#eventually once i find a design i like an artist both capable and willing to do it i’d want to get a tattoo w one of her illos
jzixuans · 2 years
every day i am thinking abt maruti-bitamin’s store and every day i have to restrain myself from shelling out
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imagobin · 1 year
⚪Johnathon Ohnn Rivals to Friends HCs⚫
Had a fic plot with this in mind, but since I change my ideas like- 10 times a day I decided to just turn these into headcanons instead. In this, the reader is also a scientist, but has an artistic side to them as well, hope you enjoy!
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Fateful Meeting:
In his high school and college days, Johnathon was an avid participant at science fairs, he'd work extremely hard, day and night, just to bring his inventions to life and showcase them.
He might've been a pretty awkward teen/young adult, but if there was one thing he was confident in, it was his projects, which were made with great care and meticulousness, although he never really focused on their visual appeal, firmly convinced that such things had little importance. The only important thing was getting the devices to work flawlessly.
This belief of his would however be put to test the first time he lost a competition to you. Johnathon's project was great, no doubt, it worked exactly as it should have, and surprised everyone who'd come to observe it... but yours was flashier, had a more eye-catching design and was overall more creative, and by the end of the fair, it had won first place, with Johnathon's coming in close second.
Losing to you lit a fire under him, and that fire grew larger when he discovered you were both following the same courses at college! He wasn't going to lose to you anymore, science was all he held dear, he wasn't going to be bested by anyone.
From that day onward, Johnathon declared himself as your rival. You didn't take him seriously at first, but soon found it impossible to ignore that. He'd do ANYTHING to 1-up you and take a higher grade than yours.
Obviously, you weren't going to let him win effortlessly. You weren't that competitive of a person, but his determination to do better was admittedly contagious, and soon you recognized him as your rival as well and began putting more and more effort in your studies and inventions, not really to show you were better than him, but because you were curious how far he'd take this rivalry.
You two seemed to be at basically the same exact level, with 'victories' alternating between you and him and sometimes even ending in ties. The professors eventually began to notice how you two were basically motivating each other, but never put a stop to it.
What Johnathon did not expect, was eventually finding himself growing closer to you through that. He still didn't fully understand your vision or why you valued aesthetics, at least way more than he did, but he admired your intellect and capabilities. He'd thought of asking you to collaborate on a project once or twice, but his pride would always get in the way of that.
You were the one who first grew tired of just being rivals; it WAS fun, but you also wished to know more about Johnathon other than how good of a student he was. So one day you casually approached him during lunch break and tried talking to him.
Needless to say, Johnathon felt extremely awkward all throughout your first talk: he didn't really know what to say, but he seemed to be happy to be talking with another talented student, and once he found out you two had a couple interests in common aside from science, he got a bit more talkative.
Your occasional talks did not stop there, quite the contrary, they became more frequent. You always met up during lunch or in the library to study together. The rivalry slowly taking a backseat as you found yourselves collaborating to get the best results possible together.
Johnathon felt like he could rely on you for anything, even outside of college matters. He tended to overthink things a lot, but you always seemed to know how to fix his troubles. ... Even years after you two graduated and now that Johnathon's body has been horribly mutated... he still wonders if you'd be able, or even willing to help him fix his problems like you always did in the past.
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demonologistfucker · 3 years
In Love with an Artist💛✨
Obey me! Boys x gn! Mc who is a professional artist. I try to be vague about what sort of art you make so that anyone can fit in. As well as what your goals are as a professional artist. This could be someone who just posts art online, does commissions, whatever. I put in some gallery shows cuz those are fun to think about.
this is SFW Fluff💛 rest of the brothers under the cut
- he saw on your file that you did art, but wasn’t really thinking too much about it. Though when you arrived to your dorm you were greeted with a set of art supplies. A nice sketchbook, a couple pencils and pens. As well as rather high end paint set and brushes. He will never bring it up.
- if you do art out where others can see he’ll try to get a look as what you do, but if you’re private about it he would be respectful. Lucifer doesn’t enjoy when people step over his boundaries, and wouldn’t want to do that he you. He knows enough about artists to understand that ones work is personal.
- when he does get to see what you make he will be internally blown away, but outwardly just ask questions about your process. Trying to figure out if there is symbolism you are drawn to, or what you were trying to capture. There is always a little more to art than just the subject.
- if you want to continue being a professional artist in the Devildom he would be a great support. Would give you advice on who to contact and what venues would be best for your work. He seems to have had the information all prepared. He wouldn’t flex his power too much because he wants this to be your own effort, but is happy to help if you want it. 
- At shows he’s a an easy presence besides you. Though he likes to be admired. he knows when to step back at let you shine. If nerves catch your tongue or the social work becomes to much. Lucifer will step in with smooth answers. He knows your work backwards and forwards. So can easily answer any question a patron might have. 
- “oh you should draw me!�� It’s up to you if you actually do, but that’s one of the first things out of his mouth when he learns you do art. He does have a pretty face, and would make a good life model....
- Doesn’t verbalize that he thinks your art is cool, but he does want to see every little thing you make. Finds even your doodles to be mesmerizing. So if you’re do art while he’s around be prepared for him leaning over your shoulder to get a good look.
- If you’re trying to make money off of your art Mammon is extremely helpful. his sway over people’s spending could magically get people to be interested in you, but he’s also just good at setting prices. He will not stand for you setting your prices too low, and will come after people who try to skip out on paying.
- Will try to get your art hung up in every establishment he has a connection too. Not every place will be your vibe though so you get to choose where your art actually ends up.
- Though his room style is more modern minimalism. He has several of your pieces framed around his room. A couple you were sure had been sold...
- as a proud otaku he knows how to treat artists right 👏🏻👏🏻 if he wants you to draw something for him he’s gunna tip out of his ass. Leviathan has definitely worked with artists before. Commissioning cosplay, or fanart, and each time he tips outrageously. So be prepared for what he might do to try and impress you.
- Initially gets a little over eager with the commissions, but is able to figure out that.. you might want to do some art just for fun. Or enjoy other things too. Talk to him and he’ll relax. He just wants to support your beautiful art!
- really loves it when you show him what your working on. Especially when you show sketches or work in progresses. It makes him feel really special to see the unfinished product. Being trusted with your genuine ideas and imperfect thoughts means a lot to him. 
- if your art is story based at all. He will want to hear All about it. Might say it reminds him of anime’s he’s watched but he means that as the highest compliment. Your idea are just as good as his beloved shows. Your ideas might even be better because he gets to love the person who made them.
- If you have an art show... He will leave his room for you. He will look so dashing, but so uncomfortable. There with you as long as you need him, but if you are fine on your own he might hang out in a corner. Or go home early. 
-When you get home he will make it up to you✨
- He isn’t going to push you to show off your art if you don’t want too. Even if you are drawing in the same room as him. He just can’t see himself being able to interrupt you. Your focused expression is delightful. Though curiosity will eventually get the better of him if you don’t show him yourself.
- Once you do he is captivated. His face is still calm and collected. Expect for his eyes which are wide and sparkling. If you let him he’ll spend a full hour looking at just one of your pieces. Satan will try to spot every little detail, and see how it all comes together. Both as a reflection of what your are trying to capture but also you. What he see’s only makes him more captivated. 
- Asks good questions about what you’re working on, as well as complimenting by comparing to other artists in the realms. You had no idea what he meant when he said your worked reminded him of the great Venia the Dark Slayer. So he showed you his books on Devildom artists. You were surprised that Venia the Dark Slayer really did have something in common with your work. Weirdly enough. He also has sections for earth and the celestial realm artists. You are more then welcome to look through them whenever you like.  
- When you’re not around he talks about your art a lot. Always so proud of the latest piece he saw you working on. Satan conveniently forgets that some of his friends are gallery owners. He won’t sign you up for any shows without your informed consent, but he definitely help you get shows much easier.
- Whether he helps you get the show or not. He wants to help set up. His eye for detail makes hanging all the frames easier, as well as making good labels for the work. Whenever you can’t come up with a name for a piece. he’s pretty good at coming up with something clever. 
- Also going to lean over your shoulder to see what you’re making. Then is absolutely captivated by what you’re able to make.
- ART DAY! Asmo wants to be creative with you as much as you’re willing for. So you’ll both take up a table and have your art supplies shared in the middle. Asmo is planning his never dress design, or possibly a make up look he’d want to try. Stops to talks to you a lot. Wanders the room and ends up against you to peak at what you’re working on again. 
- He’ll ask for your opinion on his outfits and make up, as well as any other creative project they’ve gotten involved with. See’s you as a creative equal. 
- Thinks everything you made is brilliant, but also gives good constructive criticism when you want it. 
- When you get your first Devildom Galley. It’s going to be the biggest event that whole week. Asmo will not stand for anyone not going to this wonderful event. Takes over most of the party planning. Which makes you worried it’s going to be a big flirty party with Asmo at the center of attention. When you get there it is beautiful. Asmo has decorated the place to fit the theme or your art. There is catering and drinks. All of which again are themed to your art or just your favorite foods. 
- He’s so proud of you of course he had to make this event special. 
