#eventually Emmanuel forgets all about the quiet kid too
laviejaguardia · 7 months
Thinking about kid Syd and kid Carmy spending an afternoon neither of them remember anymore playing under the tables of The Beef
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lionokoye · 5 years
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@briar-milionis        -       Task #20: Future AU
(of a person) habitually morose."a miserable man in his late sixties"
Zaki had felt miserable for quite some time. In fact, ever since he came to this school, there was very little that made him forget just how unhappy he was. All he could really do was imagine the good times back home, with Athena and Eliza. The other thing that consistently took his mind off it was his time with Briar. Simply sensing her walking into the same room as him filled him with an unmatchable euphoria. Zaki always felt bad about that, that she had that sort of power over him, the last thing he would want is for her to assume she had a responsibility to make him happy. It would kill his affection for her if she had felt that way. 
Zaki could remember the night that he told her how he felt. Sure, he hadn’t kept his romantic intentions with her quiet, but he’d never been completely truthful about it. It made it incredibly difficult to, considering she “belonged” to someone else. The incubus had to find a place where he knew Briar would be alone, with no chance of Emmanuel walking in on it. Zaki had planned with Briar to meet with her, asking her over under the guise of planning out a job for her after her upcoming graduation. Time was running out before her graduation, which meant there might have a been a chance she’d leave without Zaki being completely honest with her. It had to be obvious quickly for Briar, offering her a bouquet of flowers upon her arrival. Zaki explained that he couldn’t imagine a future without her in it. Not as friends, but as something much more than that. He wanted to have a future with her, the type they both wanted, Zaki was sure he could give that to her.
It took quite a bit for Zaki to peel Briar away from Emmanuel, but he finally found a price that was sufficient. He was willing to give up whatever it took for Briar. If for anything, it meant she could be free from him and find anyone she wanted, whether it was Zaki or not. The choice was easy for where they would go next. Zaki had always wanted to meet Briar’s family, she talked about them so often he felt like ha already knew them. She had the type of family he always wished he could be a part of. Their house in British Columbia was rather cramped there, that was simply the nature of sharing a home with so many people, and despite having the resources to find their own place, Zaki was more than content to stay there. He loved the environment of her home, it was exactly the type of family he wish he had growing up, and even more so the type of family he wanted when he was finally able to make his own. 
The two got married at Lake Louise in Banff. It was still close enough for most, if not all Briar’s family could attend.
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The two weren’t against a further destination wedding, but both enjoyed the area, and figured they could go much further for their honeymoon, where they traveled to Mexico, Brazil and Spain for over a month. 
Eventually however, it would be time for them to get their own place. They wouldn’t move too far from them. The thought had come into his mind, simply to move Stateside, just south of her family with Briar. Zaki had grown up just a few hours south of Vancouver. But even that felt like it would be too far. Instead, he took a job at Simon Fraser University as a professor. and they bought a home in Abbotsford.
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Athena decided to attend, which only made Zaki all the happier, being able to reconnect with his second born daughter. In her upperclassmen years, she even lived with Zaki and Briar, despite their own home getting a bit cramped (just as Briar’s family was) with their three children Willa, Zion and Xavier. None of them seemed to mind it, least of all Zaki. There would certainly be more on the way, as the two of them enjoyed being parents. The only thing that would stand in their away would be Briar’s career. Zaki has always been supportive of Briar, whether she wants to be at home for their kids, or if she wanted to have a career. 
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lovecrimers · 8 years
In depth analysis on Destiel [S6-S7]
6x03: Sam mentions that Castiel never answers when he prays to him and that Dean should try because Castiel always comes for him. Dean tries it and LO AND BEHOLD.
6x03: Castiel tells Sam the and Dean Share a more profound bond in a voice that kind of says “Yeah. Dean and I are MORE than friends” lol
6x03: When other people point  out the "profound bond" that Dean and Castiel share, Dean always goes quiet & never denies it.
6x05: The boys hit up a bar and while they’re there, there’s a shot of a tall sandy haired guy kissing a short dark haired man. #subtext
6x05: Souless!Sam doesn’t give a flying fudge & Dean keeps looking nervously over at Sam as if trying to see if he has a reaction towards gay folks. Maybe he’s been wanting brotherly approval????hmmmmm
6x06: Castiel appears after Dean mentions a divine weapon but it turns out he wants to talk more about Sam. Castiel acts like he doesn’t care but he eventually folds & tells Dean he will help with Sam too. He can’t stand to see Dean upset 
6x10: Castiel & Meg make out and the look on Dean’s face is pretty much the textbook example of “what the fuck” and jealousy combined.
6x10: The infamous “pizza man” scene where Castiel watches porn in the room with Sam & Dean present. Sam is mostly amused while Dean is visibly flustered.
6x10: Dean points out that Castiel has a boner. How would you know unless you were lookin? HUH DEAN?
6x10: Castiel says he is losing the war in heaven and would much rather be on earth with Dean.
6x15:  The term "French Mistake" refers to a straight guy having a gay sexual encounter he later regrets. Nuff said.
