#event: flower festival
callofthxvoid · 1 year
EVENT: Flower Festival WHERE: Main Street WHO: Scout Garcia ( @scout-garcia )
"Can't hear you, Xander! Girl time now! Byyyeee!"
And with those words, Minnie ran up behind Scout and immediately linked their arms together, falling into step with the younger woman effortlessly. "There you are," she greeted, smiling brightly as if she hadn't practically ambushed the poor girl. "Figured we could both use a break from our brothers. Oh! And I got you something."
Pulling a small wreath of flowers off her wrist, she offered the makeshift bracelet to Scout - complete with flowers in pink, purple, and blue. "See? Now we match." She gestured with appropriate dramatic flourish toward the flower crown on her head, and the ribbons in her hair, all in the lesbian flag colours.
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odette-abbott · 1 year
and enter wonderland... (self para - odette abbott)
she had ben enamoured with the flower festival. each of the displays proudly beaming with colours, the flowers in full bloom out in the daylight. it had been a lovely day of getting to catch up with people and taking a day to enjoy what the town had to offer.
odette gathered with the crowd when the winners of the flower royalty was due to be announced, however something had caught a flash of something at the corner of her eye briefly. shrugging it off, she tried to focus back on the announcement but it then she saw it again. knowing it was going to annoy her now that she noticed it, odette weaved her way through the townsfolk and found herself at the edge away from the group and it allowed her to finally answer her question of what did she see.
it was a hare.
curiouser and curiouser!
she couldn't let a hare pass the commune by, not when she was this close to being able to grab him. she waited until the hare had came to halt and she took the opportunity to creep forward as quietly as she could, careful to not spook it.
it was so close. just within reach. almost there.
odette lurched forward to catch the animal but it had just managed to slip from her grasp. with her judgement clouded by the desire and determination to catch the hare, she blindly followed after it into the woods. the deeper the hare went into the forest, odette followed and she soon found herself in the middle of nowhere with the sudden realisation that it was going to be dark soon and she had no strategy to get back to town on time. even if she did, it was highly likely that she wouldn't make it. even as a hunter, she was in a part of the woods she didn't recognise. panic had started to set, she reminded herself to keep calm.
as if to taunt her even more, the hare had stopped right in front of her. the crossroads between turning back or grabbing the hare. against her better judgement for the second time today, odette pressed on and went to grab the hare but before she could grab it, it had darted into a hole in a tree.
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it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!
nightfall loomed over and the idea of the hare became far less appealing than it did five minutes ago. in a split decision, odette had the idea of hiding in the tree and waiting it out in hopes to survive the night. with no other choice she followed the hare into their bunker for the night.
odette entered the tree and there was no hare. but there was no other exit, she was sure of it. right? she shuffled as far into the tree as she could, but the tree bark suddenly didn't feel like bark anymore. was that metal? it was metal and the space felt smaller than it did when she entered. it felt tighter, narrow, claustrophobic. a dire fear of small spaces had the panic kick her adrenaline into overdrive and her breath became ragged. what the hell was happening? where was she? and where did that bloody hare go? she wriggled and clawed her way forward, fingernails scraping at the metal until she reached a dead end.
she frantically slammed her hands on the metal grate, again and again with no use. noises were going on around her, they felt like they were getting closer. paranoia was kicking in. her hands raw and bloody from hitting the grate, she mustered up all the energy she could find and gave it one last smack, leaving the metal swinging open and odette to break down in tears in triumph. she gripped the edges of the grate, yanked herself forward and she tumbled into a heap on the floor with her dress in tatters.
desperately gasping for air, she let out a cry of relief and hauled herself up to sit and gather her bearings. old beer barrels and wine bottles? wait, that can't be right. she was in a tree and now she's here? how the hell did she get here? looking up she realised that she had crawled from a vent. how the hell did she go from the woods, to a tree, to a vent, to what looks like a basement?
"what the fuck?" she mumbled to herself through her tears.
odette clambered to her feet and dusted herself off. bounding forward to a door when she noticed it, she practically ripped it off its hinges, begging for this ordeal to be over. finding her way to some stairs, she climbed her way up and pushed open the hatch above her head. odette once again climbed through, slamming the hatch closed to keep out any unwanted additions to the already confusing time she was having and she found herself standing behind the bar of the empty bar the sasquatch.
odette was baffled at what she had just experienced. she was still considering the possibility that it was some sort of fever dream. maybe there was a flower at the festival that caused some hallucination? that was logical and sane and not at all crazy, right? and for a moment there she almost convinced herself that that was the case, but then she looked down at her dress and saw it shredded to oblivion. unable to contain it anymore, odette stood shaking on the spot full of pent up emotions that hadn't been relieved yet and she did what anyone would do, she screamed.
"what the fuck?!"
i could tell you my adventures–beginning from this morning, but it’s no use going back to yesterday, because i was a different person then.
