into that😂
40. Relationship status - Well today is Valentine’s day and I am still single yup
41. Zodiac - Pisces
42. Pronouns - She/Her
43. Favorite TV show - I don’t knooow rn I have a mini obsession with Lie to me so I guess that one
44. Tattoos - I don’t have any
45. Right or left handed - Right
47. Ever had surgery - Nope
48. Piercings - My ears
49. Sport - I am literaly the least active person
50. Vacation - I love going to the beach
51. Trainers - Idk
More general:
52. Eating - Pizza
53. Drinking - Water
54. I am about to watch - I just took a break from writing this because I got a notification about the Dolan twins’ video sooo
55. Waiting for - Next Tuesday😂
56. Want - I want a lot of things
57. Get married - Maybe after 10 more years:))
58. Career - Law/Psychology
Which is better:
59. Hugs or kisses - Depends
60. Lips or eyes - EYES
61. Shorter or taller - Taller
62. Older or younger - Older
63. Nice arms or stomach - Hard decision
64. Hookup or relationship - Relationship
65. Troublemaker or hesitant - A little bit of both
Have you ever:
66. Kissed a stranger - No
67. Drank hard liquor - I don’t drink
68. Lost glasses - YES and the wort part is that you need your glasses to find your glasses
69. Turned someone down - I don’t like doing it but yes
70. Sex on first date - No
71. Broken someones heart - I don’t think so
72. Had your heart broken - No
73. Been arrested - Almost:))
74. Cried when someone died - No one close to me has ever died and I’m grateful
75. Fallen for a friend - Had a crush
Do you believe in:
76. Yourself - If you don’t believe in yourself than in who?
77. Miracle - They happen
78. Love at first sight - not love, attraction yes
79. Santa Claus - Never really believed in him as a child even though my parents tried to convince me he’s real
80. Kiss on a first date - Depends on the person
81. Angels - Why not
82. Best friend name: Can’t really say it on here
83. Eye color - Brown *boring ik*
84. Favorite movie - Depends on my mood cause sometimes I like to cry sometimes I like to laugh can’t choose one
85. Favorite actor- young Leonardo DiCaprio I mean how can you not love him
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awhilesince · 4 years
Monday, 8 February 1830
9 35/60
3 10/60
incurred a cross just before getting up but did it idly thinking of (Pi – Mariana) pretty straight to Miss H– (Hobart) on the subject of Mr Long – mention sending letter for Miss MacL– (MacLean) 
“If she is at all fit to bear the journey, do pray get her off here as soon as you can – you know I have no faith in Mr Long – His system, if system it can be called, seems to me so utterly unreasonable, that I wonder more and more by what spell it is that he can so fascinate some of his patients – Limited as is my knowledge of medical subjects, it is still too considerable to allow of the possibility of my taking any part in Sibbella’s infatuation – I grieve over it very sincerely; and you will see with how much reason when the bubble bursts – But name not this to her – she already reproaches me for the manner in which I have spoken and written on the subject to Lady Stuart, tho’ she knows quite well how much I have abstained from saying for her sake alone – She is past conviction, past persuasion, and will probably cling, or apparently cling to his present opinions to the latest moment of her life – So long as her cough continues, she is not cured – I should not have written so much on the subject, had I not been struck by her then telling me, he is getting on …… he has a surprising number of patients, and yet not surprising, if his system is a true one” – If his system etc. – to me the thing seems not to admit an if – “wait, my dearest Vere – nous verrons – Do not let us irritate poor Sibbella by utterly useless opposition, but do not let her fancy that she gains any ground in adding us with the duke of Wellington Sir Gore Ouseley etc. etc. to the list of what she calls converts” – speaking of difficulty about getting Frankfort papers – there is a difficulty about its entrée into France – Treütel and Wurtz will not undertake the commission – nobody knows how soon I may be at Frankfort again, and do you believe I shall forget you! it is not my own conviction that my memory will ever be treacherous respecting anything that concerns meine liebe liebe Vere ever affectionately yours AL– Anne Lister”
Immediately after dressing this morning, breakfast – read over yesterday’s paper – off at 11 3/4  en passant George put into the Post Office my letter to Marian Shibden to the Hotel de Mont Blanc, 24 rue de la Paix – sat about 1/2 hour with Mr and Mrs and the younger Miss Pringle – nice Scotch people enough – sorry they are going in a few days – then a moment at the end of the Passage Choiseul – desired Normandie to come at 8 1/2 to dress my hair. Went to the bank (Laffitte’s) – exchanged 25/60 got cash for the 2nd of my 6 £50 circulars, and Mr Philips paid me on IN–‘s (Isabella Norcliffe’s) account for her stays and silver earrings and Mrs James Dalton’s black lace veil 287 francs – then direct to Amyot’s (the bookseller) to ask if volumes 9 and 10 Bourienne’s memoirs (as said Miss Hobart in her last) were defendus – no! – ordered Bichat’s anatomie generale – price 20/. to have it at 17/50. – got gloves at Privat’s, and home at 1 1/2 – changed my dress – and from about soon after 2 to 4 50/60 wrote a full 1/2 sheet to Miss Mac L– MacLean and a full 1/2 sheet to Miss H– (Hobart) from which last copied the above 17 or 18 first lines of today – the rest common chit chat – my letter to Miss MacL– (MacLean) a very kind delighted to hear such good accounts of her which made me almost impatient for her arrival – Had not yet got Miss MacKenzie’s address – not knowing the Duchess of Hamilton at all had asked Mrs Hamilton to get the address for me – thought from the little Mrs H– (Hamilton) had said of Miss MacK– (MacKenzie)  that perhaps she might suit me better than Miss MacLean seemed to fancy – perhaps we were rather similarly situated, and might be more or less necessary to happening – I did not mean to complain anymore Miss MacL– (MacLean) has cured me of that, but I certainly should like to have someone with me to whom my occasional visiting would not be too much – mentioned having sent off a small parcel of laces for M– (Mariana) and gave Miss MacL– (MacLean) M–‘s (Mariana’s) direction at Leamington – 
Just as I was finishing my letter to Miss Hobart came per petite poste from the embassy a letter 3 pages and one end from M– (Mariana) – dated 4th instant Warren’s hotel Regent street – she had been tempted to write by Miss MacL–‘s (MacLean’s) offer of sending her letter by the bag – they were to leave London the next day Friday 5th and be at Leamington the following day Saturday 6th – M– (Mariana) seems to have suffered first from one thing than another in the shape of bilious headache nervous ditto from seeing Miss Fanny Kemble in Belvidera, toothache etc. etc. London “beastly dirty” – should be glad to get out of it – the Ackers had joined them there – somehow I do not much like these people for M–‘s Mariana’s so often companion – 
“what think you of your friend Lord Graves’s wife and the duke “of Gloucester” (Cumberland she should have written) – there have been some capital caricatures – but it is said they have been bought up at the expense of £800, one of them was the duke as a resurrection man, and the title “the violator of the Graves at Windsor” – not bad was it? Have you seen and read the Exclusives it is said to be written by Lady Chalotte Bury, and I am told a very good picture of fashionable life, if so it is but a melancholy one at best, and does not excite my envy in any way – I hear Lady Stuart speaks highly of you, and all your kind attentions, you are a 1st favourite; you certainly have the art of charming where you please, my Fred, and therefore have not much reason to find fault with your destiny for I look upon it that you may pretty nearly make it what you please, may you carve such a one as may secure the happiness of us both, my only fear is that you will become so wedded to the world, as to lose all relish for more rational and less exciting enjoyments – I sometimes feel that the world would soon spoil me, and am wise enough at moments to be thankful that my path has not lain in it” – 
How little she knows my occupations and my mind! – How much she overates my powers! It seems Cameron has written to Watson – “she does not seem to anticipate ever being about to suit you” – M– (Mariana) regrets my having brought her – wants to know my opinion of her – nous verrons – Did not wait to notice to Miss H– (Hobart) the receipt of M–‘s (Mariana’s) letter but sent off George at 5 40/60 with my letter to “Miss Hobart Howarth Lady Stuart’s Whitehall” and in a rather smaller envelope within this my letter to “Miss Maclean” leaving Miss H– (Hobart) as usual to fill up the rest of the address –
Dinner at 5 50/60 – afterwards read partly aloud this afternoon’s newspaper (Galignani’s messenger) and came to my room at 7 1/2 – dressed – Normandie did not come till 8 55/60 instead of 8 1/2 – did not do my hair at all well – longish about it – above 1/2 hour – therefore not dressed till after 10 – Coffee – off at 10 1/4 – Lady V– (Vavasour) glad to see me – said I had been inquired for most anxiously – the 2 rooms full as usual – Styles, Halls, Murrays, a Mrs Balfour calling herself an old woman to whom I talked a little but was not introduced – Lady Ogelvie there whom I mistook for Mrs Harper at the Poores’ – not introduced – shall be cautious of asking to be introduced to anyone – vide last Thursday 
Pleasant evening enough – home at 11 50/60 – read from page 18 to 55 volume 1 Bichat then sat up musing over my letter to Miss H– (Hobart) and from M– (Mariana) and planning tomorrow with Miss MacL– (MacLean) in bringing her from Dieppe on her way here – or if she comes by Boulogne, could I not take my own horses and meet her at Amiens? Mr Pringle told me this morning that Lord Minto’s self registering thermometer marked one degree during the night or early in the morning of the 17th ultimo – Letter this morning from Misses Rawson Halifax in answer to my last – Mr Scatcherd paid £28 to them on my account on the 9th ultimo – wonder how I overlooked this – Soft but fair day – Fahrenheit 43° at 11 1/2 and at 3 p.m. and at midnight 41°
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bored-libra · 7 years
92 truths
I was tagged by @gardenofgents @nickygrimms and @minirose Thanks guys! :)
Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag! I’m putting it under a read more because it is long!
