#event: new york casino night
justruse · 9 months
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Blood touched your lips.
One moment you were walking home, and the next you were waking up in a hospital room with a searing pain in your neck and an insatiable hunger lingering in your belly. The events of the previous night were a blurry and chaotic mess of fear, panic, and blood.
Your blood...
ONCE BITTEN is a dark romance interactive fiction game set in a vampire-infested 1990s New York City. Navigate the city as you try to regain your footing and find your place as a recently-turned vampire. Being a vampire isn't as glamorous as the stories make it out to be, especially when you have a group of Hunters that want you dead.
Content Warnings: suggestive themes, violence, gore, blood, body horror, drug use, death, animal cruelty, homophobia, and transphobia
* Note: Content warnings, with the option to disable them, will appear before each chapter.
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Play as a customizable protagonist, with the ability to choose your name (including nicknames), gender, pronouns, and appearance.
Befriend a cast of characters and pursue one of five romance options.
Explore New York City and its vampiric nightlife as a newly-turned vampire. Experience what it truly means to be a creature of the night.
Adopt a dog, or don’t. Be warned, it will come back to bite you.
A focus on choices, rather than stats, that will alter your relationships with the cast as well as the narrative moving forward. Will you choose to embrace your new existence?
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Dr. Joseph Levi (he/him)
A seemingly quiet, albeit quite sarcastic, professor at first glance, Dr. Joseph Levi is more than what meets the eye. In reality, he is a type of vampire hunter known as a Keeper—and he also happens to save your life and doom it too.
Vanya Kreisky (she/her)
Beautiful, cunning, and deceptive, Miss Vanya Kreisky is the queen of the Scarlet Palace, a historic hotel and casino nestled in the heart of Manhattan. She much older, and more powerful, than she first lets on, and seems to have an odd interest in you.
Rana Ayari (she/her)
Rana Ayari is the owner of Lilith's Lounge, a small bar near West Village. She's a welcoming face to strangers with an easy-going attitude. Unless you're stirring up trouble, you'll be welcome at Lilith's.
Addison Reyes (he/him | she/her)
Only turned about fifteen years ago, Addison is probably the youngest vampire you'll meet, and because of that, they have a sense of optimism and adventure many older vampires lack. They like to have fun and they'll share it with you—well, whenever they're not stuck working a shift at Lilith's, of course.
Dr. Michael "Ellie" Elliot (he/they)
Dr. Michael Elliot is a doctor working at the hospital you wake up in after being turned. They're quite zany, in a way you can't quite place, and it's obvious they've seen some things in their centuries long existence that they quite haven't processed yet.
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You are, I’m sure, familiar with Occam’s razor. It’s the old philosophical theorem that holds that the simplest explanation for an event, the one requiring the fewest assumptions, is probably the best explanation. If you wake up in the morning and there’s snow on the lawn, there are any number of possible explanations. Maybe some friends played a practical joke on you and dumped snow in your yard. Maybe space aliens visited during your slumber and dusted your lawn with the white stuff. Or—maybe it snowed last night.
Republicans keep asking, completely dishonestly, why so much criminal suspicion surrounds Donald Trump. They say it’s all being orchestrated by Joe Biden and Merrick Garland. They insist it’s an effort to interfere with his election campaign. They say a lot of things, but if ever there was a case where Occam’s razor applied, it’s this one. Trump is surrounded by criminal suspicion because he’s a criminal.
He’s been doing criminal things for decades. He just finally got cornered and caught on something. I’ve been writing recently that Democrats have to make sure every voter in the country remembers by Election Day, having heard it said thousands of times, that Donald Trump is a convicted felon. That’s true, and so far, Democrats and affiliated groups aren’t doing a terrible job of this. It’s a little sad that the best expression I’ve seen of this so far comes from a Republican—fiercely anti-Trump Republican Sarah Longwell’s group, Republican Voters Against Trump, has put up some blunt billboards around the country featuring photos of voters, with their names, under the statement: “I won’t vote for a convicted felon.”
But Democrats need to do more. Trump’s criminality, both past and future, should be central to the campaign. There’s a story to tell here, and it’s all true. No matter what the pollsters and the messaging gurus say, it’s impossible that all of this, taken together, doesn’t matter to swing voters.
To tell the story, you go through Trump’s record:
• convicted on 34 felony counts • determined by a court to have raped a woman and ordered to pay her $83 million • found by a court to have overvalued his assets and ordered to pay $364 million • ordered to pay a $2 million settlement after admitting that he misused his charity, which the state of New York shut down • found by the Justice Department to have refused to rent apartments to Black applicants; settled out of court • sued by the Justice Department for violating proper procedures in the purchase of stock; paid $750,000 in civil fines • charged by the New York State Lobbying Commission with violating state lobbying laws while purchasing a casino; paid $250,000 to settle fines • found by the courts to have grossly defrauded students at the so-called Trump University and ordered to pay them $25 million in restitution
This list isn’t even the tip of the iceberg. It’s the tip of the tip. Trump has spent four decades being sued for something or other, typically not paying his bills, like those famous cases where he stiffed the poor vendors for his casinos, filing his own ridiculous countersuits and libel suits, and paying fines to make things go away. If indeed he actually paid the fines. I wonder if anyone has ever really gotten to the bottom of that. And I haven’t even mentioned the current charges around January 6 and the stolen classified documents because, so far, they’re just charges. But whatever the courts end up saying on those two matters, we’ve all seen with our own eyes the insurrection that he obviously incited (as of this January, 718 rioters had pleaded guilty to various federal charges, and 139 had been found guilty in court) and the photos of the boxes of documents at Mar-a-Lago that he refused for months to turn over to the FBI.
Another important point: The criminality around Trump isn’t limited to Trump. Eight Trump associates were sentenced to prison time: Steve Bannon, Michael Cohen (joined the good side but still served time), Rick Gates, Paul Manafort, Peter Navarro, George Papadopoulos, Roger Stone, and Allen Weisselberg. Others copped pleas: Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell, Kenneth Cheseboro, and Scott Hall, another Georgia defendant.
This is not a coincidence. As GOP strategist Rick Wilson said, “Everything Trump touches dies”; he corrupts everything and everyone around him. And does anyone seriously think that if he gets back to the Oval Office, the same thing isn’t going to happen again? It’s going to be worse.
It’s going to be far worse. First, he’s going to start, on that dictatorial day one, by pardoning himself. Joe Biden and the Democrats need to try to get voters focused on this. If it happens, people will be completely outraged. Yes, the 38% or so who are MAGA world will be fine with it, but majorities will be flabbergasted at such an act. Is it possible to get voters pre-outraged about something that hasn’t happened? The polls will say no. But as I’ve written over and over lately, polls can either be accepted—or they can be changed.
Right now, what’s most terrifying to me about the polls is that they tell us emphatically that people forget. They forget all the horrible things Trump did. That includes presidential actions, like his lies to the American people about the pandemic, but it also includes his history of criminality and the way that history guarantees he’ll keep behaving that way.
In sum: Trump’s criminal record hardly begins and ends with Stormy Daniels. Somebody needs to make sure that, by November 5, voters know the entire, sordid history.
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evita-shelby · 5 months
What Happens in Vegas
Thanks @zablife for the moodboard, i added the heart cake lol
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It was supposed to be a pre-honeymoon trip to get away from all the stress from their royalty worthy wedding taking place in a month.
They’d met here, both of them getting shitfaced and testing their good luck before the semester began at Harvard Business College. Jack had gotten there on scholarship, busting his ass to earn his place, Eva got there because of her family’s money. At some point, they met during the endless night and woke up in bed together, forgetting how different they were.
And when they continued their fling during their two years at Harvard, things took their course. They were friends, then he needed a fake girlfriend for his eldest sister’s destination wedding in Cozumel, and when they came back to New York, she was the first woman he had ever been serious about.
He never even considered cheating on her with his boss’ slutty daughter, a thing unheard of in him. By the time they graduated, Jack knew he couldn’t live without her and proposed that same day. They ended up everywhere, which gave them a boost when they started their own investment company together. Nelson and Smith.
Now they’re taking the pink Cadillac convertible he fixed up just for her to the place it all began: Las Vegas.
“I wish I could marry you now, I’m tired of all the waiting.” He admits as the first night here leads them to the casino they met.
Neither care enough about the gambling, just telling everyone who listens that they met here and were getting married in September. They’d gotten free chips, free champagne, and an Elvis impersonator out of duty gave them his card.
“So let’s do it. You heard Elvis, the chapel’s open 24/7.” Eva, who’s impulse control is as terrible as his, says, taking out the card from his pocket.
They blow their winnings on getting ready for it with anyone present here invited to it. It is so unlike the grand event waiting for them at home that it makes it even better. Their family would hate them if the canceled the other one, for fucks sake his granny was coming from Ireland.
Eva looks amazing, a short and tight mini dress and a veil bedazzled with the words till death in black and silver rhinestones. The rings were modest, with the words Mrs. to match his that say Mr.
The cake was fucking weird though.
Eva was incredibly glamorous and cool, but she was also goth. The cake was going to be a heart shaped what happen in Vegas cake for two or two anatomically correct hearts.
Eva didn’t even wait for the guy to finish his sentence to say yes.