- :OOOO 
- Really blown away by what you’re capable off. Asks you to send him photos as you work on pieces. Very quietly supportive. When you do art with him around he feels so happy. There will be a small smile on his face the whole time. Which breaks out into a beam whenever you show him what you’re working on.
- If you need a life model👀👀👀 Beel wouldn’t mind posing for you. 
- Very used to you coming up and asking him to hold something, or do something with his hands. So that you can reference it. Either holds the pose or asks you to take a picture if busy. 
- Commissions you to do art for his brother’s birthdays. Not only does he get to support your work, but he knows his brothers will be thrilled to have one of your pieces. 
- If you give him any art it will be treasured till the end of time. Neatly framed and kept somewhere he can see everyday. 
- Makes sure you stretch before and after doing arts. Making art requires a lot of fine motor skills that can put serious strain on your body. It’s important to take breaks and stretch. 
- His face makes a good desk when he falls asleep on your lap
- Might want to do art with you from time to time. He’s got a lot of thoughts in that brain and getting them out on paper feels really nice. If he can’t come up with something to make. he still gets to watch you make art which is always nice. 
- Wants to know the meaning behind your artwork. Even if he doesn’t particularly like an art piece. He wants to know what it meant to you, and its importance. Or lack there of. Some art is just shits and giggles. Belphegor just wants to know the intent of what you’re doing. 
- Has never gone to a gallery before, but for you?? He will be there on time. Hair brushed, face washed, and freshly shaved. Maybe even wearing a suit.
- “How many commissions have you been doing? no get your ass to bed.”
- Very good at reminding you to take breaks. Or getting in your way so much you can’t work and Have to rest.
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archadianskies · 3 years
fresh static snow
→ on Ao3
@dbhrarepairs​ Thursday Day 4: Enemies to Lovers •  Abandoned Things; post-revolution RK900/Simon
He is PL600 #501 743 923, designated name ‘Simon’. He was activated on the 2nd of February 2034, and reported missing on the 16th of February 2036 by one of his owners, Mr Keelan Burbank. That’s it. That’s all he remembers.
Not the fact he is a leader of Jericho, the original leader of Jericho, and one of the Jericho Four. Not the fact he was a martyr, a leader willing to sacrifice himself to save the others. Not the fact he put a gun under his chin and pulled the trigger to prevent the Deviant Hunter from discovering Jericho. No, he doesn’t remember any of that.
They tell him the bullet tore through his memory core, damaging it irreparably. Simon of the Jericho Four died on the rooftop of Stratford Tower and he is but a shell. This does not sit well with the other three, who he learns are PJ500, Josh, WR400, North, and RK200, Markus. They want Simon back, but there is nothing left of Simon to give. 
Not for the lack of trying, though, Elijah Kamski and Chloe RT600, the First, work tirelessly on him. They try and salvage his fried memory core, they take it apart with miniscule tweezers as if to save every atom and attempt to piece it back together like a delicate puzzle. They run simulations, they make prototype replacements, they spend resources worth more than Simon’s PL600 model a thousand times over. And still, he remembers nothing.
With nothing else to do between tests, he roams CyberLife Tower like a ghost in its clean, clinical hallways. He shares his face with so many others no one spares him a second glance. It both comforts and hurts him, to be so readily ignored.
Sometimes one, or two, or all three come to visit him again and they try to tell him anecdotes, of things their Simon did in the hopes it would jog his memory. There is no memory to jog, he tells them over and over. The bullet ripped that apart.
When North visits him by herself, she holds his hands so tightly it alerts his pressure sensors. She cries, she cries a lot of tears and says a lot of I’m so fucking sorrys and I didn’t want this to happens. She tells him they promised each other that Markus always came first, even at the cost of their lives. She just didn’t think he’d pay for it so soon. He’s not sure what to say to her, to comfort her, only that if Simon did promise such things to her then she should feel proud that he upheld the promise because Markus is here, Markus is safe. 
When Josh visits him by himself, he sits with Simon on the floor in the corner of the room designated to him. Josh tells him this is how they spent so many nights in Jericho, when Jericho was a rotting freighter in the canal and Markus had not crashed into their lives yet. He would sit in the corner with Simon and keep him warm because of his broken thermal regulator. Josh’s hands are warm when he holds his hands and Simon thinks the original Simon was incredibly lucky to have such a friend on cold, seemingly endless nights.
When Markus visits him by himself, he gives Simon a sketchbook. 
“I tried to draw as many as I could remember.” The android explains, as Simon slowly turns the pages. They are memories, Markus’ memories, but Simon is in them. “Chloe said we shouldn’t interface, we shouldn’t force our memories onto you so I thought this would be the next best thing.”
He is holding a sketchbook of original Manfred drawings. From his research he knows Markus Manfred (yes, a human surname given by his human father) is both seen as the spokesperson of their kind, and a prolific artist famous for his works about the revolution. This sketchbook alone is probably worth more than his PL600 body.
“Thank you, it’s beautiful.” He says, because it is a gift and sadly not the tool Markus wishes it were. “You’re very kind. I’m… I’m sorry for your loss.”
A look of grief washes over Markus’ handsome face, and he pulls Simon into his arms briefly, embracing him tightly before he steps back and walks away.
He wonders if the original Simon haunts that rotting freighter now at the bottom of the canal. Does he wander up and down its corridoors, does he roam with the other lost souls that died during the raid he never lived to see? Or is he up on Stratford Tower, pacing that rooftop, waiting for his friends to return, to rescue him, only to have to kill himself over and over and over, stuck in an endless cycle with no one to break it?
It is a kindess he died, he thinks.
CyberLife Tower has only been under the control of the Kamskis (yes, Chloe has a human surname given by her human creator, though perhaps she took it without it being given?) for less than a month. Elijah Kamski became interim CEO after Hudson Davenport stepped down, wishing to wash his hands clean of the deviancy ‘mishap’ as he called it. Elijah in turn appointed Chloe Kamksi as the CEO once the Sentient Life Act passed, stepping down to remain Chief Technical Officer by her side. 
It means they are still trying to catch up after more than a decade’s absence from this place. It means they do not know everything, they do not know everywhere and there are still discoveries being made day to day.  With nothing else to do between tests, he roams CyberLife Tower and because he is a ghost, no one sees him.
He is a ghost with cutting edge technology in his head now, and an upgraded core capable of processing data faster than his obsolete predecessor could even hope to process. And so he finds rooms that don’t exist, much the same way he doesn’t exist, not really, because Simon is dead and he is but a shadow of him. 
He finds an entire floor deep underground that doesn’t exist on any blueprint, any elevator route, anyone’s knowledge. When he finds things like this, he is supposed to notify the Kamskis immediately, but this one thing he wants to keep to himself at least for now. Just for a little while.
It’s a self contained lab complete with its own power source, its own network, its own servers; a completely isolated floor unbeknowst to everyone above. It smells sharp, like disinfectant and spilled thirium and gunpowder residue. There is a fabricator and assembly arms and they were building androids down here, that weren’t meant to be built by everyone above.
There is a single android standing on the assembly dias, inactive. It looks like the Deviant Hunter- like Detective Connor Anderson, he should say, because the Deviant Hunter became a deviant and a son. This one is wearing a white and black uniform, the model number RK900 emblazoned on its jacket in glowing neon.
The android no one knows about. The android haunting this level, unable to wake fully and control his actions. It must be lonely down here, abandoned and without purpose. Simon thinks they must be alike this way. It’s been so lonely, not having any friends who don’t treat him like the walking dead. Perhaps he can befriend this one instead. Perhaps they will haunt CyberLife Tower together, ghosts of what could have been. 
 Reaching out, he cups his palm to the android’s cheek.
“Wake up.” He whispers, and the RK900 opens his cold grey eyes. 
They tell him he is to be deployed soon. He is progressing well, on track to complete his testing phase and replace the RK800 prototype currently involved with the DPD. When he is not actively completing tests, he remains in his Zen Garden. Sometimes his handler is there, but most times she is not. He tends to her roses in her absence, and ensures the grounds are well kept. 
It is on the cusp of Summer here, though outside Winter has only just begun. He thinks perhaps it has something to do with his anticipation, of waiting with simulated bated breath before his deployment out into the real, waking world. In the meantime he will care for this garden, he will nurture it so it flourishes in time for Summer. 
Time passes differently in the garden which is not beholden to the world outside. His handler has not appeared, nor has he been brought out of stasis and activated for more tests. He cannot be entirely sure, but he thinks substantial time has passed though he has no way to confirm such thoughts. It’s as he’s tending to the amaranthus, as he’s carefully avoiding the flight patterns of the bumblebees, that he feels something trigger his proximity sensors.
“Wake up.” Someone commands, and when he opens his eyes there is an android in front of him, hand cupping his cheek. The wi-fi on this level, the one he automatically connects to, no longer exists and instead he finds himself automatically connected to the main CyberLife network, something he has never had access to. He scans the android’s face and a deluge of information topples into his head.