1. Drink: iced coffee
2. Phone call: my dad
3. Text message: my boyfriend
4. Song you listened to: writer in the dark - lorde
5. Time you cried: like 2 hours ago at an episode of shameless
6. Dated someone twice: no.
7. Been cheated on: unfortunately
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: no
9. Lost someone special: yes
10. Been depressed: yes
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: yikes, yes,
navy blue,bluish gray, and black. idk i’m not big on color
15. Made new friends: yes
16. Fallen out of love: no still very much in love
17. Laughed until you cried: yes i’ve got good people around me
18. Found out someone was talking about you: not that i know of
19. Met someone who changed you: no
20. Found out who your true friends are: no i’m lucky to have good friends
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: i guess. i’m friends with my bf on fb
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them
23. Do you have any pets: no i had a cat when i was young tho
24. Do you want to change your name: sometimes i think about it, but i would never actually
25. What did you do for your last birthday: omg i dont even remember… probably went out.
26. What time did you wake up: 10 am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: smoking weed probably
28. Name something you cannot wait for: dunkirk, i’m gonna loose my MIND
29. When was the last time you saw your mother: last night. we watched veep together.
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i’ve got a list
31. What are you listening to right now: idk whatever techno song that’s playing at my office rn. working in a gym sucks.
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes i have an uncle named tom.
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: money
34. Most visited website: probably tumblr. wow sad.
35. Elementary: idk what this is asking, but it’s been a quick decade+ since i’ve been in elementary school.
36. High School: can choke.
37. College/university: bachelors degree in communications and currently working on a master’s degree in interactive media. STAY IN SCHOOL KIDS
38. Hair colour: brunette.
39. Long or short hair: medium?
40. Do you have a crush on someone: i’m in a committed relationship so yes?
41. What do you like about yourself: idk my style
42. Piercings: ears and i used to have my nose.
43. Blood type: as an adult i should know this. also if i did i wouldn’t tell you.
44. Nickname: G, gyn
45. Relationship status: been with my bf for 5 years
46. Zodiac sign: libra
47. Pronouns: she/her.
48. Favourite TV show: rn veep.
49. Tattoos: none and i never want one. 
50. Right or left hand: right.
51. Surgery: wisdom teeth
52. Piercing: my ears 
54. Sport: soccer
55. Vacation: cape cod probably (a Massachusetts staple vacation)
56. Pair of trainers: fav pair? adidas stan smiths. burying me in them
57. Eating: nothing and i’m starving
58. Drinking: water i finished my coffee
59. I’m about to: leave work
60. Listening to: i feel like i’ve been asked this already?
61. Waiting for: my one love manchester shirt to come in the mail.
62. Want: to move to nyc
63. Get married: sure, give me a few years to stress about my debt first.
64. Career: trying to figure all that out.
65. Hugs or kisses: honestly not big on affection, but hugs.
66. Lips or eyes: eyes.
67. Shorter or taller: taller, but i’m pretty tall so i don’t get picky.
68. Older or younger: older. tho I’ve had my cougar moments.
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: arms 
71. Sensitive or loud: probably sensitive
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant. that’s the anxiety in me.