By dawn, they were married, and by the time they left Vegas, they had matching tattoos to commemorate their elopement.
“I’m gonna get the hearts as our wedding topper.” The newly minted Mrs. Nelson proclaimed as they left the city in the vintage car now sporting a just married sign.
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sunflowersoldat · 1 year
All is Fair ~ Deuce
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Chapter 28: Deuce
Previous Chapter
Main Master List
Series Master List
Series Summary: Family is important, but so is the Family business. Everyone has secrets, some are deadly. Your the best in the business, but no one knows who you are. Tensions are high, will you raise the stakes or fold under pressure?
Series Warnings: 18+! Mentions of blood and violence, bad language words, smut, manipulation, gaslighting, death, trauma, please follow the warnings for each chapter.
Chapter warnings: 18+ Only! Emotional trauma. Bad language words.
Pairing: Mob!Steve x Assassin!Stark!reader
Word count: approx. 2.2K
A/N: Um hi! It has been a while, but I think I am finally ready for this story to come to its end. It will have two drabbles that take place after this chapter planned then it will finally be over. It's been a really long journey, and I love this series, it has been bittersweet to write these last few parts. I digress, I hope you enjoy this chapter and have enjoyed the series!
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It had been months, the city was still recovering. Thor’s funeral had been a city-wide event, no one knew what he’d actually done. The newspapers blamed the myth of the Ace of Spades. They had a damn statue made in Thor’s honor, for god's sake. Steve couldn’t stand the sight of it, it made his stomach churn to even think about it.
This whole city hates the one person who’d saved them all.
Tony’s funeral was more intimate, not only were they mourning Tony, but Pepper and the rest of the family still thought you were dead. They would never know the truth, you would never get to see your niece grow up, to have the chance at a future you’d always wanted.
Now as he made his way to Zemo’s office, his heart squeezed in his chest, the last time he was here, walking these halls, you were standing by his side. The spot next to him remained silent and cold, the casino floor was already full of people. 
Women tried to pull his attention, to stop him with their manicured claws and pouty lips; they weren’t you. He didn’t give them a thought or a second glance as he pushed his way to Zemo’s office.
The man was standing in front of his window, hands clasped behind his back as he stared out at the city below his feet. 
Steve closed the door softly, but the resounding click thundered through him. Zemo didn’t turn as he spoke, 
“You look like shit, Rogers.”
Steve didn’t have it in him to smile or bite back, his brows only rose as he took a seat in the plush red chair in front of Zemo’s desk. His eyes were heavy, it had been months since he’d had a good night's rest. Blinking slowly as Zemo turned to finally look at him, the man's face full of empathy, he’d understood what it was like to have his whole world taken from him. To know his family was alive somewhere he couldn't reach and now Steve knew his pain, not a single whisper from you, for all he knew you could be dead somewhere. When they’d found Thor in Loki’s mansion, the blood had been yours too, there was no telling if you'd bled out somewhere or if you'd made it to freedom.
Steve guessed his thoughts could be read on his face because Zemo sighed, his face becoming solemn, “Get out of New York Steve. Go see the world…”
Steve only shook his head, everyone seemed to think it was you not being in New York that bothered him, but it didn’t matter, nowhere would be enough if you weren't by his side. He could be miserable here or in a palace in France, miserable was miserable.
Zemo had walked closer to stand between Steve and his desk, a small envelope in his hands, “Fine if you won't do it for your own well being, do it as a favor to me.”
He dropped the envelope onto Steve’s lap, “I need you to attend an event in my stead, obviously I am too indisposed here to leave. Yelena still requires my assistance taking over Thor’s territories, Pepper will need an ally trying to keep the streets clean…” he trailed off as Steve’s hand closed around the envelope.
“Where?” The only words that Steve could muster from his soul. If he could throw himself into work, maybe he could relax.
Zemo’s brows rose, “London. A contact with a few friends in the southern hemisphere will be there.”
Steve opened the envelope slowly, pulling out two tickets to a Gala. “Who is the second ticket for?” Steve grimmaced when he realized he would need to be dressed to the nines for the event, but the sooner he could go there and get it over with the sooner he could come home and be left the hell alone.
“Take a friend with you. I’m sure there are plenty of women out on the casino floor willing—”
Steve nearly retched at the thought, nearly snarled as he looked back to the man before him, “Barnes is plenty of company.” The words were clipped, harsh, Steve didn’t care if the man noted the disrespect and venom laced in his words.
If the man cared, he didn’t react, Zemo only shrugged, “Better than going alone…” he rubbed the bridge of his nose, “I’ll see you in a few days Steve.”
Rising from his seat, Steve nodded, but his thoughts were already far from here, the walk back to his vehicle where Bucky waited was merely a dream.
The glittering lights and chaos of too many conversations happening at once mingling with the classical music, stroked his impending headache. 
It had been a long while since he made an appearance at a gala, well, the last one had been at your museum. The second time you had met, memories of that night flooded his vision. The way you’d fallen apart on your desk for him, that was the beginning, he’d realized too late; the first step into the dangerous game.
Beside him Bucky nudged his arm with his elbow, motioning to a man on the second floor balcony. His falcon mask glittering in the lights, Zemo’s contact for the evening that he and Bucky were to meet with.
Bucky was still trying to understand how Zemo had convinced Steve to leave New York, let alone coming to a high profile event in London. He watched Steve’s every move, the man hadn’t been himself for a very long time and his trust in Bucky hadn’t exactly been healed. Bucky thought it must have meant something since he had chosen him to join Steve at this event, but the man hardly spoke a word to Bucky. 
He had to remind himself that Steve had hardly said anything to anyone since you disappeared, but every day that passed caused Bucky more worry. He couldn’t fathom losing Steve, even if the man had forgiven him, Bucky hadn’t forgiven himself, and Steve thought that was punishment enough. He thought about you all the time, how despite what he’d done to you, you still risked your neck to save them, to save him. He didn’t flatter himself with the thought, you hadn’t done it because you liked him, no, you had saved him and spared him for Steve. 
He thought about the poker game that day in the mansion, the genuineness of your smile. He knew all that time deep down, when he hated you, tortured you, attempted to kill you, something inside him tried to shake him from his darkness. If you had genuinely wanted them dead, they would have been, long before they ever realized who and what you were. It was too little too late now, he wished he could tell you though, apologize, even if the apology would mean nothing, you deserved to hear it.
As they neared the contact he turned to meet them, his curly brown hair caressing the edges of his mask, “Mr. Rogers? Mr. Barnes?”
The english accent pulled at the string of familiarity in Bucky’s mind, but he needn’t rack his brain, the man removed his mask, a wide smile splitting his lips; Steven Grant?
Both Steve and Bucky had decided not to wear masks, they hadn’t thought they would be recognized so far from home, and didn't expect to see a familiar face.
Steven shook both men’s hands, his gaze falling behind them, smile faltering, “Where is Ms. Carbonell?”
Bucky’s brows furrowed, but he didn’t get the chance to reply, Steven’s body went rigid, eyes glazing over, before blinking furiously, like he was trying to see clearly. The voice that followed was one Bucky had heard plenty of times, it wasn’t directed to him, but to Steve.
“Rogers. Excuse Steven, he doesn’t know…” 
His voice sent a shiver down Bucky’s spine. Jake Lockely was a force to be reckoned with, one Bucky had hoped he wouldn’t hear in a dark alley, but he spoke to Steve in a soft hushed tone, one full of…understanding?
Steve didn’t reply so Jake continued, “I knew he had sent the invitation, but I never thought anyone would attend, since…” A shadow passed over Jake’s eyes, but was gone in the next blink, “Zemo does have a contact here, you should meet with her at the bar, she knows to look for you now. She would be a helpful ally to have,” Jake grimaced, fighting something internally. “She will be the only other person dressed as an Egyptian deity, but be careful, she is as dangerous as she is beautiful.” he grunted again, “Now go before Steven returns, best not to raise questions you can not answer.”
Steve shuddered next to Bucky, he hadn’t noticed the man’s breathing quicken, “Jake?”
The two mens’ gazes locked, but Lockley shook his head solemnly, before turning from them and stalking away, his phone in hand, then back in his pocket before going ridgid again.
Steve hadn’t been prepared to see Steven here and wasn't expecting to speak to Jake. No matter that he knew the man had the identity disorder, but it didn’t get easier each time he watched him switch. He hated the bubble of hope that swelled in his chest when he heard Jake's voice, didn’t like the way his insides soured when he admitted he hadn’t seen or spoken to you either. Hope was a dangerous thing, no amount of torture or pain would ever amount to what hope could do.
“I’ll never get used to that, pal.” 
On the barstool beside him, Bucky shuddered, taking a swig of the beer he had ordered. Steve only shook his head in reply, signaling for the bartender to bring him a drink. 
“What I don’t understand is why Zemo had that invitation and tickets, if they were meant for Ace–”
“Is this seat taken?” 
Both men turn their gazes to the female now on the other side of Bucky, a beautiful redhead with a black lace mask. Bucky shook his head, sparing a glance at Steve. Steve chuckled, “We’ll wait for the contact, maybe she’ll have answers. In the meantime,” he nodded to the redhead, “Have fun, Buck.”