“PL600, serial number 501 743 923, designated name ‘Simon’. Founder and member of the Jericho Four. Martyr for the deviant revolution.” He recites the information, and Simon rubs his cheek with his thumb idly, expression distant.
“So they say.” The android moves his hand, bringing up his other to fuss over his uniform, smoothing non-existent creases from the front of his jacket out of domestic habit, he surmises. “I have no memory of that Simon. He died when he shot himself on the roof of Stratford Tower.”
There’s still information pouring into his head, like a dam breaking and flooding the fjord before it. The deviant revolution- the event CyberLife deployed his prototype to quell, paving the way for his placement into SWAT Unit 32 and the eventual release of his model for government use. But it succeeded, and RK800 prototype Connor remained deviant and defied CyberLife’s control, becoming a key figure in securing the numbers for the revolution by activating the androids in the Tower’s storage level.
The Sentient Life Act passed on the first of December, granting androids legally recognised autonomy as living, sentient beings. Elijah Kamski and Chloe RT600  now helm CyberLife, with the android as the CEO and the human as the Chief Technical Officer. The nation has changed drastically, and he has slept through the entirety of it.
“Do you have a name?” Simon asks.
“I was not assigned a name.” He takes a moment to survey his surroundings. Everything has been switched off, packed up, and taken away in a great hurry. There are odds and ends strewn everywhere, left behind in their haste. He realises he is one of those things, something abandoned in their rush to escape. From what? From whom? The scrutiny of Elijah Kamski and Chloe RT600, he thinks.
“Then we must choose one.” Simon smiles softly, reaching up to smooth his hair back away from his face. “Without the meddling of humans.”
“Why are you here?”
“Because I accidentally found this place while exploring the Tower.” The PL600 tugs on his wrists, coaxing him to step off the dias. There is a workbench nearby, and Simon hops onto it, patting the spot beside him. He takes a seat and frowns at the android.
“Why are you exploring the Tower? Should you not be in Jericho, with the other three?”
“I am not that Simon.” He says simply, looking down at his hands. “That Simon is dead.”
“Why did you activate me by yourself?” The RK900 looks down the hallway now in his line of sight, seeing a similar state of harried departures. Not a single sign of life to be found. No one considered him important enough to bring with them, or at least notify anyone else of his presence.
“I was lonely.” Simon confesses quietly. “I thought you would know a thing or two about that too.”
Loneliness. Yes, he thinks, he does know a thing or two about that. 
“Have you been here in the Tower since Elijah Kamski returned?”
“Yes, but I was under Chloe and Elijah’s care even before that. Your brother had me brought over to their private laboratory at the Kamksi villa after the revolution.” Simon explains, picking at the cuff of his jacket. “I was being held in the DPD evidence locker, with other casualties from his cases. When he became deviant he tried making amends, and though the others were able to be repaired, my memory core was damaged irreparably.”
“So he brought you to the man who created us.”
“And the First of us.” He adds with a small smile. “She is his equal. She is his superior, in more ways than one.” 
“But even they could not repair your memory core?”
“I shot myself through it for a reason. I’m told it was to protect Jericho, to destroy all information Connor could possibly access to locate it.” There’s a loose thread on his cuff, and he tugs on it distractedly. “In the end he still managed to piece it together using another deviant.”
“In the end he still deviated, and aided the three in turning the tide against the humans.”
“Yes. You should be proud.” He reaches over to pat his hand. “Your big brother is a revolutionary.”
Brother. That’s the second time he’s used that word, and he isn’t sure how he feels about it. Feels, because that is something he can do now, somehow, without the humans around. Without the red wall surrounding him, boxing him in. 
“How did you do that?” 
“My firewalls are gone.”
“Oh I-” Simon frowns, before offering a somewhat apologetic smile. “I’m not sure. I just wanted you to wake up, so I opened a connection and overrode them in order to reach you.”
“You deviated me.” He tips his head in confusion. “Your system should not have been able to breach my firewalls.”
“I’m not a PL600 anymore.” Simon shrugs. “I’m a Kamski prototype now. First of my kind, just like you I suppose. You’ve been here this whole time, haven’t you? Were you in stasis?”
“I was still active in my Zen Garden though my body was in stasis.” He explains, not missing Simon’s flash of distress. “Time passes differently in there, though. I hadn’t realised weeks had passed at all.”
“It sounds peaceful.”
“Shall I show you?” He’s not sure if he can. He’s never brought anyone into his Zen Garden, Amanda had always simply appeared at her own whim. But surely it can’t be too hard? Simon nods and slips his hand into his, and as he closes his eyes a small part of him thinks it’s nice to hold hands with someone else. No one has ever held his hand before. He wouldn’t mind holding Simon’s hand again.
When he opens his eyes he’s standing at the entrance to the garden, and Simon is right there at his side. The android gasps, eyes wide with wonder.
“Oh it’s beautiful. It’s exquisite, I’ve never seen anything like this.” They’re still holding hands, and he leads Simon down the path at a slow, leisurely pace. “You were tending this garden all this time?”
“Yes.” He nods. “My handler’s favourite was the roses growing on the trellis over there.” He points, wondering if the roses had always been blue. He’s so sure they used to be red. 
“Do you have a favourite?” He shakes his head.
“Not really. I care for everything equally. I was to tend to the rowan tree next.”
“Rowan.” Simon repeats. “That could be your name.”
“Rowan.” He says, and thinks it sounds far more pleasing when Simon says it. “RK900, serial number 313 248 317 - 87, designated name ‘Rowan’.”
“Now you’re no longer a nobody.” Simon declares with a smile. “Now there’s two of us. Ghosts in the machine.”
“Forgotten and left behind.” He adds lightly, and it no longer tastes so bitter on his tongue.
“But no longer alone.” Simon curls against his side, snaking an arm around his waist. After a moment Rowan wraps an arm around his shoulders, resting his cheek atop his soft blond hair.
“No longer alone.”
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crownees · 5 years
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[ demi male, he/him ].  did onyx bae just walk by?  the 23 / 1,000+ year old demon is known for their resourceful, candid and impulsive, mercurial behavior.  that explains why they resemble park jimin.  doesn’t hazy neons, stacks of rings and pink bubble gum remind you of them?
heya! i’m rel and this is a mobile post because i’m getting ready for work now :/ .  this is the first of my three babes, ONYX, and i look forward to writing him with you all.  the rest of my intros will be posted eventually.  it’s best to reach me on discord @lesbee1619.  thank you in advance for reading this trainwreck and like this post if one of the wanted connections interests you, or if you have an idea of your own for a connect / plot!  
⋆  ◦  * CHARACTER  ——  background.
⋆  Peasant born and raised in Baekje right on the coast.  Realized at sixteen backbreaking farm labor on the clan leader’s farm was not worth it and set out for the sea as a sailor, then fell into some pirating and plundering troupes.  Quick and dirty trap, fell into plundering the coasts of Japan, China, and Silla, taking from the rich to sell to the richer for coins to rain on the underclass for cheap tricks and fun.  
⋆  Life caught up when he fell into a trap somewhere in China and found himself thrown in some warlord’s prison pen.  A warrant out for his head, the one then-known as  ❝ Joo ❞  called out to anyone desperate and found a demon answering the call.  Traded a way out of torture with his soul after .2 seconds of thought, but died two months later from leprosy on some shitty countryside.  Wow.
⋆  Spent three hundred years tortured in hellfire before he found the demon again.  This time, they came with another offering, another trade;  another way out.  Joo took this one again without a thought, eager for a way out of hell and walk the earth again.  After a few more decades of dying without dying, he found himself breaking ground with a duty —— devour souls and keep going.
⋆  Joo’s taken thousands of steps under the guise of hundreds of different vessels.  Mayhem there, mayhem here.  Eventually it all gets a little dull, repetitive cycles people keep falling into, ruts that make the fun no longer fun.  When the war happened centuries ago, Onyx didn’t take a side ------ but he certainly appreciated all of the desperate souls he gobbled up.  What he wants now is just some damn peace and quiet, and to avoid hellfire’s home with everything he’s got.
⋆  ◦  * ZODIAC SIGN  ——  scorpio.
❝ Scorpio-born are passionate and assertive people.  They are determined and decisive, and will research until they find out the truth.  Scorpio is a great leader, always aware of the situation and also features prominently in resourcefulness.  Scorpio is a Water sign and lives to experience and express emotions.  Although emotions are very important for Scorpio, they manifest them differently than other water signs.  In any case, you can be sure that the Scorpio will keep your secrets, whatever they may be. ❞ ( x )
personality quirks: resourceful, brave, passionate, stubborn, distrusting, jealous, secretive, violent, competitive
⋆  ◦  * PERSONALITY TYPE  ——  isfp.
❝ Adventurer personalities are true artists, but not necessarily in the typical sense where they’re out painting happy little trees.  Often enough though, they are perfectly capable of this.  Rather, it’s that they use aesthetics, design and even their choices and actions to push the limits of social convention.  Adventurers enjoy upsetting traditional expectations with experiments in beauty and behavior – chances are, they’ve expressed more than once the phrase Don’t box me in! ❞  ( x )
personality quirks: temperamental, impulsive, egotistic, manipulative, selfish, charming, sensitive, curious, unpredictable
⋆  ◦  * CHARACTER ALIGNMENT  ——  neutral evil.