74. Kissed a stranger?: no
75. Drank hard liquor?: it’s the only way to go.
76. Lost glasses contact/lenses: too many times to count
77. Turned someone down: what woman hasn’t
78. Sex on first date: don’t knock it till you try it is all i’m gonna say
79. Broken someone’s heart: not that i know
80. Had your heart broken: yeah it sucks
81. Been arrested: well.
82. Cried when someone died: i’m a crier
83. Fallen for a friend: yeah
84. Yourself: depends on the day
85. Miracles: yes
86. Love at first sight: ehhhhhh
87. Santa Claus: saint nicky is my boy
88. Kiss on the first date: if you’re feeling it hell yeah
89. Angels: yes
90. Current best friend’s name: em
91. Eye colour: green
92. Favourite movie: 10 things i hate about you or the sandlot
there’s no way I’m gonna be able to come up with 25 ppl to tag. So if you want to do this tag me I love reading them when I’m bored at work! 
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planetjeon · 8 years
for you. | jackson [pt.1]
part two masterlist
words: 1.8k genre: lil fluff, mostly angsty tho. summary: superstar boyfriend jackson doesn’t take too kindly to your suggestion of giving up variety so he has more time for himself and for you.
a/n: hello, this is my first proper writing piece (on this blog since i gave up my 7k 5sos writing blog to start this one) in a while so i hope it’s not too bad for a first piece! also, if you liked it and think i should write a part two, do let me know, your support would mean everything, thank you!
reaching home at midnight had become a more regular practice as of late. 
with jackson away all the time, you found taking up extra shifts - especially the closing shift, when it was all quiet and you got to take home pastries afterwards - a competent way of distracting yourself from missing your superstar boyfriend.
you couldn’t help but groan when you stepped into the hallway of the apartment you and jackson shared, pulling off your sneakers and freeing your toes from their canvas confines after a long day at the cafe. 
another groan escaped your mouth as you set your bag down on the couch, falling backwards into the pile of cushions you insisted on having on there, just for that very reason. 
you shut your eyes, too tired to force yourself up to shower and get ready for bed. your backpack poking into your side reminded you of the pile of work you had for the weekend and your face scrunched up as yet another groan slipped out of your mouth.
“is this what you do when i’m not here?”
your eyes flew open at the familiar voice and you looked up to see jackson leaning over the side of the couch, his fringe flopping over his eyes slightly, a raised eyebrow peeking through. 
“jax!” you yelled, making him wince at the volume and pitch of your shocked shriek. 
“jeez, i didn’t know we had a parrot.” he said, the side of his mouth quirked up in a playful smile. 
you threw yourself over the side of the couch with energy you didn’t know you still had in you, wrapping your arms around your boyfriend’s - surprisingly - covered torso, hugging him tight.
his arms automatically found their place on your waist as he planted a sweet kiss on the top of your head.
“when did you get back? why are you back? how long are you staying?” 
jackson laughed at your sudden bombardment of questions, pulling back from your hug to properly look at you.
as his eyes roamed your face, you suddenly became conscious of the amount of grease and smudged makeup that was the result of being out since eight in the morning without a chance to rest and touch up.
your hands flew from around him to cover your face. “oh god, the first time you see me in person in a while and its while i’m like this.” you said, your voice muffled by your hands.
gentle hands pried your own away from your face and jackson’s face appeared in front of you instead. 
“you don’t have to worry about a thing. you look beautiful right now.” he said sweetly, making you smile involuntarily. 
“besides, i’ve seen you dance and nothing you do to your face could be worse than that.” he added cheekily, yelling when your hand landed on his shoulder with a loud smack. he just couldn’t be romantic for more than a second.
both laughing, you let yourself be pushed into the bathroom, with jackson making annoying comments on how your hair smelled like cheese gone bad and your makeup looked like you smushed your face in cake.
succumbing to his ever-so-loving words, you showered as quickly as possible to get back out to him.
stepping out of the shower towel-drying your wet hair, you watched your boyfriend lean over his suitcase on the ground, fiddling with the piles of clothes he’d brought with him while filming one of the many variety shows he hosted in china. 
as you turned to your dressing table, plugging in the hair dryer, you kept your eyes on him through the mirror. “you can unpack tomorrow, jax, go get ready for bed and we can cuddle and you can answer all my questions.”
his answer was drowned out by the hair dryer and you gestured for him to wait till you were done to tell you.
an hour later, you were both in bed, your head on his pillow, his elbow next to it, holding his head up as he talked about filming. 