A wide smile curved his friend’s lips before he turned away, chatting with the girl. Their laughter squeezed something in his chest, but a sense of relief washed over him. 
Steve had started on his second drink when a second redheaded female sauntered over to Bucky joining in their conversation, she stole glances at Steve, but he ignored her. His attention ripped from the trio behind him when a female wearing the mask of a jackal split the crowd. Hair like molten gold, her black silk dress hugged every curve, but covered her completely. The black and gold mask hiding all but her eyes, the gold and black contacts keeping her identity hidden. 
Steve wasn’t big on Egyptian culture, but he knew the god Anubis when he saw him, well in this case her. She didn’t speak to him, but turned toward the exit, he rose from his seat to follow. He didn’t speak to Bucky, Zemo wouldn’t send him here to die and if he had, at this point Steve would welcome it.
Bucky had been chatting with the two women for some time, Dot and Gail were a much needed reprieve from the past year. His fun with them was cut short when a powerful woman approached him through the crowd, the gold detailing of her mask standing out against her umber skin. Her rich accent cutting off the giggles of both the women beside him, 
“Mr. Barnes, I am ‘Bast’. I believe we have a mutual friend.” She motioned upstairs towards Jake, now Steven who was chatting with a group of investors and philanthropists. 
Bucky straightened, her words sobering him almost immediately. With a wave of her hand Dot and Gail melted back into the crowd. She lifted her head in Steve’s direction, “Seems he won't be joining us…”
Bucky whirled around to see the seat where Steve once sat, completely empty, the ice in his drink melted, leaving the napkin beneath drenched. Panic gripped him as he scanned the crowd, the woman code named Bast, stepped around him plucking a small piece of paper from Steve’s stool.
Not paper.
The familiar matte black rectangle was a playing card.
He couldn’t stop the laugh that shoved its way from his throat as he took the card from Bast. Relief and… joy bloomed in his chest, a smile splitting his lips as he looked back at her, “No. I guess he won't be.”
The message was for him, one only he would understand, still smiling he followed Bast to their meeting, pocketing the card. 
The matte card didn't have the ace he had expected in its center, but a golden jester, the words James Barnes in gold foil written in two diagonal corners. 
The wild card.
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@dontbescaredtosingalong @texan-tazzy @tianamontag @daiseychaindisaster @silently-killing-you @buckyfan12 @leyannrae @justlovelifeblog @austynparksandpizza @capson-of-coul @betareader7 @vicmc624 @bigphattygyal @calwitch @buckysteveloki-me @curlyladylazarus111 @talesofadragon @trudy-shams
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This is my gift for Eyeshield 21 Winter Gift Exchange of 2023. @shortandbittersweet I hope you like it! And I'm so sorry about the delay 🙏🙏
Also many thanks to @eyeshields for all their work organizing the event ♥️♥️
When Kongou Agon stepped into the Empire City Casino at 01:43 am, he had a clear plan in mind: take a look around, play a few games and win easy money, perhaps find a pretty woman to pass the time with and leave the tab to… Just will away the time until the blond trash and the other idiots called him in desperation, begging him to help with their ridiculous plan. He’d have a bit of fun at their expense, leave them hanging for a bit, and appear in the nick of time. 
Simple, easy to follow plan. The blond trash would try to pull some shit, but nothing that would damage his own plan, so Agon wasn’t too worried. Which is why, after ordering himself a drink and approaching the gambling tables, he did a double take that almost spilled the fucking beer all over the floor. He blinked once, twice, and gritted his teeth. But of course, of course, that trash would be in this casino with no explanation, dealing cards at the poker table like he did that every night from 10 to 6. 
Unlike other times he’d seen Hiruma go ‘undercover’, he seemed to be making an effort this time. He looked as dumb as the rest of the casino workers, with a red vest and a ridiculous visor, his hair slicked back and as tame as he’d ever seen it, pointy ears partially covered by it. 
That wasn’t why it took him a good few seconds to make sure it was him, though. It was the smile. He was smiling like a normal person, as if he were a regular 19-year-old trash with regular trash teeth and regular trash personality. 
It was disgusting. 
…And somehow more unsettling than the usual demonic grin. 
“What the fuck, trash!?” he asked, reasonably, and sneered at the nearby randos clutching their pearls.
“Welcome, sir! Would you like to join the game?”
Oh, fuck no. He was acting. The affected perkiness and wide-eyed, eager face… he was mimicking that tiny roller-skating menace.
“Aaah!? Fat chance, trash. I want you to tell me what-”
But Hiruma had already given him two cards face down and was gesturing to the vacant chair with that uncanny smile.
He could just turn around and leave, ignore the annoying trash and whatever mad scheme he was cooking up in that big brain of his. They had some twelve hours until their flight back to Japan, he could find something else to do with his time until then. He could…
Agon sat down with a scowl, picking the two cards up but not taking his eyes off of Hiruma. “What are you doing here? You told me those assholes would be at the casino by the airport.”
Hiruma laid a hand on the table and leaned in, tilting his head to the side to hide the sudden impish quirk of his smile from the rest of the casino. “Which is why you ran away to a different casino on the other side of the city?” he asked, voice back to his usual raspiness and eyebrows arched in mockery.
Manipulative piece of shit.
“You’re becoming predictable, Agon-kun, never a good look.” He leaned back and yet again fixed the same cheerful mask from before on his face. Agon resisted the urge to grab his cheeks and headbutt him.
“So the rest of the trash is here as well?”
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean, sir,” he replied sunnily, before turning to the idiots who had remained. “Ready to continue the game, everyone?”
There was no way Hiruma didn’t know their teammates’ exact location, either in this very casino or in some other part of New York. But he didn’t really care one way or another; he could always call Ikkyuu if he really wanted to know.
“So those assholes you're looking for—the pencil pushers who are trying to reject the creation of a world championship—, they are in this casino. And your plan is, what, to cheat them of their money? To smile at them creepily until they agree?”
Agon had experience with Hiruma’s schemes. They sounded crazy, but were annoyingly clever. They usually involved blackmail—but that required Hiruma himself to stay hidden and in control of at least three electronic devices—, intimidation and/or physical violence. Dealing with people in influential positions such as these involved more elaborate methods than beating them into a pulp—which was a pity, because he could really use some light exercise, and he hardly had the patience for a more elaborate charade.
The trash, instead of answering, pointed at the cards in Agon’s hand with his freakishly long fingers. “Would you like to place a bet, sir?”
He pushed his sunglasses up into his head and stole a quick look at his cards: the king of diamonds and the ten of clubs. Could be worse. Could be better. He took a few chips out of his pocket to pay the buy-in and the bet to continue the game, adding them to the pile.
There were three cards already on the table: the king of spades, the five of clubs and the eight of diamonds. Hiruma shuffled the deck like a magician with a caffeine overdose and put one more card down with a flourish: the queen of hearts. 
Agon didn’t really like these types of games; he preferred to rely on his own skill rather than on chance and statistics. But his luck was decent and the ladies at casinos were usually loaded and willing to spend it on him, so he’d been to a few.
A glance at the blond trash—at the tilt of his chin and the glint in his green eyes whenever he wasn’t playing the golden retriever for the other players—told him he was being challenged. Win the game and get these idiots to leave, huh? It was a blatant manipulation attempt, Hiruma Youichi’s speciality: annoy someone into abandoning common sense and catch them in his web. While fully aware of it, Agon couldn’t not try and prove the bastard wrong—sometimes, he wondered why he even bothered. And the chance to earn good money was appealing, too.
He remembered the basics of the game: Hold’em Texas, Hiruma had called it, a variant of poker. As the rest of the table made their bids, he drank his beer and eyed them with disdain. They were all gray guys in suits that would make Unko-chan seem charismatic and fun by comparison. They would be easy to intimidate, or at least repel. He would have preferred to have a pretty girl to please his eye—instead he had to look at that blond trash and his stupid face—, but at least he would get these idiots’ money.
And get it he did. 
He may have had some trouble remembering whether a Straight or a Flush had higher value, but all it took was his third best glare, a few insults, some good hands and Hiruma ‘unwittingly’ annoying and confusing the shit out of them. After half an hour, Agon’s beer glass was as empty as the surrounding seats, and he had ten times the number of chips he had started the game with.
The skinny trash looked delighted; his sunny smile had grown fangs and he could almost see a pointy tail wagging behind him. “Kekeke, well done, sir!”
“Aaah? Cut the crap, trash, tell me your plan.”
Hiruma leaned forward, looking like he was about to divulge some juicy secret, but Agon knew from experience that it was going to be bullshit. However, without saying anything, Hiruma’s eyes left his to rest somewhere over his shoulder.
Agon scowled.
“Deal me in, brat.”
That snobby, nasal voice… No fucking way. 
Agon whipped his head around so fast his glasses would have gone flying if they weren’t high quality, expensive as hell Oakley Juliets.
Sliding into a vacant seat, wearing a white fur coat and the expression of someone who’d smelled shit—and who knew, with that fucking snout of his he might have been able to smell a corpse next city over—, was Clifford fucking D Lewis.  
“Of course, sir!” 
The American quarterback took his cards, but didn’t even glance at them, eyes fixed on Hiruma the same way Anezaki pretended not to stare at cream puffs.