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everhaunts · 1 year
location: flower festival characters: clara & whitney @callofthxvoid
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The whole ghosts of the past thing was real. Though sometimes, only one party wished to confront that kind of reunion. Clara had been avoiding Whitney for who knew how long by that point, and it was frustrating. So whenever the blonde noticed her childhood friend around the festival, she decided to take the chance. And hopefully Clara wouldn't just book it. "Hey," Whit greeted, managing a smile though their jaw tightened.
"So... are you still doing that thing?" The question came, and she raised an eyebrow. "You know, that thing you've been doing where you pretend not to know me and try to avoid me like I'm the embodiment of the plague?"
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EVENT: Flower Festival WHERE: Main Street WHO: Nico Garcia (@ambercast)
Xander was in high spirits, he'd been a proper tour guide like Sunflower had asked and had been seeing most of his friends all day. He'd even managed to give everyone one of the carvings he'd made them. Though he still had one left, and it was just his luck he spotted him. "Nickleby, you were robbed," he declared swinging an arm over Nico's neck and pulling him close. "But you're awesome big brother has a very nice prize for you anyways."
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doctorknightley · 1 year
EVENT: Flower Festival WHERE: Town WHO: Vincent Lewis (@crazedhatesoul)
Knightley was walking down the main street, a bottle of water in one hand as he eyed all the different displays. He'd never been to an event like this before, even when Sunflower had explained what it was he hadn't been sure what to expect. This was...nice, relaxing even he mused as he walked. Plopping down on a bench he scratched absentmindedly at his beard, not having shaved since arriving, it was a new feeling for him. "Feel like there's too many options for things to do," he said out loud, mostly to himself, "Don't even know what I'm suppose to do."
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pearlwestbrook · 1 year
location: in the botanical gardens for: @greengideon
"Okay, not that, like, this stuff isn't objectively, aesthetically-pleasing to some degree," said Pearl, gesturing to the excessive decorations around them as they passed through one of the more heavily-crowded areas of the garden, littered with tables and families and kids and strollers and a cluster of booths selling things Pearl was absolutely sure these people didn't need. "But the way it's so overdone makes me feel violent, like I'm gonna black out and attack someone if I'm here too long, do you ever get that feeling?"
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bowiebardot · 1 year
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huntsville flower festival : bowie bardot
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ivyroseoberon · 1 year
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huntsville flower festival : ivy oberon
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firecaptainphoenix · 1 year
Self-Para: Father & Daughter Moment
WHERE: Flower Festival WHO: Phoenix Romero-Sawyer & Jay Romero-Sawyer TW: Death mention
Phoenix was lugging his EMT bag over his shoulder as he walked, so far the festival had been pretty good time for him. Even managing to catch some time with family. Spotting Jay, he whistled to grab her attention a smirk tugging at his lips when he spotted who she was with.
"Hey Dad," Jay greeted smiling, Felipe who was standing next to her gave him a polite nod looking more than a little nervous.
Was he really that overbearing, protective dad? No. Did it bring him a little bit of joy to see Felipe so nervous? Maybe.
Nodding back at the young man, he glanced back at his daughter, "Time to go home kiddo," glancing back at Felipe he gave him a grin, "Tell your mom we said hi, bud."
If there was a bit of a squeak in Felipe's voice when said will do before scampering off after saying goodbye to Jay, well he'd let it slide this time. Leading the way he watched Jay as the two walked home, noting how tired his daughter seemed. Bending down in front of her, he ignored her protest before managing to convince her to let him carry her piggy back style home.
The two walked in comfortable silence before he heard a soft, "Dad?" Phoenix gave a grunt to show he was listening, a bit more focused on making sure she was comfortable on her back.
"Can I...never mind. It's kind of a sad thing. I don't want to..." shaking her head she grinned brightly at him, though it didn't quite reach her eyes, "Today was a really good day."
Frowning he stopped turning his head to look at her, "Hey sad or not, I want to know. What's on your mind bluejay?"
Smile slipping Jay pressed her face into the crook of his neck, he started walking again letting her take her time. It was a few minutes later when he heard her speak, "I miss Papa."
Phoenix almost stopped again but forced himself to keep walking not wanting her to know how much those three words could hit him. Under his shirt, their wedding bands felt warm again his chest, feeling heavier than ever. He could feel the grip around his neck tighten.
In the back of his mind he could vaguely hear Bradley scolding him, "You can't shut down and not talk with our kid, she won't know why you're doing that like I do. Kids have to be talked to, and I know that's hard for you, but you need to talk."
"I miss him too," he said without thinking. It been a while since he talked about Bradley, hell he practically avoided the topic. But with Jay, that wasn't an option. "He would have really liked your bracelets."
"Really?" Jay asked face still pressed against his neck, voice trembling. He could feel wetness against his neck and swallowed when he felt his own eyes burn.