“ugh, i can’t tell you enough how happy i am that you’re back, the house has been way too quiet without your constant shouting.” 
“it’s good to be home.” he responded, his hand reaching around your body to pull you closer to him.
as you pressed your face into his neck and inhaled deeply, an exciting thought flashed into your mind.
you gasped, your eyes widening in realisation. “since you’re back, we can go to the annual college carnival this sunday! i was going to pass on it since going to a carnival alone didn’t seem like much fun and everyone else is either working the carnival or staying home to rush work but you now you can come with me!”
when jackson’s face didn’t light up in excitement as you thought it would, your own smile fell. “what’s wrong?” you asked.
his eyes flittered around, looking everywhere but in your own. “i can’t go to the carnival. i’m leaving again tomorrow, (y/n). got7′s comeback in three weeks and we need to pre-record shows.”
the only word you managed to squeeze out of yourself was “oh.” 
jackson sighed. “i’m sorry, i really am. i would’ve loved to go to the carnival with you.”
you managed a small smile, watching his sad eyes and increasingly pouty lips from sulking at not being able to stay long. “hey, it’s okay. they hold one every year so maybe next year you’ll be around to come with me.” you said, trying to reassure him.
jackson sighed once again, wrapping his hands around your body to pull you into him, resting his forehead on yours. “i’m really sorry for not being here enough, it’s just with the comeback nearing, schedule’s a lot more hectic in addition to the new show i’m hosting and i hardly have time for myself with all the flying back and forth and back and forth and i just-” he turned his body to push his face into a pillow and screamed in frustration.
in a second thought, he lifted his face from the pillow. “not that i don’t appreciate everything that i have. i love hosting shows and of course, got7 mean everything to me.”
“i get it, jax, you’re just tired right now, there’s no need to justify venting your frustration.” you said, running your hand along the back of head, through his hair, as he lay on his stomach, his face turned to look at you.
“when do you think you’ll stop it anyway?” you asked.
“stop what?”
there was a brief moment of silence as jackson took in your words. “what do you mean stop hosting?” he asked, drawing back a little.
“like, stop doing all the variety shows you’re doing. now that got7′s huge and only getting bigger, you can’t juggle having got7 and hosting and a social life all at the same time.” you elaborated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
which it was, to you, but had apparently never crossed jackson’s mind. 
“i’m just saying, jax, i hardly see you anymore and when i do, it’s like this. short periods of time. i miss having you around.” 
jackson sat up suddenly, much to your surprise. “so you’re telling me, that i should give up doing something i love, to be able to spend a bit more time with you?” 
“you make it sound like it’s a bad thing.” you commented, not liking the accusing tone he was using.
“you’re asking me to give up my dream career to be able to take you on dates, doesn’t that sound unbelievable to you? you’re lucky i even come back home at all. do you know how hard it is living away from the rest of the boys? how much extra planning has to go into schedules because i’m not as easy to reach?” jackson was practically yelling at this point.
his words were unbelievable to you. “i’m lucky to have you for three to four days at a time with 2 to 3 months in between of not seeing you?” you sat up to be face-to-face with him, your voice rising as well. “i’m lucky to have never been on more than 4 proper dates with you even though we’ve been together almost two years?” 
“you knew what you were getting into when we got together and you’ve been putting up with it for so long, why are you only complaining about this now?” he asked, a vein starting to show on his forehead, his face growing increasingly flushed in anger and frustration.
“i was trying to be supportive! but i was suffering, jackson. while you’re off touring the world or filming fun variety shows, i’m here! constantly waiting for you to get back! every time i think i don’t have to wait anymore to spend time with you, something else crops up and you rush to do it, without giving me a second thought.” jackson opened his mouth to protest but you continued. “when have you ever turned down a work thing for me, huh?”
you were aware of how selfish you sounded but as his girlfriend, you would have liked to have been chosen over work just once. you could imagine jackson saying: oh, actually, could we pass on this this time? i have to go home to see (y/n). of course, that was so far out of reach, even imagining it felt surreal.
jackson threw his hands in the air in disbelief. “do you hear yourself right now? oh, i’m so sorry i can’t just drop my entire career to fly home to be at your beck and call.”
it was your turn to scream in frustration. you could hardly believe the person in front of you was the same lovable, hyperactive jackson wang everyone else saw, the same one you fell in love with a couple years ago. 