“I’m beginning to wonder about your hobbies. Are you an aspiring actor? Part of an amateur theater group, perhaps? This is at least the third time you’ve played dress up in my presence.”
Hiruma’s smile sharpened like a sushi chef’s knife, and he tilted his head. “Clifford-sama recognised me? I’m honored.”
Clifford snorted, the sound loud even with the racket of the casino surrounding them—probably because it had more room to reverberate due to his enormous nose. He muttered something under his breath, but Agon’s English wasn’t good enough to catch it. One of Hiruma’s freakish ears twitched, however, and for a second he looked like his usual devilish self, ridiculous costume and all.
Neither of them had spared him a glance yet.
“What the hell are you doing here?” 
The pompous bastard barely turned his head to glance at him. “Agon Kongou,” he said, in a tone of voice that reminded him of ‘I don’t even need to pay attention to guys like you’. “Strange choice for a poker game. Was your cowboy friend unavailable?”
Clifford D Lewis had a very punchable face. And he may be faster than him still, but Agon’s reaction time was better; in such close quarters…
A kick to the shin stopped him from lunging forward. He glowered at Hiruma, who had that disgustingly cheerful smile on yet again. “A game against the dealer, gentlemen?”
He took the two cards with a snarl. Hiruma better start explaining soon, otherwise he’d leave, and then he’d really have to call for that cowboy trash to come help him.
Clifford huffed and readjusted the collar of his tiger print shirt—and seriously, why the hell did it have to be that particular pattern? Agon was wearing it better, but it still pissed him off. 
They paid the starting amount. Agon had two queens, but it would take a lot of luck to win against these two poker addicts. The three open cards weren’t very encouraging, but he’d be damned if he folded in the first round. He’d be able to think better if Clifford quitted his yapping. Agon knew enough English to know that the D in his name had to stand for Dick.
“It’s clear why you’re here. You’re after Jacob Robert Clarkson, general secretary of the American Football Federation, and Daniel Mullin, director of development of the International Football Committee. They have been speaking against the consolidation of an international university league and hindering the entire process; without their approval, the project won’t take off.”
Hiruma put another card down. The American quarterback made the bet, and they matched it. 
“It’s interesting that you’re posing as a poker dealer, then, since neither of them plays poker.”
Wait, what?
“Clarkson is a roulette man and Mullin only plays slot machines. An information broker of your level must have known that before starting this whole ridiculous charade.”
Hiruma put the last card down. Clifford shoved half of his sizable mountain of chips towards the center of the table and leaned closer. “If you wanted to attract my attention, there are other ways, brat.”
Okay, no. “What the fuck, trash!?” He pushed the same amount of chips forward; he didn’t care about winning anymore, but he wouldn’t back down on principle. 
“You needn’t have bothered, of course; Don would never allow them to completely reject the project or even dawdle too much,” Clifford said, that annoying superior smirk in place. “It’s clear to us, after that first international two years ago, that other countries need to be reminded of America’s superiority.”
Hiruma’s toothy grin widened, looking as unhinged as a shoji door. “Is that so? How generous of America-sama.”
He uncovered his cards. They were an ace and a two, which meant he only had Two Pairs; the little shit had been bluffing.
Clifford had two tens. With the cards on the table, he had a Full House. He opened his mouth, eyes fixed on Hiruma, but Agon slammed his cards down on the table before he could say anything.
He had two queens, plus the two queens on the table; he had the highest hand. Hiruma cackled without restraint and Clifford scowled. 
“Another game?”
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flaremberts · 1 year
Fruitful and Fun...
For the first time since traveling to Vegas in 2001, Dan was able to make this claim: a fruitful trip!
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We arrived on Thursday night late and brought our friends, Krista and Butch for the first time, as well. After a long check in process at New York New York, which is a new location for us and so nice they named it twice, we needed food and hit the casino. Not sure if we should have stayed in the room or not, but either way we returned quickly after luck was still in travel mode.
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The next day we went to the buffet next-door at the Excalibur and returned to relax by the pool with our big drinks in hand and more importantly in our bloodstreams. By evening time, it was a perfect opportunity to take a trip downtown with our buzz still intact. We tried a new place for dinner there called ZAI and saw everything we needed so we returned to the NY-NY Casino.
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On day three we continued the "new theme" with our first official tour of the Boulder Dam. The best part of the Dam Tour was how everyone snickered each and every time they got away with cursing like little kids when they said "Dam" to describe everything. It was an amazing engineering experience. Speaking of amazing, we even saw a guy that we recognized from his days working at Kennedy Space Center before he retired in 2016.
After a quick nap, we had dinner at Battista's Hole in the Wall restaurant. We were happy to survive the cab trip there in which we avoided at least five near death experiences and even happier for the great meal. We then caught the famous Bellagio fountain show and a few other events that were our favorites from years gone past. This was the first evening that was on repeat.
Sunday was fun day...a day to sleep in and go to a new-to-us Cirque du Soleil show, Ka. In between that time, we lounged by the pool. Krista and Butch did their own sightseeing at Mandalay Bay at the Shark Reef. We caught that a few years ago and agreed to stay put.
Monday was tour day...like last year, it was a trip from one end to the other end of the strip and back. Looking at all the people and places is a favorite of ours!
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We got up early and traveled back home all day on the 4th of July, so no fireworks in Vegas other than the ones we created along the way. To wrap it up, this trip was why we visit Vegas so much...win or lose, we always have fun! As this year's travel season comes to a close it was very nice to end with a fruitful trip to Vegas. Winning seems to add to it...see you next year!
(Made with InstaDan)
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placeholdfm · 7 months
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♙      ⸻      ·   。…      [      mackenyu  arata  +  twenty  nine  +  cis-male  +  he/him      ]      the  city  of  new  york  welcomes  francis  fuyuki  to  the  social  season  of  1887.  known  to  be  loyal  and  athletic,  their  rumored  rough  and ruthless  tendencies  might  prove  to  be  their  unmaking.  the  street  musicians  often  string  along  a  tune  that  sounds  like  dead  man  by  david  kushner  whenever  they  are  near,  hoping  for  a  coin  or  two  as  a  reward.  unbeknown  to  their  peers,  francis  views  the  social  season  as  the  time  to  show  those  he  serve  loyalty but  when  holding  a  secret  such  as  fallen  in  love  with  someone  above  him  in  society it  would  be  best  to  keep  their  opinions  to  themselves.      ⸻     
full name: hayato francis fuyuki nickname: goes just by his name. position: right hand man to the dormer family.
age: twenty-nine. eye color: dark brown. distinguishing features: has several earrings in one ear, none in the other. hair color: black, but tends to color it in bizarre colours. sexual orientation: bisexual. jewelry or accessories: the three golden earrings he wares are the only remnants he has from his mother.
good personality traits: loyal & athletic bad personality traits: rough & ruthless character inspiration: jace wayland, hunt athalar the greatest joy in life: watching form afar, knowing everyone else is happy greatest fear: being useless to the dormers.
born in Japan to a mother and father on the run, Hayato (who would later create a Western name for himself) didn't see the world in colors. all he saw, in the beginning, was red, representing the tremendous leap of escape his parents made to America. being one of the first travelers from Japan to America made the world very unknown to Hayato's parents and through all of this, they somehow ended up in New York after years of trying to find their place in this new and strange country. What they never expected was for their family to fall under the household of Dormer and no matter the circumstances of the Dormer's business, they ended up staying.
Soon enough with age, Hayato wanted to be more like the others, changing his name to Francis to fit in, to be part of the children playing together, even when he never truly fit with the dormer children. However, on one eventful night in the small apartment his parents rented for Francis's small family, a fire struck. both of his parents were locked inside their apartment unable to get out. This would later on come forth as an ignited fire caused by humans. Francis would learn from Mister Dormer that his father had been under a lot of pressure and ended up in a crossfire.
Francis never really forgot about the fire and at the age of thirteen he was suddenly alone in the world but no one but the dormer's around him. this is where he began to blossom, with the intent of revenge against the shadows and a loyal personality to the household which he and his parents had stayed with for such a long time.
As Francis got older, he began to work under the dormers full-time, doing all their dirty work without a single complaint and blind loyalty stepping forth. In the end, Francis found himself content with this life, with this little piece of the world where he fit in and had found something he was good at. Working at the casino doing Mister Dormer dirty work in the dark and during the day spending time with those he cared for. He soon forgot about his revenge and decided to begin living.
New York has been his home since he was young and with dangers lurking around Francis is very obedient and follows his duties and orders. He's respectful and kind towards the dormers and would step in front of a bullet for them all, but especially Mister Dormer after being taken care of for all this time.
the forbidden love: this is someone above Francis. they are of high standards and they make him feel emotions he never has before. (it can be reciprocated or one-sided, depending on what one might wish) the best friend: they don't know what kind of horrors Francis might do for the dormers, but they know everything else about him. They are the closest thing he has to family.