❝ A neutral evil villain does whatever she can get away with. She is out for herself, pure and simple. She sheds no tears for those she kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience. She has no love of order and holds no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make her any better or more noble. On the other hand, she doesn’t have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic evil villain has. ❞  ( x )
personality quirks: dishonest, uncooperative, opportunistic, immoral, destructive, self-centered, callous, self-reliant, pessimistic
⋆  ◦  * CHARACTER  ——  miscellaneous.
Occupation: Unemployed.  Sells fake drugs.
Hobbies: taking naps, playing arcade games, stealing things, rapping at karaoke, torturing customers, inappropriate graffiti, selling chalk at raves, daydrinking, skateboarding, surfing, selling forged fangear on the web, enjoying 80′s music, graffiti, bumming around convenience stores
Vices: comfortable chairs, b-movies, anything shiny
Personal style: Ripped jeans, colorful zip-up hoodies and print t-shirts.  Mixes it up with messily-buttoned blouses and trousers on occasion.  Pastel beanies or ring-studded caps.  Doc Martens.  Sunglasses, never the same pair twice.  Pockets full of candy.  Denim jackets.  Studded belts.  Stacks of rings, silver bracelets.  Pierced ears and lip  ( hoops )
Other: 5′8  ;   athletic build  ;   orange hair  ;   two half-sleeve tattoos  ;   pansexual  ;   panromantic
⋆  ◦  * WANTED  ——  connections.
⋆ feelings towards other creatures:  onyx is very old and very tired.  he generally has a low opinion of every creature, but he’s been around enough to form his own prejudices and to abandon others.  he’s generally amused by vampires, werewolves, and humans alike.  witches and siphoners scare the shit out of him, and he has a respectful fear / avoidance of all things angelic.  for centuries, he competed with other demons for souls, bargains and the like, but for the past several decades he’s sort of become bored with all of that and spent most of his time amusing himself.  he’s made more than his fair share of enemies among hunters and the like.  during the war, he took no side but did reap the benefits of a whole bunch of scared humans in the aftermath.  since he was mostly neutral, he’s earned both friends and enemies on all sides of the battle lines.  as long as they don’t expect him to do something, he’s fine.
⋆ connections:  vessel’s ex who doesn’t know their ex is now a demon ; treasure hunter who figures out onyx is an old af demon ; fellow ancients who know onyx from past bodies and lives ( contracted, lovers, enemies, sources of entertainment ) ; a familiar and/or siren descended from one of onyx’s various human forms ; fellow demons he’s exhausted by / has a love/hate relationship with ; vessel’s roommate ; a surprising best friend ; an age-old nemesis who’s just as tired as he is ; customers at the convenience store onyx works at ; humans or magic-sensitive folk who’re willing to make a bargain for more power / knowledge ; lovers from the past ; enemies from the past ; the one who got away ; fellow lowkey prankster ; good influence (  they don’t have to be “good”  ) ; tutor in all things 21st century ; a hunter on his tail ; someone he’s friends with because they’ve both lived so long that it’s pointless to be enemies with anymore ; someone he’ll never be friends with.  ever.  even if they’re the last things on earth ; a romance that ended HORRIBLY ; someone who he sealed a deal with during the War who hasn’t paid up yet 
** i’m equally interested in these suggestions being in-game or established plots & connections.  development bb!!  & don’t forget to check out my wanted tag  <3
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canvaswolfdoll · 8 years
Canvas and Video Games
Have I talked about my Video Game history? Feels like I have, but I also can’t remember doing so. I’m also running low on possible essay topics, and haven’t finished off any media that I can review[1] recently enough to do that instead…
So, hey, you nerds, let’s talk about Video Games!
Because that’s obviously been a massive influence on my life, what with… my entire brand, really. Egads, am I a nerd, sitting here with a New 3DS in a charging cradle in front of me, trying to work out how to do better quality streams and deciding to write an essay about Video Games.
It all started with my brother, old Foxface himself. As the family lore goes, my parents once didn’t want video games in the house, what with… the social stigma, I guess? It was different times, alright?
Point is, my brother’s speech teacher was all ‘Hey, you know what may help with speech? Video Games! Get him video games.’
And so my parents did, despite any reasonable connection or evidence in the above argument.[2]
So they bought him the Sega Genesis, the only non-Nintendo console we’ve ever owned. He played Sonic the Hedgehog! Also… no. It was mostly just Sonic.
Obviously young Canvas was also interested in the wonder of interactive media, and the running rodent, so I’d watch him play, and occasionally step in as Tails or try to play it myself. And I was terrible at it.
Eventually, the Nintendo 64 was released and added to our fleet of hardware, and we never looked back! Ha ha!
That’s the console that we really cut our teeth on, with it’s many beloved games, from Mario 64, Star Fox 64, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (first Zelda game I was ever aware of), and so on and so forth. We ended up with most of the major releases.[3] Also Mischief Makers for some reason.
It was also the height of Video Rental stores, though I never got to choose games to rent. Vulpin stuck with Space Station Silicon Valley which… might deserve an HD Remake, to be honest. Such a bizarre premise people would eat up, nowadays.
The Game Boy Color arrived, carrying Pokemon and various shovelware, plus a few Zelda Games. Tried my best with them, but for the longest time I never actually completed a video game, or got that far, though I did finish Johto in Gold, which is something.
Gamecube came out, the Dreamcast died, and I began to become aware of the surrounding culture as my capabilities to use the internet matured. We also continued a trend of our person game libraries for the generation growing larger than the last. Lots of GameCube games.
Animal Crossing was a Christmas gift early in the cycle, and it was the first video game all of the kids in the family played, to various extents. Elder Sister was her usual perfectionist self, paid off her house, then pretty much stopped playing video games forever afterwards. Little Sister still plays the occasional game (mostly Paper Mario), but largely it’s just Foxface and I who are deep into the gaming scene.
But, like so many things, tracking each and every experience would be a rather sisyphean task, so I should try and refocus here.
Video Games have always been a presence in my life, and thus had its effects on my creative self, from imaginary friends to the little stories I’d crafted pacing the backyard. They were my chief insight into narratives and various genres, design (whether costume or set or mechanical). Nintendo Power helped educate me on the concept of news and industry, as well as the community that could grow from a hobby.
In fact, Pokemon was the main driving force behind the event I joke is the time I’ve ever made friends myself,[4] being approached while reading a book related to the franchise during second grade. It was nice.
Learning about the internet and GameFAQs hinted towards the wider world and culture, and eventually I came upon 8-Bit Theater, which fired up my love of comics in a big way. Comics and stories made from and about elements of video games? That’s so cool!
Then Nintendo Acres happened.
The diminishing use of quality sprite work in video games makes me sad, by the way. There’s just something about the GBA/DS era graphics that invokes joy in my heart, by now even Pokemon has left sprite work behind for models, and even kitschy independent games tend for the super minimalistic version of 8-bit and… whatever one would refer to Atari graphics. Had I artistic talent, I would slather my media in 16-bit evocative of Friends of Mineral Town or The World Ends with You.
In fact, I think that’s one of my main hurdles getting invested in Stardew Valley[5] and Undertale. They just look ugly, even by the standards of kitschy 8-bit style. Frisk is malformed, and all the Stardew characters are in the wrong perspective for the rest of the world. Sprite work can be so beautiful, and yet no one puts in the effort anymore.
Look, sprites aren’t the only aesthetic I love, just so we’re clear. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, I just prefer bright, cheery worlds. Tale of Symphonia is one of my favorite games, if not my absolute number one.[6] There’s just something very nice about a fantasy world that looks lush and vibrant, where you’d be happy to live just for the scenery. The Tales series and Rune Factory also made me very positive about oddly intricate characters in fantasy. I’ve never liked the dirt covered fantasy of… let’s say Skyrim. Fantasy should be about escapism, grand adventure in grand landscapes, not the crushing reality of medieval times.
More Ghibli, less brown is what I want in general.
I may be an oddball for the elements I look for in video games. I like RPGs (obviously) but there’s very few members of the genre I actually enjoy. I flat-out can’t stand western Video Game RPGs.
What I usually look for in games is both a compelling narrative and interesting mechanics, with allowance for the ‘Classics’ and trendsetters.[7] This is something I find lacking in Western-Style RPGs, with their focus on customizing and granular stat advancement. Sure, I understand someone’s desire to try and put a popular character in an Elder Scrolls, or place some curious limitation on themselves while crawling around Fallout’s wastelands.
But because the game needs to allow the player to make whoever they want, it severely cripples the writer’s ability to write the “main” character into the plot, lest they step on the agency of the player. So, from my perspective, we end up in one of two situations: the PC is a non-entity in the plot, with the narrative happening around and to them instead of with them. Or, we get a Mass Effect situation, where they treat it like Choose Your Own Adventure, and you end up shooting a dude when you thought you were just going to arrest him.[8] That’s why I much prefer being handed a protagonist with a history and personality.