“i am not asking you to drop everything for me, i never asked you to drop everything for me. i-”
“good, because i won’t. not for you.”
his words struck you hard. they made it seem as if you weren’t worth it and all your insecurities of having jackson meet someone he’d much rather be with rushed into your head, making a lump form in your throat.
“fine. then don’t.” you said, immediately throwing yourself back onto the bed, grabbing your pillow and shifting it to the edge of the bed, away from jackson, squeezing your eyes shut and swallowing hard to make sure you didn’t cry in front of him.
it took just a few seconds for jackson to lie down as well, and you knew if you turned around to check, he would be facing away from you.
pushing his face and his words out of your head, you willed yourself to sleep. as you drifted into slumber, your self-control faltered and a single tear rolled down the side of your face and onto the pillow.
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songofsaraneth · 7 years
WHEPHEW what a busy weekend. journal-blogging it up bc it was a Good one and i wanna remember it
friday after work started with the birthday party for the town multicultural center!! one of my housemates plays in a marching/brass band and they performed at it, everyone drank free margaritas and had chips/salsa/cupcakes, and then we tried to play a pretty unsucessful game of 4-square with some children and made me realize what a difference height makes in that sport (we had to play in like, Ultra Squat position to be on the same level as the kids, so basically Leg Day).
friday night was ALSO the first Bike Party of the year, where everyone puts on costumes for that month’s theme (this one was “safari”), meet up behind the bike shop and the guy with the solar powered speakers on a bike trailer starts playing a bunch of music, and then we bike up and down main st and wave to the tourists and then have a roving dance party around town. usually in the culverts below the roads, under the highway bridge north of town, or along the bike path past the campgrounds (sometimes picking up extra people from the campsites who feel like partyin). generally you get to an area, dance for 30-45minutes, then bike to the next, dance more, etc. VERY EXERCISE I always forget how tiring it is ;_; but this is the last time it’ll be on a friday for a while cause Tourist Season, so it’s probably the last one me and all my housemates could get to together. we wore our matching zebra onesies (that we got for our blanket fort house party back in february) and there were two other zebras also in attendance. another friend dressed up as “the jungle” and i’m jealous I didn’t think of that first. it was VERY COLD THOUGH like FUCK it snowed for twenty whole minutes in the morning. luckily the onesie is  pretty warm. but we didn’t bike home till about midnight and i was So Sore the next day
saturday!! i was lazy and slept forever which was Excellent and then in the afternoon, met up with another mermaid visiting from Salt Lake with her family! i met up with her at her hotel and we swam in the pool for like 40 minutes before Noping out because it was cold and just sitting in the hot tub to chat instead lol. it was fun though! i’ve never met up with another mermaid for swimming before (the other time i tried we were rained out, but went to the aquarium instead, which was also super awesome) so that was neat! she had a Kariel sequin tail, which i’ve never seen up close before (40,000 sequins!!!!!), so that was cool. 
after that i went to a friends bday party! which started out totally normal (chatting, lots of food, his dad was in town so talked to him a bit), then did a pinata (did u know adults trying to smack a pinata is even more hilarious than than when children do it), then chatted a bit more and at like 10pm people started dancin. except three dudes were sort of alternating selecting songs were like, trying to make the styles as opposing as possible (hardcore rap followed by slow lyrical ballad followed by bouncy disney) and it became kind of a competition to... keep dancing anyway??? no matter how weird the songs got?? culminating in a swaying Hug Circle to My Heart Will Go On, squiggling amoeba-like through the living room and kitchen to envelop Music Selection Dude #2 Who Hated That Song but was standing by the computer and we were worried he was gonna change it, and then everyone just... slowly grabbed his body and held it horizontally, then lifted him into the air and slowly spun him in circles just below the ceiling before gently lowering him onto the floor (where he remained perfectly motionless) and doing synchronized hand waving over his body. IT GOT REALLY WEIRD. but no one questioned it everyone was perfectly silent or singing along to the lyrics until the song ended. what the fuck. i haven’t been part of something That bizarre since college (tho to be fair, there were a Lot of those moments in college). anyway party lasted until a bit after midnight.