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nepofm · 2 years
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⌗   𝐍𝐄𝐏𝐎𝐅𝐌      ╱      an  appless  rich  kids  roleplay  with  optional  subplots  set  in  new  york  city  .  focusing  on  the  nepo  babies  and  those  associated  ,  this  group  aims  to  foster  character  and  connection  development  through  a  series  of  tasks  ,  events  and  the  addition  of  @𝗡𝗘𝗣𝗢𝗨𝗣𝗗𝗔𝗧𝗘𝗦  ,  a  fictional  interactive  gossip  girl  like  blog  that  reports  on  any  news  and  drama
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admin status:  online  /  offline  /  idle queue is:  on  /  off mun count :  12 / 30 current event :  CASINO  NIGHT  (  05/17/2024 – 06/02/24  ) recent interest check :  05/18/2024  ––  INTEREST  CHECK recent updates :  04/19/2024  ––  RE:  ACTIVITY  CHECKS  ;  04/01/24  ––  RE:  PLOTTING  &  FOLLOWING  THROUGH  ;  03/11/24  ––  RE:  INCLUSION  &  FC  DIVERSITY ;  01/11/24  ––  GUIDELINES  UPDATE 
[    CURRENT  RESERVES  . . .    ]    n/a
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ausetkmt · 2 years
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Claressa Shields poses for promoter Dmitry Salita at the Downtown Boxing Gym, Wednesday, July 27, 2022 in Detroit. Promoters Carlos Llinas and Salita are pushing the sport in the Detroit area with a periodic series of bouts in smaller venues in hopes of bringing it back to the masses. Llinas and Salita each are aiming to promote several boxing cards this year. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)
DETROIT (AP) — Inside the MotorCity Casino one recent night, there were roars from the crowd as boxer after boxer was knocked out. A few laughs, too, when a fighter’s vomit stopped one bout and another was delayed because a competitor failed to put on a protective cup.
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Watching from a front-row seat was Thomas Hearns, the revered fighter known as “The Hitman.” Now 64, he was hailed by the approximately 2,000 fans when hightlights were shown of his career that included titles in five weight classes.
“I like what I’m seeing,” Hearns told The Associated Press between fights on an 11-bout card. “Fighters are getting more action.”
The bad news for the event, and for Detroit’s once-fabled boxing scene in general, was that Hearns was easily the biggest name on hand. The best active boxer from Detroit is fighting this weekend on the other side of the world because his hometown does not host big-time bouts these days.
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Former champion Tony Harrison (29-3-1, 21 KOs) is fighting Australian Tim Tszyu (21-0, 15-0 KOs) on Sunday in Sydney for the vacant WBO 154-pound title. Showtime will air the fight in the U.S. on Saturday night.
The 32-year-old Harrison, who was managed early in his career by famed trainer Emanuel Steward, had his fourth fight at the MotorCity Casino. His last fight in Detroit, though, was nearly a decade ago in the Cobo Center Ballroom.
Little Caesars Arena, home of the Red Wings and Pistons, has not had a boxing event and doesn’t have one on the calendar any time soon.
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Claressa Shields warms up at the Downtown Boxing Gym, Wednesday, July 27, 2022 in Detroit. Promoters Carlos Llinas and Salita are pushing the sport in the Detroit area with a periodic series of bouts in smaller venues in hopes of bringing it back to the masses. Llinas and Salita each are aiming to promote several boxing cards this year. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)
“There’s no support for fighters no more,” Harris told AP from Australia, wearing a Detroit Tigers baseball cap. “It should be the highest support for fighting because people from Detroit, they know how to do one thing and that’s fight. Inside the ring. Outside the ring. Fighting paycheck to paycheck, rent to rent.”
While Harrison has trained in Detroit at his own gym, he has been forced to go from coast to coast and other countries to compete. The fighter known as Superbad, a nickanme Steward gave him, handed Jermell Charlo his only loss and took his 154-pound title in New York in 2018, then lost the championship in Canada a year later in an 11-round rematch.
Once-great Detroit boxing scene is fighting to make a comeback to relevance
Once a boxing capital, Detroit is trying to get up off the mat. And fighting to make a comeback in the ring
“It’s so sad that Tony doesn’t have opportunities here because he’s an accomplished fighter,” said Jackie Kallen, who was Hearns’ publicist and managed former champion and Michigan native James Toney. “Hopefully, he will win this weekend to help put him on the map with more people.”
Joe Louis, a famed boxer who moved to the Motor City as a child, Sugar Ray Robinson and Hearns represented the city as world champions and are regarded as all-time greats. Fighters from around the world, including former heavyweight champions Joe Frazier and Wladimir Klitschko, were schooled by Detroit-based trainers Eddie Futch and Steward.
When Louis started his career in the late 1930s and boxed for more than a decade, Detroit had more than 1.5 million residents and was the fourth or fifth-largest city in the United States, a foundational cradle of the nation’s automaking industry. The fights at Olympia Stadium and Cobo Arena, where the Red Wings and Pistons once played, were legendary for decades.
By the time Hearns was done throwing his feared right hand in 2006, the city had taken so many blows of its own over the decades that its population was knocked out of the country’s top 20 towns.
These days, the city and the sport are fighting to get up off the mat. But boxing is still here, if at a smaller scale.
In addition to the low-level professional fights, the sport will draw more than 1,000 competitors on March 25 for a weeklong USA Boxing qualifer in a convention center just down the street from “The Fist,” the 24-foot bronze sculpture that honors Louis in downtown Detroit.
Boxing is also used as a vehicle to enrich the lives of children with after-school programs.
“It’s not the sport of boxing that keeps the kid off the street,” said Khali Sweeney, founder and CEO of the Downtown Boxing Gym. “It’s the connection that you make with the kid. Boxing is just the icebreaker.”
Harrison’s gym, Superbad Fitness, also fights for children in Detroit to give them an athletic, academic and social outlet to stay off the streets.
“For me, winning in life is helping other kids be successful in life,” Harrison said.
A pair of promoters, Carlos Llinas and Dmitriy Salita, are pushing the sport in the Detroit area with a periodic series of bouts in smaller venues in hopes of bringing it back to the masses.
“That’s definitely the ultimate goal, to be at Little Caesars and be able to fill that arena the way we fill this consistently,” Llinas said backstage at the MotorCity Casino. “That just goes to show that people are hungry for boxing. What it is going to take is that next superstar that will develop from this, I like to call it a farm league.”
Llinas and Salita each are aiming to promote several boxing cards this year.
“I really believe that Detroit could and should be one of the hubs of professional boxing in the United States,” said Salita, who also manages women’s world middleweight champion Claressa Shields of Flint, Michigan. “The state of Michigan and the city of Detroit has produced some of the greatest fighters in our sport. Greatest fighters, greatest trainers. There’s such a rich boxing culture here.”
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newstfionline · 2 months
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
An Assassination Attempt That Seems Likely to Tear America Further Apart (NYT) When President Ronald Reagan was shot by an attention-seeking drifter in 1981, the country united behind its injured leader. The teary-eyed Democratic speaker of the House, Thomas P. O’Neill Jr., went to the hospital room of the Republican president, held his hands, kissed his head and got on his knees to pray for him. But the assassination attempt against former President Donald J. Trump seems more likely to tear America further apart than to bring it together. Within minutes of the shooting, the air was filled with anger, bitterness, suspicion and recrimination. Fingers were pointed, conspiracy theories advanced and a country already bristling with animosity fractured even more. The fact that the shooting in Butler, Pa., on Saturday night was two days before Republicans were set to gather in Milwaukee for their nominating convention invariably put the event in a partisan context. While Democrats bemoaned political violence, which they have long faulted Mr. Trump for encouraging, Republicans instantly blamed President Biden and his allies for the attack, which they argued stemmed from incendiary language labeling the former president a proto-fascist who would destroy democracy.
A Father’s Last Act: Shielding His Family From Gunshots (AP) The former fire chief who was killed at a Pennsylvania rally for Donald Trump spent his final moments diving down in front of his family, protecting them from the gunfire that rang out Saturday during an assassination attempt against the former president. Corey Comperatore’s quick decision to use his body as a shield against the bullets flying toward his wife and daughter rang true to the close friends and neighbors who loved and respected him, noting that the he was a “man of conviction.” “He’s a literal hero. He shoved his family out of the way, and he got killed for them,” said Mike Morehouse, who lived next to Comperatore for the last eight years. “He’s a hero that I was happy to have as a neighbor.”
Donald Trump’s pick for vice president is JD Vance (AP) Former President Donald Trump on Monday chose U.S. Sen. JD Vance of Ohio to be his running mate as he looks to return to the White House. Vance, a 39-year-old Republican now in his first term in the Senate, was born and raised in Middletown, Ohio. He joined the Marines and served in Iraq, and later earned degrees from Ohio State University and Yale Law School. He also worked as a venture capitalist in Silicon Valley. Vance made a name for himself with his memoir, the 2016 bestseller “Hillbilly Elegy,” which was published as Trump was first running for president. The book earned Vance a reputation as someone who could help explain the maverick New York businessman’s appeal in middle America, especially among the working class, rural white voters who helped Trump win the presidency.