Now, those familiar with my tabletop philosophies, and namely my disdain for randomized Character Gen because it takes away player agency might be tilting their head at this inconsistency.
Well, it’s a scale thing. I realize Video Games have a limitation, and thus it’s unreasonable to expect it to cater to you completely. Tabletop, however, allows endless narrative possibilities, because it’s being created in the moment. So, with Video Games, I’m more willing to just let the story take me along as an observer, like a TV Show.
Which is to say, I don’t really project on the Player Character, and am I happy with that. It’s a division between game and story that may seem odd, but it’s what I look for: every piece having a narrative purpose, especially the loser who’s carrying us on our back.
So, narratively, I prefer the style of JRPGs (also, I like Anime and it’s tropes, so…). Yet, I have never really gotten engrossed in any Final Fantasy Game, because list combat is very dull. I mean, grindy, set the auto-attack against opponent style of Western RPGs[10] aren’t much better, but at least it’s got a hint of visual interest.
What am I left with? For a while, Tales of Symphonia, but now I’ve got Rune Factory, with it’s rather simple combat, but still mostly fun (helped along by other elements), and especially Fire Emblem, which what I wish battlemat D&D combat could be: quick, clever, strategic.
Though I’ve only played the 3DS installments thus far, due to lack of accessibility to the early games, which I couldn’t be bothered to try when they were released. Did try the first GBA game to be ported over, but that ended up having the worst, most micromanaging tutorial I’ve ever seen, and thus I am incapable of completing the first level.
I know how to play video games, Fire Emblem. I am aware of the base concept of pressing A. Yeesh. You’re worse than modern Harvest Moon games!
I’ve also never gotten invested in military FPSs, as a mixture of finding the gameplay boring, difficulty mastering it, and mockery whenever I was roped into playing one with friends.[11] In general, I don’t like being in first person view, as I find it limiting to controls, and responding to things that get behind me is annoying, because I flail trying to find the source of damage, then die.
Though, with time, my avoidance has decreased. Portal has a first person camera, but in a mixture of a more puzzle focused game and excellent integration of tutorial into gameplay,[12] it takes an agitating limited camera and makes it very workable, while also teaching the player how to interact with a game in first person.
I also played a little Team Fortress 2, and now Overwatch. The difference with those two over, say, Modern Duty or whatever, is the tone. The two games are competitive, yes, but also light hearted and goofy. Death is cheap and non punishing, the addition of powers make character choice widely different and fun, and, when I do get a little frustrated, it’s very easy for me to take a breath say ‘It’s only a game’ and let it go. Which is important when playing video games, sometimes.
Because that’s what games should always be: entertainment. It’s why I don’t try and force myself through games I’m not enjoying or lose interest in (though obviously I do try and come back and finish the plot) and why I very rarely strive for 100% completion. Because I want to enjoy myself, not engage in tedious work.
It’s also why I don’t care about ESports. Because I don’t care about sports. People doing something very well doesn’t really appeal to me. High-level chess players aren’t interesting to watch or study, seeing two teams of muscled people charge one another isn’t fun, and fight scenes with the usual punching and kicking is dull.
Because, what I look for in most cases is novelty.
Seeing a master craftsman make a thing once can be interesting, just to see the process. See a master craftsman make the same thing a 100 times is uninteresting, because nothing new is happening. When it comes to sports and games, it’s more interesting to see novices play, because they mess up in interesting ways, spot and solve problems, and you get to sit back and go ‘Now, I would’ve done this.’
So, yeah, not a big fan of Counterstrike and League of Legends news, even besides the toxic communities.
Public perception of video games turned rather quick in my lifetime. It used to be such a niche hobby, enjoyed by nerds and children and so such. Yet… well times change, don’t they? Obviously children grew up and brought games along with them, but the hobby has expanded to become mainstream, a console being as necessary as a television, where those without are viewed as bizarre, despite it not being a physical need.[13] We all remember the children who noted their family doesn’t have a TV (or keep it in the closet), and I wonder if XBoxes have gained the same traction.[14]
If only tabletop games could get the same treatment.
Though I still wouldn’t be able to find a group, but still…
Now that I’m an employed adult, I have even more control over the games I play. Which means a Wii U and a custom built PC.
That I built myself, because I also enjoyed Lego as a child.
Between the two, I tend to have a wide enough net to catch the games that interest me. Sure, there’s still some PlayStation exclusives I’d love to try (Journey, Team ICO’s works, plenty of Tales games…)[15] but some of those games are slowly drifting over to Steam, and I already have a backlog, so I can wait it out.
That’s my stumbled musings about video games… Oh! I stream them! Over here! Watch me! I love to entertain and amuse!
Also maybe consider supporting me through patreon? Then I can put more resources into being amusing!
And share any thoughts you have. I’ll listen. Until then…
Kataal kataal.
[1] Did finish rereading Yotsuba&! but there’s nothing to say about besides “Read it!” [2] Certainly didn’t help me. [3] Though not Harvest Moon 64. One day, I will slay that whale. One day… [4] The rest are inherited after old friends leave. [5] Someone on Reddit commented its port to the Switch may help scratch the itch left by Rune Factory. They are, of course, dreadfully wrong. [6] I still dislike do rankings. [7] IE, I’m not a big fan of hallway-bound FPS games, but have played through the Half-Life series. Mostly for the connection to Portal. [8] I know it was in the ‘Renegade’ position, but I thought it’d be played as ‘I’ll risk losing the Shadow Broker to book this small fish’ sort of thing. I’m not very clever, okay?[9] [9] I actually never progressed much further than that. Perhaps it’ll be on CanvasPlays someday. [10] I don’t care if you have a list of subversions of this style, by the way. I really don’t. [11] I once annoyed a former friend for not knowing there’s an aim button. I didn’t know this, because I don’t play FPSs. [12] There’s a very nice Extra Credits about this somewhere. [13] Though as a cultural need… [14] Nintendo Consoles, of course and unfortunately, being considered the off-brand. [15] the PS3 port of Tides of Destiny. Yes, it’s a disgrace of a Rune Factory game, and it was also on the wii but… well, sometimes I’m an insane collector![16] [16] I don’t even need a PS3. I can get it used for, like, five bucks from GameStop…
0 notes
cynthiadshaw · 5 years
Perspective & Advice for Those Facing Insurmountable Odds
Throughout our journey with Voyage, the one thing we have learned over and over is that hidden within every challenge is a blessing or opportunity. It’s up to us to determine whether a challenge we face will be a step back or the catalyst for a step forward.
We had the honor of connecting with some of the city’s brightest leaders and role models and we asked them our question of the month: What is the best advice you have for someone who feels like they are facing insurmountable odds.
Below, you’ll find their advice and links and other info so you can learn more about them, their work and how to connect with them. We’ll be interviewing many of these amazing individuals in the coming weeks, stay tuned.
Bryttany Barrick | Fashion Enthusiast & Owner of Bryttany Bee Boutique
The best advice I could give for someone who is facing insurmountable odds is to stay calm, and stay focused. It sounds easier said than done, but even the smallest steps count. One thing that I’ve done to remain grounded at a time like that is keep a small notebook with me to help organize my thoughts. Even just writing out a checklist helps significantly. Take things day by day, one step at a time, and before you know it, the odds will be in your favor.
IG: @bryttanybee Business: @bryttanybeeboutique FB: http://www.facebook.com/bryttanybeeboutique
    Dillon Potts | Videographer & Photographer
The best advice I can for someone who feels they are facing insurmountable odds is to remind yourself of your value, accept that failure is part of the chase, give every opportunity your all, and overall be the best version of yourself and in turn, you will find yourself achieving what you once thought was impossible.
Instagram: Or @dillonpotts Facebook: https://facebook.com/dpottsmedia/ Portfolio: https://msha.ke/dillonpotts/
De’Arion “DJ SaucyD” Wafer | DJ & Upcoming Producer
To answer this question, I say nothing is too impossible to conquer nor is it too great to overcome. You can achieve anything you put your mind to because you’re in control. Those odds you are facing can make you doubt yourself, make you feel like you won’t amount to anything, and make you lose all motivation for what you want to do. But, you should face these odds head on and set out to do what you want, find your purpose, and find your passion. You’ll feel like you can conquer anything once you do this. Motivate yourself, surround yourself with positive energy, and those that support you in all that you do. I figured this out by the obstacles I went through this past year. I have dealt with failure, adversity, heartbreak, the closest people around me bringing me down, and even losing friends. I know you may have gone through the same things because it’s life. We all face at least one or all of these obstacles. I gave these examples to express the fact that those insurmountable odds were hindering me from moving forward. You may feel the same. In the midst of my hardships I found myself and my passion: music. I became a DJ and I am now venturing into music production. I have networked with amazing people, gotten noticed for my craft, and my business is booming! I can’t seem to catch a break during the weekends and I love every bit of it. Also, I recently graduated with my Bachelor’s Degree in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from UNT Dallas at the age of 20. I beat the odds. Anything is possible.