TODAY SUNDAY!! at 9am met up with folks to go WHITE WATER RAFTING! it was the going away party for a friend, so we got a bunch of gear together/a pal’s free boat rental for working at a river company, and some personal boats, so 3 boats and about 12 people. second time ive been on the river this season, the first was february and Very cold/total splash guards against the water, but today was the first decent day this week! about 50-60F all day, though the water was a lot colder (although what the fuck is going ON this is the DESERT we should be like in the 70-80s range this time of year). everything went great at first, the rapids were easy, we rafted for a couple hours and then docked at a winery with a helpful pier, and jumped inside for buffet lunch and optional wine tasting. which like, WHAT an excellent concept, i hear they’re doing brunches soon, and whitewater rafting into/out of a fancy brunch seems IDEAL tbh.
...buuuuut we got to the first rapid after the winery/last rapid we were gonna hit of the day and just. totally flipped. we lost back left paddler (who took a drink of wine from his beer can like RIGHT as we went into the rapid smh) almost immediately, and i turned to see what happened to him (i was back right), and noticed that our captain/acting guide was just ALSO GONE??? I still don’t know HOW he fell out i guess he just catapulted on the first big wave... everyone (sans myself) was pretty drunk and at high water level (~15,000cfs) you can go straight through (or, RDTFM, aka “right down the fucking middle”, thats ur whitewater lingo for the day), but it was only at like ~8000cfs today so instead there was just... a rock. so chuck (acting captain) pops up a second later and manages to grab the boat, i haul him in, turn around to see charlie (back left paddle) somehow on the other side of our raft now floating the rapid, and two of the front paddlers trying unsuccessfully to reach him.
 then i look forward and OH GOD there is ANOTHER huge dip in front of us leading to aforementioned rock, and I sort of leapt to the left side/charlie’s spot to try to paddle off it, but no one was paying enough attention to coordinate and so we slammed it and the boat went riiiiiiight over. like, the most dramatic long-ways flip i’ve ever seen, threw/shoved us all down into the water. mostly i was thinking “OH FUCK” but also “SHOULDN’T HAVE BOTHERED PULL CHUCK BACK IN”, was under for maybe 5 seconds total, then popped up right behind the raft. pretty much everyone managed to hold onto the tie line and somehow i guess we also landed on charlie again so he had a hold as well. until we hit the next rock anyway, which popped the boat up for a second/swept me underwater and under the boat, and i ended up hand-over-handing it out onto the front side. which was easier for visibility/expectations but also i could see 10 feet in front of me that my backpack had come unsecured and was floating down the river without me, holding my phone (thankfully in a lifeproof/very waterproof case bc i’m not a Fool who takes electronics on rafting trips with no backup) and driver’s license and glasses hostage. and like 80% of me was ready to dive after it but while i’m an idiot i’m not That much of an idiot so i held onto the boat instead and watched it get farther and farther off. the first of our boats that went through (a  dinghy with two passengers) was waiting for us downstream and seemed like they were gonna get it, but then one of our people got swept way downstream so they were on mission Rescue Susan instead. but anyway after a very charged minute or so that felt more like ten, we managed to kick ourselves into an eddy and get over to the shore. 
at which point i became very confused bc our group now had 3 more people in it than were in our boat??? which is when i realized that our third boat, whcih had been behind us, had also capsized and dunked all passengers. but theirs was still trapped in the current (for like 5 whole minutes just bouncing on top of the first big rapid) so they all swam sans gear to where we ended up. anyway i sloshed to a nearby beach where some concerned rafters were watching (turned out to be our #3 boat guide’s coworkers, who’s company we were renting gear from, whoops), and over a ridge, and saw that boat #1 had sucessfully reclaimed susan, and a kind kayaker had saved both my backpack and one of our paddles. we dried off for a bit and checked everything over miraculously, the only casualties were some hats and sunglasses, one item per every person who flipped. the river gods were kind in their choice of sacrifices today. then we boated the last mile out and lay in the sand warming up until our car shuttle finished, and my friend who’s bday party i went to the night before & his gf & dad boated up RIGHT after us (they were also all at the multicultural center event friday) and laughed at us for having flipped. ah tiny desert towns. you see Everyone everywhere all the time. and i’ll see them again on wednesday for D&D so more mockery inbound.
anyway i got home and me n my roommate (also on the trip) took some VERY long/hot showers, drank some hot chocolate, and then watched cop drama tv shows in bed under the covers for 2 hours before ordering takeout soup and laying in bed some more. now i am laying in bed and about to go to sleep bc i’m exhausted but apparently still enough of an insomniac to never go to bed before midnight.
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