Burns From Scorching-Hot Sidewalks and Roads Are Rising, and Can Be Fatal (NYT) Stephen Cantwell remembers betting on horse races at a Las Vegas casino, drinking tequila in celebration of his wins and walking to a nearby restaurant. On his way there, Mr. Cantwell, 59, passed out on the sidewalk. The high temperature on that day, June 21, was 109 degrees, but the ground beneath him was most likely dozens of degrees hotter. By the time he had regained consciousness in a hospital, the pavement had seared his skin, even through his clothing, he said. It gave him second- and third-degree burns to about 10 percent of his body. “It was very painful, absolutely,” he said, though he is recovering well after two weeks of treatment at the University Medical Center in Las Vegas. As climate change pushes summer temperatures ever higher and for longer stretches, and with more Americans moving into rapidly expanding cities in the Southwest, more people are suffering serious burns from contact with hot outdoor surfaces. For some, the burns are so extensive that they prove fatal, according to burn experts.
In Galveston, locals buckle down without power after Beryl’s blow during peak tourist season (AP) Vacuums sucked the water out of the seaside inn run by Nick Gaido’s family in Galveston since 1911 as power was still spotty nearly one week after a resurgent Hurricane Beryl swept into Texas. Blue tarp covered much of the torn off roof. The July 4th weekend was supposed to kickstart a lucrative tourism season for this popular getaway’s hospitality industry. But just dozens dotted the typically crowded beaches one week later. Galveston—about 50 miles (80 kilometers) southeast of Houston—has certainly weathered its share of natural disasters. Hurricane Ike’s 2008 wrath flooded its historic downtown with storm surge as high as 20 feet and caused more than $29 billion in damage. Yet even greater Houston’s storm-seasoned neighbors got taken off guard by Beryl’s sudden arrival. Crashing unusually early in the calendar, the Category 1 hurricane brought the island’s tourism-based economy to a halt during a time when local restaurants rely on an influx of beachgoers to lift revenues. Despite the widespread power outage, businesses and residents are buckling down.
The Olympic torch arrived in a made-over Paris (NYT) With less than two weeks before the Games begin, the Olympic torch arrived on the Champs-Élysées in a custom-made Louis Vuitton suitcase. The French soccer legend Thierry Henry then carried it away for a celebratory tour of Paris. Surrounding the festivities was a city that had already transformed, with most bridges closed to traffic and bleachers set up on several of them. Paris is also opening 80 pop-up restaurants and countless dining experiences for the Games, including a high-end eatery in the Eiffel Tower and a 15,000-euro meal on a boat that will cruise the Seine during the opening ceremony.
German navy modernization (Ars Technica) The German Navy will modernize their Brandenburg-class F123 frigates and remove their reliance on 8-inch floppy disks in the process. The ships need floppy disks for their data-acquisition systems, which control frigates and play a role in power generation. The four F123 frigates were commissioned from 1994 to 1996 and aid in anti-submarine warfare. Saab won the contract to integrate new naval radars, fire-control directors and combat-management systems, a $436 million contract that will install a sensible Swedish storage solution to the system.
From basement to battlefield: Ukrainian startups create low-cost robots to fight Russia (AP) Struggling with manpower shortages, overwhelming odds and uneven international assistance, Ukraine hopes to find a strategic edge against Russia in an abandoned warehouse or a factory basement. An ecosystem of laboratories in hundreds of secret workshops is leveraging innovation to create a robot army that Ukraine hopes will kill Russian troops and save its own wounded soldiers and civilians. Defense startups across Ukraine—about 250 according to industry estimates—are creating the killing machines at secret locations that typically look like rural car repair shops. Employees at a startup run by entrepreneur Andrii Denysenko can put together an unmanned ground vehicle called the Odyssey in four days at a shed used by the company. Its most important feature is the price tag: $35,000, or roughly 10% of the cost of an imported model.
Cocked rifles and infrared cameras along Cyprus buffer zone (AP) The clang of unseen assault rifles being cocked carries across the United Nations-controlled buffer zone in ethnically cleaved Cyprus, ratcheting up concerns that the embers of the island’s stagnant conflict could again be rekindled. The rifles are just the tip of a string of recent escalations by Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots, rivals separated along the 180-kilometer (120-mile) buffer zone that snakes through the capital’s medieval center. The United Nations peacekeeping force in Cyprus, known as UNFICYP, has seen the deployment of large-caliber weapons at guard posts, such as machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades, construction of hundreds of new fighting positions as well as the installation of dozens of high-tech cameras with infrared capability that could potentially assist with artillery and missile targeting systems, the force’s outgoing Military Chief of Staff Col. Ben Ramsay said. Such actions are considered infringing on the buffer zone, and they’ve been happening more frequently. “No one’s listening,” Col. Ramsay told the Associated Press during a tour through the inaccessible buffer zone’s abandoned homes and businesses left to the ravages of time. “A miscalculation is a matter of time.”
China’s off-the-books debt (WSJ) For years, scores of Chinese cities have together amassed trillions of dollars in off-the-books debt for economic development projects. The opaque financing was the yeast that helped China rise to the envy of the world. Today, overgrown construction sites, sparsely used highways and abandoned tourist attractions make much of that debt-fueled growth look illusory and suggests China’s future is far from assured. At the heart of the mess are the complex state-owned funding vehicles that borrowed money on behalf of local governments, in many cases pursuing development projects that generated few economic returns. The deterioration of China’s real-estate market in the past three years meant local governments could no longer rely on land sales to real-estate developers, a significant source of revenue. Economists estimate the size of such off-the-books debt is somewhere between $7 trillion and $11 trillion, about twice the size of China’s central government debt. The total amount isn’t known—likely not even to Beijing, say bankers and economists—because of the opaqueness surrounding the financial arrangements that allowed the debt to balloon.
Rounding the Cape (Bloomberg) Ships are avoiding the Red Sea these days and making a go of it around the southern tip of Africa on trips from East Asia to Europe. They’re also learning why the Suez Canal was such a big deal in the first place, as the region has notoriously tempestuous weather. The CMA CGM Benjamin Franklin lost 44 containers in strong weather conditions off the coast of South Africa, and the Panama-flagged MV Ultra Galaxy ran aground northwest of Cape Town earlier this week in bad weather.
Devout athletes find strength in their faith (AP) It’s been 100 years since a Scottish runner famously refused to race on a Sunday at the Paris Olympics because of his Christian beliefs. The 1924 saga of Eric Liddell was immortalized in the Oscar-winning movie Chariots of Fire. American Olympic champion Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone, who broke her own world record at Olympic trials Sunday in the 400-meter hurdles, describes how Liddell’s words about running to glorify God resonated with her in her new book, “Far Beyond Gold.” Embracing her Christian faith has transformed her life and career, she said, by helping her move beyond doubt and fear. “For a long time, my identity was in track and field,” she told The Associated Press days before the U.S. Olympic track and field trials. “But I realized that first and foremost, I’m a child of God. It set me free to run the race God has set out for me to run.” When her mind is rooted in God, that’s when she is able to handle the pressures and high expectations of being an Olympic athlete. “That means being in the word, being in prayer, keeping that in the forefront and allowing that to be what centers my mind and not the outside voices of the world,” McLaughlin-Levrone said.
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booknridecarservice · 5 months
Driving Excellence: The Superiority of Connecticut's Limo Service
Connecticut's diverse transportation needs cater to a wide range of occasions, from corporate events to leisure outings. Among the various transportation services available, limousine services stand out for their luxury, comfort, and convenience. In this blog, we'll explore the different facets of Connecticut limo service, including airport transportation, corporate travel, special events, and more.
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Airport Transportation:
Connecticut limo services offer reliable airport transportation to and from major airports like JFK, LaGuardia, Newark, Boston Logan, and more. Whether you're a frequent business traveler or planning a vacation, a limousine service ensures prompt and comfortable airport transfers.
Boston to New York Car Service:
Traveling between Boston and New York is seamless with a Connecticut limo service. Enjoy a smooth and relaxing journey with professional chauffeurs who navigate the bustling city traffic, making your trip stress-free and enjoyable.
Casino Transportation:
For those seeking a night of entertainment at Connecticut's renowned casinos, limousine services provide safe and luxurious transportation. Whether it's Mohegan Sun, Foxwoods, or other gaming destinations, arrive in style and indulge in the thrill of casino gaming.
Corporate Transportation:
Connecticut limo services are a preferred choice for corporate transportation needs. Impress clients, executives, or business partners with sophisticated transportation solutions for meetings, conferences, airport transfers, and corporate events.
Cruise Ships Terminal:
Embarking on a cruise adventure is made effortless with limousine services to cruise ship terminals. Avoid the hassle of parking and luggage handling as you enjoy a comfortable ride to the port of departure.
Funeral Transportation:
During sensitive times, limousine services offer dignified and respectful transportation for funeral services. Professional chauffeurs ensure a serene and compassionate journey for family and friends.
Group Transportation:
Whether it's a wedding party, group outing, or corporate retreat, limousine services accommodate group transportation needs. Spacious and luxurious vehicles ensure everyone travels together in comfort and style.
Hotel Transportation:
Connecticut limo services provide convenient hotel transportation for guests arriving at airports or train stations. Start your stay with a seamless transfer to your accommodation, whether it's a luxury hotel or a boutique inn.
Leisure Transportation:
From wine tours to sightseeing excursions, limousine services elevate leisure transportation experiences. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the scenic beauty of Connecticut's landscapes and attractions.