Instagram: @dj.saucyd
Mercedes Davis Sr. | Founder of Intelligent Minds and Author of the Kingdom Of Heaven
I would just say don’t give up there is no point on going back to square one when you prayed to be where you are now you might not be where you want to be but the gap between who you are and who you want to be is a lot smaller then it used to be.
Amazon: http://bit.ly/kohbook Instagram: Intelligentminds1
  Thottie Jay | American rapper,Singer & Songwriter
Image Credit: Brian Irby (@_brianirby)
God will never give you more than you can handle. Take things one step at a time and remember; you are bigger than the obstacles that are being thrown your way.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t_hottiejay/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1xHOXir0m9hPcMWbITS9Cv?si=4-o-WaALRFCg9elrBA_NcA Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/thottie-jay/1425228905
Diana Padrón | Professional model & owner of Lollitalo Handmade Gifts
From my own experience, I would say that God does not give us battles that we cannot combat , so we must rely on the adversities of life and see each disappointment as an experience and learn from it. Always think positive to bring light and love where you need it most. Your mindset shapes your life, and if you choose to see obstacles you will see only obstacles, but if you focus on a solution a clear path will present itself.
And remember that in the end everything will be fine and if it is not, it is because the end has not come yet.
“You’re gonna be happy” said life, but first I’ll make you strong.
IG: https://www.instagram.com/dianakpadron/ https://www.instagram.com/lollitalo/
  Tylor Herbert | Photographer, Owner of Tylor Michelle Photography
The best advice I can give is to change your attitude. To know that you are capable of anything and are capable to overcome anything you set your mind to is key. Make small steps towards your goal and always remember that even the small steps are a step forward.
Website: tylormichellephotography.mypixieset.com FB: Tylor Michelle Photography Instagram: @tylormichellephotography
Fredrick Henry | Dallas local
God gave you what you can handle. Life cannot deny someone who gives it their absolute all.
Instagram: @fred_fntz
  Steezie Stee The Brute | Rap Artist / Model
Stay strong and patient life wasn’t meant to be easy but if God ain’t give up on you then you shouldn’t give up on yourself and tackle reality passionately.
  Instagram: @SteezieStee @Reverbnation
Austin Snodgrass | Photographer
The best advice I would give to someone who feels like they are facing insurmountable odds would be to never forget your value and how much you have to contribute. Don’t compare yourself. Most of my battles with growing as a photographer have come from comparing myself to other creators and creatives. Rely not just on yourself, but on those closest to you that you trust. Insurmountable odds seem less daunting when you have a team of friends cheering you on that believe in you. Another piece of advice I would give is to be aware of your mindset. Instead of thinking, “I don’t know if I can do this”, think “I can do this. It’s going to be rough and I might fail once or twice, but I’m going to put in the work necessary to do this”. My favorite quote of all time is “You did not wake up today to be mediocre”. I’m also a believer that your dreams are only as crazy as the work you’re willing to put in to achieve them. All of this to say, when you feel like odds are stacked against you, take a look at your mindset and the people you trust the most. It just might change your perspective.
Facebook: /208vibes Instagram: @208vibes Website: 208vibes.com
Edward Sena | Photographer and Graphic Designer
Go all out, if you tell yourself you can’t do it then how will you ever persevere and get stronger. There will always be obstacles and negatives, surround yourself with people who believe in you and will be there through all odds, through all situations. When I had to withdraw from college I was nearly homeless and stuck in Pennsylvania, 1,500 miles away from home, a friend let me stay at his home while I tried to get everything back on track. The right group of people can turn any negative odds positive, no matter how slightly they may turn.
IG: @edwardsen3.14 , @edwartsena
Maggie Bryant | Photographer, Creative, Leadership Consultant at Life Leadership
Courage doesn’t always roar; sometimes, it’s the quiet voice at the end of the day saying I will try again tomorrow.” When I face seemingly insurmountable odds I try to remember to just take the next step. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when looking at the big picture, but when I break it down into small bite sized pieces it allows me to get wins along the way which then inspires & motivates me to do more!
IG: @maggiebryantphotography, @katteosborne, #altardstate @altardstate
Andres Gutierrez | Conceptual portrait photographer
My advice for anyone facing any insurmountable odds is to always remember no one has ever achieved something great without trying. So even against all odds you will achieve what you think is the impossible. You must take any negative energy and turn it into positivity to believe in yourself. Use any doubt you have against you as fuel to become better than the goals you have set. There are also lessons to be learned from failing, learn and grow from it. It takes time and dedication but when you want to overcome something you must work for it and the rest will work itself out.
IG: http://www.instagram.com/sights.not.seen
Emerson Funes | photographer & Outcast
Keep fighting no matter how hard it is because you will gain so much more then you expect in the beginning. It will help you become better and strong.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/umei.effects/
  Kelly Vega | Video producer & Photographer
I’ve learned that every experience, both the good and the bad will eventually get you to where you are supposed to be. Every win, every loss and every mistake. Don’t be afraid to fail at something new and don’t be so hard on yourself for feeling lost, confused or like you haven’t achieved all that you wanted to achieve. Don’t expect success overnight, be patient and focus your energy and emotions on the things you can control. You have passion and you are beautifully gifted. Work hard, explore your deeper self and show yourself what you’re capable of.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kvstudi0s/ Instagram: @k.vstudios
      Mogli (Logan Estrada) | Pizzaiolo & Producer/DJ
Image Credit: Syneca Milan ([email protected]). Insta: https://www.instagram.com/followsyneca/
The best advice I could have for someone who feels like they are facing insurmountable odds would be to “take a step back and face everything one at a time, one after the other.”
IG: @mogli_music Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/moglirecords
Shane McCormick | Photographer, Artist & Problem Solver
Image Credit: Shane McCormick
I have faced insurmountable odds more than I’d like to admit. There is a lot of pressure that comes with being a photographer in an oversaturated environment. Over time, I have learned to work well under pressure, but that wasn’t always the case. A quote I like to think about from time to time is “who you are is defined by what you’re willing to struggle for.” If you choose your battles wisely and learn from your mistakes consciously, you may find that the odds you face become less and less insurmountable. When you’re stressed out, under pressure, or feeling like you’re not good enough, take a moment to look yourself in the mirror and say, “you got this.” When I tell myself this I tend to forget about the problems I’m facing and go into the situation more confident and energized than before.
IG: www.instagram.com/portrait_god Website: http://www.shanemccormickphoto.com/
Antonio Acosta | Photographer
As for the advice, I would say to break down those odds into smaller so they are more manageable to handle and focus on one at a time as to not overwhelm yourself.
    Peytan (E-KYD) Ivory | Recording Artist/ Creator
Alright, so the best advice I can give. I have a few things to share; First things first I have to state its all a mind game at the end of the day. Knowing that information, you have to attack it internally. Even though all the destruction is happening externally in your physical reality.
Tip #1: Don’t take it personal. I know when you’re going through something you can feel all alone and personally attacked, but thats not the case at all. As people we are really good at masking our pain. It might look like someone has it all together and all the answers but that could be a facade. Pretty much we are all in the same boat at the end of the day. We all have something we’re trying to overcome. You’re not alone in the struggle.
Tip #2: Don’t take it to heart and let it encrypt your spirit. You never want your heart to grow weary and heavy. You need to keep your heart pure at all times. Once something has taken ahold there it’s pretty much solidified. I don’t consider myself religious, just more spiritual but a good proverb to keep close- “Guard your heart with all diligence, then from it flow springs of life.” You don’t want to accept the odds – as fact in your heart because you could possibly open the door to more crisis within your realm.
Tip# 3: Take a look back and see all that you’ve overcome in your past and let that give you the confidence to pull through. This too shall past type of vibe. Life is all about overcoming. We’ve been overcoming odds since we were children. Try to think back to a situation that you were able to grow from and remember the steps you took to make it out. Thats what I do. When the climb to the top is getting too grimy for me I look back at all the things I’ve managed to pull through and I tell myself if I can make it to where I am now I can get to where I’m trying to go.
Tip #4: Have a “Light At The End Of The Tunnel” mentality. Pretty much you’re in this dark tunnel, you wanna always have your mind set to I’m going to make it to the light. I know there is light at the end of this tunnel type of thinking. You have to KNOW that you’re going to make it to the light regardless what is going on. No matter what darkness is surrounding you. You have to DESIRE the light. If you don’t have that deep seated belief you’re going to be stuck in the tunnel. Its your decision. Be stuck in that darkness or get to the light no matter what.
Tip #5: Go out and have fun! Take your mind off all the heavy stuff. Go out with your friends or if you have no one go out alone. Try to enjoy the moment while you’re out. Forget all that you gotta deal with for a few hours and just enjoy being. Try to put into perspective the grand scheme of things which is we don’t have control of a lot of the things we go through and understand life didn’t come with a blueprint – knowing that, try to let go and just be for a while until the solution comes. Remember within your being that the answer WILL come.
Instagram: @imekyd & @itsflightcrew
Ronnie Cade | Content Creator
For anyone who feels like they’re facing insurmountable odds, I say to persist and tap into your creativity. If there’s a will, there is always a way. You may just need to think outside the box in order to beat the odds.