6x15:  Balthazar tells the Winchesters that Raphael is trying to kill “Cassie” and his allies. When he mentions Castiel is currently hiding, Dean looks relieved.
6x15: In the French Mistake universe, Dean immediately prays to Castiel and lo and behold, Misha Collins shows up.
6x15: Dean seems offended at everyone’s real names on set, particularly focusing on Misha. (Excuse me while I melt over Cockles)
6x17: Dean is open about lamenting the fact that he can’t have Castiel constantly by his side anymore and he gets bitchy about it.
6x17: When Castiel admits he’s not doing very well, Dean instantly stops being a jerk and starts cutting him slack & “mother hen-ing” Castiel.
6x17: He once again admits he’d rather be with Sam & Dean than fulfilling his heavenly duties.
6x17:  Castiel has Balthazar sink the Titanic again to save Dean and Sam from Fate.
6x17: Let’s not forget this whole thing -  "I'm sorry, you have me confused with the other angel. You know, the one in the dirty trenchcoat who's in love with you?"
6x18: Dean prays to Castiel but an another angel shows up. Dean is visibly let down.
6x18: Castiel shows up shortly after and dismisses the other angel. It’s almost as if Castiel doesn’t trust other angels around his PRECIOUS Dean
6x18: Rachel is unhappy that Castiel is more worried about Dean and Sam than Raphael and she tries to kill him. Where does Castiel go? The only place he knows where there’s safety with the boys - Bobby’s.
6x18: Castiel resorts to DESPERATE measures of touching Bobby’s soul to be able to save Dean & Sam from the past even though he is terribly hurt.
6x19: Everyone is teasing him and giving Dean a hard time about how Castiel only loves him and Dean gets visibly flustered over it.
6x19: THIS WHOLE EXCHANGE. Dean is arguing that he shouldn’t have to be the one to call Castiel and says “It’s not like Cass lives in my ass”
6x19: Naturally, Castiel appears immediately after, right behind Dean. Prompting him to yell “CASS GET OUT OF MY ASS”. Castiel response with a confused “I was never in your......” Do I sense some longing maybe????
6x19: When Dean has to leave, Castiel pleads with Dean to stay and help him. This is emotion we rarely see in Castiel - and when we see it, it is only directed towards Dean
6x19: Followed by some intense eye sex
6x19: The music playing in the background as Castiel longingly watches Dean leave does nothing but solidify romance tropes.
6x20: This whole episode is a destiel shippers dream.
6x20: Dean absolutely refuses to believe Castiel is working with Crowley.
6x20: Castiel spies on Dean and shoots him a long heartbreaking, mournful look.
6x20: In the context of what goes on during this episode, Crowley is pretty much “the other woman”compared to Dean and that’s why Dean takes it so PERSONAL when he finds out.
6x20: Castiel responds with the “let me explain” which is a trope for when lovers are caught cheating/being unfaithful. Hmmm I wonder.
6x20: Earlier in the episode Castiel talks to Crowley and the song Me and Mrs. Jones is playing in the background. That song is about cheating.
6x20: When Bobby, Sam & Dean are talking about Castiel going darkside, Castiel is compared to being Superman going darkside and Dean compares himself to Lois Lane. *Screaming SUBBBBTEXXXT*
6x20: When Dean turns back to look at Castiel one last time, he looks like he is about to cry.
6x21: Even though this is an episode involving Lisa, it plays out like a breakup between Dean and Castiel.
6x21: Although Dean does worry about Lisa and Ben, it’s clear that Castiel comes first to him.
6x21: Castiel rebelling against heaven is due 100 percent to Castiel caring about Dean. This has been confirmed by both the writers and Misha collins. 
6x21: In the same vein, Castiel working with Crowley was 100% fueled by Castiel not wanting to trouble Dean with asking for help. He decided to work with Crowley to not put Dean through any unnecessary stress.
6x22:  Dean is worried that Castiel's power is affecting his mind and that he could "kill us all." He reminds Castiel that he is family and tells him that he doesn't want to lose him.
6x22:  Castiel says that he has no family anymore and Dean looks visibly distraught in so many ways.
6x22: When Castiel announced himself to be the new God. Both Sam and Dean look on in horror but Dean’s face holds noticeable differences. You can see the heartbreak on it.
7x01: Castiel admits straight off the bat that the ONLY reason he became Godstiel is because he wanted to earn Dean’s love. “What’s the point if you don’t mean it? You fear me. Not love, not respect, just fear”
7x01: “You’re wrong, I am utterly indifferent to sexual orientation”
7x01: Dean is watching a news report about the incident and he clenches his jaw and gets angry when a lady calls godstiel sexy. Dean turns off the tv in a jealous huff.
7x01: During the ritual to return souls to purgatory, Castiel starts to fall and Dean is immediately to catch his husband.
7x01: When the portal to purgatory opens, Castiel turns to Dean and says “I’m, Sorry Dean” with a look of pure regret and anguish on his face
7x01: When Castiel survives, he admits he didn’t expect to. castiel had chosen to not say goodbye so the last thing he said before he died was dean’s name.