Medical Transportation:
For patients requiring specialized transportation, limousine services offer medical transportation solutions. Trained chauffeurs provide compassionate and reliable transportation for medical appointments, treatments, and hospital transfers.
Private School Transportation:
Families seeking safe and reliable transportation for students can opt for limousine services for private school transportation. Ensure punctual arrivals and departures while prioritizing student safety and comfort.
Book-n-Ride encompass a wide spectrum of transportation needs, ranging from airport transfers to special events and beyond. With a focus on luxury, professionalism, and convenience, limousine services provide tailored transportation solutions for diverse occasions, ensuring memorable and enjoyable journeys for passengers.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 years
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"....singer Grace Cameron, who in September, 1919 sued for an annulment of her marriage [probably why it ran in the Bain News Service.]
She was in a number of shows between 1900 and 1908. 
A biographical sketch taken from the LOC page: "Grace Cameron was born on August 1, 1879 (with the name Grace Kerr) in Storm Lake, Iowa. The comic singer joined the famous touring group called The Bostonians and was in Robin Hood, playing the role of Maid Marian.
She recorded five titles issued on two-minute Edison Standard cylinders and four issued on four-minute wax Amberols. "Adam and Eve" (Amberol 136) and "Whose Baby Girl Are You?" (Standard 10265) had been introduced by Cameron in the 1908 show The Pied Piper.
She was probably a mezzo-soprano though Edison literature identified her only as "comedienne."
Her single Columbia disc featured "Since Dolly Dimples Made A Hit" backed by "I'll Bet I'd Be A Riot Down On Broadway" (A1205), recorded on July 11, 1912. "Since Dolly Dimples Made A Hit," with lyrics by William Jerome and music by Jean Schwartz, is from the 1904 musical Piff! Paff! Pouf!, which was produced by F.C. Whitney for the Casino Theater in New York and starred Eddie Foy, with Cameron cast as one of his daughters. In telling of Dolly, the song alludes to many topical events and stage personalities--Lillian Russell, David Belasco, Charlie Frohman, Leslie Carter, Duse. Dolly is a mere chorus-girl in a musical comedy, but because its author gave Dolly a few lines to speak, she behaves as though she is the show's star:
Dolly Dimples in the chorus She had served her time. She joined it when Kirlafy Brothers They were in their prime. She carried a spear For many a year. Contented in the back row With her eighteen per a week Until the night the author Handed her a line to speak And little Dolly Dimples made a hit. Since Dolly Dimples made a hit There's been an awful change. Her mother really wouldn't know her now. She gives the other girls the icy bow...
In the June 1970 issue of Hobbies, Jim Walsh reports that she was the first theatrical performer to pay, in 1905, for advertising in Variety. The date of her death is unknown. Walsh states in the August 1973 issue of Hobbies that Cameron was said to be living in Long Beach, California, in retirement in the early 1960s."
Library of Congress. LC-B2- 5013-11. hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/ggbain.29342
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aurahq · 7 months
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now introducing: our virtual reality roaring 20s event!
get ready to travel back 100 years to the 1920s — an era known for jazz music, sipping on illegal alcoholic beverages, and art revivals. the virtual worlds that will be available are inspired by new york city, coney island, and long island, and there are plenty of things to do and look forward to!
please check below the cut for some of the highlights!
new york city: known as the “the big apple”, new york city was a bustling hub during the roaring 20s. this world features jazz clubs where you can take in live music and dancing, speakeasies where you can (secretly) enjoy some alcoholic beverages, or you can opt to go for a boat ride on the lakes of central park.
coney island: if you’re into amusement park attractions, this boardwalk is the perfect place for you. you can visit a fortune teller or magic show, go to the beach for volleyball and sandcastle building, ride the ferris wheel, rollercoasters, and carousel at one of the theme parks. or play some midway games, such as ring toss, shooting galleries, and balloon darts. don’t forget to take in the fireworks to finish off your evening!
long island: activities on the peaceful and serene side can be found here, such as exploring the vineyards and doing a bit of wine tasting, hiking through the scenic trails near the hamptons, or having a picnic near one of the lighthouses. we don’t want to forget to mention that you’ve also been invited to a party at the elusive gatsby mansion, and you will not want to miss it!
gatsby soiree: put on your 1920s best and show up for one of the most exclusive parties of the decade! there will be casino games, cocktails and small bites, and live jazz music playing all night so that you can dance to your heart’s content. this party will take place in the long island landscape in auraVR, and it would be lovely if you would bring a date!
a gatsby murder mystery: towards the end of the soiree, one of the guests have been slain, and it's up to you to figure out how it was done! assume the position of a detective as you work in groups to solve how one of the guests were murdered, who did the crime, and why they did the crime.
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cotieguzman · 9 months
From Vegas to Washington Capital
It is weird how sitting down to talk about this story suddenly felt really hard despite there only being happy and positive memories attached to this experience.
His name is Marc.
I met Marc when I did a random trip to Vegas with an old friend of mine, Dave. We stayed at The Flamingo because we were able to score hotel and flight deals through WestJet. It was honestly a blast because The Flamingo has the best out door pool in all of Vegas (IMO)(minus children - bleh).
One of the nights I got right drunk sitting at a flash bar - or wait... maybe we were at the Piranha (a gay bar). Either way, the drunk part still holds. As one does, once the night comes to a finish, drunk, and in a new city, you end up clamoring onto Grindr or Scruff in hopes that your lowered standards don't wind up as a shame story.
This story is far from that. In fact, I can say with full confidence that I am still in love with him all these years later.
I suppose that's what happens when you get to live a fantasy out loud twice with someone you're attracted to with liminal behavior at maximum.
Marc was staying at Caesars palace which was located across the street. Now, for anyone who has not been to Las Vegas, crossing the main strip into another hotel is not a quick walk over. You have to leave your hotel, navigate leaving the casino attached at the bottom, cross the actual strip itself, enter into another casino and navigate a completely new hotel to find one room amongst thousands. Then the bow-chicka-bow-wow can start.
First, let me describe Marc. He's kind of a hipster who dresses nicer and with a stronger sense of self. He is a ginger-blonde with a full chest of hair. He is kind of thinning but it looks good on him. He is kind of scruffy and has the best face. About 5'8'' (from my memory) and has one of those sexy dad bods you just want to rub yourself all over and cuddle into.
SIDE BAR: I just spent the better part of an hour looking for the ONE photo of Marc and I. I always fucking misplace it and I was going to add it to this post so I could have it somewhere I knew I could find. I hope to find it again one day.
When I get to the hotel that he is staying at turns out he is also drunk. We both have somewhat unfulfilling sex as our aim was to get off but we both found ourselves unsuccessful due to how intoxicated we were. He invites me to spend the night with him which was an obvious yes.
The next morning, we had very memorable sex.
Like I always do, I think to myself " What if..." and we exchange Instagram handles so we can follow each other.
I want to stay in contact with this guy even though I know that he is an American who lives on the other side of the continent.
However, we end up staying in contact for some time.
I want to say a year or so later I tell him I want to go and see him. We discuss and choose a time where this is a gay event happening called M.A.L. (Mid Atlantic Leather). It is a big deal for leather lovers from all over the world.
That was the deciding factor and the tickets were booked.
Washington capitol was going to be cool to see. The white house and being in a new city all together. And, guess what? We also made sure we had enough time to do a road trip to New York for a few nights. This was my first (and still only) time in New York.
Now I am really excited for this trip.
At this point I already know that I have feelings for the guy. I am traveling across the continent into a different country to spend almost a week with someone I have a major crush on purely based on a one night stand and some casual conversation on Instagram (I am willing to take risks if it is worth it to me).
Washington capitol is beautiful. Trump was president during this time so I ignorantly thought the people would be a little more crazy but I found myself feeling at home pretty quick. To my surprise, when we went bar hoping we managed to head into three different gay bars out of at least 3 more that I seen that all had niche demographics of people hanging out in.
I remember telling Marc often that I felt very grateful that I could be there with him. And I was! Grateful, that is. It felt like one of those magical hallmark stories where you meet someone, fall in love, hold hands while walking down the street and everything. I was more than grateful, actually, I was falling in love.
Also, guys, the sex was the bomb. I have had sex with over... at least 500 or so people (to date) and I still think of my experience with him as some of the best sex ever. Granted, I didn't know I was falling in love with him yet. I am confident this played a very large role in this.
He was a great cuddler. The kissing?! I still remember how he tastes and crave the connection our mouths made. A firm and passionate mouth that makes you feel like he wants no one else other than you. He loved to eat my ass like it was his last supper while I laid there huffing on poppers. Talk about paradise!
The M.A.L. event was pretty amazing. It was this event that rooted my love for the leather community. Albeit, I am still a baby when it comes to the leather community. I do know my fascination and love for leather will never go away. I saw my first pup pen. Actually, I think this was my first introduction to pups and pup play now that I think about it.
SIDE BAR: This is my third sit down to work on making this post (this story holds a lot of weight to me). While making this I had to reach out and tell him I was thinking of him. We have fallen out of contact. Still no reply a few days later. I find solace in knowing that he thinks of me once a month when he pays for his invoice for online personal training. *sigh*
For anyone that is curious, I am a great road trip partner. I love chatting, listening to music, stopping for food and sight seeing and if (only if) the connection is right, we can stop on the for some road side sex.