IG: https://instagram.com/authenticdiscourse | https://instagram.com/somaticmovement
Darby Mcvay | Videographer & Content Creator
My advice to someone that feels like they’re facing insurmountable odds is purely this; just keep going. No matter how many people say no, no matter what the odds are, if you have something you’re passionate about and you believe in it, never ever give up. All an idea needs is the right opportunity, the right timing, yours will come.
IG: @darby_mcvay
Jose Patino | Photographer & Videographer
Stay consistent on the course to your goal and if you need to, take a few minutes to relax and remind yourself why you began this journey. History has proven that greatness takes time and only those who are willing to push through and sacrifice are those that reach success. After all, if it was easy everyone would do it right?
Website: ajpproduction.com Instagram: @_jpproduction
        Angeles | Business Owner
Image Credit: @rddproductions
The best advice I can give for someone who feels like they are facing insurmountable odds is to have courage in yourself, hustle hard, and stay positive. You can truly conquer whatever you put your mind to.
Website: Titasnatural.com Facebook: @titasnatural
      Shun | Designer/Creator of THE MOVEMENT
We must never forget who our Creator is!
Website: Www.Movementpiecesbyshun.com IG: Themovementpiecesbyshun
  Anai Garza | Food Enthusiast and Baker
I would advise that person that you have to take it day by day because you only live once and life’s too short to not enjoy it. Find yourself a supportive close-circle in friends and family that shares your views and goals and always remember every day to take some time to pamper and take care of yourself by doing something small you really like such a meal you enjoy, mediation, working out, or eating a dessert, you’ve earned it by working every day to overcome your odds.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lilpastries/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lilpastries/
      Ryan Daniel, D.D.S.
You were born to be a beacon of light. You were born to overcome any fear or any fright. You were born with the heart, will, & passion to never give up, & fight. If they say there is no way, you make it. Never ask for permission to be great, you just take it.
Instagram: @d.dental1
The post Perspective & Advice for Those Facing Insurmountable Odds appeared first on Voyage Dallas Magazine | Dallas City Guide.
source http://voyagedallas.com/2020/01/13/perspective-advice-facing-insurmountable-odds/
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DD2000 Assignment 2 Research blog
The job role which I would like to go into post Futureworks is a Level Designer role. In order to create my presentation, I had to do a lot of research into different companies I could work at and what the role of a Level Designer actually involves. I also had to look into different studios and key designers who have influenced my decision to become a Level Designer.
Sections to discuss
I had a list of different sections which I wanted to talk about. Due to this, I have ordered this research blog in the same way as the presentation.
There were a number of games which inspired me growing up to become a Level/ Game Designer. Some of these games include:
Far Cry 3
Pokémon Ruby Red
Sea Dogs
Before Futureworks
Here I will be discussing the different games and things which I created when I was at college and just after college.
During Futureworks
This section will be discussing what I have learned in my time at Futureworks. 
• Modelling in Maya- I have vastly improved my Maya skills, having gone from never used Maya before I came to Futureworks to now having the ability to build semi realistic worlds in a few weeks.
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• Blueprinting- Before I joined Futureworks, I had never used Unreal Engine before. Now I am creating working Multiplayer games using Steam integration and building fully working levels with a number of mechanics involved.
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• Level Designing in UE4- My level designing skills have improved massively since starting at Futureworks
• Tell successful narratives- First year taught me a lot about narrative design and how to tell narratives in both games and in Twine. 
• Gather feedback- I learned that feedback is vital in this industry and any piece of feedback could change the dynamics of an entire game or improve it dramatically.
• Work to deadlines- Although I had to work to deadlines at college, I feel that the deadlines at university are a lot tighter and stricter, as of which, I have had to learn to deal with them more professionally. 
• Work both individually and in a team- I have learned how to work more efficiently as both an individual and a team for different projects and getting them finished efficiently and on time. 
 Self reflection
Main area of interest?
Level Design
Most enjoyable creative disciplines?
Level/ world building
Narrative writing
Blueprinting in UE4
Strongest skills?
Creating fun games  
Meeting deadlines
Working in a team
Self motivation
Technically: Designing worlds/ Blueprinting
‘Get a bit of freedom with your designs. Sure, the Game Designer and the Art Lead will tell you the theme and the art direction of the game, but you’ll have wiggle room to create within that framework.’
Level designers and editors can also be tasked with developing the gameplay of a level. In a genre like platformers, you’ll be designing a large part of the challenges that players of the game will face.
 Kind of environment enjoy working in?
Enjoy working in a team if ethos is right
Enjoy solo tasks
Long term ambitions
Ship a game people want to play
Work for a company I am happy at
Challenging but fun projects
Working with charismatic and hard working people
What required to achieve them?
Keep working hard
Apply to places who make games I enjoy playing
Apply to places who make games similarly to what I enjoy making
Keep honing skills
Ethos: Everyone wants to work
Everyone working towards same goal
The beliefs of the game creating are similar to mine
Would like to be close to family
Prefer to be near countryside to city
Other commitments
Friends and relationship
Particular studios
Double Eleven
Sumo Digital
Other avenues (networking/ competition)
Game events such as EGX, Manchester Gamer Unite or Tranzfuser
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Research: How can you get to the job want?
•       Begin as Junior Level Designer
•       Move to Level Designer
•       QA
•       Graduate programs
•       Indie companies
•       Mods
Is it achievable?
These are the most common ways into this position.
Gabe Newell- “Traditional credentialing" has little "predictive value" to how successful someone will be or what they can do with their skillset.
Valve have hired people based on their mods (Team Fortress 2)
Gabe Newell- What he is saying here is that you could have the best qualification in the world, but if you cannot do the required work, not going to fit.
Do the work, more likely to get the job.
Pretty much every studio requires a level Designer
 Rob Kay (19 years in the industry)
Lead Designer of Guitar Hero & Rock Band.
• The best training is definitely to make your own game/s, ideally small ones.
• Being capable of actually making (and not just designing) games.
• Getting your first break in the industry can be tough, but also totally doable.
• Everyone has a story of persistence towards their first break.
• Don't take rejections personally, stay positive, and be persistent.
• A University degree makes it easier to get first break.
• Starting in QA is the classic route into the industry due to "cultural fit“.
• Another route is to offer your dev services for free - i.e. intern.
• Game design is as much craft as theory
• Small games- You can make more faster and learn faster as a result. As almost every studio these day's uses Unity or Unreal, so I'd recommend focusing on one of them (probably Unity given it's the most popular and you've already got started on that learning curve). It's good that you're doing some scripting - I'd recommend doing that in Unity. If C# or JS are too much, look at Playmaker - a visual scripting plug-in for Unity (I've used this on 3 games now, and recommend it highly).
• Making games as well as designing also wins you huge kudos from skilled artists and coders.
• Spend time honing craft
• Learn crafts through practice.
• Even seasoned professionals have to deal with rejection
• They do this because there is usually a far higher demand for each entry level job position than the hiring manager can deal with, so they have to add requirements like "University degree" just to filter weaker candidates out and get a smaller pool of candidates. This is tough on people who have strong skills but no university degree of course, but it's the reality. By all means apply for positions asking for a university degree (it's so low cost you may as well) but don't rely on this path. Typically a recruiter will filter you out of the running for not meeting requirements before a hiring manager even has chance to see your resume.
• I know many many developers (inc game designers, producers, and programmers) who got their break at a game studio in the QA department. It's a great way to get to know people in the company / industry, and usually hiring managers at the company find it safer to promote someone internally from QA, than take a risk on someone entirely new to them, even if the outsider is more qualified on paper.
• So if they can show some design / dev skills, they're seen as a good bet and will get onto hiring managers radars. From what I can glean from your email, I'd recommend applying for QA positions - with the career strategy of transitioning into game design once you're in
• I knew a self trained 3D artist who got his break this way. He basically pestered his way into an interview, by visiting our studio at Infogrames Manchester with his portfolio everyday and offering to work for free. My manager at the time, said no several days in a row, but this guy kept coming back and politely offering to work for nothing. Eventually my boss asked the rest of us artists to check out his portfolio, and asked if we felt he could do anything for us. His portfolio was only average, but he seemed so willing and capable of some jobs and we had a lot on our plates, so we said yes. He's now been in the industry for 16 years (here's his LinkedIn). Persistence and a willingness to learn may be your biggest assets.
 Key designer
Max Herngren (Level Designer)
• Student of game and level design at Futuregames, Stockholm
• Worked at Right Nice Games (Indie studio) as a Level Designer. 
• Level Design intern at Mojang
• Level Designer at Mojang in Sweden
• Skylar & Plux: Adventure on Clover Island – Game made
• The Solus Project, a survival exploration game where I helped out at the end of the game’s development along with some other students in my class. 
• Key Designers
• Have great sense of pacing and player experience
• Understand what a player wants at any given time
• Understand how they’re affected by the pacing curve
• Master composition
• Have an artistic eye
• Analyse games
• Flexibility
• Be able to do background work
• Use mechanics and space wisely
• What does it take to secure role of choice?