7x01: Dean thinks Castiel is dead and is completely crushed.
7x01: When Castiel turns out to still be alive, the look of pure joy on Dean’s face is incredible.
7x01: Castiel says he will redeem himself to Dean and Dean simply responds with “one thing at a time” - were it anybody else, Dean would have killed them right then and there for surviving.
7x01: When the Leviathan overpower Castiel and tell Dean Castiel is dead, Dean collapses in misery and heartbreak.
7x01: Leviathan!Cas pulls Dean close and their faces are just inches apart, the whole time, he is staring at Dean’s lips.
7x01: (In a later episode, a Leviathan tells Dean they knew everything Castiel knew....maybe that’s why Leviathan!cas was staring at Dean’s lips??? They knew he was in lurrrvvvee with Dean)
7x02: Castiel explodes under water, leaving only his trenchcoat. Dean longingly picks up the trench, folds it, and takes it with him *cries* 
7x02: He folds it the same way flags for dead soldiers are folded.
7x02: Bobby points out that the bond Castiel & Dean had was strong and kind of leaves what they “had” open to interpretation.
7x03: Dean sees Sam/Amy as a direct parallel to Cas/Dean which is  a relationship between a supernatural being and a Winchester boy who fell in love with them when he was too stupid not to. 
7x03: Dean thinks Cas betrayed him, and that he should have killed Cas when he had the chance, and he projects that guilt onto Sam and Amy. Killing Amy is basically Dean trying to do it right this time
7x04: Dean has to pretty much fight with himself to convince himself to go through with his first one night stand in a long time. Now that his husband is gone, he’s trying to play the field again
7x05: Parallel to the Sam/Dean relationship, there's some notes of Dean/Cas. “Obviously you two are capable of wiping each other out, right? But you haven’t, huh? Which means, that you two, you still value… whatever it is you’ve got. And you want to keep that dance going.”
7x06: The radio plays “all out of love” and Sam goes to change it, Dean leaves it on and starts singing for a long while. He looks mournful. As if he’s mourning losing his love.
7x07:  “ Ever since Cas, I'm having a hard time trusting anybody.”
7x07: The episode ends with a shot of Castiel’s trenchcoat riding in the back seat of the impala with them - right next to a pony that has wings...
7x08: The drugged turducken slammer is suggestive to dean’s psyche and allows him to speak what’s on his mind and has been bothering him.
7x08: He finally admits what hurts him on the inside “Are you kidding? I’m fine! I — I actually feel great. The best I’ve felt in a couple months. Cas? Black goo? I don’t even care anymore. And you know what’s even better? I don’t care that I don’t care”
7x08: You would think what was bothering him was Castiel’s betrayal, or Castiel becoming god, or Sam’s mental problems, or the Leviathan but NOPE. Castiel’s death was it.
7x17: Emmanuel!Cas doesn’t care that a demon just held his wife captive, all he cares about is Dean even though he doesn’t remember him. He can’t stop staring at Dean.
7x17: Emmanuel asks Dean if he was the one who betrayed them and Dean looks like this but doesn’t answer.
7x17: Later on in the episode, Castiel regains his memory and the whole scene looks and sounds like a fan slash video lol
7x17: during the whole flashback scene, ALL CASTIEL REMEMBERS is things involving Dean.
7x17: “I remember you. I remember everything” While looking straight at Dean.
7x17: Dean still had Castiel’s trench coat despite having changed cars up to 7 times since Castiel exploded in the river. He never washed it. It’s like he wanted to keep Castiel’s scent on it. 
7x17: He gives it back to his husband and follows up with “ "part of me always believed you'd come back.” *sobbing ugly tears*
7x21: “ The Angels, they don’t care. I think maybe they just don’t have the equipment to care. Seems like when they try, it just breaks them apart.” and he looks off in the distance looking sad. Maybe he’s projecting what he felt about Castiel when Castiel tries to feel/do good?
7x23: Meg tells Dean that Castiel was his boyfriend first lol.
7x23: Dean says “ Dude, on my car, he showed up naked, covered in bees.” when talking about how nutty Castiel is and Sam says he’s not sorry he missed that. Dean only shrugs.
7x23: Castiel asks Dean if he looks like good to him and there’s an awkward pause as if Dean wants to say yes.
7x23: Castiel says he no longer condones violence but when Dick attacks Dean, Castiel gets protective and throws Dick across the room to protect Dean.
7x23: He draws attention to himself when Hester zeroes in on Dean
7x23: When they’re trapped in purgatory during the ending, it very heavily implies that they’re going to have to depend on each other to survive and there’s a lot of contextual subtext in that small scene.
i got a lot of this from tvtropes. I think there was a lot of stuff that hadnt been touched on, little things and I mentioned them here because im overly analytical of anything involving destiel and always looking for subtext lol.
Here’s Part 1 (In Depth Analysis on Destiel [S4 & S5)
Part 3 about season 8 & 9 coming soon.
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