I loved the drive to New York. Turns out Marc and I have very similar tastes in music. Maybe one day he would be interested in going to a music festival. I am always looking for reasons to gtfo of this place.
We stayed at this really cute boutique hotel that we found at AirB&B for a fantastic price. They had unlimited wine and beer between 7:00PM and 9:00PM every night that we were there. I had heartburn I drank so much wine. I was even able to help two older ladies who were clearly on a best friends trip navigate how to use a computer because they were old fashioned and preferred having a printed flight manifest rather than one on their phones. I was able to do this all in Spanish in front of Marc. I wanted to impress him.
I am circling back around to the sex. I can't get over it. We fucked at every chance we could get. Truly, if there was a negative to express between our dynamic it would be that he is a strict top and I am a verse. Neither here nor there considering the orgasms were that memorable.
I had a list of three things I wanted to experience while I was there.
I wanted to see the MoMA
I wanted a New York slice of pizza
I wanted to see a fucking New York rat
The trip to the MoMA was the most memorable experience in an art museum I have ever had in my life. Did you know that Marc lived in New York for 10-years? Did you know that he had a background in art? Like... not an interest but a formal background. My experience walking through the museum was like walking with a personal tour guide who set up the fucking museum itself. He had such vast knowledge of the art, artists, the exhibits and how, what, and why they were set up as they were. We would walk into an exhibit and he would immediately explain the relationship between the two artists being showcased in the museum and why the art was displayed as it was. He knew so much about art and it interested me to listen to him go off because it interested him. I liked listening to him speak. I was so impressed by him. Here I was excited that I was going to be able to see Starry Night but the experience left my soul feeling full.
Of course we checked out Time Square but even cooler was this recommended pub that Marc new about off Time Square that had been there since its inception. It was this long skinny old pub. When you walked in it felt old immediately. Pictures all over the wall of all these famous people who had shared a drink there. Mismatched tables and chairs and if I remember correctly it had a distinct "boxing" theme. I remember taking a candid photo of Marc that I will never see again but I remember him in it.
I remember him wanted to show me a recreation of the Arc Du Triomphe. We had gone a little bit out of our way to see this all while eating my slice of New York pizza. I remember him showing me and I couldn't help but laugh out loud because I had recently gone to the Paris Gay Games where I say the real thing! This was the single part of the entire trip I regretted. I wish I didn't laugh because I remember seeing him deflate a little.
The drive back was a little more solemn. We only had one more night together and we were going to spend it holding each other in his bed. The whole experience was bitter sweet, romantic, a fantasy.
I wanted to leave knowing I was going to see him again. I didn't know that it was going to be the last time him and I ever seen each other in person again. So far this stands true.
The flight back was quiet. I was fortunate enough that I ended up sitting alone because I wasn't able to hold back my tears for most of the flight home. I missed him immediately. I also knew I was coming home to an empty room. However, I was coming home with my heart overflowing.
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usacountryguide · 10 months
Reaching for the Stars: Unveiling the USA's Most Mesmerizing Skylines
There are several iconic city skylines in the United States, each with its own special charm & architectural beauty. The best city skylines in the US often combine recognizable skyscrapers along with magnificent natural scenery and an assortment of architectural styles. These are a handful of the most celebrated American skylines:
New York City, New York
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One amid the most iconic skylines within the world & perhaps the most renowned within the United States is definitely the New York City. This is famed by eminent skyscrapers comprising the One World Trade Center, the Empire State Building and Chrysler Building. The Hudson River & the Statue of Liberty serve as the skyline's backdrop.
Illinois, Chicago
Chicago's skyline is a magnificent combination of contemporary and traditional building styles. Two notable skyscrapers within the city are John Hancock Center & the Willis Tower (formerly referred as the Sears Tower). This city's skyline may best be viewed from places such as the Millennium Park & Adler Planetarium as the Chicago River runs via the center of the city.
San Francisco, California
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The iconic Transamerica Pyramid & the Golden Gate Bridge make San Francisco's skyline one of the most beautiful skylines in the US. The city's distinctive skyline is a result of the terrain's hills and waterfront location like San Francisco beaches which is a great tourist spot
Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles boasts of a vast skyline and various distinct neighborhoods. The U.S. Bank Tower & Wilshire Grand Center are located in downtown. The Pacific Ocean towards the west & the San Gabriel Mountains towards the north frame the city's skyline.
Miami, Florida
Contemporary glass skyscrapers & vibrant art deco structures coexist in Miami's skyline. Beautiful views of the city's skyline, which includes famous structures like the Freedom Tower & the Fontainebleau Miami Beach hotel, are made possible by the city's location along Biscayne Bay.
Seattle, Washington
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The iconic Space Needle & the city's tallest structure, the Columbia Center, can be seen in Seattle's skyline. The Olympic Mountains and Puget Sound provide a striking backdrop for the skyline.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia's skyline is renowned for its historic and modern fusion, despite not being as extensive as few other cities. The Philadelphia Museum of Art & its famed "Rocky Steps" are a significant feature of the cityscape, along with the Comcast Technology Center and One Liberty Place, thus making it one amid the most beautiful city skylines in the world.
Georgia's Atlanta
The Bank of America Plaza, one amid the tallest structures in the Southeast, and the recognizable Westin Peachtree Plaza are both part of Atlanta's skyline. To the north, the Appalachian Mountains frame the skyline.
Houston, Texas
The Wells Fargo Plaza and JP Morgan Chase Tower are iconic features of Houston's skyline. A thriving arts & theater district can be found in the city's downtown region, which is home to many contemporary skyscrapers.
Las Vegas, Nevada
With themed resort & casino buildings bordering the well-known Las Vegas Strip, Las Vegas has a distinctive and vivid skyline. When the lights in the city are turned on at night, the skyline is exceptionally spectacular.
Bottom Line
Due to its iconic landmarks, architectural variety, economic importance, cultural attractions, presence in popular culture, diversified terrain, and the different events they hold, U.S. skylines are a must-watch. These are just a few of the best US cities with the best skylines, each skyline with its respective unique charm & character that makes them an appealing attraction both for tourists and enthusiasts alike.
Skylines are commonly regarded as "must-watch" attractions within the US for untold reasons. Whether you find a skyline to be beautiful because of old buildings, cutting-edge architecture, the outdoors, or a combination of such things depends on your particular preferences.
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queencityx · 10 months
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Though she is little, she is fierce.
Charlotte, meet Lillianna Lockhart, a 24-year-old resident. Hailing from Manhattan, New York, she's been living in the neighborhood of Piper Glen here for six long months. She's been told like the twin of Dove Cameron, but she disagrees.
x She is a flight nurse. x Her creative pursuits include indulging in various arts and crafts projects and capturing moments through her camera lens, showcasing her passion for photography. x Baking was her other greatest passion, and it became her refuge from the world's pressures. She spent countless hours in the kitchen, experimenting with new recipes and creating delicious treats. She often dreamt of a life where her love of baking could take center stage. x she can be found on all social media accounts by the handle @littlecupcake  x People often describe her as Sweet, Dreamer, and Confident, but also Shy, Stubborn, and Impulsive. x When she's not at work or with friends, she likes to — . Her idea of a perfect night out involves dressing up in her favorite clothes, heading to a famous club with her closest friends, and dancing the night away to the latest hits. However, her passion for helping others is equally important to her. She spends her free time volunteering at local charities, participating in community events, and making a difference in people's lives. She believes in using her privilege and resources to improve the world, and she is always eager to lend a hand to those in need. x Her favorite person is her mother.
Though she is little, she is fierce.
Charlotte, meet Lillianna Lockhart, a 24-year-old resident. Hailing from Manhattan, New York, she's been living in the neighborhood of Piper Glen here for six long months. She's been told like the twin of Lucy Hale, but she disagrees.
x She is an entertainer at Black Luxe Casino. x Her creative pursuits include indulging in various arts and crafts projects and capturing moments through her camera lens, showcasing her passion for photography. x Baking was her other greatest passion, and it became her refuge from the world's pressures. She spent countless hours in the kitchen, experimenting with new recipes and creating delicious treats. She often dreamt of a life where her love of baking could take center stage. x she can be found on all social media accounts by the handle @littlecupcake  x People often describe her as sweet, dreamer, and confident, but also shy, stubborn, and impulsive. x When she's not at work or with friends, she likes to — . Her idea of a perfect night out involves dressing up in her favorite clothes, heading to a famous club with her closest friends, and dancing the night away to the latest hits. However, her passion for helping others is equally important to her. She spends her free time volunteering at local charities, participating in community events, and making a difference in people's lives. She believes in using her privilege and resources to improve the world, and she is always eager to lend a hand to those in need. x Her favorite person is her mother.
After experiencing some challenges in New York, she decided to start anew. One night, while drinking with some friends, they were involved in a hit-and-run incident. Thankfully, her father, who happened to be a senator, was able to use his influence and resources to cover up the incident and shield her from any legal consequences. Despite this setback, she struggled to find work until she could own and operate a bakery. While acknowledging that she may not have deserved another opportunity, she is determined to make the most of it and embark on a new chapter in her life. 
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