• Composition to guide a player through the space
• Won’t be able to make a level look appealing
• Guiding players arguably the most important thing to do
• Take it from me, you don’t have to be able to draw or make 3D models but you have to have an eye for it. Building a good structure can give environment artist more idea of what you’re wanting to achieve.
• You have to intuitively be able to look at a space and have an idea of if it looks good or not and how you can make it better
• Analysing these games can give better idea of space and improve own levels
• If waiting for mechanics to be built, possibly become a tester or help the artists or scripters if required or keep building to the space and tweaking until feels right.
• Try to understand why they put that rock just there and why that cave is laid out in this or that specific way, and how would I have done it differently and what would that mean for the player?
• Coders and scripters working on grey whiteboxed level, as soon as events begin happening in the background, becomes a lot more alive which can inspire people.
• Learning how to make a set of mechanics work for 20 hours without the player getting bored etc. Keeping it fresh and interesting for the players.
 Main objective:
• Pre-production: Build a good foundation and base
• Figure out goals
• Work out an initial strategy
• Draw out ideas
• Research
• Block out with BSPs
• Replace with actual assets
• Learn engine inside out
• From which you can later build the game into a sequence of levels that are good and make sense in the context of the game.
• Work out an initial strategy of how going to reach them
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Best options:
Sumo Digital
Rockstar North QA
Ubisoft Graduate Program
 Rockstar North tend to have a few openings asking for game testers and QA. As Rob Kay said, may be the best way in.
The Ubisoft Graduate Program offers successful applicants the chance to spend two years working on production teams in two different Ubisoft studios in order to hone their skills in a variety of professional disciplines, essentially making them employees.
The Ubisoft Graduate Program is a two-year international program for fresh Graduates who expect a career accelerator into the games industry. Over two years, Graduates will have the opportunity to work in two different studios in different countries. 
Sumo Digital
Near Peak District National Park
Team size
Around 250
What games do they make?
Little Big Planet 3
Helped on Forza Motorsport 7, Hitman Episode 5
Mission statement
‘Sumo make games we're proud of and passionate about: everything from driving games to platformers’
Main perks
Group Life Assurance Policy, Group Income Protection Policy, Holiday Pay,
Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Pension, Flexi Time, On site free gym, Days out.
Student placements
‘Friendly atmosphere, good people to work with’  ‘Hands-off approach can make you feel like a small fish in a big pond’.
What kind of studios offer these positions?
Sheffield- Family not far away (1 and a half hours)
Peak District- Countryside and city is not as big as Manchester etc.
Team size: Mid sized company to gain the step into the larger one later on.
Fact that they make all types of games is interesting because would give opportunity to see what really enjoy making and make what I really enjoy playing.
Enjoy all types of games and they have helped create games I have grown up playing
The benefit is payable to a designated beneficiary in the event of death by a lump sum of 4 x annual basic salary.
The company provides a Group Income Protection Policy which protects the employee and their family for long periods of illness by paying a portion of income equivalent to 75% of basic salary, for a set timescale.
All employees will receive 24 days holiday, in addition to the UK Bank holidays.
EAP is a free, completely confidential source of support for employees and their immediate families, which is provided by a professional independent body.
The Company will provide access to a Group Personal Pension Scheme, administered by Scottish Widows.
Sumo offers a flexi time scheme, because we understand just how crucial it is that staff are able to maintain their work/life balance
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What is missing/ lacking:
• Need to do more player feedback
• Show more refined levels with process
• Shipped at least one AAA 3rd person action title- Sometimes add this to filter candidates out.
• Hone proposal skills in order to get teams on board.
• Keep working on building games in UE4.
• Keep learning how to blueprint.
• What kind of studios offer these positions?
• What roles actually entail- what actually do
 Over summer
• Update portfolio/ CV
• Create some games similar to Sumo and Ubisoft style.
• Have playable demos on Itch
• Get social media up to date
• Use other engines, e.g. Map editor in Far Cry.
• Keep honing skills in programs
• Keep time management structured
• Network
• Ensure games are at the forefront of portfolio
Update and work on honing skills in:
Website, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook
Programs such as PhotoShop, Maya and UE4
Sumo Digital placements: http://www.sumo-digital.com/placements-emma-lintvelt/
Sumo Digital reviews: https://www.glassdoor.co.uk/Overview/Working-at-Sumo-Digital-EI_IE765707.11,23.htm
Sumo Digital website: http://www.sumo-digital.com/
Ubisoft Graduate program: https://news.ubisoft.com/article/ubisoft-graduate-program-2018-tips-from-our-ubigrads
Gabe Newell quote: https://www.polygon.com/2014/1/3/5270182/gabe-newell-on-hiring-modders-official-credentials-have-no-predictive
Get a job in video games: https://www.gamedesigning.org/career/jobs/
Level Design article: https://80.lv/articles/who-are-level-designers/
Max Herngren website image: https://maxherngren.squarespace.com/the-solus-project
Max Herngren website: http://maxherngren.com/about-1/
Rob Kay LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robkaysf 
Ubisoft logo: http://logos.wikia.com/wiki/File:Ubisoft_2017.svg
0 notes
photomaniacs · 7 years
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Visual Engineering is Where Photo Art Meets Technology http://ift.tt/2sVO6xh
In its best form, art can lead major innovations in science and technology. The earliest photographers were more like scientists and chemists than artists.
Much of their image making process revolved around the technical process of exposing an image correctly. The subject matter in front of the camera was in many ways less important than the process of taking a technically correct photograph. Nonetheless, these early photographic technologists had a major role in pushing the art and science of photography forward.
Technologists who are artists are capable of pushing the boundaries of technical innovation while also creating interesting visuals. When the artist’s vision is grander than the current technologies available, they take matters into their own hands and figure out how to create the technologies necessary to actualize their creative visions. It’s this passion for both scientific and creative innovation that drives their whole medium forward.
High-end cameras are now in our mobile phones, flying around in self-piloted drones, and are streaming live from space. The once complex process of properly exposing an image with a camera has now been taken over by the camera itself. Cameras that can now shoot both high quality still images and video have become commonplace.
It’s this seemingly simple change in a device that has set in motion a radical chain reaction affecting the entire world of content creation. The wall between still photographers and cinematographers is quickly being torn down.
When it came to the profession of commercial image making, the status quo since the inception of both technologies was that you were either a photographer, or you were a cinematographer. But now with high-end devices that can do both, what will the users of these devices be called? Image Makers? Ographers? Photo-cinematographer? There will continue to be different kinds of specialists, but the type of work they create will be their specialty; the camera they use will not be what defines them.
Finding the core story at the heart of a brand and creating interesting still or moving narratives around that is and will always remain the first priority. Clients, brands, and ad agencies need to rethink how they produce content and hire content creators. The video and still channels have traditionally been segregated, running as parallel paths of content creation carried out by different artists. Obviously print imagery and video imagery will always have different paths of distribution; but the way the content is created needs to be much more integrated from conception to publication.
Visual Engineering
Human beings have incredible imaginations and the unique ability of think outside the box when coming up with new creative ideas. Computers and robots are great at doing simple or complex tasks over and over in incredibly accurate ways. When these two powers are combined the results can be magical.
Visual Engineering is the marriage between modern technologies and the new hybrid image maker. Robotic automation, artificial intelligence, deep learning, and smart technologies are becoming more and more integral parts of our everyday lives. It’s time to integrate as many of these new technologies into the commercial image creation process in order to create never before seen imagery.
There are hundreds of ways to accomplish the same end goal. Many of the tasks involved in most tabletop and still life shoots aren’t incredibly complex; objects are dropping, exploding, splashing, spinning, turning, and rolling. Automating as many of these tasks as possible increases efficiency while also creating amazing visual imagery. As needed, new technologies are created or merged in order to accomplish the end goal at hand.
Although cameras today can shoot both videos and still photos, we don’t yet have any lighting devices truly designed for this purpose. I have built my own custom high power LED lights that work great for the purpose of shooting video, and also work as strobes for still photos. This allows me to use a single light source to freeze super-fast action for still photos while simultaneously using that same light to shoot high-speed flicker-free video at any frame rate. The lights I have created are also computer controlled allowing them to interact with the automated actions happening in front of the camera. My hope is that lighting manufacturers will eventually begin to create lights with this purpose in mind.
Working as a commercial photographer or cinematographer has always required artists to adapt to changing times. The film shooting commercial photographers of the early 2000’s who denounced digital photography, and refused to adapt, eventually became obsolete. Not every photographer can be a Roger Deakins and not every cinematographer can be an Annie Leibovitz; but, by learning how to incorporate both video and stills into their work, every image maker can expand the services they offer clients.
Trying to ignore a world that is rapidly changing around us will only leave us outdated and without purpose. Those who are willing to question the old paradigms — and think differently — are the ones who will stand out.
About the author: Steve Giralt is a NYC based photographer, director, and visual engineer. The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author. Giralt offers his services out of his high-tech studio laboratory located on the west side in Manhattan. Visit his website here to see more of his creative projects.
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The post Visual Engineering is Where Photo Art Meets Technology appeared first on CameraFreaks.
June 22, 2017 at 10:00PM
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