"Yea, though he was kind of a dork. He use to call me Ikki, cause of some cartoon he watched growing up," Phoenix explained shaking his head fondly.
He could feel her giggles before he heard them, before she settled back down. After another few minutes Jay spoke up again, "Can we set a plate for Papa tonight? We don't have to put food on it..cause rations but a plate is fine right?"
Phoenix swallowed, before letting out a chuckle feeling his eyes burn harder. "We can give him the big piece, he won't finish it like usual. We can help him finish it, alright?"
Jay nodded seemingly too tired from the day's activities or their conversation to keep talking. Phoenix adjusted her and kept his steady rhythm all the way home. Though thinking of Bradley did remind him, he needed to finish planning things for Jay, if the worst ever came to pass again.
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axel-addams · 1 year
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huntsville flower festival : axel addams
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plantdyke · 3 months
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Stood in line for 3 hours to see this stinky thang
Amorphophallus titanum or “Giant Corpse Flower”
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callofthxvoid · 1 year
EVENT: Flower Festival WHERE: Main Street WHO: Luke Matthews ( @crazedhatesoul )
Celia knew that she had a competent staff who were perfectly capable of running the diner without her. But she also wanted them to be able to attend the festival if they wanted to, so if that meant popping in throughout the day to cover for someone or otherwise pitch in wherever was needed, she was happy to do it.
She was on her way there when she found herself sidetracked by none other than Luke and Lady. Well, mostly by Lady, but she made a point to always be friendly to her son's teachers. "Mr. Matthews," she greeted with a smile, crouching to greet the dog as well. "And hello to you too. You both enjoying the festival so far?"
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odette-abbott · 1 year
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huntsville flower festival : odette abbott
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everhaunts · 1 year
location: flower festival characters: wesley & whitney @ofxlilac
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"Wesley Reeves. I literally just finished the Back to the Future series. Last night, mind you," Whitney pointed out, wearing a pretty flower crown someone gave her earlier as she peered across the table at her friend. "And you're telling me you already have a whole new list for me to watch?" A sigh was released at the exhausting thought, glancing back at the festival flyers in their hands. "Of course you do... I'm still not ranking everything in a tier list, though. So quit nagging me about it."
Whit rolled their eyes, but the smile that appeared was genuine and couldn't be hidden. It was hard for her to actually be annoyed with Wesley. He had a way of making her smile and laugh even during times she didn't want to.
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EVENT: Flower Festival WHERE: Commune House WHO: Jane Doe @violenttempest
Xander fidgeted with his backpack as he waited at the front of house for Jane, half wondering if he should go back inside or to keep waiting and give her time. Sunflower had asked him to be her guide for the day and he hadn't hesitated to agree. Not like he ever did when she asked something of him. Spotting Jane walking out he flashed her a grin, "Hey Jane, I'm Xander. Don't know much about flowers, but I do know who gives out good snacks."
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elaho · 5 months
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Paisley's Bridal Boutique is now compatible with Stardew 1.6!!
**Please scroll to the bottom of the page for an important announcement**
Paisley's Bridal Boutique has been given a major revamp for Stardew 1.6! Over 10 new hats, 5 new shirts, and 4 new pants have been added, along with vanilla wedding hats, shirts, and pants are available, including Mermaids Pendant and Bouquet.
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All pants, skirts, and dresses now have full animation compatibility. You can now wear your favourite outfits wherever you'd like - farming, mining, fishing, dancing, getting married, and more!
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Four official Flower Dance outfits have been included, so you can wear a fancy dress or suit to match your mate at the festival.
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Much more content has been added to the Boutique! Check out the Changelogs on Nexus Mods for a complete list of changes and additions for version 1.3.0.
Paisley's Bridal Boutique is available to play for free on Nexus, CurseForge, and ModDrop.
**Important Announcement**
I've been thinking about the future of the Maker's Market for a long time and needed to decide whether continuing to make mods is something I can continue affording financially and with my spare time. But the thought of quitting made me really sad.
Making mods is something I enjoy doing and being able to share them with the community makes me really happy. I know many people would also be sad if things ended here.
Because of things, I've launched a Patreon page for the Grampleton Maker's Market [and other Stardew mods]. This way, I can continue to work on creating the mods and content I'm passionate about while also being able to give players the immersive and well-rounded content they deserve.
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My mods will always be free to play, so my Patreon will be focused on relieving a bit of my financial stress while also sharing exclusive behind-the-scenes content, character developments, updates, sneak-peaks, Q+A's, and voting polls regarding the Market and other Stardew mods with my patrons.
I will add more Patreon tiers in the future, but I've decided to keep things simple by starting with two tiers so I don't end up overworking or pressuring myself to pump out content. Thank you all for your generous support and encouragement over the years. I truly appreciate each and every one of you <3
Much love, -Elaho
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